The Shropshire Parish Register Society.

Diocese of St. Asaph.



Note for the Reader.

THE present volume is the fifth volume of the Registers of the Shropshire portion of the Diocese of St. Asaph, which has been printed by the Shropshire Parish Register Society. It contains the second and third volumes of the voluminous Registers of Oswestry, extending from the year 1669 to 1727 (baptisms and marriages) and to 1750 (burials). The remaining volumes of these Registers to 1812 have been copied, and will in due course be issued to Members of the Society.

For the transcript of the present volume, our thanks are due to Miss Rachel Leighton. The proofs of volume II. have been most carefully collated with the original Register by Arch-deacon Thomas, and of volume III. by Miss Auden, and the index has been prepared by Mr. T. M. Carpendale.

A few words of explanation are necessary, in reference to the Index. In the earlier volumes of this series (excluding Oswestry, volume I.), in the case of Welsh names - it would not be correct to call them surnames - the name appearing after the first " ap " or " verch " was, for indexing purposes, regarded as the surname. This plan has not been adopted in the present volume, but the following will explain the method used in compiling the Index, and will serve as a guide in tracing families. (1) Where there is clearly no surname but a series of Christian names, the name of the individual will always be found indexed under the first Christian name. (2) Where there is clearly a surname, in a Welsh family, the persons will be found indexed under such surname. (3) In some cases it is difficult to tell whether an apparent surname is really a surname or a trade, and in such cases the compiler of the Index has acted on his own judgment in indexing them either under the apparent surname or under the first Christian name.

Sometimes, in the present volume an " ap name " has been indexed twice; thus, such an entry as " Mary, d. of Richard Edwards ap John " has been indexed under the first name " Mary," and also under " Edwards ap John."

It is necessary to correct an error that appeared in the " Note for the Reader" at the beginning of Oswestry, volume I. It is there stated, in the third paragraph,- " (1) Where there is clearly no surname but a series of Christian names, the name of the individual will be found indexed under the first Christian name." This is not the case; volume I. was not so indexed. The method in which volume I. was indexed, so far as regards " ap names," is as follows:- All ap names are indexed under the last name only. Thus, such an entry as " John ap Jeuan ap Gryffyth, bapt." (vol. I., p. 166), will be found indexed under " Gryffyth." and not under John. All trades are given in alphabetical order, and the Christian names follow the several trades.

I would ask the reader to peruse Archdeacon Thomas's remarks on Welsh names in the " Note for the Reader" in volume I. They are equally applicable to the present volume. It will be noticed that surnames have become much more general in the present volume, than was the case in the first volume.

The Registers comprised in this volume have not been printed in full, as was the case in volume I., but in an abbreviated form, which can readily be understood, though every salient point has been recorded, and all occurrences, remarkable events, etc., have been given in full.

The following abbreviations have been adopted:-

afft. - affidavit. co. - county. p. - parish.
b. - born. d. - daughter. pr. - pauper.
bap. - baptized. esq. - esquire. s. - son.
bur. - buried. f. - filius (or filia). sep. - sepultus
c. - child. gen. - gentleman. ux. - uxor.
cert. - certificate. inft. - infant. vid. - vidua.
chr. - christened. lab. - labourer. w. - wife.
cler. - clericus. mar. - married. wid. - widow.
clk. - clerk. nup. - nupti.

Thanks are due to the late and present Vicars of Oswestry for leave to print the Register, and for facilities afforded in transcription and collation.

December, 1912.

Contents.   PAGES.
Introductioni - vi
Register, Volume II., 1669 to 17271 - 396
", Volume III., 1678 to 1750396 - 664
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