DEAN-GREAT, (Gloucestershire) alias Michel-Dean, the principal T. in the forest, 90 cm. 113 mm. from London, has a good Ch. and a handsome spire, but consists chiefly of one street. Cloth was, but pins are now, its principal mf. The Mt. is on M. Fairs on Easter-M. July 9, and Michaelmas-day. The manor was, in the R. of Q. Eliz. in the family of Baynham, and afterwards in the possession of Sir Robert Woodruffe, but more lately bel. to Maynard Colchester, Esq; and Nath. Rudge, mercer. The soil of the forest, which contains about 30,000 acres, is a deep clay, fit for the growth of oak. In its hills, which are full of iron ore, are several furnaces for making iron, which, by the violence of the fire, becomes fluid, and being carried to the forges, is beat out into flats. The workmen are very industrious in seeking out the beds of the old cinders, which not being fully exhausted of the metal, they are burnt again in the furnaces, and make the best iron; and the land owners sell these cinders at a good price.