KILMORACK, a parish, in the county of Inverness, 11 miles (W.) from Inverness; containing, with the village of Beauly, 2694 inhabitants. The church of Kilmorack, a Gaelic term meaning literally " the church of Mary ", was dedicated, like so many other churches, to the Blessed Virgin. The parish is of great extent, and chiefly a sylvan and pastoral district. It is partly situated on the northern bank of the Beauly river, by which it is separated from the parish of Kiltarlity; while in the opposite direction it reaches to the southern confines of the county of Ross. The surface is richly diversified, and the scenery in several places exquisitely beautiful, consisting of hill and mountain covered with pasture and wood, and rural valleys, well-cultivated tracts, and rivers and lochs. The western portion of the parish is exceedingly wild and mountainous, and indebted for its imposingcharacter principally to the three great glens of Strath-Glass, Glen-Farrar, and Glen-Cannich, which are named from the several streams that run through them and contribute to form the principal river, the Beauly. This river, in its course through that part of the eastern division of Kilmorack called Dhruim, which extends two or three miles west of the church, passes between ranges of lofty mountains covered with birch and fir; its banks are fringed with oak, alder, and weepingbirch, and it here presents numerous cascades, falling over broken sandstone rocks, especially at the farm of Teanassie. Its finest display, however, is about two miles west of the village, where a splendid cataract called the Falls of Kilmorack is formed by the stream dashing over a succession of precipitous rocks. The river joins Loch Beauly at the eastern extremity of the parish, having gently glided along the southern boundary of Kilmorack, through a large open plain. The parish contains a number of inland lakes; the chief are Loch Monar and Loch Moyley, situated among the remains of an extensive pine-forest, and seldom surpassed in striking scenery. The mountain of Maum-Soule, on the south side of Loch Moyley, is distinguished for its summit of perpetual snow, which, even in the hottest summer weather, yields but very slightly to the rays of the sun. In one part of Glen-Farrar is Loch Muilie, containing an island where, it is said. Lord Lovat found a retreat after the defeat at Culloden, and on which the present proprietor has erected a shooting-box, the neighbouring hills and mountains abounding with grouse, partridges, and almost every kind of game. Four or five miles westward is the mountain of Scour-na-lapich, almost as high as Ben- Nevis, and about two miles north of which is Loch Monar, where there is an excellent fishing-station, which is frequently resorted to by those fond of the sport. In general the lochs are well stocked with various kinds of trout and pike, the latter of which are sometimes found also in the Beauly: this river is distinguished for its salmon, grilse, and trout, the fishery of which is rented at £1600 per annum. The parish belongs to Lord Lovat and The Chisholm of Chisholm; but from its great size, and the different situations of the farms, pastures, and woods, no correct estimate of the extent has been made. Many thousands of acres are under natural wood and in plantations, which are managed with great care, and annually thinned; the firs are usually sold for railway sleepers, and the birch made into staves for barrels. The upper part of the parish is more particularly pastoral, and the little attention paid to tillage is merely for the supply of domestic wants. The Lovat property is supposed to contain about 2000 arable acres, and the Chisholm 900; and the farms, some of which have been united within the last few years, to the exclusion of a considerable part of the population, many of whom have emigrated, are now remarkably well cultivated: they are subject to the five-shift rotation, producing wheat, barley, oats, and the usual green crops. Numerous improvements have been introduced, comprising the use of lime, and bone-dust for manure; and draining, also, is making progress; this is much required in some parts, as the soil, though it consists to a great extent of rich loamy, sandy, clayey, and gravelly earth, is frequently heavy and wet. There are few inclosures; and the farm-t)uildings are in general indifferent, the want of capital on the part of the tenant being an obstacle to more extensive advancement. The sheep, which traverse the pastures in very large flocks, are of many different breeds; but those most common are the Cheviot and the black-faced. The rocks in the district comprehend gneiss; inferior red sandstone, which is quarried; and conglomerate. A lead-mine was opened some years since on the Lovat projjcrty; but the operations having been found dillicuit, and the material of inferior quality, it is no longer worked. The annual value of real property in the parish is £9y:il. The only village is that of Beauly (which see), pleasantly situated at the eastern extremity of the parish. Its buildings are of some extent, and iir the principal street, the houses of which are slated, are some good shops, a post-office for the surrounding district, and a branch bank of the North of Scotland Hanking Ci)in|)any, lately established. Here is a small harbour formed by the river licauly, which expands at the village into the basin called Loch Beauly, communicating with the Moray Firth. Two small vessels belong to the place; and it is visited by many others, chiefly from Inverness, Leith, Glasgow, and Liverpool: coal, lime, and various other articles are imported, and the vessels take in return, among other produce, cargoes of timber, many thousands of trees being annually cut down in the woods around. A parliamentary road runs through the whole of the parish. A handsome bridge of five arches was some time since erected over the Farrar; and one was built across the Beauly in 1810, at a cost of nearly £10,000. The largest cattle-fairs in the north of Scotland are held on the Muir of Ord, and attended by dealers from every part of Scotland, particularly the south, on the third Wednesday in April, the second Wednesdays in May and June, the third Thursday in July, the third Tuesdays in August, September, and October, and second Wednesday in November. There are also four annual fairs in the village of Beauly, in May, August, October, and November, the two last for the sale of country produce, and that in August for engaging shearers; but these fairs are ill attended. Ecclesiastically the parish is in the presbytery of Dingwall, synod of Ross, and in the patronage of Professor Scott, of King's College, Aberdeen, to whom the presentation has been transferred by Lord Lovat. The minister's stipend is £244, with a manse, and a glebe valued at £8 per annum. Kilmorack church is conveniently situated a few miles from the eastern boundary j it was enlarged in 1"S6, and lately new-seated, and now contains 506 sittings. A missionary, supported by the Royal Bounty, divides his services between this and the adjoining parish of Kiltarlity; and some of the inhabitants attend a church in the latter parish, built a few years since by the late Chisholm on his own property, and which accommodates 300 persons. For the convenience of the two parishes there are also two Roman Catholic chapels, one situated at Wester Eskadale, and the other not far from the house of Fasnacoil, together accommodating about .500 persons. Kilmorack parochial school affords instruction in English and Gaelic reading, the classics, algebra, and mathematics, in addition to other branches; the master has a salary of £25. 13., with a house and garden, and £24 fees. A school, also, is supported by The Chisholm; and the inhabitants enjoy the advantages of two schools belonging to the adjoining parish. There are remains of several Druidical temples, and a chain of walled structures along the course of the Beauly and the other streams; but the principal antiquity is the ruin of the priory of Beauly. This establishment was founded in 1230 by James Bisset, of Lovat, for mcmks of the order of Valliscaulium, a reformed branch of the Cistercians, and followers of the discipline of St. Bennet, who were brought into Scotland by Malvoison, Bishoj) of St. Andrew's, early in the thirteenth century. There are no traces, however, of turrets, or any kind of ornament; and the inclosed area is merely covered with tombstones, many of them without letters, and the earliest inscription dated 300 years after the foundation of the priory. The north aisle is the property of the Mackenzies of Gairloch; and Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, eighth laird of Kintuil, who died in 149.J, is represented t)y the elligy, in a recumbent posture, of a knight in full armour, under an arched canopy. The other portions consist of the burying-grounds of the chief branches of the clan Fraser, of the Chisholnis, ond others. Farquharson, a collector of Gaelic poetry, and conspicuous iu the controversy concerning the poems of Ossian, resided for upwards of thirty years in the Strath- Glass district, in the capacity of Jesuit missionary.