ENSHAM, (Oxfordshire) has a ferry on the Isis, not far from Blenheim-House, was, in the time of the Saxons, a royal village, and had an abbey, to which the Grays Ds. of Kent were great benefactors; but it has been long since turned into a private house, and bel. to the late Earl of Derby. One of the Saxon Ks. held a general council here. In this p. there was an old custom, whereby the town's people were allowed, upon Whitsun-M. to cut down and carry away, wherever the Ch.- wardens marked it out, by giving the first chop, as much timber as could be drawn away by men's hands into the abbey-yard; and if they could draw it out again, in spite of the opposition of the servants of the abbey to prevent it, they were to keep it for the necessary reparations of the Ch. By this custom 'tis said the people hold their right of commonage at Lammas and Michaelmas.