PORTSKERRAY, a village, in that part of the parish of Reay which is in the county of Sutherland, 13 miles (W. S. \V.) from Thurso; containing 3/1 inhabitants. This village is situated on the bay of Bighouse, about a mile eastward of the village of Melvich, and on the turnpike- road from Thurso to Tongue. It is inhabited chiefly by persons engaged in the fisheries, which are carried on here to a considerable extent. The scenery is enlivened by the windings of the river Halladale, which flows near the western extremity into the bay, where a small harbour has been formed, affording secure shelter to the vessels employed in the fishery. Cod, ling, turbot, skate, whiting, haddocks, flounders, sand-eels, and occasionally smelts, are taken; and a herring and a salmon fishery have been established some years with success.