WITLEY, (Surrey) on the S.W. side of Godalming, bel. in the R. of Charles I. to Anth. Smith. The T. is privileged, as ancient demesne, from serving on juries. In Witley-park there was not very long ago as much iron ore as set 2 forges at work. At Bonfield in this p. was, if there be not still, a spring of water (about which grows plenty of harts-tongue) good for sore eyes and ulcers, and near it, in digging 2 spits deep, were found old English coins, of both silver and gold, together with rings, which raised the value of the land 2 s. an acre more than elsewhere. Here are Hindhead-Hill, from which there is a noble prospect every way, and Gracewood-Hill, from which there is a view over the Vale of Surry and Sussex, into Kent.