DALBEATTIE, a village, in the parish of Urr, stewartry of Kirkcudbright, 85 miles (S. E.) from Castle-Douglas; containing 1430 inhabitants. This place is of modern erection, and is built on the estates of the Copland and Maxwell families. It is seated on both sides of the Dalbeattie burn, and is admirably situated for trade, tlie river Urr being navigable so far from the Solway Firth for small vessels, and the burn, which is a considerable stream, being well adapted for driving machinery. The manufacture of paper is carried on. A large portion of the population is Irish, for whose labour, in the present state of the district, there is not a sufF.cient demand; and hence much poverty exists among them. A post-office is established under Castle- Douglas. There is a place of worship in connexion with the Free Church; and a Roman Catholic chapel was built here about thirty or forty years since.