CLIST-BISHOPS, or SACKVIL, CLIST-HONITON, CLIST-ST.-GEORGE, and CLIST-ST.-MARY, (Devon) are 4 villages on the E. and S. E. side of Exeter, which take their name from the r. Clist. The first was the estate of Sir Ralph-Sackville; who, going to the Holy-Land, mortgaged it to the Bp. of Exeter, who began stately buildings, and laid out so much money on it, that he got it for himself,and successors; one of whom, Bp. Veysey, gave it to the E. of Bedford. Clift-St.-George, so called from the dedication of its Ch. was of old the estate of the Champernouns; by a daughter of whom it came to Sir John Herle. In this p. hath dwelt a family, called Suckbitch, ever since the conquest. Clist-St.Mary's, which lies bet. the 2 just mentioned, is the place where the Pt. forces barricaded themselves against the royalists, by laying great trees cross the way, and planting ordnance,which they brought from Topsham.