ABERGAVENNY, (Monmouthshire) 12 cm. 15 mm. from Monmouth, and 110 cm. from London; is a large, populous, flourishing T. governed by a bailiff, recorder, and 27 burgesses. 'Tis walled, and had once a castle, as also a priory and a chantry. It stands at the mouth of the r. Gavenny, running into the Usk, over which it has a fine stone bridge of 15 arches. It carries on a considerable trade in flannels, which the makers in the country bring hither to sell. 'Tis well furnished with accommodation for travellers, and a great thoroughfare from the W. parts of Wales to Bristol and Bath, by Chepstow, and to Glocester by Monmouth, crossing the r. thro' Colford, and the forest of Dean. Its fairs are on May 3, Trinity Tu. and Sept.14. Mt. on Tu. It gives title of Baron to the Nevil family, the first Barons of England. Coals are so cheap in this country, that a horse-load may be had at the pit for 2d.