REPEHAM, (Norfolk) 9m, N. W. of Norwich, 92 cm. 111 mm. from London, has a ford over the r. Eyne. It had anciently 3 fine Chs. in one Ch.-yard, bel. to 3 several Lps. 2 of which were long ago demolished, and the last was burnt down with most of the T. in 1600; so that only the ruins of one remain. The chief trade of the T. is in malt, of which great quantities are sold in its Mt. on S. The Mt. together with a yearly Fair, were procured by one of the Vauxes, its ancient Lds. from whom the manor came to the Lds. Roos; one of whom being attainted in the R. of Henry VIII. that K, granted it to Sir James Boleyne, who sold it; and it was lately, if it be not still, possessed by the family of the Anysons,