PURBECK-ISLE, (Dorset) bet. Wareham and the Channel, has a great deal of heath and wood; but the S. part of it is very good land. Here have been found plenty of marble; but especially of good stone, of which great quantities are carried to London, &c. This, like Portland, is called an island; but it is only a peninsula, though it is every way washed by the sea, except on the W. where the r. Frome and Langford-Lake join, and almost make it an island. It is about 10 m. long, and 6 over, and contains 2 Hs. It is said that Salisbury-Cathedral was built of its stone; but this is certain, that great quantities of it were used in rebuilding London after the fire in 1666. It is said here still remains some of the Clavel's family, whose ancestors were men of great note in Will. the Conq's. time.