TIDDENHAM, (Gloucestershire) near Chepstow, is a p. 15 m. in com. bounded on 3 sides with the Wye and Severn. It was taken from the Welsh, in the R. of Hen. II. soon after which the Marshals Es. of Pembroke were made Lds. of it. It came in the R. of Edw. VI. to the Es. of Worcester, in whose family, now Ds. of Beaufort, it still remains, or did so lately. At the utmost point of the p. where the Wye and Severn divide, are still to be seen upon the rocks at low-water, the ruins of a chapel, which was dedicated to St. Tecla (corruptly called in the maps Treacle) the first female martyr; who suffered A.D. 47. Here were the seats of the late Mr. Maddocks and Mr. Alex. James.