WALDEN, (Essex) on the b. of Cambridgeshire, 35 cm. 42 mm. from London, has the name of Saffron-Walden, from its fields of saffron, which, however, has not been cultivated so much of late as formerly. It was incorporated by K. Edward VI. with 24 ald. out of whom were yearly chosen a treasurer (the head officer for that year) and 2 chamberlains his assistants; but by a charter of K. William and Q. Mary, it has a mayor. The Mt. is on S. Fairs Feb. 24, March 25, the first W. in May, July 25. Here is an almsh. well endowed, and a fr. sc. on a royal foundation. Maud the empress allowed Jeffery de Mandeville Earl of Essex, then Ld. of this manor, to remove the Mt. hither from Newport, to be kept on Sunday and Th. and granted him a Fair all the Whitson-week, which obtained it the name of Cheaping-Walden. That Earl's grandson, Jeffery, having appointed it the head of his honour, and of the whole Co. built a castle here, which was also the seat of his heirs for a longtime, till, on failure of issue male, it went to the Bohuns family, where it also remained several generations. Mr. Sutton of the Charter-house, London, gave 166 l. towards repairing Walden-lane leading to Ashden, and the road from hence to Linton.