ABINGDON, (Berkshire) the shire T. 46 cm. and 55 mm. from London, has its name from its ancient abby, (where in 1084, Will. the Conq. kept his Easter) gives title of B. to the Bertie family, and is governed by a mayor, 2 bailiffs, and 9 aldermen, pursuant to a charter of Q. Mary. It has 2 ch. an hos. for 6 poor men and as many women; a s. s. and a ch. s. Its chief mf. is Malt, whereof great quantities are sent by water to London, which is 250 m. Its Fairs are the first M. in Lent, Apr. 25, June 9, July 25, Sept. 2, M. before Michaelmas, and Nov. 30. Mts. M. and F. The several streets centre in a spacious area, in which stands its mt. house, of most curious aflerwork, not inferior to any in England; being buiit on lofty pillars, with a large hall above it, where they hold the assizes for the co. and transact all the business of the corp.