SHERBORN, (Yorkshire, W.R.) 137 cm. 176 mm. from London, has a harbour for barges at the conflux of the Wherfe and Ouse, is a populous T. noted for its cherry-orchards; and for a hos. and sc. founded by Robert Hungate, for 24 orphans, who are each allowed 5 l. a year for their maintenance in lodging, boarding, cloathing, &c. from 7 to 15 years of age; when they are sent to the U. or apprentice to trades, for which there is a provision, which including the maintenance of the hos. amounts to 250 l. a year. The Mt. here is S. Fair Aug. 10. Here was a battle in 1645, bet. the forces of the K. and Pt. The Abps. of York, to whom K. Athelstan gave this T. had formerly a palace here. There is a Roman way, very high raised, from hence to Aberford, which is 4 m. There is a sort of stones here, very soft when just taken out of the quarries; but afterwards grow very hard.