FLITCHAM, (Norfolk) on the E. side of Castle-Rising, was also called Felixham, or the village of Felix, and St. Mary de Fontibus, because of its situation near springs; it had a nunnery a cell to Walsingham; the lands and site of which, after the Diss. became the estate of Sir Tho. Hollis, but were purchased by the Duke of Norfolk, and, on his attainder, came to the crown. K. Jam. I. gave them to Tho. Howard E. of Suffolk; of whom they were bought by Ld. Ch. Jus. Coke. In the fields here is a plain, encompassed with a shallow ditch, called Flitcham-burgh; where the freeholders of this, and other Hs. used to meet to determine controversies among the inh. and to chuse the governor of this H. and it is still a custom for the inh. of this H. to come, and pay suit and service to the Ld. of it every year.