RUTHERGLEN, a parish and burgh and market-town, in the Lower ward of the county of Lanark, '2 miles (S. S. E.) from Glasgow; containing 6513 inhabitants, of whom 5623 are in the burgh. This place is popularly supposed to have derived its name from Reutherus, King of Scotland, the fifth in descent from Fergus L, founder of the Scottish monarchy, and who, after a retirement of some years, during which time he greatly augmented and concentrated his forces, made a successful attack upon the Britons, from whom he wrested a considerable portion of his territories, of which they had gained possession. From the reign of this supposed monarch, about two centuries before the Christian era, little is recorded of the history of the place till the year 1126, when the inhabitants obtained from David L a charter conferring upon the town the privileges of a royal burgh. It appears to have been at that time superior in importance as a place of trade to Glasgow, and to have included within its limits the ecclesiastical demesnes of that city till the year 1226, when Alexander IL granted to the Bishop of Glasgow a charter of exemption from certain services due to the corporation of Rutherglen. From this period its trade and consequent prosperity continued to decline, and that of Glasgow to increase, till in 1692 the business was almost wholly transferred to the latter place, which has since been progressively advancing in population and wealth. Rutherglen Castle was remarkable for its strength, and in 1306 was seized by Edward L, King of England, whp had taken upon him to arbitrate between Bruce and Baliol, then competitors for the Scottish crown. It was retaken by Bruce in 1313, and continued a fortress of importance, till after the battle of Langside, when it was burned by the Regent of Scotland. The building was however afterwards repaired and enlarged, and became the seat of the Hamiltons, of Elistoun: on their decline it was suffered to fall into decay; and it has by subsequent dilapidations been levelled with the ground. Daring the disturbances in the reign of Charles I., considerable excitement prevailed in this place; and on the celebration of the return of Charles II. to the throne, a party of the inhabitants, in resentment of the severities practised on the Covenanters, committed some excesses, which appear to have originated the battle of Bothwell-Bridge. The TOWN is pleasantly situated on the river Clyde, over which is a stone bridge of five arches, communicating with the suburbs of Glasgow on the opposite shore, and towards the erection of which the inhabitants contributed £1000, in consideration of its being toll-free. Further up the river, a bridge of timber was erected a short time ago, in connexion with a new line of road from the collieries in the parish, facilitating the conveyance of the produce to Glasgow. Rutherglen consists chiefly of one spacious street extending in a direction from east to west, regularly formed, and well paved, and of a smaller range of buildings parallel with the former, and called the Back-row; from both which diverge several lanes leading to the principal farms in the parish. Towards the east are vestiges of ancient foundations, giving rise to the supposition that the town was once of greater size than it is at present. Formerly the trade consisted, to a considerable extent, in the supply of salmon for the French ports, in exchange for which brandy was received; but this branch of traffic has declined in consc(|uence of the construction of a weir lower down the river, which interrupts the navigation above the bridge of Glasgow. The principal trade at present is in coal, from the several miues in the parish; in cotton spinning, weaving, and printing; and the weaving of muslins for the Glasgow manufacturers. In 1845 an act of parliament was passed for the construttitm of the Clydesdale Junction railway, from the termination of the Pollock and Govan railway at Rutherglen to Hamilton, and to the Wishaw and Coltness railway at Motherwell; making use, in its course, of part of the Pollock and Govan railway, a line that was formed for the purpose of connecting certain coal-fields on the south-east of Glasgow with that city. Here is a station of the Clydesdale Junction railway: the line is amalgamated with the Caledonian, and presents great facility of intercourse. The market is on Saturday. Fairs are held on the first Friday after March 11th, the first Friday after May 4th, the first Tuesday after June 4th, the first Friday after July 25th, and the first Friday after August 25th; the Wednesday before the first Friday in November, and on that Friday; and the first Friday after November 25th. The Belton fair in May, and the St. Luke's in November, are the largest and most numerously attended. The charter bestowed on the inhabitants by David I. in 1 126 is recited by several grants of his successors down to the reign of James VI., who in 1617 confirmed all previous gifts, and clearly defined the boundaries and the privileges of the burgh. By these charters the government was vested in a provost, two bailies, a treasurer, and a council of eleven, to which last an addition of thirty others, to be elected by the council, was prescribed by an act in I67O, all of them to vote in the election of the magistrates. The town is now subject to the provisions of the Municipal act, and the number of councillors is eighteen: the provost and bailies are chosen annually by the council; and the town-clerk is appointed in the same manner, but holds his office for life. The magistrates exercise both civil and criminal jurisdiction; and during the last twenty or thirty years, the average has been annually about fifty cases of the former, and twenty of the latter. There are four incorporated trades, the smiths, the wrights and masons, the tailors, and the weavers; which have the privilege of exacting a fee on the admission of a member. At the Union the burgh was allowed to send one member to the English parliament, in conjunction with Glasgow, Renfrew, and Dumbarton; but on the passing of the Reform act, Glasgow was separated from the number, being empowered to return two members of its own, and Kilmarnock and Port-Glasgow were added. The right of election is vested in the persons occupying houses of the annual value of £10; the number of voters is I66. The PARISH extends about three miles along the southern bank of the Clyde, and is something more than a mile and a quarter in average breadth. Towards the river the surface is generally level, forming plains of great fertility; but in other parts is intersected with hills and narrow glens. The soil is on the whole good, and the system of agriculture improved; the lands are chiefly arable, but there are some large dairies, and much attention is paid to the breed of live stock. Considerable progress has been made in draining and inclosing the lands, which are divided among numerous proprietors, whose handsome grounds add greatly to the scenery and interest of the parish. Farme, the residence of Mr. Farie, once the property of the Earls of Selkirk, and subsequently of the Flemings, and the Hamiltons, is a very ancient castle of much strength, the embattled walls still remaining as a memorial of the baronial castles of former times. It has been enlarged by its proprietor; who has raised an embankment to preserve his land from the inundation of the Clyde. Coal is abundant in the parish, and eleven mines have been opened, of which one is wrought by Mr. Farie on his estate at Farme, two at Eastfield, one at Stonelaw, and one at Hamilton- Farme; together they afford employment to more than 500 persons. Ironstone, in very small quantities, is found in some of these mines; and there are also several quarries of good freestone, in which nearly a hundred persons are engaged. About '200 persons are employed in printing cotton, for which there are two establishments, one in the town and one at Shawfield; at which latter place, also, is a bleachfield that became the property of Messrs. Gowdie, who converted it into an establishment for dyeing Turkey-red: it is now occupied by Messrs. White as a chemical laboratory. A cotton-mill was erected in 1800, which has been enlarged; and on the lands of Farme are two extensive concerns for dyeing Turkey-red. In addition to those employed in the several works, about 300 of the inhabitants are occupied in weaving muslin for the Glasgow manufacturers at hand-looms in their own dwellings. The annual value of real property in the parish is £21,'295. Ecclesiastically this place is within the presbytery of Glasgow, synod of Glasgow and Ayr, and in the patronage of the corporation, the Kirk-Session, the heritors of the parish, and the tenants of Shawfield. The minister's stipend averages £280, with a manse, and a glebe valued at £14 per annum. Rutherglen church was of great antiquity, and prior to the year 1199 was given with the churches of Cathcart and Mearns to the abbey of Paisley, by Jocelyne, Bishop of Glasgow. It was connected with some transactions of importance in Scottish history, being the scene of a negotiation of peace between England and Scotland, concluded within its walls in 1297, and also the place in which Sir John Monteith entered into a convention for betraying Sir William Wallace into the power of the English. Of this building nothing remains but the tower, near which is the present church, erected in 1*94, in good repair, and adapted for a congregation of 800 persons. There are likewise a Free church and a United Presbyterian church, the latter capable of receiving a congregation of 950. The burgh school affords a useful education; the master, who is appointed by the town-council, has a house and garden rent-free, and a salary of £16. 13. 4. from the funds of the burgh, in addition to the fees. There are Sabbath schools, in which nearly 400 children are instructed; and several benefit societies. Traces may be seen of a tumulus at Gallowflat; it was anciently surrounded by a ditch, and there was an ascent to the summit by a paved road about six feet wide. Near it were found two copper vessels, on the handles of which was inscribed the word " Congallus ". A stone coffin was also found in a tumulus on Hamilton-Farme, long since levelhd with the ground. The cross of the burgh, ornamented with sculptured devices, the most conspicuous of which was one of our Saviour's riding upon an ass, was demolished by a mob during the reign of Charles I. Rutherglen gives the title of earl to the ducal family of Hamilton.