WHETACRE, UPPER and LOWER, (Warwickshire) on the N. side of Bourn, and N. E. of Coleshill, have long been distinct Lps. and ps. but were not so originally; and the Ch. of Upper-Whitacre was at first but a chapel to Coleshill, which bel. originally to the Mairmions of Tamworth-Castle. The Upper-Whetacre was some time ago the estate of the Walshes and the Millers. The Lower, which bel. also at first to the Marmions, who gave some part of it to the nuns of Polesworth, was sold in the R. of Charles I. by the Earl of Meath to Sir John King, and Sir Rob. King his son and heir, both Kts. and in the next R. Sir Robert King's widow, Sophia Wimbaldon, with others, joined in conveying it to Humph. Jennens, who devised it to his eldest son Charles. Nether-Whetacre-Hall was the seat of the late Visc. Wimbleton.