AUKLAND-BISHOP'S, (Durham) one of the palaces of the Bp. of Durham, near the conflux of the Were with the Gaunless, or Wandless, 10 m from Barnard's-Castle, 12 from Durham, and 184 from London. 'Tis reckoned one of the best Ts. in the Co. and has a fine bridge over the Were. Dr. Cofins, its Bp. who rebuilt and added a large apartment to the old palace, which was built by Anth. Beck, the Bp. in the R. of Edw. I. and pulled down by Sir Arthur Haslerig, who was commander for the Pt. in the civil wars, founded and endowed a hos. here for 2 men and 2 women, for ever, and lies buried in a stately chapel, which he built here.