BOREHAM, (Essex) near Chelmsford, in the road to Colchester, famous for a stately fabrick, which, though now ruinous, was once the most magnificent building in this Co. except Audley-End, which, some think, it even surpassed in fine walks, parks, fish-ponds, &c. It bel. anciently to the Butlers, Es. of Ormond; and afterwards to Thomas Bullen, E. of Wiltshire, of whom K. Hen. VIII. procured it by exchange, and, having enlarged it, gave it the name of Beaulieu. In the R. of Q Eliz. it was the seat of Thomas Ratcliff, E. of Sussex; from whose family it was purchased by George Villers, D. of Buckingham, whose son sold it to Monk, afterwards D. of Albemarle.