STURBRIDGE, (Worcestershire) has a stone bridge on the Stour, leading to Staffordshire, 5 m. N. E. from Kederminster, 96 cm. 128 mm. from London. 'Tis a well-built T. much inriched by iron and glass-works, by the former of which, great estates were raised by the father of Sir Ambrose Crawley, and by Mr. Richard Foley, whose posterity has much improved it. Here are about 10 glass-houses, where are made drinking-glasses, bottles, and window-glass, together with fine stone pots, and crucibles, for the glass-makers to melt the metal in, the clay of which they are made being peculiar to the place, which is the estate of Mr. Milward, and is carried in great quantities to other glass mfs. Here is also a mf. of cloth, and especially fine freeze. It has a good grammar fr. sc. well endowed, and a library given by Edward VI. to the governors, of which Mr. Biggs, a clothier here, gave 300 l. by will, in 1726, towards building a Ch. or chapel; and by other contributions, to the amount in the whole of near 2000 l. the same was finished, and by an act of Pt. in 1742, made a p. Ch. separate from, and independent on Old-Swinford. Here is a Mt. on Friday, and Fairs March 18, and Aug. 29, besides one lately established on the 8th of January, and several meeting-houses of protestant dissenters. The T. is governed by a bailiff, &c.