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Vol. I.
Vol. II.
Vol. III.
Vol. IV.

The Registers

Issued by

The Registers


INDEX i-vii


The Registers of

Hughley Registers.

AT the dissolution of the monasteries, in 1535, Thomas Cromwell was created Vicar-General, and was entrusted in October of that year with a Commission for the Visitation of Religious Establishments. Among the new regulations was included an injunction framed in September, 1538, providing that every Parson, Vicar, or Curate, should keep a faithful account of the Weddings, Christenings, and Funerals in his Parish.

In Domesday, Hughley occurs as an unnamed manor of half a hide, in the hundred of Condover, held by Aluric's son under Wenlock Priory. It was afterwards held by feoffees of the Priory, at a chief-rent of 5s., and is always written as Lega, or Lee, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. At the end of the thirteenth century it was called Hughley, the prefix being the Christian name of a former lord of the manor. It was held by the family of de Lega, or de Lee, who took their name from the Lee or manor.

Hughley Chapel was founded before 1176, and was an affiliation of Wenlock. Shortly before 1176 the Prior of Wenlock granted the advowson to Thomas de Lega on certain conditions. In the Taxation of 1291 the Church of Huley, or Heweleye, was valued at less than £4 annually. A list of the Incumbents prior to 1415 is given in Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, vi, 308.

The Parish Register Abstract, 1831, contains the following account of the Hughley Registers:- " Hughley R. No. I Register (in bad condition), 1576-1679. No. II, 1681-1777. No. III, Bap., Bur., 1778-1812. No. IV, Marr., 1758-1812."

The first volume of the Hughley Registers embraces a period of one hundred and three years, viz. 1576-1679. It originally consisted of twenty-four leaves, but portions of the tenth, the eighteenth, the twenty-second, and the twenty-fourth have been cut away. Some of the entries are out of their order, but it does not appear that any are missing. The writing is in a fair state of preservation, and very little of it is illegible. The size of the leaves is 11 1/2 by 5 3/4 inches.

The second volume extends from 1681 to 1777. It is smaller than Vol. I, the leaves measuring 10 1/4 by 6 inches. and consists of thirty-one leaves, the last of which has been cut away after the last entry to the extent of half the leaf. None of the entries are illegible, and it is for the most part beautifully written.


The third volume contains Christenings and Burials only from 1778 to 1812. It also is of parchment, and bound in a strong vellum cover, and consists of thirteen leaves measuring 11 3/4 by 7 1/4 inches. The entries end on the last page but three, and the two next pages are blank. On the last page are records of the population of the parish at various dates.

The Marriages between 1753 and 1812 are in the prescribed form for Banns and Marriage entries under Hardwicke's Act (1753).

There are no very important entries in these Registers. The Corfields are styled " Mr." and "gent.," and the entries relating to the families of Littleton, Amyas, etc., are of interest.

There are also very few aliases, and it has been said that no adequate explanation of the usage has been given. It would seem, however, that they may be easily accounted for. (1) In some cases obvious circumstances may cause a man to be called by his mother's maiden name as often as by his father's name. That may account for some. (2) In the earlier days of surnames, when their roots were not so deep as they are now, when they had scarcely lost their original descriptive character, and were still in the process of gradual formation, it is easy to imagine a man being called by two surnames. One would fit him for one reason, the other would fit him for another reason. Hence he would have an alias. If a fourteenth or fifteenth century John were the son of Tom, and likewise a baker by trade, some might call him Tomson, and some might call him Baker, and so he would be Tomson alias Baker. One sees an instance of this in the case of one Martin alias Smith, for an entry of burial runs thus,-

1571, June 22. Thomas Hitchings, apprenticius Richardi Martyn fabri ferrarii.

It will be noticed that certain obvious errors in the entries have not been corrected, it being felt that more value would be attached to, and interest created in, a volume which reproduced as closely as possible all the peculiarities of the original documents, than one from which they had been eliminated.

The following is a list of the Incumbents named in the Registers:-

1576. Thomas Forde.
1619. John Goughe.
1665. Gilbert Cole.
1666. Francis Wilkes.
1681-1683. Francis fforester.
1682-1688. Paul Brodhurst (curate, 1688-1690).
1691-1708. Thomas Littleford, B.A., Magd. Hall, Oxford; M.A., Christ's Coll., Camb.; rector of Quatt, 1695.
1708-1722. Jacob Littleford, B.A., Pembroke Coll., Oxford; curate, 1698-1708; buried 27th December, 1722.
1722-1744. Henry Bowdler, B.A., Trinity Coll., Oxford; buried in the church, 19th February, 1744-5.


1744-1777. William Corfield, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford; rector of Easthope, 1752; buried in the church, 27th January, 1777.
1777-1804. Michael Pye Stephens, of Pembroke Coll., Oxford, was instituted 7th April, 1777. On the 3rd September, 1777, he was re-instituted to the Rectory of Hughley, " void by the neglect or default of the said Michael Pye Stephens, the last Incumbent there, in not conforming to the several acts of uniformity now in force."
1804-1813. Morgan Jones.
1813-1826. Morgan W. Jones.
1826-1850. Benjamin Howell, buried in the church, 12th November, 1850.
1851-1888. John Wakefield, M.A., St. Edmund Hall, Oxford; buried 12th July, 1888.
1888-1894. Thomas Evans Minshull, M.A., Trinity Coll., Dublin, buried, 31st May, 1894.
1894-. Edward Collett, M.A., St. Mary Hall, Oxford.

For over fifty years previous to 1827 there was no resident Rector. The church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist.

The following Curates' names also appear in the Register:-

1675-1681. John Cole, buried 11th January, 1681.
1696-1698. Richard Smallman.
1772. John Greaves.
1817-1818. James Turner.
1818-1821. Roger Atcherley.
1821-1822. T. Braim.
1822-1827. Edward Tillett, Minister of Bourton, 1821, Vicar of Much Wenlock.

In the eighteenth century, several burials from small-pox occur.

The expression sometimes used, " a very good Christian," is curious.

Hughley is in the diocese of Hereford, rural deanery of Church Stretton, and hundred of Condover. The Church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. The Registers have been transcribed by the Rector. The proofs as they passed through the press have been compared with the first Register by him, assisted by the Rev. W.G.D. Fletcher, and with the subsequent Registers by the Rector.

June 24, 1899.

1576. Hughlie. Anno Dom. 1576.

The Register booke of the p'ishe of Hughly above-said, newely written by Sr. Thomas Forde Clearke, Curat, theare bearing date Anno Dom. 1576.


Vicesimo sexto die Aprillis Joane Hurcot died and was ... buryed Anno pr. dicto.
Vicesimo decimo die mensis maij Willmus Bayley, fillius Richardi Bagley, renatus fuit.

ANNO DOM. 1577.

Sexto die mensis novembris Johannes Botwod accepit sibi in uxorem Mary Corfild, Anno ut supra.
Vicesimo primo die mensis novembris Richardus posterne sepultus fuit Anno pr. dicto.
Vicesimo primo die Januarij Lawrence Rocke ... baptizatus fuit Anno supradicto.
Septimo die Martij Ann Wen renatus [sic] fuit.

ANNO DOM. 1578.

Quarto die Marcii Margureta [?] renatus [sic] fuit.

ANNO DOM. 1579.

Decimo quinto die dec.bris.
Decimo quinto die febrii Edwardus Baggley renatus fuit.
[Another entry quite illegible.]
Quarto die marcij Richardus renatus fuit anno supradicto.
Decimo quarto die marcij Alicia Carter renate [sic] fuit.

115 1

2 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1580

ANNO Dom. 1580.
Decimo tertio die maij Thomas Lewis sepultus fuit.
Decimo tertio die maij Maria:Voris sepultus [sic] fuit.
Vicesimo secundo die Junij Alicia mason renal. fuit Anno ut supra.
Vicesimo secundo die decembris Willimus Wean Baptizafus fuit.
Vicesimo sexto die marcij Anna Bullocke sepultus [sic] fuit Anno pr. dicto.

ANNO DOM. 1581.
Joice Stringer was buryed the [blank].
Annie Holand the xxviijth daye of decembe.
Elizabeth Bullock was buried the xxxth daie of marche the aforsaid.

ANNO DOM. 1582.
Johannes Wedgwood sepultus fuit io die maij Anno ut supra. Mathewe Stinton and Johanna more were maryed the xxxth daie of maij.
Joahan Stinton was baptised the xxvth daie of Julij anno pr. dicta.
Joahan Mason baptisatus fuit xvjto die Augusti.
Thomas Bullocke renatus fuit octo die februarij.

ANNO DOM. 1583.
Isabell Weaver renatus [sic] fuit octo die Augusti, anno pr. dicto.
Arther tomkis et Alicia Stringer mariti fuerunt septimo die novembris Anno ut supra.
Issabell Stinter renatus fuit 30 die Januarij Anno pr. dicto. Thomas Weston renatus fuit vicesimo die februarij Anno ut supra.

ANNO DOM. 1586.
Margery Stringer sepultus fuit decimo sexto die fehruarij.
[Crossed out, see below]

1586, May 28. Alexander Moore ... bur.
" Sept. 11. Roger, s. of Roger Mason ... bap.
" Sept. 21. Margery Moore ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Rogero, fillius Rogero (sic) Mason ... Sep.


1596] Hughley. 3

1587, July 28. Richardus Lewis ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Anna benbowe ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Johanes Mason renatus fuit.
" Jan. 29. Thomas Moore et Elner Amyas mariti fuerunt.
" Jan. 29. Joyce Lewis ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Wm Stringer ... sep.
" Feb. 4. Margeri Stringer uxore eide' Willielmi Stringer ... sep.
" Feb. 12. Sara Broocke renatus fuit.
" Feb. 18. Margery, fillia Wm Stringer ... sep.

[See entry crossed out above.]

1588, April 11. Fraunciscus More renatus fuit.
" April 22. Fraunciscus moore ... sep.
" Sept. 13. Richardus garet ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Thomas Heines et Jouhanne lloyd ... mar.
" Nov. 22. Fraunciscus Carter renatus fuit.
" Feb. ult. Johanes Brooke, senior ... sep.
" Mar. 16. Alexander moore ... bap.
1589, Oct. 4. Roger Bullocke ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Anne bullok ... bur.
1590, June 14. Margereta Mason renatus fuit.
" June 18. Anna Weston ... sep.
" June 30. William Millet and Elner Corfeild ... mar.
" July 15. John Garet was maryed to Jane Whoode.
" Oct. 2. Anna Stringer renatus fuit.
" Nov. 30. Margereta Corfild renatus fuit.
" Jan. 23. Johanes Corfild et Elizabethe Lewis in matrimonio conjuncti fuerunt.
" Feb. 11. Rogerus Carter renatus fuit.
" Mar. 2. William Carter ... bur.
1596, April 10. Rogerus moore, fillius Thome moor ... sep.
" May 5. Anna P'sons ... sep.
" May 14. Willielmus, fillius Johns Heynes, et Willielmus Carrter, fillius martini Carter, renati fuerunt.
" May 16. Joanna Hachkis renat.
" June 25. Frauncisca Corfield renata fuit.
" July 29. ferdinando moore renatus fuit.
" Sept. 20. Willimus Corfild ... sep.


4 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1596

1596, Oct. 25. Thoma Rocke ... sep.
" Nov. 14. Alicia Lockle ... sep.
" Jan. 16. Samuel Brooke renatus fuit.
" Mar. 12. Richardus Mason ... sep.
1597, April 11. Margereta Burnis ... sep.
" April 13. Margereta Stringer renata fuit.
" May 9. Willimus Carter sepultus fuit.
" Oct. 2. Martinus Carter ... sep.
" Feb. 18. Johan Heynes, fillia Johanis [Heynes] renata fuit.
1598, Mar. 29. Jesper moore ... bap.
" April 301. Fraunciscus Stringer renatus fuit.
" May 18. Thomas Heynes et Elizabeth Carter ... mar.
" Oct. 17. Margeri Dewhill ... sep.
" Dec. 8. Joyce Amyas renatus fuit.
" Feb. 25. Isabell Greeffethes renata fuit.
" Mar. 4. Thomas Heynes renatus fuit.
" Mar. 14. Thomas Haichkis renatus fuit.
1599, May 20. Alicia Stringer renata fuit.
" June 24. Samuel Whitikers renatus fuit.
" July 23. Johanes Lewis ... sep.
" Nov. 28. Alicia heynes renata fait.
" Jan. 2. Margery moore renata fuit.
" Mar. 24. Williemus Heynes ... sep.
1600, Mar. 25. Marye Lewis renata fuit.
" Mar. 301. Anna Corfild renata fuit.
" May 8. Fowck Bishope ... sep.
" May 22. Roger Stringer renatus fuit.
" Jan. 1. Roger Amyas renatus fuit.
" Mar. 4. Janne Kenwicke et dorytii Kenwicke renati fuerunt.
1601, May 3. Lodowickus Whitikers renatus fuit.
" May 10. Rogerus Hoichkis ... bap.
" May 17. Rogerus Stringer, fillius Rogerus Stringer ... sep.
" July 28. Alicia Stringer ... sep.
" July 30. Joyce Stringer renatus fuit.
" Oct. 9. Richardus moore renatus fuit, et sepultus fuit 11 die Octobris, 1601.
" Oct. 16. Elnor Moore ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Johanes, fillius Johannis Hemes ... bap.

1606] Hughley. 5

1601, Mar. 20. Richardus Lewys renatus fuit.
1602, May 13. Johanes Hemes ... sep.
" May 29. Richardus Stedman ... sep.
" July 16. Marye Lewis ... sep.
" July 26. Alicia Cowlton ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Alicia Stringer ... sep.
" Sept. 13. fraunciscus Stringer ... sep.
" Sept. 26. Alicia Amyes renafa fuit.
" Oct. 19. Alicia Baker renata fuit.
" Jan. 3. Alicia Heines ... sep.
" Jan. 22. Wms Cowlton ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Johannes moore, fillius Thome moore, renatus fuit.
" Feb. 26. Wm, fillius Rogeri Stringer, renatus fuit.
1603, May 1. Fraunciseus Jevans renatus fuit.
" May 6. Johannes Rocke ... sep.
" June 5. Elizabethe Heines renata fuit.
" June 22. Johannes Whitikers renatus fuit.
" July 3. Henry Minten & margeret Chirme ... mar.
" Dec. 6. Thomas Heynes ... sep.
" Mar. 10. Dorytie Backer ... chr.
1604, May 13. Sara Lewis ... bap.
" June 3. Richard Amyas renatus fuit.
" Oct. 26. Anne Mason renatus fuit.
" Mar. 3. Thomas moore, filius Thomas moore, renatus fuit.
" Mar. 27. Richarde bullocke ... sep.
1605, April 7. Richardus Gowre ... bap.
" May 25. Charlles noblett ... chr.
" Jan. 30. Johanes Mason ... sep.
" Feb. 3. Johanes Carter ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Johanes Heynes ... sep.
" Feb. 10. John Halle ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Elizabethe Amyas ... bap.
1606, April 8. Dorytie Corfilde ... bur.
" April 8. Elizabethe Lewis renatus fuit.
" May 14. John Hale ... sep.
" June 6. Johane lewes, alias Gryffith egit suprema et ... sep.
" July 13. Elizabethe Stringer renatus fuit.
" Aug. 2. Jouhan Garet ... sep.


6 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1606

1606, Sept. 12. Margaret Brooke ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Jouhan Hoitchkis ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Rogerus Hodgkis ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Winifride, fillia Willielmo Amyas, renatus fuit.
1607, June 21. Anne, d. of Jevan Davis ... bap.
" July 23. Joubane Fletcher ... sep.
" Aug. 4. Henrye, s. of Thomas Moore ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Henry moore ... bur.
" Sept. 2. Margareta, fillia Edmundi Gower, renatus fuit.
" Nov. 2. Richard, s. of Fraunces Fraunces ... bap.
" Nov. 7. The saide Richard Fraunces ... bur.
1608, Oct. 6. Johanes, filius Francisci Fraunces, de Hughlie ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Anne Frauncis, uxor p'dicti Francisci, egit suprema et ... sepulta fuit.
" Nov. 10. Agnes, fillia Willimi Lewis, renatus fuit.
" Jan. 7. John, fillius Thomas Cartwright, renatus fuit.
" Mar. 16. Richard Rynaldes, of the p. of Bucknill ... bur.
1609, April 6. Joyce, d. of Thomas weale, clearke of the p. of Kenley ... bap.
" July 16. Edward, s. of Fraunces Jevance ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Margereta, fillia Lawrencij Gower, renata fuit.
" Nov. 27. John Mansel & Alice Mason ... mar.
" Jan. 7. Wm Amias ... sep.
" Jan. 21. Richardus, fillius Thomae Moore, renatus fuit.
" Mar. 11. Thomas, fillius Wm. Amyas, renatus fuit.
16101, Aug. 19. Richardus Stringer, fillius Rogeri Stringer, renatus fuit.
" Aug. 24. Richardus Broocke et Janne Lewis ... mar.
" Dec. 20. Margeret Stringer ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Elizabethe, fillia Richardi Brooke, renatus fuit.
1611, April 28. Catherina Beevans, fillia ffrauncescus Beevan, renatus fuit.
" May 19. Symon, fillius Richardi Amyas, renatus fuit.


1615] Hughley. 7

1611, July 4. Catherina, fillia ffrauneiscus Beevans ... sep.
" July 5. Augnes P'sons ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Rogerus Stringer et Magereta Berrington ... mar
" Dec. 24. Thomas Moore ... sep.
1612, April 19. William. the sonne of Phillipe Hotchkis ... bap.
" June 11. Richard Parten ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Margery, fillia Willielmus Lewis, renatus fuit.
" Nov. 5. Rogerus, fillius Rogeri Stringer, renafus fuit.
" Dee. 5. Margeret Stedmand ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Johannes, fillius Richardo Brooke, renatus fuit.
" Mar. 6. Anne. d. of Wm Coock ... bap.
1613, April 21. Jaret, filius Johanis Jackson, de Hughlye, renatus fuit.
" Feb. 20. Jarret Gwynne et Alicia Wyer connubij foedus inierunt.
" Mar. 6. ffraunciscus, filius Symonis Bullocke et Annie, uxoris ejus, baptismatis aqua ablutus esset.
1614, May 31. Alicia, filiola Phillippi Hotchkies et Elizabethae, renata fuit.
" Oct. 9. Thomas, fillius Edmundi Gower et uxoris ejus ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Alicia marrigolde, filia Roberti marrigold, de Abryton, renata fuit.
" Nov. 5. Johannes, filius Jareti Guin, renatus fuit.
" Nov. 22. Margeria Wyer, filia Marke Parten, obijt mortem, et sepulta fuit.
" Nov. 31. Elizabetha. ffilia Johis Wyer, renata fuit.
" Dec. 11. Thomas, filius Rogeri Stringer, renatus fuit.
" Jan. 8. Anna, filiola ffrauncisei Franeies et margretae, renata fuit.
" Feb. 4. Thomas, filius Thomae Heynes. obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Anthonius Weston obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Thomas Enchmarsh Infans et advena sepultus fuit in eodem sepulchro.
" Feb. 16. Margreta Weston obijt mortem et ... sep.
Verte [at bottom of page].
1615, April 23. Fraunciscus ffrauncies obijt mortem et ... sep.


8 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1615

1615, Aug. 24. Maria, filiola Johannis Jaekson et Dorothia ... bap.
1616, June 19. Launeelotus Howells et Sara Brooke ... mar.
" June 23. Richardus, filius Simonis Bulloeke et Anna ... bap.
" July 23. Willimus Brooke obijt mortem 23tio die Julij, et die p'd ... sep.
" Feb. 16. ffrauneiscus, filius Rogeri Stringer et Margeretae, renatus fuit.
" Feb. 24. Edwardus, filius Thomae Littleton et Mariae ... bap.
1617, Mar. 25. Maria, filia Launceloti Howells et Sane ... bap.
" April 27. Henricus, filius Johanis Wyer et ffrauncis ... bap.
" May 18. Richardus, filius Willielmi Cooke et Annae ... bap.
" June 29. Georgius, filius Johanis Jackson et Dorothiae, renatus fuit, et sepultus fuit die proximo sequente.
" Aug. 17. Maria, filiola Jarreti Gwynne et Aliciae ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Margreta, filia Symonis Bullocke et Anna: ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Margeria Amyes, p. Kenley ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Rogerus Carter obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Margreta, fillia supposita Richardi Evans & Elizabetha Parsons, renata fuit.
1618, April 13. Anna Weston obijt mortem et ... sep.
" May 3. Margreta, filiola Simonis Bullocke et Annae, obijt mortem et ... sep.
" May 10. Willimus Owens, p. de Kenley, et Anne Massye, hujus parochiae ... mar.
" May 25. Margreta Amies obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Oct. 31. Launcelotus Rocke et Margreta ffrauncies, vid. ... mar.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, filius Thoma: Lyttleton et mariae, renatus fuit.
" Jan. 22. Anna Jenckes, s' ux. seu ancilla Henrici Fenn, obijt mortem et ... sep.
1619, May 24. Dorothea Bishoppe, vid. sep.
" June 17. Elizabetha Bullocke obijt mortem et ... sep.
" July 11. Symon, filiolus Symonis Bullocke et Annae ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Franciscus, f. francisci Wilks et uxoris eius, renatus fuit.
" Aug. 22. Sara holwels, filia lancelloti hovels et uxoris eius ... bap.


1622] Hughley. 9

1619, Sept. 7. Johanes, 1. Rogeri Stringer et Margreta, renatus fuit.
" Dec. 5. Elizabetha, filiola Lanceloti Rocke et Margrete, renata fuit.
" Jan. 10. Alicia, uxor Edri. Amyes, obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Elizabetha, filiola Georgii Ludlowe, de Moorehouse, p. de Shipton, obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Alicia, filia Johannis Wyer et ffrauncisci ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Elizabetha, filia predicti Launceloti Rocke, obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Margreta, filiola Johis. Jackson et Dorothiae ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Georgius, filius Willm. Cooke et Anna, renatus fuit.
" Mar. 10. Margreta, filiola Johanis Jackson, obijt mortem et ... sep.

JOHES GOUGHE, ib'm, Curat.

1620, April 26. Anna Lewis, vid., obijt mortem et ... sep.
" June 22. Willielmus Loe, de Callauton, p. de Much Wenlock, et Margreta Rowley, p. de Cunde, dio. Coven. & Leichfield, in matrimonio copulati fuerunt.
" July 9. Thomas, filius Jarreti gwynn ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Margreta Masonn obijt mortem et ... sep.

JOHES GOUGHE, ib'm, Curate.

1621, April 25. Henricus ffenn obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Frauneisca, filia supposita ffoul cei Langley, nuper p. de Cardington, obijt mortem et ... sep.
" Jan. 5. Sarah, filiola Johnis Jackson et Dorothiae, renata fuit.


1622, July 7. Josephus, filius Simonis Bullocke et Anna: ... bap.
" July 21. Elizabetha Rocke, vidua, mortem obijt et ... sep.

[Half a leaf cut off here.]

" Feb. 7. William, s. of Jarret Gwin and Ales ... bap.

[A similar entry, with the spelling Gwynne occurs, and year 1618, is crossed out.]


10 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1624

1624, Jan. 9. Maria, filia secunda Gilberti Cole et Katherina;, renata fuit.
" Feb. 18. Johannes Corfeild [maritus Elizabethae Corfeild, crossed out]. sep.
1628, July 2. Judith, d. of Lancelet Howell & Sarah ... bap.
" Sept. 7. William, the sonne of Lancelet Corfeild & Mary ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Judeth, d. of Lancelet Howell & Sarah ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Alice Hodghekisse, d. of Thomas Hodghkisse & Katharin ... bap.
1629, Feb. 3. John, the sonne of Symon Bullocke & Anne ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Sarah, wyef of Laneelot Howell ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Priseilla, d. of Gilbert Cole & Katharin ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Anne, d. of John Corfeild & Dorothy ... bap.
1630, April 18. John, s. of Lancelot Corfeild & Mary ... bap.
" July 11. Edward Andrews, of Much Wenlocke, & Anne Davies, of Shienton. were maryed in our parish church of Hughley.
" Aug. 10. Richard, s. of Lancelot Howell, widower ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Elizabeth Corfeild, widowe ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Marget, d. of Jasper Moore & Margett ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Isabell Brooke, widowe ... bur.
1631, Mar. 27. Margery, d. of John Corfeild & Dorothy ... bap.
" May 8. Richard, s. of Thomas Hodgekisse & Katharin ... bap.
" June 19. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Andrewes & Anne ... bap.
" Sept. 8. Margery, d. of John Corfeild & Dorothy ... bur.
" Oet. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Symon Bullocke & Anne ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Anne, d. of Edward Lewes & Winefred ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Mary Parten, poore widowe ... bur.
" Sept. 27. Margaret, d. of Larence Gower ... bur.
[Blank] Elizabeth, d. of Launcelot Corfild ... bap.

[These two have since been erased.]

1632, Sept. 28. Philliph, s. of Edward Andrewes & Anne ... bap.
" Sept. 27. Margeret. d. of Larance Gower & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Launcelot Corfild & bap.
" Dec. 23. Philliph, s. of Edward Andrewes & Anne ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Jane, d. of William Davis & Margeret ... bap.


1637] Hughley. 11

1632, Feb. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Lewes & Mari ... bap.

[This in clerk's hand (?) and query the year.]

1633, May 12. William, s. of Philip Hodgekisse & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Marie, d. of John Corfeild & Dorothy ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hodgekisse & Katharine ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Jeremie, s. of Edward Andrewes & Anne ... bap.
1651, July 1. Thomas Bassett, s. of John Bassett ... bap.
" June 18. Elerton Rudenall ... bur.

[The two above entries in another hand and ink.]

1635, May 3. Lancelot, s. of Lancelot Corfeild & Mary ... bap.
" June 5. Dorathy, d. of John Corfeild & Dorathy ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Edmund, s. of Symon Bullock & Anne ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Chrystopher Lacon, of ye p. of Kenley, & Anne Pleevely, of ye p. of Morveille ... mar.
" Feb. 9. Alice Hodgekisse, widowe ... bur.
" Feb. 27. John Colinge, of ye p. of Neenton, & Alice Hodgekisse, of Hughly p. ... mar.
" Mar. 1. Joane Benbowe, widowe ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Richard, s. of William Davis & Margaret ... bur.
1636, Jan. 29. Marie, d. of Edward Lewes & Winefred ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Marie, d. of Lancelot Corfeild & Marie ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Lawrence, s. of Richard Gower & Frances ... bap.
1637, May 1. Frauns Yeamans, of Rusberry p., & Margaret Bowdler, of Powderbatch p., by virtue of licence from the Ordinary ... mar
" Aug. 13. Margaret, d. of John Corfeild & Dorothy ... bap.
" Sept. 3. Thomas Momeford, p. of Wentnor, & Margery Lewes, p. of Hughly ... mar.
" Oct. 20. Margarett Moore, w. of Jasper Moore ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Elizabeth & Margarett, twynnes, the daus. of Stephen Howells & Alice ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Stephen Howell & Alice ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Margaret, d. of Symon Bullocke & Anne ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Isaac, s. of John Rogers & Jane ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Isaac, s. of Jobn Rogers & Jane ... bur.
" Jan. 6. John Wyer, the husband of Francis Wyer ... bur.


12 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1638

1638, April 17. Katharin, d. of Thomas Hotchkis & Katheren ... bap.
" May 1. Jesper Moore, of Hughly, & Margeret Carter, d. of Thomas Carter, p. of Harley ... mar.
" May 1. William Lewes ... bur.
1639, June 15. Anne, d. of Thomas Moumfort & Margery ... bap.
1638, Oct. 24. George Blower, of Kenley, & Elyzabeth Wier, of Hughley, lawfully ... mar.
" Dec. 23. John Amys, s. of Simon Amyes & Emblen ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Silvanus Yeomans & Dorothy harrinton, both of the p. of Stretton, lic. ... mar.
1639, April 9. Launcelot Rocke ... bur.
" April 12. Catheren, d. of Thomas Hotchkis & Catheren ... bur.
" May 5. William Davis, p. of Hughly, & Elyzabeth Stringer, of this p. ... mar.
" Aug. 18. John, s. of George Blower & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Sept. 8. Frauncis Carter, of Much Wenlock, and Anne Selman, of the same ... mar.
" Sept. 22. Ales Rocke, of this p. of Hughly ... bur.
" Nov. 14. Richard, s. of Richard Dun & Margeret ... bur.
" Jan. 25. William Wright, of Preene, & Margaret Dicke, of the p. of Claverley, lic. ... mar.
" Feb. 6. Frauncis Bulloeke, of this p., & Mary Blower, of Kenley ... mar.
1640, Mar. 29. Jane, d. of Launcelot Corfild & Mary ... bap.
" April 19. Thomas, s. of William Davis & Elyzabeth ... bap.
" June 14. John, s. of Edward Lewes & Wynifrey ... bap.
" July 12. Thomas, s. of William Davis & Elyzabeth ... bur.
" Sept. 20. Ales, d. of Stephen Howell & Ales ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Gower & Frances ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Lewis, s. of George Davis & Sara ... bap.
" Nov. 15. George, s. of George Blower & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Thomas, s. of Franeis Bullocke & Mary ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Roger, s. of Thomas Hotehkis& Katherine ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Richard, s. of Symon Amis & Emblen ... bap.
1641, June 23. John, s. of George Blower & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Jan. 30. William, s. of William Davis & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Mar. 15. George, s. of George Blower ... bur.


1647] Hughley. 13

1642, Corfield, the daughter of John

[This very faint, and has been written over.]

1655, Nov. 1. John Gwyn, the sonne of William Gwyn, was borne on All Saints' Day. being the first day of November, Anno Dom. 1655.

[Here are 6 lines illegible, except as follows.]

1642, Sept. - s. of William Davis ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Mary, d. of Edward Jervis & Wynifred ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Mary, d. of Francis Bullock & Mary ... bap.
" Mar. 5. William, s. of George Blower & Elizabeth ... bap.
1643, April 9. Thomas, s. of Launcelot Corfield & Mary ... bap.

[The following is a very bad page as to colour, and writing and ink.]

" April 29. John Gwine, s. of Garet G ... & Alis ... bur.
" May 31. Frances Wyer, vidua. deceased.
" June 6. Elizabeth, wife of William Haynes, deceased.
" June 23. John Howells, s. of Steaven Howells, and Ffrancis his d. and Alis his wife ... bap.
" June 30. Margaret, d. of Jesper Moore & Margaret ... bap.
" Sept. 10. Saray, d. of George Davis & Sarah ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Mary, d. of John Bascet & Mary ... bap.
" Jan. 6. John, s. of Richard Gwoer & Frances ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Thomas, s. of George Weelcokes & Mary ... bap.

[Ink greenish and quite fresh for three next entries.]

1644, Oct. 27. Katherin, d. of Thomas Hotchkis ... bap.
1645, April 13. Ann Cooke, wife of William Cooke ... bur.
" May 4. Elizabeth, d. of Symon Amis ... bap.
1644, Feb. 24. Ann, d. of Fraunces Bullocke ... bap.
1645, May 78. Mary, d. of George Blower ... bap.
" July 73. Edward, s. of Edward Lewis ... bap.
" Feb. 77. Ann Davies ... bur.
" Mar. 22. John, s. of John Basset ... bap.
1646, June 4. Elizabeth, d. of William Gwyn ... bap.
1652, July 5. Lancelot Corfield ... bur.
1646, Aug. 9. Anne, d. of John Lysseman & Anne ... bap.
" Aug. 72. Elizabeth, d. of William Gwin ... bur.
" Sept. 13. Richard, s. of Launcelot Corfeild & Mary ... bap.
1647, April 27. Margaret, d. of Richard Gower & Fraunces ... bap.


14 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1647

1647, June 1. Symon, s. of Frauncis Bullocke & Mary, & Fraunces, d. of the said Frauncis Bullocke & Mary ... bap.
" June 27. Peter, s. of Edward Lewes & Winifred ... bap.
" June 13. William, s. of William Gwin & Mary ... bap.
" April 24. Annie, wife of William Cooke ... bur.
" Oct. 5. Roger Amyes ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Moore ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Jane, wife of William Heynes ... bur.
" Feb. 29. William Cooke ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Margeret Lewes, widow ... bur.
1648, April 11. Sybell. d. of John Lysseman & Anne ... bap.
1647, Aug. 1. Grazie, d. of George Blower & Elizabeth ... bap.
1648, Sept. 12. Elizabetha Gower, uxor Laurentii Gower, obit mortem et ... sep.

[A small slip inserted in a different hand.]

1649, Feb. 20. John, s. of John Parsons & Joyce ... bap.
1654, July 20. William, s. of William Bullocke & Fraunces ... bap.
1659, May 7. Mrs. Mary Peirsehouse ... bur.
" May 31. John Corbett ... bur.
" July 18. Jasper Moore ... bur.
" April 25. Gilbert, s. of William Gwynne & Mary ... bap.
1656, Oct. 12. Elizabeth, d. of William Bullocke & Fraunces ... bap.
1655, Feb. 6. John, s. of John Parsons & Joyce ... bur.

[In another hand, inserted.]

1658, Nov. 7. Lancellot, filius Gulielmi Corfield et Susanna, uxoris ejus, renatus fuit.

[End of slip.]

1659 [1648 crossed out], Feb. 20. Richard, s. of Thomas Harriotts & Margret ... bap.
1657, Oct. 26. Allice, d. of Henry Wyer & Alice ... bap.
1658, Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of William Bullocke and Fraunces ... bap.
1660, May 21. John Fraunces ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Catheren, d. of Evan Preece & Anne ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Catheren, d. of John Parsons & Joyce ... bap.
1652, Aug. 1. Joyce, d. of John Parsons & Joyce ... bap.


1668] Hughley. 15

1654, Dec. 8. William, s. of John Parsons & Joyce ... bap.
1656, Feb. 28. Thomas, s. of John Parsons & Joyce ... bap.
1660, Mar. 17. George, s. of George Corfeild & Anne ... bap.
1661, Mar. 31. Fraunces, d. of William Bullocke & Fraunces ... bap.
1660, Feb. 28. Symon, s. of Mary Bullock, widow ... bap.
1661, April 3. Margerct Rocke, widow ... bur.
" May 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Baker & Alies ... bap.
" May 25. Richard Garrett ... bur.
1658, Nov. 7. Lancelot, s. of William Corfield & Susanna ... bap.

[This entry in a different hand, and out of its place.]

1662, June 28. Margeret, d. of John Wood & Elynor ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Jarrett, s. of William Gwin & Mary ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Thomas Cond & Alies Howell weare lawfully ... mar.
" Jan. 20. Thomas Hotgkis, the elder ... bur.
" Feb. 5. John, s. of John Lewes & Mary ... bap.
" Mar. 3. John, s. of Thomas Baker & Alies ... bap.
1663, April 28. Mary, wife of James Powell ... bur.
1661, Feb. 25. Mr. John Corfield, once Bailiff of this Franchise of Wenlocke Magna ... bur.
1665, July 16. Elinor, filia Johanni Wood et Elinora, renata fuit.
" Aug. 20. Edvardus, filius Roberti Powell et Anna, renatus fuit.
" Dec. 16. Elizabetha,filiaRichardi Goweret Frances ... sep.
" Jan. 14. John Heriotts, of Harley, & Margaret Kenricke ... mar.
1666, May 29. Richard, s. of William Bullocke & Frances ... bap.
" June 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Baker & Alice ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Thomas Phillipps, of Stone Acton, & Joane Whicke, of Rushbury ... mar.
1667, Sept. 29. Elynor, d. of Richard Hotchkis & Elynor ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Robert Breacknot, of Didlebury, & Joyce Butler, of Acton Burnell ... mar.
" Mar. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Powell & Anne ... bap.
John Gwyn, s. of William Gwyn [sic].
1668, June 7. William, s. of John Wood & Elinor ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Edward Harrington, of Preen, & Mary Bullocke, of H. ... mar.


16 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1668

1668, Oct. 4. George, s. of Jane Bassett ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Thomas Woley & Jone Sotherne, of Cardington, lic. ... mar.
1669, May 7. Mary, w. of Thomas Corfield ... bur.
Winifred, the daughter of John Lewis & Mary, his wife, was baptized about the second or third day of June, Anno Dom. 1668.
" Nov. 4. John, s., & Margarett, d. of William Bullocke & Frances ... bap.
" Nov. 21. John, s. of William Bullocke & Frances ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of Richard Hotchkis & Elinor ... bap.
1670, April 20. John, s. of Thomas Baker & Alice ... bur.
" Aug. 19. William Heaynes ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Edmond, s. of Francis Gower, wid. ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Thomas, s. of Richard Hotchkis & Elner ... bur.
1671, May 4. Ann, w. of Thomas Banckes ... bur.
" Sept. 17. Richard, s. of Richard Ames & Margery ... bap.
1672, May 22. Catherine Hotchkiss, wid. ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bright, the father, & Sarah Preice, the mother ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Howell & Frances ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Richard, s. of Richard Amies & Margery ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Mary, d. of Rowland Wheelwright & Mary ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Edward Harrison ... bur.


1673, May 11. Elinora, d. of William Bullocke & Frances ... bap.
" June 1. Maria. d. of Richard Amies & Margery ... bap.
" Mar. 2. John Jeffreys & Joyce Parsons ... mar.
1674, June 22. Prycylla, d. of John & Elliner Cole, born 21 June ... bap.
1674-5, Mar. 11. Richard, s. of Richard Amies & Margery borne.
" Feb. 17. William, s. of Frances Boollock & Mary ... bur.
1674, Sept. 2. John, s. of William Gwynn & Jane ... bur.
1675, April 8. Stephen, s. of John Howels & Frances ... bap.
" April 10. Margaret Moore, wid. ... bur.
" May 1. John, s. of John Jeffereys & Joyce ... bap.
" May 18. John, s. of John Jeffereys & Joyce ... bur.
1677, June 24. Stephen, s. of John Howels & Frances ... bur.

[Half a page cut away.]


1680] Hughley. 17

1677, June 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Howels ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Hanna, d. of Edward Lewis & Hanna ... bap.
1675[?], Dec.7. Richard, s. of Lancelot Corfield ... bur.

[Half a page cut away.]

1676, May 4. John, s. of John Cole & Elener ... bap.
" May 14. Margret, d. of John Howels & Frances ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Margery, d. of William Price (born at Cardington) ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Margery, d. of Richard Amies & Margery ... bap.
1677, May 8. Mary, d. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.
" June 13. Edward, s. of John Lewes & Mary ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Catherin, d. of Thomas followes & Winnifred (born at Kenley) ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Richard Pinches. of Yeaton, & Margaret Hotchkis, of H. ... mar.
1678, April 2. Sarah, d. of Lewis Davies & Margery ... bap.
" Feb. 25. William, s. of Richard Pinchis & Margaret ... bap.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.
1679, April 17. Dorothy, d. of Richard Amis & Margery ... bap.
" May 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Bankes & Elinor ... bap.
" June 24. William Bryan, of Kenley, & Elizabeth Bullock, of H. ... mar.
" Aug. 26. Francis Gower, wid .... bur.
" Aug. 30. Mris. Dorothy Corfield, wid. bur.
" Jan. 11. Edward Jones, the s. of a poore man, being a travelling person ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of William Price & Margery, his wife, being poore wandering persons ... bap.

JOHN COLE, Clerke.

[The entries for 1680 are inserted in the Register after 1624.]

1680, May 13. Edward Bullocke, p. of Cardington, & frances Bullocke, of this p. ... mar.

JOHN WOOD, Jun., JOHN AMIS, Churchwardens.

[Half a page is cut of here.]

" Aug. 5. Elizabeth, w. of John Corfield ... bur.
" Aug. 31. Dorothy, d. of John Corfield ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Dorothy, d. of Richard Amis ... bur.


18 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1680

1680, Oct. 22. William Hill, p. of Broseley, & Evey Brooke, of this p. ... mar.
" July 20. Thomas Rogers & Sara Middleton, both of the p. of Church Preen ... mar.
" Dec. 4. Roger Lormer, of the p. of Berrington, & Sara Bullock, of this p. of Hughley ... mar.
" Dec. 8. Mary, d. of Richard Pinchis & Margaret ... bap.
" Oct. 28. John, s. of William Gwyn & Jane ... bap.
" Mar. 1. William, s. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Margery, d. of Lewis Davies & Margery ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Elinor, d. of Richard Amis & Margery ... bap.

JOHN COLE, Cler. & Curate.
JOHN WOOD, jun., and JOHN AMIS being Churchwardens.




A new Register Booke for the Parish of Hughley of all Christenings, Weddings, and Burials, as followeth (vi3t.):-

1681, June 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gower & Dinah ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Mary, w. of William Gwynn ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Elinor, w. of Mr. John Cole, Curate ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Mr. John Cole, Curate ... bur.

THOMAS GOWER } Church wardens,
WILLIAM BULLOCK, jun. } Anno Dom. 1681.

1682, April 5. Lancelot Corfield, tbelder ... bur.
" June 29. Thomas Bassett, of H., & Mary Amis, of Much Wenlock ... mar.
" July 23. James, s. of William Gwyn & Mary ... bap.
" Nov. 4. William Corfield, thelder, gent. ... bur.
" Feb. 11. Margaret, d. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.

STEVEN HOWELL } Churchwardens, 1682.


1688] Hughley. 19

1683, June 9. Thomas, s. of Richard Amis & Margery ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Mary, d. of Roger Hodgkis & Mary ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Mary Lewis ... bur.

RODGER HODGKIS } Churchwardens,
JOHN BROMLEYE } Anno predicto 1683.

1684, April 1. George Davies ... bur.
" April 9. William Gynn [?] ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Mary Harrinton, wid. ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Mary Davies ... bur.

JOHN CORFIELD } Churchwardens, 1684.

1685, June 18. Richard Whitefoote ... bur.
" July 2. Frances, d. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Henry Wier ... bur.

JOHN CORFIELD } Churchwardens,
LANCELOT CORFIELD } Anno predicto 1685.

1686, May 1. John, s. of Richard Amis & Margery ... bap.
and the same John Amis was buried the
seventh day of May.
" May 26. Thomas, s. of Roger Hodgkis & Mary ... bap.
" Oct. 28. George, s. of Lewis Davies & Margery ... bap.
" Jan. 1. and the said George Davies was ... bur.

LEWIS DAVIS } Churchwardens, 1686.

1687, Mar. 25. William, s. of William Basset & Alice ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Evan Preece ... bur.
" April 15. Elinor & Mary, twin daus. of John Wood, the younger, & Elizabeth ... bap.
" April 18. Elinor & Mary Wood ... bur.
" May 1. Elinor, d. of Richard Amis & Margery ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Elizabeth, d. of William Corfield & Sarah ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Richard, s. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.
1688, May 8. Thomas, s. of John Wood, junr, and Elizabeth ... bap.


20 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1688

1688, Oct. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Lewis Davies & Margery ... bap.
" Feb. zi. Sarah, d. of William Corfield & Sarah ... bap.
" Mar. z. John Corfield, of the p. of Ercoll, gent. bur.
" Mar. 4.. Simon Amis ... bur.
JOHN WOOD, jun. } Churchwardens,
WILLIAM BULLOCKE } Anno predicto 1688.

1689, May 8. John, s. of Roger Hotchkiss & Mary ... bap.
" June 11. Anne Powell, p. of Kenley ... bur.
" Oct. 19. John Wood. the elder ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Sarah, d. of William Bullock & Sarah ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Edward, s. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.
" Jan. 2.9. John Bromley, of H., & Margaret Bullock, of Preen ... mar.
" Mar. 13. John, s. of William Basset & Alice ... bap.

STEPHEN HOWELL } Churchwardens, 1689.

1690, April 27. Edward Mapp, p. of Cardington, & Sarah Edwardes, of H. ... mar.
" Sept. 29. John Tuddg, of H., & Margaret Wood, p. of Kenley ... mar.
" Oct. 17. Frances Howell, w. of John H. ... bur.
" Nov. 25. John, s. of Richard Amis & Margery ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Joane, d. of John Bromley, jun., & Margaret ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Richard Jones, a poore wandering person ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Wood & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Mar. 12. John, s. of William Corfield & Sarah ... bap.

ROGER HOTCHKISS } Churchwardens,
JOHN BROMLEY, thelder } 1690.

1691, Mar. 29. Edward Amis ... bur.
" April 25. Lewis, s. of Lewis Davies & Margery ... bap.
" May 21. Mary, d. of William Bowen & Judith ... bap.
" May 30. Lewis Davies, an infant ... bur.
" Oct. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Tudgg & Margaret ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Elizabeth, d. of William Bullock, jun., & Sarah ... bap.


1694] Hughley. 21

1691, Dec. 8. Anne Smith, a younge childe of a wandering poore person ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Alice Howells, w. of Stephen H. ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Winifred Whitefoot, widow ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.

WILLIAM PARSONS } Churchwardens, 1691.

1692, April 10. John Bowen, p. of Kenley, & Anne Davies, of H. ... mar.
" June 29. James Gwinn, a poore childe ... bur.
" Aug. 15. John Hotchkis, an infant ... bur.
" Aug. 23. Mary, d. of John Bromley, jun., & Margaret ... bap.
" Nov. 4. John, s. of Roger Hotchkiss & Mary ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Mrs. Susannah Corfield, widdow ... bur.

WILLIAM CORFIELD } Churchwardens,
LANCELOT CORFIELD } Anno predicto 1692.

1693, April 4.. Margaret, d. of Thomas Gower & Dinah ... bap.
" April 29. Sarah, d. of Richard Amis & Margery ... bap.
" Sept. 7. Mary, d. of Richard Bullock & Elinor ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Mary, d. of William Corfield & Sarah ... bap.

RICHARD BULLOCKE } Churchwardens, 1693.

1694, May 17. Anne, d. of William Bowen & Judith ... bap.
" May 24. Martha, d. of John Wood & Elizabeth ... bap.
" June 10. Richard Yates, of Cardington, & Margaret Howells, of H. ... mar.
" Sept. 11. George, s. of John Bromley, jun., & Margaret ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Mary Bromley, a young childe ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Margery, d. of Richard Amis ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Mrs. Mary Corfield, widow ... bur.
" Feb. 7. William, s. of William Bullock, jun., & Sarah ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Elinor, d. of John Dudgg & Margaret ... bap.


22 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1694

1694, Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Richard Yate & Margaret ... bap.

WILLIAM CORFIELD } Churchwardens, 1694.

1695, May 2. William, s. of William Wittingam, a wood collier, & Milicent ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Edward, s. of Simon Bulloek & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Dec. 27. William, s. of William Corfield & Sarah ... bap.
1695-6, Mar. 5. William, s. of Lancelot Corfield &Katherine ... bap.

WILLI. BULLOCK } Churchwardens, 1695.

1696, Mar. 26. John, s. of Richard Yates & Margaret ... bap.
" Sept. 20. William Basset ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Margaret Bullock ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Edward Tudge ... bap,.
1696-7, Jan. 19. Mary, d. of Simon Bullock & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Mary Basset ... bur.

Rd SMALMAN, Curate.

1697, Mar. 8. Ann Adney ... bur.
" April 8. William, s. of William Bowen & Judeth ... bap.
" Oct. 28. John Bromley ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Elinor, d. of William Bullock & Sarah ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Thomas, s. of John Amis & Margaret ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Thomas, s. of John Amis & Margaret ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Alice Wyer ... bur.

ROGER HOTCHKISS } Churchwardens.

1698, July 14. Elizabeth, w. of John Wood ... bur.

WILLIAM CORFIELD } Churchwardens, 1698.

" Aug. 4. Lancelot, s. of Lancelot Corfield & Katherine ... bap.
" Sept. 10. Elinor Wood ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Hogkis & Mary ... bap.
" Nov. 1 1. Lawranee Gower ... bur.
" Nov. 26. John Smout, p. of Kenley, & Alice Basset, widow ... mar.


1704] Hughley. 23

1698, Jan. 17. William Bullock, blacksmith ... bur.
" Mar. 6. John, s. of William Bowen & Judith ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Richard, s. of Simon Bullock & Elizabeth ... bap.


1699, Oct. 3. Edward. s. of John Tudge & Mary ... bap.
1699-1700, Jan. 12. Elizabeth, d. of John Charlton & Elizabeth ... bap.


1700 John Corfield ... bur.
" Sept. 5. Margaret, base d. of Elizabeth Bankes ... bap.


1701, April 5. Joan Bromley, wid., of Much Wenlock ... bur.
" June 5. Mary, d. of William Bullock & Sarah ... bap.
" June 16. Edward, s. of Lancelot Corfield & Catherine ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Hannah, d. of William Corfield & Sarah ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Frances Bullock, widow ... bur.
1701-2, Feb. 14. Elizabeth Tudge, widow ... bur.
1702, April 29. Edward, s. of John Tudge & Margaret ... bap.


THO. DAVIES, Surveyor for 1700 and 1701.

" June 20. William Parsons ... bur.
" Aug. 4. William, s. of Simon Bullock & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Richard, s. of Thomas Gower & Martha ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Joane Stilgoe, wid. ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Roger Hodgkis ... bur.


1703, Dec. 31. Richard, s. of Richard Amis ... bur.
" Aug. 17. Jane Cole ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Martha, d. of John Renalds & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Margaret, d. of John Tudge & Margaret ... bap.
" Jan. 13. John Wood & Mary Hodgkis, of H. ... mar.
" Feb. 22. Richard Amis, senr ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of John Bromley & Margaret ... bur.

LANCELOT CORFIELD } Churchwardens.
Exin. by CHA. JONES, Surveyor.

1704, May 4. Joane Bayles ... bur.


24 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1704

1704, May 21. Richard, s. of William Bowen & Judith ... bap.
" May 22. Dorothy Powel, otherways James, of the p. of Marvel [Morville] ... bur.
" June 7. John Renals ... bur.
" Sept. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Lancelot Corfield & Catherine ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Simon Bullock & Elizabeth ... bap.


1705, April 4. Martha, d. of Thomas Gower & Martha ... bap.
" April 30. George, s. of William Bullock & Sarah ... bap.
" May 22. Richard Lodge, p. of Kenley, & Jane Partridge ... mar.
" June 15. Richard, s. of John Bromley & Margaret, p. of Much Wenlock ... bur.

[Duty not paid.]

" July 2. Sarah, d. of Margery Amis, wid. ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Joyce Weelright ... bur.
" Dec. t 7. Edward Cole, p. of Eaton ... bur.

[Duty not paid.]

" Jan. 10. Elianer Bankes, widdow, pauper ... bur.


1706, June 8. Jacob Littleford & Jane Parsons ... mar.
" June 9. George Bullock & Elianer Cheese ... mar.


1707, Feb. 29. Margaret, d. of Anne Green ... bap.

[Inserted later.]

" May 4. Maria, d. of Thomas Gower & Martha ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Henry Harriots, p. Harley, & Elianer Amis ... mar.
" Mar. 11 1. Anne Preece, widow ... bur.
1708, May 16. Alice, d. of William Bullock & Sarah ... bap.
" June 25. Mary, wife of John Wood ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Elianer, d. of Richard Powel & Sarah ... bap.


1709, Mar. 8. John Tudge ... bur.


1710, Feb. 16. Simon Bullock ... bur.
1711, Nov. 16. Mary Pinches, she died of small pox, a very good Christian ... bur.


1715] Hughley. 25

1711, Dec. 23. Mary, d. of Adam Hanson & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Wood ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Elizabeth Bullock, small pox ... bur.

JOHN PINCHES } Churchwardens.

1712, April 6. Cicely, base d. of Elizabeth Banks, reputed father William Wood ... bap.
" April 9. Cicely, base d. of Elizabeth Banks ... bur.
" April 16. Elizabeth Banks, small pox ... bur.

WILL CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1713, April 30. Bridget, wife of Richard Wilks, husbandman ... bur.
" May 9. William Bullock, p. Barrow, servant, & Martha Major, of H., servant ... mar.
" May H. Francis Weals & Sarah Guest, of H., servants ... mar.
" May 23. Hannah, d. of William Bullock & Sarah ... bap.
" Aug. 2. John, s. of Adam Hanson & Elizabeth ... bap.


1714, April 9. Francis Gower, a traveller ... bur.
" May 22. Hannah, d. of William Bullock & Sarah ... bur.
" Oct. 3. John, s. of Jasper Cock, husbandman, & Sarah ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Isaac, s. of Thomas Hochkis & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Priscilla, d. of William Wood & Priscilla ... bap.

ADAM HANSON } Churchwardens.
JESPER COCK, Overseer.

1715, April 24. Mary, d. of William Enfield & Sarah. she died of the small pox, a very good Christian ... bur.
" May 9. William, s. of William Corfield, husbandman, small pox ... bur.
" May 17. Samuel, s. of Samuel Mountford, husbandman, & Elizabeth ... bap.


26 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1715

1715, Oct. 7. John, s. of Edward Bennit & Margaret ... bap.
" Oct. 1.4. Jobn, s. of Edward Bennit & Margaret ... bur.
" Dec. 27. John, s. of Francis Weals & Sarah ... bap.

WILLIAM CORFIELD } Churchwardens.
JOHN WOOD, Overseer.

JA. LITTLEFORD, Curate [!].

1716, April 24. Mary, w. of John Morris ... bur.
" June 8. Adam Hanson, husbandman ... bur.
" June 11. John Morris ... bur.
" July 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Wilks & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Oct. 11. John, s. of Thomas Hodgkis & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John Amis ... bur.

WILL. BULLOCK } Churchwardens.

1717, Mar. 25. Mary, d. of Matthew Mountford & Mary ... bur.
" May 6. Thomas, s. of Jesper Cock & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Sept. 26. Thomas Morris & Martha Bromley ... mar.

LANCELOT CORFIELD } Churchwardens for
FRANCIS WEALE } the year 1718.

1718, Aug. 9. James, s. of Thomas Morris & Martha ... bap.
" Sept. 13. William Mandloye, a stranger, of p. Kenley ... bur.

JOHN PINCHES } Churchwardens.

1719, July 1. John Parsons, p. Much Wenlock, & Margaret Pinches, of H. .., ... mar.
" July 19. Martha, w. of Thomas Gower, jun., & Mr. Barney, of Willey, preacht her funeral sermon ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Mary, d. of Edward Cock & Elizabeth ... bap.

WILL. CORFIELD } Churchwardcns.

1720, July 24. Anne, d. of John Basset, p. Kenley, & Anne ... bap.


1724] Hughley. 27

1720, Aug. 31. Margaret, w. of Richard Pinches, smallpox ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Richard Pinches ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Margaret Tudge, widow ... bur.
" Mar. r 2. Mary, d. of Thomas Morris & Martha ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Jesper, s. of Jesper Cock & Elizabeth ... bap.

JO. CORFIELD } Wardens.

1721, May 6. Thomas Morgon, p. Eastlope ... bur.
" June 22. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Cock & Elizabeth ... bap.
" July 1. Edward Mullard & Elizabeth Amis ... mar.
" Mar. 10. Edward, s. of Edward Mullard & Elizabeth ... bap.


1722, April 15. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Cock & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Sept. 9. Francis, s. of Francis Weal & Sarah ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Mary, w. of John Roberts ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Jacob Littleford, rector ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Margaret Stockin, pauper ... bur.
1723, April 25. Margery Amiss, widow ... bur.
" May 9. Margarett Amiss, widow ... bur.
" May 12. Martha, d. of Thomas Morris & Martha (born May 1) ... bap.
" July 7. Frances Amiss, p. Wenlock ... bur.
" Nov. 11. William Bullock, sen., of Hughley ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Elizabefh, d. of Jasper Cock & Elizabeth (born Dec. 14) ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Anne, d. of Richard Map & Anne (born Feb. 19) ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Joan, d. of Hugh Hughs & Joice (born Feb. 18) ... bap.

THOM'. GOWER } Churchwardens.

1724, April 19. Elizabcth, d. of Thomas Hodgkiss & Elizabeth (born March 19) ... bap.
" June 2. John Wood ... bur.
" Aug. 31. William, s. of Edward Mullard & Elizabeth (born Aug. 27) ... bap.


28 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1724

1724, Nov. 23 John Roberts & Elizabeth Jones, both of p. H. ... mar.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Crump & Elizabeth (born Feb. 6) ... bap.

LANCELOT CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1725, June 13. Sarah, d. of Thomas Morris & Martha (born June 9) ... bap.
" June 16. William Gittins, of H., & Margarett Cooper, of p. Lybotwood ... mar.
" Aug. 1. Hugh, s. of Hugh Hughs & Joice (born July 25) ... bap.
" Sept. 16 Mrs. Jane Littleford, widow ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Richard Baxter & Martha Bayliss, both of H. ... mar.
" Nov. 28. John, s. of John Morris & Eleanor (born Nov. 17) ... bap.
" Dec. 28. William, s. of John Roberts & Elizabeth (born Dec. 6) ... bap.

HUGH HUGHS } Churchwardens.

1726, Mar. 27. Richard, s. of Richard Map & Anne (born Mar. 25th, 1725) ... bap.
" July 12. Hugh, s. of Hugh Hughs ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Lewis Humpbreys, p. Lingin, Herefordshire, & Judith Bowen, of H. ... mar.
" Oct. 23. Luke Bradely, p. Much Wenlock, & Margarett Gower, of H., by licence ... mar.
" Jan. 6. Joice, d. of Hugh Hughs & Joice (born Dec. 29) ... bap.
" Jan. 25. William, s. of Jasper Cock & Elizabeth (born Jan. 16) ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Thomas Gower, sen .... ... bur.
" Mar. 4. William, s. of William Haynes & Jane (born Mar. 2) ... bap.

JO. MORRIS } Churchwardens.


1729] Hughley. 29

1727, April 4. William Bishop, p. Chetton, & Elizabeth Bembow, p. Kenlcy ... mar.
" April 13. Richard, s. of Richard Map & Anne ... bur.
" Sept. 8. Joyce, wife of Hugh Hughs ... bur.
" Sept. 12. William, s. of William Browne & Martha (born Aug. 20) ... bap.
" Sept. 17. Mary, d. of Samuel Bullock, of the high Town in Bridgnorth, & Eleanor (born Sept. 8) ... bap.
" Scpt. 24. William & Joyce, s. & d. of Hugh Hughes ... bur.
" Oct. 1. Mary, d. of Samuel Bullock, of the high Town in Bridgnorth ... bur.
" Nov. 8. John, s. of Jasper Cock & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Mullard & Elizabeth (born Dec. 1) ... bap.
" Mar. 10. John, s. of Thomas Morris & Martha (born March 1) ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Mary, d. of William Giftins & Margarett (born March 10) ... bap.

LANCELOT CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1728, Mar. 25. Judith, w. of William Bowen ... bur.
" April 2. William Bowen ... bur.
" April 2. Judith, w. of Lewis Humphreys, of p. Lingin, in co. Hereford ... bur.
" April s. Samuel], s. of Richard Map & Anne (born March 27) ... bap.
" April 9. John Morris ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Mr. Lancelot Corfield, sen. ... bur.
" Nov. 6. Robert Evans, p. Smethcott, & Eleanor Morris, of H. ... mar.
" Feb. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas Morris & Martha ... bur.


1729, April 8. Mary, d. of William Gittins & Margarett ... bur.
" May 30. Edward Mullard, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Sarah Bullock, widow ... bur.


30 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1729

1729, Oct. 24. Eleanor, d. of Robert Evans & Eleanor (born Oct. 13) ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Weal & Sarah (born Nov. 26) ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Thomas Wall, a sojourner ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Sarah, w. of Francis Weal ... bur.

RICH. AMYSS } Church wardens.

1730, April 19. Sarah, d. of William Gittins & Margarett (born April 8) ... bap.
" April 30. George Colley, p. Barrow, & Mary Roden, p. Brosely (by lic.) ... mar.
" June 4. Hugh Hughs ... bur.
" July 7. William, s. of John Roberts & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Sept. 27. Edward Robinson, p. Kenley, & Elizabeth Bullock, of H. ... mar.
" Sept. 27. William, s. of William Bodfield, p. Kenley, & Mary (born Sept. 13) ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Susanna, base d. of Mary Bullock, a sojourner in the parish ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Susannah, base d. of Mary Bullock ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Gower ... bur.
" Oct. 24. Thomas Roberts & Martha Hains, p. Kenley ... mar.

WILL. BULLOCK } Churchwardens.

1731, Mar. 28. Francis, s. of William Francis, p. Kenley, & Mary (born March 7, 1730) ... bap.
" April 12. Richard, s. of Richard Gower & Abigail (born April 2) ... bap.
" May 4. Edward, s. of Francis Smout, p. Kenley, & Anne (born April 27) ... bap.
" May 6. John, s. of John Carter, p. Kenley, & Joan (born April 30) ... bap.
" May 9. Francis France & Sarah Rogers ... mar.
" May 11. Anne, d. of Richard Bitterly & Elizabeth (born April 26) ... bap.


1732] Hughley. 31

1731, May 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Map & Anne (born April 29) ... bap.
" Sept. 30. George Bullock & Sarah Evans ... mar.
" Sept. 22. Andrew Henley, p. St. Chads in Salop, & Catherine Davies, of H. ... mar.
" Aug. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Roberts, p. Kenley, & Martha (born Aug. 7) ... bap.
" Aug. 29. John, s. of John Speak, p. Harley, & Elizabeth (born Aug. 22) ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Samuel, s. of John Floyd, p. Cardington, & Joan (born March 25 last) ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Thomas Jeffes & Anne Barker, both of Stotesdon ... mar

LAN. CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1732, Mar. 27. Mary, base d. of Mary Jones, p. Preen (born March 26) ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Mary, d. of Philip Davis & Elizabeth (born March 29) ... bap.
" April 21. Elizabeth, d. of William Francis, jun., p. Kenley, & Anne (born March 27) ... bap.
" April 30. Mary, d. of William Gittins & Margarett (born April 20) ... bap.
" May 6. Francis, s. of Francis France & Sarah ... bap.
" Sept. 17. Martha, w. of John Corfield, of Presthope, p. Much Wenlock ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Sarah, d. of George Bullock, jun., & Sarah (born Sept. 26) ... bap.
" July 14. John, s. of Jasper Cock & Elizabeth (born June 26) ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Richard, s. of William Bodfield, p. Kenley, & Mary (born Oct. 29) ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Sarah, d. of George Bullock, jun., & Sarah ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Martha, d. of Edward Kite, p. Cardington, & Mary ... bap.

HEN. POWELL } Churchwardens.


32 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1733

1733, May 7. Edward Clayton & Alice Blakeway ... mar.
" May 29. Mary, d. of Richard Smout, jun., p. Preen, & Elizabeth ... bap.
" July 29. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Gower, p. Kenley, & Abigail ... bap.
" Oct. 29. John Roberts ... bur.
" Nov. 11. William, s. of Geo. Bullock, jun., & Sarah (born Oct. 25) ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Sarah, d. of Richard Map & Anne (born Jan. 24) ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Sarah, d. of John Floyd, p. Cardington, & Joan (born Aug. 26) ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Francis, s. of William Gittins & Margaret (born Feb. 23) ... bap.

THO. GOWER } Churchwardens.

1734, April 9. Susanna, d. of Edward Clayton & Alice (born March 8) ... bap.
" May 30. Mrs. Katherine Corfield, widow ... bur.
" June 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Roberts & Margarett (born June 12) ... bap.
" Sept. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Kite, p. Cardington, & Margaret (born Sept. 18) ... bap.
" Sept. 29. Mary, d. of Richard Corfield, p. Preen, & Mary (born Sept. 20) ... bap.
" Sept. 29. Samuel], s. of Samuel Hill, p. Preen, & Mary (born Sept. 5) ... bap.

LANCELOT CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1735, April 7. William Bullock & Mary Cheese ... mar.
" Dec. 23. John Roberts, a servant, p. Cound ... bur.
" Jan. 2. George, s. of George Bullock & Sarah (born Dec. 25) ... bap.
" Feb. 11. John Philpott & Elizabeth Mullard ... mar.
" Feb. 28. William, s. of William Bullock & Mary ... bap.
" Mar. 24. William Bullock, sen. ... bur.

LANCELOT CORFIELD } Churchwardens.


1739] Hughley. 33

1736, April 6. Dinah Gower, widow ... bur.
" April 29. Mary, d. of Richard Powell & Elizabeth (born April 28) ... bap.
" June 17. John, s. of William Gittins & Margarett (born June 13) ... bap.
" Sept. 11. Richard, s. of Richard Map & Anne ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Thomas, s. of Richard Gower & Abigail (born Sept. 14) ... bap.

RICH. BITTERLEY } Churchwardens.
GEO. BULLOCK, jun. }

1737, April 13. John, s. of John Philpot & Elizabeth (born April 11) ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Francis France & Sarah (born Nov. 18) ... bap.
" Dec. 19. John, s. of William Gittins & Margarett ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Margarett, d. of Thomas Eaves, p. Preen, & Alice ... bap.

JASPER COCK } Churchwardens.

1738, April 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Gittins & Margarett (born April 1) ... bap.
" May 4. Sarah, d. of George Bullock & Sarah (born April 24) ... bap.
" May 22. Hannah, d. of Richard Bitterley & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Sept. 27. William, s. of William Bowles & Abigail (born Sept. 24) ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Edward, s. of Edward Clayton & Alice ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Elizabeth Map, widow ... bur.
" Jan. 28. George, s. of George Bullock & Sarah ... bur.

LANCELOT CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1739, April 24. Anne, d. of Barfholomew Smyth & Amy (born March 19) ... bap.
" June 12. Margarett, w. of John Roberts ... bur.
" Aug. 31. William, s. of Richard Map & Anne (born Aug. 22) ... bap.

147 3

34 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1739

1739, Nov. 3. George Bullock, sen. ... bur.

HEN. POWELL } Churchwardens.

1740, May 2. Edward, s. of Richard Gower & Abigail (born April 14) ... bap.
" May 28. Richard Pitt, p. Cardington, & Elizabeth Floyd, sojourner in H. ... mar.
" May 28. Peter Morrice, a sojourner, p. Cardington ... bur.
" June 6. John Bowen, p. Cardington ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Anne, d. of John Philpott & Elizabeth (born Oct. 13) ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Richard, s. of William Gittins & Margarett ... bap.
" Dee. 21. Francis, s. of Edward Clayton & Alice ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Thomas, base s. of Mary Banks (born Jan. 2) ... bap.
" Jan. 18. George, s. of George Bullock & Sarah (born Jan. 15) ... bap.
" Feb. 6. John, s. of Thomas Hotchkiss ... bur.

THO. GOWER, senr. } Churchwardens.

1741, April 19. Elizabeth, d. of William Gittins & Margarett ... bur.
" Sept. 1. Richard Gower ... bur.
" Sept. 3. William Gittins ... bur.
" Sept. 6. Mrs. Mary Higgins, sojourner ... bur.
" Sept. 9. John Bishop, p. Cardington, & Martha Gower, of H., lic. ... mar.
" Sept. 9. Jasper Cock ... bur.
" Sept. 18. Elizabeth Cock, wid. ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Reece Jones, p. Much Wenlock, & Abigail Gower, of H. ... mar.
1742, Aug. 31. Eleanor, w. of John Roberts ... bur.
" Oct. 26. William. s. of Richard Crockett, of Acton Burnhill, & Elizabeth (born Oct. 24)... bap.
" Dec. 8. Eleanor Bullock, wid. ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Alice, d. of Edward Clayton & Alice (born Dec. 10) ... bap.


1745] Hughley. 35

1742, Jan. 5. Anne, d. of Thomas Gower, jun., & Elizabeth (born Jan. 4) ... bap.
" Feb. 6. William, s. of Reece Jones & Abigail (born Feb. 2) ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Mary, d. of Edward Gwin, p. Cardington, & Sarah ... bap.
1743, July 31. John, s. of John Philpot & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Oct. 5. Martha, w. of Thomas Morris. p. Staunton ... bur.
" Sept. 11. Mary, d. of William Ashwood & Mary (born Sept. 8) ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Mary, w. of Edward Langford, p. Kenley ... bur.
1744, May 2. Elizabeth, d. of George Bullock & Sarah (born May 1) ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Map & Anne ... bur.
" Sept. 15. Mary, base d. of Hannah Map, p. Cardington ... bap.
" Sept. 21. Richard Bowdler, p. Madeley, dioc. Hereford, & Hannah Rhoden, p. Sutton Maddock, dioc. Lichfield & Coy., lic. mar.
" Dec. 31. Anne, d. of William Ashwood & Mary (born Dec. 5) ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Henry Bowdler, rector of H. ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth, d. of George Bullock & Sarah ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Richard, s. of Edward Clayton & Alice (born Mar. 11) ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
THOMAS GOWER } Churchwardens.

1745, April 15. Jasper Cock, of H., & Elizabeth Davies, p. Church Stretton ... mar.
" June 8. Thomas Morris, p. Long Stanton ... bur.
" July 3. Maurice, base s. of Anne Jennings, p. Cardington ... bap.
" Sept. 22. Sarah, d. of Thomas Gower, jun., & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Sept. 24. George, s. of John Bishop, p. Cardington, & Martha ... bap.
" Jan. 2. John, s. of Reece Jones & Abigail ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Richard. s. of Jasper Cock & Elizabeth ... bap.


36 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1745

1745, Feb. Francis Weal & Eleanor Weston ... mar.
" Mar. 12. John, s. of George Bullock & Sarah ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
LANC. CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1746, May 5. John Weal & Jane Heycoeks ... mar.
" Aug. 18. Mrs. Sarah Corfield, wid. ... bur.
" Sept. 2. John Davies, p. Church Stretton, & Mary Hanson, of H., lic. ... mar.
" Nov. 23. Esther, d. of William Ashwood & Mary ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Alice Bullock, p. Much Wenlock ... bur.
" Dec. 29. John Map & Mary Bowen ... mar.
" Feb. 10. William, s. of Richard Map & Anne ... bur.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
GEORGE MALKIN } Churchwardens.

1747, April 20. Sarah, d. of John Weal & Jane ... bap.
" May 30. Mr. Lancelot Corfield ... bur.
" June 21. John, s. of John Davies, p. Church Stretton, & Mary ... bap.
" July 31. Elizabeth, w. of Jasper Cock ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Robinson, p. Kenley ... bur.
" Dec. 13. William, s. of Edward Clayton & Alice ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Gower, jun., & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Richard, s. of Richard Corfield, p. Preen, & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Mary Bullock, widow ... bur.
" Mar. 2. William, s. of John Whistones, p. Kenley, & Mary ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Mary, w. of Edward Parsons, p. Much Wenlock ... bur.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
WM. BITTERLEY } Churchwardens.

1748, Aug. 24. Margaret, d. of Thomas Olivers, sojourner, p. Cardington, & Margaret ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Charles Bryan & Anne Davies, both p. Much Wenlock, lic. ... mar.


1752] Hughley. 37

1748, Nov. 15. Richard, s. of Edward Corfield & Jane hap.
" Nov. 22. Mary, d. of Jasper Cock & Mary ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Francis, s. of Reece Jones & Abigail ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1749, May 16. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Hotchkiss ... bur.
" July 6. Mrs. Jane Detton, widow ... bur.
" July 20. Richard Venables, p. Harley, & Sarah Bassett, of H. ... mar.
" Aug. 20. John, s. of John Smout & Eleanor ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Talbot. p. Forton ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Samuel, s. of George Bullock & Sarah ... bap.
" Nov. 1. John, s. of John Weal & Jane ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Mary Cock, an infant ... bur.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of Thomas Gower, jun., & Elizabeth ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1730, April 22. Thomas, s. of Richard Hammond, p. Cardington, & Sarah ... bap.
" May 2. Thomas Smith, p. Willey, & Agnes Molineux, p. Linley, lic. ... mar.
" Sept. 22. Thomas Gower, sen. ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Richard, s. of John Smout & Eleanor ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
FRANCIS WEAL } Churchwardens.

1751, Mar. 27. Martha, d. of Jasper Cock & Mary ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of Edward Corfield & Jane ... bap.
" April 27. William Lewis & Sarah Bagshaw, both of p. Much Wenlock, lic. ... mar.
" Nov. 2.1.. Richard, s. of Reece Jones & Abigail ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Roberts & Anne ... bap.
(sic] 1752, Mar. 10. Esther, d. of Thomas Gower & Elizabeth ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.


38 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1752

1752, June 6. John & Elizabeth, s. & d. of Thomas Gower & Elizabeth ... bur.
" July 8. Elizabeth Gower, p. Harley ... bur.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of Edward Clayton & Alice ... bap.
" Nov. 11. John Morris ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Samuel Parsons ... bur.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
GEORGE MALKIN } Churchwardens.

1753, May 13. Francis, s. of John Smout & Eleanor ... bap.
" Sept. 4. Thomas Evans & Margaret Underwood ... mar.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
WM. BITTERLEY } Churchwardens.

1754, Jan. 13. Henry, s. of Richard Hammond & Sarah ... bap.
" May 8. John, s. of Thomas Evans & Margaret ... bap.
" Sept. 21. John Philpot ... bur.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1733, Jan. 19. Sarah, d. of John Smout & Eleanor ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Sarah Smout, the same infant ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Hannah, d. of Thomas Rogers, p. Preen, & Mary ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1756, Jan. 1. Joseph, s. of John Map & Mary ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Edward, s. of John Smout & Eleanor ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Elizabeth, w. of George Malkin ... bur.
" May 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Evans & Margaret ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1757, Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of John Whistones, p. Kenley, & Mary ... bap.
" Jan. 23-James, base s. of Mary Morris ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Samuel, s. of Samuel Evans, p. Cardington, & Martha ... bap.


1761] Hughley. 39

1757, Nov. 17. Francis Gittins, a servant ... bur.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
RICHD. POWELL } Churchwardens.

1758, Jan. 6. Hannah, d. of John Olivers & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Richard Cock, an infant ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Thomas Hotehkiss, a poor man ... bur.
" April 8. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Corus & Elizabeth ... bap.
" April 30. Anne, d. of John Smout & Eleanor ... bap.
" May 31. Benjamin Haynes, a poor man ... bur.
" July 6. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Gower, p. Longnor ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Thomas, s. of John Davies & Abigail ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Joseph, s. of John Powell, p. Cardington, & Sarah ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
LANC. CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1759, Jan. 28. Richard, s. of John Weal & Jane ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Richard, base s. of Anne Weaver ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Richard, s. of William Tiler & Sarah ... bap.
" May 1. John, s. of Samuel Lloyd & Martha ... bap.
" Sept. 5. Francis, s. of Francis Wall, p. Kenley, & Anne ... bap.
" Sept. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Langley & Anne ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jarman & Jane ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
RICHD. POWELL } Churchwardens.

1760, Jan. 13. Mary, d. of Edward Corns & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Mary, d. of John Davies & Abigail ... bap.
" May 23. Elizabeth Jarman, an infant ... bur.
" May 27. Edward Pritchard, a poor man ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Mary, d. of William Bullock & Anne ... bap.
" Nov. 9. William, s. of William Dudley & Sarah ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
WM. BITTERLEY } Churchwardens.

1761, Jan. 7. John, s. of Edward Corfield & Jane ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Eleanor, d. of John Smout & Eleanor ... bap.


40 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1761

1761, Mar. 23. William, s. of William Tiler & Sarah ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Mary, base d. of Mary Morris ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Mary, d. of John Powell, p. Cardington, & Sarah ... bap.
" Sept. 15. Samuel, s. of John Carter, p. Kenley, & Amy ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Edward, s. of Samuel Amies, p. Kenley, & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Mrs. Elizabeth Bowdler, wid. ... bur.
" Dec. 12. John, s. of Edward Jarman & Jane ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1762, Feb. 25. John, s. of John Bishop, p. Kenley, & Hannah ... bap.
" April 18. John. s. of William Bullock & Anne ... bap.
" May 16. Elizabeth Philpot, a poor widow ... bur.
" May 20. Thomas. s. of Edward Parsons, p. Much Wenlock ... bur.
" July 19. Mary, d. of Thomas Richards & Elizabeth ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
LANC. CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1763, Jan. 20. Edward, s. of Edward Clayton & Alice ... bur.
" Feb. 8. John, s. of John Bywaters & Sarah ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Francis, s. of Edward Clayton & Alice ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Richard, s. of Edward Parsons, p. Much Wenlock ... bur.
" May 1. Thomas, s. of William Tiler & Sarah ... bap.
" June 12. Jane, d. of John Smout & Eleanor ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1764, Jan. 18. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Bitterley ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Richard, s. of John Powell, p. Cardington, & Sarah ... bap.
" Mar. 31. William, s. of Edward Jarman & Jane ... bap.
" April 12. Richard Map ... bur.


1768] Hughley. 41

1764, Sept. 30. John, base s. of Mary Morris ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Richard, s. of Richard Taylor & Margaret ... bap.
" Dec. 21. George Malkin ... bur.

W. CORFIELD. Rector.
HENRY POWELL } Churchwardens.

1765, April 19. Catherine, w. of William Jarman ... bur.
" Sept. 2. Sarah, d. of Edward Bowen, p. Preen, & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Sept. 8. Francis France, a poor man ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Evans, p. Cardington, & Martha ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
WM. BITTERLEY } Churchwardens.

1766, Mar. 11. Anne, d. of William Bullock & Anne ... hap.
" Mar. 19. Anne Bullock, the same infant ... bur.
" April 21. Anne, d. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary ... bap.
" July 6. Anne, d. of John Powell, p. Cardington, & Anne ... bap.
" Sept. 16. Francis Weal, a poor man ... bur.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
HENRY POWELL } Churchwardens.

1767, Jan. 11. Sarah, d. of Francis Lucas & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Mar. 10. William, s. of William Bullock & Anne ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Francis, s. of Francis Powell & Martha ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Anne, d. of William Botfield & Mary ... bap.
" April 12. Richard, s. of John Watkiss & Alice ... bap.
" July 12. Elizabeth, d. of Walfer Jones & Sarah ... bap.
" July 26. Richard Watkiss, an infant ... bur.
" Aug. 21. John Morris, an infant ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Sarah, d. of Thomas Bryan, p. Kenley, & Margaret ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
SAMUEL MADELEY } Churchwardens.

1763, Jan. 15. John, s. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary ... bap.
" Feb. 23. William, s. of Thomas Madelcy & Martha ... bap.


42 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1768

1768, July 29. William, s. of Richard Taylor & Margaret ... bap.

[The above entry is the last made by the Rector. The following signatures and all entries up to June 22, 1777, are in a different hand.]

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWD. CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1769, Jan. 12. Sarah, d. of John Powell & Sarah ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Christopher, s. of William Miles &Eleanor ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Thomas Langley, a poor man ... bur.
" April 30. Martha, d. of John Watkiss & Alice ... bap.
" April 30. William, s. of William Clayton & Margaret ... bap.
" May 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Madeley & Marfha ... bap.
" July 14. Anne, d. of Walter Jones & Sarah ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Martha Watkiss. an infant ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John Colley & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Francis, s. of John Thomas & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Edward Whistons & Sarah Bywaters ... mar.

[This entry is crossed out. See vol. iv.]

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
EDWD. CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1770, May 27. Thomas, s. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary ... bap.
" July 28. Anne Jone, an infant ... bur.
" Aug. 8. Sarah, d. of John Hind & Sarah ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Frances, base d. of Mary Morris ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Anne, d. of Thomas Madeley & Martha ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
JOHN COLLEY } Churchwardens.

1771, Jan. 31. Elizabeth, d. of John Watkiss & Alice ... bap.
" May 26. Margaret, d. of John Powell & Sarah ... bap.
" May 28. Richard, s. of John Weal ... bur.
" July 5. Mafthew, s. of John Colley & Elizabeth ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
GEO. BULLOCK } Churchwardens.

1772, June 9. John Weal ... bur.
" July 8. Edward Corfield ... bur.


1775] Hughley. 43

1772, Nov. 26. Thomas Madeley, an infant ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Madeley & Martha ... bap.
" Dec. 27. James Morris & Elizabeth Richards ... mar.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of William Hanson & Anne ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
HENRY POWELL } Churchwardens.

1773, Jan. 5. Sarah France, a poor widdo ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Joseph Burns, a poor boy ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Samuel, s. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Anne, d. of William Corfield & Elizabeth ... bap.
" May 15. Sarah Jones, widdo ... bur.
" May 23. Mary, base d. of Margaret Robinson ... bap.
" June 17. Richard Blakeway ... bur.
" July 21. Charles, s. of John Colley & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Sept. 27. Edward Bennett, a poor man ... bur.
" Sept. 27. William Burns, an infant ... bur.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
SAML. MADELEY } Churchwardens.

1774, Jan. 2. Anne, d. of John Bullock & Mary ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Anne Bullock, the same infant ... bur.
" April 3. Thomas. s. of Thomas Madeley & Martha ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Benjamin, s. of John Powel, of Cardington, & Sarah ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Thomas, s. of John Bullock & Mary ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
JOHN COLLEY } Churchwardens.

1775, Jan. 8. Mary, d. of John Davies & Abigail ... bur.
" Feb. 5. John, s. of John Watkiss & Alice ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Anne Haines, a poor widow ... bur.
" July 26. William, s. of Samuel Lloyd, p. Cardington, & Martha ... bap.
" Aug. 5. William, s. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary ... bap.
" Sept. 13. Margaret Gittens, a poor widdo
" Dec. 10. Samuel, s. of Thomas Madeley & Martha ... bur.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
JOHN BYWATERS } Churchwardcns.


44 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776

1776, Jan. 7. Anne, d. of William Morris, p. Kenley, & Mary ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Hannah, base d. of Mary Morris ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Edward Clayton ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Anne, d. of Edward Power, p. Easthope, & Mary ... bap.
" April 14.. Anne, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth ... bap.
" May 18. Mrs. Elizabeth Corfield ... bur.
" Aug. 8. John, s. of Samuel Madeley & Anne ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Alice Clayton, wid. bur.
" Nov. 2. John, s. of John Bullock & Mary ... bap.

W. CORFIELD, Rector.
RICHARD CLEETON } Churchwardens.

1777, Jan. 27. William Corfield, Rector of Hughley ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Edward, s. of William Mullard and Hannah ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Thomas Madeley, an infant ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of William Corfield, p. Eaton, & Elizabeth ... bap.
" May 25. Charles, s. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary ... bap.
" June 22. William, base s. of Casiah Evens ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Jane Weal, wid. ... bur.

M.P. STEPHENS, Rector.
The mark + of REES JONES } Churchwardens.
The mark x of JOHN BLAKEWAY }

[Note on Cover.]- The Third Bell was given by Mr. Jacob Littleford, Rector.
The Parsonage House was begun by the aforesaid Jacob Littleford, in the year 1711, and finish'd by Henry Bowdler, Rector, in the year 1723.

[End of Vol. II.]


1779] Hughley. 45




1778, Jan. 4.. Mary, d. of Thomas Duke, and Mary, of the p. of Baschurch beyond Shrewsbury (born Dec. 29, 1777) ... bap.
" Mar. 2. John, s. of Thomas Madely & Martha (born Feb. 23) ... bap.
" May 24. Edward, s. of John Watkis & Alice (born May 13) ... bap.
" June 15. Edward, base s. of Mary Doughty (born May 25) ... bap.
" June 18. Edward, base s. of Mary Doughty ... bur.
" Sept. 7. Anne Dykes, p. Kenley ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Lucy, d. of John & Mary Bullock (born Oct. 22) ... bap.
" Dec. 23. William, s. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary ... bur.

Delivered info Court by A. P. STEPHENS, Rector.
SAMUEL MADELEY } Churchwardens.

1779, Jan. 10. Sarah, base d. of Margaret Robinson (born Jan. 4.) ... bap.
" June 25. Reece Jones ... bur.
" June 27. Ann, base d. of Elizabeth Glaze (born June 5) ... bap.
" June 27. Francis, s. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary (born April 12) ... bap.
" June 27. Robert, s. of Samuel Bullock & Beatrice (born June 17) ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Madely & Martha (born Oct. 29) ... bap.


46 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779

1779, Dec. 25. Thomas, s. of Edward Evans & Sarah (born Dec. 21) ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Sarah Evans ... bur.

Delivered into Court.

1780, Nov. 5. Sarah, d. of Richard Jones & Jane (born Oct. 31) ... bap.
1781, April 22. Maria, d. of John Bullock & Mary (born April 20) ... bap.
" June 3. Margaret, d. of Thomas Madely & Martha (born May 23) ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Sarah, d. of Samuel Bullock & Beatrice (born Dec. 4) ... bap.
1782, Jan. 2. Edward, s. of William Mullard & Hannah ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Samuel, s. of Samuel Madely & Eleanor (born Jan. 23) ... bap.
" Mar. so. Samuel, s. of Samuel Madely & Eleanor ... bur.
" May 26. Thomas, base s. of Margaret Cock (born May 23) ... bap.
" Sept. 8. John Bishop, base s. of Mary Taylor (born Sept. 3) ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Madely & Martha (born Nov. 10) ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Sally, d. of Samuel Bywaters & Mary (born Nov. 21) ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Joseph Ellis ... bur.
1783, June 15. William, s. of Edward Griffith & Ann (born June 6) ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Harriet, d. of John Bullock & Mary (born Aug. 28) ... bap.
" Dec. 21. John, s. of Samuel Madely & Eleanor (born Dec. 1) ... bap.
1784, Feb. 13. John, s. of Samuel Madely ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Edward Evans & Martha (born Feb. 9) ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Anne, base d. of Catherine Turner, a pauper (born Mar. 27) ... bap.
" May 1. Thomas Gower, p. Upton-under-Heymond ... bur.
" June 1. John Corfield ... bur.


1789] Hughley. 47

1784, July 1. Sophia, d. of Richard Abberley & Theodosia (born July 1) ... bap.

W. Wynn, Collect'r. Delivered into Court.

1785, Feb. 13. Edward, s. of Edward Griffith & Anne (born Feb. 8) ... bap.
" May 22. Joseph, s. of Thomas Madeley & Martha (born May 16) ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Ann Madely ... bur.

Inspected p. Theo Morrall.

1786, Feb. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith & Mary (born Feb. 6) ... bap.
" April 30. Mary, d. of John Bullock & Mary (born April 23) ... bap.
" May 25. George Bullock (a pauper) ... bur.
" July 7. Mary, d. of John Bullock & Mary (an infant) ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Jasper, s. of Thomas Madeley & Martha (born Aug. 1) ... bap.
" Sept. 24. Ann, d. of Samuel Madely & Eleanor (born Sept. 20) ... bap.

Inspected Theo' Morrall, Dep. Coll'r.

" Nov. 12. Sarah Bywaters ... bur.
1787, Jan. 25. John Davies ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Jane, based. of Katherine Turner (a pauper), (born Oct. 1) ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Nathan, base s. of Katherine Turner (a pauper), (born Oct. 1) ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Benjamin, s. of Thomas Madely & Martha (born Oct. 1) ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Nathan, base s. of Katherine Turner (a pauper) ... bur.
1788, Aug. 31. Sarah, d. of Edward Griffith & Ann (born Aug. 25) ... bap.
" Sept. 10. William Haynes ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Sarah Bullock, wid. (a pauper) ... bur.
1789, Jan. 25. Catherine, w. of Benjamin Hammonds (a pauper) ... bur.
" April 12. Ann, d. of Thomas Griffith & Mary (born April 1) ... bap.
" June 14. Richard, s. of Thomas Madely & Martha (born June 10) ... bap.


48 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789

1789, Aug. 16. John Bywaters ... bur.
1790, Mar. 12. Alice, w. of John Watkyss ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Benjamin Hammonds (a pauper) ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Francis, s. of Edward Griffiths & Ann (born Oct. 12) ... bap.
1791, Feb. 13. John Thomas (miller) ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Abigail Davies, wid. ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Martha, d. of Thomas Madely & Martha (born Dec. 18) ... bap.
" Dec. 25. William, base s. of Jane Smout ... bap.
1792, Mar. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffith & Mary (born March 10) ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Samuel Madely (the elder) ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Mary, d. of Philip Evans & Mary (born Dec. 29) ... bap.
1793, Sept. 13. John Cleeton ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Mary Morris (a pauper) ... bur.
1794, Mar. 2. Martha, d. of Philip Evans & Mary (born Feb. 23) ... bap.
" June 1. James, s. of Thomas Madely & Martha (born May 26) ... bap.
" Nov. 23. John Blakeway (a pauper) ... bur.
1795, Jan. 11. Thomas, base s. of Hannah Morris ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Abigail Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Eleanor, d. of Samuel Madely & Eleanor ... bap.
" Dec. 10. William Mullard (a pauper) ... bur.
1796, Feb. 9. Mary Cock ... bur.
" April 3. Edward, s. of Thomas Madely & Martha ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Ann, d. of Philip Evans & Mary (born Nov. 15) ... bap.
1797, Mar. 12. John Bradley (a pauper) ... bur.
" Sept. 19. Mary, base d. of Catherine Turner ... bur.
" Oct. 8. John Watkyss, p. Shipton ... bur.
1798, Mar. 25. Hannah, d. of Richard Amlett & Ann ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Jane, d. of William Bowen & Sarah ... bap.
1799, Feb. 17. Jane, base d. of Elizabeth Madely ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Sarah, d. of Philip Evans & Mary (born Mareh 29) ... bap.
" April 7. The said Sarah Evans ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Eleanor, base d. of Mary Thomas ... bap.


1805] Hughley. 49

1800, Feb. 16. Jane, base d. of Mary Bradley ... bap.
" May 11. Edward Corns ... bur.
" June 15. Mary Ann, base d. of Mary Browne, of Wolverhampton ... bap.
" July 13. John, base s. of Ann Corfield ... bur.
" Aug. 12. Mary Ann Browne ... bur.
1801, Jan. 27. Samuel Madely ... bur.
" Aug. 9. John, base s. of Ann Corfield ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Joseph. s. of Thomas Dodd & Fanny ... bap.
1802, Jan. 24. Richard, s. of John & [blank] Hill ... bap.

[This has been crossed out.]

" Jan. 24. William, s. of Philip Evans & Mary ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth Corns, widow ... bur.
" April 30. Sarah, w. of William Bowen ... bur.
" May 9. Richard, s. of Samuel Cleeton & Mary (born May 5) ... hap.
" May 9. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Madely & Eleanor (born April 29) ... bap.
" May 23. Thomas, base s. of Mary Haynes ... bap.
" Aug. 22. The said Thomas Haynes ... bur.
1803, June 19. John, base s. of Elizabeth Madely ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Mary, w. of John Bullock ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Margaret, d. of Samuel Cleeton & Mary ... bap.
" Oct. 30. The said Margaret Cleeton ... bur.
1804, Feb. 5. Anne, d. of Thomas Dodd & Frances ... bap.
" May 22. Jasper Cock ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Francis Miles, base s. of Ann Corfield ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Mrs. Jane Corfield ... bur.
1805, April 14. Margaret, base d. of Mary Wilding ... bap.
" April 28. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Danks & Ann ... bap.
" May 14. John Watkiss ... bur.
" June 16. William, base s. of Anne Haynes ... bap.
" July 22. Mary, d. of William Bowen & Anne ... bap.
" July 28. William, s. of Francis Hall & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Sept. 25. Joshua Madeley ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Charlotte, base d. of Mary Norry ... bap.

Delivered into Court.
MOR. JONES, Rector.
THOMAS GRIFFITHS } Church wardens.

163 4

50 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806

1806, Mar. 27. Benjamin Wellings, p. Kenley ... bur.
" July 9. Jane, d. of William Taylor & Sarah ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Moses, s. of William Bowen & Anne ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Thomas Miles, an infant ... bur.

MOR. JONES, Rector.
THOS. MADELEY } Churchwardens.

1807, Feb. 25. Sarah, d. of Thomas Dodd & Frances ... bap.
" April 12. Susannah Crump ... bur.
" Aug. 28. Thomas, s. of Samuel Madely & Sarah ... bap.
" Sept. 27. Sarah, d. of Philip Evans & Mary ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Mary, wife of Philip Evans, and Sarah her infant d. were both buried together in the same coffin and same grave.

Skulls found June 4th, 1890, when digging grave for Richard Bullock. [Note in pencil.]

" Dec. 6. Thomas Crump ... bur.

MOR. JONES, Rector.
SAML. MADELEY } Churchwardens.

1808, May 8. Mary, d. of William Taylor and Sarah ... bap.
" May 29. Richard, s. of John Bullock & Sarah ... bap.
" July 8. Mary Taylor, an infant ... bur.
" July 8. Susannah, d. of William Bowen & Anne ... bap.
" Aug. 11. John, s. of John Madeley and Jane ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Joseph, s. of John Burns & Anne ... bap.
" Aug. 15. William Hartshorn, a common soldier ... bur.

MOR. JONES, Rector.
RICD. CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1809, Feb. 19. Joseph, s. of John Thomas & Anne ... bap.
" May 28. Josiah, s. of Francis Danks & Anne ... bap.
" May 31. Mary Bywaters ... bur.
" Sept. 17. William, s. of William Taylor & Sarah ... bap.

MOR. JONES, Rector.
RICD. CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

1810, Mar. 25. Thomas Madeley ... bur.
" June 20. John Morris (a pauper) ... bur.
" Sept. 9. Thomas, s. of Richard Haynes & Beatrix ... bap.


1810] Hughley. 51

1810, Sept. 16. Sarah, d. of William Bowen & Anne ... bap.

MOR. JONES, Rector.
THOMAS GRIFFITHS } Churchwardens.

1811, Feb. 3. Mary, d. of John Bullock & Sarah ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Madeley & Jane ... bap.
" Sept. 1. William, s. of Francis Bywaters & Mary ... bap.
1812, Mar. 8. John, s. of John Thomas & Anne ... bap.
" April 5. John, s. of William Taylor & Sarah ... bap.
" July 12. Richard Ives ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Thomas, s. of William Bowen & Anne ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Edward Parsons ... bur.

RICHARD CORFIELD } Churchwardens.

[The two pages following are blank. On last page of Register is the following:-]

Memorandum. That by order of Doctor Luxmore, Bishop of Hereford, the population of the parish of Hughley has been numbered in the year 1810, and found to contain 15 families and 91 Souls.
RICD. CORFIELD, Churchwarden.

In the year 1811, 16 inhabited houses, 16 families, 1 house uninhabited; 63 males, 49 females. Total, 112.

The population of the parish of Hughley in the year 1821 - namely, 101 souls; 17 houses and 17 families, one void house.

The population of Hughley taken in the year 1831 - 17 inhabited houses, occupied by 21 families; 64 males and 51 females. Total, 115.
B. HOWELL, Rector.

End of Vol. III.

[Sept. 4, 1753, is last entry of marriage in Book II.]


MARRIAGES 1758-1812.

[The parties are of Hughley, except where otherwise stated.]

1758, Jan. 3. William Habberley, p. Easthope, b., & Susannah Powell, sp., lic.


52 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1759-1812]

1759, Aug. 5. Edward Jarman, b., & Jane Norris, wid.
1761, Mar. 23. James Harris, b., & Elizabeth France, sp.
" May 28. Paul Bowen, p. Kenley, b., & Margaret Roberts, sp.
1765, July 5. Richard Blakeway, p. Easthope, b., & Elizabeth Powell, sp., lic.
1766, Jan. 23. John Watkins, b., & Alice Clayton, sp.
" June 24. Walter Jones, b., & Sarah Bullock, sp.
1767, July 19. Stephen Jones, b., & Mary Millington, sp.
1768, Jan. 22. Thomas Madeley, b., & Martha Cock, sp.
" June 28. John Meyrick, b., & Anne Langley, sp.
" Aug. 10. William Clayton, b., & Margaret Madeley, sp.
1769, Aug. 22. James Bayles, b., & Mary Bell, p. Knockin, sp., lic.
" Dec. 31. Edward Whiston, p. Kenley, & Sarah Bywaters.
1772, Dec. 27. James Morris & Elizabeth Richards.
1778, Dec. 27. Samuel Bullock, b., & Beatriee Clemson, sp.
1779, May 27. Edward Evans, b., & Sarah Weal, sp.
" Nov. 16. Richard Jones, b., & Jane Perks, sp., lic.
1781, June 3. John Ree, p. Eaton, b., & Elizabeth Perks, sp.
" July 17. Edward Griffith, b., & Anne Bywaters, sp.
1782, Aug. 26. John Cowper, a sojourner in p. Monk Hopton, & Elizabeth Glaze, sp.
1784, Oct. 21. Richard Glaze, p. Much Wenlock, & Mary Taylor, sp., lic.
1792, July 30. Philip Evans, p. Long Stanton, b., & Mary Madeley, sp.
1795, May 28. Thomas Evans, b., & Mary Jones, sp.
1799, April 18. Samuel Beamon, b., & Ann Underwood, sp.
" July 7. Robert Roberts Pursell, p. Little Wenlock, b., & Ann Omard, sp., lic.
1800, Feb. 16. Thomas Weaver, b., & Elizabeth Reynolds, p. Ludlow, sp., lic.
1803, July 21. Thomas Corfield, b., & Mary Hamlett, p. Kenley, sp., lic.
1807, Sept. 10. John Madeley, b., & Jane Turner, sp.
1809, Aug. 1. John Kendall, b., & Mary Granger, sp.
1812, Oct. 6. William Morgan, b., & Catharina Browne, sp.


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