*LONDON, (Miscellaneous) This great city, the metropolis of Great-Britain, is so well known, and has been so amply described in numbers of volumes, one or other of which are almost in every hand, that to give an account of it in this Work, in the manner we have treated of the other cities, will be thought unnecessary, and would moreover swell it far beyond the limits of two pocket volumes. Therefore we shall only observe, that it lies in N. Lat. 51. 32, l80 m. W. of Amsterdam, 200 N. W. of Paris, 270 S.E. of Dublin, 300 S. of Edinburgh, 500 S. W. of Copenhagen, 600 N. W. of Vienna, 800 N. E. of Madrid, 820 N. W. of Rome, and 1360 N. W. of Constantinople.