EXBOURN, EAST and WEST, (Berkshire) near Newberry, are famous for the custom of the manor. On the death of a copyhold tenant, the widow is to have her free-bench in all his copy-hold lands dum fola et cafta fuerit; but if the commit incontinency, she forfeits her widow's estate; yet, after this, if me come into the next court held for the manor, riding backwards on a black ram, and say the following words, the steward is bound by the custom to admit her to her freebench " Here I am, riding upon a black ram, " Like a whore as I am; " And for my crincum crancum, " Have lost my bincum bancum; " And for my tail's game, " Am brought to this worldly shame; " Wherefore, good Mr. Steward, " let me have my lands again."