WEALD-SOUTH, (Essex) on the W. side of Brentwood, is a large p. that takes up the N. point of the H. of Chafford, and bel. heretofore to Waltham-Abbey. At the Diss. K. Henry VIII. granted the manor to Sir Brian Tuke, or Took, and in the R. of Edward VI. it was sold to Sir Richard Rich Ld. Rich. From that family it passed to Sir Anthony Browne, whose descendant, of that name, sold it to Sir Will. Scroggs, Ld. chief justice, whose son, Sir William, in the R. of Charles II. sold it to Erasmus Smith, alias Heriz, whose son, Hugh, has much beautified his seat at Weald-Hall, in the modern taste. From the steeple of its Ch. tower, which was built in the R. of Henry VII. there is a prospect reckoned inferior to none in the Co. except Havering. Here are almshs. for 3 men and 2 women, in the gift of the Ld. of the manor, to he chosen out of this place, Brook-street, and Brentwood. On the S. W. side of Mr. Smith's park, are the traces of a camp, of about 7 acres, supposed to have been Roman.