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Volume IV.
Volume V.
Volume VI.
Volume VII.
Volume VIII.

The Register

Whittington Registers.

The Parish Register Abstract of 1831 describes these as follows:-

"Whittington R., Nos. I.-III. (parchment), Bap., Bur., Marr., 1591-1697, interrupted by No. IV. (parchment), Bur., 1678-1752. No. V. (parchment), Bap., 1701-1752, Marr., 1703-1753. Nos. VI., VII. (parchment), Bap., Bur., 1753-1808. No. VIII. (parchment), Bap., 1809-1812. No. IX. (parchment), Bur., 1809-1812. No. N., XI., Marr., 1754-1812."

They are now differently arranged, and are as follows:-

1.- Bap., Bur., Marr., 1591 to 1642, parchment.
2.- Bap., Bur., Marr., 1643 to 1653, paper.
3.- Births 1653 to 1660, Bap., 1660 to 1701, Marr. 1660 to 1703, Bur. 1653 to 1698; parchment.
4.- Burials 1678 to 1752, parchment.
5.- Bap. 1701 to 1752, Marr. 1703 to 1754, parchment.
6.- Bap., 1753 to 1784, Bur. 1753 to 1790, parchment.
7.- Marr. and Banns, 1754 to 1791; of these the marriages to 1767
and the Banns to 1772 are on parchment, the remainder on paper.

All the above seven volumes are uniformly and handsomely bound in calf.

8.- Bap. 1785 to 1808, Bar. 1791 to 1808, parchment.
9.- Marr. 1792 to 1837, paper, printed forms.
10.- Bap. 1815 to 1837, with two entries of 1850, parchment. 11.-Bur. 1809 to 1832, parchment.
12.- Bur. 1813 to 1862, paper, printed forms. All entries in No. is from 1813 are copied into this.
13.- Bap. 1809 to 1864, parchment. All entries in No. 10 are copied into this.

Nos. 8 to 13 are all bound in boards, 8, 10, 11, and 13 being uniform.

14, 15, and 18 contain marriages from 1837, 16 baptisms from 1865, and 17 burials from 1864, to the present year, all on paper, printed forms, bound in boards.

All are in very good preservation.

Together with the registers there are in the Rectory safe two most interesting bound MS. volumes; the first is entitled " Papers relating to Whittington Parish, together with a brief history of Oswestry, Knockin, and Ralston, written and collected by William Roberts, A.M., Rector of Whittington, 1774," to which title has been subsequently added " and also papers relating to Whittington continued to the present time, 1812." It contains a number of terriers from 1630 to 1791, lists of Church furniture, papers relating to the charities, local portraits and drawings, lists of Rectors, &c. The information contained in it as to the church has been made use of in Archdeacon Thomas' History of the Diocese of St. Asaph. The second volume is entitled Parochialia, and was compiled by the Rev. W. W. How, afterwards Bishop of Wakefield. It contains many particulars as to the Schools, the Church, and the Parish generally, as well as many most amusing " ecclesiastical jottings " not specially connected with the neighbourhood. These volumes would afford most fascinating material for a historian of the parish. He would have also to his hand the very interesting Anglo-Norman History of Fulk Fitz Warine, the original or one of the originals of Robin Hood, a history full of local tradition and legend of the time of King John, edited


by Mr. T. Wright for the Warton Club, and published in 1855; and the histories of the Babes in the Wood, and of Dick Whittington, both of which are claimed to belong to this Parish. Babes or Babies Wood is frequently mentioned in the Registers, in the later ones it is called as now, Babbins Wood. The Castle, of which there are still considerable and picturesque remains, was one of the larger and more important border fortresses, and the Fitz Warines, who owned it from the reign of Richard I. to that of Henry V., ranked and intermarried with the greatest families, and took their part in many historical events. There are few parishes with so many materials for an interesting history.

A pamphlet of 41 pages on the subject, by William Davies, was published about 1812, and gives some interesting particulars and several of the curious entries in the registers. An account of the Fitz Warine family may be found in the Shropshire Archeological Transactions for 1882 (Vol. V.) The family became extinct in the male line in the reign of Henry V., and the Manor and Castle of Whittington passed to several families in succession, and at last were bought with the Mansion House of Fernhill in 1576 by William Albany, merchant Tailor, of London, ancester of the present owners, the Lloyds of Aston. Particulars of the transfers of the estate before his time are given in Dukes' Antiquities of Shropshire, page 312. William Albany settled at Fernhill and his descendants are recorded in the Herald's Visitation of 1623. His son Francis was Sheriff in 1595, and was succeeded by another Francis, who was the owner in 1623, and was buried at Whittington, 17th January, 1635. His daughter Sarah married Thomas Lloyd of Aston, who is mentioned in the Register of 28th August, 1648, and October, 1649, as " now Lord of the Manor of Whittington," and the burial of Sarah Lloyd " Lady of the Manor of Whittington " is entered on 27th September, 1693. Their descendants have held the Lordship ever since, and are recorded in Burke's Landed Gentry. The Lords of the Manor have always been the Patrons of the living.

The ecclesiastical history of the Parish has been written by Archdeacon Thomas in his History of the Diocese of St. Asaph, and the uninteresting architecture of the Church is described in Mr. Cranage's Architectural Account of the Churches of Shropshire. The oldest part of the present Church is the tower, built in 1746, but a decorated window now in the Castle is said to have come out of the old Church. A Rector of Whittington is mentioned in 1218, and how long before that there was a church here is not known. There was a Chantry of our Lady in it suppressed at the Reformation. (See Certificates of Colleges and Chantries in the Record Office, cert. 41, No. 18).

Many of the names and particulars in the following list of Rectors have been kindly supplied to me. by Archdeacon Thomas, and are supplementary to those given in the first edition of his History of the Diocese of St. Asaph.

In 12th Century. Fulk (Archd. Thomas).
William de Eaton (Archd. Thomas).
About 1218. David Vewan (Eyton X., 349).
Between 1219 and 1263. Randolph (Shropsh. Arch. Trans. for 1882, p. 245-248).
About 1290 to 1315. John Waghham. He was ordered to be tried in 1312 for taking part in the siege of a Castle of John de Cherleton and Hawisia his wife, and a raid on their land (Patent Roll, Dec. 26. 1312), and may be presumed to be the John who witnessed a deed in the 13th century (Eyton X., 344).
1349- Roger de Acton, Clerk, appointed 2nd Nov., 1349, by Edward III. as " Custos of the heir of Fulk Fitz Warine, the Patron (Patent 23, Edw. III., pars. 3, m. 21). The vacancy may have been caused by the " Black Death."


In 1377. Thomas Dier, Clerk, and Dns Philip, Chaplain, at Whittington, occur, but there is nothing to show that either of them was Rector. The Chaplain may have been the Priest of the Chantry which was suppressed at the Reformation.
1419. Sir John Silatton.
1437. William Hille (Papal Letters).
1448. Sir David Irelonde. The last 5 names are supplied by Archdeacon Thomas.
In 1520. Robert Holbache (Shropsh. Arch. Trans. for 1882, p. 240). He left descendants (Powys Fadog IV., 93).
1532-1534. David Owen, instituted 1532 (MS. at Aston), made Preb. of Meifod and Vicar of Oswestry, 1534 (History of Diocese, p. 655).
1534-1535. Ric. Kyffin (Register, p. 438). Died 1535.
1535-1582. John Price or ap Rice, LL.B.; Vicar of Oswestry the same time, and buried there the 10th March, 1582. (Oswestry Register and information from Archd. Thomas).
1583-1585. David Kyffin (Register, p. 438).
1585-1605 [?] John Bagshawe, Vicar of Oswestry, 1591-1599 (History of Diocese, p. 657, 676; Register, p. 4, 5, 9).
1605-1608. Fulk Price, M.A., Coll. by Bishop, 1605 (Register, p. 438; but it is here stated that Williams was presented in 1608 on Bagshawe's death).
1608-1652. Edward Williams, M.A. (Register, p. 3, 30, 150). He signed the loyal address of the Clergy to the King of Aug. 24th, 1642, and is said in History of Diocese to have been deprived (p. 676, note), but he was buried at Whittington and described as Rector in the Register, 8th July, 1652.
1666-1680. Robert Powell, D.D. These Registers give many particulars about him and his family, pp. 200, 202, 260, 263.
1681-1718. Thomas Adams, M.A. (History of Diocese, p. 676; Register, p. 207, 208, 262, 285).
1718-1722. Thomas Cooke, M.A., resigned (Register, p. 357, 438).
1722-1749. Richard Boycott, M.A. (Register, 378, 412, 438). At p. 413 it is stated that he succeeded Cooke in 1729.
1749-1784. William Roberts, M.A. (Register, 407, 410, 411, 412, 554). He rebuilt the Rectory House, p. 454.
1784-1801. John Robert Lloyd, M.A., Patron of the Living; rebuilt Aston; died 10th Aug., 1801.
1801-1809. Whitehall Whitehall Davies, added 4 new rooms to the Rectory House and rebuilt the Church. He resigned in 1809. See Register, p. 669, for many particalars about him.
1809-1851. Charles Arthur Albany Lloyd, second son of John Robert Lloyd (Register, 669).
1851-1879. William Walsham How, M.A. Resigned on being appointed Suffragan Bishop of Bedford. A life of him was published by his son in 1893.
1879-1886. Henry Powell Ffoulkes, M.A., Archdeacon of Montgomery. Died.


1886-1896. Hugh Holbech, MA., son-in-law of the Patron. Resigned.
1896- Edward Pell Edmonds, M.A.. married a niece of Lady Frances Lloyd, wife of the Patron.

This list indicates that the same Rector continued in office throughout the whole of the Reformation changes, from the suppression of the smaller monasteries to the middle of Queen Elizabeth's reign; and that another continued throughout the whole of Charles I.'s reign, and till after the Battle of Worcester. From 1653 to 1660 no marriages are entered, as they were then celebrated before magistrates; and births were registered instead of baptisms; but the old register continued in use (see p. 161 ), and immediately on the Restoration entries in the old form were resumed. In 1653 one would not have expected to find Shrove Tuesday mentioned (p. 183). The names till the end of Elizabeth's reign seem nearly all Welsh, ap and verch being almost always used for son and daughter; the use of these gradually diminishes, and almost ceases after the Restoration. The change indicates that the English language was superseding the Welsh, but probably does not prove that inhabitants of Welsh descent were getting much less numerous.

In 1591 and 1592 the absence of the Churchwardens seems to have been always noted when it occurred, apparently because it was their business to see that the proper entries were made in the register (p. 5-8); and in Apr., 1592, we are told that " warninge was given to the Churchwardens and Sidesmen to note who weare absent on Marks daye from devine service," absence on holy days being contrary to the Act of Uniformity, I. Eliz., c. 2.

Illegitimate children seem to have been rather common, and were generally registered as " supposed " child of the father, the mother's name not being given (p. 21, 22, &c.); but after about 1722 " natural " is used instead of " supposed." Mr. Roberts generally gives the names of both parents.

In 1734 in the case of legitimate children the practice was adopted of naming both father and mother, a most useful help in tracing genealogies.

An analysis of the number of baptisms, deaths and marriages registered at various periods will be found on p. 522, and seems to indicate that in 1730-50 the population was very considerably greater than it had been before 1700, but that from 1750 to 1780 it somewhat decreased.

In the Banns register are several entries of banns being stopped (p. 597-600).

The Registers contain references to an unusual number of persons styled Esquire; Hunt, Owen, Albany, and Turner of Fernhill; Powell and Pope of Evenhall; Penryn, Powell, Charlton, Knipe and Kinchant of Park Hall; Lloyd, of Foxhall and of Aston; Powell of Whittington; Salisburye of Rage, Merionethshire; Williams of Penbedw and Drenewith; Mytton of Halston; Wynne of Mold; Kynaston of Shrewsbury; Corbet of Sundorne; Kenyon of Prado; as well as to others styled gentleman; Lloyd, Eyton, Evans, Jones, of Whittington; Eyton of Ebnall; Lloyd of Pentre Aron; Lloyd of Drenewith; Lloyd of Llwyn-y-maen; Turner of Old port; Maddox of the Pool; Hawkins of London. " Sir John Edds of the Ralston " was buried in 1601, but whether he was a knight or a clergyman has not been ascertained.

But the peculiar feature which makes the Whittington Registers more interesting than almost any other in the County, is the large number of entries on all sorts of extraneous subjects, inserted for the most part, but not exclusively, by the Rev. Wm. Roberts, Rector from 1749 to 1784.


The alteration of the calendar in 1752 is commented on (p. 326, 328), and we are told that " a person going to bed on the night of Sept. 2nd awoke on the morning of the 14th " (p. 417). Events of general, rather than local interest, which are recorded are the first appearance of a stage coach in Shrewsbury in 1761 (p. 460); a land slip of 30 acres near Buildwas in 1773 (p. 485); a Parliamentary contest in 1774 as to which many particulars relating to local candidates are given (p. 490); and several phases of the war of American Independence (p. 499, 508, 514, 519, 522-9).; and a hurricane which caused great destruction in the West Indies in 1781 (p. 518). Mr. Roberts' personal opinions on politics are freely expressed (p. 508, 514, 516), and several miscellaneous political events of 1783 are recorded on pp. 528, 529. In 1782-3 a remarkable haze, of a pale blue colour, extended over the whole of Europe (p. 567). But naturally most of the entries are of matters of more exclusively local interest.

There is an inventory of the furniture and possessions of the Church in 1602 (p. 1, 2); particulars as to the appropriation of the seats, and as to gallery, pulpit, &c., in 1640, 1713, and 1754 (p. 139, 251, 532, 536); as to a wooden steeple taken down in 1737 (p. 383); and improvement of the Rectory barn in 1761 (p. 460); the putting up of a new altar piece, and the Creed, &c., in gold letters, is recorded in 1774 (p. 552); the rebuilding of the chancel and establishment of a Sunday School in 1785 (p.569); the enlargement of the Rectory House in 1801-2 and 1805-6 (p. 662, 670), and the re-building of the Church in 1805-6 (p. 665, 667). The destruction of some old yew trees in the churchyard and plantation of lime trees in 1762-3 by Mr. Roberts is complacently recorded by himself, and very unfavourably commented on by " J.F.M.D.," i.e., Mr. Dovaston, of the Nursery, West Felton, a well known local antiquary, but certainly with no right to annotate the registers (p. 542). The Rector's right to tithes in 1684 and later is defined (p. 540); and long reports of legal decisions as to tithes are entered (p. 490, 497, 505). Lists of Rectors are given (p. 413, 438), as well as lists of Rectors of Selattyn (p. 326, 328, 437). There is a fist of local charities (p. 600); and much information as to local boundaries, roads, and bridges (p. 473-485, 496, soi, 657, 668-9), and the enclosure of commons in 1777 (p. 557), and the Ellesmere Canal Act of 1793 is mentioned (p. 622). An earthquake is said to have been felt in the Parish in 1775 (p. 496); and the establishment of an Agricultural Society in Oswestry in 1808 is recorded (p. 669). Lists of occurrences in the Parish in 1809-1812 (p. 681, 686, 689, 693) include the repair of the Castle and discovery of curiosities there, the establishment of a boys' and girls' school " on Mr. Lancaster's plan," the establishment of the Female Friendly Society, and the sending of a number of French prisoners to Oswestry.

On the deaths of parishioners interesting particulars are often given about them. We are told of an apothecary and surgeon who employed his spare time as a highwayman, and was assisted by his wife dressed in man's clothes (p. 323); and of wonderful cures performed by another local surgeon, who seems to have been less educated but more useful (p. 540). Amusing poetical epitaphs are inserted on the death of a Parish Clerk (p. 546), of the Aston Decoyman (p. 555), of " Governor " Peate, of Whittington Castle (p. 560, and of Mammy Browne (p. 562); and in the year in which he died Mr. Roberts inserted some lines about himself and his son, to which the Parish Clerk afterwards appended a very uncomplimentary couplet (p. .567). There is a Latin eulogy of Elizabeth, widow of the Rev. William Lloyd, Lord of the Manor (p. 552), and on the same page is recorded the death of the " late Huntsman to the Rector," in 1775, so it would seem that Mr. Roberts kept hounds, as his successor, who was the owner of Aston, certainly did. The latter entered particulars in the register of two great plantations of oak which he made, for which he received gold medals (p. 569, 622, 689). The qualifications of a parish clerk, and the mode of his appointment, in 1767, are given on page 546.


Particulars of prices and wages are entered in many places by Mr. Roberts, who seems to have been reputed to take excessive interest in these things (p. 542, 568); and he made many entries also about the weather, and about the health of the parish. Small-pox was very virulent in 1775 and 1776, in 1780-1, and in 1811, and the mode in which it was treated by the common people is mentioned (p. 553). Influenza is also described in 1775, and several other " disorders of the season " are recorded (p. 559, 560, 564). From 1775 the cause of death is generally entered, and from 1776 the age at death is given. An analysis of the ages at death in 1761-2 is given on p. 657.

Miss Leighton has added another to the many services rendered by her family to the Society by getting these registers transcribed, and by collating them. It only remains to add that they are now printed with the consent of the Rev. Edward Pell Edmonds, the present rector, and that they form part of Mrs. Seymour's generous gift to the Society in memory of her brother the late Mr. Stanley Leighton, M.P.

July, 1909.

The Parish Registers of


The Induction of EDD. WILLIAMS, fol. 2.


Baptisinges, fol. 3. (Mariages and Buriells to the fol. 13.)
Baptisinges severally fol. 13, doe beginne and ende at fol. 45.
Burials severally fol. 40, beginne at and ende at 71.
Mariages severally beginne at fol. 76.
Burialls and baptisings from fol. 75 are, for wante of unwritten
p'chment, to be looked for afterwards as in the margent of the leaves
is directed.


Elnor, the grandchild of Mr. Kyffin Lloyd, of the Ffoarde, whose father now dwelleth in Ridge, was baptised about the 17th daye of Marche, Anno Dom. 1642.
Margarett, the daughter of Robert ap John Sayer, of the Townshipe of Whittington, was baptised the eighte daye of Apprill, Anno. Dom. 1643.
Edward, the sonne of Edward ap Thomas, of Ould M'ton, was baptized the 8th daye of Apprill, Anno Dom. 1643


In p'mis A Co'ion [Communion] table standynge upon a frame with a
carpett of [?], and a lynyne cloth frynged

2 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1642

belongynge to ye same gyven to the Church by the sayd person.

Item a surplesse for ye curate
" 2 old sylke chushions made of an old coape
" one other old cope of blewe sylke
" a bible in folio and a co'ion booke in folio in englyshe
" a welche bible in smale folio
" other welche co'ion booke in quarto
" the second tome of homelies
" a lytle sylken cloth for ye pulpit
" two old sylken streamers
" an y ron bound chest
" an other lunge chest
" a boxe for ye pore with 3 lockes
" a table of ye Queen's Armes above ye co'ion table
" a woodden box for co'ion breade
" a lytle booke of publycke prayers
" a deske to reade ye lessons upon
" a welche testament
" a co'i'on cuppe of sylver w'th a cover
" a lytle pewter bottle for co'ion wyne
" this register booke of p'chment

Item one welsh psalme booke
" one new shurples

M'd:- that we, Edd: Boodle and Rbt: ap Roger ap Owen, wardens, have
receved the 29th of June, 1603, all the above written stuf of our
p'decessors savinge one welshe comunion booke in folio.

Item one new englishe booke of comon prayer
" one booke of the new constituciones in quarto.


Lewis ap Robert was buried the 19th day of Apprill, Anno dom. 1643.
There were buryed from Hingford, three children in September. Anno dom. 1642.
Thomas Witcherley, of Henlley, was buryed the seconde daye of November, Anno dom. 1642.
Prudence, the daughter of Edward Warde, was buryed the 24th daye of November, Anno dom. 1642.

1642] Whittington. 3

The daughter of Robert ap Richard ap John of francton, was buryed the 30th daye of December, Anno dom. 1642.
Richard, the sonne of John ap Roger, of francton, w'th another twynne of the same byrthe were buryed the 30th day of December, Anno dom. 1642.
Edward Barker, of Henlley, was buryed the seconde daye of January, Anno dom. 1642.

vid. infra. Burialls.

Memorandii that Edward Williams. beinge Mr. of Artes, beinge Inducted
into the Rectorie of Whittingto' upon Frydaie, the 8th daye of Julii,
Anno Dom. 1608, publicklie read his Articles in ye church of
Whittingto' the next Sunday followinge, beinge the tenth daie of July,
in the same yere above written in the presence of us and in our

WILL'MUS JEFFREEYS, Clic: cur: ibm.
JOHN AP EDD, of Daywell
ROBERT AP JOHN, of Ffernill.

*[Marginal note.]- And desiringe then wyne at Easter of curtesie to be bestowed [?] on the parishe did obtain it.
[Marginal note.]- Memoranda that Ed: Williams, rector of p'ishe Whittington, died the 7th day of July, 1652, and was buried the 8th day. Mr. Vaughan, of Hordley, preached his funerall sermon.


Edward, the sonne of a woman [formerly?] dwelling the Castlegate house [?], of Whittingtone, was buryed in January, Anno Dom. 1642.*
Martha, wife of Jo. Peake, of Hyngford, was buryed the first day of February, as I remember or thereabouts, Anno Dom. 1642.
Ricchard, the sonne of Richard ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall, was buryed the 7th day of March, Anno Dom. 1642.

* Verto.

4 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1642

John ap Edward, al's Smyth, of Whittington, was buryed the 8th day of Marche, Auno Dom. 1642.
Thomas, the sonne of Richard Boodle, of Bergill, was buryed the eleventh daye of Marche, 1642.
Thomas, the sonne of Edward Llojd, of Drone Newydd, in ye townshippe of Whittington, was buryed the 26th daye of Marche, Anno Dom. 1643.
The daughter of a Foreigner staying w'th Jo: Brown, in Babier wood, buryed March 10th, 1642.
Edward ap Richard, of Bergill, was buryed the 14th daye of Aprile, Anno Dom. 1643.


Richard, the sonne Rich. ap Hughe ap Roger, of Ebnall, was baptized the 17th day of M'che, Anno Dom. 1642.
John, the sonne of Ffouke, the tayler, was baptized the 19th daye of November, Anno Dom. 1642.
Thomas, the sonne of Robert ap Roger ap Evanes, of Daywell, was baptized the 11th day of December, Anna dom. 1642.
Rich., the sonne of [blank], of Ebnall, was baptized in January, Anno Dom. 1642.
Richard, the sonne of John Prichard, of Ould M'ton, was baptized the first daye of Marche, Anno. Dom. 1642.
Richard, the sonne of Thomas ap John, of Whittington, was baptized the 16 daye of Marche, Anno Dom. 1642.
John, the sonne of John Berkley, of Ould M'ton, was baptized the 18th of M'che, Anno Domine 1642.
fol. 1, vide sup'.


* Confusedlye sett downe in the exen [nine] first leaves



Edward ap Roger ap John was baptized the 4th day.
Ellen verch Willi'm was buried the 5th day.

+ Each entry is initialed C. M. or B. in the margin according as it refers to Christenings, Marriages, or Burials, from 1591 to Feb. 1606.

1591] Whittington. 5

David ap John ap Edd. was buried the 9th daye.
John ap Roger was buried the 17th daye.


Thomas ap John, miln', was christened the first daye.
John Trevor was buried the 13th daye.
Catherine verch Michaell ap Jeuan was christened the 10th daye.
Richard ap Hughe was buried the 21th daye.

M'd'. that the Churchwardens Robt. ap Roger and Roger ap Griffiths weare absent to note into the Regester such names as weare to be entered upon Whitsundaye.


Thomas ap Richard al's Gouch, the P'ishe clerke, was buried the 5th daye.
Edward ap Thomas and Lowrye verch Willim weare maried the 12th daye.
Roger ap Owen was buried the same daye.
Thomas ap Elis ap Llen the 24th daye was christened.
Edward ap Edward Lloid was christened the 17th daye.


Anne, the daughter of Edward Roland, was christened the 4th daye.
Margarett, the daughter of Richard ap Owen, of ffrancton, was christened the 11th daye.
Sina, the supposed daughter of Thomas ap Robt: and Gwen verch Willim, cowp, was christened the same daye.
Marred verch David was buried the 12th daye.
Edward ap Edward and Katherine verch Maurice weare maried the 24th daye.
Sina, the base daughter of Thomas ap Robt: was buried the 28th daye.
Thomas Kilan was buried the 30th daye.


Christopher Bagshawe, the sonne of John Bagshawe, was buried the 8th daye.
Rees ap Edward, of Hvnford, was christened on the same daye.
John ap Thomas and Mauld verch Edward weare maried the 11th daye.
[blank], the daughter of Rich. Llen alis Johns, wase christened the 22nd daye.

M.d. that the Churchwardens were absent the same daye

6 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1591

to make the Regester, which was the 12th daye, and likewise ye 29 day of ye said moneth next followinge, beinge the 13 Sondaye after trinitie Sondaye.


John ap Roger ap John was christened the 2nd daye.
Mary verch Roger was christened the 5th daye.
John, the base sonne of Cicelie the comon harlott, was christened the same daye.
John ap Edward, the child of Cicelie, was buried the 16th daye.
Thomas ap Gruffith and Katherine verch David weare maried the 28th daye.


Anne Lloyd was buried the first daye.
Gwen verch John was buried the 4th daye.
Lewis ap Nicholas and Margett verch Thomas weare maried the 6th daye.

The Churchwardens weare awaye the 10th daye.

Arthure ap Roger was buried the 14th daye.
Edward ap Thomas ap John was christened the 17th daye.
Thomas ap Richard ap John was christened the 17 daye.
Margett verch Richard Ivesonne was buried the 18th daye.


Robt: Johns and Sina Jenings weare maried the 2nd daye.
Arthur Penberton and Alyce verch David weare maried the same daye.

The Churchwardens weare not in makinge the Register the 7th daye of November.

Joane Bagshawe, daughter of Mr. John Bagshawe, was christened the 10th daye.

The Churchwardens were absent at the makinge of the Register ye 14th daye.

Roger ap George Longfford was christened the 17th daye.
David ap dd. and Joane verch Edward weare maried the 27th daye.
Elin verch Thomas weare buried the same daye.


John Thomas Humffrey was buried the 2nd daye.
Katherine verch Gruffith was buried the 9th daye.
Thomas ap William ap David was christened the 12th daye.
Thomas ap Richard Goche was christened the said daye.

1592] Whittington. 7

Thomas ap Moris ap Hughe was buried the 28th daye.


Roger ap John ap John was christened the 9th daye.
Sina verch David ap dd. was christened the 19th daye.
Thomas ap David ap Edward was christened the 10th daye.
John Lewis was buried the 27th daye.

Jonett verch Nicholas ap Willim was christened the first daye.
Roger ap Ries ap Roger was christened the 6th daye.
Roger ap John and Katherine verch John weare married the 7th daye.
Gruffith ap Edward was buried the 14 daye.
Roger ap Robt., drap', was christened the 18th daye.
Jane verch John ap Edward was christened the 23th daye.


John ap John Pigod was christened the first daye.
Edward ap Jeuan was buried the 10th daye.
Roger ap David was buried the 12th
John ap John was buried the same daye.

March aforesaid in Anno Dni. 1592.

John ap Roger ap David was christened the 28th daye.
Jeuan ap David and Sionett verch Robert weare maried the 29th daye.

1592, Apr. 2. Gwenhwyvar verch John Humffrey ... chr.
" Apr. 8. Richard Pigott ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Marred verch John M'dd ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Edward ffrancys ... chr.
" Apr., same day. Jane verch Thomas ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Richard ap dd ap Edd ... chr.

Md: that warninge was geven to the Churchwardens and Sidemen to note who weare absent on [St?] Marke daye from devine service.

1592, Apr. 27. Thomas ap Edward ap Thomas ... chr.
" May 7. Richard ap Berele ap Robt: ... chr.
" May 7. Pierse ap Thomas ... bur.
" May 13. Anne Lancelott Smith ... chr.
" May 15. Lancelett, s. of Lewis Rafe ... chr.
" May 20. Jane, d. of Gruffith ap Roger ... chr.
" May 28. Edward ffrancys ... bur.
" June 6. Edward ap M'dd gouch ... bur.

8 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1592

1592, June 9. Thomas ap Richard Goughe ... bur.
" June 13. John price Corser ... bur.
" June 21. Thomas ap Roger Goughe ... bur.
" June 25. Mawde verch Edward ap Edd ... chr.
" July 16. Edward ap William ... chr.
" July 23. John ap John, of Hynford ... bur.
" Aug. 15. David ap John ap M'dd ... bur.
" Aug. 15. Pierse ap Edward Trevor ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Katherine verch Edward ... bur.
" Aug. 27. John ap Roger ap Robt: ... chr.
" Sep. 6. John ap Edward ap Thomas ... chr.
" Sep. 7. Humffrey Madogge ... bur.
" Sep. 21. John ap John Thomas ... chr.
" Sep. 24. Mawde verch John Wynne ... bur.
" Sep. 30. Katheringe verch George Jenings ... chr.
" Oct. 5. John ap Hughe ... chr.
" Nov. 14. Thomas ap Roger ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Jane verch Mods ... bur.
" Dec. 2. David ap Willim ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Richard ap Thomas ... chr.
" Dec. 25. Edward Ivesonne ... chr.
" Dec. 27. Thomas ap Richard ap John ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Hughe ap Hughe and Joane verch John ... mar.
John ap Robt: weare maried the 28th daye [sic].

The same daye the churchwardens wear called for and weare absent.

1592, Feb. The churchwardens weare absent the 4th dae.
" Feb. 16. Jane verch John ap d.d. ... chr.
" Feb. 20. Jeu'n ap Owen vachan and Elizabeth trevor ... mar.
" Feb. 20. Katherine Powell was christened at the chappell in Whittington parke.
" Feb. 25. Margett, the wife of Robt. ap David ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Joane, d. of Arthure penberton ... chr.

Md. that both the churchwardens weare absent at the makinge of the said register.

1592, Mar. 1. John ap Edward ap Tyrstan ... chr.
Mar. 11. Richard ap Thomas Kynaston ... chr.
" Mar. 14. Jane Coup. ... bur.

1593] Whittington. 9

1592, Mar. 18. Robt: Bagshaw ... chr.
1593, Mar. 28. Thomas Trevor ... chr.
" Mar. 28. John ap Thomas Humffrey ... chr.
" Mar. 30. [blank] Bagshawe, the wife of Mr. John Bagshawe ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Margett verch Thomas Goughe ... bur.
" Apr. 11. John Bourton ... bur.
" Apr, 13. Sionett verch Edward ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Robt: ap John ap William ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Katherine verch ffrances ... chr.
" Apr. 29. Ales verch Nicholas ap Jeu'n ... chr.
" Apr. 30. Jeu'n ap Rytherch and Margett verch Gruffith ... mar.
" May 8. Margett verch Phillipp ap John ... chr.
" May 15. Margett verch David ... bur.
" June 13. Anne verch Jeuan ... chr.
" June 14. John ap Thomas Humphrey ... bur.
" June 19. Edward ap Richard and Joane verch John Kynasion ... mar.
" July 8. Anne verch Ries ap John ... chr.
" July 11. Mawde verch Edward ... bur.
" July 20. Edward ap Roger ap John ... chr.
" July 20. Jane verch Gruffith ap Roger ... chr.
" July 21. John ap Lewis Raffe ... bur.
" July 26. Augharad verch John ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Richard ap Edward ap Edd ... bur.
" Aug. 17. Anne verch Holl ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Margett verch Jeuan ... bur.
" Aug. 18. ffrancys ap David ap Roger ... chr.
" Aug. 19. Robt: ap George Humffrey ... chr.
" Aug. 24. Anne verch Robt. ap Roger ap Owen ... chr.
" Aug. 31. William ap John Robt. ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Abednago ap Roger ... bur.
" Sep. 2. Sabel verch Gruffith ... bur.
" Sep. 4. Sina verch Hughe ... chr.
" Sep. 12. Richard ap Robt: ap John ... chr.
" Oct. 3. Katherine Willim ap David ... chr.
" Oct. 5. Robt. ap Edward [blank] ... chr.
" Nov. 3. David ap Rinald ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Jane verch John ... bur.

10 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1593

1593, Nov. 24. ffoulk ap Robt. and Jane verch Jeuan ... mar.
" Nov. 24. Mathew Lewis and Anne ffranc)s ... mar.
" Dec. 1. Hughe ap Jeuan and Ales verch Robt. ... mar.
" Dec. 4. Phillipp ap Elis and John ap Elis ... chr.
" Dec. 4. Phillipp aforesaid ... bur.
" Dec. 4. David ap Robt: ap Roger ... chr.
" Dec. 9. John ap Elis ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Elis ap Edward ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Katherine verch John Kent ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Jeu'n ap William, base s. of William Alyn ... chr.
" Dec. 13. Cicelie verch Edward ap Thomas ... chr.
" Dec. 16. Hughe ap Hughe ... bur.
" Feb. 19. George, s. of John Ischarioth ... chr.
" Feb. 27. Cicelie verch Richard ap John ... chr.
" Mar. 2. Richard ap dd. ap Edward ... chr.
" Mar. 15. Katherine verch William Alyn ... chr.
" Mar. 24. Jane verch Hughe ap John ... chr.
1594, Mar. 30. Gwen verch Edward ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Ales verch Harry ... chr.
" Apr. 11. Margett verch John Humffrey ... chr.
" Apr. 13. Gruffith ap Edward Bolant ... chr.
" Apr. 14. Lionelt verch John ... bur.
" Apr. 28. William ap Thomas and Margett verch David ... mar.
" May 1. Jane verch John ap William ... chr.
" May 3. Thurstan ap Robt: ... bur.
" May 17. Gruffith ap Mathew and Sionelt verch Mathew ... chr.
" May 19. Humffrey Hanm' ... bur.
" June 16. Margett verch Edd. David ... chr.
" June 18. William ap John and Gwen verch Roger ap Richard ... mar.
" June 18. Robt. ap Gruffith and Elizabeth verch Richard ... mar.
" June 30. Richard ap Hott: ap Edward and Ales verch Humffrey ... mar.
" July 5. Lowrye verch Tuder ... bur.
" July 14. Margett verch John ap Robt. ... chr.

1594] Whittington. 11

1594, July 28. Richard ap David and Katherine [blank] ... mar.
" Aug. 3. Evan ap Gruffith and Sionett verch Edd ... mar.
" Aug. 10. Thomas Lancelott and John Lancelott ... chr.
" Aug. 13. Elis ap Jeuan and Margett verch Jankin ... mar.
" Aug. 18. Margett verch Richard ap John ... chr.
" Aug. 19. Thomas Lanslott and John Lanslott ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Gruffith ap Mathew ... bur.
" Aug. 27. John ap ffoulke ... chr.
" Aug. 31. Gwen verch Roger David ... chr.
" Sep. 3. Charles ap Roger ap Thomas ... chr.
" Sep. 5. MauIde verch Richard ap Robt: ... chr.
" Sep. 29. Thomas ap John and Joane Harrysonne ... mar.
" Oct. 4. Margett verch Edward David ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Joane verch Nicholas ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Katherine verch Thomas ap Thomas ... chr.
" Nov. 1. Gwen verch Thomas Trevor ... bur.
" Nov. 2. John ap Edd ap Richard ... chr.
" Nov. 3. Sabel, the wife of John Lewis ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Jane verch Roger ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Jane verch Rice ap Roger ... chr.
" Dec. 16. William ap Richard and Margett verch Richard ... mar.
" Dec. 18. Thomas David Humffrev ... chr.
" Dec. 22. Thomas dd: Humffrev ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Thomas ap John ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Katherine verch George Lanfford ... chr.
" Jan. 16. John ap William David ... chr.
" Jan. 18. David ap Rys and Elin verch Richard ... mar.
" Jan. 26. Thomas ap Gruffith ... chr.
" Jan. 31. Richard Kyffin ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Richard George and Margett verch David ... mar.
" Feb. 22. John ap Richard Ivsonne ... chr.
" Feb. 25. Jane verch Edd ap Thurstan ... chr.
" Mar. 5. Arthure ap Roger Humffery ... chr.
" Mar. 9. Edd ap John Thomas ... chr.
" Mar. 9. John, the supposed s. of Mr. Makoode[?] ... chr.
" Mar. 16. Richard ap Edd Gruffith ... chr.
" Mar. 16. John ap Edward ap Thomas ... chr.

12 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1595

1595, Apr. 4. John Phillipp John ... chr.
" Apr. 6. Hughe ap William dd ... chr.
" Apr. 13. John ap Richard Owen ... chr.
" Apr. 28. John ap Robt. ... bur.
" May 16. Thomas ap Richard and Mawld verch Thomas ... mar.
" June 1. David ap Thomas ... chr.
" June 1. Edward ap Elis ap Llen ... chr.
" July 13. Mr. Robt: Powell, the yonger ... bur.
" July 16. John ap Roger and Jane verch Jeuan ... mar.
" July 22. David ap Gruffith ap Jeuan ... bur.
" July 28. Jane verch Edward Boodle ... chr.
" Sep. 14. Margett verch John ap dd ... chr.
" Sep. 28. Elizabeth verch Edward Boodle ... chr.
" Oct. 11. John ap Roger dd. lloid ... chr.
" Nov. 9. Anne verch Tuder ap Jeuan ... chr.
" Dec. 26. John ap Roger ap dd. ... bur.
" Jan. 3. John Lanslott smith ... chr.
" Jan. 7. Richard ap David ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Thomas ap Thomas and Katherine Bercle ... mar.
" Jan. 18. Richard ap Thomas Kinaston ... chr.
" Feb. 1. John ap Edward and Anne verch John ... mar.
" Feb. 17. Thomas ap Rynald and Ales verch Robt: ... mar.
" Feb. 27. Thomas ap Edward ap Richard ... chr.
" Mar. 20. Edward ap Richard teler [?] ... chr.
" Mar. 24. Holl ap Jeuan ... bur.
1596, Mar. 28. Ales Eaton, wife of Thomas Lloyd ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Mary verch John ap John ... chr.
" Apr. 3. Edward ap Richard Teler ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Richard ap Lewis Nicholas ... chr.
" Apr. 7. John ap Edward ap Edd ... chr.
" Apr. 8. Roger ap Roger ap Da[vid?] ... chr.
" Apr., same day. John ap Edward ap Edd ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Robt. ap William Phillipp ... chr.
" Apr. 25. Katherine, wife of Edward ap Jeuan ... bur.
" May 2. Edward ap William Alyn ... chr.
" May 3. Edward ap William teler ... chr.
" May 7. Gwen verch Lewis ... bur.
" May 9. Sionelt verch Robt. ap John ... chr.

1596] Whittington. 13

1596, May 16. Gwen verch Ris ap John ... chr.
" June 11. Katherine verch Hughe ap Holl ... chr.
" June 17. John ap John ... bur.
" June 20. Joane verch Thomas ap Edward ... chr.
" June 27. Edward ap John ap dd: als. Wynne ... chr.
" July 9. John ap Edward Trevor ... chr.
" July 22. Antony e ap Edward [blank] ... chr.
" Aug. 1. John ap Arthure Thomas ... chr.
" Aug. 4. Joan verch William ap John ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Roger ap William R. [blank] ... bur.
" Aug. 22. John ap Edward [blank] ... chr.
" Aug. 25. Richard Eaton ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Ales verch Phillipp ap John ... chr.
" Sep. 19. Joane verch David ap Edward ... chr.
" Sep. 25. David ap dd. and Margett verch John Thomas ... mar.
" Oct. 1. Margett Bromffild ... bur.
" Oct. 5. Thomas ap John Roger ... chr.
" Oct. 5. Robt: ap David ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Hargett verch Robt: ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Katherine verch Hugh ap John ... chr.
" Oct. 31. William ap Holl: ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Hugh sl'dd and Mawd verch John ap Ardd ... mar.
" Nov. 7. Edward ap Robt: ... chr.
" Nov. 10. Hugh ap David and Elin verch Moris ... mar.
" Nov. 15. Elin verch Thomas ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Richard Ivesonne ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Sionelt verch Roger ap John ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Ales verch Richard ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Tuder ap Jeuan ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Katherine, wife of Hugh Miln'r ... bur.
" Jan. 3. John ap William Barker ... chr.
" Jan. 4. Katherine verch John ... bur.
" Jan. 14. John Thomas ap David ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Sionelt verch Jenkin ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Joan verch Thomas Cobler ... chr.
" Jan. 19. Jane verch Roger ap dd lloid ... chr.
" Jan. 22. Anne, wife of Robt: ap David ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Edd ap Edd and Elin verch Edd ap Ris ... mar.

14 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1596

1596, Jan. 30. Elizabeth verch Edd Boland ... chr.
" Feb. 4. Richard ap Edd ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Thomas Cobler ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Ric.' ap Edward and John ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Allisia ux: Johannis ap Robt: ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Anna, filia Evani ap William ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Johannes ap John ap Richt: ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Sislie filie Evani ap William ... bur.
" Feb. 29. Robertus ap John Lewis ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Johannes ap John ap Richard ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Edwardus ap Edward alias Tayler ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Johannes ap William ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Thomas ap Thomas ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Johannes ap Robt. ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Margreta, filia Edwardi ap Thomas ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Lowrie Eddi ap Thomas ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Margreta, filia Eddi ap Thomas ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Johannes Nicholas ... bur.
1597, Mar. 27. Thomas Trevor ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Vidua Nicholas ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Thomas Smalman ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Thomas ap John Humffrey ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Margret verch John ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Roger ap John ap Edward ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Ales tix' Robt: ap Ric.' ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Johannes ap Edd and Maude Trevor ... mar.
" Apr. 20. Margreta verch John ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Ed'dus ap John ap Edward ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Gwenlyan verch David ap Edd ... bur.
" May 4. Richardus ap Robt: ap John ... bur.
" May 14. Gruffins ap John ... bur.
" May 18. Ow'mus ap Jeuan ... bur.
" May 24. Richt. ap Edd D'd Mods ... bur.
" May 31. Anna verch Howell ... bur.
" June 3. Anne verch Richt. ... bur.
" June 5. Kateringe verch Richard ap Edd ... bap.
" June 24. Johannes ap Thomas James ... bap.
" June 24. John ap Edd and Gwenne verch Lewis ... mar.
" June 26. Thomas ap John Humffry ... bap.
" July 13. Jeu'n ap Tyder ap Evans ... bap.

1597] Whittington. 15

1597, July 16. Jeu'n ap Ty der ap Evans ... bur.
" July 21. [blank] ux' Johannis Edd ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Johannes ap Rich: et Katherin verch Edd ap Edd ... mar.
" Aug. 10. Ricus Harper ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Thomas ap John ap Roger ... bur.
" Aug. 28. Sabel verch Rog' ... bur.
" Sep. 6. Edd: ap Arthur ap Roger ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Margreta verch John ap Robt: ... bur.
" Sep. 10. David ap Evan and Marred verch D'd ... mar.
" Sep. 23. Ellen verch Jeuan ap John ... bur.
" Sep. 26. John ap Richt. ap Edd: ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Gwenhwfar verch Jeuan ap John ... bur.
" Sep. 28. Johannes ap William ap John ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Anna verch John Mredith ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Jonett verch Edward ap Tyrston ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Thomas Saunt.' ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Edd ap John Gruffith ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Margreta verch John Vent ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Mr. Ffraunces Albanie, Esq. ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Ermvn verch David ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Robt: ap David and Elisabeth verch Richt. ... mar.
" Nov. 16. Anna verch Edward Gruffith ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Thomas ap William ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Margret verch Hughe ap Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Annest verch John ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Ales verch Llewelyn ... bur.
" Nov. 27. Edward Trevor and Jane verch John ... mar.
" Dec. 4. Gwenhwfar verch Griffith ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Sisly verch John ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Roger Humffry ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Anne, wife of Roger Goch ... bur.
" Dec. 20. John Stanney ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Shonett verch Edward ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Jane verch William ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth, wife of Robt: Pendynton alias Sayers ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Robt: Pendynton alias Sayers ... bur.

16 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1597

1597, Jan. 8. John ap D'd ap Jeuan and Anne verch Edward ap Richt ... mar.
" Jan. 10. Benett verch D'd ap Edd ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Thomas Gruffith ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Anna verch John ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Mode verch Edd: ap Edd: ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Antoine Lewis and Elyn verch Thomas ... mar.
" Feb. 1. David ap Richt. Berkley and Elizabeth verch William ap Roger ... mar.
" Feb. 12. Edd ap John and Margrett verch Howell ... mar.
" Feb. 13. Anne verch Edd Boodle ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Evan Gruffith and Jane verch William ... mar.
" Feb. 26. John ap Roger and Cisly verch William ... mar.
" Feb. 26. Katherin verch Richt. ap Edd ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Lewis ap Robt: and Shonett verch D'd ... mar.
" Mar. 22. Elisabeth verch Thomas ap D'd Lloyde ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Harrie Pannour ... bur.
" Mar. 29. John ap Arthur ap Thomas ... bur.
1598, Apr. 9. Th'as ap John Humffrey ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Jane verch Edd: ap Edd. ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Jane verch Thomas ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Elnor verch Gwen Richt ... but.
" Apr. 20. Elisabeth verch Sir Richt ... bur.
" May 4. Jeuan Gruffith ... bur.
" May 7. Richard ap Edd Trevor ... bap.
" May 9. Monis ap John ap Rees ... bur.
" June 4. Wydowe Gruffith ... bur.
" June 6. Marie verch John ap D.d: ... bap.
" June 8. Marie verch Lewis Nicolas ... bap.
" June 18. Elisabeth verch William Reynallt ... bap.
" June 26. D'd: ap Elis and Jane verch Ed: Dd: Moris ... mar.
" July 5. Robt. ap Howell ... bur.
" July 28. Edd ap Robt: and Gwenhwyfar verch Thomas ... mar.
" July 21. Augharad verch John, the wiffe of William Couper ... bur.
" July 31. Edd Boodle and Jane verch William R ... mar.
" Aug. 1. William ap John Roger ... bap.

1598] Whittington. 17

1598, Aug. 22. Edd ap Tyder ap Jeuan ap Jeuan ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Margret verch Robt. ap Edd ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Edd ap Rees ap Roger ... bap.
" Sep. 1. David ap William Thomas ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Roger ap David ap John vyghan ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Marie verch Lewis Nicholas ... bur.
" Oct. 15. Richard ap William David ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Ermyn verch Richard Kynaston ... bap.
" Oct. L.D. Thomas Norcot ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Thomas Norcot ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Elisabeth verch John ap Robt: ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Tyrstan ap Evan ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Frauncis ap John ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Sionet verch Rees ... bur.
" Dec. 5. John Boodle and Gwen verch John ... mar.
" Dec. 10. Kateringe verch Richt ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Katerin verch Richt ap Edd ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Fraunces ap Thomas Lloyde ... bap.
" Dec. 25. William ap Robert ap Edd ... bap.
" Dec. L.D. John ap Robt: ap John ... bap.
" Dec. L.D. John ap Rees ap John ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Edd ap Howell and Katerin verch Llewelin ... mar.
" Jan. 3. John William Conwy ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth, wife of Tyder ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Edd ap John and Anne verch Llewelin ... mar.
" Jan. 28. Elizabeth verch John ap David ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Lowrie verch Evan llelin ... bap.
" Jan. L.D. Richart Trevor ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Richart ap Edd ap Richart ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Howell ap Dd: and Augharad verch Edd. ... mar.
" Feb. 21. Margret verch Edd ... bur.
" Feb. 31 [?]. John ap Richt. ap John ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Edd ap Thomas ap Edd ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Jane, wife of John Lloyde ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Sina verch John Hope ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Edd ap Richt. ap Edd of the parish of Llanrhairad yngkymel ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Margret verch Tho. Kynon ... bap.

18 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1599

1599, Apr. 16. Thomas [blank] and Anne Ivson ... mar.
" Apr. 29. Anne verch John Humffrey ... bap.
" May 16. Robt: ap Edd ap Edd ... bap.
" May 25. Joane verch Hugh ap John Lewis ... bap.
" May 25. Elyn verch Madoge ... bur.
" May 25. John verch Hugh ap John Lewis ... bap.
" May 29. Thomas ap Richt. ... bur.
" June 22. Marie verch Roger Dd: ... bap.
" July 2. Richt. ap John ap Edd ... bap.
" July 15. Morgan ap Edd and Margrett verch Dd: ap John ... mar.
" July 20. Thomas Lancet ... bap.
[An inserted entry:]
Ermyne. the daughter of Roger Thomas, of Whittington, was bapti: the second of August, 1599.
" Aug. 13. Lewis D.d: Lloyd ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Thomas ap Edd Jameler ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Marie verch Robt. ap Robt. ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Edd ap Gruffith John John Thomas ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Katerin verch John Thomas ... bur.
" Sep. 19. Katerin verch Robt. ... bur.
" Oct. 5. George ap Lewis Rafe ... bur.
" Oct. 9. John ap John ap Richt. and Lewis ap John ap Rich: ... bap.
" Oct. 16. John ap John ap Rich: ... bur.
" Oct. 20. Lewis ap John ap Rich: ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Robt: Edds and Ermyn Hanmor' ... mar.
" Nov. 1. John ap Edd Boland ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Katerin verch Thomas ap Thomas ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Gwen verch Hugh ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Katerin verch Mredith ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Thomas Tyson ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Thomas ap Edd ap Edd ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Kateringe verch John Humffrey ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Rich: ap Edd alias goz: .. bur.
" Jan. 21. Jane verch Rees ap John ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Jane verch Thomas Jenins ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Margret verch Richt. ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Kateringe verch Thomas Hanmer ... bap.

1600] Whittington. 19

1599, Jan. 28. Jane verch Thomas Jeninges ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Robger, ap Robert ap Roger ap Owen ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Edd ap John ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Margrett verch Richt. ... bur.
" Feb. 27. David ap Jeuan ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Katerin verch Roger ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Shonet verch Tyrstan Madoge ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Katerin verch Edd Reingnold ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth verch Lewis Robt: ... bap.
1600, Mar. 30. Marget verch Dd. ap Edd ... bap.
" Mar. L.D. Anne Hanmer ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Ermyn verch John ap D.d. ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Robt: ap Edd ap Robt: ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Margret verch Thomas Hughes alias Jenings ... bap.
" Apr. 28. William ap Edd ap John ... bap.
" May 15. John ap Jeuan ... bur.
" May 20. Marget verch David Barker ... bur.
" June 29. Lowrie verch Roger Dd: Lloyd ... bap.
" July 6. Anne Jeninges ... bur.
" July 20. Roger ap William ... bur.
" July 23. Rich: Trevor ... bur.
" Aug. 2. John Trevor ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Jane verch Hughe ap Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. L.D. David ap Edd Tyrstan ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Lewis ap Moris ap John ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Rich: ffowke Robt. ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Edd Lloyd ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Margrett verch Roger Gruffith verch ... bur.
" Sep. 28. Thomas ap Richard ap Robert ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Thomas ap Rich: ap Robt: ... bur.
" Oct. 11. Anne verch Arthur Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Margrett verch Edd Boodle ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Sina verch Edd ap Edd ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Edd ap Lewis Nicholas ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Edd ap Thomas and Shonet Thomas ... mar.
" Dec. 3. William ap Rich: William ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Anne verch Thomas Humffrey ... bap.

20 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1600

1600, Jan. 12. Watkin ap Edd and Margrett Dd: Lloyde ... mar.
" Jan. 18. Edd ap Edd Gruffith ... bap.
" Jan. 21. George Hughes ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Maude verch William ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Robt. ap John ap Dd. ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Edd ap John ... bur.
" Feb. 20. John Escharith ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Barthalem James and Gwen verch John ... mar.
" Feb. 24. William ffrauncis ... bap.
" Feb. 27. William ffrauncis ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Margrett verch Edd Boodle ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Moris ap Edd Jeuan ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Joane verch Tyder ap Jeuan ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Edd ap Robt: ap John ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Elvin verch John Roger ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Marie verch Robt: ap D.d: ... bap.
1601, Apr. 3. Edd ap John Ells ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Edd ap John Roger ... bap.
" May 17. Elisabeth verch Rees ap Roger ... bap.
" May 18. Shonett verch John ap Robt: ... bur.
" May 21. Gwen verch Thomas ap Roger ... bap.
" June 1. Katherine Wenlocke ... bur.
" June 13. Edd ap John Tayler and Margrett Jaxon ... mar.
" July 26. Sr. John Edds, of the Halston ... bur.
" July 29. Elyn, wiffe of Roger ap Edd ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Jane verch Ries ap John ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Thomas ap John and Margrett verch Edd ... mar.
" Aug. 24. Ries ap Rich: ap Howell ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Thomas ap James Harper ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Katerin verch Edd Trevor ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Katerin verch Edd Trevor ... bur.
" Oct. 4. William ap Dd. Barker ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Rich: ap Rich: ... bur.
" Oct. 30. Rich: ap John Piggott ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Samuell ap Thomas Teyler ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Shonett verch Thomas Kyffin ... bur.
" Nov. 14. Sara Lacon Ladye ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Antonie ap John ap Edd ... bap.

1602] Whittington. 21

1601, Dec. 23. William ap Thomas Jenings ... bap.
" Jan. 28. John ap Rich: William ... bap.
" Jan. L.D. Margrett verch John ap D.d. ... bap.
" Feb. 2. John ap Rich: ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Tyder ap Lancelot Smyth ... bap.
" Feb. 8. David ap Roger ap John ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Robt: ap Thomas Jeninges ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Antonie ap Thomas Kynnaston ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Edd ap Edd Jameler ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Elizabeth verch Thomas ap Edd ... bap.
1602, Mar. 28. Fraunces verch Thomas linedon ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Antonie and Thomas ap Edd Boodle ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Elizabeth Powell ... bur.
" Apr. 16. The s. of Edd ap William ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Elizabeth verch William Cooke ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Katerin verch John ap Rich: ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Thomas ap Edd Boodle ... bur.
" May 2. Gwen verch Thomas, of Bergile ... bur.


1602, May 12. Ux Thomae Goze ... bur.
" June 21. Edward ap Robert ... bur.
" June 24. Anthony boodle ... bur.
" July 3. John ap John and Mary verch John ... mar.
" July 11. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Wm: Lloid ... bap.
" Sep. 16. John, s. of Thomas ap John Gruffith ... bap.
" Oct. L.D. Edward, s. of Edward Boland, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 13. John, supposed s. of William ap John alias Kyffin ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Gwen, d. of John ap Edward ap Edward, of Whitington ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Catherin, d. of Edward ap John, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Marye, d. of Fraunces Eyton, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Margaret, d. of Richard ap Robt: of Rhos-y-gadoa ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Catherin, d. of Gruffith ap Morgan, of Henlley ... bap.

22 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1602

1602, Feb 1. Edward, supposed s. of David ap Roger, of the glyn ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Edward, s. of William Powell, of Rhos-y-gadoa ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Anne, d. of Edward ap Richard, of Byrgill ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Richard ap William, carter, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Elinor, d. of Richard ap John Kyrvor, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 5. [Re] .. inall supposed s. of David ap Edward, of hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Mary, d. of Edward Hanmer, of Evenall ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Jerom, s. of John Kinaston, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Jane, d. of Lewys ap Robt: of Ebnall ... bap.
1603, Apr. 1. Edward, s. of John David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Moryes ap John William als. paynter, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 16. Mawd, d. of Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" June 19. Harrye, s. of John Roger, of Old Merton ... bap.
" July 7. Catherin, d. of Christopher Bythorne ... bap.
" Aug. 14. William, s. of Edward ap Tyrstan ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Thomas, s. of Robert ap Arthur, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Thomas, s. of David ap Edward, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Thomas, s. of Tudder ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Roger, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Phillipps, of Richard ap Rees, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Lewes, of Henlly ... bap.
" Oct. 2. John, s. of William ap David, of Tal-y-Kaie ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Elin, d. of Jeuan ap Roger gruffith als. Lloid ... bap.

1604] Whittington. 23

1603, Oct. 9. Jane, d. of Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Penelope, d. of John Owens, of ffernill, Esqr. ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Phillipp, s. of Thomas Jenynes als. Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Jane, d. of Thomas ap John, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Edward, s. of Edward ap Edward Vaughan, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Humffrey, s. of James ap Richard Harper, of Lower Ridge ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John lloid, of Evenall ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Gwen, d. of Rees ap Roger Tayler, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Andrew, s. of Mr. Robert Powell, esquire ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Walter, s. of William ap David Tanner, of Bergill ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Thomas, s. of John Kilan, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Anne, d. of Richard Nicholas sherman ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Edward, s. of John ap David ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richard ap Robt., of Bergill ... bap.
1604, Mar. 31. Gwenhoyvar, d. of John Roger, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Edward, s. of Owen Tudder, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Jane, d. of Thomas ap William lloid, of ffrancton ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Lewes, s. of John ap Edward, smithe, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Robert, s. of Edward ap Edward, of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of Gruffith ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Katherin, d. of David ap Edward alias Barker, of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. L.D. Elinor, d. of John Roger Beignion, of Whittington ... bap.

24 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1604

1604, May 1. Richard, s. of William Buckley, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 9. Ursula, d. of Rees ap John, of Lower Ridge ... bap.
" May 17. Thomas, s. of Roger Barkley, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 10. John, s. of Edward ap Roger, of ffranckton ... bap.
" June 16. Dorithie, d. of ffraunces Eyton, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 24. Jonett, d. of Thomas Taylore of Ridge ... bap.
" June 26. Jonett, d. of Thomas Iloid, the younger, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 1. Edward, s. of Richard ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 15. Robert, s. of John Boodle, waver, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 17. Richard, s. of Edward Phillipp, of Bergill ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Jane, d. of Edward ap William Tompkyn, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Samuell, s. of Hugh ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. L.D. Jonett, d. of David Berkley, of Bergill ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Richard, s. of David ap Robert, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Edward, s. of Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Richard, s. of Edward ap William, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 3. John, s. of Thomas ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Anne, d. of John Owens, Esquire, of Fernill ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Phillip, s. of John ap Edward ap D.d: ap Moryes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Marye, d. of Thomas Kyffin, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Robert, s. of John ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Catherin, d. of Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bap.

1605] Whittington. 25

1604, Dec. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Gruffith, of Olde Merton ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Jane, d. of Jeuan ap William, of Price Henlley ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Anne, d. of Hugh ap John Lewis, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Johan, d. of Berkley Peeires, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Edward als. Vaughan, of Rhos-y-gadva ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Thomas, s. of George Smith als. brickman, of the Lodge ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Anne, d. of William Ravenscrofte alias Cooke, of Whittington ... bap.
1605, Mar. 27. Elinor, d. of William Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 25. John, s. of Maurice Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Thomas, s. of Edward ap John, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Sara, d. of Thomas Lynedon als. gardiner, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 3. Susanna, d. of William ap Ellice, of Old Merton ... bap.
" May 12. Marye, d. of John David, of Henlley ... bap.
" June 5. Ales, d. of William Powell, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 5. Anne. supposed d. of John Crump, of Apleyin, the diocs: of Litchfild ... bap.
" June 25. John, s. of Rees ap Roger Taylere, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Elizabeth, supposed d. of John Wynne ap Howell ap Adda ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Blaince, d. of Tudder ap Jeuan, of gravenoll ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Susan, d. of Edward ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Edward, s. of Richard ap Robert alias Richard Saer, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. s. Richard, s. of Richard ap Edward Taylere, of Whittington ... bap.

26 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1605

1603, Sep. 8. Catherine, d. of Richard ap Thomas, of Preise Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Ales, d. of John Berkley, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 10. William, s. of William ap David, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 9. James, s. of Thomas Smith, of great nesse ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Robt: ap John, of Fearnehill ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Edward, s. of Edward ap Roger, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Dec. 3. John, s. of Maurice ap John William, of the Lodge ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas ap John, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Jane, d. of John David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 10. John, s. of John ap John Saer, of fearnhill ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Anne. d. of Edward ap William Tompkin, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap Roger, wever, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Margaret, d. of Gruffith ap Morgan, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Thomas, s. of William Kyffin Tayler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of John David ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 8. John, s. of Thomas Jeninges alias Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Thomas, s. of John Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
1606, Apr. 6. John. s. of Thomas ap Roger, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Johane. d. of Richard ap Jeuan, of Henley ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Thomas, s. of Richard ap John Kyrver, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Margaret, d. of John Owen, esquire, of ffearnhill ... bap.

1606] Whittington. 27

1606, Apr. 13. Phillip, s. of Thomas ap William lloid, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Edward, s. of Edward Boodle, of Bergill ... bap.
" May 11. Edward, s. of John ap Edward, ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Roger, of Old Merton ... bap.
" May 14. Catherin, d. of John Roger, the younger, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 29. Margaret, d. of Humffrey Price, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Aug. 3. John, s. of Llein Boodle, wever, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Margaret, d. of Edward ap John, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Edward, s. of John Lewys, of Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Catherin, d. of Frauncis Eyton, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Phillipp, s. of John Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Catherin, d. of Thomas ap Edward als. Taylor, of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Bartholomew, s. of Roger Bartholomew, of ffrancton ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Margaret, d. of Arthure Pemerton, of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Arthur, s. of Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Humffrey Eyton, of ffrancton ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Maryed, of Richard ap Rees, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Phillipp, s. of Launcellot ap John Smith ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Gwen, d. of John Roberts, of ffrancton ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Launcellott, s. of Roger ap Richard, wever, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2. ffraunces, s. of Tudder ap Jeuan, of gravnall ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Anne, d. of Robert ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bap.

28 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1606

1606, Feb. 8. Edward, s. of William Mathew, drawer, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Roger, s. of John Kilan, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 15. John, s. of Edward ap William Carter, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Jane, d. of John ap Jeuan ap Meredith, wever, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Anne, d. of Richard ap Robert ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Feb. 22. David, s. of William Kyffin Taylere, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Anne, d. of John Roger ap Richard Watters, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Ales, d. of Edward ap Rogers, of ffrancton ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Thomas, s. of John Boodle, wever, of Ebnall ... bap.
1607, Mar. 28. Marye, d. of John ap Edward ap idd ap Maurice, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Marye, d. of Thomas ap John. of Old Merton ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Ales, d. of Edward Phillipp, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Apr. 6. John, s. of Robert ap John, of Fernill ... bap.
" Apr. 6. John, s. of Edward ap Edward, of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Edward, s. of Edward ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Apr. 10. William, s. of John owen, esquire, of Fernill ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Thomas, s. of Edward Boland, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr: 26. Richard, s. of Edward Percivall, fidler, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 3. Anne, d. of Edward ap Jeuan ap Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 8. Anne, d. of Berckley Pidres, of Old Morton ... bap.
" June 14. John, s. of Jeuan Roger als. Loid, of Daywell ... bap.

1607] Whittington. 29

1607, Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Edward, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Thomas, s. of William Berakeley, of
" Aug. 5. Thomas, s. of William Baakeley, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 25. John, s. of Edward Loid, of Drenewydd ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Thomas, a. of John Gregorye, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Jane, d. of John Berckley. of Francton ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Edward. s. of Hughe ap John Lewys, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Roger, s. of Thomas ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Catherin, d. of John Evance Turner, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Richard, s. of David Berkley, of Byrgyll ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Phillipp, s. of William ap Ithell, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richard. s. of John Berckley, of Byrgyll ... bap.
" Nov. 22. John, s. of William ap David Tanner, of Byrgyll ... bap.
" Nov. -. Margaret, d. of Richard ap Hughe ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Roger, s. of Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jenings als. Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 24. William, s. of John Lewys, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Jane, d. of William ap David ap [blank], of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Elfin. d. of Richard ap Thos: a poore traveller of Llan Armon in yalt ... bap.
" Feb. 17. William, s. of Maurice Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Catherin. d. of Thomas LInedon alias gardiner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Janet, d. of Jeuan ap William, of Daywell ... bap.

30 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1607

1607, Mar. 7. Juane, d. if Richard ap Robert als. Richard, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 13. John, s. of Thomas ap William Loid, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 13. John, s. of William Mathew, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Elin, d. of William Kyffin Taylere, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 16. George, s. of Robert ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
1608, Mar. 28. Edward, s. of John ap Richard, of Burkenhill ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Catherin, d. of Humffrey Eyton, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Thomas, s. of William Kannycroste als. Cortha, of Whittington .. bap.
" Apr. 31. Edward, s. of Gruffith ap Morgan, of Henlley ... bap.
" May 12. Anthoney, s. of Maurice ap John William, of the Lodge ... bap.
" May 16. Gwenheyvar, d. of Thomas ap Rees, of Bergyll, laborrer ... bap.
" May 25. John, s. of Edward ap Roger ap David, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 1. Catherin, d. of Thomas ap David alias Loid, of Whittingeton ... bap.
" June 4. Sina, d. of Lewys ap Jeuan Taylore, of Francton ... bap.
" June 8. Elin, d. of Thomas Smith, of great ness ... bap.
" June 11. Catherine, d. of Edward ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 16. Robert, s. of Edward Williams, parson, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 19. Janett d. of John ap Jeuan ap [?], wever, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 19. Elizabeth, d. of John David ap [?], of Daywell ... bap.
" July 10. Edward, s. of Gruffith ap David. of Bergyll ... bap.

1609] Whittington. 31

1608, July 10. [blank], d. of Edward Owen, of Evenhalle ... bap.
" July 24. Roger, s. of Edward ap John Smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Robert, s. of William Powell, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Richard, s. of John ap David ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 25. John, s. of John Roger, of Olde Merton ... bap.
" Oct. 2. [blank], s. of Thomas Coknell, of Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Thomas, s. of Watkin ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Elinore, d. of Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Anne, d. of John Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Jane, d. of John ap John Saer, of Fernill ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Roger, s. of Hughe ap David ap Roger smith, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Dorithie, d. of Edward Loid, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Phillip, s. of Richard ap Richard, of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Susan, d. of Roger Owen, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Richard, s. of Thomas Jeninges als. Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Phillip, s. of Richard Pigott, wever, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Emalen, d. of Richard ap Jeuan, labourer, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Catherin, d. of Phillipp Evance Tanner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Catherin, d. of Humffrey Price, of Old Morton ... bap.
" Mar. 22. John, s. of Rees ap Roger, Taylore, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Rees ap Roger, of Hinford ... bap.
1609, Mar. 26. Anne, d. of Roger ap David Taylere, of Daywell ... bap.

32 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1609

1609, Mar. 29. Ales, d. of Richard ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Anne, d. of Lewelyn Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 5. Robert, s. of John David, of Prise Henlley ... bap.
" May 21. John, s. of Thomas George, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 5. Anne, d. of Thomas Powell, esquire, of evenhall ... bap.
" June 24. Marye. supposed d. of Edward ap David Smith, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 9. George, s. of Roger Berkley, of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 27. John, s. of Edward ap John Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Jane, d. of Robert ap David Pedler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Catherin, d. of Thomas ap William Loid, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Lowrye, supposed d. of William ap Robert, of Bachymbyd ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of John Evance Turnere, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Edward. s. of Robert ap Richard ap Robt: of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Margaret, d. of John Kilan, of Henlley ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Gwen, d. of John David, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Richard, s. of David [blank], joyner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Maurice Williams, of the Lodge ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Jane, d. of Hugh ap David Smith, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Maurice, s. of John Rogers Water, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Richard, s. of Tudder ap Jeuan, of gravenall ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John ap John Saer, of Fernill ... bap.

1610] Whittington. 33

1609, Feb. 4. Edward, s. of Edward ap Roger, of Pentre Drew ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Percivall, fidler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Edward, s. of Edward ap Jeuan ap Robt: of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Jane, d. of Thomas ap Edward Taylor, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 9. John, s. of John Berckley, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Samiwell, s. of William Evance, of Wotton ... bap.
" Mar. 9. John, s. of Edward Loid, of Pentre Aron ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Margarett, d. of John Berckley, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Margaret, d. of Hughe ap Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
1610, Apr. 14. Maurice, s. of John Owen, esquire, of Fernill ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Gaynore, d. of William ap David Tanner, of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 15. David, s. of Edward ap William, carter, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 10. Roger, s. of David Berckley, of Bergyll ... bap.
" June 18. Richard, s. of Humffrey Eyton, of Francton ... bap.
" June 27. Mathew, s. of Thomas Jenings Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jylu 16. John, s. of William Edward, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 24. John, s. of Richard ap David Humffrey, of Fernill ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Marye, d. of Richard ap Roger Pigott, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Edward, s. of Thomas ap John Thomas ap Reeos, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Robt: miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Margaret, d. of Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.

34 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1610

1610, Dec. 31. Margaret, d. of Phillipp Evance, Tanner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. John, s. of John Boodle, weaver, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Alexander, s. of John David ap John ap Meredith [?], of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Anne, d. of Richard ap Robt: als. Richard Saer, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Elin, d. of Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Elizabeth, d. of the said Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 11. David, s. of Thomas ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Catherin, d. of Hugh ap Jeuan, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Elinor, d. of John David ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Catherin, d. of the said John David ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Phillipp, s. of Edward ap John Smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Edward, supposed s. of John ap Edward, of Addalate, of Henlley ... bap.
1611, Mar. 26. Margaret, d. of Gruffith ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Edward, s. of Evan ap William, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Thomas, s. of John ap David Barker, of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Edward, s. of Edward Loid, of Whittington, als. Yore nowydd ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Margaret, d. of John Berkley, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John ap John als. John Saer, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Roger, s. of Edward ap Jeuan ap Robt: als. Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 9. John, s. of William Maurice, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 19. Gabrell, s. of Roger Owen, of Henlley ... bap.

1611] Whittington. 35

1611, June 22. Catherin, d. of Watkin ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 26. Elizabeth, d. of Maurice Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 28. Thomas, s. of Edward ap John ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 28. Anthoney, s. of Edward ap John, miller, of Fernill ... bap.
" July 28. Thomas, s. of Richard ap Edward ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Robert, s. of Thomas Powell, esquire, of Parkehall, in Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 24. William, s. of John Rogers, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Marye, supposed d. of Andrew Banister ... bap.
" Sep. 21. David, s. of Thomas ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Janett, d. of Robert ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Edward, s. of Richard Price, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 6. William, s, of John Smalman, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Humffrey Price, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Marye, d. of Maurice Williams, of the Lodge ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Andrew, s. of John ap Edward ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Sara, d. of Tudder ap Jeuan, of gravnall, in Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Edward, s. of Edward ap David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Catherin. d. of Edward Eyton, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Catherin, d. of Roger Berkley, of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 22. William, s. of Llewelyn Boodle, of Ebnal, weaver ... bap.

36 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1611

1611, Feb. 23. Ursula, d. of John Thomas, weaver, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 3. John, s. of Thomas ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Anne, d. of Lewys ap John, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Katherin, d. of Edward ap Roger, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bap.
1612, Mar. 27. [blank], d. of John ap Robt: ap David, of Pentre Kenderick ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Roger, s. of Thomas Jeninge als. Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 22. [blank], d. of Thomas George, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 12. Lewys, s. of Thomas ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bap.
" May 15. Anthoney, s. of John Lewys, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 3. Margaret, d. of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 6. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Edward Taylere, of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Em, supposed d. of one William ap David, of the parish of Oswestrie ... bap.
" Aug. 13. David, s. of Edward Percivall, fidler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 16. George, s. of John David ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Elizabeth, d. of George Holme, of London ... bap.
" Aug. 23. John, s. of Thomas ap Llewelyn, weaver, of Henley ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Catherin, d. of Jeuan ap William, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Sara, d. of Edward Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Anne, d. of Richard ap Edward ap Robt: of Franckton ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Anne, d. of John Berkley, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Catherin, d. of David Berkley, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Thomas, supposed s. of Richard Draper, of Daywell ... bap.

1613] Whittington. 37

1612, Oct. 28. Robena, d. of Edward Loid, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Ermyne, d. of Richard ap David Humffrey, of Fernill, weaver ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Marye, d. of Edward Owen, couper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Edward, s. of Edward ap John, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Elfin, d. of Edward Loid, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Joan, d. of Jeuan ap Ellice ap Richard, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Anne, d. of John Kilan, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Ermyne, d. of Hughe ap Roger Turnere, Daywell ... bap.
1613, May 16. Edward, s. of John ap Robt: ap David, of Pentre kendericke, in Daywell ... bap.
" May 26. Joan, d. of George ap Roger ap Richard, of Francton ... bap.
" June 12. Margaret, d. of John Thomas ap John, weaver, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 13. Ermyne, d. of John David ap John ap [?], of Daywell ... bap.
" June 13. Richard, s. of Richard ap Richard, of Lower Ridge, in the parish of Elsmere ... bap.
" June 14. Anne, supposed d. of Thomas Llewelin, mercer, of Sherosbury ... bap.
" July 13. Margaret, d. of Richard ap Robert, of Bergyll issa ... bap.
" July 13. Janet, d. of the afforesaid Richard ap Robert, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Catherin, d. of John ap David Barker, of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Phillipp, s. of Richard Draper, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Hugh, s. of Edward ap John ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.

38 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1613

1613, Sep. 29. Sara, d. of Jeuan ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Samell, s. of Phillipp Evance Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Ermyne, d. of Edward Eyton, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 21. David, s. of Richard ap Harrye, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Thomas, s. of John ap Rees, of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 14. John, s. of Edward ap John, weaver, of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Richard, s. of Richard ap Roger Pigott ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Robert, s. of John Brayne, Taylere, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Margaret, d. of Jeuan ap Rees, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Edward, s. of Thomas Jenings als. Hughes, Tanner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Thomas, s. of William Edwardes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Bartholemewe, s. of John ap John Saer, of Hydsland ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Margaret, d. of John Roger ap Richard, of Old Merton ... bap.
1614, Apr. 6. Katherin, d. of John Hughes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap Roger ap Richard, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Phillipp, s. of Richard ap Robert Saer, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Josephe, s. of Jeuan ap Ellice ap Richard, of Henlley ... bap.
" May 7. Richard, s. of John Smalman, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 18. Margarett, d. of Roger Bartholomewe, of Francton ... bap.
" June 13. Humffrey, s. of Edward Lloyd, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bap.
" June 17. Phillipp, s. of Edward Laid, of Pentre Dron, in Daywell ... bap.

1614] Whittington. 39

1614, July 7. Ales, d. of Humffrey Price, of Old Merton ... bap.
" July 29. Thomas, s. of William Butcher, of the parish of Cundover ... bap.
" July 25. Roger, s. of William Butcher, of the p. of Cundover ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Joan, d. of Rees ap John ap Roger, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Lewys. of John ap Edward ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Ester, d. of Richard Harvis, weaver, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Roger, s. of Edward ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Phillipp, s. of Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Roger, s. of Thomas Lewelin, weaver, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Maurice, s. of Edward ap Jeuan ap Robt: als. Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 3. John, s. of the said Edward ap Jeuan ap Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Gabrell, s. of John George, of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Robert, s. of Thomas ap Robert, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Robert, s. of Maurice Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Mandlen, d. of Edward ap David Barker, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Roger, s. of Edward ap David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Elinor, d. of George ap Roger ap. Richard, of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 12. John, s. of Richard ap Rees, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Edward, s. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington, fydler ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Anne, d. of John Keelan, of Henley ... bap.

40 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1614

1614, Mar. 12. Katherin, d. of Thomas Stoke, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 19. George, s. of John Brayne Taylere, of Francton ... bap.
1615, Apr. 22. Margarett, d. of Samuell Gruffithe of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 31. Thomas, s. of Edward ap John, weaver, of Francton ... bap.
" May 1. Edward, s. of Bartholomewe Jeninges, of Old Merton ... bap.
" May 14. Katherin, d. of Richard ap Rilirt Saer, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 14. Rees, s. of Gruffith ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Edward, s. of Jeuan ap David Tinker, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 27. Jonas, s. of Thomas ap Edward Weaver, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Berkley, of Bergyll ... bap.
" June 4. Ursula, d. of Edward Roger, of Old Merton, Taylor ... bap.
" June 5. Phillipp, s. of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 23. Elizabeth, d. of Ellice ap Robert, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Edward George, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Rebeckah, d. of Richard ap David, labourer, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Alice, d. of Robert ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Grace, d. of Watkin ap Edward, of Pentre Aron ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Cadwalador, supposed s. of John Sherwood ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Jane, d. of Robeart ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Elin, d. of Edwhard ap Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Anne, d. of John Payne, of Daywell ... bap.

1616] Whittington. 41

1615, Dec.[?]. Katherin, d. of Richard Voughan, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Priscilla, d. of Edd: Loyde, gent., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Maud, d. of Rees Gruffith, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Edward, s. of David ap John, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Edward, s. of Edward ap Roger. of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Margerye, d. of John George, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Robert, s. of Edward ap John Smithe, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Edward, s. of Thomas ap William, of the p. of Arbistocke [?] ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John Trevor, of Pentre Kendericke ... bap.
1616, Apr. 1. Thomas, s. of Lewis ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Margaret, d. of Edward Loid, of Pentre Aron ... bap.
" May 10. Edward, s. of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 2. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 10. Elin, d. of Gruffith ap Morgan, of Henlley ... bap.
" June 18. Abigaell, d. of Thomas Johnsonne, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 20. Katherin, d. of George Pigott, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 14. [?], s. of Robert ap Robert Taylere, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 25. Ales, d. of Edward ap John ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 28. Thomas, s. of Edward Roger, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Anne, d. of Thomas George, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 18. John, s. of Roger ap David, Taylere, of Ebnall ... bap.

42 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1616

1616, Sep. 12. Thomas, s. of William ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Richard, s. of Richard Loid, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Robert, s. of Roger ap Jeuan, carpenter, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Catherin d. of Jeuan Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Edward, s. of Hughe Penke, Turner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Samuell, s. of Phillip Evance, Tanner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Richard, s. of Roger Berckley, of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 1. William, s. of Thomas Stoke, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Katherin, d. of Jeuan ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Sara, d. of Rees Sutton, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Manasses, supposed s. of [blank], of [blank] ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Robert. s. of Edward ap Roger, of Pentre Ayron ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Frauncis s. of John Srnallman, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Ales, supposed d. of [blank] ... bap.
" Jan. 26. John, s. of Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnall, Taylore ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Anne and Gwen, the supposed daughters of Watkin ap Richard, late of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Sara, d. of William Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Gwen, d. of Jeuan ap Rees, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Gwen, d. of Thomas ap Edward Tayler, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Edward, s. of Richard Loid, gent., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Anne, d. of John Davies, of Francton ... bap.

1617] Whittington. 43

1617, May 18. Christopher, s. of Edward Bythorne, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 4. Robert, s. of Hugh ap Roger Turnere ... bap.
" July 5. Edward, s. of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 28. Water, s. of John Roger, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of Evan ap Ellice, of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Katherin, d. of Hugh ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 10. John, s. of Frauncis ap Jeuan, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Elin, d. of Edward ap Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 31. John, s. of David Vaughan, of Henlley ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Marye, d. of Humffrey Price, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Sep. 13. John, s. of Ellice ap John, late of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Sara, d. of George ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Grysell, d. of Teuan ap Maurice, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Daniall, s. of John ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Robert, s. of Roger ap Thomas, of Fernill ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Llewelin, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Richard, s. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Margaret, d. of Edward Williams, parson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Margaret, d. of Richard Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Margret, the supposed d. of Gruffith Edwardes, of Nerguis in the countie of Flint ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Hugh, s. of John David ap John ap Meredith, of Daywell ... bap.

44 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1617

1617, Jan. 11. Thomas, s. of John Thomas, weaver, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Edward, s. of Richard Gruffith, of Whittington, carpenter ... bap.
" Feb. 7. David, s. of John Berkley, of Bergyll issa ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Owen, s. of Edward ap David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Meredith ap Edward ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Edward, s. of Richard Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Jeuan, s. of Rees ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Katherin, d. of Thomas ap Robert, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Anne, d. of Rees ap Richard ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Edward, s. of John Trevor, of Pentre Kyndericke ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Sara, d. of Edward Percivall, fidler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Edward, s. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
1618, Mar. 29. Bartholomew, s. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Anne, d. of John Launcellot, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 12. Edward, s. of John Davies als. John Tryston, of Francton ... bap.
" May 17. Prudence, d. of Edward Loid, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bap.
" May 24. Elizabeth, d. of John Keelan, of Henlley ... bap.
" June 21. John, s. of Owen ap William, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 1. John, s. of David Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 11. Elizabeth, d. of John ap Humffrey Taylere, of Whittington ... bap.

1618] Whittington. 45

1618, July 17. Katherin, d. of Robert ap John ap Rees, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Madelen, d. of David ap Edward, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Phillip. s. of Frauncis ap David, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Humffrey, s. of Richard Bowen, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Anne, d. of Teuan Pigott, the younger, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Susan, d. of Thomas ap Meredith, weaver, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Thomas, s. of George Pigott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Thomas, s. of Richard Price, of Aston, in the parish of Oswestrie ... bap.
" Oct. 26. George, s. of Thomas Johnsonne, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Ales, d. of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Elizabeth, supposed d. of Robert ap John, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Katherin, d. of Richard ap Richard, of Lower Ridge ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Richard Price, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Thomas, s. of Robert George, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Richard, s. of Robert ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 20. William, s. of Rees Sutton, of Whittington, miller ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Richard, s. of Richard ap Harrye, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Maurice ap Edward ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Lewys ap John, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Edward, s. of Edward ap Owen. of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 16. George, s. of John George, of Francton ... bap.

46 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1619

1619, Mar. 30. George, s. of Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 13. John, s. of Roger ap Jeuan, carpenter, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 18. Roger, s. of Edward ap John ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 18. Jeuan, s. of John David Barker, of Hannay ... bap.
" May 30. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Edward George, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 19. Thomas, s. of Edward ap David Barker, of Henlley ... bap.
" June 24. Wenefride, d. of Roger Berkley, of Francton ... bap.
" July 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Launcellott, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Anne, d. of Lewys ap John, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Richard, supposed s. of Edward Eyton, of Ridge ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Margaret, d. of Randall Edowe ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Margaret, d. of Jeuan ap Maurice, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Phillipp, s. of Edward ap Roger, of Pentre Aron ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Anne, d. of John Berckley, of Bergyll issa ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Sina, d. of Edward ap Hugh, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Marye, d. of John Realm, of Henlley ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Roger, s. of Richard Draper, of Bricknyll ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Syonett, d. of Jeuan ap Ellice, of Henlley ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Elinor, d. of David ap Edward ap Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Hugh, s. of Robert ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 4. John, s. of Jeuan Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Ales, el. of Javan Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.

1620] Whittington. 47

1619, Feb. 20. Katherin, d. of John Thomas ap John, weaver, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Hughe, s. of Robert ap Thomas Taylere, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Jane, d. of Meredith ap [?] Edward ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Anne, d. of Hugh ap Edward ap David, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Lowrye. d. of [blank] ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Owen, of Ridge ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Jane, d. of Lewis ap Gruffith ap William als. Lewis Venthur ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Marye, d. of Phillipp Evance, Tanner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 22. John, s. of Griffith ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
1620, Apr. 14. Hester, d. of Lewys ap William, cowper, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 15. Anne, d. of David ap Edward, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 22. Thomas, s. of Richard Foulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 3. Frauncis, s. of Thomas Johnsonne, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 4. Margaret, d. of William Pickerton, of Cheashier ... bap.
" June 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas ap Reignald, of the parish of Llansilan ... bap.
" July 23. Marye, d. of Richard Loyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 30. Thomas, s. of Edward Loyd, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Edward, s. of William ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Richard, s. of John Richardes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Janett, d. of Rees ap Richard,of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Charles, s. of Hughe ap David, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Phillipp, s. of John Davies, of Francton ... bap.

48 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1620

1620, Oct. 8. Anne, d. of Thomas ap John, weaver, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Richard, s. of John ap Edward, of the parish of Sillattin ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Elizabeth, d. of David Vaughan, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Lewis, s. of Frauncis ap David, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Katherin, d. of David Phillipp, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Roger, s. of Edward ap Roger ap David ap [?], of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Edward, s. of Edward ap Ellisey, of Bergyll, Tanner ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Rowland, s. of Edward Loyd, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of Jeuan Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Tuddor, s. of Robert George, of Bergyll issa ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Richard, s. of Edward Kinaston, of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Samuell, s. of Hugh ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap William, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Edward, s. of Richard Edwardes, of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Anne. supposed d. of George ap Robert Wyn, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Anne, d. of John Smallman, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Susan, d. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Katherin, d. of Robert Phiv [?], of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Fraunces, d. of one Watkin ap Richard, a poore man ... bap.

1621] Whittington. 49

1620, Jan. 15. Edward, s. of Hugh ap William, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 11. John, d. of John Launcellot, smith ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Jane, d. of Richard ap David Barker, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Anne, d. of Jeuan ap Rees, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Sara, d. of John Trevor, of Pentrekendericke ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Christopher, s. of Edward Bythoine, of Porkington ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Edward, s. of Lewys ap Jeuan, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Katherin, d. of Lewys ap John, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Richard, s. of Edward ap David, of Daywell ... bap.
1621, Apr. 7. Katherin, d. of Edward William, Rector, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Edward, s. of Humffrey Langford, of Francton ... bap.
" June 2. Robert, s. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 3. Edward, s. of Richard Draper, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 10. Thomas, s. of Bartholomew Jeninges, of Old Marton ... bap.
" July 6. Edward, s. of Edward Kingman, Taylor, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 2. John, s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Roger, s. of Richard ap Harrye, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Jonett, d. of Edward ap Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 23. David, s. of Jeuan ap Maurice, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Jeuan, s. of Roger ap Jeuan, of Ebnall, carpenter ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Edward, s. of Robert ap John ap Rees, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Jane, d. of Robert ap Edward ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.

50 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1621

1621, Oct. 24. John, s. of Richard ap Richard, of Lowor Ridge ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Grave, s. of William Maurice, of Whittington, mason ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap John, weaver, of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 18. John, s. of Richard Wicherley, of Evenhall ... bap.
" Nov. 28. John, s. of Thomas George, of Henlley ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Daniall, s. of George Pigott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Edward, s. of Edward Jeninges, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Richard, s. of Edward Loyd, of Drenewydd in Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Johan, d. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Thomas, s. of George Kinaston, of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Katherin, d. of Thomas ap Meredith, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Edward, s. of Gruffith ap Jeuan Taylere, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 10. David, s. of Thomas ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Marye, d. of Roger Barckley, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Roger, s. of Edward ap William Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. last day. Edward, s. of Edward ap John ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. last day. John, s. of Hugh ap David, of Whittington ... bap.
1622, Apr. 14. Launcellott, s. of John Launcelott, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 29. John, s. of Edward Gruffith, the younger, of Old Marton ... bap.
" May 15. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap Edward ap Tyrstan, of Daywell ... bap.

1622] Whittington. 51

1622, June 2. Thomas, s. of John ap Richard ap Owen, of Francton ... bap.
" June 2. Sina, d. of Edward ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 2. Edward, s. of William Vaughan, of Fernhill ... bap.
" June 3. John, s. of Edward Bythoine, of Porkington ... bap.
" July 7. John, s. of Edward ap John smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 16. Thomas, s. of Walter Chrehurst, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 28. Richard, s. of David ap Edward, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 29. Richard, s. of Hugh ap Edward ap David, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Hugh, s. of Rees ap Richard, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Hugh, s. of Meredith ap Edward ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Katherin, d. of Ellice Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Blanche, d. of David ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Johan, d. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Anne, d. of Jeuan ap Ellice, of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Jane, supposed d. of Richard ap Jeuan, of the parish of Sillattin ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Edward, s. of William Edwardes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 31. John, s. of Richard Edwardes, of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 9. John, supposed s. of Hugh ap Thomas ap Meredith, of Oswestrie ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Katherin, d. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Maye, supposed d. of Owen ap David ap Howell, of the parish of Llanvechan ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Keelan, of Henlley ... bap.

52 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1622

1622, Feb. 19. Robert, s. of David ap Richard Tinker, of Harden ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Johan, d. of John Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Katherin, d of Thomas ap David Barker, miller, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Edward, s. of Lewys ap John, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. last day. Gwen, d. of Roger Owen, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Rebecca, d. of Edward Loyd, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Edward, s. of Edward Kingman, Taylore, of Hinford ... bap.
1623, Apr. 16. Thomas, s. of Edward Kinaston, of Francton ... bap.
" May 7. Richard, s. of William Edwardes, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 12. Edward, s. of William Powell, of Pentrekyndericke ... bap.
" May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas George, of HenBey ... bap.
" May, last day. Edward, s. of Reignolde ap William ap Rees, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 1. Hugh, s. of Edward ap David, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 1. Thomas, s. of John ap David, of Lower Ridge, in the parish of Elesmere ... bap.
" July 10. Katherin, d. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug., last day. [?], d. of Thomas Pawelin, weaver, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 11. John, supposed s. of Richard Edwarde, mes. Powell's cooke ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Hugh Roe, s. of John Roe, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Johan, d. of George Kinaston, of Francton ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Richard, s. of Edward Pugh of Pentre-yr-worn ... bap.

1623] Whittington. 53

1623, Sep. 27. John, s. of Humffrey Langford, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Richard ap Richard, of Lower Ridge ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Johan, d. of Richard Wicherley, corvister, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Humffrey, s. of Richard Loyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Jane, d. of Maurice Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 26. John, s. of David Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Anne, d. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Roger, s. of Thomas Vaughan, the younger ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Roger, s. of Hugh ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Sara, d. of Thomas ap William Roger, Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 22. John, s. of Robert George. of Bergyll issa ... bap.
" Dec. 3. John, s. of John David, dier, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Johan, d. of Antonie Bythoine, Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Charles and Sina, the s. and d. of Richard Price, late of Aston ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Margaret, d. of David ap Edward ap Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Richard, s. of William ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Robert, s. of Jeuan ap Maurice, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Rebecca, d. of Thomas Johnsonne, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Benett, d. of Richard ap Jeuan, a poore man of the castle ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Roberte, clerke, of Hordley ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Mary, d. of John Launcellot, of Whittington, smith ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Margaret, d. of Roger Evance, of Whittington, Tanner ... bap.

54 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1623

1623, Mar. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
1624, Mar. 25. Roger, s. of Richard Pope, of Evenhalle ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Roger ap Jeuan, carpenter, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Edward, s. of John Hussey, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Margaret, d. of Edward ap John smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 30. Sara, d. of Edward Davies, of Mydelton ... bap.
" July 4. John, s. of Richard ap Harrye, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 6. George, s. of Edward Jeninges, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Robert, s. of Edward ap Robert ap John Conwey, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug., last day. John, s. of one Morgan ap David ap Gruffith, of Sutton, in the parish of Westfelton ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Margaret, d. of Robert ap Edward ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Edward, s. of Edward ap Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Gwen, d. of Gruffith ap Jeuan Taylere, of Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Rebecca, d. of Edward ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Anne, d. of Robert Gruffith, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Anne, d. of Watkin ap Edward Walker, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Ales, d. of Edward Percivall, fydler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Sara, d. of Edward Gruffith, the younger, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Richard, s. of Edward Williams, Rector, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov., last day. Katheryn, d. of Hugh Loyd, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Marye, d. of Thomas ap William ap Meredith, of the parishe of St. Martin ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Jane, d. of John Davies, of Francton ... bap.

1625] Whittington. 55

1624, Jan. 8. Thomas, s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Gaynor, d. of Anthony Bythoine, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Benelt, d. of Richard ap John Thomas, of Morton, derefford ... bap.
" Jan. 14. John, s. of David ap Thomas, one weaver, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Mary, d. of Hugh ap Jeuan, carpenter, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Maurice, s. of Thomas ap Meredith, weaver, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 8. John, s. of George Tomige, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Anne, d. of Hugh ap William glover, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Thonia, s. of Edward Roger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Edward, s. of Edward ap John, labourer, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Thomas, s. of David Vaughan, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Margaret, d. of John Hughes, fingler, Babies woode ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Marye, supposed d. of William Hughes, miller, of Crickett ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Jane, d. of John Smallman, of Whittington ... bap.
1625, Apr. 2. Jane, d. of Edward Jeninges, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Margaret, d. of Edward ap John, cooper, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Katherin, d. of John David, dier, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Margaret, d. of John Maurice, collier, of Babies Woodde ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Old Merton als. yr Heol ... bap.

56 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1625

1625, May 5. Katherin, d. of Rees ap Richard, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 12. Kathcryn, d. of John Launcellott, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 22. Gwen, d. of Robert ap John ap Rees, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 29. Kathesin, d. of Rour Roberts, clerke, of Hordley ... bap.
" June 9. Ursula, d. of Richard Pope, of Evenhall, esquire ... bap.
" June 9. Sara, d. of Frauncis Albain, of Fernhill, esquire ... bap.
" June 14. Elizabeth, d. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Hugh, s. of Edward [?], cowper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Susanna, supposed d. of Edward Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep., last day. John, s. of John Trevor, of Pentre Kenderick ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Sara, d. of Richard Barckley, of Lower Ridge ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Margaret, d. of Robert ap Richard. of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Richard, s. of Thomas ap Richard ap John ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Thomas, s. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Anne, d. of Roger, draper, of Porkington ... bap.
" Jan. 15. John, s. of Thomas ap John David, of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Dorethie, d. of John Thomas ap John, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Witcherley, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Jeuan, s. of one Reignald Williams, a stranger ... bap.

1626] Whittington. 57

1625, Feb. 6. Thomas, s. of Jeuan ap Maurice, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 8. John, s. of Robert ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of Edward Jenkins, Tanner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 8. John, s. of John ap Robert ap John Conwey, of Daywell ... bap.
1626, Apr. -. Katheryn, d. of William Edwardes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Richard, s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Margaret, d. of John Owen, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Apr. 23. David, s. of John Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Elin, d. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bap.
" May 7. Richard, s. of John David, labourer, of lodge in Babies woodde ... bap.
" May 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Hughes, singler, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" May 18. Elizabeth, d. of John Maurice, collier, of Babies woode ... bap.
" May 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Llewelin, of Ebnall, weaver ... bap.
" May 23. Margaret, d. of William Etnersuche, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 27. John, s. of Thomas ap William ap David, of Bergyll ... bap.
" June, last day. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Old Merton y Rheal ... bap.
" July 22. Gaynor, d. of Rees Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 25. Gabriell, s. of Richard Pope, esquire, of Evenhall, in Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Thomas. s. of Edward Jeninges, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Phillipp, s. of Hugh ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bap.

58 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1626

1626, Oct. 1. Elizabeth d. of Phillipp Burton, a woorkman in Babies woodde ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Robert, s. of Watkin ap Edward, swanker, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 10. John, s. of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Thomas, s. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 15. John, s. of George ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Marye, d. of John Jacke, of Whittington, cowper ... bap.
" Oct. 29. William, s. of David Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 18. John, s. of John ap Richard ap Owen, of Francton ... bap.
" Nov., last day. John, s. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Margaret, d. of Thomas Powell, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Mathew, s. of George Vigos, collier, Babies woodde ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Margaret, d. of John Launcellott, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Richard, s. of John David, of Lower Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Jane, d. of Thomas Ridlas, carter, of Fernill ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Anneii d. of David ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 21. John, s. of Maurice Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Edward, s. of Edward Gruffith, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Jan. 28. David, s. of Gruffith ap Teuan, Taylor, of Henlley ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Margaret, d. of William ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. Richard, s. of John ap Hugh, of Whittington .. ... bap.

1627] Whittington. 59

1626, Mar. 1. Priscilla, d. of Walter Crohurst, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Robert, s. of William Powell, of Pentrekendericke ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Johan, d. of the said William Powell, of Pentrekendericke ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Hugh, s. of Thomas ap William Roger, Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 21. John, s. of Richard ap Edward Phillipp, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Jane, d. of Harry Gruffith alias Raphe, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Katherin, d. of the said Harry Gruffith als. Raphe, of Whittington ... bap.
1627, May 10. Andrew, s. of Edward Williams, Rector, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 14. Anne, d. of John Owen, of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 17. Edward, s. of Robert George, of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 22. Jane, d. of Reignald, of [?], ap William ap Rees, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 26. Lillie, d. of Roger ap Teuan, carpenter, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 23. Frauncis, s. of William Gruffith, a woorkman, in Babies woodde ... bap.
" July 22. Margarett, d. of Anthony Bythoine, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 24. Marmaduke, s. of Edward Loyd, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bap.
" July 24. Lewys, s. of Richard Nicolles, of of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Marye, d. of Thomas ap Oliver ap David, of Pentre Ayron ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Thomas, s. of Hugh ap William, of Whittington, glover ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Margarett, d. of Richard Cawseye, joyner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Jane, d. of John Teuan, sawier, in Babies woodde ... bap.

60 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1627

1627, Oct. 28. Thomas, s. of Teuan ap David, Tinker, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Katherin, d. of Thomas ap Thomas Owe[n], of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Thomas, s. of David ap Thomas Owe[n], of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Owen, s. of Richard ap Edward ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Ursula, d. of Edward Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thomas, s. of Robert ap Edward ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Ursula, d. of Richard ap David ap Humffrey, of Fernill ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Robert, s. of Richard Hughes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Martin, s. of Thomas Booche, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Sara, d. of Lewys Maurice, of the Lodge, in Babies woodde ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Richard, s. of Thomas ap William, of Bergyll, Tanner ... bap.
" Jan. 26. John, d. of Thomas Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Edward, s. of Richard Foulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Jane, d. of John ap Edward ap Morys, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Anne. d. of the said John ap Edward, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Isabell, d. of Edward Percivall, fydler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 27. John, d. of Samuell Gruffith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Thomas, s. of Derckley ap Thomas ap Robert, of Henlley ... bap.
1628, Apr. 20. Margarett, d. of Robert ap Richard, of Harwell ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Marye, d. of Frauncis Albany, esquire, of Fernhill ... bap.
" May 2. John, s. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.

1628] Whittington. 61

1628, June 2. Margarett, d. of Richard Evance, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 3. Humffreys, s. of Robert Gruffith, of Francton ... bap.
" June -. Ales, d. of Randell Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 13[?]. Richard, s. of John Davies, dier, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 26. Dorathie, d. of John Ivesonne, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 1. Ellice, s. of Teuan ap Maurice, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Phillipp, the seconde of the name, s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 24. John, s. of Edward ap John ap Edward, ap Morrys, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Thomas, s. of John Conwey, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Marye, d. of Richard Pope, esquire, of Evenhall ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Marye, d. of Richard Wicherley, shewmaker, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Jane, d. of Edward ap Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Richard, s. of Richard Nicolles, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 79. John, s. of John ap Hugh ap Cadwalader, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 23. John, s. of John Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Charles, s. of William Gruffith, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Oct. 28. George, s. of Edward Loyd, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 23. John, s. of John Edge, of Whittington, glover ... bap.
" Dec. 7. William. s. of John Jucke, of Whittington, couper ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Edward, s. of William Edwardes, of Prees Henlley ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Lowry, d. of Edward ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.

62 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1628

1628, Dec. 20. Thomas, s. of William ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Johan, d. of Robert Berkley, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Thomas, s. of Watkin ap Edward, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb., last day. Jane, d. of Edward ap John ap Jeuan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of Walter Chrowhurst, late of Henliey, decessed ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Marke, s. of George Vigers, collier, of Babies woodde ... bap.
1629, Mar. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Mary, d. of Teuan ap Robert, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar., last day. Edward, s. of John Owen, of Morton, in the p. of Oswestrie ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Isacke, s. of John David, labourer, of Lower Ridge ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Dorothie, the supposed d. of one James Llewelin, of the parish of Myvod ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Maurice Griffith, of Old Morton ... bap.
" May 1. John, s. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 8. Elizabeth. d. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 9. Katherin, d. of Gruffith Evance, of Henlley, Taylor ... bap.
" May 10. Thomas, s. of John ap John, of Prees Henlley, weaver ... bap.
" May 17. Samuell, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Old Merton ... bap.
" May. last day. Roger, s. of Teuan ap David, tinker, of Daywell ... bap.

1629] Whittington. 63

1629, June 1. Jane, d. of Edward Jeninges, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 1. Margaret, d. of the said Edward Jeninges, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 11. Marye, d. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 14. John, s. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 28. Marye, d. of John Wenlocke, of Betchfyld ... bap.
" July 4. Roger, s. of William ap John Thomas, of Prees HenHey ... bap.
" July 11. John, s. of Timothy Prichard, of Francton ... bap.
" July 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Thomas Owe, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 25. Elizabeth, d. of Edward nesse, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 16. George, s. of Thomas Weither, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Powell, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rudlas alias Bropyn, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Ursulla, d. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Samuell, s. of John Conwey, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Edward, s. of John David, of Lower Francton ... bap.
" Oct., last day. John. s. of Richard Hughes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John, s. of David ap Edward ap Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Jane, d. of Hugh ap William, of Whittington, glover ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Moabry, s. of Harry Goodwine. of Whittington, collier ... bap.

64 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1629

1629, Nov. 28. Benett, supposed d. of Gruffith ap Roger, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Patrick, s. of John Hughes, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of David ap William, wheelwright, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec., last day. Edward, s. of Thomas ap William, of Bergyll, Tanner ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Margaret, d. of Edward ap Thomas ap Teuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Richard [?], s. of David ap Thomas Owe, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Mary, d. of Richard Pope, esquire, of Evenhall ... bap.
" Jan., last day. Katherin, d. of Richard Prees, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Blockley, of the forge, in Fernill ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Dorothie and Anne, daus. of Robert ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Blanche, d. of John ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Jane, d. of John Launcellott, of Whittington, smith ... bap.
" Feb. 20. George, s. of Edward Prees, of Babies woodd, in Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 21. John, s. of John William, of Babies woodd, in Whittington ... bap.
" Feb., last day. Sara, d. of Richard Phillippes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Richard, s. of Hugh ap Hughe, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Mary, d. of Edward Roger als. Benion, of Whittington ... bap.
1630, Apr. 17. Sara, d. of Edward Loyd, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Morgan, s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 2. William, s. of Rynalde ap William ap Rees, of Daywell ... bap.

1630] Whittington. 65

1630, May 9. Margaret, d. of Rees ap Edward, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 14. Hugh, s. of Richard Waters, of Old Merton ... bap.
" May 23. Edward, s. of John ap John, weaver, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 20. John, s. of William ap Edward, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 25. Katherin, d. of George Mathew, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Margaret, d. of William Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Thomas, s. of Roger ap John Gruffith, of Ebnall, Tayler ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Richard, s. of John ap Richard ap John Kyrver, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 12. William, s. of TIromas Edowes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Jane, d. of Richard ap Harrye, of Dawell ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Richard, s. of Thomas David, the servant of Phillipp Madocke, of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Robert, s. of Robert Barkley, a woorkman in Babies woodd ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Marye, the supposed d of Roger ap William, of Chirke, borne in Wrexham ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Richard, s. of Edward ap John ap Edward ap Morys, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Ales. supposed d. of Thomas Crenion, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Gwen, d. of Teuans ap Robert, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Susanna, d. of Beniamyn ap Richard, of Daywell, smith ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Margaret, d. of John Smallman, of Porkington ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Elinor, d. of Edward Rogers, of Maes Dermyt, in Francton ... bap.

66 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1630

1630, Mar. 15. Richard, s. of Richard Foulke, of Wriittington ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Edward, s. of Rondell Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
1631, Mar. 29. Katherin, d. of Thomas ap William Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Roger, s. of Morrys Benion, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 22. John. s. of Owen ap Richard, miller, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Edward, s. of Gruffith Evance, of Henlley Taylor, of Staffordshier ... bap.
" May [?] 23. Edward, s. of Gruffith Evance, of Henlley, Taylor ... bap.
" May 10. David, s. of Robert ap Edward ap Thomas. of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 15. Jane, d. of Thomas ap John, Fydler, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 19. Marye, supposed d. of Thomas ap John ap Teuan. of Daywell ... bap.
" June 7. Margaret, d. of Richard ap Edward ap Teuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 12. Edward, s. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 12. Griffith, s. of one Oliver ap Thomas, of Pentre Ayron ... bap.
" July 17. Lewys, s. of John Edge, of Whittington, glover ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Edward, s. of Maurice Gruffith, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Margarett, d. of Robert George, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Edward, s. of John Davies, dier, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 1 Thomas, s. of John Ivesonne, Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Edward, s. of Richard Pope, esquire, of Evenhall ... bap.
" Sep. 25. John, s. of Teuan ap David, of Ebnall, Tinker ... bap.

1631] Whittington. 67

1631, Oct. 9. Martin, s. of William Gruffith, of Babies woodd ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Nowell, d. of George Vigoes, of Babies woodde, collier ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Jane, d. of David Phillippes, of Ebnall
" Nov. 8. Elin, d. of John Launcellot, of Whittington ...
" Nov. 13. Walter, s. of John Thomas ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Margaret, d. of William Peplow, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Fernill ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Sara, d. of John Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas Rudwey, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Edward, s. of Humffrey Wynn, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Roger, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Hugh, s. of Richard Hughes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John Thomas, of Whittington, sawier ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Blanshe, d. of John Morgan, of Babies woodd ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Ales, d. of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall, weaver ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Dorothie, d. of Richard Mathew, of Hinford, weaver ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Moses, s. of William [blank], of Whittington, couper ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Edward, s. of Edward Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 19. David, s. of [blank], of Llansillan, carde-maker ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Jane, d. of John ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Anne, d. of Richard Whicherly, of Bergyll, corvister ... bap.

68 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1631

1631, Mar. 18. Johan, d. of Edward ap Thomas Tayler, of Henlley ... bap.
1632, Mar., last day. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap Thomas Owe, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Katherin, d. of Thomas Powell, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Sara, d. of Thomas ap William, of Bergyll, Tanner ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Joan, d. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of David ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr., last day. Thomas, s. of Robert Snels [?], of Babies woodde ... bap.
" May 10. Jane, d. of Roger draper, of Porkington. in the p. of Sillattin ... bap.
" May 13. Edward, s. of John Jaundrell. of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 18. John, supposed s. of Edward ap John Roger, of St. Martins ... bap.
" May 19. Edward, s. of Thomas Llewelin, of Henlley ... bap.
" May 20. Robert. s. of William Edwardes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 7. Margarett, d. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 9. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap John ap Teuan, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 21. Thomas, s. of William ap Roger, of Bergyll ... bap.
" June 29. Elizabeth. d. of Lewys Davies alias Lewys ap Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 5. John, s. of John Vaughan, of Dudleston ... bap.
" July 7. Anne, d. of Robert Bede, of Henlley ... bap.
" July 14. Eva, d. of Roger Owen, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 15. Edward, s. of Edward Rogers, of Maes Dermytte, Taylor ... bap.
" Aug. 5. John, s. of Roger ap John Gruffith, of Ebnall, Taylor ... bap.
" Aug. 18. John, s. of Thomas Arthur, of Daywell ... bap.

1632] Whittington. 69

1632, Aug. 27. John, s. of Edward ap Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Thomas, s. of Timothie Prichard, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Phillipp, s. of William Boodle, of Ebnall, weaver ... bap.
" Sep. 26. George, s. of John Crumpton, of Derby ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Daniel, s. of Robert ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 13. John, s. of Edward Gruffith, a poore man of [... ?] ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Peter, s. of George Mathew, of Whittington, f'mer ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Richard, s. of Robert George, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 21. John, s. of Thomas Vaughan, of Daywell, laborer ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Margaret, d. of John Perkins, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richard, s. of Richard Philip, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John ap Edward ap Morys, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Andrewe, s. of John Thomas, of Whittington. weaver ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Ermyn, d. of Thomas Eyton, of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Elizabeth, d. of John Teuan, of Babies woodd ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Elizabeth, d. of John Smallman, of Porkington ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Ales, d. of Thomas Edward, of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Sara, d. of Reignald ap William ap Rees, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Pane, d. of Thomas Piggott, of Henlley ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Roger, s. of William ap John. of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of John William, of Pentreleyndericke ... bap.

70 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1632

1632, Feb. 3. Richard, s. of Richard Evance, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Johan, d, of William Vaughan, couper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7 [?]. Sina, supposed d. of Phillipp Launcellott, srnith ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of Teuan ap Meredith, of Mertin, weaver ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Richard, s. of David Maurice, of Francton, Taylore ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Edward, s. of Maurice Benion, of Whittington, weaver ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Phillipp, s. of Richard ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Margaret, d. of Edward ap John, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell ap Thomas Taylore, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Margaret, d. of Edward Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Jane, d. of Thomas Humffrey, of Kay-yr-Groes, in Francton, smith ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Sara, d. of Edward Owen, couper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Phillipp, s. of John Thomas ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Ales, d. of Edward Price, of Babies woodde ... bap.
1633, Apr. 6. Jane, d. of Richard Cansbye, of Whittington, joyner ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Margaret, d. of Edward ap David, of Stanstye ... bap.
" Apr. 27. John, s. of David ap Oliver, of Old Merton ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Benett, d. of William Mynnion, cowper Sherowsbury ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap Thomas, of Old Marton ... bap.

1633] Whittington. 71

1633, Apr. 19. Dorothie, d. of David ap Thomas ow, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 23. John, s. of John Smith als. Turnor, of Babies Woode ... bap.
" May 5. John, s. of Edward Gruffith, of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 12. Mawd, d. of John David, laborer, of Old Marton ... bap.
" July 6. Katherin, d. of Teuan ap David, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 15. Dorothie, d. of Edward Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 17. George, s. of George Saunders, of Babyes woodde ... bap.
" Aug. 21. John, s. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Edward, supposed s. of Thomas ap Hugh, of the p: of Sillattin ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap John David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Edward, s. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Ffernyall, Yerwarth ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Rydlas, of Ffearnill, carter ... bap.
" Oct. 3. John, s. of Edward Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Robert, s. of John ap John Meredith, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Hugh, s. of Owen ap Richard, of Dayvell, miller ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Anne, d. of William ap Edward, of Hinfford, Taylor ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Anne, d. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Katherin, d. of John ap Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Thomas, s. of Rees Thomas, of Francton, weaver ... bap.
" Oct. 16. John, s. of the sayd Rees Thomas, of Francton, weaver ... bap.

72 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1633

1633, Oct. 16. Robert. s. of John ap John, smith, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Ales, d. of Hugh ap John Lewys, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 3. William, s. of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Margaret d. of Jeuan Barkley, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Robert, s. of Rondell Thomas, of Daywell, laborer ... bap.
" Nov. 21. John, s. of William Peplowe, of Daywell, Roper ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Marye, d. of Robert meare, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov., last day. Joshua, s. of Richard Hughes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Robert, s. of George Barnett, of Chester ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Martha, d. of Thomas Rydway, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Edward, s. of Richard Davies, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Marye, d. of Robert George, of Berill ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Elinor, d. of John Johnes, of Dudleston ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Margaret, d. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 9. John, s. of Richard Ffoulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. -. James, s. of Thomas Barkley, of Ffrancton ...bap.
" Feb. -. Ursula. d. of Richard Mathew, weaver, of Hinfford ... bap.
" Feb. 15. John and Samuel, sons of Howell ap John, sawier, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Anne, d. of Samuell Hurleston, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 12. John. s. of William ap Roger, of Bergyll, weaver ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Katherine, d. of the said William ap Roger ... bap.

1634] Whittington. 73

1633, Mar. 18. Edward, s. of William Vaughan, of Whittington, couper ... bap.
1634, Mar. 25. Rebecca, d. of John Edge, of Whittington, glover ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Mary, d. of Lewys Davies, couper ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Edward, s. of John D... of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Anna, d. of Maurice Gruffith, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Sara, d. of Hugh ap Hugh, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Hughes, of Wfiittington ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Edward, s. of Thomas ap William, pedler ... bap.
" Apr. 20. William, s. of Tymothie Prichard, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Richard, s. of John ap Rees, Taylore, of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 27. John, s. of William Gruffith, of Babies wood ... bap.
" May 4. Thomas, s. of John Thomas, of Whittington, weaver ... bap.
" May 6. Sara, d. of Richard Wicherley, of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 8. Jane, d. of Dalid ap Robert ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 11. Marye, d. of John William, of Pentre Kyn'ricke ... bap.
" May 40. John, s. of Robert Paige, of Babies wood ... bap.
" June 1. John, s. of Thomas ap Richard. of Daywell, weaver ... bap.
" June 6. Thomas, s. of John ap Hugh ap Cadwallader ... bap.
" June 8. Edward, s. of Robert William, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 17. Mary, d. of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bap.
" June 20. Hugh, s. of Thomas ap William ap David, of Bergyll ... bap.

74 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1634

1634, June 24. Jeu'n, s. of Robert ap Robert, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" June, last d. Katherin, d. of Phillipp Burton, a workman at Broughton [?] ffearme ... bap.
" July 16. Ffrauncis, s. of Owen Evance, of the p. of Llanfawr, in Llynne [Penllyn] ... bap.
" July 20. Edward, s. of John ap Richard ap John Kyrver, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 25. John. s. of John Vaughan alias Kimro [?], of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 16. George, s. of George Vigors, collier, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Aug. -. Katherin, d. of Robert Pey, of Hinfford ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas ap John Dd. ap Jeu'n, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 29. John, s. of Anthonie ap Edward, millner, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Frauncis, s. of William Boycott, of Ffearnhill Ddafndd ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Richard, s. of Edward ap Reignald, of the Ffearme ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Elizabeth. d. of Edward Williams, Rector of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 20. John, s. of Edward Jaundrell, of Lower Bergyll ... bap.
Dorothy, his wife, d. of Edward Lloyd, of Drenewidd [inserted].
" Sep. 28. Katherin, d. of John Price, Rector of Knockin ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Richard, s. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Phillipp, s. of Roger ap John Gruffith, of Ebnall, tinker ... bap.
" Dec. 28. John, s. of Thomas Myles, a woorkeman, in Babies woodd ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Mary, d. of William ap John, of Evenhall ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Roger, s. of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger ... bap.

1635] Whittington. 75

1634, Jan. 23. Elizabeth, d. of George Mathew, of Ffernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of William Edwards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 31. John and Richard. sonnes of John Ivesonne, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7. John, s. of John Launcellott, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Elin, d. of Edward ap Thomas, Taylor, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 20. John, s. of Robert Betio, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Thomas, supposed s. of John Bodnall, of Dreaton ... bap.
" Feb., last day. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Eyton, of Henlley .. ... bap.
" Feb., last day. Sara, d. of Thomas Kingman, the younger, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Ales, d. of Davies Phillipp, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 8. John, s. of Edward ap John ap Jeuan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Thomas, s. of Laurence ap John, of Pentre Aron ... bap.
" Mar. 22. John, s. of Richard ap Thomas, the younger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Katherin, d. of Roger Draper, of Porkington ... bap.
1635, Mar., last day. Roger, s. of John ap John, weaver, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Katherin, d. of Humffry Wynne, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Anne, d. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Katherin, d. of Robert Snelsonne, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Simon, s. of Robert ap John, saer, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Thomas, s. of Edward Lloyd, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 25. [blank], d. of John ap Hugh ap Richard, of Ebnall ... bap.

76 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1635

1635, Apr. 26. Frauncis, s. of John Thomas, of Francton, glover ... bap.
" Apr. 29. John, s. of Thomas Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 14. Andrew, d. of Gruffith Penryn - [?], esquire, of the Park hall, in Whittington ... bap.
" June 1. John, s. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bap.
" June 2. Ursula, d. of Thomas ap William Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 7. Katherin, d. of John ap John Meredith, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" July 14. Joseph, supposed s. of one Daniall Putterit [?], of the parish of [?]... bap.
" Aug. 2. John, s. of Richard ap John David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Judith. d. of William Poycott, of Fearnhill Ddafudd ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of John ap Edward, of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Edward, s. of Edward ap John David ap Rynald, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Marye, d. of Richard Phillippes als. Richard ap Edd Phillippes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Phillipp, s. of Roger ap Richard, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Charles, s. of Jeuan Meredith, weaver, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Edward, s. of the said Jeuan Meredith, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Phillipp, s. of Robert ap Edward als. meare, of Daywell ... bap.
" [blank]. Robert, s. of [blank] ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Robert, s. of William Edward, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Anne, d. of Griffith Evance, Taylor, of Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Luke, s. of Tymothie Prichard, of Francton ... bap.

1635] Whittington. 77

1635, Nov. 1. John, s. of John Jones, of Fernhill yoawarth ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Jane, d. of Robert ap Richard, of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Margaret, d. of John ap Edward, of Hinford, glover ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Anne, d. of Edward Gruffith, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Roger, s. of Phillipp Loyd, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Andrew, s. of Edward ap John, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of Tudder Launcellott, of Hinford, smith ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Edward, s. of Anthonie Edwardes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Maudlon, d. of William Boodle, weaver, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 20. David, s. of Richard ap William ap David, ap Bergyll ... bap.
" Dec. 21. William, s. of William Evance, of Dreaton marcot [?] ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Mary, d. of Rytherch ap William ap Robert, of the parish of Penymachuo ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Mary, d. of John ap Richard Kyvor, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 10. George, s. of Richard Watters, of the parish of Halston ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Robert, s. of John Vigoes, collier, of Babies Woodde ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Johan, d. of Thomas Jones als. Thomas ap John ap Jeuan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Dorothie, d. of David ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Katherin, d. of Owen ap Richard, miller, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan., last day. Debora, d. of Richard Cauctie, joyner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2.. Foulke, s. of Ellice Foulke, of Whittington, joyner ... bap.

78 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1635

1635, Feb. 6. Robert, s. of Richard ap Thomas, of Pentre Aron, in Waywell ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Jeuan, s. of Edward ap Davies, sometymes of Stansty ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Jane, d. of Richard Evance, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Frauncis, s. of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Margarett, d. of David ap Richard ap Rees, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Jane, d. of Thomas ap John edd ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Robert, s. of Thomas ap William Powell, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of John ap John Saer, of Porkington ... bap.
1636, Mar. 27. William, s. of John Thomas Creine, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Marye, d. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington, fydler ... bap.
" May 8. Sara, d. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 14. Johan, d. of Richard Evance, of Babies wood, in Whittington ... bap.
" May 28. John, s. of Lewis David, of Whittington, cowper ... bap.
" June 6. Katherin, d. of Thomas Vaughan alias Kinge, of Daywell ... bap.
" [blank]. Thomas, the s. of [blank] ... bap.
" July 3. Richard, s. of Edward Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 8. Elizabeth, supposed d. of Edward Madockes, of the p'ish of Nesse G[r]esford ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Katherin, d. of Thomas ap Hugh, of the parish of Wrexham ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Ales, d. of Edward ap John David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Ales. d. of John ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Jeuan, supposed s. of William ap John Walker, of the parish of Llangollen ... bap.

1636] Whittington. 79

1636, Aug. -. Thomas, s. of John ap Edward ap David ap Lewys, of Bergill ... bap.
" Aug. 24. John, s. of Robert William of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. -. Edward, s. of Edward [illegible], of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Thomas, s. of John Edward ap [?], of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Richard, s. of Richard Harper, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Richard, s. of Randoll Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Mary, d. of John Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Robert, s. of Edward ap Robert of ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap John alias Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Sara. d. of John ap Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Thomas, s. of John ap Edward, of Hinford, glover ... bap.
" Jan. 14. John, s. of William ap Edward, of Hinford, Tavlere ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Sara, d. of Hugh ap John Lewys, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Robert ap John Saer, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Richard, s. of John Edge, of Whittington, glover ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary, d. of John Thomas Owe, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 4. John, s. of Jeuan Barkley, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 19. John, s. of Robert ap Edward, a woodman, in Babies woodde ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Anne, d. of Thomas Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Mary, d. of John Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. John, s. of Robert Bedo, of Henlley ... bap.

80 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1636

1636, Mar. 19. Anne, d. of Arthur Fowke, Babies Woodde ... bap.
1637, Apr. 10. Richard, s. of Georges Vigores, of Babieswoodde, collier ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Ester, d. of John Thomas als. Rogers, glover, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 23. John, s. of Jeuan ap Hugh, of Whittington, sawier ... bap.
" June 3. Jeuan, s. of John Thomas alias Crenion, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 11. Samuell, s. of Roger ap John Gruffith, Taylere, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 18. Roger, s. of Jeuan Owen, of Whittington, millner ... bap.
" June 29. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap Reignald, of the fearme, in New Marton ... bap.
" July 6. Elin [?], d. of Rees Thomas, of Hinford, weaver ... bap.
" July 18. Abigaell, d. of George Mathewes, of Fearnhill, senior [?] ... bap.
" July 29. Hester, d. of Thomas Barkley, of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Edward, s. of Phillipp Loyd, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Ursula, d. of John ap Richard ap John Kyver, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Grace, d. of John Edwardes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Elin, d. of John Vaughan als. Kinge, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 1. William, s. of Samuell Thomas, of Fearnhill ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Katherin, d. of William ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Edward, s. of Jeuan ap Howell ap Owen, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Dorothie, d. of William Boodle, weaver, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Richard ap John Kyrver, of Daywell ... bap.

1637] Whittington. 81

1637, Nov. 5. Thomas s. of Anthonie Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Foulke Lloyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Elinor, d. of Roger ap Richard alias Piggott, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. -. Elizabeth, d. of William ap Rees, of Daywell, mettleman ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Joshua, s. of John ap John Meredith, of Babies woodd ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Anthoine, s. of William Edwardes, late of Ebnall, decessed ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Humffrey, s. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Edward, s. of Robert meare, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 21. William, s. of William Bangham, of Whittington, cowper ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap John David, of Ebnall, shoesmaker ... bap.
" Feb. 6. John, s. of Jeuan Morgan, of Lower Ridge, in the parish of Elsmere ... bap.
" Feb. 8. John, s. of David ap Robert ap Roger, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Jeuan s. of Ellice Fowkes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 13. John, s. of Thomas ap John edd ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. James, s. of Edward ap William, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Ursulla, d. of Edward ap Thomas Taylore, of Henlley ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Thomas, s. of Robert ap Thomas, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Margaret, d. of Robert ap Richard, [?] ... bap.
" Mar. 3. John, s. of John ap John, of Porkington, smith ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Margaret, d. of Tuddor Launcellot, of Hinford, smith ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Mary, d. of John Jeninges, of Whittington ... bap.

82 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1638

1638, Mar. 26. Andrew, s. of Edward Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 27. John, s. of Thomas Halle, collier, in Babies woodde ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth and Anne, daus. John ivesonne, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Phillipp, s. of Richard Phillippes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Thomas, s. of the said Richard Phillippes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" May 13. Thomas, s. of Edward Gruffith, of Bergyll issa .. ... bap.
" May 14. Robert, s. of Robert ap Edward, of Babies woodd ... bap.
" May 20. John, s. of Samuell Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 3. Rebecca, d. of Jeuan ap Hughe, of Whittington, sawier ... bap.
" June 20. John, s. of Samuell Hughes, of Hinford, Turnore .. bap.
" July 1. John, s. of Edward ap John David, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 10. Jeuan, supposed s. of John Jeuan, sawier, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" July 11. Ales, d. of Robert ap Richard ap [?], of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 21. Jane [?], d. of John Vaughan, of Dudleston ... bap.
" July 29. Hester [?], d. of Edward Barkley, of Dld Marton ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Elizabeth, d. of John David. labourer, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John Barkley, of Babies Woodde ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Elin, d. of John Trevor, of Pentrekendericke, in Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Robert, s. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Edward, s. of Thomas Williams, of Whittington ... bap.

1639] Whittington. 83

1638, Jan. 13. Katherin, d. of Moses Powell, of Whittington, taylore ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Elizabeth, supposed d. of Thomas Jones, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Edward, s. of John ap Hugh ap John Lewys, of Ebnall, tanner ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Jane, d. of Thomas Powell, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Thomas, s. of Richard Hughes, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Ursula, d. of John David, of Evenhall ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Kydman, the younger, late of Old Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of Jeuan Meredith, of Old Marton, weaver ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Sera, d. of Tudder Whicherley, Taylore, of Dayivell ... bap.
" Mar. 6 [?]. Elin, d. of Phillipp Lloyd, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Martha, d. of Edward Jones, of Higher Ridge ... bap.
" Mar. 21. James, s. of John Jonsonne, of this parish of H [?] ... bap.
1639, Mar., last day. Thomas, s. of William ap John, of Caymawr, in Daywell ... bap.
" Mar., last day. Katherin, d. of William Prees, of Daywell, tinker ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Thomas, s. of John Maurice, of the Lodge, in Babies woodde ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Mary d. of Edward Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Anne, d. of Edward ap John, of [?]... bap.
" May 4. Dorothie, d. of Robert Johnes, [?], of Whittington ... bap.
" May 18. Margarett, d. of George Abraham, [?] ... bap.
" July 28. Richard. s. of Robert ap Edward, of Babies Woodde, in Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 14 [?]. Barkley, s. of Edward Johnes alias Edward ap John, borne in the parishe of Blodwell ... bap.

84 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1639

1639, Aug. 18. Jane, d. of Thomas ap William, of Bergyll, tanner ... bap.
" Aug. 24. John, s. of Andrew Madockes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 25. John, s. of Ellis Fowkes Giner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Ales, d. of Thomas ap John Gruffith, of Ebnall, taylor ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Susanna, d. of Francis Powes, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Roger, s. of Edward ap John, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Mary, d. of Roger ap Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Martha, d. of Maurice Edward, of Sutton of the Hill ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Andrew, s. of John Foster, of Whittington, smith ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Edward, s. of John Edwards. the younger, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 5. John, s. of Maurice Benion, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Katherin, d. of William ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Franciss, supposed s. of William ap Meredith Sutton, of Weston ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Sina, d. of Roger ap John Gruffith, of Ebnall, Taylore ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Edward, s. of John ap Edward, of Hinford, glover ... bap.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of John ap Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 12. David, s. of John Barkley, of Old Marton, glover ... bap.
" Feb. 12. David and Elizabeth, s. and d. of Rondell Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Abraham, s. of John Browine, collier, in Babies Woodd ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Edward, s. of Foulke Lloyd, of Whittington, Taylor ... bap.

1640] Whittington. 85

1639, Feb. 28. John, s. of John Thomas ap Edward, of Ould Marton, corviser ... bap.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of Richard ap John ap Edward, of Porkington ... bap.
" Mar. 8. John, s. of William Baughan, of Whittington, cowper ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Mary, d. of Thonaas Richardsonne, of Fearnhill ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Johan, d. of John Shotton, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Thomas, s. of Edward Waklin, of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Edward, s. of John Meredith, of Babies Woodd ... bap.
1640, Mar. 29. Shonett, d. of John ap Hugh, of Rhos-y-gadva, in Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Mary, d. of David ap Robert ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Dorothie, d. of John Jones, of Fearnhill ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Susanna, d. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Apr. 16. John, s. of John Crenion, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Anne, d. of one John ap Edward, of Llan-y-mowthwy ... bap.
" Apr. 18. John, supposed s. of Roger ap Richard Piggott, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Humffrey, s. of John ap John, of Dayweil, als. John or Pant ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Katherin, d. of the said John ap John als. John or Pant ... bap.
" May 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Jeninges, of Whittington ... bap.
" May, last day. Ales, d. of John Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 1. William, s. of Edward ap John David, of Ebnall, corviser ... bap.
" June 1. Jeuan, s. of Jeuan Owen, of Whittington, Miller ... bap.
" June 20. John, s. of Roger Keelan, of Henlley ... bap.
" June 24. John, s. of John Roger als. John Thomas ap Roger, of Francton ... bap.

86 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1640

1640, July 2. Samuell, s. of John Mogan, of Babies woodd, in Whittington ... bap.
" July 4. Edward, s. of Thomas Phillipp, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 5. Phillipp, s. of Ellice ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 16. Margaret, d. of Daniall Phillipp, Tanner, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 16. Thomas, s. of Edward Price, of Old Marton ... bap.
" July 17. John, s. of David ap William, wheelewright. of Whittington ... bap.
" July 17. Margaret, d. of the said David ap William, wheelewright, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 24. Richard, s. of John Thomas ap John, of Whittington, weaver ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Mathew, s. of Edward ap Rynald, of the fearm, of New Marton ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Edward, s. of Samuell Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Marye, d. of Hugh ap Hugh, of Lower Ridge ... bap.
" Aug. 9. David, s. of John ap Edward, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Margaret, d. of Richard Hampton, of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 14. [blank], s. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Thomas, s. of David ap Oliver, of Lower Ridge ... bap.
" Sep. 8. John s. of Jeuan ap Hugh, of Whittington, sawier ... bap.
" Sep. 20. John, s. of Tuddor Launcellot, of Hinford, smith ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Robert ap John Conway, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Edward, s. of Thomas ap John edd ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Richard, s. of George Abraham, joyner, of Whittington ... bap.

1641] Whittington. 87

1640, Oct. 13. Margaret, d. of Thomas Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Jane,d . of George Mathewes, jiner, of Fearnhill ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Phillipp, s. of Timothie Prichard, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Elin, d. of James [blank], of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Gaynor, d. of Robert meare, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Roger, s. of Andrew Madockes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Richard, s. of Edward ap Robert, of the Castle, in Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Anne, d. of Rees Thomas, of Hinford, weaver ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Humffrey, s. of William Peplow, of Daywell, Roper ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Jane, d. of Robert ap Edward, of Babies woodde ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Richard, s. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington, fydler ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Andrewe, s. of John Edge, of Whittington, glover ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Rees, supposed s. of Thomas Phillipp, the servant of Richard Edwards, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Elis, s. of Robert Porkias, of Babies woodd ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Margaret, d. of Richard ap John, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Katherin, d. of Samuel ap Thomas, of Fernhill. David ... bap.
1641, Mar. 26. Margaret, d. of John ap Edward, of Hingford ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of John David, of Ebnall ... bap.
Vide Baptizinges infra Fol: 75.


88 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1602


1602, Aug. 29. John David ap Jeuan ap John, of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Sina, d. of Edward ap Edward, of Rhos-y-gadva ... bur.
" Dec. 3. John Thomas ap Rees, of Morton henne ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Johan, d. of Peires, of Morton hene ... bur.
" Jan. 17. John Loid, gent: of new towine in Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Janet verch Roger, spinster, of Hinford ... bur.
" Feb. 15. James Miller, of the old Mill ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Cicilie Kinaston, of Francton ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Mar [?] verch David's woman that died at the old Mill ... bur.
" Feb. 24. Foulke ap Robert Vaughan, wever, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Janet verch David Loid ap John Edward, of Pentre Kendericke ... bur.
" Feb., last day. Thomas, s. of Richard ap William, carter, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Jane, d. of Edward ap Jeuan ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Catherin verch Richard [?], of Hinford ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Edward, s. of Peeres [?] ... bur.
" Mar. 25. David ap Thomas, of Easton, in the parish of [?] ... bur.
1603, Apr. 14. Margaret ap Edward, wife of Robert ap John, of Fernill ... bur.
" May 2. John, s. of Robert ap Roger ap Owen, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 12. Catherin, wife of William ap David, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 17. John, s. of William Barkley, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 24. [blank], s. of Edward ap John, of Price Henlley ... bur.
" June 26. Bryan, s. of [blank] Hille, of London ... bur.
" June 29. Catherin verch Roger, wife of Roger ap John Cruffith, of Whittington ... bur.

1663] Whittington. 89

1603, July 3. Richard ap howell ap Edward alias Trevor, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 5. Janet verch Jenkyn, widowe, of Fernill ... bur.
" July 14, Edward ap Edward ap Owen, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 14. Margaret verch Gruffith, spinster, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 20. Daniall, supposed s. of David ap Edward, of Hinford ... bur.
" July 22. Mary Davies, wiefe of Thomas Jeninges, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 22. Gwen, d. of William Cowper, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 25. Bettritry, wiefe of John Sayer, of Fermll ... bur.
" July 28. William Cowper, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Elin verch Thomas, widow, the late wiefe of John Thomas, of Rhos-y-gadva ... bur.
" Aug. 12. James ap Richard, harper, of Lower Ridge, in the p: of Elsmere ... bur.
" Aug., last day. Catherin, Hanmer als. Trevor, the wiefe of John Trevor, of Pentre-Kenderick ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Reignald, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Margaret, d. of Edward ap Thomas, of Rhos-y-gadva ... bur.
" Dec. 8. John, s. of John Humffrey, of Rhos-y-gadva ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Edward ap David ap Maurice, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 12. David ap Trystan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 14. William, s. of Thomas Jenynges alias Hughes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Jenet, wiefe of Edward ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Catherin, d. of Christopher Bythoine, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 2. John ap John alias John Sayer, of Fernill ... bur.

90 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1603

1603, Jan. 11. Anne, d. of John Trevor, of Pentre Kendericke ... bur.
" Feb. 3. John ap Robert, wevor, of Fernill ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Roger ap David, of Pentre Ayron ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Edward, s. of Edward ap Edward, of Rhose-y-gadva ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Jane verch [blank], wife of Humffrey y penwhigwr, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Gwen, d. of Rees ap Roger Tayler, of Hinford ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Edward ap David alias Edward y gwydd, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Phillip, s. of Thomas Jenines als. Hughes ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Anne, wiefe of Roger ap John, of Rhos-y-gadva ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Roger ap John, of Rhos-y-gadva ... bur.
1604, Apr. 4. Anne Jeninges, wife of Thomas Jeninges alias Hughes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 16. Elin, wiefe of Howell ap Roger, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 29. William Loid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 6. Anne verch Roger, the sister of Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" May 7. Margaret, wiefe of Edward ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 7. Marsley, wiefe of Owen Taylere, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 14. John Williams, of the Lodge, in Babies woodde ... bur.
" June, last day. John ap John alias John or Dalfordd ... bur.
" July 17. Richard ap David ap Robert, of Old Morton ... bur.
" July 20. Gwenhoyvar verch David, wiefe of Edward ap Edward, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Elin, verch widowe, of Francton ... bur.
" Oct. 7. [blank], d. of Robert ap John, of Fernill ... bur.

1605] Whittington. 91

1604, Oct. 22. Izabell Pilkinton, wiefe of Roger Gruflith, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Catherin, d. of Edward Trevore, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 13. David Pigott, s. of Jeuan Pigott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Thomas ap Lewys, servant of Mr. Edward Hanmer, of Evenhall ... bur.
" Jan., last day. Edward Hanmer, gentleman, of Evenhall ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Anne verch David, the daughter-in-lawe of William Phillip, of Rhos-y-gadva ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Rose, wife of Richard ap John, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Richard ap John, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Joane, d. of Richard ap Jeuan, of Henlley ... bur.
" Mar. -. Dorithye, d. of Robert Powell, esquire ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Robert Powell, esquire, of Whittington ... bur.
1605, Apr. 21. Margaret verch Edward, wiefe of Edward Kohle [?], shooemaker, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 11. Margaret Chaundler, wiefe of John Chaundler, of Bergyll ... bur.
" June 2. Thomas, s. of Edward ap John, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 25. Margaret Else, widowe, late wiefe of Maurice ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 28. Elizabeth verch Maurice, d. of Maurice ap John William ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Lowry verch David, wiefe John William, of the Lodge ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Maurice ap Morgan, a poore man that died by the poole mine in Fearnhill ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Jenett, wiefe of Richard Berkley, of Bergill ... bur.
" Nov. 14. Emalyn, wiefe of Thomas Maurice, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Amphilis, wiefe of Frauncis Fallowes, of the p. of Elsmere ... bur.

92 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1605

1605, Jan. 15. John ap Edward, of Bergill ... bur.
" Jan. 27. John, supposed s. of one William Heyward, of Sherosbury ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Jane verch Jeuan ap David Loid, the maid servant of Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Thomas, s. of William Kyffin, Taylere, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Margaret, d. of Gruffith ap Morgan, wever, of Henlley ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Elinor, wiefe of Roger Loid, of Pentre Awn, in the p. of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Margaret verch Roger, widowe, of Daywell ... bur.
1606, Apr. 22. Howell ap Thomas alias Dirt [?] Howell goch, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 18. Jane Trevore, d. of Edward Trevore, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 25. John ap Jeuan, of Henlley ... bur.
" June 26. Elin verch Jeuan, wiefe of William ap Richard ap Jeuan, of Francton ... bur.
" Aug. 2. John ap Roger, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Jane verch Tyrstan ap Madocke, spinster, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Richard ap Owen, s. of Owen Taylore, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Margaret verch Hugh ap Edw ard, wiefe of Edward ap edd ap Roger, smith ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Sina verch Robt: widowe, late wiefe of Edward ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Ales verch John, widowe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 1. David ap David, wever, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Roger Trevore, gentleman, of Pentre Kendericke ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Margerye Bostocke. spinster, of Ebnall ... bur.
1607, Apr. 19. Richard, s. of William Burkley, of Whittington, by a mischaunce fallinge into an olde townpitt and drowned ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Richard Kinaston, of Francton ... bur.

1608] Whittington. 93

1607, May 10. Lewys [blank], a poore boye that died at Henlley ... bur.
" June 28. Margaret verch [blank], widowe, late wiefe of John ap Roger, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. [blank]. Jane verch David, spinster, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec., last day. John Bostocke, a stranger that died at Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jeninges alias Hughes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Margaret verch Gruffith alias Margaret ar min mawr ... bur.
" Mar. 19. George, s. of Robert ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
1608, May 8. Edward, s. of Gruffith ap Morgan, of Henlley ... bur.
" May 27. John, s. of Thomas ap William Loid, of Francton ... bur.
" June 8. Hugh, s. of Ellice ap Richard alias Ellice y-gwynne ... bur.
" June 12. Sina, d. of Lewys ap Jeuan als: Taylere, of Francton ... bur.
" June 19. John, s. of Robt: ap John ap John, of Fernill ... bur.
" July 9. Catherin verch David, maidservant of Tho: ap John als: goch, of Old Morton ... bur.
" Aug. 25. Margaret, d. of David ap Tho: a poore man of [?], in the parishe of Llansilin ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Roger, s. of Edward Trevore, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Edward, s. of Gruffith ap David ap John, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Edward, s. of George Humffrey, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Mawde verch Robt: the maidservant of Humffrey price, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Joan, d. of John ap John Sawer, of Fernill ... bur.

94 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1608

1608, Nov. 23. John Edward, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 17. [?] that Edward ap Thomas, labourer, by mischaunce fallinge of a tree died and was buried the 17th Dec., Anno Dom: 1608.
" Dec. 24. Anne verch John, widowe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Frauncis Eyton, gent., of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Thomas ap William alias Thomas goch, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Roger, s. of Hugh ap David, smith, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Margaret, wife of Lewys Raphe alias lee, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Ales Michaell, a poore widowe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Robert ap David, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 15. John Robert Wafters that died at Lower Ridge ... bur.
1609, Apr. 11. Gwen verch Howell, an old womann that died at Edward ap Trystan, his howse ... bur.
" Apr. 15. William Owen, clerk, parson of Trewalchmaie, in Anglisey ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Margaret, d. of Berkley Thomas, of newe morton ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Elin verch Edward, wiefe of Edward ap Edward, the younger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 10. Margaert, wiefe of Edward ap Rees, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 15. David Loid y gwydd, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 16. Jane, d. of John Owen, esquire, of Fernill ... bur.
" May 17. Phillipp, s. of Richard ap Richard, of Lower Ridge ... bur.
" May 22. Elizabeth verch [blank], the late wiefe of John Thomas ap Rees, of Old Merton ... bur.
" June 2. William Powell, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 5. William Boodle, of Ebnall ... bur.

1610] Whittington. 95

1609, June 11. David Jones, of Whittington, tanner ... bur.
" June 12. Joan Launcellott. d. of Launcelott ap John Smith, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Richard ap Robert ap Howell, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Owen Tudder, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Thomas ap Thomas Jeninges, of Hinford ... bur.
" Oct. 15. Robert ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Edward, s. of Robt: ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec., last day. Lowry, supposed d. of William ap ap Robt., of Bachymbed ... bur.
" Jan. 8. George Brytaine als: George goch, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Thomas ap Robert ap Roger ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Anthoney, s. of Maurice Williams, of the Lodge ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Thomas, s. of Tuddor ap Jeuan, of Gravenall ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Jane, d. of Thomas ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Elizabeth verch Jeuan, widowe, of Fernill David ... bur.
" Feb., last day. Thomas ap William Loid, of Francton ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Margaret [blank], the maidservant of Thomas Powell, of Evenhall ... bur.
1610, Apr. 1. Gwen verch Thomas, widow, late wife of Robt: ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Catherin verch John William, wife of John Reignald, Taylere, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 12. Catherin, d. of Robt: ap Roger ap Edd. of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 15. Mary, d. of William Eyton, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Jenett, d. of Robt: ap Marys als: goch, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Roger ap Richard, of Old Merton ... bur.

96 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1610

1610, Nov. 11. Margaret verch Edward, widow, late wife Ellis ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Robt: Loid, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Robt: ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Sina, d. of Roger ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Elizabeth Robt: the pedler's mother-in- lawe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Robt: Loid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Richard ap Rees ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Jonet verch Robert, widow, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Margaret, a poore woman, borne in Ruthin, and died at Tho: y-go, in Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Thomas Loid als: Thomas ap David Loid, of Hinford ... bur.
1610, Apr., last day. Anne, d. of Thomas Powell, esquire, of Parkhalle ... bur.
" May 7. Edward, s. of Edward Loid, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 14. Nicolas ap Jeuan, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 16. Margaret, d. of John Berkley, of bergyll ... bur.
" May 30. Thomas ap John alias Tho: goch, of old Merton ... bur.
" July 4. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Edward George, miller ... bur.
" July 22. Thomas ap John, s. of one John [?]... bur.
" July 28. Morgan ap William als: Morgan Williams, the servant of Maurice Williams. of the Lodge ... bur.
" Sep. 15. Marye, d. of John Williams, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 3. Marye Loid als. Mary Berkley, widow, of Mydelton ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Humffrey Loid, of Drenewydd, in Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Thomas ap Ellice, of Fernhill ... bur.

1612] Whittington. 97

1611, Nov. 5. Margaret, wife of Richard Fletcher, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Elin verch Jeuan, wife of Thomas ap David, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 11. John Meredith, carpenter ... bur.
" Nov. 15. George Langford, of Francton ... bur.
" Dec. 1. John Salisburye, of Ruge, in the countie of Merioneth, esquire, was buried at Whitington ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Roger, s. of David Berkley, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Roger ap David, weaver, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Margaret, wife of Richard ap Harry, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Robert, s. of Thomas Powell, esquire ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Jonet, wife of Robert ap Roger ap Owen, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 22. John Owen, esquire, of Fernhill yerwarth ... bur.
1612, Apr. 5. Mawde, wife of Jeuan Jones, Tayler, of the p: of St. Martins ... bur.
" June 23. Joan Kynaston, widowe, of Francton ... bur.
" July 28. Anne, d. of Launcellott ap John Smith, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 5. Lewys Raphe als: Lewys Lee, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 5. Mathew, s. of Thomas Jeninges als: Hughes, of Whittington, tanner ... bur.
" Sep. 17. John ap Jeuan ap Madocke, of Whittington, by mischaunce fallinge from a tree came to his death ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Jane Eyton, wife of William Eyton, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 21. John Loid, brother of Phillipp Loid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Jane Loid, wife of Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Elizabeth, late wife of Robert ap David, of Ebnall ... bur.

98 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1614

1612, Feb. 1. Joane d. of Jeuan ap Ellice ap Richard, of Henlley ... bur.
" Feb. 14. William Wolley, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Robert, s. of Edward ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Edward ap Tyrstan, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Ales verch Hugh, the late servant maide of Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Elin verch David, widowe, of Henlley ... bur.
" Mars. 19. Elin, d. of Edward Loid, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
1613, Apr. 3. Edward ap Edward als: Edward Vaughan, the elder, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Elinor, wife of Roger ap David, of Benion, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 14. Elinor Phillipp, wife of Edward ap Robt: of Bradley, in the p: of Elesmere ... bur.
" June 13. Elizabeth Wicherley, d. of William Wicherley, of Evenhalle ... bur.
" July 20. Margaret verch Roger, widowe, the late wife of Phillipp Meredith, of Bergyll ... bur.
" July 30. Edward ap Thomas als. Edward Paynter, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 17. William Thomas, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Jan, d. of Richard ap Robert, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Jeuan ap John, of Gravnall, in Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Margaret verch John, widow, late wife of Hugh ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 8. John, s. of Mr. John Kyffin, school-mayster, of Oswestrie ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Edward ap Rees, widower, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 18. Margaret, wife of George Brian, Tayler, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Jeuan ap John, of Hinford ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Dorithie, d. of John Reelan, of Henlley ... bur.

1614] Whittington. 99

1613, Dec. 9. Cicilie verch Hugh, widowe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Marsley verch Thomas widowe, late wife of Thomas Loid, of Hinford ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Richard ap Edward, widower, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Jane verch Roger, late wife of Jeuan ap John, of Hinford ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Richard, s. of Richard ap Roger Pigott, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Margaret Gouldborne, wife of Edward Gouldborne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Robert, s. of John Brayne, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Anne Hanmer, wife of Roger ap Robert, of Fernill ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Jane Loid, d. of Edward Loid, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Edward ap Thomas, s. of Thomas ap John Gruffith, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Edward, s. of Edward Boodle, of Bergyll ... bur.
1614, Mar. 29. Jane, d. of John ap Edward ap Meredith, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Roger ap John Gruffith, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Mawde verch Nicholas, widowe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr, 4. Elin Kyffin, wife of Tyrstan ap David, of Francton ... bur.
" Apr. 4. Jonett verch Roger Jonett verch Edny, of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 16. Joan, d. of George ap Roger ap Richard, of Francton ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Blanice verch John ap Meredith, spinster, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth, verch John ap Meredith, spinster, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 2. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap Roger ap Richard, of Francton ... bur.
" May 3. Edward, s. of John Rogers, of Old Merton ... bur.

100 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1614

1614, May 4. Anne, d. of Bartholomew Jeninges, of Old Merton ... bur.
" May 8. Hugh ap Richard ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 12. Jonett Loid, d. of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 14. Marye, wife of Robert ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 14. Marye Williams, wife of Edward Williams, parson, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 12. Phillip Loid, of Ebnall, gent: ... bur.
" June 19. Margaret Jeninges, als. Margaret Trevor, widowe, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 26. John Humffrey, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 5. Catherin, the wife of Hugh ap Thomas, wheelwright, late of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 2. Anne verch Roger, sister of Richard ap Robt: of Francton ... bur.
" Aug. 7. William, s. of Maurice Hughes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Catherin Loid, widowe, late wife of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 6. Elin Heatley, widdowe, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Thomas Humffrey, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Hugh ap Thomas, of Brym-yr. [1], in Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Elizabeth verch William, wife of David Berkley, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep., last day. David ap Edward als. David Barker, of Henlley ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Rees ap Roger, of Hinford, als. Rees, Tayler ... bur.
" Dct. 21. Maurice, s. of Edward ap Jeuan ap Robt: als: Edward Vaughan of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Jane Owen, wife of David ap Edward, of Hinford ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Catherin, wife of William Edward als. William ap John Edward, of Daywell ... bur.

1615] Whittington. 101

1614, Nov. 22. Dowse, wife of Phillipp ap John, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Ales Loid, wife of David ap Robert ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Augharad Loid, widowe, late wife of Phillipp Loid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 2. William Harwoodde, of Whittington, late baylift to the Lord of the Soele ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Katherin verch David als: Katherin Loid, the wife of John ap Edward ap Meredith, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Joan, wife of Llewelin Boodle, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Gabriell, s. of John George, carier, of Francton ... bur.
" Feb. 24. Roger ap Robert, of Fernill ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Nicholas Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
1615, Apr. 11. Dylia verch John, the sister of Gruffith ap John, weaver, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 21. John, s. of Llewelin Boodle, weaver, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 28. William Pemerton, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 23. Anne verch Hugh. wife of Ellice ap Robert, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Roger, s. of Rees ap Roger, Tayler, of Hinford ... bur.
" Aug. 23. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Edward George, miller, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sept: vide infra.
" Oct. 3. William Golburne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Anne verch John ... bur.
" Sep. 17. John Piggott, of Whittington, husbandman ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Thomas Piggott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Mary, d. of Robert ap David, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Gwen verch Robert, wife of Thomas ap Rees, miller ... bur.
" Jan. 18. John, s. of Edward ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bur.

102 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1615

1615, Jan. 23. Jane, wife of John David, of Henlley ... bur.
" Jan. 28. [?], d. of [?] Gruffith, of Pernhill ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Roger ap Edward, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Richard Lloy d, of Whittington, gent .... bur.
" Mar. 2. Elin Loid, widowe, late wife of Richard Loid, gent., of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Robert, s. of Edveard ap John Smith, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Marye, wife of John William, of Whittington ... bur.
1616, Apr. 3. Elizabeth verch David Loid, wife of Edward ap [?] ap morys, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Hugh ap Jeuan, servant of William [?], of Porkington ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Jane Wolley, widowe, late wife of William Wolley, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 2. John Roger ap Edward, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 3. Margaret verch Robert, wife of Edward ap Richard, of Franckton ... bur.
" May 4. Elinor Loid, widowe, late wife of John Lloyd, of Drenewydd ... bur.
" May 11. Edward, s. of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 17. Elizabeth Hughes als: Jeninges, the mother of Thomas Hughes, late of Whittington ... bur.
" May 20. Rose verch John, spinster of the p: of Oswestrie ... bur.
" June 10. Elizabeth, supposed d. of John Thomas, of Bryn-gwala ... bur.
" July 14. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 26. Gwenhayvar verch Edward, wife of Edward ap Robert, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Katherin, d. of George Pigott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 25. Elin verch David Loid, widow, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug., last day. Edward ap Robert, widower, of Whittington ... bur.

1617] Whittington. 103

1616, Oct. 15. Jane Kinaston, wife of Edward ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Gwen verch morys, an old maide dwellinge with Richard Nicholas, of Fernill ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Anne Pemerton, widowe, of Henlley ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Christian, wife of David Loid, Banwr, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Edward, s. of Hugh Penke, Turnore, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Sara, d. of Rees Sutton, miller, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Jonett, d. of Thomas ap John, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Anne and Gwen, the daus. Watkin ap Richard, late of Whittington ... bur.
1617, Mar. 29. Thomas Powell, of Parke, esquire ... bur.
" Apr. 1. John ap Robert, of Daywell, laborer ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Blanice verch David, spinster, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Manasses, supposed s. of one Peeires Loid ... bur.
" May 13. John Roger Waters, of Old Alerton ... bur.
" May 19. Christopher, s. of Edward Bethome, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 23. Margarett, wife of Edward Bethome, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 17. Edward, s. of Robert ap Edward ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 26. Anne, d. of John Davies, of Francton ... bur.
" July 3. Llewelin Boodle, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Katherin verch Jeuan, wife of John Rytherch, of Whittington .. bur.
" Sep. 6. Edward, s. of Edward Loid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 14. Katherin verch David, spinster, of Bergyll issa ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Robert, s. of Roger ap Thomas, of Fernil ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Hugh ap Jeuan, of Old Morton ... bur.

104 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1617

Nov. 6. Roger, s. of Edward ap Roger ap edd ap [?], of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Johan Gruffith, wife of Edward ap Roger ap edd ap [?], of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Piers ap Edward, the brother of Thomas ap Edward, of Ould Merton ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Jane verch John. widowe, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 25. William Eyton, gentleman, of Ebnall, was buried the 25th day of December, beinge Christmas Day ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Augharad verch Robert, wife of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 15. John William, of Whittington, widower ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Gwen verch Robert, wife of Jeuan Pigott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Augharad verch David, widowe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Margaret, supposed d. of Gruffith Edwardes, of [?], in the countie of Flint ... bur.
1618, Mar. 28. Jane Boodle, d. of Edward Boodle, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Margaret, d. of Richard ap Owen, of Francton ... bur.
" Apr. 4. Thomas ap John, of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Bartholomew, s. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 9. Edward, s. of Edward Loid, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
" June 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Keelan, of Henlley ... bur.
" June 8. Roer ap Jeuan, of Henlley ... bur.
" June 10. Margaret, d. of Richard Hughes, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 1. Nicholas [an erasure], Piger, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 8. Gaynor, d. of William ap David, Tanner, of Bergyll ... bur.
" July 12. John, s. of David Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bur.

1619] Whittington. 105

1618, July 21. Margaret verch Robert alias Margaret, cobler, widowe, of Bergyll ... bur.
" July 10. David, s. of John Berkley, of Bergyll issa ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Tyrstan ap David, widower, of Francton, was buried the 29th day of September, beinge Michaelmas day ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Thomas ap Thomas Owe, of Hinford ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Tuddo1 ap Jeuan, of Gravenall, in Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 6. William ap David alias William Henne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Richard, s. of Robert ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Anne, wife of Robert ap Maurice als. Robert goch, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 22. Ales, wife Jeuan ap John, of Gravenall, in Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Thomas, s. of Gruffith ap Roger, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Elin, wife of Hugh ap David, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Richard, s. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 6. George, s. of Thomas Johnsonne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Edward ap Edward alias Edward Vaughan, of Ebnall ... bur.
1619, Apr. 17. Richard Saunt, Paynter, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Roger Thomas, clerke of the parishe Churche, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Katherin verch Rees, widowe, of Old Merton ... bur.
" May 10. Christopher Bythone, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 12. Lewys Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 20. Edward, s. of Hugh ap John ap Jeuan, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Robert ap Roger ap Owen, widower, of Ebnall ... bur.

106 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1619

1619, Sep. 20. Phillip, s. of John ap Edward ap edd ap Maurice, of Bergyll, by fallinge downe of a nutte tree came to his untimely death ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Robert, s. of Thomas ap Robert, miller, of the old mill in Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Jane, wife of Edward ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 23. Ursula, wife of Roger Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Anne, wife of Richard ap Edward ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Jeuan Pigott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Richard, supposed s. of Edward Eyton, of Ridge ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Anne verch Robert, wife of Ellice ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 3. George Holme, of Parke halle, in Whittington, gent. ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Ales verch William, widowc, of Hinford ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Richard, s. of Edward ap Jeuan ap Robert als. Vaughan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Mawde verch Edward als. Mawde goch, of Ridge ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Lowrye verch Robert, widowe, of Fernill ... bur.
1620, Mar. 26. Margaret Harries, sister-in-lawe of Christopher Bythone, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Mar. 27. Hugh, s. of Robert ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 30. John ap John als. John or pant, in Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 1. John, s. of Griffith ap John, of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Edward ap Roger, widower, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Margaret verch David, widowe, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Thomas ap John Thomas ap Rees, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Apr. 27. David ap Roger, of Daywell ... bur.

1621] Whittington. 107

1620, May 15. Sina Lewys, wife of Edward ap John Smith, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 6. Katherin verch John, wife of Edward ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 7. John Lewys, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 7. Margaret, d. of Richard Gregorye, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 19. Thomas, s. of George Pigott, of Whittington, weaver ... bur.
" Sep. 15. Marye, d. of Hugh ap John Lewys, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Sina verch John, spinster, of Evenhall ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Edward Jaundrell,of Bergyll ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Anne, d. of Thomas ap John, weaver, Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Edward ap Richard, late of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Charles, s. of Hugh ap David, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Edward ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Jeuan Pigott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Jane verch Rees, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Johan wife of Thomas Smalman, of Porkington ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Anne verch Richard als: Anne Dode, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Feb. 12. John, s. of Jeuan Pigott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 24. John Loyd, of Whittington ... bur.
1621, Apr. 8. Margaret verch John, the maidservant of Hugh ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 9. David ap Roger ap Owen Smith, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Cicilie verch Edward als. Cicilie or Castell ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Richard ap Edward, butcher, of Lower Ridge ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Richard ap Robert, of Francton ... bur.
" May 26. William Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 7. John Reignald, Taylere, of Whittington ... bur.

108 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1621

1621, July 23. Anne verch Edward, the sister of Edward ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" July 29. Thomas, s. of Bartholomew Jeninges, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Sep. 17. George Humffrey, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Thomas, s. of Edward Kingman, Taylor, of Hinford ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Jonett, wife of Roger Gruftith, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Elin verch Maurice, widowe, of Plasse-yr-glew, in Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Richard, s. of Edward ap David, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 1. John ap Richard, smith, of Hinford ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Anne verch John, widowe, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Daniall, s. of George Pigott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Richard ap John Kyrver, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Elin, wife of Edward Williams, parson, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Elizabeth, wife of John Lewelin, the elder, of Hinford ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Richard Loyd, s. of Edward Loyd, of Dre-newydd, in Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Gruffith ap David, the servant of Roger ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Gwen, d. of Thomas ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" Mar. 13. John, s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Johan, d. of Edward ap Owen, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Jonett verch John Thomas, widowe, of Francton ... bur.
1622, Apr. 28. Jane, base d. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bur.
" May 7. Thomas, s. of Edward ap David Barker, of Henley ... bur.
" May 24. Roger ap Richard, of Franckton ... bur.

1622] Whittington. 109

1622, July 4. Margaret verch Robert, wife of Roger ap Richard, of Francton ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Edward Ivesonne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 10. John, s. of Hugh Jones, shooemaker, of Oswestrie ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" Sep. 27. Roger Gruffith, of Whittington, widower ... bur.
" Oct. 18. Blaniche verch therche, spinster, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Katherin Loyd, wife of Edward Loyd, Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 8. John ap David als. John Barkley, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Margory, wife of Jeuan ap Rees, of Hinford ... bur.
" Nov. 27. Margaret, d. of Richard ap John ap Robert, of Wrexham ... bur.
" Nov., last day. Blanishe, d. of David ap Edward ap Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Elin Draper, wife of Robert Draper, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Margaret verch Richard, the mother-in-law of Jeuan ap Maurice, of Whittington, miller ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Elin, the mother-in-law of David Michaell, of Kinsall ... bur.
" Jan. 20. John, s. of one David ap Richard, a stranger ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Moyses, the supposed s. of one [blank], a stranger ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Jane verch John, wife of Bartholomewe ap Robert, of Francton ... bur.
" Feb. 6. John, supposed s. of Hugh ap Thomas Meredith, of Oswestrie ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Jonett verch John, of Old Merton, widowe ... bur.
" Mar. 4. William, s. of John Roger, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Mar. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John Roger, of Old Merton ... bur.

110 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1622

1622, Mar. 5. John, s. of John Roger, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Margaret, d. of John Roger, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Robert Draper, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Mawde Trevor, wife of John ap Edward ap David ap Morys, of Bergyll ... bur.
1623, Mar. 26. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Owen, of Whittington, cowper ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Jane, wife of Robert ap David Loyd, of Whittington .. ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Katherin, wife of Thomas ap [blank], of Penley, who died at Edward ap John, his house in Old Merton ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Jonett verch Robert, widowe, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Elizabeth Raphe, of Ebnall, spinster ... bur.
" Apr. 15. John, s. of Richard Edwardes, of Frankton ... bur.
" Apr. 19. John HoweIle, sometime cooke at the Halstane ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Edward, s. of Tobias ap John, of lower Ridge ... bur.
" May 6. Margaret verch John, wife of Richard Penelton, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 13. Margaret Smallman, wife of Edward Bythorne, of Porkington ... bur.
" May 30. Katherin, wife of David ap Edward, of Hinford ... bur.
" June 1. Jane Bragger, wife of Roger Owen, of Hinford ... bur.
" June 5. Marye Maurice, d. of Thomas Maurice, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 7. Jonett verch Rees, wife of Berkley ap Robt: of Francton ... bur.
" July 4. Margaret verch [blank], widow, the late wife of Thomas Owe, of Hinford ... bur.
" July 8. Elizabeth verch Robert, widowe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 14. Margaret verch John, d. of John Roger, late of Daywell ... bur.

1623] Whittington. 111

1623, Sep. 1. Mafye, d. of John Smallman, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Dowse verch Roger, spinster, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 26. John Roe, late of Preese, and now of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep., last day. Margaret, wife of Robert ap John Conway, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Gynor, wife of Richard Hughes, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Humffrey, s. of Richard Loyd, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Anne Loyd, wife of Richard Loyd, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Anthonye Northrolt, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Meredith ap Edward ap Roger, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Margaret verch David, wife of Watkin ap Edward, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Oliver Loyd, a woorkman, in Babyes Woodde, in Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Jane, wife of John David ap Jeuan Thetcher, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 13. John ap Edward ap Meredith, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Charles and Sina, s. and d. of Richard Price, late of Aston ... bur.
" Dec. 22. Katherin verch Meredith, widowe, late of Llanfilin ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Thomas ap David als. Thomas Crenion, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 27. John, s. of John Davies, dier, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Roger, s. of Roger ap David, late of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
" Dec., last day. Thomas ap Edward ap Adda ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Margaret verch David, widowe, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bur.

112 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1623

1623, Jan. 6. Edward, s of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Marye, wife of Raphe Manffylde, esquire, of Pentre halle ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Robert Loyde, s. of Richard Loyd, of the p. of Gresford ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Hugh Roe, s. of John Roe, late of Daywell, deressod ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Jane, d. of Robert Draper, late of Daywell, deressod ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Elin, d. of Richard ap Edward ap Jeuan, laborer, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Eilzabeth, d. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Elizabeth Powell, widowe, of Pentre Kyndericke, in Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Johan, d. of Anthony Bythorne, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Elin verch Edward, widowe, late wife of Thomas Humffrey, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Gwen, late wife of William ap David als. William Henne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan., last day. Roger, s. of Thomas Vaughan, the younger, shoemaker ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Sara, d. of Jeuan ap Edward als. Eos, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Johan, wife of William Corke, dwellinge at Hinford ... bur.
" Feb. 10. John ap Edward ap Adda, of Henlley ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Ermine Loyd, widowe, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Abraham, s. of Richard ap Thomas Owe, late of Hinford ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Johan, d. of Edward ap John, laberor, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Hugh David, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Gwen, wife of Griffith Keelan, of Henlley ... bur.
" Feb. 27. John, s. of John Hussey, of the Cabin, in Babyes woodde ... bur.

1624] Whittington. 113

1623, Feb., last day Hugh ap Jobn y Dyrnwr da, of Maes Dernyd ... bur.
" Mar. 11. David, s. of Thomas Maurice, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Richard, s. of Richard ap Harrye, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Johan, d. of Thomas ap Edward, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Marye, d. of Roger ap David, late of Pentre Aron ... bur.
1624, Mar. 26. Katherin, wife of John David ap John ap Meredith, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Marye, d. of Richard Loyd, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Anne Powell, d. of Robert Powell, of Parke hall ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Anne, d. of Jeuan ap Rees, of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Edward, s. of John Lewys goch, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Ermyne verch Rondell, wife of John Robert ap William, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 2. Katherin vench William, widowe, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
" May 6. Jeuan ap David als. Jeuan Loyd, of Francton ... bur.
" May 6. Katherin, wife of Edward ap Rondell, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 19. Edward ap Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" May 22. Sara, d. of George ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" May 25. John, s. of Humffrey Langford, of Francton ... bur.
" June 7. Gwen verch John Thomas, widowe, late wife of George Langford, of Francton ... bur.
" June 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lewelin, weaver, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 4. Richard, s. of John Robert, sawier, of Babies Woodde ... bur.

114 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1624

1624, July 4. Rowland [blank], servant of Richard Edwardes, of Francton ... bur.
" July 10. Lowrye verch Elize ap William Loyd, of Rhylwedog ... bur.
" July 19. Ales verch David ap Jeuan, wife of Arthur Pemerton, of Henlley ... bur.
" July 23. Elizabeth verch Thomas, wife of Lewys Maurice, of the Lodge, Babies Woodde ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Margaret Meredith, widowe, late wife of John Meredith, carpenter, of Babies Woodde ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Katherin, d. of Edward ap Edward, the elder, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 13. Gwen, wife of Nicholas Pyper, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Lowyre verch Rees, widowe, of Weston Cotton, in the p. of Oswestrie ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Ermyne Hanmer, widowe, of Maes Dermynt, in Francton ... bur.
" Dec. 26. John ap Hugh Trevor, of Pryse Henlley, in Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 28. William Gruffith, the prentice of Gruffith ap Jeuan, tayler, of Henlley ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Robert, s. of Jeuan ap Maurice, miller, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Thomas ap David als. Thomas goch, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Edward ap John ap Howell, of Prees Henlly, in Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Elin verch Hugh, widowe, a poore woman, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Margaret verch John Thomas, widowe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Hugh ap John ap Jeuan als. Hugh [?], of Bergyll ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Katherin verch Rynalde, widowe, of Hinford, late wife of Jeuan ap Howell ... bur.

1625] Whittington. 115

1624, Feb. 23. William ap Robert Wynne, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb., last day. Margaret, d. of John Hughes, singler, of Babies woodd ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Thomas Launcellot, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Dowse Laramice, widowe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 4. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Edward ap Robert ap John Conway, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Robert Phillippes, s. of William Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Margaret Loyd, of Pentre Aron, spinster ... bur.
" Mar. 16. John ap Richard, of Dudleston, widower, in woorkman, in Babies woodde ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Sabell verch David ap John ap Meredith, of Daywell, spinster ... bur.
1625, Apr. 2. Robert ap David, Pedler, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 16. Margaret ap Robert, wife of Richard ap Owen, of Franckton ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Thomas, s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Margaret, wife of Thomas ap Edward, of Old Merton ... bur.
" May 16. Richard Nicholas, sheyman, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 27. Katherin, wife of Edward ap John ap Robert, of Old Martin ... bur.
" June 9. Andrew, s. of Reignald ap William ap Rees, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 11. John David ap Hughe, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 20. Lewys ap John, s. of John ap Edward, Locksmith, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 8. Frauncis Dacid, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 8. Jane, d. of Edward Jeninges, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 21. Thomas, base s. of Richard Draper, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 12. Margaret, d. of John [?], of Babies Woodde ... bur.

116 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1625

1625, July 13. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of [?] ... bur.
" July 24. Jonett verch Phillipp, widowe, late wife of John [?], of Rhose-yr-gadva ... bur.
" Aug. -. William Ph[?], of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Elin Asley, wife of Edward [?] ... bur.
" Aug. 11. Katheryn verch David, Widowe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Margaret verch Humffrey, the d. of Humffrey Prees, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Jeuan ap William, servant of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" Nov. -. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" Nov., last day. Edward, s. of Edward ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Richard, s. of Thomas ap Richard ap John [?], of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Anne Loyd, widowe, late wife, of John Loyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Marye Powell, widowe, late wife of Thomas Powell, esquire, of Parke halle ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Cicilie verch William Carter, wife of John Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Thomas, s. of Edward ap William Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Margaret verch Edward, widowe, the late wife of Hugh ap John ap Jeuan, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Jane Jeninges, widowe, of Daywell, late wife of Phillipp Jeninges, of Dudleston ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Richard, s. of David ap Edward. of Hinford ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Margaret, d. of Robert ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
1626, Mar. 25. John, s. of John ap Robert ap John Conway, of Daywell ... bur.

1626] Whittington. 117

1626, Apr. 11. Llenkw verch William, widowe, late wife of John David ap Hughe, of Daywell, was baptized [sic] ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Thomas ap Richard, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 27. David, s. of John Piggott, of Whittington, being an infant ... bur.
" May 8. Ursula, wife of Thomas Myles, a woorkman, in Babies woodde ... bur.
" May 25. Gwen verch Jeuan, wife of Thomas Eyton, of Francton ... bur.
" May 26. Mawde verch Harrye, wife of Jeuan ap David, Tinker, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 29. Ellis ap Richard, a poore boy, fallinge from a carte came to his untymely death ... bur.
" July 10. Katherin verch Roger, widowe, the sister of Gruffith ap Roger, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Izabell, d. of John Maurice, collier, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" Aug. 15. Katherin verch Ellice, sister of John ap Ellice, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Anne Boodle, d. of Larance Boodle, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 5. Gaynor, d. of Rees Jones, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 27. Edward ap Roger, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 28. Roger ap David ap Eiginon, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Elizabeth verch Thomas, wife of Edward ap Hugh, late of Old Merton ... bur.
" Dec., last day. William, s. of David Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Rebecca, d. of Edward ap Richard, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Brigett, wife of Edward Loyd, of Pentre Ayron ... bur.
" Jan. 23 Anne, d. of David ap Edward ap Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.

118 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1626

1626, Jan. 29. William Jacke, cowper, of Whittington ... bur.
Feb. 4. Lazarus, s. of one [blank] ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Jane verch Jeuan als. Jane Foulke, of Whittington, widowe ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Elin, wife of Richard Foulke, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Roger Loyd, gentleman of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Anne verch Thomas, wife of Edward ap John, cowper, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" Mar. 26. Katherin verch Edward, wife of Thomas Lewelin, of Ebnall ... bur.
1627, Apr. 6. Sabell verch John, widowe, of Daywell, als. Sabell or Pant ... bur.
" Apr. 8. John Watkin, carpenter, of Babies Woode, in Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Jane, d. of Harry Gruffith als. Harry Vawn, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Johan, d. of William Powell, of Pentre Kenderick, in Daywell ... bur.
" May 7. Margaret verch Edward, wife of Humffrey ap John, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 6. John, s. of Roger ap Robert ap Roger ap Owen, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 12. Gwen, wife of Richard ap Richard alias Gwen goch, of Hinford ... bur.
" June 3. John ap Jeuan, of Wootton, borne in Marchwiell ... bur.
" June 24. John Batte, a woorkeman with the colliers in Babies Woode ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Jane Jaundrell, wife of Richard ap David ap Loyd, of New Marton ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Thomas ap Edward, s. of Edward ap John, weaver, of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Gwen verch Howell, spinster, of Fernill ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Thomas, s. of Jeuan ap David, Tinker, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Thomas, s. David ap Thomas Ow, of Hinford ... bur.

1628] Whittington. 119

1627, Dec. 20. Robert, s. of John Robert ap John ap Tthell, of Chirke ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Marye, d. of Edward ap John ap Edward, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Katherin, d. of Thomas ap Thomas Ow, of Hinford ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Margaret verch John, wife of one John Lewys, a poore man ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Elin Drihurst, late wife of John Drihurst, of Whittington, Tanner ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Izabell, d. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Jane, d. of John ap Edward ap edd ap Maurice, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Richard, supposed s. of Thomas George, of Higher Ridge ... bur.
" Mar. 19. John Trevor, gent., of Pentre Kendericke, in Daywell ... bur.
1628, Mar. 28. Phillipp Loyd, s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Marye, wife of Richard Pendelton, weaver, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Gruffith ap John alias Gruffith y gwydd, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 15. Marye, d. of Frauncis Albany, of Fernhill, esquire ... bur.
" May 15. Een [? Elin], supposed d. of one William ap David, of p. of Oswestrie ... bur.
" June 5. Humffrey ap John, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 1. Thomas ap John ap Robert, of Old Merton ... bur.
" July 9. Anne, d. of John ap Edward ap edd ap Morys, of Bergyll ... bur.
" July 13. Margaret, wife of Thomas Kingman, of Old Merton ... bur.
" July 20. John, s. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 27. Walter Crowhurst, of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 4. David ap Robert, of Old Morton ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Thomas, s. of John Conway, of Daywell ... bur.

120 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1628

1628, Sep. 3. Marye, d. of Richard Pope, esquire, of Evenhalle ... bur.
" Sep. 22. Thomas, s. of Walter Crowhurst, beinge drowned ... bur.
" Oct., last day. Johan, d. of Samuell Gruffiths, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 18. Elin, wife of Edward ap David Barker, of Henlley ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Bartholomew ap Robert, widower, of Francton ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Lowry, d. of Edward ap Thomas, laborer, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Katherin verch Thomas, widowe, late wife of Gruffith ap John, of Hinford ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Anthony Edwardes, s. of Edward ap Thomas, paynter, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Robert ap Roger ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Robert ap Thomas of Abermarchnant, in the countie of Montgomery ... bur.
" Jan. 22. John Lewelin, the elder, of Hinford ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Margaret verch John ap Robert, of Old Marton, widowe ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Margaret, d. of David ap Edward ap Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Ales verch Edward, wife of Edward Mathew, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 8. John Gough, s. of Richard Gough, of Oswestrie ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John ap Rees Crowhurst, of Hinford ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Richard Nicolles als. Richard Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Gwen, wife of Robert ap Jeuan, of Hinford ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Katherin, d. of Robert ap John ap Rees, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Robert ap Jeuan. of Hinford ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Jeuan and Edward. sons of Daniall Edwardes, of Beryll ... bur.
1629, Mar. 25. Gruffith Keelar, of Henlley, weaver ... bur.

1629] Whittington. 121

1629, Apr. 19. Anne, late wife of Edward ap Edward ap Howell, late of Ebnall, dereassed ... bur.
" May 5. Margarett, wife of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 14. John, s. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 15. Hugh ap Edward ap David, of Hinford ... bur.
" May 15. Gwen verch Rees, widowe, of Hinford ... bur.
" May 26. Robert Jeninges, s. of Thomas Jeninges, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 27. John, supposed s. of one Jeuan David, by Gwen Hossier, his mother ... bur.
" May 28. Samuell, s. of John Bedowe, of Babies woodde, in Whittington ... bur.
" May 28. Phillipp, the younger s. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 30. Elizabeth verch John, wife of Hugh ap Edward ap David, of Hinfford ... bur.
" June 5. Thomas, s. of John ap John, of Prees Henlley, weaver ... bur.
" June 12. Jane, d. of Edward ap John ap Jeuan, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 14. Richard, s. of Robert ap Edward ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 19. Barnabie, s. of Barnabie Barlowe, of Aston ... bur.
" June, last day. Marye, d. of John Wenlocke, of Betchfyld ... bur.
" July 21. Gruffith Powell, of Francton woodde ... bur.
" July 24. John Barckley, of Frankton, widower ... bur.
[The above entry repeated.]
" July, last day. Grace verch Robert, late of Baschurch ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Gwen verch Thomas d. of Thomas ap Ellice, late of Fernill, dereassed ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Gwen verch Thomas, wife of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington, corviser ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Katherin Trevor, wife of Thomas ap Roger, of Pentre Aron ... bur.

122 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1629

1629, Dec. 5. Benett, supposed d. of Gruffith ap Roger, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Margaret, d. of Edward ap Thomas ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Margaret, d. of Edward ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 19. Marsley, mother of John ap Jeuan, Turnore, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 23. David, s. of John Thomas ap John, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Launcellott Johnes, of Heinford, smith ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Anne, d. of Robert ap Hugh, of Evenhalle, beinge an infant ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Dorothie, d. of Robert ap Hugh, of Evenhalle, likewise beinge an infant ... bur.
" Feb. 19. David ap Edward, widower, of Hinfford ... bur.
1630, Mar. 26. Sina verch Lewelin, spinster, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 9. Elizabeth verch Edward, widowe, of the new milles, in Whittington .. bur.
" May 12. Edward ap Edward, widower, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 21. Jeuan, s. of Rees ap John alias Vaughan, of Hinfford ... bur.
" May 21. Margaret Gruffith, wife of William Roger, weaver, of Bergyll ... bur.
" May 25. Edward, s. of Gruffith Evance, tayler, of Henlley ... bur.
" May, last day. Jane Raungshaw, wife of Edward Boodle, of Henlley ... bur.
" June 10. Sabell verch William widowe, of Hinford ... bur.
" July 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lewelin, of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Katherin Loyd, wife of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Wicherley, corviser, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Ellice, s. of Jeuan ap Moryes, miller, of Whittington ... bur.

1631] Whittington. 123

1630, Sep. 21. Anne, wife of William Phillipp, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 3. Hugh, s. of Edward ap Owen, of Whittington, cowper ... bur.
" Oct. 6. Richard ap Thomas, servant of John Trevor, of new morton, by fallinge off a carte came to his untymely death ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Jane, d. of John Launcellott, of Whittington, smith ... bur.
" Oct. 30. David ap John, the prentize of Phillip Evance, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Lewys, s. of Richard Nicolle, of Whittington, deceased ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Thomas ap Edward, a poore infant of the p. of Llanymloddwall ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Katherin verch Jeuan, wife of John Thomas ap John, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Anne verch Edward, widowe, late wife of Edward ap Edward, of Henlley, deceased ... bur.
" Jan. 27. David Humffrey, widower, of Fernill david ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Elinor Kingman, widowe, of Lower Ridge ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Margaret, wife of Robert ap John, of Fearnhill ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Jane, supposed d. of one Owen ap Lewys Gruffith, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Dorothye, of John Ivesonne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 3. John, s. of Walter Crowhurst, late of Henlley, deceased ... bur.
1631, Apr. 17. Edward Trevor, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Edward ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 12. David, s. of Robert ap Edward ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 13. Ermyne, d. of Daniall Edwardes, of the Henne Havod, in Francton ... bur.
" May 24. John ap Richard, late of Bucknell, in Whittington ... bur.

124 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1631

163i, June 5. Ales verch Roger, widowe, late wife of George Humffrey, of Bergyll ... bur.
" July 27. Edward, s. of John David ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 27. Jane Jacke, of Evenhalle, widowe ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Mary Williams, wife of Phillipp ap John, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Gwenheyvar verch David, wife of George ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" Aug., last day. Thomas ap Edward, widower, of Olde Merton ... bur.
" Sep. 6. Margaret, d. of Robert George, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 15. Elinor, wife of Richard Cansley, joyner, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Ales Boodle, of Bergyll, d. of Larance Boodle ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Anne, d. of David ap Edward, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Richard ap Hary, of Daywell, carpenter ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Katherin verch William, widow, a poor woman ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Thomas Lewys, a poore cripple boye that died at Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Margaret verch John, a poore girle that died at Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Thomas ap John, of Plasse yr glow, in Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Edward ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Gwen verch David, wife of John Thomas Ow, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Lowry verch John, widow, alias Lowry Vechan, of Fernhill ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Sibell verch David, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Marsley verch Edward, of Whittington, widow ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Teuan ap Maurice, of Whittington, miller ... bur.

1632] Whittington. 125

1631, Feb. 4. Johan, late wife of Thomas Crenion, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Ursula, d. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Mar. 4. Jane, d. of Edward Mathew ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Moses, s. of William Vaughan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Ermyne verch John, a poore gyrle that died at Thomas Jeninges ... bur.
1632, Apr. 8. Sara, d. of Morys ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 3. Thomas Smalman, of Porkington, widower ... bur.
" May 4. Johan, d. of Edward Loyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 8. John, s. of Richard Barkley, carpenter, of babies-woodde ... bur.
" May 20. Thomas, s. of Jeuan ap Maurice, of Whittington, miller ... bur.
" June 2. George Brayn, of Bergyll, Taylore ... bur.
" June 20. Katherin verch Hugh, wife of Edward ap John ap Jeuan, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Katherin Boodle, wife of Edward Boodle, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Edward ap John ap Jeuan, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 1. Margaret, d. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 5. John, s. of William ap Edward Taylore, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Nov., last day. Ales, d. of Thomas Illaige, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Elizabeth, wife of Robert ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Robert ap John, late of Vale, that died of Fernhill ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Marye, wife of Nicholas mebry Henner, of Fernhill ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Andrew, s. of John Thomas, of Whittington, weaver ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Richard. s. of Robert George, of Bergyll ... bur.

126 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1632

1632, Feb. 7. Richard, s. of Thomas David, Phillipp Madockes his servant ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Sina, supposed d. of Phillipp Launcellot, late of Whittington, smith ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Elinor verch David ap Owen, widowe, late wife of Thomas ap John ap Rees ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Johan, d. of William Vaughan, cowper, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Margaret, d. of Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
1633, Mar., last day. Sara, d. of Edward ap Owen, of Whittington, cowper ... bur.
" Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of John Williams, of Pentrekynderick ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Anne verch Jeuan als. Anne Piggott, of Whittington, widowe ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Peeter Mathewes, a man of Herefordshire, that died at the Iron mille ... bur.
" May 3. Katherin, d. of John Jones, of Fernhill yerwarth ... bur.
" May 6. Samuell, s. of Samuell Swanwicke, of Evenhalle ... bur.
" June 15. Elizabeth verch Gruffith, a poore woman, the mother of one John Transfynydd ... bur.
" June 16. Anne verch [blank], widowe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 25. Margaret verch Howell, wife of Edward ap John, miller, of Porkington ... bur.
" July 9. Lowry, wife of Jeuan ap David, miller, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 14. John Thomas ap John widower, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Elizabeth verch Eliz. [?], widowe, the mother-in-law of Jeuan ap Edward, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" Sep. 1. John Humffrey alias [?], of Whittington, glover ... bur.

1633] Whittington. 127

1633, Oct. 4. Ales, d. of Rendell Thomas, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Robert, s. of John ap John Meredith, Babies woodde ... bur.
" Oct. 19. John, s. of Rees Thomas, of Francton, weaver ... bur.
" Oct. 29. John ap Edward ap John Madocke, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of Rees Thomas, weaver, of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Margaret, d. of Jeuan Barkley, of Hinford ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Margaret, d. of Richard ap Robert ap Howell, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 26. John, s. of Roger ap Jeuan, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Elin verch John, of Hinfford, widowe ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Edward, s. of Richard Boodle, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Elizabeth Kynaston, of Gravenall, widowe ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Mary Boodle, of Ebnall, widowe ... bur.
" Jan. 12. William, s. of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Shonell verch David ap Edward, wife of Edward Roger, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Anne verch John ap Jeuan, wife of Humphrey Eyton, esquire, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Thomas Gruffith ap John, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Katherin, d. of Jeuan ap Edward, miller. of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Samuell, s. of Howell ap John, of Babies woodde, sawier ... bur.
" Feb., last day. John, s. of Howell ap John, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" Mar. 4. Thomas Maurice, late of Whittington, Widower ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Nicholas mobrye, of Fernhill, Hainasman ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Augharad verch Roger, of Daywell, widowe ... bur.

128 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1634

1634, Mar. 25. Gwen verch Owen, widowe, alias Gwen [?] ... bur.
" Mar. 30. [?]ard ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Edward Mathew, laborer, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Richard, s. of Richard ap John Fouke, pedlar of [?] ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Katherin, d. of William ap Roger, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Anne Tydder, wife of Roger Meredith, of wottan ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Edward Boodle, of Henlley, widower ... bur.
" Apr. 26. John ap John alias John Saer, of Babies woodde, in Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Grisell, d. of Jeuan ap Morys, miller, late of Whittington ... bur.
" May 19. Anne, d. of Maurice Griffith, of Old Marton ... bur.
" May 18. Maurice Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 8. Blothin ap John [?], of Daywell ... bur.
" June 17. William, s. of [?], of Francton ... bur.
" Aug. 5. Sara, d. of Richard Wicherley, of Bergyll, shooemaker ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Katherin verch Lewelin, spinster, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 19. Hugh, s. of Thomas ap William ap David, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Ales, d. of Edward Price, of Babies woodde, by a mischaunce fallinge into a saw-pitt and drowned ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Marye, d. of Roger Bowdler, of Oswestrye ... bur.
" Oct. 11. Arthur Pemerton, widower, of Henlley ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Richard, s. of Richard Boodle, of Higher Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Shonett, d. of Richard Hughes, glover, of Fernhill ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Thomas Price, miller, of the Oake mill ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Gruffith, supposed s. of Thomas Richard [?], of Fernhill yerwarth ... bur.

1635] Whittington. 129

1634, Jan. 18. Frauncis, d. of Roger Meredith, of Wotton ... bur.
" Jan. 21. John, s. of Robert ap Owen, of Lower Ridge ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Roger, s. of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Elinor verch Rees, widow, late wife of Thomas ap William, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Margaret Owen, widow, of Rhuabon, and died in Babies woodde ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Gwen Hughes, widow, late wife of Hugh ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Ermyn George, wife of Edward ap John, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Sara Illaige, d. of Thomas Illaige, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 18. John, s. of John Ivesonne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Margaret verch William, wife of Edward Boland, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Elin, d. of Edward ap Thomas Taylore, of Henlley ... bur.
" Feb., last day. Elinor Banister, widowe, late wife John ap Jeuan, of wotton ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Thomas George, miller, dwellinge in the old Milne ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Edward Eyton, of Maes dermynd, in Francton ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Anne Holande, widow, late wife of John ap Edward ap John Madocke, of Daywell ... bur.
1635, Mar. 27. Richard Vaughan, of Whittington, weaver ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth. d. of William ap Edward Taylore, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Jane serch Roger ap David, wife of John David,of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 16. Peeter Lacon, of Fernhill yerwarth ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Anne Cherloton, Aunt of Richard Pose, of Evenhall, esquire ... bur.

130 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1635

1635, July 3. Robert, s. of Rendell Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 16. William, s. of Edward ap David ap Rynald, of the p. of St: Martines ... bur.
" July 16. Thomas Jeninges, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 16. Roger Davies alias Roger ap David, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" July 17. Elin verch Edward, widowe, late wife of Roger Tayler, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Richard, s. of John Ivesonne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Ales, d. of John Barkley ap Robert, of Francton ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Hugh ap John Lewys, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Aug. 12. Margaret Kynaston, wife of Thomas Kynaston, of Francton ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Robert ap David Loyd, of Whittington, widower ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Thomas, s. of John ap Edward ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" Sep. 14. Edward ap Thomas, of Ebnall, some tymes carier ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Anne verch Edward, wife of John David ap Jeuan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Ales verch Jeuan ap Madocke, wife of Robert Morgan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 30. Phillipp, s. of Roger ap Richard, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 2. Phillipp Evance, of Whittington,Tanner ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Katherin, d. of Roger Barkley, of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 21. John, s. of Richard ap John David ap Rynald, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Richard ap John David ap Reignald, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Elin verch [blank] spinster, of Old Marton, the maker of bone Laces ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Gwen verch John, widowe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 22. Anne verch Thomas ap John ap Owen, wife of Robert George, of Bergyll ... bur.

1636] Whittington. 131

1635, Jan. 8. Margaret, d. of John ap Edward, of Hinfford, glover ... bur.
" Jan. 15. 1Venifred, d. of Roger Barkley, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 15. John William, the younger, of Whittington, laborer ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Franncis Albany, esquire, of Fearnhill house [?], of the manore of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Thomas, s. of Jeuan Meredith, of Old Marton, weaver ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Edward ap John Vaughan alias Edward Hir, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Robert, s. of Richard ap Thomas, of Pentre Aron, in Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth Boland, wife of David ap Thomas owe, weaver, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Mar. 20. William, s. of Jeuan ap David, millner, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Margaret, wife of John Piggott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Edward, s. of Richard Davies, of Old Marton ... bur.
1636, Mar. 25. Robert, s. of John Evane, sawier, of Babies woodde . . ... bur.
" Mar. 26. Margaret, d. of David ap Rees, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 1. John, s. of Robert Bedo, of Henlley ... bur.
" May 1. Thomas, s. of one Edward Loyd, some tyme of Daywell ... bur.
" May 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Jeuan, sawier, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" May 4. John ap Rees, Taylore, of Hinfford ... bur.
" May 4. Samuell, s. of Edward ap Thomas or Neol, in Old Marton ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Gwen, d. of Jeuan ap Rees, of Lower Ridge ... bur.
" May 11. Jane, d. of Richard ap Harry, of Daywell ... bur.

132 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1636

1636, May 19. Thomas Rydlas alias Bropen, of Porkington ... bur.
" May 20. David ap Thomas Ow, weaver, of Hinfford ... bur.
" May 29. Johan Boland, wife of David Vaughan, of Hinfford ... bur.
" May, last day. Edward ap John ap Roger, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 10. Thoinas ap Robert. sawier, in Babieswoodde, borne in the parishe of Lansannan ... bur.
" June 29. John Davies, of Whittington, dier ... bur.
" July 8. Phillipp, s. of Richard Davies, of Old Marton ... bur.
" July 20. Gabriell, supposed s. of Edward Trevor, of Morton
" July 23. Elin, d. of Edward ap Thomas ap Edward, of Old Marton ... bur.
" July 29. Margaret Barkley, wife of Thomas ap Edward. Taylor. of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Edward ap John ap Robert, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Gruffith ap Morgan, of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Margaret, d. of William Gruffith, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Marge Humffrey, d. of Humffrey Price, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Josephe, supposed s. of Dania Buttonham ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Mary, d. of John ap Richard Kyrvor, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Elizabeth, d. Jeuan Owen, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 13. Edward, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Henlley ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Thomas Taylor, of [?] ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Sara verch John ap Robert, spinster, of Old Marton ... bur.

1637] Whittington. 133

1636, Oct. 13. Mathew, s. of George Vigors, of Babies woodde, collier ... bur.
" Nov. 1. John Smallman, of Porkington, in the p. of Sillatin ... bur.
" Nov. 2. William, s. of John Turnor alias Smith, of Babies Woodde ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Ales, d. of Edward ap John David, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Katherin verch Robert, wife of Lewys Gruffith alias Denthwr ... bur.
" Dec. 26. John ap Ellis, widower, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jam 4. Mary, d. of Edward Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Gruffith ap Roger, of Lower Bergyll ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Elizabeth, d. ofWilliam Bangham, of Whittington, cowper ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Barkley Pieres alias Jenninges, of Old Marton ... bur.
1637, Mar. 27. Edward Rogers, of Ebnall, Taylore ... bur.
" May 5. Maurice Gruffith ap Edward, a poore lane man of Whittington ... bur.
" May 23. Margaret, wife of Thomas Johnes, weaver, of Francton ... bur.
" May 27. Edward Boland. of Henlley, widower ... bur.
" June 17. Elizabeth Jeninges, spinster, d. of George Jeninges, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 27. John, s. of Jeuan ap Hughe, sawier, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" July 6. Edward ap John Humffrey, servant of Richard [?], of Bergyll ... bur.
" July 18. Richard, s. of Thomas ap William, of Bergyll, Tanner ... bur.
" Aug. 12. Margaret, d. of Edward ap John ap Edward Maurice, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Thomas Kidman, the elder, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Sep. 16. William Edwardes, s. of Edward ap John, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Jane verch Humffrey, spinster, of Fernhill, deasesed ... bur.

134 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1637

1637, Sep. 24. Edward ap John. widower, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Ales verch Hugh, wife of John Launcellott, of Whittington, smith ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Margaret, wife of William ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Margaret verch Thomas, widowe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 2. Elizabeth Johnson, wife of Thomas Johnson, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 18. Edward ap John, of Daywell, millner ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Edward, s. of John ap Owen, of Ould Marton ... bur.
" Nov. 24. Thomas Johnes alias Thomas ap John, of Francton ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Walter ap Edward, of Daywell, waulker ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Ales, d. of one John Conway, a poore Traveller ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Katherin verch John, a crippell woman, of Hinford ... bur.
" Dec. 26. David ap John, of Hinfford, als. David of Hinfford ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Katherin verch David, d. of David Barker, of Henley ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Hugh, s. of David ap Edward, of Pull Gwern, in Babies woodde ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Elin Piggott, wife of Richard ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Edward Kynnaston, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Jane, wife of John Jeuan, sawier, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Katherin Eyton, spinster, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Robert ap John, late of Fearnhill, yerwarth ... bur.
" Jan. 14. David ap Jeuan. a poor Thetcher, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Katherin, d. of William ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 22. David ap Thomas als. David, esquier, of Whittington ... bur.

1638] Whittington. 135

1637, Jan. 22. Elizabeth, d. and infant of William Preese, Tinker, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 9. William ap John Roger, of the street in Ould Marton ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Jeuan, s. of Ellice Fowkes, of Whittington, giner ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Thomas Kyffin, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Robert ap William, of Whittington, Tayler ... bur.
" Mar. 3. David Vaughan, of Hinfford, laborer ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Shonett verch William, widow, late wife of Richard ap John Kyrver, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Katherine verch Robert, wife of Richard ap David Barker, of Ebnall ... bur.
1638, Mar. 29. Elinor Blodwel, wife of Edward Eyton, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Anne, d. of John Ivesonne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Roger, s. of Jeuan Rogers, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 16. Ales, d. of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" May 24. Jane verch David ap Edward, wife of George Piggott, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 17. Richard ap Owen, of Francton, widower ... bur.
" July 15. Anne Sayre, widowe, of Hinfford ... bur.
" July 22. Jane Loyd, wife of John Rogers, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Aug. 3. John, s. of Thomas Myles, a woorkman in Babies woodde ... bur.
" Aug. 11. Katherin Piggott, widowe, late wife of Thomas Piggott, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Evan, supposed s. of John Jeuan, sawier, of Babies woodde ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Katherin Loyd, wife of Edward Loyd, of Drenwydd, in Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William Edwardes, late of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Josua Barkley, of Babies woodde ... bur.

136 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1638

1638, Sep. 22. Thomas Kynaston, of Gravenall, in Whittington, widower ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Elin verch David, widowe, late wife of David ap Roger, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 28. Sara, d. of Robert ap Thomas, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Roger ap Edward ap David ap Morys, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 10. Dorithie Loyd als Price, wife of John Price [?] ... bur.
" Oct. 21. John, s. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll, vechan ... bur.
" Oct. 23. Cicilie Wottall, wife of David Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Anne Boland, wife of Richard Davies, of Lower Ridge ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Sina, wife of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Robert, s. of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Elin Briogn, widow, late wife of George Briogn, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Katherin verch Elis, of Whittington, spinster ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Robert ap Richard ap Robert, of Daywell, widower ... bur.
" Jan. 5. John Maurice als. John Thomas Maurice, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Gwen verch Maurice ap Hugh, wife of Thomas Rogers, of Mydelton ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Gwen verch Richard, widowe, late wife of Launcellot ap John Sinith ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Katherin, d. of Moyses Powell, of Whittington, taylor ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Margaret Humffrey, wife of Edward Phillipp, of Bergyll [?] ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Gwen Edwardes, widowe, late wife of Edward ap Thomas, Baynter, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan., last day. Samuell Griffith, of Whittington ... bur.

1639] Whittington. 137

1638, Feb. 8. John Rytherche, of Whittington, batchlor ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Joane Vaughan, spinster, d. of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... bur.
1639, Mar. 26. William ap David, of Bergyll issa, Tanner ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Thomas ap Roger, of Bergyll, weaver ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Anne verch Howell, widow, the mother of Jeuan ap Cadwaleder, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Anne Broper als. Anne Rydlas, widowe ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Jane, d. of John ap Richard ap John Kyver, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr., last day. Anne verch Rees, wife of Thomas ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" May 5. Katherin verch Edward, a poore widowe that died in Babies woodde ... bur.
" May 6. Mary Phillippes, d. of Roger Phillippes, late of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 8. John Smith, servant of Andrew Loyd, of Aston, esquirer ... bur.
" May 21. Ales, d. of David Phillippes, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 12. Jane verch Thomas, widowe, late wife of William ap David, Tanner, of Byrgyll ... bur.
" June 16. William Phillippes, of Ebnall, widower ... bur.
" June 16. Sina verch Roger ap Richard, of Old Marton, spinster ... bur.
" July 3. Oliver Griffith, a poore man that dwellt most commonly at Gravnall ... bur.
" July 21. Elizabeth verch Thomas, wife of Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 23. David ap David [blank], that died in Daywell ... bur.
" July, last day. Gwen Kynaston, wife of Richard Kynaston, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 11. Thomas Ryve, s. of John Ryve, of Evenhalle, in Francton ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Ursula Jaundrell, widowe, late wife of Griffith ap Roger, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Oct. 8. John, s. of Andrew Madocke, of Daywell ... bur.

138 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1639

1639, Oct. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Whorewoode, of Whittington, carpenter ... bur.
" Oct., last day. Phillipp ap John, of Bergyll, vychan [?] ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Andrew, s. of John Foster, of Whittington, smith ... bur.
" Dec.
" Jan. 6. Anne, d. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Elinor, d. of David ap Edward ap Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Katherin, wife of Maurice ap Hugh, of Maerdy, in Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Edward, s. and infante of John ap Edward, of Hinfford, glover ... bur.
" Feb. 27. David, s. of Rondell Thomas, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Shonett verch Rees ap Owen, wife of Thomas Lewelin, weaver, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Gwen verch John, wife of William Wicherley, of Henlley .. ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Roger, s. of Edward ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Edward, s. of Robert Bedo, of Henlley ... bur.
1640, Mar. 25. Marye, wife of John David, y Towr, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth verch Hugh, sister of Robert ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Dorothie, d. of John Jones, of Fearnhill yerwarth ... bur.
" May 6. Thomas, s. of Edward ap Roger, of Francton, Taylore ... bur.
" May 13. Susanna, d. of John Jaundrell, of Bergyll ... bur.
" May 28. John Roger ap Richard, of Old Marton ... bur.
" June 12. Richard Kynaston, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 4. Samuell, s. of John Morgan, of Babies Woodde, in Whittington ... bur.
" July 12. William ap John ap William, of Whittington ... bur.

1640] Whittington. 139

1640, July 29. William ap Roger, of Bergyll issa, weaver ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Jane verch William Lawrence, the maide servant of Edward Rogers, of Maes dermyt, beinge drowned in a Marte Pitte ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Edward, s. of Rees Gruffith ap John, of Hinfford ... bur.
" Sept.
" Oct. 17. Richard ap Robert ap Richard, of Bergyll issa ... bur.
" Nov. 3. John Ivesonne, of Whittington, corviser ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Mary Loyd alias Barkley, wife of David Barkley, of Bergyll ... bur.
" Dec.
" Jan. 16. Katherin Eyton, late wife of Abraham Illaige, of Ebnall, Roper ... bur.
vid pag prop nia sepudent.
" Feb. 3. William Jeffreyes, Clerke, Curate of the parishe Church of Whittington, was buryed close to the syde of ye seate of ye servants of Robert Powell, esquier - beinge the higheste seate and nexte the Chancell on the southe syde of the sayd Church, the thyrde daye of february, in the yeare above written.
vid pag propina sepuete.
[Marginal note.] See more for Burialls in the page followinge

fol: 78.

1640, Feb. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John Gryffyth, of Whittonburye, in the countye of Chester ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Thomas, s. of John ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 27. John ap Edward, s. of Edward ap William, of Fernhill yerwarth ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Elizabeth, d. Thomas ap William, of Bergill ... bap.

fol. 87.

vid more for Baptizings in fol. 87, p. 2.

140 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1640-41


1640, Mar. 9. Margett, wife of Roger ap Edward, of Prys Henlley ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Katherin, d. of Samuell ap Thomas, of Fernhill David ... bur.
1641, Mar. 25. Jane, wife of Richard Harrye, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Jeuan Berkley, of Hinforde ... bur.
" Apr. 2 . Elizabeth, wife of John 11[?] ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Margarett, wife of William, the weaver, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 4. Mary, d. of Edward Boodle, of Bergill, and wife to [?] Owen, of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Elizabeth [?], wife of [?] Prees, of Oulde Marton ... bur.
" May 2. Alce [?] Watkin, wife of Jo: Watkin, of Bavishe ... bur.
" May 4. John, s. of David ap William, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 7. Richard, s. of Edward ap Richard, of Bergill, vchan [?] ... bur.
" June 13. Margaret, d. of Richard Hanson, of Whittington, dyer ... bur.
" July 8. Ales, wife of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 8. Joan, wife of Rithard Kynman, of Ould Marton ... bur.
" Aug. 8. Katherine, wife of John Gruffith, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 5. E[?], d. of Thomas Kyffin, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 6. [?], wife of Thomas Kyffin, aforesaid, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 5. Mar: wife of Griffith, the saltman [?], of Ould Marton ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Gwen, wife of John edd ap Reynald, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Richard ap John, of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Richard, s. of Richard ap John, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Humffrey Kyffin, of Whittington ... bur.

1602-3] Whittington. 141

1641, Dec. 7. John Thomas, (o) of Hingford ... bur.

fol. 87.

" Dec. -. [?], d. of Robert ap edd, of Babies woode, in the p. of Whittington ... bur.

vid. fol. 86.

" Dec. 25. Thomas ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.


Matrimoney was solompnized betweene Thomas ap Roger, wever, of Byrgill, and Elin verch Roger, the 12th day of Februarye, Ao: Din: 1602.
1602, Mar. 2. Thomas ap John, of Old Marton, and Ellinor verch edd ap Owen ... mar.
1603, Aprell.
" May 7. Thomas Gruffith, of Eastony, and Jane Rogeres, of Francron ... mar.
" June.
" Julye.
" Aug. 1. Thomas ap John als. goch and Elin Harley ... mar.
" Aug. 27. Roger ap Jeuan and Anne verch David Loid, banwr. ... mar.
" Sept.
" Oct. 1. Hugh ap Roger and Elizabeth verch Thomas ... mar.
" Oct. 23. Robt: ap John, of Fernill, and Margaret Williams ... mar.
" Nov. 9. John ap Thomas and Katherin verch Nicholas ... mar.
" Dec. 23. William ap David and Gwen verch William ... mar.
" Jan. 7. Humffrey ap John and Katherin verch Thomas ... mar.
" Feb. 9. Roger Barkley, of Francton, and Joan Crump ... mar.
" Feb. 14. John Sowdley, of fowdley, and Catherin Hanmer, of Ebnall ... mar.
" March.

142 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1604

1604, Apr. 14 John [?] and Margaret verch David ap Roger, smith ... mar.
" May 21. Richard ap Thomas and Margaret verch John or Datford ... mar.
" June.
" July 8. Thomas Jeninges alias Hughes and Jane Nicholas ... mar.
" July 21. Edward ap Thomas of [?], and Ales verch Lewelin ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sep. 4. Roger Edward and Gwenheyvar verch John ap Edward, of Daywell ... mar.
" Sep., last day. George Smith, brickman, and Joane verch Richard ... mar.
" Oct. 1. John Barkley, of Francton, and Jonett verch Rees, of Bergill ... mar.
" Nov. 12. John ap Jahn, of the p. of [1], and Anne verch Edward ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb.
" March.
1605, Aprell.
" May 1. Robert ap John Conway and Margaret verch Roger ... mar.
" June.
" July 28. Lewelin Boodle and Joan Berkley ... mar.
" July 29. Thomas Tompkyns and Anne Chaunter ... mar.
" Aug. 11. Richard ap John, miller, and Jonett verch John Roger ... mar.
" Sept.
" Oct. 9. Humffrey Eyton, of Francton, and Anne verch John, of Sillattin ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb.
1606, Marche.
" Aprell.
" May.

1608] Whittington. 143

1606, June.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 6. John ap David and Lleykw verch William ... mar.
" Oct. 12. Edward Percival, fidler, and Margaret verch John Roger, of Whittington ... mar.
" Nov. 1. Hugh ap David and Elinor verch John ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb.
1607, Marche.
" Aprell.
" May.
" June.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 17. Thomas Jeninges and Benett Harwoodde ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 2. Thomas ap Roger and Catherine verch Roger Trevore ... mar.
" Feb. 3. Hugh ap John and Elinor verch Roger ap Benion ... mar.
" Feb. 7. Edward ap John Smith, and Sina verch Lewys ... mar.
" March.
1608, Apr. 1. John Laron, of Fernill, and Margaret Tumore ... mar.
" Apr. 2. Phillipp ap John ap Teuan and Cicilie Nicholas ... mar.
" May.
" June 8. Edward Stevens and Jane Thomas, of the p. of Felton
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.

144 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1608

1608, Oct.
" Nov. 27. William Rogers and Anne verch Robert ... mar.
" Nov. 27. Roger ap David Taylor and Elen verch Edward ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Robert ap Richard and Marye verch Howell ... mar.
" Dec. 28. Richard ap Richard and Gwen verch Lewelin ... mar.
" Jan.
" Feb. 27. Berckley ap Robert and Jane verch John ... mar.
1609, Marche.
" Aprell.
" May.
" June.
" July.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 10. John Thomas and Gwen verch David ... mar.
" Nov. Dec. 27. John Roger, of Fernell, and Catherin verch John ap Howell ... mar.
" Dec. 29. John ap Edward, of Knaboy, and Margaret verch Roger ... mar.
" Jan.
" Feb.
1610, March.
" Aprell.
" May.
" June.
" July 8. Thomas Trevor and Catherin Loid ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 21. John Smalman and Margaret James ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec. 18. Hugh Jones and Catherin verch Teuan ... mar.
" Jan. 23. John Thomas and Elinor verch Morgan ... mar.
" Feb. 5. William Marys and Elin vercb Rees ... mar.
" March.
1611, Aprell.
" Maye.

1613] Whittington. 145

1611, June 3. Edward Loid, of Ebnall, and Anne Phillipp ... mar.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 19. Hugh ap William and Margaret Powell ... mar.
" Feb. 23. Edward Owen, cowper, and Gwen verch Edward Raph ... mar.
" Feb. 23. John ap Robt: ap edd and Marye Trevor ... mar.
" Feb. 25. Rees ap John and Dorothy Medians ... mar.
1612, Apr. 20. Thomas ap David and Margaret verch John Thomas ... mar.
" May.
" June.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sep. 20. Richard ap Harye and Jonett verch Richard ap Robt: ... mar.
" Oct.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb.
" Mardi.
1613, April 6. John Hughes and Margaret verch Robert ap Roger ... mar.
" May 22. Richard ap John and Elin verch Roger Pigott ... mar.
" June 22. Edward Owen and Jane Boodle ... mar.
" July.
" Aug., last day. John Tyrstan, of Whittington, and Elizabeth verch John Conwey ... mar.
" Sep. 29. William Walker and Margaret Kyffin ... mar.
" Oct. 6. Robert ap John ap Rees and Anne verch Gruffith ... mar.

146 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1613

1613, Nov. 15. Roger Taylor and Johan lerch John Wynne ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 2. Edward Roger, shoomaker, and Ales Salisburye ... mar.
" Feb. 13. Hugh ap Lewelin and Sina verch Howell ap Thomas ... mar.
" March.
1614, Aprell.
" May.
" June 1. Samuell Gruffith and Margaret verch Edward ... mar.
" June 29. Edward Roger, of Whittington, and Jonett verch David ap Edward ... mar.
" July 2. William ap Roger and Margaret Gruffith ... mar.
" Aug. 7. John Thomas and Elinor verch Lewelin ... mar.
" Aug. 14. Thomas ap Richard and Sina verch Richard ... mar.
" Sep. 28. William ap John Meredith and Margaret verch Howell ... mar.
" Oct. 5. Thomas George, miller, and Elizabeth verch Robert ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec. 18. Richard Edwardes and Margaret verch Richard ap Owen ... mar.
" Jan.
" Feb.
" March.
1615, Aprell.
" May 1. Ellice ap Robert and Anne verch Hugh ... mar.
" May 21. Jeuan ap David, miller, and Lowrye verch Thomas ... mar.
" May 22. John ap Roger Pigott and Margaret Morys ... mar.
" June 4. Richard Davies and Anne verch Edward Boland ... mar.
" July 25. David ap Edward and Alice verch Robt: ap Roger ... mar.
" Aug.

1617] Whittington. 147

1615, Sept.
" Oct.
" Nov. 27. William ap John ap Ennion and Elizabeth Kynaston ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 12. George Ludlowe, gent., and Katherine Powell ... mar.
" Marche.
1616, Apr. 2. Thomas ap David, of Oswestrie, and Katherin verch John ... mar.
" Apr. 14. Richard ap Owen and Margery verch John Banister ... mar.
" May 4. Jeffrey ap Edward and Katherin Gruffith ... mar.
" May 5. Richard Yorke and Elizabeth Oliver ... mar.
" May 7. Richard Hughes and Gaynor verch Ellice ... mar.
" May 7. Richard Vaughan and Anne verch Roger Benion ... mar.
" May 28. Edward Jeninges and Ales verch Phillip ap John ... mar.
" June 25. Richard Berkley and Elizabeth Boodle ... mar.
" July 14. Thomas ap John and Dowse verch Thomas ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sep. 21. Robert Lewys and Elin verch Hugh ... mar.
" Oct.
" Nov. 10. Ellin ap John and Elizabeth verch Robt. ... mar.
" Nov. 10. Richard [?], preaver. and Elinor verch Roger ... mar.
" Dec. 14. Sir Frauncis E[?], Knight, and Elin Owen ... mar.
" Jan. 26. William ap edd ap William and Ales verch Hugh ... mar.
" Feb. 22. Richard Griffith, carpenter. and Gwen verch Jeuan ... mar.
" Feb. 26. Edward ap Robt: and Gwen verch John ... mar.
" Mar. 2. Edward ap Roger Benion and Johan Gruffith ... mar.
1617, Aprell.

148 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1617

1617, May 25. Thomas ap Rees and Margaret verch John ... mar.
" June 8. Edward ap Humffrey and Katherin verch Robert ... mar.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 12. Thomas ap John, weaver, and Margaret verch Richard ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec. 15. John Rytherch and Ales verch John ... mar.
" Jan. 8. Richard Boodle and Katherin verch William ap edd ... mar.
" Feb. 15. Roger Jones, of Wotton, and Anne Tydder ... mar.
" Feb. 17. John Launcellot, smith, and Ales verch Hugh ... mar.
" Marche.
1618, Aprell.
" May 12. John Foulke and Katherin Arthur ... mar.
" May 13. Roger Laurence and Jane Roberte ... mar.
" May 26. David Phillipp, of Ebnall and Cicilie Wattall ... mar.
" June 19. Jeuan Pigott and Margaret Loid ... mar.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sep. 20. Lewys Jones and Mawde verch John ... mar.
" Oct.
" Nov. -. Edward ap Richard, of Bergyll, and Margaret Jones ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan. 2. Edward ap Thomas, of Old Marton, and Martha verch Rynalde ... mar.
" Feb. 5. Hugh ap Edward ap David and Elizabeth verch John Smith ... mar.
" March.
1619, Aprell.
" May 29. Thomas ap Richard and Katherin verch David ... mar.
" June.

162l] Whittington. 149

1619, Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct.
" Nov. 14. Edward ap John and Elizabeth Tarboys ... mar.
" Dec. 1. Edward Roger and Katherin Gruffith ... mar.
" Jan. 10. Hugh Trevor and Elizabeth verch Edward ... mar.
" Feb. 6. Robert ap Jeuan and Joyce verch Thomas ... mar.
" Feb. 9. Edward ap Jeuan ap Robert and Ales verch Robert ... mar.
" Feb. 10. Edward ap Richard and Katherin verch John ... mar.
" Marche.
1620, Apr. 25. Robert Phivion and Ales verch Richard ... mar.
" Maye.
" June.
" July 24. Thomas George and Johan Pemerton ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sep. 3. Edward ap Richard and Elizabeth verch Roger ... mar.
" Oct.
" Nov.
" Dec. 6. Edward Bythorne and Margaret Smallman ... mar.
" Jan.
" March.
1621, Aprell.
" May.
" June.
" July 24. Harrye Raphe and Anne Nightingale ... mar.
" July 29. Edward ap John Smith and Marsley verch Robert ... mar.
" Aug. 27. Edward ap William Roger and Margaret verch David ... mar.
" Sept.
" Oct. 7. Richard ap Robert and Anne Thomas ... mar.
" Oct. 23. Patrick Ewerson and Fratmces Eyton ... mar.
" Nov.

150 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1621

1621, Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb.
" March.
1622, Aprell.
" May.
" June,
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sep. 1. Humffrey Edmonde and Lowrye Rogers ... mar.
" Oct.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 24. Thomas Jones and Margaret Evance ... mar.
" Marche.
1623, Apr. 13. Harrye Loyd and Johan Berckley ... mar.
" June.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 7. John Ivesonne and Johan Tudder ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan. 10. Edward Williams, Rector of Whittington, and Ermyne Meredith ... mar.
" Feb. 8. Hugh ap William, of Bergyll, and Johan verch Edward ... mar.
" Feb. 9. David ap Thomas and Elizabeth Boland ... mar.
" Feb. 9. Edward Jenkyns, Tanner, and Elizabeth [?] ... mar.
1624, Marche.
" Aprell.
" May.
" June 1. Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley, and Katherin Loyd ... mar.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.

1626] Whittington. 151

1624, Oct. 23. Thomas ap Robert Jonett verch John ap Jeuan ... mar.
" Nov., last day. Edward Hill and Margaret Jeninges ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 23. Richard Phillip, of Bergyll, and Katherin Hughes ... mar.
" Feb. 27. William Hughes, miller, and Margery Kingman ... mar.
" Feb., last day. Thomas Piggott and Jane Gruffith ... mar.
" March.
1625, Aprell.
" May.
" June 6. James Williams and Jane verch Edward ... mar.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sep. 26. Edward ap John and Anne verch Thomas ... mar.
" Oct.
" Nov. 5. Edward Mathew and Ales verch Edward ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan. 24. Thomas Ridlas, carter, and Anne verch John ... mar.
" Feb. 14. Thomas ap William and Gwen Keehn ... mar.
" Feb. 18. William ap John and Sina verch John ... mar.
" March.
1626, Aprell.
" May.
" June.
" July 18. Phillip ap John ap Hugh and Gwen verch John ap Richard ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan. 17. Richard Lewys and Rose verch Edward ... mar.
" Feb. 4. Thomas Witcherley and Katherin verch Jeuan ... mar.

152 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1626

1626, Marche.
1627, Apr. 10. John Wenlocke and Elizabeth verch John edd ap Jeuan ... mar.
" Apr., last day. Richard Foulks and Gwen Payne ... mar.
" May.
" June 4. Barckley ap Thomas and Anne Pemerton ... mar.
" July 1. Jeuan ap Robert ap Jeuan and Elin Jones ... mar.
" July 25. Richard ap Roger, weaver, and Elin Vaughan ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sep. 9. Gruffith ap John and Katherine verch Johan Roger ... mar.
" Oct.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan. 18. Richard Evans and Margaret verch Robert ... mar.
" Feb.
" Marche.
1628, Aprell.
" May.
" June 11. Robert ap Hugh and Anne verch Jeuan ... mar.
" Julye.
" Aug. 10. John ap John and Ales Frauncis ... mar.
" Sept.
" Oct.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 9. Harry Morgan and Elizabeth verch David ap Robert ... mar.
" Feb. 17. Harrye Goodwyne and Elizabeth Mobrye ... mar.
" March.
1629, Aprell.
" May.
" June.
" Julye.
" Aug.

1631] Whittington. 153

1629, Sep. 28. Roger ap John Taylor and Katherin verch Richard ap Thomas ... mar.
" Oct. 18. Thomas Mathewes, finer, and Marye Edwardes ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb.
" March.
1630, Apr. 11. Thomas Awman and Margery Dickins ... mar.
" Apr. 20. Edward Barkley and Jane verch John ... mar.
" May 12. Thomas ap Thomas and Gwen verch John ap Edward ... mar.
" May 22. Edward Mathew and Cicilie verch Edward ap Thomas ... mar.
" June.
" July.
" Aug.
" Sep. 7. John ap Robert ap Richard and Jane verch John edd ap Rynald ... mar.
" Oct. 20. John ap David ap Lewelin and Gwenheyvar verch Hugh ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 14. John Thomas, of Francton, and Ellen Prichard ... mar.
" Feb. 14. Richard Mathew and Johan verch Rees ... mar.
" Feb. 22. John Fop and Margery Watkyn ... mar.
" March.
1631, Aprell.
" May 15. Edward Owen and Mary Williams ... mar.
" June 19. John ap John ap Richard and Ursula verch John Wynn ... mar.
" July 11. Robert Bedo and Margaret Arthur ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 13. Thomas Eyton and Mary Webb ... mar.
" Nov. 6. Robert ap Owen and Jane verch Rees ... mar.

154 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1631

1631, Nov. 26. Edward ap Thomas and Margaret Barkley ... mar.
" Dec. 5. Edward Nicholas and Margaret verch John ... mar.
" Jan. 9. Richard Causay, giner, and Elizabeth Rondell ... mar.
" Feb. 6. Ellice Morgan and Katherin verch Rees ... mar.
" Feb. 6. John William and Sara verch Hugh ... mar.
" Feb. 11. Lewys ap Robert and Ermyn Roger ... mar.
" Feb. 12. Roger ap Edward and Johan Badain ... mar.
" Marche.
1632, Aprell.
" May.
" June 1. Thomas Kingman and Gwen verch Hugh ... mar.
" Julye.
" Aug. 1. Thomas ap Richard and Johan verch Edward ... mar.
" Sep. 29. John ap Howell and Katherin verch Thomas ... mar.
" Oct. 21. Ellice Fenke and Katherine verch Hugh ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec. 3. Robert ap Edward and Ales Pugh ... mar.
" Dec. 23. John ap John and Elizabeth verch John ... mar.
" Jan.
" Feb. 25. Edward ap John Thomas and Jonett verch Roger ... mar.
" March.
1633, Apr. 29. Edward ap John and Jenett verch Thomas Taylor ... mar.
" May 19. Robert [?] and Blainsh Tudder ... mar.
" May 20. Howell [?] and Gwen verch David ... mar.
" June.
" July.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 12. Thomas ap John and Anne verch William ... mar.
" Nov. 2. Tydder Wicherley and Mary Williams ... mar.
" Dec. 15. Mr. John Price and Dorothie Loyd ... mar.
" Dec. 21. John ap Rees, Taylere, and Marye Eyton ... mar.
" Jan.

1635] Whittington. 155

1633, Feb.
" March.
1634, Aprell.
" May 18. Jeuan ap Rees and Katherin verch William ... mar.
" June 1. Jeuan ap David, miller, and Anne verch Jeuan ... mar.
" June 23. Edward Jones and Katherin Barkley. of Bergyll ... mar.
" June 24. Roger Vaughan and Elizabeth verch Edward ... mar.
" July 3. Robert ap John, sawer, and Margaret Phillipp ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sep. 23. Phillipp ap John and Margaret verch Edward ... mar.
" Sep. 24. Robert ap Richard and Elizabeth verch Thomas ... mar.
" Oct 8. John ap Edward, glover, and Margaret Keelan ... mar.
" Nov. 2. Roger ap Richard and Katherin verch Edward ... mar.
" Nov. 10. John ap Hugh and Mary verch Jeuan ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 3. John Gruclith, corviser, and Ales verch Robert ... mar.
" March.
1635, Apr. 6. Thrmas Johnes and Elizabeth verch John Sawer ... mar.
" May.
" June 24. Richard Lyeth and Margaret Edwards ... mar.
" July.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 10. John Davies, dier, and Margaret David ... mar.
" Nov.
" Dec. 30. John Marys and Jane verch John ap edd ... mar.
" Jan.
" Feb.

156 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1635

1635, March.
1636, Aprell.
" May.
" June.
" Julye.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct.
" Nov., last day. Edward ap Thomas and Mawd verch Edward ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan. -. Edward ap John and Min verch William ... mar.
" Feb.
" March.
1637, Apr. 29. John Jeninges and Elizabeth Williams ... mar.
" May.
" June 24. Jeuan ap Howell and Jane Hughes, of Old Marton ... mar.
" July 2. David ap Robert, of Llangollen, and Margaret verch John David ... mar.
" Aug.
" Sep. 2. John Payne and Ales verch Humffrey Price ... mar.
" Oct. 2. Martin Mobrye and Abigaill Ussall ... mar.
" Nov. 12. George Abraham and Anne George ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan. 20. Edward [?], of Bangor, and Margaret verch Thomas ... mar.
" Jan. 30. Edward ap Thomas and Anne verch John ... mar.
" Feb.
" March.
1638, Aprell.
" May.
" June.
" July.
" Aug. 6. John Johnes, of Wotton, and Anne Beddo ... mar.
" Sep. 22. Thomas Jones, Taylor, and Katherin Rogers ... mar.
" Oct.

1642] Whittington. 157

1638, Nov. 51. Richard ap John, of Whittington and Elin verch Edward ... mar.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb.
" March.
1639, Aprell.
" May.
" [blank]. William [?] Margaret [?] ... mar.
" June 23. Thomas Richardson and Elizabeth Rainycrofte ... mar.
" July.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct..
" Nov.
" Dec.
" Jan.
" Feb. 11. John Rogers, of Bangor, and Margaret Williams ... mar.
" March.
1640, Apr. 22. Hugh ap Thomas and Katherin verch Edward ap Rogers ... mar.
" Apr. 29. Edward Jones and Keelan, of Henlley ... mar.
" May.
" June.
" July.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 11. Richard Williams, of Lanfillin, and Elizabeth Davies ... mar.
Matrimony was solemnized betweene Edward ap Hugh, of Ebnall, and Prudents verch John, about the fourth daye of March, Anno Dom. 1640.
1642, July 25. William Meredith, of Whittington and Anne Lloyd ... mar.
" Sep. 25. John Williams, of the p. of Felton, and Jane Elis, of Ebnall, in the p. of Whittington ... mar.

158 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1642


1642, July 23. Sara, wife of Richard Prees, of Whittington ... bur.


" July 19. Joan, wife of Edward ap Terstan ... bur.
" June 17. Anne, d. of John ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 18. Anne, d. of Hughe ap Elis, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 30. [blank], s. of John Browne, of Babishe woode, in the p. of Whittington ... bur.
" July 13. William ap Roger, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 14. Margaret, d. of David ap William, of Whittington ... bur.


" May 13. Richard ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 20. A [blank] wife of Rich: Burton, a workman in the Fern mylle, in the townshipp of Fernhill ... bur.
" June 5. [?] Kyffin, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 16. [?], wife of John Browne, of Babishe wood (in the p. of Whittington) ... bur.


1641, Jan. 15. Sara, d. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 26. John ap Edward, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Henrye, s. of William, a pedler, then of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Anne, d. of Robert ap John als. Saer, of Whittington ... bur.
A [blank], the sister of Roger Berkley, of Ridge, was by intreatye made to the parson of Whittington, and leave obtayned of the vicar of Elsmer, buryed in the Churchyard of Whittington, the thirde daye of Marche, Anno Dom. 1641.
1642, Apr. 1. Mary verch John ap Edward, of Hingford ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Thomas, of Hingford ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Joan, and olde widdowe, of Daywell ... bur.

1641] Whittington. 159

John David, of Daywell, was buried at St. Martyn's, the 8th daye of Aprell, A.D. 1642.
[?], wife of an Englishe man, Tenant at the farm, was [?] & buryed the daye of Aprill, for [?], in St. Martyn's Churche, A.D. 1642. Fol. [?].
" Apr. -. [blank], wife of Jeffrey ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. -. A woman of Hingford ... bur.
[In the margin:]
1642, Aug. -. Nicholas, s. of Jeuan Thomas, of Hingford ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Richard, s. of the say de Jeuan ap Thomas ... bur.


1641, Apr, 10. Roger, s. of Edward ap Hugh ap Roger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Elin verch Tuddor witcherley ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Richard, s. of John Payne, of Oulde Marton ... bap.
" Apr. -. Thomas, s. of William ap John Taylor, of Hingford ... bap.
" May 25. Katherine, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 3. Richard, s. of John Foster, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 25. Roger, s. of Tho: ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bap.
Roger Owen, his sonne, of Daywell, was baptized in the Church of St: Martyns, [?] of Auguste.
" Aug. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Edward [blank], s. of Thomas Taylor, of Henlley ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Richard, s. of Richard ap John ap [blank], of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Richard, s. of Rees Gruffith, of Hingford ... bap.
" Oct. 16. David, s. of Robert More, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Anne, d. of Robert ap Roger, of Daywell ... bap.

160 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1641

1641, Nov. 22. John, s. of Jeuan Jones, of Francton ... bap.
Elizabeth, d. of Richard Timothey, of Fernhill, was baptized in this monthe of November, Anno Dom: 1641.
" Jan. 2. Elizabeth d. of Thomas [blank] Birhareson, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Roger, s. of Lewis Davyes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Mary, d. of [blank] Whitakers, of Hingford ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Ann, d. of Robert ap John, seyer, alias Robert Jones, of the Townshippe of Whittington ... bap.
Elizabeth, the grande childe of John Killan, of Henlley, was baptized the 30th daye of IP Januarye, Anno Dom: 1641, upon her mother accidentall coming thither.
" Feb. 2. Elinor, d. of William ap David, of Babishe woode, in the p. of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Dorothye, d. of George Mathewe ... bap.
1642, Apr. 3. Ann, d. of Hugh ap Elis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Andrewe, s. of Edward Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. -. Richard, s. of Tuddor [?] ... bap.
Edward, s. of Robert [?], of Daywell ... bap.
Thomas, s. of [?], of Fernhill ... bap.
" May -. Jane, d. of Jeuan ap John, of Babishe wood ... bap.
" May 15. Mary, d. of George Lloyd, of Bergill ... bap.
" May -. Edward, s. of [?] ...bap.
" May 27. Edward, s. of Thomas [?], of Francton ... bap.
" June 11. Richard and Sam, two twynnes and children of John ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" July -. Richard, s. of Thomas ap John Gruffith, of Daywell ... bap.

from 1643 to 1653.

[Written apparently when the Register was bound about 1791.]

1643] Whittington. 161

Baptisinges, fol. 2.
Burials, fol. 60.
Mariages fol. [erased] 20.



The Register in parchment ended Anno Dom. 1643, in Aprill.
This Register in paper taketh beginninge thence foreward.
There be late burialls regestred amonge the first burialls of this booke, to be reade fol. 61-62.
A catalogue of such as were borne, buried, married since the 29th of Sept., 1653, inserted here for want of a new Register to be provided by the parish by the command of an Act of Parliament, it beginnes page 75.


1643, Apr. 20. A, the d. of one Boodle, of Censall ... bap.
1644, Apr. 5. Humffrey, s. of Jeuan ap John ... bap.
1643, May -. Ann, d. of George ap John ... bap.
" June 3. Thomas, s. of Hughe ap Elis, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 18. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 20. Roberte, s. of Timothy Mathewes ... bap.
" June -. Richard, s. of John Roger, of Francton ... bap.
" July 8. John, s. of Richard Boland, of Censall ... bap.
" July 9. Peter, s. of William, the Cowper, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 22. John, s. of George Abram, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 7. John, s. of John Jones, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Aug. 7. John, s. of Gruffydd. the saltman, of Ould Marton ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Margaret, d. of Edward ap John [?], of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Samuel, s. of John Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Elinor, d. of a man of Censall ... bap.
" Sep. 15. John, ye sonne of John a Edward, of Hingford, was baptised the 15th daye of September, or thereabouts, Anno Dom. 1643.

162 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1643

1643, Sep. 20. Charles, s. of Edward ap Edward, smith ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Harrye, s. of Jeuan ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Hughe, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Sara, d. of Hughe ap Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Blanche, d. of Tuddor [?],of Hingford ... bap.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of Andrewe Madocke, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Jeuan ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Frances Richarde, of Hingford ... bap.
John ap Lewis Gruffydd, of Francton, was baptised this November, Anno Dom: 1643.
" Dec. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Bedo, of Babishe woode, in the parishe of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Edward, the sonne of a stranger whose mother [?] delivered at John Moris his house, of Babishe woode ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Katherin, d. of [?] ap Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Aleare, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Roger, s. of Rondle, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elin, d. of Edward Ponke, of Hingforde ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Harrye, s. of Richard Hughes, of Bergill ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Jane, d. of Samuell, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Judithe, of Thomas Richardson, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Andrewe, s. of David ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
1644, Mar. 16. Thomas, s. of John ap John, of Wotton, in the p. of Oswestry ... bap.
" Mar. 20. R., s. of a sonne in lawe of the Jyner of the yron mylle ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Richard, s. of Elis ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.

1644] Whittington. 163

1614, Mar. 25. Roger, s. of Fowke, the Taylore, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Katheryne, d. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bap.
Humffrey, the sonne of Jeuan ap John, see above in Aprill, Anno Dom: 1643.
1644, Apr. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Richard ap Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 7. Elinor, d. of Rees ap Jeuan, of Hingford ... bap.
" June 3. Thomas, s. of Hughe ap T [torn] Sayer ... bap.
" June 12. Katherine, d. of Robert Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 7. Thomas, s. of Richard ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 30. Marye, d. of John Thomas, of Francton ... bap.
Ann, the daughter of another of Francton, was baptised the same time.
" Aug. 10. John, s. of William Meredith, of Whittinton ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Marye, d. of Roger Kilan, of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Margaret, d. of [?] Gruffyth, by Gwen Mathewe, of Henlley ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Thomas, s. of John Owen, of Francton ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Thomas, s. of Frances [?] ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Richard, s. of Richard Loyd, of Ebnalle ... bap.
" Nov. 1. David, s. Richard Berkley, of Ridge ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Jane, d. of John ap [?] ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Dorothie, d. of Robert Conwaye, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Syna, d. of Hugh ap Elis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Frances, s. of Dovid Gregorye, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Jane, grand-child of John Lewis, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Frances Fope, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 25. James, s. of Andrewe Davyes, of the parishe of Syllatten ... bap.

164 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1644

1644, Feb. 17. Katherine, d. of John Payne, of Oulde Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Robecka, d. of John Moris, of the Townshippe of Babyes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Elinor, d. of Edward Percivall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Nathaniel, s. of John Meredith, of the Townshippe of Babyes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Thomas, s. of John ap John, of Wotton, in the p. of Oswestrye ... bap.
" Mar. 20. [?], s. of [?], daughter, of the Iron Mylle ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Richard, s. of Elis ap Richard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Roger, s. of Fowke, the Tayler, of Whittington ... bap.
Marye, ye daughter of Edward Mathewes, of Fernhill ... bap.

Aprille for Aprille above ye first month of this yeare 1644.

1645, Apr. 2. Katherine, d. of Jeuan Meredith, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Robert, s. of Hughes Tudor, of Kensall ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Dorothye, d. of Robert ap Roger, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Thomas, s. of Roger Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Richard, s. of David ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Katherine, d. of John Trevor, of Ebnalle ... bap.
" May 4. Joan, d. of [?] Moris, of the Townshippe of Babishe wood ... bap.
" May 26. Edward, s. of Thomas, ye myller. of Whittington ... bap.
[An erased entry.]
" June 11. Eastere, d. of John Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 15. Phillippe, s. of John Evins, of Aston, in the p. of Oswestry ... bap.

1645] Whittington. 165

I 1645, June 17. Margaret, d. of Thomas ap Hugh, of Fernhill ... bap.
" June 18. Marye, d. of Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 21. Samuell, s. of John ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.

Auguste [?].

" Aug. 22. Katheryne, d. of George Abram, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Elnor, d. of George ap John, of Whittington ... bap.
[An erased entry.]
" Sep. 3. Thomas, s. of Danyel Phillippe, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Andrewe, s. of John Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 14. John, s. of one of the inhabitants of the Townshippe of Babishe wood ... bap.
" Sep. 22. William, s. of Thomas Powell, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Marye, d. of John ap Edward, of Hingford ... bap.
[An erased entry.]
" Oct. 10. Jane. d. of Richard Eyton, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Walter, s. of Robert ap Thomas, of Ould Marton ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Edward, s. of John Berkleye, of Ould Marton ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Francis [?], of the Townshippe of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 19. John, s. of Frances Richardsonne, of Hyngforde ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Margaret, d. of Edward Jeninges, of the p. of Oswestry ... bap.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of Jeuan Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Ann, d. of John Whitaker, of the p. of Haleston ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Rebecca, d. of Edward Ward, of Whittington ... bap.

166 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1645

1645, Mar. 8. Edward, s. of [blank], of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Moris Thomas, of Babyes woode ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Sara, d. of Thomas Tomkyn Mydlton, Babyes woode ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Edward, s. of Tuddor Wicherleye, of Babyes Wood ... bap.
1646, Mar. 30. Edward, s. of Edward Boodle, of Kensill ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Marye, d. of Richard Loyde, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Jane, d. of Thomas ap Hughe, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Jane, d. of Rondle Barker, of Wotton, in the p. of Oswestry ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Margaret, d. of Thomas Loyde, of Daywell ... bap.
[In the margin:] B [?] ap Thomas, vid infra.
1646, Apr. 27. Owen, s. of Richard Bedo, of Babishe woode ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Robert, s. of Thomas ap John Gruffith ... bap.
Marye, d. of Samuel ow, of Hyngford, was baptised on the Ascension daye, Anno Dom: 1646.
Richard, s. of Edward Jones, of Whittington, was baptised on the Ascention daye, Anno Dom: 1646.
" May 17. Ruth, d. of Edward ap Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 23. Richard, s. of Richard Hughes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 29. Grace, d. of Jeuan ap Hugh, of Babies wood ... bap.
" June 2. Jane, d. of Robert Jones alias Sager ... bap.
" June 7. Thomas, s. of John Hughe, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Robert, s. of Thomas ap Robert, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 8. James, s. of Robert Conwaye, of Daywell ... bap.

1646] Whittington. 167

1646, June 13. Katheirne, d. of Thomas ap John, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 20. Jane, d. of Hughe ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 28. Katherine, d. of John Kyffin, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 28. Phillip, s. of Andrew Madocke, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Katherine, d. of Edward ap Owen, of Daywell ... bap.
Thomas, s. of John Jeninges, of Whittington, was Baptised the Thursdaye before Michellmas daye, Anno Dom: 1646.
" Nov. 3. John, s. of John Davids, of Midleton, Esq., was borne the seventh of October, and baptised the third of November, 1646.
" Nov. 12. Ann, d. of Richard [?], of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Thomas, s. of George Abram, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Andrewe, s. of Robert Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Thomas, s. of [?], of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Alse, d. of Daniel Jones, of Oswestry ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Jane, d. of Abram Jones, of Babishe woode ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elisabeth, d. of John Owen, of Henabod ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Thomas Pope, s. of Roger Pope, Esq., of Even-hall ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Roger Evans, of Hiseland ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Edward, s. of Edward Berde, of Olde Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Christian, grand-child of John Davids, of Bergill ... bap.
" Mar. 18. John, s. of Edward Griffiths, of Midleton ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Richard, s. of David, the weaver, of Aston ... bap.
" Mar. 19. The sonne of Evan Barker ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Mary, d. of John Moris, of Babiswood ... bap.

168 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1647

1647, Apr. 7. John, s. of George Hartington, of Midleton ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Mary, . of Roger Benion ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Elinor, d. of Thomas Kingricke alias Sais, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 24. John, s. of Robert Okeley, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Griffith, s. of John Evans, of Wtton ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Margaret, d. of John Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
[inserted :] Dorothy, d. of Francis Falloros was born May ye first, 1647.
1647, May 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Raphe, of Henley ... bap.
" May 8. Priscilla, d. of John Edge, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 28. Rebecca, d. of Owen, Mr. John Davies, his old man, of Midleton, was baptised the 28th of May, 1647, being holy Thursday.
" June 8. Thomas, s. of Henry Evans, joyner, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 9. Thomas, s. of Foulke Lloyd, taylor, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 10. Mary, d. of Thomas Lloyd, of Fernhill ... bap.
" June 12. Bartholomew, s. of John Williams, of Bergill ... bap.
" July 8. Richard, s. of Richard Lloyd, of Sarne ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Katherine, d. of Thomas George, of Bergill ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of Richard Bedoe ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Thomas, s. of William Thomas, weaver, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 4. William, s. of David ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Richard, s. of John Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 15. John, s. of Thomas ap Thomas, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Ursula, d. of Richard ap Robert ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Anne, d. of Rowland Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richard, s. of Hugh op Robert ... bap.

1648] Whittington. 169

Hester, d. of Francis Manwayringe dwellinge in Babishe woode, was baptised about the thirde daye of Januarye, Anno Dom: 1647.
1647, Jan. 2. [?], s. of Edward ap Robert, of Bergin ... bap.
1648, Apr. 9. Richard, s. of Evan Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Lewes, s. of Lewes Devddwr, of Francton ... bap.
" May 14. John, s. of Frances Johnson, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 20. Thomas, s. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 20. Thomas, s. of John Kyffin, of Whittington ... bap.
[blank], d. of a poore man of Francton, was baptised not long after the 20th June, Anno Dom: 1648.
" July 28. Mary, d. of John Edwards, joyner, of Whittington, was baptised the 28th day of July, or thereabouts, Anno Dom: 1648.
" Aug. 28. Margarett, d. of Thomas Lloyd, Esquier, and nowe Lord of the Manor, Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Elizabeth, d. of a sonne of Richard Draper, of Bergyll ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Richard, s. of Richarde Tudder, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Moris, s. of John George, nowe of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richard Eyton, s. of Richard Eyton, of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William Geocge, of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Marye, d. of Jothn Vaughan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Andrewe, s. of Edward ap Edward Smithe ... bap.
" Jan. 27. [?], d. of Elis ap [?], of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 23. John, s. of Thomas George, of Bergill ... bap.
" Feb. 6. John, s. of Richarde Loyde, of Ebnall ... bap.

170 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1648

1648, Mar. 6. Marye, d. of Edward ap Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
1649, Mar. 27. Grizell, d. of Robert Sayer, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 1. John, s. of John Owen, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Marye, d. of David ap Evan, of the [?], in Babyes woode ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Elinor, d. of a tenante of Mr. John Tevor, of Pentre kyr [?], dwellinge in the house there as tenante to Mr. Tevor ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Elizabeth, d. of a poore woman of Hingford
" Apr. 29. Thomas, s. of Robert ap Edward, of Babishe woode ... bap.
" May 5. Phillippe, s. of Danyell Phillippe, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 14. Elizabeth, d. of Evan ap Hughe, of Babies woode ... bap.
" May 26. Moris, s. of John Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 26. Richard, s. of John Trevor, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 30. Margett, d. of [?], of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Samuell, s. of John ap [?] alias [?]... bap.
"* Sep. 23. Sara, d. of Elis Foulke, of Whittington ... bap.
"* Oct. 9. Sara, d. of Thomas Lloyde, Esq., and lorde of the manor of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Sara, d. of Richard Berkley, of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Katherine, d. of an Inhabitant of Daywell, was baptised the 4th day of November, Anno Dom: 1649.
viz. the grandchilde of Evan Roger.
" Nov. 18. Andrewe, s. of George Abram, of Whittington ... bap.
"* Nov. 25. James, s. of John Moris, of Babies woode ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Marye, d. of Edward Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Sara, d. of Daniel Maynwaringe, of Babies Woode ... bap.

1650] Whittington. 171

1649, Dec. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas ap Robert Tayler ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Ursula, d. of Richard Tyder, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Robena, d. of Edward Bowen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Roberte, s. of a brother of Mr. Maurice Griffiths' wife, of Ould Marton ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Francis, d. of Edward Percivalle, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Margaret, d. of Evan Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Elenor, d. of Hugh ap Elis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 11. John, s. of William Jones, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Ann, d. of Thomas [?],of Bergill ... bap.
1650, Mar. 26. John, s. of Evan Barker, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of John Robert, of Whittington ... bap.
[Inserted:] Rebecca, d. of Robert Davies, of Bergill, and Mary, his wife, was borne the 14th day of May, 1650, being Holy Thursday.
" May 19. Marye, d. of Lewis Davies, of Babieswoode, in the p. of Whittington ... bap.
Peter and Anne, two twynnes at one byrthe, beinge the children of Robert, the son in lawe of John Bedo, of Babies woode, were baptised the 23rd daye of June, Anno Dom: 1650.
" July 14. Katharine, d. of Robert Jones, of Babies wood ... bap.
" July 20. Symon, s. of John Edwardes, of Bergill ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Roger, s. of Edward Warde, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 13. [?], d. of David Parrye, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Dorothie, d. of Thomas Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
[An erased entry.]
" Oct. 1. John, s. of a poore man of Femhille ... bap.
"* Oct. 6. Anne, d. of a man of Babies wood ... bap.

172 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1650

1650, Oct. 6. Jane, d. of Thomas Howale, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Robert, s. of Edward Edwardes, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Frauncis Richardson, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Andrew, s. of Roger Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Mary, d. of John ap William, of Henwood, Tanner ... bap.
" Dec. 27. The sonne of Thomas George ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Anne, d. of Fraunces Fowler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Francis, s. of George Lloyde, Mr. Phillip Elis, his Apprentice in Oswestrie ... bap.
" Feb. 18. John and Dorothy, the children of Edward Nicholes, of Oswestrie ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Edward, s. of John Vaughan ... bap.
" Mar. 16. A[?], the s. of Richard Bedoe, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Rebecca, d. of Thomas Roberts, of Whittington ... bap.
1651, Apr. 16. Andrew, s. of Thomas ap Richard, Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. -. Jane, d. of Thomas Boodle ... bap.
Thomas, s. of Thomas, the miller, of Whittington, was baptized.
" Aug. 26. Dorithy, d. of Roger Benion ... bap.
" Sep. 7. John, s. of Tuddor Lancelot, of Hinford, smith ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Anne, d. of [?], of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Margaret, d. of John Trevor, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Mary, d. of a man dwelling in Midleton ... bap.
1652, Apr. 29. Richard, s. of Rich: Kynaston, of Franckton ... bap.
" May.
" June
" July.

1643] Whittington. 173

1652, Aug. 15. [?], s. of Evan Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Katharine, d. of a man of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Edward, s. of Thomas Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John, s. of the s. of John Davies, the thatcher, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Katharine, d. of John Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
1653, Mar. 9. Mary, d. of:abn Owens, of Henhabod ... bap.
" Mar. 26. [?], s. of Bamaby Bough ... bap.
Samuell, s. of Francis Richardson, was baptized the same day aforesaid.
[?], born ye 7th day of September.

[A blank page, and apparently one torn out.]



1643, May 22. Richard ap Robert and Ursula Mathewes, of Whittington ... mar.
" Dec. 29. John Owen, of Henhabod, and Katharine [blank], of Francton ... mar.
1647, Mar. 2. Moris Williams, of the lodge, and Margery ap Owen ... mar.
1652, Jan. 22. Rich: Payne, s. to Mr. John Payne, of Old Marton, and d. to Richard Hughes, of Oswestriee ... mar.
" Jan. 22. John Moris and Llettice Payne, d. to Mr. Rich: Payne, of the [?], the same day ... mar.
" between Mr. Edward Hunt, s. to Anthony Hunt, Esq: of Fernhill, and Margaret Trevour, eldest d. to Mr. John Trevour, Pentrekynrick.

[torn page.]


1643, May 3. David, s. of Edward ap William, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 9. Elizabeth, wife of John Barker, of Whittington ... bur.

174 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1643

1643, June 25. Katherine, wife of Lewis Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 27. The d. of a Cheshire man, noursed at Hingford ... bur.
" June 27. Cicelye, the Relict widowe of Phillip Evans, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 28. Edward ap William, of Whittington ... bur.
The wife of Elis Davyes, of ye Hen Haford, with a new borne child were buryed in ye same grave the 29th daye of June, Anno Dom: 1643.
" July 4. Ann, wife of Fowke Morgan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug.
" Sept.
" Oct. 15. Alce, d. of John Hughes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Richard, s. of Edward ap William, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Thomas ap Richard, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 24. Richard Price, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Ann, wife of Thomas ap Richard, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Richard, s. of John Davyes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 2. John supposed s. of Nicholas [?], borne at the house of John Morgan, in Babyes wood ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Ann, wife of Hughe ap Hughe, of Hingford ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Jane, wife of a smyth of Elsmere ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Lowrye, the Relict, widowe of Edward Trevor, of Whittington ... bur.

vid infra fol. 68.

1648, Aug. 6. Thomas, s. of John Kyffin, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 27. Elizabeth, grandchilde of Richard Draper, of [?], in the Townshippe of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 6. John, s. of David ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bur.

1644] Whittington. 175

1648, Nov. 7. Gruffyth ap [blank], of Mericmethshire, of [?], dwellinge at Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Mary, sister of Richard Draper, of Burkell ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Ales, d. of John Badam, of Midleton, in the p. of Oswestrye ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Richard, s. of Richard Tudder, of Whittington, was buryed about the 17th daye of November, Anno Dom: 1648 ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Elizabeth, d. of [?] Prichard, of Babies wood ... bur.
The widdowe, of Daywell, was buryed some number of weekes before the two seconde buxialls, Anno Dom: 1648.
" Jan. 2. Margaret, d. of Edward ap Thomas, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 23. [?], a woman of Francton ... bur.
" Feb. 2. The Smith of Babies wood ... bur.
A: Whorood, of Whittington, was buried January the 29th, 1648.
" Feb. 28. Edward, s. of Edward ap Thomas, of Old Marton ... bur.
1644, Apr. 25. Richard, s. of John ap Hughe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Katherine, d. of Edward Percivalle, Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 25. M[?], the d. of Jo. Penke, of Hingford ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Edward ap [?], of Daywell ... bur.
" May 5. Margaret Thomas, of Francton ... bur.
" June 8. Joan verch Thomas, of Francton ... bur.
" June 12. Katherine, d. of Edward Lloyde, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 13. John, ye grandchilde of Richard ap John, of Francton ... bur.
" June 14. Joan, ye wife of [?], of Daywell ... bur.
" July 6. Susan, d. of Jame[s] Kiffin, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 16. The d. of one Humffrey, dwellinge upon the ditches, neare Mydlton ... bur.

176 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1644

1644, July 27. Jane, Relicte widdowe of John Robert, of Ridge, and now of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Margaret, Relicte widdowe of John ap Edward, smyth, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 26. John Trevor, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. 31. Richard ap Richard, of Elsmere, p. neare Francton ... bur.
" Oct. 6. Ann, a mayde of Hingford ... bur.
" Nov. -. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Williams ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Elner Wenn, of Daywell, was buryed in St. Martynes Churche ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Gwen, wife of Oswald ap Thomas, of Hingford ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Ales, the leste widdowe of Edward ap Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 25. John, s. of John Jones, of Fernhill ... bur.
The sonne of a widdowe, of Heislande ... bur.
" Feb. 26. The sonne of a widdowe, of Heislande ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Edward, s. of Tudder, of Gravenhalle ... bur.
" Mar. 26. The s. of a widd: of Henlley ... bur.
1645, Mar. 30. Charles Rogers, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Jane, wife of Richard ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 22. The d. of Richard Waters, of Kensill ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Dorothie, d. of Robert Conwaye, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 1. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Berkleye, of Ridge ... bur.
" May 12. Richard ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 14. Elenor, the relict and widdowe of Richard Vaughan, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 30. Edward Owen, of Knockin ... bur.
" June 5. Katheryne verch Hughe, of Old Marton ... bur.
" June 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Jeninges, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 30. The d. of Edward Trevor, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 3. Richard Boodle, of Bergill ... bur.
" July 21. [?], wife of John ap Jeuan, of Daywell ... bur.

1646] Whittington. 177

1645, July 29. [?], a widdowe, beinge an [?] woman of Mydleton ... bur.
" Aug. 22. Dorothie, wife of William Cowper, of Oswesterye ... bur.
" Aug. 30. [?], wife of an Inhabitant Heislande ... bur.
Andrewe, s. of John Thomas, of Whittington, was buryed about the 18th day of Oct: ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Richard Hughes, Tayler, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 22. George, sometyme superviser of the Husboundrye of the Halston ... bur.
" Nov. 27. Margaret, relict widdowe of Samuell Gryffyth ... bur.
" Dec. 7. David, s. of William Jeffreye, sometyme Curate of Whittington ... bur.
[An erased entry.]
" Dec. 29. Thomas Piggott, Wotton, in the p. of Oswesterye ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Katheryne, d. of George Abram, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Frances, relict widowe of Francis Eyton, of Fernhill ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Richard ap Edward, of owlde Marton ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Elizabeth, wife of T. Badam, of the townshippe of Mydlton, in the p. of Oswesterye ... bur.
[An erasure.]
" Feb. 10. Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 6. [?], wife of Moris Williams, of the Lodge, in the Townshippe of Babishe woode ... bur.
1646, Mar. 27. [?], wife of John Davies, of Bergill ... bur.
" Apr. 6. John Phillipp, of Ebnall .. bur.
" Apr. 8. Moris ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Rees ap Richard, of [?] ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Ann, wife of Richard Roberts, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 6. Roger ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 6. [?], wife of Edward ap William, of Whittington ... bur.

178 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1646

1646, May 6. Marye, d. of Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 7. David ap Oliver, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 8. [?], d. of John Badam, of Mydlton ... bur.
Gaynor, d. of Anthonye Bytheme, of Heislande, and wife of a souldier, was buryed the 29th daye of Julye or thereabouts, Anno Dom. 1646 ... bur.
Anthonye Bythoine, of Heyslande was buryed about the fifteenth daye of September, Anno Dom., 1646.
" Oct. 13. John Lewis, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Marye Roger, of Henlley ... bur.
" Dec. 23. The grandchilde of Hugh ap [?], smyth, of Daywell ... bur.
[Two erased entries.]
" Mar. 4. Jane, wife of Rhese Griffith ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Thomas Price ... bur.
1647, Apr. 1. Katherine, wife of Elis Foulke ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Richard Davies ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Marye, d. of Mr. Thomas Lloyd, of fernhill ... bur.
" Sep. 19. Thomas Vaughan, the [s. of] David Vaughan, of Hinford ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Margaret, wife of Roger ap Evan ... bur.
" Nov. 30. Thomas ap Edward, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Richard, s. of John Edge, of Whittington ... bur.
The s. of John Vaughan, of Daywell, was buryed about the sixteene daye of Januarye, Anno Dom: 1647 ... bur.
The wife of Thomas ap Hughe, of Daywell, about the 24 daye of Januarye, Anno Dom: 1647 ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Ann, wife of Francis Davyes [?] ... bur.
John ap Edward ap Moris, of Bergill, was buryed upon Easter daye, beinge the seconde daye of Aprill, Anno Dom: 1648.
1648, Apr. 17. The s. of Berleye Jeninges, of Ould Marton ... bur.

1649] Whittington. 179

1648, Apr. 20. [blank], the d. of John Browne, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Jeffreye ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 22. Edward Benion, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 20. [blank], the relicte widdowe, of Richard ap John, of Francton ... bur.
" June 22. William Edwarde, of Daywell ... bur.
You maye fynde the nexte burialls to this laste by lookinge backe in the seventhe leafe above.

Vide supra fol. ab nat septimo.

1648, Dec. 9. Richard ap John, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Ermyne, wife of Lewis Davyes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 29. George, s. of Thomas Wither, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Thomas Wither, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Jeuan ap Hughe, of Babies woode ... bur.
" Jan. 23. [blank], the s. of Elis [blank], of John, s. of Jeuan ap Hughe was buryed the 25th daye of Januarye or thereaboute, Anno Dom: 1648.
" Feb. 5. Thomas Prees, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 22. W. ap William ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Robert ap Edward, of Ebnal ... bur.
" Feb. 27. W., s. of Richard ap John, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Fouke ap W. Tayler, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Harrye ap Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Marye, of Oulde Marton, dwellinge in a place called the Neol there ... bur.
" Mar. 16. [blank], s. of Richard Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Humffrey Eyton, of Francton ... bur.
1649, Mar. 29. [blank], wife of Elis, of Daywell, neare the Hengoed there ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
Ann, the wife of John surnamed Belacke, was buryed the 30th daye of March, dwellinge in Babyes wood, Anno Dom: 1649.
" Apr. 5. [blank], d. of Hughe ap John Lewis, of Bergin ... bur.

180 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1649

1649, Apr. 5. [blank], wife of George ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Margaret, d. of Thomas Lloyd, Esquire, Lord of the Manor of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 11. [blank], a mayd servant, of Fernhill ... bur.
" Apr. 1. [blankl, the wife of Thomas ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 12. [blank], s. of John Mathewe, of Hyngeford ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Gwen, a relicte widdowe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 19. [blank], d. of Robert Perkins, of the woode ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Thomas, s. of George ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Margaret, d. of John Meredithe, of Babishe woode ... bur.
" May 7. Nathaniel, s. of John Meredithe, of Babishe woode ... bur.
" May 2. Margaret, d. of David ap Evan, of Babishe woode ... bap.
" May 1. Ann Chaundled, widdowe, of Bergille ... bur.
" May 14. William Meredith, of Whittington ... bur.

Maye Anno Dom: 1649.

" May 19. [blank], d. of John Chaundler, of Bergill ... bur.
" May 24. John Chaundler, of Bergill ... bur.
" May 27. [blank], childe of Robert ap John alias Sayer, of the Townshippe of Whittington ... bur.
" June 15. Elizabeth Jones alias Meredithe, of Whittington, widdowe ... bur.
" June 18. Edwarde, s. of William Vaughan, couper, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 22. Elin, d. of Robert Meare, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 27. John Evans alias Blacke John, of Babies woode ... bur.
" June 29. Eline, d. of Jeuan Meredithe als. of Wotton, of Babies woode ... bur.
" July 10. Andrewe, s. of Edwarde ap Edwarde als. y-go, dwellinge in Babies woode ... bur.

1650] Whittington. 181

Rowlande, s. of George Moris, was buryed in the Churchyard of Whittington, his father beinge a stranger and a travayler lodginge in one of the houses of Babies woode, the 12th daye of July, Anno Dom: 1649.
1649, July 21. [blank], wife of Thomas Trustan, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 28. David ap Edward, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 2. [blank], s. of Rees ap Thomas, of Hingford ... bur.
" Sep. 15. John ap Wal [?] John of the Castle ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Joan, d. of Edward ap Thomas, slater, of Babies woode ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Robert ap Evan, servant to David Berkleye, of Bergill ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Ann, d. of [blank] Bedo ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas ap [?], of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 22. Richard ap Roger, nowe of [?] Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Elin, d. of Thomas ap Richard, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Richard Wherwood ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... bur.
[A large smudge].
1650, Mar. 26. Hughe, s. of Hughe ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 27. Thomas Trustan, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Edward ap Humffreye, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 27. John, s. of Evan Barker, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 27. [blank], s. of David ap [?], of the Rhyde [?], in the Townshippe of Daywell ... bur.
" May 18. Robert ap Thomas, of Pentre Ayron, in the Townshippe of Daywell ... bur.
" June 8. Elnor verch William Thomas, mayde servant of Richard Tudder, of Gravenhalle ... bur.
" June 9. Anne, wife of Robert ap Hughe, of Whittington ... bur.

182 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1650

1650, July 19. [blank], child or grandchilde of John ap Jeuan, Turner, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 9. A[?], the wife of John Rogers, of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Dorothye, d. of Thomas Rogers, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. -. Robert, s. of Tymothy Mathews ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Edward ap Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
1651, Mar. 25. Thomas Eaton ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Richard, s. of John Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 21. John Davies, the Thatcher ... bur.
[A piece cut from the bottom of the page.]
1652, Apr. 8. Mr. John Davies, of Francton ... bur.
" July 8. Edward Williams, Rector of Whittington ... bur.
Feb. 14. William Jones, of Henley ... bur.
1653, Apr. -. John Evans, of Bergill ... bur.
[Remainder of page torn off.]


1643, May 22. Richard ap Robert, of Whittington, and Ursula Mathews ... mar.
" Dec. 29. John Owen and Katherine, of Francton ... mar.
1647, Mar. 22. Moris Williams, of the lodge, and Margery, ab Owen ... mar.
1652, Jan. 22. Richard Payne, s. of Mr. John Payne, of Old Marton and Lettice Payne [erased], d. to Richard Vaughan, of Oswestree ... bur.
The same day and yeare was Matrimony solemnized between John Morris and Lettice Payne, d. to Mr. Richard Payne, of the Argoed.
" Feb 9. Mr. Edward Hunt, s. and heyre to Anthonye Hunt, of Fernhill, Esqre: and Margaret, eldest d. to Mr. John Trebour, Pentre-cynricke.
[End of page torn off .]

1653] Whittington. 183

1653, Sep. 26. Andrew Madocke and Margaret, widow, livinge in the p. of Oswestree ... mar.
" Sep. 29. Edward Lloyd, s. and heire to Mr. Richard Lloyd, of Whittington, and Sarah Lloyd, d. to Mr. Edward Lloyd, of Drenewith ... mar.


BAPTISMS, from 1653 to 1701,
MARRIAGES, from 1660 to 1703,
BURIALS, from 1653 to 1697.



September, Anno Domine 1653.

1653, Oct. 9. John, s. of John Thomas, of Daywell ... borne.
" Oct. 11. A., the s. of John Shory, of Ebnall ... borne.
" Oct. 14. Mary, d. of Robert ap Robert, of ... borne.
" Oct. 19. John, s. of Richard Kynaston, of Francton ... borne.
" Oct. 21. Martha, d. of Daniel Manering, of Daywell ... borne.
" Oct. 23. Richard, s. of Thomas Foulk, of Whittington ... borne.
" Oct. 23. Richard, s. of Moris, a labourer, in Fernhill ... borne.
" Nov. 28. Thomas, s. of John Edge, of Whittington ... borne.
" Dec. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Thomas Lloyd, of Fernhill ... borne.
" Jan. 16. Josua, s. of Gerard Coton, of Whittington ... borne.
" Jan. 26. Sara, d. of Roger ap Edward, of Ebnall ... borne.
" Feb. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas Gorton, of Bergill ... borne.
" Feb. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Daywell ... borne.
" Feb. -. John, s. of John Phillipps, of Whittington, upon Shrove Tuesday ... borne.

184 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1653

1653, Feb. 13. Roger, s. of John Vaughan, of Daywell ... borne.
" Mar. 9. Sara, d. of John Moris, of Babies wood ... borne.
" Mar. 12. Edward, s. of Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... borne.
" Mar. 12. Thomas, s. of Hugh ap Robert, of Babies wood ... borne.
"* July 5. Frances, d. of Beniamen Russell, of Fernill ... borne.
1654, Apr. 15. Sara, d. of Thomas Waters, of Kinselle ... borne.
" Apr. 16. Robert, s. of Richard ap Richard, of Whittington ... borne.
" Apr. 23. Edward, s. of Edward Benion, of Whittington ... borne
"+ May 1. Thomas, s. of Philip Williams, of ffrankton ... borne.
" May 13. Roger, s. of Roger Benion, of Whittington ... borne.
" June 5. Thomas. s. of Robert Davies, of Bergill ... borne.
" June 15. Mary, d. of Robert Hall, of Daywell ... borne.
" July 26. [...], s. of John Payne, of Ould Marton ... borne.
" Aug. 24. [?], s. of Edward George ... borne.
" Sep. 2. Thomas, s. of Richard Trevour, of Daywell ... borne.
" Sep. 5. Margaret, d. of Edward Lloyd, of Whittington ... borne.
" Sep. 25. Francis, s. of Phillip Davies, of Francton's wood ... borne.
" Oct. 14. Joan, d. of Barnaby Bough, of Whittington ... borne.
" Oct. 22. Nicholas, s. of Thomas Boodle, of Whittington ... borne.
" Nov. 3. John, s. of Edward Winne, of Henlley ... borne.
" Nov. 10. Anne, d. of John Williams, of Henavod ... borne.
" Nov. 12. John, s. of Edward Jaundrell, of Bergill ... borne.
" Nov. 24. Susanna, d. of Thomas Hunt, of Da y well ... borne.
" Dec. 1. John, s. of Edward Foulk, of Whittington ... borne.

* A later insertion.
+ Written in the margin.

1655] Whittington. 185

1654, Jan. 26. Richard, s. of Robert Rogers, of Ebnall ... borne.
" Feb. 3. John, s. of Daniel Dauies, of Bergin ... borne.
" Feb. 5. [?], d. of John Davies, of Whittington ... borne.
" Feb. 12. George, s. of Edward ap Robert, of Whittington ... borne.
" Feb. 23. Richard & Prudence, twins to Edward Ward, of Buckenhill ... borne.
" March. [blank.]
1655, Aprill. [blank.]
" May 1. Abigail, d. of Phillip ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... borne.
" May 6. Philip, s. of John Banks, of Mydleton ... borne.
" May 6. Mary, d. of Robert ap Edward, of Wooton ... borne.
" May 11. Thomas, s. of William George, of Francton ... borne.
" May 21. Roger, s. of Roger Kylan, of Henlley ... borne.
" May 23. Edward, s. of Ed: Rogers, of Maes-y-terfyn ... b.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Trovour, of Ebnall ... b.
" June 8. Joan, d. of Tydur Jones, of Daywell ... b.
" June 10. Katharine, d. of Tho: ap Robert, of Whittington ... b.
" July 15. Joan, d. of Richard Bercley, of Francton ... b.
" Sep. 6. Edward, s. of Ed'd Boodle, of Whittington, was borne the 6th day of September, 1667. and was regestered on the couer of this booke. [An insertion.]
" Sep. 1. James, & Thomas, twins to Francis, of Hinford ... b.
" Sep. 2. Robert, s. of Tymothy Mathewes, of Whittington ... b.
" Sep. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Peter ap Robert, of Babies-wood ... b.
" Oct. 7. Stephen, s. of Richard Evans, of Whittington ... b.
" Oct. 13. Elizabeth, d. of William Thomas, of Whittington ... b.
" Nov. 6. Simon, s. of John Tomkis, of Daywell ... b.

186 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1655

1655, Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Kynaston, of Daywell ... b.
" Nov. 21. Edward, s. of Llewis Davies, of Babies-wood ... b.
" Dec. 23. A., d of a sonnne in law to Thomas Taylor, of Hinford ... b.
" January. [blank].
" Feb. 24. James, s. of John Phillips, of Whittington ... b.
" Feb. 25. Richard, s. of Thomas ap Elis, of Henlley ... borne.
" March. [blank.]
1656, Apr. 17. Susanna, d. of Thomas Penryn, of Whittington ... b.
" May 5. Thomas, s. of John Andrewes, of Fernhill ... b.
" May 5. Jane, d. of Daniel Philips, of Whittington ... b.
" May 6. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Tydur, of Whittington ... b.
" June 9. Jane, d. of Edward Davies, of Francton ... b.
" July 16. Martha, d. of Robert Davies, of Bergill ... b.
" Aug. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Daywell ... b.
" Aug. -. Richd., s. of Rich: Lloyd, of Ebnall ... b.
" Sept: [blank]
" Oct. 2. Methuselah, s. of Thomas Evanes ... b.
" Oct. 17. Edward, s. of John Payne, of Old Marton ... b.
" Nov. 1. John, s. of William Roberts, of ... b.
" Dec. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Foulke, of Whittington ... b.
" Jan. 22. Martha, d. of John Owen, of Henhavod ... b.
" Feb. 19. Joane, d. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington ... b.
" Mar. 4. Martha, d. of John Williams, of Henhavod ... b.
" Mar. 17. Thomas, s. of Ithiel Davies, of Bergill ... b.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of Richard ap Richard, of Whittington ... b.

1660] Whittington. 187

1656, Mar. 25. Jane, d. of Evan Jones, of Francton ... b.
"* Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of John Bercley, of Ebnall ... b.
1657, Apr. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Philipp Williams, of Francton ... b.
" Apr. 5. Martha, d. of John Philipps, of Whittington ... b.
" Jan. 9. Sarah, d. of Henry Browne, of Bergill ... b.
1658, Mar. 31. Prudence, d. of Francis Johnson ... borne.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of William Footrnan, of Whittington ... borne.
" May 21. Mary, d. of Thomas Roberts, taylor, of Whittington ... b.
" June 16. Rich., s. of Edward Boodle, of Whittington ... b.
" July 22. Edward, s. of Griffith Williames, of Bergill ... b.
" Aug. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Gorton [?], of Bergill ... b.
" Sept., to June, 1659. [blank.]
1659, June 3. Margaret, d. of Thomas Iveson ... borne.
" June 18. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... borne.
"+ July -. Mary, d. of Walter [?], of Francton ... bap.
" August. [blank.]
" Sep. 30. Sarah, d. of John Phillipps, of Whittington ... borne.
" Oct. 8. Richd., s. of John Llewis ... b.
" May 5. Ann, d. of Edward Rogers, of Maesterm'ch ... b.
" Dec. 19. Martha, d. of Edward Foulk, of Whittington ... b.
" Dec. 30. Edward, s. of Edward ap Richard ... b.
" Jan. 3. Richard, s. of Edward Boodle ... b.
" Jan. 19. Thomas, s. of John Edwards, of Whittington ... b.
"+ Mar. 6. Robert, s. of Robert Williams, of Babies wood ... b.
1660, Mar. 30. Peter, s. of Rich. Evans, weaver, of Daywell ... b.
" April to Sept. [blank.]

* Inserted in the margin.
+ Inserted.

188 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1660

1660, Sep. 20. [...], d. of Edward Roberts, of Ebnall ... borne.
" Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Jchn Edwards, corvizer ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Elizabeth, d. Richd. ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 24. John, s. of John Edwards, of Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Mary, d. of Edward Davies, of Francton ... bap.
" November. [blank.]
" December. [blank].
" Jan. 7. Richard, s. of Joseph Llewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of David ap William, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Richard, s. of Edward Jaundrell, of Bergill ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Edward, s. of Richd. Eare, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Richd., s. of Richd. Evance, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Philip and Mary, children of Elice ffoulke, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Margaret, d. of Edward ap Richd., of Kynsill ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John, s. of Joseph Meredith, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Robert Davies, of Bergill ... bap.
1661, Apr. 21. Robert, s. of John Owen, of Henavod ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Tho: ap John, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Mary, d. of John Mould, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 28. [?], d. of John ap Owen, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 11. [?], d. of John Llewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 21. [?], s. of Griffith Williams, of Bergill ... bap.
" June 9. [?], s. of Ed: Hughes, of Henlley ... bap.
" June 9. Elizabeth, d. of Rees Jones, of Bergin ... bap.
" June 18. [?], d. of Rich. Wright, of Bergill ... bap.
" July 10. John, s. of Walter Rogers, of Francion ... bap.
" Aug. 25. John, s. of Tho: Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.

1662] Whittington. 189

1661, Aug. 25. Eilzabeth, d. of Edwards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Foulke, of Whittinton ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Sara, d. of Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Jane, d. of Edward Roberts, of Ebnall ... bap.
[Blank till June 1662.]
1662, June 18. Hester, d. of Francis Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 9. Roger, s. of Richard Kynaston, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Walter, s. of Roer Kylan, of Henley ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Edward, s. of Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Philip, s. of Richd. Boodle, of Ebaall ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Abigail, d. of Thomas ap Elice, of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 31. David, s. of Thomas Williames, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Peter, s. of Morgan Williames, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Sep. 18. John, s. of John ap Edward ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Richd., s. of William Williames, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Thomas, s. of William Calcott, of Ould Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Margaret, d. of Griffith Griffithis, of Bergill ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Mary, d. of Richd. Ffoulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Elin, d. of John Rogers, of Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Joseph, s. of Joseph Heatley, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Samuel, s. of David Tomkis, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Dec. 7. John, s. of Rober ap Richard, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Jane, d. of Phillip Williams, of Francton .. ... bap.

* Griffith ap John, of Daywell, was buried.
+ Inserted.

190 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1662

1662, Dec. 21. William, s. of Richard Bedo, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Elnor, d. of John Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Roger, s. of Gwen [...], of Francton's wood ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Edward, s. of John Davies, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 21. [torn off], d. of Robert Davies, of Bergill ... bap.
" Mar. [torn off] s. of John ap Edward, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Margaret, d. of Ed'd Prichart, of Coyddy [...], of Hinford ... bap.
1663, Mar. 22. Martha, d. of John Mould, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 29. [Tho]mas, s. of Thomas ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Edward, the supposed s. of Edward Mathewes, Ffiner ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Mary, d. of Edward ap John, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 26. John, s. of Richard Evanes, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 6. John, s. of John Pyrsone, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 6. Thomas, s. of Phillip ap Hughe, of Ebnall, wever ... bap.
" May 10. Richard, s. of Ithell Davies, of Hinford ... bap.
1662, Feb. 3. Richard, s. of John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
1663, June 7. Ales, d. of Thomas ap Edward, of Daywell ... bap.
" [?] 8. Mary, d. of Josua Barkley, of Babies woode ... bap.
" July 8. [blank], s. of John Barkley, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Edward, s. of Edward Davies, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Juan [Evan] Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Richard, s. of Peeter ap Robert of Babes wood ... bap.

1664] Whittington. 191

1663, Aug. 22. Ales, d. of Morgan Lloyd, gent., of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Jane, d. of Robert Conwey, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Wright, of Bergill ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Jane, d. of Phillip Rogers, of Whittington, taylor ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Roger, s. of Griffith Williames, of Bergill ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Margaret, d. of John Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Elin, d. of Thomas Rogers, of Fernill ... bap.
" Nov. 27. [blank], d. of Walter Rogers, of Franckton ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Andrew, s. of Richard Tydder, of Babes wood ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Kathering, d. of Edward Prichard, of Hailstone ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Lewis, s. of Richard Bedo, of Babis woode ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Thomas, s. of David Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Roger, s. of John Lewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. -. Jane, d. of Thomas ap Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
1664, Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Edwards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Katheringe, d. of Edward Jandrell, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Doritie, d. of Thomas Lloyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Thomas, s. of John Madocke, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 1. Luke, s. of Morgan Williames, of Bocus [?] wood ... bap.
" May 8. Sara, d. of [blank], of Whittington ... bap.
" May 26. Janne, d. or John Blodwell, of Ould Marton ... bap.

192 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1664

1664, June 17. Richard, s. of Richard ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 24. Martha, d. of Thomas Williames, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 26. Maudlen, d. of Thomas ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 3. Janne, d. of Lewes Davies, of Babieswood ... bap.
" July 8. Elizabeth, d. of Tho. Wills, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 17. Samiwell, s. of Edward Foulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 24. Samiwell, s. of Richard Foulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Anne, d. of Edward ap Ivan, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Thomas, s. of Roger Piggotte, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Edward, s. of James Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Samiwell, s. of Mary Torry, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Sara, d. of Richard [blank], of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Margret, d. of John Piggotte, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Edward, s. of Joseph Lewes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Edward, s. of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Grace, d. of Grifith Williames, of Bergill ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gorton, of Bergill ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Mary, d. of Grifith Grifith, of Bergill ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Margaret, d. of Richard Phillipes, [Jiner ?], of Bergill ... bap.
" Jan. 19. [...], d. of John Foster, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas [illegible] ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.

1665] Whittington. 193

1664, Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Tydder, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Elenor, d. of William Hueghes, of Whittington ... bap.
1665, Apr. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Williams, of Babes wood ... bap.
1664, Dec, 29. Thomas, s. of Humphry Lloyd, of Ferhnill
" Jan. 11. John, s. of Edward Huntte, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Mary, d. of John Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
1665, Apr. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Ifesonne, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 7. Jane, d. of Richard Euanes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Sara, d. of John Marocke, of Pentre Ayron, Daywell ... bap.
" June 21. Francis, s. of Richard Kinaston, of Francton ... bap.
" June 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Daniell, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. -. Richard, s. of John Blodwell, of Ould Marton ... bap.
" Sep. 17. [blank], s. of Thomas Nunle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 1. David. s, of John Piersonne, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Roger, s. of Arthure ap Roger, couper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Thomas, s. of Roger Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 22. John, s. of John Rogeres, miller, of Babes wood ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Janne, d. of John Rogeres, of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of [blank], of Bergill ... bap.
" Dec. 12. [blank], s. of Franses Davies, of Bergill ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of John Foster, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Mary, d. of John Edwards, of Henlley ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Anne, d. of William Phillip, of Cay Kuning, in Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 19. John, s. of Richard Wright, of Bergill ... bap.
" Jan. -. Margret, d. of Richard Phillip, smith, of Bergill ... bap.

194 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1665

1665, Feb. 18. Mary, d. of Hugh ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Jane, d. of John Hughes, of [?] ... bap.
" Mar. 4. [blank] of John Barkley ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Lewis, s. of David Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Phillip, s. of Walter Rogers, of Francton ... bap.
1666, Mar. 27. David, s. of Bartholomew Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Mary, d. of Robert Leuis, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Mary, d. of William Wicksted, of [...] ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Phillip, s. of Humphrey Phillip, of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Jane, d. of Peter ap Robert, of Babes wood ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Edward, s. of Marmaduke Lloyd, of Drewen, in Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Rogers; of Fernhill ... bap.
" May 31. [blank] of Robert ap Richard, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 7. Edward, s. of John Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 7. Mary, d. of Phillip Arthir, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 4. Edward, s. of John Proger, tayler, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 12. John, s. of Thomas Bowen, of Franckton ... bap.
" July 22. Mary, d. of Phillip Williames, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 27. Robert, ye second son of Dr. Powell, of Park, and Mary, his wife ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Mary, d. of Joseph Mredith, of Babeswood ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Mary, d. of John Mould, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 26. [blank], s. of Richard ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Sara, d. of Edward Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Thomas, the supposed son of Thomas [...] ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Anne, d. of Zacaraius Kinaston, of Ebnall ... bap.

1667] Whittington. 195

1666, Nov. 1. Edward, s. of Edward Roberts, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 21. James, s. of John Edwards, of Peese, in Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Sara, d. of Richard Foulke of [?] ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Mary, d. of Edward Orlone, in Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 15. [Kath]ring, d. of Henry Broune, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Jan. 16. William, s. of Francis Richart, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Edward, s. of Francis Richart, Hinford ... bap.,
" Feb. 3. Edward, s. of William Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7. John s. of James Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Debora, d. of John Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Jaao, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John, s. of Thomas Williames, of Whittington ... bap.
*Thomas, s. of Edward Williames, of Ebnall ... born.
" Feb. 17. Owen, s. of Richard Evanes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. -. Thomas, s. of Ivan George, of Fernhill, waker ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Job, s. of Edward Foulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas Tydder, of Hinford ... bap.
1667, Apr. 14. William, s. of Edward Williames, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 3. Mary, d. of Griffith Hughes, of Withington ... bap.
" June 2. Richard, s. of Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 2. Mary, d. of Richard Rider, Whittington ... bap.

* An insertion in another hand.

196 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1667

1667, June 9. Jane, d. of Thomas Lloyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 9. [blank], d. of Rees [blank], of Bergill ... bap.
" June 15. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith Griffethes, of Bergill ... bap.
" June 21. Mary, d. of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 30. Margret, d. of Charles Wine, of Francton ... bap.
" July 14. Anne, d. of John Foulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Phillip, s. of Walter Rogers, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Katheirng, d. of William Jones, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Aug. 18. John, s. of John Piggott, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Elice, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Thomas, s. of Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Charles, s. of Marmaduke Lloyd, gent., of Drenewiwth, nr. Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Kathering, d. of Richard Lloyd, gent., Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Kathering, d. of Hugh ap John, of ould Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 13. John, s. of Roger Lewis, of the Lodge, Babies wood ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Judeth, d. of John Tomkines, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Edward, s. of John ap Edward ap John David, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Elnor, d. of John Evanes, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 2i. Mary, d. of William Evanes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Edward, s. of William Edwardes, Joyner ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Susanna, d. of Thomas Bowen, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Richard, s. of Edward Meare, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 16. [blank], s. of Samiwell [?], of Whittington ... bap.

1668] Whittington. 197

1667, Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of Richard Phillip, of Bergill ... bap.

JOHN WILLIAMS, of Franckton } Wardens.
JOHN BARKLEY, of Henlley }


1668, [Entry erased].
" Apr. 5. Edward, s. of John Hughes, of Daywell, and Mary, his wife ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Then William, s. of John Edwards, of Henlley, and Mary ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Then Jane, d. of Tho: Williams, of Henlley, & Margaret ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Rich: Phillips, junr., of Bergill and [...] ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Anne, d. of Evan Rogers, of Daywell, & [...], his wife ... bap.
" June 28. Rachel, d. of Dr. Powell, of Parke, and Mary, his wife; born 23rd ... bap.
" June 2. Andrew, s. of Richard Kynaston, of Francton ... bap.
" July 18. John, s. of Robert Williams, of Babins wood, & [?], his wife ... bap.
" July 19. Thoinas, s. of William Jackson, of Whittington, & [?], his wife ... bap.
" July 26. John, s. of Thomas Nunniley & Mary, his wife, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 29. Anne, d. of John Jones, of Ebnall, & [...], his wife ... bap.
" July 30. Margaret, d. of Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 22. John, s. of Peter Lewis [...], his wife ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Barkley, s. of Thomas Waters, of Halston ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Andrew, s. of Andrew Madox, junior, & [?], his wife ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Mary, d. of [blank] ... bap.

198 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1668

1668, Sep. 27. John, s. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington [...] ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Anne, d. of [blank] ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Judith, d. of Evan Barkley, Dyer, & Margaret, his wife ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Sarah, d. of Thos: ap Richard, of Whittington. & [...], his wife ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Theodore, s. of John Wms., of Gravenhall, & [blank], his wife ... bap.
Thomas, s. of John Foster, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Margery, d. of Tho: Millington, of Bergill, & [...], his wife ... bap.
" Jan. 24. John, s. of Edward Rogers, of Whittington, & [...], his wife ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Jane, d. of Robert Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Richard, s. of Richard Foulke, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Anne, d. of William Wickstead ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Rees, s. of Thomas ap Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Jane, d. of Richard Wright, & Anne, his wife, of Bergill ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Mary, d. of Hugh ap Edward, of Hinford ... bap.
[Entry erased here .]
March 25th, 1669.
Edward, s. of Phillip Arthur, of Daywell, & Sara, his wife ... bap.
Thomas, s. of Hugh ap Thomas, of Daywell.
[Entry erased].
Elizabeth, d. of James Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
17. Seth, s. of William Evans, of Daywell, & Ursula, his wife ... bap.
18. Nathanael, s. of John Mowlday, of Hinford ... bap.
18. Edward, s. of Richard Piggot, of Whittington ... bap.

1649] Whittington. 199

[blank] of Richard Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
1669, Aug. 10. John, s. of Richard Phillips, of Bergill ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Thomas, s. of John Garbett, of Whittington, & Anne, his wife ... bap.
Katherine, d. of Marmaduke Lloyd, of Drenewedd ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Joseph, supposed s. of Samuel Hughes and Mary Jennings, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 2. John, s. of Samuel Fowler, of Whittington, naylor, & Deborah, his wife ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Thomas, s. of Evan Roberts, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Mary and Catherine, daus. of Isaac Roe, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Phillip, s. of Phillip Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Arthur, s. of Rich: Rider, of Whittington, & Mary, his wife ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Richard, s. of Edward Edwards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Timothy, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" [?] 5. Henry, s. of Henry Browne, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Mary, d. of Edward Maurice, gent., of Pentrekynricke, and Eleanor, his wife; borne on the 20th day of Nov. ... bap.
" Dec. 6. John, s. of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Anne, d. of Thomas Tudo, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Sara, d. of John Ellis, joiner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Barkley, s. of Edward Williams, of Bergill ... bap.

200 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1669

1669, Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Edward Kyffin, tanner, of Bergill; born 27th Feb. ... bap.
[?], d. of Humphrey Phillips ... bap.

ROBERT TENCH, curate, M.A.
BARKLEY JONES, of Bergill } Churchwardens.
EDWARD LLOYD, of Ebnall }

March 25, 1670.

1670, Mar. 27. Edward, s. of John Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Sara, d. of Richard ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Robert, s. of David Hugh, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Robert, s. of Robt. Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 6. Richard, s. of Tho: Jones, smith, of Fernhill ... bap.
" May 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Beddow, of Babins wood ... bap.
" May 22. Richard, s. of William Jaxe, Cowper, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 28. Elizabeth and Deborah, dans. of Griffith Griffithes, of Bergill ... bap.
" July 2. John, s. of John Edwards, shooemaker, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 28. Anne, d. of Robert Powell, Esqre., (of Parke Hall, Dr. in Divinity, Chancellor of St. Asaph and Canon of the same, Rectore of Whittington, Archdeacon of Salop, and Parson of Hodnett), & of Mary, his wife, daughter to Thomas Jones, Esqre., of Shrewsbury, Serjeant at Law, and one of His Majesty's Chiefe Justices of North Wales, was then borne about eleaven of the clocke at night, and baptized the 28th day of the same month.
" Sep. 7. [blank], s. of Roger Lloyd, of Daywell ... bap.
[blank], a child of Thomas ap Robert ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Mayr, d. of David Jones, of Whittington, Taylor ... bap.
" Oct. 11. John, s. of Marmaduke Lloyd, gent .... bap.

1670] Whittington. 201

1670, Oct. 13. Ruth, d. of Richard Phillips, of Bergill, smith ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Richard, s. of Richard Wright, of Bergill ... bap.
Sara and Mary, daus. of Evan Barkley, Tinker, & Margaret, his wife ... bap.
" Oct. 25. George, s. of John Peirseson. of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams, of Gravenhall, within the township of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Eleanor, d. of Richard Dod, of Franckton ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Jane, d. of John Edge, junior, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 20. John, s. of Morgan Williams, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Nov. 22. John, s. of John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Jane, d. of Roger Maddock, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 4. John, s. of John Roberts ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Martha, d. of William Evans, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Hugh, s. of [blank] ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Walters, of Halston parish ... bap.
[An inserted entry erased.]
" Jan. 3. Sara, d. of John Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Martha, d. of Richard Barkley, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Martha, d. of Edward Evans, of Whittington, miller ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Eleanor, d. of Thomas Millington, of Bergill, taylor ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Martha, d. of William Wickstead, of Bucknel ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Edward, s. of John Price, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. John, s. of John George, of Bergill ... bap.

ROBERT TENCH, curate, M.A.
EDWARD GRIFFITH, of Old Martin } Churchwardens
BARKLEY JONES, of Bergill }

202 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1671

1671, Mar. 26. Ermin, d. of Roger Lewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 16. John, s. of Thomas ap Richard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 16. John, s. of Evan Roberts, of Babins wood ... bap.
Edward, s. of John Foulkes, born Sep. 13.
[An insertion.]
" Sep. 21. Edward, s. of Dr. Powell, and Mary, his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Jones, was born 24th Aug: and baptized on the 21st day of September, being St. Matthew's day ... bap.
[An unfilled space.]
" Dec. 29. Twinnes of George Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of David Vaughan ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Richard, s. of Hugh Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
1672, Apr. 7. David, s. of Samuel Fowler, of Whittington, nayler ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Edward, s. of Richard Roberts ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Roger, s. of John Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Sarah, d. of Henry Brown, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Margaret, d. of Edward Evans, miller, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Edward, s. of Edward Griffith, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones, smith, of Derwen-y-Pandy ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Lewis, of Bergill ... bap.
" May 16. John, s. of William Jaxson ... bap.
" May 16. Priscilla, d. of John Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 19. Catherine, d. of John Vaughan ... bap.
" June 2. Edward, s. of Thomas Iveson ... bap.
" June 6. Edward, s. of Richard Rider ... bap.
" Aug. 2. [blank] of Walter Rogers. of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Samuel, s. of John Price, of Old Martin ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Evan, s. of Evan Barkley, Fuller, & Margaret, his wife ... bap.

1673] Whittington. 203

1672, Dec. 5. Edward, s. of Thomas Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Samuel, s. of Edward Kyffin, of Bergill, tanner ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Priscilla, d. of Thomas Williams, wheelright, Whittington, was then baptized and buried the day following ... bap.-bur.
" Feb. 16. [blank], d. of Mr. Caldcott, of Halston parish ... bap.
Mary, d. of Walter Evans, was baptized the 15th of July [1679 an insertion] ... bap.

ROB: TENCH, curate.
EDWARD WMS., of Ebnall }
JOHN THOMAS, of Whittington } Churchwardens.

1673, Apr. 1. Sara, d. of Evan ap Robert ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Grace, d. of John George, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 1. John, s. of Thomas Millington, of Bergill, taylor ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Isabella, d. of John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Judeth, d. of Richard Griffith, of Fernhill, & Magdalen, his wife ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Martha, d. of Philip Williams, of Franckton, & Joane, his wife ... bap.
" Apr. 20 Hannah, d. of Roger Lewis, of Babins wood ... bap.
" - 3. Susanna, d. of Thomas Evans, of Whittington, and Anne, his wife ... bap.
" - 10. John, s. of Samuell Jones & Blance, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" - 27. Tuder, s. of Thomas Tuder, of Hinford, & Luce, his wife ... bap.
" - 7. Samuel, s. of Richard Phillips, of Bergill, & Dorothy, his wife ... bap.
" - 21. Ann, d. of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington, & Esther, his w. ... bap.
" - 1. Simon, s. of Richard Phillips, & Dorothy, his wife, of Bergill ... bap.
" - 5. Dorothy, d. of Richard Dod, of Franckton ... bap.

204 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1673

1673, Nov. 1. John, s. of John Lloyd & Catherine, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Mary, d. of Mr. John Jones & Catherine, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Francis, s. of Andrew Prichard, weaver, and Dorothy, his wife ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Richard, s. of John Piggott, & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Margaret, d. of John Barkley, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Henlley ... bap.
" Jan. 22. [blank] of Richard Bowen, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Thomas, s. of John Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Sarah, d. of John Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 18. John, s. of Richard Hughes & Margret, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. [blank], d. of William Wixted, of Bucknell ... bap.
1681, Sep. 27. Walter, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
[This is written in a different hand over another entry.]


1674, Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of John George, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of David Richard & Catherine, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 6. Thomas & John, sons of John Edge, junr., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 11. Richard, s. of Richard Griffiths, of Lower Fernhill ... bap.
" July 16. John, s. of John Evans, of Hinford, & Joan, his wife ... bap.
" July 19. Mary, d. of William Jackson & Ann, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 25. Mary, d. of John Bright & Izabel, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Anne, d. of Edward Edwards & Ales, his wife, of lower Ffernhill ... bap.

1674] Whittington. 205

1674, Aug. 16. Esther, d. of John Ross, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 18. John, s. of Humphrey Phillips, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Edward, s. of David Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Richard, s. of Samuel Ffowler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Andrew, s. of David Vaughan & Catherine, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Edward, s. of Thomas Trevor, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 29. John, s. of John Rogers, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of John Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Roger, s. of Roger Trevor, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Martha, d. of John Phillips, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Martha, d. of John Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Martha, d. of Griffith Griffithes, of Bergill ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Edward, s. of Thomas Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Lancelot, s. of Thomas Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Mayr, d. of Jn. ffoulkes, was born the 25th day in the year, 167-.
" June 30. Elizabeth, d. of Berkley Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" July 6. Martha, d. of Edward Eavenes, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 7. Mary, d. of Richard Kinaston, of Franckton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Beerckly, s. of Andrew Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Isabella. d. of John Bright, of Ffernhill ... bap.
" May 13. Catherine, d. of Richard Pierce, of Henlley ... bap.
" May 24. Samuel, s. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.

206 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1676

1676, June 10. Edw., s. of Tho: ap Thomas ... bap.
" June 17. Edw: s. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 17. Hugh, s. of Will. Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 28. Thos., s. of Jacob Hughes, of Bergill ... bap.
1677, June 28. Ane, d. of Robt. Lewis, of Bergill ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Joseph Bellis, of Henlley ... bap.
" Sep. 22. John, s. of John Kyffin, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 6. John, s. John Meare, of Ould Martin ... bap.
" Oct. 7. John, s. of John Daud, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 14. John, s. of Roger ap Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Mary, d. of Rog: Row, of Franckton ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Mary, d. of John Williams, Gravenall ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Magdellin, d. of Edward Prinall, of Ffranckton ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Mary, d. of Edw: Lewis, of Bergill ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John, Williams, two twins of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Simon Johnes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Sarah, d. of John Ffulks, of Whittington ... bap.
1678, May 5. Jane, d. of Thos: Roberts, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 6. Mary, d. of Roger Lewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 21. Edw: s. of John Eavens, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Margaret, d. of Thomas Roberts, of Whittington [inserted] ... bap.
" July 28. George, s. of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Margret, d. of Will. Poole, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Samuell, s. of Tho: Eavens, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Sarah, d. of Rich: Bowen, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Roger, s. of John Kyffin, of [?] ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Margret, d. of Eaven Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Rich: s. of Edw: Eavens, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Edw: s. of Elen Higins, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Edw: s. of Rich: Jones, of Whittington ... bap.

1683] Whittington. 207

1679, May 22. Tho: s. of David Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 29. Margret, d. of John Jones ... bap.
" June 10. Mary, d. of Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
Mary, d. of Tho: Roberts, of Whittington, was born ye 8th day of January.
" Mar. 20. Sarah, d. of Edward Lewis, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Samuel, s. of Will. Poole, of Franckton ... bap.
" May 10. Jane, d. of Bartley Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" June 27. Tho: Millinton, s. of Thomas Meleton, of Bergill ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Mary, d. of John Foulkes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth and Mary, daus. of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
1682, May 1. Tho: s. of John Clakre, of Franckton ... bap.
" May 18. Edw: s. of Rich: Griffith, of Lower Fernhill ... bap.
" May 20. [blank], s. of Rich. Roberts, of Henlley ... bap.
" July 17. John, s. of Edw: Morris, of Pentrycundit ... bap.
" July 23. Ann, d. of William Jackson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Judeath, d. of Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Tho: s. of Tho: Roberts, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Ocf. 8. John, s. of John Barat, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Martha, d. of David Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 5. John, s. of John Williams, of Bergill ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Margrett, d. of Roger Maddocks, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 17. John, s. of Joseph ap Elis, of Henlley ... bap.
1683, Apr. 4. Edward, s. of Humphrie Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 3. Marie, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 6. Jane, d. of William Piggott, of Daywell ... bap.
Judeth, d. of Andrew Abram was born June 16.
" July 20. Mary, d. of William Poole, of Ffranckton ... bap.
" July 29. Joshua, s. of Thomas Addams - Rector ... bap.

208 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1683

1683, Aug. 5. Patient, s. of Patient Paddocke, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 5. Robert, s. of Robert Edwards, Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Edward, s. of Edw: Nickolas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 15. John, s. of Edward Davies, of Ould Martin ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Evan, s. of John Evans, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Elizabeth [?], d. of Thomas Evans ... bap.
1684, Oct. -. Mary, d. of Will. Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
1683, Dec. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hughes, of Henlley ... bap.
John, s. of John Evans ... bap.
John, ye son of Thomas Paddock, was born ye 29th daye of November, between ye houres of 9 & 10 of ye clock att night, in ye year 1683.
" Feb. 14. Mary, d. of Edw: Boodle ... bap.
1684, George, s. of Andrew Abram, was born ye 23rd of March. [An insertion.]
" June 24. John, s. of John Jones, of ye Preece ... bap.
" July 15. Mary, d. of Edward Griffiths, gen., of Ould Martin ... bap.
" July 17. Nicholas, s. of John Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 25. Barthollomew, s. of Rich: Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Thomas, s. of Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Marie, d. of John Kyffin ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Andrew, s. of John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 22. John, s. of John Davies, of Ffranckton ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Edward, s. of Edward Williams, borne 24th. Decr.
" Dec. 28. Roger, s. of Nath: Evans, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Timothy, s. of John Williams, of Berkill ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Lettie, d. of Thomas Adams, Rector, & Lettis, his wife ... bap.
" Mar. 10. [?]ard, s. of Edward Berkeley, of Hinford ... bap.

1686] Whittington. 209

1684, Mar. 14. [?]omas, s. of Thomas Reese, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 23. [?], s. of Phillip Davies, of Franton, was born [insertion].
" Feb. 27. [Ed]ward, s. of Joseph Lloyd, of Ebnall, gent. ... bap.
1685, Apr. 16. John, s. of Robert Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Roger, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 4. John, s. of Richard George, of Ebnall, was born May 4.
" June 6. Mary, d. of Edd: Edwards, was born June 6.
" June 9. Mary, d. of John Phillips, of Whittington, was borne June 9.
" Aug. 7. Judith, d. of Thomas Willyam, of Franckton, was born Aug. 7.
" Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Williams, of Francton, was born Aug. 27.
" Aug. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Edd: Griffiths, gent., of Ould Martin, was born Aug. 18th.
" Sep. 14. Margret, d. of Nickolas Bodle, of Whittington, was born Sept. 14th.
" Sep. 28. Charles, s. of Edd: Mere, of Ould Martin, was born Sept. 28th.
" Dec. 29. John, d. of Richard Bowen, of Frankton, was borne Dec. 29th.
" Dec. 31. Edward, s. of Richard Bodle, of Whittington, was borne Dec. 3Ist.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Edd: Benion, of Whittington, was ... born.
" Jan. 28. Jane, d. of Thomas Powell & Milicent, his wife, of Parke Hall, was born the 21st of Jan: & ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Edd: Moris, gent: of Penttre cunricke, was ... born.
" Feb. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John Trevor, of Daywell ... born.
" Mar. 21. Dorcas, d. of John Edwards, of Ebnall ... borne.
1686, Mar. 26. Eleanor, d. of Robert Jones, of Ebnall ... borne.
" May 9. John, s. of William Piggot, of Dawell ... borne.

210 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1686

1686, May 15. Mary, d. of Evan Jones, was ... borne.
" May 20. John, s. of Richard Griffith, of Fernhill.
" May 20. Andrew, s. of Roger Madoke, of Dawell ... borne.
" May 23. John, s. of Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... borne.
" June 12. Elizabeth, d. of David Tomkins, of Whittington ... born.
" June 19. John, s. of Sam: Cooke, of Francton ... born.
" June 19. Roger, s. of Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... born.
" July 24. David, s. of Cadwalader Davies, of Fenrhill ... born.
" July 26. Elizebeth, d. of Joseph Lloyd, of Ebnall ... born.
" July 10. Elizebeth, d. of Edw: Williams, of Ebnall ... born.
" Aug. 13. Mary, d. of Thomas Green, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Sarah, d. of Hugh Lloyd, of Whittington ... born.
" Sep. 18. Richard, s. of Tho: Rogers, of Daywell ... born.
" Dec. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Padock, of Whittington ... born.
" Dec. 10. Elizebeth, d. of Edw Edwards, of Whittington ... born.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Powell, Esq., & Mellisent, his wife, was born ye 31 day of December ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Elizebeth, d. of William Water ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Abraham & Sarah, twins to Edw: Edwards ... bap.
" Jan. 9. John, s. of John Edwards, of Ebnall ... born.
" Mar. 4. Elizabeth, d. of James Abraham ... born.
" Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Barkley Thomas, of Hinford ... born.
" Mar. 23. John, s. of Joshua ab Ellis, of Henley ... bap.
1687, Apr. 1. Richard, s. of Edward Preynold, of Franckton ... born.
" Apr. 9. John, s. of Tho: Wykey, of Francton ... born.
" June 27. John, s. of Robert Edwards, of Ffrancton ... bap.

1688] Whittington. 211

1687, June 28. Rebecca, d. of John Mathews, of Fernhill ... bap.
" July 1. John, s. of Phillip Boodle, of Daywell, corvisor ... bap.
" June 26. Martha, d. of Andrew Richard ... born.
" July 10. Mary, d. of Andrew Abram ... born.
" July 28. Isaak and Jacob, twins to Thomas Jones alias Lancet ... born.
" July 28. Edward, s. of David Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 17. Samuel, s. of Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... born.
" Sep. 4. Richard, s. of Richard Gough, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Jaxson, weaver, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Simon, s. of Richard Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Layton, s. of Edw: Griffiths, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Peter, s. of Owen Edwards, of Daywell ... born.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Tho: s. of Edward Lloyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Edward, s. of John Ryffin, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Mary, d. of Edward Prinalt, of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 19. John, s. of John Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Martha, d. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Sarah, d. of Thomas [blank] [in margin].
1688, Apr. 13. John, s. of John Trevor, of Daywell, borne 31 day of March ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Rebecca, ye supposed d. of Tho: Ffootman, of Measbury ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Powell, of ye Park Hall, Esqre., born the 15th day of April ... bap.

212 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1688

1688, Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 5. John, s. of John Maclocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 11. Thomas, s. of John Williams, of Whittington, corvisor ... bap.
" June 29. Anne, d. of Thomas Millington, of Bergill ... bap.
" June 30. Daniel, s. of Daniel A. Pugh, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 30. Robert, s. of George Morris, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 20. Ibisela, d. of Richard Bowen, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 7. John, s. of Edward Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Katherine, d. of Edward, s. of William Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Ann, d. of Richard Peircy, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Peter, s. of Alexander Griffithes, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Aug. 25. [blank], the s. of Thomas Edwards, of Henlley ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Edwards, of Francton ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, of Francton ... bap.
Joan, d. of Thomas Iveson, [in the year, 1688, an insertion] ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Evans, of Whittington, nailer ... born.
" Nov. 21. John, s. of Joshua Lewis ... born.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Edward Williams, of Ebnall; born 18th ... bap.
" Jan. 3. John, s. of Edward Edwards alias Banbury ... bap.
" Jan. 8. [blank], d. of John Edwards, of Bergill ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Jane, d. of Thomas Paddock ... born.
" Feb. 12. Thomas, s. of Rich: Dod, of Francton ... bap.

1690] Whittington. 213

Sarah, d. of John Jones, of Pentre Airon ... bap.
[...], s. of Thomas Wykey, of Francton, was Babies wood [sic]
1688, Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Nicholas Boodle ... bap.
1689, Mar. 12. William ap David, of Daywell ... bap.
" the [blank] of Thomas Green, of Babies wood ... bap.
" the [blank] of Nathaniel Hughes, of Babies wood ... bap.
" the [blank] of Robert Ellis, of Babies wood ... bap.
" June 6. Dorothy, d. of John Davies, of Francton ... bap.
" July 19. Charles, s. of William Beans ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Richard, s. of Richard Waters, of Bergill ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Edward, s. of Samuel Foulk, of Whittington ... born.
" Aug. -. [blank], d. of Richard Evans, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 3. John, s. of John Edwards, of Bergill ... bap.
" n.d. Sarah, d. of John Richards, of Fernhill ... bap.
" n.d. Mary, d. of Richard George, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 9. William, s. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. -. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Lloyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" n.d. [blank], the child of Peter Barkley, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Sep. -. Dorothy, d. of Roger Prichard ... bap.
" Nov. 30. [blank], d. of Roger Davis, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Hanna, d. of Thomas Jaxson, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Bellis, of Henlle ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Ann, d. of Thomas Powell, of Parke Hall, Esqr. ... bap.
" Feb. -. John, s. of William Waters, of Whittington ... bap.
1690, Aug. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.

214 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1690

1690, Feb. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Eddwards ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Edward, s. of Thomas Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Mary, d. of Edward Prinalt, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Hanna, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar 8. Mary, d. of Robert Edwards, of Francton ... bap.
1690-1[?], Apr. Sara, d. of Timothy Probert, of Francton ... bap.
1691, Apr. 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Elinor, d. of Nathaniel Jones, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Richard, s. of Richard Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Sarah, d. of John Kyffin, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" May. Edd: s. of Edward Chase, of Henlle ... bap.
" June 9. Thomas, s. of William Gorton, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 9. Robert, s. of Robert Berkly, of Henlle ... bap.
" June 9. Willm., s. of Alexander Griffiths, of Fernill ... bap.
July. John, s. of John Clee, of Bergill ... bap.
" July 4. Edward, s. of John Davies, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" July 14. Phillip, s. of Evan Davies, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" Aug. 2. John, s. of Daniel ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Martha, d. of Richard Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Kinaston, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" Aug. 16. John, s. of John Richards, of Fernill ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Jane, d. of Phaebion Tuna, of Franton ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas ap Edward, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Sarah, d. of John Prichard, of Fernill ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Edd: s. of Josiah Llewis, of Whittington ... bap.

1692] Whittington. 215

1691, Sep. 20. Hanna, d. of John Maddogs, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Jane, d. of Richard Humphreys, Babies wood ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Richard, s. of Thomas Wikie, of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Ann, d. of Richard Waters, of Bergill ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Thomas, s. of John Hughes, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Nov. 25. John, s. of Thomas Edwards, of Henlle ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Susanna, d. of Thomas Brown, Femil ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Ann, d. of Richard Dod, of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Richard, s. of Thomas Paddog, Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Edd: s. of Edward Lloyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Roberts, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Elizabeth,, d. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Margrett, d. of Morgan Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Elizabeth, ye supposed d. of John Owen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 22. William, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
Roger ap Edward, of Pentre Aaron. [Pen drawn through.]
" Jan. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Piggot, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas James, of Old Martin ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Edd: s. of Thomas Rees, of Hinfordd ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Elizabeth, d. of John Mathews, of Fernill ... bap.
1692, Apr. 3. Sarah, d. of Francis Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Sarah, d. of John Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Margrett, d. of Phillip Jones, of Hinford ... bap.

216 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1692

1692, May 15. Catherine, d. of Feewdor Morris, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Elizabcth, d. of Thomas Burges, born and baptized at St. Martins.
" July 10. Ann, d. of Peter Berkley, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Aug. 5. John and Joseph, sons of Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 10. An, d. of Alexander Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Francis, s. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittingt. ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Catherine, d. of Samuel Cook, of Whittingt. ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Ann, d. of Thomas Ythel, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Peter, s. of John Llewis, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Edward, s. of Roger ap Richard, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Richard. s. of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 5. John, s. of John Adams, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Thomas, of Samuell Hughs ... bap.
" Oct. 20. John, s. of Thomas Jaxson, of Whittington, weaver ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Jas-par, s. of John Rider, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Mary, d. of William Walters, of Whiton ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Andrew, s. of Andrew Williams, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Dec. 19. John, s. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Martha, d. of Thomas Green, of Babies wood ... bap.
[blank], d. of John Rogers ... bap.
" Jan. Evan, s. of John ap Edward. of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Ann, d. of Richard Vaughan, of Franton ... bap.
" Veb. 14. Hanna, d. of Richard Llewis, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Deborah, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Bergill ... bap.
1693, Mar. 30. John, s. of Richard Evans, of Whittington ... bap.

1693] Whittington. 217

1693, Apr. 24. Martha, d. of John Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 3. [?], d. of [James ?], ye tayler, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 13. Martha, d. of John Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 23. Joan, d. of Richard Berkley, of Bergin ... bap.
" July 2. Richard, ye supposed child of Edward Kynaston, of Llee ... bap.
" July 17. Sarah, d. of William Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 23. Peter, s. of Feewdor Morris, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 6. [blank], d. of John Mredith, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 13. John, s. of Nicholas Boodle ... bap.
" Aug. 24. ye d. of Samuell Bill, of Babies wood ... b.
" Sep. 27. John, s. of Evan Davies, of Ffraucton ... bap.
" Sep. 29. William, s. of Thomas Paddock, smith ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Edward, s. of John Smith, of Derwen-y-pandy ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Samuel, s. of John Jones, gent., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Thomas, s. of Richard Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
Thomas Tho [a scribble].
1690, Feb. 14. John, s. of Richard Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
1693, Dec. 10. Mary, d. of Samuel Ffoulkes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Jane, d. of Richard Burley, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Anne, d. of Edward Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Samuel, s. of Edward Lloyd ... bap.
" Jan. 6. John, s. of John Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Edward, s. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Anne, d. of Andrew Meredith ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Elisabeth, d. of Tho: Edwards als. King ... bap.
" Jan. 20. John, s. of Roger Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Margaret, d. of Edward Preignold, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Sarah, d. of John Hughes, of Babins wood ... bap.

218 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1693

1693, Feb. 1. Sarah, d. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 17. [blank], d. of Robert Barkley, of Henlley, feltmaker ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Sarah, d. of Thomas ap Hugh, of Prees Henley ... bap.
1694, Mar. 25. Richard, s. of Phillip Boodle, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Peter, s. of Phillip Edwards and Mary Rogers, his wife, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Mary, d. of Mary Edge ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Mary, d. of Roger William, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Edward, s. of John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Elizabeth, d. of John Rider, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 7. James, s. of Sam: Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 12. Edward, s. of John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 18. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Waters, of Bergill ... bap.
" May 26. John, s. of Humphrey Williams, of Bergill ... bap.
" June 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Whykey, of Henlley ... bap.
" June 17. Alice, d. of Hugh Meare, of Prees Henlley ... bap.
" July 2. John, s. of John Jones, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Margaret, d. of Thomas Burges; born 4th Aug. ... bap.
, Aug. 8. Joshua, s. of Joshua Lewis ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Thomas, s. of Walter Evans; was born 31. Oct: ... bap.
" July 15. Simon, s. of Samuel Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 22. Anne, d. of Moris Evans, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Margaret, d. to John, son in law to Edward ap Richard, of Keneshall ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Henlley ... bap.

1695] Whittington. 219

1694, Nov. 5. Sarah, d. of Edward Edwards, of Pen-y-Prees, in the township of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Alice, d. of Daniel [blank], of Pentre Airon ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Anne, d. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Esther, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 30. John, s. of Samuel Evans, of Dderwen-y-Pandy ... bap.
" Dec. 7. [blank], d. of Richd. Vaughan, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Joseph, s. of Roger Jones, of Ebnall, woolen-Draper ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Richard, s. of John Tudder, of Babies wood ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Nathaniel, s. of Francis, ye smith at Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Martha, d. of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. John, s. of Richard Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 19. John, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Barnaby, s. of George Morris, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Mary, d. of Richard Paddock ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Gorton, of Bergill ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Grace, supposed child of Phillip Williams, of Ffrancton ... bap.
1695, Apr. Francis, s. of Evan Davies, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Marthar, d. of Andrew Williams, of Babis wood ... bap.
" May 4. William, s. of Thomas Prinalt, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" May 10. John, s. of Thomas Iveson ... bap.
" May 12. John, s. of John Jones, of Whittington, gent. ... bap.
" May 13. John, s. of Hugh Griffithes, of Daywell ... bap..

220 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1695

1695, May 13. Richard, s. of Richard Piggot ... bap.
" May 31. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams, of Bergill, tanner ... bap.
" June 1. John, s. of John ffardoe, of Evenhall, in the township of Ffrancton ... bap.
" June 9. Edward, s. of William Brown, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 20. Edward, s. of John Eyres, of Weston; born at Evenhall ... bap.
" July 9. Nathaniel, s. of Thomas Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 12. Mary, d. of William Griffis, of Bergill ... bap.
" July 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Ethel (of Hinford) ... bap.
" July 21. Marther, d. of Richard ap Robert (of Babies wood) ... bap.
Thomas, s. of John Piggott, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Price, of Ould Martin ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Mathew Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Martha, d. of James Abraham, of (Whittington) ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Mary, d. of John Mathes, Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Thomas, s. of John Prinall, of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Mary, d. of William Davie, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Margret, d. of Richard Burley (of Fernhill) ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Timothy, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington, was born the 19th day of February, at 5 of the clocke in the afternoon ... bap.
" Peb. 25. Marther, d. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Henary, supposed child of John Smith als. Jeremiah, ovan plastarer ... bap.

1696] Whittington. 221

1695, Mar. 7. Margret, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Mary, d. of John Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 15. John, s. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
1696, Mar. 31. Thomas, s. of David Tomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Thomas, s. of Samuell Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Thomas, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. Richard, s. of William Thomas, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 3. John, s. of Richard Gorton, of Bergill ... bap.
" May 14. Richard, s. of Richard Dod, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 14. Payn, s. of Edward Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Green, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 12. Edward, s. of Richard Lewis, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 13. Margret, d. of John, ye smith, of Derwen-y-Pandy ... bap.
" June 22. John, s. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 1 . Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 12. Samuel, s. of Samuel Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 12. Margret, d. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 12. William, s. of Peter Barely, of Babins wood ... bap.
" July 19. Elisabeth, d. of Richard Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
[Written on the margin.]
" July 22. Martha, d. of Humphrey Jones, of WhiBington ... bap.
" July 26. David, s. of John Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Jane, d. of John Ffardoe, of Evenhall ... bap.

222 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1696

1696, Aug. 20. John, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Elisabeth, d. of Edward Pilston, of Bergill ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Richard, s. of John Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Mary, d. of John Maddocks, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Philip, s. of William, ye Carpenter, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Jonathan, s. of Richard Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Nathaniell and Martha, s. & d. of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... born.
" Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Francis Williams, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Edward, s. of Edward Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Thomas, s. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 17. John, s. of William Griffis, of Bergill ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Mary, d. of Richard Watters, of Bergill ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Anne, d. of Richard Thomas, of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Dorothy, d. of John Robart, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Edward, s. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 14. John, s. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of William Davis, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Thomas, s. of Nickolas Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 15. John, s. of Roger Williams, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Shusana, d. of John Lewis, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Thomas, s. of Edward Prise, of Ould Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Elisabeth, d. of Roger Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of Joseph Meredeth, of Babins wood ... bap.

1697] Whittington. 223

1697, Apr, 15. Martha, d. of Richard Vaughan, of Ffrankton ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Edward, s. of Roger Ward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Prinallt, of Ffrankton ... bap.
" Apr. 5. David, s. of Edward Lloyd, couper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Catherine, d. of Thomas Paddock, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. . Martha, d. of Thomas Wykey, of Henley ... bap.
" May 5. Mary, d. of Bartholomew Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 8. Elisabeth, d. of John Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 15. Elisabeth, d. of Edward Prinalld, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 24. Mary, d. of Edward ap Edward, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 25. Anne, d. of John Nicholas, of Ffranckton ... bap.
" May 30. Sarah, d. of Thomas Lewis, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 21. Roger, s. of Thomas ap Pugh, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 11. Elisabeth, d. of Edward Hughes, of Brinacastle ... bap.
" July 22. Rondel, s. of Mr. John Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Catherine, d. of Phillip Edwards, of Ffrankton ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Martha, d. of John Trever, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Elisabeth, d. of Edward Morrish, of Pentre Kenthrig ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Anne, d. of Mr. Richard Warre; born 8th Oct: ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Mary, d. of John Tider, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Edward, s. of Edward Hughes, of Bergill ... bap.

224 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1697

1697, Dec. 14. Anne, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Henley ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Probard, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Elizabeth, ye supposed child of Edward Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Jane, d. of Samuell Steven, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Thomas, s. of John Edwards, of Pentre-aron ... bap.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of Joseph Morrish, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Griffith, s. of Thomas Jones, labourer, of Whittington ... bap.
(A Note. Turn to page marked 1697 of Burials.)
" Mar. 12. Roger, s. of Thomas Jones als. Lonset ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Mary, d. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Penelope, d. of Wm. Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
1699, Apr. 1. John, s. of Humphrey Lloyd, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 13. David, s. of Edward Lloyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Arthur Rider, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Apr. 21. John, s. of John Roberts, of Ebnall ... bap.

Suruayd per me, ED. CORBETT.

" May 6. Frances, d. of Thomas Beethel (of Daywell) ... bap.
" May 7. William, s. of John, ye smith, of Goebowens ... bap.
" May 14. Richard, s. of Tho: E dwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of Tho. Jacks, webster ... bap.
" June 3. Ursula, d. of Edward Hughs, of Brin-y-Castell ... bar
" June 28. Edward, s. of Tho: Edwards, of Heanford ... bap.
" June 27. Mary, d. of Phillip Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 14. Margaret, d. of Tho: Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.

1700] Whittington. 225

1666, July 20. Dorothy, d. of Tho: Phillips, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 21. William, s. of Edward Edwards, of Old Marton ... bap.
" July 23. Peter, s. of Tho: Probert, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Anne, d. of Mr. Thomas Lloyd, of Park Hall ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Richard, s. of Wm. Griffiths, of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Robert, s. of Richard Burley [margin] ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Joseph Prichard, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Timothy, s. of John Lewis, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Thomas, s. of Richard Waters, of Bergill ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Thomas, s. of Samuel Morgan, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Price, s. of Edward Maurice, of Pentre Kenrick ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Jane, d. of Richard Puleston, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Robert, s. of John Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 9. John, s. of John Preignold, of Ffrancton, Elesmere par. ... bap.
" Feb. 29. Edward, s. of Mr. John Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Roger, s. of Thomas Green, of Babins wood ... bap.
1700, Mar. 28. John, s. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 5. John, s. of Samuell Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 7. John. s. of John Edwards alias William, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 13. David, s. of David Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Robert, ye supposed child of Edward Benet ... bap.

226 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1700

1700, Apr. 23. Edward, s. of William Mathews, of Ebnhall ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Prinalld, of Ffrancton ... bap.
" May 5. Thomas, s. of George Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 9. Thomas, s. of Frances, ye smith, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 20. Elizabeth, d. of Henrey Mathews, of Ebnhall ... bap.
" June 28. Margaret, d. of Edward Hughes, of Bryn-y-Castle ... bap.
" July 13. Anne, d. of Theodor Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 18. John, s. of Richard Lewis, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 26. William, s. of Phillip Boodel, of Ebnhall ... bap.
" July 27. Anne, d. of John ap Trever, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Anne, d. of Edward Proger, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Thomas, s. of John Vaughan, of Drenewith ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Roger, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Catherine, d. of Samuell Foulks, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Margaret, d. of John Meredeth, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of William Shone, of Maiester-mine ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Thomas, ye supposed child of John Vaughan, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Edward Hughes, of Bergin ... bap.
" Nov. 15. William, s. of Edward Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Jane, d. of Richard Humphreys, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Richard, s. of Richard Prinalld, of Ffrankton ... bap.

1660-5] Whittington. 227

1700, Dec. 3. Catherine, d. of Richard Burlley, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 4. John, s. of John Richards, servt: to Dr. Wm. Boraston, of Daywell; born at Whittington, 1st Jan: ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Catherine, d. of Arther Rider, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Peter Bercley, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Sarah, d. of Ffrancies Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
1701, Mar. 27. Mary, d. of Richard Thomas, of Ffrankton ... bap.
" Mar. 29. William, s. of Mathew Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Marten, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" June 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. . William, s. of William Thomas, of Ebnhall ... bap.


1660, Jan. 21. Joseph Meredith, of Babieswood, and Margaret Jones, of p. of Hodnet ... mar.
1662, Apr. 1. Hugh Rogers and Ales Griffiths, of Ebnall ... mar.
" July 8. John Pierson, of Babies wood, & Elizabeth Griffiths, of Ebnall ... mar.
" Aug. 30. Thomas Parry and Mary Thomas ... mar.
" Feb. 3. Edward Jones, of p. of Langollan, and Sara Boodle, of this p. ... mar.
" May 7. Edward ap David, of p. of Shillatine, & Sara Mories, of Whittington ... mar.
" Nov. 1. John Thomas, of p. of Whittington, & Anne Jones, of p. of Riwabone ... mar.
1665, Feb. . Zachariah Kinastone, of the p. of Felton, and Elizabeth Edwartes, of this p. ... mar.

228 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1666

1666, July 24. Andrew Meredith, of the county of Mangumery, in the p. of Lanvechen, & Mary Highley, of the p. of Elsmere, in the county of Salop ... mar.
" Nov. 12. William Evanes, of Daywell, & Ursilla Jones, of same ... mar.
1668, Feb. 2. George Evanes, of the p. of Lanamynech, & Anne Leeke, of Henlley, in this p. ... mar.
1669, Nov. 24. David Jones, of Whittington, & Elizabeth Benion, d. of Roger Benion, of Whittington ... mar.
" Feb. 2. John Kyffin, of the Town of Oswaldstree, nayler, & Mary Edwards, d. of Jane Banbury ... mar.
1670, Apr. 22. John Glover, Tanner, of Oswaldstrey, and Mary Eaton, of the same town and parish, upon the 22nd day of April, being Friday, 1670, by me ROB: TENCH ... mar.
" May 7. Thomas Roberts, of Duddleston, in the p. of Ellesmere, & Mary Owson, of p. of Welsh Felton ... mar.
" Sep. 14. Andrew ap Pichard & Dorothy Fallowes, spinster, of Whittington ... mar.
" Feb. 1. Owen Bedow & Sara Dady, of the p. of Whittington ... mar.
" Feb. 14. William Brown, of Babins wood, & Anne [blank] ... mar.
" Feb. 27. David Phillips & Sara Davies, both of this p. ... mar.
1671, Jan. 16. Thomas Griffith, of Welsh Felton, & Elizabeth Davies, of this p. ... mar.
" Jan. 23. Francis Hughes & Mary [blank] ... mar.
" Mar. 6. John Bright, of Daywell, carpenter, & widdower, and [blank] ... mar.
1673, June 1. Phillip Davies & Jane [blank], both of the T. of Franckton, in the p. of Whittington ... mar.

1695] Whittington. 229

1673, Oct. 14. Thomas Tompkins & Elizabeth [blank], both of this p. ... mar.
1674, Nov. 6. Thomas Rogers, of Rydge, & Mary Jones, of Whittington ... mar.
1682, July 4. Thomas Hughes & Ermin ab Elis, both of the p. of Whittington ... mar.
1684, May 28. Joshua Lloyd, of Llandrinnio p., & Anne Robert, of Ebnall, of this p. ... mar.
" May 28. Thomas Rcberts & Gaynor, both of the same p. of Whittington ... mar.
" Nov. 4. Nicholas Boodle and Elionor Berkeley ... mar.
" Feb. 28. Edward Bennion & Marie Jounes, of Daywell ... mar.
" Jan. 8. John Keelon & Alise Roberts, of this p. ... mar.
1685, Jan. 31. Samuel Clark & Kathrine Pool. widdow, of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 7. Gryffith Richards & Alize Jones, of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 10. John Footman & Kathrine Richards, of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 14. Edd. Lloyd & Margeret Iveison, of this p. ... mar.
1687, Oct. 23. Mathias Evans, of Salop, in the p. of St. Chad's, & Abigall Sexton, of Llandasilio, in the county of Montgomery ... mar.
1686, June 20. John Jones alias Lancet & Elizabeth Morris, widdow, both of the township of Whittington ... mar.
" Sep. 29. Edward Roger, of Weston, dyer, & Katherine ... mar.
" Mar. 28. John Stoaks & Deborah Edwards, both of Oswestry ... mar.
" Nov. 2. James Lea, taylor, & Sarah Tomkiss, both of Oswestry ... mar.
1693, Feb. 20. Richard Burley and Margaret, his wiffe was ... mar.
1695, June 19. Richard Griffithes, of Fernhill, & Elizabeth Jaspar ... mar.

230 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1695

1695, n.d. Roger Ward & Martha Higginson, his wife, was marryed in Whittington.
1696, July 20. Thomas Thurston, of Kinerley, & Margaret Sexton al's [?] ... mar.
" July 26. Thomas Rogers, of Gilshffeeld, p., & Anne Acherly, of Whittington ... mar.
" Dec. 1. William Higginse, of Sutton, & Elizabeth Lloyd, of Evenhall ... mar.
" Dec. 23. Richard Prinall & Mary Jones, both of this p. ... mar.
" Jan. 3. Richard Joyce, of Bangor p., & Anne, his wife ... mar.
" Feb. 3. William Walters, of Whittington, & Margaret Parrey, of Gresford p. ... mar.
" Feb. 15. John Evans, of Kinerley, & Mary Edwards, of this p. ... mar.
1697, May 21. Francis Prichard, of Whittington, & Sarah Humpheys, of Brasemeel ... mar.
" Jan. 30. John Thomas, of this p., & Jane Rogers, of Elsmere ... mar.
" Jan. 12. Thomas Lloyd, of Aston, in the p. of Oswestry, gent., & Mrs. Anne Powel, of Park Hall, in the p. of Whittington ... mar.
" Mar. 10. Thomas Grice, of Rockester, in ye county of Salop, & Martha Rogers, of Aston, in the p. of Oswestry, widow ... mar.
1698, Apr. 27 (Lady day). Robert Jax, of Elsemeare p., & Martha Williams, of Ffrancton, in p. of Whittington ... mar.
1698, Michalmass, Oct. 20. Richard Dowens, of p. of Elsemeare, & Elizabeth Ffowler, of this p. ... mar.
Adam Edge & Elizabeth [?], both of the p. of Ellesmare ... mar.
1698-9, Nov.13. John Edwards, of Oswestry p., & Margaret Rogers, of Whittington p. ... mar.
" Dec. 4. Roger Jones & Martha Foulks, both of this p. ... mar.

1701] Whittington. 231

1699, May 21. Edward Proger & Elizabeth Ellis, both of this p. ... mar.
" Sep. 25. George Thomas, of this p., & Jane Evans, of Wooton ... mar.
" Jan. 7. Thomas Morris, of Berthen Gron, and Katherine Roe, of Kaed-Gwern, in the p. of Whittington ... mar.
1700, Apr. 27. Thomas Robards & Elizabeth Pudgin, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 2. Peter Bercley & Lowry Meredeth, both of this p. ... mar.
" July 24. Charles Davies, of Oswestre p., and Mary Davies, of Whittington p. ... mar.
" Nov. 12. John Evans & Elenor Thomas, both of this p. ... mar.
" Dec. 21. William Leigh, of the p. of Lee, Cheshire, and Sarah Hanmer, of the p. of Syllatin ... mar.
" Dec. 23. Edward Davies, of the p. of Oswestry, and Mary Edwards, of the p. of Whittington ... mar.
" Dec. 30. John Vaughan & Grace Williams, both of this p. ... mar.
1701, Apr. 12. Joseph Gefres, of Oswestry p., & Mary Williams, of Cherk p. ... mar.
" July 9. John Edwards, of Llansilin p., & Catherine Richards, of Llanarmon p. ... mar.
" July 4. Abraham Liley, of Whittington, & Alise Hughes, of Hallston ... mar.
" Aug. 11. Jenkin Evans & Rebecca Price, both of Oswestry ... mar.
" Oct. 6. Richard Rogers & Sarah Williams, both of this p. ... mar.
" Dec. 28. Thomas Richards & Elizabeth Richards, both of this p. ... mar.
" Jan. 16. John Wynne & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 2. Edward Evans & Mary Meredeth, both of this p. ... mar.

232 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1701-3

Thomas Robards, of Salatin p., & Anne [?], of Whittington ... mar.
1701, Feb. 17. Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 17. James Draper & Margaret James, both of this p. ... mar.
1702, May 1. David ap Evan & Margaret Richards, both of Llanrhaiadr ... mar.
1702, May 4. Richard Davis, of Saint Marten's p., & Sarah Lloyd, of this p. ... mar.
" May 10. Gilbard Brown & Margaret Brown, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 13. John Edwards, of Salatin p., & Rachill Robards, of this p. ... mar.
" Oct. 11. Edward Edwards, of Saint Martin's p., & Sarah Humphreys, of Whittington ... mar.
" Oct. 16. Benjamine Manwaring & Mary Jaxon, both of this p. ... mar.
" Nov. 23. Edward Davis, of Ffelton p., & Mary Poole, of this p. ... mar.
" Jan. 29. Thomas Rees & Margaret Edwards, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 5. Richard Paddock, of this p., & Elizabeth Jones, of Alismore p. ... mar.
" Feb. 7. Samuell Pool & Margaret Robards, of Whittington ... mar.
" Feb. 14. William Prichard & Mary Jones, both of this p. ... mar.
1703, Apr. 16. Evan Roberts, of Elismere p., & Elizabeth Evans, of Whittington ... mar.
" Apr. 27. Samuel Jones, of this p., & Sarah Rogers, of Oswestry p. ... mar.


" May 6. Edward Evans & Margaret Evans, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 28. Mathew Gittins, of the p. of Allderbury, & Jane Maddocks, of the p. of Whittington ... mar.

1653-4] Whittington. 233

1703, May 29. Thomas Mangwethers, of Little Hanwood, Shropshire, and Sarah Ffelton, of p. of Oswestry ... mar.


1653, Oct. 5. [...], the wife of Humphrey Price, of Ould Marton ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Elinor, w. of Edward ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 1. A daughter of Mrs. John Jones, of Oswestree ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Andrew, the sonne of Edward Rogers, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Mary Evans, widdow, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Edward, the sonne of Roger Kylan, of Henley ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Mary, d. of Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 11. A child of Tydur Georges, of Hinford ... bur.
" Dec. 17. John Meredith, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Hugh ap Owen, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 19. A daughter of Hugh ap Owens ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Margaret, a servant of Hugh ap Owens ... bur.
" Jan. 18. Edward Boodle, of Bargill ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Robert Powell, of Parke, Esqre. ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Margaret Bedam, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Margaret Illedge, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Richard, s. of Hugh ap Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Elinor, wife to John Barker ... bur.
" Feb. 24. George Tyler ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Thomas Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Martha Manering, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Mary Barcley ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Anne Lancelot, of Hinford ... bur.
1634, Apr. 1. Thomas Fallowes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Margaret, d. of Thomas Roberts ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Ales Davies, wid: of Whittington ... bur.
" May 18. Thomas, s. of William ap John, of Ould Marton ... bur.

234 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1654

1654, May 21. Richard Barcley, of Lower ridge ... bur.
" June 8. Jane Davies, of Francton ... bur.
" July 15. Richard Rogers, of Francton ... bur.
" Aug. 8. Jane Pugh, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Katharine Owen, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 6. Anne Hussey ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Sarah, the wife of Edward Lloyd ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Abigail Johnson ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Margaret, wife of Richard Lloyd, of Whittington ... bur.,
" Mar. 20. John, s. of George Abram ... bur.
1655, Mar. 28. Margaret ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
1654, Mar. 18. Margaret Roberts, of Daywell ... bur.
1655, May 7. Thomas Jones, of Ouldmarton ... bur.
" June 2. Francis Percevall ... bur.
" June 12. Phillip Davies, of New Marton ... bur.
" June 13. Thomas Browne ... bur.
" July 22. Margery Barcley, wid. ... bur.
" Aug. 16. The wife of John Bedo, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Mary Witcherley ... bur.
" Sep. 22. Margaret, wife of Evan ap Richard, of Bergill ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Mary Edge, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Elizabeth Trevour, of Daywell, wydow ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Jane Piggot ... bur.
" Nov. 6. Mary Johnson ... bur.
" Nol. 27. Blanch, the wife of Robert Williams, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Dec. 7. John Piggot, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Thomas ap Edward, of Hinford ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Roger Griffiths, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 17. John Lloyd, of Drenewith, Gentleman ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Robert James, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 27. A child of Rich: ap Richards, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Edward Nicholas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Humphrey Price, of Ouldmarten ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Edward Rogers, of Whittington ... bur.
1656, May 18. John ap Evan, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 10. James, s. of John Phillips ... bur.

1659] Whittington. 235

1656, Sep. 19. Kathering Withers ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Edward Caremon, of Ebnal ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Gwen, d. of Evan ap Robert, of Hinford ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Methuselah Evans, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 30. John Edwards, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Gwen Jones, of Bergill ... bur.
" Dec. 10. John Berckley, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Mared Jones, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Susan Bowen, of Francton ... bur.
" Dec. 31. Tyrnothy Mathews ... bur.
" Tan. 4. Twinns of Tydur George ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Evan Jones, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 18. John ap Roger, of Francton ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Sarah Badam ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Abigail Hughes, of Ebnall ... bur.
1657, Mar. 26. Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 27. Robert Mathews ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Gwen Mathews ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Margaret Roberts, of Bergill ... bur.
" May 10. Mary Rogers, of Francton ... bur.
" May 13. Mary Owen, of Henhavod ... bur.
" June 20. Morris Hughes, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 23. John Parry, of Francton ... bur.
" July 14. John Edge, of Whittington ... bur.
1658, Jan. 12. Rees Jones, of Daywell ... bur.
1659, Mar. 27. Elinor Barckley, of Francton ... bur.
" Mar. 27. Margery Kigman, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Sara Browne, of Bergill ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Margaret Roberts, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Samuel Hughes, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Rich: ap Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 3. John Bedo ... bur.
" Apr. 6. A., ye sonne of Tho: George, of Bergill ... bur.
" Apr. 17. A., ye sonne of Thomas Bowen, of Francton ... bur.
" Apr. 9. A., ye daughter of Ed: Ward ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Margaret Smallman ... bur.
" Apr. 10. William Edds, of Fernhill David ... bur.
" Apr. 19. John Trustan ... bur.
" May 3. Katharine Rogers, of Maes y Dyrnnyd ... bur.

236 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1659

1659, May 14. Katheringe Tydur, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 17. A., the wife of Edward Berckley, of Ould Marton ... bur.
" June 8. John Rogers, of Francton ... bur.
" July 23. Lowry Whoorehood ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Rich: ap Evan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Elizabeth Hughes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Frances Sparke, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Nov. 24. A., the mother of Ed: Berckley, of Old M'ton ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Margaret ap Rich: of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Sara ap Rich: of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Edward Prike, of Hinford ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Thomas, a servant of Park ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Sara Tyddur, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Thomas ap Hugh, of Henlley ... bur.
1660, Apr. 6. Anne ap Hugh ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Dorithy Roberts, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 26. Moris Berckley, of Ridge ... bur.
" May 27. Rich: Evans, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 19. Sara Piggot, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 25. A., the d. of Tho: Jones, of Hengoyd ... bur.
" July 28. William Barker, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Evan Meredith, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Margaret Burley, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Rich ap Tho: of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Jane Baugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Thomas ap William, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 30. A., ye wife of Philip ap Hugh ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Edward Rogers, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 2. John Meredith, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Mar. 3. A., ye d. of Tho: George ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Tho: Evans, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Rich: Foulks. of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Luce Richards, of Henavod ... bur.
1661, Apr. 5. Jane Roberts, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Jane Bowen, of Francton ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Elizabeth Jaundrell, of Bergill ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Jane ap Elice, of Whittington ... bur,

1662] Whittington. 237

1661, May 17. Thomas Jones, of Hinford ... bur.
" June 4. John Lanceolt, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 5. Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 6. A., the s. of Robert Bedow, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 21. Margaret Berckley, of Francton ... bur.
" July 4. [blank], of Bergill ... bur.
" July 8. A., the d. of Roger ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 23. Jane Pugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 28. Shanet ap John David, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Anne James, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Richard Witcherley, of Bergill ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Thomas Boodle, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Katharine Benion, of Bergill ... bur.
" Oct. 18. [blank], of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth Richards, of Whittington ... bur.
1662, June 16. Edward, s. of Edward Berckley, of Ouldmarton ... bur.
" June 25. Sarah Hughes, of New Marton ... bur.
" July 29. John ap Richard alias Ragman ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Samuel Jones, smith ... bur.
" Aug. 17. The wife of Edward Barker, of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 23. livlargery, widow, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Blaunch ap Evans, of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 21. John Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Katherine Percivall, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 14. Anne Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Mary, d. of John Moris, of Babis wood ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Peter, s. of Morgan Williams ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Margaret Morgan, of Bergill
" Sep 25. Tydur Lancelot, of Hinford ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Philip Madox, of Ffrancton ... bur.
" Oct. 30. Mary, d. of Richard Foulke .. bur.
" Dec. 13. Benet Jeninges, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Grifith ap John. of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Edd. Ed'ds, of Hinford ... bur.
" Dec. 28. John Goghe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 18. Sara, d. of Robert Davies, of Bergill ... bur.

238 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1662

1662, Feb. 2. William, s. of Richazd Bedo, of Babis wood ... bur.
" Feb. 11. Ivan ap Robert, of Hinford ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Abigayll, d. of John Blodwel, of Ould Marton ... bur.
1663, Mar. 29. [blank], the wife of Owen [?], of Francktons wood ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Elizabeth, wife of William Jones, Esq: of Shirosbery ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Ales verch Juan [?], of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 19. John, s. of Edward Boodle, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 5. Samiwell, s. of Francis Richartes, of Hinford ... bur.
" June 2. Mary, wife of Andrew ap John, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 5. John ap Edward, joyner, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bur.
" June 16. John Raphe, of Henlley ... bur.
" July 14. Thomas, s. of Tho: Williams, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 14. Susan, wife of John ap Edward, joyner, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 28. Robert, s. of Richard ap John, of the p. of Berrwe ... bur.
" July 28. Gwen, wife of Rees Griffith, of Hinford ... bur.
" Aug. 5. Joan, the late wife of Thomas George, of Treafflach, in p. Oswestree ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Thomas, s. of Phillip ap Hughe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 23. Margaret ach Shone, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Thomas ap John, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Juan ap Juan, wever, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Mary, the wife of Robert Davies, of Bergill ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Margret, the wife of Will: the tayler of Hinford ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Margret, the wife of Phillip Madocke, of Francton ... bur.
" Sep. 27. Edward Boodle, of Whittington ... bur.

1664] Whittington. 239

1663, Sep. 28. Catering, the wife of John ap Edward, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Gwen Howell, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Elizabeth Ffoulke, wid: of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Roger Killan, of Henley ... bur.
" Nov. 6. William Moris alias Sheppard, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Jane, wife of Samiwell Richasonne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas ap Richard, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 1. Elizabeth, wife of John Foster, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Roger, s. of Griffith Williames, of Bergill ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Margret, d. of John Hughes, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Roger Vaughan, gent: out of the parke house ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Richard, the supposed sonne of Edward Mathewes ... bur.
" Feb. 24. John ap Edward, of Whittington, tobacconeste ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Margret, wife of Lewis Moris, of Babis wood ... bur.
1664, Mar. 26. John ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Edward ap John, of Henlley ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Margret, wife of Roger Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Elizabeth, the late wife of Edd. Boodle, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 14. John Lloyd, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Robert ap Robert, of Babis wood ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Daniell Manering. of Babiswood ... bur.
" May 6. Andrew Powell. of Whittington ... bur.
" May 27. Elin Shone, of Ouldmarton ... bur.
" May 29. [blank], the d. of Daniel Manering ... bur.
" July 12. Phillip, s. of Richard Phillip, of Bergill ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Thomas Powell, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Joan, wife of Edward Rogers, of Maes-dermid, in Franckton ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Arthur Rogers, of Henlley ... bur.

240 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1664

1664, Sep. 5. Anne, the lat wife of Henery Raphe, of Whittn. ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Joan, the wife of William Griffith, of Babis wood ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Margret ap Evan, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Janne, d. of Lewis Davies, of Babeswood ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Richard, s. of Richard Bedo, of Babeswood ... bur.
" Nov. 14. George Lloyd, gent: of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Edward, son of Robert Williames, of Babiswood ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Robert Conway, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 9. A booy that came from Llanuilling to Mr. Richard Lloyd, of Pen-y-brin ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Margret, d. of Rich. Phillips, of Bergill ... bur.
" Jan. 18. The s. of William Phillip, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Margret, wife of Richard Tydder, of Graven Hall ... bur.
" Jan. 23. John Bowen, of Franckton ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Joan w. of Edward Griffith, of
" Feb. 2. John, wife of Edward Griffith, of Bergill ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Roger, a millner, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 15. The d. of Edward Williames, of Ebnall ... bur.
Edward, s. of Robert Williams, of Whittington [erased].
1665, Apr. 9. Roger ap Edward, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Anne, wife of Thomas Vaughan, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Edward Powell, Esq., of Parke ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Richard Eyton, of Francton ... bur.
" Apr. 28. The s.of Richard Bedo, of Babiswood ... bur.
" May 26. William Griffithes, of Babeswood ... bur.
" June 4. Gwen Shefre, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 18. Sara, d. of John Madock, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 8. Mary, wife of David ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Douse, wife of William Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.

1666] Whittington. 241

1665, Sep. 12.. Richard Draper, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Steven, s. of Richard Evanes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 10. Dorytie, d. of Thomas Lloyd, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Thomas ap Williatn, of Bergill ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Gwen Kifine, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Jane, d. of Richard Evanes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Elizabeth, wife of David Jones, of Whittington ... bur.
1666, Mar. 27. Mary, wife of Bartholamew Jones, of Bergill ... bur.
Peeter Williames ... bur.
" May 7. The s. of Thomas Leeke, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 11. Phillip, s. of Walter Rogers, of Franckton ... bur.
" May 13. Moris Edwards, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 15. Sina, wife of John ap Richart, of Daywell ... bur.
" May 19. Robert ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 20. Mary, d. of Morris Llyd, of the p. of Llangollen ... bur.
" July 29. Joan, wife of Thomas ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. 31. The d. of John Evanes, of Hinford ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Elizabeth, widow of Thomas ap William, of Bergill ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Edward Roberts, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Lewis Moris, of the Lodge, in Babis wood ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas [blank] ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Margret Lloyd, wife of John ap Hughe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Elizabeth, wife of Richard ap Edward, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Edward, supposed s. of Edd. Hughes, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 24. George Barkle. of Franckton ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Elenor verch Robert. of Whittington ... bur.

242 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1666

1666, Feb. 9. Elizabeth, wife of Samiwell Hughes, of Bergill ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Steven, s. of Richard Evanes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 8. A poore woman that went abrood called by ye name of Henken Corwen ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Margret Langhford, of Franckton ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Edward, s. of William Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Job, s. of Edward Foulke, of Whittington ... bur.
1667, Apr. 12. A poore boy, a neuie [nephew] to John Rooe, of Franckton's wood ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Hughe ap Hugh, of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Richard Rogers, tayler, of Ebnall ... bur.
" May 9. Edward Grifith, of Bergin ... bur.
" May 8. Mary, d. of Grifith ap Hughe, of Whittingtnn ... bur.
" May 13. Robert, s. of Thomas ap Griffith, of Daywell ... bur.
" June 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Moris, tayler, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 10. [...], the d. of John Vaghan, of Daywell ... bur.
" July 1. [...], the wife of Hugh ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 30. Richard, s. of Roger Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 2. Richard, s. of Thomas ap Elice, of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Richard Lloyd, gent., of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 12. Anthony, s. of Thomas Nunill, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Richard, s. of Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 21. The d. of Roger Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Richard Tydder, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Margret, the d. of John Ffoster, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Shonet, the wife of Juan Mredith, of Babiswood ... bur.

1667] Whittington. 243

1667, Sep. 5. John, s. of Thomas Ifesonne, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Ales, the wife of John Davies, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sip. 8. The s. of Thomas ap Thomas, of Hinford ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Blaynce, the wife of John Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 11. The s. of Edward Williames, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 13. David Berkley, of Bergill ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Roger Edwardes, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Richard, s. of Evan Jones, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Anne, wife of Austin ap Richard, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 26. s. of Roger Madocke, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Rees ap John, of Hinford ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Juan ap Elice, of Henlley ... bur.
" Oct. 11. John, s. of Phillip ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Douce Whorwood, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Maude Bedo alias Edwardes, of Henlley ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Jaxe, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Edward ap Edward al's Edd' y goe, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Richard ap David, of Fernhill ... bur.
" Nov. 2. A woman that was a slater's wife that came from the parish of Lanthernel, out of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Kathering, d. of Hugh ap John, of Ouldmarton ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Ursilla Robertes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Sina ach William, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Ursill, d. of Maude Bedo, of Henlley ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Owen ap William, of the Henhavod, in Francton ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Morgan Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Mary, a poor woman that died accidentel in W'tton, upon Satterday, the fourth of January, and was buried on Wensday, the 8th day of the same.

244 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1667

1667, Jan. 12. John Smith, of Wooton, in the p. Oswestree ... bur.
" Feb. 2. William, s. of Frances Richarts, of Hinford ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Sina, wife of Daniell Davies, of Bergill ... bur.
" Feb. 7. the d. of John Mathew, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Edward, s. of Francis Richartes, of Hinford ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Douce, wife of John Edge, the younger, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 8. David Phillip, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 8. William Jones, of Franckton ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Einar ap Richard, widdow, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 22. A cripell woman that died in Daywell, in the house of Roger Piggott ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Humphrey Win ... bur.

JOHN WILLIAMS, of Franckton }
JOHN BARKLEY, of Henlley. } Wardens.

The names of them that were buried in the year 1668.

1668, May 31. Richard Tydur, of Gravenhall ... bur.
" June 5. Thomas, s. of Richard Phillips, of Bergill ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Katherine, wife of Richard Phillip, the elder, of Bergill ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Katherin Boodle, of Bergill ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Thomas Barkley, of Francton ... bur.
" Oct. 24. John Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Francis, s. of Francis Fowler, the younger, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Mary Toy, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 29. Roger Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Margarett Footman, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 13. A nephew of Barkley, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Mr. John Price, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 22. A nephew of Anne Wicherley ... bur.
" Feb. 9. John, s. of William Reynald, of Bergill ... bur.
" Feb. 21. An old woman of Ivenall ... bur.

1669] Whittington. 245

1668, Mar. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith Griffith, of Bergill ... bur.
1669, Mar. 25. John ap Evan, Turner, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 13. William George, of Franckton ... bur.
" Aug. 6. A son of Daniel Manwaring, of Babins wood ... bur.
" Aug. 13. The wife of William Jones, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 15. Owen Edwards, of Pentrewerne ... bur.
" Aug. 15. Samuel, s. of Peter ap Robert, of Babins wood ... bur.
" Aug. 22. Gwen Evans, of Whittington, the Miller's wife ... bur.
" Aug. 22. John, s. of Richard Phillip, of Bergill ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Anne, wife of Rees Jones, of Bergill ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Hugh, s. of Robert Lewis, of Bergill ... bur.
" Sep. 23. John Jaxe, of Fernhill, widdower ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Edward, s. of Thomas ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 30. The d. of Lewis Davis, of Babins wood ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Blanch, widdow, of John Thomas, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 15. Margery, widdow. of David ap Edward, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 18. Mary, wid: of Edward Kinaston, of Francton ... bur.
" Oct. 20. John Rogers, of Franckton, widdower ... bur.
" Oct. 22. [blank], d. of Thomas Lloyd, Esqre., of Evenhall ... bur.
" Oct. 27. The wife of John ap Evan, Turner, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Theodore, s. of John Williams, of Gravenhall ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Anne, wife of Edward ap Thomas, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Hannah, d. of William Wickstead, of Bucknall ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Phillip ap Hugh, of Ebnall, widdower ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Arthur, s. of Roger Trevor, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Richard, s. of Edward Edwards, of Hinford ... bur.

246 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1669

1669, Nov. 5. The d. of Morgan Williams, of Babins wood ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Richard, s. of Phillip ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Richard, s. of Richard Fowlke, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 24. Ellis Foulke, joyner, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Katherine verch Robert, of Whittington, wid. ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Ursula ap Richard, of Fernhill, d. of Richard Vaughan ... bur.
" Dec. 12. The wife of Edward ap John, of Franckton wood ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Elizabeth Prichard, of Franckton, wid. ... bur.
" Dec. 18. John Kyffin, of Old Marton, Servt. to Mr. John Payn ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Margaret Evans, of Whittington, wid: ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Dorothy Evans, d. of George Evans, of Henlley, & Anne, his wife ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Abigail Edwards, of Henlley ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Jane, wife of Phillip Boodle, of St. Martin's p. ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Thomas Llewelym, of Preeshenlley ... bur.
" Jan. 3. The widdow of Thomas Barkley, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Mary, wife of Thomas ap Edward, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan, 18. Eleanor, wife of John Owen, of Henhavod, in Franckton ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Mrs. Anne Lloyd, widdow, of the Castle ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Sara, d. of Richard Fowlkes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Jane, wife of William ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Robert ap Thomas, of Ebnal ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Sara, d. of Thomas ap Richard, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Joan, wife of Thomas Gorton, of Bergill ... bur.

1670] Whittington. 247

1669, Feb. 28. Andrew, s. of John Maddock, of Prentreairon ... bur.
" Mar. 1. John Owen, of Henhavod, in Franckton ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Lewis, s. of David Jones, of Whittington ... bur.

ROB. TENCH, curate, M.A.
March 25th, 1670.

1670, Apr. 1. Barkley, s. of Edward Williams, of Bergill ... bur.
" May 5. Daniel Davies, of Bergill ... bur.
" May 7. Richard [blank], of Whittington ... bur.
" May 7. Edward Lloyd, of Ebnall, Churchwarden ... bur.
" May 15. John, s. of Thomas Bowen, of Franckton ... bur.
" June 1. Richard Wright, of Bergill ... bur.
" June 12. Edward ap William Rogers, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 5. The d. of Richard Badow, of Babins wood ... bur.
" July 16. Hester Joyner, of Franckton ... bur.
" July 24. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas George, of Bergill ... bur.
" July 31. Thomas George, of Bergill ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Katherine, wife of John Williams, of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 14. Mary Bennion, of Whittington, late of Oswestry ... bur.
" Aug. 24. George ap John, of Whittington, widdower ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Hugh ap Owen, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. 27. The wife of John, ye milner, of Fernhill ... bur.
" Aug. 28. Margery Eyton, of Ridge, in the p. of Elelsmere ... bur.
" Aug. 28. The wife of John ap John, of Franckton wood ... bur.
" Aug. 28. Anthony Edwards, of Aston, in the p. Oswestry ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Katherine Humphreys, of Whittington ... bur.
" Aug. 31. The wife of Thomas ap Robert, of Ebnall ... bur.

248 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1670

1670, Sep. 1. William Pugh, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Meredith ap Oliver, of Hinford ... bur.
" Sep. 2. Mary Nightingale, of Babins wood ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Bennet Humphrey, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 12. The d. of Mary, a poore woman of the Rhose ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Prudence Lloyd, spinster, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Richard, s. of Edward Davies, of Whittington ... bur.
" Sep. 17. The wife of Hugh ap Owen, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 18. John ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Peter Lewis, of Babin wood, gardiner ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Hugh ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 24. Eleanor, wife of Edward ap Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Edward ap John David, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Gwen, wife of John ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Nov. 16. A d. of Humphrey Phillip, of Henlley ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Jane d. of John Edge, the younger, of the Towne of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Alice, wife of William Brown, of Babins wood ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Jane, d. of Richard Kynaston, of Francton ... bur.
" Nov. 27. Austin ap Prichard, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Marie Killan, of Henlley, widdow ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Mary, d. of Thomas Tudor, of Hinford ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Jane, d. of Thomas Tudor, of Hinford ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Jane, third wife of John Edge, the younger, of Whittington ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Ellis ap Evan, of Franckton wood ... bur.
" Dec. 12. [blank], d. of Griffith Griffiths ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Mary, d. of Evan Barkley, dyer ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Joane, the relict of John Proger, of Francton ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Sinah verch William, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Marmaduke Lloyd, gent: of Drenewydd ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Rees ap David, of Babinswood ... bur.
" Jan. 18. Henry, s. of Henry Broune, of Babins wood ... bur.

1672] Whittington. 249

1670, Feb. 1. [blank], s. of John Roberts, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Edward, s. of John Jones, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Sarah, d. of John Hughes, of Bryn y castell, in Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 1.6. Martha, d. of Edward Evans, miller, Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Eleanor, d. of William ap William, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 21. John Maurice, of Babins wood ... bur.
" Feb. 26. John ap Edward, of Hinford ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Martha, d. of Richard Barkey, of Francton ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Mary, d. of Richard Rider, of Whittington ... bur.

ROBERT TENCH, curate, M.A.
BARKLEY JONES, of Bergill } Churchwardens.
EDWARD GRIFFITH, of Old Marton }

1671, Apr. 19. Edward, s. of John Price, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Apr. 21. John Thomas, of Henlley ... bur.
" Apr. 21. John Jaxe, of Daywell ... bur.
" Dec. 24. The son of Richard Griffiths ... bur.
" Dec. 27. The wife of Thomas Foulke ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Hannah, d. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 1. The d. of William Evans, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 17. David ap William, of Bergill ... bur.
" Jan. 7. John Mowld, of Hinford ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Catherine, d. of Robert Conway ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Howell Maurice ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Anne, d. of John Edwards, of Henley ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Margaret Eyton, of Franckton, widdow ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Howell Maurice [erased] ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Richard Piggott, of Whittington ... bur.
1672, Mar. 29. Joseph ap Ellis, of Henlley ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Mary Cook, of Whittington ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Magdalen ap Robert, of Hinford ... bur.

250 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1672

1672, May 26, Being Whitsunday. Mary, wife of Thomas ap Edward, of Henlley ... bur.
" May 3. Catherine, wife of Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 23. Priscilla Jones, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 2. Edward Rogers, widdower, of Maesdermin ... bur.
" June 20. Ermin Maurice, wid: of Whittington ... bur.
" June 24. Rebecca Ellis, wife of John Ellis, joyner, Whittington ... bur.
" July . Lowry, of Hengoed ... bur.
" Aug. 23. William (Hugh), s. of John Edwards, of Henlley ... bur.
" Aug. 25. John Vaughan [unpd. for this & following, in margin] ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Mary, wife of Thomas Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Robert Davies, of Bergill ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Ann, wife of Robert Williams, of Babins wood ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Sarah, d. of Thomas Williams, wheelright ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Catherine, wife of Richard Smallman, of the p. of Selattyn ... bur.

ROB. TENCH, curate.
EDWARD WILLIAMS, of Ebnall } Wardens.
JOHN THOMAS, of Whittington }

1673, Apr. 2. Jane, wife of Richard ap Richard ... bur,
" Apr. 20. Thomas, s. of William Jaxe, Cowper, of Whittington, & Anne, his wife ... bur.
" Oct. 10. Katharine Hugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Ermin Griffithes, of Henlley ... bur.
" Dec. 1. Roger Benion, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Evan Barker, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 22. John, s. of John Kyffin, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Simon Edwards, of Bergill ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Thomas ap Richard, of Daywell ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Edward ap Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 15. William ap Robert, of Ridge ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Katherine George, of Ffranckton ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Priscilla Edge, of Whittington ... bur.


1691] Whittington. 251

1674, July 28. Sarah, d. of John Davies, of Whittington ... bur.
" July 30. Gwen Vaughan ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Edward, s. of Thomas Own ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Rosemas Lloyd, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Thomas Madock, of Hinford ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Edward, s. of Wililam Hughes, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Diana, d. of William Calcott, of Halston ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Edward Lloyd, of Pen y bryn ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Isaac Rose ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Edward Davies ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Lancelot, s. of Thomas Hughes ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Thomas, s. of Edward Evans, of Ffranckton ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Edwatd, s. of Edward Davies ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Mary, wife of Edward Powell, of Park Hall, Esqre. ... bur.
" Feb. 17. John Williams, of Henhavod ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Alice, wife of John Payn, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Margaret, wife of John Griffithes, of Hinford ... bur.

THEODOR GEORGE, of Hinford } Churchwardens.
JOHN HUGHES, of Whittington }

Burials Anno Christi 1690.

1690, Feb. 27. Edward ap Robert, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Joan, d. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington ... bur.
1691, Apr. 6. Francis Fowler, of Whittington ... bur.
" May 20. Hester, wife of Thomas Wicherle, of Bergill ... bur.
" May 25. Evan Probert, of Babies wood ... bur.
" June 9. Nicholas, s. of John Willms., of Whittington ... bur.
" July 4. Katherine Jones, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 30. Samuell, s. of Samuell Evans, of Derwen-y-Pardy ... bur.

252 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1691

1691, Aug. 11. Margrett, d. of John Piggott, of Daywell ... bur.
" Aug. 13. John, s. of Daniell ap Hugh, of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Margrett Price, of Old Marton ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Mrs. Rachell Powell, of Parke Hall ... bur.
" Oct. 29. William Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Margrett Williams, of Whittington ... bur.
" Nov. 7. A childe of Hugh Meare, of Dayweil ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Willm. Reigmolds, of Bergill ... bur.
" Nov. 19. John Jones, smith, of Fernill ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Mary Phillips, wid. ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Mary, wife of John Roberts, of Franckton ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Thomas Jenins, of Whittington ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Roger ap Edward, of Pentre Aaron ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Margret, wife of John Rogers, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Margret, wife of Richard Theodor, of Babis wood ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Dorothy, wife of Andrew Edge, of Whittington ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Joseph Heatley, of Whittington ... bur.
1692, Apr. 3. Jane, d. of John Evans, of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Sarah, d. of John Evans, of Hinford ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Roger, s. of Roger Davies, of Hengoed ... bur.
" June 21. Dorothy, wife of Thomas Adams, Rector of Whittington ... bur.
" June 24. Sarah, d. of Theodor Morris, of Ebnall ... bur.
" July 17. Thomas Walters, of Bergill ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Llewis Llee, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Nov. 3. The d. of Evan, of Fernhill & Fechan ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Andrew Fauster, of Parke ... bur.
" Jan. 16. George Abraham, of Whittington ... bur.
" Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of Robert Elis, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Feb. . Ann, d. of John Rogers, of Daywell ... bur.
" Feb. 25. John, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bur.
" Mar. 8. John Bowen, of Ebnall ... bur.
1693, Apr. 1. Robert ap Richard, of Hinforde ... bur.
" Apr. 12. One of the twines of Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... bur.

1694] Whittington. 253

1693, May 4. Thomas ap Ellis, of Parke ... bur.
" May 29. Richard Hughs, of Bergill ... bur.
" June 9. Mad: Elizabeth Powell, of Parke ... bur.
" June 10. Mary Reinolds, of Whittington ... bur.
" June 18. David Prichard, of Bryn-y-Castell ... bur.
" July 9. Alse Sa)e, of Hengoed ... bur.
" July 16. John, s. of John Edwards, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Richard Theodor, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Walters, of Bergill ... bur.
" Oct. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Iveson (interred) ... bur.
" Sep. 27. Sarah Lloyd, Lady of this Manor of Whittington ... bur.
" Oct. 4. John, s. of Evan Davies ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Nathaniel Jones, of Babies wood ... inter.
" Oct. 17. Hugh Meare, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. . Hugh Meare's daughter ... bur.
" Oct. 3. Josiah Barkley, of Babies wood ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Ruth, wife of Humphrey Shone ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Thomas, s. of Rich: Boodle ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Jane, wife of Roger ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Richard Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 2. The wife of Thomas Gorton, of Bergill ... inter.
" Feb. 12. David Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 13. Sarah, d. of Edward Preignold, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" Feb. 18. James Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
1694, Mar. 29. Jane Oliver, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Mar. 30. Richard Kynaston, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" Apr. 10. Dorothy, wife of Richard Phillips, of Bergill ... inter.
" May 11. John Williams, of Gravenall ... inter.
" June 8. Barnaby Bough, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 4. Richard Smallman ... bur.
" July 10. Edward Edwards ... bur.
" July 25. Samuel Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Anne Ffrancis, mother to Ann Winsor ... bur.
" Oct. 8. The d. of Thomas Edwards, Butcher ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Richd. Abram ... inter.

254 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1694

1694, Dec. 28. Child of Richard Roberts, of Perthy ... inter.
" Jan. 1. Katherine ach Edward, of Pentre Airon ... inter.
" Jan. 1. John Davies, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" Jan. 5. Anne, d. of John Vaughan ... inter.
" Jan. 7. Richd., s. of John Tudder, of Babies wood ... inter.
" Jan. 12. Magdalen Griffithes, of Ffernhill ... inter.
" Jan. 22. Alice, d. of William Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
1695, Apr. 4. Mary Roe, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Thomas Roberts, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 30. Margaret, wife of John Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 10. William Thomas, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 20. John, s. of Francis Williams, the smith, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 1. Mallt Roberts, of Babinswood ... inter.
" June 16. Dorothy Davies, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" June 21. Thomas Matthews, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 13. John Piggot, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 4. Frances Richards, of Hinfford ... inter.
" July 23. Sara Powel. of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 2 Alse Edwards. of Ebnall ... inter.
" Sep. 27. Thomas Milington, of Bergill ... inter.
" Nov. 4. Margret, d. of Thomas Burges, of this towne ... inter.
" Nov. 20. Charles, s. of Sammuel Cooke ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Thomas & James, sons of Sammuel Hughes ... inter.
" Dec. 2. Margret Walters, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 8. Jane, d. of William Richards, of Derwen-y-Pandy ... inter.
" Dec. 10. Alse, wife of Richard Renolds, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 23. Mary, d. of William Griffiis, of Bergin ... inter.
" Dec. 24. John, s. of Thomas Jones [in margin] ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Martha Williams, of Babinswood ... inter.
" Dec. 28. Mary Shone, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 1. Martha, d. of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 22. Mary Ries, of Daywell ... inter.

1696] Whittington. 255

1695, Jan. 15. John, s. of Hugh Griffis, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 20. Josef, s. of Martha Jones, of Wrexam ... inter.
" Feb. 9. Ffaith, d. of Robert Elis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Lowry Edwards, of Ouldmarton ... inter.
" Feb. 17. Mary, wife of Andrew Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of William Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 28. John, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Henry Lawrens ... inter.
" Mar. 7. A s. of Thomas Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
1696, Mar. 28. Marthur, d. of Richard ap Probed, of Babinswood ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 24. Anne, wife of John Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 19. Reese Griffies, of Hinford ... inter.
" May 23. Catherine Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 24. Richard, s. of William Thomas, of Ebnall ... inter.
" June 28. Mary Rotherrick, of Bergill ... inter.
" July 22. Richard Prise, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 22. Martha, d. of Humphrey Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Samuel Rogers, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 13. Jone Griffis, of Babinswood ... inter.
" Nov. 13. Anne Edwards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Nov. 17. Catherrine Rogers, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" Dec. 3. A pore woman which died at John Richard's, of Derwen-y-Pandy ... inter.
" Dec. 21. John Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 1. Martha, d. of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Elizabeth, wife of William Thomas, of Kinton ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Shone, of Mastermin ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Henery Brown, of Babinswood ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Sarah, wife of Thomas Res, of Hinford ... inter.


256 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1697

1697, Mar. 27. John, s. of Joseph Meredith, of Babin's wood ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Edward, s. of Roger Ward, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 7. Nathaniel, s. of Thomas Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 22. Martha, wife of Roger Ward, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 22. William, s. of Peter Barely, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 28. Timothy, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 6. Martha, d. of Thomas Wykey, of Henlley ... inter.
" May 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Walters, of Bergill ... inter.
" May 25. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Philips, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 4. Mary, d. of Bertholamew Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 4. David, s. of Edward Lloyd, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 6. John Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 11. Mary Harper, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 14. Thomas Gorton, of Bergill ... inter.
" June 21. John Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 6. John, s. of Thomas Iveson, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 30. Sarah Kineston, of Ffrankton ... inter.
" Sep. 5. Walter Vaughan, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Sep. 6. Joane Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 19. Anne, wife of Roger Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 13. Roger, s. of Thomas ap Pugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 4. Margaret, wife of James Draper, of Bergill ... inter.
" Dec. 10. Elisabeth Robert, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Dec. 25. Mary, d. of John Tuder, of Babins wood ... inter.

1698] Whittington. 257

1697, Jan. 2. The Widdow Cooke, of Bergill ... inter.
" Jan. 3. Sarah, wife of Philip Boodel, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Jan. 5. Hanah Lewis, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 13. Edward, s. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 25. Richard Lewis, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Jan. 31. Mary, d. of RicHard Paddock, of Ffrankton ... inter.
" Feb. 11. Richard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
1697-8, Feb.13. Andrew Meredeth, of Hinford ... inter.
Feb. 24. Elizabeth George, of Ffrankton ... inter.
" Mar. 6. Elizabeth, supposed child of Edward Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.


1698, Mar. 27. John, s. of John Piggott, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Edward, s. of Philip Edwards, of Daywel ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Edward, s. of Richard Evans, of Gravenall ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Margaret, d. of William Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Andrew, s. of Ffrancis Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 15. Dorothy, d. of John Ffardoe, of Old Marton ... bap.
" May 16. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 27. Martha, d. of Thomas Wykey, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 3. Edward, s. of John Jones, of Ffrankton ... bap.
" June 4. Anne, d. of William Thomas, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 5. Mary, d. of Arthur Harper, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 27. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Puleston, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Aug. 12. John, s. of Richard Paddock, of Ffrancton ... bap.

258 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1698

1698, Aug. 15. Mary, d. of Ralph Cowper, Joyner, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel ap Edward, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Edward, s. of Roger Jones, by the Moorside, in Babins wood ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Edward, s. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Thomas, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 11. David, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Anne, d. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington, Woolen Draper ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Katherine, d. of Edward Rider, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Richard, s. of Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of William Walters, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Abraham, s. of Joseph Lilley, of Whittington, gardiner ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Richard, s. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Beetholamew, s. of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Roberts, of Ould Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Edward, s. of Richard Prinall, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Tidor, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Catherine, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Martha, d. of Humphrey Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
1699, Jan. 22. John, s. of Richard Davies, smith, of Whit: ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Humphreys, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Edward, s. of William .Mathews, of Ebnal ... bap.

1679] Whittington. 259

1699, Feb. 10. John, s. of Richard Dodd, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 29. Dorothy, d. of Pheb. Tunnah, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Sarah, d. of Tho: Edwards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Mary, d. of Rich: Downs, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Roger, s. of Tho. Ivenson ... bap.



from 1678 to 1752.

1678, Mar. 23. Richard Evance ... bur.
" Mar. 31. *An affidavit returned.
" Mar. 30. Jane Rogers ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Edward ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Margaret Prichard, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 7. Margaret Hurlston, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Oct. 13. Alice Jones, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Oct. 24. Elizabeth Batterton, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 1. Edward ap Thomas, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 20. Joan Lloyd, of Bergill ... inter.
" Dec. 25. Martha Arthur, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 7. John Edge, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Elizabeth Edwards, of Kyngley ... inter.
" Feb. 13. Tho: Ap Elis, of Henley ... inter.
" Feb. 27. Elen Piercy [?], of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Margaret Phillips, of Halston ... inter.
" Mar. 18 [?]. Richard Draper, of Henley ... inter.
" Mar. 18. Mary Lewis, of Babies wood ... inter.
1679, Apr. 8. Mary Griffiths, of Bergill ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Edward ap Thomas, of Daywell ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mary Jones, of Whittington [note follows in a different handwriting] daughter of John Jones and Catherine, his wife ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Abraham Phillips, of francton ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Samuell Kyaston, of Ebnall ... inter.
" May 10. Edwadr Hughes, of Aston ... inter.

* Repeated after each entry until 1690.

260 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1679

1679, May 10. Elizabeth Richards, of fernhill ... inter.
" May 25. Elizabeth Rose, of Francton ... inter.
" May 28. Roger Barkley, of Whitton. ... inter.
" June 2. Anne George, of Francton ... inter.
" June 6. Jane Barkley, of Old Marton ... inter.
" June 7. Stephen Elis, of Old Marton ... inter.
" July 1. Richard Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 4. Katherine Heakley, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 5. Mary Davies, of fernhill ... inter.
" July 28. Richard Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 15. Mary Price, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Aug. 17. Thomas Vaughan, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 28. Thomas Tunna, of francton ... inter.
" Nov. 10. Mary Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 18. Elizabeth Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 3. Esther Richard, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 15. Edward ap Richard, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 17. John Lloyd, of Aston ... inter.
" Mar. 15. Judith Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
1680, Apr. 28. francis Draper, of Bergill ... inter.
" July 18. Mary Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 20. John Foster, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 19. Sarah Bowen, of Francton ... inter.
" Sep. 19. John Edg, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 13. John Davies, of Henley ... inter.
" Oct. 15. John and Elizabeth Williams, of Henhavod ... inter.
" Jan. 7. Margaret Meredith, of Whitton. ... inter.
" Jan. 27. Dr. Robert Powell [inserted in a different writing], of Park Hall, Rectr. of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 26. Anne Wixtid, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Mar. 2. Thomas Jacks, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 3. Jane Edwards, of Henley ... inter.
" Mar. 20. Elizabeth Griffith, of fernhill ... inter.
1681, Apr. 4. Elizabeth Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 5. Rees ap Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 15. Elizabeth windsor, of Hasston [?] ... inter.
" Apr. 30. Diana Prichard, of Whitt: ... inter.
" May 20. Phoebean Tunna, of Francton ... inter.

1683] Whittington. 261

1681, June 12. Elizabeth Prichard, of Bergill ... inter.
" June 25. Henry Pen, of B: wood ... inter.
" July 1. Robert Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 9. Mrs. Mary Hunt, of femhill ... inter.
" May 25. Magdlen Prich, of francton ... inter.
" May 29. Jane Llewis, of Whittington ... inter.
" [?] 21. John Piggot, of Dayweff ... inter.
" Jan. 4. John Llewis, of Bergill ... inter.
" Jan. 20. John Price, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Mar. [?]. Roger Kyffin, of Whit: ... inter.
1682, Apr. 1. Richard ap Richard, of Whitt: ... inter.
" Apr. 15. William Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 17. Mary Isack and Griffith Hughes ... inter.
" Dec. 8. Joane, wife of John Parrye ... inter.
" Sep. 10. Margrett Price, of Old Marton ... inter.
" June 16. Edward Hughes, of Bergill ... inter.
" May 22. Katherin Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Edward Rogers, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 6. Margrett Roberts, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 24. Samuell Richardson, of Whitt. ... inter.
" Feb. 21. David Fowler [?], of Whitt: ... inter.
" Feb. 24. John Prichard, of Whitt: ... inter.
" Jan. 14. Joseph Beli, of Henlley ... inter.
" Jan. 20. Richard Edwards, of p. of Whitt: ... inter.
" Jan. 2-. Katherin Evans, of Whitt: ... inter.
" Jane vch. Rees, of Elsemere parish ... inter.
" Mar. 4. Margrett Maddoxe, of Daywell ... inter.
1683, Apr. 8. Edward Kyffin, of Bergill ... inter.
" Apr. 12. Ursilla Bowen, of ffranckton ... inter.
" Apr. 12. Mary Spencer, of Whitt: ... inter.
" May 15. John Rose, of ffrankton ... inter.
" June 10. Dority Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 16. Evan Jones, of ffranckton ... inter.
" Apr. 29. Phillip Wills: of ffranckton ... inter.
" July 10. Thomas lee, of Bergill ... inter.
" July 26. Edward williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 26. Margrett foulkes, of Whitt: ... inter.
" Aug. 27. William Poole, of ffranckton ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Hester *Wills: of *Old Marton ... inter.
" Oct. 16. Marg: Phillipps, of Daywell ... inter.

262 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1683

1683, Dec. 12. John *Fog, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 4. Edward *Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 24. John Pary, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 17. Richard Lewis, of Bergill ... inter.
" Feb. 25. Robert Berckley, of Henlley ... inter.
" Feb. 27. Anne Llewelin, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 21. Edward Davies, of Porckington ... inter.
" Mar. 23. Jane Edge, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 24. Sarah Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
1684, Apr. 21. Andrew Smalman, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 23. Margrett Thomas, of ffranckton ... inter.
" May 3. Richard Adam, of Whittington [*inserted] 3rd son of Tho: Adams, Rectr. libid. ... inter.
" May 5. Jane Ffoster, of Hinford ... inter.
" May 24. Ales Tomkins, of Babis wood ... inter.
" June 1. Margrett Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 3. Sarah Dainty, of Whitt: ... inter.
" June 19. Daniell Phillipps, of Whitt: ... inter.
" July Ann Shone, of the parish of Whitt: ... inter.
" July 8. Margret Phillopps, of Whitt: ... inter.
" July 17. John David, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 15. Martha Kylan, of Henlley ... inter.
" July 20. Sarah *Nuneley, of Babis wood ... inter.
" Aug. 5. Thomas ab Edward, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 5. +Marg: +Millington, of Bergill ... inter.
" Aug. 18. +Mary Edwards, of Ould Marton ... inter.
" Aug. 28. Ales vch. Evan, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 1. Jane [?] Rese, of ffranckton ... inter.
" Sep. 4. Thomas Lloyd, of Whittington Castle ... inter.
[This entry is in a different handwriting, and no mention made of an affidavit.]
1684, Sep. 11. Elinor Prinallt, of ffranckton ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Roger ab Edward, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Nov. 25. Jane Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 30. Mary Davies, of Babis wood ... inter.
" Dec. 30. Elizabeth Thomas, of Whitt: ... inter.
" Jan. 5. Edward Lewise, of Babis wood ... inter.
" Jan. 5. Margrett Lewis of Babis wood ... inter.

* Retouched in more modern ink.
+ Retouched.

1685] Whittington. 263

1684, Jan. 11. Thomas Roberts, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Jan. 6. *Shusana *Wells, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 7. John Davis, of ffranckton ... inter.
" Jan. 22. Richard James, of ould Marton ... inter.
" Jan. 25. Thomas Edwards, of old Marton ... inter.
" Jan. 29. John Davies, of Porckington ... inter.
" Feb. 3. Mary Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 5. Theoder Maurice, of Babis wood ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Elinor ab Probert, of Babis wood ... inter.
" Feb. 27. Edward Boodel, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 2. Griffith Williams, of Whitt: ... inter.
" Mar. 5. Mary Rolph, of Ebnall ... inter.
1685, Mar. 25. Mary Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 26. Roger Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 31. Elizabeth Davies, of ffranckton ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Rose Lewis, of Bergill ... inter.
" Apr. 19. John Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 25. Mary Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 1. Mary Barkley, of New Marton ... inter.
" June 25. Thomas Tudder, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 1. Berkley Jone,s of Bergill ... inter.
" July 14. Jane Hughes, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 16. Jane Phillips, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 20. Dorothy Davies, of ffranckton wood ... inter.
" Aug. 8. Thomas Bowen, of Island ... inter.
" Aug. 16. Peter David, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 6. Edward Powell, of Park hall ... inter.
[inserted in a diferent writing] son of Dr. Powell.
" Oct. 9. Jane Powell, of Park Hall [inserted as above] daughter of Dr. Powell ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Evan Edwards, of ffrancton ... inter.
" Nov. 18. Evan Edwards, of ffrancton ... inter.
" Nov. 10. [inserted] Elizabeth Smallman, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 20. Richard Spencer, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 27. Jane Edwards, of ffrancton ... inter.
" Nov. 27. Elizabeth Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 4. Phillip Phillips, of ffrancton ... inter.
" Dec. 14. Walter Rogers, of ffrancton ... inter.
" Feb. 4. Mary George, of ffrancton ... inter.

* Retouched.

264 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1685

1685, Feb. 6. Ann Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 9. Jefferys Atkyson, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Feb. 11. John Edge, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 15. Mary Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 15. Sarah Ellis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth Atkins, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Mar. 2. Edward Price, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Mar. 5. Mary Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 9. Edward ffoulkes, of Bergill ... inter.
" Mar. 22. Hugh Price, of Ebnall ... inter.
1686, Apr. 8. Thomas Price, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Apr. 17. Berkley Jones, of Whittington
" Apr. 23. Edward Kyffin, of Bergin ... inter.
" May 26. [?] ... inter.
" June 2. John Robert, of Welsh Frankton ... inter.
" June 13. Mary Davies, of Bergill ... inter.
" July Jane Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
[The above entry is inserted, and no mention made of an Affidavit.]
1686, July 17. Edward Barkley, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Aug. 11. Edward Nicholas, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Aug. 17. Anne Lewis, of Bergill ,.. inter.
" Aug. 25. Mary Prinall ... inter.
" Sep. 7. Catherine Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 13. Edward Prinald, of ffrancton wood ... inter.
" Nov. 7. John Garbett, of Whittington ... inter.
[No mention of an Affidavit.]
" Nov. 13. Susanna Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 16. Timothy Winsor, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 30. Joan Ivorson ... inter.
" Jan. 1. [An erased entry, over which is written] Richard Griffithes, of [?] ... inter.
" Jan. 29. John Jones, of Bergill ... inter.
" Feb. 21. Thomas Millington, of Bergill ... inter.
" Mar. 20. Thomas Prichard, of Whittington ... inter.
1687, Aprill.
" May 13. Eleanor Johnson, of Babies wood ... inter.
" May 25. Anne Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 31. Richard Bedo, of Babies wood ... inter.
" June.

1688] Whittington. 265

1687, July.
" Aug. 121. Eleanor Richards, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Sep. 12. Elizabeth Williams, of Bergill ... inter.
" Sep. 20. Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 23. Mary Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 30. Roger Lewis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Anne Williams, of Bergill ... inter.
" Nov. 28. Ffrancis Richardson, of fernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 27. David Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 7. Elizabeth ffoulks de Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 13. Katherine Lloyd, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 17. Mary Bough, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 19. Edward ap John, of francton ... inter.
" Jan. 25. James Creagh, of Bergill ... inter.
" Feb. 24. Jane ffallowes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 11. Elin Williams, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Mar. 22. Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... inter.
1688, Apr. Mary Phillips, of Bergill ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Margaret Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 16. Martha Lloyd, of Wrexham ... inter.
" Apr. 16. George Peirce, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Apr. 20. John Edwards alias Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 25. Eliz. Jones, of Bergill ... inter.
" June.
" July 10. Thomas Reece, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 20. Ursela Bowen, of francton ... inter.
" Aug.
" Sep. 9. Mary Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 29. [?], of ffernhill ... inter.
" Nov. 3. Blanch Jones alias Lancet ... inter.
" Nov. 17. Mary Richardson ... inter.
" Dec.
" Jan. 12. Mary Eyton, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 2. Thomas Jones, of ffernhill ... inter.
" Jan. Martha Thomas, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Jan. 13. John ffoulkes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 19. Jane Edwards alias Banbury ... inter.
" Feb. 23. Edward Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 24. Mary Noneley and Child ... inter.
" Mar. [blank] Bill, of Babies wood ... inter.

266 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1688

1688, Mary David, of Daywell ... inter.
" May Thomas Tudder, of Hinford ... inter.
" June Roger Maddox, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 21. Judeth Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 28. Anne Bedo, of Bebies wood ... inter.
" Aug. 1. Jane Preynold, of francton ... inter.
" Aug. 2. [blank] Williams, wid: of Preec Henley ... inter.
" Aug. Thomas Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. Thomas Roger de ffernhill ... inter.
" Prudence Tomkies, of Babies wood ... inter.
" David Tomkies, of Babies wood ... inter.
" Mary Prichard, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Edward Davies, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" Richard Marrd, of Daywell ... inter.
" John Vaughan, of ffernhill ... inter.
" Mary Jones, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Dec. 1. Mary Millington, of Bergill ... inter.
" Dec. 3. Joseph Bellis, of Henley ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Joan Kynaston, of ffrancton ... inter.
1689, [blank] 13. Elizabeth Gorge, of Hinford ... inter.
" *Mrs. Muriel Chaloner, daughter of Mr. Tho: Chaloner, Head Schoolmaster of Shrewsbury ... inter.
" [blank] 5. Edward Thomkis, of Dawell ... inter.
" [blank] 8. Millisent Powell, +consort of Tho: Powell, of Park Hall, Esqre. ... inter.
" [blank] 12. Ermin Hughes, of Henlley ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Elizabeth, ye daughter of Thomas Hughes, of Henlley ... inter.
1690, June 19. Catherine, wife of John Jones, of Whittington, gent: was then interred in the Chancell of the Church of Whittington.
*Elizabeth, ye wife of Evan Roberts, of ffernhill ... inter.
*Joan, ye wife of [?], Babies wood ... inter.
*Thomas. ye son of Thomas Geeson, of Whittington ... inter.
*A daugter of Tho: Brown, of ffernhill ... inter.
*Phillip Roberts, of Hinford ... inter.
*[blank], son of Theodore Morris, of ffernhill.

+ Inserted over an erased entry in another writing.
* No mention of an affidavit.

1698] Whittington. 267


1697 [margin].
Thomas, son of Thomas ap Robert, of Babies wood, was interred 20th day of March.
John, son of Joseph Morris, of Daywell, interred March 22nd.
Lady Day, '98.
John Piggot, of Daywell, interred March 27, x698.

1698, Mar. 30. Margaret Bedoe, of Babies wood ... inter.
" Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of William Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 12. Griffith, s. of Tho: Jones als. Lancet, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 5. Edward, s. of Phillip Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 8. John Williams, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" June 20. Ffrancis Smalman, of Porkington ... inter.
" June 23. Elizabeth, wife of John Morris, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 14. Elizabeth Edge, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 17. Mary, wife of Edward Iveson ... inter.
" July 20. Margaret, wife of Peter Barkley ... inter.
" July 21. Dorothy, wife of John Kyffin ... inter.
" Aug. 14. Andrew Abram, of Whittington ... inter.
Mrs. Mary Lloyd, of Ebnall, and Relict of Mr. Lloyd, of Lleyn-y-maen, interred Augst. ye 20th.
" Aug. 25. Jane, wife of Richard Morris, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 25. [blank], d. of Roger Hughes, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 4. Robert, a servt. of John Jones, of Ebnall, interred ye 4th.

Michaelmas: 98.

" Oct. 2. Robert ap Edward, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 25. Thomas Jones, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Oct. 27. Richard, s. of John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 29. Margaret Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 8. Jane Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 4. John Thomas, of Daywell ... inter.

268 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1698

1698, Dec. 4. Tho. Row, of Heanford ... inter.
" Dec. 16. Edward Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 23. Mary Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Martha, d. of Andrew Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 30. David, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 30. Philip Hught, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 2. Edward, s. of Wm. Mathews, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 11 Anne ap Roger, of Whitington ... inter.
" Feb. 13. Anne Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
1699, Mar. 5. Tho., s. of Roger Jones, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Mar. 8. John Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 15. Katherine, wife of Tho: ap Edward, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Anne, ye wife ["daughter" written over in a different writing] of Edward Evons, of Heanford ... inter.
" Mar. 19. Ales & Elizabeth, ye wife & daughter of Edward Evans, of Heanford ... inter.

Lady day 99.

1699, Mar. 28. John ap Richard, of Bergill ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 23. Penelope, d. of Wm. Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 25. Margaret Shoten [?], of Ellesmare parish ... inter.
" Apr. 30. Mary Richards, of Heanford ... inter.

Edward Corbett, survayer.

*Francis, ye d. of Tho: Beethell, of Daywell, interred ye 8th of May.
" May 11. John Edwards, of Heanley ... inter.
" May 16. Morgan Williams, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" May 20. Tho. Roberts, of Babins wood ... inter.
" May 24. Ezaack Killey, of Whitington ... inter.
" May 26. Margaret Griffith, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 9. Mary, d. of John Vaughan, of Whitington ... inter.

1700] Whittington. 269

1699, June 20. Margaret Roberts, of Whitington, wid. ... inter.
" July 3. Ursula, d. of Edward Hughes, of Brin-y-Castle ... inter.
" July 9. Henry Llawrence, of Berghill ... inter.
" Aug. 29. Edward Lloyd, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 14. Joseph Meredith, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Oct. 27. Eleanor Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 26. John Lewis, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Nov. 10. Margt. Barkley, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Dec. 4. Timothy, s. of John Lewis, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Dec. 8. Frances, d. of Walter Vaughan, of ffernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 8. Thomas Hughes, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 9. Mary Barkley, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 16. Mary, wife of Richard Paddock, of ffrancton ... inter.
" Dec. 17. Evan Davies, of ffrancton ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Richard Piercy, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 21. Jane Hughes de Bryn-y-Castle ... inter.
" Feb. 1. Richard, s. of Tho: Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 4. Simon, s. of Richard Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 7. Katherine Humphrey, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Jane Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Thomas George, of Ffrankton ... inter.
" Mar. 24. Mary George, of Ffrankton ... inter.
1700, Apr. 18. Esther, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 26. Jane Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 19. Anne Rowlands, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 5. Sarah, d. of Thomas Powell, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 5. John, s. of John Prinalld, of Ellesmere p: ... inter.
" May 8. [blank], ye wife of Thomas Powell, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 10. Thomas, s. of George Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.

270 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1700

1700, May 24. James Robarts, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 31. Catherine, wife of John Tuder, of Babins wood ... inter.
" June 1. Rachell, supposed d. of Edward Benett ... inter.
" June 14. Robard, s. of John Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 16. Thomas, s. of Elizabeth Jones, widow, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 9. Elizabeth, wife of Tho: [Robards], of Salatin p. ... inter.
" July 28. Margaret [blank], of fearnhill ... inter.
" Aug. 4. Margaret Hughes, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Aug. 4. Jane Lewis, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Aug. 6. David, s. of John Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 18. Dorothy Griffith, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 22. Margaret, d. of John Meredith, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 26. Richard Phillips, of Bergill ... inter,
" Aug. 30. Edward, s. of William Mathews, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Sep. 3. Elisabeth, ye d. of [Edward erased, Thomas written over] Puliston, of Derwen-y-Pandy ... inter.
" Sep. 24. Margaret, d. of John Meredith, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Judith Roe, of Ould Marton ... inter.
" Oct. 27. Magdalen ab Edward, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 22. Martha, wife of Roger Jones, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 6. Jane, d. of Richard Humphreys, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Richard, s. of Richard Prinalld, of ffrankton ... inter.
" Dec. 29. Thomas, s. of John Vaughan, of Drenewith ... inter.
" Jan. 5. Jane Mear, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 6. Richard Moris, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 16. Anne, d. of Mary Meredith, widdow, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Elizabeth, wife of John Pearson, of Ebnall ... inter.

1700] Whittington. 271

1700, Feb. 23. Hugh Jones, of Pentre llech ... inter.
" Feb. 28. John Rogers, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Mar. 1. John ffoulkes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 12. Daniell ap Pugh, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Elenor Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 17. Roger Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 18. John Davis, of Whittington ... inter.
1701, Mar. 28. Mary, wife of John Maddocks, of Pentre-ayron ... inter.
" Mar. 30. John Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 12. Modelen ab Hugh, widdow, of Preeshenley ... inter.
" June 29. Catherine Prise, of Ffrancton ... inter.
" Aug. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Robard, of Salatin p. ... inter.
" Sep. 10. Edward Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 17. Martha, wife of Richard Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 26. John Jaxen, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 27. Alse Manerine, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Nov. 20. Gabriel Draper, of Henley ... inter.
" Nov. 20. Abraham, s. of Andrew Keener, mason, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 27. Ales, wife of Thomas Pary, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 14. Joan Williams, of Bobins-wood ... inter.
" Jan. 2. Susanah, d. of Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Jan. 6. Elinior, wife of Griffith Griffithes, of Bergill ... inter.
" Feb. 2. Mary Williams, of ffrankton ... inter.
" Feb. 19. Robert Dale, of Ould Marton ... inter.
" Feb. 28. Anne, d. of Ralph Cooper-Whittington ... inter.
1702, May 21. Margaret, d. of Richard Dall, of Ould Marton ... inter.
" May 24. William, s. of William ap Hugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 26. Mary Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 2. Elizabeth, wife of John Lanset. of Babins wood ... inter.

272 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1701

1701, June 15. Robard ap Edward, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" June 16. Richard Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 25. Bercley Williams. of Daywell ... inter.
" July 3. Richard Humphreys, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 7. Sarah, wife of Richard Lewis, of Daywell ... inter.
" July, last day. Gwen, wife of Edward al Shone, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 4. Martha, d. of Samuell Bedward, of Oswestrey p: ... inter.
" Aug. 14. Mary, d. of Samuell Bedward, of Oswestrey p: ... inter.
" Aug. 14. Catherine, d. of Samuell ffoulkes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 23. Catherine Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 6. John Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 21. Jane, wife of Tho: Morgan, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 16. John, supposed s. of Daniell Phillips, of Pentrearon ... inter.
" Dec. 30. Catherine Trever, of Dayivell ... inter.
" Dec. 30. Catherine Prinalld, of ffrankton ... inter.
" Jan. 4. Jane, d. of Richard Robards, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Jan. 7. Bredgat Williams, of Binswood ... inter.
" Jan. 7. Anne Rogers, of ffernhill ... inter.
" Jan. 9. Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 10. Richard Robards, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Jan. 12. Elizabeth Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Mary, wife of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Jane, wife of Humphrey Lloyd, of Ebnall ... inter.
1702-3, Mar.13. Anne Jackson, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Burley, of fernhill ... inter.
1703, Mar. 25. John Jones, Gent., of Whittington, aturney ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Mrs. Susanna Adams, of Whittington ... inter.
[A note in a different writingl Sister to Tho: Adams, Rect: Ibid.
1703, Apr. 12. James Berkley, of ffrankton ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Jane Davies, of ffrankton ... inter.

1704] Whittington. 273

1703, Apr. 15. Thomas Lloyd, of Whittington ... inter.

Surve: p. Phil. Thomas.

" May 15. Mary Prichard, of this parish ... inter.
" June 24. Lowry Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 20. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Burgess, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 6. John Jones, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 1. William Griffithes, of Daywell ... inter.
1703-4, Mar. 11. Madam Anne Lloyd, wife of Mr. Tho: Lloyd, Gentl., of Whitington ... inter.
1704, Apr. 4. Thomas Probart, of Ebnhall ... inter.
" Apr. 6. Mary Lilley, of Whittington ... inter.

Survey'd by George Halls, Surveyor.

" May 9. Margaret Atcherley, of Bucknhill ... inter.
" May 22. Mary Edwards, of Henlley ... inter.
" June 6. Esther, wife of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 2. John Platt, of Park Hall ... inter.
" July 13. John, s. of Richard Paddock, of ffrankton ... inter.
" July 28. William Jax, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 3. Sarah, d. of Thomas Jones, of Heanlley ... inter.
" Sep. 19. Catherine, wife of Richard Boodel, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 18. Mary, wife of Roger Ward, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of William Prichard, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of Thomas Griffithes, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth, wife of Edward puliston, of Oswestrey ... inter.
" Nov. 7. William Philipps, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of Gravenall ... inter.
" Jan. 3. Anne Edwards, of Henlley ... inter.
" Jan. 8. Mary, d. of William Brown, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 29. Jane Jones, of Ebnall ... inter.

274 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1704

1704, Jan. 21. Samiell Foulkes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Edward, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.

Survey'd p. Geo. Hall.

1705, Apr. 1. Margaret, wife of Thomas ap Probert, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" Apr. 6. Margaret, wife of John Prichard, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 8. Margaret ap Prichard, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Apr. 9. Mary, d. of Edward Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 24. Richard, s. of Richard Humphreys, of Babins wood ... inter.

Inter'd in St. Martins.

1704, Feb. 27. Joan, wife of Thomas ap Hugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 6. Sidney Lloyd, of Ebnall ... inter.
1705, Mar. 26. Eleanor, wife of John Peplow, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 4. Samuell ap Edward, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" June 8. Anne Write, of Bergill ... inter.
" Aug. 26. Martha, wife of Walter Banester, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 28. Catherine, wife of David Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 6. Elizabeth, supposed d. of William Perry, Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Richard Rider, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 24. Edward, s. of Joseph Lloyd, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Oct. 25. Jane Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 6. Thomas Rees, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 11. Theodor Mawris, of Evnhall ... inter.
" Dec. 17. Roger Draper, of Bergill ... inter.
" Dec. 29. Robert Elis, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Jan. 2. Mary, d. of John, person of Porkington ... inter.
" Jan. 19. Mary Acherley, of Bucknhill ... inter.
" Deo. 4. Thomas Waters, of Bergill ... inter.
" Mar. 1. Jane, d. of Thomas Lewis, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Mar. 15. Thomas Edwards, of Heanlley ... inter.
1706, May 20. John, s. of Tohn Jones, of Bergill ... inter.
" June 9. Elizabeth, d. of John James, of Ebnall ... inter.

1707] Whittington. 275

1706, June 21. Thomas ab Shone, of Evenhall ... inter.
" June 25. Griffith Hughes, of Whittingto ... inter.
" July 3. Elizabeth, wife of John Jones, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 7. Mary, wife of Philip Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 13. Richard Philips, of Bergill ... inter.
" Aug. 7. John Williams, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Aug. 1. Catherine Roe, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Theoder Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" Sep. 15. Griffith Thomas, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Anne, wife of Andrew Edge, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 30. Jane, wife of William David, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of William Brown, of Hinford ... inter.
" Nov. 19. Josepth Lewis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 2. David Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 29. Thomas, s. of Richard Padock, of Frankton ... inter.
" Feb. 17. John, s. of John Davies, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 19. Jane, d. of John Davis, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 23. Edward Wikey, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 23. Jane, wife of Richard Boodle, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 25. John Edwards, of Heanlley ... inter.
" Mar. 1. Richard, s. of Hugh bowen, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Mar. 10. Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Margaret, d. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 20. Thomas, s. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
1707, Apr. 3. Mrs. Martha Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 18. Sarah Bowen, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Apr., last day. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 5. Richard, s. of Edward Richard, of Hinford ... inter.
" May 8. Sarah Trevor, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 8. Catherine Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 12. Sarah Lloyd, of Oswestrey p. ... inter.
" May 15. John Moris, of Babins-wood ... inter.

276 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1707

1707, Aug. 17. Mary, d. of Theodore Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 26. Sarah Pentrin, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 12. Mary Abram, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 12. Sarah, d. of William Davis, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 16. Samuel Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Joyce Williams, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Nov. 26. Mary, wife of Thomas Kineston, of ffrankton ... inter.
" Dec. 3. Mary, wife of John Pearson, of Porkinton ... inter.
" Dec. 4. Margaret, wife of Josepth Moris, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec., last day. Sarah Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 8. A child of Thomas Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 11. Elizabeth, wife of William Shone, of Maiestermine ... inter.
1707-8, Feb.14. Peter Edwards, of Midelton ... inter.
" Mar. 1. Mary, wife of Edward Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 10. Elizabeth Iveson, of Whittington ... inter.
1708, Mar. 27. John Philips, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 29. Richard, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 29. Dorothy, d. of Andrew Prichard, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 7. Margaret, wife of John Bercley, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Apr. 26. Mary Rider, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 14. Roger, s. of Griffith Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" May 14. John, s. of John Cartwright, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 25. John Madocks, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 19. Richard Woodall, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 30. Roger ap Hugh, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Sep. 9. Anne, d. of Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Sep. 22. William, s. of John Medon, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 14. John Kyffin, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 4. Mary Ivison, of Whittington ... inter.

1709] Whittington. 277

1708, Nov. 7. Thomas Kyneston, Frankton ... inter.
" Nov. 22. Sarah, d. of Samuel Ivison, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 27. Edward, s. of ffrancis Williams, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 17. Ffrancis Crace, of Bergill ... inter.
" Feb. 18. Edward, s. of Adam tilsley, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 19. Griffith ab prichard, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 8. John Evans, of ffrankton ... inter.
" Mar. 10. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Kineston, of ffrankton ... inter.
1708-9, Mar. 18. John, s. of Theoder Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
1709, Mar., last day. Joseph, s. of Samuel Davies, of Porkinton ... inter.
" Apr. 1. George Morris, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 1. Mary, wife of Steven Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 8. Susannah Llewis, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 20. Mary, wife of Mr. John Etton, of Lloyn-y-mane ... inter.
" Apr. 24. Edward Prinald, of Ebnall ... inter.
" May 5. Robert, s. of Mr. Robert Edwards, Rector of Llanderver ... inter.
" May 8. David, s. of James Edwards, of Ebnall ... inter.
" May 17. Jane, wife of Peter ap Probert, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" May 19. Catherine, d. of Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnall ... inter.
" June 1. Martha Davis, of Frankton ... inter.
" July 2. William, s. of John Vaughan, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 2. William, s. of John Scruple, of London ... inter.
" July 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Llewis, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Aug. 30. Martha, d. of Thomas Puliston, of Salatin p. ... inter.
" Sep. 2. Jane, d. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Sep. 13. Mary, d. of John Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 3. John Roberts, of Frankton ... inter.
" Oct. 29. Anne. supposed d. of David Roberts, of Ebnall ... inter.

278 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1709

1709, Dec. 1. Henry, s. of Evan Parry, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 9. Margaret Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
1709-10, Jan. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Andrian Keener, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan., last day. Anne Griffith, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 10. Owen Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Catherine Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 23. Mary, d. of Richard Griffith, of Daywell ... inter.
1710, Apr. 5. William, s. of Thomas Medon, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Roger Rogers, of Babies wood ... inter.
" Apr. 22. Isabell, d. of Richard Winsor, of Bergill ... inter.
" June 3. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Edwards, of Oswestry ... inter.
" June 13. David, s. of Robert Roberts, of Gilshfild ... inter.
July 14. Blanch Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 19. William Roger, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Sep. 28. Elizabeth, wife of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Oct. 14. John Griffith, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 21. Anne Jax, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 7. Sarah Mould, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" Nov. 10. Catherine Edwards, of Daywell .. inter.
" Nov. 20. Richard, s. of Thomas Paddock, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 23. William, s. of John Gittins, of Frankton ... inter.
" Dec. 8. Ursila, wife of David Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 3. Mary, d. of Andrian Keener, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 11. John Jaxson, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" Mar. 4. David, s. of John Vaughan, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 12. John, s. of Edward Hughes, of Daywell ... inter.
1711, Apr. 1. William Piggot, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 11. Edward, s. of Thomas Puleston, of Selatin p. ... inter.
" Apr. 28. Thomas Jones, of Heanlly ... inter.
" May 1. Elizabeth, wife of Edward Jones, of Whittington ... inter.

1712] Whittington. 279

1711, May 12. Jane, d. of Thomas Puleston, of Salatin ... inter.
" May 15. Thomas Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 5. William, s. of Griffith Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" June 16. Mary, wife of Bengamen Manwarine, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" July 5. Thomas, s. of Griffith Griffiths, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 6. Jane, d. of Luke Williams, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" July 13. Sarah, d. of Morris ap Prichard, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 17. Anne Williams, of Berghill ... inter.
" Aug. 30. Mary, d. of Robert Lewis, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" Sep. 7. Frances Win, of the parrish of Wesbrey ... inter.
" Sep. 11. Anne Prichard, of Berghill ... inter.
" Oct. 1. Catherine, d. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 6. Thomas, s. of Edward Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Oct., last day. Simon Jones, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" Nov. 4. Dorothy Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Nov. 14. Edward, s. of Samuel Jones, of Franckton ... inter.
" Dec. 21. Anne, d. of Thomas Bethel, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 22. Mrs. Mary Adams, of Alesmore ... inter.
" Jan. 8. Elizabeth, d. of William Waters, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 10. Richard Draper, of Heanlley ... inter.
1711-12, Jan. 24. Thomas, supposed child, of John Vaughan, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 29. Jane Phillips, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Jan. 30. William ap Hugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 21. Jane, d. of John Cadwalader, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 12. Henrey, s. of William Jones, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Edward, s. of Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... inter.
1712, Mar. 25. Henrey, s. of Evan Parry, of Fernhill ... inter.

280 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1712

1712, Apr. 3. Peter, s. of Phillip Edwards, of Franckton ... inter.
" Apr. 4. Edward Rees, of Heanlley ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Febian Tunnah, of Franckton ... inter.
" Apr. 27. A child of Cathrine Jones, of Heanlley ... inter.
" June 16. A child of John Griffiths, of Fernhill ... inter.
" June 19. Richard Boodle, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 1. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Paddock, of Franckton ... inter.
" July 4. Thomas Morgan, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 1. John, s. of Samuel Poole, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 3. Elizabeth, wife of John Higison, of Wotton ... inter.
" Aug. 10. Catherine, wife of John James, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Aug. 14. John, s. of John Phillips, of Berghill ... inter.
" Sep. 13. Elizabeth, wife of Timmothy George, of Hinford ... inter.
" Sep. 27. Cathrine, d. of Edward Hughes, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct., last day. John, s. of Edward Edwards, Pentrey Kundrick ... inter.
" Dec. 2. Richard Piggot, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 21. Catherine, d. of John James, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Dec. 23. Edward Winsor, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 8. A child of Thomas George, of Fearnhill ... inter.
1713, Mar. 26. Richard Prynald, of Franckton ... inter.
Apr. 4. Thomas ap Hugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Andrew, s. of Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... inter.
" May 2. Elizabeth Elis, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 5. Edward Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 3. Dority Boodle, of this Town ... inter.
" June 3. Thomas Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.
" June 3. Thomas Vaughan, of Fearnhill ... inter.
" June 8. Edward Proger, of this town ... inter.
" June 16. Sarah Spenser, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 18. John Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" June, last day. John Maredeath. of this town ... inter.
" July 1. Mary Nicholas, of this town ... inter.

1714] Whittington. 281

1713, July 11. Andrew Edge, of this town ... inter.
" July 11. David, s. of Edward Roberts, of this town ... inter.

[Here apparently one book ends, and was subsequently bound together with another, having parchment leaves rather shorter in length.]

Peter Edward was buried under ye 31. and 4th benches of ye mens side, By ye Postes.

[This is the only entry on the first side of page 1 of the second book, above mentioned.]

WALTER EVANS, Clarke of ye parish of Whittington,
For ye year 1713. Written by me, Tho. Evans.
JOHN FOULKS, Cleric AE dis Divi: Whittington'
WALTER [blank], Clarke of ye parish of Whittington, 76.

BURIALS, A.D., 1713.

Mrs. Penelope Lloyd, Relict of Marmaduke Lloyd, Gent., was interred in Trenewith Seat, the side next the Door, the twentieth day of July.
1713, July 28. Jane Powell, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 11. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of this Town ... inter.
" Oct. 13. Mary, d. of Griffith Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Nov. 26. Dority Jones, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 4. Humphrey Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Puliston, of Sylatin ... inter.
" Dec. 21. William, s. of John Jones, of Franckton ... inter.
" Jan. 2. John Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Jan. 24. Gwen, wife of Thomas Boodle, of Franckton ... inter.
" Jan. 30. Mary Prichard, of Berghill ... inter.
1713-14, Feb., last day. Elizabeth Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Mary Morris, of Whittington ... inter,
1714, Mar. 25. Thomas Jennings, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 26. Thomas Proger, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Mar. 26. John Rose, of Franckton ... inter.

282 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1714

1714, Apr. 4. Hennary, s. of William Jones, of Whittington ... . inter.
" Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 7. Martha, d. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 11. Sarah, d. of Edward Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 7. Jane, d. of Thomas ab Edward, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 2. Samuel Evans, of ye Parrish of Sylatin ... inter.
" July 3. Sarah, d. of John Vaughan, of ffernhil ... inter.
" July -. Edward, s. of Edward Barkley, of Henley ... inter.
" July 13. Sarah, d. of William Edwards, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" July 10. Martha, d. of Richard Griffiths, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 26. Adrian Keener, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 7. Elizabeth Rees, of Berghill ... inter.
" Oct. 10. Martha Williams, of Franckton ... inter.
" Oct. 12. William, s. of Edward Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 1. Mary, d. of Edward Hughes, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 21. Mary, wife of Thomas Edwards, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Dec. 19. Anne Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 25. John Barkley, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 15. Posthu'us, s. of Adrian Keener, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 25. Mary, wife of John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 19. Anne, d. of Thomas Walters ... inter.
1714-5, Mar.4. James Draper, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 7. John, s. of Lewis Jones ... inter.
" Mar. 18. Elizabeth Spencer, of this town ... Inter.
" Mar. 10. Jane Piggot, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 22. Mrs. Anne Joyse, of this town ... inter.
1715, Apr. 7. John James, of Ebnal ... inter.

1716] Whittington. 283

1715, Apr. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Griffiths, of Fernhill ... inter.
" May 4. Edward, supposed s. of Edward Owens, of Morton ... inter.
Jane Paddock, of Franckton, was interred ye 18th day of May, 1715, aged above 100 years.
" June, last day. Elizabeth Jones, of Langothlen ... inter.
" Sep. 4. Elizabeth Bellis, of Henley ... inter.
" Sep. 12. Richard, s. of Mr. Richard Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 18. James Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 14. Roger, s. of Roger Ward, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 10. Sarah Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
Edward Lloyd, Esqr., the son of Marmaduke Lloyd, of Trenewith, Gent., was interr'd in Trenewith Seat, ye Side next the Wall. November ye 6th, 1715.
" Dec. 7. Peter Roberts, of Babins-wood ... inter.
1715-16, Jan. 20. Margaret Pugh, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Richard Paddock, of Franckton ... inter.
" Jan. 30. Elizabeth Kinnaston, of Franckton ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Nickolas Boodle, of this town ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Anne, wife of Roger Williams, of this town ... inter.
" Feb. 26. Mary Piggot, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 12. Rebecca Elis, of Babins-wood ... inter.
1716, Mar. 17. Martha, wife of Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnall ... inter.
" May 13. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Jaxson, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 2. William, s. of Thomas Jones alis. Lanset of this town ... inter.
" June 4. Morris, s. of Morris ap Prichard, of Ebnal ... inter.
" July 3. Edward Evans, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 28. Sarah, d. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 29. Edward James, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Aug. 3. John, s. of Peter Morris, of Ebnal ... inter.

284 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1716

1716, Aug. 6. Edward, s. of John Gittings, of Dydlaston ... inter.
" Aug. 7. Gilbard Brown, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Aug. 17. Mary, wife of Nickolas Gittings, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 4. David Phillips, of Franckton ... inter.
" Sep. 5. Anne, d. of John Jones, of Henley ... inter.
" Sep. 21. Arthur, s. of John Rider, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 25. Mary, d. of Edward Rider, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 26. Mary, wife of Tyddor Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" Nov. 12. Thomas, s. of Edward Barkley, of New Marton ... inter.
" Nov. 29. Mr. Timothy Wynne, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 9. Martha, wife of James Abram, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 10. Samuel Bill, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Dec. 14. Margaret, d. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 22. Alicea Pugh, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Jan. 14. Anne, wife of Roger ap Prichard, of Babins wood ... inter.
1716-17, Jan. 17. Margaret Brown, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 29. Mathew Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan., last day. Jane Tunna, of Franckton ... inter.
" Feb. 1. Richard Dod, of Franckton ... inter.
" Feb. 23. Prudence Tunna, of Franckton ... inter.
" Feb. 22. Elizabeth, d. of William Wolaston, of Franckton ... inter.
" Mar. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Tho: Barkley, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 13. Ermin Morris, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Sarah, d. of Tho: Evans, of Fernhill ... inter.
1717, Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Stephen Edwards, of Srowsbury ... inter.
" Apr. 7. Jane Wright, of Berghill ... inter.
" Apr. 12. Rober Barkley, of Heanley ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Margaret, d. of John Richards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of Richard James, of Ebnal ... inter.

1718] Whittington. 285

1717, Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of John Gittings, of Dudleston ... inter.
" May 27. Martha, wife of Richard Clark, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 8. Anne Winsor, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 10. Samuell, s. of Samuell Poole, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 10. Ruth, d. of Thomas Phillips, of Berghill ... inter.
" Sep. 15. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 4. Mary, d. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... inter.
" Nov. 10. Elizabeth Evans, of this town ... inter.
" Nov. 25. Samuel, s. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of this town ... inter.
1717-8, Jan. 4. John Gennings, ovr this town ... inter.
" Jan. 30. Dority Millington, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 3. John, s. of David Bethill, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Mary, d. of David Roberts, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Alice. wife of John Kyllan, of Heanley ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Robert, s. of Evan Parry, of Firnhill ... inter.
" Mar. 1. Thomas s. of Edward Corbet, of Franckton ... inter.
" Mar. 8. Samuel Pachet, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Oliver, of Frankton ... inter.
1718, Apr. 14. Anne, wife of Thomas Williams, of Frankton ... inter.
" May 3. John, s. of Thomas Paddock, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 7. The Revernd Mr. Thomas Adams. Rector of Whittington ... inter.
" May 8. Jane, wife of Edward Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 12. Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 20. Anne, d. of Lewis Jones ... inter.
" June 1. Thomas Richards, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 7. Richard, s. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 17. Alice Prichard, of this town ... inter.
" July 4. Thomas Wikey, of this town ... inter.

286 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1718

1718, Aug. 13. Hannah, wife of Robert Jones, of Franckton ... inter.
" Sep. 9. Edward, s. of Edward Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 2. David, s. of Thomas Barkley, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 17. Mary, d. of Samll. Poole, of this town ... inter.
" Nov. 6. Jane Prinald, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 8. Cathrine Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Nov. 14. Elizabeth Kyffin, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 29. Mary, wife of John Rider, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 10. Cathrine, wife of Roger Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
1718-9, Jan. 9. John, s. of William Edwards, of Babis wood ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Edward, s. of Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 10. Morgan Ellis, of Franckton ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Mary, wife of Tho Griffiths, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Feb. 24. Jane Williams, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 28. George Kynnaston, of Franckton ... inter.
1719, Apr. 11. Elizabeth Medon, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 17. Ursila Evans, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 29. William Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" May 8. Thomas Boodle, of Franckton ... inter.
" June 11. Jane Puliston, of Berghill ... inter.
" July 10. Thomas, s. of Richard Oliver ... inter.
" July 10. Anne, wife of Humphrey Williams, of Berghill ... inter.
" Aug. 20. Robert, s. of Morris Prichard, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Sep. 14. Mary, d. of John Richards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 15. Sarah Richard, of Heanly ... inter.
" Oct. 26. Richard, s. of William Rogers, of Franckton ... inter.
" Nov. 12. Margaret Phillips, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 8. William Williams. of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 22. John Pearson, of Firnhill ... inter.

1721] Whittington. 287

1719, Jan. 23. Mary, d. of Andrew Jones, of Park ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Mary Lloyd, of the Parrish of St. Martens ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Charles Wynne, of Frankton ... inter.
" Feb. 15. Thomas Powel, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 5. Mary wife of Thomas Hughes, of Henthly ... inter.
1719-20, Mar. 14. Samuel Shone, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Peter, s. of Richard Leech, of Cundover ... inter.
1720, Apr. 18. Daniel Phillips, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 6. Mary, d. of Andrew Jones, of Park ... inter.
" June 5. Margaret, d. of Thomas Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 27. Anne Edwards, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 17. Elinor Phillips, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Aug. 15. Mary, d. of Joseph Bellis, of Henthley ... inter.
" Aug. 21. Anne Edwards, of Birghill ... inter.
" Aug. 25. Richard Bowen, of Frankton ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Richard Griffiths, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 14. Elinor Evans, of Frankton ... inter.
" Nov. 18. Margaret Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 8. Catherine, wife of Thomas Eathel, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 8. Mary Piggot, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 23. Elizabeth Lloyd, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Powel, Esqre., of Park ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Margaret Foulkes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 23. Robert Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 3. Edward, s. of Mr. Roger Ward ... inter.
" Mar. 5. William, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Edward Jones, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Mar. 23. Richd. Evans. of Ebnal ... inter.
1721, Apr. 10. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 22. Sarah, d. of Samuel Poole, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 3. Mary, d. of Tyddor Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" May 7. Mary, d. of Richd. Piggot, of Daywell ... inter.

288 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1721

1721, May 9. John, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 24. Jane, d. of John Tomley, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 24. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Keener, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 4. Hannah, wife of Thomas Griffiths, of Babins Wood ... inter.
" June 17. Jane, wife of John Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 22. William, s. of Edward Rider, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 23. Jonathan, s. of Mr. Richard Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 25. Peter, s. of Peter Morris, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Sep. 1. Mary, wife of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 28. Edward Humphreys, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 29. John Kyllan, of Henthly ... inter.
" Oct. 7. Richard Hughes, of Birghill ... inter.
" Nov. 5. Mary, d. of John Williams, of the p. of Oswestry ... inter.
" Dec. 7. Luce Tydder, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 12. Edward, s. of David Thomas, of Trenewith ... inter.
" Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Edward Berkley, of New Marton ... inter.
" Jan. 1. Abigall Lloyd, of St. Martins ... inter.
" Jan. 7. William, s. of Edward Edwards,of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 3. William Shone, of Frankton ... inter.
" Feb. 9. Jane Evans, of Derweny pardy, in p. of Salatin ... inter.
" Feb. 25. Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnall Township ... inter.
1722, Apr. 6. Sarah, wife of John Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth, wife of Roger Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 11. Catherine Progger, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 18. Anne, wife of Tohn Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.

1722] Whittington. 289

1712, June 9. Jacob, s. of Edwd. Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 15. Elizabeth, wife of Luke Francis, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 22. John Wright, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 27. Mary, d. of Edward Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Griffiths, of Fernhill ... inter.
" July 21. Rebeccah, d. of William Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 22. Roger Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 19. Thomas Edwards, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Aug. 19. John, s. of Peter Morris ... inter.
" Sep. 10. Catherine, d. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 11. John, s. of John Griffith, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Oct. 13. Dorothy, wife of John Trevor, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 13. Dorothy, wife of Edward Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Oct. 17. John, s. of John Griffiths, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Oct. 19. Ermin, d. of John Davis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Simon Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 25. Rebeccah, d. of Edward Edwards, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Oct. 27. Thomas, s. of Tho: Dod, of Frankton ... inter.
" Oct. 29. Richard, s. of Tho Prinault, of Frankton ... inter.
" Nov. 4. Jane, d. of John Richards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 16. Anne Morris, of Frankton ... inter.
" Nov. 16. Edward, s. of Richd. Windsor, of Berghill ... inter.
" Nov. 21. Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Eleanor Bedward, of Wotton ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Richard, s. of Richd. Oliver, of Frankton ... inter.
" Nov. 30. Margaret Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 2. Jane, d. of Henry Mathews. of Ebnall ... inter.

290 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1722

1722, Dec. 17. Mary supposed d. of Edward Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 22. John, s. of Evan Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 23. Margaret Piercy, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 23. Edward Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 24. John and Anne, s. & d. of Edward Barkley, of New Marton ... inter.
" Dec. 25. John, s. of Thomas Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Dec. 31. Roger, s. of Tho: Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Jan. 12. John Lancet, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 20. John, s. of John Tomley, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 31. Mary, wife of Edward Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Jan. 31. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 6. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 9. Thomas, s. of William Wollaston, of Frankton ... inter.
" Feb. 23. John, s. of William Wollaston, of Frankton ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey Rhees, of Berghill ... inter.
1723, Apr. 4. Edward Hughes, of Berghill ... inter.
" Apr. 19. Edward Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 26. Eleanor Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 7. Hugh Jones, of Hindford ... inter.
" May 12. Gwenn Jones, of Henley ... inter.
" May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 9. Richard Piggott, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 24. John, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 28. Joan Williams, of Frankton ... inter.
" July 11. Mary, d. of William Rogers, of Ebnall ... inter.
" July 16. Richard Griffiths, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 4. Philip Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 11. Blanch Shone, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 6. Margaret Warters, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 11. John Mathews, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Aug. 5. Hannah, wife of Edward Nicholas ... inter.

1724] Whittington. 291

1723, Oct. 13. Roger, s. of John Jones, of Henly ... inter.
" Oct. 14. Joseph Bellis, of Henley ... inter.
" Oct. 31. Arthur Rider, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Nov. 15. Elizabeth Kuffin, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 28. Samuel Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 2. Anne, wife of Thomas Paddock, junior, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 15. Margaret Prynault, widdow, of Ebnall ... inter.
1723-4, Jan. 4. Roger Pritchard, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 4. Mary, d. of Tho: Dod, of Frankton ... inter.
" Jan. 19. Susannah, d. of Peter Maurice, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth Edwards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 19. Mary Thomas, of the p. of Langollen ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Sarah, wife of Philip Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 26. Mary, wife of Andrew Maddox, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 29. Tho: Hughes, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 29. Elizabeth, wife of Arthur Harper, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 13. Tho: Jones, of Pentre Pant, in ye p. of Syllatin ... inter.
" Mar. 17. Samuel, s. of Edward Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 24. Sinah, wife of David Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
1724, Apr. 17. Elizabeth, natural d. of Luke Francis ... inter.
" Apr. 28. Sarah Philips, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 9. John Williams, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 15. James Abram, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 25. Elizabeth Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 4. John Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 2. Eleanor, wife of Thomas Jones, of Hentley ... inter.
" Oct. 23. Mary, d. of William Harris, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 5. Mary Jones, of Frankton ... inter.
" Nov. 15. Eleanor, wife of Edward Philips, of Pentre Kynrick ... inter.
" Nov. 22. Dorothy Williams, of Ebnall ... inter.

292 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1724

1724, Dec. 7. John, s. of Richd. Dod, of Frankton ... inter.
" Dec. 17. Mary, natural d. of Samuel Slater, of Hordley ... inter.
" Dec. 19. Richard Bate, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 31. Edward Jennings, of Ebnall ... inter.
1724-5, Jan. 6. Robert Bowen, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Thomas Puleston, of ye p. of Halston ... inter.
" Jan. 26. John Richards, of ye p. of Syllatin ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Mary Kyffin, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 12. Mary Bellis, of Henley ... inter.
" Mar. 13. Jane, d. of David Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 23. Eleanor Griffiths, of Babieswood ... inter.
1725, Mar. 31. Mary, d. of Richard Paddock, of Franckton ... inter.
" Apr. 6. Jane, d. of John Bevan, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 14. David Roberts, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 16. John Jones, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Apr. 25. Elizabeth Roberts, of Hinford ... inter.
" Ap. 25. Catherine Tydder, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 25. Joseph, s. of Thomas Davies, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 26. John, s. of Edward Richard, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 29. William Edward, of Henley ... inter.
" Aug. 27. Edward Nickolas, of Birghill ... inter.
" Sep. 24. William Powel, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 17. Catherine Rooe, of Ruabon ... inter.
" Oct. 23. Elizabeth Phillips, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Jane, d. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 24. Mary Abram, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 28. Isabell Jones, of Henley ... inter.
" Dec. 17. Sarah George, of Franckton ... inter.
" Dec. 25. Walter Evans, Clark, of Whittington ... inter.
1725-6, Jan. 14. William, s. of William Vary, a poore man ... inter.
" Jan. 15. Thomas Edwards, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Jan. 15. Thomas, s. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 23. Dinah, d. of Ralf Knight, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 3. Evan Roberts, of Firnhill ... inter.
" Mar. 5. Edward, s. of Thomas Evans, of Whittington ... inter.

1726-7] Whittington. 293

1725-6, Mar.15. John, s. of John Kynaston, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Mar. 17. Richard Atcharley, of Bucknell, in ye p. of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 18. Margaret, d. Mary Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
1726, Mar. 31. Anne Ellis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 1. Jane Roberts, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Apr. 1. James, s. of Richard Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 13. Dorithy Beddo, of Babieswood ... inter.
" July 8. Mary Foulkes, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 13. Susanna Wynne, of Franckton ... inter.
" Sep. 1. Sarah, d. of Richard Rogers, of Firnhill ... inter.
" Sep. 7. Robert Tyddor, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 13. Martha, wife of Thomas Green, of the p. of Oswestry .... inter.
" Oct. 17. Jane Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Charles, s. of Charles Lloyd, Esq., of Renewith, in the p. of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Bromley, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 28. Mr. Roger Maddockes, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 7. Ishmael Evans, of ye p. of Ellismear ... inter.
" Nov. 10. Robert Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 13. Thomas Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 13. Arthur Harper, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 19. Mary, d. of Richard Owen, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Thomas Ethel, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 5. Margarett Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 6. Richard, s. of Edward Evans, of the p. of Oswestry ... inter.
" Dec. 15. Mary Tyddor, of Hinford ... inter.
1726-7, Jan. 13. Catherine Cooke, of the p. of Elismare ... inter.
" Jan. 21. Elinor Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 25. Jane Harry, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 5. Sarah, wife of ffrancis Prichard, of Whittington ... inter.

294 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1726-7

1726-7, Feb. 17. Margaret, wife of David Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 2. Sarah, d. of Edward Arthurs, of Daywell ... inter.
1727, Apr. 14. Catherine Thomas, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 21. Jane Bowen, of Franckton ... inter.
" Apr. 27. Mary, d. of William Baker ... inter.
" May 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Evans, of this Town ... inter.
" May 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Dod, of this town ... inter.
" May 24. Benjamin Mannerin, of Babins wood ... inter.
" June 15. ffrancies, d. of Joseph Davies, of Ebnal ... inter.
" July 6. Mary, wife of Richard Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" July 6. John Darbey, of Babinswood ... inter.
" July 25. John Morgan, of Babinswood ... inter.
" July 30. Mary Powel, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 9. Richard Humphreys, of Babinswood ... inter.
" Aug. 13. Martha, wife of Cadwaleder Williams, of the p. of Salatin ... inter.
" Aug. 16. Peter Barkley, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Aug. 20. Ann Roberts, of this town ... inter.
" Aug. 20. Abigail, wife of Humphrey Shone, of this town ... inter.
" Aug. 22. Samuel, s. of Samuel Hughes, Junr., of this town ... inter.
" Aug. 30. Samuel Powel, of this town ... inter.
" Aug. 31. John Rogers, of Henley ... inter.
" Aug. 31. Anne, d. of Richard Glover, of Franckton ... inter.
" Sep. 1. John Tomley, Senr., of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 7. Rebecka Benion, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 9. Mrs. Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 17. Elizabeth Jones, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 23. Mary, wife of Thomas Hughes, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 27. Humphrey Shone, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 27. Elizabeth Shone, of the Ridge ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Richard Oliver, of Franckton ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Mary Mathews, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 10. Thomas Lancet, of this town ... inter.

1728] Whittington. 295

1727, Oct. 2. Mary Maredith, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 2. Thomas, s. of Samuel Hughes, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 5. Elizabeth, wife of John Dod, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 6. Richard Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 14. Samuel, s. of John Davies, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 19. Joan, wife of John Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 24. John Conwey, of Birghill ... inter.
" Oct. 25. Alice, wife of William Guest, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Nov. 12. Robert Conwey, of Berghill ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Samuel Hughes, Senr., of this town ... inter.
" Nov. 24. Lydia, wife of Thomas Jaxson, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 28. Mary, d. of Mr. John Lloyd, of Oswestry ... inter.
" Nov. 30. Mary George, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 16. Richard Hughes, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 16. Elizabeth Mear, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Mr. Roger Ward, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Mary, wife of Richard Wynne, of Francton ... inter.
1727-8, Jan. 4. Phillip Davies, of Franckton ... inter.
" Jan. -. Mary, natural d. of Edward Jones ... inter.
" Feb. 13. John Paddock, smith, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 3. Mary, d. of John Tomley ... inter.
" Mar. 7. John, s. of John Smalman, of Franckton ... inter.
" Mar. 8. John Davies, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Mar. 19. Richard Clark, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Mar. 24. John Cadwaleder, of Daywell ... inter.
1728, Mar. 25. Catherine Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 29. Anne Brain, of this town ... inter.
" Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Richard, of this town ... inter.
" Apr. 8. John Prichard, of Berghill ... inter.
" Apr. 8. Edward Jones, of this town ... inter.
" Apr. 8. Martha, d. of Thomas Edwards, of this town ... inter.
" Apr. 11. John, s. of John Rees, of Firnhill ... inter.

296 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1728

1728, Apr. 11. John Pugh, of this town ... inter.
" Apr. 20. Anne, d. of John Rees, of Firnhill ... inter.
" Apr. 21. Thomas Walters, of the p. of Fford ... inter.
" Apr. 26. Mary, d. of John Brown, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 2. Martha, d. of Thomas Dod, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 7. Mr. Thomas Lloyd, Gent., of this town ... inter.
" May 11. Sarah, d. of John Jones, of Henley ... inter.
" May 11. Ambrus, s. of John Roberts, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 17. Sarah, d. of Robert Roberts, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 19. John Jones, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 22. Edward, s. of John Jones, Franckton ... inter.
" May 23. Margaret Shotton, of Franckton ... inter.
" June 4. Mm. Mary Powel, of Park ... inter.
" June 8. Richard, s. of Richard Tyddor, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 8. Jane, d. of Griffith Hughes, of this town ... inter.
" July 13. Sarah, d. of John Lewis, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 26. John Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 28. James Hodgess, of Franckton ... inter.
" July 30. Richard Wynne, of this town ... inter.
" July 31. Elinor Bill, of Babinswood ... inter.
" Aug. 13. Thomas Green, of Babinswood ... inter.
" Aug. 13. John, s. of Edward Phillips, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 14. Ruth Phillips, of Franckton ... inter.
" Aug. 16. Joseph Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 18. John Owens, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 20. Edward Phillips, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 22. Mary Williams, of Berghill ... inter.
" Aug. 25. Mary Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 25. Jane, wife of Robert Roberts, of Franckton ... inter.
" Aug. 26. Margaret Genning, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 29. Thomas Tunna, of Franckton ... inter.
" Aug. 29. Morris Prichard, of this town ... inter.
" Aug. 30. Anne Edwards, of Henthly ... inter.
" Aug. 31. Thomas George, of Firnhill ... inter.
" Sep. 5. Thomas Vaughan, of this town ... inter.

1728-9] Whittington. 297

1728, Sep. 5. Mary, d. of John Boodle ... inter.
" Sep. 6. Elizabeth Magdon, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 10. John, s. of Luke Francis, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 12. Anne, wife of Joseph Griffiths, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 12. Catherine Williams, of Franckton ... inter.
" Sep. 15. John Kyffin, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 17. Catherine, wife of John Waters, of Henthley ... inter.
" Sep. 18. Robert Morris, a poor man ... inter.
" Sep. 22. Hannah Pearcey, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 25. Jane, wife of Samll. Iveson, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 2. Margaret Williams, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 2. Andrew Prichard, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 7. Anne, wife of John Jone, of ye p. of Elismere ... inter.
" Oct. 10. Anne Mathews, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 11. Andrew Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 24. Catherine Evans, of this town ... inter.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Nov. 5. Edward Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Nov. 5. Mary Hughes, of Franckton ... inter.
" Nov. 19. John Shotton, of Franckton ... inter.
" Nov. 25. Elizabeth Humphreys, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 5. John Roberts, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 7. John Edwards, of Pentrey Aron ... inter.
" Dec. 17. William Walters, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Owens, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 21. Thomas Jones, a poor Traveling Man ... inter.
" Dec. 22. Thomas ab Edward, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Elinor Williams, of Babins-wood ... inter.
1728-9, Dec., last day. Richard, s. of Richard Dod, of Franckton ... inter.
" Jan. 1. Roger Jones, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 8. Elizabeth Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 9. Richard Barkley, of this town ... inter.
" Jan. 11. Sarah, d. of John Hughes, of this town ... inter.
" Jan. 15. Jane Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.

298 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1728-9

1728-9, Jan. 19. Ruth, d. of John Hughes als. Rees, of this town ... inter.
" Jan. 20. John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Thomas Green, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Feb. 5. Thomas Evans, of Firnhill ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Mary Griffiths, of this town ... inter.
" Feb. 15. Griffith Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Mr. Richard Evans, of this town ... inter.
" Feb. 17. Margaret, ye d. of Mr. Thomas Davies ... inter.
" Feb. 21. Mary Rees, of ye p. of Salaten ... inter.
" Feb. 22. Francis Clark, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 24. Peter Edwards, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 2. Margaret, d. of Thomas Paddock, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 8. Edward, s. of John Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 8. Richard Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 12. John, s. of John Kynnaston, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Theodosia, d. of Peter Lewis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Sarah, d. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 21. Edward Williams, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Mar. 22. John, s. of John Darbey, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Mar. 24. Richard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
1729, Mar. 25. Roger, s. of Roger Thomas, of the p. of Halston ... inter.
" Mar. 27. Jane Williams, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 31. Anne Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 1. Edward Proger, of Henthley ... inter.
" Apr. 2. John, s. of Thomas Griffiths, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 7. Mary, wife of Thomas Griffiths, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 10. Mary Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Jane, d. of John Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 21. Isaac Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 27. Richard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 22. Elizabeth Roberts, of Fernhill ... inter.

1729] Whittington. 299

1729, Apr. 24. William Knite, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 29. Edward Richards, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 7. Hesther Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 9. Edward, s. of John Davies, of Berghill ... inter.
" May 12. Sarah Pugh, of Babins wood ... inter.
" May 18. Mary, d. of Mr. Samuel Jaxson, of Henhavod ... inter.
" May 26. Jane Powel, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 29. Elizabeth Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 31. John, s. of John Tornley, of Bucknell ... inter.
" June 1. Martha Williams, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" June 5. Joseph Jones, of this town ... inter.
" June 10. John, s. of David Williams, of this town ... inter.
" June 27. Grace Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 3. Mr. Carberry Tench, Rector, of Aberhavis ... inter.
" July 8. Margaret Peever, of this town ... inter.
" July 10. Mary, d. of Ambrus Griffiths, of the p. of Bambury ... inter.
" July 18. Phillip Edwards, of Franckton ... inter.
" July 19. Margaret Morris, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" July 21. Sarah, wife of William Jones, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 26. Mary Bellis, of Henley ... inter.
" Aug. 3. Anne, d. of John Richards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 18. Mr. Thomas Maddocks, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 24. Richard Warberton, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Aug. 27. Mary Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 30. Susanna, d. of John Evans, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Sep. 2. Anne Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 2. Mary Williams, of Derwenapandy ... inter.
" Sep. 2. Mr. Roger Maddocks, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 15. Mary, wife of Richard Thodey ... inter.
" Sep. 17. Anne, d. of John Rees, of Firnhill ... inter.
" Sep. 18. Mary, d. of Edward Jones, of Derwen-a-pandy ... inter.
" Sep. 26. Thomas Barkley, of Hinford ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Richard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.

300 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1729

1729, Oct. 3. Jacob Ecclese, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 11. Mary, wife of John Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 14. Grace Vaughan, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Oct. 17. Prissilla Phillips, of Francton ... inter.
" Oct. 18. Ellin Lloyd, of the p. of Llandderffell ... inter.
" Oct. 19. Jane, d. of Luke Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 23. Luke Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Nov. 2. Henry Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 5. Mary, wife of Andrew Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 15. John Trevor of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 17. Elizabeth Jones alis Lanset, of this town ... inter.
" Nov. 21. Samuel Iveson, of this town ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Edward, s. of Widow Jones, of Franckton ... inter.
" Nov. 24. Roger Pugh, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 24. Thomas, s. of Roger Green, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 10. John, s. of John Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 14. Hugh Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 16. Catherine, wife of Thomas Morris, of Frankton ... inter.
1729-30, Jan. 2. Joan Wikey, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 3. Mary, wife of Phillip Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 3. Thomas Jaxson, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Jan. 8. Jane Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Jan. 13. Roland Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 21. Margaret, d. of Andrew Prichard ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Roger Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 3. William and Deborah, s. and d. of William Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 3. Hannah, wife of William Francis, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 7. Jane Barkley, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 1z. Margaret, wife of John Jones, Smith, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 17. Earmin Owens, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of Francis Clark, of Berghill ... inter.

1730] Whittington. 301

1728-30, Feb. 23. Mary Lewis, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Feb. 24. John, s. of John Davies, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Feb. 28. Alice Owens, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 6. Francies Griffiths, of ye p: of Bangor ... inter.
" Mar. 7. Robert Peever, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 22. Thomas Paddock, smith ... inter.
" Mar. 22. Mary, d. of Thomas Tyddor, smith, of Whittington ... inter.
1730, Mar. 27. John Jones, of Franckton ... inter.
" Apr. 73. Anne Tench, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 19. Mary, d. of Thoms. Walters ... inter.
" May 11. William, s. of Richard Andrew, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 21. Mary, d. of Thomas Tyddor, of Henthly ... inter.
" May 25. Thomas, s. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 26. Thomas, s. of John Ryllan, of Babins wood ... inter.
" May 29. John, s. of Thomas Phillips, junr., of Berghill ... inter.
" June 1. Evis, d. of Widdow ab Edward, of Babins wood ... inter.
" June 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Walters, Whittington ... inter.
" June 8. John Boodle, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" June 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Vaughan, of Henthley ... inter.
" June 15. Mrs. Martha Tench, Relict of Mr. Carberry Tench, Rector of Aberhavis ... inter.
" June 18. Edward, s. of John Lewis, of Babies wood ... inter.
" June 20. Samuel, s. of Edward Prichard, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 26. Mary Samuel, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 29. Williatn, s. of Mr. Carberry Tench ... inter.
" July 4. Thomas Phillips, of Berghill ... inter.
" July 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Evans, Clark, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 8. Martha, d. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of this town ... inter.

302 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1730

1730, July 11. Sarah, d. of William Jones, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 15. John Tudor, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 27. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Barkley, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 29. Mary, wife of Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 1. Mary, d. of Edward Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 13. Anne, d. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 16. Mrs. Anne Edwards, of Henthly ... inter.
" Aug. 16. John, s. of Thomas Davies, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Aug. 24. John George, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 25. Mr. Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... inier.
" Aug. 26. Richard Tyddor, of Henthley ... inter.
" Sep. 7. Edward, s. of Edward Evans, Nayler, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 16. Humphrey Rees, of Berghill ... inter.
" Sep. 13. Thomas, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 27. Catherine, d. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 1. Mary, wife of Mr. Edward Jones, of Barghill ... inter.
" Nov. 7. Thomas Hughes, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 10. Elizabeth, wife of Edward Arthurs, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 29. Elinor Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 3. Thomas Bethel, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 6. William Mathews, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Dec. 21. Hesther, d. of David Bethel, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 27. John, s. of William Francis, of Berghill ... inter.
1730-1, Jan. 2. John Winsor. of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 4. Thomas Burgess, schoolmaster, of Whittington ... ...
" Jan. 21. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 27. Richard Jones, of Daywell ... inter.

1731] Whittington. 303

1730-1, Jan. 27. John, s. of John Morgan, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 1. Thomas Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 2. Rachel Proger, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Feb. 3. Nathaniel Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 3. Issabel, d. of John Winson, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 6. John Meredith, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Edward Jones, of the p. of Oswestry ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Catherine, wife of Joseph Marten, of Old Marten's ... inter.
" Feb. 21. Anne Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 22. Edward Rider, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 2. Joseph Marten, of Old Marten ... inter.
" Mar. 12. Margaret Pugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 23. Richard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 24. Anne, d. of Thomas Walters, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 24. Mrs. Magdalen Adams, Relict of Mr. Thomas Adams, Rector of Whittington ... inter.
1731, Apr. 4. Catherine, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 11. Elinor Powel, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 13. John, s. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 15. Maddam Came, Mother to Lady Charleton, of Park Hall ... inter.
" Apr. 21. John, s. of John Brain, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Apr. 26. Richard, s. of Richard Thodey, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 26. Alice Hodges, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 9. John, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 28. Mary, wife of John Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 28. Abigal Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 31. Jane, d. of Edward Jones, of the p. of Oswestry ... inter.
" June 2. Mary, wife of Simon Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 9. Edward, s. of Widw. Phillips, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 10. Anne Lewis, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 14. Benjamine, s. of John Boodle, of Firnhill ... inter.

304 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1731

1731, June 16. Richard, s. of Richard Davies, of Babins wood ... inter.
" June 20. Alice Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 23. Martha, wife of John Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 3. Edward, s. of Edward Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 17. Mary, wife of John Griffiths, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Aug. 10. Mary Sawyer, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Sep. 7. Anne Cheshire, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 15. Sarah, d. of William Francis, of Berghill ... inter.
" Oct. 30. John Rider, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 2. Margaret, d. of John Rees, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 14. Richard, s. of Richard Owen, of Daywell ... inter.
1731-2, Jan. 18. Frances, wife of Joseph Davies, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Jan. 18. William Griffiths, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Jan. 27. Sarah, d. of Richard Thomas, of Spertal ... inter.
" Jan. 29. Magdalen, wife of John Williams, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Feb. 8. John Evans, of this town ... inter.
" Feb. 15. Mary Thomas, of ye p: of St. Martens ... inter.
" Feb. 22. Catherine, wife of Evan Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 5. Martha Green, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Mar. 7. Edward Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 17. Francis Williams, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 18. Tydor Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 24. Luke, s. of Luke Francis, of Whittington ... inter.
1732, Mar. 27. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Thomas, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 28. John, s. of Mr. Rees Williames, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Catherine Richards, of the p. of Salatin ... inter.
" May 6. Mary Puliston, of ye p. of Salatin ... inter.
" May 7. Mary, wife of John Jones, of Franckton ... inter.

1733] Whittington. 305

1732, May 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 19. Anne, d. of Joseph Richards, of Park ... inter.
" June 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Brown, of ye p. of Felton ... inter.
" June 22. John Kynaston, of Old Marton ... inter.
" June 23. Edward Iveson, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 23. Sarah, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 27. John, s. of John Evans, of Babins wood ... inter.
" June 28. Robert, s. of John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 30. Martha Darby, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 3. Edward Davies, of Ebnal ... inter.
" July 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Tyder, of Henthley ... inter.
" Sep. 3. John Davies, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Sep. 15. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Jones, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Sep. 19. Rowland Owens, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 4. Mary, wife of Abraham Owen, of ye p. of Salatin ... inter.
" Dec. 2. John Davies, of Franckton ... inter.
" Dec. 8. John Tomley, of Bucknell ... inter.
" Dec. 9. Mr. Thomas Edwards, of Henlley ... inter.
" Dec. 12. Thomas Elis, of Traws-Fynydd, in Com Meirionydd ... inter.
" Dec. 15. John, s. of Thomas Tydor, of Henlley ... inter.
" Dec. 22. Margaret Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 31. Elizabeth, v,,ife of Thomas Rogers, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 8. John, s. of William Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Mar. 3. Richard Gorton, of Berghill ... inter.
" Mar. 13. Edward, s. of David Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
1733, Apr. 2. Jane, d. of Joseph Hitchin, of Berghill ... inter.
" Apr. 20. Timothy George, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 27. Isaac Kiner, of Ridge, in the p. of Elsmere ... inter.
" Apr. 30. Samuel Jones, of Frankton ... inter.
" Apr. 30. Margaret, wife of Robert Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" May 9. Jane, wife of John Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.

306 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1733

1733, July 23. Elizabeth Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 20. Elizabeth Pary, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Sep. 12. Thomas Morris, of Frankton ... inter.
" Dec. 4. Jane, wife of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Phillips, of Berghill ... inter.
" Jan. 9. Elizabeth George, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 17. Francis Prichard, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 25. Anne, wife of Thomas Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 29. Richard Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 6. John, s. of William Jones, Smith, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 10. Andrew Jones, of Kinsill ... inter.
" Feb. 13. Jane Prichard, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 18. Anne, d. of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 4. Mary, d. of Robert Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
1734, Mar. 25. Thomas Fox, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 4. Mary Tomley, of Bucknell, in the p. of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 12. John Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 10. John, s. of John Morgan, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 11. John Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 1. Anne William, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 13. Jane Lewrs, of Kinsill ... inter.
" May 17. John Morgan, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 9. Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 11. Margaret Tomly, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 27. Jane, d. of Roger Prichars, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 28. David, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 6. Edward Edwards, of Spertall ... inter.
" Dec. 1. Robert, s. of Robert Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 12. John, s. of Willm. Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
[Note in the writing of the Rev. W. Roberts, Rector:] Robert Lloyd, Esq., Ld. of the Manor, died at Bristal & buried at Aston, June 12th, 1734, dying a Batchelor he left his estates to John Lloyd, Esq: of Foxhall.

1735] Whittington. 307

1734, Dec. 25. Richard Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 28. Mary Morgan, of Babins wood ... inter.
1734-5, Jan. 14. Margaret Barkley, of Henlley ... inter.
" Jan. 17. Humphrey, s. of John Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 7. Sarah, d. of Wid: Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Alice, wife of Robert Lewis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 27. Mary Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Mar. 4. Jane, d. of Andrew Morris, of Berghill ... inter.
1735, Apr. 20. Joseph, s. of Joseph Morris, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 24. William, s. of Widdow Predin, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Apr. 27. John Evans, of Babins wood ... inter.
" May 10. Elizabeth Gorton, of Berghill ... inter.
" May 28. Barbara, d. of Mr. John Eyton ... inter.
" June 4. Martha Lewis, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 10. John Jones, of Henlle ... inter.
" June 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Morgan, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 18. William, s. of John Jones, of Macetermig ... inter.
" July 5. Thomas, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 13. John Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 18. Jane Maredith, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 22. George, s. of Mr. Edward Davies, of Frankton ... inter.
" Aug. 3. Mary, d. of Lite Francis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 8. William Jones, Junr., of this town ... inter.
" Aug. 1. John Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 19. Edward Arthurs, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 25. Catherine, d. of Samll. Morris. of Frankton ... inter.
" Sep. 20. William, s. of William Griffiths, of Berghill ... inter.
" Sep. 25. Samuel, s. of Samuel Pate, of Whittington ... inter.

308 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1735

1735, Oct. 30. John Vaughan, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 14. Jane, wife of Nathaniel Griffiths, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 29. Mr. Edward Davies, of Frankton ... inter.
" Jan. 5. John Jones, Smith, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 28. Margaret, d. of John Brayn, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth Jones, late of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 17. Mr. Samuel Jackson, of Henhavod, in the Township of Frankton ... inter.
" Mar. 19. John Piggott, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 22. William, s. of Mr. Samuel Jackson, of Henhavod ... inter.
" Mar. 23. John, s. of William Rogers, of Babins wood ... inter.
1736, Mar. 29. Anne, wife of Thomas Williams, of Frankton ... inter.
" Apr. 3. Jane Rogers, of Henlle ... inter.
" Apr. 3. Martha, wife of Andrew Maddocks, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 4. Margaret, wife of Edward Hughes, of Bryn-y-Castle ... inter.
" Apr. 11. Richard, s. of Richard Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 23. John Evans, nailer, of this town ... inter.
" May 17. Sarah, d. of Margaret Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 9. Morris Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 24. Edward Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 26. Jane Evans, of Fernhill ... inter.
" July 10. Mrs. Sarah Edwards, of Henlley ... inter.
" July 11. Mary, d. of Robert Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 18. William, s. of John Bevan, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 8. Elizabeth Vaughan, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Sep. 19. Mary, d. of Richard Thomas, of the p. of Halston ... inter.
" Oct. 9. Elizabeth, wife of Edward Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 13. Richard, s. of William Jones, of Daywell ... inter.

1737] Whittington. 309

1736, Nov. 16. Hannah Tunnah, of Hinford ... inter.
" Nov. 27. Anne, wife of James Turner, Gent., of the Old port. ... inter.
" Dec. 7. Rowland, s. of Samuel Pate, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Booth, of Frankton ... inter.
" Dec. 15. Richard Davies, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Dec. 16. Elizabeth Fardoe, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 16. Sarah, d. of Thomas Mathews, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Nicholas Gittings, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 20. Robert Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 21. John, s. of John Gennings, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Jan. 24. William Morris, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of John Hughes alis Rees, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 3. Anne, wife of Richard Glover, of Frankton ... inter.
" Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of William Hughes, of Frankton ... inter.
" Feb. 21. Mary, wife of Richard Prynalt, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Mar. 10. Edward Proger, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Jane Griffiths, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 16. John, s. of John Rees, of Fernhill ... inter.

Wheat at 3s. 6d. per Strike.

1737, Mar. 25. Roger, s. of Roger Davies, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 26. Edward Thomas, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 17. Thomas Meadon, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 18. Martha, wife of David Edwards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 25. Mary Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 28. Sarah, wife of Thomas Mathews, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 3. Mary, d. of Richard Barkley, of Henlley ... inter.
" May 12. Elianor Evans, of Hinford ... inter.

310 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1737

1737, May 12. John, s. of John Humphreys, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Elianor Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 21. Hannah Hide, of Babins wood ... inter.
" May 30. Elizabeth Kiver, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 30. Anne, d. of Edward Proger, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 3. Thomas Powel, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 5. Thomas, s. of Andrew Maddocks, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 10. Elizabeth Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 19. Mary Goodal, of Henlle ... inter.
" July 6. Philip Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 8. Catherine Mathews, of Ebnal ... inter.
" July 18. Alice. d. of Edward Manning, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas Reeves, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 31. Anne Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 9. John Prichard, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Sep. 16. Edward, s. of Thomas Poole, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 3. Richard, s. of John Jones, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of David Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 15. William Tomley, of Bucknell ... inter.
" Nov. 19. Elinor Mathews, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 3. John Griffiths, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 18. Elizabeth Powel, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. L.D. Mary, d. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 1. Elianor, d. of Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.
" Jan. 4. Martha, d. of Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.
" Jan. 22. Sarah Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 24. Catherine, wife of John Davies, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Catherine Jones, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Feb. 14. Lowry Barkley, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Margaret, wife of Edward Thomas, of the p. of St: Martins ... inter.

1739] Whittington. 311

1737-8, Mar. 9. Thomas Reeves, of this Town ... inter.
" Mar. 1 Samuel, natural s. of Samuel Roberts, of the p. of Saint Martins ... inter.
" Mar. 17. Alice, wife of Richard Buckley, of Frankton ... inter.
" Mar. 24. John, s. of Edward Prichard, of Evenal ... inter.
1738, Mar. 25. Lowry, wife of Andrew Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 24. Mary, wife of David Hughes, of Babins wood ... inter.
" May 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 9. Richard Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 19. Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 28. Mary, wife of Samuel Brain, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 7. Anne, d. of John Morgan, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 8. Edward, s. of John Jones, of Henlley ... inter.
" Oct. 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Williams, of Frankton ... inter.
" Oct. 8. Catherine, d. of Thomas Williams, of Frankton ... inter.
" Nov. 4. William Smout, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Francis, s. of the Reverend Richard Boycott, Rectr., of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 3. Mary, wife of David Thomas, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 16. William, s. of Thomas Rees, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 13. Edward Vaughan, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 7. Margaret Jones, of Frankton ... inter.
" Mar. 11. Anne, d. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 13. John, s. of Mr. Edward Birch, of Park ... inter.
" Mar. 18. Jane, wife of Joseph Hitchin, of Heanhavod ... inter.
" Mar. 19. Jane, d. of William Francis, of Berghill ... inter.
" Mar. 20. Margaret Rees, of Hinford ... inter.
1739, Mar. 27. Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.
" Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Richards, of Ebnal ... inter.

312 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1739

1739, Apr. 9. Sarah, wife of Phillip Boodle, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Apr. 18. Gwen, wife of Robert Jones, of Old Marton ... inter.
" Apr. 21. Anne, wife of Roger Evans, of Evenall ... inter.
" Apr. 21. John Richards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 13. William, s. of Robert Roberts, of Frankton ... inter.
" June 7. Sarah, d. of Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.
" June 10. John, s. of Thomas Pugh, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 17. William Povah, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 28. Mary, d. of Rowland Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 14. Mrs. Anne Edwards, of Henlley ... inter.
" July 21. William Guest, of Berghill ... inter.
" July 28. John, s. of John Gill, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Aug. 1. William, s. of Thomas Davies, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 26. John, s. of Rlchard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 1. Mrs. Jane Lloyd, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Sep. 6. Richard, s. of John Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Edward Rees, of Berghill ... inter.
" Oct. 1. Richard, s. of Joseph Hitchin, of Heanhavod ... inter.
" Oct. 10. Anne, d. of John Goodal, of Henley ... inter.
" Oct. 12. Richard Rogers, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Nov. 9. Elizabeth Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 28. Nathaniel Griffiths, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 23. Lawrence, s. of Ralph Bostock ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Robert Carr, of Frankton ... inter.
" Jan. 14. Mary Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.
" Feb. 5. John, s. of Robert Roberts, of Frankton ... inter.
" Feb. 27. Robert Tiler, of Frankton ... inter.
" Mar. 12. John, s. of Thomas Mumford, of Ebnal ... inter.

Wheat in Sept: 1740 at 10s. 6d. per Strike.

1740, Mar. 28. Richard, s. of Roger Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 9. John Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 24. Margaret Roberts, of Whittington ... inter.

1740] Whittington. 313

1740, Apr. 28. Martha, d. of Thomas Mumfort, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 11. Edward Edwards, of Old Marton ... inter.
" June 9. Thomas Rogers, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 4. William Bill, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 20. Catherine, d. of Joseph Mathews, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 21. David Lloyd, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 16. Sarah, wife of Mr. John Lloyd, of Berghill ... inter.
" Sep. 4. Thomas Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 9. Catherine Lloyd, of Trenewith ... inter.
" Sep. 20. Anne, d. of Richard Glover, Junr., of Frankton ... inter.
" Oct. 9. Andrew, s. of William Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 20. Philip, s. of Thomas Williams, of Frankton ... inter.
" Oct. 21. Philip Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 17. Elizabeth, d. of David Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
John Lloyd, Esqre., beinge the first of the Foxhall family Ld. of this Manor, died at Aston Sept. 28th, buried Oct: 1st in the vault in Aston Chappel. [This note is made in the handwriting of the Rev: W. Roberts, Rec: 1749.]
" Nov. 11. Sarah Rogers, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Nov. 21. Sarah, d. of Joseph Rickards, of Park ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Martha, wife of Thomas Edwards, of Berghill ... inter.
" Nov. 30. Griffith Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 1. Mary Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 15. Mrs. Charity Gollop, of Park ... inter.
" Dec. 9. Mary, wife of Joseph Davies, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 23. John, s. of Mary Jones, of this town ... inter.
" Dec. 25. William Rogers, of Frankton ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Lettice, wife of William Poole, of Whittington ... inter.

314 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1740

1740, Dec. 31. Richard Prynalt, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Jan. 2. Mary Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Mr. John Maddocks, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 10. Mary, d. of William Francis, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 22. Mary Phillips, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 25. Elinor, wife of Lewis Rowland, a Traviling Man ... inter.
" Mar. 1. Richard Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 6. Mary, wife of Thomas Elis, of Daywell ... inter.
1741, Mar. 31. Elinor Probert, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Mary, d. of Hugh Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Anne, d. of William Poole, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Margaret, wife of William Mumfort, of this Town ... inter.
" May 9. David Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 18. Catherine Price, of New Marton ... inter.
" May 18. Mary, d. of Mr. Edward Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 10. Roger, s. of Thomas Tyder, of Henlley ... inter.
" July 2. Elianor, d. of Edward Rees, of Berghill ... inter.
" July 7. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 1. Jane, d. of Richard Barkley, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 16. William, s. of Richard Barkley, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 21. Margaret, d. of Thomas Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 22. Sarah, d. of Robert Foulks, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 11. John, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 1. Jane Piggott, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Sep. 4. Edward, s. of Joseph Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" Sep. 12. John, s. of Roger Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 15. James, s. of John Boodle, of Fernhill ... inter.

1742] Whittington. 315

1741, Dec. 17. Sarah Kyffin, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 18. Henry Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Edward, s. of Robert Roberts, of Frankton ... inter.
" Dec. 29. Mary Prichard, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 14. Dame Mary Charlton, Relict of Francis Charlton, of Ludford, in the County of Hereford, Bart: ... inter.
" Jan. 14. Richard, s. of John Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 14. Joane Davies, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh Edwards, of Dayxvell ... inter.
" Jan. 19. Elizabeth Eckelse, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 1. Jane Morgan, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Evan Parry, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Thomas Boodle, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 18. Mary Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 20. Mary, d. of Joseph Hitchin, of Heanhavod ... inter.
" Mar. 22. Margaret Lloyd, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 24. Richard, s. of Joseph Hitchin, of Heanhavod ... inter.
1742, Mar. 10. Esther, wife of William Griffiths, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of Joseph Hitchin, of Heanhavod ... inter.
" Apr. 6. Jane, d. of David William, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of John Edwards, of Berghill ... inter.
" Apr. 17. Thomas Maddocks, of Heanhavod ... inter.
" Apr. 23. Richard Mear, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 3. William, s. of Edward Manning, of Frankton ... inter.
" May 22. Mary, wife of Thomas Hanmere, of Frankton ... inter.
" May 23. Elizabeth Edwards, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" June 19. Elizabeth, d. of John Evans ... inter.
" June 10. Jane Williams, of Hinford ... inter.

316 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1742

1742, July 12. Jane, d. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 20. John, s. of John Rider, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 19. Elizabeth Philips, of Frankton ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Mary Paddock, of this Town ... inter.
" Nov. 2. Elinor, wife of David Williams, of this town ... inter.
" Nov. 10. William Jones, of this Town ... inter.
" Nov. 12. Mary, wife of Thomas Ellis, of ye p. of Salattyn ... inter.
" Nov. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Poole, of Henlley ... inter.
" Nov. 20. Mr. Edward Jones, Junr., of Berghill ... inter.
" Dec. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 21. Martha, wife of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 22. Margaret, wife of Samuel Pool, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 22. Gilbert Brown, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 25. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Winsor, of Evenal ... inter.
" Jan. 1. John Hughes alis Rees, of this town ... inter.
" Jan. 2. Thomas Jones, of Henlley ... inter.
" Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 5. Joseph, s. of John Goodal, of Berghill ... inter.
" Jan. 15. Anne, d. of Richd. Thomas, of ye p. of Halston ... inter.
" Jan. 18. Samuel Poole, of this town ... inter.
" Jan. 19. Mary Roberts, of this town ... inter.
" Jan. 20. Evan Parry, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Vaughan, of this town ... inter.
" Feb. 26. Elizabeth Hughes alis Rees, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 8. Roger Williams, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 13. Thomas Griffiths, of Babins wood ... inter.
1743, Mar. 27. Hannah, d. of Edward Parry, of this town ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Mary, d. of Abraham Jones, of Daywell ... inter.

1743] Whittington. 317

1743, Apr. 6. David, s. of John Walters, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 10. Jane Rider, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Elizabeth, wife of John Kyllan, of Henlley ... inter.
" Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 3. Jane Hughes, of this town ... inter.
" May 12. Margaret, wife of Richard James, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 19. Margaret George, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 19. Joseph, s. of Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.
" May 23. John Jennings, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 6. Margaret, d. of William Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 12. Thomas Jones, of Frankton ... inter.
" June 12. Catherine, wife of Thomas Brain, Senr., of Oldmarton ... inter.
" June 12. Edward, s. of Edward Peploe, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 17. Margaret, wife of Edward Evans, of this town ... inter.
" June 22. Edward Evans, of this town ... inter.
" July 2. Mary, d. of Edward Owen, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 3. Thomas, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 7. Catherine Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 8. Thomas, s. of Mr. Edward Birch, of Park ... inter.
" Oct. 18. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 21. Henry Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 24. John Tyler, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Jane, d. of David Edwards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 16. Stephen Smith, of Frankton ... inter.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth Carr, of Oldmarton ... inter.
" Feb. 7. Mary Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Mary Davies, of Daywell ... inter.

318 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1743

1743, Feb. 20. Samuel, ye natural s. of Margaret Gough, of Frankton ... inter.
1744, Apr. 6. Andrew Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 8. Jno. Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 8. Sarah, d. of Jno. Salmon, of Frankton ... inter.
" June 7. Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 8. Richard, natural s. of Anne Blower, of Oswestry ... inter.
" July 21. John Williams, of Ebnal ... inter.
" July 22. Richard, s. of Joseph Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 12. Margaret, d. of Thomas Rees, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 19. Margaret, wife of Thomas Pool, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 2. Edward, s. ofEdward Jones, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Sep. 24. David Edwards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Sep. 24. John, s. of John Kyllan, junr., of Henlley ... inter.
" Oct. 9. Mary, wife of Luke Francis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 27. Dorothy, wife of Timothy Prichard, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Nov. 28. Mary, wife of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 23. Elizabeth Tomley, of Wigington, in ye p. of St. Martins ... inter.
" Dec. 24. Jane natural d. of John Robert, of the p. of Halston ... inter.
" Jan. 17. William, s. of Jonas Thomas, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 25. Francis Edward Charlton, Esqr., of Park Hall ... inter.
" Mar. 11. Catherine Jones, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 17. Jane, d. of Joseph Rickards, of Park ... inter.
1745, Mar. 29. Richard Jones alis Kettin, of this town ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Joseph Parry, of this town ... inter.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Lewis, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 23. Sarah, wife of John Kyllan, of Babins wood ... inter.

1746] Whittington. 319

1745, Apr. 27. Elizabeth Evans, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 30. Thomas Brain, Senr., of Oldmarton ... inter.
" May 2. Rebecca, d. of Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.
" May 13. Mary, wife of Richard Buckley, of Frankton ... inter.
" June 14. Mrs. Margaret Ward, of this town ... inter.
" June 25. Richard, s. of Thomas Richards, of this town ... inter.
" July 6. Issabel, wife of Thomas Randles, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 10. Jane, d. of Thomas Williams, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 23. Jane, wife of John Walters, of this town ... inter.
" Aug. 1. Thomas Pool, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 9. John Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 29. Gwen Beethel, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 10. Elizabeth Roberts, of New marton ... inter.
" Sep. 23. Henry Dye, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 17. Catherine Piggott, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Issabel, wife of John Bevan, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 21. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Edward Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Jan. 16. William Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 9. John, s. of John Minshaw, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 15. William Mumford, of Whittington ... inter.
1746, Apr. 13. Anne, d. of Martha Gough, of Franckton ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Susannah Piggott, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 15. Richard Andrew, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 29. Mr. Andrew Maddocks, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 9. John, s. of John Brown, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 14. William Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" July 3. Martha, wife of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 12. Thomas Edwards, of Berghill ... inter.
" July 17. Mary, d. of William Francis, of Berghill ... inter.
" July 19. Edward Griffith, of Whittington ... inter.

320 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1746

1746, Aug. 7. William Pugh, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Sep. 31. Anne d. of Edward Edwards, of Franckton ... inter.
" Dec. 25. Edward Hughes, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 10. Roger, s. of Roger Davies, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 10. Robert Lewis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 17. Jane, d. of William Hughes, of Franckton ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Roger Bill, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Feb. 22. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Foulks, of Little Fernhill ... inter.
" Mar. 4. Mary, d. of Edward Owen, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 8. William Beech, of Franckton ... inter.
" Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Foulks, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Mar. 24. William, s. of William Griffiths, of Whittington ... inter.
1747, Apr. 7. Anne, d. of John Salman, of Frankton ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Judeth Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Edward Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 24. Mary, d. of John Hughes, ye Younger, of Berghill ... inter.
" Apr. 30. Mary, wife of John Hughes, the Older, of Berghill ... inter.
" May 13. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Buckley, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 17. John Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 23. Timothy Williams, of Babinswood ... inter.
" May 25. Mr. Edward Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 9. Thomas Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 19. Edward, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 25. Robert Jones, of Oldmarton ... inter.
" June 25. Thos., s. of Thos. Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" July 14. Edward Lloyd, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 23. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Franckton ... inter.

1747] Whittington. 321

1747, Aug 2. Richard, s. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 11. Sarah, d. of Edward Prichard, of Berghill ... inter.
" Aug. 18. Elizabeth, wife of Hugh Price, of ye p. of Selatin ... inter.
" Aug. 20. Mary, d. of William Tyrsley, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 3. Sarah, d. of Robert Roberts, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Sep. 3. Elizabeth Smallman, of Daywell ... inter.
" Sep. 22. Thomas ap Probert, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Sep. 25. Joseph Meredith, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Sep. 30. John, s. of Richard Gittings, of Franckton ... inter.
" Oct. 1. Hanah Kynnaston, of Berghill ... inter.
" Nov. 1. Margaret Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 9. Edward Barkley, of New Marton ... inter.
" Nov. 18. John, s. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Nov. 29. James, s. of Richd. Barkley, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 7. Martha Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 9. Mary, d. of Mary Davies, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 18. Sarah Edwards, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Dec. 19. Jane, wife of John Edwards, of Berghill ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Margaret Basnett, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Richd., s. of Ralph Knite, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 29. Thomas Pugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 9. William, s. of Thomas Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Jan. 9. Edward Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Jan. 12. Anne, d. of Samuel Latham, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 22. Elizabeth, wife of Thos. Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 23. Thomas, s. of Willm. Pool, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Elizabeth Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Mary Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 29. John, s. of Thomas Urion, of Westfelton ... inter.

322 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1747

1747, Jan. 31. Cicely, d. of Peter Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 4. Hannah, d. of Richard Brown, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 4. Richard, Mary, s. and d. of Thomas Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 6. Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 13. Judeth Abram, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 17. Sarah, d. of Richard Glover, of Franckton ... inter.
" Feb. 17. Anne, natural d. of David William, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 18. Roger Prynalt, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 28. Thomas Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 28. Jane, d. of William Roberts, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Mar. 6. Edward Richards, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 12. William Hughes, of Daywell ... inter.
1748, Mar. 30. William Poval, of Francton ... inter.
" Apr. 1. Sarah, d. of Thos. Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 1. Roger Jones, of Ebnall ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Elizabeth Tudor, of Henlley ... inter.
" Apr. 3. Jane, d. of William Sides, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 9. Margaret Morris, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 20. John, s. of Widow Beech, of Franckton ... inter.
" Apr. 23. Samll., s. of Samuel Jones, of ffranckfon ... inter.
" Apr. 28. Margaret, ye wife of Jno. Title, A poor traveling man ... inter.
" May 3. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Jones, of Fernhill ... inter.
" May 4. Robert Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" May 5. Thomas, s. of Jno. Kyllan, of Henlley ... inter.
" May 5. Anne, wife of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 9. Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 26. Margaret Griffiths, of Hinford ... inter.
" June 4. Jane, natural d. of Richd. Lee, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 5. Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 8. Thomas Williams, of Hinford ... inter.

1748] Whittington. 323

1748, June 19. John Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 27. Richard, s. of Samuel Brittain ... inter.
" July 3. Elizabeth Gettings, of Franckton ... inter.
" Aug. 3. John Jones, of Henlley ... inter.
" Aug. 5. John Jones, of Henlley ... inter.
" Aug. 4. Rebecca Edge, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 21. Jno. Salmon, of Franckton ... inter.
" Sep. 27. David Thomas, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 1. Elizabeth, wife Robert Foulks, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 17. Elinor Tannett, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Timothy Prichard, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Nov. 15. Mary Barkley, of Newmarton ... inter.
" Nov. 21. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Ralph Knight, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 4. Anne, d. of Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.
" Jan. 7. Thomas Hughes, of Hinford ... inter.
" Jan. 13. Barbara Tyder, of Hinford ... inter.
" Feb. 3. Edward, natural s. of Richd. Wynne, of the p. of Elismere ... inter.
" Feb. 4. John Martin, of Babinswood ... inter.
" Feb. 1. Mary, wife of William Martin, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Feb. 15. *Edward Prichard, *Surgeon, aged 78* ... inter.
" Mar. 12. Jane Davies, of Whittington ... inter.

CHARLES BOOTH } Churchwardens.
the mark of WILL. W. MATHEWS }

The Revd. Richard Boycot, M.A., Rr., died in Febyr, 1749. Thos: Lloyd, Esqr: of Aston, patron of the Church of Whittington, and Lord of the Manor, presented the revd. William Roberts, M.A., to the Rectory thereof.

* Edward Prichard was associated with a gang of bold Highwaymen who infested this neighbourhood & many other parts of this kingdom. He was a stout & well built man. He outlived his depredations on the publick & retired to his apothecary's shop* & died peacefully in his bed at the age of 78.

[Note written in margin ]

* Prichard gloried much that he had never committed murder. It is said, his wife accompanied him & robbed with him in men's clothes.

[The above three notes were written in Rev. W. Roberts' handwriting.]

324 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1749

1749, Apr. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 3. Edward Williams, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 12. Nathaniel Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 25. Mary, natural d. of Griffith Evans, of the p. of St. Martins ... inter.
" May 16. Joseph Meredith, of Babins wood ... inter.
" June 18. Mary Williams, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 26. Mary, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 13. William Hughes, of Frankton ... inter.
" Aug. 16. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Barkley, of the p. of St. Martins ... inter.
" Sep. 9. Esther Richards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 31. Martha Brown, of Hinford ... inter.
" Nov. 25. Mary Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Jan. 25. Martha, d. of William Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 26. Charles Lloyd, of Drenewith, in Whittington, Esqr. ... inter.
" Mar. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Franckton ... inter.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.
THOMAS JONES } Churchwardens.

Thomas Lloyd, Esqr., of Cowyllanr [?], in the parish of Bodvary, in the County of Flint, succeeded to the honors and Estate of Aston, on the death of his brother John Lloyd, Ld. of the Manor, and formerly of Foxhall, in Denbighshire.
Thomas Lloyd died a Batchelor, Mar. 5, 1754, & buried in the family vault at Aston, aged 67. Thomas Lloyd, his nephew, eldest son of Rossendale Lloyd, of Wrexham, Dr. of Physick, and Lieutenant in a Regiment of foot, died 18th March, 1752, at Aston, & buried in the vault there, aged 25. Rossendale Lloyd, second son of Dr. Lloyd, succeeded his Uncle, Thos Lloyd, in his Estate and Honors, and died at Worcester on his return from Bristol, dying a Batchelor, his brot., the 1everend William Lloyd, succeeded him.

1751] Whittington. 325

1750, Mar. 27. Thomas Tyder, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 17. Thomas, s. of John Jones, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 27. Joseph Morris, Senr., of Whittington ... inter.
" May 8. Philip William, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 26. John Brain, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" June 5. Mary, d. of Martha Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 16. John, s. of Richard Griffiths, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 7. Margaret Foulks, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 1. Edward Roberts, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Aug. 2. Evan, s. of Edward Parry, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 23. Joseph Davies, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 20. John Rogers, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 17. Jane Evans, of Franckton ... inter.
" Oct. 26. Blanch Hughes, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 27. Mary, d. of Richard Tuder, of Hinford ... inter.
" Oct. 31. William Boodle, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Nov. 14. Richard Davies, Senr., of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 27. Mary Pugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Elizabeth Maredith, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Feb. 14. John Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 23. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Hinford ... inter.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.
THOS. FOULKS } Churchwardens.

N.B.- On the decease of the revd. Thos. Hanmer, M.A., Rr. of Selattyn, in febry. 1750, Thos. Lloyd, Esq: of Aston, presented the revd: Wm. Roberts, Rr. of this parish, to succeed him in the said Rectory and to hold the same undr. a dispensation together with the Rectory of Whittington.

1751, Apr. 6. William, s. of Robert Foulkes, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 24. Mary Davies, of Daywell ... inter.

326 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1751

1751, May 1. John Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 6. Esther, d. of Edwd. Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 10. Joan Pugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 28. Mary Salmcn, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 29. John Price, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 15. Sarah Die, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 2. Timothy Prichard, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Oct. 15. Mary Pary, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 14. Edward, s. of Simon Richards, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Nov. 21. Mary Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 30. Elinor, d. Edward Edwards, of Franckton ... inter.
" Dec. 25. Richard Winsor, of Franckton ... inter.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.

Mark X of JOSEPH BROUGHALL } Churchwardens

Dates of the Succession of the Rectors of Selattyn taken from the Registers.

JOHN AP ROBERT, buried at Oswestry, 1518.
ROBERT PRICE, died at Southwark, near London, coming out of Prison in Feby. 1587.
THOS. TOPPORLEY, M.A., died in Essex, Aug: 24th, 1592.
ROWLAND THACKER, Jany. 31st, buried at Pitchford, 1599.
HENRY JOHNS, M.A., died Jany. 7th, 1609.
JAMES WILDING, M.A., died March 11th, 1658.
THOMAS WILDING, M.A., died April 4th, 1678.
JOHN JONES, B.D., died Febry. i5th, 1709.
HENRY SACHEVEREL, D.D., Rr., 3 years, resign'd 1713.
WILLIAM DAKER, M.A., died feb: 19th, 1718(19).
THOMAS HANMER, M.A., died 27 Feb., 1749(50).

[The two following added in a different handwriting:]

JOHN ROBERT LLOYD, patron, 1784.

1752. [A note.] Jan. 1st is made the first day in the year.
" Jan. 8. Richard Brain, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 17. John Hughes, of Myddleton, Smith ... inter.

1752] Whittington. 327

1752, Jan. 21. Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 19. Edward, s. of Joseph Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 30. Mary, d. of Hercules Rider ... inter.
" Mar. 31. Jane Davies, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Abigal Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 4. Anne Williams, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Apr. 12. Sarah Jones, of Berghill ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Richard, s. of Robert Foulks, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth Maredith, of Babins-wood ... inter.
" Apr. 18. Sarah, d. of John Brown, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 23. Thomas Rickards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 28. Anne, d. of Edward Peploe, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 7. John Maredith, of Aston ... inter.
" May 28. Mary, d. of Joseph Broughall, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 30. Jane, d. of Isaac Birch ... inter.
" June 1. Sarah, d. of Thomas Ellis, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 2. John, s. of John Vaughan, of Fernhill ... inter.
" June 12. Mary Ellis, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 19. Thomas, natural s. of Thomas Aheers [?], of Halston ... inter.
" June 20. Anne, d. of Sadney Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
June 24. Abigal Jones, of Oldmarton ... inter.
" June 30. Mary, d. of John Vaughan, of Fernhill ... inter.
" July 5. Elizabeth Proger, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 5. Luce Tudor, of Whittington ... inter.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.

September. Eleven days were left out of the Calender of this month, viz., from the 3rd to the 13th, inclusive.

1752, Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Barkley, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 17. Joseph, s. of George Lloyd, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 17. Edward, s. of Edward Hughes, of the p. of Ruyton ... inter.
" Sep. 1. Thomas, natural s. of Elizabeth Hand, of Old marton ... inter.

328 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1752

1752, Oct. 2. Anne, d. of William Pool, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 13. Thomas, s. of William Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 20. Elizabeth Richards, of Oldmarton ... inter.
" Nov. 3. Elizabeth Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 13. Edward, s. of Richard Edwards, of Franckton ... inter.
" Nov. 19. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Jones, of Franckton ... inter.
" Nov. 25. John, s. of Edward Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.

Thomas Lloyd, Junr., Esq., died at Aston, March 8, 1752, aged 25.


In the year 1751 an act of Parliament passed which decreed that the new year should begin in future on the first day in January, and that eleven intermediate days (nominal) between the 2nd & 14th days of September, 1752, should be for that time omitted.

The great Roger Bacon had long ago noticed before 1752, that time was not correctly kept.

Succession of the Rectors of Selattyn continued, see year 1752.

Who gave up the Rectory for his life, to the Rev. Albany Rossendale Lloyd & all its emoluments.
HENRY LLOYD, 1851. This is no relation to the Aston family, but brother to Mr. Lloyd, of the Knolls, near Shrewsbury.

[Vol. IV. ends with five blank parchment leaves.]

1701] Whittington. 329




1701, Aug. 17. Mary, d. of William Piercy, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Sarah, d. of John Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Edward, s. of Edward Rider, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Richard, s. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Abraham, s. of Andrian Keener, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 5. John, s. of Stephen Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Sarah, d. of Thomas Jones als. Lancet ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Roger, s. of John Maddocks, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Mary, d. of John Vaughan, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Anne, d. of Ralph Cooper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Luke, s. of Luke Williams, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Susannah, d. of Tho: Griffith, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Richd., s. of John Edwards, walker, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Martha, d. of John Vaughan, of Drenewydd ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Sarah, d. of Richard Waters, of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Anne, d. of Richd. Davies, smith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John Evans, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Edward. s. of Edw: Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Thomas, s. of Theodore Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 20 Mary, d. of Richd. Preignold, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Jane, d. of Sarnuell Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.

330 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1701

1701, Mar. 12. Jane, d. of Tho: Preignold, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 15. John, s. of Edward Jenings, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Anne, d. of Edward Edwards, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Apr. 6. William, s. of William ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Mary, d. of Humphrey Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
1702, May 2. Roger, s. of Tho: Hughes, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" May 3. Elizabeth, d. of Edw: Proger, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 3. Thomas, s. of William Brown, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 3. John, supposed s. of John Brown, of St. Chad's p., in Shrewsbury ... bap.
" May 15. Mary, d. of John Phillips, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 21. Susannah, d. of Tho: Phillips, of Berghil ... bap.
" May 21. Francis, s. of John Jones, smith, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 4. Anne, d. of Richard Puleston, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" June 28. Mary, d. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 2. Edward, s. of Tho: Paddock, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Thomas, s. of Richard Rogers, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Aug. 13. John, s. of William Jones, of Maestermin ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. Burleigh, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Martha and Mary, daus. of Samuel ap Edward, of Oswestrey p. ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Mary, d. of Richd. Humphrey, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Gilbert, s. of Gilbert Brown, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 9. John supposed s. of Daniel Phillips, of Daywell ... bap.

1703] Whittington. 331

1702, Oct. 11. Isaac, s. of Andrian Keener, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Jane, d. of Tho: Richards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Mary, d. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Richard, s. of John Jones, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Edward, s. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Charles, s. of Richard Thomas, offfranckton ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Thomas, s. of Samuell Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Eleanor, d. of Stephen Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Ralph Cooper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Esther, d. of William Griffith, of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Edward, s. of Phillip Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Jane, d. of Samuel Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Mary, d. of James Draper, of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Margaret, d. of John ap Evan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Dorothy, d. of Joseph Prichard, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Jane, d. of Arthur Rider, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Francis, s. of Richard Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Thomas LLoyd, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Edw. Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
1703, Mar. 29. Thomas, s. of William Pugh, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 11. John. s. of John Meredith, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Edward, s. of John Piggot, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Thomas, s. of Edward Evans, of Hinford ... bap.

332 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1703

1703, May 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Berghil ... bap.
" May 18. Alice, d. of Thomas ap Robert, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" May 26. Sarah, d. of Edward Hughes, of Bryn-y-Castle ... bap.
" July 9. Catherine, d. of ffrancis Williams, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Anne, d. of Richard Deane, *Minister, of Halston ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Sarah, d. of John Vaughan, of ffernhil ... bap.
" Aug. 12. John, s. of Thomas Davies, of ffrancton ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Thomas, s. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Edward, s. of Edw: Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas Hughes, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Sarah, d. of Edw: Griffith, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Anne, d. of Thomas ap Edward, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Jashua, s. of Thomas Jones alis Lancet, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bethel, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Anne, d. of Andrew Keiner Mason, of Whittington ... bap.
1703-4, Jan. 7. Jonathan, s. of Martha Boodel, of ffrankton ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Sarah, d. of John Elis, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Jane and Martha, daus. of William Mathewes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. -. Alis, d. of Edward Ryder, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Robert, supposed s. of Richard Clark, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 15. William, s. of Samuell Poole, of Whittington ... bap.

* A word has been erased and Minister written in another writing.

1704] Whittington. 333

1703-4, Mar. 9. Thomas, s. of Edward Edwards, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Richard, s. of Richard prinald, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Benjamine manwarin, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Mar. 16. George, s. of Walter Banester, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Alice, d. of Edward Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
1704, Apr. 1. John, s. of John Rees, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Thomas, s. of Lucke Morgan, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Catherine, d. of Edward Edwards, Ebnhall ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Anne, d. of Edward Higison, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 30. John, s. of theoder Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.

Surveyd. p. Geo. Halle.

" May 7. Edward, s. of Edward Prodger, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 12. John, s. of Richard Waters, of Bergill ... bap.
" May 19. Mary, d. of George Meredith, of Babins wood ... bap.
" May 19. William, s. of Thomas Poole, of Ebnhall ... bap.
" May 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rees, of Hinfford ... bap.
" June 29. Elizabeth, supposed d. of William Percy, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones alis Lancett, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 30. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Heanlley ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Richard, s. of Richard Davies, of Whittington. smith ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Margaret, d. of David Prichard, of Henlley ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas Morgain, of Hinford ... bap.

334 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1704

1704, Oct. 6. Walter, s. of Richard Thomas, of ffrankton ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Edward, s. of William Jones, of Masetermine ... bap.
" Oct. 8. John, s. of Thomas Lewis, of Ebnhall ... bap.
" Oct. 13. John, s. of Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnhill ... bap.
" Oct. 14. John, s. of William Prichard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of Gravenall ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Ralphe Cooper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Edward, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Mary, d. of John ab Evan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Hugh, s. of Thomas Hughes, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Jane, d. of Edward Edwards, of Pentre kenrick ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of William Brown, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Esther, d. of Samuell Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Mary, d. of Richard Prowdley, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Rogers, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Martha, d. of John Kylan, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Henery, s. of George Lee, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Joseph and Mary, twins to Edward Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 10. David, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Richard, s. of Richard Humphreys, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Mary, d. of William Pugh, of Daywell ... bap.

Survey'd p. Geo: Halle.

" Mar. 22. Edward, s. of James Draper, of Bergill ... bap.

1705] Whittington. 335

1704, Mar. 24. Edward, s. of ffrancis prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
1705, Apr. 4. Margaret, s. of Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Anne, d. of Roger Williams, of ffernhill ... bap.

Survey'd p. Geo: Hall.

" May 5. Edward, s. of Evan Parry, of ffernhill ... bap.
" May 6. John, s. of Arthur Rider, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" May 20. Richard, s. of Richard Paddock, of ffranckton ... bap.
" May 25. Hugh, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 17. Mary and Martha, twins to Thomas Phillips, of Bergill ... bap.
" June 21. Edward, s. of James Hogis, of ffranckton ... bap.
" June 23. Edward, s. of Edward Robard, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 26. John, s. of John Vaughan, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" July 14. Mary, d. of John Jones, of ffernhill ... bap.
" July 22. Richard, s. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 29. Mary, d. of Stephen Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Edward, s. of John Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Mary, d. of Griffith Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Joseph, s. of George Meredith, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Deane, *Minister, of Halston ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Robert, s. of Thomas Jones alies Lanset, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Anne, d. of Richard Bate, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep., last day. Anne, d. of David Jones, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas Powell, of Daywell ... bap.

* Rewritten.

336 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1705

1705, Oct. 12. Catherine, d. of Tho: Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Richard, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 14. John, s. of Edward Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Margaret, d. of Samuel Poole, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Eleanor, d. of Richard Williams, of Gravehall ... bap.
" Nov. 27. John, s. of Dason, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Anne, d. of Richard Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 2. William, s. of Samuel Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Thomas, s. of Morgan Elis, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Phillip, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Humphrey Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Mary, d. of John Kylan, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Richard, s. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Richard, s. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. John, s. of Edward Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 24. John, s. of William Brown, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Mary, d. of Edward Hughes, of Brin-y-castle ... bap.
1706, Apr. 5. John, s. of Richard Prinald, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 26. Eleanor, d. of Thomas Poole, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 17. John, s. of John Peplo, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 25. Roger and Margaret, twins to Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 6. Jane, d. of Andrew Keiner, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 21. Elizabeth, d. of Theoder Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Josepth and Mary, twins to John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.

1707] Whittington. 337

1706, Sep. 20. Jane, d. of John ab Evan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Hugh bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Mary, d. of Richard Acherley, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Elizabeth, ye suppos. d. of John Jones, of langolen p. ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Joan, d. of Thomas ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Lewis, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 2. John, s. of Thomas Jones, weaver, of Heanlley ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Thomas, s. of Richard Padock, of frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 12. John and Jane, twins to John Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.
1706-7, Feb. 23. Evan, s. of Evan Parry, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Isaac, s. of Edward Roberts, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Margaret, d. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Thomas, s. of Mr. Robert Evans, Curet of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Jane, d. of John Williams, of Bergill ... bap.
1707, Apr. 14. Isabell, d. of George Meredith, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Eleanor, d. of George Lee, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" May 23. Hanah, d. of Roger Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 27. Josepth, s. of Josepth Moris, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 29. Jane, d. of Richard Humphreys, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Aug. 10. David, s. of David Jones, of ffrankton ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Mary, d. of Theodore Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones alies lanset, of Whittington ... bap.

338 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1707

1707, Sep. 21. Mary, d. of Thomas ab Edward, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Thomas, s. of John Vaughan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 28. John, s. of Thomas Griffithes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Anne, d. of William ap Hugh, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Jane, d. of Luke Williams, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 16. John, s. of John Davis, of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Edward, s. of Edward Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 21. William, s. of William Jones, of Babins Wood ... bap.
1707-8, Feb. 1. Charles, s. of Richard Bowen, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Katherine, d. of Griffith Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 15. William, s. of Richard Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Anne, d. of Richard Rogers, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Peb. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Richard, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
1708, Mar. 27. Jonathan, s. of Richard Prinald, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Clark, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 20. John, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Edward, s. of Adam Tisle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Richard, s. of Arthar Rider, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Robert, s. of Air. Robert Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Rider, of Whittington ... bap.

1708] Whittington. 339

1708, Apr. 18. Esther, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 8. Edward, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 9. Roger, s. of Griffith Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 12. John, s. of John Cartwright, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 15. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 20. Morgan, s. of Morgan Elis, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 25. Mary, d. of Henry Mathews, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 28. Edward, s. of Edward Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 28. Mary, d. of Richard Davis, of WhittingtOn ... bap.
" Aug. 1. William, s. of Thomas Medon, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Martha, d. of John Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Mary, d. of Nicholas Gittins, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 22. John, s. of William Brown, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Sarah, d. of Samuel Iveson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 8. John, s. of John ab Evan, of Ebnall ... bap.
Elizabeth, d. of Stephen Edwards, of Whittington, thay say is Baptized ye 8th day of November, 1708.
" Nov. 4. John, s. of John Gittins, of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Theodore, s. of Theodore Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Poole, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Jane, d. of George Lee, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" Dec., last day. John, s. of Simon Evans, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of George Meredeth, of Babins Wood ... bap.

340 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1708

1708, Jan. 22. Edward, s. of ffrancis Williams, of Hinford ... bap.
1708-9, Feb.27. Thomas, s. of Samuel Pool, Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Sarah, d. of Edward Arthur, of Ebnall ... bap.
1709, Mar. 27. Sarah, d. of William Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Anne, d. of Roger Rogers, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas LLewis, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Henrey, s. of Evan Parry, of ffernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of William Wolaston, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 5. Sarah, d. of Edward Proger, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 8. Anne, d. of Thomas Phillips, of Bergill ... bap.
" May 16. Mary, d. of Josepth Hathorne, of D ay well ... bap.
" June 10. William, s. of John Vaughan, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 11. Mary, d. of Richard Paddock, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 18. Peter, s. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 28. Griffith, s. of John Cartwright, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 3. Thomas, s. of Samuel Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 3. Mary, d. of John Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" July, last day. William, s. of Thomas Jones alies lanset, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Jane, d. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 12. John, s. of Simon Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Roger, s. of Griffith Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 1. John, s. of John Kylan, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 1. John, s. of John Jones, of ffranckton ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Margaret, d. of James Draper, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Andrian Keener, of Whittington ... bap.

1710] Whittington. 341

1709-10, Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of William Edwards, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Edward, s. of Adam Tisle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Robert, s. of Joseph Morris, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 23. William, s. of Thomas Medon, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Mary, d. of Andrew Jones, of Park ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Mary, d. of Richard Griffith, of Daywell ... bap.
1710, Apr. 2. Margaret, d. of Samuel Warbarton, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Elizabeth, d. of John Davis, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 9. Edward, s. of John Peplo, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 18. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 28. Mary, d. of David Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 13. Mary, d. of John Williams, of Bergill ... bap.
" June 23. Roger, s. of Richard Prinald, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 13. Sarah, d. of Thomas Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" July 15. Alice, d. of Edward Roberts, Whittington ... bap.
" July 16. Anne, d. of Samuel Ivison, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 30. Jane, d. of Thomas Hughes, of Daywel ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas George, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Edward, s. of Andrew Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 10. John, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Sarah, d. of Thomas Jones, of Heanley ... bap.
" Oct. 7. William, s. of John Gittins, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Abram, s. of Thomas Lewis, of Ebnall ... bap.

342 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1710

1710, Oct. 8. Sarah, d. of Edward Edwards, of Henford ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Edward, s. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Sarah, d. of Morris ap Prichard, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Sarah, d. of Richard Bate, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 22. John, s. of Josepth Hathorne, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Edward, s. of Humphrey Rees, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Samuel, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Richard, s. of Thomas Paddock, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Thomas, s. of Edward Proger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Richard s. of Richard Humphreys, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Edward, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 24. John, s. of George Meredeth, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 1. John, s. of Edward Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Griffith Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Margaret, d. of Edward Arthur, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Martha, d. of John Jones, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of John ab Evan, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Andrian Keener, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7. William, s. of George Lee, of Ouldmarton ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Sarah, d. of Richard Rogers, Fernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 1. David, s. of John Vaughan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Mary, d. of John Prichard, of Babins Wood ... bap.

1711] Whittington. 343

1710, Mar. 4. Richard, s. of Andrew Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Richard, s. of Thomas ab Edward, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Margaret, d. of Thomas Frumson, of Franckton ... bap.
1711, Apr. 1. Edward, s. of Samuel Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Jane, d. of John Cadwalader, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Mary, d. of Richard Clark, Daywell ... bap.
" May 13. Mary, d. of Richard Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 21. Anne, d. of Morgan Elis, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 23. William, s. of Griffith Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph Bellis, of Heanlley ... bap.
" June 1. Sarah, d. of Henery Mathews, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 29. Mary, d. of Robert Lewis, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" July 6. Mary, d. of Timothy Prichard, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 27. John, s. of Sarah Jonson, of ye p. of Oswestrey ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Henery, s. of Evan Parey, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of John Cartwright, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Jane, d. of Luke Williams, of F 1anckton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Thomas, s. of Josepth Edwards, of St. Marten's p. ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Francis, s. of Richard Winsor, of Bergill ... bap.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of William Woleston, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Humphrey Rees, of Hinford ... bap.

344 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1711

1711, Mar. 1. Esther, d. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Edward, s. of Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Richard and Henery, sons of William Jones, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Nicholas Gittins, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Evans, of Fernhill ... bap.
1712, Mar. 30. John, s. of Thomas Phillips, of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Margaret, supposed Child of Robert Bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Sarah, d. of William Edwards, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" May 16. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones, of Heanley ... bap.
" June 6. Thomas and Elizabeth, twins to Andrew Jones, of Park ... bap.
" June 12. William, s. of Thomas Medon, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 29. John, s. of Samuel Poole, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Margaret, d. of Robert Lewis, of Babis Wood ... bap.
" Aug. 10. William, s. of Thomas Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Robert, s. of John Jones, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Edward, s. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Edward, s. of David Jones, of Franckton ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Proger, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 12. John, s. of Thomas Jones, of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Cathrine, d. of Edward Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Paddock, of Whittington, was ... born.
" Oct. 8. Cathrine, d. of George Lee, of Ould Marton ... bap.

1713] Whittington. 345

1712, Oct. 12. John, s. of Samuel Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Anne, d. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Barkley, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Mary, d. of John Davies, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Richard, s. of Edward Rider, of this Town ... bap.
" Feb. 6. David, s. of Edward Roberts, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Edward, s. of John Gittins, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Thomas, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Margaret,d. of Richard Oliver, of Frankcton ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Richards, of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Samuel Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
1713, Apr. 2. Mary, d. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Hannah, d. of Andrew Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 7. John, s. of Andrew Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Andrew, s. of Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Richard, s. of Henery Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Mary, d. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 3. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Heanley ... bap.
" June 24. Mary, d. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 24. Robert, s. of Edward Edwards, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" July 12. John, s. of John Hughes, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 12. John, s. of Thomas Richards, of Ebnall ... bap.

346 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1713

1713, July 17. Richard, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Griffiths, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Anne, d. of John Cadwalader, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Ursillah, d. of Edward Humphreys, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Margaret, d. of Thomas Phillips, of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 28. James, s. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Martha, d. of Richard Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Samuel, s. of William Hand, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct., last day. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, Tannar, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Samuel, s. of Samuel Poole, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Richard, s. of Thomas Paddock, of Whittington ... bap.
1713-14, Jan. 6. John, s. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Anne, d. of Richard Glover, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 6. John, s. of Andrew Maddocks, of Ebnall ... bap.
1714, Mar. 28. Hennory, s. of William Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Martha, d. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Jane, d. of Andrew Jones, of Park ... bap.
" May 1. Sarah, d. of Edward Roberts, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 16. Mary, d. of Jefrey Mere, of Old Marton ... bap.
" May 30. Jane, d. of Thomas ab Edward, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 3. John, s. of John Jones, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 4. Eleanor, d. of Evan Parry, of Fernhill ... bap.
" June 4. Anne, d. of Hennory Mathews, of Daywell .. bap.

1715] Whittington. 347

1714, June 29. Mary, d. of William Edwards, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" July 2. Edward, s. of Edward Barkley, of Henley ... bap.
" July 13. Edward, s. of Josepth Edwards, of St. Marten's p. ... bap.
" July 26. Jane, d. of Thomas Jones, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 27. Mary, supposed child of John Kyffin, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Roger, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Thomas, s. of John Jones, of Franckton ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Sarah, d. of Edward Jones, of Henley ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Margaret, d. of John Richards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Evans, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Nov. 28. William, s. of Robert Lewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Sarah, d. of George Lee, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 17. John, s. of Morris Jones, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Phillip, s. of William Hand, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Edward, s. of Thomas Griffithes, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Postumus s. of Adrian Keener ... bap.
1714- 15, Jan. 23. Esther, d. of John Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 79. Mary, d. of Mr. John Langford, of Heanley ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Sarah, d. of Nicholas Gittins, of this Town ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Rebeckah, d. of Richard Rogers, of Fernhill ... bap.
1715, Mar. 25. Griffith, s. of Griffith Hughes, was ... born.
" Mar. 25. Edward, s. of Samuel Jones, of this Town ... bap.

348 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1715

1715, Mar. 26. Sarah, d. of Thomas Barkley, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Thomas, s. of John Kyllan, of Babins Wood .. ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Martha, d. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" May 7. Sarah, d. of Thomas Paddock, of this town ... bap.
" June 1. Evis, d. of Thomas ab Edward, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" June 5. Mary, d. of Edward Proger, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 7. Elizabeth, d. of William Wolaston, of Franckton ... bap.
" June 11. Roger, s. of Mr. Roger Ward, of this Town ... bap.
" June 26. Sarah, d. of William Jones, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" June 19. William, s. of Joseph Morris, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 1. Morris, s. of Morris Prichard, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 10. John, s. of Griffith Griffithes, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 14. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey Rees, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 17. Richard, s. of Richard Oliver, of Franckton ... bap.
" July 24. Richard, s. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" July, last day. Mary, d. of Joseph Bellis, of Henley ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Thomas and John, sons of [blank], of Franckton ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Jane, d. of Richard Clark, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Thomas, s. of John Davies, of Franckton ... bap.
" Oct. 33. William, s. of John ab Evan, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John Paddock, of this Town ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Sarah, d. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnal ... bap.

1716] Whittington. 349

1715, Nov. 7. Richard, s. of Richard Barkley, of Henley ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Sarah, d. of John Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Mary, d. of Andrew Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Robert, s. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
1715-16, Jan. 22. Jacob, s. of Edward Roberts, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Nickolas, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Edward Rider, of this Town ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Richard, s. of Richard Griffiths, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Jane, d. of Edward Humphreys, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Jane, d. of John Kynnaston, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Mary, d. of William Hand, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 18. John, s. of John Edwards, of Babins wood ... bap.
1716, Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of William Edwards, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Sarah, d. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 22. John, s. of Evan Rogers, of Daywell, Smith ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Cathrine, d. of David Evans, of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 13. John, s. of Thomas Edwards, of Henley ... bap.
" June 1. Anne, d. of Simon Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 25. Edward, s. of John Cartwright, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 3. Sarah, d. of Samuel Poole, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 22. Abigal, d. of Edward Edwards, of Old Marton ... bap.
" July 1. Hannah, d. of Robert Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 27. John, suppozed child of a man of LLangolen ... bap.

350 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1716

1716, July 8. Mary, a soposed shild that was found in the parrish of Whittington ... bap.
" July 29. Anne, d. of John Jones, of Henley ... bap.
" July 29. John, s. of Peter Morris, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Sarah, supposed child of Edward Jones, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Jane, d. of Luke Francis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Margaret, d. of Hennery Mathews, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Joseph, s. of Thomas Jones, of Henthly ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Crowder, of St. Chades p. ... bap..
" Aug., last day. Mary, d. of Tho: Evans, of this Town, was born ye 21st day of Aug. ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Dority, d. of Andrew Prichard, of this town ... bap.
" Sep. 22. John, s. of John Griffiths, of Firnhill ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Anne, d. of Roger Evans, of this Town, was born ye 2nd ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Margaret, d. of Samuel Jones, Gent: of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 25. John, s. of John Hinks, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov., last day. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Barkley, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Anne, d. of Edward Phillips, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Sarah, d. of John Richard, of this town ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Margaret, d. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Roger, s. of John Jones, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Martha, d. of Jefrey Mere, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Richard, s. of John Jones, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Mary, d. of Richard James, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Anne, d. of Andrew Jones, of Park ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Clark, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Sarah, d. of Tho: Evans, of Firnhill ... bap.
" Feb. 22. David, s. of Hennory Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.

1717] Whittington. 351

1716, Feb. 28. Richard, s. of Richard Glover, of Franckton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Richard, s. of Thomas Williams, of Heanhavod ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Tho: Medon, of Daywell ... bap.
1717, Mar. 25. John, s. of David Beethel, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar., last day. Richard, s. of John Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Griffiths, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Roger, s. of Thomas Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" Apr. 11. John, s. of Mr. John Langford, of Heanley ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Ruth, d. of Tho: Phillips, of Berghill ... bap.
" June 20. Edward, s. of Robert Roberts, of Birghill ... bap.
" June 22. John, s. of Tho. Paddock, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 24. Edward, s. of Richard Hughes, of Birghill ... bap.
" July 1. Mary, d. of Robert Lewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Dod, of Franckton ... bap.
" July 21. EdWard, s. of Evan Parry, of Firnhill ... bap.
" July 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Robert, s. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Cadwalader, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 19. John, s. of John Jones, of Heanley ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Tydder, of Hyarcol p. ... bap.
" Oct. 6. John, s. of John Boodle, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Thomas, s. of Edward Edwards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Presillah, d. of Mr. Roger Ward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Samuel, s. of Thomas Poole, of Daywell ... bap.

352 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1717

1717, Nov. 3. John, s. of Edward Rider, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 14. John, s. of John Jones, Junr., of Franckton ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Samuel, s. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Thomas, s. of Edward Corbet, of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Oliver, of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec., last day. William, s. of John Kynaston, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Mary, d. of Edward Nickolas, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 17. John, s. of William Jones ... bap.
1717-8, Jan. 24. William, s. of John Tomley, of this town ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Margaret, d. of Nlorris Prichard, of this Town ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Valentine, s. of Wililam Hand, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Mary, d. of Peter Morris, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Mary, d. of David Roberts, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 7. John, s. of John Edwards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Samuel, s. of Griffith Griffiths, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 21. John, s. of Luke Francis, of this town, was born ye 9th day of February ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Cathrine, d. of Tho: Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Timmothy, s. of John Edwards, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Heanley ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Jane, d. of,Tho: Evans, of Firnhill ... bap.
1718, Apr. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Evans, of this town, was born ye 29th day of March ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Richard and Elinor, s. and d. of Hugh Bowen ... bap.

1718-19] Whittington. 353

1718, Apr. 20. Mary, d. of Samll. Poole, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Richard, s. of Edward Evans, of this town ... bap.
" May 13. Edward, s. of John Boodle, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" June 2. David, s. of Thomas Barkley, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 13. Thomas, s. of Humphrey Rees, of Berghill ... bap.
" June 22. John, s. of William Edwards, of Babins-w ood ... bap.
" June 22. John, s. of Joseph Davies, of this town ... bap.
" July 11. Thomas, s. of John Paddock, of this town ... bap.
" Aug. 8. John, s. of Thomas Paddock ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Simon Jones, of this town ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Morris Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep: last day. Jane, d. of Morris Prichard, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Edward, s. of Evan Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Barkley, of Heanley ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Cathrine, d. of Roger Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Bellis, of Heanley ... bap.
" Dec. 6. John, s. of Richard Rogers, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Rese, s. of Edward Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
1718-19, Feb. 14. Margaret, d. of John Jones, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. of John Hinks, of Hinford ... bap.

354 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1718-19

1718-19, Feb. 21. Richard, s. of David Davies, of Daywel ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
1719, Mar. 28. Jane, d. of Thomas ab Edward, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Robert, s. of John Davies, of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Thomas, s. of Richard Oliver, of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Thomas, s. of Hennory Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 17. Hesakiah, s. of Andrew Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 22. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ["Ebnal" erased] ... bap.
" May 29. William, s. of John Bellis, of Franckton ... bap.
" June 12. Mary, d. of Edward Prichard, Junr., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 23. Richard, s. of William Rogers, of Franckton ... bap.
" July 3. Robert, s. of Edward Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 5. Samuel, s. of Edward Roberts, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 17. Jane, d. of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Cooke, Rector, of Whittington, was born the 28th day of June ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Jones, of Heanlley ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Roger, s. of John Kyllan, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Luke, s. of Luke Francis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Mary, d. of John Rees, of Firnhill, was born the 26th day of Sep: ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Margaret, d. of Thomas Jones, of Birghill ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.

1720] Whittington. 355

1779, Nov. 8. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jones of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Richard, s. of Thomas Barkley, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Edward, s. of Thomas Davies, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Edward, s. of John Jones, junr., of Henthly ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Tyddor, of Henthly ... bap.
1719-20, Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Evan, s. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Mary, d. of Tho: Williams, of Heanhavod ... bap.
" Jan., last day. Andrew and Mary, s. & d. of Andrew Jones, of Park ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of John Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Robert, s. of Richard Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 10. William, s. of Thomas Paddock, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Peter, s. of Richard Leech, of Condover ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Margaret, d. of Thomas Poole, of Daywell ... bap.
1720, Apr. 10. Sarah, d. of John Pugh, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Mary, d. of Richard Piggot, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Mary, d. of Richard Hughes, of Berghill ... bap.
" May 6. Edward, s. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 8. Martha, d. of Robert Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 22. Richard, s. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 19. Elizabeth, d. of William Rogers, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Evans, of Whittington, was born ye 30th day of May ... bap.
" June 5. William, s. of Edward Proger, of Ebnal ... bap.

356 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1720

1720, June 12. Elizabeth, d. of Evan Parry, of Fernhill ... bap.
" June 17. Edward, s. of William Jones, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 19. Edward, s. of Edward Lewis, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 3. Jane, d. of John Tomley, of Henthly ... bap.
" July 12. Mary, d. of Edward Jones, Junr., of Birghill ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Sarah, d. of John Edwards, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Sep. 4. William, supposed s. of Edward Edwards, of Hamton ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Mary, supposed d. of Mr. Richd. Waring, of Hordley ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Mary, d. of Tyddor Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Pary, of this Town ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Peter, s. of Peter Morris, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 10. John, s. of John Edwards King, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Elizabeth, d. of John Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Edward, s. of Edward Phillips, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Mary, d. of Richard James, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Margaret, d. of Robert Roberts, of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Anne, d. of Tho: Evans, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Edward, s. of Simon Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of William Francis, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 19. William, s. of David Davies, of Daywell ... bap.

1721] Whittington. 357

1720-21, Feb.2. Richard, s. of Thomas Prynald, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Anne, d. of Barnaby Morrice, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Anne, d. of Luke Francis, was born on the 10th ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Edward, s. of Mr. Roger Ward, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Edward, s. of Edward Rogers, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 5. William, s. of Richd. Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Thomas, s. of Charles Knipe, Esqre., of Park, was born and ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Thomas, s. of John Jones, Junr., of Henthly ... bap.
1721, Mar. 27. John, s. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar., last day. Edward, s. of Edward Arthurs, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Mary, d. of John Cadwaleder, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 3. Anne, d. of John Williams, of Berghill ... bap.
" May 7. Richard, s. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 24. William, s. of Edward Rider, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" June 29. Richard, s. of Thomas Dod, of Franckton ... bap.
" July 18. Thomas, s. of The Reverend Mr. Thomas Cooke, Rector of Whittington, was born the 8th day of July ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Margaret, d. of lArilliam Francis, of Birghill ... bap.
" Aug. 20. John, s. of Jacob Ekelse [?], of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 17. John, s. of John Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Jane, d. of John Richard, of Whittington ... bap.

358 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1721

1721, Oct. 22. Elizabeth, d. of William Vaughan, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Margaret, d. of Samuel Thomas, of Firnhill ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Hannah, d. of John Rees, of Firnhill, was Born the 29th Oct: ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Eduard, s. of David Thomas, of Trenewith ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Thomas, s. of Joseph Bellis, of Henthly ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Margaret, d. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Mary, d. of William Evans, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Richard, s. of Richard Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Margaret, d. of Thomas Paddock, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Mary, d. of John Richards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Samuel, s. of Joseph Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Jane, d. of Timothy Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Robert, s. of Robert Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Richd., s. of John Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, of Bergill ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Thomas, s. of John Uryon, of Daywell ... bap.
1722, Mar. 26. John, s. of John Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Mary, d. of Andrew Williams, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Francis, s. of Ricd. Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Edward, s. of Henry Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 22. John, s. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thoms: Tydder, of Hentley ... bap.
" May 5. Thomas, s. of John Jones, of Hentley ... bap.
" May 6. Mary, d. of Edward Parry, of Whittington ... bap.

1722] Whittington. 359

1722, May 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Griffiths, of Fernhill ... bap.
" May 18. John, s. ofJohn, s. of Ricd. Hitchin, of Bergill ... bap.
" May 20. John, s. of John Hughes, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 3. Jane, d. of Maurice Pritchard, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 10. Mary, d. of Edward Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 17. Martha, d. of Andrew Jones ... bap.
" July 20. John, s. of Humphrey Owen, of Babins wood ... bap.
" July 21. Rebeccah, d. of William Edwards, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Aug. 5. John, s. of Peter Morris, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Edward, supposed s. of Edward Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 11. John, s. of John Lewis, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Aug. 17. John, s. of Tydor Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Ermin, d. of John Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Annabella, d. of Charles LLoyd, Esq: of Trenewith ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Gwen, d. of David Bythell, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Margaret, d. of Edward Roberts, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Edward, s. of Charles and Anne Knipe, was born ye 16th of Sep. ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Samuel, s. of Joseph Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 28. William, s. of Hugh Bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Tho: Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John and Elizabeth, s. and d. of John Tomly, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Mary, d. of William Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 7. John, s. of Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Samuel, s. of Saml. Poole, of Whittington ... bap.

360 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1722

1722, Jan. 3. Mary, d. of John Morgan, of Tregaiion [?] ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Anne, d. of William Francis, of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Saml., s. of Sam: Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
1722-3, Feb. 3. Edward, s. of Thomas Berkley, of Hindford ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Jane, d. of David Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Anne, d. of Thomas Williams, of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Mary, d. of John Boodle, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Dorothy, d. of Robert Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
1723, May 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Evans, of Fernhill ... bap.
" May 17. John, s. of John Williams, of Bergill ... bap.
" May 18. Mary, natural d. of Thomas Tydder, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 15. Edward, s. of William Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 16. Sarah, d. of Robert Roberts, of Franckton ... bap.
" June 20. Roger, s. of John Jones, of Henley ... bap.
" July 1. Thomas, s. of John Edwards, of Daywell
" July 4. Edward, s. of John Richards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hall, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 20. Sarah, d. of William Windsor, of Babins wood ... bap.
" July 28. Robert, s. of Richard Barkley, of Henley ... bap.
" July 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Williams, weaver, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas Prynallt, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 11. John, s. of John Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Thomas, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.

1724] Whittington. 361

1723, Aug. 25. Edward, s. of David Hughes, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 19. William, s. of Tho. Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Samuel, s. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Anne, d. of John Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Richard, s. of John Jones Taylor, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Sarah, d. of John Rees, of Fernhill, was born ye 7th ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Susanah, d. of Peter Maurice, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 15. William, s. of Richard Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Richard, s. of John Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Tho: Dod, of Frankton ... bap.
1723-4, Jan. 5. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Pentre-kenrig ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Pugh, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Richard, s. of Richard Hitchin, of Bergill ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Jane, d. of Tho: Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
1724, Apr. 10. Elizabeth, natural d. of Luke Francis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Mary, d. of Edward Bromley, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 3. John, s. of John Morgan, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 3. Thomas, s. of Richard Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas Griffiths, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 8. Jane, d. of Mr. Samuell Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 12. Edward, s. of John Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.

362 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1724

1724, June 28. Edward, s. of John Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 29. Sarah, d. of Michaiah Heatley, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 12. John, s. of Humphrey Rees, of Bergill ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Lmtitia, d. of Mr. Edwd. Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 22, Deborah, d. of Willm. Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 6. James, s. of Richard Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Thomas, s. of Edward Parry, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Anne, d. of John Smallman, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Catherine, d. of Thomas Williams, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Susanah, d. of John Evans, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Theodosia, d. of Peter Lewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Edward, s. of Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Alice, d. of John Richard, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Anne, d. of Francis Clark, of Bergill ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Edward, s. of John Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Jane, d. of John Jennings, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Mary, d. of John Lewis, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Roderick, s. of Mr. John Evans, of Daywell ... bap.
1724-5, Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Urien, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Catherine, d. of John Williams, of Bergill ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Thomas, s. of David Beethel, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Jane, d. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Martha, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.

1725] Whittington. 363

1724-5, Feb. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of Theodore Thomas, of Hyndford ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 23. John and Jane, s. and d. of John Tomely, of Whittington ... bap.
1725, Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. of David Hughes, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Alis, d. of Robert Davies, a poore man of the p. of Llanvollen ... bap.
" May 17. John, s. of Thomas Phillips, of Birghill ... bap.
" May 23. Andrew, s. of Andrew Williams, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 5. Martha, d. of Thomas Dod, of Franckton ... bap.
" June 24. Sarah, d. of Mr. Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 27. Jane, d. of Hennory Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 10. Richard, s. of Richard Thodey, of Trenewith ... bap.
" July 11. John, s. of John Shone, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 17. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew Maddocks, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 25. William, s. of William Edwards, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Anne, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, Tayler, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Edward, s. of Thomas Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 13. John, s. of Joseph Hitchin, of Birgill ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Edward, s. of John Edwards alis King, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Thomas, s. of Luke Francis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Mary, d. of Edward Richard, of Daywell ... bap.

364 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1725

1725, Sep. 26. Jane, d. of Richard Glover, of Franckton ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Richard, s. of Maurice Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Jane, d. of Robert Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Kyffin, s. of Edward Phillips, of Pentrekendrick ... bap.
" Jan. 14. William, s. of William Varry, a poore ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Margarett, d. of John Brain, of Hallstone ... bap.
1725-6, Jan. 23. William, s. of William Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of John Hughes alis Rees, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 5. John, s. of Griffith Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Jonathan, s. of Thomas Prynalt, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Mary, d. of Mr. John Evani, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Williams, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Mar. 2. William, s. of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Dod, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Sarah, d. of Richard Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Edward, s. of John Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 13. William, s. of John Boodle, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Anne, d. of John Rees, of Fernhill, was Born ye 9th ... bap.
1726, Apr. 3. Mary, d. of John Evans, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 11. John, s. of Richard Barkley, of Henley ... bap.
" Apr. 26. John, s. of Thomas Davies, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 8. Richard, s. of Richard Dod, of Franckton ... bap.

1726] Whittington. 365

1726, May 14. John, s. of John Brown, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 9. Mary, d. of Edward Rogers, Cooper, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 12. John, s. of John Bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 19. Martha, d. of John Darbey, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 27. Mary, d. of Samll. Jaxson, of Heanhavod ... bap.
" July 10. Edward, s. of Robert Roberts, of Francton ... bap.
" July 12. Robert [Edward written above in a different hand], s. of Mr. Edward [Robert written above in a different hand] Edwards, of Franckton ... bap.
" July 17. Hannah, d. of Willm. Francis, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 28. Jane, d. of Andrew Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 26. John, s. of William Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Bectina, d. of Ralph Knight, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Mary, d. of Willm. Hughes. of Franckton ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Phillip and Sarah, s. & d. of Thoms. Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Thomas, s. of Edward Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Charles, s. of Charles LLoyd, Esqr. ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Bromley, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 24. John, s. of Thomas Evans, of Firnhill ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Mellisent, d. of Charles Knipe, Esqr., of Park ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Mary, d. of Richard Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Samll. & Mary, s. and d. of John Davies, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Roger, s. of John Davies, of Daywell ... bap.

366 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1726

1726, Nov. 27. Richard, s. of Joseph Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Margarett, d. of John Williams, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Edward, s. of Francis Clark, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Richard, s. of John Richards, of Ebnall ... bap.
1726-7, Jan. 26. Sarah, d. of John Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Dorithy, d. of Edward Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Edward, s. of John Gennings, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Samuel, s. of John Jaxson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Richard, s. of Thomas Tyddor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Richard, s. of John Vrion, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 19. William, s. of William Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Mary, d. of William Baker ... bap.
1727, Apr. 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Evans, of this town ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Elizabeth [Anne erased], d. of William Jones, of Firnhill ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Walter, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Parry, of this Town ... bap.
" May 8. Samuel & Thomas, sons of Samll. Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 20. Samuel, s. of John Lewis, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 10. Issabel, d. of John Winsor, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 18. Edward, s. of Edward Prichard, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 22. Mary, natural d. of Edward Jones ... bap.
" June 26. William, s. of Thoms. Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 30. Mary, d. of John Vaughan, of Henley ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Richard, s. of John Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Jacob, s. of Jacob Eckelse, of Hinford ... bap.

1727-8] Whittington. 367

1727, Aug. 27. Mary, d. of Mr. John LLoyd, of Oswestry ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Thomas, s. of Edward Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 17. David, s. of David Hughes, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Rachel, d. of Edward Phillips, of Pentre Kynderick ... bap.
" Oct. 20. John, s. of John Rees, of Firnhill, was Born the 7th ... bap.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of John Richards, of this town ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Thomas, s. of John Edwards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Dorithy, d. of Thoms. Edwards, of this Town ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Anne, d. of John Hughes, of this town ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Thomas, s. of Joseph Hitchin, of Birghill ... bap.
1727-8, Jan. 2. John, s. of John Kynnaston, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Mary, d. of John Boodle, of this town ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Ann, d. of John Morgan, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Edward, s. of Edward Richards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Anne, d. of John Jones, of Mastermin ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Mary, d. of John Brown, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Mary, d. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Sarah, d. of Andrew Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Ambrus, s. of John Roberts, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Martha, d. of Richard Boodle. of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Mary, d. of John Tomley, of this town ... bap.
" Mar. 4. John, s. of Jahn Smalman, of Franckton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Robert, s. of Robert Bowen, of Franckton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Ruth, d. of John Hughes alis Rees, of this Town ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Jane, d. of Griffith Hughes, of this town ... bap.

368 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1728

1728, Mar. 31. Mary, d. of Richard Vaughan, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Elizabeth, d. of William Hughes, of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Emme, d. of Mr. Edward Edwards, of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Robert, s. of John Bowen, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Samll. Jaxson, of Heanhavod ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Catherine, d. of Thomas Jones, of this town ... bap.
" June 9. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 11. Joseph, s. of Richard Jones, of this town ... bap.
" June 16. John, s. of Edward Phillips, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 1. Sarah, d. of John Lewis, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 14. John, s. of William ffrancis, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 28. Richard, s. of Thomas Phillips, Junr., of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Jane, d. of Robert Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Mary, d. of Edward Jones, of this town ... bap.
" Aug. 30. John, s. of John Edwards, Junr., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Mary, d. of John Brain, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Richard, s. of Mr. Francis Evans, of this town, was born ye 2nd ... bap.
" Oct. 6. John, s. of John Boodle, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John Boodle, of Firnhill ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Catherine, natural daughter of Robert Morris, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Richard, s. of Richard Owens, of this town ... ban.
" Nov. 18. Mary, d. of John Williams, of Birghill ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Anne, d. of Thomas Rees, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Edward, s. of Griffith Davies, of F,venall ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Richard. s. of John Bellis, of Franckton ... bap.
1728-9, Jan. 5. John, s. of David Williams, of this town ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of William Predin, of Franckton ... bap.

1729] Whittington. 369

1728-9, Feb. 1. Anne, d. of John Rees, of Firnhill, was born ye 24th Jan: ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Thomas, s. of Mr. James Turner, Gent., of Firnhill, was born ye 29th of January ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Margaret, 41. of Mr. Thomas Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 16. William, s. of Richard Andrews, of this town ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, of Derwenapandy ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Thomas, s. of Francis Clark, of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Jane, d. of Joseph Rickets, of Park ... bap.
" Mar. 6. John, s. of John Kyndrick, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of William Jones, of Fernhill ... bap.
1729, Apr. 20. Richard, s. of Richard Dod, of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Green ... bap.
" May 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 1. Mary, d. of John Evans, of this town ... bap.
" May 23. Robert, s. of Richard Tydder, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 8. Roger, s. of John Edwards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 27. Anne, d. of Thomas Evans, Clark, of Whittington, was born ye 19th of June ... bap.
" July 8. Jane, d. of Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Margaret, d. of Mr. Edward Edwards, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Richard, s. of Edward Phillips, of Pentre kyndrick ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Edward, s. of Richard Vaughan, of Old marton ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Edward, s. of Edvrard Richards, Junr., of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas Tyddor, of this town ... bap.

370 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1729

1729, Nov. 6. Thomas, s. of Roger Green, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Barkley, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Elizabeth, d. of John Walters, of Henthley ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Walter, s. of Edward Williams, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Edward, s. of John Evans, Nayler, of this town ... bap.
" Dec. 8. John, s. of John Boodle, Whittington ... bap.
1729-30, Jan. 5. Mary, d. of John Rog,ers, of Henthly ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Maydon, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Margaret, d. of Andrew Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Mary, d. of John Lewis, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Edward, s. of John Edwards, Junr., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Jane, d. of David Hughes, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Jan. 25. John, s. of John Jones, of Henthley ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Samuel, s. of Samuel Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Hannah, d. of John Kynnaston, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 14. John, s. of John Davies, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Edward, s. of Joseph Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Margaret, d. of John Davies, of Ebnal ... bap.
1730, Mar. 30, John, s. of Thomas Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Frances, d. of Richard Foulkes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 2. John, s. of John Tomley, of Bucknell ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Edward, s. of John Lewis, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Apr. 15. John, s. of William Hughes, of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Roger, s. of Roger Rogers, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 3. Samuel, s. of Edward Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.

1730-1] Whittington. 371

1730, May 8. John, s. of Richard Owens, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 12. Elizabeth, natural d. of Richd. Prinald, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 25. John, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Catherine, d. of William Speak, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Anne, d. of Richard Boodle, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 23. John, s. of Thomas Rees, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. lo. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hitchin, of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Mary, d. of John Gennings, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Martha, d. of William Predin, of Franckton ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Sarah, d. of John Brown, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Edward, s. of John Kyndrick, of Old marton ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Francis Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Anne, d. of Joseph Rickets, of Park ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Margarett, d. of Thomas Phillips, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Thomas, s. of Robert Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 18. John, s. of Robert Jones, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Mastermin ... bap.
" Jan. 22. John, s. of Andrew Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Hesther, d. of Edward Vaughan, Junr., of Whittington ... bap.
1730-1, Feb. 5. Edward, s. of John Bellis, of Franckton ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Susannah, nat: d. of Thomas Edwards, of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Jane, d. of Richard Vaughan, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Anne, d. of Mr. Rees Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of Edward Mannen, of Ebnall ba
" Mar. 21. Catherine, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.

372 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1731

1737, Mar. 26. William, s. of William Jones, Cooper, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 2. William, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edwards, of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 13. John, s. of John Brain, of Babinswood ... bap.
" May 4. John, s. of Thomas Tuder, of Henthly ... bap.
" May 9. John, s. of John Cartwirght, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 9. Elizabeth, d. of Edwrd. Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Tudor, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 9. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Edge, of Worcester ... bap.
" May 21. Thomas, s. of Simon Jones, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 30. Margaret, d. of Willm. Poole, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 6. Nathaniel, s. of John Jones, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 8. Sarah, d. of William Francis, of Berghill ... bap.
" June 9. John, s. of Edward Richards, Junr., Hinford ... bap.
" June 12. Sarah, d. of Thumas Evans, Clark, of Whittington, was Born ye 8th day ... bap.
" June 17. Benjamine, s. of John Boodle, of Firnhill ... bap.
" June 28. Richard, s. of Mr. Samuel Jacksrm, of Heanhavod ... bap.
" July 16. Hannah, d. of Luke Francis, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 18. Jane, d. of Richard Barkley, Whittington ... bap.
" July 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffiths, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Martha, d. of John Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Edward, natural s. of Charles Thomas, of ye p. of Oswestry ... bap.

1732] Whittington. 373

1731, Sep. 11. Richard, s. of Henry Tomkes, of Henthly ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Hercules, naturar s. of Edward Rider, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Margaret, d. of John Rees, of Fernhill, was Born ye 13th ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Richard, s. of Robert Roberts, of Franckton ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Sarah, d. of Andrew Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Richard, s. of William Sides, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 8. John, s. of John Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 9. John, s. of John Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Mary, d. of Richard Tuder, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 24. John, s. of Roger Green, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Nov. 5. William, s. of William Jones, Smith, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Richard, s. of Richard Owens, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 28. John, s. of Roger Rogers, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 19. David, s. of David Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
1731-2, Jan. 23. Anne, d. of Thomas Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of William Hughes, of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of John Kynderick, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 13. John, s. of Mr. Rees Williames, of this town ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Lewis, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Hugh, s. of Thomas Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 5. John, s. of William Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
1732, Mar. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Brown, of the p. of Felton ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Edward, s. of Richard Andrew, of Whittington ... bap.

374 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1732

1732, Apr. 25. John, s. of John Evan, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 3. Jane, d. of Thomas Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.
" June 7. Richard, s. of Ralf Knite, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 19. Robert & Sarah, s. & d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 26. John, s. of John Walters, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 3. John, s. of John Brain, of Babinswood ... bap.
" July 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rees, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 21. Richard, natural s. of Robert Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 23. William, s. of William Frances, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 23. Sarah, d. of Thomas Mathews, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Edward, s. of Edward Lewis, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Jane, d. of John Piggot, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 10. John, s. of Joseph Evans, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Richard, natural s. of Richard Rogers, of St. Martins p. ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Magdalen, d. of Job Sadler, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 15. John, s. of John Morgan, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Sinah, d. of David Hughes, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Jane, d. of Edward Jones, Smith, of Derwen-y-pandy ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Thomas, s. of John Jones, of Henley ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Sarah, d. of William Jones, Junr., of Whittington, tailer ... bap.
" Nov. 23. John, s. of John Rogers, of Henley ... bap.
" Nov. 30. John, s. of William Griffiths, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Mary, d. of John Tomley, of Bucknell ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Anne, d. of John Edwards, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Walter, s. of Charles Booth, of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Edward, s. of Edward Proger, Tayler, of Whittington ... bap.

1733] Whittington. 375

1732, Dec. 26. Rowland, s. of Samuel Pate, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Anne, d. of Joseph Morris, Junr., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Sarah, d. of Joseph Rickards, of Park ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Thomas, s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Margaret, d. of John Jones, of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 21. James, s. of John Boodle, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Catherine, d. of Samuel Morrice, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Mary, d. of Robert Jones, ofHinford ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Anne, d. of Henry Tomkins, of Henley ... bap.
" Mar. 14. John, s. of John Davies, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Edward, s. of Andrew Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Jane and Mary, daus, of Joseph Hitchen, of Berghill ... bap.
1733, Apr. 15. Thomas, s. of Walter Evans, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Jane, d. of Mr. Rees Williames, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Rees, of Fernhill, was Born ye 6th ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Andrew, s. of Andrew Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 6. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Richards, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 23. Sarah, d. of William Sides, of Berghill ... bap.
" May 15. John, s. of John Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 27. Roger, s. of Roger Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 27. Francis, s. of John Bellis, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 15. Susannah, d. of John Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 19. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Margaret, d. of Thos. Williams, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Edward, s. of John Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.

376 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1733

1733, Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Jane, d. of David Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 16. John, s. of William Jones, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 23. John, s. of William Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Catherine, d. of Thomas Thomas, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Mary, d. of Richard Barkley, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 25. John, s. of Edward Manning, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Edward, s. of William Francis, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Mary, d. of John Brown, of Ebnall .. bap.
" Dec. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Mary, d. of John Sawman, of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Edward, s. of Edward Vaughan, Junr., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Charles, s. of Thomas Tydor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 10. John, s. of John Morgan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Fernhill, & Anne his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Mary, d. of Thomas Vaughan, of Whittington, & Anne his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Margaret, d. of John Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Richard, s. of Edward Richards, and Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... ban.
" Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of Andrew Prichard and Mary, his w., of Whittington
" Mar. 15. Richard, s. of John Boodle and Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Rees and Margaret, his w., of Hinford
1734, Mar. 28. John, s. of John Tiler & Elizabeth, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Edward, s. of Richard Thomas & Dorothy, his w., of Daywell

1734] Whittington. 377

1734, May 26. Jane, d. of Robert Richards and Jane, his w., of Ebnall
" June 6. Anne, d. of William Hughes and Anne, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" July 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Vaughan and Catherine, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" July 2. Martha, d. of Thomas Ellis, of Daywell, by Mary, his w .... ... bap.
" July 5. Joseph. s. of Joseph Rickets and Jane, his w., of Park ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Mary, d. of Samuel Davies & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 4. David, s. of David Williams, & Elinor, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Edward, s. of John Williams & Jane, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Brown and Martha, his w., of Felton p. ... bap.
" Aug. 25 Mary, d. of Robert Jones & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Roger, s. of Roger Clarke & Anne, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Evans, Clark, and Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington, was born the 10th day of Aug: ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Mary, d. of Charles Booth & Catherine, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Richard, s. of Richard Owen & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Richard, s. of William Goulboum and Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Mary, d. of William Poole & Lettice, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones, & Mary, his w., of Berghill, was Born ye 3rd day of September ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Humphrey, natural s. of Humphrey Vaughan ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Mary, d. of Thomas Edwards & Martha, his w., of Berghill ... bap.

378 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1734

1734, Nov. 22. John, s. of John Roberts, of ye p. of Salatin, and Mary his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Thomas, s. of William Jones, Junr., & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Tuder & Anne, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Margaret, d. of Samuel Morris & Susannah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Edward, natural s. of Robert Williams, of the p. of Oswestry ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Edward, s. of John Hughes & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Ilumphrey, s. of John Williams & Catherine, his w., of Whittington
" Jan. 6. John, s. of Hugh Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Edward, s. of William Jones, Smith, & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
1731, Thomas, s. of The Reverend Richard Boycott, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Gertrude, his w., was Born the 22nd day of Dec: ... bap.
" Jan. 19. John, s. of Thomas Mathews & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Mary, d. of David Hughes & Mary, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Jane, d. of Andrew Morris & Margaret, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Mary, d. of John Walters & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 15. John, s. of John Gennings & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Walter Evans & Catherine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Andrew & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
1735, Mar. 28. Edward, s. of Thomas Boodle & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Joseph, s. of Joseph Morris & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

1735] Whittington. 379

1735, Apr. 2. Mary, d. of Robert Roberts, of Frankton, & Mary his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Andrew, s. of William Edwards & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 7. William, s. of John Jones & Anne, his w., of Mastermine ... bap.
" Apr. 13. William, s. of John Roger & Mary, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Roger, s. of Andrew Maddocks & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Edward, s. of Edward Rees & Margaret, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" May 11. Mary, d. of Joseph Evans & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" May 11. Mary, d. of Luke Francis & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 17. Barbara, d. of Mr. John Eyton & Mary, his w., of ye p. of Chirk ... bap.
" May 18. Mary, d. of William Griffiths & Martha, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" June 5. Edward, s. of William Jones & Jane, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Morgan & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 18. Samuel, s. of Mr. Samuel Pate & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 24. Sarah, d. of Thomas Jones & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 28. John, s. of Mr. William Birch & Sarah, his wife, of Ffernhill ... bap.
" June 30. William, s. of William Sides & Elizabeth, his wife, of Kinsill ... bap.
" July 1. John, s. of Mr. John Rees and Hannah, his wife, of Ffernhill, was born and baptised the first day of July ... bap.
" July 6. Elizabeth, natural d. of Feney Dorrell, of ye p. of Wroxeter ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Edward, s. of Thomas Poole & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

380 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1735

1735, Aug. 9. Thomas, s. of Robert Grinley & Elizabeth, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Vaughan & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Mary, d. of Henry Tornkins & Martha, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 1. John, natural s. of Edward Ostin, of the p. of Elismere ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Edward, s. of Roger Davies and Magdalen, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 21. John, s. of Edward Jones, Smith, and Mary, his wife, of Derwenypandy ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Thomas, s. of John Woolridge and Mary, his wife, of Old marton ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones and Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Lot, s. of David Davies and Margaret, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Mary, d. of Richard Boycott, M.A., Rector of Whittington, and Gertrude, his wife, was baptized ye 14th day of December, being born November ye 30th, 1735.
As was also Anne, ye daughter of ye said Richard Boycott and Gertrude, his wife. Born November ye 30th, 1733, in ye Abby Foregate, in Salop.
" Dec. 16. Anne, d. of Richard Jones, tailor, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. William, s. of William Hughes and Anne, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Sarah, d. of Richard Barkley and Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Martha, d. of John Sawman and Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Esther, d. of Robert Towers and Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 31. John, s. of John Wynne and Esther, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Thomas, s. of David Williams & Elinor, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

1736] Whittington. 381

1735, Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Foulkes & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of William Rogers & Mary, his wife of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Jane, d. of Joseph Hitchin & Jane, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
1736, Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Pugh and Sarah, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Edward, s. of Evan Parry, Junr., & Mary, his wife, of Bucknell ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Rees & Catherine, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Mary, d of John Jones & Joan, his wife, of Bucknell ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Benjamin & Joseph, sons of Joseph Rickards & Jane, his wife, of Park ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Richard, s. of Richard Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 18. John, s. of John Griffiths & Margaret, his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Edward, s. of Thomas Rees & Margaret, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" May 9. Edward, s. of Thomas Thomas & Margaret, his wife, of Hinford.
" May 9. Sarah, d. of John Gill & Anne, his wife, of the p. of St. Pulkers [sic], London [?] ... bap.
" May 14. William, s. of William Jones & Martha, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 13. Francis, s. of John Jones & Martha, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 24. Margaret, d. of John Brain & Margaret, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Catherine, d. of Edward Richards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 15. John, s. of Francis Winsor & Catherine, his wife, of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 28. John, s. of Edward Jones & Mary, his wife, of Macetermine ... bap.

382 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1736

1736, Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Morris & Susannah, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Anne, d. of Hugh Edwards & Margaret, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Samuel, s. of Samuel Davies & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington, was Born ye first day ... bap.
" Oct. 17. John, s. of Roger Prynalt & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Elizabeth, d. of William Edwards & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Booth & Catherine, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Sarah, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Richard, s. of William Jones, smith, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Sarah, d. of Richard Boycott, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Gertrude, his wife, was born ye 9th and baptized ye 21st day of November.
" Nov. 21. Thomas, s. of Samuel Pate & Jane, his wife, of Whittington, was Born the 2nd and Baptized the 21st day of November.
" Dec. 3. Joseph, s. of John Davies & Jane, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 9. John, s. of John Hughes, smith, & Sarah, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 9. John, s. of Thomas Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Edward, s. of John Boodle & Mary, his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Richard, s. of John Vaughan & Catherine, his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Anne, d. of Edward Proger & Dorothy, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Catherine d. of Walter Evans & Catherine, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

1737] Whittington. 383

1716, Feb. 27. Anne, d. of Thomas Tudor & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 3. John, s. of John Davies & Margaret, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Margaret, d. of John Boodle & Margaret, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. xg. John, s. of Joseph Alorris,Junr., & Mary, his wife, of Whittington.
" Mar. rg. Anne, d. of Richard Owen & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
1737, Mar. 27. Sarah, d. of Roger Richards & Jane, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Mary, natural d. of Richard Glover, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 1. John, s. of David Hughes & Mary, his wife, of Babins-wood ... bap.
" May 1. Jane, d. of William Francis & Mary, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" May 5. John, s. of Thomas Edwards & Martha, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" May 6. Alice, d. of Edward Manning & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

The old wooden steeple being in a ruinous condition was order'd in vestry to be taken down feb: 2nd, 1737, to secure the congregation & Church from danger.

1737, May 10. Thomas, s. of Andrew Maddocks & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 26. Joshua, s. of Edward Edwards & Anne, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 26. Thomas, s. of William Hughes & Anne, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 5. Richard, s. of Richard Andrew & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 10. Elizabeth, d. of William Edgerley & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Boodle & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 7. John, s. of Robert Roberts & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

384 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1737

1737, Aug. 12. Sarah, d. of Thomas Williams & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 14. John, s. of Robert Jones & Gwen, his wife, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of Evan Parry & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Anne, d. of John Williams & Jane, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Edward, s. of Edward Hughes & Mary, his wife, late servants at Trenewith ... bap.
" Sep. 4. John, s. of John Jones & Martha, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Edward, s. of Richard Jones, Tayler, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 9. John, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Sarah, d. of David Williams & Elinor, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Esther, d. of Thomas Vaughan & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Martha, d. of Henry Rogers & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Samuel, s. of Edward Vaughan, Junr., & Margaret, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Jane, d. of Richard Brown & Hannah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Roger, s. of Thomas Tydor & Anne, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Edward, s. of John Jones & Margaret, his w., of Henlle, was born and baptized the 15th day of November ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Martha, d. of John Lockley & Martha, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Edward Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Elianor & Martha, daus. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Davies & Alice, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

1738] Whittington. 385

1737, Feb. 5. Edward, s. of Richard Humphreys & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Edward, s. of William Jones & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Catherine, natural d. of John Hall, of the p. of Oswestry ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Martha, d. of Edward Rees & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Anne, d. of Edward Edwards & Martha, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Roger, s. of Thomas Jones & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Sarah, d. of Richard Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 12. John, s. of Edward Prichard & Mary, his w., of Evenall ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Andrew, s. of William Jones & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones, smith, & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
1783, Mar. 31. John, s. of John Gill & Anne, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Richard, s. of Richard Boycott, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Gertrude, his wife, was born the 15th day of March, 1737, and baptized the 3rd day of April, 1738.
" Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Jones & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith Williams & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Jane, d. of Richard Atcharley & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Walters & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Roger, s. of Roger Davies, Carpenter, & Magdalen, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 11. William, s. of William Jones & Jane, his w., of Hinford .. ... bap.
" May 14. Elizabeth, d. of William Edwards & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

386 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1738

1738, May 28. Sarah, d. of Thomas Mumfort & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 11. Sarah, d. of Thomas Brain & Elizabeth, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" July 23. Susannah, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 3i. John, s. of John Basnett & Deborah, his w., of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Mr. Philip Williams & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington, was Born ye 19th day of July ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Wililam, s. of John Woollridge & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Mary, d. of Willm. Griffiths & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Richard, s. of Richard Barkley & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Thomas, s. of Joseph Mathews & Esther, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 7. John, s. of Joseph Maredith & Elizabeth, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Davies & Margaret, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Richard, s. of John Jones & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 8. William, s. of Thomas Rees & Margaret, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Edward, s. of Hugh Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams & Rebecca, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 5. George, s. of John Sawman & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Richard, s. of Edward Jones & Mary, his w., of Macetermine ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Thomas, s. of John Maddocks & Martha, his w., of Ehnal ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Francis, s. of Richd. Boycott, MA., Rectr., of Whittington, & Gertrude, his wife, was Born & Baptized the 25th day of Decr.

1739] Whittington. 387

1738, Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Ithiel & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Martha, d. of William Hughes & Anne, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 14. John, s. of Edward Jones & Anne, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
1738-9, Jan.28. Margaret, d. of Thomas Richards & Margaret, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Jane, d. of Roger Prynalt & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 1. John, s. of Mr. Edward Birch & Sarah, his w., of Park ... bap.
" Feb. 18. John, s. of Thomas Pugh & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Sarah, d. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Jane, d. of John Rogers & Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Charles, s. of Francis Booth & Catherine, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Thomas, s. of John Hughes, Junr., & Sarah, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Anne, d. of Edward Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Richd., s. of Joseph Hichen & Jane, his w., of Heanhavod ... bap.
1739, Mar. 25. Mary, d. of Rowland Jones & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Mary, d. of Roger Evans & Anne, his w., of Evenall ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Richard, s. of Richard Davies & Alice, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of Joseph Evans & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" May 24. Mary, d. of Edward Rees & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" June 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Thomas & Dorothy, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

388 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1739

1739, June 28. James & Richard, sons of Thomas Williams & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 15. Thomas, s. of Andrew Maddocks & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 17. John & Jane, s. & d. of Thomas Thomas & Margaret, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" July 22. Jonathan, s. of John Davies & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 22. Margaret, d. of Thomas Vaughan & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 29. William, s. of William Tyrsley & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 12. William, s. of John Vaughan & Catherine, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Anne, d. of William Poole & Lettice, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Martha, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 24. John, s. of Richard Jones, Tailor, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Anne, d. of John Goodall & Esther, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Prichard & Mary, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Laurence, s. of Ralph Bostock ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Thomas, s. of Roger Richards & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas Randles & Mary, his w., of ye p. of Halston ... bap.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of Walter Evans & Catherine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Anne, d. of William Kellet & Mary, his w., of Babins wood ... bap.
" Dec. 4. John, s. of Richard Acherley & Jane, his w., of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Issabel, d. of Mr. Samuel Pate & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Roger, s. of William Edwards & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

1740] Whittington. 389

1739, Dec. 27. Richard, s. of John Brain & Margaret, his w., of Babins wood ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 3. William, s. of Richard Boycott, M.A., Recto1 of Whittington, & Gertrude, his w., was Born ye 10th day of December ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Mary, d. of David Williams & Elinor, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Lewis Lewis & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Mary, d. of Richard Buckley & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 29. Mary, natural d. of Edward Williams, of the p. of Halston ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Thomas, s. of William Francis & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Richard, s. of Richard Brown & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
1740, Mar. 30. Mary, d. of Henry Rogers & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Martha, d. of Thomas Mumfort & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Evan Parry & Mary, his w. of Hinford ... bap.
" May 4. Sarah, d. of Mr. Edward Birch & Sarah, his w., of Park ... bap.
" May 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Ellis & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" June 1. Anne, d. of Richard Glover, Junr., & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" June 6. Edward, s. of Mr. William Birch & Sarah, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" June 7. Martha, d. of William Jones & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 13. Mary, d. of Francis Richards & Sarah, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" June 19. Richard, s. of Joseph Rickards & Jane, his w., of Park ... bap.

390 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1740

" June 20. Richard, s. of Mr. John Basnett & Deborah his w. of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 29. Sarah, d. of Richard Andrew & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 6. Thomas, s. of Edward Prichard & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 16. Catherine, d. of Joseph Matthews & Esther, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 20. Thomas, s. of Roger Green & Mary, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" July 27. William, s. of Griffith Williams & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 3. John, s. of Hugh Price & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas Pugh & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Sarah, d. of Richard Jones, Tailor, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Phillip Edwards & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Roberts & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Margaret, d. of John Salmon & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Catherine, d. of Edward Owen & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Martha, d. of Thomas Edwards & Martha, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Anne, d. of Roger Davies & Magdalen, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Edward, s. of Robert Jones & Sarah, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Nov. 30. John, s. of John Rider & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 14. John, s. of John Rogers & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Elinor, d. of Edward Rees & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Richard, s. of Richard Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Berghill ... bap.

1741] Whittington. 391

1740, Jan. 1. Richard, s. of John Jones & Martha, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones & Catherine, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 1. John, s. of Rowland Jones & Mary, his w., of Evenal ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 19. John, s. of Francis Price & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Elizabeth & Mary daus. of Hugh Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Mary, d. of Edward Ithiel & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Jane, d. of John Evans & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Mary, d. of John Maddocks & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 6. John, s. of David Edwards & Catherine, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Anne, d. of Robert Jones & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Jane, d. of Thomas Foulks & Elizabeth, his w. of Fernhill ... bap.
1741, Mar. 20. Edward, . of John Jones & Elizabeth, his w. of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Thomas, s of William Jones & Martha, his w. of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 24. William, s. of Richard Barkley & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 17. Margaret, d. of Edward Vaughan & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 17. Richard, s. of John Woollridge & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" May 20, John, s. of Thomas Williams & Rebecca, his w., of Hinford .. bap.

392 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1741

1741, May 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Rees & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 15. Elizabeth, d. of John Edwards & Jane, his w., of Berghill, was Born ye 27th day of May ... bap.
" June 7. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" June 14. Thomas, s. of Roger Prynalt and Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 14. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 17. Sarah, d. of Robert Foulk & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 21. Joseph, s. of Thomas Randles & Mary, his w., of the p. of Halston ... bap.
" June 24. Elizabeth, d. of William Tyrsley & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 5. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Mumford & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 26. Elianor, d. of William Sides & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas Evans & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Sarah, d. of William Edwards & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 1. John, s. of Roger Williams & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Richard, s. of Joseph Hitchin & Martha, his w., of Heanhavod ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Gilbert, s. of Gilbert Brown & Sarah, his w., of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Edward, s. of Edward Davies & Mary, his w., of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Jennet, d. of Edward Owen & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Edward, s. of Jonathan Oliver & Anne, his w., of Frankton ... bap.

1742] Whittington. 393

1741, Oct. 30. Jane, d. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. [?]. Henry Whittington was Baptized ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Anne, d. of Richard Glover, Junr., & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Jane, d. of William Hughes & Anne, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Richard, s. of Richard Buckley & Mary, his w., of Heanhavod ... bap.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of John Evans & Catherine, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Jane, d. of David Williams & Elinor, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Simon Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Margaret, d. of Thomas Richards & Margaret, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Joseph, s. of Joseph Evans & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Mary, d. of John Jones & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
1742, Mar. 26. Joseph, s. of John Goodal & Esther, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Mary, d. of William Francis & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Joseph, s. of William Griffiths & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" May 2. Mary, d. of Edward Hughes & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" May 7. Samuel, s. of John Hughes & Sarah, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" May 7. Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Edward Birch & Sarah, his w., of Park ... bap.
" June 7. James, s. of Richard Barkley & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 13. Margaret, d. of Samuel Lathom & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Humphreys & Margaret, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.

394 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1742

1742, June 28. Margaret, d. of Edward Williams & Anne, his w., of Evenal ... bap.
" July 2. Abraham & Sarah, s. & d. of Edward Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" July 9. Edward, s. of John Vaughan, Senr., & Catherine, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" July 11. Sarah, d. of Robert Foulks & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" July 11. David, s. of John Walters & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 18. Edward, s. of John Davies & Margaret, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" July 26. Samuel, s. of Edward Rees & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Robert, s. of Evan Parry & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Atcherley & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Anne, d. of Mr. Griffith Evans, Minister of Halston, & Anne, his w., was Born and Baptized 21st day of September, 1742.
" Sep. 26. Edward, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Jane, d. of Lewis Lewis & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Mary, d. of Edward Prichard & Mary, his w., of Babins wood ... bap.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of Griffith Williams & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Mary, d. of Hugh Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Sarah, d. of John Salmon & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Richard, s. of Bartholomew Jones & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

1743] Whittington. 395

1742, Jan. 22. Mary, d. of Edward Owen & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Richard, s. of Jonathan Oliver & Anne, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Jane, d. of John Edward & Jane, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Edward, s. of Edward Peploe and Jane, his w., of Daywell, was Born ye 26th day of January ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Mary, d. of Abraham Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Hannah, d. of Edward Parry & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
1743, Mar. 25. Mary, d. of Joseph Hitchin & Martha, his w., of Heanhavod, was Born the 6th day of March, 1742 ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Anne, d. of Solomon Stephen & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
Apr. 2. John, s. of John Vaughan & Anne, his w., of Fernhill, was Born ye 13th day of March 1742 ... bap.
" Apr. 4. William, s. of Richard Brown & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Sarah, d. of Roger Davies & Magdalene, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 10. William, s. of William Beech & Anne, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Richard, s. of William Hughes & Anne, his w., of Ridge ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Mary, d. of Jno. Williams & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Joseph & Mary, s. & d. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Mary & Margaret, daus, of William Jones & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 23. Anne, d. of Thomas Edwards & Mary, his w., of Babins wood ... bap.
" May 29. Charles, s. of John Jones & Martha, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.

396 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1743

1743, June 26. Thomas, s. of Phillip Edwards & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" July 2. Edward, s. of William Edwards & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 10. Anne, d. of John Rider & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 21. William, s. of Richard Andrews & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Foulks & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Mary, d. of Richard Davies & Alice, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas LLoyd & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 16. William, s. of Thomas Brain & Elizabeth, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Edward, s. of Edward Ithiel and Mary, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Thomas, s. of John Jones & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of Mr. Edward Birch & Sarah, his w., of Park ... bap.
" Sep. 25. William, s. of Thomas Mumford & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of Robert Roberts & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Samuel, s. of Mr. Samuel Pate & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Samuel & Anne, natural children of Martha Gaugh, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Jane, d. of David Edwards & Catherine, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Martha, d. of Thomas Lewis & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Valentine, s. of John Austin & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Margaret, d. of Thomas Rees & Margaret, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 4. John, s. of Thomas Williams & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

1744] Whittington. 397

1743, Dec. 18. John, s. of Richard Golding & Sarah, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Elinor, d. of Thomas Boodle & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Vaughan & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Jane, d. of Richd. Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Catherine, d. of Peter Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Francis winsor & Catherine, his w., of Evenal ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Edward, s. of George LLoyd & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Jchn Wynne & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Sarah, d. of Edward Jones & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Catherine, d. of William Griffiths & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Robert, s. of Edward Owen & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
1744, Mar. 30. Sarah, d. of Thomas Ellis & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Richard, s. of Thomas Richards & Martha, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Jane, d. of Thomas Williams & Rebecca, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Mary, d. of Richard Glover, Junr., & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Peploe & Jane, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Sarah, natural d. of Martha Edwards, of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 29. John, s. of Jacob Eckelse & Elizabeth, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" May 6. William, s. of Thomas Jones & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

398 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1744

1744, June 10. Richard, s. of Joseph Evans & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 17. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Prynalt & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 24. Richard, s. of Francis Richards & Sarah, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" June 29. Elizabeth, d. of John Brain & Margaret, his w., of Babins wood ... bap.
" July 15. Elizabeth, d. of Robert William & Elizabeth, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" July 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Fardoe & Elizabeth, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" July 22. Edward, s. of Edward Parry & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 10. James, s. of William Edwards & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 12. John, s. of Job Jones & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 14. John, s. of John Kyllan, Junr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Mary, d. of Richard Owen & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Edward, s. of Edward Parry & Anne, his w., of Fernhill ... bap. I
" Sep. 2. William, s. of William Paddock & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Anne, d. of Samuel Lathom & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Mary, d. of William Tyrsley & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Mary, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Thomas, s. of John Rogers & Sarah his w. of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 21. William, s. of Jonas Thomas & Sarah his w. of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 28. William, s. of John Davies & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Jane, natural d. of John Roberts, of the p. of Halsion ... bap.

1744-5] Whittington. 399

1144, Nov. 18. Margaret, d. of Richd. Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Edward, natural s. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Mary, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Mary, d. of Edward Rees & Catherine, his w. of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Thomas, s. of John Salmon & Mary, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Abraham, s. of John Woollridge & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Sydney Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Margaret, d. f Owen Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Edward, s. of Edward Prichard & Mary, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
1744-5, Jan. 6. Joseph, s. of John Goodall & Esther, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Jane, d. of Edward Hughes & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth. d. of John Barnett & Deborah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Catherine, d. of Edward Vaughan & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 3. John, s. of Richard Boodle & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 10. William, s. of William Piggott & Catherine, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 21. James, s. of Thomas Boodle & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Catherine, d. of Griffith Williams & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Lewis & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Edward, s. of Samuel Jones & Martha, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Jane, d. of Richard Barkley & Mary, his w. of Whittington ... bap.

400 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1745

1745, Mar. 31. Robert, s. of Lewis Lewis & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Mary, d. of John Davies & Margaret, his w., of Frankton.
" Apr. 6. Sarah & Rebecca, dans. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Martha, d. of Jonathan Oliver & Anne, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Mary, d. of William Sides & Elizabeth, his w.,of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 27. John, s. of John Edwards & Jane, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" May 3. Anne, d. of John Jones & Mary, his w., of Ebnall ... bap.
" May 29. Thomas, s. of William Edwards, smith, & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 19. John, s. of William Beech & Anne, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" June 6. Anne, ye natural d. of David Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 9. Luce, d. of Thomas Tyder & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 9. Richard, s. of Thomas Richards & Grace, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 15. Mary, d. of John Vaughan & Anne, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" June 21. Sarah, d. of Robert Nicholas & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington, was Born ye 21st of June ... bap.
" July 21. Hannah, d. of Richard Brown & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 28. Thomas, s. of Edward Rogers & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 3. John, s. of John Kyllan, Junr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Thomas, s. of .Thomas Urion & Anne, his w., of p. of West Felton ... bap.

1745] Whittington. 401

1745, Sep. 8. Anne, d. of Joseph Evans & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 14. John, s. of Abraham Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Margaret, d. of Hugh Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Richard, s. of Jacob Eckelse & Elizabeth, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Edward, s. of Edward Owen & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Anne, d. of Robert Roberts & Mary, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Mary, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Thomas, s. of Edward Ithiel & Mary, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Sarah, d. of Thomas Evans & Elizabeth, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones & Martha, his w., of Ebnall ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Mary, d. of John Barkley & Susannah, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas Vaughan & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards & Jane, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Mary, d. of John Barkley & Susannah, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Anne, d. of John Rogers & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Mumford & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 7. John, s. of John Minshaw & Rebecca, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Robert, s. of Robert Foulks & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Thomas, s. of John Wynne & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Jan. 26. William, s. of William Griffiths & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

402 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1745

1745, Jan. 26. Thomas, s. of Richard Golding & Sarah, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 2. John, s. of John Swineston & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Mary, d. of Mr. Samuel Peate & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Peter Jones, Joyner, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Mary, d. of William Martin & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of Peter Povall St Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
1746, Mar. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Ellis & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Francis, s. of Thomas William & Rebecca, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 22. John, s. of George Lloyd & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 8. Thomas, s. of Joseph Hitchin & Martha, his w., of Heanhavod ... bap.
" May 11. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones, Tailor, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 18. Thomas, s. of Richard Davies & Alice, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 18. Catherine, d. of John Vaughan & Catherine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 19. John, s. of Robert James & Sarah, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" May 23. Edward, s. of Jonas Thomas & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 15. Catherine, d. of Francis Winsor & Catherine, his w., of Evenal ... bap.
" June 24. William, natural s. of William Povall ... bap.
" July 9. Anne, d. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 9. Thomas, s. of John Davies, Carpenter, & Priscilla, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 20. Edward, s. of Edward Peploe & Jane, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

1746] Whittington. 403

1746, July 20. Edward, s. of Catherine Jones, of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Mary, d. of John Hughes, Smith, & Sarah, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Thomas, s. of John Kyllan, Jun: & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Elinor & Anne, daus. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Sep. 14. John, s. of William Cartwright & Catherine, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Hugh, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Richard, s. of Richard Boodle & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Mary, d. of Mr. Roger Maddocks & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Roger, s. of Roger Jones & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Anne. d. of Mr. Edward Birch & Sarah, his w., of Park ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Richard, s. of Thomas Bkodle & Mary, his w. of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Robert & Jane, s. & d. of Mr. Edward Edwards & Mary, his w., of Frankcton, were Born and Baptized ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Thomas, s. of William Pool & Sarah his w.. of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Bartholomew Jones, Tannor, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of William Winsor & Margt. his w, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Foulks & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. Mary. d. of Richard Atcherley & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Joseph, s. of Joseph Broughall & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Edward, s. of John Wynne & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.

404 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1746

1746, Feb. 10. Thomas, s. of William Hughes & Catherine, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Mary, d. of Edward Owen & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elinor, d. of Edward Parry & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Susannah, d. of Samuel Lathom & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Sarah, d. of Edward Prichard & Mary, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Mar. 76. Margaret, d. of Thomas Jones & Jane, his w., Ebnal ... bap.
1747, Apr. 13. John, s. of Edward Davies & Mary, his w., of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Anne, d. of John Davies & Margaret, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Richard, s. of William Piggott & Catherine, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Thomas, s. of William Evans & Jane, his w., of Whittington, Born ye 78th ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hodgson & Mary, his w., of Ellismere ... bap.
" Apr. 31. Richard, s. of Richard Lee & Martha, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" June 13. Sarah, s. of John Salmon & Mary, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" June 20. Anne. d. of Jonathan Oliver & Anne, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" June 21. John, s. of Richard Gittings & Anne, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" June 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones & Margaret, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 29. Edward, s. of Thomas Williams & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 25. Joseph, s. of John Minshaw & Rebeccah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 37. Richard, s. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Sarah, natural d. of Robert Roberts, of Ebnal ... bap.

1748] Whittington. 405

1747, Nov. 8. Mary, d. of Jacob Eckelse & Elizabeth, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Edward, s. of Edward Winsor & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Richard, s. of Edward Edwards & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Edward, s. of Edward Richards & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Thomas, s. of John Rogers & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 20. David, s. of Sudney Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Jane, d. of William Sides & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 25. John, s. of Thomas Orion, & Anne, his w., of ye p: of West Felton ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Sarah, d. of Richd. Brown & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Cicely, d. of Peter Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Richard & Mary, s. & d. of Thomas Richards & Margaret, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Margaret, d. of Cadwallader Williams & Gwen, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Richard, s. of Richard Hitchin & Mary, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Roger, s. of Mr. Roger Maddocks & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
1748, Apr. 11. Jane, natural d. of Richard Lee, of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Edward, s. of John Swinerton & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Anne, d. of John Vaughan & Anne, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jones & Martha, his w., of Franckton ... bap.

406 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1748

1748, May 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 8. Margaret, d. of John Davies, Carpenter, & Priscilla, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 15. Mary, d. of Edward Vaughan & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 2. John, s. of John Williams, Smith ... bap.
" May 29. Catherine, d. of Thomas Vaughan & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 15. Richard, s. of Samuel Brittain & Catherine, his w., of Betley, in ye county of Stafford ... bap.
" June 19. Anne, d. of Phillip Edwards & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" June 20. Edward, s. of Joseph Evans & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" July 2. Jane, natural d. of Griffith Evans, of the p of St. Martin ... bap.
" July 10. Jane, d. of Samuel Griffiths & Jane, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 24. Anne, d. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug 14. Sarah, d. of Edward Hughes & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Nicholas & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Edward, s. of Mr. Edward Edwards & Mary, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 28. John, s. of Thomas Mumford & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Charles, s. of Richard Williams, Esqr., & Annabella, his w., was Born at Drenewith, in ye Township of Whittington, ye first day of August ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Edward, s. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Timothy Prichard & Sarah, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.

1748] Whittington. 407

1748, Oct. 5. William, s. of Robert Williams & Elizabeth, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Daniel, s. of Joseph Hodgson & Mary, his w., of Whittington. [Living 1834, in pencil] ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Kyllan & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 18. John, s. of Thomas Lloyd & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Catherine, d. of William Winsor & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. Is. Edward, natural s. of Richard Wynne, of ye p. of Ellismere ... bap.
" Jan. 20. David, s. of Sudney Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Margaret, d. of Richard Barkley & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Mary, d. of Edward Peploe & Jane, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Jane, d. of Francis Winsor & Catherine, his w., of Evenal ... bap.
" Jan. 29. William, s. of William Roberts & Elizabeth, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Joseph, s. of George Lloyd & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Samuel, s. of William Poole & Sarah his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Sarah, d. of Peter Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Martha, d. of Robert Roberts & Mary, his w., of Franckton ... bap.

CHARLES BOOTH } Churchwardens.
the mark of WM. M. W. MATHEWS }

408 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1749

This is to certify whom it may concern that Thomas Trevor, Vicr., of Oswestry, did by virtue of a mandate from the
Bishop of St. Asaph, on the twelfth day of May, 1749, induct the Revd. William Roberts, A.M., into the real,
actual & Corporal Possesion of the Rectory & Parish Church of Whittington, in the county of Salop, and
Diocese of St: Asaph, together with all the rights, members, & appurtenances thereunto belonging.
Witness: THOS. TREVOR.
Present: HEN: OWEN, ESQ:
ED: BARRETT, gen.:

1749, Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Boodle & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Thomas, s. of Simon Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 21. John, s. of Richard Lee & Martha, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Mary, d. of Joseph Broughall & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Jane, d. of John Evans & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Davies & Alice, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 27. William, s. of Thomas Rogers & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 18. Edward, s. of Edward Rogers & Elizabeth, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" May 21. Joseph, s. of William Hughes & Anne, his w., of Frackton ... bap.
" May 21. Anne, d. of Lewis Lewis & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 24. Richard, s. of Joseph Hitchin & Martha, his w., of Heanhavod ... bap.
" June 11. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Boodle & Elizabeth, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 11. Anne, d. of Edward Griffiths & Hannah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 14. John, s. of John Jones & Jane, his w., of Old marton ... bap.
" June 16. William Cooper, s. of Samuel Lathom & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 25. John, s. of John Pierce & Rebecca, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

1749] Whittington. 409

1749, June 29. John, s. of Thomas Urion & Anne, his w., of the p. of West Felton ... bap.
" July 16. William, s. of William Cartwright & Catherine, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 20. Susannah, d. of the Reverend William Roberts, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Susannah, his w., was Born and Baptized ye 20th day of July, 1749.
" Aug. 1. John, s. of Richard Jones, Tailer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Mary, d. of Samuel Jones & Martha, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Edward, s. of Edward Jones & Margaret, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 15. William, s. of William Griffiths & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Golding & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Mary, d. of Adam Richards & Tamor, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 26. John, s. of John Wynne & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Margaret, d. of Jonathan Oliver & Anne, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Thomas, s. of Richard Edwards & Martha his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Jacob, s. of Jacob Enkelse & Elizabeth, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 6. William, s. of Thomas Lloyd & Martha, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Richard, s. of William Evans & Jane, his w., of Whittington, was Born ye 8th day.
" Jan. 25. Mary & Martha, daus. of William Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Mary, d. of John Davies, junr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

410 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1749

1749, Feb. 10. John, s. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Feb. 11. William, s. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Sudney, s. of Sudney Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal.
" Feb. 18. William, s. of Edward Edwards & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of John Jones & Sarah, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Edwards, Tailer, & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Robert, s. of Robert Edwards, Tailer, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.
RICHD. EDWARDS } Churchwardens.

N.B.- On the decease of the revd. Thos. Hanmer, M.A., Rr. of Selattyn, in Feby., 1750, the Revd. Wm. Roberts was presented thereto by Thomas Lloyd, Esqr., of Aston, Patron.

1750, Mar. 25. John, s. of William Piggott & Catherine, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Sarah, d. of Timothy Prichard & Sarah, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Hannah, d. of Edward Lloyd & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" May 12. Elinor, d. of Mr. Roger Maddocks & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 25. Samuel, s. of Bartholomew Jones, Tannar, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 4. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Richards & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 11. John, s. of Richard Griffiths & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" June 23. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Lewis & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" June 24. Jane, d. of Thomas Mumford & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

1750] Whittington. 411

1750, June 26. Phillip, s. of Richard Lee & Margaret, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" June 27. Margaret, d. of John Swynerton & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 8. John, s. of Richard Brown & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 14. John, s. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 15. Catherine, d. of Edward Ithiel & Mary, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" July 22. Susannah, d. of John Davies & Prissilla, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Harrietta, d. of the Reverend William Roberts, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Susannah, his w., was Born ye 28th day of July ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Mary, d. of John Jones & Anne, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Edward, s. of Thomas Jones & Rebecca, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Mary, d. of Cadwallader Williams & Mary, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Aug. 23. William, s. of Thomas Boodle & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel Davies & Catherine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 7. John, s. of William Davies & Jane, his w., of Hanmare ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Charles, s. of Charles Thomas & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Martha, d. of Richard Hitchin & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Sarah, d. of Edward Prichard & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Jane, d. of William Marton by Mary, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of John Wynne & Mary, his w., of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Jan. 5, William, s. of Robert Foulks & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

412 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1750

1750, Jan. 27. Edward, s. of William Roberts & Elizabeth, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Margaret, d. of Edward Jones & Margaret, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John, s. of Edward Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 22. William, s. of John Williams, Smith, & Sarah, his w., of Franckton, was Born ye 11th ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Mary, d. of William Wynn & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Jane, d, of Robert James & Sarah, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Robert, s. of Robert Bowen & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.
THOMAS EDWARDS } Churchwardens.

Upon the decease of Mr. Boycot in Feby, 1749, Thomas Lloyd, Esqr., of Aston, Patron of the Church, presented the same freely and unsolicited to the revd. William Roberts, M.A., as he did in like manner the Benefice of Selattyn on the decease of Mr. Hanmer in Feby., 1750.

N.B.- Baptisms of the years 1751 and 1752 are continued
*att the end of the Burials in this book.

[The following nine entries are scratched through.]

1753, Jan. 12. Elizabeth, d. of William Roberts, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 14. Edward, s. of Edward Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 15. Hugh Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 16. Elizabeth, d. of William Roberts, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Feb. 5. Sarah Salmon, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Richard Thomas, of the p. of Halston ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Sarah Rogers, of Franckton ... inter.
" Mar. 1. Robert, s. of Robert Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Mar. 4. John, s. of Robert Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.

* These words are scratched through with a pen.

1751] Whittington. 413

Dates of the succession of the Rectors of Whittington:

EDWARD WILLIAMS, 1614; buried 1652.
THOMAS ADAMS, M.A., 1674; buried May 7, 1718.
THOMAS COOKE, M.A., 1719; resign'd to
RICHARD BOYCOT, M.A., 1729; died Feby., 1749.
WILLIAM ROBERTS, M.A., 1749; died Sep: 1784.
JOHN ROBERT LLOYD, Patron, 1784.

BIRTHS, 1751.

1751, Mar. 29. Elizabeth, d. of William Morgan & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Thomas, s. of John Jones & Sarah, his w., of Babins-wood ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Rebecca, d. of George LLoyd & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 8. William, s. of Thomas Edwards & Mary, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Thomas, natural s. of Thomas Ancor, of Halston ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Richard, s. of John Vaughan & Anne, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 27. William, s. of Francis Winsor & Catherine, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Elinor, d. of Edward Hughes & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" June 9. John, s. of Edward Parry & Anne, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" June 27. Mary, d. of Edward Davies & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 30. Mary, d. of John Paddock & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 16. John, s. of Mr. Edward Edwards & Mary, his w., of Franckton, was Born ye 29th of June ... bap.

414 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1751

1751, July 7. Peter, s. of Peter Jones, Joyner, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 14. Richard, s. of Richard Edwards & Martha, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" July 21. Phillip, s. of Thomas LLoyd & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Broughal & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.
X mark of Jos: BROUGHAL.

" Aug. 16. Margaret, d. of Edward Edwards, shoemaker, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington, was Born the 11th ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Daniel, natural s. of Daniel Wilkeston, of Westfelton ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Sarah, d. of Thomas Vaughan & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Richards & Martha, his w., of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Edward, s. of Simon Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Sep. 20. John, s. of John Jones & Anne his w.. of Henlle ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlle, was Born & Baptized ye 21st day of September, 1751.
" Sep. 29. Edward, s. of Timothy Trantum, Smith, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rogers & Mary, his w., of Whittington, was Born 18th of Oct: ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Anne, d. of Edward Peploe & Jane, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Edward, natural s. of Edwd. Roberts, of the p. of Llansillin: ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Edward, s. of David Williams & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Edward. s. of Aaron Jones & Martha, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

1752] Whittington. 415

1751, Dec. 24. Mary, d. of John Kyllan, Junr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
1752, Jan. 1. John, s. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards & Priscilla, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Sarah, natural d. of Hercules Rider ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Nicholas & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 26. John, s. of Lewis Lewis 8t Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Anne, d. of Sudney Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary, natural d. of Hercules Rider ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Margaret, d. of John Boodle & Margaret, his w., of Evenal, was Born ye 31st of Jan: ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Barkley & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Edward, s. of Joseph Hitchin & Mary, his w., of Heanhavod, was born ye 23rd ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of John Williams. smith. & Sarah his W.. of Franckton, Born ye 7th ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas LLoyd & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Mary, d. of Walter Williams & Mary, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Boodle & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Richard. s. of Robert Foulks & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Jane, d. of Edward Edwards. Taller, & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

416 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1752

1752, Apr. 19. Anne, d. of William Poole & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Anne, d. of Samuel Lathom & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 9. John, s. of Jonathan Oliver & Anne, his w., of Franckton ... bap.
" May 10. Mary, d. of Edward Williams & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 29. Mary, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" May 31. Catherine, d. of Cadwallader Williams & Gwen, his w., of Babinswood ... bap.
" June 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas Richards & Grace, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 10. Thomas, natural s. of Elizabeth Hand, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" June 11. John, s. of Edward Edwards, Labourer, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Richard, s. of Edward Parry & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew Jones, Tanner, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 23, O.S. Mary, d. of Edward Jones & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 15, N.S. William, s. of John Swyneton & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Edward, s. of Edward Williams & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Mary, d. of John Edwards & Elizabeth his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Edward, s. of Edward Richards, Junr., & Margaret, his w., of Pentrekyndrick.
" Dec. 3. John, s. of Robert Bowen & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Margaret, d. of Richard Prichard, shoemaker, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

1752] Whittington. 417

1752, Dec. 28. Anne, d. of William Evans & Jane, his w., of Whittington, was Born ye 26th ... bap.


Eleven days were left out of the Calender of this month, viz: from the 3rd to the 13th inclusive, so that a person going
to bed on the night of the 2nd awoke on the morning of the 14th.

1752, Jan. 1. Edward Roberts & Anne Oliver, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 31. Edward Williams & Margaret Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 7. Richard Prichard & Mary Hughes, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 7. Edward Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 12. Mr. John Watson & Mrs. Anne Presland, both of this p. ... mar.
" Nov. 24. Thomas Hughes, of the p. of West Felton, & Martha Austin, of this p ... mar.

(The above Marriages are recopied at the end of the Marriage Register of 1731.)

[Three blank parchment leaves.]

RICHARD BARKLEY, of Pen-y-Bryn, in the Township of Whittington } Churchwardens.
EDWARD HUGHES, of ye Township of Daywell }


1703, June 12. Thomas Jones & Eleanor Richards, both of the p. of Whittington ... mar.
" June 23. Thomas Poole & Margaret Rogers, both of this p. of Whittington ...
" June 24. Thomas Morgan & Jane [blank], both of this p. ... mar.
Richard Bate & Anne Rider, both of this p. ... mar.
" July 4. Samuel Evans, of St. Chad's p., in Shrewsbury, & Elizabeth Evans, of Whittington p. ... mar.

418 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1703

1703, Aug. 5. Maurice Edwards & Jane Ellis, both of the p. of Llanrhaider ... mar.
" Aug. 11. John Jones alias Lancet, of this p., & Elizabeth Trevor, of Elsemeare p. ... mar.
" Oct. 3. Roger Ward & Mary Arthur, both of this p. of Whittington ... mar.
1703-4, Dec.31. Edward Robards, of Oswestrey, & Anne francks, of Kinerley p. ... mar.

Survey'd by Geo: Hall, surveyer.

1704, May 8. Richard Prowdley, of the p. of Gilshfild, & Mary Jones, of this p.,
" May 2. John Kylan, of Whittington p., & Elizabeth, of the same p. ... mar.
" July 2. Edward Robards & Mary LLiley, both of this p. ... mar.
" July 10. Evan Parry & Isabell Jones, both of this p. ... mar.
" Oct. 3. Nathaniell Price, of Oswestry, & Mary Owens, of Ridge, in p. of Elsmere ... mar.
" Sep. 15. Thomas Hughes & Elizabeth Jax, both of this p. ... mar.
" Dec. 3. Morgan Elis & Anne Geab, b. of this p. ... mar.
" Dec. 24. Joshua Edwards, of ye p. of St: Martens, & Margaret Jones, of this p. ... mar.
" Jan. 28. Richard Griffiths & Francis Edwards, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 4. Edward Griffiths, of ye p. of Chirk, & Mary Edwards, of this p. ... mar.

Surveyed by Geo: Halle.

1705, Jn. [?] 20. Theoder Maurise & Mary Powell, both of Llanraiedor ... mar.
" Aug. 17. John Peplow & Prudens Hughes, both of this p. ... mar.
" Aug. 31. Thomas Davies & Christian Brown, both of the p. of Oswestrey ... mar.
" Jan. 26. Thomas ap Pugh & Margaret Jones, both of this p. ... mar.
1706, May 3. Abram Philips & Rebecka Voughan, both of the p: of Oswestrey ... mar.

1709] Whittington. 419

1706, May 14. Thomas ap probert & Eleanor Owen, both of this p. .. ... mar.
" May 22. John Jones & Mary Blouer, both of the p: of Oswestrey ... mar.
" June 12. William Howell, Tayler, & Margarett Minton, both of the p. of Oswestree, were married by vertue of a Licence directed to Whittington Church.
" Nov. 15. John Howell & Mary Davies, both of the p. of Oswestrey ... mar.
" Jan. 7. Griffith Rogers & Margaret William, both of this p. ... mar.
1707, April, last day. Evan Prinald, of this p., & Anne Mical, of Oswestrey ... mar.
" May 12. John Cooper & Sarah Booth, both of the p: of Oswestry ... mar.
" May 15. John Cartwright, of Oswestry p: & Anne Edwards, of Whittington p .... mar.
" Aug. 4. Simon Hanson, of St. Martens p & Elizabeth Edge, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 5. Randle Parey, of Kinerley p., & Elizabeth Williams, of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 1. Richard Price, of Reuabon p., & Mary Jones, of Llangellen p. ... mar.
1708, Apr. 12. Josepth Moris, of Whittington p. & Elizabeth Probert, of Halston ... mar.
" Jan. 12. William Edwards & Elizabeth Elis, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 11. Edward Griffiths, of Cherk p: & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: ... mar.
1709, Aug. 1. Samuel Jones, of Whittington p & Anne Jones, of Mould p: ... mar.
" Aug. 28. Roger Clark, of Elesmare p., & Martha Oniens, of this p. ... mar.
" Oct. 5. Hugh Jones & Eleanor Randle, both of ye p: of Wrixham ... mar.
" Nov. 29. John Williams, of Hanmar p: & Joan Lewis, of Whittington ... mar.
" Dec. 9. Humphery Rees, of Whittington p: & Grissel Kyffin, of Halston ... mar.

420 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1710

1710, May 1. Edward Prison & Sarah Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 1. John Evans, of Oswestry p: & Margaret Jones, of Whittington p. ... mar.
" May 10. John Price, of St: Martens p: & Mary Richards, of this p: ... mar.
" June 23. Joseph Bellis & Mary Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Sep. 9. Peter Roberts & Mary Jones, both of the p: of Cherk ... mar.
" Nov. 20. John Muxton & Mary Price, both of ye p: of Oswestrey ... mar.
" Dec. 29. Josepth Edwards, of St. Martens p: & Mary Thomas, of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 2. Richard Evans & Lidua LLoyd, both of this p. ... mar.
1711, June 6. John Griffiths, of St. Martens p: & Mary Evans, of this p: ... mar.
" June 14. Hugh Bowen & Eleanor Roberts, both of this p: ... mar.
1712, Feb. 1. Thomas Hughes, of Halston p: & Mary Jax, of this p: ... mar.
" May, last day. William Jones & Cathrine Morris, both of the p: of Landshilling ... mar.
" Jan. 9. John Jones, of this p: & Martha Phillips, of Felton p: ... mar.
" Jan. 27. Richard LLoyd, of Wrightone p., & Mary Hughes, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 18. Thomas Elis, of ye p: of Salaten, & Cathrine Evans, of this p: ... mar.
1713, June 21. Simon Roberts, of ye p: of Elsmere, & Martha Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 17. Richard Owens, of ye p: of Great Ness, & Elizabeth Hanmare, of ye p: of Salaten ... mar.
" Aug. 25. John Wilcokes & Margaret Parry, both of ye p: of Wrexham ... mar.
" Sep. 14. William Jones, of ye p: of Wrexham, & Cathrine Roberts, of Bangor p: ... mar.

1714-15] Whittington. 421

1713, Oct. 12. Roger Wolf, of the p: of Little Ness, & Jane Burley, of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 18. Thomas Parks, of Kynnarley, & Sarah Griffiths, of Knucking ... mar.
" Dec. 20. John Richards, of Wrighton p: & Mary Prunal [?], of this p: ... mar.
Thomas H [a blank line].
" Feb. 8. Jahn Langford, of St. Marten's p: & Mary Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
1714, Mar. 28. Richard Allen & Anne Moodey, both of the p: of Llanveghan ... mar.
" Apr. 13. Andrew Elis & Elizabeth Evans, both of ye p: of Lanrayad ... mar.
" May 2. Edward Edwards, of Oswestry p: & Elizabeth Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
" May 11. Edward LLoyd, of St. Martens p: & Mary Gallant, of the p: of Kynnarley ... mar.
" May 30. Thomas Barren & Cathrene Griffithes, both of Cherk ... mar.
" Aug. 16. Thomas Edwards, of Felton p: & Jane Hall, of Oswestry p. ... mar.
" Aug. 30. [blank] & Martha Vaughan, both of ye p: of Oswestry ... mar.
" Dec. 5. Edward Nickolas & Purdence Peplo, both of ye p: of Whittington ... mar.
" Dec. 24. Robert Roberts, of ye p: of Salatin & Margaret [blank], of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 14. John Edwards & Sarah Roberts, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 15. John Kyllan & Sarah Johnson, both of ye p: of Whittington ... mar.
" Jan. 10. Thomas Rogers & Elizabeth [blank], both of ye p: of Chirk ... mar.
1714-15, Feb.7. Nathaniel Griffithes & Jane Griffithes, both of ye p: of Obarberry [?] ... mar.
" Feb. 25. John Kynnaston, of ye p: of Felton & Hannah Guest, of this p. ... mar.
" Feb., last day. John Paddocke & Sarah Hughes, both of this p. ... mar.

422 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1714-15

1714-15, Mar. 1. Thomas Beagh [blank], both of ye p: of Lanamunough ... mar.
1715, Apr. 20. Mr. Roger Ward & Margaret Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 25. Richard Jones & Jane Davies, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 27. John Jones & Sarah Edward, both of this p. ... mar.
" June 8. Edward Roberts, of the p: of Llanrhaiad Mognt, & Lowry Howell, of ye p: of Pennant ... mar.
" Sep. 21. William Evans & Elinor Morris, both of this p: of Lanrayader ... mar.
" Dec. 4. Richard Edwards & Mary Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 26. John Maddocks & Mary Evans, both of Oswestry ... mar.
" Jan. 2. Roger Evans & Cathrine Richards, both of this p. ... mar.
" Jan. 7. Richard Clarly & Mary Prynalt, both of this p. ... mar.
" Jan. 8. John [blank] Mary Edwards, both of the p: of Oswestrey ... mar.
" Jan., last day. Thomas Footman & Leah Prichard, both of the p: of Felton ... mar.
1715-16, Feb.5. Edward Phillips & Rebecca Mathews, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 9. Thomas ap Prichard & Margaret Morris, of the p. of Lansillin ... mar.
" Feb. 9. Robert Beck & Elizabeth Quarrell, both of ye p. of Llanvothllin ... mar.
" Feb. 11. David Roberts & Elizabeth Hughes, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 14. Abraham Elis, of Langedwin p., & Elizabeth Edwards, of Lanablodwell ... mar.
" Feb. 14. John [blank] & Mary Owens, both of the p: of Prees ... mar.
" Mar. 5. John Formson & Mary Thoms, both of the p: of Kynnarley ... mar.

1719] Whittington. 423

1716, Apr. 2. Edward LLoyd & Cathrine Williams, both of ye p: of Chirk ... mar.
" Apr. 3. Edward Rogers, of ye p: of Chirk, & Martha Stokes, of ye p: of St. Martens ... mar.
" May 21. Edward Thomas, of ye p: of Lanrayder, & Mary Parry, of ye p: of Langedwin ... mar.
" July 23. William Jones & Mary Jones, both of ye p: of Wrexham ... mar.
" Sep. 22. Morris Powell, of Lanrayder p: & Elizabeth Anthony, of the p: of LLanymnych ... mar.
" Oct. 19. John Boodle & Mary Matthews, both of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 13. John Jones, of ye p. of Elismare, & Mary Kyndrick, of this p. ... mar.
" Jan. 14. Tho: Richards, of ye p: of Lanshilling, & Margaret Paine, of ye p: of Oswestrey ... mar.
" Mar. 4. Richard Griffiths, of ye p: of Landrinna, & Elizabeth Barkley, of the p: of Elismere ... mar.
1717, Apr. 25. John Tomley & Joan Barkley, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 2. Robert Davies & Elinor Morris, both of the p: of Llanrayader ... mar.
" May 21. Joseph Davies & Mary Phillips, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 2. Edward Griffiths, of ye p: of Elismere, & Anne Williams, of this p ... mar.
" Jan. 17. Jacob Ecclesay of ye p: of Elismere, & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 28. James Price & Anne Evans, both of Oswestry ... mar.
1718, Sep. 19. William Roberts & Hannah Richards, both of this p: ... mar.
1719, Dec. 22. John Richards & Dorathy Barkley, both of this Town ... mar.

424 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1719

1719, Feb. 3. Thomas Griffiths & Hannah Lewis, both of this town ... mar.
" Feb. 28. Roger Hill, of this p: & Cathrine Roberts, of Halstone p: ... mar.
1720, June 6. William Pickrin & Elinor Coole, both of the p. of Wrexham ...
" June 23. John Edwards, of ye p: of Elismere, & Abigal Hatton, of this p: ... mar.
" Sep. 4. Thomas Smalman, of ye p: of Salatin, Margaret Pearce, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 16. John George & Margaret Boodle, both of this p. ... mar.
" Oct. 27. Thomas Newnes, of the p: of Elismere, & Esther Thomas, of this p: ... mar.
1721, May 5. Humphry Owen, of the p: of Salatin, & Mary Thomas, of this p. ... mar.
" June 27. Richard Davies, of the p: of Moreton, & Hannah Jax, of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 26. Nathaniel Price, of the p: of Oswestry, & Esther Jones, of this p:
" Sep. 12. John Lewis & Elizabeth Williams, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 6. Edward Jones & Margaret Davies, both of this p. ... mar.
1722, June 3. Thomas Jackson & Lydia Evans, both of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 3. Edward Richards & Elizabeth Wikey, both of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 8. Robert Bowen & Margaret Smallman, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 19. Marmaduke Muckleston, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Paddock, of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 12. John Jones, of Llangollen p: & Elizabeth Trevor, of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 2. John Tayler & Jane Rees, both of Chirk p: ... mar.
" Feb. 2. John Jennings & Jane Lewis, both of this p: ... mar.

1726] Whittington. 425

1722, Feb. 10. Lewis Jones & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Mar. 2. Nathaniel Price, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Hughes, of this p: ... mar.
1723, Oct. 14. John Smallman, of Salatin p: & Getrude Tanah, of Whittington ... mar.
" Dec 23. Edward Humphreys, of the p: of Overton, & Katherine Paddock, of this p: ... mar.
1723-4, Jan. 17. Thomas Edwards & Margaret Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 7. Thomas Jones, of the p: of St. Martins, & Elizabeth Davies, of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 10. Richard [?C]Earpe, of ye p: of Ryton, & Mary Jones, of this p: ... mar.
1724, Dec. 21. Simon Philips, of ye p: of Langollen, & Margaret Roberts, of Whittington p: ... mar.
" Feb. 5. William Probart, of ye p: of Oswestry, & Mary Manwaring, of this p. ... mar.
1725, Apr. 3. Robert Roberts, of ye p: of Elismear, & Margaret Davies, of this p: ... mar.
" Apr. 8. John Hughes & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 16. John Jones, of the p: of Felton, & Martha Thomas, of Whittington ... mar.
" May 18. John Evans & Martha Shone ... mar.
" Aug. 1. Thomas Jones, of ye p: of St. Chad's, in Salop, & Anne Prager, of Whittington p: ... mar.
" Aug. 27. John Jones & Margarett Griffiths, both of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 5. Thomas Probert, of Oswestry p: & Mary Jaxson, of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 3. William Hughes, of the p: of Overton, & Anne Wollaston, of this p: ... mar.
1726, May 8. Edward Prichard & Martha Wikey, both of this p: ... mar.
" June 4. Mr. Joseph Davies, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Davies, of this p: ... mar.

426 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1726

1726, Aug. 26. Phillip Boodle & Sarah Griffiths, both of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 7. Simon Jones, of the p: of St: Martens, & Mary Roberts, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 17. Evan Parry, of the p: of Llandisilleo, & Mary Proger, of Whittington ... mar.
" Dec. 26. Richard Wynne & Mary Hughes, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 1. John Roberts, of the p. of Ellismare, & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington p: ... mar.
1727, May 22. Edward Jones & Jane Morris, both of the p: of Llansillin ... mar.
" July 31. Richard Andrews & Sarah Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Sep. 15. Thomas Tunna & Catherine Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 29. John Edwards & Sarah Darby, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 3. Richard Piggot, of the p: of St. Martens & Anne Rogers, of the p: of Llansilling ... mar.
" Dec. 29. William Predin & Dorithy Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 9. John Rogers & Mary Predin, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 2. Thomas Rees & Margarett Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Mar. 1. Andrew Prichard & Mary Prichard, both of this p: ... mar.
1728, May 2. David Williams & Elinor Powel, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 31. Richard Edwards & Margaret Hughes, both of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 31. William Lloyd, of ye p: of Bangor, & Mary Davies, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 7. John Jones, of ye p: of Salaten & Sina Sandland, of Llangollen p: ... mar.
" Dec. 27. John Williams & Martha Thomas, both of this p: ... mar.

1730] Whittington. 427

1728, Jan. 15. Thomas Green & Grace Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 10. John Waters & Jane Evans, both of this p.
" Feb. 17. Thomas Maydon & Mary Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
1729, Apr. 8. Roger Green & Mary Thomas, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 5. John Watson, of ye p: of Oswestry, & Mary Williams, of this p: ... mar.
" May 29. Thomas Bolas, of p: of Baschurch, & Anne Reyes, of ye p: of Kynnerley ... mar.
" July 19. Richard Davies, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Richards, of this p ... mar.
" Oct. 1. Thomas Daniel, of ye p: of Oswestry, & Mary Davies, of ye p: of Chirk ... mar.
" Oct. 10. Thomas Hennory, of ye p: of Llansillin, & Mary Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 2. John Grice & Mary Ball, both of this p: ... mar.
1730, Apr. 10. Robert Jones & Margaret Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Apr. 24. Edward Edwards & Anne George, both of this p: ... mar.
" Apr. 24. Andrew Williams, of this p: & Lowry Jones, of ye p. of Salattyn ... mar.
" May 22. David Lloyd & Catherine Hughes, both of this p: ... mar.
" June 29. John Hughes & Blanch Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" July 1. Robert Roberts & Mary Jones, both of this p. ... mar.
" July 25. David Davies & Margaret Edsvards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 2. John Jones & Mary Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 10. Andrew Barnet & Elizabeth Felton, both of ye p: of Oswestry ... mar.
" Dec. 25. William Sides & Elizabeth Richards, both of this p: ... mar.

428 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1730

1730, Jan. 9. Richard Davies, of the p: of Felton, & Elizabeth Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 15. John Hughes, of ye p: of Elismere, & Mary Davies, of ye p: of Whittington ... mar.
1731, May 1. John Williams, of the p: of St. Martens, & Jane Evans, of this p: ... mar.
" May 28. Charles Booth, of the p: of Elismere, & Catherine Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
" July 5. John Davies & Jane Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" July 23. Richard Thomas, of the p: of St. Martens, & Elizabeth Burgess, of p: ... mar.
" Aug. 18. Richard Peake & Elizabeth Roberts, both of the p: of Chirk ... mar.
" Oct. 2. Thomas Mathews, of the p: of Selattin, & Sarah Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 8. William Jones, of this p: & Elizabeth Hughes, of ye p of Selattin ... mar.
" Oct. 22. William Jones & Martha Mathews, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 10. Joseph Morris & Mary Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. la. Robert Jones & Elizabeth Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 23. Edward Arthur & Margaret Edwards, both of this p ... mar.
" Feb. 7. William Jones & Margaret Poole, both of this Town ... mar.
1732, June 25. Thomas Evans, of the p: of Elismere, & Sarah Bennett, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 8. Edward Peplow. of ye p: of St. Mat:tens, & Elizabeth Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 28. John Edwards & Catherine Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 29. Thomas Vaughan & Anne Roberts, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 8. Richard Thomas & Dorithy Davies, both of this p: ... mar.

1735] Whittington. 429

1733, Apr. 6. Morris Jones & Mary Mathews, both of this p.
" Apr. 26. John Jones & Joan Tomley, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 5. Edward Roberts & Gwen Evans, both of this p. ... mar.
" Sep. 30. Daniel Cartwright & Sarah Badda, both of this p ... mar.
" Nov. 23. Robert Jones & Anne Tuder, both of this p ... mar.
" Dec. 29. William Groom, of the p: of Whitechurch, & Anne Parks, of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 14. Thomas Jones & Dorothy Turner, both of this p ... mar.
1734, Apr. 17. Joseph Davies & Mary Roberts, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 18. Richard Richards, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Bowen, of the p: of Hanmere ... mar.
" Dec. 19. Richard Smalman, of the p: of Salatin, & Anne Griffiths, of the p: of Whittington ... mar.
1735, Apr. 18. John Jones, of the p: of Elismere, & Elizabeth Proger, of this p: ... mar.
" May 30. John Wynne, of the p: of St. Martens. Hester Edwards, of this p: ... mar.
" July 14. William Jones & Martha Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 17. John Maddocks, of Whittington p: & Martha Maddocks, of St. Martens p: ... mar.
" Jan. 9. Roger Prynalt & Mary Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 31. Evan Parry & Mary Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Mar. 1. James Lewis, of ye p: of Salattyn, & Sarah Davies, of ye p: of Whittington ... mar.
" Mar. 5. Richard Williams, of ye p: of St. Martyns, & Jane Jones, of ye p: of Whittington ... mar.

430 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1736

1736, Apr. 26. John Hughes & Sarah Roberts, both of this p: ... mar.
" Apr. 26. Edward Edwards & Sarah Higley, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 1. Thomas Humphreys & Mary Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Sep. 27. Robert Jones & Gwen Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 11. Samuel Hope, of the p: of Bowden & Amy Venables, of Whittington ... mar.
" Jan. 1. Edward Prichard & Mary Parks, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 24. Joseph Gregory, of the p. of Condover, & Isabella Maredith, of this p: ... mar.
1737, May 5. John Maredith & Elizabeth Rider, both of the p: of Whittington ... mar.
" June 10. Edward Jones & Martha Thomas, both of this p: ... mar.
" June 17. Edward Thomas, of the p: of St. Martens, & Margaret Bevan, of this p: ... mar.
" July 10. David Evans, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Morris, of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 16. Thomas Thomas, of the p: of Ellismere, & Jane Davies, of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 7. Richard Davies & Alice Morris, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 23. Edward Thomas & Mary Rogers, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 27. Thomas Williams & Rebecca Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
1738, Apr. 4. Thomas Mathews & Margaret Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Apr. 28. Nathaniel Davies, of ye p: of Chirk, & Mary Prynalt, of this p: ... mar.
" May 9. William Griffiths & Mary Booth, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 15. Francis Booth & Catherine Poole, both of this p:

1740] Whittington. 431

1738, May 16. Robert Higgison, of the p: of West ffelton, & Martha Killan, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 16. Roderick Ward, of the p: of Olerton Maddock, & Mary Price, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 30. Richard Buckley & Mary Bratton, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 6. William Kellet & Mary Maredith, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 3. Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Parks, both of this p: ... mar.
1739, May 21. John Griffiths, of the p: of St. Martins, & Elizabeth Rogers, of this p: ... mar.
" May 28. Thomas Ellis, of the p: of Sallatyn, & Mary Jones, of this p: ... mar.
" June 12. Hugh Price, of the p: of Sellattyn, & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: ... mar.
" June 13. Francis Richards, of the p: of Ellismere, & Sarah Williams, of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 29. Ralph Bostock, of ye p: of High-Arcol, & Margaret Hughes, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 13. Phellip Edwards & Mary Lockly, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 4. Robert Jones & Sarah Richard, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 16. Richard Davies, of the p: of West-ffelton, & Jane Francis, of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 19. John Lloyd, of Aston, Esqre., & Lord of the Manor of Whittington, and the Honed. Ms. Emma Charlton, d. of Sr. Francis Charlton, of Ludford, in the County of Herreford, Barronet ... mar.
1740, Apr. 7. Richard Edwards & Sarah Roberts, both of this p: ... mar.
" Apr. 29. Robert Hughes, of this p: & Mary Lloyd, of the p: of Salatin ... mar.
" June 8. Edward Michael & Mary Brischo, both of this p: .. mar.
" June 30. Edward Jones & Catherine Richards, both of this p. ... mar.

432 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1740

1740, Aug. 22. Francis Price & Sarah Maddocks, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 11. Simon Richards, of ye p: of Selatyn, & Elizabeth Parry, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 24. Edward Davies & Mary Prichard, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 28. John Evans, of the p: of Hordley, & Catherine Morris, of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 9. Jonathan Oliver & Anne Rogers, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 21. John Price & Catharine Davies, both of this p: ... mar.
1741, Apr. 27. The Reverend Roger Hunnphreys, Curate of Oswestry, and Mrs. Catherine Thomas, of Wootton, in ye p: of Oswestry ... mar.
" May 2. Thomas Edwards & Mary Edwards, both of this p:
" May 5. Richard Williams, of Penbedw, in ye p of Nanarch and county of Denbigh, Esqre., & Annabella Lloyd, d. of Charles Lloyd, of Drenewith, in ye Township of Whittington.
" May 1. John Jones & Sarah Price, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 12. Lewis Lloyd and Catherine Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 5. Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Rogers, both of this p: ... mar.
1742, Apr. 30. Richard Jones, of the p: of St: Martins, & Mary Nicholas, of this p, ... mar.
" May 13. Bartholomew Jones & Margaret Jones, both of this town ... mar.
" June 8. Edward Jones & Mary Roberts, both of the p: of Chirk ... mar.
" June 12. George Lloyd, of ye p: of Great Ness, & Anne Philips, of this p: ... mar.
" Sep. 3. William Penkett & Mary Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.

1743] Whittington. 433

1742, Sep. 30. Mr. John Edwards & Ms. Elizabeth Jones, both of the p. of Oswestry ... mar.
" Oct. 29. Thomas Vaughan & Mary Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 7. John Barkley, of ye p: of Ellismere, & Susannah Davies, of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 30. Peter Jones & Elizabeth Crowder, of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 24. John Pierce, of ye p: of Ellismere, & Rebecca Rogers. of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 8. Thomas Lewis & Margaret Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 1. Thomas Moody & Elizabeth Boodle, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 14. John Davies, of ye p: of Llangollen, & Margaret Mathews, of this p ... mar.
1743, Apr. 6. William Cartwright & Catherine Parry, both of this p: ... mar.
" July 31. Griffith Hughes & Mary Prichard, both of this p: ... Man
" Aug. 21. William Piggott & Catherine Richards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 26. Thomas Ellis & Margaret Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 27. John Mathews, of the p: of Ruabon, & Anne Thomas, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 7. Owen Edwards, of the p: of Llanymblodwell, & Sarah Hughes, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 17. Richard Owens, of the p: of Llannamunnah, & Mary Williams, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 21. Thomas Richards & Grace Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 4. William Martin & Mary Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 16. William Paddock & Martha Millington, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 23. Richard Jones & Elizabeth Richards, both of this p ... mar.

434 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1743

1743, Jan. 2. John Jones & Abigal Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 1. Richard Boodle & Elizabeth Griffiths, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 7. Nathaniel Edwards & Ruth Key, both of ye p: of Oswestry ... mar.
1744, Mar. 30. Jno. Jones, of ye p: of Knocking, & Elizabeth Griffiths, of this p: ... mar.
" May 3. Simon Edwards, of ye p: of Basschurch, & Jane Jarrow, of ye p: of Oswestry ... mar.
" June 18. Edward Parry & Anne Pierce, both of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 19. Richard Griffiths, of ye p: of Ellismere, & Anne Thomas, of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 25. Roger Jones & Mary Maurice, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 31. Edward Edwards & Jane Broughal, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 7. Richard Bartell & Anne Owen, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 26. Evan Evans & Gwen Ellis, both of the p: of Oswestry ... mar.
1745, Apr. 15. Peter Povall, of ye p: of Salatin, & Mary Maddocks, of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 4. Henry Thomas, of the p: of Elismere, & Anne Powel, of the p: of St. Martins ... mar.
" Aug. 20. Edward Bright, of ye p: of Ellismere, & Mary Hughes, of this p: ... mar.
" Sep. 12. William Basnett & Anne Howel, both of the p: of Oswestry ... mar.
" Oct. 4. John Edwards & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 6. Thomas Hanmere & Elizabeth Paddock, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 19. William Pool & Sarah Paddock, both of this town ... mar.
" Nov. 29. Mr. Jonathan Shaw & Mrs. Catherine Tomkes, both of ye p: of Oswestry ... mar.
" Dec. 14. William Griffiths & Mrs. Leticia Edwards both of this p: ... mar.

1747] Whittington. 435

1745, Jan. 6. John Jones & Anne Jones, both of ye p: of Estyn or Hope ... mar.
" Jan. 30. William Howell & Elizabeth Edwards, both of the p: of Oswestry ... mar.
1746, Apr. 11. William Hughes & Catherine Davies, both of this p: ... mar.
" Apr. 22. Edward Richards & Mary Lloyd, both of this p: ... mar.
" June 4. Edward Winsor, of the p: of Ellismere, & Mary Jordan, of this p: ... mar.
" June 17. John Jones, of the p: of Llanymblodwel, & Catherine Rynolds, of Oswestry p: ... mar.
" July 4. Joseph Hodgson, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Mary Evans, of the p: of Whittington ... mar.
" July 19. John Thomas & Elizabeth Davies, both of the p: of Llandisillo, co: Montgomery ... mar.
" Oct. 23. Richard Williams & Mary Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 27. Thomas Owen & Jane Thomas, both of ye p: of Myvod, co. Montgomery ... mar.
" Nov. 3. Richard Buckly & Elizabeth Roberts, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 10. Edward Roberts, of the p: of Llandrilleo, & Catherine Edwards, of this p: ... mar.

The new Brick Tower built.

" Dec. 8. William Evans & Jane Vaughan, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 1. Richard Maredith & Elizabeth Barkley, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 25. Edward Price & Ruth Edwards, both of the p: of Oswestry ... mar.
1747, Oct. 11. Peter Lloyd & Jane Roberts, both of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 19. Thomas Rogers, of the p: of Whittington, & Mary Watkis, of the p: of Shabury ... mar.

436 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1748

1748, May 3. Barkley Thomas, of the p: of Selattyn, & Martha Jones, of the p: of Whittington ... mar.
" May 31. Thomas Edwards & Mary Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" July 10. Thomas Lloyd, of ye p: of Chirk, & Margaret Pritchard, of the p: of Ruabon ... mar.
" Nov. 5. Richard Edwards & Martha Edwards, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 20. John Davies, of the p: of Selatyn, & Mary Evans, of the p: of Whittington ... mar.

The mark of WILLM. W. MATHEWS } Churchwardens.

1749, Apr. 7. Richard Nicholas & Jane Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 8. John Edwards & Elizabeth Rogers, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 19. Thomas Jones & Rebecca Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" July 1. Edward Edwards, of St. Chad's p: in Shrewsbury, & Sarah Evans, of this p: ... mar.
" July 26. Edward Lewis & Elizabeth Walley, both of this p: ... mar.
" Sep. 1. John James, of the p: of St. Martins, & Anne Poval, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 5. Robert Foulks & Mary Salmon, both of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 27. Job Lewis, of the p: of Sellattyn, & Elizabeth Boodle, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 31. Edward Jones & Catherine Williams, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 13. John Williams & Anne Thomas, both of this p. ... mar.
" Nov. 21. Samuel Davies & Catherine Owens, both of this p. ... mar.

1750] Whittington. 437

1749, Dec. 15. John Davies, of the p: of Llancadwaladr, & Anne Jones, of this p: ... mar.
" Feb. 26. John Roberts & Elizabeth Rogers, both of this p: ... mar.

W. ROBERST, Rector.
THOMAS JONES. } Churchwardens.

[Here is inserted continuation of List of Rectors, as over.]

1750, July 20. William Morgan & Mary Griffiths, both of this p:
" Aug. 6. Nathaniel Jones, of the p: of Ruiton, & Elizabeth Edwards, of the p: of Whittington ... mar.
" Sep. 15. Edward Bolver, of ye p: of Sellattyn, & Jane Price, of this p: ... mar.
" Oct. 22. Robert Bowen & Mary Rogers, both of this p: ... mar.
" Nov. 11. John Paddock & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p: ... mar.
" Dec. 17. Edward Williams & Sarah Evans, both of this p: ... mar.
" Jan. 19. John Jones, of the p: of Oswestry & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: ... mar.

W. ROBERTS, Rector.
THOMAS EDWARDS } Churchwardens.

List in Succession of the Rectors of Selattyn from a Notitia of the reverend WILLIAM WYNNE, D.D., Rr. of Llanfechen, Canon of St. Asaph, and late Chaplain to Bishop Tanner, of Tower, in Flintshire.

ROBT: POWEL, 1557.
ROBT: PRICE, ad Coll: Epi:
THO: TOPPERLEY, 1558, on Press. of Frans: Albany.
WILLM. HORTON, on Topperley's Depri:
ROWLAND THACKER, 1592, pres: by Fr: Albany.
HEN: JONES, 1600, pres: by Sarah Albany.

438 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1751

THOS: WILDING, 1666-77.

[Note on opposite page.] Succession of Selattyn Rectors, continued from the other side.

THOS. HANMER, Rr. of Selattyn.
WM. ROBERTS, 1750.
G. N. H. LLOYD, 1809.


" May 6. Thomas Lea, of the p: of Elesmere, & Hannah Clarke, of the p. of Oswestry ... mar.
" June 13. Walter Williams, of the p: of St. Martins, & Mary Edwards, of the p: of Whittington ... mar.
" June 24. John Jones, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Boodle, of the p: of Whittington ... mar.
" Dec. 24. Roger Furber & Elizabeth Davies, both of this p. ... mar.

W. ROBERTS. Rectr.
The mark X of JOSEPH BROUGHALL } Churchwardens,

Whittington Rrs. from Dr. WYNNE'S Notitia.

JOHN PRICE or ap RICE, Ll.B., 1533. Pres: Bouchier, Pa[?]bb. Myfod, Ld. Fitzwalter.
DAV: KYFFIN, 1583.
FULK PRICE, M.A. Coll. by Bp: 1603.
ED: WILLIAMS, M.A., on Bagshaw's death, 1608. Pres: by Albany. Q: occut. 1645.
ROBT: POWEL, D.D., fellow of All Souls, 1666. Mos: ADAMS, 1681. d-
THOS: COOKE, M.A., 17 8, res:
RICHD. ROYCOT, M.A., 1722; d. feb: /49/.
WILL: ROBERTS, M.A., 1749.

1754] Whittington. 439


[Here follow "the marriages of 1752, copied from the Register of them at the end of the Baptisms of 1752," see page 417.]


1753, Apr. 24. Samuel Jackson & Sarah Cartwright, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 1. Richard Roberts, of West Felton, & Anne Francis of this p: ... mar.
" May 4. John Griffiths & Elizabeth Davies, both of this p: ... mar.
" May 10. Richard Roberts & Mary Gassack, both of this p: ... mar.

May 23rd. To a Court then held This Register was Copy'd.

1753, May 29. Richard Jones & Elizabeth Edwards, both of this p ... mar.
" June 3. Edward James, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Hughes, of this p: ... mar.
" July 21. John Richards, of ye p: of Ellismere, & Jane Glover, of this p: ... mar.
" Aug. 8. Hugh Rowlands, of the p: of Oswestry, & Alice Roberts, of this p:, lic. ... mar.
" Dec. 2. James Hughes, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Fallows, of this p:, banns ... mar.

W. ROBERTS, Rector.
EDWARD DAVIES } Churchwardens.

1754, Jan. 25. Thomas Thomas & Alice Roberts, of this p:, banns ... mar.

JOHN WYNN } Churchwardens.

440 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1753

Extract from John Ap Rice's will as far as relates to the legacy bequeathed by him for the use of the Poor of Whittington.

Item. I give devise & bequeath the rent of one parcel of land commonly
known by the name of Bryn Rhig into the hands of the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Whittington by what name or title
whatsoever they be called, and I give, devise, and bequeath this same
parcel of land called Bryn Rhig to John Rogers & his heirs forever paying
the yearly rent of fifty shillings to the use aforesaid, and my will and
meaning is that they do buy cloth of sixteen pence a yard or thereabouts
for and towards the cloathing of the Poorest folkes within the said parish
yearly for ever, and I desire the Parson of the said parish from time to
time to see the same performed yearly forever according to my true intent.

[Seven blank parchment leaves.]




The Township of Franckton, } Churchwardens
and MR. JOHN MADDOCKS, of the } A.D. 1753.
Township of Ebnal. }

BIRTHS, 1753.

1753, Jan. 7. Elizabeth, d. of William Roberts & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Jane, d. of John Edwards & Dorothy, his wife, of Whittington, was Born ye 8th ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Thomas, s. of Richard Brown & Hannah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Anne, d. of Edward Ithiel & Mary, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.

1753] Whittington. 441

1753, Feb. 9. James, s. of John Wynne & Mary, his wife, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Vaughan & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Sarah, d. of William Martin & Mary, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 18. John, s. of John Davies, Junr., Labouror, & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Samuel, s. of Samuel Griffiths & Jane, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Golding & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Roger Ward, s. of John Davies, carpenter, & Priscilla, his wife of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Mary, d. of William Cartwright & Catherine, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Esther, d. of John Evans & Mary his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Robert James & Sarah, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Francis Winsor & Catherine, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 23. John, s. of Philip Edwards & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.

W. ROBERTS, Rector.
EDWD. DAVIES } Churchwardens.

" Apr. 24. Sarah, d. of Edward Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Thomas, s. of John Paddock & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 6. Thomas, s. of John Jones & Jane, his wife, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" May 13. Jane, d. of John Kyllan. Junr., & Elizabeth, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.
" May 20. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Jones & Martha, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

442 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1753

This Register was copied to the 23rd of May, 1753. The Court then held.

1753, June 24. William, s. of Edward Winsor & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 25. Edward, s. of John Williams, smith, & Sarah, his wife, of Franckton, was Born ye 10th ... bap.
" June 25. John, s. of Mr. John Watson & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 1. Anne, d. of Thomas Lewis & Margaret, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 11. William, s. of Thomas Davies & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 29. Thomas, s. of Edward Edwards, shoemaker, & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Anne, d. of Elizabeth Bebington ... bap.
" Aug. 26. William, s. of Anne Barrow, of Franckton ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Anne, d. of Mr. Edward Jones & Anne, his wife, of Park, was barn ye 22nd ... bap.
" Sep. 2. John, s. of Thomas Hughes & Martha, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.

W. ROBERTS, Rector.
EDWD. DAVIES } Churchwardens.

" Sep. 8. John, s. of John Evans & Elizabeth, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Mary, d. of John Vaughan & Anne, his wife, of Fernhill, was Born ye zoth of Aug: ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Margaret, d. of Mary Jones, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Joseph, s. of Jacob Eckelse & Elizabeth, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Anne, d. of William Poole & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

1754] Whittington. 443

1753, Oct. 11. William & Joseph, sons of William Edwards & Margaret, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Martha, d. of Robert Williams & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babins wood, was the 22nd day of Sept: ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Mary, d. of Joseph Broughall & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Boodle & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Lucy, d. of Peter Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Mary, d. of William Hughes & Elizabeth, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Mary, d. of Francis Lloyd, Gent: & Mary, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Hannah, d. of William Gough & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Joseph, s. of George Lloyd & Anne, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Mary & Catherine, daus. of Cadwallader Williams & Gwen, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.

W. ROBERTS, Rector.
EDWD. DAVIES } Churchwardens.

1754, Jan. Mary, d. of Thomas Mumford & Sarah, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of William Piggott & Catherine, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Jane, d. of John Richards & Jane, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas Rogers & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Mary, d. of William Morgan & Mary, his wife, of Babinswood- ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Jane, d. of William Wynne & Margaret, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Robert, s. of Robert Bowen & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

444 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1754

1754, Feb. 8. William, s. of John Edwards & Dorothy, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Anne, d. of Sudney Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Stephen, s. of Mr. Edward Edwards & Mary, his wife, of Franckton, was Born ye 3rd ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Richard, s. of David Williams & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Richard, s. of William Roberts & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Charles, s. of Timothy Trantum & Mary, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Margaret, d. of Edward Edwards & Margaret, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Mary, d. of John Boodle & Margaret, his wife, of Halston ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Hannah, d. of Richard Roberts & Mary, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Mary, d. of Samuel Davies & Catherine, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Margaret, d. of William Roberts, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Susannah, his wife, was Born the 22nd day of April ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Sarah, d. of John Griffiths & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

FRAN: LLOYD } Churchwardens.

Thomas Lloyd, Esqre., Ld. of the Manor, died at Aston, March 1st, 1754, aged 67.

" May 29. Edward, s. of Edward James & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" May 251. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, Tailer, & Jane, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 23. Edward, s. of Edward Davies & Dorothy, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" June 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones & Susannah, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.

1754] Whittington. 445

1754, June 28. Richard, s. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 7. John, s. of John Evans & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 14. William, s. of Edward Edward & Jane, his wife, of Selattin p: ... bap.
" July 23. James, s. of James Clarke & Elizabeth, his wife, Tinkers Green, in ye Township of Whittington, was Born ye 21st ... bap.
" July 25. John, s. of Richard Nicholas & Jane, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Richard, s. of Edward Hughes & Mary, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Frances, d. of Thomas Edge & Mary, his wife, of Bucknell, in ye Township of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Lloyd & Mary, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Richard, s. of Richard Richards, Shoemaker, & Mary, his wife, of Whittington, was Born ye 14th ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Mary, d. of James Evans & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Joseph and David, sons of Thomas Lloyd & Martha, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Oct. 6. David, s. of John Davies, Labourer, & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Margaret, d. of Lewis Lewis & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 27. John, s. of John Jones and Elizabeth, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Richards, smith, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington, born ye 18th ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Povah [?] & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Thomas, s. of Richard Tudor & Sarah, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.

FRANCIS LLOYD } Churchwardens.

446 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1755

1755, Jan. 4. William, s. of Jonathan Oliver & Anne, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Thomas & Elizabeth, s. & d. of John Jones, weaver, & Anne, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of William Evans & Jane, his wife, of Whittington, Born 3rd day of December, 1754 ... bap.
" Jan. 20. John, s. of Peter Edwards & Anne, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Grace, d. of Thomas Thomas & Alice, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 30. John, s. of Joseph Hitchin, Junr., & Mary, his wife, of Oldmarton, was Born ye 8th ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Mary, d. of Thomas Davies & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Edward, s. of John Paddock & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 16. James, s. of William Cartwright & Catherine, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 17. John, s. of Walter Williams & Mary, his wife, of Fernhill, was Born ye Irth ... bap.
" Mar. 25. John, natural s. of a Person in Shrowsbury ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Sarah, natural d. of Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Edward, natural s. of Edward Heese, of ye p: of Halstone ... bap.
" May 4. Anne, d. of Edward Edwards & Martha, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.
" May 8. Robert, natural s. of Robert Jones, of Rhuthin ... bap.
" May 19. Mary, d. of David Williams & Anne, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 4. William, s. of William Gaugh & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

1755] Whittington. 447

1755, June 23. Nathaniel, s. of William Roberts, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Susannah, his wife, was Born ye 2nd ... bap.
" June 30. Anne, d. of Edward Davies & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

EDD. DAVIES } Churchwardens.

" July 6. Richard, s. of John Williams, Smith, & Sarah, his wife, of Franckton, was born ye 1st ... bap.
" July 13. Anne, d. of James Smith & Anne, his wife, of Whittington, was Born ye 9th ... bap.
" July 15. William, s. of William Dickin & Sarah, his wife, of Fernhill, was born ye 30th day of June ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Urion & Anne, his wife, of West Felton ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Thomas, s. of John Kyllan, Junr., & Elizabeth, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.
" Aug. 24. David, s. of William Marsh & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Richard, natural s. of Richard Heward, of ye p: of Ellismere ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Catherine, d. of Joseph Jones & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Anne, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Anne, d. of William Paddock & Martha, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 6. William, s. of William Martin & Mary, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Mary, d. of Samuel Griffith & Jane, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Susannah, d. of Francis Lloyd, Gent., & Mary, his wife, of Berghill, was born. ye 13th day of September ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Mary, d. of Richard Brown & Hannah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

448 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1755

1755, Nov. 23. Edward, s. of Edward Tirsley, & Anne, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Thomas, s. of John Swynerton & Margaret, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

EDWD. DAVIES } Churchwardens.

Rossindale Lloyd, Esqr., Ld. of the Manor, died the 24th of August, 1735, and was buried in the family vault at Aston Chappel, aged 24.

1756, Jan. 8. Catherine, d. of James Clarke & Elizabeth, his wife of Whittington, was Born ye 5th ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Margaret, d. of Mr. Edward Jones & Jane, his wife, of Park, was Born ye 8th ... bap.
" Feb. 22. John, s. of Robert Bowen & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 29. Thomas, s. of Priscilla Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Samuel, s. of Timothy Tranturn & Mary, his wife, of Frankton, was Born ye 21st of February ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Richard Jones, Tailor, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of John Evans & Elizabeth, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 26. John, s. of Edward Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 4. John, s. of John Evans & Mary, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Anne, d. of Edward Peploe & Jane, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 21. Anne, d. of Edward Williams & Margaret, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 27. John, s. of Joseph Broughall & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

1756] Whittington. 449

1756, June 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones & Susannah, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 6. Sarah, d. of Edward Parry & Anne, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 13. Mary & Ann, daus. of Edward Parry & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 13. Frances, d. of Robert James & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 17. Mary, d. of John Jeffreyes & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 4. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, Shoemaker, & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington, was Born ye 27th of June ... bap.
" July 8. William, s. of Joseph Hitchin & Martha, his wife, of Frankton, was Born the 6th ... bap.
" July 11. John, s. of Elizabeth Urion ... bap.
" July 25. Mary, d. of Edward Morris ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Richard, s. of Edward Edwards & Sarah, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Anne, d. of David Williams & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 15. James, s. of James Evans & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.


" Aug. 15. Mary, d. of Mr. Edward Edwards & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of William Pool & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Mary, d. of Peter Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Thomas s. of Richard Nicholas & Jane, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Thomas & Alice, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah Golding & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Tudor & Sarah, his wife, of Henlle, was Born September ye 22nd ... bap.

450 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1756

1756, Oct. 11. Sarah, d. of Francis Lloyd, Gent: & Mary, his wife, of Berghill, was Born September ye 26th ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Mary, d. of John Davies & Sarah, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Edward, s. of Thomas Richards & Grace, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Francis, d. of Edward Edwards, Tailer, & Jane, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Catherine, d. of William Thomas & Mary his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Edward James & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Thomas, s. of William Dickin & Sarah, his wife, of Fernhill, was Born ye 25th of October ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Mary, d. of Robert Roberts & Mary, his wife ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Luke Green & Anne, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.


1757, Jan. 16. Phillip, s. of Edward Winsor & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap. I
" Jan. 16. Prissilla, d. of John Davies & Prissilla, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 16. John, s. of John Richards & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Martha, d. of William Evans & Jane, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of James Smith & Anne, his wife, of Whittington, was Born ye 14th ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Edward, s. of Edward Vaughan & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Walter, s. of Walter Williams & Mary, his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Elizabeth, d. of William Piggott & Catherine, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.

1757] Whittington. 451

1737, Mar. 20. Catherine, d. of John Kyllan & Elizabeth, his wife, ofHenlle ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Mary, d. of Abraham Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Sarah, d. of Robert Bowen, Junr., & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Anne, d. of William Wynne & Margaret, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 1. Samuel, s. of Richard Edwards & Martha, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 8. Grace, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" May 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Davies & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Richards, smith, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 30. John, s. of Thomas Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Pen-y-brin, was Born ye 10th ... bap.
" June 12. John, s. of John Griffiths & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 17. Moses, s. of Moses Hollowood & Jane, his wife, of Bucknill, in the township of Whittington, was Born May ye 27th ... bap.


" June 19. Elizabeth, d. of William Gaugh & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 26. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Price & Jane, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 27. Jane, d. of Thomas Boodle & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 3. Edward, s. of Peter Davies & Anne, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 10. Mary, d. of Richard Roberts & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 23. Isaac & Jacob, sons of Thomas Jones & Susannah, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

452 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1757

1757, Aug. 28. Margaret, d. of Edward Edwards & Margaret, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Rogers & Mary, his wife, of Whittington, was Born August ye 9th ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Richard & Margaret, s. & d. of Thomas Mumford & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 25. John, s. of John Morris & Tamer, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Oct. 5. William, s. of John Bowen & Catherine, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Anne, d. of Robert Barkley & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Samuel, s. of Thomas Vaughan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edwards & Jane, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Anne, d. of Thomas Urion & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Elizabeth, d. of William Ethelston & Elizabeth, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Edward, s. of Lewis Lewis & Mary, his wife of Whittington ... bap.


1758, Jan. 29. Sarah, d. of Thomas Brain & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Anne, d. of Edward Ithiel & Mary, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Sarah, d. of Edward Rogers & Elizabeth, his wife, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Thomas, s. of Robert Jones & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Mary, d. of Thomas Pugh & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Edward, s. of Francis Lloyd, Gent: & Mary, his wife, of Berghill, was Born March ye 23rd ... bap.
" Apr. 29. William, s. of William Marton & Mary, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.

1758] Whittington. 453

1758, May 1. John, s. of John Jeffryes & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 4. Thomas, s. of Robert Roberts & Mary, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" May 10. Jane, d. of Edward Peploe & Jane, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 15. Edward, s. of Thomas Hughes & Martha, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 28. Richard, s. of Richard Bowen, Junr., & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 1. Mary, d. of John Rogers & Catherine, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 8. Catherine, d. of John Kyllan & Elizabeth, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.
" July 2. Morris, s. of Morris Peter & Dorothy, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 23. Richard, s. of Richard Griffiths & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 23. Samuel, s. of Thomas Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 28. Jane, d. of William Thomas & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Edward, s. of John Williams & Sarah, his wife, of Frankton, was Baptized at Halston ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Margaret, d. of David Davies & Margaret, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Nathaniel, s. of John Evans & Mary, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.

JOHN WILLIAMS } Churchwardens.

" Sep. 3. Elizabeth, d. of James Clarke and Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones & Anne, his wife, of Park ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Edward, natural s. of Catherine Hall ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Andrew, s. of Andrew Peploe & Martha, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

454 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1758

1758, Nov. 12. Ma13, d. of Edward Andrews & Hamlah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Martha, d. of Joseph Broughall & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Mary, d. of Cadwallader Williams & Gwen, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Mary, d. of William Sides, Junr., & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Elizabeth, d. of David Hughes & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Edward, s. of Daniel Williams & Rebeckah, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Walter, s. of Edward Edwards & Jane, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Mary, d. of Jonathan Oliver & Anne, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

JOHN WILLIAMS } Churchwardens.

N.B.- In this year the Rectory house underwent a complete repair, the whole front was taken down & unroof'd, the old
materials being only of bad timber filled up with mud and sticks: this part was built up with brick, the windows sash'd, a
new Porch upon arches added, the common dining room, wch. was before open to the stair-case, cellar, etc: separated by a
passage, the parlor enlarg'd above two yards with the room above, by a new gable end of brick wirk: the kitchen likewise
enlarg'd, the front and kitchen end & brewhouse new slated and a stable and other offices erected in the yard at the
expense of W.R. See Register 1811.

1759, Jan. 1. John, s. of Thomas Richards & Margaret, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Richard Phillips & Anne, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Jane, d. of James Smith & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Richard, s. of Edward Edwards & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

1759] Whittington. 455

1759, Jan. 21. John, s. of Roger Rogers & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Jane, d. of David Williams & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Samuel, natural s. of Samuel Lewis, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Feb. 20. John, s. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth, his wife of Babins wood ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Robert, s. of William Gough & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 27. William, s. of Walter Williams & Mary, his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Islary & Sarah, daus. of John Jones & Anne, his wife of Henlle ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Jeremiah Golding & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Edward, s. of Thomas Davies & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Sarah, d. of Thomas Jones & Susannah, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 29. John, s. of Edward James & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" May 3. Thomas, s. of George Paddock & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 6. Edward, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" May 24. John, s. of James Evans & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 10. Edward, s. of Thomas Richards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 10. Mary. d. of Samuel Vaughan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 18. John, s. of Edward Evans & Mary, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" June 24. William, s. of Edward Jones & Margarett, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" June 24. Anne, d. of John Evans & Elizabeth, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 24. Mary, d. of Robert Bowen & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

456 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1759

1759, July 18. Thomas, natural s. of Thomas Paine ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Thomas, s. of Charles Tudor & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Edward, s. of John Bowen & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 1. John, s. of Robert Barkley & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Mary, d. of Edward Manner[s] & Elizabeth, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Mary, d. of George Lloyd & Sarah, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Mary, d. of Richard Tudor & Sarah, his wife of Henlle ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Anne, d. of William Piggott & Catherine, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 21. John, s. of John Maredith & Gwen, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Edward, s. of John Davies & Prissilla, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Edwards & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

W. ROBERTS, Rectr.
X THOS. GRINLEY } Churchwardens.

1760, Jan. 27. Mary, d. of Wm. Evans, Tayler, & Hesther, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of Thomas Arnon & Elizabeth, his wife, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Sarah, d. of Wm. Roberts, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Susanna, his wife, was born January the 13th ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Sarah, d. of John Morris & Tamer, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elizabeth, natural d. of Nathaniel Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 7. William, natural s. of Rich: Paine ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Rd. Roberts & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

1760] Whittington. 457

1760, Mar. 9. Mary, d. of Richard Richards & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 9. John & Thos., sons of Edward Vaughan & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Richard, s. of Thos. Hughes & Martha, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 13. John, s. of Thomas Vaughan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of Wm. Thomas & Mary, his wife of Hinford ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Jane, d. of Thos. Green & Margarett, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Susannah, d of Edwd. Rogers & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" May 1. Elizabeth, d. of David Maddocks & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 4. Peter, s. of Peter Edwards & Anne, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 4. Thos., s. of Edwd Parry & Anne, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.


" May 4. Mary, d. of Edward Jones & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 4. Sarah, d. of William Cartwright & Catherine, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 9. John, s. of Wm. Ethelstone & Elizabeth, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" June 29. Mary, d. of David Hughes & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" July 6. Mary, d. of John Richards & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 6. Sarah, d. of E: Peploe & Jane, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 15. Anne, d. of John Davies & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 20. John, s. of Cadwalladr Williams & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.

458 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1760

1760, Aug. 3. Mary, d. of James Smith & Anne, his wife, of Whittington, was Born July the 23rd ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Mary, d. of Wm. Evans & Jane, his wife, of Whittington, was Born July the 22nd ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Thomas, s. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 20. John, s. of Sudney Bunner & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Sarah, d. of Edd: Andrew & Hanna, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Mary, d. of Roger Rogers & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Thos., s. of Thos. Griffiths & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Sarah, d. of John Davies & Sarah, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Anne, d. of Sam: Vaughan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.


1761, Jan. 1. Anne, d. of Samuel Vaughan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 3. James, s. of Edward Edwards & Jane, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of William Bolass & Anne, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Feb. 2. William, s. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Sarah, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Sarah, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth, his wife, of Oswestry ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Jane, d. of Thomas Davis & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 20. John, s. of William Dickin & Sarah, his wife, of Park ... bap.

1761] Whittington. 459

1761, Mar. 6. John, s. of John Boodle & Anne, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 7. William, s. of Joseph Broughal & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. [blank]. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Evans & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of Walter Williams & Mary, his wife, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Richard, s. of Edward James & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Mary, d. of Francis Mendlove & Catherine, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Edwards & Jane, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Mary, d. of James Clarke & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 11. Anne, d. of Richard Phillips 8,: Anne, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" May 17. Richard, s. of Thomas Richards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 24. Elizabeth, d. of John Evans & Mary, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" June 6. Mary, d. of William Woolbridge & Deborah, his wife, of Oldmarton ... bap.
" June 14. Mary, natural d. of Robert Roberts ... bap.
" June 28. Richard, s. of William Sides & Mary, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.

[The above is repeated in full.]

THOMAS TURNER } Churchwardens.

" July 12. Anne, d. of James Evans & Mary, his wife of Hinford ... bap.
" July 19. Thomas, s. of David Davies & Margaret, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Elizabeth d. of Willitm Evans, Tayler, & Hesther, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Manning & Elizabeth, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

460 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1761

1761, Sep. 19. Samuel. s. of William Ethelston & Elizabeth, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Jane, d. of Morris Peter & Dorothy, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Margaret, natural d. of Robert Roberts, of Babinswood ... bap.


A new plank barn threshing floor made instead of an old Clay floor at the expense of W.R.
A Stage coach for the first time made its first appearance in Shrewsbury.

1762, Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones & Eliz:, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Elizth., d. of Mr. Edward Jones & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 21. James, s. of Edward Edwards & Margarett, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Tho: s. of Edward Jones & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Mary, d. of Mr. Ben'n. Menlove & Mart: his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Richard, s. of Robt: Barkley & Mary, his wife, of Henlle ... bap.
" Feb. 25. John, s. of David Williams & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Mary, d. of George Paddock & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Mary, d. of James Smith & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Edward, s. of David Hughes & Mary, his wife. of Hinford ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Mary, d. of Charles Tudor & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 12. William, s. of John Morris & Tamer, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 18. John, s. of John Price & Catherine, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.

1762] Whittington. 461

1762, May 2. John, s. of William Gough & Elizth., his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 20. Anne, d. of William Morgan & Mary, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.
" June 20. Elizth., d. of William Boyer & Francis, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Green & Margaret, his wife, of Babinswood ... bap.


" July 4. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Lee, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 5. Anne, d. of William Dickin & Sarah, his wife of Park ... bap.
" July 25. Thomas, s. of John Rogers & Catherine, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 25. Mary, d. of Samuel Vaughan & Mary, his wife ... bap.
" July 31. William, s. of Jacob Eckelse & Eliz:, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Robert, s. of Robt. Bowen Rz Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Edward, s. of Edward Andrew & Hannah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Charles, s. of William Ethelstone & Elizth. his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 20. John, s. of Robt. Tudor & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Sep. 5. William, s. of Richard Roberts & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Thomas, s. of Richd. Richards & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Elizth., d. of Willm. Jones & Elizth., his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 3. William, s. of Thos. Hughes & Martha, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Edward, s. of John Rowlands & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

462 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1762

1762, Nov. 6. Robert, s. of Joseph Morris & Margarett, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Cathrine, d. of Edd: Rogers & Elizth., his wife, of Hinford ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Mary, d. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Elizth., d. of Wm. Povah & Margarett, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 27. William, s. of Thomas Arnold & Elizth. his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Margaret, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.


1763, Jan. 1. John, s. of Abraham Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas Vaughan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Richd., s. of John Jones & Anne hi.s. bap. wife, of Henlley
" Jan. 23. Roger, s. of Roger Rogers & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Anne, d. of Edd: Jones & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Jonathan Bolvir & Anne, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Richard, s. of Edd: Price & Jane, his wife, of Daywell, & born the 5th ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Lawrence Bassnett & Elizabeth, his wife, of Tinker's Green ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of Andrew Peploe & Martha, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Peter Edwards & Anne, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Catherine, d. of William Pigot & Catherine, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Mary, d. of John Sides & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

1763] Whittington. 463

1763, Mar. 24. James, s. of Edd. Williams & Elinor, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Thomas, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babeswood ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Edward, s. of Robert Bowen & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of William Thomas & Mary, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Pritchard & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 5. Jane, d. of Wm. Evans & Jane, his wife, of Whittington, & born the 3rd ... bap.
" May 23. Edward, s. of Walter Williams & Mary, his wife, of Old Martin ... bap.
" May 20. John, s. of Benjamin Menlove & Mary, his wife, of Eernhill ... bap.
" June 12. Lucy, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Babeswood ... bap.
" June 27. William, s. of John Richards & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 15. Edward, s. of Mr. William Dickin & Sarah hiswife, of Park, & born the 7th ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Esther, d. of Wm. Evans & Esther, his wife, of Babes wood ... bap.
" Oct. 4. John, s. of Thos. Griffiths & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Jane, d. of James Evans & Mary, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Oct. 27. John, s. of Margaret Tudor, wife of Thomas Tudor, late of Oswestry, Grocer ... bap.
" Oct. 28. John, s. of Joseph Broughal & Mary, his wife of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Wm. Ethelstone & Elizabeth, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Mary, d. of Charles Ethelstone & Anne, his wife, of the p: of Kynersley ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Mary, d. of Richard Daniel & Mary, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.


464 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1764

1764, Jan. 3. Bell, d. of Wm. Roberts, M.A., Rector of Whittington, & Susanna, his wife, born Decr. 12th, 1763.
" Jan. 13. Mary, d. of Roger Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Richard, s. of Edward Jones, of Whittington, Tayler, & Mary, his wife ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Ellis, Junr., of Whittington, & Gaynor, his wife ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of the p: of Llangollen ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Mary, d. of David Hughes & Mary, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Thomas, s. of Edward James & Elizabeth his w ife, of Babes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 11. William, s. of Wm. Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of James Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Anne, d. of John Evans & Mary, his wife, of Babes wood ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Samuel, s. of Samuel Vaughan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 8. John, s. of Edward Manning & Elizabeth, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Anne, d. of James Clark & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 11. Elizabeth, d. of Walter Booth & Martha, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" May 13. Robert, s. of William Gough & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 18. John, s. of John Davies & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.


" June 11. Edward, s. of John Morris & Tamor, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.

1765] Whittington. 465

1764, June 11. Jane, d. of Robert Tudor & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 24. Sarah, d. of George Paddock & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 28. Anne, d. of Joseph Weston & Hannah, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" July 8. John, s. of Edward Williams & Margarett, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 15. Thomas, s. of John Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" July 22. Anne, d. of John Richards & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Thomas, s. of Edward Windsor & Anne, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Richard, s. of Richard Andrews & Hannah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Anne, d. of Edward Edwards & Jane, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 9. William, s. of William Sides & Mary, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Sep. 30. William, s. of John Davies & Priscilla, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Mary, d. of William Boyer & Frances, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 19. John, s. of Mr. John Maddocks & Mary, his wife, of Pwll or Pool ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Abigail, d. of Edd: Edwards & Margarett, his wife, of Babes wood ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Charles, s. of Charles Tudor & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Catherine, d. of Walter Evans & Margarett, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Richard, s. of Roger Roge.15 & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.


1765, Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of David Williams & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 1. William, s. of Thomas Francis & Elinor, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

466 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1765

1765, Feb. 20. William, s. of William Lloyd & Martha, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Anne, d. of William Ethelston & Elizabeth, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Sarah, d. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 9. John, s. of Richard Richards & Catherine, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Hannah, d. of the Reverend 11,11. Richard Basnett & Anne, his wife, of Rhos-y-Cadfa ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Thomas, s. of Edward Rogers & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Mary, d. of Peter Davies & Anne, his wife of Francton ... bap.
" May 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Rogers & Catherine, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" May 5. Jane, d. of Thomas Green & Margaret, his wife, of Babes wood ... bap.
" May 19. William, s. of William Thomas & Mary, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" May 27. Elizabeth, d. of Lawrence Windsor & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 28. Walter, s. of Walter Booth & Mary, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" June 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams & Jane, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 8. John, s. of John Marsh & Mary, his wife, of Evenal ... bap.
" July 1. Thomas, s. of Richard Roberts & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" July 21. Anne, d. of Thomas Edwards & Jane, his wife, of Babes wood ... bap.


" Aug. Margaret, d. of Thomas Pritchard & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Mary, d. of Robert Bowen & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Richard, s. of Benjarnin Menlove, & Mary, his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.

1766] Whittington. 467

1765, Sep. 28. Richard, s. of Robert Berkley & Mary, his wife, of Henlley ... bap.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of John Tyler & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Mary, d. of Edward Williams & Eleanor, his wife, of Darrel ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Susanna, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Babeswood ... bap.
" Dec. 1. William, s. of William Boyer & Frances, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Mr. William Dicken & Sarah, his wife, of Park: ... bap.


N.B.- S. signifies son, D. daughter, & W. wife, in this Register hereafter.

1766, Jan. 5. Edward, natural s. of Mary Berry, by Edward Parry ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Walter & Mary Williams, of Old Martin ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Mr. John Maddox & Mary, his wife, of Pool ... bap.
" Feb. 2. William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Richards, of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Anne, d. of David & Mary Hughes, of Hindford ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Margaret d. of William & Mary Morgan, of Babeswood ... bap.


" Jan. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Ellis & Sarah, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Mary, d. of Richard Price & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Mary, d. of David Roberts & Catherine, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of Abram Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife. of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth. d. of John Bowen & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Robert, s. of Robert Tudor & Jane, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.

468 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1766

1766, Apr. 19. Margaret, d. of Saml. Vaughan & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 18. Sarah, d. of Joseph Morris & Margaret, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 1. Richard, s. of Thomas Thomas & Sarah, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 8. William, s. of Edward Jones & Mary, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" June 19. John, s. of William Jones & Hester, his wife, of Babeswood ... bap.
" June 22. Martha, d. of James Evans & Mary, his wife of Hindford ... bap.
" June 29. John, s. of William Poval & Margaret, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 29. James, s. of Wm. Ethelstone & Elizabeth, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Davies & Mary, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Edward, s. of Thomas Griffiths & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.


" Sep. 21. James, s. of James Jones & Sarah, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 22. John, s. of William Woobridge & Dorothy, his wife, of Old Martin ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Thomas, s. of John Rogers & Catherine, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Elinor, d. of William Gough & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Elizabeth, natural d. of Richard Rickards & Jane Probart, of Park Hall ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Thomas, s. of John Morris & Tamor, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Walter, s. of Walter Evans & Margaret, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

1767] Whittington. 469

1766, Oct. 26. Sarah, d. of William Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Sarah, d. of Edward Andrew & Hannah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Robert, s. of John Rogers & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

Copied into the Court Roll May 30th, 1767.

1767, Jan. 1. David, s. of David Williams & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Edward, s. of Edward Williams & Margaret, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Roger Jones & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Williams & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 23. William, s. of George Paddock & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Edward, s. of Robert Griffiths & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 1. John, s. of Hugh Peter & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.


" Feb. 2. Jane, d. of John Tyler & Anne, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 19. John, s. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 22. John, s. of Thomas Ellis & Gaynor, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.
" Feb. 22. John, s. of William Dicken, Gent., & Sarah, his wife, of Park ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Walter, s. of Walter Booth & Martha, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Robert, s. of Roger & Elizabeth, his wife, of Hindford (Jones) ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Edwards & Jane, his wife, of Sparta], in ye p: of Halston ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Sarah, d. of James Clarke & Elizabeth., his wife, of Whittington ... bap.

470 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1767

1767, Apr. 18. Richard, s. of John Gabriel & Mary, his wife, of Whitting-ton ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Pierce & Elizabeth, his wife, of Old Martin ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Sarah, d. of Charles Tudor & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 9. Anne, d. of Andrew Moore & Mary, his wife of Francton ... bap.
" May 26. Sarah, d. of Evan Edwards & Sarah, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" May 26. Thomas, s. of John Evans & Margaret, his wife, of Babes wood ... bap.
" June 21. Mary, d. of Thos. Davies & Mary, his wife, of Babes wood ... bap.
" June 27. Anne, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Jane, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 28. Tvlary, d. of Thomas Pritchard & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.


" July 9. Mary, d. of Richard Williams & Catherine, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.
" June 29. John, s. of Richard Price & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 12. Samuel, s. of Edward Edwards & Margaret, his wife, of Babes wood ... bap.
" July 18. Martha, d. of John Marsh & Mary, his wife, of Evenal ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Richard Woolridge & Mary, his wife, of Franckton ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Edward, s. of Thomas Hollis & Sarah, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Jane, d. of Thos. Williams & Jane, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Richard, s. of Roger Rogers & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Sarah, bastard d. of Sarah Jones, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Richard, s. of Mr. John Maddox, of the Pool, & Mary, his wife ... bap.

1768] Whittington. 471

1767, Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Catherine, d. of William Thomas & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 11. James, s. of Richard Jones & Mary, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Thomas, bastard s. of Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington, by Thos. Edwards, of Babeswood ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Anne, d. of Roger Rogers & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Anne, d. of Thomas Jones & Anne, his wife, of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 27. John, s. of Edward Jones & Mary, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.

Copied into the Court Roll.


1768, Jan. 2. Jane, d. of William Ethelstone & Elizabeth, his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Richards & Catherine, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Jane, d. of Mr. William Scourfield & Margaret, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Edward, s. of Laurence Windsor & Anne, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.
" Jan. 24. John, s. of John Ferryman, of Woodhouse, & Sarah, his wife ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Sarah, d. of Abraham Edwards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Sarah, d. of Edward Jones & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Richards & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Mary, d. of William Roberts & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 31. John, s. of John Mytton, Esqr., of Halston & Rebecca, his wife, was born -, and baptiz'd at Halston, April 1st.

472 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1768

1768, Apr. 4. Hannah, d. of Thomas Arnold & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Teggen & Sarah, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Eleanor, d. of Edward Williams & Eleanor, his wife, of Daywel ... bap.
" May 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edwards & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 15. William, s. of Thomas Richards & Anne, his wife, of Much Wenlock ... bap.
" May 23. Sarah, d. of William Thomason & Sarah, his wife, of Park ... bap.
" May 28. Richard, s. of Walter Williams & Mary, his wife, of Old: Martin ... bap.
" May 29. John, s. of William Sides & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 31. Sarah, d. of Robert Foulkes & Mary, his wife, of Bucknal ... bap.


" June 5. Elizabeth, d. of William Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 19. Anne, bastard d. of Edward Pritchard, Junr., of Berghill ... bap.
" June 23. Mary & Diana, twin dans, of William Evans & Esther, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Richard, s. of Thos. Munslow & Mary, his w., of Derwen-y-pandy ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Tudor & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Mary, d. of Walter Booth & Martha, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Mary, d. of Foulk Jones & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Mary, d. of John Jones & Sarah, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Sep. 18. John, s. of David Hughes & Jane, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 9. George, s. of George Smallman & Sarah, his w., of Daywel ... bap.

1769] Whittington. 473

1768, Oct. 9. Richard, s. of Evan Thomas & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Edward, s. of William Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Richard, bastard s. of Richard Ethelstone, of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 24. David, bastard s. of Edward Jones, Junr., of the p: of Oswestry ... bap.


Copied into the Court Roll.

N.B.- Halston Bridge was built by John Mytton, Esq: upon his removing the road to a better distance from his house & much
to the benefit of the Publick. The road from Evenal to Caegwern before the Turnpike Act of 1764 chang'd it, the horse-
pavement lay in the Township of Francton & was repaired by the Inhabitants: the cart or carriage road in the parish of
Halston & repair'd by Halston - by the present change the whole road is in Francton.

1769, Jan. 2. Anne, d. of John Morris, of Berghill, & Tamer his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Rasbrook & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Edward, s. of Richard Davies & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Jan. 16. John, s. of William Boyer & Frances, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Richards & Mary his of Henlle ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Andrew, s. of Andrew Moore & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Anne, d. of John Rogers & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Anne, d. of John Rogers & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Mary, d. of Mr. John Maddox & Mary, his w., of the Pooll ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Walter Evans & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

474 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1769

1769, Feb. 13. Sarah, d. of William Woolridge & Dorothy, his w., of Old: Marton ... bap.
" Mar. 3. John, s. of James Jones & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap..
" Mar. 12. John, s. of Thomas Thomas & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Andrew & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Anne, d. of Vincent Hayes & Mary, his w., of Goebowen ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Anne, d. of John Williams & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Susanna, d. of John Lloyd & Sarah his, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Anne, d. of John Boodle & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Robert, s. of Thomas Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Eleanor, d. of Samuel Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 20. John, s. of Robert Adfield & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 5. Sarah, d. of Thomas Edwards & Mary, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" May 7. William, s. of Robert Bowen & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 7. Samuel, s. of Richard Roberts & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" May 15. Mary, bastard d. of Eleanor Thomas & Edward Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 21. Frances, d. of Richard Williams & Catherine, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Vaughan & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 11. John, s. of Thomas Jones & Anne, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" July 7. John, s. of Richard Woolridge & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" July 15. Thomas, s. of Robert Griffiths & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bay.

1770] Whittington. 475

1769, July 23. Letitia, d. of Edward Wynne & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 30. Charles, s. of William Ethelstone & Elizabeth, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Mary, d. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Robert, bastard s. of Oliver Charles & a servant-maid, of Park Hall ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Frances, d. of Richard Price & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 27. John, s. of William Thomas & Mary, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Aug. 27. John, s. of George Davies & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Margaret, d. of William Price & Margt., his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Sarah, d. of Richard Morris & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Edward, s. of Richard Jones & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Thomas, s. of John Evans & Margt. his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Joseph, s. of John Marsh & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of Edward Teggan & Sarah, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Nathaniel, s. of Nathl. Rogers & Eleanor, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

Copied into the Court Roll.


1770, Jan. 5. Anne, d. of Edward Venables & Alice, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Robert Foulkes & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Catherine, d. of Thomas Williams & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas Ellis & Gaynor, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Sarah, d. of Walter Booth & Martha, his w., of Francton ... bap.

476 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1770

1770, Jan. 28. Jane, d. of William Edwards & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Richard, s. of Roger Rogers & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Sarah, d. of John Ferryman & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. William, s. of William Evans & Esther, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Mar. 4. John, bastard s. of Edward Parry, of Gobowen ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Ithiel & Margaret, his w., of Pentre Kendrick ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Susanna, d. of John Kyllan Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas Cash & Sarah, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" May 27. John, s. of Roger Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 3. Joseph, s. of Robert Adfield & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" June 5. Frances, d. of William Web, of Newport, & Mary, his w., was born at Halston, & bapt. here.
" June 10. Elizabeth, d. of John Thomas & Margaret, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.
" June 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Paddock & Jane, his w.,of Daywel ... bap.
" June 24. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Gorton & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.


" June 24. Mary, d. of Edward Jones, Taylor, of Whittington, & Elizabeth his w. ... bap.
" July 16. John, s. of Richard Drury & Martha, his w., of the p: of Selattyn ... bap.
" July 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas Green & Margaret, his w. of Babes wood ... bap.
" Aug. 4. George, s. of George Paddock & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 5. John, s. of Edward Jones & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

1770] Whittington. 477

1770, Aug. 9. Edward, s. of James Clarke & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Mary, d. of Joseph Lee & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Sarah, d. of James Phillips & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Roger, s. of Roger Jones & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 7. James, s. of Thomas Munslow & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Anne, Bastard d. of Richard Hughes, of Babes wood, by Sarah Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 12. John, s. of Andrew Moor & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Mary, d. of Walter Broughal & Elizabeth, his w., of the p: of Halston ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Anne, d. of Vincent Hayes & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Margaret, d. of William Bolus & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Martha, d. of William Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Richard, s. of Thomas Edwards & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Mary, d. of Thomas Slater & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Roberts & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Hollis & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Jane, d. of Evan Thomas & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywel ... bap.


Copied into the Court Roll.

[Half a page of the Register is here cut out. On the remaining half, the following is written:]

1770, May 23. Rebecca, d. of John Mytton Esqre., & Rebecca, his w., born & baptiz'd at Halston.

478 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771

N.B.- The parish boundary between New Martin in the parish of Ellesmere and
the Townships of Hindford & Old Martin in this parish, seems not to have been
well understood. The bottom, or carriage road leading from a current of water
in the road leading from New Martin to Old Martin Gate belongs to the
Township of New Martin, the horse-pavement on the west side of the said road
belongs to the Township of Hindford and so the parish boundary is continued
by an unbroken line from that pavement round the parish of Halston & the
Township of Rudge in the parish of Ellesmere till it unites again in Old
Martin Aber-oer-field on the East Side of the aforesaid bottom or Carriage
road - this bottom road is the only link in the chain wich unites the parish
of Elesmere together, otherwise one part of the Township of New Martin will
be separated from the other being intercepted by a part of the parish of
Whittington and the Township of Rudge will be likewise separated in like
manner from it's parish - or in other words the Parishoners of Ellesmere in
walking the boundary of their parish must walk across part of the parish of
Whittington before they can go the boundary of part of New Martin & Rudge,
whereas admitting this bottom road to be in New Martin the boundary line of
each parish will be preserv'd unbroken.


To explain this matter further the Parishoners of Whittington in walking
their boundary must from the Hindford Pavement turn off & walk round Halston
parish & Rudge to come to the Aber-oer-field walking several miles to get at
a point where when they were at the Hindford Pavement was within a few yards
of them.

1771, Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of George Salmon, of Daywel, & Sarah his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Anne, d. of Walter Booth & Martha, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Anne, d. of Edward Grindley & Elizabeth, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.

1771] Whittington. 479

1771, Jan. 20. Anne, d. of George Davies & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Robert Tudor & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Frances, d. of John Rogers & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Martha, d. of William Roberts, nailer, & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 18. John, s. of John Boodle & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Benjamin, s. of Edward Venables & Alice, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 14. John, s. of Richard Boodle & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 14. John, s. of John Rasbrok & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas Pritchard & Sarah, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" May 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 2. Mary, d. of Richd. Woolridge & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" June 8. Thomas, s. of Richd. Pierce & Elizabeth, his w., of Old: Martin ... bap.
" June 9. George, s. of Edward Windsor & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 30. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 28. Richard, s. of Richard Williams & Catherine, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" July 28. Sarah, d. of Daniel Harrop & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Anne, d. of Abraham Edwards & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Walter Evans & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.


" Sep. 8. Joseph, s. of John Brookfield & Martha, his w., of Henlle ... bap.

480 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771

1771, Sep. 13. James, s. of David Williams & Arm, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Margaret, d. of William Thomas & Mary, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Thomas, s. of Robert Foulkes & Mary, his w., Junr., of Daywel ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Sarah, d. of David Hughes & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 3. John, s. of Thomas Edwards & Martha, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 14. William, s. of John Rogers & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Nov. 13. William, s. of John Evans & Margaret, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Dec. 8. William, s. of Richard Jones & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Dec. 8. William, s. of James Jones & Sarah, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, Labr., Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Edward Parry, Blacksmith, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Catherine, d. of Edward Price & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

Copied into the Court Roll, May 27th, 1772.


By an Act pass'd in 1771 for repairing the road from Wem in the county of
Salop to the Lime Rocks at Bron-y-garth, etc.- the following lanes are made
liable to be discontinued & stopp'd under the direction of five Trustees:-
the lane, or way called Llwyn lane near Oswestry, the road or way opposite
Halston leading to Hindford; the road or way near Kinsall leading to
Berghill; the road, or way near Cae-gwern leading towards lower Francton; the
lane or way leading from Henhavod house to lower Francton; the lane leading
from Rhydy-chen ford of the river Ceiriog to Pryn-gwilla; the lane or way
leading from or near Prys Gwen to Trehowel; the lane call'd the Gledridd
lane; the lane or way lying between the Gledridd lane & the road from Bryn-
Gwilla to Prys-Gwen; and also the lane or way leading from the house called
Jonas's to the Rhyn- A Bridle road to be made opposite Halston to Hindford
Common in lieu of the Cart road and a Carriage road between Caes Gwern &
Evenal into the Township of Breghill in lieu of the roads near Kinsall,
Caegwern & Henhavod.

1772] Whittington. 481

1772, Jan. 1. Robert, s. of Richard Roberts & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Mr. John Maddocks & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Mary, d. of Edward Richards & Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Mary, d. of Edward Ithiel & Margaret, his w., of Pentrekendrick ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Samuel, s. of Edward Andrew & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. John, bastard s. of Edward Williams, Cooper, of Ebnall, by Sarah Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of William Boyer & Frances, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Martha, d. of John Morris & Tamer, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Richard, s. of Thomas Edwards & Mary, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Mary, d. of William Windsor & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Vincent, s. of Vincent Hayes & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rogers & Jane, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Anne, d. of Richard Gorton & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Sarah, d. of John Hughes & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Mary, d. of Edward Davies & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Margaret, d. of Thomas Roberts & Sarah, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Richard, s. of Robert Tudor & Jane, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.

482 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1772

1772, Apr. 20. Richard, s. of Richard Jones & Anne, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Paddock & Jane, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 14. Anne, d. of William Woolridge & Dorothy, his w., of Old: Martin ... bap.
" May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" May 24. Samuel & Elizabeth, twins of Thomas Slater & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.


" June 7. Rebecca, d. of William Web & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 7. John, s. of Thomas Williams, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 20. John, s. of John Roberts & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 20. Richard, s. of William Evans, Tayler & Esther, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" June 28. Edward, s. of John Rogers & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 28. Anne, d. of William Roberts, nailor, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 30. Richard, s. of Richard Jones & Martha, his w., of Maesterfyn ... bap.
" June 24. Eleanor, d. of William Ethelston & Elizabeth, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" July 3. Robert, s. of Thomas Ellis & Gaynor, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Thomas, s. of William Edwards & Sarah, his w.. of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Eleanor, d. of John Jones, gent., of Pen-y-bryn. in the p: of Rhuabon, & Mary his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Sarah, d. of Walter Booth, of Frarreton, & Martha his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Anne, d. of James Phillips, Gardiner & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Anne, d. of Richard aughes, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

1773] Whittington. 483

1772, Sep. 27. Sarah, d. of Edward Teggen & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Mary, d. of Andrew Moor & Mary his w., of Francton ... bap.

The mark of RICHD. X WOOLRICK } C: Wardens.

" Oct. 4. Hannah, d. of Richard Richards & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Jane, d. of William Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Oct. 16. William, s. of Richard Pierce & Elizabeth, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John, s. of Peter Pierce & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Thomas, s. of John Kyllan & Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Edward, s. of Robert Roberts, Huntsman, & Elizabeth, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Thomas & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.


1773, Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Thomas Davies, Carpenter, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Dorothy, d. of John Adfield & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hitchin & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel Rogers, Brewer at Halston, & Eleanor, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 14. William, s. of Thomas Mounslow & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 21. John, s. of John Edwards & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh Peter, Sawyer, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

The mark of RICHD. X WOOLRICK } C: Wardens.

484 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1773

1773, Feb. 28. Edward & Martha, Twins of Richd. Jones & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Edward, s. of Edward Wynne, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Elizabeth, d. of David Parry & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Rogers & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Apr. 12.. Sarah, d. of Richard Woolridge & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Richard, s. of George Salmon & Sarah, his w., of Gobowen ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones & Elizabeth his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Richard, s. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" May 2. Emma, d. of Richard Jones & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" May 9. Thomas, s. of Joseph Lee & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

N.B.- A remarkable dry March & April-May set in excessive cold & frosty.

Labourers scarce, wages high & markets high. Turnpikes have contributed to
advance the price of labour to private families, so many hands being engaged
in the repairs of the roads.

The Turnpike Act pass'd in 1764 for altering the road from Ellesmere to the
road leading from Gswestry to Wrexham near the finger Post and for repairing
the same has occasion'd an alteration in the parish boundary as to its
description, the road being alter'd at Halston Bridge the course of the river
Perry chang'd there; the road is likewise alter'd between Halston & Francton,
from a part near Evenal to Cae-Gwern. Mr. Lloyd of Aston for the purpose of
draining his lands at the iron mill sunk the channel of the river crossing
the road, & caus'd a bridge to be made over the channel, wch. bridge is to be
maintain'd by him, being for the improvement of his lands.


1773] Whittington. 485

1773, May 16. John, s. of John Brookfield & Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" May 20. John, s. of James Clark, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 30. John, s. of Edward Jones, Taylor, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 31. Mary, d. of Edward Venables, Labr., & Alice, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" June 13. William, s. of Robert Bowen, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

By an Act of Parliament pass'd this Sessions for continuing & enlarging the
Terms & Powers of two Acts made in the thirty- first year of his late
Majesty's and nineth year of his present Majesty's Reign for repairing
several roads in the counties of Montgomery, Merioneth & Salop; the Lane
leading from Rhos-y-Cadfa to the end of Bryn-y-Castell lane, & the lane
call'd Pentre-Aaron lane in this parish, are directed to be discontinued &
stopp'd. Also Morton lane & the lane opposite in the parish of St. Martin.

" June 20. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones, Labr., & Anne his w.. of Whittington ... bap.
" June 20. Sarah, bastard d. of John Lloyd, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 23. Maria, d. of John Mytton, Esqr., & Rebecca, his w., at Halston, born & bapt. ... bap.
" June 27. Thomas, s. of William Bolas, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 28. Elizabeth, d. of George Davies, Sawyer, & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

A Remarkable Slip of the earth near Buildwas bridge in this county, above
thirty acres of land being remov'd, stopp'd the course of the river Severne,
the navigation of the river was for some time interrupted, but the water soon
forced a new passage. A Barn was swallow'd in the Chasm wch. still remains
open, several Trees were thrown up by the roots & others travell'd standing.
It was call'd an Earthquake, but this phenomenon was attended with no
tremulous motion of the earth or air, but confined to the spot only. It is
most probable the river had undermirn'd it, and that It was a slip.


486 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1773

1773, Aug. 5. Charles, s. of William Ethelstone, farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 22. John, s. of Richd. Williams, Innkeeper, & Catherine, his w., of Gobowen ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Everal, shoemaker, & Mary his Iv., of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Thomas, s. of Andrew Moor, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Susanna, d. of John Rogers, Farmer, & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Nov. 19. John, s. of Walter Broughal, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Kinsel ... bap.
" Nov. 21. John, s. of Thomas Maddox, waggoner, of Halston, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Mary, d. of Evan Thomas, Labr., & Eilzabeth, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Margaret, d. of Thomas Roberts, Labr., & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 28. William, s. of Vincent Hayes, Innkeeper, & Mary, his w., of Gobowen ... bap.
1774, Jan. 1. Catherine, d. of Walter Evans, sexton, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Thomas, labr., & Mary- his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 2. John, s. of Thomas Edwards, Sawyer, & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Edward, s. of Richd. Pierce, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.
" Jan. 10. William, s. of William Web, Bricklayer, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

1774] Whittington. 487

1774, Jan. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Pritchard Farmer, & Sarah, his w., of Bebes wood ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Margaret, d. of Edward Ithiel, Husbandman, & Margt. his w., of Pentre-Kendrick ... bap.

The mark of X THOS. MOODY } Churchwardens.

" Feb. 13. Hannah, d. of Edward Price, Taylor, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal.

On the 16th Feby. about 12 o'ck: at night a most remarkable storm of Thunder
attended with a high wind & extra-ordinary hail alarm'd this neighbourhood.
The effects of it were severely felt at the Revd. Mr. Thomas Edwards's new
house at Mount Sion in the parish of Selattyn. The windows in the West: end
were all shatter'd: about a foot square of the foundation seemed as if ramm'd
in with a force that spattled the dirt as high as the Cornish: the traces of
the Lightening were apparent on every side of the house, & to be found in
every room within it. Two of the chimneys were damag'd, one clear to the
roof: the Closet in Mrs. Edwards's room was divested of the partition, door &
all being shiver'd & drove to the Bedside, a stand of a head Clock damag'd by
the Bedside, & the wire of the Bell melted off. Tho' thus beset on all sides
Mr. & Mrs Edwards escap'd unhurt, most providentially escap'd. Some pieces of
plate in the Closet had marks as if with shot thro' them: the wires in Mrs.
Edwards's Caps were like petrified together, & the linen as if Chew'd by a
Dog. The pointer dog on the kitchen hearth was kill'd & four chickens in the
poultry yard were killed, & four left alive. The lives of the family were all
preserv'd. The alarm was dreadfull, but the damage of repairs to the house
did not exceed seven or eight pounds.

1774, Feb. 20. Jane, d. of Thos. Jones, Carpenter, & Jane, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Edward, s. of Robert Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnall ... bap.

488 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774

1774, Apr. 2. John, s. of John Thomas, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Richard Jones, of Maesterfyn, Farmer, & Martha his w. ... bap.


Oswestry Market.
Oats, 6s. per Bushel.
Grey Peas 4s. 6d. per Strike.
Beef, 3d½
Mutton, 3d½ per pd.
Veal, 3d.

1774, Apr. 23. Joseph, s. of Thomas Hitchin, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" May 6. Jane, d. of David Davies, Butcher, & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 6. Charles, Bastard s. of Sarah Brown, spinster, of Babeswood ... bap.
" May 15. Mary, d. of Richard Boodle & Mary, his w., of Daywel ... bap.
" May 25. Catherine, Bastard d. of William Rogers, of Whittington, & [blank] Vaun, of Bucknal ... bap.
" June 6. Elizabeth, d. of William Windsor, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 2 Bishop Shipley's second visitation at Oswestry.
" June 26. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Griffiths, Labr., & Mary his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Mary, a. of Peter Bentley, Farmer, & Hannah, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Martha, d. of William Roberts, Nailor, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Samuel. Bastard s. of William Rogers, Farmer, of Whittington, by Hannah Emery, of Park ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Anne, d. of Richard Roberts, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 9. John, s. of Thomas Slater, Carpenter, & Margt. his w., of Hindford ... bap.

1775] Whittington. 489

1774, Oct. 28. Hannah, d. of William Woolridge, Farmer, & Dorothy, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Mary, d. of Richard Hocknel, of Halston, & Elizabeth his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 1. John & Edward, Twin s. of John Everall, Shoemakr., & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Margaret, d. of Edward Teggen, Shoemr., & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 10. William, s. of Joseph Wild, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Whitn. ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Sarah, d. ofRobert Tudor, Shoemr., & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Mary, d. of Edd: Oliver, Flaxdresser, & Mary, his w., of Babeswd. ... bap.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of John Hughes, Labr., & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.


Wheat at 8s. 4d.
Muncorn 7 - 4
Barley 4 - 6 per Oswestry Strike.
Beef 4d.
Mutton [?]

1775, Jan. 8. John, s. of Richard Gorton, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Richard, s. of Richd. Wiilridge, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Anne, d. of David Parry, Tithe Taker, of Whittington, & Anne his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Hannah, d. of Abraham Edwards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Sarah, d. of Edward Parry, Blacksmith, & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

N.B.- An open winter & very healthy; some snow, a sudden thaw and much wet having clos'd the month of January, great
floods are at present the consequence.- Feb: 1st.

490 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774

N.B.- A General Election in Novr. 1774. The members return'd for this County
Charles Baldwyn Esqre. and Noel Hill Esqre. A warm contest for the County of
Montgomery between the Powys and the Llwydiardd Interests: Watkin Williams,
of Pembedw [?] in the county of Flint Esqre. the late member supported by his
cousin Sir Wat: Williams Wynn, and oppos'd by William Mostyn Owen of Bryngwyn
Esqre. supported by the young Earl of Powys, who prevail'd by a Majority of

This was reputed to have been a maiden county, being the first contest
carried to a Poll.

Candidates for the Town of Shrewsbury, Lord Clive, the late Member, & William
Pulteney Esqr. & Charlton Leighton Esqr: Noel Hill late member having
succeeded to the county. Ld. Clive & Charlton Leighton return'd by the Mayor
upon a Majority of the Burgesses, who refus'd the votes of the Freemen, but
Mr. Pulteney having obtained a verdict in their faver upon two mandamus
causes in the Court of King's bench, presented a petition to the House of
Commons against the return of Mr. Leighton, which return was deemed by the
Committee illegal, and Mr. Pulteney declared duely elected. Lord Clive being
dead John Corbet, Esqre. of Sundorn, was elected upon the same bottom with
Mr. Pulteney in opposition to Richard Mo[?]hall Esqre. of Onslow upon whom
the success of Mr. Pulteney's petition was intimidated from standing a Poll.

BREE Rector of Rysom in the County of Lincoln Respondent.

House of Lords March 10th 1775. 15th G. iiid.

Chaplin was owner & occupier of Lands for wch. he paid a modus or
Composition of 15: 10:1½. This being considerably under value; Bree
exhibited a Bill in the Exchequer in Hilary term 1769 praying that the
Appellant might be deem'd to acc'nt with him according to the full value of
the same. The Barons having heard both Parties, directed two issues to be
tried at the next Lincoln Assizes. The First to enquire, whether the Lands
of Grange de Linge were in the parish of Rysom; the second whether

1775] Whittington. 491

there had been any Composition real [?] between the Patron & Parish previous
to the reign of Queen Elizabeth [?]. On the 25 & 26th of March both matters
came to be determined before Mr. Justice Blackstone & two special Juries at
Lincoln; when verdicts on both issues were found for the Apellant, that
Grange de Linge was extra-parochial; & that there had been an antient
Composition real [?] paid in lieu & full satisfaction of Tythes &
Ecclesiastical Dues.- The Respondent looking upon himself to be aggriev'd by
both verdicts, & conceiving that the learned Judge, who tried the Cause, by
his direction of the Jury, was of opinion that the Appellant had fail'd in
proving the affirmative of either propositions on which he rested his cause,
applied for a new trial of the Court of Exchequer, who after hearing Counsel
several days, thought fit to order a new trial on both Issues, against which
the Appellant Chaplin appeal'd. On this point the Debate arose, in wch. after
the Ld. Chancellor had commented very ably; the Lords Dispencer Denbigh,
Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Mansfield spoke, and the debate closed with
the following speech by Lord Camden.

My Lords- What the learned Lord Mansfield has observ'd that ye Lordships must
undoubtedly give your votes, not according to any private inclination, but
the law alone, is so decisively true, that nothing that I can say upon it,
can either set it in a more conspicuous light, or add to the solidity of the
foundation on wch. it rests. But I shall make a few observations on the
manner in wh. this cause seem'd on the verge of being taken up by two Noble

There are cases wch. sometimes come before us, in wch. the fact is not easily
separated from the Attendant Circumstances: This my Lords is one of them; and
I must remark that there are not many of your Lordships in a Train of making
these distinctions, & that due Discrimination, wch. is necessary between the
naked fact, & these points wch. the evidence nesessarily threw around it.
This depends upon habit. Men who sit every day in the Courts below, naturally
bring their minds to see

492 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775

the law alone, to guide themselves by the dictates of that only, let their
opinions be what they may, or however hard or severe they may be, yet they
habituate themselves to look on one side solely to the fact proved, & on the
other to the mere letter of the law. My Lords, with respect to the present
case, there are circumstances which have not been sufficiently distinguish'd
from the naked facts. On the one hand there is no Church, no duty, and the
Person [sic] residing at a great distance; on the other hand the Appellant
has spent 8000£ in improvements on an Estate wch. his father bought under the
presumption of the Composition of 15£ being good. These Circumstances both
unite to make the Case a hard one, & to occasion its being taken up by one
side of the house with too superficial a view of the point of law. And on the
other hand a matter of Tythes, with the rights of the Church contended, may
be the cause of a seeming alacrity on the contrary side to espouse the
Respondents Cause. But my Lords the Case is simply this: The 13th of
Elizabeth was pass'd with the direct intention & effect to prevent for ever
after any Alienation of the Church's Patrimony, so that from that day forth
no agreement cou'd be made for Composition that cou'd be a legal modus. A
Prescription therefore of 60 or 160 years wou'd be but as one hour. If the
Appellant does not prove the Composition to have originated before the 13th
of Elizabeth, it is clearly no real Composition. Now my Ld. what proof does
he bring of this ? Why, None. He gives you some presumptive evidence, but
nothing that amounts to a proof; and the Presumptions for him are combated
wth. so many presumptions against him, that to think of its being a proof is
impossible. In the 26th of Henry 8th, wch. is only 21 years before the
Statute of the 13th of Elizabeth, the value of the Living of Rysom is
returned to the King 4£. Now how is it possible that a Living of 4£ value
shd. in an Age when the value of Land did not rise one year's purchase in a
century, jump in 20 years to 15£ ? Wt. probability is there of this ? And not
only that incredible rise, but My Lords, the amount of 15£ wou'd then have
been so much

1775] Whittington. 493

beyond the real value of the Tythes, that it cou'd only be done by the owner
of the Estate making that magnificent provision for the Parson, at his own
expense, without compulsion & not of saddling all his Posterity with the
same. Upon the whole, my Lords it is impossible to conceive it to have been
the case. The Case view'd in this light will sufficiently speak for itself.
As for the Burthen of Tythes upon the Estate of the Laity, I agree fully in
it, & heartily wish a Bill was brought in, that wou'd have the effect of
giving to the Clergy an Equivalent of equal & rising value provided it was
such as they freely agreed to accept. But, My Lords, till that is done we
must vote in this & similar cases, not according to attendant circumstances,
but the mere naked facts. passed unanimously.

March 21st 1773.


Before Mr. Justice Willes & a Special Jury at Bury on an Issue directed by
the Court of Exchequer to try whether Tythe, or any Modus or satisfaction
in lieu thereof, was payable for rabbits or conies sold off a Warren in
that parish.
Verdict for the Plaintiff.

LLOYD Clk: Vicr: of St. Martins Shropshire.
Agt. JOHN BENTLEY an inhabitant & occupier of Lands within the sd. parish.

This action was bro't by the Vicar who was intitled to all the Small Tythes
upon the Statute of the 2nd & 3rd of Edwd. 6th for carrying his clover (cut
for seed) from the lands where the same grew, without setting forth the
Tythe thereof, whereby Defnt. forfeited treble the value of the Tythe.

The Cause came to be tried at the Lent Assizes for the County of Salop in
the year 1774, where the Plt: proved his right to all the vicarial Tythes
of the parish, and it was admitted on all hands that Clover seed was a
vicarial Tythe. But Baron Eyre who tried the Cause nonsuited the Pltiff.
from an opinion that the Tythe in question being

494 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775

a seed, the Plt. cou'd not insist upon its being sett out upon the Lands in
the manner that he had stated in his declaration, and said it ought to be
paid at the Mill.

The following Term the Plt: moved for a new trial, & obtain'd a rule to
show cause. And in Trinity Term the matter came on for Argument, when the
Pltiff's. Counsel insisted that the Action was properly bro't and that the
Tythe ought to be set out upon the Lands, since the stalk of clover when
kept for seed, was a Thing of no material value and considered as mere
trosh & refuse, at the same time observing that it wou'd be extremely
unreasonable that the Farmer shd. be obliged to pay the Tythe in clean &
pure seed at the Mill or elsewhere, considering the great expence & trouble
attending the Harvesting, Carrying, Threshing & Cleaning the same & withal
insisted that Pradial Tythes in general ought to be paid upon the Land.
The Court upon the first Argument seemed inclined to think that the Tythe
ought to be set out upon the Land. But Mr. Baron Perrott suggested a
doubt whether the Tythe of Clover seed wch. he called the Minutiae of Tythe
came within the meaning of the Act of Parliament, and therefore the matter
was order'd to stand over for further Argument till Mich'mass Term when the
Court detirmined in favour of the Pltiff. on each point and granted a New
Trial on payment of Costs.

At Lent Assizes 1775 the Cause came on again for trial upon the same Issue
when the Pl'tiff had a Verdict, and the Jury finding the value of the Tythe
at 20s. the Court trebled the same agreeable to the Statute and the Plt:
had judgement accordingly for 3£ & costs of suit. But if the value of the
Clover seed amounted to 20 nobles the Statute gave no Costs.
before Mr. Baron Burland, Salop.

1775, Jan. 29. Mary, d. of William Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babes-wood ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Edward, s. of Vincent Hayes, Innholder, & Mary, his w., of Gorbowen ... bap.

1775] Whittington. 495

1775, Feb. 12. Jemima, d. of James Phillips, Gardiner, at Porkington, & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Willm. Edwards, wheelright, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 12. William, s. of Richard Hughes, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Mary, d. of Thomas Ellis, Farmer, & Gainor, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Edward, s. of Peter Pierce, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Thomas, s. of John Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Richard, s. of Robert Foulkes, Junr., Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 26. John, s, of Robert Jones, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Mary, d. of Samuel Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Mary, d. of William Lloyd, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Hordley ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Margaret, d. of Richard Jones, Tanner, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of William Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Mary, d. of Thos. Rogers, Weaver, & Jane, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Mary, d. of William Boyer, Labr., & Frances, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Thomas. Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 14. Elizabeth, d. of Edd: Windsor, Junr., weaver, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 21. Thomas, s. of Thos. Davies, Sawyer, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 2. Sarah, d. of Thos. Hitchin, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" June 5. Jane, d. of Richd. Jones, Farmer, & Mary his w.. of Daywell ... bap.

496 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775

A Remarkable dry season for the months of April & May to this date. Crops of hay very short.


1775, June 11. Simon, s. of Hugh Peter, Sawyer, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 27. John, s. of Thomas Davies, Carpenter, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 1. Sarah, d. of John Brookfield, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" July 23. John, s. of Andrew Moor, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" July 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Rogers, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" July 27. Samuel, s. of Roger Jones, Shoemaker, & [blank] his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" July 30. Edward, s. of Thos. Williams, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.

A very rainy latter hay harvest, much hay damag'd.

1775, Aug. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Pigot, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Francton ... bap.

A wet Corn Harvest, Crops good.

On Fryday the 8th of Septr. this neighbourhood was alarm'd with the shock
of an Earthquake. Abt. ten at night a rumbling noise much like a mighty
wind was heard, at the same time all was calm. This was followed by two
tremulous motions succeeding each other instantaneously. The doors &
windows of the houses in this village chatter'd the beds were observed to
tremble, the chairs rocked under some that sat in them, and a man walking
in the fields between Berghill & Francton totter'd so that he could scarce
keep his legs. Providentially no damage ensued. The shock was felt in
Shrewsbury, Wem, Ellsmere, Halston, here, & in a slighter degree at

1775] Whittington. 497


We Thos. Trevor, Joseph Venables, Thos. Edwards, Clerks three of His
Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Salop, one whereof is of
the Quorem, having This day view'd the new footpath from Whittington to
Berghill, which is compleated according to the direction of the Highway Act
do hereby certfy that the said foot path is more commodious than the old
one. We do therefore order that the old Footpath be from henceforth stopped
up & inclosed by John Mytton of Halston in compensation for the damage &
expence incurr'd by the sd. John Mytton in making the sd. new foot-path
from Whittington to Berghill.

Given under our hands & seals this 14th day of October, 1775.
In presence of THO. EDWARDS

N.B. The old footpath pass'd f rom Whittington thro' Halston Bickets crossing the Pery in Spurtal fields over a dangerous
foot-bridge or rather old trunk of a Tree & the deepest part of the River.

Oct. 18th. A violent storm of wind attended with much damage.

Dec. 25th. On Monday last (or the 19th) the Court of Exchequer gave
Judgement in a cause between the Revd. Mr. Travis Vicr. of Eastham in the
County Palatine of Chester Plff: and certain Occupiers of lands in that
parish Defendants. The Townships composing this parish are eight, and in
five of these the tithe of hay has constantly been paid to the Vicars of
the parish in kind. All small tithes in kind, or satisfaction in lieu
thereof have likewise been immemorialy paid to the Vicars thro' out all the
townships composing the parish. The points in issue were - whether the
Plff. in right of his vicarage, was intitled to the tithe of hay in kind in
those three Townships within his parish, none of wch. it was admitted, had
actually render'd that tithe in kind within the memory of living witnesses.
And also whethr. the Plff. was moreover entitled to small tithes in kind in
one of those Townships in lieu of wch. a general modus was insisted on by
two of the Defendants. All the moduses set up & otherwise appearing in
evidence (except the last mentioned one) were declared bad in law, and the
Defendants were accordingly decreed to acc'nt with Plff.

498 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775

as for the Tithe of hay in kind with costs, save that one Deft. whose case
was more favourabley circumstanced than the others & was exempt from
contributing in aid to the payment of those Costs.

The Extent only of the general modus, set up in lieu of the small Tithes is
referred to the consideration of a Jury & the decree as against that, is
reserved until the return of the Verdict. The Court being unanimous, the
Judgement was delivered in writing by Mr. Baron Eyre, in the absence of the
Chief Baron, who was indisposed. From the learned & convincing arguments,
suggested by the Court as the ground of their decree, the rights of Vicars
in general are now established on settled principles of law wch. only need
to be clearly known in order to be, on all sides, universally submitted to.

[Here follow five lines at the bottom of a page, completely erased.]

1773, Sep. 3. John, s. of Samuel Davies, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Mary, d. of Richard Jones, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Maisterfyn ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Catherine, d. of William Cartwright, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Catherine, d. of John Roberts, Labr., & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 18. William, s. of John Rogers, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John Berkley, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Hannah, Bastard d. of Thomas Hughes, Servt., at Fernhill ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Alice, d. of Edward Venables, Labr., & Alice, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Mary, d. of Richd. Pierce, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of William Bolas, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Thomas, s. of George Davies, Sawyer, & Anne, his w., of Bebes wood ... bap.

1776] Whittington. 499

1775, Dec. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. Hocknel, Victualer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Anne, d. of Richard Tudor, Blacksmith, & his w., of the p: of Selattyn ... bap.


It may be presum'd markets are lower'd by stopping Exportation of Grain,
and encouraging importation, a Political maneuvre highly necessary in these
turbulent times of contest between Great Britain and her colonies; who
being in rebellion agnst. the Parent state, aided & abetted by a Faction at
home, of provisions had continued at the late high price, the Leaders of
Opposition wou'd have found it no difficult matter to have stirr'd up the
lower Class of People to acts of Insurrection.

Barley 2s. 9d.
Wheat 6s. od.
Muncorn 5s. 6d. per strike.
Oats 1s. 6d.
Grey Peas 2s. 9d.
Best Beef 3d.
Veal 3d. per pound.
Mutton 3d.
Pork 3½d

Labourers Wages from 12d, to 14d. per day.

1776. The New Year is set in with a dreadful fall of snow wch. began on the
6th at night, blown in drifts by a brisk easterley wind, that it lies in
several parts seven feet deep; & has render'd it impossible for the mails
to pass: the London bag did not come in to Oswestry from the 8th till the
16th. The snow did not fall so deep in this neighbourhool as nearer London.
It has been observ'd that English snows [?] wch. fall with an Easterly wind
are always the deepest.

1776, Jan. 4. Richard, s. of George Salmon, Farmer, & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Sarah, d. of Thomas Williams, Blacksmith, & Anne, his w., of Francton ... bap.

500 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776

1776, Jan. 30. The snow continues so deep, & the Frost so severe that the
London mails have not yet come in regularly. The 21st was remarkable for
intense cold, and the 27th nearly as keen.

" Feb. 1. A drizzling rain, wch. fell partly in Icecles, and froze as it
fell. Many accidents happen'd from the slippery surface of the paths wch.
were perfectly glazed. Travillers cloaths instead of being wet, were so
stiffly congealed about them that it was with difficulty they were got off.
The wings of small Birds were so frozen that they fell to the ground. Many
were picked up and others died frozen to the ground. The next

" Feb. 2. day a gentle thaw began to discover the face of the earth,
wch. had been hid for so long a time.

" Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of Griffith Rogers, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Thos. Evans. Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Sarah, d. of Edward Ithiel & Margaret, his w., of Pentre Kendrick ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Jane, d. of David Hug,hes, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.


" Mar. 30. John, s. of John Owen, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Anne, d. of Joseph Clarke & Jane, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 8. John, s. of Thomas Rogers, Cooper, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 10. James, s. of Edd Jarrett, of Whittington, Labr., & Jane his w. bap.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thos: Rogers, Weaver, & Jane, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.

1776] Whittington. 501

1776, Apr. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Griffiths, wheelwright, & Jane, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Jane, d. of John Hall, Scotchman & Mary, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" May 3. Martha, d. of John Parry, Sawyer, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

Another new road open'd opposite Halston Garden, and another new Bridge
erected over the River Perry ... this road is continued thro' the parish of
Halston along the bottom leaving Kinsel as you travel for Ellesmere on the
right hand (whereas the old road left it on the left). The parish boundary
hereby will require a new description; Part of the old road near Evenal
White House being in Francton in this parish, but the present road changed
it totally in to Halston from the New Bridge, till it enters into Rudge in
the parish of Ellesmere. N.B. The Bridge was erected at the expence of Mr.
Mytton; the road to be charg'd to the Turnpike. This cut shortens the road
to Ellesmere about half a mile.


1776, May Margt., d. of Thos. Roberts, Labr., & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 13. Anne, d. of John Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 16. Mary, d. of William Davies, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 19. Hannah, d. of Peter Bentley, Farmer, & Hannah, his w., of Francton ... bap.

No rain from the sixth of May to the thirtieth. A nipping Northerly wind & grass very short.

1776, May 26. Thomas, s. of John Hughes, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" May 26. Elizabeth, d. of David Davies, Master of the Workhouse, & Jane, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 27. Martha, d. of William Ethelstone, Fanner, & Elizabeth, his w., of Berghill ... bap.

502 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776

1776, June 2. Sarah, d. of Edward Thomas, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jnue 2. Margaret, d. of Thomas Lloyd, weaver, & Margt. his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 7. Sarah, Bastard d. of Mary Stephens, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 9. Richard, s. of Richd. Richards, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 9. William, s. of William Poval, Wheelwright, & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 9. Sarah, d. of Richard Richards, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 16. Margaret, d. of James Clarke, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 16. Sarah, d. of William Windsor, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 18. Jane, d. of Thomas Hughes, Wheelwright, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 23. William, s. of William Edwards, Wheelwright, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 29. Hugh, s. of William Hughes, Sadler, & Anne, his w., of [blank]... ... bap.


" July 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Everal, Shoemaker, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Mary, d. of John Lewis, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 14. William, s. of Richard Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edwards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Gravenor ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Harper, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Joseph, s. of Joseph Lee, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Thomas, s. of Edward Jones, Fanner, & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

1777] Whittington. 503

1776, Dec. 11. John, s. of Edward Wynne, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Anne, d. of William Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Sarah, d. of Edd: Oliver, Flaxdresser, & Mary, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.

N.B. The old year has introduc'd a smart frost & some snow into the new
year. The frost set in on Christmas Eve & still continues to freeze
intensely. Jany. 1st, 1777.

Barley - 2s. to 2s. 6d.
Best Beef - 3d.
Wheat - - 6s.
Veal - - - 3d.
Muncorn - 4s. 6d.
Mutton - - 3d.
Oats - - 1s. 9d.
Pork - - - 3d.
Grey peas - 2s. per pound.

Labourer's wages from 10d. to 12d.


1777, Jan. 19. Anne, d. of Thomas Evans & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, Taylor, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Edward, s. of Edward Teggin, Shoemaker, & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Feb. 9. William, s. of Edward Jones, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Rogers, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Sarah, d. of Robert Lewis, Servt., & Anne, his w., of Llanfyllin ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Margaret, d. of Richard Pierce, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Slater, wheelwright, & Margaret, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Richard, s. of John Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

504 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1777

1777, Feb. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Anne Davies, Spinster, of Spurstal, in the p: of Halston, who upon her oath saith that Edward Richards, of Whittington, Farmer, is the Father thereof ... bap.
" Mar. 2. John, s. of Oliver Charles, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 4. William, s. of Edward Edwards, Labr., & Susanna, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Joseph, s. of John Roberts, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Anne, d. of Thomas Munslow, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Mary, d. of Elizabeth & William Brown, Labr., of Rudge, in the p: of Ellsmere ... bap.
" Mar. 28. .Mary, d. of Edward Windsor, of Ebnal, & Elizabeth his w. ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Edward, s. of Joseph Eccleston, Labr., Labr., & Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Edward, s. of William Wilkinson, & Anne, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Susanna, d. of Thomas Davies, Sawyer, & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Jacob, s. of Richard Eccleston, Shoemaker, & Elizabeth, his w., of Francton ... bap.

A nipping cold April, grass stinted, and fruit blighted.


1777, May 4. Thomas, s. of Peter Pierce, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" May 11. Edward & Margaret, s. & d. of Hugh Roberts, Potter, & Catherine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 27. Robert, s. of Robert Watkin Wynn, Esqr., & Anne Sobieski, his w., of Park Hall ... bap.
" June 8 Edward, s. of John Rogers, Farmer, & Catherine, his w., of Berghill ... bap.

1777] Whittington. 505

1777, June 8. Elizabeth, d. of William Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" June 14. John & Richard, twin sons of John Thomas, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 15. Anne, d. of Richard Boodle, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

July 5th. On Monday the 9th of last month came on before the Baron's of the
Court of Exchequer the Rehearing of the Cause, wherein the Revd. Mr.
Travis, Vicar of Eastham in the county of Chester was Pltff. & certain
occupiers of lands within the Parish were Defendants (vid: Dec: 1775).

The Defendants conceiving themselves to be aggriev'd by that decree,
applied to the Court in Hilary term last for a Rehearing. The points
chiefly insisted upon by the Defnts: Counsel were - That proof of an
enjoyment of the Tithes in question, in other parts of the parish, was not
prima facie evidence of an original endowment in those parts of the parish
from whence the Tithes in question were demanded by the Bill.- And that
proof of a bad Modus by a Vicar did not give to him, (as to a Rector) a
right to Tithes in kind, in the first instance, where the Def'dnt. denied
his right to such Tithes without having the cause previously sent to a
trial at Law. - The Rehearing continued 4 days & the Court, after taking a
Fortnight's consideration of the Arguments urg'd by the Counsel on both
sides, were pleas'd on Tuesday July 1st unanimously to affirm the former
decree in favour of the Pltff. with costs.

Counsel for the Pltff: Mr. Skynner, Mr. Kenyon & Mr. Arden.
- for the Defnts: Thurloe, the Attorney General, Messrs. Maddocks, Wilson Cooper & Lloyd. Snow & Brock of Chester, Solicitors.

1777, June 27. Joseph, s. of Andrew Moor, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.


" July 8. There is a prospect of great plenty but for these six weeks
past we have not had a ripening day, so gloomy is the weather at intervals,
& so wintarly cold, that in the midst of a rising profusion, there appears,
as it were a general reverse of nature.

506 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1777

1777, July 9. A fine Summer's day !
" July 6. Mary, d. of Richd. Gorton, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 6. Elizabeth, d. of Owen Roberts, Taylor, & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell, at Selattyn ... bap.
" July 13. Edward, s. of Thomas Rogers, Weaver, & Anne, his wife, of Old Martin ... bap.
" July 13. Anne, d. of Daniel and Elizabeth Chidley, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 23. So far fine hay harvest weather succeeded at present by heavy rains.
" July 27. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones & Jane, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" July 27. Richard, s. of Richard Jones, Tanner, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 31. The rainy season still continues, the forward and late hay harvest have been equally tedious.
" Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Evans, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Jane, d. of Richard Davies, Butcher, & Alice, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Sep. 4. John, s. of John Parry, Sawyer, & [Elizabeth erased] Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Mary, d. of Richard Jones, Farmer, St Catherine his IA," of Middleton ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Richard, s. of Richard Hocknall, of the Boot, in Whittington, & Elizabeth his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Thomas, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Sep. 21. James, s. of James Phillips, Gardiner, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 29. John, s. of Robert Foulkes, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.


1777] Whittington. 507

1777, Oct. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Margaret, d. of John Lewis, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Maria Probert, of this p: by John Wild, of Penley, a Bastard ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Edward, s. of Edward Parry, Blacksmith, & Mary, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Margaret, bastard d. of Elizabeth Thomas & Richard Williams, Servt., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 9. John, s. of Edward Edwards, Wheelright, & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Mary, d. of Edward Davies & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Jane, d. of David Hughes, Weaver, & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Thomas, s. of Joseph Pemberton, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Daywell baP.
" Nov. 22. Samuel, s. of John Brookfield, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Nov. 23. John, s. of Thomas Rogers, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Sarah, d. of William Cartwright, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Mary, d. of Robert Edwards, Gent: & Anne his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Edward, s. of Thomas Lloyd, Weaver, & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Mary, d. of George Salmon, Farmer, & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of Richard Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Spartal ... bap.

508 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1778

Barley at 3s. - 8d.
Best Beef at 3½d
Wheat 7 - 6
Veal 4d.
Muncorn 6 - 6
Mutton 3½d.
Oats 2 -
Pork 4d.
White Peas 8 -
Grey Peas 5 -
Butter 5½ & 6d.
Cheese 36 shills. per C.
Labrs. wages 10d. & 12d. per: day.


1778. The old year closed with a smart frost, and the new year is introduc'd with the like seasonable weather.
" Jan. 4. Daniel, s. of John Jaivis, Shoemaker, & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Sarah, d. of William Boyer, Labr., & Frances, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Margaret, d. of Thos: Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 15. John, s. of Vincent Hayes, lnnholder, & Mary, his w., of Gobowen ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Thomas, s. of Samuel Davies, Labr., & Catherine his w.. of Babeswood ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Priscilla, d. of Thomas Dal,ies, Carpenter, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 27. A Fast for imploring the intervention & blessing of Almighty God speedily to deliver our distract'd Colonies in North America from the rage and calamities of Rebellion and for success to our arms in so just a cause.
" Feb. 15. Richard, s. of James Clarke, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Martha, d. of John Hall, Travelling Scotsnaan, & Mary, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of Thomas Edwards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Gravenor ... bap.

1778] Whittington. 509

1778, Mar. 3. Mary, d. of Richard Price, servant, & Elizabeth, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Mary, d. of John Feltus, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Martha & Elizabeth, Twin d. of Richard Jones, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Edward, s. of Edward Venables, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.


" Apr. 8th to the 12th, the weather was so very warm & inviting that the Swallow, the Bat, & the Wasp left their dormintories and the Cuckou proclaimed her joy.
" Apr. 13-14. A sudden return of winterly weather, frost & snow & cold to excess, the sleepers are retired to rest and the song of the Cuckou is nowhere heard.
" Apr. 76. Peter, s. of Peter Bentley, Farmer, & Hannah, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 79. Jane, d. of John Everal, Shoemaker, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Frost & snow, & swallows flying.
" Apr. 30. Sarah, d. of Richard Richards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" May 3. Thomas, s. of Roger Jones, Shoemaker, & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" May 9. Richard, bastard s. of Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington, Mantua-maker ... bap.
" May 11. Eleanor, d. of John Thomas, Farmer, & Eleanor, his w., of Drenewith ... bap.
" May 28. James, bastard s. of James Cartwright ... bap.
" May 28. Catherine, d. of Evan Evans, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 19. John, s. of Thomas Harper, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" July 19. Anne, d. of Thomas Prichard, Weaver, & Sarah, his w., of Berghill ... bap.

510 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1778

1778, July 20. Joseph, s. of Joseph Wild, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Berghill ... bap.

It is to be remark'd that the weather continued mostly cold 'till towards
the middle of June & the sun continued very shy of showing his face, but
has made ample amends from that time as we have not, of late years
experienc'd such warm Summer weather. On the 27th of June a Thunder storm
alarm'd the Town of Oswestry, the Lightening was terrible. It's severities
fell upon the house of one Fox a Carrier in the Town, whose servant maid
was kill'd by it, but no other lives lost tho' many in the house nor
other damage except a bedstead shiver'd in pieces. Another Thunder storm on
July 19th fired two farm houses and two barns in Newton near Ellsmere.


1778, Aug. 2. Mary, d. of Thos. Jones, Cooper, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Jane, d. of William Woolridge, Farmer, & Dorothy, his w., of Old Marton ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Mary, d. of Richard Jones, Tanner, and Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Catherine, d. of Richard Davies, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 18. William, s. of William Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edwards, Sawyer, & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas Evans, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Martha, d. of Joseph Lee, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

Remarkable fine weather to the 20th of Octr. Rain upon this day.

1778, Oct. 24. Mary, d. of Joseph Ethelston, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Jane, d. of Richard Pierce, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Mary, d. of John Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

1779] Whittington. 511

1778, Nov. 15. John, s. of John Richards, Taylor, & Sarah, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Montford, servt: at Kinsel, & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Thomas, s. of Abraham Edwards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 28. William, Bastard s. of Mary Rogers, of Berghill ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Mary, d. of John Marsh, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Mary, d. of Thomas Bell, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of John Jones, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

A rainy season from the 20th to this time.

Barley at 3s. - 4d.
Beef at 3d.
Grey Peas - 3 - 6
Mutton - 3d.
White 8 - -
Veal - 3½d.
Wheat - 5 - 3
Pork - 3½d.
Muncorn - 5 - -
Butter - 5 - -
Oats - 1 - 8
Cheese - 26s. per C.
Labrs. wages 10d. & 12d.


1779. The old year closed it's last nights with a severe tempestuous
wind, and New Year's Morn sounded the same Alarm attended with a keen biting
frost: The Acco'ts of its effects by sea & Land are terrible; Buildings
Trees, & Shipping have suffered greatly & many lives are lost.

" Jan. 7. Edward, s. of George Salmon & Anne, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 17. James, s. of William Bolas & Sarah Wynn, of Ebnal, a Bastard ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Edward, s. of John Parry, Sawyer, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 1. James, s. of Thomas Davies, Sawyer, & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

512 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779

1779, Mar. 6. Margaret, d. of Edward Edwards, Labr., & Susanna, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Oliver Charles & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Mary, Bastard d. of Saml. Dubson & Sarah Husbands, servant at Drenewidd ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Edward, Bastard s. of Edward Williams, of the p: of St. Martins ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Thomas, s. of Jahn Roberts, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Margaret, d. of Richard Windsor, Weaver, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Mary, d. of Nathanial Rogers, Brewer, & Eleanor, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Anne, d. of Richard Hocknel, Innholder, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 16. Mary, Bastard d. of Jahn Bolvir & Mary Davies, of Francton ... bap.
" May 16. Abigail, Bastard d. of Margaret Edwards, of Babes wood ... bap.
" May 18. Anne, d. of Richard Edge, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" May 23. John, s. of John Oliver, Flaxdresser, & Mary, his w., of the Decoy ... bap.
" May 24. Richard, s. of Walter Broughall. Farmer, & Rebecca, his w., of Kinsale, in the p. of Halston ... bap.
" June 6. Thomas, s. of Bartholomew Jones, Sadler, & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.


" June 13. Mary, d. of Edward Teggen, Shoemaker, & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.

1779] Whittington. 513

1770, June 27. Thomas, s. of Edward Jones, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" June 29. Jane, d. of John Thomas, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" July 18. Esther, d. of William Rogers & Esther, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" July 25. Mary, d. of John Evans, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 25. Richard, s. of Richard Boodle, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Richard, s. of Peter Pierce, Turnpike Collector, & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill Gate ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Anne, d. of John Jones, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew Moor, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Sarah, d. of Samuel Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Edward, s. of Edward Davies, Shoemaker, & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Anne, d. of Joseph Wild, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Sarah, d. of George Brown, Gent: & Mary, his w., of Pentrekendrick ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Mary, d. of John Jervoise, Shoemaker, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 10. John, Bastard s. of Richard Vaughan, Farmer, & Mary Williams, his servant, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Jane, d. of Thomas Slater, Wheelwright, & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Frances, d. of John Everal, Shoemaker, & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Oct. 31. William, s. of William Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Sarah, d. of Joseph Eccleston, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Francton ... bap.

514 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779

1779, Nov. 28. William, s. of Thomas Griffiths, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Gravenor ... bap.
" Nov. 28. John, s. of John Hughes, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.


" Nov. 29. Thomas, s. of Hugh Peter, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Martha, d. of Thomas Edwards, Sawyer, & Hannah, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Nov. 29. James & Samuel, Twins of John Edwards & Anne Freeman (born before wedlock at Ebnal), of the p. of Baschurch ... bap.
" Dec. 21. William, s. of John Robt. Lloyd, Esq: & Martha, his w., at Aston ... bap.

The storm at the commencement of the year 1779 seem'd to forebode a
turbulent year, at least so it has turn'd out. The war with the revolted
Colonies of America still continues to rage; add to this a war with France
& Spain; the Irish bullying for a free Trade, the Scots grumbling on acco't
of the repeal of the roman Catholic Bill of pains & penalties, & if these
were not evils sufficient, a forminable opposition in Parliament, to the
present Administration, Parties carried so far as to endanger the very
Constitution. Poor old England under these complicated troubles without an
ally.- Heaven Grant ! That the new year may be productive of happier times !

The old year, however, Thanks to an indulgent Providence, has not closed,
without opening to us a dawn of Comfort and the new year seems to be
ushering in with brightening Omens of future success against our perfidious
enemies. The failure of the attack upon Savanna in Georgia by the grand
French fleet under the Count d' Estaing assisted by the American Army under
General Lincoln, and the dispersing of the French fleet by a storm has
given a new face to affairs in that Quarter. The Taking of the fort of Omou
from the Spaniards in the West Indies together with the Capture of some of
their Galeons, must make them repent of their alliance. The passing of the
Irish Bill in favour of a free Trade has fill'd their hearts with Joy and
gratitude. We want nothing now but unanimity at home & vigour to our
Councils to complete our happiness and to render us respectable.

1780] Whittington. 515

Barley - 2 - 6
Beef per pd. 3d.
Wheat - 4 - 6
Mutton - 3d.
Muncorn - 4 - 4
Veal 3d.
Oats - 1 - 6
Pork 3d.
White peas - 6 -
Butter 5d.
Grey - 2 - 6
Cheese 1 - 1 - 0 p:C.
per Oswestry strike.

1780, Jan. 1. John, s. of John Feltus, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Richd. Davies, Butcher, & Alice, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Edward, s. of Joseph Clarke, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Joseph, s. of Thomas Ellis, Farmer, & Gainor, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 30. William, s. of Thomas Edwards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Gravenall ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Frances, d. of Edward Williams, Labr., & Margaret his w.. of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 13. John, s. of Samuel Vaughan & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Edward, s. of Thomas Roberts, Labr., & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of Richard Ellis & Catherine, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Richard, Bastard s. of Richard Edwards, servant, & Elizabeth Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Sarah, d. of James Phillips, Gardiner, & Sarah, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of James Evans, Labr., & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Margaret. d. of James Clarke. Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., Whitington ... bap.

516 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1780

1780, Apr. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Mary, d. of John Eyton, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Richard, s. of Richard Price, dec'ed, & Elizabeth his widow, of Babes wood ... bap.

The fashion of the Times are Petitions and Committees of correspondence for
a plan of Reform & Economy in the expenditure of public money. A Plan much
wanted and much wish'd for, but whether proceeding at present from
Patriotic motives, or from the private views of Individuals and the
violence of Parties, Time only can discover.

1780, Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of Thos. Evans, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Edward, s. of Thos. Montford, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Catherine, d. of Hugh Roberts, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" May 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Lawrence, Cooper, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 4. Anne, Bastard d. of Lucy Jones, of Babes wood ... bap.
" May 15. Sarah, d. of Edward Venables, Labr., & Alice, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" May 15. George, s. of Walter Broughall, Farmer, & Rebecca, his w., of Kinsel ... bap.
" May 21. Elizabeth, d. of William Brown, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Rudge ... bap.
" June 25. Margaret, d. of Edward Jones, Taylor, & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" June 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Hughes, Joiner, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" June 25. Catherine, d. of Richard Richards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" July 2. Thomas, s. of John Eyton, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" July 9. John, s. of John Jones, Labr., & Ann, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

1780] Whittington. 517

1780, July 16. Margaret, d. of Owen Roberts, Taylor, & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" July 23. Mary, d. of Richard Hayward, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Sarah, d. of Richard Hocknel, Innkeeper, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Mary, d. of Edward Jones, Sawyer, & Catherine, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Harper, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Richard, s. of Richard Ethelstone, Shoemaker, & Elizabeth, his w., of Francton ... bap.

A cold spring after a long frosty winter followed by a remarkable dry
Summer, pastures burnt, crops of hay short, cattle in many places fodder'd
at present, on this acco't bear no price in the Market.

August 17th first day's rain of a long season, the pasture lands rejoice,
tho' some farmers repine being in the midst of their Corn Harvest, wch. is
very forward & promising.


1780, Aug. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. Bell, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Caroline Mostyn, Bastard d. of Elizabeth Barrett, of Liverpool ... bap.
" Sep. 5. John, s. of Thos. Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Thomas, s. of Richd. Roberts, Labr., & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Sarah, d. of Richard Pierce, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Edward, s. of Robert Jones, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of John Bickerton, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Margaret, d. of Samuel Davies, Gardiner, & Catherine, his w., of Whitington ... bap.

518 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1780

1780, Nov. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. Jones, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Jane, d. of Richd. Williams, Farmer, & Jane, his w., Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Jane, d. of Thos. Jones, Cooper, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Andrew, s. of John Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Elizabeth, d. of William Roberts, nailer, & Mary, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Abraham, s. of Edward Davies, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of the p. of Selattyn ... bap.
" Dec. 17. John, s. of John Meredith, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Richard Morris, Bastard s. of Mary Stephens, of St. Martin ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Richard, s. of Richard Gorton, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Sarah, d. of Edward Parry, Blacksmith, & Mary, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.

So fine a December
Few alive can remember.
Markets cheap. Money Scarce.


1781] Whittington. 519

1781, Dreadful Acco'ts from the West Indies, many of the Islands have
sufferd severely by a terrible hurricane on the 8th of October, wch. has
made a general devastation amongst them. St. Dominigo, Barbadoes, St.
Lucia, St. Vincent, Guadaloupe, Martinico, St. Eustatia, are said to have
been almost laid in ruins: Whole towns are wash'd into the sea, or blown up
from their foundations. Nothing to be seen scarce but ruins and dead Bodies
floating, or scattered up & down. Other Islands have suffered partially,
but not so generally as far as we are at present inform'd. Great
destruction amongst the shipping. English, French & Dutch have all been
sharers in this calamity. A Warning this to the Powers at War, When God's
judgements are in the Earth, the Inhabitants of the world should learn
Righteousness: Providence has at one stroke so defac'd these once
flourishing Islands, for wch. Belligerent Parties have been long
contending, as to render thern objects of compassion not of Ambition.

The War with France, Spain, and the revolted Colonies of America still
continues to rage with unabated fury: and the New Year opens with a Dutch
War: They have been treacherous friends, and perhaps may do us less injury,
when we treat them as open Enemies. The last news that the Island of Jersey
was taken by the French, & retaken by the brave Islanders in seven hours
time on the 10th of this inst. Jan.

In America the royal Cause begins to brighten.

Barley 2s. 4d.
Beef - 2½d.
Wheat 6 - 6
Mutton - 3
Muncorn 6 - 2
Veal 2½
Oats - 6
Pork 2½
White Peas 5 - 8
Butter 4½
Grey dto. 2 - 10
Cheese 2½

1781, Jan. 5. Thomas, s. of John Parry, of Whittington, & Margaret his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Margaret, d. of Thomas Edwards, Sawyer, & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 14. William, s. of David Hughes, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Sarah, d. of James Jones, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Gilbert, s. of Thomas Pritchard, weaver, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. John, Bastard s. of Sarah Merton, of Francton, by Sergeant Thresher [?] of the Anglesea Militia ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Thomas,s. of Richard Danelly, Farmer, & Ann, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Judgson, Shoemaker. & Margaret, his w., of Berghill ... bap.

520 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1781

1781, Feb. 25. John, bastard s. of Mary Perry [?], of Daywell, & John Pieice, listed for a soldier ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, Labr., Susannah, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Amaria, d. of Thomas Edwards, weaver, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, Wheelright, & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Margaret, d. of John Roberts, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Richard, s. of John Richards, Taylor, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Mary, d. of John Rees, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Joseph, s. of Joseph Ethelstone, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Edward, s. of Edward Windsor, Weaver, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Robert, s. of Robert Bennett, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Park ... bap.
" May 6. William, s. of John Griffiths, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Gravenor ... bap.
" May 30. Mary, d. of Edward Prinallt, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 4. Sarah, d. of William Ethelstone, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" June 4. William, s. of Thomas Rogers, Weaver, & Mary, his w., of Old martin ... bap.
" July 12. Jane, d. of Edward Oliver, Flaxdresser, & Mary, his w., of the Decoy ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Thomas, s. of Richard Jones, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 2. John, s. of Edward Davies, Shoemaker, & Mary his w. of Whitington ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Ann, d. of William Boyer, Labr., & Frances, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Mary, d. of Peter Roberts, Grocer. & Alice, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

1781] Whittington. 521

1781, Sep. 2. Thomas, s. of John Griffiths, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Sarah, d. of Richard Roberts, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Sarah, d. of Richard Davies, Farmer, and Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Thomas, s. of Richard Richards, Labr., & Ann, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Sep. 16. James, s. of James Evans, Labr., & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Mary & Sarah, Twin daus. of Thos. Griffiths, Labr: & Margaret, his w., of Gravenor ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Jane, d. of John Evans, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Mary, d. of Richard Edge, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Thomas, s. of John Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Mary, d. of John Thomas, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Oct. 21. William, s. of Peter Pierce, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Nov. 4. William & Maria, s. & d. of Evan Jones, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 4. John, s. of Peter Bentley, Farmer, & Hannah his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Samuel, s. of Andrew More & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John March & Mary, his w., of Evenel ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Thos., s. of Richd. Davies & Alice, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Roger, s. of Roger Jones & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Elizabeth, Bastard d. of Mary Jones, of Francton, by Richard Rogers, of Ellsmere ... bap.

522 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1781

1781, Dec. 20. Mary, bastard d. of Mary Edwards, of Ebnal, by Thos. Kynaston, of the p: of Llansanffraid, in Mechen ... bap.

1781. The year 1781 has closed unfavourably to the Parent State: The
Capture of Lord Cornwallis's Army at York Town in Virginia has proved a
severe blow to the royal Cause & seems to have given the Americans fresh
Spirits. Sir George Rodney's success over the Spanish fleet near Gibralter,
and his Capture of the Dutch Islands of St. Eustatius, Demerary, &
Issequibo, occasion'd a general Joy: But it was short lived: The French
Governor of Martinico, the Marquis De Bauille, has retaken the Dutch
Islands, and has added other valuable conquests, by reducing the
Settlements of Grenada Dominica and St. Vincent to the subjection of
France. The Year 1782 has been equally unfavourable as far as this date,
that is, to the end of the Month of March-De Bouille has Taken Tobago, St.
Kitts, Nevis Monturrat, Barbuda & Anquilla.-And the Spanish General the Duc
de Crillon has reduced the strong fortress of Fort St: Phillip (tho'
bravely defended by General Murray) & the Island of Minorca to the Arms of
Spain. This heap of Misfortunes has brought about a total change in the
Administration of this Kingdom. A new set of men are appointed to fill up
the several Departments of the State, God grant their measures may be more
fortunate !

N.B. Baptisms from 1688 for 20 years inclusive 655
Marriages dto. 74
Burials dto. 480
Baptisms from 1730 for 20 years 786
Marriages dto. 177
Burials dto. 651
Baptisrns for 20 years from 1760 775
Marriages dto. 166
Burials dto. 480

[Fourteen entries of Baptisms from Jan: 14th to May 12th, 1782, are here erased and re-written on the opposite page.]

1781] Whittington. 523

The twelfth of April will for ever be recorded for a most glorious victory
obtain'd by the British fleet in the West Indies under the command of
Admiral Sir George Bridges Rodney, against the French fleet commanded by
Admirable De Grasse. The fleets consisted of 36 line of battle ships each,
besides frigates, but the weight of the metal was in favour of the enemy.
The battle lasted with unremitting fury from seven in the morn: till half
past six in the evening, when the setting sun put an end to the contest.

Ships captur'd were
the Ville de Paris 110 guns, Admiral De Grass, 1500 men.
Le Glorieux 74 650.
Le Hector 74 -
Ardent 64 -
Le Cesar 74 blew up by accident 500 lives lost, including 50 English after possession.
Le Diadem 74 sunk, every man lost.

By a subsequent Acco't captur'd since the general engagement.

Le Caton 64 guns, 650 men.
Le Jasan 64 650
Le Amiable[?] frigate 36 guns, by Sir Saml. Hood's Division.
Le Ceres - 18

The enemies loss in killed, wounder & prisoners is computed at least to
15000 & upwards.

The brave Admiral writes to his friend-

"Thanks to Providence ! It is done ! the French fleet is entirely defeated, and Britain's flag flies victorious.
I am, etc: G. B. RODNEY."

The last dispatches from the East Indies bring favorable acco'ts of the
successes gained by the fleet under the command of Sir Edd: Hughes against
the French fleet, & some of the Dutch Settlements, and by the Army
commanded by Sir Eyre Coot against Hay-dar Aly & the Marattas.

1782, Jan. 11. Thomas, s. of Edd: Richards, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Whitington ... bap.

524 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782

1782, Jan. 13. Mary, d. of Richard Ellis, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Mantford, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Richard Jones, Wheelright, & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Mary, d. of Samuel Vaughan, Carpenter, & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rogers, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Richard, s. of John Hurdley, Farmer, & Sarah, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of John Feltus, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 17. John, s. of William Hughes, Weaver, & Sarah, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Robert, s. of Hugh Roberts, Earthenware Carrier, & Catherine, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Mar. 31. James, s. of Thomas Edwards, Sawyer, & Hannah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.


" Apr. 25. Sarah, d. of William Edwards, Wheelright, & Sarah, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lawrence, Cooper & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" May 12. Thomas, s. of Edd. Teggen, Shoemaker, & Sarah, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Evans, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" June 16. Joseph, s. of Vincent Hayes, Inn-keeper, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" June 23. John, s. of William Laurence, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" June 30. Richard, s. of Thomas Slater, wheelright, & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

1782] Whittington. 525

1782, July 21. Sarah, d. of Joseph Lee, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Richard, s. of James Phillips, Gardiner, & Sarah, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Sep. 29. John, s. of William Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Margaret, d. of Edward Davies, Labr., & Mary, his w., of the p: of Halston ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Robert Jones, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Mary, d. of John Jones, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Oct. 19. George, s. of Richard Hocknel, Innkeeper, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Oct. 20. John, s. of John Rees, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Sarah, d. of Thomas Griffiths, wheelright, & Margaret, his w., of Gravenall ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Samuel, s. of Samuel Briscoe, Blacksmith, & Anne, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Edward, s. of John Hughes, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of the Decoy ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Margaret, d. of John Eyton, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.


" Dec. 1. Anne, d. of John Boodle, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Dec. 8. James, s. of John Roberts, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 15. John, s. of Richard Gittins, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Elizabeth, Bastard d. of Elizabeth Roberts, of Whittington, by Willm. Griffiths, of Berghill ... bap.

526 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782

Admiral Rodney has been unfortunate in the return of the French men of war
captured by him on the glorious 12th of April. The Ville de Paris, Glorieux
and Le Hector being lost with the English Crews on Board.

The Brave Govenor Elliot, Gibraltar, with his brave garrison have sustain'd
a Siege of three years & upwards against the combined Arms of France &
Spain, and have at length triumph'd over all their Attacks.

Preliminaries of Peace with France, Spain, & America were sign'd at Paris-
to which the Dutch acceded. The Independence of America was the Basis of
this cessation of Hostilities.

This has been a remarkable year of Scarcity. All articles of Subsistence
bore an extravagant price. A Subscription was set on foot in this parish to
buy flour, which was sold to the industrious Poor at half price, which
form'd a Seasonable relief.

John,Mytton, Esq., of Halston 21 - 0 - 0
The Reverend John Robt. Lloyd, of Aston 10 - 10 - 0
The Revd. Wm. Roberts, Rector 5 - 5 - 0
Mrs. Williams, of Drenewith 5 - 5 - 0
Reverend George Warington 1 - 1 - 0
Miss Higgon 1 - 1 - 0
Roger Kynaston, Esq: of Hardwick: 0 - 10 - 6
Revd. Wm. Roberts, Junr. 0 - 10 - 6
Mr. Lloyd, of Berghill 0 - 10 - 6
Revd. Richard Bassnett 0 - 10 - 6
Mr. Roger Maddox 0 - 10 - 6
Mr. Lee, of London 0 - 5 - 0
Mr. Langford, of Ellsmere 0 - 5 - 0
Mr. Davies, of Francton 0 - 5 - 0
Mr. Richd. Tudor, of Henlle 0 - 5 - 0
Mr. Evans, of Prescott 0 - 5 - 0
Mrs. Acherley, of Ebnal 0 - 5 - 0
Mrs. Lloyd, of Berghill 0 - 2 - 6
Mr. Wm. Evans, of Whitington 0 - 2 - 6

1783, Jan. 4. William, s. of Thomas Burroughs, Farmer, & Sarah, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Jan. 5. James, s. of Richard Boodle, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

1783] Whittington. 527

1783, Jan. 6. Edward, s. of Thomas Edwards & Martha, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Margaret, d. of William Rogers & Eleanor, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Feb. 18. John, Bastard s. of Martha Berkley, by John Evans, servant in Whitington ... bap.
" Feb. 21. William, s. of Bartholomew Jones, Sadler, & Martha, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Joseph Wild, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Mar. 9. John, s. of Thomas Davies, Bricklayer, & Eleanor, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Catherine, d. of William Edwards, labr., & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Mary, Bastard d. of Sarah Evans, by Robert Roberts, of the p: of Ruabon, born in the p: of St. Martins ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Richard, s. of Richard Jones, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harper, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Anne, d. of Walter Broughall, of Kinsale in the p: of Halston, & Rebecca his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 6. William, s. of John Richards, Tayler, & Sarah, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Maesterfyn ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Robert, s. of Robert Edwards, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 4. Margaret, d. of John Jervois, Shoemaker, & Margaret his w.. of Whitington ... bap.
" May 11. Margaret, bastard d. of Margaret Davies, of the p: of St. Martins (born there), by John Davies, of the p: of Marchwiel ... bap.
" May 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rogers, weaver, & Mary, his w., of Old Martin ... bap.

528 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783

1783, May 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Parry, Sawyer, & Margaret, his w., of Whitington ... bap.


" May 25. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Parry, Blacksmith, & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 25. Margaret, d. of Thos: Edwards, labr., & Elizabeh, his w., of Gravenor ... bap.
" June 3. John, s. of Thomas Hughes, Carpenter, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" June 3. Anne, d. of John Griffiths, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Gravenor ... bap.
" June 15. Thomas, s. of William Brown, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Rudge, in the p. of Ellsmere ... bap.
" June 22. Margaret, d. of Samuel Davies, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" June 26. Jane, d. of Edward Venables, Labr., & Alice, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" July 2. John, s. of John Thomas, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" July 2. Mary, d. of Edward Richards, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" July 13. Mary, d. of Robert Edwards, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Richard, s. of Richard Williams, Innkeeper, & Catherine, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Vaughan, s. of Vaughan Husband, Bricklayer, & Margaret, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Sarah, d. of John Swinnerton, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Two ships with wheat arrived in the river, the scarcity obliging us to send for foreign grain.
" Jan. 20. The preliminary articles of peace between great Britain, France and Spain were sign'd at Versailles.
" Mar. 11. The new order of Knights of St. Patriot., install'd the 17th.

1783] Whittington. 529

1783, Mar 29. Lord Shelburne resign'd his Post as Premier, succeeded by the Duke of Portland & the Coalition of Ld. North & Charles Fox.
" July 18. The invention of the Air Baloon by Mons: Montgolfin.
" Sep. 6. The definitive Treaties of peace between Great Britain, France, Spain, and the United States of America, wch. were sign'd at Paris on the 3rd arrived at St. James's, the preliminaries with States general the 7th.
" Dec. 18. Ld. North & Mr. Fox dismiss'd from his Majesty's Councils, while a majority in favor of the East India reform bill amounted to 114 in the house of Common on their side.
" Dec. 19. Mr. Wm. Pitt accepted the Premiership-Ld. Temple Secretary of State.
" Dec. 22. Ld. Temple resign'd-a total change in Administration.

Markets dear.
Wheat per strike - 8s. 6d.
Beef 3½d. to 4d.
Muncorn 8 - 0
Mutton 3½
Barley 5 - 2
Veal 3½
Oats per bushl. 6 - 0
Pork 4½
Grey Peas per strike 4 - 6
Tub Butter 16 oz: 6
Cheese per hundd. 1 - 16 - 6.

N.B. A stamp duty of three pence commences Oct: 1st on the Registry of each Birth or Baptism.

1783, Oct. . John, s. of Thomas Hurleston, Gent: & Mary, his w., of Pentrekenrick ... bap.
" Oct. 5. George, s. of John Meredith & Mary his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of Thomas Roberts, Labr., & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Edward, s. of Robert Hughes & Sarah, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Nov. 2. James, s. of William Edwards, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Babes-wood ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Joseph, s. of Edward Windsor, weaver, & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

530 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783

1783, Nov. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edwards, weaver, & Mary, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel Burroughs, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Mary, d. of Thomas Rogers, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Dec. 8. William, s. of Richard Davies, Butcher, & Alice, his w., of Hindford ... bap.


Apr. 4th, 1784, omitted.
John, s. of John Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
1784, Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Richard Kilvert, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Feb. 1. James, s. of Edward Williams, Labr., Margaret, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Edward, s. of Edward Charles, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of the p. of Selattyn ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Andrew Moor & Mary, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" Feb. 29. William, s. of Anne Pemberton, widow, a Pauper and bastard, by William Gough, of Wem ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Richard, s. of Edward Edwards, wheelright, & Anne, his w., of New Martin in the p: of Ellsmere ... bap.
" Mar. 7. John, s. of William Jones, Labr., & Anne, his w., of the p. of Selattyn ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, Labr., & Susanna, his w., of Babes-wood ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Montford, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Martha, d. of Richard Owen, Labr., & Margaret his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" May 9. Elizabeth, d. of William Boodle, Carpenter, & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.

1784] Whittington. 531

1784, June 4. John, s. of William TJsher, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" June 6. Christian, d. of William Cartwright, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Henlley ... bap.
" June 6. Edward, s. of Peter Davies, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" June 20. Susanna, d. of Richard Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" June 27. Edward, s. of Samuel Edwards, Bricklayer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Francton ... bap.
" June 27. Richard, s. of John Feltus, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 27. Robert, s. of Edward Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of the Decoy ... bap.
" July 4. Mary, d. of Edward Lewis, Labr., & Anne, his w., of Whittn. ... bap.
" July 4. Mary, d. of Richard Gittins, Farmer, & Elizth. his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" July 18. Joseph, s. of Peter Pierce, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.


" Aug. 1. Edward, s. of Thomas Jones, by Elizabeth Jones, a Pauper ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Anne, d. of Roger Jones, Shoemaker, & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Jane, d. of John Thresher, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Ellis, Labourer, & Catherine, his w., of Henlle ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Maria Dorothea, d. of Francis Lloyd, Esq., & Ann, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Richard, bastard s. of Elizabeth Williams, by Richard Benbow, both of Llansillin, Pauper ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Burroughs, Farmer, & Sarah, his w., of Whitington ... bap.

532 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1784

1784, Sep. 13. Edward, s. of Edward Davies, Shoemaker, & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Edward, s. of William Edwards, Labourer, & Mary, his w., of Babes-wood ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Elizabeth, bastard d. of Elizabeth Bowyer, a pauper of this p: by Robert Berkley, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Peter, bastard s. of Jane Roberts, a pauper of this p: by Edward Edwards, of Crosmere, in the p: Ellesmere ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Edward, Bastard s. of Mary Tyrzley, a Pauper of this p: by [blank] ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Ann, d. of John Davies, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Babes-wood ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Emma, d. of Samuel Vaughan, Carpenter, & Mary, his w., of Whitington ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Margaret, d. of John Boodle (deceased) & Ann, his w., of Whitington-aged eleven years ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Richard, s. of John Boodle (deceased) & Ann, his w., of Whitington-aged eight years ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Richard, s. of John Boodle (deceased) & Ann, his w., of Whitington-aged six years ... bap.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of Thomas Griffiths (Wheelwright) & Margaret, his w., of the p. of Oswestry ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Corbett, s. of Vincent Hayes, Innholder, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

J. R. LLOYD, Rector.

1754] Whittington. 533

Rec'ed May 15th 1754 of Francis Lloyd Escge. Edd. Edwards Gent. John
Bassnett Gent: Roger Maddox Gent: Widow Jones and Thos.Tudor Gent: the sum
of twenty eight pounds in full of all demands on acco't of erecting a
Gallery in Whittington Church between the Chancel and body of the Church
consisting of one Pew for the Rector, and a Pew for each of the aforesaid
Freeholders. per me, JOHN JONES.

Expenses of the faculty 28 - 0 - 0
Quorum Interest, etc: 13 - 8
Messr. with ditto to Whittington 6
Proxy & entring Cause to Reg: 6 - 2
Admission of ditto to Chanclr. 3 - 4
Fee and Act when faculty was decreed 2 - 4
Decree to Chanl. & Regr. 2 - 0
Drawing draft of special faculty 13 - 4
Ingrossing do. 10 - 0
Stamp & Parchment 2 - 7
Fee Regr. & registring dc. 11 - 0
Fee Chanl. & Surrogate 8 - 0
Fee Proctor 2 - 0
Attending Office to Regr. do: & comparing 2 - 0

Rec'ed May 22nd 1754 3 - 16 - 11

Rec'ed for seven brass plates with the owners names
engrav'd thereon & affix'd to their respective pews 0:14:0
per me, JOHN EVANS.

Pd. Thos. Vau'n for Troughs to carry off the rain
droppings 0: 8: 6

Be it remembered that the old rood-loft between the Chancel and the body of
the Church was converted into a Gallery consisting of seven pews at the
expence of Francis Lloyd, Esqre. of Berghill, John Basnett of Rhos-y-Cadva
Gent: Edd: Edwards of Francton Gent: Roger Maddox of Preese Gent: Mrs.
Jones of Penybrin, and Thos. Tudor of Henlley Gent: who agreed to
compliment the Rector with the North end Pew in consideration of his Title
by whose leave they erected the said gallery.

No: 1 Pew next the Rector's on the Church side £ s. d.
belongs to Franc: Lloyd Esqre. at 6 - 6 - 0
" 2 Middle Pew on same side to John
Bassnett Gent: at 6 - 6 - 0

534 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1754

" 3 Pew next the door on ditto side to Edd:
Edwards Gent: at 6 - 6 - 0
" 4 Pew next the Rector's on Chancel side to
Roger Maddox Gent: at 5 - 5 - 0
" 5 Middle pew on ditto side to Mrs. Jones
of Penybrin at 5 - 5 - 0
" 6 Pew next the door on ditto side to Thos.
Tudor of Henlley Gent: at 4 - 10 - 6

Agreed that these Pews remain annex'd to their respective freeholders for ever.

May 15th, 1754. WILLIAM ROBERTS, Rector.
JOHN JONES, of Penybrin.
FRANS. LLOYD, Berghill.

[One blank parchment page follows, and a sketch of "Rodney's Pillar, 1782."]

[Three blank parchment pages.]

[Burials are written on paper for two pages, then parchment.]


Oct: 1753. The old Rood Loft order'd to be converted into a Sitting Gallery.

1753, Jan. 14. Edward, s. of Edward Williams, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 15. Hugh Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 16. Elizabeth, d. of William Roberts, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Feb. 5. Sarah Salmon, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Richard Thomas, of the p: of Halston ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Sarah Rogers, of Franckton ... inter.
" Mar. 1. Robert, s. of Robert Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Mar. 4. John, s. of Robert Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 4. Catherine, d. of Cadwallader Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" May 14. Mary, d. of William Cartwright, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 14. Mary. d. of Cadwallader Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.

1754] Whittington. 535

1753, May 23. To a Court then held this Register was copied.
" June 26. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Franckton ... inter.
" July 26. Edward, s. of John Williams (Smith), of Franckton ... inter.
" Sep. 6. John Walters, of this town ... inter.
" Sep. 25. Martha Rider, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 11. William Griffiths, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 21. Joseph, s. of William Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 26. William Edwards, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 4. Elizabeth Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 7. Mary Kiffin, of this town ... inter.
Dec. 14. Martha Oliver, of Franckton ... inter.
" Dec. 31. Catherine, d. of Cad: Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.

EDWD. DAVIES } Churchwardens.

1754, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Cadwallader Williams, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 8. Elizabeth Jones, of this town ... inter.
" Jan. 11. Anne Kellett, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Jan. 16. George Meredith, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Feb. 4. Catherine, d. of Edward Ithiel, of Henlle ... inter.
" Feb. 13. Gwen, w. of William Edwards, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 22. John Davies, of this town ... inter.
" Mar. 3. Richard, s. of William Roberts, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Mar. 13. Morris Smalman, of Franckton ... inter.
" Mar. 29. Margaret Tiler, of Franckton ... inter.
" Apr. 2. Thomas Williams, of Franckton ... inter.
" May 23. Mary, w. of Andrew Prichard, of this town ... inter.
" July 9. Margaret, w. of Bartholomew Jones, Tanner, of this town ... inter.
" Aug. 27. Anne Bate, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 5. Sarah Paddock, of the p: of Selattyn ... inter.

536 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1754

1734, Oct. 18. David, s. of John Davies, of this town ... inter.
" Oct. 23. Edward, s. of John Boodle, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Nov. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, Tannor, of Oswestry ... inter.
" Nov. 19. Mrs. Anne Jones, of this town ... inter.
" Nov. 24. Jane Rogers, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 26. David Beethel, of Daywell ... inter.
" Dec. 26. William Thomas, of Babins wood ... inter.


June 1st, 1755. The Desk & Pulpit ordered to be remov'd from the North to
the South Side of the Church, a Gallery to be erected on the North wall, &
the common benches in the body of the Church to be converted into Pews, and
the whole annex'd to their respective freeholds in a fair and equal

1755, Feb. 1. Margaret Mear, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 24. Edward, s. of Edward Davies, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 30. Hannah, w. of Peter Morris, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 18. Prudence Peploe, of Ebnal ... inter.
" July 16. Thomas Jones, of Hindford ... inter.
" Sep. 3. Jane Williams, of Rednal ... inter.
" Sep. 15. Anne Austin, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 22. Margaret, w. of Thomas Edge, of Bucknell ... inter.
" Oct. 9. William, s. of William Martin, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 27. Mary Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Richard Brown, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 25. Hannah Smout, of Hinford ... inter.
" Dec. 3. Margaret Swynerton, of Ebnal ... inter.
1756, Feb. 17. Hugh Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 28. Mary Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Mar. 14. Edward, s. of John Paddock, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 22. Mary, dau'r of Richard Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 8. Jane Davies, of the p. of Llanrhaid ?] ... inter.
" Apr. 11. Martha Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.

1757] Whittington. 537

1756, Apr. 11. Edward Tudor, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Apr. 15. Mary, dau'r of John Jones ... inter.
" May 4. Elizabeth Edwards, of Spurtal ... inter.
" May 4. Edward Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 9. Anne Bilington, of Babins wood ... inter.
" May 20. Richard Boodle, Junr., of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 3. Jane Evans, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 10. Mary, dau'r of Thos. Jones, of Francton ... inter.
" June 16. John Hughes, of Middleton, in the p: of Oswestry ... inter.
" July 6. John, s. of William Edwards, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 18. Mary, w. of Edd. Parry, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 19. Edward Jones, of Derwen-y-Pandy ... inter.
" July 24. Elinor Maddock, of Ebnal ... inter.


" Aug. 2. Mary, dau'r of Edd. Parry, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Mary, dau'r of Elizabeth Moody, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 20. Prudence Morris, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 26. Sarah Radenhurst, of the p: of St. Martin's ... inter.
" Dec. 7. Sarah Jones, of Francton ... inter.
" Dec. 16. Issabella Parry, of Fernhill ... inter.
" Dec. 19. Sarah, dau'r of Francis Lloy d, Gent: of Berghill ... inter.
1757, Jan. 5. Thomas, s. of John Swinnerton, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Jan. 16. Sarah, dau'r of Edd: Parry, of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 17. Elizabeth Sparks, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 6. Thomas Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 7. Thomas Turner, of Old Port, in the p. of Selattyn, Gent: ... inter.
" Feb. 17. James Turner, of Old Port, in the p: of Selattyn, Gent: ... inter.
" Feb. 24. Richd. Glover, of Frankton ... inter.
" Mar. 11. Sarah, w. of Edward Edwards, of Frankton ... inter.

538 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1757

1757, Mar. 17. Sarah, w. of John Edwards, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Mar. 17. Elizabeth, w. of John Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 20. Morris Peter, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 20. Sarah, d. of Robert Bowen, of Frankton ... inter.
" May 6. Mary Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 23. Frances, d. of Thos. Edge, of St. Martin's ... inter.
" July 24. Isaac & Jacob, sons of Thos. Jones, of Frankton ... inter.
" Oct. 7. John, s. of John Griffiths, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 7. Catherine, w. of John Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 17. William, s. of John Bowen, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 22. Elizabeth, w. of John Maredith, Babins wood ... inter.
" Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of William Piggott, of Hinford ... inter.

JAMES CLACKS } Churchwardens.

1758, Feb. 28. Catherine, d. of Jon. Kyllan, of Henlle ... inter.
" Mar. 4. Edward Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 13. Sarah, w. of Thomas Phillips, of Berghill ... inter.
" Apr. 9. Margaret, dau'r of Thomas Jones, of Frankton ... inter.
" Apr. 11. Thomas Pugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" Apr. 13. Martha, dau'r of Samll. Jackson, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 9. Richard, s. of Thos. Munford, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 19. Mary, dau'r of Mary Pugh, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 25. John, s. of John Jeffreys, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 6. Catherine Bill, of Babins wood ... inter.
" July 25. Catherine, w. of Andrew Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 10. Richard Vaughan, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 1. Sarah, dau'r of John Jones, of Oswestry Tanr. ... inter.
" Aug. 20. Thos., s. of Robert Roberts, of Babins wood ... inter.

1759] Whittington. 539

1758, Sep. 3. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, of Hinford ... inter.
" Sep. 20. Richard Andrews, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 8. Elizabeth Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" Oct. 24. Joan, w. of John Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 26. Robert Jones, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 19. Jane, dau'r of Thos. Murnford, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 23. Peter Morris, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 25. Samuel, s. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 1. Samuel Lewis, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Dec. 13. John Kyllan, of Herdle ... inter.
" Dec. 22. William Grandson, of Thos. Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.

JON. WILLIAMS } Churchwardens.

1759, Jan. 2. Thomas Paddock, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 2. John Kynaston, of Daywell ... inter.
" Feb. i3. Mary, w. of Edward Ithiel, of Henlle ... inter.
" Feb. 16. Evan Parry, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 20. Richard Barkley, of Henlle ... inter.
" Mar. 13. Elizabeth, w. of William Sides, of Hinford ... inter.
" Mar. 16. Margaret, w. of William Wynne, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Apr. 19. Joseph Rickards, of Oswestry ... inter.
" Apr. 22. Thomas Jones, df Whittington ... inter.
" May 3. Susanna Jones, of Frankton ... inter.
" July 19. John Williams, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 24. Anne, w. of Joseph Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 1. Richard Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 26. Mary Skellett, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Sep. 29. Sarah Jones, of Frankton ... inter.
" Oct. 11. Jane, d. of Edward Thomas, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 2. Anne Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Nov. 16. John, s. of John Swinerton, of Daywell ... inter.

Mem: So far examin'd.


540 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1760

An Abstract of a Terrier of the p: of Whittington in the County of Salop
made the 10th day of March 1684 by Thomas Adams, Rr. as copied by Mr. Thos.
Roberts Dep: Register of St. Asaph in the year 1772.

The Tythe of all the Corn and Hay in the parish of Whittington belongs to
the Rector, except the whole Tythe of the Township of Berghill, and the
Moiety or half of the Tythe Corn & hay of the Township of Whittington only.
All the small Tythes belong to the Rector, and are paid in kind. The
Chancel also belongs to the Rector & is repair'd by him.

Rece'd by me - WM. ROBERTS, Rr.

1760, Jan. 9. Edward, s. of Thos. Hughes, of Frankton ... inter.
" Jan. 12. Elizabeth, w. of Jno: Jones, Tanr., of Oswestry ... inter.
" Jan. 23. John, s. of Thos. Edwards. of Daywell ... inter.
" Jan. 26. William Rogers, of Henlle ... inter.
" Feb. 1. Edwd. Rider, of Whittington, Surgeon* ... inter.
" Feb. 11. Jno., s. of Thos. Edwards, of Berghill ... inter.
" Feb. 12. Jno., s. of Thos. Richards, of Hindford ... inter.
" Apr. 12. Mary, d. of Edward Windsor, of Ebnal ... inter.
" May 16. Aaron Jones, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 20. Jane Jones, crf Daywell ... inter.
" May 26. James Boodle, of Ebnal ... inter.
" June 22. Sarah Andrew, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 1. Frances, d. of Robt. James, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 1. Margaret Matthews, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 10. Mrs. Mary Jones, Late of Berghill ... inter.
" Aug. 31. Margarett, w. of Randol Weaver, of Frankton ... inter.

* N.B. The above Edd: Rider, tho' illiterate and never educated in the art
of Surgery, perform'd several extraordinary Cures, even upon some Patients
who were turn'd out of the Salop Infirmary as incurable, preserving their
limbs which were doom'd to amputation. His charge to this, his native
parish for the cure of a Pauper's compound fracture, seldom exceeded half a

1761] Whittington. 541

1760, Sep. 13. Mary, d. of Wm. Evans, Taylor, of Whittington ... inter.
" Sep. 15. Jane, d. of Rd. Atcherley, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Oct. 26. Edwd. Parry, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 26. Anne Humphreys, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Nov. 5. Edwd., natural s. of Mary Davies, of Ellsmere ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Elizabeth, w. of Rd. Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 26. Mary, w. of Rd. Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Dec. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Mr. Edd: Davies, of Frankton ... inter.


1761, Jan 12. Mary, d. of Thomas Mumford, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Feb. 8. Elizabeth Bellis, of Whittington ... inter.
" Mar. 30. Job Charlton, Esq., of Park, in the Township of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 11. Mary, d. of James Smith, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 14. Jane, d. of James Smith, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 17. David Maddocks, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 22. John, s. of Joseph Broughal, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 24. John, s. of Thomas Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 26. Anne, d. of Edward Rogers, of Hinford ... inter.
" Apr. 29. Anne, d. of Thomas Urion . . ... inter.
" May 14. James, s. of Edward Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 16. John, s. of John Jones, of Pentreclawd. inter.
" May 16. Jane Peploe, of Daywell ... inter.
" May 20. Thomas Urion, of Whittington ... inter.
" May 22. Edward, s. of Francis Lloyd, of Berghill ... inter.
" June 7. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Whittington ... inter.

542 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1761

1761, June 9. Anne, d. of John Evans, of Daywell ... inter.
" June 10. Thomas Grinley, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 2. Mary, d. of William Thomas, of Hinford ... inter.
" July 10. Mary, w. of Joseph Morris, of Whittington ... inter.
" July 11. Elinor, d. of Roger Maddocks, of Daywell ... inter.
" July 23. Mary Morgan, of Oswestry ... inter.
" July 23. Anne, d. of James Evans, of Hinford ... inter.
" Aug. 4. Mary Winsor, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 5. John, s. of Mr. John Bassnett, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 15. Thomas, s. of David Davies ... inter.
" Aug. 16. Sarah Foulks, of Daywell ... inter.
" Aug. 28. Robert Bowen, of Frankton ... inter.
" Sep. 10. Thomas Trevor, of Whittington ... inter.
" Nov. 24. Richard Tudor, of Hinford ... inter.


The old decay'd Yew Trees taken down, and a row of Lime Trees planted,
remov'd from Park, into the Church yard in the years 1762 & 63.

[Note the following added by a later hand:]

These fine & venerable old Yew trees were with unfeeling disregard of any
sense of Taste and Propriety, mercilessly destroyed by the barbarous and
avaricious gripe of old Roberts:- who afterwards assisted in the
destruction of some of Western Towers of the Castle, for the purpose of
reparing the roads. proh ! pudor !
"Odi profanum vulgus, et arceo."
T. F. M.D .

1762, Jan. 2. Walter Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 10. Roger Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Feb. 18. Barn: Morris, of Babins wood ... inter.
" Mar. 4. Elizth., w. of Peter Jone, of Whittington ... inter.
" Apr. 9. Martha, w. of Thomas Dood, of Frankton ... inter.
" Apr. 18. Martha, d. of Wm. Jones, of Whittington ... inter.

1763] Whittington. 543

1762, Apr. 21. Thos., s. of Edwd. Jones, of Whittington ... inter.
" June 17. Hannah Lee, of Whittington ... inter.
" Aug. 20. Charles, s. of William Ethelstone, of Berghill ... inter.
" Aug. 21. Elizth., w. of Rd. Edwards, of Ebnal ... inter.
" Aug. 30. Mary, w. of Edwd. Pritchard, of Berghill ... inter.
" Oct. 21. Martha Evans, of Whittington ... inter.
" Oct. 24. Charles Booth, of Frankton ... inter.
" Nov. 4. John Cartwright, of Daywell ... inter.
" Nov. 27. Hannah Williams, of Whittington ... inter.
" Dec. 9. John Griffiths, of Ebnal ... inter.



1763, Jan. 3. John Williams, of Babes wood.
" Jan. 18. Mary Hughes, of Hindford.
" Jan. 20. Mary Jackson, of Whittington.
" Jan. 20. Samuel, s. of Wm. Ethelstone, of Berghill.
" Feb. 1. Martha Jones, of Whittington.
" Feb. 1. Anne, dau'r of Edd. Jones, of Whittington.
" Feb. 5. Catherine Williams, of Berghill.
" Feb. 7. Elizabeth Moody, of Whittington, w. of Thos. Moody.
" May 7. Dorothy Proger, of Whittington.
" May 9. John Boodle, of Whittington.
" May 28. Robert, s. of Wm. Gough, of Whittington.
" June 13. Jane Davies, of Whittington.
" July 1. Jane Jones, of Babes wood.
" July 26. William, s. of John Richards, of Whittington.
" Aug. 11. Elizabeth, w. of Laurence Bassnett, of Tinker's Green.
" Sep. 18. Anne, dau'r of David Williams, of Whittn.
" Sep. 23. John Jones, of Oswestry, Tanner.
" Sep. 27. John & Jane, Children of Da: Williams.
" Nov. 19. Jane, dau'r of Wm. Evans, of Whittington.
" Nov. 28. Mary, dau'r of Charles Ethelstone, of the p: of Kynersley.

544 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1763

1763, Dec. 3. Susanna, dau'r of Edd: Rogers, of Hindford.
" Dec. 21. John Jones, of Babeswood.


1764, Feb. 2. Martha Hitchin, of Whittington.
" Feb. 26. Mary, dau'r of Richd. Lloyd, of Francton.
" Feb. 27. Samuel, s. of Saml. Jones, of Whittington.
" Mar. 8. Thomas & Jane, Children of Thomas Green, of Babes wood.
" Mar. 10. Lewis Jones, of Daywell.
" Apr. 4. Thomas Edwards, of Whittington.
" Apr. 4. Elizabeth Morris, of Whittington.
" Apr. 16. Margaret Parry, of Whittington.
" May 8. Dorothy Boodle, of Babes wcod.
" June 10. Richard Bolvir, of Francton.
" June 13. Edward Williams, of Derwen: Pandy.
" June 19. Edward Winsor, Senr., of Ebnal.
" June 26. Martha Jones, of Daywell.
" June 28. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Evans, Parish Clerk, of Whittington.
" July 3. Anne Evans, of Daywell.
" July 14. Anne Edwards, of Oswestry.
" July 25. Robert, s. of Jcrseph Morris, of Whittington


" Aug. 22. Elizabeth, w. of John Griffiths, of Whittington.
" Oct. 9. Thomas Williams, of Whittington.
" Oct. 26. Thomas Windsor, of Ebnal.
" Oct. 28. Jane Jennings, of Ebnal.
" Nov. 20. Mary, dau'r of Wm. Boyer, of Whittn.
" Nov. 21. John Jackson, of liVhittington.
" Nov. 25. [blank], a vagrant woman undr. a Pass from Wrexham to Monavon.


1765, Jan. 4. Margaret Berkley, of Henlley.
" Jan. 20. Richard, s. of John Paddock, of Rudge.
" Feb. 23. Evan Rogers, of Goebowen.
" Feb. 26. William, s. of William Lloyd, of Ebnal.
" Apr. 13. John Kyllan, of Whittington.
" Apr. 23. Henry Powel, of Daywel.
" Apr. 25. Elizabeth Richards, of Ebnal.
" May 7. Hannah, w. of Joseph Weston, of Francton.

1766] Whittington. 545

1765, May 9. Martha Cartwright, of Whittington.
" May 22. Anne, dau'r of Joseph Weston, of Francton.
" June 20. John Williames, of Berghill.
" June 28. Richard, s. of Thos. Richards, of Francton.
" July 20. Richard, s. of Robt. Berkley, of Henlley.
" July 21. Jane Edwards, of Whittington.
" Aug. 9. Walter, s. of Walter Booth, of Francton.
" Aug. 11. Dorothy Jones, of Francton.


" Aug. 23. Richard Sparks, of Berghill.
" Sep. 22. Rebecca Edwards, of Daywell.
" Sep. 29. Benjamin Menlove, of Fernhill.
" Oct. 5. Roger, s. of Mr. Roger Maddox, of Daywell.
" Oct. 17. Anne, dau'r of David Hughes, of Hindford.
" Oct. 21. Thomas & Elizabeth, children of Thomas Rogers, of Francton.
" Oct. 30. Abigail, dau'r of Edward Edwards, of Babes wood.
" Nov. 2. Thomas Thomas, of Whittington.
" Nov. 25. Elizabeth Cartwright, of Whittington.
" Dec. 3. Mary Jones, of Babes wood.
" Dec. 7. Catherine, dau'r of Walter Evans, of Whittington.
" Dec. 19. John, s. of Peter Davies, of Francton.
" Dec. 22. Thomas, s. of Edward Rogers, of Hindford.


1766, Jan. 7. Samuel Edwards, of Daywell.
" Jan. 11. Jane Williams, of Henlle.
" Jan. 24. Susanna, d. of Edward Williams, of Daywell.
" Mar. 5. Margt. Jones, of Henlle.
" Mar. 27. Saml. Jones, of Whittington.
" Mar. 30. Robert Roberts, of Francton.
" Apr. 9. Richard, s. of Richard Atcherley, of Ebnal.
" Apr. 9. Thomas, s. of Abram Edwards, of Whittington.
" Apr. 26. Samuel, s. of Saml. Jones, of Whittington.
" June 3. Thomas Ithel, of Henlle.


" June 22. Mary Evans, of Hindford.
" July 5. Jane Davies, of Francton.
" July 6. Elizabeth Williams, of Whittington.

546 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1766

1766, Sep. 5. Charles, s. of Charles Tudor, oi Whittington.
" Sep. 12. Samuel Vaughan, of Whittington.
" Sep. 15. Edward, s. of Ed: Vaughan, of Whittington.
" Sep. 25. Magdalen Davies, of Babes wood.
" Sep. 27. Elizabeth Richards, of Ebnal.
" Oct. 9. Edward Price, of Daywel.
" Oct. 17. Margaret Vaughan, of Whittington.
" Dec. 15. Edward Jones, of Whittington.
" Dec. 20. Robert, s. of John Rogers, of Ebnal.
" Dec. 26. Catherine Cartwright, of Daywel.

Copied into the Court Roll May 30th 1766.

1767, Feb. 11. William Pigot, of Hindford.
" Feb. 11. Mary Morris, of Hindford.
" Feb. 13. Gertrude Smalman, of Francton.
" Mar. 13. Thomas Evans, parish Clerk, aged 72, died the 11th.

Old Sternhold's lines,
Or Vicar of Bray
Which he tun'd best,
T'was hard to say.

I do make choice of William Evans his Son to serve the office of parish
Clerk, being qualified according to the 91st Canon viz: above Twenty years
of age, of an honest Conversation, and very sufficient for his Reading,
writing, and also for his competent skill in singing, tho' not so clear a
pipe as his Father.

This choice was signified to the Parishoners in time of divine Service on
Sunday the 15th day of March 1767 by Me.

1767, Mar. 25. Margaret, d. of Wm. Morgan, of Babes wood.
" Apr. 5. Elizabeth Jones, of Daywel.
" Apr. 27. William, s. of Edd. Jones, of Whittington.
" May 1. Elizabeth Morgan, of Hindford.
" May 10. Abraham Jones, of Daywel.
" May 13. John Jones, of Daywel.
" May 22. Anne Jones, of Whittington.
" June 1. John Morgan, of Hindford.
" June 5. Jane, d. of Thos. Edwards, of Daywel.


" July 10. Mary Morris, of Hindford.

1769] Whittington. 547

1767, July 10. Catherine, d. of Wm. Thomas, of Hindford.
" July 11. William Cartwright, of Gravenal.
" July 13. Mary Hughes, of Hindford.
" Aug. 16. Martha, d. of James Evans, of Hindford
" Aug. 18. Edward Jones, of Daywel.
" Oct. 15. John Woolridge, of Old Martin.
" Nov. 11. Mary Cartwright, of Babes wood.
" Nov. 12. Mary Buckley, of Middleton, Oswestry p.
" Dec. 15. Francis Windsor, of Whittington.
" Dec. 29. Honor, w. of Wm. Story, of Oswestry.

Copied into the Court Roll.


1768, Jan. 8. Mary Green, of Babes wood.
" Jan. 11. Margaret Boodle, of Whittington.
" Jan. 14. Margaret Knite, of Daywel.
" Jan. 19. Edward, s. of Edd: Jones, of Whittington.
" Jan. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. Richards, of Ebnal.
" Feb. 2. Richard, s. of Mr. John Maddcyx, of the Pool.
" Feb. 8. Mary Jones, of Fernhill.
" Mar. 19. Joseph Morris, of Whittington.
" Apr. 5. Thomas, s. of Richd. Richards, of Whittington.
" May 21. Jane Rickards, of Park.
" June 25. Mary, d. of William Evans, of Babes wood.
" July 5. Diana, d. of William Evans, of Babes wood.
" July 11. Anne Tudor, of Henlle.
" Aug. 25. Robert Parry, of Whittington.
" Aug. 29. Thomas, bastard s. of Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington, by Thomas Edwards.
" Nov. 15. William Sides, of Whittington.
" Nov. 23. Catherine Evans, of Whittington.
" Dec. 7. Martha, d. of Richard Hitchin, of Whittington.
" Dec. 24. Thomas, s. of John Evans, of Babes wood.

Copy sent to the Court.

1769, Jan. 24. Mary, w. of Thomas Jones, of Ebnal.
" Jan. 25. John Boodle, of Ebnal.
" Feb. 17. Sarah, w. of John Brown, of Ebnal.
" Mar. 5. A Poor Man found upon the road at Goebowen (unknown).
" Mar. 19. Mary, d. of John Becket, of Whittington.
" Mar. 26. John, s. of John Morris, of Bergbill.

548 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1769

1769, Mar. 28. Thomas, s. of John Morris, of Berghill.
" Apr. 7. Elizabeth Williams, of West Felton.
" May 6. Sarah Edwards, of the p: of Halston.
" May 6. John, s. of Adfield, of Whittington.
" May 9. Sarah, w. of John Williams, Blacksmith, of Francton.
" May 13. John Lewis, of Babes wood.
" May 16. Mary, bastard d. of Elinor Thomas & Edd: Davies, of Whittington.
" May 16. Mary, w. of William Francis, of Ebnal.
" May 21. Jane Montford, of Ebnal.
" June 9. Grace Green, of Babes wood.
" June 29. William Paddock, Junr., of Hindford.
" Sep. 7. Elizabeth Griffiths, of Ebnal.
" Sep. 17. John Edwards, of Babes wood.
" Sep. 24. John Hughes, of Babes wood.
" Nov. 15. Elizabeth Nicholas, of Whittington.
" Nov. 16. John, s. of Thomas Edwards, of Oswestry.
" Dec. 19. John, s. of George Davies, of Whittington.

Copied into the Court Roll.

1770, Jan. 2. John Griffiths, of Whittington.
" Mar. 10. Charles, s. of William Ethelstone, of Berghill.
" Mar. 16. Jane, d. of Edward Edwards, of Whittington.
" Mar. 25. John, Bastard s. of Edward Parry.
" Apr. 10. Samuel Kyffin, of Berghill.
" Apr. 23. Jahn Vaughan, of Fernhill.
" May 8. Richard Atcherley, of Ebnal.
" May 15. Mary Rider, of Whittington.
" May 22. Margaret Jones, of Daywel.
" June 4. Roger Jones, of Whittington.
" June 11. Thomas, s. of John Evans, of Babes wood.
" June 19. Thomas Edwards, of Whittington.
" June 23. Sarah, w. of John Lloyd, of Ebnal.
" Aug. 6. George, s. of George Paddock, of Whittington.
" Aug. 17. Elizabeth, w. of Richd.Davies, of Whittington.
" Sep. 11. Richard Dod, of the p: of St: Martins.
" Oct. 27. Rebecca Phillips, of Ebnal.


1771, Jan. 17. Richard, s. of Roger Rogers, of Whittington.

1772] Whittington. 549

1771, Jan. 19. Robert, s. of Robert Bowen, of Ebnal.
" Feb. 10. Anne Bate, of Whittington.
" Feb. 14. Margaret Bowen, of Francton.
" Feb. 16. Thomas, s. of Mr. Richd. Hudor, of Henlle.
" Feb. 23. William Sides, of the p: of Ellsmere.
" Feb. 28. Mary Bright, of Aliddleton.
" Mar. 5. Joseph Hitchin, of Francton.
" Mar. 13. Anne Jones, of Daywel.
" Mar. 13. Martha, d. of William Roberts, nailor, of Whittington.
" Mar. 22. Mary, d. of Thomas Ellis, of Daywel.
" Mar. 22. John, s. of Robert Tudor, of Hindford.
" Mar. 26. Richard, s. of Evan Thomas, of Daywel.
" Mar. 28. Frances, d. of John Rogers, of Ebnal.
" Mar. 29. Richard Jones, of Ebnal.
" May 1. William Jukes, of Fernhill.


" May 21. Richard Jones, of Daywel.
" June 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edwards, of Whittington.
" June 20. Sarah, d. of Walter Booth, of Francton.
" July 17. David Thomas, of the p: of Guildsfield.
" July 20. Elizabeth Tudor, of Hindford.
" Aug. 5. Roger Green, of Babes wood.
" Sep. 10. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards, of Whittington.
" Sep. 13. Mary, d. of Joseph Davies, of Henbury, in Cheshire.
" Oct. 28. Anne, d. of Richd. Hughes, of Whittington.
" Nov. 17. William, s. of John Rogers, of Berghill.

Court Roll May 27th 1772.

1772, Jan. 13. Mary, w. of Richard Lloyd, of Tetchil.
" Jan. 18. Emma, w. of John Kinchant, Esqr., of Park Hall, and d. of Sir Job Charlton, Bart.
" Feb. 25. Margaret Griffiths, of Fernhill.
" Mar. 3. Randolph Weaver, of Francton.
" Mar. 3. James Phillips, Gardiner, of Halston.
" Mar. 1. Sarah Proger, of Whittington.
" Mar. 18. Anne, w. of Mathew Williams, of Babes wood.
" Mar. 26. Richard Edwards, Taylor, of Ebnal.

550 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1772

1772, Apr. 1. John Jones, of Whittington.
" Apr. 11. Mary, d. of Joseph Lee, of Whittington.
" May 7. Thomas Dod, of Francton.
" May 24. Margaret Arthur, of Hengoed.
" May 26. Thomas Foulkes, late Groom, of Halston.
" July 14. Jane Jones, of the p: of St: Martin.
" Aug. 13. John Kyllan, of Henlle.
" Aug. 13. Mary Pool, of Whittington.
" Aug. 17. Sarah Jones, of Daywel.
" Aug. 20. Thomas Rees, of Hindford.

The mark of }
X RICHARD WOOLRICK } Churchwardens.

" Sep. 18. Jane Windsor, of Whittington.
" Oct. 1. Thomas Rogers, of Whittington.
" Oct. 3. John & Mary, s. & d. of Andrew Moor, of Francton.
" Oct. 8. George Paddock, of Whittington.
" Oct. 16. Margaret, d. of Andrew Moor.
" Nov. 4. Sarah, d. of Walter Booth, of Francton.
" Nov. 19. William, s. of Robert Bowen, of Ebnal.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Thos. Jones, of Whittington.

The mark of
X RICHD WOOLRICK } Churchwardens.

1773, Mar. 8. Edward Boodle, of Ebnal.
" Mar. 9. John Evans, of Hindford.
" Mar. 19. Martha Edwards, of Whittington.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth Williams, of Whittington.
" May 10. Mary Sides, of Whittington.
" July 13. Martha, w. of Mr. John Maddox, of Ebnal.
" July 15. Martha Ellis, of Daywel.
" Sep. 5. Sarah Jones, of the Red Lion, in Whittington.
" Sep. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John Everal, of Whittington.
" Oct. 27. Lewis Lewis, Labr., of Whittington.
" Nov. 4. Thomas Edwards, of Babes wood, Labr.
" Nov. 18. Joseph, s. of Joseph Wild, of Whittington.

1774] Whittington. 551

1773, Dec. 1. Thomas Richards, of Whittington, Blacksmith's App:
" Dec. 18. Mary, w. of Edward Richards, of Ebnal.

The mark of X THOMAS MOODY.

1774, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Francton.
" Jan 4. Richard, s. of Richard Jones, of Whittington.
" Jan. 9. Edward Richards, of Ebnal.
" Jan. 31. Mary Griffiths, of Ebnal.
" Feb. 5. Thomas Richards, of Whittington, Farmer.
" Feb. 25. Catherine Booth, of Dudleston, widow.
" Mar. 26. Jane Edwards of Babeswood, widow.
" Mar. 29. Elizabeth Grindley, of Whittington, widow.
" Apr. 12. Mary Broughall, of Whittington, Spinster.
" Apr. 21. Edward, s. of Robert Jones, of Ebnal.
" Apr. 22. John Gittens, of Francton, Farmer.
" May 17. Mary, w. of John Bowen, of Ebnal.
" May 18. John, Bastard s. of Edd. Jones, of Whittington.
" June 1. Sarah Bate, of Whittington, Spinster.
" June 11. The Revd. William Lloyd, died at Aston, M.A., Lord of the Manor & Patron of the Church: buried in the vault in Aston Chappel.
" July 4. Margaret, w. of Thomas Ellis, of Whittington, Cooper.
" July 10. Anne Williams, a Pauper in the Workhouse.
" Sep. 27. Sarah Jones, widow, of Hindford.
" Oct. 6. Elizabeth, w. of Thos. Boyer, of Cae-Maen, in the p: of Oswestry, Inn: holder.
" Oct. 13. Eleanor Boodle, of Ebnal, widow.
" Oct. 21. Mary Pugh, of Babes wood, widow.

The Parliament dissolv'd, writs returnable for a new Parliament by Nov. 29th.

1774, Nov. 6. William Turner.
" Nov. 6. John, s., one of the Twins of John Everal, Shoemr.
" Dec. 4. John Lewis, Servant at Fernhill.

552 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774

1774, Dec. 8. Dorothy Poval, of Daywell, widow.
" Dec. 8. Richard Bulkeley, of Myddleton, Labr.
" Dec. 24. Grace, d. of John Jones, of Babes wood, Labr.


A new wainscot Altar Piece of Oak erected, & ten Commandments, the Lord's prayer and the Creed letter'd in Gold leaf.

The wainscot, or Joiner's work at 10£.
The Painter's lettering at 5s. per hundd., Embellishments included.

1775, Jan. 11. Sarah, d. of John Morris, of Berghill, Farmer.
" Jan. 12. Edward Edwards, of Babeswood, Labr.
" Jan. 15. Richard, a child of Richd. Woolridge, of Francton, Farmer.
" Jan. 21. Robert Roberts, of Babeswood, late Huntsman to the Rector.
" Feb. 3. Margaret, d. of Thos. Roberts, of Ebnal, Labr.
" Feb. 23. Sarah, w. of Richd. Hughes, of Whittington, Labr.
" Mar. 13. Alice Rider, of Whittington, Spinster old.
" Mar. 27. Mary Boodle, of Whittington, Spinster.
" Mar. 27. Mary, d. of William Edwards, Wheelright.
" Apr. 18. Mary Rogers, widow, of Whittington, cancer.
" Apr. 14. Elizabeth, Relict of the Revd. William Lloyd, Lord of the Manor, died in Salop: Buried April 21st in the Chappel Yard at Aston by her own direction rather than in the vault: She was a Sneyde, of Bishton, in Staffordshire.
Multis Illa Bonis flebilis occidit,
Nullis flebilior quam Pauperibus.
" May 26. Sarah, w. of Edd. Parry, Cooper, of West Felton, died in Oswestry.
" June 8. Jane Boodle, widow, of Ebnal, old age.
" June 10. Elizabeth Walters, of Whittington, Spinster, of a decay.
" June 15. Sarah, d. of Edd: Parry, Cooper, died at Chirk.
" July 5. Thomas Hitchin, of Berghill, Farmer, a a decay.

1775] Whittington. 553

1775, July 5. Elizabeth, w. of Joseph Evans, of Hindford, of an abcess.
" July 27. Grace Thomas, of Whittington, of a decay.
" July 28. Jane Boodle, d. of John Boodle, of Ebnal, Farmer, of the smallpox, aged 18.

This distemper rages much & is very severe, tho' few have died of it in
this Parish. In Oswestry it has been very mortal. The common people will
not be persuaded to adopt the cool regimen, nor to go out of the old way of
stoveing the sick in hot rooms, giving them Saffron, Marygold Tea and
strong Beer.

1775, Aug. 14. Samuel, s. of Saml. Griffiths, of Ebnal, Farmer, of a white swelling. Aged 18.
" Aug. 15. Mary Proger, of Ebnal, aged 17, of the Small Pox.
" Aug. 15. [blank], bastard s. of Richd. Wynne, of Moreton, of the Small Pox.
" Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Boodle, of Halston, of a decay, aged 18.
" Sep. 3. John Evans, of Whittington, Farmer, of a decay.
" Oct. 6. Richard, s. of George Salmon, of Goebowen, of the Small Pox.
" Oct. 17. Susanna, Bastard d. of Thos. Hughes, of Fernhill, an infant.
" Oct. 28. William, s. of John Rogers, of Henlle, Farmer, an infant.
" Nov. 9. John, s. of William Bolas, of Ebnal, Farmer, an infant 3 days old.
" Nov. 19. Gaynor Pritchard, of Whittington, aged 93.
" Nov. 24. Elizabeth, w. of Walter Broughal, of Kinsel, of the Influenza.
" Dec. 14. Edward Windsor, of Ebnal, weaver, of the Influenza.
" Dec. 22. Mary Parry, of Whittington, old-of the Influenza & Cough.
No: 28 of this parish.

The Disorder of the Season from its Universality is called the Influenza,
and is suppos'd to take its rise from a foggy air & Easterly wind. It makes
its attack in various shapes. It's general attendant is a severe cough
which oft proves fatal to old People, or where It falls upon weak lungs.

554 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776

1776, Jan. 6. Jane Williams, of Daywell, of the Influenza, old.
" Jan. 18. Mary Davies, widow, of Whittington, old, of the Influenza.
" Jan. 22. Richard Berkley, of Whittington, Junr., of a dropsy.
" Jan. 24. William Gough, senr., of Whittington, Flax-dresser, aged 77, of the Influenza.
" Jan. 26. John Jones, of Daywel, old, just return'd from vagrancy.
" Jan. 26. Dorothy Pritchard, of Whittington, old, of the influenza.
" Jan. 31. Mary Roberts, of Francton, widow, aged 74, of the Influenza.
" Feb. 24. Thomas Maddox, of Whittington, of a dropsy on the brain.
" Feb. 29. Mary, d. of Thos. Evans, of Ebnal, Labr., and Sarah, his w., aged 5 days.
" Feb. 22. At his house in Chester, my friend the reverend Edward Moreton, of Ellsmere, of the Influenza, falling upon weak lungs, aged 68, buried at Ellesmere.
" Mar. 2. At her house in Oswestry, of the Influenza, my Mother, Mary Roberts, Relict of my Father, the reverend Robert Roberts, M.A., late Vicar of Chirk, aged 80, buried at Chirk.
1776, Mar. 3. At Tower, in Flintshire, the reverend Doctr. William Wynne, Rr. of Llanfechen, in Monty're., my friend. Aged 79, buried at Mold.

Quis talia fando
Temperet a lachryrnis?
Non Ego

" Mar. 19. John Swinnerton, of tne p: of Selattyn, Labr., of a wen on his neck, aged 61.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth Powel, wid: of Whittington, agd. 8t.

1776] Whittington. 555

1776, Mar. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Owen Roberts, Taylor, of the Small Pox.
" Apr. 5. Edward Jones, of Francton, Batchelor, of a decay.


" Apr. 17. John, s. of Richd. Jones, wheelwright, of Daywell, of the Small Pox.
" Apr. 18. Andrew Williams, in Whittington, aged 84, Decoyman under the Aston family, at the Decoy, in this parish, above 60 years.


Here lies the Decoyman who lived like the otter
Dividing his time betwixt land and water
His hide he oft soak'd in the waters of Perry
Whilst Aston old Beer his spirits kept cheery.
Amphibious his Trim, Death was puzzled, they say,
How to dust to reduce such well moisten'd clay,
So Death turn'd Decoyman, & decoy'd him to land,
Where he fix'd his abode 'till quite dried to his hand,
He then found him fitting for crumbling to Dust,
And here he lies mould'ring as you & I must.

N.B. He had retired to Whittington upon a Freehold he had purchased with the perquisites of his place from the Decoy for a few years before his death.

1776, Apr. 20. Mary, w. of John Boodle, weaver, of Fernhill, aged 80.
" Apr. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Walter Evans, sexton, of the Small Pox.
" Apr. 22. At the Rectory, in Whittington, suddenly soon after one, o'ck: in the morning, in bed, Roger Wynne, Esqre., Bro. to the late Dr. Wynne, of Tower, near Mold, in Flintshire, and Bror. in law by marriage to the present Rr., W.R. Aged 68. Buried at Mold.

Hinc iterum Lachrymae.


" Apr. 27 . Richd. Jones, Taylor, of Whittington 62
" May 7. Martha Edwards, widow, of Hindford 71
" May 11. John. s. of John Thomas, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington, Small Pox

556 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776


1776, May 16. William, s. of William Gough, Flax dresser, of Whittington, an idiot 21
" May 22. Mary, w. of Thomas Williams, Labr., at Ebnal 48
" June 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Thomas, Farmer, of Whittington, of the Small Pox 1
" June 7. John, Bastard s. of Thomas Roberts, of Francton, of Small Pox 2


" June 7. Mary, d. of Edward Ithiel, Farmer, of Pentrekendrick, of Small Pox 4
" June 8. David Williams, Wheelright, of Whittington, of the Influenza 75
" June 8. Mary Vaughan, wid: of Babes wood 70
" June 13. Jane, d. of David Hughes, of Hindford, Labr., of the Small Pox.
" June 15. Anne, d. of Richard Williams, Innholder, of the Small-pox.
" June 24. John, s. of John Edwards, late of Tymaur, of the Small Pox.
" June 24. Margaret, d. of Edd. Ithiel, Farmer, of Daywell, of the Small Pox.
July 6. Thomas Richards, of Hindford, Labr. 64
" July 9. Walter Evans, of Whittington, sexton, of a fever 50
" July 12. Sarah, w. of Edward Pritchard, of Daywell 74
" July 13. John Meredith, of Babes wood 65
" July 21. Margt. Pritchard, of Whittington, Spinster 23
" Aug. 5. Margt., a child of James Clarke, small pox.
" Aug. 10. John, s. of John Lewis, of Whittington, Labr., of the Small Pox.
" Aug. 16. Benjamin Rickards, of Daywell, Shoemaker 40
" Aug. 22. Mary, child of John Lewis, of the Small Pox.

1777] Whittington. 557


1776, Sep. 4. John, s. of John Davies, Carpenter, of Whittington, of the Small Pox.
" Sep. 7. George Davies, Sawyer, of Whittington, fever 35
" Nov. 17. Joseph, a child of Joseph Lee, of Whittington.
" Nov. 25. Thos. Griffiths, of Gravenor, Labr., of a fever 52
" Nov. 27. Anne Vaughan, widow, of Fernhill 56
" Dec. 13. Edward Vaughan, of Whittington, Pot: Carr: 73


1777, Jan. 9. Catherine Pigot, of Hindford 58
" Jan. 20. Luke Francis, of Whittington, nailor 88
" Feb. 8. John Lewis, of Whittn., Labr., of a fever 25
" Mar. 7. Catherine Windsor, of Whittington, widw. 6
" Mar. 30. Elizabeth, w. of John Pigot, of Francton 43
" Apr. 28. Bridget Jones, of Daywell, a Dropsy 78
" May 3. Edward James, Labr., of Babes wood 57
" May 8. Thomas Paddock, of Rudge. a decay 24
" May 10. Mary Williams, of Berghill, a decay 48
" June 18. Catherine Roberts, widow, of B. wood 103
" July 10. Mary Woolridge, wid: Old Martin 76
" July 20. Mary, d. of Jn: Edwards, Labr., of Ebnal, of a decay.
" Aug. 11. Anne, w. of William Bolas, of Ebnal, by a decay 38
" Sep. 14. Sarah Windsor, of Ebnal, widow 85
" Sep. 23. Mary, w. of Thos. Edwards, of Whittington, Sawyer, by a Consumption 43
" Nov. 6. Thomas, s. of Edward Jones, of Ebnal, Farmer, a child 11 months old.

In this year pass'd An Act of Parliament for dividing & enclosing the
Commons or waste lands within the several Townships of Whittington,
Berghill, Francton, Hindford, Henlley, Ebnal, Daywell, Old Martin in the
parish of Whittington, and Porkington in the parish of Syllatyn within the
Manor of Whittington and County of Salop-allotted to the Lord a thirteenth
part of the said Commons in consideration of his giving up his right to the
lime stone quarries for the benefit of the freeholders as therin mention'd
& in lieu of his right to the soil. Allotted to the Rector a proportion of
Common in respect of his Glebes to be fined at the expence of the several

This Bill was warmly oppos'd in both Houses of Parliament by a very
inferior number of Freeholders which enhanc'd the expence of the bill
without any other effect than bringing a great expence upon themselves.

558 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1778


1778, Jan. 6. Edward, s. of Thos. Lloyd, of Ebnal, weaver an infant
" Jan. 17. Mary, d. of George Salmon, of Daywell, Farmer an infant
" Jan. 27. Edward Higgins, of Hindford 70
" Jan. 30. Roger Davies, of Whittington, Carpenter 75
" Mar. 4. Anne, d. of John Boodle, Farmer, of Whittington 9
" Mar. 14. Thomas Thomas, Labr., of flindford, by a fall 48
" Mar. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh Peter, Labr., of Whittington 5
" Mar. 29. Edward Peploe, Farmer, of Daywell 66
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones, Farmer, of Francton an infant
" Apr. 2. Sarah Windsor, Spinster, of Whittington 27
" Apr. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones, Farmer of Spurtal, in the p. of Halston infant.
" May 4. Sarah, bastard d. of Alice Thomas, Spinster, of Whittington 4
" May 19. William Griffiths, Labr., of Whittington, by a Palsie 60
" June 5. Richard Richards, Labr., of Ebnal 49

1779] Whittington. 559


1778, June 11. Richard, s. of James Clarke, Labr., of Whittington infant
" June 13. Elizabeth Williams, of Whittington, Spinster 29
" July 21. Joseph, s. of Joseph Wild, Labr., of Berghill, on his birthday.
" Aug. 4. Anne Davies, Spinster, of Spurtal, by Consumt. 23
" Aug. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas Dulson, of Prees 5
" Sep. 16. Mary, d. of Edd: Davies, d Whittington, Shoemaker infant
" Sep. 27. William, s. of William Edwards, Labr., of Henlle infant
" Nov. 8. Susanna, d. of Thos. Davies, Sawyer, of Daywell infant
" Nov. 20. Anne, d. of Benjamin Ricketts, of Daywell infant

The Disorder of the Season is a putrid & inflammatory Sore Throat; In many
parts of the Kingdom It has been mortal. This parish has escaped its
malignancy & is very healthy.

1779, Jan. 15. Anne Jones, widow, of Babes wood 80
" Jan. 17. Joseph Hitchin, of Selattyn p. 47
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Montford an infant
" Feb. 1. Susanna Smallman, of Berghill, widow 84
" Feb. 26. Mary, w. of Edd: Davies, of Spurtal 68
" Feb. 28. John Maddox, of the Pool, Gent: by a fever 48
" Mar. 14. John, s. of Robert Tudor, Gent: an infant
" Apr. 9. Jane, w. of John Jones, of Oswestry 60
" May 23. Abigail, Bastard d. of Abigail Edwards.
" June 25. Thomas, s. of Mary Paddock, of Whittington 20
" June 25. Richard, s. of Robert Foulkes, of Daywell 4
" July 22. John, s. of Thomas Harper, of Berghill 5
" July 24. James, s. of James Phillips, of Whittington 1

560 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779


1779, July 24. Thomas s. of Abraham Edward, of Whittington 2
" July 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Bell, of Daywell 7
" July 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Harper, of Berghill 2
" Aug. 15. Anne, d. of Thos. Pritchard, of Whittington 1
" Aug. 18. Richard Price, Labr., of Babes wood, a fever 24
" Aug. 24. Catherine Lloyd, widow, of Whittington 84
" Sep. 2. Mary, w. of John Everal, Senr., of Whittington 58
" Sep. 20. Sarah, d. of Richd. Richards, of Hindford 3
" Sep. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Paddock, of Whittington 22
" Oct. 23. Thomas Davies, Substitute parish Clark 56
" Dec. 17. Martha, infant d. of Thos. Edwards, of Whittington.
" Dec. 21. John, s. of Samuel Jackson, of Whittington 8
" Dec. 23. Edward, infant s. of Edd: Williams. of Francton.

The disorder of the vear has been a putrid sore throat & fever, and the
hooping cough, which have carried off many, mostly children.

1780, Jan. 2. Samuel, s. of John Edwards, of Ebnal, Labr. an infant
" Jan. 3. Sarah, d. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington. Labr. infant
" Jan. 12. William Francis, of Berghill 95
" Jan. 18. Edward Pritchard, of Daywell, Labr. 74
" Jan. 18. Margaret, w. of Edward Jones, of Hindford, Farmer 63
" Feb. 12. James, s. of John Edwards, of Ebnal, Farmer infant
" Feb. 14. Samuel Griffiths, of Ebnal, Farmer 64

1780] Whittington. 561


1780, Feb. 18. Mrs. Margaret Wynne, Relict of Roger Wynne, Esqre., at Tcwer, in the parish of Mold, Flintshire, and buried in the family vault there. Aged 68
" Feb. 21. Anne, w. of Roger Edwards, of Daywell, Farmer 81
" Feb. 28. Margaret, w. of John Woor, of Daywell 66
" Mar. 4. Margaret, Relict of Hu: Edwards, of Daywell, Fanner 74
" Mar. 23. Mary, Relict of Andrew Maddox, of Daywell, Gent: 82
" Apr. 5. Bartholomew Jones, of Whittington, Tanner 81
" Apr. 10. Mary, w. of Richard Hitchin, of Whittington, Labr. 57
" Apr. 22. Mary, widow of Saml. Kyffin, of Berghill 95
" May 15. Thomas Stoakes, from Salop, of a decay 20
" June 24. Samuel Peate, of the Castle of Whittington 84

Here lies Governor Peate
Whom no man did hate:
At the age of fourscore
And four years more.
He pretended to wrestle
With Death for his Castle:
He was soon out of breath
And surrendered to Death
Who away him did take
On the Eve of our Wake
In the Morn about seven,
To keep Wake in Heaven.

1780, June 27. Margaret Jordan, of Ebnal 65
" July Man, Weaver, of Whittington 72
" Aug. 4. Richard Davies, of Whittington, Blacksmith 70
" Aug. 21. Francis Lloyd, of Berghill, Gent: 64
" Sep. 17. Thomas, s. of Richd. Roberts, Labr. an infant

562 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1780


1780, Sep. 29. Mary, w. of Mr. Roger Maddox, of Daywell 68


" Sep. 29. John, s. of John Jones, Labr., of Whittington an infant
" Oct. 5. Anne, d. of Robert Bennett, of Park an infant
" Oct. 25. William Jones, servant, of Fernhill 30
" Nov. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Bell, Labr., of Daywell infant
" Nov. 10. John, s. of Robt. Foulkes, Farmer, of Daywell infant
" Nov. 11. William Woolridge, Farmer, of Old Martin 42
" Nov. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Edd. Parry, B. smith, of Babes wood inft.
" Nov. 19. William, s. ofThos. Davies, Sawyer, of Daywell infant
" Nov. 29. Sarah Browne, of Babes wood, widow 76

Here lies Mammy Browne
Who oft sang ding a down,
Over many a Brat,
And what of all that ?
Why she sang herself down
So her lies Mammy Browne.

N.B.- She nurs'd many children besides her own.

1780, Dec. 17. Thomas Bellis, a Pauper.
" Dec. 31. Mary Prynalt, widow 70

The disorder which carried off many children was the Small Pox.

1781, Jan. 3. Margaret Edwards, a pauper.
" Jan. 5. Elizabeth, w. of William Morris, Labr., of Sutton.
" Jan. 11. Thomas, s. of Wm. Jones, Labr., of Babes wood an infant
" Jan. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Rogers, Farmer, of Ebnal 3
" Jan. 12. Margaret Brain, a pauper.

1781] Whittington. 563


1781, Jan. 17. John, s. of Thomas Rogers, Farmer, of Ebnal 3
" Jan. 27. Richard Edwards, Labr., of Whittington 72
" Feb. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. Hocknel, of Whittington 3
" Feb. 19. Mary, d. of Samuel Vaughan, of Whittington 2
" Feb. 20. Mary, d. of William Laurence, of Whittington 8
" Feb. 23. Edward, s. of Edward Davies, of Whittington 1
" Feb. 24. Jonathan Bolvin, of Francton 78
" Mar. 16. Joseph Evans, Labr., of Hindford 75
" Mar. 25. Andrew Pritchard, weaver, of Whittington 82
" Apr. 7. Ann, d. of James Clarke, of Whittington, by a decay 16
" Apr. 12. John, s. of John Thomas, of Whittington 4
" Apr. 24. Ann, d. of Thomas Lewis, Labr., of Ebnal 27
" Apr. 27. Thomas. s. of Barth: Jones, Sadler, of Whittington 1
" July 7. Robert Foulkes, Farrner, of Daywell 87
" July 16. Margaret Richards, of Hindford, a pauper 70
" Aug. 5. -Margaret, d. of Thos. Edwards, Sawyer, of Whittington infant
" Sep. 1. Thomas Tudor, Gent: of Henlle 87
" Sep. 30. Susanna, d. of Thos. Davies, Carpenter, of Oswestry infant
" Oct. 4. John Jones, Labr., of Babes wood 65
" Oct. 11. Mary & Sarah, Twins of Thos. Griffiths, of Gravenor infants
" Nov. 6. John Edwards, Labr., of Ebnal 59
" Nov. 19. Thomas, s. of Richard Ellis, of Ebnal 1
" Nov. 23. John Boodle, weaver, of the Iron Mill 86
" Dec. 11. Rebecca Evans, of Hindford 66
" Dec. 15. Mrs. Anne Jones, of Whittington, widow 55
" Dec. 17. James, s. of James Evans, Labr., of Hindford infant

564 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1781


1781, Dec. 24. John Edwards, Labr., of Daywell
" Dec. 25. Joseph Ethelstone, Labr., of Francton 29
" Dec. 27. Catherine, w. of John Brown, of Ebnal 74

The Small Pox carried off several young children.
The disorder of the Season has been Agues & Intermittents.

1782, Jan. 11. Thomas Matthewes, Labr., of Daywell 84
" Jan. 22. Elizabeth Richards, Spinster, of Fernhill 39
" Jan. 29. John Minshall, Farmer, of Daywell 60
" Feb. 5. Mary, bastard of Mary Edwards.
" Feb. 14. Margaret Rees, of Hindford 80
" Feb. 17. Anne, w. of John Jones, weaver, of Daywell 62
" Mar. 10. Margaret Thomas, widow, of Hindford 87
" Apr. 6. Mary Lewis, widow, of Whittington 63
" Apr. 11. Anne, d. of John Jones, Labr., of a decay 5
" Apr. 14. Mary Maddox, widow, of Whittington, a decay 37
" Apr. 15. Robert Tudor, of Selattyn parish, dto. 52
" May 13. Mary, w. of Edd: Hughes, of Babes wood 73
" May 31. James Evans, of Hindford, Labr. 57
" June 9. William Windsor, of Ebnal, weaver, by a decay 28
" June 16. John Jones, of Babes wood, Labr. 70
" July 4. Edward Hughes, of Babes wood, Horse breaker 84
" July 6. John Poval, of Daywell, wheelright 62
" July 26. Hannah, w. of Edd. Andrew, of Whittington, nailor 51
" Oct. 6. Thomas Phillips, of Babes wood, Farmer 90
" Oct. 24. John Boodle, of Whitington, Farmer, decay 51
" Oct. 25. Morris Williams, of Whitington, Labr., crush 35

1783] Whittington. 565


1782, Nov. 19. Thomas Vaughan, ot Whittington, Carpenter, decay 56
" Nov. 23. Anne, d. of Thos. Evans, Labr., of Daywell 5
" Dec. 21. Maria, d. of Thos. Edwards, weaver, of Dto. 1
" Dec. 29. Anne, d. of Edd. Jones, Labr., of Ebnall 38

This winter proved a very severe one to the Labourers & the Poor. Scarce
ever was remember'd a time, when all the articles of Subsistence were at
the same time so dear. Subscriptions were set on foot in all parts of the
Kingdom, which gave very seasonable relief.

Prices at Oswestry Market per Measure for best sort.
Wheat - 11s.
Muncorn - 10s.
Beef - 4d.
Barley - 7s.
Mutton - 4d.
Grey Peas - 5s. 8d.
Veal - 4d.
Oats - 4s.
Butter - 9d. & 10d
Cheese per hundredwt. 2: 5: 0

This scarcity continued till after the Harvest of 1783 which,
providentially began very early in August, & the Crops promise plenty.

1783, Jan. 3. William, s. of John Minshall, of Llanrhaidr 4
" Jan. 7. Anne, w. of William Price, of Oswestry, of a decay 32
" Jan. 13. Richard Griffiths, from London, decay 24
" Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Roberts an infant
" Feb. 21. John Basnett, of Ebnal, Gent: Palsy 72
" Feb. 22. Margaret, d. of Samuel Davies, of Whittington 2
" Feb. 25. Edward, s. of Edd: Evans, of Babes wood 1
" Mar. 13. Sarah, w. of Robt. James, of Oswestry 63
" Mar. 24. Anne Uryon, widow, of a dropsy 64
" Apr. 2. Thomas, s. of John Griffiths, Labr., of Selattyn 1
" Apr. 4. Robert Griffiths, Labr., of Daywell 70

566 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783


1783, Apr. 26. Francis Wynne, a pauper 75
" Apr. 28. Peter Davies, Labr., of Francton, of the stone 60
" June 9. William, s. of David Hughes, putrid Sore throat 1
" June 12. Elizabeth, w. of John Edwards, of Babes wood 83
" June 17. Richd., s. of Richd. Williams, of Goebowen 12
" June 19. John, s. of Thomas Arnold, of a fever 23
" June 24. Thomas Bithel, a pauper 70
" June 26. Jane, d. of David Hughes, of a sore throat 3
" June 28. Margaret, d. of John Boodle, of Halston, Asthma 65
" June 28. Jane, d. of Edd. Venables, of Francton an infant.
" June 30. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, Labr., of Whittington 5
" June 30. Roger, s. of Roger Jones, Shoemaker, a putrid sore throat 1
" June 30. Thomas, s. of Andrew Peploe, a lunatic 20
" July 2. John Brown, weaver, of Ebnal 84
" July 6. William Paddock, came home in a decay 16
" July 9. Jane, d. of Edd. Oliver, of Whittington, sore throat 2
" July 16. Roger Edwards, Farmer, of Daywell 78
" Aug. 12. Richard Williams, of Goebowen, Palsy 45
" Aug. 13. John, s. of Richard Gittins, of Hindford an infant
" Sep. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Maddox, of the Pool, Gent: by a kick of a horse 4
" Sep. 12. Mary Vaughan. widow, of Whittington, of a decay 57
" Sep. 14. Thomas Ellis, Cooper, of Whittington 79
" Sep. 17. Margaret, d. of John Jervise an infant
" Sep. 26. Anne, Bastard d. of Lucy Jones, of Oswestry 3

1783] Whittington. 567

In 1782 and still more in 1783 a remarkable haze extended over the whole of
Europe. Seen in a mas this haze was of a pale blue colour. It was thickest
at noon when the Sun appeared through it of a red colour. Rain did not in
the least degree effect it. It occasionally yielded a peculiar odour. This
haze was dispersed in the Summer of 1733 [sic 1783].


1783, Oct. 1. A Stamp duty of three pence commenc'd this day on the Registry of each Burial.
" Oct. 17. Mary Poval, spinster, of Daywell, of a decay 35
" Oct. 18. John Maddox, Gent: of Daywell 71
" Nov. 16. Thomas Montford, Farmer, of Ebnal 76
" Nov. 27. Jane Peate, widow, of Whittington 70
" Dec. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Nath: Burroughs an infant
" Dec. 1. John, s. of William Laurence, Labr. (ague) 1
" Dec. 16. William, s. of William Laurence, Labr. (ague) 7
" Dec. 19. Michael, s. of Cath: Evans, widow, by a decay, a Pauper 7
" Dec. 22. Anne, w. of Richard Gittins, of Francton 64

A Severe winter, the frost set in the day before Christmass day and continued to introduce the New Year.
and I may add as there is a vacancy-the Frost continued to March, 1784.

I sore forebode these frosty times
Will nip my nob, but then, my rhymes
In puff complete, in richness big,
And full and flowing as my wig,
Will future bards and priests explore
Till Taste and Talent are no more;
While dull, though disembodied, I
Jump up a Gnome 'twixt earth and sky,
Perch on the pen of rhyming elf
And squat a squabby rhyme my self.
A brat I boast, light pudding Billy

568 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1784

Whom, though the witless world calls silly,
And though but lame in hic, hoc hoc,
Is a right chip of the old block.

A proof impression of himself
Who'd sell his soul to save his pelf.
W. EVANS, P. Clerke.


1784, Jan. 1. James, s. of William Edwards, Labr., of Babes wood an infant
" Feb. 26. Sidney Jones, Labr., of Hindford, gored by a Cow's horn 73
" Mar. 19. Catherine Evans, spinster, of Whittington, Palsy 68
" Mar. 26. Catherine Vaughan, widow, of Whittington 89
" Alm 4. Margaret Lewis, widow, a Pauper 70
" Apr. 24. Joseph, s. of Thomas Ellis, Labr. 4
" May 11. Mary. w. of John Jones, Labr., in child-bearing 32
" May 23. Elizabeth Edwards, widow, of Daywell 68
" June 9. John Evans, Labr., of Babes wood, by a Cancer.
" June 24. John, s. of John Jones, Labr. an infant
" July T3. Martha Becket, a Pauper 32
" Aug. 24. Samuel, s. of Samuel Briscoe an infant
" Oct. 3. Richard Paddock, of Ridge, in the p: of Ellesmere 72
" Nov. 10. Bartholomew Jones, Saddler, of Whittington 32
" Nov. 1. Sarah Jones, widow, of Babes wood 63
" Nov. 16. John William, Labourer, of Hindford 42
" Nov. 25. William, s. of Thomas Edwards, of Whittington 5
" Nov. 28. Ann Windsor, widow, of New Marton 59
" Dec. 6. Mary, w. of Richard Prichard, of Whittington 64

J. R. Lloyd, Rector.

1785] Whittington. 569

The year the Rev: J. R. Lloyd, gained the gold medal from the Society for
the Encouragement of Arts, and Sciences for having planted 65,440 oak trees
upon 15:3:0 - near the Decoy.


This year a Sunday School was established for each sex & the Chancel was rebuilt.


1785, Jan. 5. Edward Jones, of the p: of Ellesmere 80
" Jan. 8. Thomas Williams, Whittington, Small Pox 51
" Jan. 15. Andrew Williams, Whittington 59
" Jan. 23. Elizabeth Cox, Whittington, small pox 16
" Feb. 9. Sarah, Bd. d. of Anne Phillips, Pauper an infant
" Feb. 18. Margaret, Bd. d. of Anne Phillips, Pauper an infant
" Mar. 12. Jane, w. of Richd. Williams, of Daywell, childbed 38
" Mar. 17. Thomas Vaughan, Bucknal, Farmer 77
" Mar. 25. Mary Cartwright, Gobowen 63
" Apr. 2. Edward, s. of Peter Davies, Frankton infant
" Apr. 12. Mary, w. of Thomas Boodle, Ebnal 72
" Apr. 16. Hannah Phillips, widow, of Babes wood 87
" May 26. Sarah, d. of Richd. Lloyd, Blacksmith, Daywell infant
" May 26. Elizabeth Evans, widow, of Whittingtan 75
" May 28. Sarah Montford, w idow, Ebnal 72
" July 5. Richard Hitchin, Labr., Whittington 61
" Aug. 18. John Jones, weaver, Daywell 55
" Sep. 4. James, Bd. s. of James Cartwright, Pauper, Daywell, fever 7
" Oct. 1. Margaret Maddox, Daywell, fever 16

Nov. 30, 1785. Settled per Mary Hall, Deputy Collr.

" Oct. 7. Thomas Moody, Whittington 8
" Oct. 14. Thomas Venables, Francton 85
" Oct. 16. Mary Jones, Pauper, of this p: 80
" Oct. 20. Martha Parry, Whittington, consumption 9
" Oct. 23. Margaret Morris, widow, Whittington 60

570 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1785


1785, Nov. 14. Richard Nicholas, Wheelwright, Whittington 66
" Nov. 25. Mary, d. of John Venables, Whittington infant

J. R. LLOYD, Rector.

" Dec. 15. Anne Williams, spinster, Berghill 64
" Dec. 18. Thomas Prinalt, St. Martins P. 43
" Dec. 22. Phillip Jones, Whittington, Pauper 63
1786, Jan. 5. John Ferryman, Whittington 45
" Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Thos. Nicholas, Whittington inft.
" Jan. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, Daywell, Pauper inft.
" Jan. 29. Mary Salmon, widw., Whittington, pauper 80
" Feb. 14. Elizabeth, w. of John Jones, Whittington 68
" Feb. 14. Thomas Maddox, Wrexham p: 48
" Feb. 18. Elizabeth Griffiths, widw., Whittington 65
" Apr. 1. Mary, d. of John Jones, Blacksmith, Daywell inft.
" Apr. 8. John Jones, of Whittington (at Fernhill Turnpike) 69
" Apr. 11. John Boodle, of Whittington 69
" Apr. 24. Mary, d. of Joseph Colmere, Francton inft.
" Apr. 26. Richard, Bd. s. of Mary Tyrzley, Pauper 1½
" May 2. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Colmere, of Frankton inft.
" May 9. Richard, s. of Thomas Hughes, of Whittington inft.
" May 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hughes, of Whittington inft.
" May 29. John, s. of Richard Jones, of Whittington inft.
" June 11. Anne Hughes, of Whittington, a pauper 87
" June 22. Robert Bowen, of Henlley 65
" June 24. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Rogers, of Ebnal 47

1787] Whittington. 571


1786, June 29. Eleanor, d. of Samuel Vaughan, of Whittington inft.
" July 7. Cathrine, w. of Samuel Davies, of Babbins Wood 68
" July 22. Thomas Williams, of Hindford 47
" July 26. Anne, d. of Richard Kilvert, of Hindford inft.
" Aug. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Parry, of Whittington 3
" Aug. 28. Mary Killan, spinster, Hentley 34
" Sep. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jones, of Frankton 5
" Sep. 4. Charles, s. of John Lloyd, of Whittington inft.
" Sep. 16. Sarah, d. of Richard Roberts, of Ebnal 6
" Oct. 10. Elizabeth, w. of Samuel Jones, of Whittington 52
" Oct. 11. Jane, d. of John Morris, of Berghill 30
" Oct. 25. John Williams, of Daywell 73
" Oct. 26. Mary, Bastd. d. of Mary Lloyd, of Ebnal inft.
" Nov. 21. Edward Davies, of Frankton 73
" Nov. 21. Thomas Edwards, of Whittington 89
" Dec. 14. Anne, Bastd. d. of Mary Jones, of Daywell inft.
" Dec. 17. Elizabeth Andrew, Spinster, of Whittington 17
" Dec. 18. Richard Vaughan, Bastd. s. of Mary Jones, of Whittington 1½
1787, Jan. 2. Edward Davies, Shoemaker, of Whittington 53
" Jan. 4. Thomas Lewis, a Pauper, of Ebnal 70
" Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Edward Venables, of Whittington 13
" Feb. 2. William Paddock, of St. Martin's 67
" Feb. 8. Elizabeth Richards, of Whittington 5
" Feb. 15. Thomas Pool, a Pauper. of Whittington 82
" Mar. 1. Lawrence Bassnett, of Tinker's Green. Whittn. 75

572 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1787


1787, Mar. 2. Jane, d. of John Venables, of Whittington inft.
" Mar. 4. Edward Williams, a Pauper, of West Felton p: 87
" Mar. 18. Mary, Bastd. d. of Elizabeth Jones, a Pauper, of Oswestry p: 1
" Mar. 30. Thomas Pool, a pauper, of Whittington 60
" Apr. 28. Mary, w. of John Evans, of Babbins wood 27
" Apr. 30. Martha Marsh, Spinster, of Frankton 19
" May 10. Richard Boodle, Weaver 64
" May 18. John Jones, Shoemaker, of Whittington
" May 24. Martha, w. of Richard Gibbons, of Whittington 38
" June 21. Hugh Roberts, of Whittington 42
" Aug. 12. John, s. of Richard Hocknil, of Oswestry inft.
" Aug. 28. Ann Jones, widow, of Whittington, Pauper 75
" Sep. 18. William Broughall, of Whittington 26
" Oct. 18. John Hawkins, Gent: of London (died at Frankton) 34
" Nov. 14. Mary Jones, a Pauper, of Ruyton p: 79
" Dec. 9. Mary, d. of Vaughan Husbands, of Whittington inft.
" Dec. 13. Elizabeth, w. of Thos. Arnold, of Ebnal 60
1788, Jan. 10. John, s. of Richard Roberts, of Ebnal inft.
" Jan. 24. Ann, d. of John Pugh, of Whittington inft.
" Jan. 25. Thomas Evans, Gent: of Whittington 72
" Feb. 14. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Thomas, of Daywell 72
" Feb. 27. Cathrine Moody, widow, of Hindford 80
" Feb. 29. Elizabeth Richards, widow, Hindford 82
" Mar. 1. John Marsh, of Evenhall 52
" Mar. 11. Ann, w. of George Lloyd, of Daywell 70
" Mar. 14. Margaret, d. of John Rees, of Hindford 2
" Mar. 24. Ann Edwards, Spinster, of Ebnal 32
" Mar. 25. Gaynor, w. of Thomas Ellis, of Whittington 50

1789] Whittington. 573


1788, Mar. 10. William, Bd. s. of Mary Andrew, of Whittington inft.
" Apr. 7. Samuel Jones, of Frankton, a Pauper 67
" Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Rogers, of Ebnal, a pauper 15
" May 25. Elizabeth Lewis, spinster, of Whittington, a pauper.
" June 1. Edward Roberts, of Daywell 21
" June 4. Hannah, w. of William Jones, of Sylattyn p: 29
" June 6. Mary Bowen, of Hentley, widow 57
" June 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Hughes, of Whittington infant
" June 20. Edward Venables, of Whittington 44
" Aug. 14. Jane Tudor, of Sylattyn p: 51
" Aug. 30. Ann Williams, widow, of Whittington 61
" Nov. 8. Sarah Jones, Spinster, of Whittington 61
" Nov. 1. Edward, s. of Hugh Parry, of Daywell inft.
1789, Jan. 16. Mr. James Edwards, of Oldport 37
" Jan. 17. Elizabeth Edwards, of Whittington (pauper) 70
" Jan. 20. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Hocknil, of Oswestry 38
" Feb. 17. Margaret, w. of William Edwards, of Daywell 77
" Feb. 18. Mary, w. of Richard Barkley, of Whittington 82
" Feb. 27. Sarah, w. of Peter Davies, of Hordley p: 37
" Mar. 2. Richard, s. of Thomas Humphries, of Berghill 17
" Apr. 14. John Jones, a Pauper 8
" Apr. 16. John, s. of Thomas Williams, of Whittington inft.
" Apr. 20. Mary Jones, Spinster, of Whittington, pauper 36
" Apr. 9. Mary Hughes, widow, of Whittington, pauper 79

574 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789-90


1789, July 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Nicholas, of Whittington ... inft.
" July 12. William Cartwright. of Goebowen, pauper 40
55 July 20. Sarah, d. of Roger Furber, of Babbins Wood inft.
" July 23. Margaret, d. of Richard Jones, of Whittington 8
" Aug. 9. Thomas, s. of William Rogers, of Whittington inft.
" Aug. 24. Margaret, d. of Edward Lewis, of Whittington 2
" Sep. 7. Hester, d. of Catherine Roberts, of Whittington 3
" Sep. 16. Mary Edwards, a pauper 63
" Sep. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel Burroughs inft.
" Sep. 27. Thomas, s. of Samuel Vaughan 2
" Oct. 1. Anna Maria, d. of John Lloyd. of Whittington inft.
" Oct. 4. Mary Rider, Whittington 12
" Oct. 17. Jane Hitchen, spinster, Evenhall 54
" Nov. 10. Mary Bowyer, Whittington 14
" Nov. 17. Thomas, s. of Edward Richards, of Whittington 7
" Nov. 25. Richard Bembow, Whittington, a pauper 5
" Dec. 6. Margaret Grindley, of Whittington, Pauper 5
" Dec. 10. William Jones, of Whittington 6
1790, Jan. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John Thomas, of Berghill inft.
" Jan. 12. Richard Hocknill, of Oswestry 58
" Feb. 3. Eleanor, w. of Thomas Hughes, of Whittington P. 84
" Feb. 14. Thomas Hughes, of Whittington P. 88
" Feb. 18. Isaac Edwards, of Hindford 14
" Feb. 19. Martha. d. of Thomas Rogers, of Whittington inft.
" Apr. 10. Edward, s. of Edward Owen, of Ebnal inft.

1754] Whittington. 575


1790, Apr. 17. Robert, Bast. s. of Mary Lloyd, P. inft.
" Apr. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Ellis, of Daywell inft.
" Apr. 19. Mary Ithell, of Ruabon 44
Maria, d. of Thomas Edwards, of Daywell 3
" Apr 29. Charlotte, d. of Thomas Edwards, of of Daywell 1
" May 2. Joseph, s. of John Parry, of Whittington inft.
" May 9. Elizabeth Roberts, of Babbins Wood 72
" May 24. John, s. of John Bassnet, of Tinker's Green inft.
" Aug. 15. Elizabeth Davies, widow, of Daywell P. 68
" Oct. 3. Richard Barkley, of Whittington 84
" Oct. 20. Thomas, Bastd. s. of [blank] P. inft.
" Oct. 26. Elizabeth Jones, widow, of Whittington P. 85
" Oct. 27. John Edwards, of Whittington 27
" Nov. 7. Mary Lewis, of Whittington P. 70
" Nov. 28. John Pugh, of Babbins Wood, P. 73
" Dec. 14. Joseph, s. of Edward Windsor 7
" Dec. 23. Elizabeth Grindley, of Whittington 84
" Dec. 27. Thomas Bate, of Hindford 29


[Five blank pages of Parchment.]

[NOTE.- "p." stands for Parish. "P." in the last page of entries for Pauper.]

From 1754 to 1791.


1734, Apr. 29. William Edwards & Catherine Jones, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rectr. ... banns.
" May 6. John Williams & Jane Evans, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.

576 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1754

1754, June 13. Roger Wynne, Gent: of the p: of Mold, in the County of Flint, & Mrs. Margaret Maurice, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" July 10. William Bradshaw & Sarah Boodle, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" July 29. David Williams, of the p: of Oswestry, Anne Rice, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Aug. 5. Randolph James & Margaret Davies, both of this p: By EDD: MAURICE, Curate ... banns.
" Aug. 14. William Dickin, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Sarah Birch, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" Dec. 15. Phillip Davies & Anne Hays, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.

So far copied for 1754 for Register Rall. W. ROBERTS.

1755, Apr. 16. William Marsh, of the p: of Oswestry, & Jane Hughes, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" June 30. John Williams & Jane Pritchard, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Aug. 11. Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" Oct. 6. Hugh Mathew's, of the p: of Ryton, & Anne Puleston, of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT ... banns.
" Oct. 8. John Evans & Jane Jennings, both of this p: By EDWARD MAURICE.
" Aug. 8. Joseph Dickin, of the p: of Prees, in the county of Salop, Farmer, & Sarah Madocks, of this p: By EDWARD MAURICE.

[NOTE.- Every page of the Register down to Jan., 1761 is signed at the foot "W . ROBERTS."]

" Nov. 24. William Thomas & Mary Roberts, both of this p: By EDWD. MAURICE ... banns.

1757] Whittington. 577

1755, Dec. 22. Arthur Rynolds, of the p: of Ellesmere, Mary Robinson, of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT.
1756, Feb. 13. Edward Davies, of the p: of St. Martins, & Janet Davies, of this p: By EDWARD MAURICE ... banns.
" Feb. 16. Luke Green, of the p: of St. Martins, & Anne Foulkes, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Feb. 27. Abraham Edwards & Elizabeth Simpson, both of this p: By EDD: MAURICE ... banns.
" May 30. Robert Bowen & Mary Booth, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" Aug. 13. Evan Rogers, of this p: & Jane Evans, of the p: of Ellesmere. By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" Oct. 23. Samuel Maddox, of the p: of Ellsmere, & Elizabeth Ethelstone, of this p: By ED: MORETON ... banns.
" Nov. 12. Thomas Edwards & Jane Vaughan, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
1757, Jan. 4. John Oliver, of the p: of West Felton, & Margt. Phillips, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Feb. 19. Thomas Evans, of the p: of Oswestry. & Elizabeth Tudor, of this p: By JOHN JEFFREYS ... banns.
" Feb. 21. Edward Williams & Mary Edwards, both of this p: By JOHN SKYE ... lic.
" Apr. 25. Thomas Brain, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Mary Browne, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" May 6. Charles Tydor & Mary Boyling, both of this p: EDWARD MAURICE ... banns.
" May 12. Jonathan Huffah & Elianor Smedley, both of this p: By DAVID PRICE ... banns.
" June 20. Robert Jones & Mary Jennings, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" June 23. John Rogers & Catherine Smallman, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS... banns.

578 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1757

1757, July 26. John Evans, of the p: of Baschurch, & Rebecca Jones, of this p: By W. ROBERTS
" Aug. 29. William Ethelstone & Elizabeth Kyffin, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS... lic.
" Nov. 26. Francis Jones & Sarah Jones, both of this p: By J. JEFFRYES ... lic.
" Dec. 27. Andrew Peploe & Martha Boodle, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT... banns.
" Dec. 30. John Jones & Mary Phillips, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES ... banns.
1758, Jan. 23. David Hughes & Mary Morgan, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Jan. 28. Edward Andrews & Hannah Francis, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS... banns.
" Feb. 13 Daniel Williams & Rebecca Buttrey, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYS ... banns.
" Apr. 21. Samuel Vaughan & Mary Tomkins, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFREYS, Curate ... banns.
" May 15. David Maddocks & Elizabeth Andrews, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT ... banns.
" Aug. 1. William Evans & Esther Butler, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" OCt. 21. Roger Rogers & Mary Lewis, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" Dec. 5. James Evans, of the p: of Oswestry, & Margaret Daniel, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
3759, May 25. Thomas Green & Margaret Jones, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" June 4. Walter Broughal. of the p: of Hallston, & Elizabeth Maddox, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" July 9. John Edwards & Elizabeth Golding, both of this p: By THOS: BARRETT ... banns.
" July 25. Edward Cleton, Of the p: of Elismere, & Mary Brookes, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.

1762] Whittington. 579

1759, Dec. 11. Edward Pritchard & Sarah Pugh, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.

1760. So far register'd in Court.

" Feb. 10. Thomas Griffiths & Sarah Prichard, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT ... banns.
" May 4. John Boodle & Anne Boodle, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT ... banns.
" May 13. Thomas Foulkes & Margaret Brain, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" May 30. Edward Barkley, of the p: of St. Martins, & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" July 21. William Woolbridge, of this p: & Dorothy Weld, of the p: of Whitchurch. By THOMAS BARRETT ... banns.
" Oct. 6. Francis Mendlove & Catherine Evans, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT ... lic.
1761, Jan. 16. William Povah & Margaret Proger, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" May 4. Thomas Rogers & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p: By THOS: BARRETT ... banns.
" July 19. Dannat Jones & Ann Morris, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES ... lic.
" July 24. Thos. Richards & Isabella Peat, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
1762, Jan. 25. Edward Williams & Elinore Rogers, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES ... banns.
" Feb. 12. William Story & Honor Jones, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" Apr. 13. John Swynerton & Jane Williams, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT ... banns.
" May 28. Thomas Pritchard & Sarah Brown, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT ... banns.
" June 29. Hugh Jones, of the p: of Mold, in the county of Flint, & Elizabeth Lewis, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.

580 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1762

1762, Aug. 27. Roger Maddox, of the p: of Oswestry, & Margaret Richards, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" Dec. 31. Thomas Peate & Mary Richards, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS. Rr. ... lic.
1763, Feb. 14. Lewis Jones & Dorothy Povah, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFREYS, Curate ... banns.
" Mar. 3. Richard Jones, of the p: of West Felton, & Elizabeth Moody, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" May 3. John Rogers & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" May 7. Thomas Ellis & Gaynor Evans, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" May 15. Samuel Jones & Elizabeth Maddocks, widow, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" June 13. Roger Jones & Elizabeth Winsor, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES ... banns.
" Sep. 5. James Jones & Sarah Mumford, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT, Rr. of Hordley ... banns.
" Oct. 19. William Griffiths, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Bithel, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Nov. 26. Thomas Moody & Catherine Thomas, widow, both of this p: By THOMAS BARRETT ... lic.
1764, Jan. 6. John Marsh, of the p: of Halston, & Mary Hitchin, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" Jan. 6. Walter Evans & Margaret Davies, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" Jan. 9. Thomas Jones, of the p: of Llangollen, & Elizabeth Vaughan, of this p By WM. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Feb. 7. Thomas Francis & Elinor Sides, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES ... banns.

1765] Whittington. 581

1764, Feb. 10. John Tyler & Anne Edwards, both of this p: By lhim. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Apr. 23. Thoma. Williams & Jane Roberts, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" May 18. Richard Humphreys, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Pritchard, of this p: By WM. ROBERTS ... banns.
" July 24. Richard Jones & Catherine Richards, both of this p: By WM. ROBERTS ... banns.
" July 31. Phillip Jones & Anne Morris, both of this p: By WM. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Sep. 25. Hugh Griffiths & Sarah Thomas, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" Nov. 2. Thom2S Davies, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Boodle, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" Nov. 26. Arthur Crump & Sarah Lee, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFREYES, Curate ... banns.
1765, Feb. 6. Richard Rogers. of the p: of Worthenbury, in the county of Flint, & Elizabeth Roberts, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES ... banns.
" May 7. John Griffiths & Mary Treen, both of this p: By THO: BARRETT ... banns.
" June 22. Thomas Thomas R.: Sarah Richards, both of this p: By WM. ROBERTS ... banns.
" July 23. John Drayton, of the p: of Kinnerley, & Mary Griffiths, of this p: By THO: BARRETT ... banns.
" Aug. 23. Thomas Ellis & Sarah Andrew, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES. Curate ... banns.
" Dec. 20. Robert Griffiths, of this p: & Mary Lockley, of the p: of Selattyn. By WM. ROBERTS, Rr.
" Dec. 29. Roger Jones & Man Edwards, both .o..f banns this p: By WM. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.

582 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1766

1766, May 9. Thomas Williams & Mary Jones, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
N.B.- The entry aforesaid being in some measure obliterated is again inserted to confirm the same.
[Here follows a copy of the Entry.]

Copied into the Register roll of St. Asaph the 24th day of May 1766, concluding with November 96.

1766, Oct. 10. Edward Grindley & Eleanor Grindley, widow, both of this p: By WM. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Oct. 16. Thomas Jones & Anne Furbar, both of this p: By WM. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Oct. 31. Richard Rickards & Jane Probart, both of this p: By WM. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Nov. 17. Richard Pierce & Elizabeth Richards, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" Nov. 12. Griffith Rogers & Elizabeth Jones, both of this p: By WM. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
1767, Mar. 2. John Jones, of the p: of Selattyn, labourer, & Margaret Vaughan, of this p: By H. Jones, minister, Curate of Oswestry ... banns.
" Mar. 15. Thomas Griffiths & Jane Thomas, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.

Copied into the Court Roll May 30th, 1767.

[The following entries are on paper leaves bound into the volume with the foregoing parchment leaves.]

1767, June 19. Edward Tegan & Sarah Edwards, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" July 12. John Ferryman, of the p: of West Felton, & Sarah Berkley, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" July 20. James Evans & Elizabeth Hughes, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" July 31. William Edwards & Sarah Williams, of this p. By W. ROBERTS, Rr.
" Oct. 27. William Cartwright & Mary Rogers, of this p. By W. ROBERTS, Rr.

1769] Whittington. 583

1767, Dec. 11. John LLoyd & Sarah Davies, of this p. By J. JEFFRYES, Curate.
1768, Jan. 1. Thomas Roberts & Martha Lewis, of this p. By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate.
" Feb. 16. Thomas Richards, of Ellesmere, & Margaret Richards, of this p. By JOHN JEFFRYES, Crt.
" Apr. 19. John Pryce, of the p: of Llanstffraid, in Mechen, co: Montgomery, & Margaret Boodle, of this p: W. ROBERTS, Rr.
" May 11. John Boodle & Anne Vaughan, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" May 31. Robert Foulkes & Mary Vaughan, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic
" July 2. David Hughes & Anne Glover, both of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" July 26. Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Parry, both of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Oct. 17. William Roberts & Mary Baily, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Nov. 13. Edward Davies, of the p: of Llandrinio, & Anne Evans, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" Nov. 22. Richard Morris, of the p: of Selattyn, & Sarah Poole, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
1769, Jan. 13. William Price & Margaret Edwards, of this p: By Jokm JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" Jan. 23. John Dickin, of the p of Chirk, & Jane Edwards, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Mar. 28. George Davies & Anne Jones, of this p: By JOHN JEFFREYES, Curate ... banns.
" Mar. 31. Joseph Rogers, of the p: of Chirk, & Elizabeth Pierce, of this p: By THOS: GRIFFITHS, Clerk ... lic.

584 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1769

1769, Apr. 24. John Mathews, of the p: of Wrexham, & Mary Maddox, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" July 3. Edward Edwards, of the p: of Llangollen, & Jane Griffiths, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES ... lic.
" Aug. 13. Edward Price, of the p: of St. Martins & Elizabeth Lloyd, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" Aug. 16. Edward Eithell & Margaret James, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" Oct. 27. John Brown & Catherine Tayler, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Dec. 26. Richard Gorton & Mary Evans, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" Dec. 26. John Thomas, of the p: of Ellsmere, & Margaret Thomas, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
1770, Feb. 21. Randol Weaver, of this p: & Elizabeth Jones, of the p: of Ellesmere. By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Aug. 6. Thomas Davies & Sarah Langford, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" Oct. 8. Edward Parry & Mary Richards, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
1771, Jan. 24. Richard Jones & Martha Maddox, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Feb. 1. Richard Hughes & Sarah Jones, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Apr. 22. Robert Roberts & Elizabeth Roberts, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... banns.
" May 9. John Roberts & Margaret Williams, of this p: By OW: REYNOLDS ... banns.
" May 27. Richard Jones & Anne Williams, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" June 14. Thomas Evans, of the p: of Baschurch, & Elizabeth Bassnett, of this p: W. ROBERTS, Rr.

1772] Whittington. 585

1771, June 27. Thomas Aaron, of the p: of Ellsmere, & Anne Roberts, of this p: By THOS. GRIFFITHS, Clerk ... banns.
" Aug. 12. Thomas Roberts, of the p: of St. Martins, & Sarah Green, of this p: JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" Sep. 23. John Jones, of the p: of Rhuabon, & Mary Maddocks, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES, Curate ... lic.
" Dec. 2. Thomas Edwards & Mary Griffiths, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
1772, Aug. 16, 23, 30. John Evans & Mary Phillips, of the p: of Selattyn ... banns only.
" Nov. 8, 15, 22. John Jervais & Sarah Sinker, both of this p: ... banns only.

[NOTE.- The Banns Register is written side by side with the Marriage Register from 1772 to 1775. The Banns Register, on parchment, from 1754 to 1772 is bound in the end of the Marriage Register. From 1776 to 1790, it is written on paper, also bound into the same volume.]

1772, May 4. Samuel Davies & Martha Salmon, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" May 26. Peter Pierce & Elizabeth Kyllan, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" May 28. David Parry & Anne Griffiths, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Nov. 29, Dec. 8, 13. William Thomas & Catherine Teggan, of the p: of Ellesmere ... banns only.
1773, Aug. 1,8, 15. John Gittins & Elizabeth Davies, of the p: of Llanrhaiadr ... banns only.
" Oct. 3, to, 17. John Lewis & Sarah Moody, of the p: of Ellsmere ... banns only.
1772, Nov. 3. Thurnas Jones & Elizabeth Edwards, of this p: By THOS. GRIFFITHS, Clerk ... banns.
" Nov. 5. Richard Jones & Margaret Jones, of this p: By THOS. GRIFFITHS, Cler: ... banns.
" Nov. 20. John Averall, of the p: of Church Pulverbatch, & Mary Edwards, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.

586 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774

1774, Mar. 20, 27, Apr. 3. Benjamin Parry & Eleanor Andrews, of the p: of Oswestry ... banns only.
1772, Dec. 5. Thomas Richards & Margaret IMaddocks, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
1773, May 11. John Jones & Mary Ellis, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Aug. 19. Richard Davip & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Curate ... banns.
" Sep. 12. John Thomas & Elizabeth Evans, of this p: By RoffEras, Rr. ... lic.
" Sep. 26. John Owen & Margaret Morgan, of this p: By JOHN JEFFRYES ... lic.
" Nov. 29. Roger Roberts & Sarah Pritchard, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Dec. 10. Richard Brown & Margaret Brown, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Curate ... lic.
" Dec. 16. John Price, of the p: of Great Ness, & Anne Richards, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... lic.
" Dec. 31. Richard Richards & Anne Edwards, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
1774, May 1, June 19, 26. Edward Edwards & Rebecca Probert, of the p: of Oswestry ... banns only.
" May 6. Sammuel Davies & Catherine Swinnerton. of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" May 13. William Edwards & Mary Kyllan, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" May 15. William Lloyd, of the p: of Hordley, & Mary Rogers, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" June 12, 19, 26. Edward Windsor 8: Elizabeth Jones, of the p: of Ellsmere ... banns only.
" June 13. John Berkley 8: Elizabeth Jones, of this p: By W. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Nov. 21. William Richards, of the p: of Oswestry, & Jane Pugh, of this p: By WM. ROBERTS, Curate. ... banns.
" Dec. 10. John Piggott & Elizabeth Gittins, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.

1776] Whittington. 587

1775, Jan. 9. John Davies, of the p: of Selattyn, & Mary Lloyd, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Curate ... banns.
" Feb. 13. Thomas Davies & Sarah Williams, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Feb. 27. Edward Jarrett & Jane Martin, of this p: W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Apr. 18. John Rogers, of the p: of St. Martins, & Elizabeth Foulkes, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" May 6. John Owen, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Roberts, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" June 6. Edward Wilson, of the p: of Ellsmere, & Elizabeth Edwards, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" June 23. Francis Griffiths, of the p: of Llangollen, & Jane Evans, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" June 30. John Edwards, of the p: of Baschurch, & Mary Atcherley, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" July 8. Peter Richards, of the p: of Selattyn, & Mary Vaughan, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" July 16, 23, 30. Thomas Williams & Anne Edwards, of St. Alkmond ... banns only.
" Oct. 13. John Williams & Anne Roberts, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Dec. 29. John Cartwright & Hannah Hughes, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
1776, Jan. 2. Edward Edwards. of the p: of St. Martins, & Anne Berkley, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Feb. 13. Thomas Evans & Sarah Williams, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" Feb. 19. John Jones & Mary Uryon, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" Feb. 20. Oliver Charles & Mary Vaughan, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.

588 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776

1776, Feb. 28. Edward Jones & Catherine Wynn, of this p: By J. JEFFRYES, Cler: ... banns.
" Apr. 9. John Jarvies & Margaret Richards, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" May 3. William Hughes & Sarah Nicholas, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" May 3. Thomas Edwards & Elizabeth Griffiths, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" May 14. Edward Edwards & Susanna Probert, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" May 24. William Jones, of the p: of Llangollen, & Mary Griffiths, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... lic.
" July 12. Samuel Lloyd, of the p: of West Felton, & Elizabeth Tudor, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... lic.
" Sep. 24. Maurice Williams & Mary Grindley, of this p: By J. JEFFRYES, Cler: ... lic.
" Oct. 14. Hugh Roberts & Catherine Vaughan, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" Nov. 29. Edward Davies & Mary Everal, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" Dec. 9. Richard Eccleston & Elizabeth Lloyd, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" Dec 9. Humphrey Price & Martha Garland, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
1777, Feb. 7. Thomas Jones, of this p: & Mary Davies, of the p: of Halston. By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" Feb. 10. Richard Jones, of the p: of Selattyn, & Catherine Vaughan, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... lic.
" May 12. Roger Rogers,& Catherine Walters, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.
" May 26. Edward Jones & Jane Kyllan, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" June 30. James Thomas, of the p: of St: Martins, & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... banns.

1778] Whittington. 589

1777, July 10. John Cartwright, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Edwards, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... lic.
" Aug. 3. William Basnett, of the p: of Oswestry, & Jane Lewis, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... lic.
" Oct. 12. Anthony Bolton, of the p: of St. Martins, & Elizabeth Chidlow, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate ... lic.
" Nov. 1. Richard Price, of the p: of West Felton, & Elizabeth Richards, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Nov. 11. Richard Williams & Jane Roberts, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" Nov. 23. Thomas Edwards & Hannah Emery, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate [who signs the following thirteen entries] ... lic.
" Dec. 13. John Richards, of the p: of Oswestry., & Sarah Brown, of this p: ... banns.
1778, Jan. 23. Thomas Hopley & Martha Roberts, of this p: ... banns.
" Feb. 23. John Jones & Anne Barrett, of this p: ... banns.
John Kynaston, Esq., eldest son of Roger Kynaston, Esq., of the Town of Shrewsbury, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Corbet, sister of John Corbet, Esq: of Sundorn, were married in Halston Church, the nineteenth of Febry., 1778.
" May 3. John Lloyd, of this p: & Anne Edwards, of the p: of Selattyn ... lic.
" June 16. Thomas Boodle, of this p: & Catherine Walters, of the p: of West Felton ... banns.
" July 26. Bartholomew Jones & Martha Evans, of this p. ... lic.
" Aug. 24. Thomas Mountford. of the p: of Halston, & Martha Grindley, of this p: ... lic.
" Sep. 20. Thomas Hodges, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Dickin, of this p: OW: OWEN ... lic.

590 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779

1779, Feb. 2. Robert Bennett, of the p: of Kinerley, & klary Embry, of this p: OW: OWEN ... lic.
" Feb. 7. Thomas Rogers & Mary Broughall, of this p: OW: OWEN ... lic.
" May 4. John Lewis, of the p: of Selattyn, & Mary James, of this p: OW: OWEN ... banns.
" May 16. Samuel Briscoe, of the p: of Ryton, & Anne Jones, of this p: OW: OWEN ... lic.
" June 6. Thomas Lawrence, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Williams, of this p: ... lic.
" June 17. James Strange & Jane Strange, both of this p: By JOHN HUMFFREYS, Minister, Curate of Llansffraid-in-Mechen.
" Sep. 21. William Edwards & Sarah Morris, of this p: By OW: OWEN, CllIate [who signs the sixteen followingl ... banns.
" Nov. 3 William Pierce & Martha Williams, of this p: ... lic.
" Nov. 3. Richard Ellis & Catherine Kyllan, of this p: ... banns.
" Nov. 5. William Price, of the p: of Oswestry, & Ann Evans. of this p: ... lic.
" Nov. 7. Richard Heyward, of the p: of Ellesmere & Mary Rogers, of this p: ... lic.
" Nov. 9. Richard Roberts, of the p: of St: Martins, & Margt. Mountford, of this p: ... banns.
" Der. 6. John Bickerton & Mary Edwards, of this p: ... lic.
" Dec. 27. John Edwards & Anne Freeman, of this p: ... lic.
" Dec. 3i. Robert Edwards & Margaret Williams, of this p: ... banns.
1780, Jan. 17. William Morris & Elizabeth Maddocks, of this p: ... banns.

1782] Whittington. 591

1780, Mar. 27. John Robarts, of the p: of West Felton, & Elizabeth James, of this p: ... banns.
" Apr. 14. John Meredith & Mary Jcoes, of this p: ... banns.
" May 2. Edward Farmston, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Mary Bassnett, of this p: ... lic.
" June 9. John Griffiths & Elizabeth Urion, of this p: ... banns.
" June 26. Joseph Windsor & Elizabeth Poval, of this p: ... banns.
" July 4. William Bolas & Sarah Bradshaw, of this p: ... lic.
" July 13. John Littlehales, of the p: of Oswestry, & Catherine Griffiths, of this p: ... lic.
" July 23. Thomas James, of the p: of Bangor, & Mary Eyton, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... lic.
" July 27. John Bouroughs, of the p: of Ellsmere, & Sarah Hayward, of this p: By OW: OWEN, Curate [who signs the twelve following].
" Oct. 1. Peter Roberts & Alice Hanmer, of this p: ... lic.
" Dec. 29. John Griffiths, of this p: & Sarah Evans, of the p: of Halston ... banns.
1781, Feb. 19. Joseph Hughes & Hannah Shinton, of this p: ... banns.
" Feb. 27. Edward Richards & Martha Thomas, of this p: ... lic.
" June 14. Edward Evans & Esther Richards, of this p: ... banns.
" Nov. 4. William Rogers & Eleanor Jones, of this p: ... lic.
" Dec. 26. Thomas Price, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: ... banns.
" Dec. 27. Edward Davies, of the p: of Hordley, & Mary Roberts, of this p: ... banns.
" Dec. 28. Thos. Phillips & Mary Wilde, of this p: ... banns.
1782, Jan. 7. John Swinerton, of the p: of Condover, & Sarah Edmunds, of this p ... banns.

592 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782

1782, Mar. 4. Richard Griffiths, of the p: of Baschurch, & Elizabeth Edwards, of this p: ... banns.
" Apr. 22. Charles Uryon, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Mary Woolridge, of this p: ... lic.
" Sep. 25. William Williams & Jane Humphreys, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Oct. 7. Thomas Hurleston, of the p: of Whitchurch, gent: & Mrs. Mary Browne, of this p: widowe. By OW: OWEN ... lic.
" Dec. 3. William Rogers & Elizabeth Oare, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Dec. 9. Robert Hughes & Jane Hughes, of this p: By N. ROBERTS ... banns.
1783, Jan 3 . Nathaniel Burroughs & Catherine Clerke, of this p: By N. ROBERTS ... banns.
" Feb. 5. Edward Bragger, of the p: of Ellismere, & Mary Hughes, of this p: By W. ROBERTS.
" Apr. 9. Robert Roberts & Sarah Evans, of this p: By W. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" Apr. 25. William Hitchin & Anne Jones, of this p: By W. ROBERTS. Rr. ... banns.
" May 2. Edward Lewis, of this p & Anne Jones, of the p: of Halston. By NAT: ROBERTS ... banns.
" June 30. Thomas Killan & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: By NAT: ROBERTS ... banns.
1784, May 17. Samuel Edwards & Elizabeth Davies, of this p: By NAT: ROBERTS ... banns.
" May 20. Peter Davies & Sarah Edwards, of this p: By NAT: ROBERTS ... banns.
" May 24. Thomas Jones & Sarah Lewis, of this p: By Wm: ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" June 14. John Thrasher & Sarah Martin, of this p: By WM. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.
" July 27. Edward Edwards & Mary Thomas, of this p: By WM. ROBERTS, Rr. ... banns.

1785] Whittington. 593

1784, Sep. 24. Edward Bowen & Mary Stokes, of this p: By J. TOMKIES, Minister ... banns.

December 16, 1784, settled pr. Mary Hall, Deputy Colltr.

" Nov. 5. John Lee & Elinor Rogers, both of this p: By WILLIAM DAVIES, Curate ... lic.
" Dec. 6. John Richards, of the p: of Llanfillin, & Mary Clutton, of this p: By WILLIAM DAVIES, Curate ... banns.
" Dec. 24. William Morris, of the p: of Stapleton, & Elizabeth Morris, of this p: By WILLIAM DAVIES, Curate ... banns.
" Dec. 30. John Ward, of the p: of Llanyblodwell, & Elizabeth Basonett, of this p: By OW: OWEN ... lic.
1785, Jan. 7. Thomas Williams & Elizabeth Woolridge, of this p: By OW: OWEN ... lic.
" Mar. 1. John Venables & Mary Evans, of this p: By WILLIAM DAVIES, Curate [who signs the eleven following] ... lic.
" Mar. 1. Thomas Nicholas & Mary Williams, of this p. ... lic.
" Apr. 25. Joseph Roberts, of the p: of Rhuabon, & Mary Williams, of this p: ... banns.
" May 12. John Jones & Elizabeth Povall, of this p: ... banns.
" Aug. 8. John Beckett, of the p: of Halston, & Martha Bolliver, of this p: ... banns.
" Aug. 21. Edward Williams & Margaret Jones, of this p: ... lic.

1785, November 30, settled per Mary Hall, Deputy Collr.

" Oct. 24. William Davies & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: ... banns.
" Nov. 16. William Jones & Martha Leek, of this p: ... banns.
" Nov. 28. Edward Kynaston, of the p: of Ruyton, & Martha Embery, of this p:
" Dec. 5. John Edwards & Mary Edwards, of this p ... banns.

594 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1786

1786, Jan. 2. William Wild & Sarah Edwards, of this p: ... banns.
" Jan. 31. John Boodle & Sarah Jones, of this p: ... banns.
" Feb. 2. John Jones & Deborah Minshall, of this p: By J. R. LLOYD, Rr. ... banns.
" Feb. 5. John Nicholas & Martha Broughall, of this p: By J. R. LLOYD, Rr. ... lic.
" Mar. 1. Thomas Hughes, of the p: of St. Martins, & Elizabeth Edwards, of this p: By WILLIAM DAVIES, Curate [who signs the fifteen following] ... banns.
" Apr. 30. Thomas Jones & Mary Williams, of this p: ... banns.
" Dec. 15. Richard Jones & Mary Bowen, of this p: banns.
" Dec. 26. Edward Stoaks & Anne Edwards, of this p: ... banns.
" Dec. 26. William Morris, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Edwards, of this p: ... banns 1787, Jan. 1. John Stoakes, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Stoakes, of this p: ... lic.
" Apr. 9. Edward Clarke, of the p: of St. Martin, & Mary Tudor, of this p: ... banns.
" May 6. Edward Thomas & Martha Jones, of this p: ... lic.
" June 20. Richard Harper, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Anne Humphreys, of this p: ... banns.
" Oct. 9. John Williams & Margaret Candlin, of this p: ... banns.
1788, Mar. 10. Richard Jones, of the p: of Oswestry, & Anne Jeffreyes, of this p: " Apr. 13. John Gough, of this p: & Jane Roberts, of the p: of Llanriader, in the county of Denbigh ... lic.
" May 13. Richard Gibbons, of this p: & Jane Abraham, of the p: of West Felton ... lic.
" June 13. John Killan & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: ... banns.
" June 16. Edward Price & Anne Bolas, of this p: ... banns.
" Dec. John Maddox, of this p: & Elizabeth Wright, of the p: of Selattyn ... lic.

1790] Whittington. 595

1788, Dec. 26. Richard Llewellin, of this p: & Mary Davies, of the p: of Ralston. By T. J. DAVIES ... banns.
1789, Feb. 23. Walter Broughall, of the p: of Halston, & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: By J. R. LLOYD, Rr. ... lic.
" Ap1 19. John Barkley & Sarah Vaughan, of this p: By W. DAVIES [who signs the six following] ... lic.
" May 1. William Thomas & Elianor Edwards, of this p: ... banns.
" May 5. Richard Williams & Elizabeth Lewis, of this p: ... banns.
" May 11. John Marsh, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Mary Parton, of this p: ... lic.
" July 10. John Bassnet & Mary Edwards, of this p: ... lic.
" July 28. John Richards & Catherine Roberts, of this p: ... banns.
" Aug. 26. John Salmon & Elizabeth Maidon, of this p: ... banns.
" Sep. 7. John Williams & Mary Davies, of this p: By THOS. J. DAVIES ... banns.
" Sep. 30. John Embrey, of this p: & Ann Clark, of the p: of Itwell, in the county of Derby. By T. J. DAVIES ... lic.
" Dec. 10. William Williams & Sarah Price, of this p: By W. DAVIES [who signs the eight following] ... banns.
1790, Jan. 17. Thomas Edwards & Margaret Jarvis, of this p: ... banns.
" Feb. 2. Evan Evans, of the p: of Oswestry, & Jane Griffiths, of this p: ... banns.
" Mar. 1. Thomas Morris & Susanna Gibson, both of the p: of Halston ... banns.
" Apr. 5. Peter Davies & Elizabeth Jones, of this p: ... banns.
" Apr. 27. William Pugh & Margaret Pinsall, this p: ... banns.
" May 21. William Bowyer & Margaret Vaughan, both of this p: ... banns.

596 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1790-1

1790, May 24. Henry Whiting, of the p: of Harlstone, in the county of Northampton, & Mary Vernon, of this p: ... lic.
" June 11. John Jones & Mary Clark, of this p: ... banns.
" June 28. Richard Barkley, of this p: & Elianor Pointon, of the p: of Bangor. By Trios. J. DAVIES ... lic.
" Sep. 13. John Lloyd & Ann Islorgan, of this p: By W. DAVIES ... banns.
" Oct. 12. John Thomas, of the p: of Oswestry, & Elizabeth Thomas, of this p: By W. DAVIES ... banns.
1791, Aug. 1. Mathew Jones & Catherine Edwards, of this p: By T. J. DAVIES ... banns.
" Aug. 21. Joseph Butler & Mary Jones, of this p: By T. JOHN DAVIES ... banns.
" Sep. 12. Samuel Roberts, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Elizabeth Williams, of this p: By W. DAVIES... ... banns.
" Oct. 24. William Shone, of the p: of Overton, & Mary Poynton, of this p: By W. DAVIES ... lic.
" Oct. 28. Edward Morgan & Elizabeth Rogers, of this p: By W. DAVIES ... lic.



[Only those Banns are copied where the Marriage was performed elsewhere.]

1754, Nov. 10, 17, 24. John Bowen & Catherine Jones, of St: Martin's p: ... banns only.
" Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 1. John Jones & Sarah Edwards, of the p: of Halston ... banns only.
1756, Oct. 3, 10, 17. Richard Richards &Anne Rogers, of the p: of Ellismere ... banns only.
" Oct. 3, 10, 17. Thos. Edwards & Mary Williams, of the p: of Llanrhaider ... banns only.
1758, Apr. 9. 16, 23. John Tomkies & Mary Wynne, of the p: of Ellesmere ... banns only.

1758-67] Whittington. 597

1758, Nov. 12, 19, 26. Peter Morris & Mary Hughes. P. M. dead. Stopp'd.
" Nov. 12, 19, 26. Samuel Lewis & Mary Davies. S. L. dead.
" Dec. 10, 17, 24. Robert Morris, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Anne Woodall.
1759, Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4. Richard Jones, of the p: of West Felton, & Elizabeth Moody.
" Feb. 4, 11, 18. John Brain & Jane Rogers, of the p: of Oswestry.
" Feb. 11, 18, 25. Joseph Hughes & Mary Ferriman, of the p: of Ellesmere.
" Nbv. 4, 11, 18. William Jones & Elizabeth Edwards, of the p: of Ellesmere.
1760, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10. Thomas Jones & Sarah Beddo, of the p: of Ellesmere.
" Feb. 3, 10, 17. John Jones & Sarah Edwards, of the p: of Llangollen.
" Mar. 30, Apr. 6, 13. Joseph Evans & Elizabeth Lee, of the p: of Ellesmere.
1762, Apr. 18, 25, May 2. Francis Williams & Elizabeth Edwards, of the p: of St. Martins.
" July 11, 18, 25. Edward Winser & Anne Start, of Hanmer p:
1763, Apr. 24, May 1, 8. Richard Edwards & Anne Rogers, of the p: of Oswestry.
1764, Oct. 14, 21, 28. Foulk Jones & Jane Prinallt, of the p. of Selattyn.
" Dec. 16, 23, 30. William Montford & Mary Edwards, of the p. of Chirk.
1765, May 12, 19, 26. John Gough & Martha Gorton, of the p: of Ellesmere.
1766, July 13, 20, 27. William Higgs, of the p: of St: Mary's in Shrewsbury, and Margaret Richards.
" Nov. 9, 16, 23. Edward Harrison, of the p: of Overton, & Elizabeth Prondle.
1767, Feb. 8, 15, 22. Edward Richards & Sarah Edwards, of the p: of St. Martins.
" Sep. 6, 13, 20. John Killan & Mary Davies, of the p: of Selattyn.

598 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1767

1767, Sep. 13, 20, 27. Richard Edwards & Eleano1 Jones, of the p: of Hallston.
" Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 6. John Lloyd & Sarah Davies.
" Dec. 6, 13, 20. Edward Lewis & Margaret Edwards, of the p: of Selattyn.
" Dec. 13, 20, 27. Thomas Roberts & Martha Lewis.
" Dec. 27, Jan. 3, 10. Thomas Richards, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Sarah Pool.
1768, Apr. 17, 24, May 1. Thomas Davies & Jane Boyer, of the p: of Oswestry.
" June 26, July 3, 10. John Roberts & Margaret Hampton, of the p: of West Felton.
" Aug. 28, Sep. 4, 11. Thomas Cash & Sarah Jones, of the p: of Ellesmere.
" Dec. 11, 18, 25. Oliver Charles & Margaret Salmon.
1769, Apr. 30, May 7, 14. Thomas Slater & Margaret Hughes, of the p: of Ellesmere.
1770, Jan. 7, 14, 21. John Boodle & Mary Davies, of the p: of St. Martin.
" Feb. 4, 1, 18. Richard Richards & Elizabeth Peevor, of the p of Oswestry.
1772, Apr. 19, 26, Ma) 3. William Pool & Jane Pritchard, of the p: of Selattyn.

[End of parchment leaves. Banns Register from 1776 is written on paper pages bound in with the parchment.]

1776, Apr. 14, 21, 28. Thomas Harper & Mary Nicholas, of the p: of Ellesmere.
" June 16, 23, 30. Robt. Edwards 8: Ann Edwards, of the p: of Oswestry.
Banns of Marriage between Robert Eccleston & Elizabeth Lloyd, of this p: Nov. 5th, were not published, being stopp'd after this entry.
1776, Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8. Edward Pritchard & Mary Richards, of the p: of Oswestry.
" Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8. Richard Jones & Elizabeth Rogers.
" Dec. 15, 22, 29. Richard Hitchin & Mary Richards, of the p: of Oswestry.
1777, Jan. 5, 12, 19. Joseph Eccleston & Anne Davies, of the p: of Ellesmere.

1782] Whittington. 599

1777, Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9. John Bowen & Elizabeth Evans, of the p: of Chirk.
" Apr. 13, 20, 27. Rowland Goodwin, of the p: of Selattyn, & Elizabeth Jones.
" May 19, 25. John Prynallt & Jane Biolin, of the p: of West Felton.
" June 15, 22, 29. Thamas Bell, of the p: of Oswestry, & Mary Jones.
" June 22, 29, July 6. Thomas Williams & Mary Williams, of the p: of Selattyn.
" July 20, 27, Aug. 3. John Pigot & Martha Richards, of the p: of Oswestry.
1779, Jan. 17, 24, 31. John Bolvir & Mary Davies.
" Apr. 1, 18. Howel Jones & Elizabeth Jones, of the p: of Selattyn. Stopp'd.
" Apr. 18, 25, May 2. Samuel Vaughan & Mary Pierce, of the p: of Llanrhaidr.
" Apr. 25, May 2, 9. Samuel Dulson & Sarah Husbands, of the p: of Ellesmere.
" July 18, 25, Aug. 1. Thomas Griffiths & Margaret Pugh, of the p: of Oswestry.
" Oct. 17, 24, 31. Richard Edwards & Elizabeth Thomas.
1780, Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13. John Rees & Catherine Owen, of the p: of Oswestry.
" Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13. John Thomas, of the p: of Oswestry, & Sarah Edwards.
" Nov. 5, 12, 19. John Evans & Mary Wilkinson, of the p: of Llansillin.
" Dec. 3. John Reeves & Margaret Clay, of this p.
N.B. stopp'd as no Such Parties are to be found in this parish.
" Dec. 24, 31, Jan. 7. David Stocker & Margaret Evans, of the p: of Marchwiel.
1781, Mar. 18, 25, Apr. 1. Richard Griffiths & Elizabeth Russell, of the p: of Buttington.
1782, Apr. 7, 14, 21. Hugh Wynn & Catherine Martin, of the p: of Ellesmere.
" Apr. 14, 21, 28. John Hughes, of the p: of St. Martins, & Mary Brown.

600 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782-90

1782, June 2, 9, 16. Hugh Parry & Jane Moody, of the p: of Oswestry.
1783, June 29, July 6, 13. Edward Evans & Elizabeth Edwards, of the p: of Llansyllin.
" July 27, Aug. 3, 10. Richard Wynne, of the p: of Ellesmere, & Elizabeth Boodle. Stopp'd.
" Dec. 7, 14, 21. Evan Williams & Martha Hughes, of the p: of Llangar.
1784, Mar. 21, 28, Apr. 4. Peter DaNies & Sarah Edwards.
" Apr. 18, 25, May 2. Robert Jones & Elizabeth Thomas, of the p: of Chirk.
" Dec. 5, 12, 19. Richard Gittins & Mary Williams, of the p: of Oswestry.
1785, Feb. 6, 13, 20. Edward Andrew & Anne Jones.
" May 8, 15, 22. Robert Williams, of the p: of Hanmer, & Elizabeth Venables.
" Dec. 4, 11, 18. Thos. Jones & Mary Williams.
1786, Apr. 23, 30, May 7. Thomas Williams & Catherine Jones, of the p: of Oswestry.
1787, Aug. 5, 12, 19. John Evans & Catherine Evans, of the p: of Llansillin.
1788, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10. David Ellis & Jane Richards, of the p: of Oswestry.
" Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14. John Williams & Ann Lee, of the p: of Ellesmere.
1790, Jan. 10, 17, 24. Samuel Edwards & Jane Roberts, of the p: of West Felton.


[The notes following are written on the final parchment page of the volume.]


1st. John Truston of Daywell in the Parish of Whittington left by Will,
dated April the 10th 1659 unto Edward Rogers yeoman and John Lloyd of
Daywell Gent: and the Heirs of the Survivor of them all that Messuage and
Tenement with the lands, Meadows Leasons and Hereditaments thereunto
Belonging Situate lying and Being in Porkington near unto Selattyn in the
County of Salop, to the use of the Poor of the Parish Whittington forever,
the Rent to be Distributed in Bread every Sabbath day.

1763] Whittington. 601

2nd. Eliz: Probert left by Will dated January 1st 1675 two pieces of Land
in Pentrewern in the Parish of Selattyn, one called Brabwll Bychaen the
other Erw Derwin to the use of the Poor of the Parish of Whittington
forever. This money is applied to Apprentice Parish Children.

3. Robt. Jones by Will dated May 13th 1679 left all his Lands in
Whittington, with all Buildings and Appurtenances Whatever thereto
Belonging for and towards the maintainance of an honest Ingenious School-
Master to be Chosen by the Parson for the time being to Instruct poor
Children to Read and learn the Church Catechism.

4. Griffiths-ap-Hugh left a Tenement in the Parish of Rhiwabon and County
of Denbigh for the use of several Schools. The Annual Proportion to
Whittington School is at Present two pounds Fifteen Shillings under the
direction of the Rector.

5. Robt. Conway by Will dated November 3rd 1727 left 20 shillings pr. Annum
secur'd upon his lands in Weston-Rhyn in the Parish of St. Martins to be
paid by his heir into the hands of the Overseers of the Poor, and to be
distributed by them to the Poor on the feast day of St. John the Baptist

6. John-ap-Price, left 50 Shillings pr: Annum issueing out of a Field in
Frankton in this Parish called Bryn Rhig in trust to the Church Wardens and
Overseers of the Poor to Buy Cloth of about Sixteen pence pr: yard to be
applied towards Cloathing the poorest folkes within the Parish and the
Rector is desired to see the same perform'd yearly forever.

7. Mrs. Eliz: Lloyd, widow left by Will 300 Pounds in trust to the Rector
and Church Wardens, the Interest thereof to be distributed amongst twelte
poor house-keepers of the Township of Whittington to be appointed by the
Rector, who is desired to require that they shall attend the service of the
Church, and if they are not provided to Buy them out of the first Dividend
a Bible and Whole Duty of Man. This Money is Secured upon Mr. Edward
Jones's lands in Whittington late Samuel Hughes Tenement.

602 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1763

8. Sr. Nattl. Lloyd left by Will the Produce of Cash secured upon old and
New South Sea Annuities to the use of the meaner Inhabitants of Whittington
to be Chosen by the heir of Aston and the Bishop of the Diocese
alternately. By deterrnination of the Court of Chancery, this Charity has
been confined to the Township of Whittington and fixed to eight of the
Inhabitants not Receiving Alms: and Trustees have been appointed to see to
the distribution And to approve of a Receiver. The present Dividend is from
4£:10s. to 5£ per Ann: Each.

9. Mr. Richard Evans left five pounds to be laid out By The Rector and the
Intrest distributed to the Poor of the Township of Whittington every Easter
Eve. Mr. Edward Lloyd of Drenewydd Took this Cash upon Note of Hand for the
Benefit of the Poor, where it still remains. But no Interest has been paid
from the Death of Mr. Charles Lloyd in January 1749.

10. The Sum of 15£ being Cash arising from the Sale of Timber on the Poor's
Tenement in Porkington. bequeath'd by John Truston together with Two pounds
three Shillings tnd Sixpence being Interest rece'd thereon, lies useless
Waiting for the first good Security That Offers.

N.B. This Cash was secured upon the Credit of the Tolls of the Turnpike
between Oswestry & Wrexham with the Interest due thereon advancing it to
the Sum of Twenty pounds, a fresh Security was given for the said Sum in
Trust to the Rector, to which was added the Legacy bequeath'd by the late
Mr. Richard Evans being five pounds lately paid up to the Rector by Mrs.
Williams of Drenewidd and its accumulated interest of five pounds - which
several Sums making in all thirty pounds were this 25th day of April 1771
Secured upon the Tolls aforesaid for the uses of the Poor after the rate of
£4:10s:0d. per Cent. per: Ann:


1785] Whittington. 603




1785, Jan. 6. Charlotte, d. of James Minshall, farmer, & Anne, his w., of Babes wood ... bap.
" Jan. 16. John, s. of Thomas Lawrence, Cooper, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Sarah & Margaret, Bd. daus., twins of Ann Phillips, of this Parish, a Pauper, & Robert Fords, of Baschurch ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Joseph, s. of Edward Bowen, Weaver, & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, Labr., & Mary, his wife, of High Ercall ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, Farmer, & Jane, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 7. William, s. of John Thomas, Farmer, & Elizth. his wife, of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Anne, d. of Vaughan Husbands, Bricklay er, &:Margaret, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Margarett & Sarah, twin daus. of Richard Jones, Farmer, & Mary, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, a Pauper, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Richard, s. of Thomas Rogers, weaver, & Mary, his w., of Old Marton ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of William Morris, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" May 1. Richard, s. of Richard Roberts, farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 1. Frances, d. of James Phillips, Gardener, & Sarah, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" May 11. Rebecca, d. of Walter Broughal, Farmer, & Rebecca, his w., of Kinsale ... bap.

604 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1785

1785, May 16. John, s. of Thomas Williams, Farmer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Old Marton ... bap.
" May 18. Edward, s. of Edward Richards, farmer, & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 22. Anne, d. of William Edwards, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Babeswood ... bap.
" May 22. Mary, Bd. d. of Mary Clarke, of Whittington, by John Maddox, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 29. Richard Vaughan, Bd. s. of Mary Jones, by Richard Vaughan, both of Whittington ... bap.
" June 5. John, s. of John Eyton, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 12. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 10. Anne, d. of Patrick Roe, Labr., & Elizath. his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" July 17. Elizath., d. of Samuel Briscoe, Blacksmith. & Anne, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 7. William, s. of Richard Gough, Labr., & Margaret, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Aug. 12. John, s. of Robert Edwards, Farmer, & Margaret, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Joseph, s. of George Salmon, Labr., a pauper, & Sarah, his wife, Of Babes wood ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Margaret, d. of John Swinerton, Labr., & Sarah, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.

1785, November 30. Settled per Mary Hall, Deputy Coll.

1785, Oct. 2. Benjamin, son of John Roberts, Labr., & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies, Bricklayer, & Eleanor, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Edward, s. of William Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.

1786] Whittington. 605

1785, Oct. 9. Anne, d. of John Edwards, Wheelright, & Anne, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Mary, d. of John Venables, Parh. Clerk, & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Nickolas, wheelright, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Anne, d. of Owen Roberts, Tailor, & Elizath. his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 6. John, s. of Thomas Rogers, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Margaret, d. of John Reece, Labr., & Cathne. his w., of Hindford ... bap.
1786, Jan. 8. Thomas, s. of Griffith Pritchard, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Thomas, s. of William Grindley, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Esther, d. of James Blick & Elizabeth, his w., of Babbins wood ... bap.
" Jan. 22, Elizabeth, d. of John Griffiths, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Richard, s. of Nathaniel Burroughs, Labr., & Sarah his w. of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 8. John & Mary, twn. s. & d. of Peter Davies, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Edward, s. of Thomas Edwards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Jane, d. of Richard Davies, Butcher, & Alice, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of Richard Jones, Farmer, & Cathrine, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of John Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Margaret, d. of Samuel Edwards, Bricklayer, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Frankton ... bap.

606 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1786

1786, Mar. 12. Mary, d. of John Jones, Blacksmith, &Anne, his wife, of Daywell, Paupers ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Eleanor, d. of Samuel Vaughan, carpenter, & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Edward Davies (alias Charles), Labr., & Cathrine, his wife, of Selattyn Parish ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Sarah, of Edward Windsor, weaver, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Anne Harriott, d. of Edward Williams, Farmer, & Margaret, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Meredith, Labr., & Mary, his wife, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Mary & Elizabeth, Twin daus. of Joseph Colmere, Carpenter, & Elizabeth lus wife, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Anne, d. of Richard Kelford, Farmer, & Anne, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 10. John, s. of William Lawrence, Labr., & Mary, his wife, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 22. John, s. of John Jeffries, Labr., & Mary, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Cathrine & Richard, Twn. daus. of Thomas Hughes, Carpenter, & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Elizabeth Bd. d. of Mary Hall, of Frankton, by Richard Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 1. Sarah, d. of Hugh Parry, Labr., & Jane, his wife, of Sylattyn ... bap.
" June 11. Thomas, s. of Edwd. Jones, Labr., & Elizth. his wife, of the Decoy ... bap.
" June 18. Joseph, s. of John Jones, Labr., & Elizth. his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 25. Esther, d. of Hugh Roberts, Labr., & Cathrine, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 25. David, s. of David Hughes, weaver, & Ann, his wife, of Hindford ... bap.

1786] Whittington. 607

1786, July 6. James, s. of Edwd. Edwards, Labr., & Susannah, his wife, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 22. Mary, Bd. d. of Mary Pierce, Pauper, by Edward Jones ... bap.
" July 23. John, s. of John Boodle, Shoemaker, & Sarah, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 30. Jane, d. of John Richards, Taylor, & Sarah, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Edward, s. of Thomas Hughes, Labr., & Elizabeth, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Maria, d. of Thomas Edwards, Farmer, & Mary, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Charles, s. of John Lloyd, Inn-holder, & Frances, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 27. John, s. of Thomas Golding, wheel-wright, & F,lizabeth, his wife, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Jane, Bd. d. of Margaret Prichard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Ann, Bd. d. of Mary Janes, of Daywell, by Richard Davies, of Sylattyn ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Margaret, d. of Walter Broughall & Rebecca, his wife, of Kinsale ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Sarah, Bd. d. of Anne Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 7. William, s. of William Usher & Margaret, his wife, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Richard, s. of John Nicholas, wheelwright, & Martha, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Edward Edwards, Wheelwright, & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Sarah, d. of William Wild, Labr., & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of James Minshall, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Mary, d. of Samuel Davies, Gardener, & Cathrine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

608 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1787

1787, Jan. 6. John, son of John Beckett, Labr., & Martha, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas Nicholas, wheelwright, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Benjamin, s. of Richard Lloyd, Blacksmith, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Richard, s. of Richard Jones, Labr., & Cathrine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth, Bd. d. of Mary Davies, of Daywell, by Richard Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Jane, d. of John Venables, School-Master, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Richard, s. of Thomas Williams, Labr., & Cathrine, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2. William, s. of John Jones, Farmer, &, his w., of the Decoy ... bap.
" Feb. 4. John, Bd. s. of Elizabeth Rasbrook, by John Bonighall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas Montford, Farmer, & Martha, his wife, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones, Labr. & Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 2. William, s . of John Crowder, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Richard, s. of Thomas Harper, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Sarah, d. of Richard Ellis, Labr., & Cathrine, his w., of Hentley ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Edward, s. of John Felten, Lab., & Jane, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Anne, Bd. d. of Anne Morris, of Sylattyn, by Thomas Broughal, of Halston ... bap.
" May 6. Emma, d. of William Cartwright, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Sylattyn ... bap.

1787] Whittington. 609

1787, May 17. Anne, B. d. of Jane Roberts, of Whittington, by William Giles, of Ellesmere Parish, Pauper ... bap.
" May 24. William, s. of Richard Gough, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" June 25. Richard, s. of Richard Kilvert, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" July 15. Margaret, d. of Edward Lewis, Labr., by Anne, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Lawrence, Cooper, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Rogers, Weaver, & Mary, his w., of Old Marton ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John Parry, Sawyer, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Mary, d. of Griffith Pritchard & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Thomas, s. of Samuel Vaughan, Carpenter, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Edward, s. of Patrick Roe, Lab., & F.lizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Anne, d. of Edward Richards, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Maria, d. of Samuel Briscoe, & Annie, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hughes, Carpenter, & Elizth. his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of Peter Lloyd, Blacksmith, & Sarah, his w., of Worthin Parish ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Mary, d. of William Boodle, Carpenter, & Elizabeth, his w., of Fernhill ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Thomas, s. of Joseph Wild, Labr., & Jane, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 24. John, s. of John Jones, Farmer, & Deborah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.

610 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1787

1787, Oct. 14. Richard, s. of William Grindley, Farmer, & Anne, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 28. William, B. s. of Mary Andrew, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Martha, d. of Walter Broughall, Farmer, & Rebekah, his w., of Kinsale ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Edward. s. of John Eyton & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Anne, B. d. of Cathrine Evans, by Thomas Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Anne, d. of John Pugh, Carpenter, & Elizabeth, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 3. John & Mary, s. & d. of Vaughan Husbands, 131.cklayer, & Margaret, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 27. John, B. s. of Mary Sides, by John Salmon, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Burroughes, Farmer, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Elizabeth, d. of John Venables & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

August 9th, 1787. The most awful thunder & lightning all night that we have upon record.

1788, Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas Ankers, Shoemaker, & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Rogers & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 20. lane, d. of Edward Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Hindford .. bap.
" Feb. 3. Margaret, d. of Robert Edwards, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 6. William, B. s. of Mary Davies, of Whittington, by Richard James ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Frances, B. d. of Anne Morris, of Berghill ... bap.

1788] Whittington. 611

1788, Feb. 18. Jane, d. of Edward Thomas, Farmer, & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Elizabeth, B. d. of Susanna Lloyd, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Thomas, s. of John Rees, Labr., & Catherine, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Robert, s. of Richard Jones, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 14, Mary, d. of Richard Davies, Butcher, & Alice, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" Mar. 16. William, s. of John Boodle, Shoemaker, & Sarah his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Thomas, S. of John Meredith & Mary, his w., of Oswestry Parish ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Peter, s, of Samuel Edwards, l31.cklayer, & Elizabeth, his w., of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Richard, s. of John Broughall, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Elizabeth, B. d. of Anne Phillips, of Whittington, by William Giles, of Ellesmere, paupers ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Thomas s. of William Edwards, Labr., by Sarah his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Thomas. s. of Thomas Golding & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" May 11. Mary, d. of Edward Bowen, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Hentley ... bap.
" May 28. Esther, d. of Thomas Jones, Labr., & Martha, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" June 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Hughes, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" June 8. John, s. of Richard Gough, Labr., & Margaret, his w., of Hindford ... bap.
" June 8. Ann, B. d. of Ann Bolas, by Edward Price, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 22. Martha, d. of William Morris, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 10. William, s. of John Urion, Farmer, & Ann, his w., of Whittington ... bap.

612 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1788

1783, July 15. Margaret, d. of John Williams, Butcher, & Margaret, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hughes, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 21. William, B. s. of Mary Davies, of Berghill ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Richard, s. of Richard Paston, Baker, & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Elizabeth, d. of William Edwards, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Hindley ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Sarah, d. of Roger Furber, Junr., Labr., & Jane, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Sep. 28. William, s. of Thomas Davies, Bricklayer, & Eleanor, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Edward, s. of John Jones, Farmer, & Deborah, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Edward, s. of Hugh Parry & Jane, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 15. John, s. of John Nicholas, Wheelwright, & Martha, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Sarah, d. of John Griffiths & Sarah, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Joseph, s. of Richard Roberts, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Mary, d. of John Jones, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.

A frost from the [?] of November to the 25th of March.

1784, Jan. 1. Richard Bd. s. of Sarah Morris, by John Roberts ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, Labr., & Susanna, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Anna Maria, d. of John Lloyd, Inn keeper, & Frances, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Thomas, s. of William Usher, Farmer, & Margaret, his w., of Little Fernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Jane, d. of Walter Broughall, Farmer, & Rebecca, his w., of Kinsall ... bap.

1789] Whittington. 613

1789, Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Davies, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of John Killan & Elizabeth, his w., of Hindley ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Charlotte, d. of Thomas Edwards, Farmer, & Mary, his w., of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 19. John, s. of Joseph Cartwright, Labr., & Mary, his w., of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Samuel, s. of Thomas Edwards, Labr., & Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Nicholas, Wheelwright & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 2. Ann, d. of John Venables & Mary, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" May 3. Thomas, s. of William Wild & Sarah, his w., of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Martha Manford, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Bowen, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Vaughan, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" June 28. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 30. Thomas, s. of William & Eleanor Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 31. John, son of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Hannah, d. of William & Ann Grindley, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel & Catherine Burroughs, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 6. John, s. of John & Mary Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 13. William. s. of John & Elizabeth Hughes, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John & Martha Crowder, of Babbins Wood ... bap.

614 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789

1789, Oct. 11. Jane, d. of John & Jane Feltus, of Hindford (Paupers) ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Thomas, of Berghill ... bap.
" Oct. 22. William, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Windsor, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Richard, s. of Richard & Catherine Ellis, of Daywell, paupers ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Robert, s. of John & Catherine Evans, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Joseph, s. of Richard & Anne Kilvers, of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Richard, s. of Thomas & Mary Lawrence, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Lloyd, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 29. William, s. of Edward & Ann Edwards, of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Jane, B. d. of Mary Bevan, by Thomas Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Jane, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Gittins, of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Henry, s. of Richard & Mary Parton, of Whittington ... bap.
1790, Jan. 2. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Ann, d. of Richard & Catherine Lewis, of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Richard, s. of Edward & Martha Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Henry, son of Griffith & Mary Pritchard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Thomas, s. of John & Deborah Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 31. John, s. of Edward & Ann Lewis, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Boodle, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Salmon, of Whittington ... bap.

1790] Whittington. 615

1790, Feb. 28. Robert, Bd. s. of Margaret Lloyd, Pauper, by Robert Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Ann, d. of John & Catherine Reese, of Hindf ord ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Mary, d. of Richard & Margaret Gough, of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Ann, d. of William & Eleanor Thomas, of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Margaret Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Thomas, s. of Walter & Elizabeth Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 16. John, s. of John & Mary Basnett, of Tinkers Green ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John & Catherine Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Mary, d. of John & Mary Meredith, of Wootton (Oswestry Parish) ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Joseph, s. of John & Margaret Parry, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Catherine Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 9. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Eyton, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 16. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Hughes, of Ebnal, Paupers ... bap.
" May 10. Sarah, d. of John & Margaret Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 30. James, s. of Richard S: Alice Davies, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 24. John, s. of Edward & Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 27. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 27. Ann, d. of Roger & Jane Furber, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 11. Ann, d. of Hugh & Jane Parry, of Sylattyn Parish ... bap.

616 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1790

1790, Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Sarah Cartwright, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 3. John, s. of James & Mary Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Golding, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Samuel, s. of Vaughan & Margaret Husbands, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 7. John. s. of John & Margaret Pugh, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Ann, d. of John & Mary Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Richard, s. of Peter & Elizbth. Davies, of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Samuel, s. of Samuel az Ann Briscoe, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Windsor, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 23. William, s. of John & Martha Nicholais, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of John & Sarah Swinerton, of Hindford ... bap.
1791, Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 16. John, s. of Thomas az Martha Jones, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas az Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Richard, Bd. s. of Elizabeth Hayes, by John Roberts, Pauper ... bbaapp..
" Feb. 10. Samuel. s. of William & Ann Grindley, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 13. John, s. of Nathaniel & Catherine Burroughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 28. John, s. of John & Mary Venables, of Whittington ... bap.

1791] Whittington. 617

1791, Feb. 28. John, s. of Edward & Jane Owen, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of Richard & Catherine Ellis, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Jane, Bd. d. of Ann Vaughan (pauper), by Edward Tomkies, of Tetch hill ... bap.
" Apr. 10. John, s. of Richard & Mary Roberts, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 26. Samuel, s. of William & Sarah Edwards, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 17. Thomas Evans, s. of John & Elizabeth Thomas, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 22. Martha, d. of John & Ann Lloyd, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 24. Mary, d. of John & Ann Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 31. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Jane, d. of William & Margaret Usher, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Ann, d. of Edward & Susanna Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Bassnett, of Tinkers Green ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Charlotte, d. of Thomas & Mary Edwards, of Dayswell ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Thomas, s. of Richard & Margaret Gough, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Vaughan, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Sarah, d. of William & Eleanor Thomas, of Flindford ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Margaret, d. of Griffith & Mary Pritchard, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Richard, Bd. s. of Sarah Jones, a pauper, of Sylattyn, by William Griffiths, of Worthen ... bap.
" Nov 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Alice Davies, of Hindford ... bap.

618 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1791

1791, Dec. 4. John, s. of Joseph & Hannah Hall, of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Elizabeth, Bd. d. of Elizabeth Mate, a pauper, by Thomas Jones ... bap.
1792, Jan. 1. Eleanor, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Pool, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Mary, d. of John & Mary Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Jane, d. of Richard & Margaret Gough, of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 10. William, s. of Edward & Ann Williams, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 5. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Charles & Mary Fromstone, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Salmon, of Sylattyn Parish ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Amelia Maria, d. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 18. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Tomkies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Samuel, s. of John & Mary Newnes, of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Jane, d. of John & Elizabeth Killan, of Hentley ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Ann, d. of Edward & Ann Owen, of Whittington, Paupers ... bap.
" May 5. Edward, s. of John & Ann Jones, of Old Marton ... bap.
" May 5. Thomas, s. of John & Catherine Evans, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" May,5. William, Bd. s. of Ann Davies, of Daywell, a pauper, by John Charrington, of Shiffnal ... bap.

1792] Whittington. 619

1792, May 20. John, s. of John & Catherine Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Latewood, of Berghill ... bap.
" June 3. Catherine, d. of John & Catherine Reese, of Hindford, Paupers ... bap.
" June 17. William, s. of John & Sarah Hughes, of Ebnal, paupers ... bap.
" June 18. Edward & Jane, twin s. & d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 24. Mary, d. of James & Mary Minshall, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" June 24. William. s. of Thomas & Mary Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 24. Mary, d. of Richard & Ann Furber, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 1. Thomas, Bd. s. of Ann Vaughan, by Oliver Charles, of Whittington, Paupers ... bap.
" July 14. John, s. of Joseph & Mary Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 22. John, s. of Edward & Martha Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 11. John, s. of Thomas & Margaret Wilkinson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Martha, d. of David & Mary Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Hannah, d. of Samuel & Ann Briscoe, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ann Kilvert, of Hindford ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richard, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan. of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Feltus, of Hindford, Paupers ... bap.
" Nov. 5. William, s. of Edward & Martha Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 26. George, s. of John & Martha Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.

620 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1732

1792, Dec. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Golding, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Jane, d. of Edward & Ann Lewis, of Whittington ... bap.
1793, Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Cartwright, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Jane, d. of Thomas & Mary Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 19. John, s. of John & Susanna Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Sarah, d. of James & Mary Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Eleanor, d. of John & Mary Edwards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. of William & Sarah Wild, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Susanna, Bd. d. of Hannah Davies, by William Davies, of Felton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of Morris & Mary Jones, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Joseph, s. of William & Margaret Pugh, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Richard, s. of John & Elizabeth Minlove, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 22. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Walter, s. of Walter & Elizabeth Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Mary, d. of Vaughan & Margaret Husbands, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of Edward & Eleanor Bailey, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Alexander, s. of Robert & Elizabeth Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Esther, d. of Samuel & Esther Lloyd, of Hentley .. bap.
" Apr. 24. William, s. of Thomas & Catherine Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 21. William, s. of Richard & Mary Parton, of Whittington ... bap.

1793] Whittington. 621

1793, Apr 21. Ann, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 21. William, s. of Richard & Mary Roberts, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 28. John, s. of John & Sarah Griffiths, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Mary, Bd. d. of Sarah Broughton, of Whittington, by - Kynaston, of Ellesmere ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Ann, d. of Richard & Ann Matthews, Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Mary, d. of Richard Elizabeth Morris, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 27. Charles, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Tudor, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 2. John, s. of Roger & Jane Furber, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" June 9. William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 20. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Thomas, of Berghill ... bap.
" June 30. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 7. William, s. of John & Sarah Eyton, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 8. Robert, s. of William & Ann Grindley, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Lloyd, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Richard, s. of William & Ann Humphries, of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Jane Taylor, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Thomas, s. of the Revd. Thomas Trevor & Elizabeth, his wife, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 6. John, s. of Richard & Mary Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.

622 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1793

1793, Oct. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Isaac & Mary Paddock, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Killan, of Hentley ... bap.

J. R. LLOYD, Rector.

This year the Revd. J. R. Lloyd planted 60,020 oak, four years old, & 9,300
Scotch fir two year plants, upon acres at Babbins wood-for which he gained
the gold medal from the Society for the Encouragement of Arts & Sciences.

Ellesmere Canal Act passed 1793.
Very great heat in July.

1794, Jan. 3. Thomas s. of John & Elizabeth Munslow, of Hentley ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Letitia, d. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks. of Pwll ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Margaret, d. of Joseph & Hannah Hale, of Frankton ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Jane, d. of John & Mary Bagsnil, of Tinkers Green ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Edwards, Gobowen ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Jane, d. of Richard & Catherine Ellis, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Thomas, son of John & Mary Newnes, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Samuel, Bd. s. of Ann Humpetch, by Thomas Mason ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Eleanor, d. of Charles & Mary Davies, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 16. John, Bd. s. of Sarah Morris, of Whittington, by John Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 23. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ann Furber, of Whittington ... bap.

1794] Whittington. 623

1794, Apr. 6. Robert, s. of Edward & Martha Roberts, of Evenal ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah Thomas, of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Margaret, d. of John &, Margaret Parry, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Eliza., d. of John & Mary Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 1. Elizabeth, d. of John & Catherine Evans, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" June 1. Sarah, d. of Edward & Susanna Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 8. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith & Mary Pritchard, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 29. Susanna, d. of John & Elizabeth Hughes, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 6. Mary, d. of John & Hannah Welch, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" July 10. Margaret, d. of John & Sarah Marsh, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 13. Samuel, Bd. s. of Sarah Teagin, of Frankton, by John Rogers, of Sylattyn Parish ... bap.
" July 27. Mary, d. of Edward & Ann Griffiths, of Gobowen ... bap.
" Aug. 11. John William. s. of the Revd. Thomas Trevor, by Elizabeth, his w., of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Ann, d. of Richard & Margaret Gough, of Hindford ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Lloyd, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Sarah. d. of Thomas & Mary Rogers, Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Margaret Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Maria, d. of John & Jane Paddock, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Tudor, of Whittington ... bap.

624 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1794

1794, Oct. 12. Thomas, s. of Edward & Eleanor Furber, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 19. William, s. of John & Martha Corbett, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Richard, s. of John & tvlary Venables, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Joseph, s. of John & Ann Jones, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Charlotte, Bd. d. of Elizabeth Clarke, of Whittington, by Richard Price, of Oswestry ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Mary, Bd. d. of Mary Rogers, of Whittington, by Jeffrey Davies, of Shrewsbury ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Maria, d. of Thomas & Mary Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 28. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Williams, of Daywell ... bap.

A frost began this month & continued to the 20th March, 1795.
J. R. LLOYD, Rector.

1795, Jan. 1. John, s. of Nathaniel & Sarah Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Munslow, of Hentley .. bap.
" Jan. 4. Robert, s. of John & Catherine Reese, of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Robert, Bd. s. of Elizabeth Mate, by Thomas Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 11. John, Bd. s. of Ann Hughes, by John Morris, both of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 15. William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Ann, d. of Samuel & Ann Briscoe, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Newnes, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth Minlove, of Fernhill ... bap.

1795] Whittington. 625

1795, Feb. 8. John, s. of David & Mary Davies, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Jane, d. of Thomas & Jane Taylor, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Richard, s. of Richard & Sarah Poval, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Samuel, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Williams, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Mary Latewood, of Berghill ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Martha, d. of John & Martha Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 5. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Mary Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Pwll ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Hughes, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Edward, s. of Thomas & Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Ann, d. of John & Mary Borges, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Thomas, of Berghill ... bap.
" May 10. William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Golding, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 17. John, s. of Peter & Martha Fellows, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Sarah Jones, of Hindford ... bap.
" May 24. Mary, d. of Joseph & Hannah Hall, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 24. s. of John & Mary Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 24. Elizabeth, d. of William & Ann Humphries, of Berghill ... bap.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan, of Whittington ... bap.

626 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1795

1795, May 29. Charles, s. of Charles & Jane Griffiths, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 12. Ann, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 19. Sarah, d. of Richard & Ann Matthews, of Hindford ... bap.
" July 19. Susanna, d. of John & Catherine Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 19. John, s. of David & Jane James, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Griffiths, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Mary, d. of John & Mary Edwards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Jane, d. of John & Hannah Morris, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Jane, d. of John & Hannah Morris, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah Woolrich, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Oct. 4. James, s. of John & Jane Feltus. of Hindford ... bap.
" Oct. 25. John, s. of John & Jane Morris, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Robert, s. of John & Sarah Eyton, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Isaac & Mary Paddock, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
1796, Jan. 1. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Munslow, of Hentley ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Mary, d. of John & Mary Bassnett, of Tinkers Green ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Catherine, d. of John & Catherine Evans, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Samuel, Bd. s. of Mary Davies, by Samuel Jones. of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Edward, s. of Griffith & Mary Pritchard, of Whittington ... bap.

1796] Whittington. 627

1796, Jan. 28. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Thomas, Bd. s. of Sinah Morris, by Thomas Lee, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Roger, s. of Roger & Jane Furber, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 14. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Davies, of Sylattyn Parish ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of Richard & Margaret Roberts, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Morris, s. of Morris & Mary Jones, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 3. John, s. of Richard & Mary Parton, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Killan, of Hentley ... bap.
" Apr. 24. John, s. of John & Emma Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Watkin, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 1. Elizabeth, d. of James & Mary Edwadrs. of Frankton ... bap.
" May 8. Edward, s. of Edward & Martha Roberts, of Frankton .. ... bap.
" May 14. Elizabeth, d. of Walter & Elizabeth Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Morris, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 16. Charles, s. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Pwll ... bap.
" June 12. William, s. of Vaughan & Margaret Husbands, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 26. William Williams, s. of John & Elizabeth Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 3. Nanny, d. of Richard & Ann Kelvert, of Hindford ... bap.
" July 30. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Elizabeth Martha Ann, d. of Joseph & Mary Wilmot, of Whittington ... bap.

628 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1796

1796, Aug. 14. Edward, Bd. s. of Mary Groom, by Benjamin Venables, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Thomas, Bd. s. of Jane Withers, by Robert Vaughan, of Hentlley ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Meredith, of Wootton, Oswestry Parish ... bap.
" Aug. 25. James, s. of James & Mary Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 11. John, s. of John & Mary Bowyer, Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Joseph, s. of John & E,lizabeth Menlove, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Sarah, d. of Thnmas & Ann Bowyer, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Richard, s. of Richard & Margaret Mate, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Mary, d. of William & Catherine Ostin, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Mary, d. of Edward & Jane Owen, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Hughes, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Maria, d. of John & Ann Morris, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Mary, d. of James & Ann Cartwright, of Gobowen ... bap.

J. R. LLOYD, Rector.

Dec. 25. Frost unusually severe.

1797, Jan. 6. Walter, s. of John & Elizabeth Munslow, of Hentley ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Hannah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 13. John, s. of John & Jane Paddock, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Hannah Hall, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 5. William, s. of Peter & Martha Fellows, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Jane, d. of John & Elizabeth Thomas, of Whittington ... bap.

1797] Whittington. 629

1797, Mar. 12. Margaret, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Pool, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Edward, s. of Edward & Ann Griffiths, of Gobonen ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Thomas, s. of William & Margaret Evans, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Margaret, d. of Samuel & Margaret Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Apr. 14. William, s. of John & Hannah Wild, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Edward, s. of Charles & Jane Griffiths, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Mary Ann, d. of Robert & Jane Jones, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Mary Ann, d. of Richard & Maria Ford, of Hentley ... bap.
" May 7. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ann Matthews, of Hindford ... bap.
" May 19. Mary, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Owen, of Hentley ... bap.
" May 28. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 28. John, s. of Richard & Eleanor Farber, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 1. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Jones, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 10. Mary, d. of Walter & Elizabeth Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 11. Matthew, s. of Matthew & Catherine Jones, of Sylattyn Parish ... bap.
" June 18. John, s. of William & Ann Williams, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 18. Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah Farber, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 18. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Lloyd, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" June 25. Jonathan, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... bap.

630 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1797

1797, June 25. Thomas, s. of Richard & Margaret Gough, of Hindford ... bap.
" July 9. Fanny, d. of Thomas & Mary Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 12. Richard, s. of Thomas & Mary Laurence, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 16. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Latewood, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 23. Jane, d. of John & Martha Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 25. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Williams, of Old Marton ... bap.
" July 30. John, s. of John & Margaret Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Simon, Bd. s. of Mary Peter, by Thomas, Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Mary, d. of John & Ann Lloyd, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Mary, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Eleanor, d. of Thomas & Catherine Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Richard, s. of Vaughan & Margaret Husbands, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep, 29. John, s. of John & Mary Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Edward, s. of Edward & Jane Jones, of Hindford ... bap.
" Oct. 15. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Lee, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 22. John, s. of John & Ann Jones, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of John & Hannah Morris, of Hindford ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Mary, d. of John & Mary Venables, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Robert, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Golding, of Daywell ... bap.

1798] Whittington. 631

1797, Nov. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Martha Morris, of Berghill ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Jane Taylor, of Frankton ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Mary, d. of John & Mary Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Mary, d. of Peter & Ann Wilkinson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Robert, s. of David & Ann Roberts, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Martha, di of Edward & Martha Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
1798, Jan. 7. Richard, s. of John & Elizabeth Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Edward, s. of John & Catherine Reese, of Hindford ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Catherine Williams, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth, Bd. d. of Sarah Bowyer, of Whittington, by Richd. Saddler, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Samuel, s. of Edward & Ann Edwards, of Hindford ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Richard, Bd. s. of Mary Hayward, of Whittington, by Richard Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Tudor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Thomas, s. of Edward & Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Mary, d. of Benjamin & Ann Venables, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Jahn, s. of John & Sarah Marsh, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Jane, d. of John & Elizabeth Davies, of Sylattyn Parish ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Jane, Bd. d. of Jane Windsor, of Ebnal, by Thomas Hughes ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Mary, d. of John & Emma Jones, of Whittington ... bap.

632 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1798

1798, Mar. 20. Joseph, B. s. of Sarah Morris, by John Clarke, of Whittingtan ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Munslow, of Hentley ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Richard, s. of David & Martha Davies, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Harriet, d. of William & Olive Emery, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 18. William, s. of John & Mary Bassnett, of Tinker's Green ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Edward, s. of John & Sarah Griffiths, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Richard, s. of John & Catherine Richards, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Buhard, Bd. s. of Elizabeth Lloyd, of Frankton, by Joseph Perrins ... bap.
" May 13. Ann, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Bowen, of Ebnal ... bap.
" June 3. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 17. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Hannah Hull, of Frankton ... bap.
" Ann, d. of Edward & Jane Owen, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Jan. 18. William, s. of John & Sarah Woolridge, of Old Marton ... bap.
" July 1. John, s. of Jonathan & Margaret Jones, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Edward, s. of John & Ann Peter, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 8. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Killan, of Hentley ... bap.
" July 13. John, s. of Robert & Mary Jones, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" July 22. Mary, d. of Richard & Margaret Roberts, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 26. Mary, d. of John & Margaret Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Edward Bd. s. of Ann Owen, by John Lloyd, of Whittington ... bap.

1798] Whittington. 633

1798, Aug. 17. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Eliz,abeth, d. of Thomas & Emma Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Richard, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Peter, s. of John & Jane Morris, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Eleanor, d. of John & Elizabeth Menlove, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Susanna, d. of Thomas & Ann Gardner, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Joseph, s. of Richard & Margaret Mate, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Kynaston, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Broghall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 11. William, s. of William & Margaret Evans, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Jane, d. of John & Jane Paddock, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Margaret Hughes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Ann, d. of Morris & Mary Jones, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Ann, d. of John & Mary Meredith, of Wootton, in Oswestry Parish ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Maria, d. of John & Mary Jones, of Ebnal ... bap.

J. R. LLOYD, Rector.

" Dec. 9. Mary, d. of Roger & Jane Furber, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Peter, s. of Peter & Martha Fellows, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 23. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Hughes, of Babbins Wood ... bap.

October 11th, 1802. The following is copied from a Register kept by the Clerk, apparently with great regularity.
W. W. DAVIES, Rector.

634 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1799

1799, Jan. 6. John, s. of William & Alice Wild, of Babbins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Richard, s. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" George, s. of Thomas & Mary Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Mary, d. of John & Catherine Evans, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Frances, d. of Charles & Jane Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 2 7 . Arthur, s. of Richard & Eleanor Furbour, of Whittington ... bap.
" William, s. of John & Mary Newns, of Frankton ... bap.
" Jane, d. of Samuel St Margaret Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Elizabeth, d. of John St Mary Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 17. James, s. of James & Mary Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Thomas. s. of John & Mary Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Robert & Sarah Jones, of H ind ford ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Harry Lyon, s. of George Smith, of the 22nd Regiment of Light Dragoons, and Juliet, his wife (born Novr. 24th, 1794, & privately baptized in Gloucester Place, Mary-le-bone, London), at Plass Hertley, by P. STEELE, officiating Minister ... bap.
" Mar. 10. John, s. of Richard & Dorothy Llewellin, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Owen, of Hentley .. bap.
" Mar. 31. William, s. of Peter & Ann Wilkinson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies, of Frankton ... bap.

1799] Whittington. 635

1799, Apr. 7. Anne, d. of Thomas & Jane Taylor, of Frankton ... bap.
" May 12. Edward, s. of Robert & Elizabeth Vaughan, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 9. Thomas, s. of William & Emma Jones, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" June 16. George, s. of John & Sarah Furber, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 16. Mary, Bd. d. of Mary Jones, by Edward Parry, of Berghill ... bap.
" June 23. Walter, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Williams, of Old Marton ... bap.
" June 30. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Martha Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" Maria, d. of John & Ann Jones, of Babin's Wood ... bap.
" Henry Watkin, s. of Henry & Elizabeth Earp, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" July 14. Mary, d. of Edward & Margaret Parry, of Berghill ... bap.
" Sep. 1. William, s. of William & Ann Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" William, Bd. s. of Ann Vaughan, by Oliver Charles ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Letitia. d. of Thomas & Mary Latewood, of Berghill ... bap.
" Mary, d. of John & Martha Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Ann, d. of Edward & Mary Pritchard, of Ebnal ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Hannah, d. of John & Elizabeth Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Sarah, d. of Richard & Ann Matthews, of Hindford ... bap.
" John, s. of Matthew & Alice Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Oct. 24. John Duckett, s. of Thomas & Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 3. William, s. of Edward & Ann Griffiths, of Daywell ... bap.

636 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1799

1799, Nov. 10. Mary, d. of John & Mary Davies, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Maria, Bd. d. of Phebe Jones, of Ebnall, by John Charles ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Emma, d. of John & Emma Janes, of Whittington ... bap.
1800, Jan. 1. Hannah, d. of Richard & Mary Brown, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Mary Lee, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Margaret, d. of John & Martha Lewis, of Selattyn Parish ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Susanna, d. of John & Ann Morris, of Babin's Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Eleanor, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Tudor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Richard, s. of Nathaniel & Sarah Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Ann, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Denson, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Mary, d. of John & Ann Evans, of Gobowen ... bap.
" Mar. 16. George, s. of George & Mary Windsor, of Daywell ... bap.
" Mar. 23. John, s. of John & Many Skeen, of Frankton ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Jane, d. of John & Mary Venables, Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 1. John, s. of John & Hannah Morris, of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of David & Ann Roberts, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Ann, d. of Benjamin & Ann Venables, of Frankton ... bap.

1800] Whittington. 637

1800, May 10. Ellen, d. of John & Mary Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 11. James, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Golding, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 13. Mary, d. of Thomas & Emma Edwards, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 25. William, s. of John & Ann Lloyd, of Babin's Wood ... bap.
" May 30. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Munslooe, of Hentley ... bap.
" June 8. William, Bd. s. of Elizabeth Edwards, of Whittington, by [-] ... bap.
" June 22. John, s. of William & Mary Morgan, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 29. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Rodenhurst, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 30. Thomas, s. of Charles & Jane Griffiths, of Ebnal ... bap.
" July 13. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Basnett, of Tinker's Green ... bap.
" Eleanor, d. of John & Sarah Griffiths, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Ann, d. of Walter & Elizabeth Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Edward, s. of John & Catherine Richards, of Hind ford ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Hannah Hale, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sarah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Bowen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Aug. 11. John, Bd. s. of Mary Hayward, by Richard Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Margaret, d. of James & Mary Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 12. William, s. of Edward & Martha Roberts of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Edward, s. of Thomas & Mary Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 26. William, s. of William & Alice Wild, of Babin's Wood ... bap.

638 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1800

1800, Nov. 2. Thomas, Bd. s. of Alice Hughes, of this Parish, by John Jones, of Denbigh ... bap.
" Nov. 9. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Hughes, of Hentley ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Williams, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Jane Jackson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Killon, of Hentley ... bap.
" Dec. 25. John Arthur, s. of John & Mary Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
1801, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Henry & Elizabeth Earp, of Babin's Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Hannah, d. of Robert & Mary Jones, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Richard William, s. of John & Jane Owen, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Jane, d. of John & Mary Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Cowper, s. of Henry & Cordelia Rochfort, of Park ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Sarah, d. of Robert & Mary Lloyd, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Hugh, s. of Matthew & Alice Hughes, of Daywell ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Kynaston. of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 8. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Menlove, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ann Bowyer, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Ann, Bd. d. of Margaret Jones, of Gobowen, by John Hayes ... bap.
" Mar. 29. John, Bd. s. of Margaret Dykes, of this Parish, by John Williams, of the Parish of Hordley ... bap.
" Margaret, d. of William & Margaret Powell, of Whittington ... bap.

1801] Whittington. 639

1801, Apr. 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 22. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Morris, of Berghill ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Maria, d. of John & Sarah Woolridge, of Old Marton ... bap.
" May 3. Jane, d. of David & Jane James, of Babin's Wood ... bap.
" May 3. Hannah, d. of John & Hannah Welsh, of Hindford ... bap.
" May 6. Margaret, d. of John & Marg,aret Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" May 17. Hannah, d. of John & Margaret Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 24. Ann, d. of Robert & Sarah Jones, of Hindford ... bap.
" May 31. William, s. of John & Catherine Reese, of Hindford ... bap.
" June 16. Ann, d. of John & Ann Wynn, of Hentley ... bap.
" June 28. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Ann, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Owen, of Hentley ... bap.
" June 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Margaret Parry, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 19. Mary, d. of John 81.Sarah Eurber, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 23. Ann, d. of Samuel & Margaret Edwards, of Daywell ... bap.
" July 26. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth Parry, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 31. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Marsh, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Richard, s. of William & Sarah Batho, of Hentley ... bap.
" Aug. 22. James, s. of Edward & Ann Edwards, of Hindford ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Richard, s. of John & Elizabeth Munslove, of Hentley ... bap.

640 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1801

1801, Sep. 20. Thomas, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies, of Frankton ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Robert & Elizabeth Vaughan, of St. Martin's Parish ... bap.
" Oct. 25. George, s. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
" Samuel, s. of William & Margaret Bowyer, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Martha, d. of Thomas & Martha Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John, s. of Edward & Martha Owen, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Catherine Williams, of Oswestry ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Nathanel, s. of John & Catherine Evans, of Babin's Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Harriet, d. of John & Phebe Charles, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Jones, of Frankton ... bap.

On the 10th August of this year died at Aston the Revd. J. R. Lloyd and was buried on the Chapel Vault of that place, aged 43.

1802, Jan. 7. Edward, Bd. s. of Margaret Jones, of Ebnall, by [-] ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Povey, of Whitington ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Margaret, d. of William & Magdalen Brown, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Edward, s. of William & Ann Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Mary, d. of John & Mary Maddox, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7. William, s. of Richard & Eleanor Furber, of Whittington ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Catherine, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Edwards, of Frankton ... bap.

1802] Whittington. 641

1802, Feb. 21. Jane, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Tudor, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Britain Stoakes, s. of Edw.ard & Mary Stoakes, of Whittington ... bap.
" Mar. 28. John, s. of William & Emma Jones, of Babin's Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 1. William Cowper, s. of Henry & Cordelia Rochfort, of Park ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Rodenhurst, of Frankton ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Burkley, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Lee, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 21. Martha, d. of George & Ann Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" May 30. John, Bd. s. of Ann Bowyer, by John Clay, both of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" June 18. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Boodle, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 20. Richard. s, of Richard & Mary Brown, of Ellesmere Parish ... bap.
" June 27. John, s. of Benjamin & Ann Venables, of Frankton ... bap.
" June 27. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 4. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Lloyd, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" William, s. of Thomas & Mary Latewood, of Berghill ... bap.
" July 17. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Killon, of Hentley ... bap.
" July 23. Jane, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Williams, of Old Marton ... bap.
" July 25. Feances, d. of John & Elizabeth Davies, of Gobowen ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Sarah, d. of James & Mary Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Vincent, s. of John & Emma Jones, of Whittington ... bap.

642 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1802

1802, Aug. 24. Rebecca, d. of Edward & Jane Owen, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Richard, s. of Richard & Ann Matthews, of Hindford ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Ann, d. of Thomas & Martha Williams, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 10. John, Bd. son of Martha Hales, by Samuel Butry, of the Parish of Moreton Say ... bap.
" Oct. 17. William, s. of Thomas & Mary Hughes, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Tamar, d. of Edward & Martha Roberts, of Frankton ... bap.
" Oct. 31. John, s. of Samuel & Jane Jackson, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of John & Margaret Williams, of Daywell ... bap.
" Letitia, d. of John & Mary Newns, of Frankton ... bap.
" Nov. 14. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Vaughan, of Whittington ... bap.
" John, s. of Edward & Ann Griffiths, of Daywell ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Margaret, d. of William & Alice Wild, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Sarah, d. of Edward & Margaret Weston, of Daywell ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Richard, s. of William & Mary Morgan, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Dec. 16. John, Bd. s. Mary Humphreys, of Whittington ... bap.
1803, Jan. 1. Josiah, s. of Charles & Jane Griffiths, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Thomas, s. of David & Jane James, of Babins wood ... bap.
" Harriet, d. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell ... bap.
Born July 15th, 1802.
Christened 1803.

1803] Whittington. 643

1803, Jan. 23. Ann, d. of John & Mary Basnet, of Tinkers Green ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Mary, d. of John & Ann Lloyd, of Whittngton ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Sarah, d. of Edward & Ann Price, of Ebnall ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Jones, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Menlove, of Fernhill ... bap.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of David & Ann Roberts, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 1. William, s. of John & Hannah Morris, of Hindford ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Robert, s. of Robert & Sinah Richards, of Whittington ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Price, of Daywell ... bap.
" June 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Broughall, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 13. Sarah, d. of John & Martha Nicholas, of Whittington ... bap.
" June 26. Ann, d. of William & Mary Jones, of Frankton ... bap.
" Isaac, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies, of Frankton ... bap.
" Edward, s. of Nathaniel & Sarah Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 3. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ann Bowyer, of Whittington ... bap.
" July 10. Edward, s. of Benjamin & Ann Venables, of Frankton ... bap.
" July 17. John, s. of John & Sarah Furber, of Ebnall ... bap.
" July 17. Tamar, d. of Edward & [-] Parry, of Whittington ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Thoinas & Elizabeth Golding, of Daywell ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Sarah, d. of Robert & Sarah Jones, of Hindford ... bap.

644 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1803

1803, Ann, d. of Joseph & Hannah Hall, of Frankton ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Ellen, d. of John & Catherine Richards, of Hindford ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John &Ann Wynne, of Hentley ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Martha, d. of William & Elizabeth Broughall, of Park ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Thomas, s. of George & Ann Davies, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 6. John, s. of Thomas & Jane Jones, of Babins Wood ... bap.
" Tamah, d. of William & Margaret Powel, of Whittington ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Parry, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Thomas, Bd. s. of Sarah Evans of Babins wood, by Thomas Rogers, of Whittington ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Jane, d. of John & Sarah Woolridge, of Old Marton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Frances, d. of John & Jane Jones, of Hentley ... bap.

When When
Born Christened.

1803. 1804.
Dec. 7. Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of William & Hannah Batho, of Frankton.
Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William & Magdalene Brown, of Ridge.
Dec. -. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Martha Owen, of Whittington.
Nov.25. Jan. 7. Martha, d. of John & Sarah Price, of Henlle.
Oct. 7. Jan. 8. John, s. of Robert & Mary Lloyd, of Babins wood.
Dec. 27. Jan. 10. Margaret, d. of George & Ann Parkinson (Travelers).

1804] Whittington. 645

When When
Born. Christened.

1804. 1804.
Jan. 27. Feb. 12. Mary Ann, d. of Edward & Ann Bourughs, of Frankton.
Mar. 3. Mar. 4. Ellen, d. of John & Mary Venables, of Whittington.
Feb. 16. Mary, d. of John & Margaret Jones, of Babens Wood.
Feb. 22. Mar. 11. John, s. of John & Phebe Charles, of Whittington.
Mar. 14. Mar. 18. Martha, d. of Edward & Martha Roberts, of Frankton.

Apr. 6. Mar. 23. James, s. of Edward & Ann Edwards, of Hindford.

Mar. 22. Mar. 23. Owen, s. of Edward & Margaret Weston, of Daywell.
Mar. 18. Ann, d. of John & Mary Price, of Daywell.
Mar. 5. Mar. 30. George, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones, of Ebnall.

Nov. 2. Apr. 1. Shackfield, s. of Jonathan & Catherine Williams, of Whittington.

Mar. 18. Apr. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Catherine Williams, of Oswestry Parish.
Mar. 4. Mar. 29. Richard, s. of Thomas & Martha Jones, of Hindford.
May 20. May 22. Thomas, s. of Richard & Mary Brown, of Kenlle.
May 31. June 8. Edward, s. of William & Edward Jones, of Babins wood.
May 17. June 10. Thomas, s. of Henry & Ann Griffiths, of the Decoy.
May 31. June 17. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Roberts, of Frankton.
June 13. June 24. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Richards, of Hindford.

646 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1804

When When
Born. Christened.

1804 1804.
May 15. June 25. William, s. of Thomas & Martha Morris, of Berghill.
May 5. June 25. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Maddocks, of Whittington.
May 29. July 1. Thomas, s. of John & Emma Jones, of Whittington.
June 17. July 1. Peter, s. of Thomas & Mary Vaughan, of Whittington.
June 21. July 8. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Jane Jackson, of Whittington.
July 4. Mary Teggin, Bastard d. of Elizabeth Teggin, by John Hampson, of Berghill.
*July 15. July 12. Lloyd Kenyon, s. of the Honourable Thomas & Charlotte Kenyon, of Prado, in the Parish of Ruyton (Privately Baptized June 17).
July 28. July 15. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Ann Price, of [sic] Ebnall.
July 4. July 22. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Emma Edwards, of Whittington.
July 4. July 29. Ann, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Tudor, of Whittington.
Aug. 10. Aug. 26. Walter, s. of John & Elizabeth Maddocks, of Daywell.
Aug. 30. Sep. 30. George, s. of John& Elizabeth Rodenhurst, of Frankton.
Sarah, Bastard d. of Mary Hayward, by Richard Jones, of Whittington.
Sep. 18. Oct. 6. Robert Griffiths, s. of Charles & Jane Griffiths, of Ebnall.
Oct. -. Nov. 4. Joseph, s. of William & Mary Morgan, of Babins Wood.
Nov. 18. Mary, d. of Richard & Ann Slater, of Whittington.
Nov. 20. Ann, Bd. d. of Margaret Clarke, of Whittington, by Thomas Paddock, of Halston.

* An error for June 15.

1805] Whittington. 647

When When
Born. Christened.

1804. 1804.
Nov. 22. Dec. 2. Richard, s. of David & Jane James, of Babins wood.
Nov. 22. Dec. 2. Richard, s. of John & Sarah Barkley, of Babins wood.
Nov. 22. Dec. 16. Robert, s. of Richard & Ann Matthews, of Hindford.
Dec. 26. Dec. 26. Sephen [sic], s. of Edward & Elizabeth of Whittington.
Dec. 10. Dec. 30. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Jones, of Babins wood.

1803. 1805.
Jan. 4. Jan. 4. Joseph & Rebecca, twin s. & d. of Thomas & Mary Lee, of Whittington.
Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Jones, of Old Marton.

Dec. 28. Jan. 20. John, s. of John & Hannah Welsh, of Hindford.
Dec. 18. Jan. 20. Sarah, d. of James & Ann Dicis, of the Regiment of Foot.

Jan. 28. Feb. 17. William, s. of Samuel & Jane Jones, of Whittington.
Feb. 15. Feb. 24. David, s. of John & Sarah Griffiths, of Whittington.
Mar. 2. Mar. 17. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pemberton, of Oswestry Parish.
Feb. 26. Mar. 22. John Brookfield, s. of John & Sarah Brookfield, of Kenlle.
Apr. 6. Apr. 21. William, Bd. s. of Ann Bowyer, of Ellesmere Parish, by James Clay, of Ellesmere.
May 12. George, s. of George & Ann Davies, of Whittington.
May 11. May 26. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies, of Frankton.
May 13. May 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Alice Feltus, of Whittington.

648 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1805

When When
Born. Christened.

1803. 1803.
May 7. June 2. Mary, d., of John & Ann Wynn, of Henlle.

Dec. 20. June 2. Martha, d. of William & Mary Jones, of Frankton.

May 28. Charles, s. of Thomas & Martha Williams, of Hindford.
May 20. June 2. Richard, s. of John & Sarah Price, of Daywell.
June 2. June 14. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Jones, of Daywell.
June 17. June 23. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones, of Ebnall.

June 30. June 30. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Evans, of Hindford.

June -. June 30. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington.

Feb. 15. June 30. John. s. of John & Mary Bassnett, of Tinker's Green.
June 30. John, s. of Edward & Mary Lloyd, of Henlle.

Mar. 31. June 30. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Mary Lloyd, of Henlle.
June 20. July 14. Jane, d. of William & Elizabeth Gittins, of Frankton.
July 21. Robert, Bd. s. of Margaret Roberts, of Whittington.
July 10. Aug. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Hughes, of Ebnall.
July 20. Aug. 11. Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth Griffiths, of Ebnall.
Aug. 14. Aug. 25. Margaret, d. of Edward & Margaret Parry, of Whittington.

1806] Whittington. 649

When When
Born. Christened.

1805. 1805.
Aug. 23. Sep. 1. George, s. of Edward & Ann Griffiths, of Daywell.
Aug. 03. Sep. 22. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Lloyd, of Babins Wood.
Sep. 21. Oct. 6. Edward, s. of John & Sarah Furber, of Daywell.
Sep. 8. Oct. 6. Maria, d. of Thomas & Martha Jones, of Hindford.
Oct. 16. Oct. 18. Sarah Ellen, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lee, of Whittington.
Aug. 3. Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of the Honble. Thomas & Charlotte Kenyon, of Prado, in the Parish of Ruyton (Privately Baptized August).
Oct. 19. Nov. 1. Richard, s. of Peter & Ann Wilkinson, of Bobins wood.
Nov. 10. Richard, s. of William & Magdalen Brown, of Ellesmere Parish.
Nov. -. Nov. Is. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Jane Griffiths, of Ebnall.
Dec. 16. Dec. 22. Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth Killan, of Henlle.

1806. 1806.
Jan. -. Jan. 6. Elizabeth, Bd. d. of Sarah Evans, of Babins wood, by John Lloyd, of Dudleston.

Nov. -. Jan. 22. Daniel, s. of Thomas & Mary Evans, of Whittington.

Jan. 7. Jan. 23. Jane, d. of William & Mary Jones, of Gobowen.

Nov. 23. Jan. 23. William, s. of Heli & Maria Cartwright, of Whittington.

Jan. 26. Jan. 26. Mary, d. of William & Ann Morris, of Berghill.

650 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806

When When
Born. Christened.

1806. 1806.
Jan. 15. Feb. 10. Sarah, d. of John & Lettitia Bowyer, of Whittington.
Mar. 9. Charles, s. of John & Ann Lloyd, of Babins wood.
Mar. 2. Mar. 15. Mary, d. of Jonathan & Catherine Williams, of Whittington.
Mar. 7. Mar. 30. William, s. of John & Catherine Richards, of Hindford.
Apr. 8. Apr. 13. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Parry, of Whittington.
Apr. 7. Apr. 14. John, s. of William & Sarah Lee, of Hindford.
Apr. 7. Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of David & Anne Roberts, of Whittington.
Mar. 19. Apr. 20. William, s. of Joseph & Hannah Hall, of Frankton.
May 2. May 4. Thomas, s. of John & Hannah Morris, of Ebnall.
May 5. May 18. Thomas, s. of David & Ann Davies, of Babins wood.
May 15. June 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Ann Bowyer, of Whittington.
May 31. June 15. Joseph, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Borroughs, of Frankton.
June 22. June 22. David, s. of David & Jane James, of Babins wood.
June 6. June 29. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Woofridge, of Old Marton.
Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan, of Whittington.
June 29. Susanna, d. of William & Margaret Rogers, of Whittington.
Aug. 2. Aug. 1. Edward, s. of Samuel & Margaret Edwards, of Daywell.
Jane, d. of Nathaniel & Sarah Rogers, of Whittington.
Aug. 6. Aug. 13. William, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies, of Frankton.

1807] Whittington. 651

When When
Born. Christened.

1806. 1806.
Aug. 4. Aug. 17. Maria, d. of Robert & Sinah Richards, of Whittington.
Aug. 19. Aug. 24. John, s. of John & Jane Jones, of Selattyn Parish.
Jane, d. of Robert & Sarah Jones, of Hindford.
Sep. 2. Richard, s. of John & Sarah Hayward, of Hindford.
Aug. 24. Sep. 7. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Payne, of Daywell.
Aug. 16. Aug. 16. Betty & Hannah, twin daus. of John & Elizabeth Rodinhurst, of Frankton.
Oct. 12. Joseph, s. of Edward & Jane Jones, of Hindford.
Oct. 6. Oct. 19. Edward, s. of Peter & Ann Wilkinson, of Babins wood.
Nov. 2. Richard, s. of Edward & Mary Lloyd, of Henlle.
Nov. 18. Nov. 19. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lee, of Whittington.
Nov. 25. William, s. of William & Margaret Powell, of Whittington.
Dec. -. Dec. 21. Sarah, d. of John & Emma Jones, of Whittington.
Nov. 14. Dec. 25. William, s. of William & Mary Jones, of Frankton.
Dec. 14. Dec. 28. Eleanor, d. of Thomas & Margaret Harper, of Whittington.
Dec. 12. Dec. 28. John, s. Of Samuel & Jane Jones, of Whittington.

1807. 1807.
Jan. 1. Jan. 3. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Frances Jackson, of Gobowen.

Dec. 12. Jan. 18. Jane, Bd. d. of Ann Bowyer, of Ebnall. 1807.
Jan. 28. Feb. 15. Mary, d. of William & Hannah Batho, of Frankfon.

652 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806

When When
Born. Christened.

1806. 1807.
Feb. 13. Feb. 22. William, s. of Edward & Martha Owen, of Whittington.
Feb. 23. Mary, d. of David & Sarah Hughes" of Hindford.
Feb. 3. Mar. 1. Charles, s. of William & Jane Evans, of Whittington.
Feb. 3. Mar. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pemberton, of Babins wood.

Jan. 2. Apr. 8. John, s. of John & Mary Price, of Gobowen.

Mar. 28. Apr. 2. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Jones, of Babins wood.
Apr. 3. Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones; of Whittington.
Apr. 26. Eleanor, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Tudor, of Whittington.
Apr. 18. May 3. William, s. of William & Mary Morgan, of Babins wood.
Apr. 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones, of Ebnall.
May 2. May 10. William, s. of John & Sarah Price, of Gobowen.
Mar. 31. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Martha Jones, of Hindford.
Apr. 12. Richard, s. of Daniel & Sarah Rateliff, of the Decoy.
May 3. May 17. Robert, s. of Evan & Mary Evans, of Daywell.
May 20. June 7. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ann Slater, of Whittington.
May 21. June 14. Eleanor, d. of John & Ann Wynn, of Henlle.
June 25. June 25. Maria, d. of Heli & Maria Cartwright, of Whittington.
May 21. May 28. John, s. of John & Mary Charles, of Whittington.

1807] Whittington. 653

When When
Born. Christened.

1807. 1807.
June 16. June 28. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Jane Jackson, of Whittington.
June 11. June 28. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Jane Cartwright, of Babins wood.
May 26. July 5. Edward, s. of John & Sarah Barkley, of Ebnal.
July 12. Aug. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Windsor, of Henlle.
July 27. Aug. 9. Robert, s. of James & Mary Jones, of Frankton.
Aug. 11. Aug. 16. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Evans, of Babins wood.
July 24. Aug. 17. William, s. of John & Jane Paddock, of Ellesmere Parish.
Aug. 5. Aug. 23. Margaret, d. of John & Jane Morris, of Daywell.
Aug. 12. Aug. 30. William, s. of John & Eliz,abeth Parry, of Whittington.
Aug. 17. Sep. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Evan & Mary Edwards, of Fernhill.
Aug. 28. Sep. 13. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Richards, of Hindford.
Sep. 11. Sep. 13. Ann, Bd. d. of Margaret Edwards, of Whittington, by John Dacies.
Sep. 20. Sep. 20. John, s. of George & Ann Davies, of Whittington.
Sep. 19. Oct. 4. Thomas, s. of William & Sarah Lee, of Hindford.
Oct. 3. Oct. 5. Mary, d. of John & Mary Williams, of Frankton.
Oct. 27. Nov. 1. William, Bd. s. of Elizabeth Edge, by Thomas Dunsby.
Oct. 11. Nov. 4. Martha, d. of Joseph & Sarah Brookfield, of Henwlle.
Oct 11. Nov. 10. Ann, d. of Jchn & Mary Boodle, of Whittington.

654 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1807

When When
Born. Christened.

1807. 1807.
Jan. 13. Nov. 19. John Robert, s. of the Honble. Thomas & Charlotte Kenyon, of Prado, in the Parish of Ruyton. Privately Baptized.
Nov. 19. Dec. 6. William Griffiths, s. of William & Elizabeth Griffiths, of Hindford.
Dec. 4. Dec. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Catherine Davies, of Frankton.

1807. 1808.
Dec. 15. Jan. 3. William, s. of William & Margaret Rogers. of Whittington.
Dec. 29. William, s. of Joseph & Margaret Williams, of Ebnall.
Dec. 21. Jan. 10. John, s. of William & Magdalene Brown, of Ellesmere Parish.

Jan. 5. Jan. 17. George, s. of Thomas & Mary Lee, of Whittington.
Jan. 8. Jan. 18. Edward, s. of William & Mary Edwards, of Pentre Kendrick.
Jan. 3. Feb. 7. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Brown, of Ebnall.
Feb. 12. Feb. 7. Sarah, d. of James & Mary Rogers, of the Decoy.
Feb. 10. Feb. 12. Robert, s. of Robert & Sarah Roberts, of Daywell.
Feb. 21. Maria, d. of George & Maria Edwards, of Whittington.
Mar. 25. Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Price, of Daywell.
Mar. 24. Apr. 10. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Hayward, of Hindford.
Apr. 17. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Sarah Evinson, of Whittington.
Apr. 8. May 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ann Brown, of Frankton.
Feb. 25. William, s. of Thomas & Martha Williams, of Ebnall.

1808] Whittington. 655

When When
Born. Christened.

1807. 1808.
Feb. 26. Sarah, d. of Charles & Jane Griffiths, of Ebnall.
Mar. 6. May 8. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Hayward, of Bangor Parish.
Apr. 14. May 15. Elizabeth, d. of John & Hannah Welsh, of Hindford.
May 20. May 20. John, s. of John & Sarah Woo'ridge, of Old Marton.
May 12. May 29. David, s. of David & Ann Roberts, of Salattyn Parish.
May 30. June 2. Francis Whittal, s. of Samuel & Frances Whittal Jackson, of Gobowen.
June 26. Mary, d. of John Lettitia Bowyer, of Whittington.
June 20. July 17. William, s. of Richard & Mary Thomas, of Ebnall.
June 25. John, s. of David & Ann Davies, of Babins wood.
July 17. Aug. 14. Robert, s. of Edward & Ann Griffiths, of Daywell.
Aug. 14. Aug. 15. Edward & William, twin sons of James & Sarah Turner, of Daywell.
July 27. Sep. 4. Ann, d. of Thomas & Martha Jones, of Hindford.
Nov. 6. Nov. 7. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Povey, of Whittington.
Nov. 10. Nov. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Harper, of Whittington.
Dec. 4. Dec. 4. Margaret, d. of Edward & Margaret Nicholls, of Whittington.
Nov. 21. Dec. 1. Robert, s. of William & Emma Jones, of Whittington.
Nov. 24. Dec. 18. Samuel, s. of William & Elizabeth Gittins, of Frankton.
Dec. 12. Dec. 18. Charles, s. of John & Emma Jones, of Whittington.

Copied from a family Prayer book the Baptism having been omitted:
Richard, son of Richard & Mary Price, born August 31st, 1808.

656 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1791


1791, Jan. 3. Mary, wife of Thomas Golding, of Hindford 69
" Feb. 3. Elizabeth, wife of Peter Davies, of Frankton 37
" Feb. 10. Catherine Williams, of Daywell, P. 50
" Feb. 1. Martha Jones, of Frankton 77
" Feb. 15. Elizabeth Manford, of Ebnal 9
" Feb. 17. Elizabeth Jones, of Hindford 75
" Feb. 20. Elizabeth, wife of William Gough, of Whittington 66
Mary Martin, of Whittington, P. 66
" Feb. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lloyd, of Babins wood inft.
" Mar. 13. William Richards, of Babbins Wood 76
" Mar. 17. Richard Bast. s. of Elizabeth Hayes inft.
" Mar. 25. Margaret, d. of John Swinerton 45
" Mar. 27. Richard, s. of Thomas Lawrence inft.
" Apr. 4. Mrs. Jane Atcherley, of Baschurch Parish 86
" May 11. Mary, wife of Robert Berkeley, of Ebnal 67
" May 13. Ann Griffiths, of Whittington 76
" May 24. John Edwards, of Whittington 64
" June 8. Robert James, of Whittington 67
" June 12. John Jones, of Daywell 6
" June 16. John Bastd. s. of Sarah Broughton 1
" June 23. William Davies, of Whittington 26
" June 25. Sarah, w. of Owen Edwards, of Bryn y Castle 78
" June 29. William Wynn, of Ebnal, P. 75
" Aug. 5. Mary Minshall, of Daywell 54
" Aug. 7. Richard Jones, of Daywell 63
" Oct. 12. Mary Morgan, Spinster, of Babins Wood, P. 36
" Oct. 13. William Thomas, of Hindford 66
" Dec. 20. Thomas, s. of Edward Edwards, of Sylattyn pr. 6


1792, Jan. 28. Edward Jones, of Preeshentley 75
" Feb. 14. Martha, d. of Griffith Pritchard, of Whittington inft.

1793] Whittington. 657


1792, Feb. 22. Deborah Bassnett, of Ebnal 83
" Feb. 29. Thomas, s. of John Edw.ards, of Ebnal inft.
" Mar. 3. William Cartwright, of Gobowen 77
" Mar. 9. Ann Jones, of Babbins Wood, Pr. 75
" Mar. 14. Walter Williams, of Old Marton 67
Elizabeth Edwards, of Old Marton 89
" Apr. 28. William Pool, of Whittington 89
" May 18. Jane Brain, of Oswestry 81
" June 20. Hannah, d. of John Jones, of Whittington inft.
" July 24. Peter Richards, of Whittington 44
" Aug. 1 . William Wilkinson, of Hentley 26
" Aug. 22. Mary Wilkinson, of Hentley 29
" Aug. 28. Mary, w. of Oliver Charles, of Whittington 57
" Oct. 11. William Wilkinson, of Hentley Pr. 57
" Oct. 14. Elizabeth Edwards, of Ebnal, Pr. 69
" Nov. 26. John Morris, of Whittington, Pr. 57

18 { 17 of this Parish. A.D. A.D.
{ 1 Alien. 1792 1791
Burials of Persons under the age of Seven 3 6
" Aged 7 & under 21 0 1
21 & under 71 8 14
70 & upwards 7 7
Total 18 28

Some mistake having arisen with respect to the boundary of Hindford
Township & Halston Parish the case was by consent of both Parties refered
to Mr. Richards, who decided that the road for twenty five chains beyond
Halston Bridge was in the said Township together with certain lands
called Pont Shenkin pieces, and two acres one rood and fifteen poles of
Halston Demesne on the south side of the road.

1793, Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of John Evans, of Babbins Wood inft.
" Jan. 24. Margaret Jones, of Whittington 1st. 96
" Jan. 26. John Bowen, of Ebnal Pr. 6

658 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1793


1793, Feb. 3. George Hocknill, of Oswestry 10
" Feb. 6. Richard Pritchard, of Whittington 67
" Feb. 78. William Edwards, of Whittington 53
" Feb. 24. Ann Boliver, of Frankton Pr. 80
" Mar. 4. Jane Jones, of Whittington Pr. 61
" Mar. 5. Eleanor, w. of William Thomas, of Hindford 24
" Mar. 26. John, s. of Thomas Richards, of Whittington inft.
" Mar. 27. Jane, d. of Thomas Nicholas, of Whittington inft.
" Mar. 30. Mary, d. of John Richards, of Whittington 19
" Apr. 7. John Williams, of Whittington 72
" Apr. 14. Gwen Meredith, of Babbins Wood, Pr. 75
" Apr. 15. Richard Furber, of Babbins Wood 24
" Apr. 28. Ann, d. of Samuel Edwards, of Frankton inft
" May 2. Richard Pierce, of St. Martin's Parish 57
" May 7. Mary, w. of John Davies, of Gobowen, Pr. 80
" May 16. Richard, Bd. s. of Sarah Jones, of Hentley Pr. 1½
" May 28. Richard, s. of Edward Morgan, of Whittington inft.
" June 2. Edward Edwards, of Whittington, Pr. 88
Susanna, d. of Hannah Davies, of Babbins Wood, Pr. inft.
Edward Thomas, or Daywell, Pr. 75
" June 3. Elizabeth, w. of Patrick Roe, of Whittington Pr. 36
" June 10. Edward Pritchard, of Frankton 81
" July 11. Jane Williams, of Whittington Parish 73
" July 17. Richard Roberts, of Whittington Parish 63
" Sep. 2. Nathaniel Burroughs, of Whittington 56
" Oct. 10. John Boodle, of Whittington 22
" Nov. 9. Ann Buckley, of Whittington 80
1794, Feb. 6. William Williams, of Sylattn 2
" Feb. 78. Ann Jones, of Hindford 93

1795] Whittington. 659


1794, Mar. 2. Thomas Newnes, of Frankton inft.
" Mar. 21. Mary Llewelin, of Whittington 40
" Apr. 11. Joseph Broughall, of Whittington 83
" Apr. 12. John Morgan, of Whittington inft.
" Apr. 17. William Griffiths, of Whittington 82
William Williams, of Old Marton 35.
" Apr. 19. John Hurdley, of Hentley 16
" May 6. Mary Tudor. of Whittington 102
" May 7. William Whittingham, of Gobowen 19
" May 10. Elizabeth Broughall, of Whittington inft.
" May 27. Robert Owen, of Ebnal inft.
Mary Gittins, of Berghill 20
" May 30. Martha Paddock, of St. Martin's Parish 76
" June 8. Catherine Rogers, of Whittington 63
" July 1. William Jones, of Sylattyn 9
" July 12. John Williams, of Old Marton 39
" July 14. Catherine Griffiths, of Fernhill 78
" July 15. Richard Williams, of Whittington 83
Margaret Parry, of Whittington inft.
" Aug. 19. Samuel Davies, of Whittington 73
" Sep. 12. William Povey, of Ebnal 64
" Oct. 20. Elizabeth Pritchard, of Whittington inft.
Thomas Reese, of Oswestry 62
" Oct. 28. Sarah Corns, of Sylattyn 24
" Nov. 8. Roger Maddox, Gent., of Ruabon 34
" Nov. 26. Ann Furber, of Whittington 26
" Dec. 10. Edward Jones, of Whittington 57
" Dec. 12. Charlotte, Bd. d. of Elizabeth Clarke, of Whittington inft.
" Dec. 23. Edward Edwards, of Fernhill 76
1795, Jan. 16. Thomas Thomas, of Hindford 43
" Jan. 20. Jane Pritchard, of Whittington 8
" Mar. 3. John Barkley, of Whittington 73
" Mar. 19. garah Richards, of Oswestry 16
" June 3. Richard Gorton, of Whittington 52
" June 17. William Evans, of Whittington, Tailor 66
" June 23. Thomas Killan, of Hentley 1
" June 29. John Griffiths, of Great Ness 16
" Aug. 18. Mary Minshall, of Daywell 33

660 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1795


1795, Sep. 2. Margaret Williams, of Daywell 63
" Sep. 18. William Edwards, of Daywell 76
" Oct. 1. Hannah Brown, of Babbins Wood 79
" Nov. 3. Elizabeth Whittingham, of Gobowen 19
" Nov. 13. John Hughes, of Frankton 5
" Nov. 19. Elizabeth Thomas, of Whittington 73
" Dec. 18. Richard Brown, of Babbins Wood 84
" Dec. 29. Elizabeth Whittingham, of Gobowen 58
1796, Jan. 12. George Hocknill, of Oswestry 61
" Jan. 17. Sarah Laurence, of Whittington 2
" Jan. 25. Margaret Gough, of Frankton inft.
" Feb. 3. Mary Morgan, of Babbins Wood 65
" Feb. 20. Elizabeth Edwards, of Whittington 64
" Feb. 25. John Edwards, of Babbins Wood 75
" Mar. 4. Ann Edwards, of Whittington 5
Ann Urian, of St. Martin's 2
" Mar. 13. James Jones, of Frankton 4
" Apr. 13. Mary Davies, of Hentley 26
" Apr. 17. Mary Griffiths, of Gobowen 1¾
" May 10. Joseph Broughall, of Wrexham P. 50
" May 15. Mary Roberts, of Frankton 72
" May 30. John Simmonds, of Shrewsbury inft.
" June 15. William Husbands, of Whittington inft.
" July 9. Thomas Morris, of Hindford inft.
" July 19. Elizabeth Pierce, of Whittington 60
" July 30. Mary Maddocks, of Ellesmere P. 54
" Sep. 12. Mary Williams, of Daywell inft.
" Sep. 30. John Spencer, of Oswestry 28
" Oct. 14. Thomas Jones, of Whittington 84
" Oct. 23. Sarah Pool, of Whittington 81
" Oct. 30. Thomas Edwards, of the Hengoed 72
" Nov. 1. Margaret Wilkinson, of Hentley 60
" Nov. 2. Mary Griffiths, of Gobowen 65
William Edwards, of Whittington 20
" Nov. 9. Catherine Booth, of Whittington 85
" Dec. 8. Mary Davies, of Babbins Wood 73
" Dec. 29. James Woolham, of Ebnal 1
1797, Jan. 15. Robert Roberts, of Frankton 24
Thomas Jones, of Babbins Wood 4

1799] Whittington. 661


1797, Jan. 17. Thomas Withers, of Ellesmere inft.
" Feb. 7. Morris Jones, of Babbins Wood inft.
" Feb. 19. Mary Badder, of Whittington 12
" Feb. 23. Ann Hocknill, of Whittington 17
" Mar. 25. Thomas Green, of Babbins Wood 69
" Apr. 17. Margaret Candlin, of Daywell 67
" Apr. 26. Jane Nicholas, of West Felton 73
" May 8. John Earp, of Bobbins Wood 71
" May 19. Priscilla Davies, of Whittington 79
" May 23. Edward Vaughan, of Whittington inft.
" July 26. Maria Edwards, of Gobowen 9
" Aug. 1. John Williams, of Daywell inft.
" Sep. 2. James Woolham, of Ebnal 50
" Sep. 9. Charles Tudor, of Whittingto 64
" Sep. 13. Jane Edwards, of Fernhill 73
" Oct. 2. James Edwards, of Whittington
" Oct. 10. Simon Peter, of Whittington inft.
" Oct. 26. Thomas Williams, df Ellesmere P. inft.
" Sarah Hocknill, of Oswestry 17
" Nov. 18. Eleanor Lee, of Whittington 61
" Nov. 27. Sarah Jones, of Frankton 62
" Dec. 4. Martha Sw[orton], of Frankton 52
" Dec. 22. Mary Wilkinson, of Whittington inft.
1798, Feb. 8. Martha Roberts, of Frankton inft.
" Mar. 1. George Harding, of Whittington inft.
" Mar. 18. Sarah Roberts, of St. Martin's 1
" Mar. 20. Elizabeth Jones, of Hindford 56
" Apr. 5. Jane Windsor, of Ebnal inft.
" Apr. 18. Robert Jones, of Hindford inft.
" May 1. Mary Blower, from House of Industry 57
" June 8. Mary Jones, of Gobowen 51
" June 15. Ann Lewis, of Whittington 20
" June 17. Edward Reese, of Hindford inft.
" June 21. John Hughes, of Whittington 14
" Aug. 12. Robert Davies, of Ellesmere 27
" Nov. 26. Margaret Evans, of Babbins Wood 68
" Dec. 1. Elizabeth Thomas. of Hindford 22
" Dec. 11. Sarah Pritchard, of Babbins Wood 84
1799, Jan. 1. Elizabeth Gorton, of Whittington 28

662 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1799


1799, Feb. 20. Thomas Broughall, of Whittington inft.
" Feb. 24. Susanna Gardner, of Ebnall inft.
" Mar. 9. Mary Bowyer, of Ellesmere 29
" Apr. 1. Jane Griffiths, of Llangollen 78
" Apr. 21. Joseph Hale, of Frankton inft.
" Apr. 26. John Morris, of Hindford inft.
" Apr. 28. William Williams, of Chirk inft.
" May 4. Mary Vaughan, of Whittington inft.
" May 20. John Booth, of Whittington 22
" May 25. Mary Edwards, of Gobowen 53
" June 21. Thomas Thomas, of Whittington 6
" July 17. John Davies, of Whittington 82
" Aug. 2. Mary Laurence, of Whittington 12
" Aug. 7. William Newns, of Frankton inft.
" Sep. 30. Mary Foulkes, of St. Martins 52
" Oct. 15. John Williams, of Whittington 70
" Nov. 14. William Gough, of St. Martins 79
" Dec. 27. James Clarke, of Whittington 80

Copied from a Register kept by the Clerk, Oct. 12th, 1802.
W. W. DAVIES, Rector.

1801 and 1802. The parsonage house had considerale additions &
improvements; two new Rooms, viz. a Library and dining room were added to
the North front, on the ground floor, with a good vestibule betueen. The
old staircase was removed, & replaced with a new one of Dantzick oak; a
Servants Hall with a bedroom over it, at the East End, was rebuilt;
outhouses consisting of a pantry, larder, milk-house, poultry-yard,
coal-yard, two pigstyes, & a saddle room were built. The Stable door made
to face the E., and the Coach house converted into a stable. On the West
side of the house a new Necessary house was built; the Turnpike road was
turned further from the Rectory; & a piece of land purchased for 300
guineas converted into a garden, & a stone wall built round it. The smoky
chimney in the little parlour was entirely cured. which had obstinately
baffled all the efforts of Mr. Roberts and others, various & ingenious as
they were.

1800, Jan, 10. Jane Edwards, of Whittington inft.
" Jan. 12. Richard Thomas, of Whittington 19

1801] Whittington. 663


1800, Jan. 15. William Alorgan, of Babins Wood 81
" Jan. 19. William Lloyd, of Babins Wood 5
" Jan. 30. John Edwards, of Gobowen 24
" Mar. 1. Mary Williams, of Ebnall 102
" Mar. 23. John Broughall, of Halton 10
" Apr. 11. Jane James, of Oswestry 31
" Apr. 13. Ann Jones, of Babins Wood inft.
" Apr. 17. John Pritchard, of Whittington 21
" May 10. Mary Broughall, of Whittington inft.
" June 2. Richard Jones, of Frankton 61
" Aug. 12. Edward Pritchard, of Ebnall 34
" Sep. 9. Sarah Vaughan, of Whittington 4
" Sep. 14. William Roberts, of Frankton inft.
" Sep. 14. Benjamin Powell, crf Whittington inft.
" Sep. 23. Ann Paddock, of Ellesmere inft.
" Oct. 9. William Evans, of Whittington 77
" Oct. 12. James Edwards of Frankton 41
" Oct. 23. Edward Broughall, of Whittington inft.
" Nov. 3. Sarah Guest, of the Decoy, Babins Wood inft.
" Nov. 28. Margaret Thomas, of the Decoy, Babins Wood 2
" Dec. 6. Elizabeth Vaughan, of Whittington 40
" Dec. 16. Thomas Killan, of Hentley inft.

1802, Oct. 12. W. W. DAVIES, Rector. Copied from the Clerks Register.

1801, Jan. 1. William Pierce, of Berghill 57
" Jan. 4. Elizabeth Hayward, of Whittington 69
" Jan. 12. John Hughes, of Hentley inft.
" Jan. 21. John Jones, of Whittington 59
" Jan. 28. Mary Jones, of Hentley 64
" Feb. 5. Ann Thomas, of Hindford 73
" Feb. 15. Mary Lloyd, of Babins Wood.
" Mar. 1. Sarah Thomas, of Ebnall 15
" Mar. 7. Thomas Bell, of Gobowen 65
" Mar. 9. Margaret Edwards, of Whittington 92
" May 3. Mary Edwards, of Daywell 87
" May 13. John Jones, of Daywell 22
" May 26. Elizabeth Bowen, of Ebnall 67

664 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1801


1807, June 23. Mary William, of Selattyn P. inft.
" July 6. John Williams, of Selattyn 76
" July 74. William Urion, of Hope P. 31
" July 23. Lazarus Davies, of St. Martin's P. 21
" July 26. Richard Wynn, of Ebnall 78
" Aug. 7. John Beckett, of Frankton 70

On the 10th August of this year died the Revd. J. R. Lloyd, Rector of this Parish, & was buried in the Chapel vault at Aston, aged 43.

" Aug. 77. Margaret Rogers, of Oswestry 17
" Aug. 24. James Edwards, of Hindford inft.
" Aug. 29. Roger Furber, of Babins Wood 75
" Sep. 24. James Williams, of Ebnall 12
" Sep. 27. Joseph Salmon, of St. Martins inft.
" Nov. 74. Martha Richards, of Whittington inft.
" Nov. 26. Elizabeth Windsor, of Ebnall 56
" Dec. 22. Elizabeth Bowyer, of Whittington 4
" Dec. 27. Edward Williams, of Frankton 67

Oct. 12th, 1802. Copied from the Clerks Register.
W. W. DAVIES, Rector.

7802, Jan. 15. Edward Jones, of Babinswood inft.
" Feb. 21. Elizabeth Barkley, of Whittington 62
" Mar. 4. Catherine Richards, of Hindford 78
" Mar. 12. Mary Vickers, of Whittington 67
" Apr. 10. Mary Tudor, of Oswestry 43
" Apr. 77. Jane Kynaston, of Whittington 86
" Apr. 27. Ann Davies, of Whittington 86
" Apr. 30. John Headley, of Whittington 71
" May 20. Sarah Davenport, of Whittington 3
" June 24. Mary Roberts, of Frankton 23
" June 29. Mary Bowyer, of Ellesmere 3
" July 13. Amelia Davenport, of Whittington 6
" July 15. Edward Davies, of Babins Wood 85
" July 18. Jemima Davenport, of Whittington 5
" Aug. 5. Richard Boodle, of Ebnall 83
" Sep. 7. Margaret Pooale, of Ebnall 66
" Sep. 7. William Edwards, of Selattyn 61
" Oct. 9. Richard Thomas, of Berghill 25
" Oct. 26. Harriet Broughall, of Park 6

1804] Whittington. 665


1802, Nov. 16. Rebecca Owen, of Ebnall inft.
" Nov. 26. Samuel Jackson, of Whittington 75
" Dec. 9. Harriet Emery, of Oswestry 5
" Dec. 16. Hannah Davies, of Hindford 21
" Dec. 23. Ann Briscoe, of Whittington 49
" Dec. 31. Arthur Emery, of Park 84

This year a faculty was obtained for rebuilding the Church.
W. W. DAVIES, Rectr.

1803, Jan. 1. James Cartwright, of Gobowen 46
" Jan. 5. Margaret Probert, of Whittington 55
" Jan. 12. John Jones, of Oswestry 24
" Feb. 12. John Williams, of Daywell inft.
" Feb. 22. Benjamin Jones, of Whittington 33
" Apr. 21. Richard Danaly, of Old Marton 73
" Apr. 27. Vaughan Husbands, of Whittington 19
" May 10. Maria Charles, of Whittington 3
" May 14. Ann Broughall, of Halston 20
" May 19. Thomas Jones, of Whittington Parish (Babins Wood) 57
" May 22. Mary Jones, of Oswestry 43
" June 2. Harriet Charles, of Whittington inft.
" June 5. Mary Broughall, of Whittington 31
" June 11. Ann Brookfield, of Ebnall 2
" June 14. Ellen Broughall, of Whittington 3
" June 15. Sarah Tudor, of Oswestry 76
" June 25. Thomas Morris, of Berghill 79
" June 30. Elizabeth Windsor, of Daywell 75
" Nov. 24. Mary Vaughan, of Whittington 81
" Dec. 6. William Williams, of Oswestry 4
" Dec. 14. Mary Boodle, of Ebnall 80
" Dec. 22. Elizabeth Paddock, of Ridge 84
1804, Jan. 15. Owen Edwards, of Daywell 87
" Jane Furber, of Babinswood 49
" Mar. 11. Abraham Edwards, of Oswestry 6
" Mar. 12. John Brookfield, of Henlle 30
" Apr. 27. Edward Andrew, of Whittington 72
" May 30. Thomas Ithall, of Deedliston 58
" William Hughes, of Whittington 66
" June 5. John Lloyd, of Babins wood inft.

666 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1804


1804, July 7. John Morris, of Berghill 79
" July 12. Martha Roberts, of Frankton inft.
" July 18. William Bowyer, of Ellesmere
" Aug. 23. Phebe Charles, of Whittington 27
" Aug. 27. George Windsor, of Daywell 33
" Sep. 2. Ann Brookfield, of Ebnall inft.
" Sep. 3. Mary Jones, of Babins wood inft.
" Sep. 24. Robett Berkley, of S. Martins 82
" Sep. 28. Mary Rowland, of Whittington 29
" Oct. 6. Jane Evans, of Berghill 82
" Oct. 14. Robert Griffiths, of Ebnall infant
" Nov. 2. Elizabeth Ithal, of Chirk 65
" Nov. 9. Samuel Richards, of Hindford inft.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth Boodle, of Ebnall 90
" Nov. 16. Ann Jones, of Whittington 83
" Nov. 18. Margaret Green, of Babins wood 78
" Dec. 1. John Charles, of Whittington infant
" Dec. 2. Elizabeth Jones, of Whittington inft.
" Dec. 4. John Rasbrook, of Whittington 17
" Dec. 31. Elizabeth Furber, of Babins wood 73
1805, Jan. 8. Richard James, of Babins wood inft.
" Feb. 8. Mary Lloyd, of Babins wood 7
" Feb. 25. Mary Gray, of Whittington inft.
" Mar. 21. John Davies, of Daywell 80
" Apr. 2. William Charles, of Whittington 5
" Apr. 18. Mary Roberts, of Daywell 29
" Apr. 22. Maria Pritchard, of Whittington 21
" May 1. Elizabeth Roberts, of Frankton 38
" May 29. Mary Hitchen, of Old Marton 73
" May 30. William Bowyer,of Whittington inft.
" June 6. Mary Broughall, of Whittington 79
" June 13. Walter Maddocks, of Daywell inft.
" Aug. 11. Robert Jones, of Hindford inft.
" Aug. 17. Jane Tudor, of Whittington 5
" Sep. 28. John Jones, of Halston 55
" Oct. 2. James Davies, of Whittington 15
" Nov. 5. Richard Wilkinson, of Babinswood inft.
" Nov. 23. Samuel Bowyer, of Ebnall 4

1806] Whittington. 667


1805, Dec. 25. Richard Jones, of Hindford inft.
" Dec. 28. John Grindley, of Plimstone Parish, County of Chester 30

The Church was taken down & rebuilt in 1805 & 1806 from a design of Mr.
Harrison of Chester: it is a large brick building in dimensions 60 feet
by 50. In the body are three aisles & 6 rows of seats, with a gallery 50
feet by 17½. Towards the expense, amounting to about 150£, two briefs
produced 42£2s. 1d. By a reference to Burns' Eccl. Law Article Brief, it
appears that the charge upon each Brief is 330£ 16s. 6d., consequently
that a sum of no less amount than £703 15s. 1d. must have been raised in
order to benefit the parish of Whittington £42 2s. 1d. The interior of
this church is extremely neat, and fitted up with good Taste; the ceiling
being of deal beautifully jointed in squares, with cross-bars, renders it
chaste & pleasing to the eye, & by preventing too great a degree of echo,
useful to the audience & officiating minister. The Pews are all faced
with Dantzick oak, numbered, & marked according to their respective

1806, Jan. 14. William Rogers, of Chirk 56
" Jan 22. Maria Jones, of Babin's wood 6
" Feb. 17. Sarah Jackson, of Whittington 81
" Feb. 27. Samuel Jackson, of Whittington inft.
" Mar. 3. Eleanor Edwards, of Whittington 31
" Mar. 28. Martha Hitchin, of Halston 96
" Apr. 8. Sarah Ellis, of Babins wood 62
" Apr. 11. William Evans, of Ruyton 36
" May 6. Richard Husband, of Whittington 8
" May 18. Mary Bowen, of Daywell 72
" May 28. John Taylor, of Daywell 72
" June 5. Ann Griffiths, of Whittington 38
" June 11. Richard Jones, of Selattyn 65
" June 26. David Davies, of Babas wood inft.
" July 3. Benjamin Venables, of Frankton 35
" July 23. Rebecka Bmughall, of Halston 56
Alice Thomas, of Whittington 78
" Aug. 9. Margaret Parry, of Whittington inft.
" Sep. 18. John Paddock, of Ridge Ellesmere 88

668 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806


1806, Sep. 19. Mary Williams, of Whittington 71
" Sep. 27. John Jeffreys, of Whittington 20
" OCt. 5. Jane Wild, of Babins wood 62
" Nov. 9. Margaret Clark, of Whittington 26
" Nov. 29. Edward Lee, of Whittington inft.
" Dec. 20. John Jeffreys, of Whittington 75
" Dec. 30. Thomas Williams, of Whittington inft.
1807, Jan. 17. Martha Juckes, of Fernhill 52
" Jan. 16. Edward Turner, of Daywell inft.
" Jan. 20. Mary Minshall, of Daywell 26
" Feb. 5. Mary Newnes, of Frankton 46
" Feb. 20. Edward Thomas, of Berghill 80
" Mar. 17. Mary Harper, of Berghill 63
" Mar. 19. Mr. William Lovett, of Oswestry 17
" Apr. 2. John Feltus, of Hindford 53
" Apr. 10. John Edward, of Oswestry 72
" May 7. Edward Davies, of Whittington 47
" May 26. Elizabeth Evans, of Hindford 81
" June 26. Thomas Pritchard, of Whittington 74
" June 27. Ann Grinley, of Kinnerley inft.
" July 6. Robert Jones, of Babins wood 2
" July 7. Maria Cartwright. of Whittington inft.
" July 23. Susanna Emery, of Park Hall 85
" July 24. Edward Roberts, of Ebnall 27
" Aug. 6. Sarah Thomas, of Hindford 68
" Sep. 12. Elizabeth Maddocks, of Pwll Daywell 7
" Oct. 6. Ann Jones. of Oswestry 29
" Oct. 24. Ann Boodle, of Daywell 78
" Nov. 7. Ann Davies, of Frankton 83
Thomas Williams, of Selattyn 13
" Nov. 13. Martha Booth, of Whittington 63
" Dec. 6. Mary Pritchard, of Whittington 54

1807, An Act of Parliament is past for making a new road from Oswestry through Selattyn to Corwen.

1808, Jan. 13. Ann Lewis, of Whittington 57
" Jan. 15. Sarah Foulkes, of Bucknall 38
" Jan. 25. Catherine Jones, of Oswestry 93
" Feb. 15. Ann Williams, of Frankton 86
" Feb. 19. John Boodle, of Daywell 21

1808] Whittington. 669


1808, Mar. 12. Robert Roberts, of Daywell inft.
" Mar. 22. Jane Williams, of Whittington inft.
" May 16. Cadwalader Williams, of Daywell 86
" May 30. John Woolridge, of Old Marton inft.
" June 8. William John Maddccks, of Selattyn 2
" June 9. Elizabeth Jones, of Daywell 65
" June 14. Elizabeth Bowyer, of Hindford
" June 26. Grace Richards, of Whittington 88
" July 24. Elizabeth Griffiths, of Whittington 22
" Aug. 9. John Jones, of Daywell 20
" Aug. 21. Richard Brown, of Babin's wood 68
" Oct. 18. Frances Bowyer, of Whittington 72
" Oct. 24. Martha Menlove, of Hisland, Oswestry 46
" Nov. 2. John Broughall, of Whittington 45
" Nov. 3. Elizabeth Brain, of Whittington 43
" Dec. 15. Mary Windsor, of Babins wood 19
" Dec. 25. Margaret Nicholls, of Whittington inft.


An Agricultural Society established at Oswestry.
A New Road made from Oswestry through Selattyn to Llansaintffraid Glynn Ceiriog.
Extraordinary heat in July of this year.

August 5th.

Charles Arthur Albany Lloyd, Rector of Whittington in the year 1809, was born at Aston in the Parish of Oswestry Jany. 22nd, 1785.

George Newton Kynaston Lloyd, Rector of Selattyn 1811 was born at Aston on the 23rd August 1786. He died at Selattyn Jany. 1846.

Whitehall, Whitehall, Davies was the only son of Peter Davies Esq. of
Broughton in the Co. of Flint. He was educated at Macclesfield School
under the Revd. Henry Inglis afterwards Doctor Ingles head master of
Rugby School until he entered Christ Church College Cambridge. Here Mr.
Davies formed a friendship for Messrs Tenant, Gell, Wilson, Harwood &
Smyth. Mr. Smithson Tenant became Professor of Chemistry in the
University, & greatly distinguished himself by various chemical
discoveries among which were two new metals which he found with ore of
Platinum. Mr. Gell, afterwards Sir William Gell was celebrated as a
traveller in Greece & Asia Minor. Mr. Harwood became Professor of
Anatomy. Mr. Smyth Professor of Ancient History.

670 Shropshire Parish Registers. [

Carus Wilson Esq. was a wrangler & distinguished for his piety & having
sons who are eminent ministers of Jesus Christ.

Mr. Davies obtained the honour of Senior Optime in taking his Degree of
A.B. & soon after was selected fellow of Christ College.

The Revd. J. R. Lloyd, Rector of this Parish died on the 10th August
1801. when the Revd. W. W. Davies was presented to the Rectories of
Whittington & Selattyn. Mr. Davies improved the Rectory House in 1801 &
1802 & in 1805 & 1806. The Parish Church was rebuilt under his direction.

In 1800 he resigned the Rectory of Whittington, & in 1810 that of Selattyn.

On March 1810 he became the proprietor of Lannerch estate in Denbighshire
by the death of Mr. Leo, & in Novr. of the same year he succeeded to the
estate of Broughton on the death of his father Peter Davies, Esqr. Mr. W.
Davies was second cousin to the Revd. J. R. Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd's
Grandfather having married a Miss Whitehall, of Broughton. Mr. W. W.
Davies with the assistance of Lord Kenyon erected & endowed a Chapel on
[?] wood & built a house for the Minister. On June 10th 1824 he died at
Broughton & was succeeded to his estate by his sister, the widow of the
Revd. Mr. Manson.


Wall painted vermillion rebuilt the Revd. William Roberts, 1738.

Blue, 4 Rooms built 1801 & 1802 by the Revd. W. Whitehall Davies.

Wine Cellar under the Hall & two Cellars under the Library. No rooms over
the Library & Dining room. Stairs of 11 steps made of Dantzic Oak to the
Bedrooms. Stairs into the cellars, & a store room over them 1802. Floors
of the Library, Dining room & little Parlour are of oak. The apple room
also of wood. The floor of the best staircase of the Hall, are of free
stone. All the other floors are of tiles or bricks. The House porch was
converted into a still room 1802. Over the rooms painted blue is a
covering of Vernant slates. The old part of the house was covered with
Glyn slates, most of these have been removed by C. A. A. Lloyd from time
to time & have been replaced by Llanygnog & Carnarvonshire. The walls
coloured green were rebuilt by C.A.A.L.

1792-4] Whittington. 671


1792, Jan. 6. Thomas Tudor & Elizth. Booth ... mar.
" Feb. 20. William Bather, of Whitchurch & Hannah Woolridge ... mar.
" Apr. 13. Joseph Corn, of Ellesmere, & Margaret Hills ... mar.
" May 13. David Davies & Mary Hitchins ... mar.
" July 23. John Munslow & Elizabeth Williams ... mar.
" Aug. 30. John Coulter, of Collin in the County of Antrim, in the Kingdom of Ireland, & Deborah Basnett ... mar.
" Nov. 12. William Jones & Elizabeth Morgan ... mar.
" Dec. 9 John Williams & Susannah Rogers ... mar.
" Dec. 14. Hugh Price & Elizabeth Boodle ... mar.
1793, Feb. 4. Peter Hughes, of S. Martins, & Sarah Turner ... mar.
" Apr. 8. William Humphreys. of Ellesmere, & Ann Morris ... mar.
" Apr. 17. David Price & Sarah Williams ... mar.
" Apr. 22. Isaac Paddock, of Ruyton, & Mary Davies ... mar.
" June 19. Peter Davies & Ann Ethelsea ... mar.
" June 19. Richard Vaughan & Mary Jones ... mar.
" Sep. 10. John Williams & Mary Pritchard ... mar.
" Oct. 28. John Corbet & Martha Bailey ... mar.
" Nov. 18. Maurice Williams, of Sylatton, & Elizabeth Windsor ... mar.
1794, Feb. 24. Nathaniel Rogers & Sarah Ferryman ... mar.
" May 9. Robert Jones & Sarah Parry ... mar.
" May 23. David Roberts & Sarah Jones ... mar.

672 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1794

1794, Aug. 4 Richard Mate & Margaret Bolas .. mar.
" Sep. 16. John Morris, of Chirk, & Jane Taylor ... mar.
" Sep. 19. John Bowyer, of Halston, & Mary Roberts ... mar.
" Oct. 23. Richard Barratt & Sarah Hughes ... mar.
" Dec. 5. Edward Turner, of S. Martins, & Esther Price ... mar.
1795, Jan. 19. John Williams, of Welsh Hampton, & Sarah Cartwright ... mar.
" Sep. 28. Thomas Watkin & Elizabeth Gough ... mar.
" Oct. 25. William Rogers & Sarah Jones
" Dec. 24. Richard Davies & Mary Foulks ... mar.
1796, May 3. Edward Morris & Mary Williams ... mar.
" May 9. John Morris & Ann Hughes ... mar.
" May 13. John Peter & Ann Williams ... mar.
" May 22. Thomas Edwards & Margaret Edwards ... mar.
" June 6. Thomas Kynaston & Elizabeth Pritchard ... mar.
" July 19. Thomas Bowyer & Ann Ellis ... mar.
" July 26. John Furber, of Ellesmere, & Sarah Parry ... mar.
" Sep. 25. Robert Vaughan & Elizth. Brown ... mar.
" Sep. 29. William Humphries, of Ellesmere, & Mary Boodle ... mar.
" Oct. 11. John Lewis & Martha Davies ... mar.
" Nov. 11. John Jones & Eleanor Richards ... mar.
" Nov. 15. Richard Jones & Mary Grindley ... mar.
" Nov. 22. Thomas Williams & Cath. Vaughan ... mar.
" Nov. 28. Thomas Lee & Mary Rogers ... mar.
1797, Jan. 29. Richaid Jones & Mary Edwards ... mar.
" Apr. 22. Thomas Jones & Jane Jones ... mar.
" Apr. 24. John Pritchard & Ann Hughes
" May 5. Richard Owen & Ann Tudor ... mar.
" May 28. Benjamin Venables & Ann Davies ... mar.
" Oct. 25. John Edwards, of Oswestry, & Mary Davies ... mar.
" Nov. 13. William Evans & M.artha ... mar.
" Nov. 28. Robert Jones & Mary Davies ... mar.
" Dec. 23. Thomas Munslow & Elizabeth Hilsley, of S. Martin's ... mar.
" Dec. 28. Edward Jones & Mary Price ... mar.

1801] Whittington. 673

1797, Dec. 29. Thomas Gardener & Ann Jones ... mar.
1798, Jan. 26. Thomas Broughall, of Halston, & Mary Davies ... mar.
" Jan. 26. Thomas Edwards & Emma Lloyd, of Oswestry ... mar.
" Mar. 30. John Clarke & Sarah Edwards ... mar.
" Apr. 14. John Brookfield & Ann Woolam ... mar.
" May 7. John Evans & Jane Jones ... mar.
" July 17. Thomas Roberts & Mary Furber ... mar.
" July 20. Henry Earp & Elizabeth Davies, of Rheuabon [ ? Rhiwabon] ... mar.
" July 13. John Davies & Mary Griffiths ... mar.
" Ang. 4. William Wild & Alice Williams ... mar.
" Nov. 8. Joseph Price & Mary Lloyd ... mar.
" Dec. 4. Richard Llewellin & Dorothy Parry, of Halston ... mar.
" Dec. 21. Thomas Furmstone, of Ellesmere, & Jane Ethelstone ... mar.
1799, Apr. 4. John Steen, of Ellesmere, & Mary Roberts ... mar.
" May 1. Thomas Denson & Martha Duncombe ... mar.
" May 3. John Owen & Marg. Jane Williams ... mar.
" May 6. Evan Jones & Margaret Roberts ... mar.
" May 7. Richard Moody, of West Felton, & Margaret Furber ... mar.
" May 10. Robert Lloyd & Mary Hughes ... mar.
" May 13. Edward Austin & Margaret Jones ... mar.
" May 14. Thomas Perkin & Elizth. Pugh ... mar.
" May 20. John Jones & Margaret Davies ... mar.
" May 27. Edward Parry & Margaret Pugh ... mar.
" Sep. 8. William Morgan & Mary Gorton ... mar.
" Nov. 21. John Evans, of Llanvair, & Ann Weston ... mar.
1800, Jan. 10. John Charles & Phebe Jones ... mar.
" Feb. 11. William Tannant & Ann Drury ... mar.
" Apr. 14. John Grindley & Jane Woolridge ,.. mar.
" June 7. Samuel Jackson & Jane Parry ... mar.
" Oct. 12. Thomas Jones & Elizth. Jones ... mar.
1801, Jan. 23. Edward Owen & Martha Lee ... mar.
" Jan. 27. John Jones & Mary Roberts ... mar.

674 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1801

1801, Feb. 3. Hugh Williams, of St. Martins, & Mary Pritchard ... mar.
" Feb. 16. William Hollis, of Ellesmere, & Ann Gittins ... mar.
" Apr. 7. William Edwards & Elianor Jones ... mar.
" May 3. Edward Salmon & Mary Parry ... mar.
" Aug. 10. James Dicer & Ann Wild ... mar.
" Sep. 7. Thomas Williams & Martha Parry ... mar.
" Nov. 13. Thomas Vaughan & Mary Peter ... mar.
1802, May 22. John Price & Elizabeth Evans ... mar.
" May 31. Richard Lewis & Lucy Kendrick ... mar.
" Sep. 26. Edward Dodd, of Ellesmere, & Margaret Windsor ... mar.
" Oct. 22. William Jones & Mary Edwards ... mar.
" Nov. 11. Ricd. Edwards & Ann Phillips
" Nov. 13. Edward Weston & Margaret Price ... mar.
1803, May 5. Thomas Teggin & Catherine Lindap ... mar.
" May 21. John Roberts & Alice Jones ... mar.
" May 23. John Lacon & Mary Jones ... mar.
" May 23. Abraham Davies & Catherine Piggott ... mar.
" June 13. Robert Jones & Martha Jones ... mar.
" Nov. 17. Edward Lloyd & Mary Cureton, of Hordley ... mar.
" Dec. 29. John Rogers & Sarah Roberts ... mar.
1804, Jan. 2. Richrd. Slater & Ann Roberts ... mar.
" Feb. 7. Heli Cartwright, of Wolverhampton, & Maria Usher ... mar.
" Mar. 5. Thomas Jones & Hannah Berkley, of Ellesmere ... mar.
" Mar. 12. Samuel Evans & Mary Wynn ... mar.
" Mar. 22. Joseph Ecclesea & Elizabeth Rogers, of Ellesmere
" Apr. 6. Evan Davies, of Selattyn, & Elizbth. Broughall, of Halston ... mar.
" May 2. Joseph Brookfield & Sarah Price, of West Felton ... mar.
" May 21. Willm. Furber & Elizh. Savage ... mar.
" June 1. Samuel Jones & Jane Cash ... mar.
" Aug. 25. John Bowyer & Lettitia Jones, both of Halston ... mar.

1809] Whittington. 675

1805, Feb. 14. Thomas Evans & Mary Jarvis ... mar.
" Mar. 11. Willm. Morris & Ann Grindley ... mar.
" Mar. 18. Willm. Griffiths & Elizth. Parry ... mar.
" Apr. 15. Thomas Windsor & Elizh. Lloyd ... mar.
" Apr. 20. Edward Thomas & Sarah Cotton ... mar.
" May 9. William Jones & Mary Jones ... mar.
" June 27. William Lee & Sarah Swinarton ... mar.
" July 7. William Edwards & Mary Edwards, of Oswestry ... mar.
" July 29. William Evans & Jane Richards ... mar.
1806, Jan. 7. John Charles & Mary Morris ... mar.
" July 13. John Rawlins, of Town of Shrewsbury, & Rebecca Broughall, of Halston ... mar.
" Nov. 13. Thomas Broughall & Martha Smith ... mar.
1807, Jan. 5. Joseph Jarvis, of Ruabon, & Ann Edwards, of Halston ... mar.
" May 16. Thomas Brown & Ann Jones ... mar.
" May 17. John Edwards & Mary Prinalld, of St. Martin ... mar.
" July 5. Joseph Williams & Margaret Windsor ... mar.
" Sep. 7. Samuel Evinson & Sarah Evans ... mar.
" Nov. 17. William Jones & Ann Jones ... mar.
" Dec. 15. Edward Roberts & Mary Hughes ... mar.
1808, Jan. 30. Joseph Newns & Mary Kilvert ... mar.
" Feb. 26. Francis Kerry & Mary Harper ... mar.
" Apr. 30. Robert Edwards & Sarah Harper ... mar.
" May 16. Richard Hodges & Sarah Humphreys, of Oswestry ... mar.
" May 10. John Minshall & Ann Brookfield ... mar.
" May 24. John Barkley & Catherine Roberts ... mar.
" May 26. Edward Nicholls & Margaret Roberts ... mar.
" May 31. David Roberts & Alice Davies ... mar.
" Aug. 29. John Jones & Ann Matthews ... mar.
" Sep. 14. Robert William & Mary Edwards ... mar.
" Sep. 23. Edward Evans, of West Felton, & Mary Williams ... mar.
1800, Feb. 15. John Evans & Sarah Vaughan ... mar.
" Mar. 20. James Green & Elizth. Jones ... mar.
" May 9. Joseph Salmon & Margaret Thomas ... mar.

676 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809

1809, May 9. John Parry, of Llangollen, & Elizth. Briscoe ... mar.
" Aug. 12. John Richards & Margaret Roberts ... mar.
" Oct. 9. Edward Roberts & Elizabeth Lloyd ... mar.
" Nov. 13. John Lloyd & Mary Smith ... mar.
" Dec. 5. John Lewis & Mary Windsor ... mar.
1810, Jan. 14. Thomas Jackson, of Ellesmere, & Catherine Keates ... mar.
" May 12. Henry Evans & Mary Jones ... mar.
" May 14. Thomas Phillips, of Worthing, & Elianor Thomas ... mar.
" May 16. James Boodle & Eleanor Cook, of Ellesmere ... mar.
" Aug. 10. John Jones & Margaret Richards ... mar.
" Oct. 22. William Wynn Owen* & Sarah Gittons, of Oswestry ... mar.
" Nov. 4. Thomas Davies & Mary Jones ... mar.
" Nov. 5. Edward Rogers & Elizabeth Griffiths ... mar.
" Nov. 19. Jonathan Wilde, of Oswestry, & Frances Usher ... mar.
" Dec. 31. William Hughes, of Ellesmere, & Elizth. Jones ... mar.
1811, Feb. 28. Richard Boodle & Theresa Roberts ... mar.
Mar. 8. Reese Owens & Mary Richards ... mar.
" Mar. 11. Samuel Stocker & Jane Evans ... mar.
" Apr. 19. William Edisbury, of Wrexham, & Jane Owen ... mar.
" Apr. 19. Hugh Price & Mary Jones ... mar.
" May 6. William Hampson, of Wem, & Jane Usher ... mar.
" June 8. Richard Richards & Eleanor Parry ... mar.
" July 29. John Hughes & Elizth. Davies ... mar.
" Aug. 10. Willm. Jones & Mary Jones ... mar.
" Sep. 25. John Jones, of Cound, & Elizah. Edwards ... mar.
" Nov. 5. Richard Furber & Mary Jones ... mar.
1812, Feb. 20. John Beckett & Elizth. Jonee ... mar.
" Apr. 23. Joseph Windsor & Mary Price ... mar.
" May 4. William Cartwright & Elizth. Lewis ... mar.

* Wm. Wynn Owen, Curate 1809-1810.

1812] Whittington. 677

1812, June 6. James Humphreys & Mary Pierce, of Ellesmere ... mar.
" June 17. Thomas Hodnett & Jane Elliott, of Ellesmere ... mar.
" Oct. 9. John Jones & Mary Jones ... mar.

678 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809

A.D. 1809


Number and
Date of Birth Date of Date of
Baptism. Christening. Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.

1808 1809 1809
Dec. 25. 1 Jan. 15. William Edward & Mary Evans Whittington

Jan 4. 2 Jan. 22. Mary John & Margaret George Babins wood
3 Jan. 22. Elizabeth Samuel & Jane Jones Whittington
4 Jan. 22. Thomas Thomas & Mary Vaughan St. Martin's Parish
Jan. 28. 5 Jan. 30. Frederick Atcherley Edward & Mary Edwards Frankton
Jan. 24. 6 Feb. 5. Elizabeth William & Mary Edwards Daywell
Jan. 28. 7 Feb. 12. Edward David & Jane James Babins wood
Mar. 1. 8 Mar. 22. Maria Thomas & Maria Nightingale Frankton
9 Mar. 12. Jane William & Jane Evans Whittington
10 Mar. 24. Richard Richard & [-] Bumstead Babins wood
11 Apr. 9. Ann Jonathan & Catherine Williams Whittington
12 Apr. 23. Elizabeth John & Elizabeth Parry Whittington
Apr. 8. 13 Apr. 30. Sarah Samuel & Jane Jackson Whittington
May 1. 14. May 6. Maria Richard & Sarah Hodges Whittington
May 8. 15 May 14. Edward Edward & Elizabeth Borroughs Frankton

1809] Whittington. 679

A.D. 1809.


Namber and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1809 1809 1809

May 10. 16 May 21. Edward John & Sarah Evans Whittington
May 3. 17 May 21. James John & Sarah Price Daywell
May 13. 18 June 11. Mary Daniel & Sarah Rateliff Decoy
June 5. 19 June 18. John Benjamin & Terissa Roberts Daywell
20 June 25. Mary Francis & Mary Kerry Berghill
June 17. 1 July 9. Elizabeth Thomas & Mary Jones Ebnall
July 9. 2 July 23. Ann Thomas & Elizabeth Pemberton Babins wood
July 21. 3 Aug. 13. Thomas Thomas & Elizabeth Richards Henlle
July 20. 4 Aug. 13. Thomas Robert & Mary Jones Babins wood
Aug. 15. 5 Aug. 27. Edward John & Ann Lloyd Babins wood
6 Aug. 27. Sarah Edward & Jane Jones Whittington
Aug. 16. 7 Sep. 3. William Henry & Mary Davies Frankton
Aug. 23. 8 Sep. 10. Robert John & Ann Wynn Henlle
Aug. 12. 9 Sep. 20. Mary Thomas & Mary Hughes Gobowen
Aug. 29. 10 Sep. 17. Henry Thomas & Elizabeth Jones Oswestry Parish

680 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809

A.D. 1809.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1809 1809 1809

31 Sep. 24. Margaret George & Ann Davies Whittington
Aug. 27. 32 Oct. 1. Elizabeth John & Mary Charles Whittington


July 20. Oct. Oct. 22. William Joseph & Sarah Brookfield Henlle
Oct. 12. 34 Oct. 29. Elizabeth William & Mary Margan Babins wood
Oct. 12. 35 Nov. 5. John Thomas & Martha Williams Ebnall
Oct. 12. 36 Nov. 19. Thomas Thomas & Mary Evans Babins wood
Nov. 20. 37 Dec. 3. Samuel Richard & Ann Slater Whittington
Nov. 27. 38 Dec. 12. Mary John & Sarah Roberts Ebnall
Nov. 23. 39 Dec. 17. John Samuel & Jane Cartwright Babins wood
Dec. 14. 40 Dec. 24. William, Bastard son of Jane Edwards of Gobowen, by Edward Booth
41 Dec. 24. Edward Edward & Martha Owen Whittington
Dec. 23. 42 Dec. 31. Mary John & Jane Jones Selattyn Parish

{ 39 of the Parish.
42 { 3 Aliens.

C. A. A. LLOYD, Rector.

1809] Whittington. 681


Date of Events.

Whittington Castle was repaired.

Castle well discoved and opened and the following things were found in
it:- The handle of the bucket, a large pair of iron fetters for the legs,
a large jug, & the remains of stags heads, swords, &c., but nothing of
any value. A curious carved stone head discovered on removing some
rubbish near the Castle.

Rev. W. W. Davies resigns the living of Whittington.

August 5th, C. A. A. Lloyd instituted, August 12th inducted.

Tithe bam fitted up for a boy's school upon Mr. Lancaster's plan.

Part of a field called the foxholes belonging to the glebe planted with
oak, larch, fir & poplar. a. 1, r. 2, p. 0.

Nov. 9th. John Venables & his sister go to London to learn Mr. Lancaster's plan of education.

Dec. 13th. Return with George Penney a boy educated by Mr. Lancaster & now Schoolmaster at Bath.

" 18th. A boys school opened on Mr. Lancaster's plan.


Mr. Charles W. W. Wynn Recorder of Oswestry receives the thanks together
with a piece of plate value £80 of the Corporation, burgesses &
inhabitants of that town for voting independently in the case of the Duke
of York.- Act passes for paving and lighting the town of Oswestry.- A
school is opened for 150 poor boys upon Mr. Lancaster's plan at Wrexham.

682 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810

A.D. 1810.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1809 1810

Dec. 23. 1 Jan. 7. Ann Edward & Elizabeth Roberts Frankton

Jan. 8. 2 Jan. 11. John John & Elizabeth Parry Whittington

Oct. 22. 3 Jan. 14. Sarah Peter & Ann Wilkinson Babins wood
Oct. 22. 4 Jan 20. William Edward & Elizabeth Windsot Frankton
Oct. 22. 5 Jan. 20. Richard Bastard son of Eleanor Parry, by Richard Richards of Whittington

Jan. 24. 6 Feb. 11. William Edward & Mary Roberts Oswestry Parish
Jan. 26. 7 Feb. 18. Mary William & Mary Griffiths Hindford
Feb. -. 8. Mar. 4. William John & Lettitia Bowyer Whittington
Feb. 15. 9. Mar. 4. Mary William & Mary Griffiths Hindford
Jan. 14. 10. Mar. 11. Mary Joseph & Margaret Salmon Hindford
Feb. 15. 11 Mar. 11. James James & Margaret Rogers Decoy
12 Mar. 11. Peter John & Elizabeth Maddocks Pwll

1810] Whittington. 683

A D. 1810.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.
1809 1810 1810

July 21. 13 Mar. 12. Mary The Honble. Thomas & Charlotte Kenyon Ruyton Parish
14 Mar. 18. Kesia Samuel & Margaret Jones Whittington

Feb. 23. 15 Mar. 18. Joseph Joseph & Margaret Williams Ebnall
Mar. 19. 16 Apr. 8. Elizabeth John & Sarah Price Ellesmere Parish
17 Apr. 15. Mary Robert & Margaret Roberts Frankton
Apr. 20. 18 Apr. 20. Ann Bastard daugr. of Ann Griffiths of Whittington, by [-] Thomas of Oswestry Parish
Apr. 6. 19 Apr. 22. Sarah William & Sarah Lee Hindford
Apr. 24. 20 May 13. Elizabeth Thomas & Ann Brown Babins wood
1 May 16. John John & Sarah Woolridge Old Marton
May 1. 2 May 20. Jane William & Magdalene Brown Ellesmere Parish

Jan. 30. 3 May 27. William Edward & Elizabeth Davies Frankton

Apr. 20. 4 May 27. Francis Edward & Elizabeth Davies Frankton
5 May 30. Deborah Charles & Jane Griffiths Ebnall

684 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810

A.D. 1810.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1810 1810 1810

Apr. 27. 6 May 31. Elizabeth Thomas & Elizabeth Kynaston Whittington
7 June 10. Sarah Charles & Ann Davies Henlle
May 31. 8 June 10. Elizabeth John & Margaret Richards Babins wood
June 2. 9 June 24. Thomas John & Mary Evans Daywell

Apr. 27. 30 June 24. Thomas Thomas & Emma Edwards Whittington
31 July 1. Hannah Robert & Sarah Jones Hindford

June 24. 32 July 1. William Thomas & Mary Lee Whittington

C. A. A. LLOYD, Rector.

July 5. 33 July 15. John James & Mary Phillips Halston Parish
July 27. 34 July 29. Robert Bastard son of Jane Killan of Henlle, by Edward Morgan
May 25. 35 Aug. 19. Richard William & Elizabeth Gregory Oswestry Parish
6 Sep. 16. Richard Thomas & Jane Jones Whittington
July 5. 7 Sep. 23. Edward Thomas & Catherine Davies Frankton
8 Sep. 23. David David & Margaret Thomas Whittington

1810] Whittington. 685

A.D. 1810.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1810 1810 1810

May 9. 9 Sep. 29. Edward John & Jane Paddock Ellesmere Parish
Oct. 3. 40 Oct. 21. Mary David & Ann Richards Babins wood
1 Oct. 28. Samuel Thomas & Martha Jones Hindford
2 Oct. 28. Ann Francis & Mary Kerry Berghill
Oct. 16. 3 Nov. 18. Elizabeth Robert & Mary Lloyd Babins wood
Nov. 19. 4 Nov. 25. Edward John & Mary Lewis Ebnall
Nov. 5. 5 Nov. 25. Mary John & Sarah Price Gobowen
Nov. 21. 6 Nov. 25. Richard Bastard son of Elizabeth Furber of Selattyn Parish by John Archer of Fernhill
Dec. -. 7 Dec. 2. Mary Samuel & Mary Edwards Whittington
Dec. 11. Dec. 14. Mary Ann Edward & Mary Edwards Frankton

{ 38 of the Parish }
47 { 9 Aliens. } 4 Bastard Children.

686 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810


1810 A.D.

Date of Events.

Jany. 18th. The boys school opened upon Mr Lancaster's plan at Whittington succeeds.

Feby. A girls school opened upon the same plan being nearly the first in
the kingdom. The Dissenters at Oswestry adopt the new mode of instruction
and make use of the gallery in their Chapel for that purpose.

March. Rev. W. Davies succeeds to the Llannerch estate in Denbighshire.-
An account taken of the size of all Churches & Chapels in the Kingdom.-
Both school rooms at Whittington enlarged.-Hay crops scanty.-Great tithes
of Oswestry parish, & much land about the town sold by Lord Powis.-
Tithes bought by the Aston Sweeney & Pradoe families.

Septr. Rev. W. W. Davies resigns the living of Selattyn.- Oswestry
Charity School for boys removed from a small room in the Church yard to
the town hall. -Mr. I.ancaster's plan adopted.-Number of scholars
increase to sixty.-Rectory House is struck with lightning, but little
mischief is done. -Faculty for a vault made at the rebuilding of the
Church granted to Mr. Lovett for Belmont House.-Very fine weather for the
corn harvest. -Tithes wheat valued at 12s. per measure.- Churchyard wall
facing the street rebuilt with stone.-Morrals bank at Shrewsbury fails.-
Shropshire Agricultural Society established.

Oct. 25th. A school opened in Felton Parish upon Mr. Lancaster's plan &
George Nicholas of Whittington school appointed Master.

Nov. The Rev. W. W. Davies succeeds to the estate of Broughton on the
death of his father.-Lease of the girls school granted by W. Lloyd, Esqr.
upon two lives & ten years.-Continuation vide Register of Burials for

C. A. A. LLOYD, Rector.

1811] Whittington. 687

A.D. 1811.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1810 1811 1811
Nov. 9. 1 Jan. 1. Thomas Thomas & Mary Davies Bucknall
July 26. 2 Jan. 6. Thomas Thomas & Elizabeth Jones Babins wood
Oct. 13. 3 Jan. 6. Margaret Edward & Margaret Nicholls Whittington
Aug. 6. 4 Jan. 25. John George & Jane Wynn West Felton

Jan. 21. 5 Feb. 3. Thomas Thomas & Mary Jones Hindford
Jan. 6. 6 Feb. 3. William Richard & Magdalen Brown Ebnall
Feb. 7. 7 Mar. 10. John John & Margaret Jones Fernhill

Nov. 27. 8 Mar. 10. Richard Richard & Mary Morris Whittington

Mar. 15. 9 Apr. 7. Mary John & Mary Price Gobowen
10 Apr. 28. Elizabeth Richard & Mary Price Whittington
Apr. 13. 11 Apr. 28. Roger Henry & Elizabeth Hughes Babins wood
May 14. 12 June 2. Mary David & Ann Davies Babins wood
May 28. 13 June 9. Thomas David & Elizabeth Jarvis Daywell
Apr. 9. 14 June 30. James Samuel & Jane Jackson Whittington

688 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1811

A.D. 1811


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1811 1811 1811

15 June 30. William John & Sarah Evans Whittington
June 27. 16 July 7. Sarah John & Hannah Welsh Hindford
Apr. 16. 17 July 14. Jane Samuel & Margaret Jones Whittington
18 July 21. Ann John & Emma Jones Whittington
Mar. 10. 19 July 25. George The Honourable Thomas & Charlotte Kenyon Ruyton Parish
July 16. 20 Aug. 11. Sarah Samuel & Sarah Evenson Whittington
1 Aug. 11. John William & Sarah Davies Whittington
Aug. 7. 2 Aug. 18. Elizabeth Robert & Elizabeth Vaughan Ebnall
Aug. 14. 3 Aug. 25. John Jonathan & Catherine Williams Whittington
Aug. 26. 4 Sep. 1. Fanny Samuel & Frances Whittal Jackson Gobowen
June 1. 5 Sep. 15. William John & Ann Jones Babins wood
Sep. 6. 6 Sep. 15. Ann Thomas & Maria Nightingale Frankton
Oct. 4. 7 Oct. 13. Edward Samuel & Jane Jones Whittington
Sep. 12. 8 Oct. 13. Hannah Evan & Mary Edwards Fernhill
Sep. 29. 29 Oct. 20. Ann David & Mary Jones Whittington

{ 27 of the parish. }
Total 29 { 2 Aliens. } All legitimate children.

C. A. A. LLOYD, Rector.

1811] Whittington. 689


Date of Event.

Female Friendly Society established at Whittington. - Moiety of the
tithes of Whittington Township sold by Mr. Williams to Mr. John Croxon of
Oswestry.- Babies wood oak plantation thinned, Produce £10 per acre.

April. An order made at the turnpike meeting at Oswestry to repay to the
poor of Whittington the sum of £30 with the interest since 1792 amounting
in the whole to £67.10.0.- Fine Spring weather.

" 28th. Mr. J. Venables appointed permanent overseer with a salary of
twenty five pounds a year.- An account taken of the population of ye
Parish. No. of persons 1530.

May. Small pox rages on Babies wood altho' poor persons have the
advantage of being inoculated with ye Cow pock free of expence, and
altho' no prejudice exists against inoculation. - Ellesmere Canal
assessed.- Two Stage Coaches run thro' Whittington from Oswestry to
Liverpool, but are soon discontinued.- Mr. Lovett purchases 60 acres of
land at £80 per acre in the township of Ebnall.

July. Rectory house new slated,* viz. the South side with Llangynog
Slates from the Gribbin rock, the old Glyn slates (its former covering
from 1758 see register of Bap. for that year having decayed). Mr.
Edwards, Curate.

Novr. Mr. Lancaster visits the schools at Whittington.

Labourers wages 2d. a day.
Wheat valued at 12d. a measure in letting the tithes.

Great inconvenience occasioned in the payment of labourers wages by the
scarcity of silver coin.- In consequence of Lord Stanhope's bill gold
guineas, half guineas & 7s. pieces are no longer to be found in

* The Gribbon rock is on the left hand of the road from Oswestry to Bala
& the Ruarth rock on the right hand. The Ruarth slates are the best. This
information was not obtained till it was too late.

C. A. A. LLOYD, Rector.

690 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812

A.D. 1812.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1811 1812 1812

Dec. 5. 1 Jan. 12. Thomas Robert & Mary Lloyd Babins wood
Nov. 29. 2 Jan. 12. Sarah John & Ann Wynn Henlle
Dec. 28. 3 Jan. 19. Elizabeth Thomas & Elizth. Pemberton Babins wood

Jan. 15. 4 Feb. 9. Ann William & Mary Davies Frankton
Feb. 28. 5 Mar. 1. Susan Robert & Margaret Roberts Frankton
Feb. 9. 6 Mar. 1. Hannah William & Mary Morgan Babins wood
Feb. 8. 7 Mar. 1. John Joseph & Mary Bowen Daywell
Feb. 16. 8 Mar. 8. Robert Robert & Mary Jones Babins wood
Feb. 22. 9 Mar. 8. Sarah Richard & Eleanor Richards Whittington
Feb. 26. 10 Mar. 29. Edward Thomas & Martha Williams Ebnall
Feb. 25. 11 Apr. 5. Mary Thomas & Elizabeth Richards Hindford
Mar. 2. 12 Apr. 12. Bridgett John & Bridget Thomas Drenewydd
Mar. 21. 13 Apr. 12. Robert John & Martha Corbett Babins wood
Apr. 3. 14 Apr. 26. Maria Thomas & Elizabeth Jones Oswestry Parish
Apr. 17. 15 May 10. Mary Henry & Mary Davies Frankton
Mar. 17. 16 May 17. Charles Bastard son of Mary Bol, by William Edwards Whittington

1812] Whittington. 691

A.D. 1812.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names. Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening.

1812 1812 1812

Apr. 27. 17 May 17. John William & Elizabeth Griffiths Hindford
Apr. 15. 18 May 17. Margaret James & Margaret Rogers Decoy
19 May 24. Margaret Linus & Catherine Oats Whittington
May 23. 20 June 7. Jane Thomas & Mary Davies Whittington
Apr. 12. 21 June 13. John Charles & Ann Davies Ellesmere Parish
June 10. 22 June 28. Mary George & Elianor Hughes Daywell
June 17. 23 June 28. Jane Samuel & Jane Cartwright Whittington
Mar. 6. 4 June 28. Thomas John & Elizabeth Smith Whittington
Apr. 21. 5 June 28. Joseph John & Margaret Jones Whittington

May 12. 6 June 29. Richard John & Mary Wall Decoy

Mar. -. 7 June 29. Ann William & Ann Morris Berghill
June 23. 8 July 12. John William & Mary Jones Frankton
June 20. 9 July 12. William Joseph & Margaret Salmon Babins wood
May 5. 30 Aug. 2. John John & Margaret Richards Babins wood
July 17. 31 Aug. 9. James Joseph & Margaret Williams Ebnall
Aug. 8. 32 Aug. 23. Mary Edward & Mary Roberts Oswestry Parish

C. A. A. LLOYD, Rector.

692 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812

A.D. 1812.


Number and
Date of Birth. Date of Date of Child's Name. Parents' Names and Trade Place of Abode.
Baptism. Christening. Christian Surname.

1812 1812 1812

Sep. 2. 33 Sep. 20. John John Beckett Shoemaker Babins wood
Sep. 28. 34 Sep. 28. Margaret Hannah[?] Grindley Babins wood
Richard Jebb Babins wood
Sep. 16. 35 Oct. 4. James James Humphrey Farrier Berghill
Sep. 28. 36 Oct. 18. Richard John Parry Sawyer Whittington
Oct. 24. 37 Nov. 8. Mary William Gregory Labourer Oswestry Parish
Oct. 26. 38 Nov. 15. Elizabeth Francis Kerry Sawyer Whittington
*Oct. 15. Oct. 16. Nov. 22. Mary Thomas Harper Wheelwright Fernhill
*Oct. 29. 40 Nov. 22. Sarah Thomas Davies Labourer Frankton
Nov. 15. 41 Dec. 6. Ann Thomas Brown Farmer Babins wood
Nov. 27. 42 Dec. 20. Ann John Price Taylor Gobowen
Nov. 15. 43 Dec. 27. Joseph Thomas Jones Farmer Hindford

Total 43. Total 39 of the Parish }
4 Aliens } two Bastard children.

* These two Baptisms were performed by "Charles Lloyd" who signs his name in pencil.

1812] Whittington. 693



Date of Events.

The Bridge, at the Iron Mills over the Perry repaired at the expence of the
County.- A list of benefactions and Charities belonging to the parish painted
in the Church and the Commandments in the [no place mentioned].

April. The Church yard levelled, the entrance gravelled and the gates
painted.- A vertical Dial erected.- Potatoes 5s. 6d. a measure.- The timber
on Whittington & Ruabon School land sold for £155 10s. 6d. With this money a
field was purchased of Mrs. Howell. This field is bounded on the South by
land belonging to the Whittington Female Society & by a plantation of larch
the property of the Rev. C. A. A. Lloyd. On the West by the Drenewydd
property & on the North by the same & also by some land belonging to
Whittington School & a field the property of Mr. Walter Broughall.

August. Wheat 28s. a measure in Oswestry Market.- Summer very wet.

Septr. Corn harvest abundant.- A Wesleyan Meeting house opened at Oswestry.

More french prisoners sent to Oswestry making in the whole 300.- Lancastrian
schools established at Shrewsbury.- A new organ placed in Oswestry Church by

Septr. The National Society grant £200 towards erecting a school room at
Oswestry.- The proprietors of the Coal mines at Black Park & at Treferclawdd
make railroads to the Canal.

Dec. A District Society for promoting Christian knowledge in Oswestry & its
neighbourhood established.-

C. A. A. LLOYD, Rector.

[Next comes notes on 1813.]

694 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809

A.D. 1809.



Date of Burial. Names of Persons Buried. Place of Abode. Aged.

Jan. 23. Mary Harper Whittington Infant
Mar. 1. Thomas Jones Masterfyn 33
Mar. 14. Margaret Hughes Llanriader 74
Mar. 21. John Jones Whittington 63
Apr. 15. Mary Smith Berghill 88
Apr. 25. Lettitia Maddocks Pwll 15
May 1. Sarah Edwards Whittington 71
May 19. Edward Furber Ebnall 4
June 17. Joseph Wild Babins wood 67
July -. John Turner St.Martin's Parish Infant
Aug. 14. James Thomas Drenewydd 13
Sep. 14. Mary Richards Whittington 26
Oct. 1. Samuel Cartwright Babins wood 2
Oct. 5. Elizabeth Phillips Halston Parish Infant
Oct. 11. William Furber Oswestry Parish 47
Nov. 2. William Davies Whittington 25
Nov. 7. Elizabeth Jones Daywell Infant
Dec. 8. Ann Cooksley Oswestry Parish 48
Dec. 21. Ann Danaly Old Marton 72

{ 14 of the Parish.
19 { 5 Aliens.

19 { 9 Males.
{ 10 Females.

Deaths of persons under seven years of age 6
Aged seven and under twenty one 2
Aged twenty one & under seventy one 7
Aged seventy one & upwards 4
Total 19


[There is a column for "Date of Death " from 1809 to 1812, but it is left blank throughout.]

A.D. 1810.



Date of Burial. Names of Persons Buried. Place of Abode. Aged.

Jan. 7. Mary Jones Selattyn Parish Infant
Jan. 10. Sarah Richards Whittington 61

1810] Whittington. 695

Date of Burial. Names of Persons Buried. Place of Abode. Aged.


Jan. 16. Hariet Maddocks Pwll 7
Feb. 1. Richard Parry Whittington Infant
Feb. 2. Catherine Roberts Whittington 15
Feb. 4. Jane Jones Selattyn Parish 32
Feb. 10. Tarnor Salmon St. Martin's Parish Infant
Feb. 10. Margaret Thomas Whittington 2
Feb. 23. George Salmon Babins wood 72
Mar. 7. Thomas Jones Henlle 89
Mar. 8. Elizabeth Owen Selattyn Parish 72
Mar. 11. John Evans Babins wood 5
Mar. 13. Mary Thomas Hindford 72
Mar. 16. Robert Jones Whittington 70
Mar. 16. John Williams Oswestry Parish 2
Mar. 19. Jane Richards Oswestry Parish 85
Apr. 6. Thomas Peate Ebnall 73
Apr. 13. Abraham Edwards Whittington 78
Apr. 27. Ann Griffiths Whittington Infant
May 2 [?21]. Elizabeth Price Ebnall 6 1
May 25. Elizabeth Windsor Ebnall 55
June 8. John Thomas Whittington 72
June 13. Thomas Williams Selattyn Parish 48
June 16. Sarah Pritchard Whittington 59
June 16. Emma Bickley Babins wood Infant
June 26. Edward Richards Hindford 80
June 28. Jane Jones Whittington
July 5. John Broughall Whittington 28
July 20. Sarah Salmon Babins wood 70
July 28. Edward Williams Oswestry Parish 51
Sep. 10. Charles Maddocks Pwll 14
Oct. 1. Sarah Morris Selattyn Parish 82
Oct. 8. James Roberts Daywell 27
Oct. 17. John Matthews Ebnall 77
Nov. 15. John Reese Hindford 80
Nov. 26. Joseph Maddocks Pwll 4
Dec. 22. Benjamin Roberts Daywell 25
Dec. 24. Richard Edwards Whittington Infant

{ 30 of the Parish.
38 { 18 Aliens.

696 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810

Deaths of persons under seven years of age 10
Aged seven & under twenty one 4
Aged twenty one & under seventy one 12
Aged seventy one & upwards 12
Total 38
C. A. A. LLOYD, Rector.

The following account was taken by order of government of the
number of Burials, Marriages, and Baptisms in this parish
during the following years.

Years. No. Buried. No. of Baptisms. No. of
From 1801 to Males. Females. Males Females. Marriages.
1808 including
both years. 90 107 180 141 72
1809 9 10 22 20 8
1810 20 18 24 23 10
Total 119 135 226 184 80

Gd.Total of Burials 234 Gd. Total of Baps. 410

Novr. The Directors of the house of Industry admit day scholars into their school.- The Charity school held in the town hall removed to it.- This plan fails in consequence of the dissenters admitting the children in their school.

A.D. 1811.


Date of Burial. Names of Persons Buried. Place of Abode. Aged.


Jan. 13. Hannah Berkley Frankton 76
Jan. 21. Joseph Lee Whittington 68
Feb. 1. Elizabeth Roberts Ebnall 59
Feb. 27. Sarah Eyton Selattyn Parish 52
Mar. 17. Mary Rowel Ebnall 48
Mar. 18. Ann Husband Whittington 26
Apr. 8. John Salmon Selattyn Parish 44

1812] Whittington. 697

Date of Burial. Name of Persons Buried. Place of Abode. Aged


Apr. 15. Eleanor Furber Whittington 52
May 14. Thomas Rogers Whittington 58
May 24. John Edwards *St. Martin Parish 34
May-28[?25]. Sarah Williams Fernhill 80
June 14. John Turner *St. Martin Parish Infant
June 19. Mary Charles Whittington 26
June 27. Thomas Humphreys Berghill 81
June 29. Elizabeth Richards Babins-wood Infant
June 29. Sarah Davies Ellesmere Parish Infant
July 4. John Owen Frankton 79
July 13. Ann Williams Whittington 2
July 14. George Wynne Whittington 2
Aug. 26. Ann Richards Whittington 22
Sep. 17. Thomas Arnill Ebnall 88
Oct. 24. Susannah Earp Oswestry 88
Oct. 28. Michael Badder Whittington 62
Nov. 12. Mary Lloyd Oswestry 87
Nov. 26. Sarah Griffiths Whittington 23
Dec. 8. Jane Jones Hindford 5
Dec. 9. William Wynne Henlle 12
Dec. 26. Thomas Roberts Llanymynech 35

20 of ye Parish } 28
8 Aliens }

Nos. of Deaths of persons under 7 six
12 Males. Do. aged 7 & under 21 one
14 Females. Do. aged 21 & under 71 fourteen
Do. aged 71 & under 100 seven
28 Total. [sic] Do. aged 100 & upwards none


A.D. 1812.


Date of Burial. Names of Persons Buried. Place of Abode. Aged


Jan. 16. Walter Broughall Ralston Parish 81
Feb. 5. Martha Roberts Ebnall 63
Feb. 12. Casia Jones Whittington 76

* Almost certainly ST. MARTIN, but writing faded. In some places "St. Martin's" is written; in others "St. Martin."

698 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812

Date of Burial. Names of Persons Buried. Place of Abode. Aged.


Feb. 16. Thomas Jones Frankton 47
Feb. 23. John Griffiths Whittington 18
Mar. 13. Walter Booth Whittington 82
Mar. 21. Joseph Gittins Frankton Infant
Mar. 28. Elizabeth Price Ebnall 77
Mar. 31. Bridget Thomas Drenewydd 26
Mar. 31. Edward Boodle Oswestry 20
Apr. 1. Samuel Jones Whittington 33
Apr. 6. Mary Jones Daywell 78
Apr. 27. William Bassnett Tinkers Green 14
Apr. 27. Thomas Hall Frankton Infant
May 28. Samuel Slater Selattyn Parish Infant
June 1. William Evans Whittington Infant
June 13. Abraham Davies Ellesmere Parish Infant
June 14. Samuel Husband Whittington 21
June 24. Richard Tudor Oswestry 84
Aug. 21. William Boodle Oswestry 24
Sep. 13. William Edwards Whittington Infant
Sep. 19. Mary Powell St.Martin's Parish 50
Oct. 13. Sarah Wildblood Great Ness Parish 48
Nov. 4. Edward Nicholls Whittington Infant
Nov. 21. Richard Hitchin Halston Parish 63

[No note at bottom of this page. Next page contains 1813 entries with usual date and summary following. There is a column for "By whom the ceremony was performed," but it is left blank throughout. The Baptisms from 1809 to 1814 are on parchment, but they have been taken out of an older Register, and bound up in a paper book which extends to 1864.]

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