MALPAS, (Cheshire) 130 cm. 157 mm. from London, stands on a high hill, not far from the r. Dee, on the b. of Shropshire, has a grammar sc. and an hos. both founded by Ranulph Brereton, and had formerly a castle. It is called in Latin Mala- Platea, i.e. Ill-Street, and was, for the same reason, by the Normans called Mal Pas; but its 3 streets, of which it chiefly consists, are well paved; and here is a benefice rich enough to support 2 rectors, who officiate alternately, in its stately Ch. wherein are the monuments of the Earls of Cholmondeley, to whom this place gives the title of Visc. It has a good Mt. on M. and Fairs on March 25, July 25, and Dec. 8.