BENBECULA, an island, in the parish of South-UisT, county of Inverness; containing 2107 inhabitants. It lies between the islands of North and South Uist, from the latter of which it is separated by a narrowchannel, nearly dry at low water. Benbecula is a low island, about nine miles in length and the same in breadth, with a sandy and unproductive soil, except on its western side, which is rather fertile. The coast all round is indented with bays, and in the interior are numerous fresh-water lakes: a great quantity of sea-weed is thrown on the shore, from which kelp is made. A missionary here has a stipend of £60, with an allowance of £20 more in lieu of a manse. There were formerly some remains of a nunnery, tlie stone of which has been used in the erection of a mansion.