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Volume IV.
Volume V.

The Register

Pontesbury Registers.

Pontesbury is a large parish of 11,000 acres, extending from the Shrewsbury side of Hanwood, less than 4 miles from Shrewsbury, to Asterley, some 10 miles from the town, with the parish of Church Pulverbatch on the south and that of Ford on the north. The village of Pontesbury lies 7½ miles from Shrewsbury and 15½ from Montgomery. The chief part of the parish is in the manor of Ford, comprising the townships of Arscott, Asterley, Boycott, Cruck Meole, Cruckton, Edge, Farley, Ralston, Hinton, The Lea, Little Hanwood, Newnham and Polemere, Pontesford, Plealey, Sascott and Siberscote. Part of Onslow is within the liberties of Shrewsbury; Oakes is an independent manor, in the hundred of Condover, as is Longden, a chapelry of Pontesbury, in the hundred of Ford. The manor of Pontesbury itself is not of large extent. The parish is in the hundred of Ford, the rural deanery of Pontesbury, Archdeaconry of Ludlow, and Diocese of Hereford. The present lord of the manors of Ford, Pontesbury and Oakes, is H. de Grey Tatham Warter, Esq., of Hinton Hall.

The history of Pontesbury goes back to very early times, as is shewn by the earthworks on the Pontesford and Pontesbury hills. It was on the line of a Roman road to the lead mines on the Stiperstones, and some antiquaries derive the name from the Latin " Pontes." The remains of a Roman villa were found in 1793 at the Lea. The place names go to show that the Saxons in their turn completely annexed the district, as no Celtic names survive, unless it be in the Lyd Hole, under the Pontesford Hill, - (Llwyd - dark grey,) - but it is quite possible that the name may be comparatively modern and taken from a personal name.

Pontesbury has been identified with Possentes-byrig, the scene of the important battle mentioned in the Saxon Chronicle as taking place in 661, at Easter, between Kenwulf, King of the West Saxons, and Wulfhere, son of Penda, King of Mercia. The old custom of the Palm Sunday search for the golden arrow at Pontesford may be a tradition of this fight. The lord of the Manor of Pontesbury in the time of King Edward the Confessor was Ernui. The Domesday record is: " The same Roger (fitz Corbet) holds Pantesberie (of Earl Roger de Montgomery). Ernui held it (in Saxon times) and still holds it under Roger (Fitz Corbet). Here are 4½ hides geldable, and 1½ hides not geldable. In demesne are 4 oxteams, and (there are) 7 Serfs, 10 Villeins, 5 Bordars, and 1 Radman with 5 teams; and there might be 3 more teams hereon. A mill here renders an annual Corn Rent, and there is a wood which will fatten 40 swine. In King Edward's time the Manor was worth £8 per annum. Now it is worth £6." Ennui had held Oakes, part of Wrentnall and possibly part of Brompton in Condover Hundred, in addition to Westbury, Pontesbury, Fairley, and part of Onslow. He eventually lost all his estates, but in 1087 he retained the last three, holding them under Roger and Robert fitz Corbet of Caus. Pontesbury was later held under the Corbets by the Fitz Herberts, the ancestors of the Earls of Pembroke. In 1255, it was held by Reginald fitz Peter, grandson of the first Fitz Herbert lord of the Manor, as a tenure of 2½ hides, including Malhurst. Reginald died in 1286, possessed at Pontesbury of a Capital Messuage, a garden, the Moorland, a mill, &c.


valued at £18 14s. 2d. annually. His son John sold the Manor and advowson to Rees ap Howell, Clerk, who in 1309 exchanged the manor for lands at Talgarth with King Edward II., who a few weeks later granted it to John de Charlton in reward for his good services, rendered probably at the time of the King's accession, for John had received a grant of Free-Warren at Pontesbury as early as September, 1307. The Charltons, Barons of Powis, held the manor till the death, in 1551, of the last Lord Powis of that family, one of whose grand-daughters married William Leighton. The manor, after being for some time in the hands of the Vernons of Stokesay, was sold by William Leighton to Sir Roger Owen, of Condover, eldest son of Judge Thomas Owen, the builder of Condover Hall. It remained part of the Owen property till it was sold in recent years by the late Reginald Cholmondeley.

Pontesbury had 31 inhabitants assessed on the Subsidy Roll of 1327, only three of whom seem to have been fairly well off.

Malhurst, part of the Manor of Pontesbury, was held under the Fitz Herberts by a branch of the Corbets. In 1255, " Mathelhurste " was held as half-a-hide by Richard Corbet under Reginald fitz Peter, and in 1327, Isabella de Mathehurst was the most wealthy inhabitant of the Manor of Pontesbury. It was later the home of the Burleys, who were possibly of the same family as John Burley, one of the Council of the Barony of Caus in 1408. The name occurs very early in the registers.

Halston, or Auston, as it was written in the 16th century, was the home of a later branch of the Corbets, when Thomas, son of William Corbet of Lee, is called of Auston.

Other branches of the Corbets of Leigh were Corbets of Newton, and the Corbets of Hampton, from whom were descended the Corbets of Pontesbury. Edward Corbett, Student of Merton College, Oxford, who was allowed in 1646 to alter his pew in Pontesbury Church, was probably a son of Roger Corbet, of Pontesbury.

In 1647, John Corbet, of Aulston, Esq., was among those Puritan gentlemen appointed to be on the "First Classis" of the six Shropshire Presbyteries.

Fairley is described in Domesday as: " The same Roger (fitz Corbet) holds Fernelege (of the Earl) and Ernuin holds it of him. He (Ernuin) held it in the time of King Edward, and was free together with his land. Here is one hide geldable. In demesne there is one oxteam, and three Serfs and three Bordars; and there might be two teams more here. The former value was 4s. (per annum). Now it is worth 3s." The manor was early absorbed by its larger neighbour of Pontesbury, and its independence forgotten.

Onslow was partly in the parish of St. Chad, Shrewsbury, and Hundred of Baschurch, and partly in the parish of Pontesbury, and Hundred of Ford. The Domesday notice of the Pontesbury portion is: " Robert (fitz Corbet) holds Andreslawe of tho Earl, and Ernui of him. The same Ernui held it (in Saxon times) and was a free man. Here is one hide, geldable. In demesne is one oxteam, and (there are) three Villeins with one team. The former value of the manor was 10s. (per annum), now it is worth 12s." Robert Corbet's heirs at Onslow were the Boterell family, under whom the manor was held by the Arundels. The tenants here who took their name from the place held under the Canons of St. Chad's. The Onslows, in 1617, sold their estate to Sir Thomas Harries, of Boreatton, and after passing through several hands it was bought in 1780 by the Wingfields, who had long lived at Preston Brockhurst. The family of Waring was connected with Onslow in the 13th century, and held land in the neighbourhood till modern days.


The Manor of Ford, which has the custom of " Borough English," i.e., inheritance by the youngest and not the eldest son, was retained by the King in his own hands for a considerable time after the forfeiture of Robert de Belesme, the last Norman Earl of Shrewsbury. In 1230 it was granted by Henry III. to Henry de Audley, of Redcastle. It remained with the Audleys till the 15th century, when it passed by inheritance to the Troutbecks, and then to the Talbots, of Grafton. It was in 1087, a manor of 15 hides, extending into the parish of Alberbury as well as that of Pontesbury.

The mediaeval incumbents of Ford made several attempts to claim jurisdiction over the Pontesbury townships of the manor, and though in 1345 the claim was formally allowed, it never became a reality, and to this day the parish of Ford is limited to a portion only of the township of Ford itself.

Arscott has no early history. In 1327, five names appear on the Subsidy Roll of those who paid the tax of a twentieth of their moveable goods. In the Ford Manor Roll of 1610, six houses are mentioned, two freehold belonging to Richard Harries. The chief copyholders were the heirs of William Applebury.

Asterley was originally the property of the Church of Pontesbury, and possibly represents the 1½ hides of tax free land mentioned in Domesday. In 1255, Robert Wyscart held a hide here under the Church of St. George, and ten tenants held another hide elsewhere in Pontesbury under the same Church. In 1292, it is spoken of as Asterley-juxta-Cawes. In 1327, the names of eight tenants are given on the Subsidy Roll.

Boycott in 1200 was held by Emma, the heiress wife of Philip de Stapleton, lord of Stapleton. A family early took its name from here but they were not the only landholders. It was later the property of the Higgons family, and then of the Niccolls, of whom Thomas Niccolls was Sheriff of Shropshire in 1641. He took the Puritan side, probably through the influence of his mother Anne, sister of Rowland Heylyn, Alderman of London, the promoter of the translation of the Bible into Welsh. The wife of the Sheriff was Mary Kynaston, of Marton, a sister of Judith, wife of Sir Orlando Bridgman, Lord Keeper of fhe Great Seal. He was one of those Puritan gentlemen mentioned as of the " First classis " in 1647.

The Kynastons, of Pontesbury, were of the same stock as those of Marton and Crickheath, though not very nearly related. They were settled in Pontesbury at the end of the 15th century. Thomas Young, Archbishop of York in 1561, was married to Jane, sister of John Kynaston of the Woodhouse, co. Salop, whom the Heralds of 1623 put under the Kynastons of Pontesbury.

The family of Boycott, of Boycott, retain their connection with Pontesbury to the present day. In 1659, William Adams, of Longdon, and Judith, daughter of William Boycott, of Buildwas, were married. Another daughter married into the Warter family, of Swancote, near Worfield. William Boycott, Esq., of Uppington, was buried in 1707.

In March, 1659-60, John Congreve, of Stretton, in the parish of Penkridge, co. Staffs., married Mary Niccolls, and the following year she was living at Boycott with her father, and received from Timothy Hammond, one of the Rectors, a licence to eat flesh in Lent, she being then " sick and deprived of health." Her daughter Mary, was baptised in August, 1661.

Cruck Meole (or Meole as it is ealled in the Subsidy Roll of 1327) possessed one of the four mills of the Manor of Ford, and Roger the Miller was one of the seven inhabitants assessed there. In 1610 eleven houses are mentioned here, and two mills, Cruck Meole and Hanwood, which latter is in Ford parish.


Cruckton was the home as early as the 15th century of the Harries family, and the family of Phillipps were also there in the 16th and 17th centuries. It has eight names on the Roll of 1327, one of whom, Nicholas fitz Robert, was assessed at 5s. In 1610 Richard Hosier and Edward Onslow were the chief copyholders, and Richard Harries had a large freehold. On the death in 1879 of Col. Thomas Harries, the estate passed to the Jenkins family.

Edge had eight fairly well to do inhabitants assessed in 1327. The family of Edge, alias Hawkins, occurs in this neighbourhood in the 16th century. It ended with two heiresses, one of whom married Francis Ward, of Hinton, and the other Hugh Corbel, both before 1584. In 1610, George Browne held the chief part of Edge.

Hinton was the home of the Ward family, one of whom, Thomas, married Jane, daughter of Roger Higgons, and his grandson Francis married a daughter and heiress of Roger Edge, alias Hawkins. The property of the Ward family here passed to the Offleys, and so to the Wakemans. Hinton Hall, built in 1746, is now the property of H. de G. Tatham Warter.

The Lea was important in medieval days as possessing a mill, but in 1610, though there were four copyholders and one freeholder, Arthur Ward, there, the mill was decayed and not paid for. The Roman villa here has already been alluded to.

Newnham was held by the family of Higgons and passed later to that of Niccolls. In 1327, six inhabitants are mentioned. In 1610, Reynold and Richard Higgons and William Dennys were the chief copyholders. It is now the property of the Niccolls family, who have been connected with the parish of Pontesbury since the 16th century, but whose modern representatives have made their home in New Zealand.

Nox is a hamlet that does not occur in records till comparatively modern days, and the same may be said of Hinwood. In 1780, Francis Waring, Esq., held land at Nox.

Nox is on the border of Yockleton parish, and Hinwood of Westbury.

Plealey had ten inhabitants assessed to the Subsidy of 1327, one of whom William de Caldicote, paid 4s. 5¼d., and another, Richard fitz Reginald, 3s. 4d., both considerable sums when 1d. was a fair day's wage, and 1½d. could hire a horse and cart for a day.

Abram Callcott was the chief copyholder in 1610, when 20 houses are mentioned here, (only one called a cottage), with a cockshutt and hemp butts.

At the close of the 18th century Plealey was the home of Dr. Waring, Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, He died there in 1798, but was buried at Fitz, whore he had been born in 1734.

Polmere, though now only a single house, had five inhabitants assessed to the 1327 Subsidy, and the name of de Polemere occurs several times in the Manor Rolls. Henry Heyward was the chief copyholder here in 1610.

Pontesford had four tenants in 1327, one of whom, Alice the widow, was assessed at 4s. (The highest assessment in the whole hundred of Ford was 7s. 4d., paid by Beatrice Corbet, lady of Caus). In 1610, William Pitt was the chief copyholder, and he had then recently bought land from Ranulph Lee and Simon Cowper. He was a younger son of the Pitts, of Kyre, and had married Joyce, daughter of Leonard Lister, and widow of Richard Tipton. The mills at Pontesford were held in 1610 by Francis Adams, gentleman, who was of Longden. It is now the property of Heighway Jones, whose house of Earlsdale is mentioned in the registers as Pool Place. In May, 1811, the Pontesford brook rose suddenly to a great height, sweeping away everything in its course, and drowning eight people, whose funerals are recorded on the 31st of May and two following days that year.


Sascot in 1327 had four well-to-do tenants, assessed respectively at 4s, 3s., 5s., and 4s.

In 1610, Richard Harries, George Hosier and Robert Phillips, all described as " gentleman," were the land holders there, and Edward Ouslow held " Longemere Copy."

Sibberscote had five tenants in 1327, four distinctly well-to-do. In 1610 only three houses are mentioned here. In the 18th century the Warter family had property here.

Little Hanwood is within the Liberties of Shrewsbury. It is mentioned in the 16th century as the property of the Hosier family, together with land at Great Hanwood, the Woodhouse (Woodhall), Paynston (Panson), and Longden. These lands passed into the hands of the Prynce family, and thus to the Berringtons, who as early as 1398 occur in connection with Woodhouse as lords of that manor. Thomas Herrington, of Moat Hall, bought the house of Panson in 1621.

In early times Woodhouse was held by the family of de Arundel, who were connected with the family of the same name at Habberley.

Woodhall was the home of a family named Sale (de Aula), who were of importance in the 13th century.

Longden was at Domesday held under Earl Roger by Roger fitz Corbet. It had been worth £4 per annum under its Saxon owner Leuric. During the troubled time of the Norman Conquest, its value fell to 30s., but by 1087, it had become worth £2. It possessed a wood capable of fattening 60 swine. The manor passed by the marriage of Alice Corbet, to the Botterells, of Cornwall. In the later 13th century, Bishop Burnell obtained Longden in exchange for lands in Somersetshire, and it remained with his heirs. The manor was held by tenants, who took their name from the place. In 1327, twelve inhabitants were assessed to the Subsidy Roll, the chief of whom was Edmund de Longden.

In the 16th century the Adams family were the chief owners of Longden.

Oakes is in the hundred of Condover. It was a manor of two hides, held in the time of Edward the Confessor by a Franklin Ernuit (probably the Saxon lord of Pontesbury, Westbury and Fairley), and after the Conquest by Robert fitz Corbet, under Earl Roger de Montgomery. In 1087, there was half an oxteam on the demesne land, though four teams might have been employed in addition to the team belonging to the one Bordar, one Villein, one Radman, and two serfs, that made up the population. The manor had been worth 40s. annually to its Saxon lord, but its value had fallen to 10s., and in 1087 to 8s. The great diminution in value seems to show that Oakes had suffered in the troubles of the Conquest, or possibly in the rising of Edric Sylvaticus against the Norman rule.

Oakes was held in the 12th century by Robert de Girros, who had tenants here named De Bikedon, and later some of the Burnell family had an interest in the manor. Near to Oakes, but in the parish of Pulverbatch, is Walleybourne, the home of the Jennins family, who intermarried with all the chief families of the neighbourhood.

The family of Warter who owned property in this neighbourhood occurs frequently in the Pontesbury Registers.

Longden Manor, built in 1866, by H. de G. Warter, is now the property of William Swire.


Among noticeable entries are: the burial, July 9, 1551, of Sir Edward Grey, Lord Powis; and a note that on May 8, 1562, Lord Henry, Baron Stafford, was buried at Worthen.

Margery Higgins, formerly a nun (olim Monialis) was buried April 22, 1568. Ralph Wingfield, citizen of London, had a daughter Joyce baptised August 7, 1575, and Roger Calcot, another London citizen, had a son Samuel baptised in 1625.

During the Commonwealth, Timothy Hammond, rector of the first portion was chosen as "Register,"and he duly entered the births and not the baptisms of children according to the order of the Parliament. In 1661, he gave a license to " eat flesh " in Lent to Mrs. Congreve, daughter of Thomas Niccolls, of Boycott.

Corbett Owen, buried at Condover in 1670, was son of William Owen (3rd son of Sir William Owen, of Condover), the rector of the second portion of Pontesbury, ejected in 1646, himself buried at Condover in 1672. Corbett Owen is described in the Condover Register as the " Incomparably learned Mr. Corbett Owen, ye son and heir of the Reverend Mr. William Owen, of Pontesbury."

A possible centenarian occurs in 1707, in Margaret Underwood, of the Oakes, " reputed to be 106 years old," and another in 1751; Thomas Jones, aged 102.

There are many families whose members are described in the register as " generosi." The Burleys of Malhurst, Corbets of Auston, and of Pontesbury, Wards of Hinton, Adams of Longden, Kemsey, Kynaston, Higgons, Phillips of Cruck Meole, Clough of Minsterley, Jennens of Walleybourne, Onslow of Onslow, Harries of Cruckton, Lake of Asterley, Berrington of Moat Hall, Niccolls of Boycott and Newnham, Tipton of Poutesford, Peers, Pitt, Browne of Edge, Wolley (one of whom was buried at Hanwood in 1676), Barret, Crosse of Edge and Longden, and several others.

The register is the work of many writers, some of whom were very sparing of titles, and the trade or calling is hardly ever given.

Among unusual names are Christabel, Cavendish, Meg, Jehosaphat, Hildebrand, Fabian.

The church of St. George consists of a modern nave, aisles and tower, replacing those taken down in 1825, and a spacious chancel of early Decorated work, dating from the end of the 13th or beginning of tho 14th century. There are mural tablets to the Boycott, Davies and other families.

The Church has of late years been enriched with many gifts, principally the reredos and screen, and several stained glass windows.

There is a district Church at Cruckton, dedicated to St. Thomas, built in 1840, and the donative of Longden has a Church dedicated according to tradition to St. Ruthin. The present building does not date back farther than the 16th century.

Lea Cross has a picturesque brick Church of St. Anne, built in 1888, by the Rev. S. J. Abbot Hawkes in memory of his mother, and Asterley has a Mission Church, built in 1870.

The following is a list of the rectors during the period covered by the Register. Lists of the earlier rectors from the 13th century will be found in Eyton's Antiquities. VII., 139-142, and in the Shropshire Archaeological Society's Transactions, 2nd Series, V., 238-249.




Humphrey Cherwell, sep. 24th Aug., 1588.
Richard Forster (1591), sep. 3rd April, 1597.
1597. Richard Madok.
1598. Moses Powell, sep. at Wrexham, 25th Jan., 1603-4.
1603. Thomas Higgons.
1614. Francis Gibbons (1631), ob. 1639, 40.
1640. William Owen, sequestered 1646, ob. 1671.
1650. Timothy Hammond (1649), ob. May, 1671.
1671. Gilbert Cole (1697), curate of Condover in 1662, sep. 27th July, 1710.
1710. Henry Baldwyn (1712), sep. 22nd July, 1737.
1739. Humphrey Gwynn, sep. 2nd Sep., 1749.
1750. Benjamin Wingfield, sep. 29th Sep., 1763.
1763. Osborne Wight (Vicar of Condover), 1770, ob. 1800.
1800. Joseph Langford.
1809. Hamlett Harrison, 1811, sep. Oct., 1843.
1843. John Richard Tetlow, ob. July, 1848.
1847. William Harrison, sep. 1901.
1901. William Francis Lightfoot Harrison.
1908. Richard Toller Seddon.


1540. Richard Wicherley, sep. 30th July, 1581.
John Phipps.
1594. Owen Davies (1596), (son-in-law of Richard Forster).
Edmund Tipton (1597).
Owen Davies (1601), sep. 16th May, 1614.
1614. Thomas Higgons, ob. 1635, 6.
1636. Peter Studley, sep. 15th July, 1648.
Timothy Hammond (1647), rector of Pulverbatch.
1640. William Owen, sep. at Condover, l0th Mar., 1671-2, ejected 1646.
William Owen (1679).
William Dale, sep. at Ness Strange, 1764.
1764. Charles Newling, ob. 1787.
1770. Edward Leighton (1773), ob. 1804.
1803. Charles Peters (1804), ob. 1824.
1824. Charles Drury, sep. Jan., 1869.
1868. Samuel John Abbot-Hawkes.


1535, 6. Michael Bromscall, sep. 3rd May, 1575.
1576. Edmund Tipton.
David Pughe. ? (1624 ).
Edmund Tipton, sep. 28th Mar., 1627.
1627. Samuel Greaves, ejected 1645.
1645. Ralph Morhall, sep. 11th Dec., 1681 (ejected 1650, returned 1662).
Andrew Warter (1650), ejected 1662, afterwards conformed.
Ralph Harper (1686), sep. 9th Jan., 1706-7.
1707. Henry Baldwyn, sep. 22nd July, 1737.
David Pritchard (1768), ob. 1795.
1795. Forester Leighton, ob. 1807.
1807. John Wilde, 1815.
1830. William Vaughan, sep. 1866.
1867. Lionel Corbett, ob. 21 June 1905.
1873. Algernon Godfrey Kingsford.
1882. Edward Mainwaring Purley.


The names of these Curates occur in the Register:- 1553-1558, Richard Sutton; Thomas Sabey, 1558-1574, 5, Curatus; Peter Studley, (1595); Thomas Groves, clericus; Launcelot Lake, clericus nuper curatus; Peter Waters, clericus hujus Parochiae; John Conney, curatus; Tho. Hughes, Curate; 1680 Tho. Bayley, Curate; 1737. Willm Pugh (1744)-1746, sep. 22nd Feb., 1775; John Bayley, 1747-1756; David Pritchard, 1756-1759; William Williams, 1759-1761; Richard Davies, 1761-1775, curate of 1st portion, sep. 31st July, 1775; Daniel Williams, 1775-1800; Tho. Parry, curate of 2nd portion, 1762; Thos. Mills, minister, 1775-1791; John Jones, curate of 1st portion, 1809.

At the Religious Census of Shropshire made in 1676, there were in Pontesbury 707 Conformists, 8 Papists, and 6 Nonconformists. The Berringtons of Moat Hall and the Cloughs of Minsterley were both Roman Catholic families. The inventory of Church goods taken 6th May, 7 Edward VI., shows that there was " one chalice of silver with the paten thereunto, three great bells, and a sanctus bell." Another return gives " iij chalices of sylver, iij belles and a sanctus bell of one accorde."

The Parish Register Abstract of 1831 contains the following account of the Pontesbury Registers:- " Pontesbury R., (with Longden C.) No. I. Register, 1538-1542, 1547-1733. No. II., Bap., Bur., 1734-1772; Marr., 1734-1753. No. III., Bap., Bur., 1773-1812. No. IV., V., Marr., 1754-1812." It may here be noted that there are only six Shropshire parishes whose Register commences in the reign of Henry VIII, and Pontesbury is one of these parishes.

The Registers to 1812 are contained in six books. The earliest consists of 322 pages of parchment bound in vellum.

The Registers were copied by the Rev. W. F. L. Harrison. They have been carefully collated with the originals, and the proofs seen through the press by Miss Auden. They are now printed by permission of the Rectors, the Rev. R. T. Seddon, the Rev. S. J. Abbot-Hawkes, and the Rev. E. M. Furley, at the expense of Mrs. Seymour, who has most generously presented them to the Society.

April, 1909

Pontesbury Parish Registers.



Fol. 1.

Decimo sexto die Octobris, obiit Agnes Bromlewe.
20 die ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit, Johannes Crosse [very much blotted].
22 die ejusdem, Willimus Noniley, baptizatus fuit.
23 die ejusdem, Katherina Hinton, baptizata fuit.
Eodem die, Johannes Bromblewe sepultus fuit.

1538, October 25. Robertus Rawles, bapt.
" October 27. Robertus Morres et Anna Janence, nupti fuertmt.
" October 27. Johannes Cockshawe, bapt.
" October 30. Johanna Betchcott. bapt.
" November 3. Johannes Tailor, bapt.
" November 5. Agnes Davies, sepult.
" November 9. Ricardus Brithett et Elizabetha Turner, nupt.
" November 25. Ricardus Bradshaw, bapt.
" December 5. Johanna Powmer. bapt.

[Scribbled in the margin]: 100 and 40 and 3 senc this bok was mead was the year 1538 and now it is ye yr. 1682.

" December 6. Obiit eadem Johanna et sepulta. eodem die mater sepulta.
" December 9. Obiit Georgius Powmer.
" Januari 1. Johanna Onslow, bapt.
" Januari 5. Willelmus Browne, bapt.
" Januari 11. Obiit idem Willelmus Browne.
" Januari 13. Katheirina Hevwey, bapt.
" Januarii 15. Elenora Howie, bapt.
eodem die Willielmus Browne, bapt.

2 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1538

1538, Januari 20. Ricardus Griffiths, bapt.
" Januari 26. Willimus Wellins et Margeria Cowper, nupt.
" Januari 26. Nicolaus, filius Richi Birche, bapt.

fol. 2.

" Januari 28. Hugo Bromblew et Margareta Corbett, nupt.
" Januari 28. Johannes Hines et ElizabethaWarter, nupt.
" Januari 29. Ricardus Price et Alicia Tibbey, nupt.
" Februari 1. Hugo Griffiths et Elizabeth Hickin.
" Februari 14. 14° die Kalend Martii bapt. erant Jana Wildbloode et Agneta Lightwood.
" Martius 8. Obiit filia Johannis Stockin.
" Martius 10. Obiit Agneta Gainow.
" Martius 21. Obiit Robektus Tibbey.
eodem die baptizatus fuit filius Ricardi Tysdale.
" Martius 23. Obiit filius peregrini in Pleley.
1539, Martius 28. Obiit filia Willielmi Lir' land.
" Aprilis 5. Baptizatus fuit Ricardus Corbett et 11o ejusdem mensis erat sepultus.
" Aprilis 10. Filius Agnetae Donne, bapt.
" Aprilis 21. Obiit Johannes Bright.
" Julius 27. Thomas Peers, bapt.
" Augustus 4. Elenora Howle, bapt.
" Augustus 6. Johannes ffoxe, bapt.
" Augustus 9. Willimus Powmer obiit.
" Augustus 12. Elenora Corbett, bapt.
" Augustus 12. Johanna Digrye, bapt.
" September 6. Thomas Peers, bapt.
" September 9. Obiit Johanna Smith.
" September 20. Obiit Alicia Nunniley et eodem die obiit Johannes ffoxe.
" September 23. Johannes Yeavanes, bapt.
" October 12. Anna Everall, bapt.
" October 13. Anna Higgins, bapt.
" October 28. Eduardus Cliffe et Katherina Taylor, nupt.
" October 28. Thomas Goughe et Margeria Onslowe, nupt.
" November 26. Anna Madoxe, bapt.
" November 27. Johannes Hamon et Katherina Tailor, nupt.
" December 4. Obiit Anna Madoxe.

1540] Pontesbury. 3

fol. 3.

1539, Januari 10. Katherina ap Richard, bapt.
" Januari 20. Thomas Persons et Johanna felipes, nupt.
" Januari 26. Obiit Anna Warter.
" Januari 28. Johanna Nicolls, bapt.
" Januari 30. Obiit Johannes Evans.
" Januari 30. Thomas Duke. bapt.
" Februari 3. Obiit Thomas Lightbound.
" Februari 3. Johanna Onslowe, bapt.
" Februari 20. Elizabetha Corbett, bapt.
" Marti 2. Bapt. fuerunt Johannes et Georgius gemini Elizabethae Croxton.
" Marti 21. Rogerus Stockton, bapt.
1540, Apr. 4. Obiit Johannes Webbe.
" Apr. 11. Obiit Willelmus Griffiths.
" Apr. 13. Johannes Higgins ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Johannes Corbett, spurius ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Willielmus, f. Rogeri Maunsell ... sep.
" Apr. 20. Anna, f. Johnis Gwinne ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Katherina, f. William Addams ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Johannes Genowe duxit Elizabetham Browne uxorem.
" May 4. Johannes Broxton ... sep.
" May 9. Johannes, filius Gregory ... bap.
" May 7. Willimus, f. Rici Lightbound ... bap.
" May 11. Hugo Howle, f. Georgii ... bap.
" May 16. Thomas Apullbee, filius Thomae de Pontsburye ... sep.
" May 19. Elizabetha, filius [sic] Johannis Peers ... bap.
" May 21. Georgius Crockston ... sep.
" May 24. Elizabetha Corbett ... sep.
" July 6. Willimus, f. Humfredi Robbts ... bap.
" July 10 Elizabetha, f. Rici Cooke de Westbury ... bap.
" July 1. Thomas, f. Hugonis Gittines ... bap.
" July 4. Amie, f. Gilberti Smith ... bap.
" July 4. Johannes Wildinge duxit Joannam Peers uxorem.
" July 113. Anna, f. Rici Corbett ... bap.

fol. 4.

" July 15. Anna, f. Thomae Roe ... bap.

4 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1540

1540, July 25. Johannes, f. Rici Bright ... bap.
" July 23. Johannes, f. Rici Corbett ... sep.
" Aug. 31. Robertus, f. Thomae Rolls ... sep.
" Aug. 12. Johannes, f. Willimi Bower ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Johanna, f. Nicolai Crosse ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Elizabetha Bromblowe vid. et eadem Johanna Crosse ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Hugo Cowper duxit in uxorem Annam Onslowe.
" Aug. 28. Elizabetha Jennyns, vidua ... sep.
" Aug. 31. Willimus, f. Thomae Deyman ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Willimus, f. Willirni Howle ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Willimus, f. Hugonis Bromblow ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Willimus, f. Thomae Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Johannes Demerston duxit in uxorem Elizabetham Ball.
" Sep. 15. Johannes Everall ... sep.
" Sep. 23. Johannes Webbe duxit in uxorem Elizabetham Tibbey.
" Sep. 26. Ricardus Johnes duxit in uxorem Elizabetham Bathawe.
" Sep. 26. Ricardus Johnes duxit in uxorem Annam Higgons.
" Sep. 26. Robertus Deyos duxit in uxorem Johannam Peers.
" Sep. 29. Hugo Browne ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Thomas Degorye, fil. Willimi Degorye ex vitiata quadam ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Johannes, f. Rogeri Hayward ... bap.
eodem die sepult. Johannes Taylor filius Edwardi Taylor, domi bapt.
" Oct. 6. Johanna, f. Richi ffoxe ... bap.
" Oct. 11 Ricardus Glase duxit Margeriam Higgons in uxorem.
" Oct. 12. Ricardus Bromblowe duxit Annam Pollmer in uxorem.
" Oct. 16. Johannes Barwicke, f. Rogeri Berwicke ... sep.
" Oct. 17. Anna, f. Hugonis Knewett ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Johannes, f. Willimi Lightbound ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Johannes Bullock duxit in uxorem Elizabeth Hawk.

1541] Pontesbury. 5

1540, Nov. 19. Katherina, f. Eduardi Cocbett ... sep.
" Nov. 19. Rogerus, f. Richi Littleale ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Humfridus, f. Thomae Applebee ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Georgius, f. Thornx Nicholls ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Oliverus, f. Edwardi Morrys ... bap.

fol. 5.

" Dec. 7. Willimus, f. Thornx Warter ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Ricardus, f. Johnis Whittford ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Alicia, f. Willmi Phillips ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Ricardus, f. Johnis Whittford ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Hugonis Knewett ... sep.
" Jan. 8. Arnia, uxor Edge ... sep.
" Jan. 17. [blank] Crockett duxit Amiam Browne in uxorem.
" Jan. 17. Katherina, f. Johnis Dovaston ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Johannes, f. Hugonis Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Alicia, f. Rogeri Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Johannes, f. Thomae Rolls ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Johannes, f. Rici Emrye ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Elenora, f. Johnis Bland ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Willimus, f. Rici Tisdale ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Elizabeth, f. Rici Heywaye ... bap.
1541, Mar. 29. Johannes, f. Rici Dennys ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Anna, f. Thomae Parsons ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Margeria Hingekes, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Robertus Davies, f. Willmi ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Willimus, filius adulterinus Johannis Fewtrell et Margeriae Dennys ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Predictus Willimus ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Anna Corbett, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" May 4. Amea, f. Willmi Tilsley ... bap.
" May 6. Johanna Delyn ... sep.
" May. 10. Jozie, f. Rici Pynner, par. de Wes. ... bap.
" May 19. Rogerus Higgons ... sep.
" June 3. Johanna. filia adulterina Johannis Degorye ... bap.
" June 7. Elizabeth, f. Thom. Castill ... bap.
" June 12. Ricardus Corbett, gener. ... sep.
" June 21. Ricardus, f. Rici Peers ... bap.
" June 22. Alicia, f. Johannis Hamond ... bap.

6 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1541

1541, June 23. Willimus, f. Willmi Warter ... bap.
" June 23. Ricardus, f. Johannis Phillips ... bap.

fol. 6.

" June 24. Katherina Willcoxe, fil. Thomae Willcoxe de Wenlocke ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Johanna Rrowne, f. Willmi ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Thomas Hewes ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Johanna Browne, f. dict. Willmi ... sep.
" Aug. 14. Agnes Hinton, f. Johannis ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Willimus Crosse, f. Nicolai ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Elenora Burges, f. Rici ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Thomas Crockett, f. Oliveri ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Thomas ffoxe, f. Robti ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Thomas Burley, f. Humfredi ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Willimus Tailor, f. Edwardi ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Katherina Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Margareta Dowason, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Joanna Medlicot, vidua ... sep.
" Nov. 19. Margareta Dowason ... sep.
" Nov. 20. Alicia Dunne, f. Rici ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Ricardus Rider et Johanna Corbett ... nup.
" Nov. 23. Rogerus Bowdler et Anna Treveys ... nup.
" Nov. 27. Willimus Jennins ... sep.
1542, July. Duodecimo die Julii sepult erat Katherina Hodges uxor Robti Hodges.
" 12° die Junii bapt. et sepult. fuit Johanna Corbett filia Johnnis.
" July 26° ejusdem sepult. fuit Johanna Corbett uxor Johnnis p'dict. ... sep.
" July 29° die ejusdem bapt. fuit Thomae Smith filius Hugonis Smith ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Anna Moris, f. Edwardi ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Johannes, filius Willimi Peers de Pleleye ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Willimus Edwards ... sep.
" Sep. 3. Ricardus Pattyns ... sep.
" Sep. 8. Johanna Howle, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Willimus Browne, f. Rici ... sep.
" Sep. 10. Johanna Cowper, f. Johannis ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Johanna Bright, ux. Hugonis ... sep.
" Oct. 9. Elenora Burges, f. Rici ... sep.

1543] Pontesbury. 7

1542, Oct. 29. Anna Whittfield, f. Johannis ... bap.

fol. 7.

" Nov. 9. Thomas Brombleye, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Thomas Gregorye, et Elizabetha ... nup.
" Nov. 10. Sibilla Biston ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Katherina Carter, f. Rici ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Ricardus Edge et Alicia Hussey ... nup.
" Nov. 28. Thomas Tailor et Anna Webbe ... nup.
" Dec. 4. Davidus Morries ... sep.
" Dec. 6. Katherina Maddoxe ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Anna Stocketon, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Thomas et Robertus gemelli filii Rici Jen [margin cut] ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Hugo et Ricardus, filii Thomae Person ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Thomas Knevett ... sep.
" Feb. 2. Anna Edge, f. Rici ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Margeria Howle, f. Willmi ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Katerina Corbett, f. Rici ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Henricus Rogers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Anna Dawke, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Johanna Littleale ... sep.
" Mar. 6. Christana Carter vel Tailor ... sep.
1543, Apr. 14. Thomas Peers ... sep.
" Apr. 15. Anna Treveys ... sep.
" May 2. Anna Apleburye ... sep.
" June 10. Rogerus, filius Ludovici [sic] ... bap.
" June 27. Isabella, f. Thomae Burley ... bap.
" July 1. Thomas Warter ... sep.
" July 9. Petrus Tisdale, f. Rici ... bap.
" July 20. Margareta Burley ux. Humfridi ... sep.
" July 20. Margareta Corbett ux. Hugonis ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Johannes Roe, f. Thomae ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Johannes Hole ... sep.
" Aug. 26. Johannes nothus filius Katherinae Britten ... bap.
" Sep. 31. Thomas Jaundrell, f. Thomae ... bap.

fol. 8.

" Sep. 17. Thomas Gregory, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Edwardus Davies, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Johannes Crockett, f. Rici ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Elenora Burges, f. Rici ... bap.

8 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1543

1543, Sep. 27. Elizabetha Burges, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Ricardus Lightbound, f. Willmi ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Johanna Heywaye, f. Rici ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Elenora ffoxe, f. Rici ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Willimus Smith, f. Gilberdi ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Hugo Brighte ... sep.
" Nov. 14. Johanna Phillips, f. Williellmi ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Rogerus Hodges et Anna uxor ejus ... nup.
" Nov. 29. Waltherus Tisdall et Katherina uxor ejus ... nup.
" Nov. 27. Willimus Burley et Anna uxor ejus ... nup.
" Nov. 27. Willimus Yate et Alicia uxor ejus ... nup.

Hic deesse videntur aliqua per spacium 4 annorum.
[In a modern hand]: A chasm of 4 years.

Ao Domi. 1547.

" Oct. 22. Rogerus Dennys anno ut supra ... sep.
" Oct. 27. Elizabeth Higgins anno ut supra ... sep.
" Oct. 30. Elizabeth Nott anno ut supra ... sep.
" Oct. 3i. Elizabeth Phillips anno ut supra ... sep.
" Nov. 26. Willimus Deyman ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Rowlandus Cowper et Maigareta Everall ... nup.
" Nov. 23. Hugo Corbett anno ut supra ... bap.
Nov. 27. Thomas Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Elizabeth Maunsell ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Willimus Tailor ... sep.
" Dec. 7. Johanna Burley ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Margareta Tomkies ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Willimus Tibbey ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Gwen Blane ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Elizabeth Jeffs ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Johanna Webbe ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Humfridus Downe ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Rogerus Birch ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Ricardus Lightbourne ... bap.

fol. 9.

" Jan. 17. Ricardus Willcoxe ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Katherina Purslowe ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Margareta Jenyns ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Johannes Higgons ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Thomas Blaque et Elinora Suger ... nup.
" Jan. 30. Thomas Roe penultimo die ejusdem ... bap.

1548] Pontesbury. 9

1547, Jan. 29. Anna Carelesse pridie ejusdem mensis ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Johannes Tisdale ... sep.
" Feb. 12. Anna Denys ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Florencius Smith ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Katherina Yate ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Johannes Stirste ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Johanna Onslowe ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Johannes Stirste ... sep.
1548, Mar. 30. Anneta Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Johannes Welche ... sep.
" Apr. 4. Johanna Hogalto [?] ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Ricardus Barber ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Anneta Warter ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Ricardus Tibbey ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Johannes Colkclowe et Johanna Bright ... nup.
" May 3. Thomas Gettins et Margareta Treveys ... nup.
" May 23. Willimus Addams ... sep.
" May 23. Johanna Willims ... bap.
" May 31. Johannes Pontslyth ... bap.
" June 2. Thomas Mathews et Margareta Kynton ... nup.
" June 9. Powlmer [sic] ... bap.
" June 16. Johannes Willims et Margareta Jacks ... nup.
" June 24. Margareta Nicolls ... sep.
" July 2. Johanna Dennys ... bap.
" July 7. Johanna Higgons ... bap.

fol 10.

" July 12. Johanna Webbe ... sep.
" July 17. Alicia Evans ... sep.
" July 24. Thomas Higgons ... sep.
" Aug. 10. Thomas, f. Johannis Corbett ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Willimus Careles et Elizabeth Tibbey ... nup.
" Aug. 14. Jocosa Weaver ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Anna Hodges, f. Robti ... sep.
" Sep. 8. Michaell Johnson ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Michaell Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Isabella Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Johannes Gawen ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Johanna Gawen ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Anna Berwicke ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thomas Corbett ... sep.

10 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1548

1548, Nov. 22. Johannes Evans et Johanna ... nup.
" Nov. 27. Nicolaus Parkes et Johanna Campin ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Elenora Blackway ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Michaell Tipton ... sep.
" Dec. 18. Thomas [blank) ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Johanna Hicks ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Maria Peers ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Ricardus Higgons, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Ricardus Dudley ... sep.
" Jan. 24. Johannes Jaundrell ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Anna Hughes ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth Speek ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Oliverus Leight, f. Margerite ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Ricardus Corbett ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Thomas Applebury ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Thomas Phillips ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Sibella Davies ... bap.
1549, Mar. 2. Thomas Hammonds ... bap.

fol 11.

" Mar. 2. Katherina Bright ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Alicia Stoketon ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Johannes Homes ... bap.
" Apt. 17. Hugo Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Anna Dennys ... sep.
" May 10. Jana Tailor ... sep.
" May 12. Thomas Carloughe ... bap.
" June 18. Maria Peers ... sep.
" June 29. Ursula Burleighe ... bap.
" July 5. Pencks sepult erat ... sep.
" July 6. Edouardus Bromblow ... bap.
" July 19. Alicia Machin ... bap.
" July 27. Johanna Calcott ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Katherina Higgons ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Willimus Webb ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Ricardus Gregorye ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Johannes Crosse ... bap. et ... sep.
" Sep. 24. Robertus Hamen ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Thomas Burges, f. Rici ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Alicia Francis et Robertus Corbett ... nup.
" Oct. 27. Ricardus Tibby et Margareta Bowdler ... nup.

1550] Pontesbury. 11

1549, Oct. 27. Willimus Winne et Margeria Heth ... nup.
" Oct. 29. Urmeston et Matilda Geyno ... nup.
" Oct. 27. Agnes Spinner ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Heighway ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Elizabetha Birche ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Thomas Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Katherina Bailye ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Johannes Heynes et Elizabeth Derbye ... nup.
" Nov. 18. Anna Hodges ux. Robti ... sep.
" Nov. 20. Rogerus Corbett, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Gabriell Maunsell ... bap.

fol 12.

" Nov. 24. Thomas Hinton et Alicia Asterley ... nup.
" Nov. 24. Johannes Tisdale et Margeria Treveys ... nup.
" Dec. 19. Johannes Speake, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Anna Onslow, f. Georgii ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Ricardus Phillips, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Ricardus Edwards ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Johanna Warter ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Gracia Jennyns, fil. Richardi ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Eadem sepult. erat.
" Jan. 22. Anna Wilcox, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Thomas Harrys, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Richardus Corbett, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Katherina Peerse, f. Georgii ... bap.
1550, Mar. 11. Johannes Tibby ... sep.
" Mar. 11. Rogerus, f. Georgii Purslow, parochiae Westbury ... sep.
" Apr. 5. Thomas Willims, f. Johannis ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Johannes Hodges, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Rogerus ap William ap Dvd. bap.
" May 2. Margeria Edge, f. Richi ... bap.
" May 2. Isabella Shawe, f. Matthie ... bap.
" May 7. Helena Parks, f. Nichi ... bap.
" May 8. Francisca Yate ... sep.
" May 13. Elizabetha Hicks, f. Johnis ... sep.
" May 18. Anna Underwood ... sep.
" May 19. Johanna Webbe ... sep.
" May 25. Elizabetha, filia Ricardi de Pleley ... bap.
" May 27. Georgius Lightfoote et Margareta Weaver ... nup.

12 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1550

1550, June 2. Jacobus, f. Rici Tibbey, et Alicia ux. Johnis Machin ... sep.
" June 5. Elinora Betchcott ux. Johnis ... sep.
" June 9. Johannes Mall et Johanna Jaundrell ... nup.

fol 13.

" June 12. Elizabetha Warter, f. Rici ... bap.
" June 115. Willimus Suker et Margeria Berwicke ... nup.
" Aug. 2. Johanna Peers, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Margareta Maddox, f. Georgii ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Ricardus Rogers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Willimus Tilstleye ... sep.
" Aug. 13. Alicia Edge, f. Rici ... sep.
" Aug. 2. Johannes Harryes de Crooke Meale ... sep.
" Aug. 29. Robertus Lighweeke ... sep.
" Aug. 30. Isabella et Alicia Burleigh, filiae Thomae generosi ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Ricardus Coulclough, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Rogerus Evans, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Robertus Tisdale ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Anna Warter, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 9. Ricardus Rider, f. Rici ... sep.
" Oct. 10. Gwen Barber, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Elizia Hodges, spuria fil. John ut fertur ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Johanna Mason et Robertus Harryes ... nup.
" Oct. 15. Johanna Hennys, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Elenora Evans, filia Evan Tailor ... bap.
" Ocf. 22. Elizabeth Hodges ... sep.
" Oct. 23. Ricardus Williams et Anna Greenwood ... nup.
" Oct. 24. Katherina Crosse, f. Nici ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Edwardus Carter de Sallop et Anna Baker
" Nov. 2. Katherina Tibbey, f. Rici ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Johanna Powlmer, f. Willmi ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Johannes Jeffs, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Johanna Nicholls et Thomas Lightbound ... nup.
" Nov. 23. Johannes Meredith servus Thomae Burley ... sep.

fol. 14.

" Nov. 24. Margeria Hicks, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Margeria Meredith, fil. Margeriae Onslow ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Richardus Peerse de Newnam ... sep.
" Dec. 14. Johannes Hincks de Newnam ... sep.

1551] Pontesbury. 13

1550, Dec. 20. Johanna Higgons, fil. John de Ponsfort ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Ricardus ffellton, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Johanna Corbett uxor Thomae de Longdon ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Johannes Stephens ... sep.
" Jan. 19. Rogerus Speake, f. Rici ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Ricardus Speake ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Jocosa Jennyns, f. Rici ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Thomas Medlicott ... sep.
" Feb. 30. Johannes Onslow, f. Robti ... bap.
1551, Mar. 2. Willimus Smith, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Mar. 116. Willimus Barber, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Maria Peerse ... sep.
" Apr. 4. Ricardus Tibbey, spur. ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Elizabeth Grinley, f. Radi ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Alicia, fil. Willmi Powell et Kath. Goldsmith, spur. ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Ricardus Matts et Anna Hussey ... nup.
" Apr. 26. Johannes Hosier et Elizabeth Phillips ... nup.
" Apr. 27. Johanna Peers, fil. Johnis de Ockes ... bap.
" Mav 8. Elizabetha Peers. fil. Rici de Pleley ... bap.
" May 9. Margeria Edge de Asterley ... sep.
" May 11. Margareta Haydon, spur. fil. Robt. Haughton ... bap.
" May 16. Willimus Webb, f. Johnis ... sep.
" May 26. Ricardus Hannes, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Johannes Treveys, f. Robti ... sep.

fol. 15.

" June 7. Elizabeth Birch ... sep.
" June 7. Johanna Higgons ... sep.
" June 14. Katherina Davies ... bap.
" June 20. Ricardus Rogers et Johanna Davies ... nup.
" 9° die Julii sepult fuit Edouardus Graye, miles, Dominus de Powis.
" July 12. Katherina Evans et Johanna, fil. Rogi. ... sep.
" July 13. Anna Smith ... bap.
" July 15. Anna Smith ... sep.
" Aug. 6. Arthurus Listar, f. Rici ... sep.
" Aug. 16. Willimus Higgons de Edge, f. Rici ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Johannes Corbett, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Thomas Hamonds de Poinsert, f. Rici ... bap.

14 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1551

1551, Sep. 26. Edmundus ap William et Margarita Denys ... nup.
" Oct. 2. Johannes Bright, f. Rici ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Thomas Warter, f. Willmi de Meole ... sep.
" Oct. 11. Johannes Heighway de Longdon ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Willimus Peerse, f. Hugonis ... sep.
" Oct. 31. Johanna Phillips de Pleley, ux. Rici ... sep.
" Nov. 5. Katherina Evans, f. Thomae de Sibs' ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Ricardus Speake parochiae de Westbury et Anna Machin ex hac parochiae.
" Nov. 22. Johannes Jaundrell parechim de Poulderbech et Alicia Baker istius parochiae.
" Nov. 27. Anna Hughes de Siberscot, f. Thomae ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Johanna Ganow de Lea, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabetha Tege, f. Willmi de Lea ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Dowsa Scott ... sep.
" Jan. 25. Johannes Corbett, filius Thomae de Corbett ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Johannes Wildebloode de Crockton ... sep.

fol. 16.

" Feb. 9. Thomas Bathow de Little Hanwood ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Johannes Shawe de Longdon, f. Matthaei ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Idem Johannes ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Thomas Higgins de Ponsfort, f. Johnis ... bap.
1552, Mar. 28. Edwardus Tipton, f. Rici ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Jocosa Burley de Malehurst, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Williellmus Griffith ... bap.
" May 8. Margareta Smith ... sep.
" May 6. Hugo Smith ... sep.
" May 9. Anna Corbett ... bap.
" May 22. Johanna Webbe, f. Johnis ... bap.
" May 27. Robertus Haughton et Alicia Emrye ... nup.
" May 28. Thomas Dd, filius Willimi de Edge ... bap.
" May 28. Katherina Peerse de Ockes, f. Johnis ... bap.
" May 29. Thomas Dd, filius Willimi ... sep.
" May 30. Jocosa Lewis, filia Ludovici Owen, Pontesbury ... bap.
" May 30. Willimus Phillips ... bap.
" June 3. Edwardus Crockett et Elizabeth Duke ... nup.
" June Johannes Tailor et Anna Noniley ... nup.

1552] Pontesbury. 15

1552, June 4. Georgius Parkes, f. Nici ... bap.
" June 9. Katherina Peers, f. Johnis ... sep.
" June 10. Ricardus Maunsell, f. Rici ... bap.
" June 10. Jocosa Yate, f. Willmi ... bap.
" June 12. Ricardus Heth et Anna Hings ... nup.
" June 13. Willimus Warter, f. Rici ... bap.
" June 22. Christopherus Medlicott, f. Johnis ... bap.
" July 1. Johannes Careles de Longden, f. Rici ... bap.
" July Johanna Dulowe, f. Willmi Dulow ... sep.
" July 9. Hugo Stevin ... bap.

fol 17.

" July 12. Katherina Spee de Boycott, f. Willmi ... bap.
" July 17. Johannes Davies de Ocks, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" July 22. Willimus Barbore ... sep.
" July 28. Johannes Michaell ... sep.
" July 30. Hugo Stevin, f. Thom. ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Johanna Powmer ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Johannes Matts, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Aug. 21. Margareta Urmston ux. Laurentii ... sep.
" Aug. 28. Elizabeth Yevans de Longdon ... sep.
" Sep. 1. Thomas Wellins, f. Thom. ... sep.
" Sep. 4. Thomas Rogers, f. Rici ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Idem Thomas ... sep.
" Sep. 19. Jocosa Yate de Pontesbury, f. Willmi ... sep.
" Sep. 29. Sibella Gwinnett, f. Lanceloti ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Ricardus Deyos et Anna Gwinnett ... nup.
" Oct. 15. Ricardus Machin de Boycott ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Willimus Beyston et Johantia Heighway ... nup.
" Nov. 8. Johannes Bland et Elizabeth Warter ... nup.
" Nov. 12. Johanna, f. Thomae Lake ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Johannes Gretwoller et Johanna Sterrye ... nup.
" Nov. 28. Thomas Clerke et Anna Everall ... nup.
" Dec. 3. Hugo Dulow, f. Willmi ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Willimus, f. Johnis Calceary [?] ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Johannes Peers de Pleley, f. Rici ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Jocosa Jennyns, f. Rici ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Elenora Cowper ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Johanna Calveley de Auston ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Hugo Hodges, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Hugo Corbett de Auston, f. Johnis ... sep.

16 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1552

1552, Feb. 20. Willimus Barbor de Edge ... bap.

fol 18.

" Mar. 13. Willimus Teage de Lea ... bap.
1553, Mar. 17. Thomas Phipps de Powlmer ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Johanna Berwick de Longdon ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Johannes Tisdale de Lea ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Maria Higgons de Newnham ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Johannes Berwick de Longdon ... sep.
" May 1. Elizabetha Rogers de Pontsbury, f. Thomae ... bap.
" June 4. Elenora Crockett de Pleley ... bap.
" July 1. Willielmus Genow et Elizabeth Nicholls ... nup.
" July 1. Jocosa Jennyns ... bap.
" July 9. Maria Powlmer de Hinton ... sep.
" July 31. Anna Tailor de Arscott, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Johanna Phillips de Meale ... sep.
" Aug. 13. Johanna Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Katherina Burley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Willimus Bland de Lea, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Johannes ap Dd. filius Willimi de Edge ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Edwardus Berwick et Alicia Medlicot ... nup.
" Nov. 20. Elizabeth Warter de Asterley, f. Thom. ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Thomas Berwick et Anna Littleale ... nup.
" Nov. 28. Robertus Treveys de Asterley ... sep.
" Dec. 9. Johannes Tisdale ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Katherina Pithwey ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Katherina Lake de Boycott ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Johannes Blackwaye ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Margareta Davies de Hinton ... bap.
1554, Mar. 7. Humfridus Wildblood ... sep.
" Mar. 19. Elenora Beiston de Longdon ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Rogerus Heighway ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Johannes Medlicott de Longdon, f. Johnis ... bap.
" May 10. Alicia Beiston, f. Willmi ... bap.

fol 19.

"* May 12. Henricus Litherland et Elizabeth Grennoh ... nup.
" May 27. Elizabeth Herdon de Pleley ... bap.
" May 30. Thomas Tibbey, et Anna Passant ... nup.

* There appears to be a break here, but the entries are continuous. Probably the 15th century transcriber omitted a page.

1556] Pontesbury. 17

1555, July 16. Willimus Burley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" July 26. Thomas Dudley, f. Willmi ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Ricardus felton et Katherina Tailor ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Arthurus Corbett, f. Hugonis .. bap.
" Feb. 20. Robertus Morgbry, f. Thomae ... sep.
" Feb. 22. Johannes Tailor de Longdon ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Willimus Tailor frater ejus ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Johannes Tailor et Willimus: et Johannes Hodges ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Johanna Dd ap William ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Franciscus Maunsell de Longdon, f. Rici ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Hugo Bowier de Crook meole ... sep.
1556, Mar. 23. Johanna Plamore de Ponsford ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Joanna Cowlchlowe ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Thomas Willcox ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Margeria Bromblow de Longdon, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" May 4. Robertus et Johanna Woolffe ... nup.
" May 23. Owenus ap Hughe et Alicia Duke ... nup.
MaN 28. Elizabeth Crockston ... sep.
" June 2. Johanna Mathoes ... bap.
" June 15. Lucia Crockett ... bap.
" June 24. Helena Wycherley ... sep.
" June 29. Johannes Wycherley ... sep.
" Aug. 1. Thomas Berwick ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Elizabetha Heynes ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Rogerus Higgins ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Johanna Heth ... bap.

fol 20.

Anno Dnj. 1557. Eliza. 1° et 2°.

" Sep. 27. Elizabeth, f. Rogeri Warter [no note of burial or of baptism)].
" Sep. 3. Willimus Homes ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Michaell Johnson ... sep.
" Sep. 27. Jacobus Fraunce et Margareta Carter ... nup.
" Sep. 27. Nich'us, f. Richi Fellkin ... bap.

Annus Regni R'nae Elizabethae primus.

" Nov. 8. Rogerus Warde, f. Francisci ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Thomas Roe, f. Thom. ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Thomas Roe ... sep.

18 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1556

1556, Dec. 5. Richardus Yevans, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Johannes Onslow de Meole, f. Robti ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Anna Hearne ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Willimus Willims, Anna Dudley, et Katherina Onslow, filia Robti Onslow de Meole simul sepult. fuerant.
" Jan. 27. Thomas Treveys de Asterley, f. Rici ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Rainoldus Higgons de Edge, f. Rici ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Rainoldus Phellips ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Ricardus Treveys ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Rainoldus Phillips et Johanna Mathews ... sep.
1557, Apr. 11. Durga Jenkins ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Johanna ap Hughe ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Willimus Corbett, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" May 20. Alicia Berwicke ... sep.
" May 24. Willimus Warter ... sep.
" May 28. Anna Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Thomas Blande et Anna Onslow ... nup.
" Nov. 24. Hugo ap Dd et Elizabeth Crockston ... nup.
" Dec. 5. Thomas Beiston ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Elizabeth Barber ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Willimus Rider, f. Rici ... sep.
" Dec. 13. Francscus Medlicott de Longdon, f. Joh'nis ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Willimus Edwards et Alicia Browne ... nup.

fol 21.

" Jan. 14. Anna Onslow, f. Robti ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Alicia Corbett de Longdon ... sep.
" Jan. 25. Ricardus Sabey, f. Thomae Sabey et Aliciae ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Thomas Shawe de Longdon, f. Matthaei ... bap.
1558, Apr. 11. Elizabeth Rider, f. Rici de Crooke Meole ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Thomas Warter de Pontsbury, f. Rici ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Thomas Woode et Juliana Evans ... nup.
" May 15. Thomas Tibbey de Asterley, f. Thom .... bap.
" May 17. Anna Bright ... sep.
" May 21. Anna Crockett, f. Edwardi ... bap.
" June 22. Maria Jeffs, f. Thomae ... bap.
" July 5. Johanna Phillips, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" July 8. Thomas Callcot de Pleley, f. Joh'nis ... bap.

1561] Pontesbury. 19

1559, July 23. Willimus Webb de Edge, f. Joh'nis ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Elenora Bromblow, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Anna Corbett, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Arthurus Tailor, f. Joh'nis ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Josia Gronnow ... sep.
" Jan. 9. Katherina Linkley ... sep.
1560, Apr. 10. Ricardus Homes, f. Joh'nis ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Thomas Litherland, f. Henrici ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Ricardus Phes, f. Johnis de Cruck Meole ... bap.
" June 10. Dec. die Sept., Margareta Carelesse de Longdon ... sep.
"* Decimo quinto Augusti Franciscus filius et heres Thomae Addams, de Longdon, generosi, baptus fuit.
" Oct. 1. Johannes Beiston, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Oct. 5. Katherina Hodges, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Thomas Higgons, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Oct. 14. RobeAus Baall et Elenora Maunsell ... nup.

fol 22.

" Oct. 25. Thomas Cowper et Anna Browne ... nup.
" Oct. 25. Ursula Browmlowe, filia Hugonis de Longdon ... nup. [sic]
" Dec. 10. Thomas Yevans de Siberscott ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Thomas Evans de Hinton ... sep.
" Dec. 18. Thomas Burley de Malhurst ... sep.
" Feb. 4. Johannes ffoorde et Elizabeth Rogers ... nup.
" Feb. 15. Elizabeth Medlicott de Crook Meale ... sep.
" Mar. 4. Robertus Saley, f. Thomae ... bap.
1561, Mar. 25. Anna Barbor de Pontsbury, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Hugo Tibbey de Asterley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" June 12. Johannes Harries et Anna Wood ... nup.
" June 24. Mich'us Corbett, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" July 21. Gabriell Hodes, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" July 22. Johanna Rutter de Pleley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" July 23. Hugo Machen f. Radi ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Ricardus Jaxon de Longdon ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Maria Rutter, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Maria, f. Willim Dudley ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth Warter ux. Rogeri ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Elizabeth Crocket ... bap.

* Considerable confusion in entries.

20 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1561

1561, Sep. 13. Alicia Taylor de Longdon ... sep.
" Sep. 17. Ricardus Paramore et Alicia Barbor ... nup.
" Dec. 4. Andreas Willcox et Elizabeth Onslowe ... nup.
" Dec. 19. Robertus Vauchan et Elizabeth Peers ... nup.
"* Feb. 24. Ricardus Doughty, rector de Pulverbach, et Elizabeth Gittens ... nup.
"* Jan. 30. Guliellmus Tailor, f. Johnis et Anneae ... bap.
"* Jan. 30. Johannes Edwards, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Thomas Johnson, p'ochia de Westbury ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Maria Heynes, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Rowlandus f. Joh'nis Callcott et Katherina, f. Joh'nis Carter simul baptizati sunt.

fol 23.

" Feb. 22. Katherina, f. Willimi Powmer ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Margareta, ut fertur, filia Johnis Willcox et Annae Hicks ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Cicilia Underwood, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Johannes Russell et Johanna uxor' ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Ricardus Edwards ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Ursula Willcox, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Willimus Tailor, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Mar. 22. Jana, f. Edwardi Peers ... bap.
1562, Apr. 7. Elizabeth Edwards, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Apr. 10. Jana, f. Rica:di Peers ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Johannes, filius Mauritii ap Gethin, spurius ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Jacobus ap Morrice et Katherina Corbett vid. ... nup.
" Apr. 25. Thomas Harries et Elenora Hill ... nup.
" Apr. 26. Katherina, filia Rici Madlicott et Anna uxor ejus. ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Humfridus Owen et Johanna Dennys ... nup.
" May 14. Rolandus, f. Rici Plamore ... bap.
" May 16. Robertus, f. Rici Higgins de Edge ... bap.
" May 17. Margeria Hinton de Minsterley, f. Thom. ... bap.
" June 7. Willimus Machen, f. Radi ... bap.
" June 13. Margareta Sabey, f. Thomae ... bap.
" June 14. Margareta, fil. Thom. Baker (ut fertur) ... sep.
" June 14. Jana, f. Humfridi Weston de Lee ... bap.

* Entries confused.

1562] Pontesbury. 21

1562, June 24. Gabriel, Davies, f. Johnis ... bap.
" June 24. Anna, f. Rici Maddoxe de Westbury ... bap.
" June 30. Johanna Jeffs, f: Thomae ... sep.
" July 6. Johannes Bland, f. Thomae ... bap.
" July 8. Robertus Higgons ... sep.
" July 26. Elizabeth Griffiths, f. Launcelotti ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Johanna Heyghsann, f. Michaelis ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Mauricius Wright, f. Radi ... bap.

fol 24.

" Sep. 12. Thomas, f. Simonis Kemsty ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Rogerus Noniley, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Ursula, f. Rici Higgons apud Longdon ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Thomas, f. Gruff' Vaughan de Minsterley ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Jana, f. Henrici fforde ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Blanchia Ph'es, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Simon, f. Francisci Ward ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Jocosa Ph'es, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Robertus, f. Willimi Genowe de Lea ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Johanna Sawyer, f. Humfridi ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Anna Betchcot, f. Richi ... bap.
" Nov. 4. ffoulke Bentall et Matilda Genowe ... nup.
" Nov. 8. Thomas Dunne, f. Richi ... bap.
" Nov. 17. [blank], filius Henrici Estop ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Jacobus Warter, f. Robti ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Johannes, filius Astley de Edge, sepult. et pridie ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Simon Crockett, f. Edoardi .. bap.
" Nov. 24. Johannes Cooke ... sep.
" Dec. 2. Anna Heighsam, f. Richi ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Thomas Downe, f. Rici ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Johanna Sawyer, f. Humfridi ... sep.
" Dec. 9. Ursula filia Jacobi Morrice, gen. ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Elizabeth Higgons, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Margareta ux. Johnis Wood et Johanna, f. Richi Shutt ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Elizabeth Olivers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Margareta Corke, vidua ... sep.
" Jan. 3. Ricardus Medlicott, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Margareta ffelkin, f. Richi ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Anna Watts, vidua ... sep.

22 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1562

fol. 25.

1562, Jan. 22. Anna Witcherley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Willimus (ut fertur), f. Richi Steven, spur'. ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Katherina, f. Thomae Cowper de Minsterley ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Johannes Beiston, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Jan. 31. Johannes Davies, f. Robti ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Ricardus Applebury, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Ricardus Britten ... sep.
" Feb. 8. Robertus Sabey ... sep.
" Feb. 11. Margareta, f. Annae Hicks, spur'. ... sep.
" Feb. 14. Rolandus Tipton, f. Rici ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Helena Harries, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Ricardus, f. Johnis Applebury ... sep.
" Feb. 25. Margareta Hodges, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Johannes, filius Nichi P'ks et Margareta fil. pauperis ... nup.
" Feb. 26. Elizabetha, f. Willimi Bowd ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Willimus (ut fertur), f. Rici Stevens ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Pauper ignotus a Minsterley est ... sep.
" Mar. 11. Johannes Heath, f. Rici ... sep.
" Mar. 14. Anna Hinton, vidua ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Anna Gittins, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Rowlandus, f. Johnis Corbett ... bap.
*1563, Mar. 26. Elizabeth, ux. Ludovici Owen ... sep.
" Apr. 9. Winifred, f. Hugonis Corbett ... bap.
"* Apr. 26. Elizabeth, ux. Ludovici Owen ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Griffith Parkin, f. Richi ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Jana, f. Thomae Corbett, Habberlensis ... bap.
" May 5. Johannes ap Thomas et Margeria Phillips ... nup.

fol. 26.

" Octavo Maii honorificabilis tuus Dominus Henricus Baro de Stafford, apud Woorthin ... sep.
" May 1. Annea Eyriens puella ... sep.
" June 1. Jana et Dorothea, f. Johnis Peers de Fareley ... bap.
" June 2. Katherina, f. Johnis Hodges ... sep.
" June 6. Filia Willimi Tege ... bap.
" June 6. Rowlandus, f. Rici Peramore ... sep.

* These two entries are identical, the latter has been lightly erased.

1563] Pontesbury. 23

1563, June 17. Elizabeth, filia Johannis Edwards alias Corviser ... bap.
" June 24. Margareta, f. Johnis Holmes ... bap.
" July 7. Georgius Browne repentina morte trucidatus a ligni appressu ... sep.
" July 24. Filia Johannis Peers de Fareley ... sep.
" July 24. Elizabeth Hamond, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Edouardus Nicholls, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Johannes, f. Johnis Forthe de Longdon ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Elizabetha Heath, f. Rici ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Johanna Willcox, f. Andrae ... bap. et ... sep.
" Sep. 21. Anna Sandford, f. (ut fertur) Thomae Sandford ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Margareta, f. Rici Dooune ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Brigidia, f. Henrici Corbett de Westbury ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Elizabetha, f. Thomae Hinton de Minsterley ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Alicia Peers ... sep.
" Nov. 1. Willimus, f. Oliveri Maddox ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Oliverus Gittins et Katherina Littleale ma'r'io copulati.
" Nov. 9. Isabella, f. Johnis Evans ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Anna ux. Rici Rogers ... sep.
" Dec. 4. Katherina, f. Willimi Cowper de Minsterley ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Margareta Jaxon vidua ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Cicelia, f. Franscisci Ward ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Annea filia Hugonis Higgins, gen. ... bap.

fol 27.

" Jan. 1. Johanna, f. Thomae Davies de Oaks ... sep.
" Jan. 16. Anna, f. Johnis Carter ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Ricardus, f. Johannis Millward ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Thomas Shutt et Maria Crosse ma'r'io copulati.
" Jan. 26. Willimus Heighway et Johanna Jaundrell ... nup.
" Jan. 29. Rogerus Warter et Anna Tailor ... nup.
" Jan. 29. Ricardus Bromhead et Margareta Maunsell ... nup.
" Feb. 6. Willimus Smith et Johanna Tibbey ... nup.
" Feb. 7. Ricardus Rogers et Elizabetha Parks ... nup.

24 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1563

1563, Feb. 14. Johannes Peers et Anna Corbett ... nup.
" Feb. 2. Johanna Mathews, f. Richi ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Jocosa, f. Thomae Addams, gen. ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Thomas, f. Thomae Goughe de Minsterley ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Johannes, f. Willimi Beiston de Longdon ... bap.
" Mar. 4. David Llewellen et Jana Diggorye ... nup.
" Mar. 7. Thomas Rider, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Katherina Peers, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Isabella Pownd, vidua ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Anna, f. Hugonis Higgins et Johanna uxor Parks.
" Mar. 23. Annea Asheley, f. Willimi ... bap.
1564, Apr. 8. Gwen ux. Richi Higgins de Edge ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Robertus Tabbever, f. Georgii ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Willimus Underwood, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Elizabetha, f. Nicholai Houghsanne ... sep.
" Apr. 7. Isabella ux. Thomae Peers, senior ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Annea Noniley, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Reginaldus, filius Gittins, gen., Hugonis Phillips, Alberburiensis ... bap.*

fol 28.

" Apr. 19. Willimus ap David ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Willimus Shutt, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Johannes Applebury, f. Johannis ... sep.
" May 9. Rogerus Stocketon ... sep.
" May 11. Margareta, f. Rici Dunne ... sep.
" May 17. Anna Yate ... sep.
" May 17. Johannes Bromblow, f. Johnis ... bap.
" May 21. Maria Buckley, f. Henrici ... bap.
" June 9. Anna Russell, f. Roberti ... bap.
" June 27. Hugo Hodges ... sep.
" June 3. Johannes Coulklowch, f. Johnis ... sep.
" July 2. Katherina, f. Adam Kilvert Minsterlensis ... bap.
" July 16. Thomas Barbor, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" July 19. Elenora, filia Roberti Vauchan, gen: ... bap.
" July 27. Thomas Corbett, senior ... sep.
" Aug. 9. Johanna Bocher, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Thomas Peers, senior, de Plelye ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Katherina Underwood, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Helena Applebury ux. Hugonis ... sep.

* " Bapt.- is conjectural; all that appears is "b," rest cut off.

1564] Pontesbury. 25

1564, Aug. 23. Alicia Genowe ux. Thomae ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Elenora Morrice, f. Jacobi ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Rogerus Griffith, f. Lanceloti ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Johanna, f. Johannis ap John ap Morgan advenae ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Johanna, f. Johannis Evans, advenae ... sep.
" Sep. 24. Margeria Hinton, f. Robti ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Johannes Warter, f. Robti ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Richardus Higgins, f. Rowlandi ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Richardus, filius Simonis Kemsty ar. ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Willimus Willcox, f. Hugonis ... bap.

fol. 29.

Anno Dni. 1565. Elizab. 7°.

" Oct. 17. Elizabetha, f. Nichi Hill, London ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Matilda, f. (ut fertur) Richardi Baily, spur. est ... sep.
" Oct. 21. Thomas Baall, f. Robti ... sep.
" Oct. 26. Rowlandus, f. Florentii Tipton de Minsterley ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Marger' Smith, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Elizabeth Nicholls, f. Thomae ... sep.
" Nov. 19. Johannes Hodges, f. Robti ... sep.
" Nov. 29. Johannes Peers, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Ursula Heighway, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Willlmus Willcox, f. Hugonis ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Margareta, f. Richi Maddocks de Hogstow ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Elizabeth Phillips, f. Robti ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Johanna ux. Johnis Baker ... sep.
" Dec. 14. Johannes Onslowe de Hanwood et Lucia Medlicott, nupti erant.
" Dec. 19. Katherina Carter, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Margareta Caulcott, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Franciscus, f. Edwardi Rowland de Lea ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Johannes Polymer, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Johanna Hinkts, f. Ancharitae ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Johanna, vidua, nuper uxor cujusdam Treveys ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Willimus Applebury et Elizabeth ... nup.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth ux. Richi Rogers ... sep.

26 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1564

1564, Feb. 4. Jacobus Medlicott, f. Richi ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Rowlandus, f. Willimi Howells de Westburye ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Johanna Peramore, f. Richi ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Johannes Stephens et Katherina Higgins ... nup.
" Feb. 20. Johannes Genow, f. Willimi ... bap.

fol 30.

Anno Domini 1565. Eliz. 7°.

" Mar. 4. Johannes Harryes, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Jana Hincks, vidua ... sep.
1565, Mar. 31. Thomas Cloughe, f. Robti ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Uxor Willimi Winne de Asterley ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Willimus Betchcott, f. Richi ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Randolphus ffoord, f. Henrici ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Georgius Machin, f. Radi ... bap.
" May 3. Elizabeth Davies, f. Robti ... bap.
" May 6. Thomas Genowe et Elinor Chenin ... nup.
" May 12. Edouardus Urmaston, f. Laurentii ... sep.
" May 13. Ricardus Jennyns et Anna Burley ... nup.
" May 24. Amea, f. Phillipi Swanncot et Katherinae Hodges ... bap.
" May 27. Thomas Jennyns, armiger ... sep.
" May 28. Johannes Dudley, f. Willimi ... sep.
" May 28. Johannes Harries, f. Johnis ... sep.
" June 1. Willimus Smith, pictor ... sep.
" June 6. Anna Decken, vidua ... sep.
" June 11. Margareta, f. Thomae Hinton de Minsterleye ... bap.
" June 13. Johanna ux. Johnis Evans ... sep.
" June 18. Johannes Peers et Maria Witcherley ma'r'io copulati.
" June 24. Amea Weston, f. Humfridi Weston ... bap.
" June 25. Ricardus Rogers et Anna Applebury ... nup.
" June 28. Georgius Machin, f. Radi ... sep.
" July 8. Jana, f. Gruff. Vauchan de Minsterley ... bap.
" July 28. Thomas Leighton ... sep.
" July 28. Willimus Betchcot, f. Richi ... sep.
" July 28. Johannes Tiler et Johanna Davies de Oaks ... bap. [sic]
" July 28. Ricardus Dunne, f. Richi ... bap.

1565] Pontesbury. 27

1565, Aug. 5. Elizabeth Estop, f. Henrici ... bap.

fol 31.

Anno Domini 1566. Elizab. 7° et 8°.

" Aug. 11. Ricardus Dunne, f. Richi ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Cicelia, f. Thomae Davies de Oaks ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Johannes Ridley et Alicia Nagington ... nup.
" Aug. 22. Katherina, f. Thomae ap Henrye de Melverley ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Ricardus Higgins de Edge et Johanna Blackway de Birrington ... nup.
" Sep. 14. Thomas Denyes ... sep.
" Sep. 27. Ricardus Witcherley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Thomas, Willimi Rider filius ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Thomas Gittins et Maria Willcox ... nup.
" Oct. 6. Anna Deyos ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Henricus Appleburye et Katherina Humfreys ... nup.
" Oct. 8. Anna Bryan, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Thomas Jaundrell ... sep.
" Oct. 19. Ricardus Bromlowe, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Oct. 23. Cicelia, f. Thomae Davies de Oakes ... sep.
" Nov. 5. Robertus Bailye, Esq., et Johanna Corbett ... nup.
" Nov. 8. Elizabeth Appleburye, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Elizabeth, ux. Willimi Careles, apud Hanwood ... sep.
" Nov. 25. Ricardus Johnes f. Oweni ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Maria Crockett, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Johanna, ux. Johannis Baker ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Cicelia Morrice, f. Jacobi ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Johannes Denyes et Anna Everall ... nup.
" Dec. 18. Johannes Yeavans et Jocosa Jax ... nup.
" Dec. 23. Ricardus Asheley, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Eodem, dictus Ricardus ... sep.
" Dec. 31. Owinus Johnes et Jana Peersie ... nup.

fol 32.

Anno Domini 1566. Elizab. 8°.

" Jan. 1. Amea et Eliz. gemellae Ranulphi Wimer, simul ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Franciscus Warde, f. Francisci ... bap.

28 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1565

1565, Jan. 3. Rogerus, f. Rd. ap Llewellin ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Elizabeth, filia Ranulphi p'dict. ... sep.
" Jan. 19. Alicia, fil. Rogeri Elles, adven. spur .... sep.
" Jan. 19. Johanna Miller, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Elizabeth Appleburye, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Sina, vulgo vocata Signet, filia Robti Sallmon de Westbury ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Johannes Tidder et Elenora Davies ... nup.
" Feb. 6. Johannes Tipton, f. Richi ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Ricardus Willcox, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Ricardus Phillips, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Rogerus Nicholls, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Ricardus Johnes, f. Oweni ... sep.
" Mar. 10. Elenora Davies, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Mar. 12. Rowlandus Hodges, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Willimus Bland ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Ricardus, f. Griffith ap Rice, adven. et Helenae ux. eius ... bap.
1566, Mar. 27. Ricardus Phillips ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Elizabeth Emrye ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Alicia Maddox, f. Oliveri ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Willimus Corbett, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Johannes Heymonde ... sep.
" May 4. Johannes, fil. Rici Dunne et Margeriae meretricis ... bap.
" May 10. Johannes Rogers, f. Rici ... bap.
" May 16. Wenefride Barbor, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" May 19. Ragerus, f. Radulph Shillinger de Woodner ... bap.
" May 20. Thomas Peers et Margareta Feliwo [?] ... nup.
" June 3. Maria, f. Simonis Kemsey ar. ... bap.

fol 33.

Anno Dnj. 1566 et 1567. Elizab. 9°. .

" June 6. Thomas Heighway, f. Willimi ... bap.
" June 17. Ricardus Medlicott, Minsterlensis ... sep.
" June 19. Elizabeth Saby, f. Thomae ... bap.
" June 23. Katherina Crockett, f. Edwardi ... bap.
" June 29. Elizabetha Appleburye, f. Henrici ... bap.
" July 16. Franciscus Noneley, f. Willimi ... bap.

1566] Pontesbury. 29

1566, July 16. Humfridus, f. Thomae Davies, Salopiensis ... sep.
" July 23. Gruff ap John et Katherina ap John ... nup.
" July 24. Ursula Careles, f. Richi ... sep.
" July 28. Johanna ux. Richi Corbett ... sep.
" Aug. 6. Alicia Maddox, f. Oliveri ... sep.
" Aug. 7. Anna, f. Hugonis ap Dd ap Hughe ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Cecilia, filia Lister ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Christopherus Lacon et Johanna Burly, vidua ... nup.
" Aug. 31. Johannes Bowe, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Rogerus Dunne, f. Richi ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Thomas Rowles ... sep.
" Sep. 22. Ricardus Russell, f. Robti ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Johanna, fil. Rich. Peramor liquare per intolerabilem calorem periit et sepulta est.
" Oct. 12. Anna Hollmes, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Johannes Rider, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Dorothea Turner f. Willimi ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Thomas Olivers et Anna Higgins ... nup.
" Nov. 4. Johanna Medlicott, f. Johannis ... sep.
" Nov. 7. Oliveris, f. Robti Clough, Minsterlensis ... sep.
" Nov. 9. Anna, f. Roberti Cowper de Worthin et Katherinae Lister, illegitime nata bapta est.
" Nov. 12. Katherina, f. Johannis Harryes de Arscott ... bap.

fol 34.

Anno Dnj. 1567. Elizab. 9°.

" Nov. 14. Johannes, f. Richi Higgins de Edge ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Helenora Betchcot, f. Richi ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Johanna Yevans. vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 8. Thomas Appleburye, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Johannes, f. Johnis [blank] ... bap. et ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Johannes Higgins, f. Richi ... sep.
" Dec. 31. Thomas Underwood, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Helenora Genowe, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Katherina, f. Henrici Corbett de Stretton ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Thomas Cowper et Johanna Smithe ... nup.

30 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1566

1566, Feb. 3. Ricardus Peers et Anna Medlicott ... nup.
" Feb. 6. Rogerus Dawson et Anna Tenche ... nup.
" Feb. 6. Johannes Ridge et Elizabeth Medlicott ... nup.
" Feb. 6. Rogerus Dunne, f. Richi ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Johannes Ridge et Elizabeth Medlicott ... nup.
" Feb. 22. Anna Peers, nuper nupta ... sep.
" Feb. 23. Thomas Gruff'n, f. Lanceloti ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Elizabeth Bedow, f. Richi ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Anna, ux. Thomae Bland ... sep.
1567, Mar. 21. Maria, f. Rogeri Diggorye et Margaret Peramor ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Johannes Colealn [?] ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Margeria, f. Richi Higgins, Longden ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Simon Callcot, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Gulielmus Yevans, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Jevan ap Gruff et Marger. Webb ... nup.
" Apr. 28. Ricardus Corbett et Katherina Yat ... nup.
" Apr. 29. Johanna, ux. Johannis Peers ... sep.
" May 7. Willimus Higgins, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" May 23. Margeria, f. Richi Higgons de Longdon ... sep.
" May 27. Hugo Bradeley, f. Richardi ... bap.
" May 27. Diussima, filia Edwardi Rowland de Lea ... bap.

fol 31.

Anno Dm. 1567. Elizab. 9°.

" May 27. Edwardus Lea et Johanna Rondall de Lea ... bap. [sic]
" June 6. Elizabeth Alberrye ... sep.
" June 15. Maria Bailye, f. Roberti ... bap.
" June 22. Georgius, f. Edwardi .. bap.
" July 8. Thomas Hodges, f. Richi ... bap.
" July 13. Hugo, f. ut ferunt [sic] Thomae Daws ... bap.
" July 31. Willimus, f. Johnis Corbett de ffareley ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Katherina Denyes ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Johannes, f. Anthonii Burley ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Thomas Hodges, f. Richardi ... sep.
" Aug. 31. Rowlandus Dennys, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Sep. 3. Margareta Morris, f. Jacobi ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Thomas Phillips, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Sep. 16. Anna Olivers, f. Thomas ... bap.
" Sep. 76. Alanus Killvert et Maria Bailye ... nup.

1567] Pontesbury. 31

1567, Sep. 27. Willimus, f. Florentii Tipton, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Johannes Ey ton et Anna Davies ... nup.
" Oct. 6. Eduardus Daws, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Blanchea Phillips, f. Hugonis ... sep.
" Oct. 26. Humfridus Tipton, f. Richi ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Johannes Peers, senior et Anchoreta Baldwine ... nup.
" Nov. 6. Blanchea Willcox, f. Andreae ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Johanna Appleburye, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Margeria, f. Thomae Browne, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Michaell Corbett, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Johannes Peers, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Margeria Willcox, f. Hugonis ... bap.

fol 36.

Anno Duj. 1567. Elizab. 10°.

" Nov. 14. Anna, f. Johis Evans, sepulta, et ante paucis diebus apud Westbury nata.
" Nov. 16. Willimus Edwards ... sep.
" Nov. 23. Jacobus, f. Robti Cloughe, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Ricardus, f. Thomae Cowper ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Johanna, f. Rogeri Phillips ... bap. et ... sep.
" Jan. 8. Johannes Peers ... sep.
" Jan. 11. Robertus, f. Robti Hinton, Hogstowe ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Edwardus Peers et Anna ... nup.
" Jan. 13. Maria, f. Johnis Miller ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Leonardus Hill et Dorothea Wenie ... nup.
" Jan. 20. Jocosa, ux. Johannis Evans ... sep.
" Jan. 21. Hugo, f. Rici Higgins de Edge ... [blank]
" Jan. 23. Ricardus Matts ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Willimus Medlicott, f. Rici ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Thomas ffoord, f. Henrici ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Thomas Sabey, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Willimus, f. Robti Davyes ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Isabella, f. Willimi Turner de Edge ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Elizabeth Mitton, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Johannes, f. Rogeri Johnson. Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Ricardus Carter, f. Willimi ... bap.

32 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1568

1567, Mar. 11. Helenora, f. Willimi Shuttle ... bap.
1568, Apr. 4. Willimus Careles, f. Richi ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Anna Shingler, f. Radi ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Willimus Davies, f. Robti ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Helenora, fil. Hugonis ap Dd als. Bocher ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Johannes Peers, f. Hugonis ... bap.

fol 37.

Anno Dnj. 1568. Eliz. 10°.

" Apr. 22. Margeria Higgins, olim Monialis ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Johanna Stone ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Johannes Bland et Alicia Ball de Onslowe ... nup.
" Apr. 28. Rogerus, f. David ap Tidder Owen ... bap.
" May 6. Johanna Rutter, f. Thomae ... sep.
" May 6. Georgius Peers, f. Johannis ... bap.
" May 6. Johanna Hodges, f. Johnis ... bap.
" May 7. Ricardus, f. Johnis Stephens, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" May 11. Katherina Heynes, f. Johnis ... bap.
" May 12. Henricus, fil. Ricardi ap Minsterlensis ... bap.
" May 16. Willimus Estop, f. Henrici ... bap.
" May 16. Margareta, f. Thomae Cowper, Minsterlen. ... bap.
" May 19. Elizabeth Nonileye, vid. ... sep.
" May 21. Ricardus Carter, f. Willimi ... sep.
" May 26. Ricardus Higgins de Longdon ... sep.
" May 30. Ricardus Peers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" June 2. Gwen., f. ut fertur, Radi Gardner ... sep.
" June 4. Maria Griffith, f. Johnis ... bap.
" June 6. Johanna, f. Thomae Ryve ... bap.
" June 8. Johanna Bromlowe, f. Richi ... bap.
" June 21. Elizabeth, f. Thome Dackin, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" July 5. Johannes Crosse et Elenora Howle ... nup.
" July 8. Elenora ffellkin, f. Richi ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Hugo Duke ... sep.
" Aug. 10. Anna, f. Willimi [blank] ... bap.
" Sep 18. Johanna Bowkly, f. Henrici ... bap.

1569] Pontesbury. 33

fol 38.

Anno Dnj. 1569. Elizab. 11°.

1568, Oct. 4. Simon, f. Thomae Davies de Oaks ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Thomas Dawes, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Arthurus Warde, f. Francisci ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Thomas Staunton et Katherina Corbett ... nup.
" Nov. 8. Lucia, f. Johannis, advenae spur. ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Richardus, f. Willimi Phellips de Cruckton ... sep.
" Nov. 13. Johanna Beiston, f. Willimi ... bap. et ... sep.
" Nov. 16. Thomas Yeavans et Anna Harrington ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Elizabeth, f. Hugonis Howle ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Hugo Everall et Jana Nuneley ... nup.
" Dec. 6. Thomas Russell, f. Robti ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Thomas Appleburye, et Thomas, f. Robti Russell ... consepult.
" Dec. 27. Anna Lake, f. Lanceloti ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Katherina Weston, f. Humfredi ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Thomas, f. Johnis Randall, Westburye ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Katherina Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Alicia Heth, f. Richi ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Eadem Alicia ... sep.
" Jan. 31. Jana Peers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Jocosa, f. Richi Smowt de Woorthin ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Willimus Noniley, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Richardus, f. Johnis Corbett de ffareley ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Johannes, f. Richi Heighwaye de Woorthin ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Edwardus Underwood, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Jana Peers, f. Thomae ... sep.
" Mar. 11 Richardus Betchcott, f. Willimi ... bap.
1569, Mar. 27. Rogerus Tounsend, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Jacobus Higgins, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Johannes Beiston ... sep.
" Apr. i11. Richardus Heighwey, f. Willimi ... bap.

fol 39.

Anno Dnj. 1569. Elizab. 12°.

" Apr. 13. Katherina Barrett, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Rogerus Onslowe et Elizabeth Heynes ... nup.
" Apr. 25. Rogerus Heynes et Anna Onslowe ... nup.

34 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1569

1569, May 1. Anna Pollmer, f. Willimi ... sep.
" May 3. Maria Carter, f. Willimi ... bap.
" May 6. Rowlandus, filius Mered' ap Yevan, adven: ... bap.
" May 20. Reginaldus Gruff ap [blank], adven. ... bap.
" May 14. Hugo Cowres et Elizabeth Hodges ... nup.
" May 15. Reginaldus Griffith, adven. ... sep.
" May 25. Robertus, f. ejusdem adven. ... bap.
" June 2. Katherina et Anna, gemellae f. Humfridi Pitts ... bap.
" June 3. Helena Everall, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" June 4. Anna Pitts, f. Humfridi ... sep.
" June 6. Thomas Davies de Oaks, et Katherina, fil. Humfridi ... consepult.
" June 16. Elizabeth Rider, f. Willimi ... bap.
" June 28. Johanna, f. D'd Llewellen ... bap.
" June 29. Katherina Barrett, f. Johnis ... sep.
" July 6. Johanna, f. D'd Llewellen ... sep.
" July 28. Johanna Applebury, f. Johannis ... bap.
July 31. ffulco Genowe, f. Willimi ... bap.
" July 31. Michaell Staunton, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Willimus Noniley, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Aug. 21. Margareta Olivers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Thomae et Margareta gemell: Richi Rogers ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Dicti gemelli ... consepult.
" Oct. 23. Dorothea Britten, f. Richi ... sep.
" Oct. 27. Jana, ux. Willimi Beiston ... sep.

fol 40.

Anno Dnj. 1570. Elizab. 12°.

" Nov. 3. Richardus Bromblow, f. Richi ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Richardus Wiver et Jocosa Davies ... nup.
" Nov. 14. Johanna, fil. Gruff Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Johanna, ux. Willimi Gregory ... sep.
" Nov. 19. Rowlandus Parks, d'us, et Maria Clerke ... nup.
" Nov. 22. Richardus Dawes, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Willimus Rogers als. Bocher et Anna Clerke ... nup.
" Dec. 2. Willimus Thomas et Margeria Johnes ... nup.
" Dec. 8. Anna, ux. Laurentii Crockett ... sep.

1570] Pontesbury. 35

1596, Dec. 16. Michaell Bromley, f. Richi ... sep.
" Dec. 18. Anna Meeke, adven. et paup. ... sep.
" Dec. 23. Margareta Cowper et Johanna Miller ... consepult.
" Dec. 26. Margareta Michaell, vid. ... sep.
" Jan. 31. Thomas Appleburye, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Johanna Russell, f. Robti ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Hugo Peers, f. Edwardi ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Margareta, f. Thomae Johnson, adven. ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Anna Bailye, f. Robti ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Ricardus Calcot, f. Johannis ... sep.
1570, Apr. 1. Johanna, f. Willimi Sharp, adven. ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Thomas Peers et Johanna Calcott ... nup.
" Apr. 10. Christopherus Woorsley ... sep.
" Apr. 11. Johannes Yeavans ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Willimus Whitney., f. Petri ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Elizabeth Gittins, f. Thomae ... bap.
" April 25. Johannes Warde, f. Franscisi Warde ... bap. et ... sep.
" May 8. Richardus Corbett, filius Richi Corbett, minioris ... bap.
" May 20. Elizabeth Pitts, f. Humfredi ... bap.
" May 24. Richardus Powlmer, f. Willimi ... bap.
" June 4. Richardus Willcox, f. Andreae ... bap.

fol. 41.

Anno Dnj. 1571. Elizab. 12° et 13°.

" June 14. Rolandus Barbor, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" June 20. Simon, f. Johnis Griffiths, Worthin ... bap.
" July 8. Edouardus ap Ll'en et Katherina Jenks ... nup.
" July 11. Rogerus Evans et Maria Peers ... nup.
July 24. Elizabeth Hodges, f. Richi ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Willimus Evans et Katherina Carter ... nup.
" Sep. 18. Willimus Owen et Margareta Foorth ... nup.
" Sep. 18. Elizabeth Hodges, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Anna Edwards, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Sep. 29. Robertus Tibbey ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Willimus Turner, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Jana ap Ll'en ... sep.
" Oct. 9. Johannes Corfield et Jana Edge ... nup.
" Oct. 26. Petrus ap Thomas et Sibilla Evans ... nup.
" Nov. 10. Johannes Bromblowe, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Nov. 11. Radulphus Gardner et Alisia Davies ... nup.

36 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1570

1570, Nov. 12. Johannes Bromblow, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Nov. 27. Isabella Medlicott, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 7. Katherina Bocher, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Willimus Walker, f. Richi ... sep.
" Dec. 27. Hugo Corbett ... sep.
" Jan. 3. Richardus Hackett ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Adam Heyghweye, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Cicelia Medlicott, f. Richi ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Cicelia Peers, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Willimus Genowe, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Feb. 2. Alicisia Noniley, vid. ... sep.
" Feb. 4. Thomas Heth, f. Richardi ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Elizabeth Dunne, f. Ludovisi ... bap.

fol 42.

Anno Dnj. 1571. Elizab. 13°.

" Feb. 4. Eliz. Miller, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Will. Rutter ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Katherina Miller ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Johanna Woodman, f. Radi ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Johannes Medlicott ... sep.
" Mar. 6. Johanna Tibbey, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Rogerus Roe als. Barrett ... sep.
1571, Mar. 9. Rogerus, f. Hugonis Bocher als. ap Dd ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Johannes, f. Richi Higgons de Edge ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Anna Madder, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Thomas Walker et Rolandus Corbett ... consepult.
" May 1. Humfridis Wiver, f. Richi ... bap.
" May 14. Johannes Gethin, f. Johis ... bap. et ... sep.
" May 25. Thomas Heth, f. Richi ... sep.
" June 10. Simon, f. Rolandi Cowper ... bap.
" June 11. Katherina Heighwaye, f. Richi ... bap.
" June 21. Richardus Yevans, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" June 23. Richardus Everall ... sep.
" June 28. Alicia, f. Thomae Cowper ... bap.
" July 14. Jocosa Bromblow, f. Richardi ... bap.
" July 25. Katherina Onslowe ... sep.
" Aug. 21. Richardus, f. Edwardi Ll'en ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Margareta, ux. Thomae Bromblowe ... sep.
" Sep. 2. Willimus Peers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Alvisia Woolseye, vid. ... sep.

1572] Pontesbury. 37

1571, Sep. 22. Thomas Olivers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Hugo Lewis et Alvisia Habberley ... nup.
" Nov. 8. Willimus Peers, f. Thomae ... sep.
" Nov. 25. Susanna Lake, f. Launceloti ... bap.

fol 43.

Anno. Dnj. 1572. Elizab. 14°.

" Nov. 25. Thomas, f.ThomaeCorbett de Pontsburye ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Elizabeth, ux. Thomae Sherer ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Thomas Evans et Eliz. Cowper ... nup.
" Dec. 22. Elizabeth, f. Johnis Rob'bts, adven: ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Anna Appleburye, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Katherina Greene, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Elizabeth Robberts, f. Johnis ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Hugo, f. Thomae Gittins de Asterley ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Johannes Williams ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Margareta, ux. Thomae Hollmes ... sep.
" Jan. 25. Jana Rider, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Rogerus Rogers et Anna Tilsley ... nup.
" Feb. 5. Richus Bromblowe et Elizabeth Pollmer ... nup.
" Feb. 7. Katherina Underwood, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Anna Lawrence, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Johannes Griffiths, f. Launceloti ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Rogerus Genowe, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Johanna Atton, f. Robti ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Anna Applebury, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Feb. 24. Jacobus Carter, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Rogerus Corbett, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Johanna, f. Johnis Partrich ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Thomas Corbett de Longdon ... sep.
1572, Mar. 31. Anna Betchcott, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Richardus Maddox, f. Richi ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Johannes Bromblowe, f. Willimi ... bap. et ... sep.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth, f. Edwardi Peers, bapta, cuius mater Anna eodem die sepulta fuit.

fol 44.

Anno Dnj. 1572. Elizab. 14° et 15°.

" Apr. 24. Maria ffelkin, f. Richardi ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Hugo Appleburye ... sep.
" [no date]. Sara Nicholls, f. Richi ... bap.

38 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1572

1572, [no date]. Edwardus Burley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Radulphus Gregorye et Maria Speek ... nup.
" June 3. Katherina Wilcox, vid. ... nup.
" June 3. Johanna Willcox, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" June 9. Rogerus Everall, f. Thomae ... bap.
" June 10. Thomas Urmeston et [blank] ... nup.
" June 10. Rogerus Littleale et [blank] Yevans ... nup.
" June 16. Richardus Tipton, f. Richi ... bap.
" June 22. Katherina Cowper, f. Rowlandi ... bap.
" June 24. Thomas Lake ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Richardus, f. Robti Harries de Newneham ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Anna Downe ... sep.
" Aug. 10. Elizabeth, f. Johannis Callcott de Edge ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Johanna, f. Hugonis Owen, adven. ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Hugo Dudley et Anna Beison ... nup.
" Nov. 21. Johanna, ux. Richi Phipps ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Edwardus Lee, f. Edwardi ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Johanna, f. (ut fertur) Nicholai Heighsam ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Willimus Littleale et Lucia [blank] ... nup.
" Jan. 29. Richardus Lightbownd et Margareta Rice ... nup.
" Feb. 3. Thomas Browne et Elenora Bailye ... nup.
" Feb. 24. Katherina Shuttle, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Frauncis Turner, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Rogerus Newton et Kath. Medlicott ... nup.

fol 45.

Anno Dnj. 1573. Elizab. 15°.

1573, Mar. 30. Eodem die Johannes ffisher et Jocosa Wier ... nup.
" Apr. 3. Thomas Nicholls de Asterley ... sep.
" Apr. 5. Johannes, f. Thomae Lingen ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Johannes Corbett, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Willimus Appleburye, f. Willielmi ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Anna Pollmer, f. Willielmi ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Georgius Mason als. Taberer ... sep.
" May 3. Elizabeth Shewman, f. Richi ... bap.
" May 7. Anna Pollmer, f. Willielmi ... sep.
" May 12. Anna Bromblow, f. Willimi ... bap.
" May 19. Edwardus Burley, f. Thomae ... sep.
" May 28. Margareta, ux. Robti Hodges ... sep.
" June 1. Griffs ap Dd et Johanna Gawan ... nup.

1573] Pontesbury. 39

1573, June 2. Jocosa Cloughe, f. Franscisci ... bap.
" June 9. Johannes Corfield, f. Johannis ... sep.
" June 10. Jana Hodges, f. Richi ... bap.
" June 11. Katherina Pitts, f. Humfredi ... bap.
" June 12. Griff. Williams de Alberbury et Jana Rider ... nup.
" July 3. Thomas Tipton et Katherine Powell ... nup.
" Aug. 9. Anna Bromblowe, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Maria Olivers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Maria Noniley, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Reginaldus Ward, f. Franscisci ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Edwardus Heighway, f. Williellmi ... sep.
" Sep. 28. Reginaldus, f. Franscisci Ward ... sep.
" Sep. 28. Anna Burley, f. Thomae ... bap.

fol 46.

Anno Dnj. 1574. Elizab. 16°.

" Oct. 2. Richardus Littleale, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Richardus Medlicott, f. Richi ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Lucia, ux. Willimi Littleale ... sep.
" Dec. 8. Anna, f. Richi Higgons de Edge ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Johannes Cowper, f. Rowlandi ... bap. et ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Maria Olivers, f. Thomae ... sep.
" Jan. 3. Alicsia, f. ut fertur Thomas Cowper alias Edwards ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Dicta Alicsia ... sep.
" Jan. 18. Uxor Hugonis [sic] ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Richardus Littleale ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Anna Barnett, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Thom. Browne, junior ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Thomas Betchcott et Aloisia Edwards ... nup.
" Feb. 15. Katherina Denyes, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Elizabeth Greene, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Richardus, f. ut fertur Richi Fippes ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Thomas, f. Richardi Heywaye, Woorthinensis ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Johannes Laacon et Rosa Johnes ... nup.
" Feb. 14. Johannes Heath et Marareta Urmeston ... nup.
" Feb. 17. Johannes Gawen et Margeria ap Thomas ... nup.
" Mar. 3. Richardus (ut fertur), f. Richi Phipps ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Thomas Sabey, Curat, et Ludimagister ... sep.

40 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1573

1573, Mar. 20. Johannes Rogers, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Margeria Lightbowne, f. Richi ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Katherina Gregorye, f. Radi ... bap.
1574, Mar. 30. Eadem Katherine ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Rogerus Berwick ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Fransciscus Powlmer ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Thomas Nicholls, f. Richi ... bap.
" May 5. Rogerus Collett ... sep.
" May 13. Dorethia Evans, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" May 19. Rogerus Willcox, f. Andreae ... bap.

fol 47.

Anno Dnj. 1574. Elizab. 17°.

" June 4. Hugo Piers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" June 21. Eliz. Thewelling ... sep.
" June 30. Margareta Griffiths, f. Johnis ... bap.
" July 1. Rogerus Davies de Oaks ... sep.
" July 5. Thomas Medlicott et Elenora Morrice ... nup.
" July 8. Alicia Bromblow ... sep.
" July 15. Anna, ux. Johnis Bland ... sep.
" Aug. 2. Johannes Powlton ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Johanna Maddox ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Anna Johnes ... sep.
" Oct. 4. Fransciscus Powner, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Oct. 14. Alicia Bragger, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Yevans ap Rice et Anna Key ... nup.
" Oct. 26. David Llewellen et Gwen verch Griffith ... nup.
" Nov. 9. Thomas Lake et Elizabeth Higgons ... nup.
" Nov. 29. Maria, f. cuisdam Johnis ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Ricardus Daws ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Thomas Ridge et Alicia Parks ... nup.
" Dec. 17. Margareta Denyes ... sep.
" Dec. 18. Maria, f. Thomae Corbett ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Ursula, f. Thomae Corbett ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Elizabeth Walker ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Willimus et Rogerus Bromblowe gemelli, f. Richi ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Willimus Teege ... sep.
" Jan. 77. Thomas Mayden et Johanna Pitts ... nup.
" Jan. 78. Jacobus Morrice, gen: ... sep.
" Jan. 24. Margeria Bromblow ... sep.

1575] Pontesbury. 41

1574, Jan. 31. Elenora fflowd ... sep.

fol 48.

Anno Dnj. 1575. Elizab. 17°.

" Feb. 4. Thomas Bright et Johanna Willcox ... nup.
" Feb. 8. Thomas Laurens ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elenora Gawen ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Margeria Shuttle ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Elizabeth Deyos, f. Guilliemi ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Fransciscus, f. Griff. ap Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Edmundus Estop, f. Henrie ... bap.
1575, Mar. 24. Hugo Russell, f. Robti ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Johanna Appleburye, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Elenora Cowper, f. Rowlandi ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Willimus Willcox, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" May 6. Katherina Burley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" May 6. Dorotheia Callcott, f. Johnis ... bap.
" May 10. Elizabeth Normond ... sep.
" June 15. Elizabeth Underwood, f. Thomae ... bap.
" June 20. Richus Bailye et Elizabeth Denyes ... nup.
" June 27. Humfridus Waller et Margareta Davies ... nup.
" June 27. Thomas Benbow et Elenora Genow ... nup.
" June 29. Guilliemus, f. Thomae Wend ... bap.
" July 5. Katherina Bromblow, f. Richi ... bap.
" July 13. Richardus Rider ... sep.
" July 13. Rogerus Lye, f. Edwardi ... bap.
" July 13. Thomas Gregorye, f. Radi ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Magdalena ffisher, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Edmundus Tipton et Jocosa Normecott ... nup.
" Aug. 28. Anna Higgons, f. Richi ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Rogerus Tipton, f. Edwardi ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Elizabetha Powlmer ... ...
" Sep. 18. Elizabeth Betchcott, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Elizabeth Morrice, f. Richi ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Michaell Gethin, f. Johnis ... bap.

fol 49.

Anno Dnj. 1575. Elizab. 17° et 18°.

" Sep. 30. Thomas Evans et Anna Litherland ... nup.
" Oct. 2. Richus Hodges, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Edwardus, f. Davidi Hodges ... bap.
" Oct. 6 Rogerus Tipton, f. Edwardi ... sep.

42 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1575

1575, Oct. 8. Anna Beiston ... sep.
" Oct. 16. Maria Katsoe ... sep.
" Oct. 20. Margaret Turner ... sep.
" Oct. 27. Michaell Corbett, f. Richi ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Ludovicus Hancox et Elizabeth Heyway ... nup.
" Oct. 28. Richardus Merye et Elizabeth Meredith ... nup.
" Oct. 29. Richardus Meddins et Alicia Sabey ... nup.
" Nov. 7. Johannes Dickson et Johanna Tickle ... nup.
" Nov. 21. Thomas Higgons et Elizabeth Millward ... nup.
" Nov. 29. Johannes Underwood, senior ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Oliverus Maddox et Elizabeth Higgons ... nup.
" Dec. 17. Elizabeth Evans ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Johannes Redge, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Elenora Berwick, f. Humfridi ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Grace, f. Humfridi Pitts ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Rolandus Hussey, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Johannes Wood ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Fransciscus Greene, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Matilda Gronnowe ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Johannes Appleburye, f. Willimi ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Anna, ux. Roger; Edge, gen: ... sep.
" Mar. 6. Anna Hussey ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Elizabeth Rogers, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Elizabeth Littleale, f. Rogeri ... bap.
1576, Apr. 4. Johanna, f. Davidi Llewellyn ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Winifreda, altera gemella et, f. ejusdam Davidi ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Johannes Jaundrell ... sep.
" Apr. 9. Johanna et Winifreda gemellae f. predictae dictae ... consepultae.

fol 50.

Anno Dnj. 1576. Elizab. 18°.

" Apr. 10. Fransciscus Noniley, f. Willimi ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Katherina Corbett, f. Thomae ... bap.
Apr. 27. Humfridus Williams, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Anna Nicholls, f. Richi ... bap.
" May 1. Betheredge Peers ... sep.
" May 3. Michaell Bromscall, clericus, Rector 3ae portion's huius Ecclesiae Pontsburye ... sep.
" May 7. Anna Tailor ... bap.

1576] Pontesbury. 43

1576, May 7. Guliellmus Hodges ... bap.
" May 10. Ludovicus ap David ... sep.
" May 15. Georgius Peers ... sep.
" June 10. Alicia Stockton ... sep.
" June 10. Thomas, f. Rolandi Cowper ... bap.
" June 14. Rogerus Tipton, f. Edmundi, clerici ... bap.
" June 22. Johannes Appleburye ... sep.
" July 1. Elizabeth Medlicott, f. Richi ... bap.
" July 20. Robtus Birch ... sep.
" July 28. Alicia, ux. Willimi Yate ... sep.
" July 28. Guiellmus Mawle et Margeria Howle ... nup.
" Aug. 5. Margeria Olivers, f. Thomae Olivers ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Jocosa, f. Radulphi Wingfield, civis Londinensis ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Anthonius Higgins, f. Richi ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Anna Sawyer ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Johannes Wright ... sep.
" Sep. 9. Margeria Corfeeld, f. Johis ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Katherina Corbett, f. Thomae ... sep.
" Sep. 28. Johannes Maddox, f. Oliveri ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Robertus Burley, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Rogerus, f. Hugonis Barbor de Westbury ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Elizabeth, f. Johis Peerch, gen. Salopiensis ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Johanna ffellkin, f. Richi ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Thomas Gawen, f. Johis ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Johannes Creyman ... sep.

fol. 51.

Anno Dnj. 1576. Elizab. 19°.

" Nov. 6. Agneta Phipps, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 12. Guliellmus Bennett et Alicia Heth ... nup.
" Nov. 24. Richus Edge ... sep.
" Nov. 24. Rogerus Wallker, f. Humfridi ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Alicia Meddins, f. Johis ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Johanna Peers, f. Thomae ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Richus Birch et Anna Tailor ... nup.
" Dec. 4. Rogerus Hamond et Johanna Mitton ... nup.
" Dec. 9. Johanna Bromblowe, f. Richi ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Guliellmus Norrice, f. Richi ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Edwardus Peers et Jana Sherer ... nup.
" Jan. 28. Anna, f. Thomae Sherer, gen. ... bap.

44 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1576

1576, Feb. 12. Margareta Dennyes, f. Johis ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Elinora, ux. Guliellmi Evans ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Johannes Bromblowe et Johanna Onslowe ... nup.
" Feb. 13. Rogerus Wood et Elizabeth Crosse ... nup.
" Feb. 17. Thomas Jenkins et Elizabeth Dudley ... nup.
" Feb. 17. Johannes, f. Rogeri Evans, private baptus ... sep.
" Feb. 17. Johannes alter gemellus et f. eiusdem Rogeri Evans ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Susanna Griffiths, f. Johnis ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Maria Bland, f. Petri ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Johannes, f. (ut fertur) Thomae Noniley ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Hugo Bromblow ... sep.
1577, Mar. 28. Guliell: Hodges, f. Richi ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Henricus Callcott, f. Johis ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Johanna, ux. Thomae Medlicott ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Katherina Dennyes, f. Johis ... sep.
" May 17. Hugo Lightbound, f. Richi ... bap.
" May 20. Guliellmus Gwinne et Elizabeth Crosse ... nup.
" May 21. Elizabeth Hodges, f. Johis ... bap.
" May 27. Elenora Addams vid. dum vixerit singulari virtute et pietate praedita sepulta est.

fol 52.

Anno Dnj. 1578. Elizab. 20°.

" July 7. Samuell Hill, spur. ... sep.
" June 10. Edmundus Collins et Sinet Humfreys ... nup.
" July 15. Johannes Noniley ... sep.
" Aug. 1. Johannes Stockton et Anna Evans ... nup.
" Aug. 1. Richus Waring et Anna Callcot ... nup.
" Aug. 1. Christiana Littleale ... sep.
" Nov. 3. Johannes, f. Rowlandi Cowper ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Johannes, f. Richi Birche ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Lucia Machen ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Eliz: Bromblow ... sep.
Dec. 23. Margereta Underwood ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Alicia, f. Richi Machen ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Johannes Baker ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Rowlandus, f. Edwardi Llewellen ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Rowland, f. Rowlandi Cowper ... sep.
" Feb. 14. Rogerus, f. Davidis Hodges ... bap.

1578] Pontesbury. 45

1577, Feb. 25. Gul., f. Rogeri Hamond ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Jana, f. Johis Hinde [?] ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Rich. Maddox ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Agneta, ux. Richardi Hodges ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Alicia, f. Richi Machen ... sep.
" Mar. 13. Johannes, f. Willimi Betchcott ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Anthonius, f. Ludoyici Heiccoxs ... bap.
1578, Mar. 30. Eliz., ux. Johis Genowe de Westbury ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Agneta, f. Rogeri Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Johanna ap Davies, filia Griffini ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Willimus Ph'es ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Cicelia, f. Richi Bromblowe ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Eliz., f. Richi Corbett ... bap.

fol 53.

Anno Dnj. 1578. Elizab. 20°.

" Apr. 23. Dorothea, f. Thom. Higgins ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Johannes Underwood et Lucia Robts ... nup.
" May 2. Rogerus Howle ... sep.
" May 5. Agneta Diggorye ... sep.
" May 20. Richus Downe et Johanna Maddox ... nup.
" May 25. Rogerus, f. Johis Greene ... bap.
" June 1. Rich. Corbett, senior ... sep.
" June 1. Cicelia, f. Richi Blomblow ... sep.
" June 9. Edmundus, f. Jobis Williams ... bap.
" June 13. Johannes, f. Thom. Burley ... bap.
" June 16. Edw., f. Thom. Burley ... bap.
" June 20. Idem Edw. Burley
" June 27. Quidam Gulliellmus Proctor advena ab (adhuc ignotis) quibusdam homicidis crudellissime trucidatus sepultus fuit.
" June 30. Morganus, f. Humfridi Berwicke ... bap.
" July 2. Dorothea, f. Thom. Higgins ... sep.
" July 22. Rogerus, f. Davidi Hodges ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Agneta, f. Rogeri Rogers ...
" July 17. Elenora, f. Thom. Underwood ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Rogerus, f. Johnis Corfeeld ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Johanna, f. Johnis Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Johanna Higgons, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 22. Margeria, f. Johnis Appleburye ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Rolandus, f. Richi Nicholls ... bap.

46 Shropshire Parish Registers. [ 1578

1578, Sep. 27. Johannes, f. Rogeri Littleale ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Richus Heynes ... sep.
" Oct. 20. Johanna, f. Richi Nurrice ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Warter et Margareta Downe ... nup.
" Nov. 3. Johannes Crofte et Alicia Higgins ... nup.
" Nov. 6. Humfridus, f. Johis Bratte ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Richus, f. Willimi Evans ... bap.

fol 54.

Anno Dnj. 1579. Elizab. 21°.

" Nov. 15. Johanna, f. Edmundi Collins ... bap. et ... sep.
" Nov. 18. Rich. Taylor ... sep.
" Nov. 18. Gul. Humfrey et Jana Evans ... nup.
" Nov. 25. Gul. Rondulphe et Eliz. Passand ... nup.
" Nov. 28. Eliz, f. Humfridi Pitts ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Gul., f. Thom. Powell ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Thomas, f. Richi Bromblow ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Franciscus, f. Guliellmi Littleale ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Alicia, f. Johis Williams ... sep.
" Jan. 8. Agneta Winne ... sep.
" Jan. 11. Thomas, f. Rowlandi Corbett de Minsterley ... sep.
" Jan. 22. Johannes, f. Thom. Peers ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Thomas Spenser et Elenora Corbett ... nup.
" Feb. 22. Thomas Williams et Johanna Jeffreys ... nup.
" Feb. 20. Richus Reignolds, Pontsburiensis Ludimagister ... sep.
" Feb. 22. Will. Teege et Anna Lloid ... nup.
" Feb. 22. Hugo Everall et Margeria Underwood ... nup.
" Feb. 27. Willimus, f. Robti Ph'es ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Robtus, f. Oliveri Maddox ... bap.
1579, Mar. 21. Jocosa, f. Richi Smith ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Edmundus, f. Thomas Lewies ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Dorothea, f. Johis Underwood ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Richus, f. Johis Griffiths ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Rich. Machen ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Sara Nicbolls, f. Richi Nicholls ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Richus, f. Richi Birche ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Rich. Dunne ... sep.
" May 1. Will., f. Thom. Corbett ... bap.
" May 3. Katherina, ux. predicti Richi Dunne ... sep.

1579] Pontesbury. 47

1579, May 5. Thom. Noniley et Johanna Greaves ... nup.
" May 7. Thom. Birche et Elenora Browne ... nup.
" May 15. Thom. Browne, senior ... sep.

fol 55.

Anno Dnj. 1579. Elizab. 21°.

" May 16. Willimus, f. Willimi Cowper ... bap.
" May 28. Edmundus, f. Johis Barrett ... bap.
" May 31. Thomas, f. Henrici Litherland ... bap.
" June 2. Oliverus ap John et Anna Norton ... nup.
" June 4. Will, f. Johis Hodges ... bap.
" June 10. Anna Rider ... sep.
" June 21. Kath., f. Rogeri Rogers ... bap.
" June 27. Johannes, f. Richi Birch ... sep.
" June 30. Radulphus Machen et Agneta Litherland vid. pene edentula ... nup.
" July 12. Elenora, f. Thom. Williams ... bap.
" July 18. Alicia qumdam advena ... sep.
" July 18. Maria, f. Davidi Hodges ... bap.
" July 30. Johannes Rowly et Katherina Woolfe ... nup.
" Oct. 4. Winifreda, f. Thom: Staunton ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Thomas, f. Gabrielis Bennett
" Oct. 13. Ursula, f. Rogerie Heighway ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Johannes Williams et Eliz. Heynes ... nup.
" Oct. 24. Thomas, f. Johis Crofte ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Anna, f. Thom: Lake ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Eliz., f. Guliellmi Evans ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Dorotheia, f. Edmundi Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Anna, f. Humfridi Weston ... sep.
" Nov. 28. Anna, f. Thom: Lake ... sep.
" Nov. 30. Johanna, f. Richi Meddins ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Alicia Betchcott, ux. Thom. ... sep.
" Dec. 18. Eliz., ux. Willimi Peramor ... sep.
" Dec. 25. Jana, f. Humfridi Weston ... [blank]
" Dec. 26. Rich., f. Hugonis Eyerall ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Willimus Peramore ... sep.
" Jan. 5. Thomas Griffiths de Wenlock et Margareta Ph'es ... nup.

fol. 56.

Anno Dnj. 1580. Elizab. 22°.

" Jan. 6. Gul., f. Richi Crosse ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Margareta, cognomine nigra ... sep.

48 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1579

1579, Jan. 15. Jana Jana, [sic] f. Richi Newale ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Thomas, f. Edwardi Llewellen ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Johannes, f. Thom: Dawes ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Eliz., f. Thom. Redge ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Richus Mansfield et Ursula Dicher ... nup.
" Feb. 3. Richus Blackway et Maria Mansfield ... nup.
" Feb. 3. Ursula, uxor Thom Addams generosi ... sep.
" Feb. 9. Thomas Ambler et Jana Evans ... nup.
" Feb. 10. ffranciscus, f. Guliellmi Littleale ... sep.
" Feb. 18. Thom., f. Johis Dennys ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Eliz. Dudley, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 17. Jana, f. Hugonis Philips ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Alicia Birch, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 17. Cicelia et Johanna, gemell; filia Thom.
Burley, gen. ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Anna, ux. Johis Bland ... sep.
" Mar. 22. Rogerus, f. Johis Corfeeld ... sep.
" Mar. 23. Cicilia, f. Thom. Burley, gen. ... sep.
1580, Mar. 25. Rogerus, f. Johis Peers de Powles ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Margerita Tailor, vid.
" Mar. 27. Rogerus Newton ... sep.
" Mar. 28. Elizabeth, f. Rowlandi Cowper ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Johanna Corbett, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Hugo ap Gruff et Gwen verch Price ... nup.
" Apr. 25. Will. Appleburye et Rich. Dawes ... sep.
" May 4. Rosa, f. Hugonis ap Dd ... bap.
" May 12. Thomas Gregorye et Maria Cuttler ... nup.
" May 13. Agneta Heynes, vid. ... sep.
" May 23. Rogerus Rogers ... sep.
" May 24. Rogerus Phipps ... sep.
" May 28. Robtus Genowe et Eliz. Howle ... nup.
" May 28. Alicia Collines ... sep.

fol 57.

Anno Dnj. 1580. Elizab. 23°.

" June 5. Richus, f. Johis Corfield ... bap.
" June 14. Jocosa, f. Thom. Birche ... bap.
" June 21. Rowlandus Clerke et Eliz. Corbett ... nup.
" June 27. Thomas Appleburye et Katherina Walker ... sep.
" July 3. Maria, f. William Shuttle ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Johanna Medlicott ... sep.

1581] Pontesbury. 49

1580, Aug. 3. Jocosa et Johanna gemellae, f. Johnis Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Maria, f. Richi Medlicot ... sep.
" Aug. 20. Johanna, f. Johis Williams ... sep.
" Aug. 21. Johannes Careles ... sep.
" Aug. 21. Elenora, f. Richi Tipton, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Rosa ffoxe ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Rowlandus, f. Edwardi Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Rogerus Edge, gen. ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Franciscus, f. Edmundi Collines ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Thomas Inians et Eliz. Gittins ... nup.
" Oct. 2. Richus, f. Thom. Lake ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Thomasi, f. Joziae Smith ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Eliz., ux. Nichi Parkes ... sep.
" Oct. 20. Margareta Wellines, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Rich. Ambler et Eliz. *Peers ... nup.
" Nov. 23. Eliz. Dennys, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 24. Maria, f. Richi Hodges ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Johannes Blande ... sep.
" Dec. 23. Johannes Gainow ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Eliz, ux. Johis Ph'es ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Rogerus Davies et Eliz. Davies ... nup.
" Jan. 23. Edw., f. Rogeri Gregorye ... sep.
" Feb. 3. Rich., f. Willimi [blank] ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Edouardus, f. Johis Lawrence pridie baptis sepultus fuit.
" Feb. 13. Arthurus, f. Thom. Higgins ... bap.

fol 58.

Anno Dnj. 1581. Elizab. 23°.

" Feb. 20. Rogerus, f. Richi Bromblow ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Willimus Berwicke, senior ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Maria, f. Richi Bromblowe ... bap.
1581, Mar. 5. Rogerus, f. Richi Birche ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Anna, f. Johis Bromblowe ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Johannes, f. Richi Heath ... sep.
" Mar. 29. Hugo, f. Roberti Russell ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Johannes Hodges ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Edwardus Nicholls ... sep.
" Apr. 15. Johannes Millward ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Johannes ap Howell et Katherine Millston ... nup.

* This name seems to have been written "Ph'es" and altered to "Peers."

50 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1581

1581, May 1. Johanna, f. Humfridi Pitts ... sep.
" May 18. Thomas, f. Rowlandi Clerk ... bap.
" May 10. Rogerus, f. Richi Bromblowe ... sep.
" June 12. Elenora, f. Willimi Betchcott ... bap.
" June 29. Thomas, ut fertur, f. Johis Williams, spur. ... bap.
" July 1. Elenora, f. Willimi Betchcott ... sep.
" July 2. Eliz. Evans ... sep.
" July 4. Johannes Griffiths et Katherina ap Evan ... nup.
" July 6. Eliz., f. Hugonis Davies ... bap.
" July 21. Jocosa, f. Johis Williams ... sep.
" July 30. Richardus Witcherley, rector secundae portionis huius Eccl'iae ... sep.
" Aug. 4. Thomas, f. Johis Crofte ... sep.
" Aug. 6. Johanna, f. Johis Corbett ... sep.
" Aug. 13. Carolus, f. Oliveri Maddox ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Rogerus Beiston et Margeria Corbett ... nup.
" Sep. 13. Margareta Nicholls ... sep.
" Sep. 28. Eliz., f. Thom. Hunt ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Winifreda, f. Ludovici Hancox ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Michaell, f. Davidi Hodges ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Eliz., f. Rogeri Hamonds ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Rich., f. Rogeri Littleale ... bap.

fol 59.

Anno Dnj. 1581. Elizab. 24°.

" Nov. 9. Margareta, ux. Johis Grove ... sep.
" Nov. 17. Eliz., f. Willimi Harries ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Edmundus, f. Roberti Purslowe ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Eliz., f. Richi Higgins de Edge ... sep.
" Nov. 21. Radulphus Normondye ... sep.
" Nov. 30. Johannes Johnes et Margeria Moore ... nup.
" Dec. 3. Simon, f. Thom. Hollmes ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, f. Richi Crosse ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Johannes Davies ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Dorothia, f. Thom. Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Sara, f. Edmundi Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Georgius, f. Richi Porter ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Anna, f. Guliellmi Cowper ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Elenora, f. Oweni Morrice ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Margareta, f. Thom. Peers ... bap.

1582] Pontesbury. 51

1581, Jan. 22. Rich. Bullocke et Anna Parks ... nup.
" Jan. 24. Will., f. Hugonis Eyerall ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Maria, f. Richi Hodges ... sep.
" Jan. 25. Eliz., f. Hugonis Ph'es ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Simon, f. Edwardi Ll'en ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Johannes Teege et Maria Jeffs ... nup.
" Feb. 3. Margareta, f. Johannis ap Edward ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Rogerus Speak et Esabella Onslow ... nup.
Feb. 11. Thomas, f. Thom. Burley ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Rogerus, f. Johis Crofte ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Edw., f. Willimi Crofte ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Rogerus Powlmer et Isabella Tate ... nup.
" Mar. 4. Margareta, f. Humfridi Walker ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Johanna Dudley ... sep.
" Mar. 9. Johanna, f. Johis Callcot de Edge ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Johannes, f. Thom. Deyes ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Elenora, f. Thom. Urians ... bap.

fol 60.

Anno Dnj. 1582. Elizab. 24°.

1582, Mar. 27. Agneta, f. Thom. Machen ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Elenora, ux. Rogeri Mitton, et Anna, f. Underwood ... consepultae.
" Apr. 11. Eliz., ux. Thom. Urians ... sep.
" Apr. 12. Katherina, uxor Francisci Warde que Londini ex hac vita migrasset solemne domi adverta sepult.
" May 6. [blank], filia Rich. Tipton, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" May 7. Eliz., relicta Edwardi Onslow ... sep.
" May 14. Alicia, ux. Johannis Callcott ... sep.
" May 27. Johanna, f. Richi Kenricke ... bap.
" June 12. Johanna, f. Willimi Betchcott ... sep.
" June 18. Richus Peerce qui eod. die apud Grenow's more in scindendo lignum dol'oso more trucidatus fuit ... sepultus.
" June 29. Agneta, f. Thom. Machen ... sep.
" July 1. Will., f. Willmi Teege ... bap.
" July 16. Johanna, f. Humfridi Pitts ... sep.
" July 18. Jana, f. Rowlandi Cowper ... bap.
" July 18. Johanna, f. Davidi ap Howell ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Thom., f. Johnis Gruffiths ... bap.

52 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1582

1582, Aug. 17. Katherina, f. Richi Blackwey ... bap.
Aug. 19. Johanna, f. Thom. Crockett ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Cicelia, f. Richi Bromblowe ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Katherina, f. Richi Blackweye ... sep.
" Sep. 28. Johannes, f. Hugonis Vauchan ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Thomas, f. Johnis Corfeeld ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Johannes, f. Hugonis Vauchan ... sep.
" Oct. 12. Elenora, f. Willimi Clowes ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Richus, f. Johis Corfeeld ... sep.
" Oct. 18. Willimus Dennys, f. Johis ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Willimus, f. Johis Menlow ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Rogerus Parks et Margareta Hodges ... nup.
" Dec. 20. Robtus Cloughe, gen., Minsterlensis ... sep.
" Dec. 20. Rich. ffoorde et Eliz. Ratcliffe ... nup.

fol. 61.

Anno Dnj. 1583. Elizab. 25°.

" Dec. 8. Eliz., ux. Johannis Heynes ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Cicelia, f. Richi Bromblow ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Thomas, f. Rogeri Speake ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Johannes Morice et Eliz. Edwards ... nup.
" Jan. 26. Elenora, f. Willimi Clowes ... sep.
" Feb. 4. Jana, f. Johnis Meredith ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Johanna, f. Richi Kenricke ... sep.
" Feb. 11. Johannes Burges et Eliz. Everall ... nup.
" Feb. 14. Richus, f. Williellmi Mericke ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Humfridus, f. Richi Bradbery ... sep.
" Feb. 19. Eliz. Lerpoole ... sep.
" Feb. 20. Esabella Carter, vid. ... sep.
" Feb. 25. David ap Howell ... sep.
" Mar. 3. Katherina, f. Thom. Lake ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Eliz., f. Richi Bullocke ... bap.
1583, Mar. 12. Will., f. Richi Nicholls ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Franciscus Cloughe, gen: ... sep.
" Mar. 31. Johanna, ux. Radulphi Machen ... Sep.
" Apr. 13. David ap Edward et Eliz. Harries ... nup.
" Apr. 14. Hugo, f. Thom. Willcox ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Willimus Tisdale et Johanna Careles ... nup.
" May 1. Georgius, f. Richi Bromblowe ... bap.
" May 5. Hugo, f. Johannis Williams ... bap.
" May 9. Eliz., f. Johis Teege ... bap.
" May 14. Maria, f. Thom. Wood ... bap.

1583] Pontesbury. 53

1583, May 17. Jana Morice, peregrina ... sep.
" May 20. Anna, ux. Thomae Tibbey sep.
" June 3. Margareta, ux. Willimi Mericke ... sep.
" June 7. Katherina, f. Thom. Lake ... sep.
" June 9. Thomas Peers et Ursula Browne ... nup.

fol. 62.

Anno Dnj. 1583. Elizabethae 26°.

" June 14. Rich., f. Willimi Betchcott ... sep.
" June 23. Johanna, f. Edmundi Collines ... bap.
" June 25. Gul. Tiler et Margareta *Cad'r ... nup.
" July 14. Lucretia, f. Richi Hathwaye ... bap.
" July 21. Dorothea, f. Guliellmi Betchcott ... bap.
" July 24. Margareta Powlmer, advena ... sep.
" July 28. Jacobus, f. Johnis Lawrence ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Rogerus, f. Johnis Newall ... sep.
" Aug. 9. Johanna, f. Johannis Johnes ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Eliz., f. Thom. Deyos ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Elinora, f. Guliellmi Medlicott ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Cicelia, f. Nichi Smith ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Johanna, f. Richi fford ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Elizabetha, f. Griffith ap Dd ... sep.
" Sep. 17. Elizabetha, ux. Richi Foord ... sep.
" Sep. 24. David ap Rice et Gwenna Lloid ... nup.
" Sep. 29. Elenora, f. Guliellmi Medlicott ... sep.
" Sep. 29. Thomas, f. Humfridi Pitts ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Elenora, f. Roberti Purslowe ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Reginaldus Higgins et Margareta Callcot ... nup.
" Oct. 20. Richus, f. Thom. Browne ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Anna, f. Guliellmi Rondle ... sep.
" Oct. 29. Franciscus Pollexfen, gen., et Anna Corbett ... nup.
" Nov. 7. Willimus Mericke et Kath. Rogers ... nup.
" Nov. 14. Johannes, f. Rogeri Heighway ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Johanna, f. Edmundi Collines ... sep.
" Dec. 11. Johannes, f. Hugonis ap Dd ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Johannes Addams et Katherina Medlicott ... nup.
" Dec. 15. Guliellmus, f. Thom. Phillips ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Thomas, f. Johis Corfield ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Timotheus, f. Edmundi Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Henricus, f. David ap Edward ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Eliz. Sheinto, vid. ... sep.

* Some abbreviation.

54 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1563

1583, Jan. 12. Thomas, f. Guliellmi Harries ... bap.

fol 63.

Anno Dnj. 1584. Elizab. 26°.

" Jan. 20. Eliz., ux. Rogeri Diggory ... sep.
" Jan. 21. Johannes, f. Johis Witcherley ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Richardus, f. Reginaldi Rider ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Guliellmus Warner ... sep.
" Feb. 13. Thomas, f. Rogeri Parks ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Hugo, f. Oliveri Maddox ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Johannes Olivers et Katherina Medlicott ... nup.
" Feb. 24. Margareta, f. Johis Burges ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Rogerus, f. Rowlandi Cowper ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Alicia, f. Richardi Kenricke ... bap.
1584, Mar. 11. Eliz., f. Johis Bromblowe ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Edw., f. Willimi Clowes ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Maria, f. Hugonis Ph'es, junior ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Gul., f. David Barrett ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Eliz., f. Thom. Lake ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Katherina, f. Thom. Blackwey ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Eadem Katherina est ... sepulta.
" Apr. 20. Johannes, f. Johis Peers de Powles ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Thomas Underwood, senior ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Edmundus, f. Johnis Morrice ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Richus, f. Thom. Dawes ... bap.
" May 1. Blanchea, f. David Morrice ... bap.
" May 14. Johannes Barrett ... sep.
" May 30. Johannes, f. Johis Stephens ... bap.
" May 30. Thomas Champernowne, f. [blank) ... bap.
" June 8. Daniell, f. Johnis Crofte ... bap.
" June 9. Oliver ap Dd et Margareta Griffith ... nup.
" June 13. Elenora Barrett, vidua ... sep.
" June 14. Jocosa., f. Thomae Hollmes ... bap.
" June 21. Jana, f. Johis Linne ... bap.
" July 2. Elizabetha, f. David Hodges ... bap.

fol 64.

Anno D'ni. 1585. Elizab. 27°.

" July 6. Richus Foord et Dorothea Staunton ... nup.
" July 21. Richus, f. Edwardi Tipton ... bap.
" July 26. Elizabetha, ux. Richi Higgins de Hinton ... sep.
" July 24. Johannes Hinley et Matilda Coldale ... nup.

1585] Pontesbury. 55

1584, Aug. 4. Blauncha, f. Thom' Brooke ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Franciscus, f. Thomae Littleale ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Richus, f. David ap Rice, et Richus, f. Rogeri Speake simul baptizati sunt.
" Aug. 24. Johanna, f. Johnis Newale, et Richus, f. Richi Rider ... bap.
" Aug.25. Thomae, f. [blank] Champernowne ... sep.
" Aug. 20. Johannes Dennyes ... sep.
" Sep. 17. Elizabetha, f. Richi Bromblow ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Marian, f. Thom. Corbett ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Anna Betchcott ... sep.
" Oct. 11. Robertus, f. Hugonis Everall ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Johannes Phipps et Margeria Price ... nup.
" Nov. 8. Jana, f. Thom. Tailor ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Willimus, f. Johnis Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Franciscus Warde ... sep.
" Nov. 18. Robertus, f. Hugonis Everall ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Maria, f. Richi Crosse ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Richus, f. Willmi Machen ... bap.
" Feb. It. Anthonius, f. David ap Evan ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Katherina, f. Johnis Addams ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Anna Gittens, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Willimus, f. Thom. Price ... bap.
" Alan 11. Anna, f. Thomae Birche ... bap.
1585, Mar. 27. Maria, f. Willmi Bromblowe ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Johannes Bland ... sep.
" Apr. 15. Richus, f. Reginaldi Higgins ... bap.

fol 65.

Anno Dnj. 1585. Elizab. 27°.

" Apr. 18. Maria, f. Thom. Peers ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Willimus, f. Thom. Lake ... bap.
" July 12. Johannes, f. Thom. Careles ... bap.
" July 13. Margareta, f. Rowlandi Poiner ... bap.
" July 14. Rogerus Barber ... sep.
" July 19. Eliz., f. Johannis Williams ... sep.
" July 22. Margareta, f. Rowlandi Poiner ... sep.
" July 25. Eliz., ux. Thomae Careles ... sep.
" Aug. 17. Eliz., f. Richi Fcord ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Edw. Bright et Anna Brise ... nup.
" Aug. 30. Thomas Wildinge ... sep.

56 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1585

1585, Sep. 3. Johannes ffox ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Winifreda, f. Thomae Ph'es ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Robtus, f. Willimi Ph'es ... bap.

ROBERT PHILLIPS [inserted in 17th century handwriting].

" Sep. 25. Willmus, f. Thom. Lake ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Johannes, f. Edwardi Ll'en ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Eliz., f. Thom. Higgins ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Jana, f. David ap Owen ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Thomas, f. Hugonis Everall ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Eliz. Willcox ... sep.
" Nov. 14. Johannes Hughes alias Ratcliffe et Elenora Wood ... nup.
" Nov. 24. Rowlandus, f. Rogeri Diggorye ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Eliz., f. Robti Purslowe ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Johannes, f. Johannis Meredith ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Margareta, ux. Johannis Beddow ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Willimus, f. Willmi Shuttle ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Johannes Wallker ... sep.
" Jan. 22. Margareta Rondle ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Thomas Davies ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Thomas ap Rich. et Margareta Rowland ... nup.

fol. 66.

Anno Domii 1586. Elizab. 28°.

" Feb. 6. Margeria Rider ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Moriceus ap Rich. et Elenora ap David ... nup.
" Feb. 7. Margareta, f. Richi Kenrick ... sep.
" Feb. 9. Johannes, f. Johannis Burges ... sep.
" Feb. 11. Thomas Roe et Katherina Hickin ... nup.
" Feb. 28. Eliz., f. Johnis Corfeld ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Hugo, f. Willmi Harries ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Johannes Browne ... sep.
" Mar. 4. Radulphus Wright ... sep.
" Mar. 12. Cicelia, f. Rogeri Littleale ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Johannes, f. Thom. Roe ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Hugo, f. Thom. Brooke ... bap.
1586, Mar. 19. Hugo, f. David ap Rice ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Anthonius, f. David ap Evan ... sep.
" Apr. 7. Jana, f. Rogeri Parks ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Eliz., f. Richi Tipton ... bap.

1586] Pontesbury. 57

1586, Apr. 10. Edmundus, f. Richi Birche, et Richus, f. Thom. ap Rich. ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Hugo ap Owen, et Richus, f. Thom. ap Rich. ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Johanna, f. Richi Blackwaye ... bap.
" May 5. Willimus, f. Rogeri Speeke ... bap.
" May 6. Margareta Brombley, vid. ... sep.
" May 8. Willimus, f. Thom. Cleaton ... bap.
" May 12. Eliz., f. Richi Bromblowe ... bap.
" May 13. Anna, f. Moricii ap Rich. ... bap.
" May 14. Anna Heighwaye, vid. ... sep.
" May 17. Eliz. Ph'es, vid. et Anna, ux. Richi Beddow ... sep.
" May 18. Johannes Webbe ... sep.
" May 30. Cicelia Howden ... sep.
" June 5. Eliz., f. Willmi Higgins ... bap.
" May 8. Richus, f. Thom. Hollmes ... bap.

fol 67.

Anno Domini 1587. Elizab. 29°.

" July 2. Michaell, f. Thom. Staunton ... sep.
" July 3. Isaac, f. Edmundi Tipton ... bap.
" July 17. Robtus, f. Rowlandi Poiner ... bap.
" July 25. Eliz., f. Willmi Mason ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Johanna, ux. David Gittins ... sep.
" Aug. 11. Maria, f. Rowlandi Cowper ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Johannes, f. Thom. Lake ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Jocosa, ux. Rowlandi Higgons ... sep.
" Sep. 17. Johanna, ux. Johannis Meddins ... sep.
" Sep. 29. Margeria, f. Willmi Machen ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Thomas, f. Humfridi Appleburye ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Thomas, f. Thom. Appleburye ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Johanna Davies, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 2. Robtus Ph'es ... sep.
" Oct. 30. Hugo, f. Hugonis Ph'es ... bap.*
" Nov. 6. Johannes, f. David Barrett ... sep.
" Nov. 13. Margareta, f. Thom. Deyos, et Maria, f. Edwardi Bromblowe ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Gabriell Davies et Anna Dennys ... nup.
" Nov. 24. Edw., f. Johannis Hughes als Ratcliff ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Margareta Harries ... sep.

* The original word "sepult" has been erased and "baptizat" added by a later hand, with the signature "Hugh Phillips."

58 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1586

1586, Dec. 9. Edw., f. Johnis p'd'i. ... sep.
" Jan. 3. Thomas, f. Johannis Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Arthurus, f. Richi Foord ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Willmus et Joh'es, gemelli Johis Teege ... bap.
1587, Apr. 24. Richus, f. Johannis Rider, Hanwood ... bap.
" May 14. Willimus Corbett ... sep.
" May 17. Johannes, f. Johnis Corfield ... sep.
" June 18. Willmus., f. Richi Kenricke ... bap.
" June 22. Willmus Ph'es ... sep.

fol 68.

Anno Dnj. 1587. Elizab. 29°.

1643, 1587, 56, 47, 1627, 1587 [scrawl at side of Register].

" June 25. Johannes Burly et Johanna Passand ... nup.
" June 26. Rich. Homes et Maria Brownehill ... nup.
" June 26. Thomas Rider ... sep.
" June 27. Thom. Gittins et Anna Bland ... nup.
" June 27. Johannes Genowe et Jana Peers ... nup.
" June 30. Nicholaus Perks ... sep.
" July 2. Thomas, f. Thom. Littleale ... sep.
" July 2. Richus, f. Francisci Collett, Hanwood ... bap.
" July 19. Johannes Collclowe ... sep.
" July 21. Elenora Genowe sep.
" July 21. Marg. Berwicke ... sep.
" Sep. 23. Johanna Russell ... sep.
" Aug. 6. Johannes, f. Reginaldi Higgons ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Margeria Higgons ... sep.
" Aug. 11. Hugo Ph'es, junior ...
" Aug. 13. Anna, f. Johannis Bromblowe ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Richus, f. Richi Crosse ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Katherine, f. Thom. Kenricke ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Uxor Thom. Deyos ... sep.
" Sep. 8. Katherina Hamond ... sep.
" Sep. 9. Hugo Barbour ... sep.
" Sep. 12. Eliz. ffoord ... sep.
" Sep. 13. Johannes Underwood ... Sep.
" Sep. 25. Will. Gennyns, gen. ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Johannes, f. Willmi Tailor ... bap. et ... sep.
" Oct. 1. Thomas Haines ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Johanna, f. Radi Wright ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Eliz., f. Richi Bromblow

1588] Pontesbury. 59

1587, Oct. 15. Katherina, uxor Guliellmi Westiary ... sep.
" Oct. 15. Williams, f. Willmi Betchcott ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Johanna ffoxe, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Margeria Partridge ... sep.

fol 69.

Anno Dnj. 15880. Elizab. 30°.

" Oct. 28. Rich. Higgins de Hinton ... sep.
" Oct. 29. Eliz., f. Thom. Tailor ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Johannes ffoord et Alicia Johnson ... nup.
" Nov. 4. Rogerus, f. Johannis Bland ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Henricus Corbett, gen .... sep.
" Nov. 5. Johannes Homes ... sep.
" Dec. 2. Custance Burly ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Rogerus, f. Johannis Hughes ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Gul. Hughes et Kath. Teege ... nup.
" Jan. 30. Rogerus, f. Johannis Bland ... sep.
" Feb. 2. Maria, f. Edwardi Bromblow ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Margareta Glover ... sep.
" Feb. 20. Will., f. Johannis Teege ... sep.
" Mar. 24. Hugo Phillips, senior ... sep.
1588, Mar. 24. Simon, f. Gabrielis Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Edw., f. Edwardi Bromblow ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Johanna, f. Thom. Birche ... bap.
" May 6. Sara, f. Thom. Gregory ... bap.
" May 8. Jana, f. Hugonis ap Dd ... bap.
" May 18. Johannes Witcherley ... sep.
" May 20. Eliz., f. Rogeri Noniley ... bap.
" June 5. Johanna Peers, vid. ... sep.
" June 9. Eliz., f. Richi Nicholls ... bap.
" June 9. Richus Peers, f. Thom. Peers ... bap.
" June 18. Johannes ap Lewis et Eliz. Higgins ... nup.
" June 26. Rowlandus, f. Willmi Lownes ... bap.
" July 24. Will. Davies et Eliz. Applebury ... nup.
" July 25. Ursula, f. Robt. Purslowe ... bap.
" July 28. Elenora Lake, vid. ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Hugo, f. Richi Corbett ... bap.

fol. 70.

Anno Dnj. 1588. Elizab. 31°.

" Aug. 6. Johannes Williams et Eliz. Witcherley ... nup.
" Aug. 16. Hugo, f. Thom. Lake ... bap.

60 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1588

1588, Aug. 24. Humfridus Cherwell, rector primae portionis Ponsburye ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Hester, f. Johannis Baker ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Thom. Deyes et Maria Bedowe ... nup.
" Sep. 1. Rich. Powell et Sibella Browne ... nup.
" Sep. 10. Richus, f. Clementis Witcherley ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Hugo, f. Richi Corbett ... sep.
" Oct. 20. Humfridus, f. Willmi ap Dd ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Johannes, f. Edouardi Rutter, Hanwood ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Jana, f. Thom. Brooke ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Franciscus., f. Richi Foord ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Franciscus Elks ... sep.
" Oct. 31. Elizabetha, mater ejusdam Francisci ... sep.
" Nov. 11. Will. Underwood ... sep.
" Nov. 17. Will., f. Willmi Harries ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Edw., f. Edmundi Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thom., f. Thom. Medlicott ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Thomas, f. Willmi Poyner ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Elenora, f. Thom. Holland ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Eadem Elenora ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Elenora, f. Thom. Birrington, apud Hanwood ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Jocosa, f. Richi Blackway ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Maria, f. Rogeri Littleale ... sep.
" Jan. 4. Kath. Bromblowe ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Elenora Williams, f. Johannis Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Richus, f. Willmi Peers [or Ph'es written over Peers] ... sep.
" Jan. 9. Kath. Bromblow ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Margeria, f. Richi Walker ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Daniell, f. Thom. Kenricke ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Johannes Bland et Kath. Lewis ... nup.
" Feb. 10. Johannes Meredith et Jocosa Phipps ... nup.

fol. 71.

Anno Dnj. 1588. Elizab. 31°.

" Feb. 16. Eliz., f. Richi Bromblow ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Eliz., f. Johnis Burley ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Eliz., f. Willmi Machen ... sep.
" Mar. 14. Elenora, f. Johannis Williams ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Jacobus, f. Thom. ap Richard ... bap.

1589] Pontesbury. 61

1589, Mar. 15. Franciscus, f. Rogeri Warde ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Arthurus, f. Rogeri Parks ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Will. Genowe ... sep.
" Mar. 29. Johannes, f. Johannis Burges ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Edw., f. Richi Homes ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Johanna, f. Johannis Corfeld ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Johannes Ph'es ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Randulphus Bradley et Avicia Coxe ... nup.
" Apr. 17. Eliz. Burges ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Willmus, f. Willmi Harries ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Kath. Lloyd, vid. ... sep.
" May 14. [blank], uxor Hugonis Browne ... sep.
" May 20. Eliz., f. Johannis Burly ... sep.
" May 22. Edw., f. Edmundi Tipton ... sep.
" May 28. Willimus Cowper et Johanna Russell ... nup.
" July 10. Franciscus, f. Rogeri Warde ... sep.
July 14. Eliz. Beiston, f. Rogeri Beiston ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Radulphus Machen ... sep.
" Aug. 6. Johanna, f. Johannis Bland ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Alicia Rutter ... sep.
" Aug. 15. Eliz., f. Willmi Burges ... sep.
" Aug. 18. Alicia, ux. Jacobi Lather ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Elinora Halliwell ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Maria, f. Moricii ap Richard ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Jana Elks, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 12. Willmus, f. Rogeri Heighway ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Anna Griffiths, f. Johannis Griffiths ... bap.

fol. 72.

Anno Dnj. 1589. Elizab. 32°.

" Oct. 18. Rich., f. Willmi Higgons ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Kath., f. Thom Gregorye ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Johannes ap Jeyan et Margareta Lightebowne ... nup.
" Oct. 19. Maria, f. Moricii ap Richard ... sep.
" Nov. 13. Edw., f. Thomas [sic] Maddox ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Willmus ap William et Elenora Powllmer ... nup.
" Nov. 25. Maria, f. Meredith ap John ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Simon Callcott et Dorothea Evans ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Richus Mansell ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Johannes, f. Richi Kenricke ... sep.

62 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1589

1589, Dec. 25. Johanna de monte ... sep.
" Dec. 25. Edw., f. Thom. Corbett ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Johanna Whittakers ... sep.
" Jan. 4. Johannes, f. Thom. Tailor ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Willimus, f. Willmi Mason ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Rogerus, f. Rogeri Warde ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Edw., f. Thom. Lake ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Edmundus, f. Richi Bromblowe ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Anna, f. Johannis Blande ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Moriceus ap John et Johanna Bullocke ... nup.
" Feb. 3. Hugo Higgins et Elinora Collett ... nup.
" Feb. 7. Johannes, f. Thom. Holland ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Elenora, f. Johannis Addams ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Margareta, f. Reginaldi Higgons ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Johannes, f. Thom. Hollmes ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Cicelia, f. Thom. Allen, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Johannes Edwards et Margareta Ireland ... nup.
1590, Mar. 20. Rich. Betchcott ... sep.
" Mar. 24. Rich., f. Willmi Betchcott ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Willmus, f. Thom. Holland ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Hugo, f. Willmi Machen ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Margeria, uxor Johannis Cliffe ... bap. [sic]
" May 2. Katherina, ux. Thom. Clough, Minsterlensis ... sep.

fol 73.

Anno Dnj. 1589°. Elizab. 33°.

" May 5. Humfridis Apleburye ... sep.
" May 14. Johannes, f. Gabrielis Davies ... bap.
" May 24. Elizabetha, f. Thom. Gittins, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" May 31. Elizabetha, f. Rogeri Speake, Westbur' ... bap.
" June 4. Jocosa, f. Edmundi Tipton ... bap.
" June 4. Thomas, f. Willmi Foord, parochia Westbur' ... bap.
" July 11. Thomas Lake, gen. ... sep.
" July 12. Johannes, f. Johannis Bromblowe ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Anna, f. Johannis Burley ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Willimus Careles ... sep.
" Sep. 4. Marg. Betchcott, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 6. Maria, f. Johannis Norton ... bap.

1591] Pontesbury. 63

1590, Sep. 13. Margeria, f. Willmi Hamond ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Thomas Tibbey ... sep.
" Oct. 6. Richardus Tipton ... sep.
" Oct. 11. Johannes, f. Richi Collclow ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Anna, f. Edouardi Bromblowe ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Franciscus, f. Thom. Careles ... sep.
" Nov. 15. Johannes, f. Thom. Warter, apud Hanwood ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Agneta, f. Johis Burges ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Dorothea, f. Rogeri Noniley ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Edouardus, f. Hugonis Everall ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Jocosa, f. Robti Purslowe ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Abraham, f. Richi Nicholls ... bap.
" Dec. 7. [blank], filius Willmi Hamond ... sep.
" Dec. 20. Jana, f. Thom. Corbett ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Johannes Peers ... sep.
" Jan. 24. Hugo, f. Johannis ap Evan ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Rogeris, f. Hugonis Higgons de Powlmer ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Johanna, f. Simonis Callcott ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Eadem Johanna ... sep.

fol 74.

Anno Dnj. 1591. Elizab. 33°.

" Feb. 5. Eliz., f. Willmi Newale ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Richus, f. Richi Crompton, advenae ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Johannes Medlicott ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Predictus Richardus ... sep.
1591, Apr. 2. Alicia Meddins ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Thomas Underwood, f. Johannis Underwood ... bap.
" May 1. Willemus Berwicke et Elizabetha Crosse, soror ejusdem Willmi, consepulti sunt.
" May 9. Alicia, f. Thom. Gregorye ... bap.
" May 9. Rogerus, f. Rogeri Warter ... bap.
" May 9. Elenora, f. Willmi Harries ... bap.
" May 20. Petrus Bland ... sep.
" May 25. Randulphus Betchcott et Margeria Willcox ... nup.
" May 25. Willmus Twisse et Margareta Pitts ... nup.
" May 29. Elenora, f. Richi Forster, primae portionis Rectoris ... bap.

64 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1591

1591, June 4. Willmus, f. Thom. Littleale ... bap.
" June 16. Eliz. Willcox ... sep.
" June 22. Richus Estop ... sep.
" June 22. Johannes Redye et Eliz. Tibbey ... nup.
" Aug. 5. Eliz. Stevens ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Thomas, f. Thom. Kenricke ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Richus., f. Rogeri Heighwaye ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Richus Tunnys ... sep.
" Sep. 19. Gulielemus, f. Thomae Hollmes ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Johannes, f. Thom. Winne et Katherina, predicti filia, gemelli, bapt. fuerunt.
" Oct. 3. Eliz., f. Hugonis ap Dd ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Thomas Warter ... sep.
" Oct. 31. Simon, f. Thom. Tailor ... sep.
" Nov. 7. Franciscus, f. Robti Bromhead ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Jana, f. Georgii Eyton, apud Hanwood ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Elinora ap Morris ... sep.

fol. 75.

Anno Dnj. 1591. Elizab. 34°.

" Jan. 7. Joanna Partridge ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Guliellmus, f. Johannis Bland, apud Hanwood ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Kath., f. Richardi Foxe ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Johannes Shuttle et Winifreda Hockin ... nup.
" Feb. 7. Thomas Hinton et Maria Betchcott ... nup.
" Feb. 7. Johannes Corfield ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Hugo, f. Johannis Teege ... sep.
" Feb. 23. Willmus Bland ... sep.
" Feb. 23. Ales Milner ... sep.
" Feb. 24. Kath., f. Johannis Hughes ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Eadem Katherina ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Willm., Fulci Brook filius ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Thomas, f. Richardi Overthe ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Simon, f. Thomae Tailor ... sep.
" Mar. 14. Griffinus Ratcliffe ... sep.
1592, Mar. 19. Alicia, f. Johnis Griffith ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Anna, f. Willmi Marten ... sep.
" Mar. 26. Johannes Gawen ... sep.
" Mar. 27. Nicholaus, f. Johannis Corfeld ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Johannes Stockton ... sep.

1592] Pontesbury. 65

1592, Apr. 5. Anna, ux. Johis Stockton ... sep.
" Apr. 12. Thomas Powell ... sep.
" May 2. Johannes Genow ... sep.
" May 14. Nicholaus Corfield ... sep.
" May 18. Edwardus Peers ... sep.
" May 19. Thomas, f. Rogeri Perks ... sep.
" May 24. Morrice ap Ric' ... sep.
" June 4. Johannes, f. Edwardi Browne ... bap.
" June 4. Dorothea, f. Johannis Addams ... bap.
" June 4. Johanna, f. Davidi Hodges ... bap.
" June 6. Anna Maunsell, vid. ... sep.

fol. 76.

Anno Dnj. 1592. Elizab. 34°.

" Aug. 14. Thomas, f. Willmi Heighway ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Edwardus, f. Edwardi Wright ... sep.
" Aug. 20. Johannes, f. Simonis Callcott ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Elizabetha, f. Johannis Morrice ...[blank]
" Sep. 17. Rich., f. Johannis Burges ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Philippus Owen et Jocosa Richards ... nup.
" Sep. 25. Cicelia, f. Thom. Cloughe, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Guliellmus, f. Reginaldi Higgons ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Guliellmus, f. Hugonis Higgons ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Johannes Edwards ... sep.
" Oct. 10. Johanna Pollmer ... sep.
" Nov. 14. Gul. ffelkin et Johanna Jelly ... nup.
" Nov. 19. Gul. Ph'es ... sep.
" Dec. 20. Johanna, f. Griffith ap David ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Susanna, f. ejusdam Griffini ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Alicia, f. Johnis Burley ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Susanna, f. Griffini ap David ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Richus, f. Johannis Shuttle ... ...[blank]
" Jan. 14. Thomas, f. Robti Purslowe, Minster'... bap.
" Jan. 17. Hester, f. Edmundi Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Franciscus, f. Rogeri Warde ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Margareta, f. Thom. Hinton ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Richus Hussey et Jana Wallows ... nup.
" Feb. 12. Johannes Kinge et Katherina Carelesse ... nup.
" Feb. 12. Rees Smith et Agneta Winne ... nup.
" Feb. 14. Maria, f. Rogeri Parks ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Johannes Da11 et Ursula Beeston ... nup.

66 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1592

1592, Mar. 2. Willmus, f. Francisci Cound ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Dionesse, f. Galfridi Hosier ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Richus, f. Johnis Teege ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Guliellmus, f. Reginaldi Higgons ... sep.

fol 77.

Anno Dnj. 1593. Elizab. 34°.

" Mar. 17. Johannes Bland ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Elenora, f. Willmi Newall ... bap.
1593, Mar. 21. Eliz. Bland
" Mar. 25. Nicholaus Bland ... sep.
" Mar. 26. Griffinus Lighe ... sep.
" Mar. 26. Margeria, f. Willmi Teage ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Thomas Blande ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Abraham, f. Rogeri Heighwaye ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Elenora, ux. Thom. Betchcott ... sep.
" May 1. Willmus Beiston ... sep.
" May 13. Randulphus, f. Richardi Wood ... bap.
" June 3. Johannes, f. Rogeri Noniley ... bap.
" June 4. Johanna, f. Johannis Bland ... sep.
" June 5. Willmus, f. Thomae Tailor ... bap.
" June 5. Willmus, f. Thom. Gregorye ... bap.
" June 16. Galfridus Hosier ... sep.
" June 17. Kath., f. Richardi Evans ... bap.
" June 17. Jana, f. Richi Nicholls ... bap.
" June 24. Hugo, f. Johannis Ratcliffe ... bap.
" July 8. Alicia, f. Philippi Owen ... bap.
" July 15. Edw., f. Edwardi Tipton ... bap.
" July 29. Eliz., f. Mauritii ap Evan ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Eadem Elizabetha ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Hugo Browne et Kath. Williams ... nup.
" Sep. 7. Cicelia, f. Richi Forster ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Franciscus, f. Johnis Bromblowe ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Dorotheia, f. Johannis Addams ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Johannes, f. Georgii Hanes ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Georgius Glover et Kath. Hughes ... nup.

fol 78.

Anno Dnj. 1593. Elizab. 35°.

" Oct. 26. Arthurus, f. Rogeri Parks ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Humfridus Leeke et Magdalena ffisher. . nup.
" Nov. 9. Elenora, ux. Richi Bitten ,.. sep.

1594] Pontesbury. 67

1593, Nov. 12. Johannes Rogers et Margeria Chellmicke ... nup.
" Nov. 26. Franciscus Harrington et Jana Medlicott ... nup.
" Dec. 3. Richus, f. Rogeri Warde ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Anna, f. Richi Smith ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Edmundus, f. Willmi Heighway ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Thomas, f. Rogeri Marshall ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Richardus, f. Rogeri Warde ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Arthurus Alison et Johanna Gawen ... nup.
" Jan. 2. Thomas Tibbeye ... sep.
" Jan. 6. Richus Peers et Anna Lake ... nup.
" Jan. 6. [blank], filia Johannis Underwood ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Agneta Warter ... sep.
" Feb. 9. Will. Hollmes ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Agneta, f. Hugonis Higgons ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Elizabetha, f. Reginaldi Higgons ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Eliz., f. Richi Peers ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Thomas Greene ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Johannes, f. Johnis Foxe ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Johannes Hughes ... sep.
" Mar. 9. Edw., f. Rowlandi Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Franciscus, f. Richi Blackwey ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Agneta, f. Arthuri Harries, apud Hanwood ... bap.
1594, Mar. 17. Georgius, f. Thom. Powlmer, apud Hanwood ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Margareta, f. Hugonis ap Dd ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Eliz., f. Thom. Carelesse ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Agneta Wilkins ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Rogerus, f. Andreae Willcox ... sep.
" Apr. 7. Elenora, f. Thom. Roe ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Thomas, f. Thom. Crockett ... bap.

fol 79.

Anno Dnj. 15940. Elizab. 36°.

" Apr. 16. Edw., f. Rowlandi Tipton ... sep.
" Apr. 19. Katherina, ux. Rogeri Evans ... sep.
" Apr. 20. Johanna, f. DavidBoyer, apud Hanwood ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Edwardus, f. Nichi Fewtrell ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Margareta, f. Willmi Rider ... bap.
" May 12. Thomas, f. Willmi Corbett ... bap.
" May 14. [blank], filius Willmi Newall ... bap.

68 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1594

1594, May 16. Maria Crosse ... sep.
" May 17. Elinora Meredith ... sep.
" May 26. Susanna, f. Ludovici Lloyd ... bap.
" June 9. Richus, f. Richi Cowlklowe ... bap.
" June 9. Johanna, f. Hugonis Browne ... bap.
" June 9. Thomas, f. Johis Burley ... bap.
" June 13. Thom. Betchcott et Eliz. Courteous ... nup.
" June 14. Agneta, f. Johis Burges ... sep.
" June 24. Johannes Williams et Lucia Johnes ... nup.
" June 24. Rowlandus Berwick et Alisia Tibbey ... nup.
" June 30. Willmus, f. Johnis Lloyd ... bap.
" July 4. Elinora Roe ... sep.
" July 14. Eliz., f. Willmi Hamond ... bap.
" July 21. Rebecca, f. Willmi Perrin, apud Hanwood ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Rowlandus, f. Simonis Callcot, Hanwood ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Johannes, f. Johannis Burges ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Robertus, f. Edwardi Waters* ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Eliz. Banks ... sep.
" Oct. 27. Eliz., f. Mauritii ap Evan ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Johannes Randle et Maria Heyghway ... nup.
" Nov. 13. Anna, f. Richi Farmer ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Alicia Griffitb ... sep.
" Dec. 14. Rogerus Littleale ... sep.

fol. 80.

Anno Dnj. 1595. Elizab. 37°.

" Dec. 15. Gabriell, f. Johannis Dickson ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Elizabetha, f. Francisci Harrison ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Humfridus, f. Johannis Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Johanna Cowlklow ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Jana, f. Richi Nicbolls ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Hugo, f. Thom. Gregory ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Anna, f. Thom. Tailor ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Hugo, f. Johannis Teege ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Rowlandus Cowper ... sep.
" Feb. 23. Franciscus Lime et Johanna Tailor, apud Longden ... nup.
" Mar. 1. Humfridus, f. Johannis Davies ... sep.
" Mar. 2. Maria, f. Johannis Harries, apud Hanwood ... bap.

* "Rob'tus Waters" is written twice in the margin by a 17th century hand.

1695] Pontesbury. 69

1595, Mar. 3. Christopherus Colklowe et Elizabetha Mathews, apud Longdon ... nup.
" Mar. 4. Rogerus Browne et Katherina Powlmer ... nup.
" Mar. 12. Eliz., f. Thom. Rogers ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Johanna, ux. Edwardi Forten, apud Hanwood ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Nathanaell, f. Rowlandi Clerke ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Rich. Britten ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Josephus, f. Edwardi Browne ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Anna Corbett, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 18. Elenora Powlmer, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 18. Rogerus, f. Simonis Callcott ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Jana, f. Robti Purslowe ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Kath. Carelesse ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Eliz., f. Rogeri Parks ... bap.
" May 15. Richus, f. Mathaei Pugh ... bap.
" May 18. Kath., f. Johannis Morrice ... bap.
" May 29. Hen., f. Johannis Bromhall ... bap.
" July 1. Anthonius Athoe et Jana Lloyd ... nup.
" July 3. Willmus Medlicott et Maria Heynes ... nup.
" July 3. Hugo Tibbey et Jana Corfield, vid. ... nup.
" Aug. 10. Margareta, f Johannis Morgan ... bap.

fol. 81.

Anno Dnj. 1595. Elizab. 38°.

" Aug. 13. Andreas, f. Humfridi Leeke ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Rogerus, f. Mathaei Pugb ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Alisia, f. Thom. Crockett ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Franciscus, f. Arthuri Ward ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Margareta, f. Simonis Cowper ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Morgan ap Morrice ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Anna Phillips, vid .... sep.
" Oct. 28. Richus Millward et Thomason Bradley ... nup.
" Nov. 4. Matilda Coldale ... sep.
" Nov. 17. Johannes, f. Thom. Kenricke ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Elnora, f. Rogeri Lighe ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Eliz., ux. Thom. Kenricke ... sep.
" Dec. 13. Robertus, f. Thom. Clougbe, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Richus, f. Rogeri Noniley ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Johannes, f. Robti Russell ... sep.

70 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1595

1595, Jan. 6. Maria, f. Rogeri Browne, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Alicia, f. Georgii Hands ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Eliz., ux. Henrici Litherland ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Elenora, f. Hugonis Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Martha, f. Richi Forster ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Johannes, f. Rowlandi Tipton ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Petrus, f. Johannis Addams ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Willmus, f. Thom. Crosse ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Rosa, f. Thom. Hopton, ut fertur ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Hugo Higgins ... sep.
" Feb. 21. Rowlandus, f. Willimi Clowes ... sep.
" Feb. 28. Elenora, f. Magistri Richard: Forster ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Franciscus, f. Johannis Bailye ... sep.
" Mar. 13. Jana Lacon, ux. Christopheri Lacon ... sep.

fol 82.

Anno Dnj. 1596. Elizab. 38°.

" Mar. 14. Richus, f. Willmi Teege ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Sara, f. Willmi Rider ... bap.
1596, Mar. 25. Christian Williams, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Rowlandus, f. Simonis Cowper ... sep.
" Apr. 4. Margeria, f. Johannis Shuttle ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Elenora, f. Thom. Gittins, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Sibella Genowe ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Rowlandus, f. Owini Davies, (Artibus Magistri, et 2ae Portionis Rector) ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Thomas, f. Johannis Foxe ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Richus, f. Humfridi Medlicott ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Penelope, f. Henrici Purslowe ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Alicia, ux. Richardi Paramore ... sep.
" May 2. Elen. Blande ... sep.
" May 2. Henricus, f. Thom. Heyward ... bap.
" May 20. Richus, f. Millicent Rydinge ... bap.
" May 20. Elenora, f. Hugonis Davies ... sep.
" May 23. Johannes, f. Rogeri Heighway ... sep.
" May 30. Edw., f. Reginaldi Higgins ... bap.
" June 1. Richus, f. Willmi Medlicott ... bap.
" June 1. Nicholaus W hitefoote et Margeria Genowe ... nup.
" June 23. Blanchia, f. Matthaei Pugh ... bap.
" June 28. Katherine, f. Griffin Peyer ... bap.

1596] Pontesbury. 71

1596, July 1. Simon Davies et Eliz. Kerry ... sep.
" July 6. Johannes Callcott de Edge ... sep.
" July 11. Theophilus, f. Hugonis Higgins ... bap.
" July 12. Rosa, f. Petri Studley ... sep.
" July 20. Thom., f. Johannis Foxe ... sep.
" July 30. Johannes Peers de Powles ... sep.
" July 30. Thomas Marston et Elenora Cowper ... nup.
" Aug. 12. Andreas Willcox ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Theophilus, f. Hugonis Higgons ... sep.

fol 83.

Anno Dnj. 1596. Elizab. 38°.

" Aug. 20. Eliz. Medlicott, vid., apud Hanwood ... sep.
" Aug. 22. Eliz., ux. Hugonis Peers ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Alicia, ux. Richi Nicholls ... sep.
" Sep. 19. Richus, f. Mauritii ap Richard ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Arthurus, f. Willmi Estope ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Maria, ux. Johannis Shuttle ... sep.
" Oct. 5. Owinus, f. Davidi Hodges ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Anthonius Butcher et Johanna Tidder ... nup.
" Oct. 15. Griffinus ap Evan ... sep.
" Oct. 18. Thomas Peers ... sep.
" Oct. 23. Franciscus Medlicott ... sep.
" Nov. 14. Jana, f. Johannis Burley ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Henricus Litherland ... sep.
" Nov. 23. Johannes Griffiths ... sep.
" Dec. 4. Cicelia, f. Anthonii Butcher ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Thomas, f. Elenorae Bland ... sep.
" Dec. 25. Willmus, f. Willmi Heighway ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Anna, f. Willmi Hamond ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Richus, f. Willmi Newall ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Cicelia, f. Anthonii Butcher ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Thomas Tailor ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Fulcus Brooke ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Johanna, f. Phillippi Owen ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Edmundus, f. Rogeri Parks ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Eliz., f. Elizabethae Applebury ... sep.
" Jan. 6. Richus, f. Johannis Underwood ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Jocosa, f. Edwardi Waters ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Hugo Peers et Kath. Cartwright ... nup.
" Jan. 16. Richus, f. Davidis ap D'd ... bap.

72 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1596

1596, Jan. 16. Johanna Applebury ... sep.
" Jan. 18. Johannes, f. Johnis Bromblowe ... sep.

fol 84.

Anno Dnj. 1597. Elizab. 39°.

" Jan. 24. Richus Phillips et Elenora, f. Rogeris Onslow, Hanwood ... nup.
" Jan. 24. Eadem die et loco Robertus Ph'es, frater dicti Richardi, et Margareta Onslow ... nup.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, f. Hugonis Browne ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Johannes Shuttle ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Georgius Eyton et Eliz. Llewellen ... nup.
" Feb. 20. Willmus, f. Johannis Burges ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Richus, f. Richi Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Eliz., f. Nichi Fewtrell ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Maria, f. Johannis Teege ... bap.
1597, Mar. 8. Thomas Rutter ... sep.
" Mar. 9. Eliz., f. Richi Collins ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Richardus Carelesse ... sep.
" Mar. 20. [blank], Wynne, vid., Longdon ... sep.
" Mar. 25. Thomas, f. Thom. Taylor ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Richus, f. Johnis Underwood ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Richardus Forster, Artibus Magister, primus portionarius huius Ecclesiae ... sep.
" Apr. 20. Eliz., f. Humfridi Medlicott ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Maria, f. Richi Peers ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Thomas, f. Thom. Tailor ... sep.
" Apr. 28. Johannes Corbett ... sep.
" Apr. 28. Gilbertus Liech ... sep.
" May 2. Adamus, f. Thom. Swayne, Salopiensis ... sep.
" May 6. Johanna Ligbe ... sep.
" May 7. Abraham Genowe et Winifreda Staunton ... nup.
" May 8. Thomason, ux. Richi Millward ... sep.
" May 9. Hugo Goodall et Eliz. Tailor ... nup.
" May 12. Rogerus, f. Rogeri Pbipps ... bap.
" May 19. Eliz., f. Thomas Cloughe ... sep.
" May 26. Thom. Heighwaye et Eliz. Millward ... nup.
" June 12. Johannes, f. Davidi Boyer ... bap.
" May 31. Abrahamus Oliver et Elenanora Ratcliffe ... nup.
" June 12. Maria, f. Hugonis ap D'd ... bap.
" June 23. Rogerus Onslowe ... sep.

1597] Pontesbury. 73

1597, July 12. Gabriell Davies ... sep.

fol 85.

Anno Dnj. 1597. Elizab. 40°.

" July 18. Margareta, f. Owini Davies, A.M. et primi portionarii ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Richus, f. Hugonis Higgons ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Eliz., f. Arthuri Ward ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Maria, f. Johannis Teege ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Willmus Dudley et Johannes Cocke ... consepult.
" Sep. 4. Johannes, f. Simonis Callcott ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Bennetta, ux. Lanceloti Lake ... sep.
" Sep. 6. Richus, f. Johannis Morrice ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Johannes Addams ... sep.
" Sep. 15. Will. Heighway, Longdon ... sep.
" Oct. 3. Will. Heath et Kath. Brooke ... nup.
" Oct. 9. Johannes, f. Thom. Marston ... sep.
" Oct. 10. Rogerus Corbett, gen: et Maria Corbett, apud Woorthin ... nup.
" Oct. 23. Willmus Marten et Jacobus Lather simul sepulti sunt.
" Oct. 25. Will. Callcot ... sep.
" Dct. 30. Johannes Gawen ... sep.
" Nov. 8. Rich. Pararrioore ... sep.
" Nov. 19. Edmundus, f. Edmundi Tipton 2dae portionis Rectoris ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Agneta, f. Johis Burley ... sep.
" Nov. 13. Anna, f. Simonis Cowper ... sep.
" Nov. 21. Johannes Crumpe et Elenora Shuttle ... nup.
" Nov. 27. Johanna, ux. Anthonii Burley ... sep.
" Dec. 4. Johanna, ux. Griffin ap Dd ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Johannes Bradwey ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Johannes, f. Robti Lloyd ... sep.
" Dec. 20. Elenora Tidder ... sep.
" Dec. 20. Richus, f. Hugonis Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, f. Johis Corfield ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Robertus Russell ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Maria, ux. Rogeri Evans ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Ludovicus Edwards ... sep.

74 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1597

fol. 86.

Anno. Dnj. 1598. Elizab. 40°.

1597, Jan. 12. Florentia Howells, vid. ... sep.
" Jan. 16. Richus Egerton et Elenora ffelkin ... nup.
" Jan. 16. Edmundus, f. Thom. Tippton de Stretton ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Maria, f. Humfridi Leake ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Elenora, ux. Mathaei Shaw ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Johanna, ux. Johannis Bromblowe ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Maria, f. Humfridi Leake ...
" Feb. 16. Maria, f. Johannis Roe ... sep.
" Feb. 17. Johannes Parkins ... sep.
" Feb. 20. Willmus Gower et Elenora Lockley ... nup.
" Feb. 20. Johanna Wright ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Richus Powlmer et Anna Jaxe ... nup.
1598, Mar. 31. Edwardus Onslowe et Margareta Hosier ... nup.
" Mar. 15. Margareta, ux. Humfridi Walker ... sep.
" Mar. 22. Elizabeth Leas, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 28. Margareta, ux. Hugonis ap Owen ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Thom., f. Thom. Rider ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Ursula, f. Simonis Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Richus Beddow ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Willmus, f. Willmi Medlicott ... bap.
" May 5. Willmus, f. Rogeri Nonily ... bap.
" May 8. Richardus Higgins de Edge ... sep.
" May 24. Johannes, f. Johnis Pollmer ... bap.
" May 29. Robertus Crockett et Alisia Hicks ... nup.
" June 1. Franciscus Torte ... bap. et ... sep.
" June 16. Sara, f. Johannis Underwood ... bap.
" June 27. Willmus, f. Thom. ap Robt. ... sep.
" July 2. Thomas Johnson et Elenora Harries ... nup.
" July 11. Georgius Browne et Eliz. Higgins ... nup.
" July 15. Willmus, f. (ut fertur) Rogeri Corbett, junioris ... bap.
" July 19. Johannes, f. Johannis Powlmer ... sep.
" July 22. Henricus Minsterlensis ... sep.

fol 87.

Anno Dnj. 1598. Elizab. 40°.

" July 22. Johannes, f. Johannis Teege ... bap.
" July 29. Stepbanus Goore ... sep.
" Aug. 1. Diana, f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Alicia Bradley ... sep.

1598] Pontesbury. 75

1598, Aug. 11. Reginaldus, f. Rogeri Corbett ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Rogerus ap Thom. et Ursula ffellkin ... nup.
" Aug. 18. Maria, ux. Thom. Shutt ... sep.
" Sep. 10. Eliz., f. Johannis Rogers ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Owinus, f. Owini Davies, Artium Magistri, et primi portionarii ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Agneta, f. Robti Purslowe de Minsterley ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Rogerus Noniley ... sep.
" Sep. 30. [blank]. filius Robti Crockett ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Maria, f. Thom. Kenricke ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Eliz. Underwood, vid. . . . ... sep.
" Oct. 15. Rowlandus, f. Simonis Callcott ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Edw., f. Rogeri Browne ... sep.
" Nov. 13. Maria, f. Edwardi Corbett de Newton ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Hugo, f. Reginaldi Higgons ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Eliz., f. Richi Collines ... sep.
" Dec. 13. Anna Hollmes ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Franciscus et [blank] gemelli Rich. ap Harrie ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Rowlandus, f. Simonis Callcott ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Stephanus, f. Willmi Gowre ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Owinus, f. Johannis Foxe ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Elizabetha, f. (ut fertur) Thomae Peers ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Elizabetha, f. Richi Powlmer ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Georgius, f. Edwardi Watters ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Johannes Ph'es et Winifreda Newall ... nup.
Jan. 30. Rogerus Gittins et Margeria Light ... nup.
" Feb. 4. Susanna Gohe ... sep.
" Feb. 16. Johanna, ux. Thom. Jeffs ... sep.

fol 88.

Anno Dnj. 1599. Elizab. 41°.

" Feb. 18. Rogerus Evans ... sep.
" Feb. 19. Johannes Bromblow et Anna Davies, vid. ... nup.
" Feb. 19. Will. Dennyes et Agneta Bromblow ... nup.
" Feb. 23. Elenora, f. Richi Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Maria, f. Willimi Rider ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Franciscus, f. Richi Parrye ... sep.
" Mar. 14. Maria, f. Thom. Heighway ... bap.

76 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1599

1599, Mar. 19. Eadem Maria ... sep.
" Mar. 27. Thomas, f. Roberti Morgan ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Johanna, f. Rogeri Browne, Minsterlensis ... bap.
" May 1. Henricus, f. Thom. Coxe ... bap.
" May 8. Richardus Barbour et Elizabeth Tomson ... nup.
" May 13. Elenora, f. Willimi Mason ... bap.
" May 14. Johannes, f. Humfridi Medlicott ... bap.
" June 1. Maria, f. Georgii Hands ... bap.
" June 2. Margareta Gilbert, Salopiensis ... sep.
" June 13. Eliz., f. Davidi Hodges ... bap.
" July 2. Jocosa, f. (ut fertur) Richi Corbett de Wrentnall ... bap.
" July 15. Eliz., f. Johnis Johnson ... bap.
" July 2Z. Eliz., f. Humfridi Leake ... bap.
" July 30. Thomas Marshe et Jocosa Tailor ... nup.
" Aug. 22. Bartholomeus, f. Richi Peers ... sep.
" Aug. 25. Maria, f. Mauritii ap Richard ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Judith, f. Johannis Powlmer ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Alicia, f. Davidi Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Kath., ux. Hugonis Carter ... sep.
" Sep. 14. Willmus Higgins et Blanchia Gregorye ... nup.
" Sep. 16. Rogerus, f. Willimi ffoord de Minsterley ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Rogerus, f. Hugonis Newill ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Morganus Benion et Eliz. Price ... nup.
" Nov. 5. Josephus Scott et Jocosa Birche ... nup.
" Nov. 6. Franciscus Whillwright et Kath. Heighway ... nup.
" Nov. 7. Johannes Hughson et Kath. Heynes ... nup.

fol 89.

Anna Dnj. 1599. Elizab. 42°.

" Nov. 25. Johannes Hodson et Johanna Peers ... nup.
" Nov. 26. Edw. Moore et Eliz. Heighwaye ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Rogerus Evans de Pleleye ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Maria, f. Georgii Eyton ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Humfridus, f. Simonis Davies ... sep.
" Dec. 21. Jana Ph'es, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 24. Jocosa, f. Rowlandi Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Humfridus, f. Simonis Davies ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Ursula, f. Henrici Purslowe ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Johannes, f. Johannis ap Edward ... bap.

1600] Pontesbury. 77

1599, Jan. 2. Kath. Appleburye, vid. ... sep.
" Jan. 3. Martha, f. Owini Davies, A.M. et huis Ecclesiae 2dae portionis Rectoris ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Richus ap Parry ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Margeria, ux. Richi Fellkin ... sep.
" Jan. 16. Johannes, f. Hugonis Browne ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Edw. Hardwicke et Jocosa Kyrley ... nup.
" Jan. 27. Thom., f. Winifridae Barbour, spur. ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Elenora, f. Josephi Scott ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Beatrice et Alicia, gemellae filiae Richi Fewtrell ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Dicta Alicia ... sep.
" Mar. 1. Will. Heighway ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Elenora Woolf ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Elenora, f. Josephi Scott ... sep.
" 8 die Februarii, Thomas Lee, senior ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Margareta, f. Thom. Olivers ... sep.
1600, Mar. co. Agneta, f. Willimi Newall ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Franciscus, f. Richi Walker ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Elenora, ux. Johannis Harries, generosi ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Eliz., ux. Edwardi Crockett ... sep.
" Apr. 5. Alicia, ux. Mauritii Edwards ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Isacus, f. Edmundi Tipton, 2dae portionis Rectoris ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Maria, f. Thom. Heyward, apud Hanwood ... bap.

fol 90.

Anno Dnj. 1600. Elizab. 43°.

" Apr. 20. Agneta White ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Rich. Langford et Jana Wallker ... nup.
" Apr. 24. Hugo, f. Thom. Dawes ... sep.
" May 1. Alicia Edwards, vid. ... sep
" May 3. Johannes ffoxe ... sep.
" May 12. Rich. Bromblow ... sep.
" May 12. Willmus, f. Simonis Callcott ... bap.
" May 13. Eliz., ux. Johnis Williams ... sep.
" May 18. Ursula, f. Thom. Edwards ... bap.
" June 1. Edwardus, f. Rogeri Corbett ... bap.
" June 17. Johannes, f. Thom. Rider ... bap.
" June 22. Agneta, f. Thom. Litherland ... bap.

78 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1600

1600, June 26. Johannes Williams et Matilda Bare ... nup.
" June 28. Johanna Barbour, vid. ... sep.
" July 7. Rowlandus, f. Simonis Cowper ... bap.
" July 8. Johannes Williams et Kath. Carter ... nup.
" Aug. 2. Humfridus Williams ... sep.
" Sep. 2. Maria, f. Hugonis Higgons ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Johannes Willcox ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Thom., f. Francisci Felkin ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Richus, f. Willmi Higgons ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Edw. ap Oliver et Jocosa Corbett ... nup.
" Sep. 17. Eliz., f. Morgani Benion ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Francisca, f. Willmi Bromblow ... sep.
" Oct. 5. Agneta, f. Hugonis Newall ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Jana, f. Richi Pollmer ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Eadem Jana ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Simon, f. David ap William ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Agneta, f. Hugonis Newall ... sep.
" Nov. 3. Elenora, f. David Boyer ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thom., f. Hugonis Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Johannes Evans et Maria Medlicott ... nup.
" Nov. 24. Eliz., ux. Willmi Meredith ... sep.

fol. 91.

Anno Dnj. 1600. Elizab. 43°.

" Dec. 1. Thomas Meredith et Dorotheia Betchcott ... nup.
" Dec. 5. Alicia Stockton ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Maria, f. Edwardi Moore ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Rowlandus Higgins ... sep.
" Dec. 21. Thomas Groves, clericus ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Eliz., f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Will., f. Reginaldi Higgons ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Jana, f. Rogeri Parks ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Henricus, f. Thomas Coxe ... sep.
" Jan. 22. Eliz. Rowley, vid. ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Johanna, ux. Johnis Meredith ... sep.
" Feb. 1. Margareta, f. Edwardi Waiters ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Thomas, f. Richi ap Mathew ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Johanna, f. Thom. Meredith ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Anthonius Burley ... sep.
" Mar. 3. Eliz., ux. Richi Tipton ... sep.
" Mar. 4. Maria, f. Richi Williams ... bap.

1601] Pontesbury. 79

1601, Mar. 8. Richus, f. (ut fertur) Richi Corbett, junioris ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Richus ffellkin ... sep.
" Mar. 12. Maria, f. Richi Williams ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Richardus, f. Owini Davies, Artium Magistri et 2dae portionis Rectoris ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Thomas Peers, junior ... sep.
" Apr. 5. Elenora, f. Robti Crockett ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Edmundus, f. Willmi Medlicott ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Alicia, f. Rowlandi Berwicke ... sep.
" Apr. 21. Nicholaus Heisame ... sep.
" May 5. Hugo Rogers et Agneta Wilding ... nup.
" May 8 [sic]. Edmundus, f. Willmi Medlicott ... bap.
" May 17. Kath. Morris, vid. ... sep.
" June 8. Edw. Morrice et Elenora Tipton ... nup.
" June 8. Johannes Lloyd et Elizabetha Higgins,
" June 10. Margeria, f. Thom. Heighway ... bap.
" June 13. Jana, ux. Thom. Jacks ... sep.

fol 92.

Anno Dnj. 1601.

" June 22. Johannes, f. Gabrielis Davies ... sep.
" Aug. 14. Robtus Hamond ... sep.
" Sep. 10. Hugo Rogers ... sep.
" Sep. 15. Maria, f. Johnis Hodson ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Elenora Colliett, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Elenora, f. Georgii Eyton ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Willmus et Dorotheia, gemell: Edwardi Lutwich, gener: ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Eliz. Carter, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Thom, ap Robert ... sep.
Oct. 25. Thom., f. Simonis Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richus, f. Richi Pollmer ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Eliz. Bowkley, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 12. Anna, f. Humfridi Lloyd ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Rich. ap Edward ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Jocosa [sic ?Johannes] Tipton et Jocosa Lister ... nup.
" Jan. 1. Arthurus, f. Henrici Purslowe, gen. ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Maria, f. Agnetae Owen, spur. ... bap.
Jan. 13. Hugo, f. Hugonis Newell ... bap.

80 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1601

1601, Jan. 22. Rich., f. Johnis Hughson ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Eliz., f. Hugonis Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Rich. Poyner et Eliz. Cocke, vid. ... nup.
" Feb. 5. Thomas, f. Thom. Coxe ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Dorotheia, f. Hugonis Downe ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Johannes, f. Johnis Pollmer ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Eliz. Teege, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Franciscus, f. Francisci Whillwright ... sep.
1602, Mar. 21. Rogerus, f. Johnis Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Idem Rogerus ... sep.
" Mar. 24. Mathaeus Shawe ... sep.
" Mar. 25. Cicelia, f. Willmi Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Franciscus, f. Owini Davies, Artium Magistri et secundi portionarii ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Henricus, f. Rogeri Corbett, gen. ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Johannes, f. Humfridi Leeke ... bap.
" Apr. 9. [blank] Marten, vidua ... sep.

fol 93.

Anno Dnj. 1602. Elizab. 44°.

" Apr. 9. Georgius, f. Richi Peers ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Richus, f. Simonis Cowper ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Margeria, f. Willmi Newall ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Maria, f. Richi Peers ... sep.
" Apr. 28. Maria, f. Richi Prince, ar: ... sep.
" May 7. Agneta, f. Petri Wynne ... bap.
" May 26. [blank] ... sep.
" May 30. Johannes Partridge, Salopiensis ... sep.
" May 30. Johannes Barrett et Margareta Wallker ... nup.
" June 9. Johannes Bromblow ... sep.
" June 11. Johannes Appleburye ... sep.
" June 13. Maria, f. Humfridi Medlicott ... bap.
" June 18. Rogerus, f. Thom. Clowgh de Minsterley ... bap.
" June 24. Maria, f. Johannis Price ... bap.
" June 26. Margareta, uxor nuper Johannis Appleburye, vid. ... sep.
" June 29. Ambrosius Cooke, clericus, et Sara Tipton ... nup.
" July 5. Rogerus, f. Richi Leake ... bap.
" July 10. Simon Davies ... sep.
" July 17. Willmus Higgons de Hinton ... sep.

1603] Pontesbury. 81

1602, July 17. Jevanus ap Morgan et Eliz. Edwards ... nup.
" July 15. Maria, f. Randulphi Foord ... sep.
" July 27. Maria, f. Johnis Price ... sep.
" Aug. 4. Rogerus Gittins ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Georgius, f. Richi Peers ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Johannes Boyer ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Eliz., f. Johnis Burges ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Griffinus ap Evans et Kath. Greene ... nup.
" Sep. 25. Johanna, f. Willimi Tailor ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Willmus, f. Johannis Teege ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Agnetai, f. Thom. Harries ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Eliz., f. Jacobi Goughe ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Will. Pollmer ... sep.

fol 94.

Anno Dnj. 1603. Elizab. 44°.

" Oct. 10. Eliz., f. Willimi Rider ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Hugo Browne ... sep.
" Oct. 31. Thomas Rogers et Elenora Pritchard ... nup.
" Nov. 3. Robtus Purslowe, de Minsterley ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Robtus Rider et Anna Downe ... nup.
" Nov. 28. Johanna, f. Johnis Johnson ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Johannes, f. Richi Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Richus, f. Roberti ap Thomas ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Eliz., f. Henrici Purslowe ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Hugo Peers, de Minst. ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Robtus, f. Richi Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Hugo Lloyd et Maria Crosse ... nup.
" Jan. 26. Thomas, f. Rogeri Corbett, junior ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Martha, f. Richardi Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Johanna, ux. Humfridi Owen ... [sic] bap.
" Feb. 24. Johanna, f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Johannes, f. Willmi Gower ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Hugo Ph'es et Kath. Clerke ... nup.
" Mar. 13. Elenora, f. Johnis Kinge ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Thomas, f. Rogeri Corbett, junior ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Theophilus, f. Francisci Fellkin ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Richus, f. Rondulphi Heilinge ... sep.
1603, Mar. 27. Rogerus, f. Hugonis Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Jana, f. Thom. Nicholls ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Oliverus, f. Edwardi Waters ... bap.

82 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1603

1603, May 8. Vincentius, f. Johnis Underwood ... bap.
" May 9. Thomas Tibbey et Elizabetha Bailye ... nup.
" May 20. Richus Medlicott ... sep.
" June 6. Maria, f. Owini Davies, Artium Magistri et 2dae portionis ... bap.
" June 23. Henricus, f. Randulphi Foorde ... bap.
" June 25. Anna, f. Hugonis Newell ... bap.

fol 95.

Anno Dnj. 1603. Elizab. ultimo et Jacobi.

" June 24. Richus, f. Thom. Evans ... bap.
" June 25. Richus, f. Robti ap Thom. ... sep.
" July 2. Arthurus, f. Thom. Meredith ... bap.
" July 2. Rogerus, f. Hugonis Davies ... sep.
" July 2. Elenora, f. Willmi Medlicott ... bap.
" July 11. Henricus, f. Radulphi Foord ... sep.
" July 14. Thomas Burley, gen. ... sep.
" July 17. Rowlandus, f. Willmi Beiston ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Elenora Sherer ... sep.
" Aug. 10. Robtus Rider ... sep.
" Aug. 14. Rogerus, f. Thom. Rogers ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Hugo, f. Thom. Peers ... sep.
" Sep. 9. Kath., f. Richi Lake ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Joh. Williams et Eliz. Griffiths ... nup.
" Sep. 19. Georgius, f. Henrici Callcott [Simonis erased] ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Joh., f. Robti Genowe ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Joh. Callcot ... sep.
" Oct. 23. Launcelot Griffiths ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Samuwell, f. Thom. Kenricke ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Johannes, f. Richi Ph'es ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Richus, f. Johannis Genowe ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Job. Poole et Eliz. ffoxe ... nup.
" Dec. 18. Anna Heisame, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 23. Elenora, ux. Willmi Clowes ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Eliz., ux. Richardi Heath ... sep.
" Jan. 8. Abrahamus, f. Reginaldi Higgons ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Samuwell, f. Johnis Hughsonne ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Moses Powell, Artium Magister et fus Portionarius, apud Wrixam ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Margeria, f. Georgii Eyton ... bap.

1604] Pontesbury. 83

1603, Feb. 10. Thomas, f. Evani Morgan ... bap.

fol 96.

Anno Dnj. 1604. Jacobi 2°.

" Feb. 12. Johannes, f. Thom. Tiler ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Franciscus, f. Willimi Walker ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Hugo Willcox, de Fareleye ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Alicia, ux. Johannis Foorde ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Eliz ... ux. Caroli Cookes ... sep.
" Mar. 11. Daniell, f. Richi Mathews ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Richus Bromblowe ... sep.
" Mar. 22. Maria Griffiths ... sep.

A° Dnj. 1604, Jacobi 2°.

" Mar. 25. David ap Owen ... sep.
" Mar. 25. Thomas, f. Rowlandi Ll'en ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Eliz. Genowe, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Joh., f. Willmi Wattson ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Ludovicus Peers ... sep.
" May 1. Adam, f. Abrahami Jaundrell ... bap.
" May 8. Eliz., f. Johannis Burges ... sep.
" May 13. Elenora, f. Humfridi Lloyd ... bap.
" May 27. Joh., f. Thom. Jacks ... bap.
" May 28. Eliz., f. Georgii Hanes ... bap.
"* June 3. Richus, f. Robti Crockett ... bap.
" June 4. Joh. Heynes ... sep.
" June 5. Elianora Tipton, vidua ... sep.
" June 7. Humfridus Berwicke ... sep.
" June 11. Ricus, f. Rogeri Corbett, junior ... bap.
" June 18. Johes ffowrde ... sep.
" June 23. Willmus, f. Hugonis Davis ... bap.
" June 27. Willmus, f. predicti Hugonis Davies ... sep.
" July 1. Katherina Benyon, vid. ... sep.
" July 2. Gwenna, ux. Willmi Spilsbury ... sep.
" July 3. Maria, f. Rogeri Phillips ... sep.
" July 14. Franciscus, filia [sic] Rondulphi Foord ... bap.

fol 97.

Anno Dnj. 1604. Jacobi 2°.

" July 23. Georgius Williams et Maria Carter ... nup.
" July 30. Rogerus Churche et Anna Reignolds ... nup.
" Aug. 8. Johes, f. Willmi Evans ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Johanna, f. Robti Morgan ... bap.

* The handwriting and the ink charges here.

84 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1604

1604, Aug. 27. Ricus Lee ... sep.
" Sep. 1. Willmus, f. Thomae Harries ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Sara, f. Humfridi Owen ... sep.
" Sep. 2. Will., f. Willmi Beiston ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Eliz: f. Rici Hunt ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Thom. Jeffs ... sep.
" Sep. 10. [blank], filia John Evans ... bap. et ... sep.
" Sep. 22. Martha, f. Rici Lake ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Joh. ffoxe et Anna ap Evan ... nup.
" Sep. 27. Margeria, ux. Rici Crosse ...
" Sep. 30. Abraham, f. Josephi Scott ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Dannyell, f. Owini Davies, clerici ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Maria, ux. Thomae Fryer ... sep.
" Oct. 12. Blanchia, f. Edwardi Browne ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Johannes, f. Willmi Dennys ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Owinus, f. Johis Hodson ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Scicilia, f. Hugonis Downe ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Ricus, f. Georgii Harding ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Jacobus Willcox et Anna Dax ... nup.
" Oct. 27. Francisca, f. Rondulphi Fowrd ... sep.
" Nov. 5. Johanna, f. Francisci Whilwright bap. et ... sep.
" Nov. 9. Robertus, f. Francisci Whittakers ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Kath., f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Maria, f. Humfredi Leake ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Johanna, f. Rogeri Corbett, gen: ... bap. et ... sep.
" Nov. 30. Eliz., f. Rogeri Churche ... bap.


fol. 98.

Anno Dnj. 1604. Jacobi 2°.

" Dec. 4. Margareta Peers, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 7. Johes, f. Rici Hackett ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Ricus, f. Henrici Purslowe ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Johanna, f. Roberti Morgan
" Dec. 25. Eliz., f. Rogeri Churche ... sep.
" Dec. 27. Elianora, f. Johis Pollmer ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Franciscus, f. Hugonis Newell ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Johes, f. Thom. Nicholls ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Willmus, f. Francisci Addams ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Johanna, f. Jacobi Gougbe ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Arthurus, f. Arthuri Warde ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Elonora, ux. Edward Tipton ... sep.

1605] Pontesbury. 85

1604, Feb. 11. Johes Griffiths et Eliz. Tipton ... nup.
" Feb. 11. Ricis Phillips et Anna Burley ... nup.
" Feb. 11. Joh. Newton et Johanna Wood ... nup.
" Feb. 13. Elianora, f. Johannis Applebury ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Willimus Betchcott ... sep.
" Feb. 20. Reignaldus, f. Willmi Ryder ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Eliz., f. Johnis Burges ... bap.
*" Feb. 29. Peters, f. Edwardi Waters ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Richardus Heath ... sep.
1605, Mar. 20. Franciscus, f. Willmi Neweall ... sep.
" Apr. 2. Eliz., f. Hugonis Lloyd ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Martha, f. Willmi Neweall ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Jocosa, f. Simonis Davies ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Samuell, f. Richardi Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Price [sic] et Anna Barber ... nup.
" Apr. 29. Will. Clowes et Eliz. Normondy ... nup.
" May 2. Martha, f. Johis Harries ... bap.
" May 4. Hugo Webb et Agneta [blank] ... nup.
" May 9. Johes, f. Henrici May ... bap. et ... sep.
" May 25. Alicia, f. Petri Wynn ... bap.
" May 25. Thomas Leawis et Agneta Downe ... nup.
" June 30. Margareta, f. Symonis Calkott ... bap.


fol 99.

Anno. Dnj. 1605. Jacobi 3°.

" July 13. Johannes, f. Henrici Maye ... bap.
" July 14. Johannes, f. John Meole ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Maria Corbett, f. Rici Corbett, junior ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Martha, ux. Rici Corbett ... sep.
" Aug. 7. Willmus Heath ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Johes, f. Thome Nicholls ... sep.
" Aug. 18. Agneta, ux. Thomae Ollivers ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Ricus, f. Johis Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Thomas, f. Rici Peers ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Maria, f. Johis Newton ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Johes, f. Richardi Crosse ... sep.
" Sep. 29. Sara, f. Willmi Taylor ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Johanna, ux. Johannis Lockley ... sep.
" Oct. 13. Bridgieta, f. Jacobi Willcocks ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Jacobus, f. Thomae Kenrick ... bap.

* Inserted in different ink.

86 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1605

1605, Oct. 20. Maria, f. Robti ap Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Ricus Hodges ... sep.
" Nov. 5. Alicia Hodges, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 5. Hugo, f. Owini Davies, Clerici ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Arthurus, f. Arthuri Sherer ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Hugo, f. Owini Davies, Cl'ci ... sep.
" Dec. 8. Maria, f. Thomae Jacks ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Maria, f. Robt. Thomas ... sep.
" Dec. 15. Ricus, f. Rich. Phillips ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Maria, f. Rondulphi Fowrd ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Will., f. Thomae Tyler ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Georgius, f. Rogeri Church ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Johannes Blande ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Thomas, f. Rici Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Georgius Mercer et Eliz. Corbett ... nup.
" Feb. 12. Johannes Evans et Maria Downe ... nup.
" Feb. 16. Rogerus Walker et Johanna Bayley, apud Norbury ... nup.
" Feb. 20. Ricus, f. Thomae Nicholls ... bap.


fol. 100.

Anno Dnj. i605. Jacobi 3°.

" Mar. 2. Eliz. Applebury, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 2. Thomas, f. Richardi Phillips ... sep.
" Mar. 2. Eliz., f. Thomae Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Will. Spilsbury et Johanna Gardener ... nup.
" Mar. 7. Eliz., ux. Symonis Cowper ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Katherina, f. Johis ap Edward ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Georgius, f. Georgii Palmer ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Margareta, ux. Steven Crosse ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Edwardus, f. Francisci Addams ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Alicia, f. Thomae Meredith ... bap.
1606, Mar. 25. Alicia, f. Thomae Meredith ... sep.
" Mar. 30. Maria, f. Willmi Beyston ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Johanna, ux. Willmi Corbett ... sep.
" Apr. 15. Margareta, f. Eayan ap Morgan ... bap.
" May 1. [blank], filia Georgii Mercer ... sep.
" May 6. [blank], filia Johis Ryder ... sep.
" May 11. Wens, f. Johannis Davies ... bap.
" May 12. Thomas, f. Rici Lake ... bap.

1606] Pontesbury. 87

1606, May 22. Franciscus, f. Willmi Careles ... bap.
" May 19. Blanchia, f. Edwardi Browne ... sep.
" May 30. Will. Ryder ... sep.
" May 30. [blank], filius Edwardi Price, gen: ... sep.
" May 30. [blank] Goose, vidua ... sep.
" June 4. Maria, f. Rici Corbett ... sep.
" June 24. Ricus Mathewes et Marg. Blakewey ... nup.
" July 2. Willmus Blande et Sara Higgons ... nup.
" July 18. Katherina, f. Petri [blank] ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Arthurus, f. Edwardi ap Olliver ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Johannes, f. Thomae Barker ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Johanna, f. Michaell Maunsell ... sep.
" Sep. 10. Willmus, f. Roberti Morgan ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Eliz., ux. Thome Berrington ... sep.
" Sep. 17. Katherina, ux. Rici Walter ... sep.


fol. 101.

Anno Dnj. 1606. Jacobi 4°.

" Sep. 21. Ricus, f. Robti Genowe ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Willmus, f. Johis Underwood ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Willmus, f. Robti Morgan ... sep.
" Sep. 24. Quidam Owen, peregrinus ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Richardus Walker ... sep.
" Oct. 7. Rogerus Hodges et Jocosa Scryven ... nup.
" Nov. 6. Willmus, f. [blank] Crosse ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Evanus Leawis ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Anna Medlicott de Minsterley ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Thomas, f. Johis Meole ... sep.
" Nov. 16. Rebecka, f. Radulphi Stedmonde ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Johannes Poyner et Margareta Halle ... nup.
" Dec. 10. Ricus, f. Robti ap Thomas ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Elianora Harries, spinister ... sep.
" Dec. 23. Jacobus Goughe ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Johes Powell, gen: ... sep.
"* Jan. 15. Robertus, f. Reignaldi Higgons ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Jocosa, f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Nicholas Crosse ... sep.
" Jan. 25. Margareta, f. Rogeri Walker ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Jana, ux. Henrici Johnes ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Jana Heath, spinister ... sep.

* Another hand has written "Robert Higgons" on the margin of the page.

88 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1606

1606, Feb. 2. Samuell, f. Owini Davies, Cl'ci ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Edmundus Corbett et Anna Goughe, apud ffowrd ... nup.
" Feb. 20. Gwenna, f. Rogeri Corbett, junior ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Georgius Handes ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Margareta, ux. Richardi Bradley ... sep.
" Mar.14. Katherina, ux. Johis Hughson ... sep.
1607, Mar. 23. Elizabetha, ux. Henrici Purslowe ... sep.
" Mar. 31. Johanna, ux. Rogeri Onslowe ... sep.
" Apr. 7. Nicholas, f. Rici Crosse ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Amia, f. Willmi Ryder ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Edwardus, f. Richardi Phillips ... sep.

fol. 102.

Anno Dmi. 1607. Jacobi 5°.

" Apr. 26. Will., f. Willmi Spilsbury ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Will., f. Willmi Spilsbury ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Robertus, f. Johannis Burges ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Maria, f. Francisci Addams ... bap.
" May 5. Eliz., ux. Thomae Tayler ... sep.
" May 14. Nicholaus, f. Rici Crosse ... sep.
" May 16. Kath., f. Johis Peers de Powles ... bap.
" May 31. Margareta, f. Will'i Dennies ... bap.
" June 22. Ricus fforde ... sep.
" June 28. Ricus, f. Johis Newton ... bap.
" July 5. Brigietta, f. Rogeri Gittins ... bap.
" July 6. Ricus, f. Rid Tipton ... bap.
" July 16. Margareta, f. Rogeri Gittins ... sep.
"* July 20. Peterus, f. Rici Parkes ... sep.
" July 23. Jocosa Screven ... sep.
" July 26. Maria, f. Thomae Rogers ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Betridgia, ux. Rici Higgons ... sep.
" Aug. 11. Simon, f. Edwardi Ll'en ... sep.
" Aug. 12. Will., f. Johis Underwood ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Johes Corbett ... sep.
"* Aug. 24. Thomas ffoxe ... sep.
" Sep. 6. Ricus Hoggins, Minsterlensis ... sep.
" Sep. 13. Johes, f. Thom: Meredith ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Anna, f. Johis Evanes ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Ricus, f. Rici Lake ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Thom., f. Hugonis Downes ... bap.

* Handwriting changes.

1608] Pontesbury. 89

1607, Oct. 25. Rogerus, f. Willmi Evans ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Margareta, f. Thom. Bromlowe ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Thomas Nicholes et Jana Corbett ... nup.
" Nov. 24. Margareta, f. Humfridi Leeke ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Richardus, f. Georgii Mercer ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Thomas Jones et Anna Alcoxe ... nup.
Nov. 30. Will. Osborne et Anna Blande ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Johannes ffrancke et Eliz. foorde ... nup.
" Dec. 10. Arthurus, f. Rici Polmer ... bap.

Portionarii { OWEN DAVIES, Gardiani { RICHARD MAUNSELL

fol. 103.

" Jan. 3. Will. Carter ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Edw. Teege ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Johana, ux. [blank] ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Ricus Butterton ... sep.
" Feb. 1. Abigaile, f. Willi Newalle ... [blank]
" Feb. 2. Edmundus Allenson et Katherina Pitts ... nup.
" Feb. 7. Rogerus Williams et Elizabetha Mitton ... nup.
" Feb. 9. Georgius Ll'en ... sep.
" Mar. 9. Eliz., f. Thom: Jacks ... bap.
1608, Mar. 22. Johannes, f. Thom. Nicholes de Astley ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Georgius, f. Willmi Watson ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Kath., ux. Rogeri Diggarie ... sep.
" Apr. 10. Anna, f. Edwardi Whod ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Eliz., f. Thom. Tiler ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Kath., f. Abrahami Genow ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Margeria, f. Jacobi Wilcox ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Edmundus, f. Thom. Kenricke ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Eliz., f. Petri Wynne ... sep.
" May 1. Ricus, f. Johis Jones ... bap.
" May 6. Will. Clowes ... sep.
" May 12. Robtus, f. Johis Burges ... sep.
" May 28. Eliz., ux. Rogeri Corbett ... sep.
" May 29. Eliz., f. Willmi Tailor ... bap.
" June 3. Thomas Noniley ... sep.
" June 22. Johannes, f. Owini Davies ... bap.
" June 23. Thomas Deyos ... sep.
" June 24. Johannes, f. Francisci Addams, gen: ... bap.
" June 26. Johana, ux. Rici Phipps ... sep.

90 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1608

1608, June 29. Alicia, f. Johis Underwood ... bap.
" July 10. Edmundus Barnett et Eliz. Robts ... nup.
" July 15. Johana Littleale, vid. ... sep.
" July 28. Willmus Noniley et Anna Higgins ... nup.
" Aug. 11. Margeria, f. Jacobi Wilcox ... sep.
" Aug. 14. Eliz., f. Johis Kiffin ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Willmus, f. Rici Crosse ... sep.
" Aug. 16. Bridgett, f. Jacobi Wilcox ... sep.
" Aug. 17. Johannes Taylor ... sep.

fol. 104.

Anno Dni. 1609. Jacobi 6°.

" Sep. 11. Elinora, f. Arthuri Kenaston, gen: ... sep.
" Sep. 13. Margareta, f. Johis ap Edward ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Jocosa, f. Thom. Nichols ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Eliz., f. Willmi Taylor ... sep.
" Nov. 8. Edw. Baylie et Jocosa Careles ... nup.
" Nov. 13. Will. Aplebury et Dorothea Farmer ... nup.
" Nov. 17. Ricus Blewre et Margeria Aplebury ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Margeria, f. Jobis Heath ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Rogerus, f. Edmundi Barnett ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Margeria, f. Johis Heath ... sep.
" Dec. 19. Alicia Barbour, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 23. Rogerus, f. Edmundi Barnett ... sep.
" Jan. 15. Johannes, f. Evani ap Morgan ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Amia ffoorde ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Johannes, f. Willmi Evanes ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Edw., f. Rogeri Churche ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Elinora, f. Rogeri Walker ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Johannes, f. Rogeri Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Nicholas ffawley et Eliz. Corfeild ... nup.
" Feb. 8. Eliz., f. Willmi Walker ... sep.
" Feb. 12. Thom. Corbett ... sep.
" Feb. 12. Thom., f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Edwardus, f. Rici Ph'es ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Thom., f. Willmi Spilsbury ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Ricus, f. Simonis Callcott ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Johannes Cliffe ... sep.
1609, Mar, 25. Dorothea, f. Thomae Burley, gen. ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Johannes, f. Thom. Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Elinora, f. Johis Burges ... bap.

1609] Pontesbury. 91

fol. 105.

Anno Dni. 1609. Jacobi 7°.

1609, May 7. Margeria, f. Willmi Rider ... bap.
" May 14. Samuell, f. Humfridi Lloyd ... bap.
" May 21. Eliz. Barnett ... sep.
" June 10. Johes Griffiths et Margareta Robts ... nup.
" July 2. Willmus, f. Robti Genowe ... bap.
" July 9. Franciscus, f. Francisci Addams, gen. ... bap.
" July 22. Elinora, f. Thomae Cloughe, gen: ... sep.
" Aug. 1. Eliz, f. Griffini ap Dd ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Elinora, f. Rici Blowre ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Willmus Richardson ... sep.
" Aug. 18. Thomas, f. Richi Peerce ... sep.
" Aug. 26. Jocosa, f. Thom. Holmes ... sep.
" Aug. 28. Griffinus ap Dd ... sep.
" Aug. 29. Ricus, f. Simonis Wilcox ... sep.
" Sep. 1. Thom., f. Petri Wynne ... sep.
" Sep. 2. Margeria Holmes, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 3. Johes, f. Rici Corbett, gen. ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Jocosa, f. Petri Wynne ... sep.
" Sep. 18. Eliz., f. Rici Lake, gen: ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Ricus Horton et Alicia Cound ... nup.
" Sep. 22. Dorethia, f. Gilberti Humfrey ... sep.
" Sep. 25. Thom. Littleale ... sep.
" Oct. 12. Eliz., f. Rici Lake, gen: ... sep.
" Oct. 16. Theophilus, f. Rici Will'ms ... sep.
" Oct. 25. Johanna Calcott, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 25. Ursula, f. Willmi Taylor ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Franciscus Wilcox et Ursula Purslowe ... nup.
" Nov. 7. Isaac, f. Thomae Berington, gen: ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Johanna, f. Gilberti Humfrey ... sep.
" Nov. 20. Will., f. Edwardi Bavlie ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Thom. Urmston ... sep.
"* Dec. 5. Jana, f. Georgii Browne ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Fraunciscus, f. Willmi Walker ... sep.
" Jan. 11. Johes Davies ... sep.

fol. 106.

Anno Dni. 1610. Jacobi 7°.

" Jan. 14. Jana, f. Edmundi Barnett ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Thoms., f. Thom. Bromlowe ... sep.

* "Jane Browne" is written again in the margin in other ink.

92 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1610

1609, Jan. 27. Jana, f. Johis Peers ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Will., f. Johis Evanes ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Beatridgia, f. Rici Barbour ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Franciscus, f. Thom. Heifield ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Robertus, f. Willmi Dennyes ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Edwardus, f. Robti ap Thorns ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Franciscus Harrison ... sep.
" Mar. 12. Hugo Davies ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Ricus Wood ... sep.
1610, Mar. 27. Ricus Nicholes ... sep.
" Mar. 30. Eliz., f. Rici Wood ... sep.
" Apr. 7. Cicelia, f. Thom. Nicholes ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Arthurus, f. Henrici Purslowe ... sep.
" May 2. Ricus Reignolds et Winifreda Barbour ... nup.
" May 5. Mauricius Genowe ... sep.
" May 17. Will., f. Humfridi Leeke ... bap.
" May 22. Nathaniel, f. Rici Tipton ... bap.
" June 13. David Jones et Elinora Barwicke ... nup.
" June 16. Margareta, f. Johis ap Edward ... bap.
" June 17. Maurice, f. Thom. Nicholes ... bap.
" June 18. Elinora Harries ... sep.
" June 19. Willmus Handes ... sep.
" July 4. Willmus ap Thorns ... sep.
" July 8. Humfridus ap Oliver et Johana Gilbert ... nup.
" July 8. Thomas, f. Johis Hudson ... bap.
" July 11. Maria, f. Thom. Nicholes ... sep.
" July 18. Margareta, f. Willmi Edwards ... bap.
" July 20. Katherina, f. Johis ap Thorns ... bap.
" July 22. Edwardus, f. Thom. Burley, gen: ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Ricus, f. Thom. Meredith ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Alicia, f. Humfridi ap Oliver ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Johannes Jeffs ... sep.
" Sep. 11. Ursula, f. Francisci Adams, gen: ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Robtus, f. Hugonis Downe ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Ricus, f. Johis Powell ... bap.

fol. 107.

Anno Dnj. 1610. Jacobi 8°.

" Oct. 8. Rogerus Corbett ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Dorethia, f. Jacobi Carter ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Thomas Barbour et Maria Crockett ... nup.

1611] Pontesbury. 93

1610, Nov. 4. Martha, f. Richi Corbett ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Ricus, f. Thom. Kenricke ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Ricus, f. Rogeri Harries ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Ricus Grace et Eliz. Pitts ... nup.
" Dec. 2. Johannes, f. Johis Harries ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Ricus Polmer ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Anna Taylor ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Stephanus, f. Johis Polmer ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Johannes, f. Henrici Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Anna Cocke ... sep.
" Jan. 11. Johannes, f. Johis Blakeway ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Matilda Williams ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Sarah, f. Rici Lake ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Eliz., f. Thom. Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 6. David ap Thorns ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Thomas Olivers ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Maria, f. Humfridi Sandford ... bap.
1611, Mar. 20. Johannes, f. Rici Horton ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Eliz., f. Jevani ap Morgan ... bap.
" May 4. Kath. Newton, vid. ... sep.
" May 17. Hester, f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" Junt 17. Willmus Jaundrell ... sep.
" June 23. Willmus, f. Johis Underwood ... bap.
" June 23. Rogerus, f. Rogeri Tipton ... bap.
" June 25. Edw. Ecclesall et Jana Wood ... nup.
" July 4. Margeria, ux. Hugonis Everall ... sep.
" July 9. Thomas Clemson et Johanna Scarlett ... nup.
" July 12. Abigail, f. Reginaldi Keene ... bap.
" July 13. Eliz., f. Johis ap Edward ... bap.
" July 18. Margereta Cowper, vid. ... sep.
July 19. Elizabeth, f. Thom. Huggins ... sep.

fol. 108.

Anno Dnj, 1611. Jacobi 9°.

" July 24. Stephanus, f. Johis ap Rees ... sep.
" July 25. Hugo, f. Rici ap Hugh ... bap.
" July 29. Debora, f. Owini Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Edw. Parks et Jocosa Wacford ... nup.
" Aug. 14. Ricus Colcklowe ... sep.
" Aug. 25. Elinora, f. Rogeri Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Willmus Rider, f. Willmi Rider ... bap.

94 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1611

1611, Sep. 22. Franciscus Hamond et Eliz. Jones ... nup.
" Sep. 22. Franciscus, f. Rici Reignolds ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Hugo Carter ... sep.
" Oct. 3. Jana, f. Rogeri Walker ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Jacobus Wilcox ... sep.
" Oct. 6. Abigail, f. Thom. Barbour ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Johana Dawes, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 13. Johannes, f. Willmi Aplebury ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Grace, f. Thom. [blank] ... sep.
" Nov. 5. Johes Madocks et Eliz. Will'ms ... nup.
" Nov. 9. Sarah, f. Thom. Nicholes ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Willmus Barbour et Johanna Rob'ts ... nup.
" Nov. 21. Rachel, f. Rici Barbour ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Margereta, f. Georgii Browne ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Willmus Newton, de Minsterley ... sep.
" Dec. 2. Joh. Bedowe et Jocosa Hodges ... nup.
" Dec. 9. Joh. Colcklowe et Margeria Harrington ... nup.
" Dec. 11. Anna, f. Rici Williams ... sep.
" Dec. 13. Johanna, f. Griffini Barbour ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Jana Carter, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 27. Georgius, f. Francisci Adams, gen: ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Thom., f. Thomae Nicholas ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Eliz. Bromlowe, vid. ... sep.
" Jan. 2. Debora, f. Thome Burley, gen: ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Rachel, f. Rici Barbour ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Ricus, f. Thom. Wollascot ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Abigail, f. Reginaldi Keene ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Johana Heighwey, vid. ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Elinora, f. Willimi Spilsbury ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Eliz. Betchcott, vid. ... sep.

fol. 109.

Anno Dni. 1612. Jacobi 10°.

" Feb. 4. Johes Noniley ... sep.
" Feb. 72. Martha, f. Rici Corbett, gen: ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Ricus, f. Johis Madocks ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Ricus, f. Edwardi Who'll ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Anna, ux. Johis Griffiths ... sep.
" Feb. 29. David Probbin ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Johannes, f. Robti Genowe ... bap.
1612, Mar. 30. Maria, f. Stephani Crosse ... bap.

1612] Pontesbury. 95

1612, Apr. 8. Ricus, f. Robti Powter ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Humfridus Pitts ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Daniell, f. Johis Bedowe ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Ricus, f. Jacobi Willcox ... bap.
" May 6. Elinora, f. Willmi Medlicott ... sep.
" May 13. Ricus, f. ejusdem Willimi Medlicott ... sep.
" May 17. Maria, f. Robti Goughe ... bap.
" May 21. Sara, f. Rogeri Worrall ... bap.
" May 23. Edw. Ll'en ... sep.
" May 28. Johes Harries ... sep.
" June 1. Hester, f. Willi Dennies ... bap.
" June 12. Ellinora, f. Rogeri Baker ... bap.
" June 18. Anna, f. Robti ap Thorns ... bap.
" June 22. Rogerus Cowper ... sep.
" June 24. Eliz., f. Johis ap Edward ... sep.
" June 26. Johes Corbett ... sep.
"* July 5. Jesper Bromley et Dorothy Gilbert ... nup.
" Aug. 3. Margeria, ux. Rici Lake ... sep.
" Aug. 10. Eliz. Higgins, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Simon Roe et Katherina Holmes ... nup.
" Sep. 14. Thomas, f. Gulielmi Symons ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Thomas, f. Guliel: Symons, predicti ... sep.
" Sep. 28. Margereta, ux. Johis Barrett ... sep.

fol. 110.

" Oct. 28. Martha, f. Francisci Hamonds ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Thomas ap Edmund et Jana Wood ... nup.
" Oct. 13. Maria, f. Rici Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Thomas, f. Edmundi Barnett ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Franciscus Cound et Eliz. Downton ... nup.
" Nov. 15. Sara, f. Simonis Butcher ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Humfridus Harries et Johana ap Robts ... nup.
" Nov. 17. Ricus, f. Thom. Jones ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Willmus, f. Michaeli Barnett ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Jana, f. Willmi Taylor ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Willmus Noniley ... sep.
" Dec. 7. Willmus, f. Michaeli Barnett ... sep.
" Dec. 21. Will. Simons ... sep.
" Dec. 21. Thomas, f. Thom. ap Edmund ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Susanna, f. Willmi Howells ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Hester, f. Johis Evanes ... bap.

* Handwriting changes.

96 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1612

1612, Feb. 6. Edw. Tipton ... sep.
" Feb. 16. Ricus Higgins et Anna Wilcox. vid. ... nup.
" Feb. 26. Margareta, f. Rici Caradine ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Maria, f. Thom. Pitts ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Katherina, f. Phillipi Owen ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Maria, f. Thomae Pitts ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Anna, f. Edwardi Bailie ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Margareta Badie, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Abraham, f. Simonis Calcott ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Rebecka, f. Thom. Burley, gen: ... bap.


fol. 111.

Anno Dni. 1613. Jacobi 11mo.

*1613, Apr. 73. Johes Turnor et Alicia Meredith ... nup.
" Apr. 13. Edw., f. Humfridi ap Oliver ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Ricus, f. Thomae Wyllascott sep
" Apr. 29. Ricus, f. Reginaldi Higgons ... sep.
" May 17. Ricus, f. Rici Barbour ... bap.
" May 18. Bridgett, f. Humfridi Leake ... bap.
" May 18. Eliz., f. Henrici Jones ... bap.
" May 20. Ricus Peers et Jocosa Tipton ... nup.
" May 24. Margareta, f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" May 26. Bridgett, f. Humfridi Leake ... sep.
" May 31. Samuell, f. Hugonis Phillips ... bap.
" June 8. Henricus Edwards et Ursula Everall ... nup.
" June 12. Ricus, f. Rogeri Noniley ... sep.
" June 13. Ricus, f. Willmi Evans ... bap.
" June 16. Margareta, f. Johannis ap Edward ... bap.
" June 17. Eliz., f. Johnis Morris ... bap.
" June 29. Franciscus Smith et Margeria Shuttle ... nup.
" July 4. Kath., f. Willimi Perkyn ... bap.
" July 6. Maria, f. Jacobi Carter ... bap.
" July 27. Jocosa, f. Rowlandi Diggery ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Ricus, f Simonis Roe ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Anna, f. Henrici Edwards ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Ricus Goughe et Anna Peynter ... nup.
" Sep. 74. Thomas Taylor ... sep.
" Sep. 14. Will. Lucas et Eliz. Phillips ... nup.
" Sep. 26. Eliz., f. Rogeri Gittins ... bap.

* Handwriting changes.

1614] Pontesbury. 97

1613, Sep. 14. Will. Lucas et Eliz. Phillips ... nup.
" Sep. 26. Eliz., f. Rogeri Gittins ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Eliz., f. Thomae Barbour ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Thomas, f. Oeni Davies, clerici ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Martha, f. Willimi Cowper ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Jana Lambert, vidua ... sep.
" Nov. 4. Amia, f. Thomae Nicols ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Alicia, f. Tho: Nicols ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Joanna Noniley, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 7. Amia et Alicia, filiae Thomas Nicolls ... sep.
" Nov. 9. Will., f. Johnis Evans ... sep.
" Nov. 9. Ursula, f. Willimi Taylor ... sep.

fol. 112.

" Nov. 14. Maria, f. Johnis Cowclowe ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Ricardus, f. Henrici Purslowe ... sep.
" Dec. 2. Eliz., f. Willimi Rider ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Katherina, f. Hugonis Downe ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Jocosa, ux. Johnis Fisher ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Johannes, f. Willimi Applebury ... sep.
" Jan. 3. Thomas Tipton ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Jocosa, f. Johis Foxe ... sep.
" Feb. 4. Thomas Burley, Armiger, sepultus fuit.
" Feb. 12. Amia, f. Johannis Bedowe ... bap.
" Feb .14. Humffridus, f. Thomae Pitts ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Joanna, f. Ricardi ap Hughe ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Simon Warde et Elizabetha Purslowe ... nup.
" Feb. 18. Joanna, f. Griffini Barbour ... sep.
" Feb. 21. Michaell, f. Rici Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Sara, f. Ricardi Corbett, gen. ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Maria, f. Thomae Bromley ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Humffridus, f. Rogeri Walker ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Anna, f. Johnis Ashley ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Elizabetha, f. Thomae Kenricke ... bap.
1614, Mar. 31. Anna, f Elizabethae James ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Jana [blank] ... sep.
" Apr. 10. Walter, f. Roberti Peynter ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Johannes Harryes, gen. ... sep.

98 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1614

1614, Apr. 14. Humffridus, f. Thomae Pitts ... sep.
" Apr. 21. Elenor, f. Rogeri Flames ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Ricardus, f. Rici Peers ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Jacobus, f. Rici Higgons ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Alicia, f. Johnis Barrett ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Hugo ap David ... sep.
" May 1. Dorothea, f. Hugonis Williams ... bap.
" May 5. Thomas, f. Willimi Appelbury ... bap.
" May 12. Elizabetha Wilcox, vidua ... sep.
"* May 16. Oenus Davies, Clericus, sepultus fuit.

fol. 113.

Anno Dm. 1614, et Jacobi 12mo.

" May 17. Anna Lee, vid. ... sep.
" May 24. Anna, f. Rici Horton ... sep.
" May 29. Margery, ux. Johnis Ashley ... sep.
" June 5. Willimus, f. Abrahami Genowe ... bap.
" June 18. Maria, f. Simonis Butcher ...... bap.
" June 21. Ricardus Morris et Elizabetha Martine ... nup.
" June 25. Anna Barbour, innuba ... sep.
" June 29. Katherina Berwicke, vid. ... sep.
" July 4. Sara, f. Ricardi Corbett, gen. ... sep.
" July 10. Thomas, f. Thomae Meredith ... bap.
" July 14. Eduardus Crockett ... sep.
" July 29. Joanna, filia [erased and entry unfinished].

[Two thirds of page left blank.]

fol. 114.

+May 17, 1667.

Be it remember'd that ye Hayment of ye churchyarde of Pontesbury is to be
kept and repaired by ye parish of Polderbatch & ye severall townshipps within
ye Parish of Pontesbury as followeth, beginning at ye north end of ye East
part from ye footway into ye churchyard by ye garden belonging to ye second
portion, and southward towards ye house belonging to ye first portion.

* In the margin is written by a later hand "Owen Davies, Cler: Sep. 16, May 1614."
+ This seems interpolated on a blank page.

1615] Pontesbury. 99

length thereof in
yds. feet ins.

Polderbach Parish hath Tenne panes of railes 24 00 08
The first portion hath one gate and one pane
of railes where formerly stood a stable 06 01 00
adjoyning to ye house belonging thereto

Pontesbury, one gate, one stile, & eight panes
of railes 29 00 00
Cructon, five panes of railes 18 00 05
Sascott, two panes of railes 04 02 09
Oakes, seven panes of railes 16 02 02
Lea, one stile and seaven panes of railes 17 02 11
Asterley, eight panes of railes 23 00 00
Arscott, ffive panes of railes 12 02 00
Pontesford, sixe panes of railes 18 01 06
Malehurst, a wickett 01 02 03
ffareley, three panes of railes 05 02 10
Hinton, ffowre panes of railes 08 00 02
Edge, ffive panes of railes 12 00 07
Aulston, three panes of railes 07 01 03
Siberscott, three panes of railes 09 02 07
A vacant place supposed to belong to Boycott 05 02 00
Plealey, eight panes of railes whereof one pane
towards ye vacant space is now wanting 24 00 11
Polmer, three panes of railes 07 02 00
Meele, ffive panes of railes 16 00 06
Newnham, seaven panes of railes 17 00 01
Longden, eight panes of railes 22 01 01
Hamletts and Onslowe, one wickett, one stile
and ffive panes of railes 18 02 01

328 1 3

[Total figures not clear:- 366 seems to have been written over 328.]

Partly measured in presence of
. Barrett Rutter (Churchwardens),
. Owen (Rector),
. Adams,
ur Warde,
t. Phillips,
ard Niccolls,
s. Wolley,
ur Wathell,
. Somerfield,
er Waters,

Severall other

fol 115.

Anno Dom. 1615, et Jacobi 13°.

[A blank quarter of a page here, which has not been written on.]

1615, May 18. Elenor, f. Henrici Jones ... bap.
" May 24. Willimus, f. Rici Blower ... sep.
" May 25. Sara, f. Roberti Goughe ... sep.
" May 28. Robertus, f. Willmi Bland ... bap.
" May 29. Ricardus Olivers et Anna Smith ... nup.
" June 8. Ricardus Everall et Margareta Perks ... nup.
" June 29. Willimus Lyvers et Margareta Burgesse ... nup.

100 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1615

1615, July 9. Rondle, f. Phillippi Owen ... bap.
" July 10. Willimus, f. Willimi Spilsbury ... bap.
" July 19. Margareta, ux. Rici Lightbound ... sep.
" July 23. Elizabetha, f. Thomae Nicolls ... bap.
" July 23. Sicilia, f. Rowlandi Diggery ... bap.
" July 25. David Lloyd et Margery Whitefoote ... nup.
*" Aug. 5. Andreas, f. Roberti Hinley et Joanna uxoris ejus fuit ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Evanus Meredith et Jana Meredith ... nup.
" Sep. 28. Johannes Griffiths et Katherina Moris ... nup.
" Oct. 3. Willimus Cund ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Ricardus, f. Rici Horton ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Willimus Higgons ... sep.
" Nov. 1. Sara, f. Davidi Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Johannes, f. Hugonis Phillips ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Rogerus Tipton ... sep.
" Nov. 24. Joanna, uxor [blank] ... sep.
" Nov. 25. Willimus de Greene yord ... sep.
" Dec. 14. Johannes Gardner et Christabell Barkley ... nup.
" Dec. 21. Maria, f. Thomae Goughe ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Margareta, f. Thomae Kenricke ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Alicia Goughe, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Willimus, f. Ricardi Corbett, gen: ... bap.

fol. 116.

" Jan. 8. Willimus, f. Willimi ffoorde ... sep.
" Jan. 11. Eduardus Barkley ...
" Jan. 11. Thomas, f. Jesparis Bromley ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Ricardus Rutter et Winifreed Genowe ... nup.
" Jan. 15. Henricus Goughe et Katherina Stawnton ... nup.
" Jan. 19. Johannes ffisher ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Willimus, f. Willmi Gittins ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Ricardus, f. Willmi Lockley ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Margareta, f. Johnis Bedowe ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Joanna Betchcott, vid. ... sep.
" Feb. 11. Elizabetha. Jones, vid. ... sep.
" Feb. 18. Elizabetha, f. Thomae Crosse ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Elizabetha, ux. Eduardi Yorke ... sep.
" Mar. 3. Elizabetha, f. Johnis Harryes ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Thomas Staunton ... sep.
" Mar. 12. Robertus, f. Roberti Paynter ... bap.

* Inserted by another hand in different ink.

1617] Pontesbury. 101

1616, Apr. 7. Moses, f. Simonis Butcher ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Robertus, f. Willmi Taylor ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Hester, f. Jacobi Carter ... bap.
" May 4. Henricus Jones ... sep.
" May 5. Anna, f. Humffridi ap Oliver ... bap.
" May 12. Isaac, f. Georgii Eyton ... bap.
" May 12. Eduardus Morris ... sep.
" June 2. Johannes, f. Roberti ap Thomas ... bap.
" June 7. Humffridus Walker ... sep.
" June 10. Elenor, f. Rici Pughe ... bap.
" June 17. Jana, f. Thomae Barbour ... bap.
" June 25. Thomas Crumpton et Katherina Tye ... nup.
" July. [No entries.]
" Aug. 8. Thomas Roe ... sep.
" Sep 5. Martha, f. Oeni Sempiers ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Thomas Maunsell et Alicia Evans ... nup.
" Sep. 11. Katherina Madder ... sep.
" Sep. 13. Alicia Lee, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 15. Sara, f. Evani Meredith ... bap.

fol. 117.

Jacobi 14°.

" Oct. 8. Henricus Davies et Maria Newall ... nup.
" Oct. 12. Elizabetha, ux. Johnis Barrett ... sep.
" Oct. 13. Georgius, f. Willimi Dennys ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Thomas, f. Rogeri Walker ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Parnell, filia Thomae Crosse ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Sicily, filia Rici Barbour ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Jocosa, f. Abrahami Genowe ... sep.
" Dec. 4. Ricardus, f. Willimi Teege ... sep.
" Dec. 10. ffranciscus, f. Johnis Evans ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Willimus, f. Willimi Appelbury ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Robertus, f. Hugonis Downe ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Margareta, f. Rici Lake ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Willimus Newall ... sep.
" Feb. 25. Elenor, f. Johnis Maddox ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Johannes, f. Rici Peers ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Elizabetha, ux. Thomae Perkyn ... sep.
1617, Mar. 18. Johannes Hamond ... sep.
" Mar. 23. Jocosa, f. Rogeri Worrall ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Ricardus Teege et Anna ffoord ... nup.
" Mar. 31. Maria, ux. Rici Carradyne ... sep.

102 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1617

1617, Apr. 3. Ricardus, f. Rici Higgons ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Johannes, f. Rici Peers ... sep.
" Apr. 28. Elizabetha, ux. Johnis Lewis ... sep.
" May 1. Maria, f. Rici Rutter ... bap.
" May 11. Hugo, f. Willimi Corfield ... bap.
" May 22. Griffinus Warde et Jocosa Coxe ... nup.
" May 26. Robertus, f. Willimi Blande ... sep.
" June 5. Willimus, f. Willimi Evans ... bap.
" June 5. Elenor, f. Willimi Evans ... bap.
" June 7. Elizabetha, f. Willimi Clerke ... bap.

fol. 118.

Anno Domino 1617, et Jacobi 15.

" June 9. Ricardus, f. Hugonis Williams ... bap.
" June 13. Elenor, f. Willimi Evans ... sep.
" June 15. Thomas Davyes et Anna Watters ... nup.
" June 22. Thomas Hynley et Sisiley ffoxe ... nup.
" June 25. William, f. Willimi Evans ... sep.
" June 30. Ricardus, f. Johannis ap Thomas ... bap.
" July 14. Elenor Bowkley ... sep.
" July 27. Lancelott Lake, Clericus ... sep.
" July 27. Johannes Byrche ... sep.
" July 27. Margareta, f. Rowlandi Llewelling ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Ricardus, f. Johannis ap Thomas ... sep.
" Aug. 14. Andreas, f. Rici Corbett ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Maria, f. Rici Rutter ... sep.
" Sep. 1. Jocosa Davies, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 7. David, f. Phillippi Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Margareta, f. Rowlandi Llewelling ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Elenor Shuttle, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Margery Jones, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Katherina Llewelling, vid. ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Hugo, f. Willimi Corfield ... sep.
" Oct. 5. Joanna, f. Eduardi Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Elizabetha Clowes, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 9. Willimus, f. Willimi Bland ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Thomas Badye et Elizabetha Higgons ... nup.
" Oct. 10. Eduardus Yorke et Jana ffoxe ... nup.
" Nov. 2. Georgius, f. Thomae Pitts ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Rowlandus Berwicke ... sep.
" Nov. 9. Elenor Rider, vidua ... sep.

1618] Pontesbury. 103

1617, Nov. 9. Ricardus, f. Johnis Turner ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Ricardus, f. Rowlandi Diggery ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Elice, filius Thomae Rogers ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Arthurus, f. Robti Hinley ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Anna, f. Humfridi Leake ... bap.

fol. 119.

et Jacobi 16°.

" Nov. 27. Johannes Calcott, junior ... sep.
" Nov. 27. Johanna, f. Richardi ap Rees ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Jana, f. Willimi Callcott ... sep.
" Dec. 14. Ricardus Tipton ... sep.
" Jan. 5. Anna Daxe ... sep.
" Jan. 11. Rowlandus, f. Rowlandi Bailey ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Alicia, ux. Nicolae Pryce ... sep.
" Jan. 24. Thomas, f. Johnis Hughson ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Eduardus, f. Rici Tipton, defuncti ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Elizabetha, f. Hugonis Downe ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Maria, f. Johnis Bedowe ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Hugo, f. Thomae Hinley ... bap.
1618, Mar. 20. Elizabetha, f. Simonis Butcher ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Johannes Lewis ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Johannes, f. Roberti Powlter ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Thomas Crockett ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Robertus Crockett ... sep.
" May 9. Thomas Peers ... sep.
" May 24. Edmundus, f. Rici Peers ... bap.
" May 25. Hester, f. Rici Powell ... bap.
" May 27. Willimus, f. Willimi Cowper ... bap.
" May 27. Abrahamus, f. Rogeri Heighway ... bap.
" June 6. Anna, ux. Rici Peers ... sep.
" June 21. Andreas, f. Rici Corbett ... sep.
" June 21. Georgius, f. Thomae Nicolls ... bap.
" June 30. Margareta Spilsbury ... sep.
" June 30. Jana, f. Rici Crumpton ... bap.
" July 1. Katherina, f. Rogeri Williams ... bap.
" July 19. Elizabetha, f. Willimi Corfield ... bap.
" July 19. Johannes Gardner et Gwen Meole ... nup.
" July 20. Sara Griffiths ... sep.
" July 20. Eduardus, f. Petri Adams ... bap.
" July 23. Katherina, f. Willimi Osborne ... bap.

104 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1618

fol. 120.

1618, Aug. 2. Sara, f. Rici Rutter ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Johannes Downton ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Elizabetha, f. Abrahami Maunsell ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Georgius, f. Georgii Porter ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Joseph, f. Willimi Lucas ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Edmundus, f. Eduardi Minors ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Maria, f. Rici Teege ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Margareta, f. Jacobi Carter ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Eduardus Lyckas et Jana Gittins ... nup.
" Oct. 11. Thomas, f. Thomae Eccles ... sep.
" Oct. 15. Johannes Corbett ... sep.
" Oct. 15. Richardus, f. Willimi Gittins ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Joanna, f. Thomae Niccolls ... bap.
Oct. 28. Elizabetha, f. Willimi Dennys ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Elizabetha, f. Edmundi Barnett ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Sara, f. ejusdem Edmundi Barnett ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Jacobus, filius [blank] ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Anna, f. Rici Horton ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Jana, f. Thomae Norcott ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Hester, f. Elicei Pollexson ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Johannes, f. Willimi Spilsbury ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Joanna, f. ejusdem Willimi Spilsbury ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Anna, ux. Johannis Morris ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Thomas, f. Thomae Crosse ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Joanna, ux. Rogeri Gwynne ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Johannes, f. Johnis Corbett, defuncti ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elizabetha, f. Henrici Goughe ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Alicia, f. Johnis Turner ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elenor, f. Thomae Wilcox ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Bridgett, f. Humfridi Olivers ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Dorothea, f. Davidis Edwards ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Isaac, f. Hugonis Philips ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Abigail, f. ejusdem Hugonis ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Richardus, f. Johnis ap Thomas ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Abrahamus, f. Georgii Gratie ... sep.
" Mar. 6. Isaac et Abigail, filius et filia Hugonis Phillips ... sep.
" Mar. 19. Robertus ap Thomas ... sep.
" Mar. 21. Amy, f. Francisci Heath ... bap.

1619] Pontesbury. 105

fol. 121.

1619, Apr. 1. Ricardus Leighton ... sep.
" Apr. 9. Sara, f. Edmundi Bartlett ... sep.
" Apr. 11. Willimus, f. Johnis Maddox ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Ricardus, f. Willimi Appelbury ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Jocosa, f. Rowlandi Llewelling ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Rowlandus, f. Georgii Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Abrahamus, f. Ricardi Lake, gen: ... bap.
" May 11. Timotheus, f. Roberti Peinter ... bap.
" May 11. Rowlandus, f. ejusdem Roberti ... bap.
" May 27. Johannes Moris et Anna Crockett ... nup.
" May 28. Elenor Lloyd, vid. ... sep.
" May 31. Thomas Heighway ... sep.
" June 6. Samuell, f. Rici Williams ... bap.
" June 8. Thomas Woode ... sep.
" June 17. Rogerus Diggery ... sep.
" June 21. Thomas Crockett, junior ... sep.
" July 3. Jocosa, f. Rolandi Ll'en ... sep.
" July 4. Rogerus Dawes et Blanch Wynne ... nup.
" July 13. Johannes, f. Robti Passand ... bap.
" July 17. Johannes predictus ... sep.
" July 20. Johannes ap Thomas et Alicia Crockett ... nup.
" Aug. 4. Eduardus Yorke, gen. ... sep.
" Aug. 20. Elenora, f. Ricardi ap Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Elenora predicta ... sep.
" Aug. 29. Abigail, f. Rici Peers, senioris, apud Westbury ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Abraham, f. Rici Rutter ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Ricardus Cowper et Jana Burley, apud Westbury ... nup.
" Oct. 11. Elizabetha, f. Fabiani Phellips ... sep.
" Oct. 14. Susanna, f. Rogeri Worrall ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Amy a, f. Thomae Barbor ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Simon Davyes et Johanna Powell ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Maria, ux. Thomae Barbor ... sep.
" Nov. 30. Willimus Bromeley ... sep.
" Nov. 30. Constance, f. Willimi Blande ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Hugo Everali ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Johannes Kenricke ... sep.
" Dec. 17. Jana Peers ... sep.

106 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1619

fol. 122.

1619, Jan. 2. Willimus Teege ... sep.
" Feb. 2. Jana, f. Willimi Corfield ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Hugo Come et Joanna Griffiths ... nup.
" Feb. 13. Sara, f. Richardi Powell ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Amia, ux. Arthuri Warde, gen: ... sep.
" Feb. 26. Thomas, f. Rici Peers ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Willimus, f. Simonis Butcher ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Willimus, f. Johis Gardner ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Margareta, ux. Rici Griffiths ... bap.
1620, Mar. 26. Simon Calcot ... sep.
" Apr. 5. Margareta, f. Rogeri Gwynne ... bap.
" Apr. 7.. Alicia, f. Rici Betchcott ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Elizabetha, f. Rici Higgons, gen: ... bap.
"* Apr. 25. Willimus Lytherland et Alicia ap Owen ... nup.
" Apr. 27. Vidua Cund ... sep.
" May 1. Johannes, f. Johis Bedowe ... bap.
" May 4. Robertus Passand, apud Hanwood ... sep.
" June 5. Anna, f. Rogeri Dawes ... bap.
" June 7. Elizabetha, f. Edwardi Williams ... bap.
" June 12. Humffridus Williams et Jana Onslowe ... nup.
" June 12. Ludovicus Miller et Elizabetha ap Hugh ... nup.
" June 14. Margareta Betchcott ... sep.
" June 22. Elizabetha, f. Rici Cowper ... bap.
" June 28. Margery, f. Rici Taylor ... bap.
" June 29. Joanna Jaundrell, vid. ... sep.
" July 2. Johannes, f. Thomae Pitts ... bap.
" July 3. Ricus Wildinge et Alicia Dodicott ... nup.
" July 9. Ricus, f. Thomae Hinley ... bap.
" July 17. Henricus Lightbound et Anna Hincks ... nup.
" Aug. 6. Johannes, f. Johis Evans ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Maria, f. Johis Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Anna, f. Abrahami ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Rolandus, f. Rolandi Diggery ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Alicia, f. Thomae Nicolls ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Alicia, f. Hugonis Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Edwardus Chyrme et Eliz. Peers ... nup.
" Oct. 27. Thomas Rogers et Blanch Corbett ... nup.
" Nov. 9. Edmundus, f. Willimi Gittins ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Ricardus Phillips ... sep.

* Handwriting changes.

1621] Pontesbury. 107

1620, Dec. 27. Anna, f. Edmundi Taylor ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Alicia, f. Willimi Smalman ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Alicia, f. Thomae Nicolls ... sep.

*fol. 125.

" Jan. 24. Thomas Kenricke et Jana Lawley ... nup.
" Jan. 27. Thomas Barbour et Jana Parks ... nup.
" Jan. 28. Johannes, f. Rolandi Llewelling ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Elizabetha, f. Davidis Powell ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Katherina, ux. Rici Corbett ... sep.
" Feb. 24. Katherina Stawnton, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 1. Willimus Medlicott ... sep.
" Mar. 1. Jana, f. Robti Passand ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Katherina Roe, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 6. Elizabetha, ux. Thomae Nicolls ... sep.
" Mar. 12. Margareta, f. Henrici Goughe ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Elizabetha, f. Georgii Newell ... sep.
1621, Mar. 27. Rolandus Llewellinge ... sep.
" Apr. 55. Alicia, f. Rici Partrich ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Willimus, f. Humfridi Olivers ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Rogerus Roe et Anna Phips ... nup.
" Apr. 29. Joanna, f. Rogeri Jones ... bap.
" May 13. Amia, f. Michaelis Barnett ... bap.
" June 1. Dorcas, f. Michaelis Barnett ... sep.
" June 6. Robertus Gough ... sep.
" June 7. Anna, f. Michaelis Barnett ... sep.
" June is. Willielmus Bullock et Eliz. Underwoode ... nup.
" July 3. Rogerus Palmer et Eliz. Heyfield ... nup.
" July 4. Elizabetha, ux. Willimi Taylor ... sep.
" July 10. Arthurus ap Rees et Anna Roberts ... nup.
" July 11. Elenor, f. Willimi Spilsbury ... sep.
" July 54. Hugo, f. Rici Lake ... bap.
" July 19. Idem Hugo Lake ... sep.
" July 19. Willimus Lee et Dorothea Betchcott ... nup.
" July 28. Ricardus Leighton et Eliz. Barbor ... nup.
" July 29. Willimus Betchcott et Maria Mitton ... nup.
" Aug. 7. Joanna, f. Rolandi Foord ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Thomas, f. Johis Foxe ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Dorothea, f. Ricei ap Rees ... bap.
"+ Sep. 17. Thomas Bady ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Johannes, f. Thomae Kilvert ... sep.

* Two pages are out of place in the volume. They are here printed in their correct sequence.
+ Handwriting changes.

108 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1621

1621, Oct. 15. Anna, f. Jacobi Carter ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Eadem Anna ... sep.
" Oct. 22. Anna, f. Richardi Cowper ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Daniell, f. Oeni Fox ... sep.
" Nov. 2. Johannes Llewellinge ... sep.
" Nov. 59. Anna, f. Richardi Rutter ... bap.

fol. 126.

Anno Dom. 1622.

" Dec. 1. Ricardus Groves et Jana Woode ... nup.
" Dec. 4. Johannes Meredith ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Maria, f. Henrici Heyward ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Johannes, f. Willimi Applebury ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Ricardus, f. Georgii Browne* ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Thomas, f. Willimi Litherland ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Willimus, f. Willimi Dennys ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Sara, f. Willimi Corfield ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Joseph, f. Thomae Stawnton ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Jacobus, f. Simonis Butcher ... bap.
" Feb. is. Georgius, f. Roberti Peynter ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Dorothea, f. Richardi Peers ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Isaac, f. Edwardi Minors ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Matheus, f. Willimi Spilsbury ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Andreas Leake et Margeria Heighway ... nup.
" Mar. 15. Richardus Corbett, gen: ... sep.
1622, Mar. 17. Richardus, f. Thomae Wilcox ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Anna, ux. Thom Coreless ... sep.
" Apr. 2. Jana, f. Georgii Evton ... sep.
" Apr. 4. Johannes, f. Willimi Bland, apud Hanwood ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Thomas, f. Rogeri Roe ... bap.
" May 20. Ricardus Jeffs ... sep.
" May 20. Willimus, f. Thomas Nicolls ... bap.
" June 57. Johannes, f. Rici Peers+ ... bap.
" June 17. Rogerus, f. Johis Gardner ... bap.
" June 20. Thomas Adams, gen: ... sep.
" June 22. Thomas, f. Johis Evans ... bap.
" July 30. Jana, ux. Hugonis Tibbey ... sep.
" Aug. 4. Henricus, f. Rogeri Worrall ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Rowlandus Speake et Elizabetha Millert ... nup.
" Aug. 7. Maria, f. Thomae Mawnde ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Maria Noniley., vid. ... sep.

* "Ric. Browne" is written in the margin by another hand.
+ "Jo. Pears" written in the margin.

1623] Pontesbury. 109

1622, Aug. 21. Joanna Pitts, vid. ... sep.
" Aug. 30. Willimus Clarke et Elizabetha Meredith ... nup.
" Sep. 3. Vidua Llewellinge ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Willimus, f. Thomae Tisedall ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Jacobus, f. Rici Lake, gen: ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Daniell, f. Edmundi Barnett ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Willimus, f. Rowlandi Foorde ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Margareta, f. Davidis Powell ... bap.

fol. 127.

Anno Dom. 1622.

" Nov. 13. Michaell James et Jana Davies ... nup.
" Nov. 13. Franciscus Ffox ... sep.
" Nov. 18. Evanus, servus Johis Evans ... sep.
" Nov. 19. Johannes, f. Simonis Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Ricardus, f. Rici Higgons ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Ricardus, f. Rici Higgons ... sep.
" Dec. 8. Ricardus, f. Rici Betchcott ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Johannes Jones ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Evanus ap Reese ... sep.
" Dec. 13. Alicia, f. Rogeri Dawes ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Willimus, f. Willimi Osborne ... bap.
"* Dec. 22. Joanna Tisedale, vidua ... sep.
" Dec. 23. Sara, f. Griffini Penrhu ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Willimus, f. Rolandi Foord ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Elizabetha, f. Willimi Clearke ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Johannes Hodges, sepult. et Edmundus, f. Michaelis Barnet, baptus fuit.
" Jan. 23. Andreas, f. Andreae Leake, baptus et die pdox: sequente' sepultus fuit.
" Jan. 29. Margareta, ux. Thomae Heyward ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Thomas, f. Davidis Edwards ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Elizabetha Jones, vidua ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Richardus, f. Abrahae Mawnsell ... bap.
1623, Mar. 30. Rogerus, f. Willimi Gittins et Elizabethae, ux. ejus ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Willimus, f. Robti et Margaretae Poulter ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Richardus, f. Thomae Barbor ... sep.
" Apr. 28. Thomas Williams et Jocosa Gittins ... nup.
" May 15. Maria, f. Thomae et Siceliae Pitts ... bap.
" May 15. Margareta, f. Eduardi et Mariae Williams ... bap.

* Handwriting changes.

110 Shropshire Parish Registers. [ 1623

1623, May 15. Robertus, f. Elicei et Margaretae Foxe ... bap.
" May 25. Catherina, ux. Hugonis Phillips ... sep.
" June 3. Johannes, f. Thomae et Siceliae Hinley ... bap.
" June 4. Maria, f. Danielis Harnedge ... sep.
" June 10. Johannes Teage et Elizabetha Polmer ... nup.
" June 12. Isaac, f. Richardi et Janae Higgons ... bap.
" June 19. Willimus, f. Jacobi et Dorotheae Carter ... bap.
" July 2. Petrus, f. Petri et Jocosae Adams ... bap.
" July 2. Georgius, f. Thomae Lingen ... sep.
" July 7. Thomas Llewelling, junior ... sep.
" July 23. Anna, ux. Rogeri Heighway ... sep.
" Aug. 2. Anna, f. Thomae Tiler ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Joanna Bedow, vid. ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Willimus, f. Richardi Corbett ... sep.
" Aug. 18. Meredith James et Anna Phillips ... nup.
" Aug. 20. Margareta, f. Henrici et Catharinae Goughe ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Richardus, f. Evani et Dorotheae Meredith ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Jana, f. Richardi et Janae Cowper ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Bridget, f. Michaelis et Janae James ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Robertus, f. Richardi et Elizabethae Higgons ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Joanna Tiler, vid. ... sep.

fol. 128.

Jacobi 22°.

" Nov. 3. Willimus Tomkis et Margareta Rider ... nup.
" Nov. 4. Catherina Hodges, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Jacobus Cruton et Margareta Packe ... nup.
" Nov. 13. Sara, f. Thomae et Elizabethae Woode ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Anna, ux. Simonis Willcox ... sep.
" Dec. 5. Edwardus Warter ... sep.
" Dec. 15. Joanna, f. Willimi Parkyne ... sep.
" Jan. 3. Michaell Barnett ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Johannes, f. Rolandi et Joannae Foorde ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Jana, f. Richardi et Jocosae Partridge ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Dorothea, f. Willimi et Joannae Calcott ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Elizabetha, f. Georgii Wolley ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Johannes Calcott ... sep.
" Jan. 25. Joanna, f. Willimi et Annae Dennis ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Willimus Appelbury ... sep.

1624] Pontesbury. 111

1623, Feb. 2. Catherina Peers, vid. ... sep.
" Feb. 8. Elnora, f. Hugonis et Luciae Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Margareta, f. Richardi Lake ... sep.
" Feb. 11. Thomas, f. Richardi Peers, junioris ... sep.
" Feb. 12. Richardus Corbett ... sep.
" Feb. 12. Willimus, f. Willimi et Elenorae Corfield ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Johannes, f. Simonis et Margaretae Butcher ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Oenus Corne ... sep.
" Mar. 9. Sara, f. Henrici et Dorotheae Heyward ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Margeria, f. Thomae et Joannae Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Eliz., f. Nicholai Fewtrell ... sep.
1624, Apr. 1. Johannes Mitton ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Jana, ux. Humfridi Williams ... sep.
" Apr. 5. Willimus, f. Andreae et Margeriae Leake ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Hester, f. Jacobi Carter ... sep.
" Apr. 18. Jocosa, f. Willimi et Aliciae Litherland ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Margareta, f. Johannis Bedowe ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Richardus Kinge als. Mawnsell et Anna [blank] ... nup.


fol. 123.


" May 7. Willimus, f. Jacobi Carter ... sep.
" Mar. 9. Elenora, ux. Thomae Blakeway ... sep.
" May 10. Thomas Blakewey ... sep.
" May 21. Evanus ap Rees ... sep.
" May 31. Rogerus Gittins ... sep.
" June 3. Sara, f. Willimi Osborne ... sep.
" June 6. Stephanus, f. Roberti et Mariae Caswell ... bap.
" June 21. Dorothea, f. Willimi Osborne ... sep.
" June 29. Joanna, f. Willimi et Margaretae Tomkis ... bap.
" July 1. Robertus, f. Hugonis et [blank] Warter ... bap.
"* July 8. Nathaniell, f. Euardi et Annae Porter ... bap.
" July 8. Richardus Harrison & Elenora Crocket ... nup.
" July 11. Filia Reginaldi et Susannae Corbet ... sep.
" July 11. Joanna, f. Johannis et Gwennae Gardner ... bap.
" July 15. Susanna, ux. Reginaldi Corbet, gener: ... sep.
" July 16. Katherina, vidua ... sep.
" July 17. Simon Wilcox et Jocosa Peers ... nup.

* Handwriting changes.

112 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1624

1624, July 17. Margaret Evans, spinster ... sep.
" July 18. Jana, ux. Randulphi Lee ... sep.
" July 22. Jana Hughes, spinster ... sep.
" July 24. Abraham, f. Willimi Appleburi, defuncti et Dorotheae Appleburi, viduae ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Humfridus, f. Roberti et Annae Passand ... bap.
"* Aug. 23. Thomas Chalner et Jona Mereddith ... nup.
" Aug. 24. Elionora, f. Ricardi et Susannae Langford ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Richardus Lee ... sep.
" Sep. 3. Anna Handes, vidua ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Thomas, f. Johannis et Margeriae Cowckley ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Elizabeth Cocke ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Margaret, f. Thomae et Marger: Browne ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Richardus, f. Jacobi et [blank] Cowton ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Anna, f. Georgii et Elizabethae Browne ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Jocosa, ux. Thom Willims ... sep.
" Nov. 9. Reginaldus Rider ... sep.
" Nov. 14. Johannes, f. Richardi et Jocosae Peers ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Willims Hamonde, Montgomeriensis ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Walter Edwards et Alicia Phipps ... nup.
" Nov. 28. Richard, f. Davidis et Elizabethae Edwards ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Johannes Rogers, Minsterlensis ... sep.
" Dec. 1. Jana Rider, spinster ... sep.
" Dec. 9. Cicelia Hennaye, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Richardus, f. Randulphi et Susannae Wood ... bap.

fol. 124.

Anno Dom. 1624, et Caroli regni primo.

[A mistake has been made here in the binding of the parchment in the old register.]

" Jan. 1. Filia Richardi Leghton ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Anna, f. Richardi Rutter ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Elinora, f. Willimi et Sarae Bland ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Richardus Trentham ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Elizabetha Griffiths ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Elizabethae, f. Johannis Griffithes ... sep.
" Feb. 1. Maria, f. Francisci Warde ... sep.

* The word "Hanwood" seems to have been added in the margin to this entry.

1625] Pontesbury. 113

1624, Feb. 7. Thomas, f. Willimi Taylor ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Maria, f. Richardi Teage ... sep.
" Feb. 13. Jacobus, f. Willimi et Elizabethae Boockley ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Susanna, f. Richardi et Anne Mawnsel ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Amia, f. Simonis et Joannae Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Elionora, f. Willimi Blande ... sep.
" Feb. 20. Beatricia, f. Richardi et Elizabethae Higgons ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Margaret Underwoodde ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Evanus Brigwen ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Willimus, f. Thomae et Janae Olivers ... bap.
1625, Apr. 7. Jocosa, f. (ut fertur) Johannis Lane ... sep.
" Apr. 10. [blank], uxor Thomae Jackes ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Maria Waters, spinster ... sep.


fol. 129.

Anno Dom. 1625, et regno regis Caroli primo.
[Wrongly bound up.]

" May 3. Richardus Meredith ... sep.
" May 4. Richardus Owen et Elizabetha Woofe ... nup.
" May 14. David Edwardes ... sep.
" May 15. Richardus, f. Simonis et Jocosae Wilcox ... bap.
" May 15. Maria, f. Rogeri et Blanchiae Dawes ... bap.
" May 17. Richardus Yoppe et Catherina Underwood ... nup.
" May 17. Gwenna Lawrence ... sep.
" May 19. Henricus, f. Willimi et Elizabet: Gittins ... bap.
" May 20. Jacobus, f. Richardi et Elinorae Peers ... bap.
" May 31. Thomas Medlicot, Minsterlensis ... sep.
" June 13. Willimus Lee et Beatricia Fewtrel ... nup.
" June 17. Maria Huson, Minsterlensis ... sep.
" June 20. Richardus Worralle, infans ... sep.
" July 3. Elnora Steevens ... sep.
" July 5. Simon Downs et Amy Cowper ... nup.
" July 15. Franciscus, f. Abrahamae et Katherinae Mawnsel ... bap.
" July 15. Thomas Crosse ... sep.
" July 25. Johannes, f. Richardi et Joannae Norton ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Thomas Browne ... sep.

114 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1625

1625, Aug. 5. Anna, f. Richardi Morgan (ut fertur)... sep.
" Aug. 24. Willimus, f. Thomae et Katherinae Wilcoxe ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Richardus, f. Rolandi et Joannae Foord ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Radulphus Francisci et Margaret: Littlealle ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Richardus Berrington, gen., et Jana Walker ... nup.
" Sep. 9. Jana, ux. Richardi Higgons ... sep.
" Sep. 11. Francisca, f. Jocosae Lea ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Spurius filius ejusdem Jocosae ... sep.
" Sep. 18. Samuel, f. Rogeri et Katherine Calcot, civis Londinensis ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Felicia, f. Johannis et Katherinae Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Gwenna Benbowe ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Richardus, f. Richardi et Sarae Langford ... bap.

fol. 130.

Anno Dom. 1625, et regno regis Caroli primo.

" Oct. [No entries.]
" Nov. 1. Maria Langley ... sep.
" Nov. 4. Willielmus Nunliley ... sep.
" Nov. 7. Richardus Harries et Elizabetha Gennowe ... nup.
" Nov. 10. Edmundus Corbet ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Filia [blank] Lluellin ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Thomas Davies ... sep.
" Nov. 11. Thomas, f. Evanni et Janae Meredith ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Johannes, f. Georgii et Annae Manwaringe ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Idem Johannes ... sep.
" Dec. 13. Richardus Barber ... sep.
" Dec. 15. Hugo Tibbey ... sep.
" Dec. 17. Richardus, f. Rogeri et Elizabethae Evans ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Maria, f. Richardi et Elizabethae Lake ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Johannes Morris ... sep.
" Dec. 31. Dorithea, f. Petri et Jocosae Addams ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Arthurus Griffithes ... sep.
" Jan. 7. Jael, filia Reginaldi et [blank] Corbet ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Rogerus, f. Andreae et Margeriae Leake ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Richardus Nickols et Jona Passand ... nup.

1626] Pontesbury. 115

1625, Feb. 5. David Mereddith et Elnora Matthewes ... nup.
" Feb. 10. Richardus, f. Willimi et Sarae Blande ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Elnora Blande ... sep.
" Mar. 2. Richardus Higgons, magister artium collegiae sancti Johannis Oxoniae ... sep.
" Mar. 2. Nicholaus Kenrick ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Johannes Corfield, f. Willimi et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Rogerus Leake, infans ... sep.

fol. 131.

Anno Dom. 1626.

1626, Mar. 26. David, fil. Johannis et Janae [sic] ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Maria, f. Edvardi et Aliciae Barber ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Edvardus, f. Henrici et Katherina Gough ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Richardus Poyner ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Thomas Barber ... sep.
" Apr. 21. Johannes, f. Thomae et Janae Nickols ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Jocosa, f. Thomae et Jonae Tisdale ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Anna Poyner ... sep.
" May 3. Anna, f. Willimi et Annae Dennies ... bap.
" May 6. Anna, ux. Willimi Dennis ... sep.
" May 22. Abraham, f. Thomae et Katherinae Preece ... bap.
" May 23. Elizabetha, f. Henrici et Dorethiae Heyward ... bap.
" May 28. Johannes, f. Johannis et Jocosae Rutter ... bap.
" May 30. Elizabetha, f. Willimi et Beatriciae Lee ... bap.
" May 30. Edwardus Browne ... sep.
" June 5. Sara, f. Richardi et Janae Cowper ... bap.
" June 7. Willimus Gardner et Margaret Roberts ... nup.
" June 11. Anna Hamond ... sep.
" June 13. Franciscus Hues et Jocosa Weale ... nup.
" June 21. Georgius, f. Johannis et Annae Handes ... bap.
" July 1. Johannes Bland ... sep.
" Aug. 6. Thomas, f. Davidis et Powel [sic] ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Elizeus Thomas et Magdalene Jones ... nup.
" Aug. 15. Jona Spilsburie ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Jana Nicholas ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Richardus et Paulus, gemelli, filii Richardi et Jocosae Partridg ... bap.
Die sequente supradictus Paulus ... sep.

116 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1626

1626, Aug. 29. Maria Walker ... sep.
" Sep. 2. Jasperus Titley ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Johannes, f. Georgii et Jonae Newal ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Georgius Handes, infans ... sep.
" Sep. 17. Margaret Corbet ... sep.
" Oct. 5. Richardus, f. Thomae et Elizabethae Owens ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Simon, f. Simonis et Margaret' Butcher ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Elizabetha, f. Richardi et Jocosae Peers ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Margaret, f. Richardi et Elizabethae Owens ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Franciscus Adams, armiger ... sep.
" Oct. 22. Rogerus, f. Rogeri et Luciae Worral ... bap.

fol. 132.

Regno Regis Caroli secundo.

" Oct. 22. Edvardus, f. Edvardi et Mariae Will'ims ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Johannes, f. Johannis et Annae Brown ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Edwardus, f. Jacobi et Margaret' Cowlton ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Alicia, f. Danielis Harnage ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Elionora, f. Johannis et Elionorae Chorlton ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Rogerus Gittins ... sep.
" Jan. 18. Maria, f. Johannis et Elizabethae Teage ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Willimus, f. Willi et Margaret' Gardner ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Philemon, f. Edvardi et Annae Porter ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Thomas Heyward ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Infans, filius Richardi et Mariae Taylor ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Jone Meele ... sep.
" Feb. 20. Reginaldus, f. Elizabethae uxoris Oeni Foxe ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Johannes, f. Richardi et Sarae Langford ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Anna, f. Richardi et Jonae Nickols ... bap.
" Mar. 1. [blank], Downton, vidua ... sep.
" Mar. 4. Richardus, f. Willi et Mariae Taylor ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Elizabethae, f. Johannis Gardner ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Willim: ap David ... sep.
" Mar. 10. Richardus, f. Simonis et Jonae Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 59. Thomas, f. Thomae et Ciciliae Pitts ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Maria Hues ... sep.
" Mar. 21. Gwenna Corbet ... sep.

1627] Pontesbury. 117

1626, Mar. 23. Maria Teage, infans ... sep.

fol. 133.

Anno Dom. 1627. Regis Caroli tertio.

1627, Mar. 26. Willelmus et Margareta Wood, gemelli, filii Thom et Elnorae Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Jenkin et Cecilia Davies [sic] ... nup.
" Mar. 28. Edmundus Tipton, portionarius tertius ecclesiae Pontesburiae, sepult. vicisimo octavo die.
" Apr. 8. Willielmus Wood, infans ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Willelmus Shuker, f. Henrici et Katherinae ... bap.
" May 31. Johanna White, f. Thomae et Margaretae ... bap.
" June 3. Martha Warter, f. Hugonis et Margaretae ... bap.
" June 3. Reginaldus Foxe, infans ... sep.
" June 30. Rogerus Corbet et Maria Goahe ... nup.
" July 3. Willelmus Appleberrie et Elizabetha Humphreys ... nup.
" July 16. Eliz. Carter, f. Jacobi et Doritheae ... bap.
" July 19. Robertus Humphreys ... sep.
" Aug. 9. Sara Gittins, f. Willimi et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Maria Willims, f. Humfridi et Aliciae ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Jona Goahe ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Willelmus Buther ... sep.
*Samuelis Diggory, fillius Rowlandus et Maria baptizatus fuit tertio die Septembris, anno domini 1626.
" Sep. 3. Eliz. Handes, f. Johannis et Annae ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Cicelia Higgons, f. Richardi et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Edwardus Blakewey ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Richardus et Edwardus Browne, gemelli, f. Willimi et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Willelmus Spilsbury et Eliz. Daye ... nup.
" Oct. 28. Dorithea Leake, f. Andreae et Margeriae ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Petrus Crumpton, f. Thomae et Aliciae ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Alicia Beddoe, f. Johannis et Jocosae ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Rowlandus Gittins et Elnora Goahe ... nup.
" Nov. 1. Edwardus Bromley ... sep.
" Nov. 20. Maria Willims, f. Hugonis et Luciae ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Richardus Barber, f. Edvardi et Aliciae ... bap.

* Written on the margin with different ink by a rather illiterate hand.

118 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1627

1627, Dec. 2. Jona Fewtrel, f. Edvardi et Jocosae ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Richardus Wilcoxe ... sep.
" Jan. 2. Willielmus Litherland, f. Willimi et Aliciae ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Maria Corbet, f. Reginaldi et Mariae ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Alicia Beddoe, infans ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Edmundus Browne, infans ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Jana Harries, f. Rogeri et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Reecius Olivers ... sep.

fol. 134.

" Feb. 14. Johannes Burges ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Abigail Browne, f. Johannis et Thomasiae ... bap.
*Willelmus, filius Edmundi Medlicot ultimo die ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Maria Wood, f. Randulphi et Susannae ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Martha Heyward, f. Henrici et Doritheae ... bap.
1628, Mar. 25. Joanna Dawes, f. Rogeri et Catherinae ... bap.
" Mar. 25. [blank], uxor Davidis Boyer, eodem die ... sep.
" Mar. 30. Elnora Corfield, f. Willimi et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Joanna Jeffes, vidua, ultimo die Martii ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Thomas Turner, f. Francisci et Annae ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Petrus Bland, f. Willimi et Sarae ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Jona Milward, vidua ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Johannes Cowper, f. Richardi et Janae ... bap.
" May 4. Samuel Evans, f. Johannis et Eliz. ... bap.
" May 8. Anna Evans, f. Rogeri et Eliz: ... bap.
" May 11. Johannes Griffiths, f. Rich. et Eliz. ... bap.
" May 16. Anna Roe, ux. Rogeri ... sep.
" May 22. Johannes Teage, f. Johannis et Eliz. ... bap.
" May 25. Elizabetha Meele, f. Simonis et Brigidae ... bap.
" June 4. Thomas Turner, infans ... sep.
" June 9. Thomas Hood et Martha Harries ... nup.
" June 25. Willielmus Mansel, f. Abrahamae et Katherinae ... bap.
" July 8. Willimus Lake, f. Richardi et Elizabethae ... bap.
" July 13. Maria Llewellen, f. Rich. et Dorethiae ... bap.
" July 26. Johannes Willcoxe, f. Simonis et Jocosae ... bap.
" July 28. Henricus Corbet, f. Rich. et Elnorae ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Maria Teage, infans ... sep.
" Aug. 10. Johannes Griffiths ... sep.

* Inserted by another hand.

1629] Pontesbury. 119

1628, Sep. 28. Richardus Chorlton, f. Johannis et Elnorae ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Maria Corbet, f. Rogeri et Mariae ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Maria Lloyd, f. Thom et Ciciliae ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Jona Hodges ... sep.
" Oct. 26. Richardus Crosse, f. Willimi et Elnorae ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Willimus Lake, infans ... sep.
" Nov. 1. Johannis Bloore et Elizabetha Handes ... nup.

fol. 135.

Regno Regis Caroli quarto et quinto.

" Nov. 2. Alexander Powel et Margeria Eyton ... [blank]
" Nov. 14. Simon Davies de Hinton ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Henricus Heines et Jocosa Wilcoxe ... nup.
" Nov. 24. Jacobus Morris, f. Thom et Elnorae ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Johannes Appleburie, f. Will. et Eliz. ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Eliz. Blakewey, vidua ... sep.
" Dec. 2. Rich. Cowper, f. Will. et Susannae ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Jona Burley, ux. Johannis Burley ... sep.
" Dec. 7. Maria Hood, f. Thomae et Marthae ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Dorethia Browne, f. Humfridi et Dianae ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Maria Rogers ... sep.
" Jan. 6. Jana Barker als. Griffiths ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Alicia Crosse ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Sara Griffith, f. Georgii et Margaret ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Johannes Buther, infans ... sep.
" Jan. 18. Katherina Huson, f. Richardi et Brigidae ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Rogerus Davies et Margareta Phillips ... nup.
" Feb. 2. Richardus Phips et Eliz. Smith ... nup.
" Feb. 2. Jana Mawnde ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Johannes Cowcloe, infans ... sep.
" Feb. 26. Sara Griffiths, infans ... sep.
" Mar. 16. Eliz. Davies, f. Simonis defuncti et Johannae relict ... bap.
1629, Mar. 27. Anna Teage, vidua ... sep.
" Mar. 28. Willelmus Partridge, f. Richardi et Jocosae ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Margareta Davies ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Johannes Mehin, Sallopiensis ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Humfridus Peers, f. Richardi et Jocosae ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Idem Humfridus ... sep.

120 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1629

1629, Apr. 20. Jana Burley, vidua ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Evannus Morgan ["pauper" written in the margin] ... sep.
" Apr. 28. Katherina Llewellen ... sep.
"+ Apr. 30. Richardus Peers, f. Richard et Elnorae ... bap.
"+ May 1. Elizabetha Phips, f. Richardi ... bap.
" May 1. Uxor Thomae Glaze ... sep.
" May 3. Elizabetha Kinnaston ... sep.
" May 13. Elizabetha Powel, f. Alexandri et Margeriae ... bap.
" May 17. Franciscus Tisedale, f. Thomae et Jonae ... bap.
" May 31. Richardus Watson et Jana Gibbons ... nup.
" May 31. Jacobus Butcher, infans ... sep.
" June 16. Margaret Phipps, f. Richardi et Elnorae ... bap.
" July 3. Hester Corbet, generosa ... sep.
" July 13. Elnor Poynter, f. Roberti et Annae ... bap.

*fol. 136.

Anno Regni Regis Caroli quinto.

" Aug. 27: Jona Whakeley, infans ... sep.
" Aug. 15. William Deintie ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Edward Phillips, infans ... sep.
" Aug. 30. Maria Warter, f. Hugonis et Margaret ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Willimus Norton, f. Richardi et Jonae ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Thomas Suker, f. Henrici et Mariae ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Elenora Nickols, f. Richardi et Jonae ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Georgius Griffiths de Siberscot ... sep.
" Sep. 18. Georgius Palmer ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Richardus Peers, infans ... sep.
" Sep. 25. Elnor Nickols, infans ... sep.
" Sep. 27. Eliz. Teage, f. Willimi et Mariae ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Eadem Elizabetha ... sep.
"* Oct. 11. Anna Gittins, f. Rowlandi et Elnorae ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Johannes Teage, infans ... sep.
" Oct. 18. Alicia Hodges ... sep.
" Oct. 31. Hugo Nevil ... sep.
" Nov. 15. Henricus Corbet, f. Rogeri et Mariae ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Thomas Downe ... sep.
" Dec. 19. Margerie Lloyd ... sep.
" Dec. 20. Maria Woodde, f. Thomae et Elnorae ... bap.

+ Inserted in another hand.
* Gilbeart Cole, Rect; has been written across this page, and "Annae Gittins, Rosae" scribbled by one entry, and then apparently rubbed out with a finger.

1630] Pontesbury. 121

1629, Dec. 29. Margareta Onslowe, vidua ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Elizabetha Fewtrel, f. Edwardi et Jocosae ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Nathaniel Meele, f. Willimi et Annae ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Elnora Gittoes, f. Thomae et Eliz. ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Willelmus Walker, f. Rogeri et Jonae ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Thomas Corbet, f. Reginaldi et Mariae ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Margaret Carswel, f. Roberti et Mariae ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Maria Wildinge, f. Matthai et Rebeckae ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Cicelia Hinley, f. Thomae et [blank]... bap.
" Feb. 29. Katherina Roe, f. Rogeri et [blank] ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Maria Willims, f. Edwardi et Mariae ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Robertus Gardner, f. Will. et Annae ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Arthurus Barker, f. Will. et [blank]... bap.
" Mar. 2. Richardus Llewellen, secundo die ... sep.
" Mar. 23. David Hodges ... sep.

fol. 137.

Anno Dom. 1630. Anno Regni Regis Caroli sexto.

" Mar. 23. Hester, f. ut fertur, Johannis ap Thomas et Eliz. Crocket ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Willielmus Gittins ... sep.
" Apr. 18. Kath. Roe, infans ... sep.
" Apr. 20. Thomas Corfield, f. Willimi et Elnorae ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Willielmus Rider ... sep.
" Apr. 27. [blank] Lake, infans ... sep.
" Apr. 28. Martha Burley, f. Thomae et Mariae ... bap.
" May 6. Richardus Langford ... sep.
" May 8. Thomas Nickols ... sep.
" May 11. Richardus Morris ... sep.
" May 18. Jacobus Carter ... sep.
" May 19. Eliz. Poyner ... sep.
" May 25. Johannes Poyner ... sep.
" May 29. Margeria Smithe ... sep.
" June 17. Abigail Browne, f. Johannis et [blank] ... bap.
" July 6. Johannes Hynley, infans ... sep.
" July 9. Uxor Richardi Barker als. Griffis ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Richardus Peers, f. Richardi et Jocosae ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Catherina Marson, f. Richardi et Mariae ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Rebecka Chorlton, f. Johannis et Elinorae ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Richardus Harries de Crukton, gen: ... sep.
" Sep. 12. Oenus Leake, f. Andrea et Margeriae ... bap.

122 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1630

1630, Sep. 17. Sara Teage, f. Thomae et Elinorae ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Oenus Worral, f. Rogeri et Luciae ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Thomas Blande, f. Willmi et Sarae ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Richardus Blakeway et Anna [blank], nupt' apud Longden.
" Oct. 1. Nonnyley Heyward, f. Henrici et Doritheae ... [blank]
" Oct. 8-9. Elnora Taylor, f. Willimi et Mariae bapt' 8 die et sepult.' 9 die.
" Oct. 10. Jana Teage, f. Willimi et Mariae ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Maria et Martha Teage, gemella, filiae Johannis et Eliz. ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Johannes Richards et Margaret Evans ... nup.
" Nov. 13. Martha Whood, f. Thomae et Martha ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Nonnyley Hayward, infans ... sep.
" Nov. 31. Anna Parry, f. Davidis et Mariae ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Willelmus Wood de Longdon ... sep.

fol. 138.

Regis Caroli septimo.

" Jan. 13. Elionora Nickols, f. Richardi et Jonae ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Uxor Roberti Phillips, gen: ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Rich. Peers, infans ... sep.
" Jan. 18. Anna Corbet, vidua ... sep.
" Jan. 19. Maria Littleale, vidua ... sep.
" Jan. 20. Maria Lake, infans ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Saml. Digorie, f. Rowlandi et Mariae ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Paupercula quadam ignota ... sep.
" Feb. 11. Uxor Willimi Meele ... sep.
" Feb. 13. Willm. Wilcoxe, f. Willimi et Jocosae ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Josephus Harries, f. Rogeri et [blank] ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Reginaldus Nicklas, f. Roberti et Annae ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Arthurus Mereddith et Eliz. Goahe ... nup.
" Mar. 1. Jana Griffiths ... sep.
"* Mar. 4. Gulielmus, f. Henrici et Doretheae Heuard ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Willielmus Dawes, f. Rogeri et Blanchiae ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Eliz. Evans, f. Rogeri et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Nathaniel Porter ... sep.
1631, Apr. 1. Izaak Eyton ... sep.

* Inserted by another hand.

1631] Pontesbury. 123

1631, Apr. 11. Thomas Gittoes, f. Thomae et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Sara Huson, f. Richardi et Brigidae ... bap.
" May 1. Jacobus Rider, f. Jacobi et [blank] ... bap.
" May 7. Anna Mathewes, infans ... sep.
" May 8. Anna Roberts ... sep.
" June 13. Jona Roberts ... sep.
" July 27. Franciscus Griffiths, infans ... sep.
" July 29. Richardus Harries de Lea ... sep.
" Aug. 13. Amia Barber ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Will. Gennoe et Jana Harries (per bannae) ... nup.
" Aug. 28. Nathaniel Hues, f. Willimi et Margaret' ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Martha Richards, f. Johannis et Margaret' ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Thomas Browne, f. Johannis et Thomasiae ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Elizeus Powlston, gen: ... sep.
" Sep. 29. Anna Willims ... sep.

fol. 139.

Regis Caroli septimo.

" Oct. 3. Edwardus Burley, f. Thomae et Mariae ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Martha Richards, infans ... sep.
" Oct. 20. Edwardus Rider et Dorethia Downe ... nup.
" Oct. 20. Richardus Cowper et Anna Griffiths ... nup.
" Nov. 1. Elizabetha Gibbons, filia Francisci, sacrae theologiae doctor ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Jana Mansel, f. Samuelis et Sarae uxor ejus ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Thomas Deyes et Margareta Bromley ... nup.
" Nov. 13. Johannes Evans, f. Johannis et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Anus qumdam peregrina nomine Croft ... sep.
" Dec. 27. Vidua Blande ... sep.
" Dec. 27. Edwardus Davies, f. Rogeri et Margaret' ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Johannes Nickols, f. Thomae Nickols, gen. et Mariae ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Blanchia Willims ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Jona Walker ... sep.
" Feb. 1. Richardus Taylor ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Petrus Winne ... sep.

124 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1631

1631, Feb. 26. Margareta Dawes, f. Samuelis et Margaretae ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Willelmus Marson, f. Richardi et Mariae ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Thomas Underhil, f. Johannis et Mariae ... bap.
"* Mar. 24. Thomas, f. Thomae Pasand et Sarae, ux. ejus ... bap.
" Mar. 14. [blank], f. Richardi Peerse ... bap.
1632, Apr. 1. Humfridus Leake ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Willielmus Harris, f. Rogeri et [blank] ... bap.
" May 1. Richardus Wainewright et Jana Cleighton ... nup.
" May 18. Phmlice Goodall, f. Reighnaldi et Johannae ... bap.
" May 28. Georgius Morris et Margaretta Gittins ... nup.
" June 2. Willielbus Sucker, f. Rogerus [sic] et [blank] ... bap.
" June 7. Samuelis Mansel, f. Samuelis et Sarae ... sep.
" June 14. Franciscus, f. Richardus [sic] Scoote ... bap.
" June 30. Thomas Beynion et Maria Tayler ... nup.
" July 1. Samuell Bather, f. Thomas ... bap.
" July 5. Richardus Gittonce, f. Thomas et Elizabeth ... bap.
" July 9. Jone Corfild, f. Gulielmi et Elnorae ... bap.
" July 18. Gul. Littleale, f. Francisci ... bap.
" July 18. Gresam Beddowe et Maria Underwood ... nup.
" July 25. Uxor Thomae Polmer ... sep.
" July 30. Thomas Poulton, f. Jacobi ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Alexandria Toppe, filius Lingen Toppe ... sep.
" Aug. 12. Thomas Meelert, f. [blank] ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Jacobus Warter, f. Hugonis ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Edwardus Evans et Jacobus [sic] Davies, nupti sunt.

fol. 140.

Regis Caroli septimo.

" Sep. 8. Filia Rhicardi Couper ... sep.
" Sep. 10. Thomas Couper, filia [sic] Richardi ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Thomas, f. Roberti Nicholas ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Richardus, f. Johannis Hanes ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Eliz. Teage, ux. Johannis ... sep.
" Oct. 10. Debora Burley ... sep.
" Oct. 20. Fillia Petri Addames ... sep.

* The writing changes and the entries are made by five different hands, concluding with a good court hand, which continues to the end of 1633.

1633] Pontesbury. 125

1632, Oct. 23. Richardus, f. Johannis Richardson ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Johannes, f. Gulielmi Teage ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Robertus Phillips, f. Roberti et Frances ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Ursilawe Browne ... sep.
" Nov. 27. Katrina Owens ... sep.
" Dec. 5. Sara, f. Rogeri Corbet ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Johannes Meele ... sep.
" Dec. 8. Gulielmus, f. Roberti Casuall ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Simon Wilcoks ... sep.
" Dec. 28. Martha, f. Mathei Wilding ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Johannes, f. Alexandri Powell ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Thomas, f. Richardi Nichols ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Johannes Underwood ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Elnor, f. Thomae Tysdale ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Willielmus Onslowe, f. Rogeri ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Maria, f. Georij Morris ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Filius Jacobi Rider ... sep.
" Feb. 13. Johannes Davies et Winfred Sanky ... nup.
" Feb. 21. Filia Mathaei Davies ... sep.
" Mar. 3. Filius et filia Rogeri Roe ... sep.
" Mar. 3. Sara Langford, f. Richardi ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Johannes Hodgesse et Margareta Olivers ... nup.
" Mar. 5. Gulielmus, f. Thomae Hood ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Rogerus Phips, f. Richardi ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Jocosa, f. Gulielmi Gardner ... bap.
1633, Apr. 1. Thomas, f. Richardi Nichols ... sep.
" Apr. 17. David Burgesse ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Uxor Mathi Davies ... sep.

fol. 141.

Regis Caroli octavo.

" June 10. Gulielmus, f. Thomae Price ... bap.
" June 12. Gulielmus Tourner ... sep.
" June 20. Franciscus, f. Samuelis Mauncell ... bap.
" June 23. Jone Kocks ... sep.
" June 30. John Hannes ... sep.
" July 1. Katherina, f. Henrici Shuker ... bap.
" July 11. Winifreda Tourner, *socrus Johannis Price ... sep.
" July 11. Petrus, f. Gulielmi Bland ... sep.
" July 16. Jana, *socrus Eliz. Crocket ... sep.

* Socrus means "father-in-law" or "mother-in-law."

126 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1633

1633, July 16. Eduardus ap Thomas et Jana Phips ... nup.
" July 30. Wid. Heighway ... sep.
" Aug. 4. Sislia, f. Gulielmi Litherland ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Johannes, f. Rogeri Evans ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Samuelis, f. Thomae Teage ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Humfridus Williames ... sep.
" Sep. 1. Johannes, f. Thomae Bather ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Richardus Lister ... sep.
" Sep. 4. Johannes, f. Francisci Tourner ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Deborah, f. Thomae Gittoes ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Thomas, f. Andraei Leake ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Thomas Pughe et Maria Correll ... nup.
" Oct. 4. Martha, f. Nicholas [blank] ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Sislia, f. Gulielmi Litherland ... sep.
" Oct. 22. Thomas, f. Andraei Leake ... sep.
" Nov. 3. Dorothea, ux. Reignaldi Corbet generosi ... sep.
" Nov. 3. Mr. Clough, sepult eodem die.
" Nov. 9. Richardus Crosse, *apud Westbury ... sep.
" Nov. 13. Abrahamus Collcot et Margaretta Browne ... nup.
" Nov. 23. Elinora Watson ... sep.
" Dec. 1. Samuelis, f. Rich. Peerse, gener. ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Reignaldus, f. Richardi Huston ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Margarie, f. Gressum Bedowe ... sep.
" Dec. 19. Maria, f. Mathaei Wilding ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Gulielmus Browne ... sep.
" Dec. 28. Rolandus, f. Edvardi Roberts ... bap.

fol. 142.

" Jan. 15. Nathaniell, f. Henrici Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Ursula Mansell, vid. ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Anna, ux. Johannis Davyes ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Rogerus, f. Rogeri Dawes ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Abigal, f. Rogeri Burley, gener. ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Johannes, f. Johannis Richards ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Daniel, f. Georgii Powell ... bap.
1634, Apr. 6. Deborah, f. Eduardi Broome ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Maria, f. Richardi Gittoes ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Jocosa, ux. Roberti Foden ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Samuell, f. Samuelis Dawes ... Imp.
" May 1. Edwardus Ditcher et Margareta Rogers ... nup.
" May 2. Franciscus, f. Samuelis Mauncell ... sep.

* Added in different ink.

1634] Pontesbury. 127

1634, May 18. Jana, f. Gulielmi Dennis ... sep.
" May 22. Petrus, f. Rogeri Davyes ... bap.
" June 1. Richardus, f. Edmundi Medlicot ... bap.
" June 1. Jana, f. Rogeri Wallker ... sep.
" June 5. Samuel, f. Samuelis Dawes ... sep.
" June 7. Phmlice, f. Reignaldi Gooddall ... sep.
" June 12. Rolandus, f. Edwardi ap Thomas ... bap.
" June 13. Jocosa Preece, vidua ... sep.
" June 19. Richardus, f. Johannis Harries ... sep.
" June 19. [blank], filia Gulielmi Applebury ... sep.
" June 19. Johannes Davyes et Alicia ap Richard ... nup.
" June 23. Gulielmus Litherland ... sep.
" June 24. Arthurus Powell de Hynton ... sep.
" June 26. Rogerus Jones et Alicia Williams ... nup.
" July 1. Jacobus, f. Hugonis Warter ... sep.
" July 3. Johannes Betchott ... sep.
" July 30. Robertus, f. Roberti Passand ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Thomas Harries et Jana Jones ... nup.
" Aug. 7. Richardus Peerse et Eliz: Mansfield ... nup.
" Aug. 31. Eliz: f. Gulielmi Phillips ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Hester, f. Thomae Reignolds de Longdon, Ludimagistri ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Maria, f. Mathei Davyes ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Shusanna, f. Richardi Longford ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Alicia Litherland et Richardus Fallowes ... nup.
" Oct. 9. Hugo, f. Gulielmi Corfeild ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Eliz. Meredith ux. Arthuri ... sep.
" Nov. 17. Daniel, f. Johannis Browne ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Franciscus, f. Edwardi Ecclesshall ... sep.
" Nov. 21. Reignaldus, f. Florentii Typton ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Richardus Filly et Elizabetha Croft ... nup.

fol. 143.

" Dec. 11. Thomas, f. Richardi Cowper ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Elinora, ux. Hugonis Warter ... sep.
" Dec. 17. Susanna Clough de Minsterley ... sep.
" Dec. 25. Johannes, f. Reignaldi Corbett ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Alexander, f. Alexandri Powell ... bap.
"* Dec. 30. Maria Corbett, ux. Rogeri Corbett de Pontesb: gener: ... sep.
" Jan. 12. Cicelia Hynley ... sep.

* Written in larger letters.

128 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1634

1634, Jan. 15. Elizabetha, f. Rogeri Poyner ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Johannes, f. Richardi Marson ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Rogerus Heighway ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Isaack, f. Richardi Scott, generosi ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Phelice, f. Richardi Niccolls ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Anna, ux. Richardi Higgons ... sep.
" Feb. 3. Phaelicia, f. Richardi Niccolls ... sep.
" Feb. 3. Reighnaldus Griffiths ... sep.
" Feb. 4. Eduardus, f. Gulielmi Teage ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Richardus, f. Johannis Teage ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Eliz. Pugh ... sep.
" Feb. 19. Thomas, f. Rogeri Burley, gen. ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Johannes, f. Abrahami Calcott ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Willielmus Walker de Longdon ... sep.
" Mar. 9. Johannes Burley de Asterley ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Arthurus Meredith ... sep.


1635, April 17. Sara, fil. Francisci Turner ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Elizabetha, f. Andr: et Margerie Leake ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Elizabetha, f. Jacobi Colton ... bap.
" May 6. Johes, f. Mathaei Wilding ... bap.
" May 15. Radulphus, f. Gulielmi Gittins ... bap.
" May 19. Elizabetha, f. Reignoldi Goodall ... bap.
" May 25. Sara, f. Johis Chorton ... bap.
" June 17. Eduardus, f. Samuelis Mauncell ... bap.
" June 20. Alicia, ux. Thomae Gittins ... sep.
" July 9. Robertus, f. Thomae Gittoes ... bap.
" July 27. Richardus Partridge ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Ellenora, f. Rogeri Corbett ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Martha, f. Thomae Teage ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Thomas Paumer ... sep.
" Sep. 6. Johes, f. Johis Minshoe, spurius ... bap.
" Sep. 12. ... duo decimo die.

[This last entry, all but the date, is cut off in the binding of the book.]

fol. 144.

" Sep. 15. Robertus, f. Roberti Nicholas ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Elizabetha, f. Rogeri Harries ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Gideon, f. Eduardi Evans ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Thomas, f. Eduardi Roberts ... bap.

* The names of the churchwardens are added in the margin by another hand which continues the register till the next entry of churchwardens.

1636] Pontesbury. 129

1635, Nov. 13. Richardus, f. Johis Asterley ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Elinora, f. Richardi Harries et Abigail uxor ejus ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Rogerus, f. Johannis Sturchley ... sep.
" Dec. 24. Maria, f. Thomae Crosse, senior: ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Margaretta, f. Gulielmi Higgons ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Eduardus, f. Thomae Hood ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Nicholas Fewtrell ... sep.
" Feb. 8. Rogerus Burley, gen. ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Thomas, f. Eduardi Robters ... sep.
" Mar. 11. Thomas Carelesse ... sep.
" Mar. 24. Thomas, f. Johis Teage ... bap.


1636, Apr. 3. Abigayla, f. Gulielmi Gardner ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Jana Collet als. Rogers ... sep.
" May 2. Tho: Perkins et Margaret Roberts ... nup.
" May 3. Thomas Boulton et Alicea Phipps ... nup.
" May 3. Eliz. Humpech ... sep.
" May 4. Richus Perkin et Jona Thomas ... nup.
" May 4. William Greene et Katherine Salsbury ... nup.
" May 8. Raphe Stedman ... sep.
" May 11. Martha, f. Willialimi Couper et Susanae ... sep.
" May 15. Jana, f. Willielmi Huson ... bap.
" May 22. Richardus, f. Thomae Tisedell ... bap.
" May 22. Johannes, f. Edwardi Fewtrell ... bap.
" May 29. Beniaminus, f. Roberti Warter ... bap.
" June 12. Will., f. Roberti Thomas et Elizabethae ... bap.
" July 1. Filia Francisci Turner ... sep.
" July 27. Jana Henley ... sep.
" July 20. Davidus, f. Johis Boyer ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Anna Rogers de Asterley ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Anna, f. Rogeri et Dianae Anslow ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Thomas Pearce de Lea ... sep.
" Sep. 12. Abigal, f. Willimi Gardner ... sep.
" Sep. 12. Edwardus, f. Edwardi Onslow ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Willus Burd de Longdon ... sep.
" Oct. 9. Johes, f. Thomae Underwood ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Susanna Blakwey ... sep.

fol. 145.

" Nov. 1. Jonathan, f. Rogeri Gwin, apud Longdon ... bap.

130 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1636

1636, Nov. 4. Elizabetha, f. Gulielmi Clearke et Mariae ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Jana, f. Richardi et Briget Huson ... sep.
" Nov. 11. Willielmus, f. Danieli Beddow et Margaritae ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Anna Winne ... sep.
" Nov. 20. Gulielmus, f. Johis Evans et Mariae ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Jana, f. Abrahami Harries et Janae ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Samuell, f. Abrahami Williams et Joanae ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Letice, f. Rogeri Davies et Margaretae ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Richardus, f. Richardi Nicholas et Jonae ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Katherina Bayly ... sep.
" Jan. 8. Willimus, f. Willimi Higgons et Janae ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Josephus Cholton et Anna Browne ... nup.
" Jan. 23. Henricus Dager et Maria Littlehale ... nup.
" Jan. 29. Maria, ux. Johannis Teague ... sep.
" Jan. 31. Martha, f. Gulielmi et Katherinae Rider ... bap.
" Feb. 12. . Richardus, f. Davidis et Mariae ap Hugh ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Samuell, f. Johannis et Margaretae Richards ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Johannes Yeardley et Hester Evans ... nup.
" Feb. 19. Thomas, f. Thom Henley et Aliciae ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Thomas, f. Francisci Otiley, armigeri, et Luciae ux. ejus ... sep.
" Mar. 21. Robertus, f. Thomae Gittoes et Elizabethae ... sep.


Anno Dom. 1637. Anno Charoli Dom. nostri regio 13.

1637, Apr. 7. Robertus, f. Edwardi Typton et Annae ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Idem Robertus, f. Edwardi Typton, gen. ... sep.
" Apr. 11. Richardus, f. Abrahami Calcott et Margarettae ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Thomas, f. Richardi Gittoes et Jocosae ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Rogerus Hughes et Margaretta Lewis ... nup.
" May 1. Franciscus, f. Rogeri Poyner et Mariae ... bap.
" May 7. Anna Hannes, vid. ... sep.
" May 11. Franciscus Dorsett de Pulverbatch, et Ursula Bayly de Longdon ... nup.
" May 16. Elizabetha, f. Johannis Hanns et Annae ... sep.
" May 21. Joanna, ux. Georgii Newall ... sep.

1637] Pontesbury. 131

1637, May 29. Elinora, f. Thomae Howle et Katherinae ... sep.
" May 29. Richardus, f. Francisci Turner et Annae ... bap.
" May 30. Anna, f. Guliclmi Teage et Mariae ... bap.
" June 4. Elinora, f. Edmundi Medlicott et Elinorae ... bap.
" June 4. Anna, f. Edwardi Sympkis et Cyciliae ... bap.
" June 15. Samuel, f. Johannis Richards et Margarittae ... sep.
" June 25. Izabella, f. Rogeri Corbett et Mariae ... bap.
" June [?] 26. Maria, filia Richardi Cowper [?] et Janae ... bap.
[This entry has been cut off in the binding.]

fol. 146.

" July 9. Maria, f. Samuelis Hughson et Janae ... bap.
" July 13. Johannes, f. Richardi Leake de Asterley ... sep.
" July 17. Maria, f. Randulphi Wood et Shusannae ... sep.
" July 17. Georgius, f. Alexandri Powell et Margeriae ... bap.
" July 23. Richardus, f. Thomae Griffiths et Katherinae ... bap.
" July 30. Richardus, f. Francisci Boden et Elizabethae ... bap.
" July 31. Margaretta, ux. Rogeri Burley de Malehurst, gen: ... sep.
" Aug. 2. Maria, f. Richardi Cowper et Janae ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Franciscus Littleale de Longdon ... sep.
" Aug. 28. Gulielmus, f. Richardi Bennett et Janae ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Margaretta, ux. Richardi Everall ... sep.
" Sep. 18. Johannes Williams de Pontesbury ... sep.
" Sep. 26. Andraeas Hynley et Johanna Powell, ut dicitur, nupti fuerunt.
" Oct. 12. Gulielmus, f. Guiielmi Phillips et Katherinae ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Margaretta, f. Henrici Dager et Mariae ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Edwardus, f. Johannis Browne et Thomasinae ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Thomas, f. Johannis Bennett ... sep.
" Nov. 23. Ursula, f. Josephi Charleton et Annae ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Maria, f. Thomae Benion et Mariae ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Elizabetha Eiton, vidua ... sep.

132 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1637

1637, Dec. 5. Arthurus Marsh et Fortuna Wright ... nup.
" Dec. 8. Georgius, f. Alexandri Powell et Margeriae ... sep.
" Dec. 11. Dorothaea Heyward, ux. Henrici Heyward ... sep.
" Dec. 14. Edwardus, f. Thomae et Margarettae Underwood ... sep. [sic]
" Dec. 20. Uxor Henrici Griffiths de Longdon ... sep.
" Dec. 21. Edwardus, f. Thomae Underwood, predict: ... sep.
" Dec. 21. Maria, f. Johannis Yardley et Hester ... bap. et ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Thomas, f. Davidis Hughes et Janae ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Franciscus, f. Jeremiae Lea et Elenorae ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Johannes Barrett ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Maria, f. Thomae Benion et Mariae ... sep.
" Jan. 5. Martha, f. Georgii Newall et Joannae ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi Burwev et Annae ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Jocosa Typton relicta Edmundi Typton, 3ae portionis Pontesburiensis nuper rectoris ... sep.
" Jan. 21. Amia Bromley, vidua ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Edwardus, f. Henrici Griffiths et Katherinae ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Petrus, f. Roberti Nicholas et Amiae ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Alexander, f. Johannis Teage et Margeriae ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Johannes Williams de Syberscott ... sep.
" Feb. 21. ... [?] Janae sepult. vicissimo primo die
[This entry is cut off in the binding.]

fol. 147.

" Feb. 24. Cornelius, f. Rogeri Daws et Blanchiae ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Edwardus Eccleshall de Longdon ... sep.
" Mar. 16. Johannes, f. Vincentii Underwood et Janae ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Abigala, f. Gulielmi Gardner et Margarettae ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Martha, f. Edwardi Typton et Ameae ... sep.
" Mar. 30. Gulielmus, f. Richardi Ph'es et Margarettae ... bap.


1638] Pontesbury. 133

1638, Apr. 4. Gulielmus, f. Roberti Warter et Elizab: ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Richardus Teage de Lea Crosse ... sep.
" Apr. 9. Samuel, f. Johannis Richards et Margarettae ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Howelus Davyes et Izabella Stephens ... nup.
" Apr. 11. Johannes Davyes de Pleley ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Johannes, f. Vincentii Underwood et Janae ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Humphredus, f. Andrmm Leake et Margeriae ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Elizabetha Higgons, relicta Richardi Higgons, Salopiensis ... sep.
" May 9. Richardus, f. Gulielmi Corfield et Ellinorae ... bap.
" May 26. Idem Richardus Corfield ... sep.
" May 22. Gulielmus Tayler de Oakes ... sep.
" May 23. Gemelli eujusdam advenae quae parturiit domo Johannis Charlton ... sep.
" May 27. Abigaile, f. Nicholai Hatton et Mariae ... bap.
" June 1. Maria, ux. Nicholai Hatton ... sep.
" June 13. Richardus, f. Symonis Williams et Elizabethae ... sep.
" June 24. Samuel, f. Thomae Whood et Marthae ... bap.
" June 28. Thomas, f. Mathaei Wilding et Rebeckae ... bap.
" July 1. Franciscus Reignalds et Elinora Willcox ... nup.
" July 15. Thomas, f. Roberti Nicholas et Annae ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Alicia, f. Galfridi et Elizabethae Smith ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Catherina Beawmond, paupercula ... sep.
" Sep. 6. Elizabetha Williams, vidua ... sep.
" Sep. 13. Infans inbaptizatus Richardi Bennet et Janae ... sep.
" Sep. 27. Abigaila, f. Nicholai Hatton et Mariae ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Richardus, f. Andrmm Hynley et Joannae ... bap.

fol. 148.

" Oct. 1. Margaretta, ux. Lingaini Topp de parochia Westbury, gener: ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Johannes Browne de Pontesbury ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Johannes Ryder ... sep.
" Oct. 11. Robertus, f. Thomae Gittoes et Elizabethae ... bap.

134 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1638

1638, Oct. 12. Martha, f. Francisci Evans et Jocosae ... sep.
" Oct. 12. Simon, f. Simonis Butcher et Margaret ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Gulielmus, f. Richardi Langford et Sarae ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Maria, f. Johannis Meredith et Jocosae ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Anna Gough, vidua ... sep.
" Nov. 12. Brigidia, f. Alexandri Powell et Margeriae ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Priscilla, f. Rogeri Evans et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Daniell, f. Danielis Beddow et Margarettae ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Richardus King, Radnorensis, gen: et Anna Mychell ... nup.
" Nov. 20. Rogerus Broadshew, Radnorensis, gen: et Dorothea Peerse ... nup.
" Nov. 20. Joanna Barnett ... sep.
" Nov. 26. Priscilla, f. Rogeri Evans et Elizabethae ... sep.
" Nov. 28. Maria Burley, ux. Thom Burley, gent: ... sep.
" Dec. 1. Infans cuiusdem Johannis Hughes de Asterley ... sep.
" Dec. 4. Reighnaldus Higgons, gen: ... sep.
" Dec. 6. Josephus, f. Francisci Evans et Jocosae ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Daniel, f. Danielis et Margarettae Beddow ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Martha, f. Thomae Niccolls, Armigeri, et Mariae ux. eius ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Gulielmus Corfeild ... sep.
" Dec. 24. Richardus, f. Willielmi Cowper ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Johannes, f. Richardi Hughsone et Brigidiae ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Galfredus Phillips ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Edmundus Medlicott de Pontesbury ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Katherina Ward, vidua, de Longdon ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Peregrinus quidam, pauper ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Richardus Higgons, senior, de Newnham ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Francisca, f. Roberti et Katherinae Foden ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Thomas Yonge et Elizabetha Will'ms ... nup.
" Feb. 17. Maria Jacks ... sep.
" Feb. 17. Thomas, f. Griffini Evans et Joannae ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Alicia, ux. Thom Crosse, junioris, de Longdon ... sep.

1639] Pontesbury. 135

1638, Feb. 23. Richardus Whood et Ellinora Walker ... nup.
" Feb. 28-9. Maria, f. Josephi Bennett et Ellinorae ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Mauriseus Lealand ... sep.
" Mar. 19. Maria, f. Josephi Bennett et Ellinorae ... sep.
" Mar. 25. Thomas, f. Richardi Niccolls et Joannae ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Elizabetha Fox, vidua ... sep.


fol. 149.

1639, Apr. 1. Thomas Harris ... sep.
" Apr. 16. Amia, f. Richardi Cowper et Janae ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Richard Waring et Elizabeth Rogers ... nup.
" Apr. 26. Maria, ux. Richardi Milward, sepulta una cum filia ejusdem Richardi et Mariae.
" Apr. 26. Maria, f. predicti Richardi et Mariae ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Johannes, f. Thomae Barber et Margarettae ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Willelmus Roberts et Ursula Morris ... nup.
" May 9. Nicholaus Hatton et Elinora Eyton ... nup.
" May 14. Margaretta Butcher, ux. Simonis ... sep.
" May 15. Infans quidam, filius cujusdam Lewisii Evans advenae et ux. ejus ... sep.
" June 9. Maria, f. Thomae Bromley et Margaretae ... sep.
" June 24. Sarah, f. Thomae Benion et Mariae apud Longdon ... bap.
" June 15. Reignaldus Corbett, generosus ... sep.
" June 20. Jesperus Williams de Ratlenhope, et Margaretta Sankey de Pontesbury ... nup.
" June 23. Maria, f. Thomae Price et Elizabethae ... bap.
" June 29. Petrus, f. Thomae Underwood et Margarettae ... bap.
" July 4. Idem Petrus, f. Thomae et Margarettae ... sep.
" July 11. Samuell, f. Richardi Perkin et Johannae ... bap.
" July 13. Richardus, f. Richardi Studley et Judith ... bap.
" July 17. Richardus, f. Richardi Clough, gent. et Franciscae ... bap.
" July 18. Johannes, f. Thomae Barber et Margarettae ... sep.
" Aug. 1. Cornelius, f. Richardi Bennett et Janae ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Idem Cornelius, ... sep.

136 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1639

1639, Aug. 5. Thomas Meredith et Elizabetha Poole ... nup.
" Aug. 5. Anna, f. Gulielmi Keene de Mynsterly, et Elinorae ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Gulielmus Spilsbury ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Elisbetha, f. Rogeri Davyes et Margarettae ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Johannes Parry de Longdon, subito casu trucidatus ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Gemelli filii Rogeri Harris et Elizab: ux: ejus quorum alter Thomas appellatus fuit, baptizatus fuit vicessimo die, alter vero sepult. eodem die.
" Sep. 20. Margaretta, f. Johannis Warter et Margarettae ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Thomas Denies ... sep.
" Oct. 10. Shusane, f. Edwardi Leawes et Earmine, ux. ejus ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Maria, filia Ricus Wainewritt et Jane ejus ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Steven Crosse, gent., de Longdon ... sep.
" Nov. 7. Anna, f. Thontae Passands et Sarae ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Ricardus Britton de Polmere ... sep.
" Nov. 14. Dorothea, f. Simon Williams et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Sara, f. Henrici Shuker et Katherinae ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thomas, f. Habrahami Genowe ... sep.

fol 150.

" Dec. 8. Rebecca, f. Habrahami et Janae Harries ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Carolus, f. Thomae Niccolls, Esq., et ux. ejus ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Ric'us, f. Johannis Teage et Margary ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Ric'us, f. Elice Jones et [blank] ...[blank]
" Dec. 17. Margreta Mincha de Longdon ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Maria, f. Rogerus [sic] Poyner et Maria [sic] ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Ales Evans, ux. Jo: Evans de Pleley ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Anne, f. Thomae Hinley et Ales ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Ric'us, f. Johannis Teage et Margary ... sep.
" Jan. 12. Thomas, f. Roberti Nic'las et Anne ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Petrus, f. Johannis Richardson et Margarettae ... bap.

1640] Pontesbury. 137

1639, Jan. 27. John Evans de Minsterley ... sep.
" Feb. 16. Johanes Teage de Lea ... sep.
" Feb. 28. Margareta, ux. Reignaldus Higgons de Edge ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Ricardus, f. Niclas Hatton et Elnor ... bap.
" Mar. iz. Maria, f. Willimi Benett et Thomason ... bap.
" Mar. 12. George, f. Georgius Nuall et Margaretta ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Willmus, f. Ricardus Crose et Anne ... sep.
" Mar. 16. John, f. Ricardus Pears et Joyes ... sep.


1640, Apr. 7. Petrus, f. Robert. Niclas et Anne ... sep.
" Apr. 7. Filia Frances Turner et Anne ... bap.
" May 14. Jana, f. Edwardi Roberts et Janae ... bap.
" May 22. Thomas, f. Roberti Nicholls et Annae ... sep.
" May 25. Elizabetha, f. Abrahami Calcott et Margarettae ... bap.
" May 28. Willm. Williams ... sep.
" May 31. Jacobus, f. Davidis Pugh et Mariae ... bap.
" June 4. Johannes, f. Thom Meredith et Elizab: ... bap.
" June 5. Margaretta Crumpton, vidua ... sep.
" June 11. Lucia, ux. Hugonis Willms ... sep.
" June 25. Samuel, f. Edwardi Typton et Amiae ... bap.
" June 29. Johannes, f. Matthaei Marsh et Margaret ... bap.

fol. 151.

" July 1. Petrus Waters, Clericus hujus Parochiae Pontesburiensis sepult. primo die.
" July 5. Richardus, f. Richardi Whood et Elinorae ... bap.
" July 19. Gulielmus Jones de Worthin, et Alicia Davyes de parochia Pontesburiensis ... nup.
" July 21. Henricus Gough de Worthin ... sep.
" July 25. Florence, sive Lowry, f. Johannis Morgan et Janae ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Mathaeus Marsh ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Gulielmus Gittins et Margaretta Applebury ... nup.
" Aug. 9. Margaretta, f. Danielis Beddow et Margarettae ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Edwardus, f. Thomae Barber et Margarettae ... bap.

138 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1640

1640, Aug. 9. Mauicius Price et Magdalena Jones ... nup.
" Aug. 16. Gulielmus, f. Johannis Charlton et Elinorae ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Margerya, ux. Thornx Corbett ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Catherina, f. Thomae Underwood et Margarettae ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Quidam spurius, cognomine Jacobus, filius cujusdam Jocosae Nicholls ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Edmundus Barnett ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Gulielmus Dennis et Eliz. Peerse ... nup.
" Sep. 27. Catherina, f. Willelmi Crosse et Annae ... bap.
[This entry has been crossed out and partly erased.]
" Oct. 4. Richardus et Ellinora gemell: fil: Gulielmi et Catherinae Rider ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Alicia, f. Johannis Horton et Susanae ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Richardus et Ellin gemelli p'dict: ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi Clark et Mariae ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Maria, f. Edwardi Evans et Janae ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Eduardus, f. Thomae Barber et Margarettae ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Burley, generosus ... sep.
" Nov. 28. Thomas, f. Johannis Cowkley et Marger: ... sep.
" Nov. 28. Margeria Leake ... sep.
" Nov. 29. Anna Pope ... sep.
" Nov. 28. Thomas Rogers de Pontesbury ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Thomas, f. Thome Whood et Marthae ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Cycilia, ux. Thomae Pitts ... sep.
" Dec. 17. Robertus Nicholls ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Maria, f. Richardi Diggory et Sarae ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Georgius Davyes de parochia West: et Anna Cleiton ... nup.
" Jan. 24. Anna Birche, paupercula ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Richardus Horton de Asterley ... sep.
" Feb. 2. David Boyer de parochia Westbury ... sep.
" Feb. 9. Martha, f. Francisci Reignalds et Elinorae ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Alexander, f. Francisci Adams, gener: et Margaret ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Thomas, f. Johannis Meredith et Jocosae ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Samuel, f. Richardi Waring et Elizab: ... bap.

1641] Pontesbury. 139

1640, Feb. 22. Martha, f. predicti Francisci Reignalds et Elinorae ... sep.
" Feb. 23. Thomas Errians alias Niccolls ... sep.
" Feb. 25. Maria, f. Richardi Gittoes et Jocosae ... sep.
" Feb. 26. Maria, f. ut fertur, Evani ap David et Ellinorae Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 30. Eadem Maria sepult. [Margin cut in binding.]

fol. 152.

" Mar. 2. Thomas Byrrington, armiger ... sep.
" Mar. 4. Richardus Whood de Newnham ... sep.
" Mar. 4. Maria, f. Gulielmi Gennow et Joannae ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Richardus Phipps ... sep.
" Mar. 9. Elizabetha, f. Johannis Peerse, gent. et Mariae ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Gemelli, f. Edwardi Scatte, Londonensis, et Blanchiae ... sep.
" Mar. 11. Richardus Rider ... sep.
" Mar. 11. Daniel Hanley de Westbury, et Elizabetha Bennet de Pontesbury ... nup.
" Mar. 18. Anna, f. Roberti Norgreave et Annae ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Willielmus, f. Rogeri Corbet et Mariae ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Katherina, ux. Davidis Williams, Minsterlensis ... sep.
1641, Mar. 29. Margeria, ux. Thomae Browne ... sep.
" Mar. 30. Richardus, f. Richardi Rogers et Catherinae ... bap.


" Apr. 25. Infans Roberti Nicolas et Annae ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Matthaeus, f. Mathei et Rebeccae Wilding ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Eduardus, f. Johannis Browne et Thomasinae ... sep.
" May 1. Katherina, f. Richardi Bennet ... bap.
" May 13. Maria, f. Thomae Gittoes et Elizab: ... bap.
" May 18. Anna, f. Henrici Griffiths et Sarae ... bap.
" May 25. Ludovicus, f. Willim Speake et Hester ... bap.
" May 25. Elinora, ux. Willimi Keene, Minsterlensis ... sep.
" May 30. Anna, f. Henrici Griffiths et Sarae ... sep.
" May 31. Johannes Beddow ... sep.
" June 1. Maria, f. Thomae at Eliz: Gittoes ... sep.
" June 6. Jenkinus Davyes ... sep.

140 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1641

1641, June 14. Arthurus, f. Gulielmi Phillipps et Catherinae ... bap.
" July 4. Elinora, f. Thomae Blakeway et Susan: ... bap.
" July 4. Isabella, f. Richardi Hughson et Brigidiae ... bap.
" July 6. Martha, f. Eduardi Typton, gen., et Amiae ... bap.
" July 11. Rogerus Gwinn de Longdon ... sep.
" July 30. Rebecca Clough de Minsterley, gen. ... sep.
" July 31. Hanna, f. Henrici Edwards et Ursulae ... sep.
" Aug. 4. Jana, f. Richardi et Joannae Niccolls ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Isabella Hughson, f. Richardi Hughson et Brigidiae ... sep.
" Oct. 13. Gulielmus Heynes de Hynton gener: ... sep.
" Oct. 20. Gulielmus Bland ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Gwenn Morris, paupercula ... sep.
" Oct. 25. Sarah, f. Henrici Powell et Janae ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Johannes Meeson de parochia Preston, et Blanchia Jones de parochia Pont. ... nup.
" Nov. 11. Richardus Parsons et Elinora Phipps ... nup.
" Nov. 14. Petrus, f. Samuelis Hughson et Janae ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Richardus Parsons ... sep.
" Nov. 25. Margaretta, f. Thomae Barbor et Margarettae ... bap.
" Dec. . Thomas Corbett de Knells, gener: ... sep.
[The date cut off in binding.]

fol. 153.

" Jan. 3. Beatrix, f. Richardi Barbor et Mariae ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Maria, f. Richardi Jones et Joannae ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Gulielmus Teage de Lea ... sep.
" Feb. 5. Matthaeus Teage ... sep.
" Feb. 9. Brigidia Lealand de Asterley ... sep.
" Feb. 9. Georgius Paynter ... sep.
" Feb. 14. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi Cowper et Susannae ... sep.
" Feb. 21. Reignaldus Price de Cardeston, et Caterina Peerse de Pont: ... nup.
" Feb. 23. Gulielmus Morgan de Chyrbury, et Gracia Phipps ... nup.
" Feb. 25. Infans, f. Thomae Meredith et Elizabethae ... sep.

1642] Pontesbury. 141

1641, Feb. 27. Sarah, f. Abrahami Harris et Janae ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Arthurus Ward de Hynton, gener. ... sep.
" Mar. 17. Wynifreda, ux. Richardi Reignalds ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Katherina Davyes, vidua ... sep.


1642, Mar. 27. Gracia, f. Rogeri Dawes et Blanchiae ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Johannes Rogers ... sep.
" Mar. 28. Catherina Browne de Longdon, vidua ... sep.
" Mar. 29. Johannes Errians alias Niccols, f. Thomas Niccols ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Maria Barrett, vidua ... sep.
" Apr. 18. Robertus Hynly ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Richardus, f. Richardi Howells et Elinorae ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Johannes Beddoe et Alicia Jarvis de Pontesbury, utrique ... nup.
" Apr. 27. Alicia, f. Johannis Horton et Susan: ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Margaretta, f. Thomae Barber et Margaret ... sep.
" May 4. Dorothaea, f. Samuelis Mansell et Sarae ... sep.
" May 5. Rogerus Phillips et Margaretta Gittins ... nup.
" May 9. Arthurus, f. Gulielmi Phillips et Catherinae ... sep.
" May 27. Johannes, f. Richardi Waynwright et Janae ... bap.
" May 29. Eduardus, f. Andreae Hynly et Jonae ... bap.
" May 31. Thomas, f. Gulielmi Rider et Catherinae ... bap.
" June 2. Richardus Browne, gent., et Alicia Heynes ... nup.
" June 4. Johannes Peerse de Pleley ... sep.
" June 4. Isabella, f. Rogeri Corbett et Mariae ... sep.
" June 5. Anna, f. Davidis Hughes et Janae ... bap.
" June 9. Maria, f. Rogeri Evans et Elizabethae ... bap.
" June 24. Gulielmus Boulton ... sep.
" July 3. Edwardus, f. Hugonis Williams et Johannae ... bap.
" July 17. Elinora, f. Francisci Reignolds et Elinorae ... bap.
" July 24. Samuel, f. Thomae Henley et Aliciae ... bap.
" July 27. Jana, ux. Henrici Powell ... sep.
" Aug. 1. Ruth, f. Abrahami Heighway et Franciscae ... bap.

142 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1642

1642, Aug. 28. Thomas, f. Thomae Underwood et [blank] ux. ejus ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Jonathan, f. Johannis Richards et Margarettae ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Francisca, f. Roberti Foden et Katherinae ... bap.
[The margin is cut here in binding, and possibly an entry is missing.]

fol. 154.

" Aug. 21. [Entry cut at tap of page.] Catherina, ux. Roberti Foden ... sep.
" Sep. 4. Maria, f. Thomae Davyes et Elizab: ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Thomas, f. Gulielmi Bowen, Minsterlensis, et Catherinae ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Richardus, f. Johannis Horton ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Sarah, f. Rich. Bennet et Janae ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Hugo, f. Gulielmi Corfeild et Elinorae ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Richardus, f. Richardi Wise et Bettrice ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Johannes, f. Richardi Langford et Sarae ... sep.
" Nov. 6. Michael James ... sep.
" Nov. 7. Thomas, f. Amiae Whood ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Hanna, f. Nicolai Hatton et Ellinorae ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Jana Walker ... sep.
" Nov. 16. Elizabetha, f. Danielis Hanley et Elizab: ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Hanna Hatton, predicta ... sep.
"* Nov. 21. Rich: Bennet, f. Willi Bennet ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Johannes Maddox ... sep.
" Dec. 1. Abigayle, f. Eduardi Typton et Amiae ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Maria, f. Johannis Elks et Margar: ... sep.
" Dec. 6. Anna, f. Willielmi Dennis et Elizabethae, filiae ejus [sic] ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Cycilia, ux. Gulielmi Applebury ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Elinora Hatton, ux. Nicholai Hatton ... sep.
" Dec. 11. Anna, f. Eduardi Chesheire et Ciciliae ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Elizabetha, f. Richardi Barbor et Mariae ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Johannes Gardiner ... sep.
" Jan. 2. Vincentius Edwards, gent., et Elinora Heynes ... nup.

* Entered in margin by another hand.

1643] Pontesbury. 143

+1642, Jan. 5. Abigayle, f. Eduardi Typton et Amiae ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Pauper quidarn nomine Johannes ... sep.
" Jan. 16. Hanna, f. Arthuri Anchorett, Minsterlensis et Margeriae ... bap.
" Jan. *Elizabetha, f. Francisci Adams de Longdon, [?] vicessimo die Aprilis ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Richardus, f. Johannis Gardiner de Mynsterley ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Richardus Reignalds et Anna Gittoes de Pontesbury, utrique ... nup.
" Feb. 2. Robertus Foden et Elinora Parsons, vidua ... nup.
" Mar. 1. Thomas Pytts ... sep.
" Mar. 3. Anna Filly de Minsterley, vidua ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Margaretta, f. Rogeri Phillips et Margaret ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Maria, f. Jonas Gibbons (ut fertur), Londinensis, et Jocosae Worrall ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Thomas, f. Johannis Hughson et Saraae ... sep.
" Mar. 19. Maria, f. Thomae Jones et Elizabeth ... sep.
+1643, Mar. 27. Elizabetha, f. Francisci et Annae Turneri ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Gulielmus Hinley ... sep.
" Apr. 2. Gulielmus Cowper ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Gualterus Paynter et Joanna Sankey ... nup.
" Apr. 4. Johannes Conney, Curatus hujus Eccl'ae ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Jana, f. Richardi et Aliciae Browne ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Elizabetha Adams, f. Francisci Adams de Longdon ... bap.

fol. 155.

"+ Apr. 9. Johannes Cotterill ... sep.
" Apr. 10. Johannes, f. Danielis et Margarettae Beddow ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Thomas, f. David Hughs et Janae ... sep.
"+ Apr. 17. Infans Rogeri Poyner et Mariae ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Richards Rogers ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Franciscus, f. Alexand: Powel et Marger: ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Filia Johis et Alicim Dax ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Samuell, f. Rich: Hood et Elenorae ... bap.
" May 4. Thomas Price et Anna Roberts ... nup.

* Entered by another hand between the lines and apparently repeated at the bottom of the page.
+ There are three changes of handwriting on this page.

144 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1643

1643, May 7. Daniel, f. Thomae Hood et Marthae ... bap.
" May 12. Alicia Dackin, vidua ... sep.
" May 19. Infans Thomae Beddow et Janae ... sep.
" May 20. Nicholas Hatton et Margarett Grindley ... nup.
" May 21. Anna Taylour, uxor Edmon: Tay: de Longdon
" May 21. Elenora, f. Josephi Bennet et Elenorae ... bap.
" May 23. Maria, f. Richi et Joannae Niccols ... bap.
"* June 13. Hugo Simons et Parnella Crosse ... nup.
" June 16. [blank] Cross, uxor Thomae Cross de Longdon ... sep.
" June 16. Margaretta, f. Henrici Lewis ... sep.
" June 19. Rich: f. David ap Hugh et Mariae ... sep.
" June 21. Filia Josephi Bennet et Elenorae ... sep.
" June 24. Filius Francisci Adams, Longdon ... sep.
"* June 26. Eduardus, f. Eduard Pollexphen et Annae ... bap.
" July 9. Vincentius, f. Johis Peerse et Mariae, ux. gener ... bap.
"* July 19. Georgius Morris ... sep.
" July 28. Alexander, f. Arthuris et Thomasiae Garner ... bap.
" July 30. Thomas, f. Thomae Wood et Marthae ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Elizabetha, f. Willielmi Phillips et Catherinae ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Maria, f. Abrahami et Maria; Calcot ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Maria Edwards ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Margaretta, f. Margarettae Widdows, viduae ... sep.
"* Aug. 29. Griffith Barbour ... sep.
" Sep. 15. Petrus, f. Johis Richards et Margarettae ... sep.
" Sep. 19. Samuel, spurius f. Sarah Beddow, meretricis ... bap.
"* Sep. 29. Michaell, filius John Chorlton et Elinor, baptised fuit.

fol. 156.

Be it knowne that we ye churchwardens and eight men of ye parish of Pontesbury in ye county of Salop have given and granted and do by theise
presents give and grant unto Mr. Edward Corbett, Student in Merton Coll:
in ye University of Oxon: full

* Change of handwriting.

1644] Pontesbury. 145

power license and authoritie to encrease and augment that Pue or Seate
of his which is under ye Pulpit of ye Parish Church aforesaid, twelve
inches or thereabouts in length southward out of ye middle alley of ye
church to make it even with ye Seates above it: And twelve inches in
breadth Eastward out of ye alley leading to ye Bellfree, or Bell House.
In witness whereof we have subscribed our names ye twentie-first day of February, Anno 1646, And in ye xxii yeare of ye reigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles by ye grace of God Kinge of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland. And in further confirmation hereof we doe require and authorise
this our act and deede to be registered in ye publick Register booke of
ye sayd church.

Churchwardens: Eight Men:

fol. 151.

1643, Oct. 2. Michael, f. Thomae et Elizabeth Mereddith ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Thomas, f. Sarah Beddow ... sep.
" Nov. 7. Richard Horton ... sep.
" Nov. 12. Alice Horton ... sep.
" Dec. 12. William Barbor, f. Thomas Barbor ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Richardus Pears. jent: ... sep.
" Jan. 12. Widd. Simmons ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Edward, f. Thomas et Elizabeth James ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Edward, f. Edward et Jane Roberts ... bap.
" Feb. 72. Richa:d, f. Roger et Margrett Phillips ... bap.
1644, Apr. 6. William, f. Johannum et Margrett Richards ... bap.
" May 2. Abigaile, f. Edward et Amie Typton ... bap.
" May 2. William Apleburie et Anne Davies ... nup.
" May 9. Abigail, f. Roger et Margret Gyll ... bap.
" May 16. Richardus, f. Richard et Ann Reignolds ... bap.
" May 18. Ann, f. Abraham et Jane Harries ... bap.

146 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1644

1644, June 3. Jane, f. Richardus et Joane Nicholls ... bap.
" June 24. Joseph, f. Joseph et Elinor Bennet ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Elinor Joanes ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Maria, ux. William Tege ... sep.
" Nov. 30. Elizabeth, f. Edward et Anne Pollexphen ... bap.
" Mar. 1. David, f. Andrea; et Joane Hinley ... bap.
" Mar. 18. John, f. William et Ann Apleburie ... bap.

fol. 158.

1645, Mar. 20. Sarah, f. Richard Littlehale ... sep.
" May 18. Anne, ux. Robert Painter ... sep.
" June 6. Richardus, f. Richardus et Jane Purcell ... bap.
" June 24. Ursula, f. William Addams, armigeri et Annae ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Katherin, ux. Thomas Wilcox ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Widdow Marsh ... sep.
" Sep. 12. Sarah, ux. Richard Craft ... sep.
" Oct. 12. Joyce, ux John Rutter ... sep.
" Oct. 28. Richard, f. Thomas et Martha Whood ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Richard Craft et Ann Nicholas ... nup.
" Dec. 17. Elizabeth, f. Richard et Elizabeth Cross ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Robert Painter et Alice Griffiths ... nup.
" Feb. 24. Thomas Teage ... sep.
" Feb. 27. Humphrey Joanei et Marie Bowen ... nup.
" Feb. 28. Ann, ux. William Dennis ... sep.
1646, Mar. 10. Thomas Ollivers ... sep.
" Mar. 14. Ann, ux. Richard Pollmer ... sep.
" Mar. 16. Elizabeth, f. Arther et Thomasin Gardner ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Ann, f. Thomas Wolley, jent. et Margret ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Widdow Tipton de Minsterley ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Thomas Huggins de Minsterley ... sop.
" May 2. Richardus Irions ... sep.
" May 5. Corbet, f. Guliellim Owen et Anna ... bap.
" May 23. Jane, ux. Thomas Litherland ... sep.
" May 29. [blank], uxor Rich: Wildblood ... sep.
" June 6. Elizabeth, f. Thomas Barnett ... bap.
" June 18. Elizabeth, f. Thomas Barnett ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Roger Corbett ... sep.
" Aug. 29. Joseph Taylor ... sep.
" Sep. 27. Rich. Powlmer, junior ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Marie, f. Abraham et Jane Harries ... bap.

1647] Pontesbury. 147

1646, Oct. 4. Thomas, f. Thomas et Ann Preece ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Elizabeth, f. William et Marie Higgins ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Maria, f. Humphrey et Maria Joanes ... bap.
" Nov. 7. John Eavans de Westburie ... sep.

fol. 159.

" Dec. 11. A pore travailing man from Minsterley, sepultus fuit.
" Dec. 13. Francisca, ux. Francis Adams, armig: ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Anne, f. William et Anne Apleburie ... bap.
" Jan. 6. George, f. Robert Painter ... bap.
" Jan. 14. John, f. Roger Gyll ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Maria Medlicot ... sep.
" Feb. 2. Maria, f. John et Constance Betchcot ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Jane, f. Humphrey et Joyce Eyton ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Thomas, f. John et Margrett Richards ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Thomas, f. Thomas Woodfen de Minsterley ... sep.
" Feb. 28. Thomas Apleburie .. sep.
1647, Mar. 4. Joane Teague ... sep.
" Mar. 14. Richard, f. Roger Phillips ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Elizabeth, f. Robert et Joyce Higgons ... bap.
" Mar. 31. William, f. Richard Reignolds ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Gerge, f. Robert Painter ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Widd: Parrie ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Alice, ux. Robert Painter ... sep.
" May 26. Richard Sherry, fill: Rob: uxor de Lebottwood, bapt. fuit.
" June 3. Richard, f. Joseph et Elinor Bennet ... bap.
" June 9. Jane Niccolls ... sep.
" June 20. Martha, f. Sara Evans ... bap.
" June 26. Jane, ux. Andrew Gybbons ... sep.
" June 27. Timothie, f. Timothie et Marie Hammonds ... bap.
" June 27. Thomas, f. Thomas et Elizabeth Preece ... bap.
" July 4. Joseph, f. Jchn et Sara Juson ... bap.
" Aug. 1. George, f. Richard Browne, gener: et Alice ux. ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Richard Barber ... sep.
" Aug. 16. Thom. Perkin ... sep.

fol. 160.

148 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1647

1647, Aug. 28. Margret, ux. Abraham Calcott, gen .... sep.
" Sep. 77. Anne, f. Edward Typton et Amie ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Joseph, f. Thomas et Ann Farr ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Vincent, f. Richard et Joanne Wainwright ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Robert Passond de Asterley ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Thomas, f. Thomas Wood et Ann Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Uxor Richard Gittons ... sep.
" Oct. 31. Thomas, f. Richard Maddox ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Martha, filiae [sic] Richardum Turner et Margret, uxor ... bap.
" Nov. 18. John, f. Sam: et Elinor Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Abigail, f. Abraham et Eliz. Bowyer ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Syth, fillia William Dennis ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Elizabeth, f. William Higgins ... bap.
" Dec. 12. George, f. Thomas et Margret Wolley, gent. ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Joane Williams ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Steven, f. Richard et Eliz. Crosse ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Thomas, f. Thomae Preece ... sep.
" Jan. 12. Richard Fewtrell ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Alice, f. Thomas Hinley ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Katherine Gouch de Worthin ... sep.
" Feb. 6. William, f. William Owens, clericus ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Charolus, fill. William Higons de Edg, *generos ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Jane Elton de Longdon ... sep.
" Feb. 17. Abraham, f. William et Joane Gennow ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Susanna, ux. Thomas Blakeway ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Francis, f. Francis Dorcett ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Ann, f. Edward et Jane Roberts ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Richard, f. Roger Eavans ... sep.
" Mar. 22. Meredith Eavans ... sep.
" Mar. 24. Thomas, f. Thomas et Eliz. Joanes ... bap.

fol. 161.

1648, Apr. 3. Hester, f. Richard Fewtrell ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Roger Badie ... sep.
" Apr. 8. Joyce, ux. Humphrey Eyton ... sep.
" Apr. 18. Margret, f. Elinor Wood ... sep.
" Apr. 19. Thomas Crosse de Longdon ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Jane Heyward, widdow ... sep.

* The word "generos:" may belong to either William Higgons or Jane Elton. It le written between the two entries.

1648] Pontesbury. 149

1648, May 2. Edward, f. Robert Phillips ... bap.
" May 29. Thomas, f. Thomas Dios ... sep.
" June 11. Elizabeth, f. Richard Gardner ... bap.
" July 2. Elizabeth, f. Richard Gardner ... sep.
" July 7. Jane Ecklesall ... sep.
" July 15. Peter Studley, Clarke, of the second portion ... sep.
" July 21. Richard Mansell ... sep.
" July 25. Richard, fillius Laurance Seadon, minnister, et ux. ejus sepultus fuit.
" Aug. 5. Thomas Bromley de Longdon ... sep.
" Aug. 13. Samuell Ward, jenerosus ... sep.
" Aug. 10. Sibbell Warner de Lea ... sep.
" Aug. 12. Jonathan, f. John Richards ... sep.
" Aug. 14. Richard, f. John Partrick ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Margrett, f. John Hughes ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Sarah, f. Richard Niccolls ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Humphrey, f. Humphrey Joanes ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Francis, f. Henrie Honiara, jent: ... bap.
" Sep. 29. William Kenrick ... sep.

fol. 162.

" Oct. 5. An infant of ffrancis Parrie ... sep.
" Oct. 15. John Eavans ... sep.
" Oct. 22. Jane Longford ... sep.
" Oct. 22. Elizabeth, f. Arthur Warde, jent: et Onelie, uxor ejus ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Eliz. Huson, f. Samuell Huson ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Richard, f. Richard Barbor ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Sarah, ux. John Huson ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Margret, ux. John Griffiths ... sep.
" Nov. 12. John Griffiths ... sep.
" Nov. 22. John Wood ... sep.
" Nov. 22. William, f. David Hughes ... sep.
" Nov. 29. Elinor Maddox ... sep.
" Dec. 2. Henrie, f. Henrie Holliard ... sep.
" Dec. 11. Widdow Leake de Oakes .. sep.
" Dec. 18. Margerie, ux. Edmund Estop ... sep.
" Dec. 31. John, f. Edward Cadwallader ... bap.
" Jan. 8. William Rogers de Minsterley ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Richard Owens de Minsterley ... sep.

150 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1648

1648, Jan. 23. Widdow Williams de Pleley ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Jane Rider ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Edmund, f. Thomas Bennion ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth Barnett ... sep.
" Feb. 26. George, f. William Addams, Esquire ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Marie Barnett ... sep.
" Mar. 3. Elizabeth Barnett, wid. ... sep.
" Mar. 4. Edmund, f. Richard Hoode ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Joyce, ux. William Pitt, jent: ... sep.
" Mar. 6. Alice, f. Abraham et Marie Apleburie ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Margret, f. Francis Parrie ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Francis, fillius Henrie et S [entry illegible, partly cut off].

fol. 163.

*1649, Apr. 17. Elizabetha, f. Thomae Wolley, generosi et Margarettae ... bap.
" May 6. Josephus, f. Thomae Hood ... bap.
" May 6. Richardus, f. Andreae Mansell ... sep.
" June 1. Jocosa Fewtrell ... sep.
" June 18. Gulielmus, f. Eduardi Tipton et Ameae ... sep.
" July 18. Anna, f. Thomae Price ... bap.
" July 18. Georgius, f. Gulielmi Adams, Armigeri, et Anne ... sep.
" July 18. Thomas Tyler ... sep.
" July 18. David Lloyd ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Elinora, f. Richardi Wileblood ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Eduardus Hughes ... sep.
" Sep. 11. Samuel, f. Johannis Betchcott et Constantiae ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Carolus Pugh ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Anna, f. Rogeri Phillips et Margarettae ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Elizabetha Gittins ... sep.
" Oct. 3. Thomas Pomer ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Jocosa Litherland ... sep.
" Oct. 9. Maria Poyner ... sep.
" Oct. 11. Jocosa, f. Gulielmi Ryder ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Anna Pugh ... sep.
" Oct. 12. Elizabetha Perkin ... sep.
" Nov. 2. Anna Harris, gener: ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Anna, f. Gulielmi Dennis ... bap.

* Handwriting changes.

1650] Pontesbury. 151

1649, Nov. 18. David Hughes ... sep.
" Nov. 18. Maria, f. Thomae Barnett ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Margaretta, f. Gulielmi Leake ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Fealis, f. Richardi Gittins ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Josephus, f. Eduardi Littlehales ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Gulielmus, filius et Elizabetha, filia Gulielmi Applebury ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi Applebury ... sep.
" Jan. 16. Infans Timothei Hammonds, rectoris 1mae portionis hujus parochiae ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Thomas Donne de Minsterley ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Richardus, f. Thomae Sturchley ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Thomas Edwards, gener: ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Susanna Ryder, vidua ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Elina, f. Gul. Owen, ministri, et Ann ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Filius Jacobi Coulton ... sep.
" Feb. 5. Elinora Underwood ... sep.
" Feb. 19. Robertus Adams et Rosa Polemer ... nup.
" Feb. 23. Randolphus Rogers et Ellinora Williams ... nup.
" Feb. 26. Jocosa, f. Petri Adams ... sep.
" Mar. 4. Winefreda Rutter ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Gulielmus, f. Reignoldi Ryder ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Elinora Rogers, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 10. Maria, f. Henrici Worhall ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Samuel, f. Richardi Turner ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Abigail Bennett ... sep.
" Mar. 19. Elizabetha, f. Henrici Hollier, gen: ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Georgius, f. Francisci Adams, gen: ... bap.
1650, Apr. 14. Infans Thomas Longford ... sep.
" Apr. 15. Katherina, ux. Gulielmi Ryder ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Jacobus, f. Jacobi Coulton ... sep.
" May 2. Maria, f. Gualteri Paynter ... bap.
" May 9. Richardus, f. Richardi Browne, gen: et Aliciae ... bap.
" May 14. Maria, f. Gualteri Paynter ... sep.
" June 2. Humfredus, f. Johannis Leake et Johannae ... bap.
" June 9. Jana, f. Richardi Adams ... bap.
" June 9. Robertus, f. Richardi Jones ... bap.
" June 13. Jocosa Price, advena ... sep.

152 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1650

fol. 164.

1650, July 12. Eliz. Hood ... sep.
" July 25. Richardus, f. Gulielmi Callcot ... bap.
" July 26. Infans Susanna Worhall ... sep.
" July 28. Thomas ap Hugh ... sep.
" Aug. 2. Elizabetha, f. Danielis Pugh ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Johannes et Moses, filii Thomae Hinley ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Elizabetha, f. Richardi Corbett ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Elizabetha, f. Richardi Browne, gen: et Alicia ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Richardus, f. Gulielmi Medlicott ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Jacobus, f. Richardi Crosse et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Richardus, f. Gulielmi Medlicott ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Maria, f. Josephi Bennett ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Thomas, f. Francisci Dorsett ... sep.
" Oct. 17. Johannes Crosse ... sep.
" Oct. 23. Andraas Wailer, Rector 3ae portionis. et Ellina Barsy ... nup.
" Oct. 31. Richardus, f. Jacobi Peers, gen: et Anna ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Eduardus, f. Edwardi Topton, gen: et Ameae ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Thomas Price de Pontesbury ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Richardus Davies et Anna Passon de Asterley ... nup.
" Dec. 1. Ellinora, f. Thomae Underwood ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Infans Edmundi Peers ... sep.
" Dec. 8. Robertus, f. Richardi Norgrave ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Lucia, ux. Rogeri Worhall ... sep.
" Dec. 19. Gulielmus, f. Rowlandi Lee ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Johannes, f. Richardi Mathewes et Sarae ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Eduardus, f. Johannis Davies de Longdon ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Elizabetha, f. Richardi Madockes ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Sarah, f. Mariae Browne ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Richardus, f. Mauritii Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 23: Thomas, f. Simonis Downes de Longdon ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Warburia, filia Eduardi Bayly ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Henricus Hayward, gen: ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Elizabetha Morgan ... sep.

1651] Pontesbury. 153

1650, Feb. 2. Brigetta, f. Thomae Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabetha, f. Danielis Beddow ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Abigail, f. Thomae Applebury et Aliciae ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Abraham, f. Thomae Downton ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Thomas, f. Thomae Hammonds ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Richardus, f. Rogeri Gill ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Elizabetha, f. Randulphi Rogers ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Maria, f. Rogeri Howells ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Robertus, f. Richardi Phillips ... bap.
1654, Mar. 27. Anna, uxor, et infans Gulielmi Bennett ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Elizabetha, f. Randulphi Rogers ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Richardus, f. Thomae Jones et Elizabethae ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Joanna, ux. Roberti Hinley ... sep.
" Apr. 21. Vidua Cleitton de Minsterley ... sep.
" May 1. Gulielmus, f. Johannis Partridge et Janae ... bap.
" May 4. Vidua Tyler de Longden ... sep.
" May 6. Thomas, f. Davidis Pugh ... bap.
" May 6. Elizabetha, f. Johannis Richards, et Margaretae ... bap.
" May 13. Elizabetha, ux. Richardi Bennion ... sep.
" May 18. Richardus, f. Samuelis Williams et Elinorae ... bap.
" May 20. Rogerus, f. Arthuri Ward, gen: et Only, ux. ejus ... sep.
" May 27. Richardus, f. Roberti Higgons ... bap.

fol. 165.

" June 3. Robertus, f. Roberti Paynter ... bap.
" June 5. Elizabeth, f. Gulielmi Gainor ... bap.
" June 15. Johannes, f. Edwardi Roberts ... bap.
" June 17. Maria, f. Abrahami Applebury et Mariae ... bap.
" June 20. Gulielmus, f. Mariae Corbett ... sep.
" June 29. Reignoldus Nicholes et Maria Harris ... nup.
" July 6. Thomas, f. Gulielmi Niccoles ... bap.
" July 7. Martha, f. Rogeri Gainor ... bap.
" July 7. Johannes, f. Thomae Hinley ... sep.
" July 13. Georgius, f. Thomae Pugh ... bap.
" July 20. Maria, f. Andreae Warter, rectoris 3ae portionis et Ellenae ... bap.

154 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1651

1651, Aug. 10. Richardus, f. Thomae Jones ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Anna, f. Richardi Bennett ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Moses, f. Thomae Hinley ... sep.
" Aug. 31. Maria Howells ... sep.
" Sep. 2. Abigail, f. Johannis Betchscott et Constantiae ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Richardus, f. Humphredi Passons ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Richardus, f. Gulielmi Medlicott et Elinorae ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Johannes, f. Danielis Hinley ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Elizabetha. Tyler de Longden ... sep.
" Dec. 7. Thomas, f. Thomae Roe et Mariae ... bap.
" Dec. 16. David, f. Elizabethae Gittoes ... sep.
" Dec. 25. Thomas, f. Gulielmi Niccoles ... sep.
" Dec. 28. Rogerus, f. Henrici Worhall ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Alicia, f. Rogeri Poyner ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Johannes, f. Gulielmi Leake de Longdon ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Gulielmus, f. Richardi Downton ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Johannes, f. Roberti Causer ... sep.
" Dec. 30. Josephus, f. Mariae Edwards ... sep.
" Dec. 31. Johannes, f. Johannis Teague ... sep.
" Jan. 4. Richardus, f. Richardi Mansell et Margaretae ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Elizabetha, f. Gulielmi Crosse de Longdon, et Lowry ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Rogers Phillips de Asterley ... sep.
" Jan. 16. Josephus Browne ... sep.
" Jan. 20. Elizabetha, f. Gulielmi Dennis ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Katherina Rogers de Longden, vidua ... sep.
" Feb. 1. Elizabetha Dennis ... sep.
" Feb. 4. Rogerus, f. Henrici Worhall ... sep.
" Feb. 8. Sarah, f. Rogeri Phillips ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Thomas, f. Randulphi Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Elinora Teague ... sep.
" Feb. 22. Richardus, f. Richardi Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Martha, f. Johannis Teague ... sep.
" Feb. 29. Johannes, f. Eduardi Littlehales ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Elizabetha, uz. Richardi Layton ... sep.
" Mar. 6. Anna Dennis ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Richardus, f. Richardi Williams ... sep.

1652] Pontesbury. 155

1651, Mar. 23. Elizabetha, f. Johannis Garner ... sep.

fol. 166.

1652, Apr. 6. Thomas Trevor ... sep.
" Apr. 10. Domina Maria Davies, vidua ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Randulphus Lee ... sep.
" Apr. 20. Maria:, Martha:, et Sarah, filiae Gulielmi et Annae Applebury, bapt: fuerunt.
" Apr. 23. Thomas, f. Johannis et Joanna: [blank] ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Maria, Martha, Sarah, f. Gulielmi Applebury ... sep.
" May 4. Eduardus, f. Eduardi Roberts ... sep.
" May 10. Sarah, f. Richardi Turner ... bap.
" June 1. Cicelia, ux. Mathai Davies ... sep.
" June 5. Infans Johannis Mansell et Mariae ... sep.
" June 15. Gulielmus Parkin ... sep.
" June 17. Elizabetha, f. Johannis Richards ... sep.
" July 8. Only, filia Arthuri Ward, gen: et Only ... bap.
" July 11. Gulielmus, f. Ricei et Margeriae Davies ... bap.
" July 25. Joanna Corfield ... sep.
" Aug. 12. Margareta, f. Richardi Browne, gen: et Aliciae ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Robertus, f. Richardi Hood ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Joshua, f. Gulielmi Hall ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Alicia Poyner ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Josephus, f. Gulielmi Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Robertus Foden ... sep.
" Oct. 18. Richardus, f. Simonis et Annae Downes ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Sarah, f. Thomae et Aliciae Applebury ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Richardus, f. Thomae James ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Hannah, f. Andrae Warter, rectoris 3ae portionis et Ellinae ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Abraham Mansell ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Sarah, f. Richardi Mathewes et Sarah ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Maria, f. Rogeri Gardiner ...
" Feb. 17. Maria, f. Johannis Rutter ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Henricus, f. Richardi Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Margaretta, f. Richardi Adams ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Josephus, f. Edwardi Typton, gen: et Amiae ... bap.

156 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1652

1652, Mar. 1. Susanna, f. Reignaldi Ryder ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Maria, f. Gulielmi Clarke ... sep.
" Mar. 1. Johannes, f. Gulielmi Higgons ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Abrahamus, f. Mauritii Davies ... bap.
Mar. 8. Anna, f. Humphredi Passand ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Richardus Phillips ... sep.
" Mar. 12. Jana, f. Solomonis Russell ... sep.
" Mar. 13. Daniel, f. Rogeri Howells ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Elinora, f. Richardi Williams ... bap.
1653, Mar. 29. Jana, f. Johannis Davies et Sarae ... bap.

fol. 167.

" Apr. 4. Martha, f. Richardi Corbett ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Josiah, f. Thomae Hinley ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Evan Meredith ... sep.
" Apr. 11. Anna, f. Richardi Hood ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth, f. Abraham Harries ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Richardus, f. Richardi Mansell ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Rogerus Worrall ... sep.
" May 6. Margareta, ux. Richardi Shukar ... sep.
" May 8. Elizabetha, f. Rich. et Maria Barber ... bap.
" May 10. Maria, f. Johannis Elkes ... bap.
" May 10. Jana, f. Josephi Bennett ... bap.
" May 20. Infans Thomae Stirchley ... sep.
" May 28. Dorothea, f. Gulielmi Dennis ... bap.
" May 30. Robertus Burley ... sep.
" June 7. Johannes, f. Thomae et Eliz: Price ... bap.
" June 7. Maria Barber, vidua ... sep.
" June 14. Margareta, f. Thomae Underwood ... bap.
" June 17. Sarah, ux. Samuelis Mansell ... ep.
" June 17. Infans Gulielmi Litherland ... sep.
" June 18. Elinora, ux. Josephi Bennett ... sep.
" July 8. Eliz., f. Gulielmi et Anna Applebury ... sep.
" July 10. Samuel, f. Rich. et Joanna Wildblood ... bap.
" July 13. Maria Hoggins de Minsterley ... sep.
" July 20. Simon, f. Mosis et Margareta Butcher ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Maria, f. Richardi Mansell et Mariae ... sep.
" Aug. 7. Gulielmus, f. Rich. et Maria Norgrave ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Richardus, f. Gulielmi et Anne Applebury ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Harries, f. Richardi et Elinorae Bradley ... bap.

1653] Pontesbury. 157

1653, Aug. 20. Johannes, f. Gulielmi et Mariae Higgons ... sep.
" Aug. 30. Harries, f. Richardi Bradley ... sep.
" Sep. 4. Joanna, f. Roberti et Kath. Paynter ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Anna, f. Johannis Mansell alias King et Ursula ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Johannes Hughson ... sep.
" Sep. 27. Joanna, f. Roberti Paynter et Katherinae ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Elinora, f. Thomae et Annae Gittins ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Sarah, ux. Eduardi Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Samuel, f. Samuelis et Sarae Digry ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Anna, f. Johannis et Constantiae Betchott ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Richardus, f. Danielis et Margaretae Beadowe ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Anna, ux. Richardi Reynolds ... sep.
" Oct. 30. Margareta, f. Richardi et Judith [blank], nata fuit.
" Nov. 2. Elizabetha, ux. Johannis Franks ... sep.
" Nov. 3. Anna, f. Rowlandi Niccolls, gen: et Annae uxoris ejus nata fuit.
" Nov. 6. Johannes, f. Johannis et Gwen Barker ... natus.
" Nov. 12. Franciscus, f. Thoma et Maria Roe ... natus.
" Nov. 15. Anna, f. Gualteri et Joanna Paynter ... nata.
" Nov. 17. Johannes Harries de Cruckton, armiger ... sep.
" Nov. 30. Hesther, f. Thom et Gaynor James ... nata.

fol. 168.

August the tenth, Anno D'm. 1658.

Collected ye day & yeare above written in the parish of Pontesbury
towards the re-building of the church of Oswestree the full sume of one
and fifty shillings and fivepence. £2-11s.-5d.

TIMOTHY HAMMOND, Minister ibidm.

Collected for Dalby-Chalcombe, in the county of Leicester, in the parish
of Pontesbury, May 19th. 1661, ye sume of nineteen shillings. £0-19s.-0d.


158 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1653

Collected for James Melvell, Esq., of Clanough, in ye county of Downe & Realme of Ireland, in ye parish of Pontesbury, June 9th, 1661, ye sume
of ten shillings, sixpence, three farthings. £0-10s.-6¾d.


Collected for ye towne of Elmeley Castle, in the county of Worcester, in
the parish of Pontesbury, June 23, 1661, ye sume of ten shillings and
sixpence. £0-10s.-6d.


Collected for ye towne of Quatt, in the county of Salop, in the parish
of Pontesbury, June 30th, 1661, ye sume of eleaven shillings and
twopence £0-11s.-2d.


Collected for the towne of Ilminster, in the county of Somersett, in the
parish of Pontesbury, July 14, 1661, ye sume of one pound and one
shilling. £1-1s.-0d.


Collected for John Davis and Isabel his mother, of the city of Hereford,
in the parish of Pontesbury, Aug. 11, 1661, ye sume of eleaven shillings
and twopence. £0-11s.-2d.


fol. 169.

Bee it remembered that the inhabitants of the parish of Pontsbury, in
the countie of Salop, havinge by a certificate under their hands
nominated and chosen Tymothy Hammonds on of their ministers, to be their
parish register according to the Act of Parliament, dated Aug. 24.,
1653, he, the said Mr. Hammonds came before mee, R. Cressett, Esq., & a
justice of Peace of this countie & that division the 2nd day of December, 1653, whom I have approved of for the keeping of the Register
book of the said parish of Pontsbury and have sworn him
accordingly.- Witness my hande, R. CRESSETT.

[The above is crossed out and an effort has been made to erase it. The
name "ROGER WARDE" is written below in the same ink as the crossing

1654] Pontesbury. 159

1653, Dec. 4. Mary, ye daughter of William Medlicott & Elinor, his wife, was ... borne.
" Dec. 7. John, the sonne of John Barker, was buried.
" Dec. 10. Alice Philipps, was buried.
" Dec. 11. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Leake ... borne.
" Dec. 15. Edward, s. of Robert & Joyce Higgons ... borne.
" Dec. 18. Reynold Ryder ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Joane, d. of Daniel & Elizabeth Hanley ... borne.
" Jan. 16. Richard Polmer ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Richard, s. of Thomas & Magdalen Page ... borne.
" Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham & Mary Applebury ... borne.
" Jan. 22. Anne, d. of John & Ursula Mansell ... borne.
" Jan. 23. Jane, d. of Thomas & Eliz. Corbett ... borne.
" Jan. 31. William, s. of Thomas & Eliz. Hammond ... borne.
" Feb. 1. John, s. of Richard & Alice Gardner ... borne.
" Feb. 2. Mathew, s. of Richard & Amy Poole ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Margaret, d. of William & Margaret Mansell ... borne.
" Feb. 7. John, s. of Richard & Alice Gardner ... bur.
" Feb. 15. William, s. of William & Eliz. Calcott ... borne.
" Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of William Leake & Mary ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Elizabeth, w. of Oliver Griffiths, at Hanwood ... bur.
" Feb. 22. John, s. of Edward & Katherine Littlehale, at Hanwood ... bur.
" Feb. 24. Elinor, d. of Moses & Sarah Davies ... borne.
" Feb. 27. Margarett, w. of George Newell, of the parish of Foord ...bur.
" Mar. 1. Lucie, d. of Andrew & Frames Mansell ... borne.
" Mar. 2. John Evans, of Plealy ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Thomas Hinley ... bur.

fol. 170.

1654, Mar. 28. Margery, d. of William & Lowry Crosse ... borne.
" Mar. 29 Anne, d. of the same parents ... borne.
" Apr. 11. John, s. of Richard & Jane Bennett ... borne.
" Apr. 12. Amy Benyon ... bur.
" Apr. 14. John Odell, of Minsterley ... bur.
" May 10. Richard, s. of Abraham & Sarah Mansell ... borne.
" May 10. An infant of Edward & Jane Roberts ... borne.

160 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1654

1654, May 11. The same infant ... bur.
" May 14. Richard, s. of Abraham & Sarah Mansell ... bur.
" May 25. Jane, d. of Reignold & Mary Nicolds ... borne.
" May 27. Timothy, s. of Edward & Amy Tipton ... borne.
" May 29. Anne, d. of Richard Browne, gent., & Alice ... borne.
" June 4. Katharine, d. of John & Joane Leake ... borne.
" June 7. Timothy, s. of Richd. & Margaret Turner ... borne.
" June 20. Richard, s. of Humphrey & Mary Jones ... borne.
" June 23. Roger, s. of Arthur Ward, gent., & Onely ... borne.
" June 24. David Jones ... bur.
" June 30. Winefred, d. of William & Joane Gennow ... borne.
" July 10. Anne, w. of Humphrey Eyton ... bur.
" July 12. Joane, d. of John Bowyer, of Minsterley, & Margaret ... borne.
" July 25. Roger Walker ... bur.
" July 26. Thomas, s. of Rowland & Katharine Bayly ... borne.
" July 31. Joane, w. of Richard Perkins ... bur.
" July 31. John, s. of Abraham & Elinor Jaundrell ... borne.
" July 31. Margaret, d. of William & Sarah Suker ... borne.
" Aug. 10. Alice, d. of Solomon & Eliz. Russell ... borne.
" Aug. 18. Edmund, s. of Thomas & Eliz. Barnett ... borne.
" Aug. 23. John, s. of Humphrey & Mary Blakemore ... borne.
" Aug. 27. Francis Watkins, of Shotton, in the parish of Middle, & Mary Teague, of this parish, were ... mar.
" Sep. 15. Richard, s. of John & Anne Williams ... borne.
" Sep. 15. Richard, s. of William & Anne Walton ... borne.
" Sep. 15. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Bennett ... borne.
" Sep. 27. Edward Dennis ... bur.
" Oct. 11. George Griffiths & Dorothy Littlehale, of this parish ... mar.
" Oct. 14. Mrs. Esther Knight, of Shrewsbury ... bur.
" Oct. 24. Mary. w. of Reynold Corbett ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Alice. d. of Solomon & Elizabeth Russell ... bur.

fol. 171

1654] Pontesbury. 161

1654, Nov. 12. Abraham Bowyer ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Edward, s. of Thomas & Eliz. Young ... borne.
" Nov. 27. Mary, d. of Richard & Katharine Madocks ... borne.
" Nov. 29. Frances, d. of Edward & Jane Coles ... borne.
" Dec. 10. Samuel, s. of Roger & Margaret Phillips ... borne.
" Dec. 15. Mr. William Foden ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Hugh Phillips, gent. ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Margaret Llewellen ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Richard, s. of Randolph & Elinor Rogers ... borne.
" Jan. 26. Deborah Gittoes ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Jane Davies ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Richard, s. of Thomas & Anne Wood ... borne.
" Jan. 31. Sarah, d. of Edward & Katharine Littlehale ... borne.
" Jan. 31. Sarah, d. of Roger & Joane Garner ... borne.
" Feb. 1. The two infants of Thomas & Mary Sturchley ... borne.
" Feb. 1. Richard, s. of John & Ursula Mansell ... borne.
" Feb. 2. The two infants of Thomas & Mary Sturchley ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Margaret Davies ... borne.
" Feb. 4. George Russell, of Worthen parish, gent. ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Francis, s. of William & Mary Lea.ke ... borne.
" Feb. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Rider ... borne.
" Feb. 8. Abigail, d. of William & Mary Higgons ... borne.
" Feb. 14. Mary, d. of Robert & Katharine Paynter ... borne.
" Feb. 24. Katharine Breadshaw, at Westbury ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Mary, d. of Reece ap Hugh & Margery ... borne.
" Mar. 7. Charles, s. of Samuel & Sarah Diggory ... borne.
" Mar. 11. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Davies ... borne.
" Mar. 14. Two infants (one of which is called Abigail) of Andrew Warter, Cler: & Ellen, his w. ... borne.
" Mar. 15. William Dennis ... bur.
" Mar. 18. The other infant of Andrew Warter, Cler: & Ellen ... bur.
" Mar. 23. William, s. of William & Elizabeth Calcott ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Richard, s. of Richard & Ursula Mansell ... bur.

162 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1655

1655, Mar. 29. Francis, s. of William & Joane Ryder ... borne.
*1654, Mar. 2. John, s. of Mr. Richard Crosse & Elizabeth, ... borne.
in the parish of Condover.

fol. 172.

1655, Apr. 5. Robert Caswell ... bur.
" Apr. 7. John Powell, of Oswestry, & Hesther Davies, of this parish ... mar.
" Apr. 9. Elinor Wood, widow ... bur.
" Apr. 16. Anne, d. of Thomas & Eliz. Preece ... borne.
" Apr. 18. Mary, d. of Rowland Niccolls, gen; & Anne ... borne.
" Apr. 20. David, s. of Thomas & Mary Price ... borne.
" May 3. Timothy, s. of Edward & Amy Typton ... bur.
" May 6. William, s. of William & Eliz. Dennis ... borne.
" May 6. Anne, d. of William & Mary Jewson ... borne.
" May 7. Joane, d. of Humphrey & Anne Passand ... borne.
" May 12. Richard Applebury ... bur.
" May 23. John, s. of John & Anne Rutter ... borne.
" May 29. Mr. William Wilcoxe ... bur.
" June 3. William, s. of William & Elizabeth Dennis ... bur.
" June 4. Cicely Jenkin ... bur.
" June 8. Abigaile, d. of John & Jane Asterley ... borne.
" June 10. Mary, d. of Thomas & Susanna Jones ... borne.
" June 18. Jane Gough ... bur.
" June 20. Margarett, d. of Richard & Joane Benyon ... borne.
" June 23. Thomas Powell ... bur.
" June 23. Margarett, d. of Samuel & Elinor Williams ... borne.
" June 26. Joane, w. of Richard Benyon ... bur.
" June 27. Richard, s. of Roger & Katharine Phipps ... borne.
" July 24. Edmund Eastoppe ... bur.
" Aug. 9. John Rutter ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Martha, d. of Roger & Mary Howells ... borne.
" Aug. 20. John, s. of Joseph & Sarah Wright ... borne.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eliz. Jones ... borne.
" Sep. 4. John Small & Mary Evans, both of this parish ... mar.
" Sep. 14. Roger, s. of Roger & Margarett Gill ... borne.

* Entered in other ink at the foot of the page.

1655] Pontesbury. 163

1655, Sep. 14. Mary, d. of Richard & Katharine Madocks ... borne.
" Sep. 15. Richard, s. of Richard & Joane Perkin ... borne.
" Sep. 19. John, s. of William & Jane Evans ... borne.
" Sep. 26. Samuel, s. of Morrice & Sarah Davies ... borne.
" Sep. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John & Gwen Barker ... borne.
" Sep. 30. Edward Morrice ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Francis, s. of Robert & Martha Baynes ... borne.
" Oct. 8. Abigail, d. of Richard & Elinor Corbett ... borne.
" Oct. 19. Sarah, d. of John & Eliz. Bedowe ... borne.
" Oct. 19. Thomas James ... bur.
" Oct. 23. Richard, s. of Richard & Joane Perkin ... bur.
" Oct. 23. Robert, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bur.

fol. 173.

" Nov. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Perkin ... borne.
" Nov. 2. Martha, d. of Moses & Sarah Davies ... borne.
" Nov. 4. Mary, d. of James & Anne Peers ... borne.
" Nov. 8. Eliz., d. of Jchn & Gwen Barker ... bur.
" Nov. 27. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Beadowe ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Charles, s. of Henry & Anne Worrall ... borne.
" Dec. 3. Jonathan, s. of Edward & Mary Footeman ... borne.
" Dec. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Katherine Madocks ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, s. . of Abraham & Mary Applebury ... borne.
" Dec. 7. Mary Littlehale ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Randle, s. of Edward & Anne Lee ... borne.
" Dec. 17. Richard,. s. of Richard & Margarett Adams ... borne.
" Dec. 19. Mary Peers ... bur.
" Dec. 20. William, s. of Moses & Margarett Butcher ... borne.
" Dec. 21. John, s. of Evan & Dorothy Salisbury ... borne.
" Dec. 31. Katharine, d. of Wm. & Margarett Mansell ... borne.
" Jan. 7. Daniel, s. of Daniel & Elinor Diggory ... borne.
" Jan. 13. Cicely Barbor ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Richard, s. of Solomon & Eliz. Russell ... borne.
" Jan. 27. Phillip, s. of Edwd. & Jane Felkin ... borne.
" Feb. 5. Mr. Richard Phillips, of Westbury ... bur.

Note, there is an error in the original Shropshire Parish Register Society transcription. The entry:
" Jan. 27. Phillip, s. of Edwd. & Jane Felkin ... borne.
should read:
" Jan. 27. Phillip, s. of Edwd. & Amy Tipton ... borne.
" Jan. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Jane Felkin ... borne.

164 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1655

1655, Feb. 6. Bold, s. of Thomas & Mary Roe ... borne.
" Feb. 20. Margery, w. of John Gawkly ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Eliz., d. of Reignold & Mary Niccolls ... borne.
" Mar. 2. Eliz., d. of William & Anne Applebury ... borne.
" Mar. 6. Sarah, d. of John & Hesther Powell ... borne.
" Mar. 12. Anne Passand ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Wm. Applebury, of Alberbury ... bur.
1656, Mar. 27. Edmund, s. of Wm. & Elinor Medlicott ... borne.
" Apr. 6. Reignold, s. of Thos. & Anne Gittins ... borne.
" Apr. 16. Roger, s. of Wm. & Sarah Sukar ... borne.
" Apr. 21. Jane, d. of Mr. Rowland Niccols & Anne ... borne.
" Apr. 25. Roger, s. of William & Sarah Sukar ... bur.
" Apr. 26. William, s. of Roger & Anne Walker ... borne.
" May 1. Edmund, s. of William & Elinor Medlicott ... bur.
" May 27. Susan. d. of Richard & Dorothy Wood ... borne.
" June 1. Francis, s. of Mr. Arthur Ward & Onely ... borne.
" June 20. Margarett, d. of Mr. Thomas Barrett & Rebekka ... bur.
" June 27. Elizabeth, d. of Simon & Anne Davies ... borne.
" June 27. John, s. of Morrice & Dorothy Jones ... borne.

fol. 174.

" July 1. William, s. of John & Elinor Evans ... borne.
" July 18. Richard, s. of John & Joane Leake ... borne.
" July 22. Joyce, d. of John & Ursula King ... borne.
" Sep. 12. Richard, s. of Richard & Abigaile Williams ... borne.
" Sep. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Roger & Eliz. Thomas ... borne.
" Sep. 21. Richard, s. of Richard & Joane Perkin ... borne.
" Sep. 30. Joyce, d. of Richard & Eliz. Crosse ... borne.
" Oct. 13. Mary, w. of Richard Gittins, of Minsterley ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Margarett, d. of Thomas & Eliz. Griffiths ... borne.
" Oct. 19. Thomas Underwood ... bur.
" [no date]. Roger Haynes, of Condover, & Eliz. Goodale ... mar.
" Nov. 4. John, s. of John & Eliz. Beadowe ... borne.
" Nov. 4. Richard, s. of Richard & Abigaile Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Richard Adams ... bur.

1657] Pontesbury. 165

1656, Jan. 1. Anne, d. of Robert Adams ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Samuel, s. of John & Gwen Barker ... borne.
" Jan. 6. John, s. of Robert & Joane Passand ... borne.
" Jan. 25. John Teague ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Martha, d. of Daniel & Margarett Beadowe ... borne.
" Feb. 12. William. s. of Roger & Anne Walker ... borne.
" Feb. 18. Mrs. Sarah Mantle ... bur.
" Feb. 18. John Blakeway ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Joane, w. of William Genow ... bur.
" Mar. 3. William Nickolas ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Thomas, s. of William & Eliz. Calcott ... borne.
" Mar. 12. Ma d. of William & Eliz. Dennis ... borne.
" Mar. 17. Humphrey, s. of Rowland & Eliz. Ridge ... borne.
1657, Mar. 30. William Garner ... bur.
" Apr. 12. John, s. of Edward & Grace Rutter ... borne.
" May 4. Humphrey Cartwright ... bur.
" May 12. Elizabeth, w. of David Powell ... bur.
" May 14. George Lloyd & Anne Cound, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 17. Timothy, s. of Edward & Katharine Littlehales ... borne.
" May 18. Isabell, d. of William & Margarett Davies ... borne.
" May 20. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Joane Jones ... borne.
" May 25. Parnell, d. of William & Lowry Crosse ... borne.

fol. 175.

" June 7. Francis Evans, of Westbury .... ... bur.
" June 12. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Crosse ... bur.
" June 20. Margery, w. of Reece Davies ... bur.
" June 21. Abigail, d. of Thomas & Elinor Parson's ... borne.
" June 28. John, s. of John & Hesther Powell ... borne.
" July 8. Anne, d. of Wm. & Sarah Sukar ... borne.
" July 20. Felicia, d. of Mr. Rowland Niccolls & Anne ... borne.
" July 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Eliz. Hammond ... bur.
" July 29. Eliz. Edwards ... bur.
" July 29. Susanna, d. of Richard & Dorothy Wood ... bur.

166 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1657

1657, July 30. Sarah, d. of Edward & Katherine Littlehale ... bur.
" Aug. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas & Eliz. Hammond ... borne.
" Aug. 16. Richard, s. of Rich. & Sarah Mathewes ... borne.
" Aug. 17. Martha, d. of Daniel Beadowe & Margarett ... bur.
" Aug. 21. John Corfield ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Ann, d. of Mary Beadowe ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Joane, w. of Humphrey ap Oliver ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey & Mary Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 4. James, s. of James & Mary Ryder ... borne.
" Sep. 15. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Davies ... borne.
" Sep. 20. Richard, s. of William & Sarah Sukar ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Abraham, s. of William Genow ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Reignold & Mary Nickolds ... bur.
" Sep. 30. Elizabeth, d. of James & Anne Peers ... borne.
" Oct. 1. Anne, d. of William & Anne Applebury ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Edward, s. of William & Elinor Medlicott ... borne.
" Oct. 2. Edmund, s. of Thomas & Eliz. Thrice ... borne.
" Oct. 3. George, s. of John & Anne Ruttar ... borne.
" Oct. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham & Mary Applebury ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Anne, d. of Richard & Jane Wildblood ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Sarah Wright ... borne.
" Oct. 15. Elinor, w. of Thomas Parsons ... bur.
" Oct. 29. William, s. of Thomas & Hesther Howard ... borne.
" Oct. 30. Robert, s. of Robert & Kathorine Paynter ... bur.
" Oct. 30. Margaret, d. of Moses & Margaret Butcher ... borne.
" Nov. 8. Hugh, s. of John & Anne Williams ... borne.
" Nov. 23. George Browne, gent. ... bur.

fol. 176.

" Dec. 7. Edmund, s. of William & Elinor Medlicott ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Andrew, s. of Andrew Warter, cler: & Ellen ... borne.
" Dec. 20. Philemon, s. of Robert & Martha Baynes ... borne.
" Dec. 23. Eliz. Davies ... bur.

1658] Pontesbury. 167

1657, Dec. 25. Margarett, d. of Mr. Thomas Roe & Mary ... borne.
" Jan. 13. Thomas Litherland ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Thomas, s. of Henry & Rebekkah Corbett ... borne.
" Jan. 14. Timothy, s. of Edw. & Katharine Littlehale ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Richard Foundlin ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Eliz., d. of Humphrey & Eliz: Eyton ... borne.
" Jan. 25. Thomas, s. of Humphrey & Anne Passand ... borne.
" Jan. 30. Abraham, s. of William & Margarett Mansell ... borne.
" Feb. 4. Abigail, d. of Thomas Parsons ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Thomas Griffiths ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Eliz: d. of Rich. & Anne Tompkins ... borne.
" Mar. 5. Andrew, s. of Wm. & Mary Jeuson ... borne.
" Mar. 14. Roger Sukar ... bur.
1658, Mar. 30. Master James Peers ... bur.
" Mar. 31. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Eliz. Young ... borne.
" Apr. 18. Jane Meredith ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Elinor, w. of Rowland Gittins ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Joyce, w. of William Ryder ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Eliz., d. of Andrew Leake ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Jane Osborne ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Amy Stedman ... bur.
" May 8. Joseph Bennett ... bur.
" May 11. William Medlicott, of Powderbach ... bur.
" May 12. Thomas, s. of Moses & Katharine Davies ... borne.
" May 14. A son of Roger Garners ... borne.
" May 30. Edwd. Evans ... bur.
" May 30. An infant of Solomon & Elizabeth Russell ... bur.
" May 31. Wm. Leake & Katharine Dyos ... mar.
" June 3. Margaret, d. of Abraham & Mary Applebury ... borne.
" June 9. Mary Hewson ... bur.
" June 21. Simon Butcher ... bur.
" June 21. Eliz. Higgons ... bur.
" June 25. Joane, w. of Hugh Williams ... bur.
" June 26. Sarah, d. of Morrice & Sarah Davies ... borne.

fol. 177.

" July 1. Mary, w. of William Leake ... bur.
" July 3. Thomas, s. of Rich. & Eliz. Tyesdall ... borne.

168 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1658

1658, July 14. Samuell, s. of John & Mary Small ... borne.
" July 29. Margarett, d. of John & Joane Leake ... borne.
" July 29. Alice, d. of Richard & Alice Church ... borne.
" July 30. Mary, w. of Richard Mericke, of Westbury ... bur.
" Aug. 4. William, s. of Roger & Joane Garner ... borne.
" Aug. 6. John, s. of Wm. Litherland, of Westbury, & Elizabeth ... borne.
" Aug. 8. Mary, d. of John & Margarett Davies ... borne.
" Aug. 16. Wm. Ryder & Mary Lewis ... mar.
" Aug. 20. Wm., s. of Thomas & Eliz. Barnet ... borne.
" Aug. 29. Martha, d. of Samuel & Sarah Diggory ... borne.
" Aug. 35. John Richards ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Margarett, d. of Daniel & Eliz. Hanley ... borne.
" Sep. 13. Abraham, s. of Abraham & Elinor Jaundrell ... borne.
" Sep. 21. Wm. Ryder ... bur.
" Sep. 30. Mary Dawes ... bur.
" Oct. 11. Hugh Williams ... bur.
" Oct. 27. John, s. of William & Anne Walton ... borne.
" Oct. 28. Martha, d. of Mr. Edward & Amy Pollexphen ... borne.
" Oct. 30. The same child ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Margaret, d. of Richard & Alice Church ... borne.
" Nov. 25. Francis, s. of Mr. Arthur Ward & Onely ... bur.
" Nov. 27. William, s. of William & Bridget Edwards ... borne.
" Nov. 27. Margery, d. of Robert & Katharine Paynter ... borne.
" Nov. 29. Robert Paynter, ye elder ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Margaret, d. of Rich. & Abigail Williams ... borne.
" Dec. 4. Andrew, s. of William Leake ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Francis Bowyer ,.. ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Margaret, d. of Richard & Abigaile Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Richard, s. of Thomas & Susan Hinley ... borne.
" Dec. 9. George, s. of William & Anne Farmer ... borne.
" Dec. 30. Mary Philipps ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of Mr. Rowland Niccolls & Anne ... borne.

1659] Pontesbury. 169

1658, Jan. 18. Rebekkah, d. of Edward & Katharine Litlehale ... borne.
" Jan. 21. Jane, d. of Roger & Katharine Phipps ... borne.
" Jan. 29. Roger Dawes ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Margaret, d. of Roger & Anne Walker ... borne.
" Feb. 14. Elizabeth Evans, of Westbury ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Margarett, d. of Roger & Mary Howells ... borne.
" Mar. 9. Katharine Philipps ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Roger Evans ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Richard, s. of Thomas & Susan Hinley ... bur.
" Mar. 11. John Dackes ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Frances, d. of Richard & Eliz. Crosse ... borne.
" Mar. 14. Hesther, d. of John & Hesther Powell ... borne.
" Mar. 14. William, s. of William & Katharine Leake ... borne.

fol. 178.

" Mar. 17. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Wood ... borne.
" Mar. 17. Roger Garner ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Gwen Garner ... bur.
1659, Mar. 27. Thomas Barber ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Rowland Diggory ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Mr. William, Hayward ... bur.
" Apr. 9. An infant of Thomas & Eliz. Jones ... borne.
" Apr. 10. The same infant ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Edward Thomas ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Thomas Benyon ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Margery Hinley ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Eliz., d. of Rowland & Eliz. Rydge ... borne.
" May 6. Andrew Hinley, ye Clarke of this parish ... bur.
" May 12. Thomas Tysdall ... bur.
" May 12. Judith, d. of John & Jane Asterley ... borne.
" May 22. John., s. of Richard & Elinor Corbett ... borne.
" May 24. Francis Pitts ... bur.
" May 27. Jane, d. of Richard & Katharine Partridge ... borne.
" June 2. Thomas, s. of Francis & Mary Browne ... borne.
" June 8. Thomas, s. of Francis Browne ... bur.
" June 9. Evan, s. of Evan & Dorothy Salisbury ... borne.
" June 11. Eliz., d. of Reignold & Mary Nickolds ... borne.
" June 11. Eliz., d. of Rowland & Elinor Gittins ... borne.

170 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1659

1659, June 16. William Philipps & Joane Garner ... mar.
" July 6. Thomas, s. of Mr. Rowland Niccolls & Anne [?] ... bur.
" July 8. Mary, d. of David & Bridgett Jones ... borne.
" July 9. Joane Hayward ... bur.
" July. 14. Mary, d. of David & Bridgett Jones ... bur.
" July 21. Mrs. Rebekkah, w. of Mr. Thomas Barrett ... bur.
" July 27. Reignold, s. of Thomas & Anne Gittins ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Roger Roe ... bur.
" Aug. 23. William Philipps, ye elder ... bur.
" Aug, 26. Jeremiah Williams ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Martha, d. of William & Elinor Medlicott ... borne.
" Oct. 4. Eliz., d. of John & Elizabeth Beadow ... borne.
" Oct. 5. Mr. Robert Philipps, ye elder ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Elinor, d. of Richard & Joane Perkin ... borne.
" Oct. 16. John Elkes & Katharine [blank], both of this p. ... mar.
" Nov. 15. Eliz., d. of William & Eliz. Sukar ... borne.
" Nov. 23. Hannah, d. of Joseph & Martha Warter ... borne.
" Nov. 25. Richard, s. of John & Joane Leake ... borne.
" Oct. 29. Mr. William Adams, of Longdon, junr., & Judeth, ye d. of William Boycott, of Buildwas, gent., were married in the parish of Buildwas.
[Noted by another hand at the foot of the page.]

fol. 179.

" Dec. 10. Evan Prichard ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Richard Reignold ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Susan, w. of Randolph Wood ... bur.
" Dec. 25. William Teague ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Dorothy Carter ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Joane, d. of Humphry & Elizabeth Eyton ... borne.
" Jan. 12. An infant of Richard & Mary Weekes ... bur.
" Jan. 14. The Widow Carter ... bur.

*The 2nd day Mr. Robert Phillips & Mary, his wife, were married.
" Feb. 12. Elizabeth. d. of William & Elizabeth Sukar ... bur.

* Entered between the lines by another hand.

1660] Pontesbury. 171

1659, Feb. 16. Elinor, d. of James & Mary Ryder ... borne.
" Feb. 23. John Congreave, of Stretton, in ye par. of Pankridge, in Staffshire, gent., & Mrs. Mary Niccolls, of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of John & Elinor Evans ... borne.
" Mar. 11. Martha, d. of Rich. & Mary Longford ... borne.
" Mar. 12. Mary, d. of Daniel & Elinor Diggory ... borne.
" Mar. 16. William, s. of Mr. John & Sarah Davies ... borne.
1660, Mar. 25. William, s. of Rowland & Katharine Bayly ... borne.
" Mar. 26. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Wright ... borne.
" Mar. 29. Dorothy, w. of Fabian Phylipps ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. of William & Anne Farmer ... borne.
" Apr. 26. Hugh, s. of Roger & Eliz. Evans ... borne.
" May 1. Alice, d. of Moses & Margaret Butcher ... borne.
" May 4. Fabian Philipps ... bur.
" May 6. Jane, d. of Henry & Rebekkah Corbet ... borne.
" May 28. Eliz., d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Price ... borne.
" May 28. Martha, d. of Thomas & Anne Gittins ... borne.
" June 21. Sarah, d. of Richard & Anne Cooper ... borne.
" June 27. Amy, d. of Arthur Ward, gent., & Onely ... borne.
" July 3. Mary, d. of Humphry & Anne Passant ... borne.
" July 19. Abraham Harris ... bur.
" July 22. Mary, d. of William & Margarett Mansell ... borne.
" July 30. John, s. of William & Eliz. Calcott ... borne.
" Aug. 25. Katharine, d. of Mr. Rowland & Anne Niccolls ... borne.
" Sep. 12. David Lee ... bur.

fol. 180.

" Oct. 12. Elinor Philipps, widow ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Daniel Beadowe .. bur.
" Oct. 30. Mary Diggory, widow ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Deborah, d. of Mr. Edward & Amy Typton ... borne.
" Nov. 4. Sarah, d. of Humphrey & Katharine Littlehale .. borne.
"* Dec. 24. Anna, d. of William Adams, junior, & Judeth ... borne.
" Jan. 26. Sarah, d. of Mr. Edward Pollexphen & Amy ... borne.

* Entered by a different hand.

172 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1660

1660, Feb. 4. Joane, d. of Rowland & Elinor Gittins ... borne.
" Feb. 21. Mistris Elizabeth Browne, widow ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Richard Church ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Mary & Anne, daus. of Reignold & Mary Nickolds ... borne.
" Mar. 1. John & Richard, sons of John & Joane Leake ... borne.
" Mar. 3. Gideon, s. of John & Mary Small ... borne.
1661, Apr. 1. Richard, s. of John & Joane Leake ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Mathew Davies ... bur.
" Apr. 5. Mary, d. of Humphrey & Mary Griffith ... borne.
" Apr. 5. John, s. of John & Joane Leake ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Price ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Richard, s. of John & Mary Rutter ... borne.
" Apr. 7. Edward, s. of Samuel & Elinor Williams ... borne.
" Apr. 7. Mary, d. of Edward & Anne Edwards ... borne.
" Apr. 8. William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Young ... borne.
" Apr. 25. Amy, d. of Mr. Arthur Ward & Onely, his w. ... bur.
" May 21. Martha, d. of Joseph & Martha Wartar ... borne.
" June 21. Gulielmus Teague, sepultus fuit.
" June 25. [blank] Bromley, vidua, sepulta fuit.
" June 25. Elizabeth, f. Edwardi Rutter et Gratiae, ux. ejus ... sep.
" July 20. Elinora, f. Richardi et Elinorae Hinley nata fuit.
" Aug. 3. Martha, f. of Davidis et Bridgettae Jones ... nata.
" Aug. 9. Maria, f. Magistri Johannis Congreve et Mariae ... nata.
" Aug. 14. Johannes Wilcockes ... sep.

fol. 181.

MEMORANDUM yt Timothy Hammond, of Pontesbury, in the County of Salop,
cler., have graunted upon the one and twentieth day of February, 1660.
unto Mary Congreve, the wife of Mr. John Congreve, now living with her
father at Boycott, in the Parish of Pontesbury, a Lycense to eat flesh
during this time of Lent, she being then, and still continuing sicke &
deprived of health. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed or

1661] Pontesbury. 173

hands, the twenty seaventh day of February, 1660.

£. s. d.
Collected for Henry Harrison, mariner, in the
parish of Pontesbury, the 3rd day of November,
1661, the sum of thirteene shillings, tenpence 0 13 10

Collected for Edward Strichley, of the parish
of Hopesay, in the county of Salop, husbandman,
in the parish of Pontesbury, Novr. ye 16th,
1667, ye summe of eleaven shillings 0 11 0

Collected for the city of Oxford, in the parish
of Pontesbury, the summe of nineteene
shillings, 1661 0 19 0

Collected in the parish of Pontesbury, the
30th of June, 1661, for the inhabitants of the
towne of Quatt, in the county of Salop, the
summe of eleaven shillings & twopence 0 11 2

Collected in the parish of Pontesbury, ye 22nd
day of December, 1661, for the Protestants of
the Dukedom of Lithuania, the summe of fifteene
shillings & eighpence 0 15 8

Collected in the parish of Pontesbury, ye 9th
day of March, 1661, for the towne & borough
of Watchett, in county of Somersett, ye summe
of foure shilling, one penny. 0 4 1

Collected in ye parish of Pontesbury, for the
Widow Davis, of Langunllo, in the county of
Radnorshire, ye 29th of June, ye summe of 0 6 6

174 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1662


Collected in the parish of Pontesbury, ye 7th
of July, for ye advancement of fishing, ye
summe of three shillings and eightpence.
I say recd. 0 3 8

fol. 182.

1662, Nov. 13. Richardus, f. Thomae et Sarae Gittoes de Minsterley ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Georgius Goodalle ... sep.
" Jan. 9. Johannes, f. Richardi et Eliz: Choriton ... nat.
" Jan. 13. Magistra Sarah Clough ... sep.
" Jan. 21. Anna, f. Johannis et Sarae Davies ... nat.
" Jan. 27. Robertus Nickolas ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Maria, f. Richardi et Annae Peate ... nat.
" Feb. 4. Martha, f. Danielis et Elinorae Diggory ... nat.
" Feb. 8. Maria, f. Richardi et Annae Peate ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Richardus, f. [blank] Adams, viduae ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Maria, ux. Gulielmi Mathewes ... sep.
" Mar. 18. [blank] Shuker, vidua ... sep.

A.D. 1662. Regis Caroli 2di 14°.

1662, Mar. 29. Abigail Gardner ... sep.
" Mar. 30. Alicia Griffiths ... sep.
" Mar. 31. Franciscus, f. Rogeri et Mariae Poyner ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Gideon, f. Eduardi et Janae Evans ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Eduardus, f. Thomae et Elizabethae Price ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Eliz: Price, vidua ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Richardus, f. Abrahami et Mariae Appleby
" Apr. 19. Thomas Niccolls, Armiger ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Jocosa, f. Richardi et Katharinae Partridge ... nat.
" Apr. 25. Elinora, f. Gulielmi et Elinorae Meddlicott ... nat.
" May 9. Ludovicus, f. Richardi et Margarettae Speake ... nat.
" June 2. Georgius, f. Oweni et Mariae Leak ... nat.

1663] Pontesbury. 175

1662, July 20. Orlando, f. Rowland Niccolls, Armigeri, et Annae ... nat.
" July 22. Thomas, f. Georgei et Ellin Williams, baptizatus fuit. [In another hand.]

fol. 183.

" Aug. 17. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi et Margarettae Maunsell ... nat.
" Aug. 23. Margaretta, f. Richardi et Joannae Perkin ... nat.
" Aug. 25. Abigail, f. Francisci et Mariae Brown ... nat.
" Sep. 5. Josephus, f. Georgii et Eliz. Higginson ... nat.
" Oct. 2. Elizabetha, f. Georgii et Eliz: Besford ... nat.
" Oct. 5. Josephus, f. Josephi et Sarae Wright ... nat.
" Oct. 10. Rogerus, f. Henrici et Rebeccae Corbett ... nat.
" Oct. 30. Alicia, ux. Richardi Gardner ... sep.
" Nov. 2. Rogerus Jones ... sep.
" Nov. 9. Alice, ux. Richardi Fallowes ... sep.
" Nov. 21. Sarah, f. Jacobi et Mariae Ryder ... sep.
" Nov. 21. Jonathan, f. Johannis et Janae Asterley ... nat.
" Nov. 22. Gulielmus, f. Solcmonis et Eliz: Russell ... nat.
" Nov. 21. Abigail Gill ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Thomas Teague ... sep.
" Dec. 13. Jacobus Ryder ... sep.
" Dec. 28. Carolus, f. Gulielmi et Annae Cartwright ... nat.
" Dec. 31. Hieronymus Lee ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Johannes, f. Richardi et Joannae Wainwright ... sep.
" Feb. 3. Elinora Rogers ... sep.
" Feb. 24. Robertus, f. Reignoldi et Mariae Nicholas ... nat.

fol. 184.

A.D. 1663. Anno Regis Caroli 2di, 15°.

1663, Mar. 25. Margareta, ux. Rogeri Gyll ... sep.
" Mar. 30. Rogerus Gyll ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Jacobus, f. Thomae et Katharinae Adney ... nat.
" Apr. 3. Sarah, f. Humphrei et Eliz. Eyton ... nat.
"* Apr. 27. Anna, f. Roberti Phillips, gen: et Mariae ... nat.
" Apr. 27. Eliz., f. Richardi Barber ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Margareta Gwinn, vid. ... sep.
" May 8. Johanes Gardner ... sep.
" May 22. Robertus, f. Humphridi et Annae Passand ... nat.

* Handwriting changes.

176 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1663

1663, May 24. Elinora, f. Johannis et Sarae Underwood ... nat.
" June 3. Margaretta, f. Edwardi et Graciae Rutter ... nat.
" June 4. Rolandus, f. Davidis et Aliciae Jones ... nat.
" June 11. Elizth., f. Richardi et Sarae Mathews ... nat.
" July 9. Johannes, f. Gulielmi et Annae Walton ... nat.
" July 28. Thomas Price ... sep.
" July 31. Richardus Jones ... sep.
" Aug. 18. Rogerus, f. Gulielmi et Catherinae Leak ... nat.
" Aug. 19. Maria, f. Oliveri et Margarettae Griffiths ... nat.
" Aug. 26. Alicea Turner ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Anna, f. Richardi et Elinorae Hinley ... nat.
" Sep. 7. Maria, f. Samuelis et Sarae Diggory ... nat.
" Sep. 8. Samuel, f. Samuelis et Susannae Phillips ... nat.
" Sep. 9. Maria, f. Richardi et Mariae Lankeford ... nat.
" Oct. 54. Maria, f. Richardi et Mariae Lankeford ... sep.
" Oct. 15. Mary Casall, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 17. Johannes, f. Johannis et Sarae Davies ... nat.
" Oct. 22. Elizth, f. Johannis et Joannae Leake ... nat.
" Oct. 22. Georgius Clough ... sep.
" Nov. 25. Margareta, f. Rogeri et Catharinae Phips ... nat.
" Dec. 6. Richardus, f. Johannis Rutter ... sep.
" Dec. is. Johannes, f. Davidis et Bridgettae Jones ... nat.
" Dec. is. Edwardus, f. Edwardi et Annae Edwards ... nat.
" Dec. 13. Anna, ux. Henrici Lewis ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Maria Corbet, vidua
" Jan. 18. Catharina, ux. Rogeri Phips ... sep.
" Jan. 25. Richardus et Alicea Poole ... nup.
" Jan. 28. Ursula, ux. Johannis Maunsell ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Sara, f. Thomae et Joannae Heynes ... nat.
" Feb. 8. Sara, f. Richardi et Elizabethae Charlton ... nat.
" Feb. 9. Thomae, f. Thomae et Annae Peate ... nat.

fol. 185.

" Feb. 21. Johannes, f. Johannis et Mariae Smalman ... nat.
" Feb. 22. Thomas, f. Rogeri et Annae Owens ... nat.
" Mar. 8. Elinora, f. Josephi et Sarae Jones ... nat.
" Mar. 9. Elizabetha Spilsburie, vid: ... sep.

A.D. 1664. Anno Regis Caroli 2di, 16°.

1663] Pontesbury. 177

1663, Apr. 10. Margareta Powell ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Richardus Ford et Margaretta Evans ... nup.
" May 4. Carolus Webb et Elizabetha Pugh ... nup.
" May 6. Margaretta Gardner, vid: ... sep.
" May 13. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi Adams, gen: junr., et Judith ... nat.
" May 27. Alicea, ux. Eduardi Barber ... sep.
" June 2. Edwardus Barber ... sep.
" June 5. Jane Roberts ... sep.
" July 3. Randolphus Wood ... sep.
" July 4. Georgius, f. Johannis et Elinorae Evans ... sep.
" July 19. Johannes Maunsill et Sara Bailey ... nup.
" July 20. Amia, f. Andrei et Franciscae Maunsill ... nat.
" July 21. Andreas Leake ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Anna, f. Eduardi et Janae [blank]... nat.
" Aug. 17. Eliz: f. Eduardi et Janae Phillips ... nat.
" Aug. 25. Samuelis, f. Jacobi et Mariae Squires ... nat.
" Aug. 28. Margaretta, f. Humphridi et Mariae Blakemoor ... nat.
" Sep. 8. Jane, f. Eduardi et Mariae Teague ... nat.
" Sep. 11. Sara, f. Gulielmi et Annae Farmer ... nat.
" Sep. 28. Maria, f. Roberti et Mariae Phillips ... nat.
" Sep. 29. Maria, f. Thomae et Sarae Davies ... nat.
" Oct. 12. Rodolphus, f. Rodolphi et Abigailis Hooper ... nat.
" Oct. 12. Thomas, f. illegitimus Nathielis Corfield et Elinorae Corfield ... nat.
" Oct. 13. Eliz: f. Thomae et Eliz: Hamonds ... nat.
" Oct. 13. Roger Poole et Hanna Phillips ... nup.
" Oct. 29. Joanna, f. Humphridi et Annae Passand ... sep.
"* Oct. 11. Edwardus, f. Henrici et Janae Barrett, natus fuit apud Uley Glocester'.

fol. 186.

" Nov. 10. Samuel Peirce et Sara Cleeton ... nup.
" Dec. 8. Richardus Peirce ... sep.
" Dec. 27. Elinora Browne, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 4. Richardus, f. Oweni et Mariae Leake ... nat.
" Dec. 16. Johannes, f. Johannis et Lettie Gould ... nat.
" Dec. 18. Johannes, f. Georgii et Eliz. Higginson ... nat.
" Dec. 22. Johannes, f. Georgii et Aliceae Glover ... nat.

* In another hand.

178 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1663

1663, Dec. 31. Anna, f. Thomae et Margarettae Pipper ... nat.
" Jan. 21. Richardus Bennet ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Edwardus, f. Edwardi et Elinor Yates ... nat.
" Jan. 24. Franciscus, f. Alexander et Mariae Powell ... nat.
" Jan. 31. Rachall, f. Edwardi et Maria Chesher ... nat.
" Feb. 1. Johannes Rutter et Joyce Dunne ... nup.
" Feb. 13. Richardus, f. Johannis et Annae Gittins ... nat.
" Feb. 17. Elizabetha, f. Moses et Margaretae Butcher ... nat.
" Mar. 6. Sara Simmons ... sep.
" Mar. 12. Elinor, f. Solomon;s et Eliz: Russell ... nat.
" Mar. 24. Thomas, f. Edmundi et Amiae Polexphen ... nat.
" Mar. 3. Matheus Wilding ... sep.



1664. The 10th of Aprell, one Breefe for Elis. Gwin
& others of Carnarvon, was at Pontesbury the
some of 00 04 09

The 12th of June, one Breefe for the Upper Downe,
was collected at Pontesbury the some of 00 07 07

The 4th of August, one Breefe for St. Mary's Church,
in Chester, was collected at Pontesbury the
some of 00 08 01

The 4th of Sept: one Breefe for Basing Church, in
Southamptonsheire, was collected the some 00 07 00

The 11th of Sept: one Breefe for Cromer alias Shipden,
in Norfolk, was collected in Pontes:
the some of 00 08 10ob

The 23rd of October, one Breefe for Lindon Church,
in Gloster-sheire, was collected the some of 00 04 11


[Written on the margin of the page are two entries:]

1665, Oct. 20. Henricus, fillius Henrici et Jann: Barrett, natus fuit apud Uley in Glocester: comitate.
1664, Mar. 10. Mary, ye Dauter of Abra: & Mary Applebury, was ... borne.

fol. 187.

Anno Domini 1665. Anno Regis Caron 2di, 16°.

1665, Apr. 2. Elizabeth, f. Francisci et Mariae Browne ... nat.
" Apr. 3. Margaretta, f. Josephi et Sarae Wright ... nat.

1665] Pontesbury. 179

1665, May 2. Abigail, f. Gulielmi et Eliz: Dennis ... nat.
" May 3. Hugo Warter ... sep.
" May 6. Elinora, f. Thomas et Eliz: Wolley ... nat.
" May 9. Rowlandus, f. Rowlandi et Catharinae Baeleys ... nat.
" May 14. Franciscus, f. Gulielmi et Catharinae Leake ... nat.
" May 16. Richardus, f. Georgii et Elinorae Williams ... nat.
" May 19. Gulielmus, f. Rowlandi Powel ... nat.
" June 11. Martha, f. Arthuri et Marthae Walthall ... nat.
" July 8. Elenora, f. Georgii et Eliz Bosford ... nat.
" July 19. Gulielmus, f. Samuelis et Susannae Phillips ... nat.
"* July 26. Josephus Evans et Eleanora Baughe, apud Wistanton ... nup.
" Aug. 2. Abrahamus, f. Rogeri et Hannae Poole ... nat.
" Aug. 2. Martha, f. Oliveri et Margarettae Griffiths ... nat.
" Aug. 25. Anna, f. Johannis et Sarae Underwood ... nat.
" Sep. 7. Maria, f. Morris et Sarae Daveis ... nat.
" Sep. 11. Martha, f. Gulielmi et Joannae Wilcocks ... nat.
" Sep. 12. Anna, f. Richardi et Margarettae Speake ... nat.
" Oct. 7. Phillippus, f. Richardi et Elizabethae Cross ... nat.
" Oct. 12. Gulielmus, f. Thomae et Catherinae Adney ... nat.
" Oct. 15. Thomas, f. Gulielmi et Margarettae Mansell ... nat.
" Oct. 15. Rogerus, f. Humphridi et Annae Passon ... nat.
" Oct. 31. Thomas Bradley et Abigail Clough ... nup.
" Nov. 4. Georgius Akin et Martha Wilding ... nup.
" Nov. 7. Henricus, f. Henrici et Rebecckae Corbet ... nat.
"* Nov. 10. Richardus, f. Samuelis et Sarahae Peerce, baptizatus fuit.
" Nov. 26. Johannes, f. Thomae & Mariae Teague ... nat.
" Dec. 2. Francis, filia Gulielmi Adams, gen: et Judeth, uxor ejus ... nat.
" Dec. 10. Catharina, f. Richardi et Annae Peate ... nat.

* Inserted in another ink.

180 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1665

1665, Dec. 17. Eliz: f. Richardi et Mariae Symmons ... nat.
" Dec. 18. Johannes, f. Josephi et Dorotheae Thurley ... nat.
" Dec. 20. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi et Elinorae Harris ... nat.
" Jan. 8. Elizabetha, f. Thomae et Sarae Daveis ... nat.
" Jan. 9. Maria, f. Gulielmi et Mariae Rider ... nat.
" Jan. 25. Johannes Crowther et Jane [?] Henkeman ... nup.
" Feb. 3. Edwardus Evans et Amia Paynter ... nup.
" Feb. 6. Thomas, f. Richardi et Bridget Hatton ... nat.
" Feb. 24. Jonathan Dyos et Sara Bennion ... nup.
" Feb. 27. Richardus, f. Rich: et Eliz: Cureton ... nat.

fol. 188.

" Feb. 26. Elizabetha, f. Rogeri et Eliz: Evans ... nat.
" Feb. 27. Hanna, f. Josephi et Mariae Clarke ... nat.
" Feb. 29. Henricus Sucar et Martha Bayleys ... nup.
" Mar. 13. Elenora, f. Gulielmi et Jane Davies ... nat.
" Mar. 19. Margaretta, f. Johannes et Eliz: Beddowe ... nat.
" Mar. 20. Richardus, f. Davidus et Aliceae Jones ... nat.

*Anno Domini 1666. Anno Regis Caroli 2di, 17.

1666, Apr. 10. Maria, f. Georgii et Eliz. Higginson ... nat.
" Apr. 14. Johannes, f. Edwardi et Mariae Cole ... nat.
" Apr. 24. Rogerus Phillips ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Richardus, f. Richardi et Elenorae Henley ... nat.
" May 1. Nathanael Griffithes et Elenora Corbet ... nup.
" May 12. Gulielmus Warter et Rebecka Stockin ... nup.
" May 13. Thomas, f. Edwardi et Annae Edwards ... nat.
" June 2. Elenora, f. Arthuri et Marthae Walthall ... nat.
" June 16. Johannes, f. Richardi et Mariae Ellis ... nat.
" June 21. Edwardus, f. Johannis et Mariae Small ... nat.
" Aug. 4. Edwardus, f. Josephi et Elinorae Evans ... nat.
" Aug. 29. Margatta, f. Josephi et Marthae Warter ... nat.
" Sep. 5. Thomas, f. Thomae et Elenorae Gittins ... nat.
" Sep. 5. Alexander Wood, de Black Abbey, gener: et Francisca, f. Gulielmi Adams, de Monks Foregate, prope Salop ... nup.
" Sep. 8. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi et Graciae Peirce ... nat.

* Handwriting changes.

1666] Pontesbury. 181

1666, Sep. 14. Maria, f. Gulielmi et Annae Walton ... nat.
" Sep. 19. Martha Whood ... sep.
" Sep. 29. Maria Pollexphen, vidua ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Maria, f. Davidis et Bridgettae Jones ... nat.
" Oct. 31. Anna Warters ... sep.
" Nov. 1. Nathaniel, f. Nathanielis et Elenorae Griffithes ... nat.
" Nov. 7. Jane, f. Humphridi et Elinorae Littleale ... nat.
" Nov. 10. Gulielmus Berrington, Armiger ... sep.
" Nov. 11. Johannes, f. Eduardi et Sarae Whitakers ... nat.
" Nov. 18. Thomas, f. Jonathan et Sarae Dyos ... nat.
" Nov. 20. Elizabetha, f. Thomae et Eliz: Wolley ... nat.
" Nov. 22. Gulielmus, f. Roberti et Mariae Phillips, gen: ... nat.
" Nov. 30. Oliverus Griffithes ... sep.
" Dec. 17. Elinora Boycot, vidua, olim de Buildwas ... sep.
" Dec. 20. Stephanus, f. Stephani Caswall ... nat.
" Dec. 31. Anna, f. Eduardi et Mariae Teague ... nat.
" Jan. 10. Elenora Reignolds ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Elizabetha, f. Gulielmi et Catharinae Leake ... nat.
" Jan. 16. Thomas Lakeman et Ellenora Lea ... nup.
" Jan. 27. Richardus Griffithes et Catharina Bowen ... nup.
" Jan. 24. Sara Mansell ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Joanna Beddowe, vidua ... sep.
" Feb. 5. Elizabetha, f. Gulielmi et Rebeckae Warter ... nat.
" Feb. 9. Margaretta, f. Samuelis et Rebeckae Richards ... nat.
" Feb. 9. Richardus, f. Richardi Sugar ... nat.
" Feb. 20. Richardus, f. Alexandri et Mariae Powel ... nat.
" Feb. 24. Edwardus, f. Samuelis et Sussannae Phillips ... nat.
" Feb. 26. Elizabetha, f. Radulphi et Abigailis Harper ... nat.
" Mar. 2. Sara Sugar, vidua ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Elizabetha, f. Thomae et Elenorae Owens ... nat.
" Mar. 10. Josephus, f. Oweni & Mariae Foulle [?] ... nat.

fol. 189.

182 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1667

*1667, Mar. 29. Sarah, f. Samuell et Sarah Pearce ... nat.
" Apr. 9. Richardus Browne, of Edge ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Katherine, f. John & Sarah Underwood ... nat.
" Apr. 25. Joyce, ux. Francisci Evans ... sep.
" Apr. 29. Thomas Boyer et Elinor Griffis ... nup.
" Apr. 30. George, f. Georgei et Elizabethae Besford ... nat.
" Apr. 30. Grace, f. Edward et Grace Rutter ... nat.
" Apr. 30. Ricardus, f. Ricardi et Franciscae Gardner ... nat.
" May 8. Franciscus Lea et Margaret, ux. ejus ... nup.
" May 10. Daniell Hood et Ann Davies ... nup.
" May 16. Richard Griffis et Elizabeth Price ... nup.
" May 16. Elizabeth Harris ... sep.
" May 30. Jacob, f. Abraham et Elinor Jaundrell ... nat.
" June 2. Edwardi [sic], f. Edwardi et Katarinae Davies ... nat.
" June 9. Joseph Harris ... sep.
" June 12. Elizabeth, f. Thomae et Elizabeth Humphres ... nat.
" June 15. Roger Harris ... sep.
" June 13. Joyce, f. Richardi et Mary Cheshire ... nat.
" Aug. 13. John Warter ... sep.
" Aug. 22. Anne, f. John et Sarah Davies ... nat.
" Sep. 20. Elizabeth, f. Alice Turner ... nat.
" Nov. 2. Thome, f. Thome Berrington, Armiger, et Anne, ux. ejus ... nat.
" Nov. 19. Mary, f. Edwardi et Jane Phillips ... nat.
" Nov. 23. Carolus, f. Gulielmus [sic] Adams, generosum, et Judeth, ux. ejus ... nat.
" Nov. 30. Richardus Corfeild et Margaretta Warter ... nup.
" Dec. 21. Mary, d. of John et Elizabeth Pugh ... nat.
" Dec. 21. Thome, f. William et Anne Farmer ... nat.
" Dec. 24. Bethia, filia Thomas et Mary Teague ... nat.
" Dec. 28. Humphridus Bolliver ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Edwardi [sic] Addams ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Debora, f. Richardi et Eliz: Crosse ... nat.
" Jan. 24. Elizabeth, f. Gulielmus et Margaret Mansell ... nat.
" Jan. 26. Katarina Mansell ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Susanna, f. Nicholas & Jane Wainwright ... nat.

* Handwriting changes to a more illiterate hand of some scribe whose knowledge of Latin was extremely limited.

1668] Pontesbury. 183

1667, Jan. 21. Rebecka, f. Henry Barrett, generosum, et Jane, ux. ejus ... nat.

fol. 190.

" Feb. 1. Thomae, f. Thomae et Margaretta Duppa ... nat.
" Feb. 11. Elizabeth, f. Alexander et Marya Powell ... nat.
" Feb. 20. John, f. Rolandi et Elenor Bayley ... nat.
" Feb. 25. Thomae, f. Thomae et Katerina Adney ... nat.
" Mar. 9. Ricardus Hughson ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Ricardus Browne ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Edward Edwards ... sep.
" Mar. 24. Ricardus Couper ... sep.
1668, Mar. 28. Gulielmus Perkin ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Georgius Newell ... sep.
" Apr. 19. Richardus Matthews ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Edwardus Johens & Gwen Humphres ... nup.
" Apr. 25. Johannes Cockley ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Abrahamus, f. Thomae et Elenor Boyer ... nat.
" May 5. Elenor, f. Samueli et Sara Peerce ... nat.
" May 26. Humphreus, f. Humphreii et Annea Paston ... nat.
" May 26. Margareta, f. Humphreii et Anna Paston ... nat.
" June 2. Georgius Higison ... sep.
" June 11. Anna, f. Henricii et Martha Sukar ... nat.
" June 15. William Bechfild ... sep.
" June 16. Mathews, f. Thomae et Maria Wilding ... nat.
" June 26. Thomas Meredith & Maria Daunton ... nup.
" Aug. 13. Thomas, f. of Thomae Volley, generos: et Elizabeth, ux. ejus ... nat.
" Aug. 16. Edmund, f. Gulielmi et Elenor Medlicot ... nat.
" Aug. 26. Richardus, f. Johannes Bennet ... nat.
" Sep. 6. Richardus, f. Josephi et Elenora Evans ... nat.
" Sep. 10. Thomas Humphres ... sep.
" Sep. 27. Georgius, f. Georgii et Marth: Eykin ... nat.
" Oct. 9. Rowland, f. Danieli et Elenor Digory ... nat.
" Oct. 10. Maria, f. Edwardi et Margaret Jones ... nat.
" Nov. 2. Anna, f. Thomae Berington, Esq., & Anna ... nat.
" Nov. 10. Samuelis, f. Humphrei Blakemore ... nat.

184 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1668

[Written on the margin] Edwardus Medlicott, natus August 16, Anno Do: 1668.

fol. 191.

1668, Nov. 15. Maria, f. Arthuri et Marth: Waltholl ... nat.
" Dec. 1. Georgius, f. Nathanieli et Elenor Griffits ... nat.
" Dec. 10. Maria, f. Richardi et Maria Simons ... nat.
" Dec. 12. Marth: f. Ricardi et Bridget Hatton ... nat.
" Jan. 9. Josephus, f. Richardi et Margareta Hosier ... nat.
" Jan. 31. Katheriana, f. Gullielmi et Margareta Tisdale ... nat.
" Feb. 3. Edward, f. Roberti Phillips, gen: et Maria ... nat.
" Feb. 9. John, f. Samueli & Rebecca Richards ... nat.
" Feb. 14. Thomas Underwood et Jone Nock ... nup.
" Feb. 16. Maria, f. Stepheni Cheiswell et Margaret ... nat.
" Feb. 19. Margareta Morris ... sep.
" Feb. 24. Marya, f. Edwardi et Elenor Gates ... nat.
" Mar. 6. Sara, f. Josephi et Marth: Warter ... nat.
" Mar. 10. Thomas, f. Edwardi et Jane Coale ... nat.
" Mar. 10. Margareta, f. Edwardi et Jane Coale ... nat.
" Mar. 21. Anna [Amia written above], f. Edwardi et Maria Teage ... nat.


" Mar. 17. Maria, f. Thomas et Sara Davies ... nat.
" Mar. 17. Abigella, f. Franciscus Powell ... nat.
1669, Mar. 25. Richardus Niccolls ... sep.
" Mar. 24. Thomas, f. Edwardi Jones ... nat.
" Apr. 2. Nathaniell, f. David et Bridget Jones ... nat.
" Apr. 2. Fredericke Clodius et Elizabetha Adams ... nup.
" Apr. 20. Thomas, f. Thomas et Maria Meredith ... nat.
" Apr. 20. Jonathanus, f. Edwardus et Gratea Rutter ... nat.
" May 1. Thomas Benion et Alicia Crump, nuptus fuit, primo die Mali, vicesimo prima Caroli secundi.
" May 4. Martha, f. Richardus Turner ... sep.
" May 8. Wililielmus, f. Franciscus et Maria Brown ... nat.
" May 11. Thomas Everall et Margerie Cheshire ... nup.

1669] Pontesbury. 185

1669, May 12. Anna, f. Henricus et Rebecka Corbet ... nat.
" June 1. Robertus Coale et Anna Roberts ... nup.
" June 3 Johant.s Wilding et Frauncisca Powell ... nup.
" June 8. Richardus Hodgkis et Margareta Caswell ... nup.
" June 12. Lucia Wilcox ... sep.
" June 13. Blancha Davies ... sep.
" June 14. Elizabetha Crockett ... sep.

fol. 192.

" July 11. Richard, s. of Thomas and Margaret Duppa ... nup.
" July 13. Sara, d. of John and Sara Underwood ... nat.
" July 17. Judith, f. Wililielmus Adams de Longden ... nat.
" July 18. Maria, f. Johannes et Maria Smalman ... nat.
" Aug. 8. Thomas, f. Edwardus et Sara Whitekers ... nat.
" Sep. 18. Hugh, f. Samuelmus et Susanna Phillips ... nat.
" Sep. 10. Maria, f. Griffida et Hanna Humphreys ... nat.
" Sep. 20. Thomas Hawkes et Martha, f. Arthurus Warde de Hinton ... nup.
" Sep. 23. Abrahamus Calcott & Alicia Browne ... nup.
" Sep. 20. Thomas Davies, nupt: fuit.
" Oct. .14. John, f. Fardinando et Maria Thomas, bapt: fuit.
" Oct. 15. Georgius, f. Thomas et Eliz: ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Edmundus Taylor ... sep.
" Nov. 6. Thomas Reignalds & Anna Adams, vid: ... nup.
" Nov. 6. Frances, fillius Franciscus et Maria Powell ... nat.
" Nov. 7. Thomas Roberts & Margareta Thomas ... nup.
" Noc. 14. Abrahamus Heywaye & Jana Corbett, vid: ... nup.
" Nov. 19. Richardus Arthurus Harries ... nat.
" Nov. 20. Martha, f. Danielus et Anna Wood ... nat.
" Nov. 29. Thomas, f. Henricus et Jana Barrett ... nat.
" Dec. 12. Elioner, d. of Francis & Margaret [blank] ... nat.
" Dec. 10. Joyce Peers, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 20. Humphrydus Jones ... sep.
" Jan. 2. Maria, f. Thomas et Katherina Adenne ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Thomas Barnet ... sep.
" Feb. 22. Thomas Lacman ... sep.

186 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1669

1669, Feb. 20. Sara, f. Wililielmus et Margareta Maunsell ... nat.
" Feb. 3t. Robertus, f. Roberti et Anna Coale ... nat.
" Mar. 1. Richard, f. Daniell et Eliz: Hichin ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Richard Watson ... sep.
" Mar. 17. Maria, f. Thomae et Sarae Davis ... nat.
" Mar. 17. Abigale, f. Alexander & Mariae Powell ... nat.
" Mar. 19. Richardus, f. Humphridi et Eleanorae Littleale ... nat.

fol. 193.

" Mar. 24. Thomas, f. Edwardi & Margaretae Jones ... nat.
1670, Mar. 26. Edwardus Lee ... sep.
" Apr. 2. Judith, f. Thomae & Mariae Wilding ... nat.
" Apr. 7. Thomas Hunt & Sarah Aplebury ... nup.
" Apr. 9. Sarah, f. Thomae & Elinorae Owen ... nat.
" Apr. 9. Rowlandus, f. Willmi & Elin Ford ... nat.
" Apr. 13. Hanna, f. Willmi & Katherinae Leake ... nat.
" Apr. 28. Katherina, f. Henrici & Marthae Sukar ... nat.
" Apr. 30. Katherina, f. Andreae & Francescae Mancell ... nat.
" Apr. 30. Henricus, f. Johannis & Sarae Davis ... nat.
" May 2. Richardus, f. Richardi & Mariae Webb ... nat.
" May 4. Thomas Harris & Sarah Jones ... nup.
" May 11. Dorcas, f. Edwardi & Elizabethae Dolphin ... nat.
" May 27. Thomas, f. Georgii & Elizabethae Berisford ... nat.
" May 27. Vidua Higgison ... sep.
" June 3. David Hinley et Margareta Edwards ... nup.
" June 4. Willmus Dorsett et Sarah Mather ... nup.
" June 17. Katherina, f. Francisci & Sarae Mancell ... nat.
" July 24. Susanna Cowper ... sep.
" July 24. Judeth, f. Johannis & Eleanorae Evans ... nat.
" Aug. 3. Thomas, f. Thomae & Alice Benion ... nat.
" Aug. 9. Johannes, f. Thomae & Sarae Peate ... nat.
" Aug. 12. Henricus, f. Thomae & Mariae Teague ... nat.
" Aug. 16. Thomas, f. Thomae Berrington, ar: ... sep.
" Aug. 31. Deborah, f. Roberti & Eleanorae Gittoes ... sep.
" Sep. 26. Richardus Phillipps, apud Londinum, sepultus fuit.

1671] Pontesbury. 187

1670, Oct. 1. Richardus Garbeit & Elizabetha Barnett ... nup.
" Oct. 2. Maria, f. Willmi & Eleanorae Harris ... nat.
" Oct. 5. Elizabetha, f. Josephi & Sarae Wright ... nat.
" Oct. 19. Thomas, f. Richardi & Eliz: Chorlton ... nat.
" Oct. 21. Bartholomeus, f. Davidi & Aliciae Jones ... nat.
" Nov. 1. Desima, f. Thomae & Margaretae Duppa ... nat.
" Nov. 2. Eleanora, f. Johannis & Guendoline Bennett ... nat.
" Nov. 10. Andreas, f. Andreae & Annae Paine ... nat.

fol. 194.

" Dec. 9. Willmus Dennys ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Josephus, f. Josephi & Eleanorae Edwards ... nat.
" Dec. 28. Elizabetha Polexphen ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Willmus, f. Samuel Phillipps ... sep.
[Entry at side of Register] Thomas, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Bowyer, born Jan. 12, 1670.
" Jan. 13. Richardus Niccolls & Amy Dennis ... nup.
" Jan. 16. Elizabetha, f. Edwardi & Janae Philipps ... nat.
" Jan. 21. Johannes, f. Richardi & Margaretae Hosier ... nat.
" Jan. 22. Johannes, f. Thomae & Abigalis Mather ... nat.
" Jan. 22. Corbett Owen, gen: apud Condover, sepultus fuit.
" Feb. 3. Willmus, f. Willmi & Annae Farmer ... nat.
" Feb. 4. Elizabetha, f. Willmi Adams, gen: & Judeth, ux. ejus nata fuit et eodem die ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Johannes Corbett, ar: ... sep.
" Feb. 18. Eliz. Griffiths ... sep.
" Feb. 19. Vidua Watson ... sep.
" Feb. 26. Willmus Mancell ... sep.
" Feb. 28. Alicia Price ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Josephus Warter, apud Hanwood ... sep.
*1671, Mar. 27. Jana Huson ... sep.
" Apr. 7. Richardus Wainwright ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Thoma Hammonds ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Maria, f. Edwardi & Mariae Cheshire ... nat.
" Apr. 18. Maria, f. Johis Turner ... nat.
" Apr. 26. Gulielmus, f. Thomae & Elizabethae Woolley ... nat.

* Handwriting changes.

188 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1671

1671, May 4. Edr'us, f. Andre [blank] ... nat.
" May 11. Jacobus Spencer sepultus fuit, et Jacobus, f. ejusdem Jacobi ... nat.
" May 26. Thomas, f. Isaac & Elizabethae Glover ... nat.
" May 27. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi & Rebeckae Warter ... nat.
" June 19. Margareta, f. Thomae & Margaretae Roberts ... nat.
" June 25. Thoma Crosse ... sep.
" July 4. Thoma Hood ... sep.
" July 15. Elizab: f. Francisci Browne ... sep.
" July 26. Gulielmus, f. Ferdinandi Thomas ... nat.
" Aug. 12. Owenus, f. Roberti Phillips, gen: & Mariae ... nat.

fol. 195.

" Sep. 3. Edwardus, f. Edwardi & Mariae Teage ... nat.
" Nov. 23. Joanna, f. Georgi & Mariae Edwards ... nat.
" Nov. 24. Joanna, f. Davidi & Margaretae Hinley ... nat.
" Nov. 25. Ricus Griffiths ... sep.
" Dec. 18. Margareta Hatton ... sep.
" Dec. 9. Jana, f. Henrici Barrett, gen: & Janae ... nata & ... sep.
" Dec. 23. Michael Meredith ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Sarah, f. Jonathan & Sarah Dyos ... nat.
" Dec. 27. Jana Heighway ... sep.
" Dec. 31. Eliza: Warde, spinster ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Joanna Goodall ... sep.
" Jan. 14. Georgius Adams, gen: & Elizabetha Crosse ... nup.
" Jan. 14. Margareta, f. Richardi & Annae Peate ... nat.
" Jan. 20. Ricus, f. Alexandri & Mariae Powell ... nat.
" Jan. 20. Alexandrus Powell ... sep.
" Jan. 22. Ricus Perkin ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Willmus, f. Thomae & Ursullae Wellings ... nat.
" Jan. 31. Ricus Jackes et Elizabetha Wood ... nup.
" Feb. 12. Josephus, f. Danielis & Elianor Diggory ... nat.
" Feb. 19. Jocosa Williams ... sep.
" Feb. 20. Ricus Browne & Anna Hodges ... nup.
" Feb. 24. Joanna Walker de Oakes, vid: ... sep.

1672] Pontesbury. 189

1671, Feb. 25. Samuel, f. Griffithi & Hannae Humphreys ... nat.
" Mar. 7. Maria, f. Rici & Margaretae Reignolds ... nat.
" Mar. 8. Elianora, f. Edri & Elinorae Yates ... nat.
" Mar. 14. Ricus, f. Gulielmi Adams, gen: & Judith ... nat.
" Mar. 18. Ricus, f. Gulielmi & Catherinae Leake ... nat.
" Mar. 20. Willus Owen, Rector 2dae Portionis Parochia de Pontesbury, sepultus fuit apud Condover.
*1672, Mar. 31. Eliz: f. Henricus Barrett, generos, & Janeae ... nat.
" Apr. 5. Ellenor, the d. off Danill & Ellenor Phillips ... nat.
" Apr. 7. Abigail, f. Ricardus & Mary Simmons ... nat.
" Apr. 13. Mary, d. of Rowland & Mary Jones ... nat.
" Apr. 21. Ricardus, f. Ricardus & Bridgett Hattne ... nat.
" May 1. Bridgett, f. David & Bridgett Jones ... nat.
" May 9. Jone Niccolls ... sep.
" May 9. Richard Reynalds ... sep.
" May 11. Edwardus, f. Thomae & Elin Benion ... nat.
" May 11. Ann, f. Henricus & Martha Suker ... nat.

fol. 196.

" May 59. Gullielmus, f. Samuell Richards ... nat.
" May 25. Ann Turner ... sep.
" May 27. Josephus Hood & Maria Corbett ... nup.
" June 29. Edwardus Parr & Dorothea Reynalds ... nup.
" June 30. Sarah, f. Josephus Turlin ... nat.
" June 30. Jone, f. Edwardus & Elizabeth Dollphin ... nat.
" June 30. Ricus Turner ... sep.
"+ June 26. Johanes, f. Guilbertus Cole ... nat.
" July 6. Bridget, f. Johannes & Sarah Underwood ... nat.
" July 21. Jane, f. Richardus & Amie Niccolls ... nat.
" July 22. Magdalen, f. Thomae & Annae Berrington ... nat.
" July 30. Gulielmus Keene de Minsterley ... sep.
" Aug. 30. Richardus Tipton ... sep.
" Sep. 2. Judith, f. Rowlandi Niccolls, Esq., & Anne ... nat.
" Sep. 19. Francis Harris, gener: & Jane Owen ... nup.

* Handwriting changes, and the Latin is very bad,
+ Handwriting changes.

190 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1672

1672, Sep. 29. Maria, f. Thomae & Maria Willding ... nat.
" Sep. 30. Gulielmus, f. Richardus & Elizabeth Bennett ... nat.
" Oct. 25. Joseph, f. Joseph & Elinor Evans ... nat.
" Oct. 30. Amy Polexfen ... sep.
" Nov. 6. Edward Wellings & Elizabeth Wooffe ... nup.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth, f. Edwardus et Margaret Jones ... nat.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth, f. Mariae Reignolds ... nat.
" Nov. 17. Maria, f. Ricardus et Anne Griffis ... nat.
" Nov. 20. Thomas, f. Edwardus et Grace Rutter ... nat.
" Dec. 2. Gulielmus, f. Thomae et Joan Underwood ... nat.
" Dec. 2. Susanna, f. Ricardus et Amy Williams ... nat.
" Dec. 4. Maria, f. Franciscus et Mariae Browne ... nat.
" Dec. 7. Martha, f. George et Marthae Gwin ... nat.
" Dec. 16. Martha, f. Joseph & Mariae Hood ... nat.
" Dec. 17. Margaret, f. Edwardus & Jane Phillips ... nat.
" Dec. 23. Ann, f. Daniell et Ann Hood ... nat.
" Dec. 25. Jeremiah, f. Francis et Margreat Lea ... nat.
" Feb. 2. Gulielmus Underwood & Maria Corbett ... nup.
" Feb. 2. Edward Dawes & Maria Phillips ... nup.
" Feb. 2. Ricardus, f. Roberti & Elinor Gittoes ... nat.
" Feb. 3. Maria Reignalds ... sep.
" Feb. 3. Elizabeth, f. Gulielmi & Elizabeth Hughes ... nat.
" Feb. 14. William Hall ... sep.
" Feb. 15. John, f. Daniell & Elizabeth Hitchin ... nat.
" Feb. 15. Richard, f. Thomas & Jane Spicer ... nat.
" Feb. ultimo die. Thomas, f. Thomas & Elinor Owen ... nat.

fol. 197.

1673, Mar. 31. James Pugh et Joyce Clarke ... nup.
" Apr. 11. Infantus Ricardi Griffis, sepultus fuit.
" Apr. 13. Viddua Coulton ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Anna, nx. James Floyd ... sep.
" Apr. 17. Anna, f. Jacobus et Jane Underwood ... nat.
" Apr. 19. Thoma, f. Gulielmo Harris ... nat.
" Apr. 22. Ricardus Pollexfen et Judith Corns ... nup.
" Apr. 22. Sarah Harris ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Thoma Pugh & Anna Bennet ... nup.

1673] Pontesbury. 191

1673, Apr. 27. Infantus Thomae Spicer ... sep.
" May 1. Ricardus Bentley et Elizabetha Rider ... nup.
" May 4. Henricus Simmons et Donatus Farmer ... nup.
" May 4. Martha, f. Georgius Eykin ... sep.
" May 6. Anna, f. Ricardus et Anna Peate ... nat.
" May 16. Maria et Martha, f. Edwardus et Maria Lewis ... nat.
" May 27. Richardus, f. Edwardus et Dorothy Parry ... nat.
" June 4. Elinor, f. Peter et Alicia Winn ... nat.
" June 6. Viddua Owens ... sep.
" June 6. Thoma Gould & Jone Niccolls ... nup.
" June 6. Jone, f. Gulielmo et Jone Willcox ... nat.
" July 5. Richardus Hodges et Sarah Pitchford ... nup.
" July 6. Franciscus Turner ... sep.
" July 17. Gulielmus, f. Gilbertus et Mari Cole ... nat.
" July 20. Ricard Craft ... sep.
" July 30. Martha., f. Georgus et Elizabeth Adams ... nat.
" July 31. Maria, f. Henricus et Martha Shuker ... nat.
" July 31. Maria, f. Richardus et Dorothy Sturchley ... nat.
" Aug. 13. Robertus, f. Robertus et Maria Chambers ... nat.
" Sep. 25. Jana, f. Roberto Phillips, gen: et Maria ... nat.
" Sep. 27. Samuell, f. Samuell et Elinor Diggory ... nat.
" Oct. 6. Margaretta, f. Steeyen Ca... [illegible] ... nat.

fol. 198.

" Nov. 6. Samuell, f. Henricus et Elizabeth Harris ... nat.
" Nov. 18. Maria, f. Gulielmi et Rebeca Warter ... nat.
" Nov. 25. Gulielmi, f. Ricardus et Amy Niccolls ... nat.
" Dec. 24. Maria et Martha, f. Thoma & Maria Meredith ... nat.
" Jan. 13. Martha, f. Franciscus et Maria Powell ... nat.
" Jan. 20. Maria, f. Georgus et Maria Edwards ... nat.
" Jan. 20. Maria, f. Gulielmo et Maria Underwood ... nat.
" Feb. 3. Ricardus Davis et Margaretta Price ... nup.
" Feb. 6. Ricardus, f. Ricardus et Judith Pollexfen ... nat.
" Feb. 13. Johannes Meredith et Anna Purslow ... nup.
" Feb. 15. Abigail, f. Edwardus et Maria Davis ... nat.
" Feb. 21. Gulielmus, f. Edwardus et Maria Teague ... nat.
" Feb. 21. Daniell Hutchins ... sep.

192 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1673

1673, Feb. 28. Richardus, f. Johannes et Dorothy Steevens ... nat.
1674, Mar. 28. Amy Williams ... sep.
" Apr. 12. Martha, d. of Ricardus et Sara Bennet ... nat.
" Apr. 19. Johannes, f. Jonathan & Sara Dives ... nat.
" Apr. 21. Maria, f. Samuell et Susanna Phillips ... nat.
" Apr. 25. Joyes, f. James et Joyce Pugh ... nat.
" Apr. 26. Elinor, f. Gulielmus et Elinor Tisdale ... nat.
" Apr. 27. Katherine Mancell ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Johanes Davies ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Ricardus, f. Johannes et Maria Turner ... nat.
" May 7. Josephus, f. Johannes et Elinor Evans ... nat.
" May 16. Johannes Gwinn et Elizabetha Griffis ... nup.
" May 22. Jone Phillips ... sep.
" May 22. Georgius Lloyd et Elinora Lewis ... nup.
" May 27. Edwardus Oakes ... sep.
" May 22. Jana, f. Thomae & Jone Gould ... nat.

fol. 199.

" June 2. Joyce, f. Edwardus et Grace Rutter ... nat.
" June 19. Richardus, f. Thomae et Alicia Bennion ... nat.
" July 7. Ralph, f. Rolandus Niccolls, armiger, et Anne ... nat.
" July 26. Dorothy, f. Arthur et Martha Wathall ... nat.
" July 26. Joyce Adams ... nat.
" Aug. 6. Johannes, f. Rolandi et Maria Jones ... nat.
" Sep. 8. Margaret, f. David et Margaret Hinley ... nat.
" Sep. 9. Ursula, f. Rolandus et Katherina Baylie ... nat.
" Sep. 13. Johannes, f. Henricus et Donatus Simmons ... nat.
" Sep. 17. Mica11, f. Micall et Elinor Simmons ... nat.
" Oct. 1. Maria, f. Ricardus et Maria Diggory ... nat.
" Oct. 11. Thoma, f. Ricardus et Elizabeth Bennett ... nat.
" Oct. 11. Elizabeth, f. Gulielimus et Maria Jones ... nat.
" Nov. 3. Thomae, f. Thomae et Maria Richards ... nat.
" Nov. 7. Ricardus, f. Roberti et Maria Chambers ... nat.
" Nov. 7. Anna, f. Johannes et Anna Meredith ... nat.
" Nov. 8. Dorothy, f. Arthur Walthall ... sep.
" Nov. 9. Thomae, f. Ricardus & Margaretta Davis ... nat.
" Nov. 20. Ricardus Speake ... sep.

1675] Pontesbury. 193

1674, Nov. 20. Edwardus, f. Thomae et Elizabeth Wolley ... nat.
" Nov. 25. Owen, f. Gilberti et Maria Cole ... nat.
" Dec. 7. Johannes, f. Roberti et Anna Evans ... nat.
" Dec. 16. Maria Price ... sep.
" Dec. 16. Thomae, f. Samuell et Rebecca Richards ... nat.
" Dec. 17. Henricus, f. Henricus et Martha Shuker ... nat.
" Dec. 17. Ricardus, f. Ricardus et Amy Littleall ... nat.
" Dec. 19. Johannes, f. Joseph et Elinor Evans ... nat.
" Dec. 19. Jane, f. Thomae et Maria Harris ... nat.
" Dec. 26. Maria Browne ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Peeter Adams ... sep.
" Feb. 5. Sarah, f. Georgus et Elizabeth Adams ... nat.
" Feb. 6. Edwardus, f. Gulielmo et Elizabeth Hughs ... nat.
" Feb. 13. Nicholas Broxon et Margareta Bennion ... nup.
" Mar. 11. Katherina Boyer ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Carolus, f. Edwardus et Elizabeth Dolphin ... nat.

fol. 200.

*1675, Mar. 31. Thomas, f. Johanis et Sarae Underwood, baptizatus fuit.
" Mar. 31. Ricardus Wildblud ... sep.
" Apr. 7. Abrahamus Heighway ... sep.
" Apr. 20. Abrahamus Callcott ... sep.
" Apr. 21. Magdalena Jones ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Thomas, f. Ricardi et Margaretae Hosier ... bap.
" May 9. Gullielmus, f. Gulielmi et Annae Tyler ... bap.
" May 9. Margareta, f. Thomae et Joane Underwood ... bap.
" May 10. Jacobus Ryder ... sep.
" May 18. Georgius, f. Henrici Barett et Janae ... bap.
" May 27. Thomas Adeney ... sep.
" June 7. Ricardus Williams ... sep.
" July 8. Thomas, f. Thomae Willdinge et Mariae ... bap.
" July 10. Juditha Pollexphen ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Ricardus Ryder ... sep.
" Sep. 29. Ricardus, f. Thomae et Sarae Niccolls ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Johanes, f. Johanis et Elizabethae Gwinn ... bap.

* Handwriting changes.

194 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1675

1675, Oct. 8. Maria, f. Thomae et Mariae Robisson ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Anna, f. Petri et Elizabethae Hughson ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Samuelis, f. Guilberti et Mariae Cole ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thomas Madox & Jane Hopton ... nup.
" Dec. il. Christabella Price ... sep.
" Dec. 15. Bridgitta Nickles, vidua ... sep.
" Dec. 31. Edwardus, f. Ricardi et Margaretae Davies ... bap.

fol. 201.

" Jan. 4. Michaelis, f. Ricardi & Eliz: Chorlton ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Griffithus et Thomas, fillii Bridgittae Woods ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Arthurus, f. Gulielmi et Sarae Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Ellenora, f. Ricardus et Bridgittae Hatton ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Cornelius Powell & Johana Parry ... nup.
" Jan. 23. Margaretta, f. Nicholai et Margaretae Broxon ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Maria, f. Josephi et Mariae Higons ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Sarah, ux. Jonathanis Dios ... sep.
" Feb. 7. Thomas, f. Johanis et Mariae Turner ... sep.
" Feb. 14. Thomas, f. Henrici & Elizabethae Downs ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Johanes Meredith ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Maria Jones ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Margaretta, f. Johanes & Anne Handle ... bap.
*1676, Mar. 29. Robertt Gittoes ... sep.
" Mar. 31. Elizabeth, f. Thomae Wolley, generosi ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Robertus, f. Roberti & Mariae Phillips ... bap.
" May 4. Josephus, f. Thomae & Elishaae Bennion ... bap.
" May 8. Joyce Gardener ... sep.
" May 21. Jane Roberts ... sep.
" May 21. Uxor Thomae Langford ... sep.
" May 24. Richardus, f. Ricardi Niccolls ... bap.
" June 6. Gulielmus, f. Edwardi Teague ... sep.
" June 13. Elizabetha, f. Richardi Bedow ... bap.

fol. 202.

" June 17. Reinald, f. Johannis Williams, generosi ... sep.
" June 22. Griffith Owens & Elinor Gittoes ... nup.
" June 26. Francis Brown & Joanna Corbett ... nup.
" July 12. Ellenor Chorlton ... sep.
" July 13. Widow Jones ... sep.

* Handwriting changes.

1676] Pontesbury. 195

1676, Aug. 31. Carolus, f. Josephus Evens ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Jacobus, f. Henricus Simons ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Ricardus, f. Henricus Corbett ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Carolus, f. Josephus Evens ... sep.
" Sep. 11. Anne, d. of Edward Davis ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Abrahamus, f. Ricardus et Sarah Bennett ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Ricardus, f. Thomae et Jane Madox ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Johannes, f. Franciscus et Mariae Powell ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Ricardus, f. Ricardi et Mariae Diggory ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Ricardus Evens ... sep.
" Oct. 8. Johanes, f. Robertus Cole et Anne, his wife ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Maria, ux. David Peugh ... sep.
" Oct. 29. Humphredus, f. Johan' Leake ... sep.
" Oct. 29. Ricardus, f. Eduardus et Mariae Lewis ... bap.

fol. 203.

" Nov. 2. Gulielmus, f. Thomae et Jone Gould ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Sarah, f. Georgeus et Mariae Edwards ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Eduardus, f. Eduard et Margarettae Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Ricardus Waynewright ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Margaretta Speake ... sep.
" Nov. 25. Randolphus Lee et Maria Wildblud ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Johannes Leake ... sep.
" Dec. 3. Elizabetha, f. Thomae & Anne Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Elizabetha, f. Thomae & Sarah Niccolls ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Rogerus Evans ... sep.
" Dec. 12. Thomas Burley ... sep.
" Dec. 27. Margaretta Low ... sep.
" Dec. 2.4. Elizabetha Clarke ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Ricardus Peerce ... sep.
" Dec. 29. Eodem die, fillii* Thomae Niccolls et Sarah uxores shuis, sepultus fuit.
" Dec. 29. Eduardus, f. Thomae Walley, generosi, et Elizabeth, uxores shuis, apud Hanwood ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Jacobus, f. Jacobus et Joyce Peugh ... bap.

fol. 204.

" Jan. 6. Amy, f. Ricardus et Amy Littleale ... bap.

* This is the verbatim entry of the burial of the infant daughter baptized on December 7.

196 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1676

1676, Jan. 8. Katherina, f. Carolus Kinoston, generosi, et Katherinae ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Johannes, f. Eduardus et Mariae Teage ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Jane, f. Henricus et Jane Barrett ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Maria, f. Petals et Alicia Winn ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Georgeus, f. Georgeus et Elizabethae Adams (natus fuit ultimo die) ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Gulielmus, f. Ricardus et Anne Peate ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Maria, f. Thomae et Jone Morgan ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Anne, ux. Rolando Niccolls, armiger ... sep.
" Feb. 24. Rogerus Davis & Maria Evens ... nup.
" [no date.] Johanes, f. Ricardus et Eliz. Bennett ... bap.
*1677, Mar. 25. Margaretta, f. Thomae Wellings ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Eduardus Baugh, gener' ... sep.
" Mar. 30. Margaretta, f. Gulielmi et Mariae Underwood ... bap.

fol. 205.

" Apr. 3. Helena, ux. Georgii Esquire ... sep.
" Apr. 9. Elizabetha, f. Thomae et Mariae Harris ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Johannes, f. Thomae et Mariae Wilding ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Richardus, f. Richardi et Mariae Simmonds ... bap.
" May 1. Johannes Corbett et Margeretta Williams ... nup.
" May 4. Johannes, f. Johannis et Sarae Underwood ... bap.
" May 11. Elizabetha, f. Johannis et Annae Hanley ... bap.
" May 16. Catherina, f. Oweni & Marthae Jones ... bap.
" May 17. Johannes, f. Johannis et Margaretta Gill ... bap.
" June 3. Eduardus Bennion et Joyce Crosse ... nup.
" June 21. Thomas, f. Griffith & Elenorae Owen ... bap.
" July 11. Michaell Simmonds ... sep.
" July 20. Margeretta, f. Gulielmi et Catherinae Phillips ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Jane, f. Petri & Elizabethae Hewson ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Richardus Hincks et Anna Meredith ... nup.
" Aug. 23. Arthur, f. Gilberti Cole, Clerici, et Mariae, ux. ejus ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Elenora, f. Thomae & Elenorae Boyer ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Johannes, f. Thomae & Elizabethae Wooley ... bap.

* Handwriting changes.

1678] Pontesbury. 197

1677, Nov. 4. Jacobus Crosse & Margeretta Browne ... nup.
" Nov. 4. Anna Reignolds ... sep.
" Nov. 21. Vidua Evans ... sep.
" Nov. 22. Martha, f. Johannis et Margerettae Asson ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Johannes Cooper ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Eduardus, f. Randolphe et Mariae Lee ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Francis Dosset et Maria Atkis ... nup.
" Dec. 10. Richardus Bennion ... sep.

fol. 206.

" Jan. 22. Robertus Higgins ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Gulielmus Waltham ... sep.
" Jan. 29. Maria Painter ... sep.
" Jan. 31. Josephus, f. Josephi Hood ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Abrahamus Asterley & Maria Gittings ... nup.
" Feb. 3. Johannes Gittings et Maria Jones ... nup.
" Feb. 7. Richardus, f. Gulielmi et Margarettae Dawes ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Maria, f. Roberti et Mariae Chambers ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Johannes Colvax & Mariae Bland ... nup.
" Feb. 16. Maria Cheshire ... sep.
" Feb. 17. Johannes, f. Johannis et Eliz: Roberts ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Elizabetha, f. Johannis et Eliz: Gwyn ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Anna Walthon ... sep.
" Feb. 28. Martha, f. Roberti et Annae Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Sarah, f. Thomae et Aliciae Bennion ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Jacobus, f. Eduardi et Joyce Bennion ... bap.
*1678, Apr. 2. Eduardus, f. Richardi et Amy Niccolls ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Elizabetha, f. Abigaelis Corbett ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Johannes Williams et Anna Bowen ... nup.
" Apr. 25. Martha, f. Roberti Phillips, gen: et Mariae, ux. ejus ... bap.
" May 1. Johannes Reignolds et Katherina Simmonds ... nup.
" May 3. Jana Evans ... sep.
" May 11. Jana Partridge ... sep.
" May 20. Eduardus Whittakers et Margareta Reignolds ... nup.
" May 24. Tho. Roberts, de parochia de Ford ... sep.

fol. 207.

" May 25. Eduardus Jones ... sep.

* Handwriting changes.

198 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1678

1678, May 27. Thomas, f. Johannis Hanley, et ux. ejus ... bap.
" May 30. Anna, f. Thomae et Joannae Owen ... bap.
" June 14. Johannes Partridge ... sep.
" June 14. Margareta, f. Richardi et Dorotheae Sturchley ... bap.
" July 19. Thomas Gittoes ... sep.
" Aug. 15. David, f. Davidis et Margaretae Hinley ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Henricus, f. Samuelis et Susannae Phillips ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Josephus Price et Margareta Edwards ... nup.
" Sep. 12. Richardus, f. Georgii et Maria Edwards ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Infans Henrici Suker, filia ... sep.
" Sep. 19. Martha, f. Thomae et Mariae Wilding ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Thomas Corbett et Jana Keene ... nup.
" Oct. 15. Joanna, f. Thomae et Sarae Niccolls ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Eleanora, f. Thomae et Elenorae Owen ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Martha, f. Thomae et Mariae Wilding ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Gulielmus, f. Rogeri et Margaretae Foord ... bap.
" Nov. is. Nicholas, f. Nicholai et Margaretae Broxson ... bap.

fol. 208.

" Nov. 14. Elizabetha, f. Richardi et Annae Hencks ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thomas Langford ... sep.
" Nov. 24. Richardus Gittoes ... sep.
" Nov. 24. Honoria, f. Caroli Kinnaston, gen: et Katherinae, ux. ejus ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Maria, f. Johannis et Mariae Collfox ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Elizabetha, f. Johannes et Mariae Gittins ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Thomas Downes, Clericus ... sep.
" Dec. 21. Rogerus Gittins & Elizabetha Thomas ... nup.
" Dec. 22. Margareta, f. Nicholai Broxson ... sep.
" Dec. 23. Jana Roberts ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Thomas, f. Jonathani et Eliz. Richards ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Katherina Partridge ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Thomas, f. Jonathani et Eliz: Richards ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi et Katharinae Leake ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Thomas, f. Elizth. Beddowe, vitiatae ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Ozias Browne & Maria Jones ... nup.

1679] Pontesbury. 199

1678, Jan. 26. Ralph, f. Rowlandi Niccolls, Armigeri, et Annae ... sep.
" Jan. 28. Franciscus, f. Francisci et Mariaea Dosset ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Johannes, f. Jacobi et Jocosae Pugh ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Gulielmus Crockett ... sep.
" Feb. 10. Elizabetha Phillips ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Esther Harries, gen: ... sep.
" Feb. 18. Richardus Phillips ... sep.

fol. 209.

" Feb. 18. Elizabetha, f. Georgii Adams, gen: & Elizabethae ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Thomas, f. Edwardi & Margaretae Whittakers ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Ozias, f. Oziae & Mariae Browne ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Hannah, f. Edwardi & Maria Dawes ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Edwardus, f. Richardi & Mariae Diggory ... bap.


1679, Mar. 26. Martha, f. Johannes & Abigaelis Probart ... sep.
" Apr. 1. Gulielmus, f. Johannes & Annae Price ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Carolus, f. Edwardi & Margaretae Chesheere ... bap.
" May 18. Hannah, f. Guliel: & Rebeccae Warter ... bap.
" May 26. Elizabetha Gittoes, vidua ... sep.
" May 29. Maria, f. Johannis & Margaretae Corbett ... bap.
" [no date]. Gulielmus Owen, Rect: 2dae Port: et Jana Niccolls ... nup.
" June 23. Robertus Phillips, generosus ... sep.
" July 2. Franciscus Littleale & Sara Whittakers ... nup.
" July 10. Edwardus, f. Thomae & Elizabethae Woolley ... bap.
" July 13. Thomas Young, apud Hanwood, sepeliebatur.
" July 23. Thomas Davies, apud Pontesbury, sepultus fuit.
" July 24. Thomas, f. Thomae et Joannae Morgan ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Josephus, f. Gulielmi & Sarae Harries ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Margareta, f. Thomae et Sarae Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Thomas, f. Francisci & Margaretae Phillips ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Elianora Owen ... sep.

200 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1679

1679, Sep. 21. Mauritius Jones ... sep.
" Sep. 23. Josephus Wright, sepeliebatur apud Hanwood.
" Sep. 26. Thomas, f. Griffithi & Hannae Humphrys ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Margareta, f. Richardi & Bridgetae Hatton ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Sytha, f. Richardi & Amiae Niccolls ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Gulielmus, f. Henrici & Janae Barrett ... bap.

fol. 210.

" Oct. 18. Syth, f. Richardi et Amyae Niccolls ... sep.
" Oct. 31. Thomas, f. Edwardi & Mariae Teage ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Margareta, f. Jacobi & Janae Underwood ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Thomas, f. Andreae & Amiae Mansell ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Thomas Bower ... sep.
" Nov. 20. Maria, f. Johannis & Katherinae Reynolds ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Jana, f. Thomae & Janae Maddox ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Richardus, f. Richardi & Penelopes Barber ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Gulielmus, f. Richardi Cross de Longden ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Richard Hinton ... sep.
" Dec. 26. Gulielmus, f. Griffithi & Eleanorae Owen ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabetha, f. Petri et Elizab: Hewson ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Martha, f. Richardi et Elizab: Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Elizabetha, f. Johannis et Elizabethae Roberts ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Carolus, f. Petri et Aliciae Wynne ... bap.
" Jan. It. Franciscus, f. Richardi et Amiae Littleall ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Thomas, f. Randolph et Mariae Lee ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Anna, f. Josephi & Sarae Diggory ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Sarah, f. Johannis & Mariae Gardner ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Margareta Morris, vidua ... sep.
" Feb. 16. Ambrose Topton & Elizabetha Evans ... nup.
" Mar. 15. Thomas, f. Thomae & Sarae Niccolls ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Abrahamus, f. Johannis & Mariae Gittins ... bap.


1680, Apr. 14. Thomas, f. Gulielmi & Janae Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Maria, f. Richardi & Mariae More ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Maria, f. Edmundi & Mariae Barnett ... bap.

1680] Pontesbury. 201

1630, Apr. 22. Gulielmus, f. Johannis & Sarae Underwood ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Maria, ux. Edmundi Barnett ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Samuel Allen & Margareta Ellis ... nup.
" Apr. 26. Edward Reynolds & Eleanora Simmonds ... nup.

fol. 211.

" May 5. Josephus, f. Johannis & Margaretae Aston ... bap.
" May 23. Gulielmus, f. Thomae & Mariae Harries. ... bap.
" May 23. Maria, ux. Thomae Harries ... sep.
" May 25. Maria, f. Gulielmi & Janae Barber ... bap.
" June 13. Richardus Evans ... sep.
" June 14. Johannes Pitchford & Margareta Chesheere ... nup.
" June 24. Richardus, f. Stephani & Elizabeth Randolph ... bap.
" July 11. Elizabetha, f. Francisci & Sarae Littleall ... bap.
" July 19. Margareta, f. Jonathani & Elizabethae Richards .. bap.
" Sep. 5. Thomas, f. Thomae & Ursulae Wellins ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Joanna, f. Thomae & Joannae Underwood ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Moses Davies ... sep.
" Sep. 23. Maria, f. Gilberti Cole, Clerici, & Mariae ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Gulielmus, f. Francisci & Mariae Dosset ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Alicia, f. Johannis & Susannae Clark ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Johannes, f. Rogeri & Eliz: Gittins ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi & Eliz. Hughes ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Richardus, f. Richardi & Annae Peate ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Franciscus, f. Nicholai & Margaretae Brockston ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Anna, f. Ambrosii & Elizabethae Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Richardus, f. Johannis & Mariae Colefox ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Johannes, f. Richardi & Annae Hencks ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Gulielmus Dawes ... sep.
" Dec. 25. Francis Bowyer, apud Westbury ... sep.
" Dec. 27. Edwardus, f. Georgii & Mariae Edwards ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabetha, f. Petri & Elizabethae Hughson ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Richardus Partridge ... *sepeliebatur.
" Jan. 16. Gulielmus, f. Richardi & Amiae Niccolls ... bap.

* Latin "sepeliebator" here only, in all other places "sepultus." "sepulta fuit" or "erat"; lit. trans. "was being buried."

202 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1680

1680, Jan. 20. Danniel Hood ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Richardus Hays ... sep.
" Jan. 27. Martha, f. Michaelis & Marthae Huggins ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Eadem Martha Hoggins ... sep.
" Jan. 30. Sarah, f. Richardi & Margaretae Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Georgius, f. Roberti & Mariae Chambre ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Samuel Barker ... sep.
" Feb. 8. Elizabetha, f. Johannis & Annae Price ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Bridgeta, f. Richardi & Eleanorae Henley ... bap.

fol. 212.

" Mar. 1. Gulielmus, f. Johannis & Mariae Gardner ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Jana, f. Thomae & Eliz: Olivers ... bap.

HENRICUS BARRETT & JOHANNES RUTTER, Gardiani propter annum 1680.

*1681, Mar. 27. Ricardus, f. Ricardi & Dorothy Sturchley ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Henricus, f. Georgi & Elizabeth Adams ... bap.
" Apr 8. Martha, f. Edward & Elenor Reinolds ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Owen Leake ... sep.
" Apr. 10. Edward Barnett & Sarah Titley ... nupti fuere.
" Apr. 24. Henry Worrall & Hester James ... nup.
" May 1. William Marson & Marjory, uxor ejus ... nup.
" May 12. Margreat, f. Thomae & Eliz: Wolley ... bap.
" May 14. Thomas Harris, the sonne of Thomas Harris, was ... bur.
" June 30. Margreat Richards ... bur.
" June 30. John Sankey & Susanna Burges, were the same day married.
" July 14. John, s. of William & Amy Tyler, was ... bap.
" July 22. Mary, d. of Richard & Elinor Hinley ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Richard, s. of Elizabeth Pearce ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Charles, s. of Edward & Margreat Cheshire ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Richard Jenks ... bur.
" Sep. 6. Elinor Tysdale ... bur.
" Sep. 7. William Clarke ... bur.
" Sep. 13. Anne Lee ... bur.
" Sep. 18. William, s. of William & Sarah Pollexfen ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Richard Pearce ... bur.
" Oct. 3. William Pollexfen ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Diggory ... bap.

* Handwriting changes, and the Latin iss less scholarly.

1682] Pontesbury. 203

1681, Oct. 19. Abraham, s. of Richard & Mary Diggory ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Amy Pollexfen ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Robert Shuker & Marjory Tibbey ... mar.
" Nov. 20. Robert, s. of David & Margreat Hinley ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Isack & Elizabeth Glover ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Richard, s. of Samuell & Ann Wildblood ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Jane, d. of John & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Charls Worrall ... bur.
" Dec. 10. William Rider ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Ralph Murrall, Cler: was ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Thomas Dyoes ... bur.

fol. 213.

" Dec. 17. William, s. of Michall & Martha Hoggins ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Sarah, d. of John & Margret Pitchford ... bap.
" Jan. 3. John, s. of James & Margreat Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Juson ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Michall, s. of Charles & Elicia Davis ... bap.
" Jan. 29. James Pugh ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Humphrey Littell ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Anne, d. of Randle & Mary Lee ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Eliz: d. of Edmund & Sarah Barnet ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Richard, s. of Francis & Sarah Littell ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Margreat, d. of Edward & Mary Daws ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Francis & Margreat Phillips ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Edward, s. of Jonathan & Eliz: Richards ... bap.


1682, Mar. 30. Mary Hall ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Mary, d. of William & Marjory Marson ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Humphry Broadbury ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mary Poyner ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of Francis & Mary Dossett ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Jane, d. of Thomas Olivers ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Charles, s. of Thomas & Sarah Niccolls ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Sarah, d. of Henry & Hester Worrall ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Charles, s. of Charles & Elizth. Diggory ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Mary, d. of Stephen & Mary Rondle ... bap.
" June 1. Mary Dossett ... bur.
" June 1. Elizabeth, d. of John & Abigail Burch ... bap.
" June 15. Mrs. Dorothy Adams ... our.

204 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1682

1682, June 22. John Jones ... bur.
" June 25. Richard, s. of Roger & Beatridge Gittins ... bap.
" July 2. Mary Marson ... bur.
" July 13. Mrs. Wolley, att Hanwood ... bur.
" July 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wolley ... bap.
" July 23. John Browne & Elinor Jones ... mar.
" July 31. Elizabeth Burch ... bur.
" Aug. 3. John, s. of John & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Francis Reighnolds ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Johanathan Dious ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Alicia Hinley ... bur.
" [no date]. Thomas, s. of Ozias & Mary Browne ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Hugh Evans ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Thomas, s. of John & Susanna Clarke ... bap.

fol. 214.

" Sep. 25. Margreat Dios ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Widdow Benion ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Pollexphen ... bap.
" Sep. 26. The wife of John Evans ... bur.
" Sep. 28. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Richard, s. of Charles & Margreat Parton ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Joseph, s. of Richard & Anne Hencks ... bap.
" Oct. 10. William, s. of Edward & Mary Teage ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Denis Niccolls ... bur.
" Oct. 18. Jeremia Jasper & Anne Price ... mar.
" Oct. 22. Margreat, d. of John & Katherine Reighnolds ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Margreat, d. of John & Margreat Aston ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Roger Poyner ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Joseph, s. of Richard Hincks ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Thomas Sturchley ... bur.
" Nov. 27. Elizameth Daulphin ... bur.
" Nov. 29. A walking woman ... bur.
" Dec. 2. William Lucas & Sarah Churchman ... mar.
" Dec. 4. William. s. of Thomas & Jone Morgan ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Richards, s. of Richard & Amie Littell ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Bale, d. of Nicholas & Margreat Broxton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Richard Embrey & Mary Asterley ... mar.
" Jan. 3. John, s. of John & Mary Olivers ... bap.

1683] Pontesbury. 205

1682, Jan. 7. William Clarke ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Thomas Mitton & Elizabeth Jones ... mar.
" Jan. 14. Anne, d. of Randle Lee ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Thomas Browne ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Abraham, s. of Abraham & Mary Asterley ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Griffith Davis & Susanna Mansell ... mar.
" Feb. 25. Martha, d. of Thomas & Martha Olivers ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Elizabeth Davis & her daughter were ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Elizabeth Hamonds ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Widdow Browne ... bur.

WILLIAM MEDLICOTT & NICHOLAS BROXTON, Wardens, for the year of our Lord 1682.

1683, Apr. 14. Thomas, s. of Francis & Margreat Dossett ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Hanna Jenks ... bap.

fol. 215.

" May 5. Jone Hinley ... bur.
" May 16. Thomas, s. of Richard & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" May 24. John Cole ... bur.
" May 24. Richard Southerton ... bur.
" May 25. Elizabeth Cross ... bur.
" June 17. Edward, s. of Thomas & Mary Wilding ... bap.
" June 17. John, s. of William & Mary Harris ... bap.
" June 23. William Griffis ... bur.
" June 24. Samuell, s. of John & Abigall Birtch ... bap.
" July 3. Henry Adams ... bur.
" July 5. James, s. of James & Margaret Jones ... bap.
" July 7. Oliver Waters ... bur.
" July 9. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Chorlton ... bap.
" July 15. Richard, s. of Michall & Martha Hoggins ... bap.
" July 27. Andrew, s. of Samuell & Deborah Powell ... bap.
" July 29. Martha, d. of Richard & Elinor Hinley ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Elisha, d. [sic] of William & Jane Barber ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Susanna, d. of John & Jane Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Margaret, d. of William & Margreat Marston ... bap.
" Aug. 30. William Crosse ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Thomas Salsbury ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth Waters ... bur.

206 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1683

1683, Sep. 4. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Underwood ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Mary, d. of Jeremiah & Anne Jasper ... bap.
" Sep. 10. David Pugh & Mary Hall ... mar.
" Sep. 10. Richard, s. of Richard & Sarah Bennett ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Henry, s. of Benjamin & Abigail Clemson ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah Diggory ... bap.
" Oct. 30. David Pugh ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Simon, s. of Thomas & Ursula Wellings ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Johanathan, s. of Jonathan & Elizth. Richards ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Robert, s. of Richard & Amy Niccolls ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Amy Hood ... bur.
" Dec. 9. William, s. of Thomas & Margreat Owen ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Francis, s. of Henry & Elizabeth Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 8. George, s. of George & Elizabeth Wolley ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Elizabeth Eyton ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Onslow, s. of Henry & Jane Barrett ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Mariery Morris ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Samuel Hughson ... bur.

fol. 216.

" Feb. 5. Margaret Barber ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Gwinn ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Mary, d. of Charles & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Mar. 14. John Elkes ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Richard, s. of William & Elizabeth Hughes ... bap.


1684, Mar. 27. Mrs. Mary Niccolls. of Salop, widdow ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Griffith, s. of Owen & Martha Davis ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Anne, d. of Richard & Dorothy Sturchley ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Rowland Powell ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Martha, d. of Henry & Hester Worrall ... bap.
" Apr. 24. David Williams & Abigail Higgins ... mar.
" Apr. 25. Hanna, d. of Griffith & Susanna Davis ... bap.
" May 16. Penelope Penbury ... bur.
" May 21. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Daws ... bap.
" May 24. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Hughson ... bap.
" June 1. John Bennet ... bur.
" June 15. John Howard ... bur.
" July 6. Thomas, s. of Francis & Sarah Littell ... bap.

1684] Pontesbury. 207

1684, July 6. Mary Gittins, widdow ... bur.
" July 8. Elizabeth Cross ... bur.
" July 8. Margreat Cross ... bur.
" July 13. Phillip, s. of George & Elizabeth Adams ... bap.
" July 17. Peetar, s. Peetar & Elizabeth Huson ... bap.
" July 20. Thomas, s. of Stephen & Elizabeth Randle ... bap.
" July 28. Martha Corbett ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Sarah, d. of Mary Poole ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Mary, d. of Mr. Francis Harris & Jane ... bap.
" Sep. 24. George Floyd ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Joseph, s. of Richard & Frances Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Lowry Cross ... bur.
" Oct. 10. William, s. of Richard & Mary Diggory ... bap.
" Oct. 14. William, s. of Richard Diggory ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Thomas Harris, Esqre. ... bur.
" Oct. 24. Robert Bradbury & Elizabeth Huson ... mar.
" Nov. 6. Margreat, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Beddow ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Alice Spilsbury ... bur.
" Nov. 6. Alice Aston ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Thomas, s. of John & Anne Price ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Richard, s. of Samuell Wildblood ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Elizabeth Teage, widdow ... bur.

fol. 217.

" Dec. 13. Mary, d. of Richd. Sotherton ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Margreat, d. of Richard Beddow ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Robert Cole ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Elinor, d. of Thos. & Anne Roggers ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Edmund & Sarah Barnett ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Richard & Anne Henks ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Margreat, w. of Richard Davis ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Morris, s. of Richard Davis ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Bridget Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 19. John Price & Elizabeth Turner ... mar.
" Feb. 13. Anne Wood, widdow ... bur.
" Feb. 16. James Underwood ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Philip, s. of Francis & Mary Dosset ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Gittens ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Alice, d. of John Henley ... bur.

208 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1684

1684, Feb. 26. Richard Maddox ... bur.
" Feb. 29. Jane Underwood ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Mary., w. of Robert Chambers ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Peter, s. of Thomas & Sarah Niccolls ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Thomas Adney ... bur.
" Mar. 22. John Hughes ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Mary, d. of John & Anne Price ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Anne Craft, widdow ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Martha, d. of Henry Worrall ... bur.
*1685, Apr. 5. Thomas Davies ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Priscilla, d. of William & Amye Tylor ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Mary Barber, widd: ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Pollexphen ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Richd., s. of John & Margret Aston ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Rowland Griffiths & Abigail Pierce ... mar.
" May 2. Elizth. Downes, wid: ... bur.
" May 3. John Johnson & Margret Griffiths ... mar.
" May 3. Edward Powell & Ann Wood ... mar.
" May 7. John, s. of Richd: & Elinor Briscoe ... bap.
" May 7. Susanna, wife of Samuel Phillips, Gent: ... bur.
" May 8. Dorothy Salisbury ... bur.
" May 9. Ann, d. of Wm. & Eliz: Phillips ... bur.
" May 10. Joseph, s. of Richard & Frances Williams ... bur.

fol. 218.

" June 1. Grace, d. of Jeremyah & Anne Jesper ... bap.
" June 18. Susanna, w. of Thomas Henley ... bur.
" June 23. Henry Downs ... bur.
" June 30. Mary Thomas ... bur.
" July 14. Martha, d. of George & Margret Vaughan ... bap.
" July 21. Orlando, s. of Nicholas Jackson. Gent: & Anne, his wife ... bap.
" July 24. John, s. of Richard Briscoe ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Samuel Diggory ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 15. William Hughes ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Eliz: Tysedell ... bap.
" Sep. 3. William Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 10. William Canke & Margrett Lloyd ... mar.
" Sep. 22. Jane Cowper, widd: ... bur.

* Handwriting changes.

1686] Pontesbury. 209

1685, Sep. 27. John Harnedge ... bur.
" Sep. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. Tysedell ... bur.
" Oct. 7. David Jones & Susanna Roberts ... mar.
" Oct. 7. Edmond King ... bur.
" Oct. 11. Adam, s. of Benj. & Abigell Clemson ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Humphry Hencks & Sarah Littleale ... mar.
" Oct. 19. Margt., d. of Edward & Mary Dawes ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Thomas, s. of Randolph & Mary Lee ... bur.
" Oct. 27. John, s. of John & Anne Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Mary, d. of David Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary Meredith ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Jacob Cowse & Katharine Severns ... mar.
" Feb. 5. Richard Davies ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Elizabeth, d. of James & Margrett Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Thomas Gittens & Joyce Gardnor ... mar.
" Feb. 18. Thomas Corbett ... bur.

fol. 219.

" Mar. 3. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Eliz: Richards ... bur.
" Mar. 3. John, s. of Wm. & Margery Marston ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Samuel, s. of Sam: & Deborah Powell ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Edward, s. of Jonathan & Eliz: Richards ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Francis Mansell ... bur.
" Mar. 20. John Pitchford, senr. ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Anne, d. of Owen & Martha Davies ... bap.

GEO. VAUGHAN, RANDOLPH LEE, Wardens for 1685.

*1686, Mar. 26. Isaac, s. of Henry & Hester Worrall ... bap.
" Mar. 29. John Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Jane, d. of John & Jane Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Francis, s. of Francis & Margarett Phillips ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Martha, d. of John & Margrett Corbett ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Martha, d. of John & Abigaile Birtch ... bap.
" Apr. 17. John, s. of Martha Reignolds ... bap.
" Apr. 29. George, s. of George & Elizth. Wolley ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Joane Underwood ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Sarah Diggory ... bap.
" May 10. Anne Williams ... bur.

* Handwriting changes.

210 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1686

1686, June 1. Thomas Wicherley & Sarah Turner ... mar.
" June 1. Thomas Hinley & Joane Sturchley ... mar.
" June 2. John Evans & Dorothy Harris ... mar.
" June 3. Michael, s. of Michael & Martha Hoggins ... bap.
" June 3. Mary, d. of Robert & Sarah Watkis ... bap.
" June 14. Edward Roberts ... bur.
" June 16. Anne, d. of William & Hannah Davies ... bap.
" July 7. Edward, s. of Thomas & Lydia Leake ... bur.
" July 17. Richard, s. of Richd. & Anne Hincks ... bap.
" July 18. Anne, d. of John & Anne Hinley ... bap.
" July 26. Isaac, s. of Henry & Hester Worrall ... bur.
" July 28. Francis s. of Mr. George Adams & Elizabeth ... bur.

fol. 220.

" Aug. 4. Owen, s. of Mrs. Mary Phillips ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Elizth., d. of Rowland & Abigaile Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Mr. Arthur Ward ... bur.
" Aug. 14. Michael, s. of Michael & Martha Hoggins ... bur.
" Aug. 15. William, s. of George & Elizth. Wolley ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Mary Luxford ... bur.
" Aug. 25. Samuel Mansell & Elizth. Downes ... mar.
" Sep. 3. Eliz: d. of Griffith & Shusanna Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Eliz: d. of Richard & Eliz: Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Diggory ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Edward, s. of Stephen & Eliz: Randolls ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Jonathan Richards ... bur.
" Sep. 14. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 16. William Harries ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Alexander, s. of Mr. Geo. Adams & Eliz. ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Sarah, d. of Jonathan & Eliz: Richards ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Richard Howells & Elizabeth Hughes ... mar.
" Oct. 5. Anne, d. of Owen & Martha Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Mr. William Hanmer & Mrs. Jane Owen ... mar.
" Oct. 11. William, s. of William & Margarett Llaunders ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Edward, s. of David & Susanna Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Mary, d. of Francis & Mary Dosset ... bap.
" Nov. 6. John Goodall & Elizabeth Humphreys ... mar.

1687] Pontesbury. 211

1686, Nov. 6. Richard, s. of William & Eliz: Chorton ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Richard, s. of William & Elizabeth Chorton ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Elianor, w. of Daniel Phillips ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Anne Dolphin ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Edward, s. of John & Anne Price ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Elizabeth, w. of William Chorton ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Thomas, s. of Edward & Anne Powell ... bap.
" Dec. 13. William Edwards ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Robert Evans ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Samuel, s. of Charles & Elizth. Diggory ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elianor, d. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elizth., d. of John & Eliz. Marsh ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Edward, s. of Edward & Margratt Pollett ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Eliz., d. of John & Eliz. Marsh ... bur.

fol. 221.

" Jan. 13. Mary, d. of Thomas & Joyce Gittins ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Abigaile, d. of Mr. Ralph Harper ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Anne, d. of George & Margrett Vaughan ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Thomas Harries & Mary Worrall ... mar.
" Feb. 10. William Meddlicott ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Sarah, d. of Randolph & Mary Lee ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Sarah, d. of Andrew & Elianor Corbett ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Margret Butcher ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Richard Bennett ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Joseph, s. of John & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Anne, w. of Joseph Turner ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Ursula Wellins ... bap.


1687, Mar. 30. John, s. of Francis & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Apr. 10. William Tisdale ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Phillip, s. of Mr. Ralph Harper ... bur.
" Apr. 17. John Beddowe & Priscilla Tompkis ... mar.
" Apr. 21. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Tisdale ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Richard Bennet ... bur.
" May 1. John, s. of William & Jane Barber ... bap.
" May 9. Sarah, w. of William Polexphen ... bur.
" May 15. Thomas Downes & Mary Rutter ... mar.
" May 20. Thomas, s. of Rich: & Eliz: Howells ... bap.

212 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1687

1687, May 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ellinor Crump ... bap.
" May 22. John, s., of John & Amy Price ... bap.
" May 23. Robert, s. of John & Elizth. Gwinne ... bap.
" May 26. Eliz., d. of Rich: & Amy Littlehales ... bap.
" June 1. John, s. of Rich: & Amy Nicholls ... bap.
" June 2. Benjamin, s. of Samuell & Anne Wildblood ... bap.
" June 20. Elizth. Perkin ... bur.
" June 22. Richard Johnson & Mary Diggory ... mar.

fol. 222.

" June 22. George, s. of William & Margery Marston ... bur.
" June 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ellinor Crump ... bur.
" June 24. Samuel, s. of Humphrey & Martha Painter ... bap.
" June 27. Daniel Phillips & Elizabeth Hitchin ... mar.
" July 14. Joyce Higgins, wid: ... bur.
" July 14. Thomas Evans & Amie Evans ... mar.
" July 24. Ursula, w. of Thomas Wellins ... bur.
" July 31. Anne, d. of Thomas & Sarah Wytcherley ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Mary, w. of John Gold ... bur.
" Aug. 29. William Willcox ... bur.
" Aug. 31. Thomas Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 21. William, s. of Mr. Nicholas Jackson & Mrs. Anne ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Richard Rogers ... bur.
" Oct. 2. William Adney ... bur.
" Oct. 10. Richard, s. of Thomas & Mary Huson ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Abraham, s. of Mr. Henry Barret & Mrs. Jane ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Richard Barber ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Richard, s. of Thomas & Mary Huson ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Sarah, d. of Edmund & Sarah Barnett ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of Griffith & Anne Hughes ... bap.
" Nov. 5. William Pollexphen & Anne Painter ... mar.
" Nov. 10. Ralph, s. of Peter & Elizth. Huson ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Thomas, s. of Humphry & Anne Gough ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Anne Dennis ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Mrs. Onely Ward ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Sarah Davies, wid ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Hannah, d. of John & Eliz: Roberts ... bap.

1688] Pontesbury. 213

1687, Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Eliz: Barber ... bap.
" Dec. 29. William, s. of Mr. Benjamin Clemson & Abigaile ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Charles, s. of Thomas & Mary Harries ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Charles, s. of Thomas & Mary Harries ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Elizth., d. of John & Eliz: Goodall ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Harries ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Richard Leighton ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Amy, d. of Rich: & Dorothy Sturchley ... bur.

fol. 223.

" Feb. 10. Anne, d. of Thomas & Mary Passand ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of William & Margery Marston ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Joseph, s. of John & Lucy Evans ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Trevase ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John & Eliz: Goodall ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Sarah Asterley ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Richard, s. of John & Jane Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Henry & Hester Worrall ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Harries ... bur.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Marsh ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Anne, d. of Thomas & Sarah Witcherley ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Ralph, s. of Samuel & Anne Dolphin ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Diggory ... bur.
" Mar. 23. William, s. of Owen & Martha Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Martha, d. of Michael & Martha Hoggins ... bap.

JOHN WARTER & ANDREW MANSELL, Wardens for ye year 1687.

1688, Apr. 10. Sarah, d. of William & Hannah Davis ... bap.
" Apr. 18. William, s. of John & Margret Aston ... bap.
" May 4. John, s. of Richard & Eliz: Bennett ... bur.
" May 7. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Passand ... bur.
" May 12. William Hodges & Jane Crumpton ... mar.
" May 12. Anne, d. of John & Anne Williams ... bap.
" May 17. Margrett Turner ... bur.
" May 17. Anne, d. of John & Mary Warter ... bap.
" May 21. Jane, d. of Ralph & Martha Ridgway ... bap.
" May 28. Thomas Price, gent: ... bur.
" May 31. Thomas, s. of John & Margrett Johnson ... bap.
" May 31. Elizabeth, w. of Peter Downton ... bur.
" June 1. Thomas Passand ... bur.
" June 12. Thomas, s. of Humphrey & Anne Gough ... bur.

214 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1638

1688, June 14. Anne, d. of John & Priscilla Beddow ... bap.
" June 21. Anne, w. of Thomas Evans ... bur.
" June 28. John, s. of William & Jane Pugh ... bap.

fol. 224.

" July 8. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elianor Crumpe ... bap.
" July 19. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Underwood ... bap.
" July 21. Alice Burges burr..
" July 22. Sina, w. of Edward Jones ... bur.
" July 24. John Aston ... bur.
" July 29. Jane, d. of Richard & Sarah Baker ... bap.
" July 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Downes ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Thomas Perking ... bur.
" Aug. 29. John, s. of Richard & Anne Hincks ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Francis, s. of Randulph & Elizabeth Brasenor ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Thomas, s. of Stephen & Elizabeth Randolphs ... bur.
" Sep. 27. Edward, s. of William & Anne Pollexphen ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Samuell, s. of William & Margrett Meyrick ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Mary Smith, wid: ... bur.
" Oct. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Hughson ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Martha Spilsbury ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Mary, d. of David & Susanna Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Hughson ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Thomas Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Martha, d. of Griffith & Susanna Davis ... bap.
" Nov. 6. John, s. of Richard & Anne Peate ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Sarah, d. of George & Margrett Vaughan ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Fewtrell ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Mary, d. of David & Susanna Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Abraham, s. of Thomas & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Joyce Gittins ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Nicholas Jackson & Anne ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Stephen & Elizabeth Randolphs ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Francis, s. of George & Elizabeth Adams ... bap.

1689] Pontesbury. 215

1688, Jan. 2. Reignold, s. of Reignold & Margrett Nicholas ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Richard, s. of Francis & Elizabeth Dorsett ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Robert, s. of John & Anne Prise ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Richard, s. of Richard & Amye Nicholas ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Samuell, s. of George & Margrett Vaughan ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Anne, d. of George & Margrett Vaughan ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Humphrey Eyton ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Sarah Mansell, widd. ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth Griffiths, widd. ... bur.


fol. 225.

1689, Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Rich: & Mary Diggory ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Martha, d. of John & Amy Price ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Teague bur.
" Apr. 1. Margret, d. of Francis & Margret Phillips ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Richard, s. of Francis & Mary Dorset ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Roger Gittins ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Robert Painter ... bur.
" May 2. Ellinor, d. of Thomas & Anne Wildblood ... bap.
" May 6. Richard Perkin & Francis Dodd ... mar.
" May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Witcherley ... bap.
" June 1. Catharine Painter, widd. ... bur.
" June 5. John, s. of Samuel & Ann Dolphin ... bap.
" June 10. Mary, d. of John & Elizth. Goodall ... bap.
" June 11. Richard Peever & Elizth. Boyer ... mar.
" June 25. William Yates & Sarah Lee ... mar.
" July 6. Sarah, d. of George & Margret Vaughan ... bur.
" Aug. 15. James Lloyd ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Sarah Harnage, widd: ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of Randolph & Eliz: Brasenor.. ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Mr. Richd. Browne ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Richd., s. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Anne, d. of Anne Cowdale ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Richard, s. of William & Sarah Downton ... bur.

216 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1689

1689, Oct. 28. Ellinor, d. of David & Shusana Jones ... bap.

fol. 226.

" Oct. 30. Sarah, d. of Edmund & Sarah Barnett ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Judith, d. of William & Jane Barber ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Mary, d. of Charles & Margret Parton ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Mary Beddow, widd: ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Samuell, s. of Bryan & Mary Pugh ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Margret, d. of Rich: & Eliz: Howells ... bap.
" Dec. 17. William, s. of Thomas & Sarah Tisdale ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Ellinor, d. of Edmund & Sarah Barnett ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Hester, d. of Joseph & Sarah Diggory ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Elizth. Evans, widd: ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Mr. Roger Ward ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Anne, d. of Anne Cowdale ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Silvanus, s. of Eliz: Corbett ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Allice, d. of John & Priscilla Beddowe ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Thomas, s. of John & Eliz: Gwynne ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Ellinor, d. of Eliz: Chorlton ... bap.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of John & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Richd. Philpott & Mary Oakeley ... mar.
" Feb. 7. William, s. of Joyce Bayly ... bap.
" Feb. 9. John, s. of John & Katharine Blakemore ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Elizth., d. of Rich: & Frances Perkin ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Jane, d. of William & Hannah Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Joseph. s. of Thos. & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Feb. 27. William.s. of Richard & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Elizth., d. of Mr. Benj. Clemson & Abigaile ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Abraham, s. of Rich: & Eliz: Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Allice, d. of Humphry & Allice Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Thomas Jukes & Sarah Staunton ... mar.
" Mar. 21. Robert, s. of Margret Blakemore ... bap.


fol. 227.

1690, Mar. 25. Shusanna, d. of Thos. & Alice Wildblood ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Meredith ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Joyce, w. of Edward Smith ... bur.
" Apr. 15. John, s. of Samuel Dolphin ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Mary, w. of Edward Dawes ... bur.
" Apr. 16. Thos., s. of Mr. Nicholas Jackson & Mrs. Anne ... bap.

1690] Pontesbury. 217

1690, May 4. John Gold & Mary Wainwright ... mar.
" May 6. Anne Osburne, widd: ... bur.
" May 13. Jane Bennett, widd: ... bur.
" May 14. Rich: Hodgkiss & Margret Middleton ... mar.
" May 23. Mr. Robert Offley & Mrs. Elizabeth Ward ... mar.
" May 24. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Hughson ... bap.
" June 8. Margret, d. of Edwd. & Margret Cheshire ... bap.
" June 10. Ellinor Tyder ... bur.
" June 15. Nicholas Boyer & Elizabeth Evans ... mar.
" June 17. Elizabeth Hayward ... bur.
" June 25. Edward Smith & Joane Willcox ... mar.
" June 26. Sarah, d. of Rich: & Sarah Fewtrell ... bap.
" July 3. Mary, w. of Mr. Gilbert Cole, Rect. of ye 1st Portion ... bur.
" July 6. Abigaile, d. of James & Margret Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary. Huson ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Roberts ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Thomas Rogers & Mary ap Robert ... mar.

fol. 228.

" Sep. 18. Jane, w. of William Hall ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Mary, d. of Joyce Keysall ... bur.
" Oct. 1. Elizth. Bennett ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Henry, s. of Henry & Hester Worrall ... bap.
" Oct. 4. John, s. of John & Amy Price ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Sarah Diggory, widd: ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Eliz: d. of Randolph & Eliz: Brasenor ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Mary, d. of Mr. Thomas Owen & Mrs. Mary ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Robert Corbett & Sarah Llewiss ... mar.
" Nov. 23. Edward, s. of William & Mary Tisdale ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Roger, s. of Roger & Margrett Foard ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Jane, d. of John & Eliz: Marsh ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Alice, d. of John & Amy Price ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Sarah, w. of Thomas Tisdale ... bur.
" Dec. 27. William, s. of Joyce Bayly ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Edward Pollexphen ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Tho: s. of Tho: & Joane Underwood ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Joyce, d. of Edwd. & Grace Rutter ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Richard Jones & Mary Griffiths ... mar.

218 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1690

1690, Jan. 16. Rich: s. of William & Anne Pollexphen ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Martha Ridp ay ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Katharin, d. of Willm. & Margery Marson ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Edwd., s. of Stephen & Elizth. Randolphs ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Mary, d. of Michael & Martha Hoggins ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Joseph Turner ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Samuel Wildblood ... bur.

fol. 229.

" Mar. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Nicholas & Eliz: Boyer ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Benjamin, s. of John & Margrett Aston ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Jane, d. of John & Eliz: Marsh ... bur.


1692, Mar. 31. William, s. of Griffith & Eliz: Hughes ... bap.
" Mar. 31. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Mary, d. of Rich: & Mary Diggory ... bur.
" Apr. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Olivers ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Mary, w. of Reignald Nicholas ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Jolin Beddowe ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Eliz: d. of John & Jane Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Ralph, s. of Richard & Amy Littlehales ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Jane, d. of John & Mary Small ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Humphry Littlehales & Eliz: Broadbury ... mar.
" Apr. 24. Griffith Humphrys ... bur.
" May 3. Edward, s. of John & Catharine Small ... bap.
" May 6. Joan Painter ... bur.
" May 12. Margaret Jasper ... bur.
" May 26. Daniel, s. of Charles & Eliz: Diggory ... bap.
" May 29. Thomas, s. of Tho: & Mary Hughson ... bap.
" May 30. Mary, w. of Thomas Hughson ... bur.
" May 30. Thomas, s. of Thos. Hughson ... bur.
" June 25. Sarah, d. of Rich: & Anne Hincks ... bap.
" June 29. Mary, d. of John & Eliz. Roberts ... bap.
" June 30. George, s. of Mr. Nicholas Jackson & Mrs. Anne ... bap.
" July 12. William, s. of William & Jane Pugh ... bap.
" July 19. Abraham. s. of William & Eliz: Chorton ... bap.
" July 19. Anne, d. of Thos. & Anne Witcherley ... bap.
" July 21. Samuel, s. of Richard & Mary Peate ... bap.

1691] Pontesbury. 219

fol. 230.

1691, Aug. 1. Richard Sherry & Margrett Roberts ... mar.
" Aug. 12. John, s. of William & Hannah Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Eliz: d. of John & Amy Price ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Catharine, d. of Simon & Jane Downes ... bur.
" Sep. 13. Robert, s. of Mr. George Adams & Eliz: ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Jane Wainwright ... bur.
" Sep. 22. Henry Griffiths ... bur.
" Oct. 1. Mr. William Bishop & Mrs. Martha Burley ... mar.
" Oct. 14. George, s. of Mr. Nicholas Jackson & Mrs. Anne ... bur.
" Oct. 24. Richard, s. of William & Anne Pollexphen ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Joseph, s. of Saml. & Rebecca Garner ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Samuel Hincks & Priscilla Marston ... mar.
" Nov. 19. Sarah, d. of Richard & Anne Hincks ... bur.
" Nov. 30. Mary, d. of Richd. & Frances Perkin ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Eliz: w. of John Gwynne ... bur.
" Jan. 3. John, s. of Humphry & Jane Gough ... bap.
" Jan. 5. John, s. of John & Anne Cooke ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Martha, d. of Gwynne ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Samuel Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Joseph, s. of Sam: & Rebecca Garner ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Rich: s. of Roger & Mary Bryan ... bap.
" Feb. 1. John Corbett ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Eliz: d. of Willm. & Eliz: Lewiss ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Richd. Bennett ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Abraham, s. of Thomas & Anne Wildblood ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Thomas, s. of William & Catharine Taylor ... bap.

fol. 231.

" Mar. 4. Hannah, d. of John & Joane Edwards ... bap.
" Mar. 6.. Elizabeth, d. of David & Shusanna Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Edward, s. of Edward & Anne Powell ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Catherine, d. of William & Margery Marston ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Henry & Hester Worrall ... bap.

220 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1692

JOHN CORBETT & JOHN BYRCH, Wardens, Anno 1691.

1692, Apr. 4. Henry, s. of Thomas & Mary Teague ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Wynnyfred, w. of John Davies ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Richard Web ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Adam Harris & Jan,: Randells ... mar.
" Apr. 22. Katherine, d. of Edgard & Katherine Bayley ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Thomas Bennion ... bur
" Apr. 28. Richard, s. of Richard & Sara Fe.trell ... bap.
" May 6. Martha, d. of Edward & Elinor Reignolds ... bap.
" May 6. Katherine, d. of Margrett Bennett ... bap.
" May 15. Rowland, s. of William & Elinor Foord ... bur.
" May 15. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Goodale ... bap.
May 17. Richard, s. of Humphry & Elizabeth Littlel ... bap.
" May 22. Francis, s. of George & Elizabeth Adams ... bur.
" May 27. Sarah, d. of Benjamin & Abigaile Clemstone ... bap.
" May 29. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah & Ann Jasper ... bap.
" June 2. William Marston ... bur.
" June 5. Richard Gold & Mary Williams ... mar.
" June 13. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Hood ... bur.
" June 26. Mary, d. of Edward & Margrett Jones bur.
" June 29. Martha, d. of Robert & Ann Evans ... bur.
" June 30. John, s. of Ownen & Martha Davies ... bur.
" July 8. Thomas, s. of John & Martha Brown ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Sarah, d. of Francis & Sara Littlel ... bap.

fol. 232.

" Sep. 7. Ann, d. of William & Ann Polexphen ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Elinor, w. of Richard Hynley ... bur.
" Sep. 14. Jane, w. of Henry Hemlock ... bur.
" Oct. 2. William Farmer ... bur.
" Oct. 17. John, s. of William Chalton ... bur.
" Oct. 18. John Esquire ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Mary, d. of Nathaniell & Sisley Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Richard. s. of John & Ann Price ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Mary, d. of Charles & Elizabeth Diggory ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Sarah, d. of William & Ann Tyler ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Jane Harris, widd. ... bur.

1693] Pontesbury. 221

1692, Nov. 22. John Nicolls & Jane Davies ... mar.
" Nov. 22. Mary, d. of Joseph & Sara Diggory ... bap.
" Nov. 23. William Lyyers & Elizabeth Eyton ... mar.
" Nov. 23. Joyce, d. of Adam & Joyce Tidder ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Ann, d. of Nicholas & Ann Jackson ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Elianor, d. of Thomas & Elianor Cromp ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Thomas Meredith ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Thomas, s. of William & Jane Barber ... bap.
" Feb. 4. John Chalton ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Abigaile Daws ... bap.
" Feb. 17. William, s. of John & Margrett Johnson ... bap.
" Feb. 19. John, s. of Stephen & Elizabeth Randolls ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Thomas, s. of Samuell & Rebeckah Gardner ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham & Margreti Bowyer ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Elianor Underwood ... bap.

GILBERT COLE, Rect. primae Port: Pontesb:

fol. 233.

*1693, Mar. 25. Francis Beavon ... bur.
" Mar. 25. William Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 6. John, s. of William & Margrett Brown ... bap.
" Apr. 12. John, s. of William & Margrett Brown ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of John & Jane Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Randell, s. of Randell & Mary Lee ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Samuell, s. of John & Katherine Blakemore ... bap.
" May 4. William, s. of Charles & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" May 12. Mary, d. of John & Katherine Small ... bap.
" May 28. Mary, d. of William Phillips ... bap.
" June 7. John, s. of John & Urslah Worrall ... bur.
" July 1. Ann, d. of Nicholas & Ann Jackson ... bur.
" July 4. Richard Pool ... bur.
" July 5. William, s. of Morris & Ann Phillips ... bur.

fol. 234.

" Aug. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith & Ann Hughes ... bap.

* Handwriting changes.

222 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1693

1693, Aug. 7. Elizabeth, d. of David & Susanna Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 12. William, s. of Thomas & Jane Glover ... bap.
" Aug. 27. John Cooke ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Gaynor James ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Thomas, s. of Jane Littlel ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas & Jane Minton ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Richard, s. of Henry & Ann Hemlock ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Mary, d. of Richard & Ann Perkin ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Mary, d. of John & Katherine Cholton ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Marsh ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Margret, d. of Edmond & Sara Barnett ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Daniell, s. of Rowland & Margrett Diggory ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Isabel, d. of Richard Beddow ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Ann Jones, widdow ... bur.

fol. 235.

" Dec. 1. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 29. John Davies & Mary Fooks ... mar.
" Jan. 1. Henry Worrall ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Charles, s. of William Adams, Esq,. & Judith, his w. ... bur.
" Jan. 15. James, s. of Charles & Margrett Smith ... bur.
" Jan. 24. John, s. of Adam & Jane Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth, w. of Abraham & Margrett Bowyer ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Randell Rogers ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Richard, s. of John & Amy Preece ... bap.
" Feb. 27. William, s. of Richard & Ann Peat ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Katherine Elks, widd: ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Edward Lewis ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Elizabeth, w. of James Pugh ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Ahigaile Davies ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Sarah, d. of Elizabeth Richards, widd: bur.
" Mar. 19. Mary, d. of David & Mary Pugh ... bap.
" Mar. 21. William, s. of Charles & Elizabeth Diggory ... bur.


fol. 236.

*1694, Mar. 26. Isabella, Hemlock, vidua ... sep.

* Handwriting changes, and the entries made in Latin.

1694] Pontesbury. 223

1694, Mar. 27. Johann: Hughson ... sep.
" Mar. 29. Abrahamus, f. Gulielm: Charleton et Eliz: ... sep.
" Mar. 29. Jona, f. Samuelis et Jonae Boudler ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Maria, f. David et Mariae Pugh ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Josephus, f. Johan: & Elinorae Evans ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Daniel Diggory ... sep.
" Apr. 54. Richardus, f. Johan: & Jonae Edwards ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Richardus, f. Richardi & Francescae Perking ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Johann: f. Adam & Janae Harris ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Henricus, f. Gulielm: & Bethiae Davies ... bap.
" May ,7. Edwardus Reynolds ... sep.
" May 8. Gwen Evans ... sep.
" May 13. Edwardus, f. Gulielmi & Janae Pugh ... bap.
" May 18. Margareta Beddow, vid. ... sep.
" June 3. Philipus Crosse ... sep.
" June 16. Elinor Diggory ... sep.
" June 19. Elizabetha, f. Gulielmi & Hanae Davies ... bap.
" June 28. Maria, ux. Gulielmi Tisdall ... sep.
" July 3. Gulielmus, f. Richardi et Annae Littleale ... sep.
" July 13. Elinor, f. Rondolphi & Marthae Ridgway ... bap.
" July 19. Elizabetha, f. Johan: & Janae Davies ... bap.
" July 24. Anna, f. Gulielm: & Margaretae Browne ... bap.
" July 29. Anna, f. Gulielmi et Margaretae Browne ... sep.
" July 29. Alicia, f. Richardi & Elizabethae Haile ... bap.
" July 30. Georgius Williams ... sep.
" Aug. 21. Gulielmus Phillips, gen: ... sep.
" Sep. 2. Sara, f. Richardi & Annae Littleale ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Maria, f. Johnis Williams ... sep.
" Sep. 11. Catherina, f. Johann: & Mariae Warter ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Thomas Wellings & Anna Cole ... nup.
" Oct. 10. Edwardus, f. Edwardi & Elinorae Yates ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Thomas Crumpe ... sep.

fol. 237.

" Oct. 26. Elizabetha Hughes ... sep.
" Oct. 29. Sara Pitchford, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 23. Johannes Blakemore ... sep.
" Dec. 11. Gwen Barker, vid. ... sep.

224 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1643

1694, Jan. 2. Rodolphus, f. Thomae & Janae Papworth ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Cafandish, f. Nicholas & Annae Jaxon ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Thomas, f. Michaelis & Marthae Hoggins ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Johanna, f. Richardi & Sarae Fewtrell ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Hanna, f. Edwardi & Mariae Dawes ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Rebecka, ux. Samuelis Richards ... sep.
" Feb. 22. Richardus, f. Josephi & Sarae Diggory ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Maria, f. Caroli & Elizabethae Diggory ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Maria, f. Caroli et Elizabethae Diggory ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Johannes, nothus f. Mariae Wellings ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Maria, f. Richardi & Mariae Lloyd ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Sara, f. Caroli et Margaretae Smith ... bap.


1695, Mar. 28. Samuelis, f. Richardi & Annae Hinks ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Stephenus, f. Thomae & Annae Caswell ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Richardus, f. Thomae & Eleanorae Cromp ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Benjaminus, f. Johannis & Annae Price ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Deborah, ux. Jonathan: Laurence ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Elizabetha, ux. Johannis Marsh ... sep.
" Apr. 14. Anna Hood, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 19. Hannah Humphrys, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Robert Gittins & Sarah Morris ... nup.
" Apr. 27. Gulielmus Griffiths & Maria Meredith ... nup.

fol. 238.

" May 8. Sarah, f. Bryani & Mariae Pugh ... bap.
" May 15. Joyce, ux. Rogeri Blockley ... sep.
" May 23. Maria, f. Danielis & Sisley Jones ... bap.
" May 27. Richardus Beddow & Elianora Reignolds ... nup.
" June 3. Onely Ward, vidua ... sep.
" June 8. Gulielmus Stephenson ... sep.
" June 9. Elizabetha, f. Gulielmi et Bethiae Davies ... bap.
" June 24. Samuelis, f. Richardi et Annae Hincks ... sep.
" July 2. Maria, f. Johannis et Margaretae Aston ... sep.
" July 18. Dorothea, ux. Josephi Turnley sep.
" Aug. 4. Sara, f. Johannis & Janae Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Johannes, f. Annae Wellings ... sep.
" Aug. 15. Margaretta, f. Abraham & Margarettae Bowyer ... bap.

1695] Pontesbury. 225

1695, Aug. 16. Richardus, f. Henrici & Rebeccae Corbett ... sep.
" Aug. 18. Thomas, f. Griffithi & Susanae Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Elizabetha, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Goodale ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Anna, f. Nicholas & Eliz: Bowyer ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Jana, f. Johannis & Mariae Blakeway ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Thomas, f. Eduardi & Elinorae Yeats ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Eduardus, f. Eduardi & Katharinae Bailey ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richardus, f. Josephi & Sarae Diggory ... sep.
" Nov. 3. Gulielmus, f. Stephani & Eliz: Randells ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Elizabetha Cholton, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 10. Sara, f. Roberti & Margaretae Humphrys ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Sara, f. Roberti et Margaretae Humphreys ... sep.
" Nov. 17. Thomas Chaltcn & Anna Tisdall ... nup.
" Dec. 2. David Jones ... sep.
" Dec. 19. Anna Niccolls ... sep.
" Dec. 22. Francisca Cross ... sep.

fol. 239.

" Dec. 26. Elizabetha, f. Johannnis & Margaretae Johnson ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Gulielmus Salsbury ... sep.
" Jan. 1. Aaron Housman et Joanna Challenor ... nup.
" Jan. 3. Margareta Roberts ... sep.
" Jan. 4. Theophilus Dosset ... sep.
" Jan. 9. Carolus, f. Caroli et Eliz: Diggory ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Ward, f. Roberti & Elizabethae Offley ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Johannes Lealand et Margareta Matthews ... nup.
" Jan. 21. Maria, f. Adami et Janae Harris ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Samuelis, f. Caroli et Elizabethae Diggory ... sep.
" Feb. 11. Maria, f. Henrici et Mariae Hemlock ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Abigailis Corbett de Alstone, vid. ... sep.
" Feb. 22. Johannes Young et Anna Cherm ... nup.
" Mar. 2. Eduardus Bennion de Longdane ... sep.
" Mar. 7. Edmundus, f. Richardi et Elinorae Foord ... bap.

226 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1695

1695, Mar. 10. Anna, f. Griffithi & Annae Hughes ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Elizabetha Barrett ... sep.
" Mar. 22. Maria, f. Andrei et Judithae Powell ... bap.

SAM: PHILLIPS, JOS: MATTHEWS, Gard: Eccl'ae pr: pr: Annum.

1696, Mar. 26. Alicia Calcott de Edge ... sep.
" Mar. 29. Thomas, f. Thomas et Jocosae Gittins ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Nathaniel Griffiths ... sep.
" Apr. 5. Margareta, f. Gulielmi et Janae Barber ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Johannes, f. Johannis et Katharinae Smallman ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Katherina, f. Johannis et Katherinae Smallman ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Thomas Lucas et Elizabetha Vaughan ... nup.
" Apr. 22. Johannes Marsh & Anna Passant ... nup.
" Apr. 23. Elizabetha Corbett ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Franciscus Evans ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Thomas, f. Richardi & Margaretae Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Gulielmus, f. Silvani et Mariae Harris ... bap.

fol. 246.

" May 2. Richardus Matthews ... sep.
" May 5. Henricus Hemlock ... sep.
" May 10. Sara, f. Rowlandi et Abigalis Griffiths ... bap.
" May 15. Thomas, f. Johannis et Janae Davies ... bap.
" May 21. Elianora, f. Samuel & Rebeccae Garner ... bap.
" May 24. Sara, f. Thomae et Janae Glover ... bap.
" May 26. Elizabetha, f. Samuelis & Janae Bowdler ... bap.
" May 29. Elizabetha, ux. Richardi Beddow ... sep.
" June 7. Elizabetha, f. Eduardi et Marthae Dolphin ... bap.
" June 8. Elizabetha, f. Eduardi et Marthae Dolphin ... sep.
" June 13. Carolus, f. Henrici et Hesterae Worrall ... bap.
" June 27. Samuelis Dolphin & Jana Davies ... sep.
" June 27. Abrahamus, f. Henrici et Janae Barrett ... sep.
" July 3. Jana Harris, vid: ... sep.
" July 5. Susana, f. Thomae & Katharinae Peat ... bap.
" July 5. Richardus Thomas & Sarah Rider ... nup.
" Aug, 2. Thomas, f. Thomae & Annae Wildblood ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Petrus, f. Petri et Sarae Peres ... bap.

1696] Pontesbury. 227

1696, Aug. 10. Anna, f. Zacchei & Sarae Sanckey ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Gulielmus, f. Johannis et Eliz: Minton ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Maria, f. Nathanielis et Ceciliae Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Thomas, f. Thomae et Janae Papworth ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Johannes Morris et Maria Williams ... nup.
" Sep. 7. Gilbertus Cole, junior ... sep.
" Sep. 20. Samuelis Wellings, pauperculus ... sep.
" Sep. 22. Johannes Griffiths & Elizabetha Boloss ... nup.
" Sep. 23. Silvanus Corbett ... sep.
" Sep. 25. Thomas, f. Thomae & Janae Papworth ... sep.
" Sep. 30. Filia Thomae et Janae Minton ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Maria, f. Samuelis & Mariae Fox ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Gulielmus, f. Richardi & Sara Fewtrell ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Elizabetha, f. Humphridi & Eliz: Littlel ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Sara, f. Johannis et Sarae Turnley ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Maria Jones ... sep.
" Oct. 22. Maria, f. Gulielmi et Bethiae Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Richardus, f. Johannis et Katharinae Chorlton ... bap.

fol. 241.

" Oct. 31. Richardus Hinley et Sara Phillips ... nup.
" Nov. 3. Gulielmus, f. Thomae & Annae Chalton ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Elizabetha, f. Josephi & Margaretae Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Anna Berrington, generosa ... sep.
" Nov. 21. Cecilia Perkin ... sep.
" Dec. 13. Margareta, f. Gulielmi et Janae Pugh ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Elianora, f. Eduardi & Elianorae Yates ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Robertus Ambry ... sep.
" Jan. 5. Johannes Davies et Hanna Clark ... nup.
" Jan. 14. Stephanus, f. Gulielmi & Annae Polexphen ... bap.
" Jan. 15. David Cadwalliter ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Gulielmus, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Minton ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Richardus, f. Josephi & Sarae Diggory ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Thomas Beddow & Elianora Jones ... nup.
" Jan. 29. Anna, ux. Rogeri Walker ... sep.
" Feb. 16. Elizeus Perkin & Elizabetha Jenkins ... nup.

228 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1696

1696, Feb. 20. Jana, f. Roberti & Margaretae Humphrys ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Margareta Cadwalleter ... sep.
" Feb. 25. Sara Phillips ... sep.
" Feb. 28. Gulielmus, f. Gulielmi et Elizabethae Lewis ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Abigailis, ux. Johannis Birtch ... sep.
" Mar. 14. Margareta, f. Roberti & Mariae Thomas ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Elizabetha, f. Adami & Jocosae Tidder ... bap.


1697, Apr. 2. Johannis Perkin ... sep.
" Apr. 6. Maria, f. Roberti & Magdalenae Flint ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Margareta Adams ... sep.
" Apr. 12. Anna Barber, infans ... sep.
" Apr. 13. Sara Griffiths, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Henricus Corbett ... sep.
" Apr. 18. Eduardus, f. Francisci et Sarae Littlel ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Elianora, f. Janae Dioss ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Joanna Underwood ... sep.
" Apr. 25. Martha, f. Radulphi et Marthae Ridgway ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Amicia Tyler ... sep.
" May 2. Elianora, f. Georgii et Marthae Griffiths ... bap.
" May 4. Johannes Stocking ... sep.
" May 7. Richardus Sotherton ... sep.

fol. 248.

" May 9. Simon Downes ... sep.
" May 16. Elizabetha, f. Davidis & Mariae Pugh ... bap.
" May 21. Domina Maria Dormeer ... sep.
" May 30. Josephus, f. Johannis & Annae Price ... bap.
" June 2. Gulielmus Lewis & Martha Beeston ... nup.
" June 2. Anna, f. Nicholae & Eliz: Bowyer ... bap.
" June 13. Gulielmus, f. Jeremiae & Annae Jasper ... bap.
" June 29. Gulielmus, f. Edmundi & Sarae Barnett ... bap.
" July 8. Sara, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Roberts ... bap.
" July 25. Abrahamus, f. Richardi & Eliz: Davies ... bap.
" July 22. Elianora, f. Janae Dioss ... sep.
" July 27. Martha Adams ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Johannes, f. Johannis & Katherinae Hughes ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Thomas, f. Hugonis & Deborae Hughlin ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Elijah, f. Richardi & Sarae Hinley ... bap.

1698] Pontesbury. 229

1697, Sep. 22. Johannis Bowdler & Maria Hemlock ... nup.
" Oct. 3. Marmaduke, f. Johannis & Mariae Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Elianora, f. Francisci & Mariae Dosset ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Eleanora Harris ... sep.
" Oct. 29. Robertus Offley, generosus ... sep.
" Nov. 5. Johannes Pugh & Margareta Turner ... nup.
" Nov. 11. Thomas, f. Gulielmi & Mariae Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Thomas, f. Thomae & Janae Papworth ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Joanna, f. Eduardi & Marthae Dolphin ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Johannes, f. Johannis et Katherinae Hughes ... sep.
" Nov. 23. Brigitta Edwards, vid. ... sep.
" Nov. 25. Margareta, f. Gulielmi & Margaretae Roberts ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Eduardus Myvert & Joanna Edwards ... nup.
" Dec. 25. Anna Worrall, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 28. Johannes, f. Johannis & Mariae Roberts ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Richardus Phillips ... sep.
" Jan. 5. Eduardus, f. Elizabethae Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Carolus, f. Henrici & Hesterae Worall ... sep.
" Jan. 13. Maria, f. Gulielmi & Marthae Lewis ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Johannes, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Minton ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Johannes, f. Johannis & Mariae Blakeway ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Richardus Jones & Elizabetha Chalton ... nup.
" Feb. 9. Johannes, f. Johannis et Mariae Blakeway
" Feb. 17. Margareta, f. Samuelis & Mariae Fox ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Josephus Hall ... sep.
" Mar. 21. Maria, f. Johannis & Mariae Warter ... bap.

WM. PEAT, THO: LUCAS, Wardens.

fol. 243.

1698, Apr. 10. Joanna, f. Richardi & Margaretae Hinley ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Elianora Williams, vid. ... sep.
" Apr. 27. Gulielmus, f. Eduardi & Joannae Myvert ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Reynoldus Nicholas de Asterley ... sep.
" May 1. Rebecca, f. Thomae & Joannae Reignolds ... bap.

230 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1698

1698, May 2. Edwardus Dawes & Joanna Hinley ... nup.
" May 2. Johannes Hitchin & Elianora Lea ... nup.
" May 4. Anna, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Goodale ... bap.
" May 8. Anna, f. Bartholemei & Margaretae Jones ... bap.
" May 9. Johannes Craft et Maria Ridge ... nup.
" May 13. Anna Beanes ... sep.
" May 16. Jacobus Spencer & Margareta Hinley ... nup.
" May 17. Thomas Waine & Abigailis Dawes ... nup.
" May 21. Richardus, f. Rowlandi & Hannah Redge ... bap.
" May 22. Robertus Bagley ... sep.
" May 27. Sara, f. Jererniae & Mariae Corfield ... bap.
" June 2. Maria, f. Thomae & Elizabethae Olivers ... bap.
" June 2. Maria Jones, vid. ... sep.
" June 6. Johannes, f. Johannis & Janae Williams ... bap.
" June 10. Thomas, f. Abrahami & Margaretae Bowyer ... bap.
" July 8. Margareta, f. Susannae Lea ... bap.
" July 23. Katherina Mansell ... sep.
" July 31. Richardus Longford ... sep.
" Aug. 3. Margareta, f. Susannae Lea ... sep.
" Aug. 21. Philippus Adams ... sep.
" Sep. 7. Elianora, f. Georgii & Marthae Griffiths ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Rogerus Blockley ... sep.
" Sep. is. Thomas Beddow de Pontesbury ... sep.
" Sep. 11. Thomas, f. Richardi & Miserecordiae Taylor ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Martha, f. Sarae Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Carolus, f. Caroli & Margaretae Smith ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Margareta Tysdale, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 27. Margareta, f. Thomae & Elizabethae Lucas ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Gulielmus, f. Josephi & Margaretae Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Mary Tysdale ... sep.
" Nov. 15. Franciscus, f. Richardi & Sarae Fewtrell ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Margareta, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Thomas, f. Thomae & Elianorae Beddow ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Margareta Bennion, vid. ... sep.

1698] Pontesbury. 231

1698, Dec. 16. Margareta, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Thomas, f. Richardi & Miserecordiae Taylor ... sep.
" Jan. 2. Katherina Maddox, vid. ... sep.

fol. 244.

" Jan. 3. Martha, f. Johannis & Katharinae Smallman ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Josephus, f. Thomae & Brigettae Turnley ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Elianora, f. Adami & Janae Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Richardus Cross de Longdane ... sep.
" Jan. 17. Sara Bennett, vid. ... sep.
" Jan. 21. Elizabetha, f. Richardi & Eliz: Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Sara, f. Roberti & Sarae Corbett ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Margeria, f. Nicholac & Eliz: Bowyer ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Jacobus, f. Johannis & Margaretae Johnson ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Richardus, f. Roberti & Magdalenae Flint ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Jana, f. Thomae & Janae Papworth ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Richardus Norton & Elizabethae Blockley ... nup.
" Feb. 11. Elizabetha, f. Johannis & Annae Smith ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Franciscus, f. Ludoyici & Katharina Evans ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Richardus, f. Richardi & Sarae Hinley ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Elizabetha, f. Eduardi & Marthae Dolphyn ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Margareta, f. Jacobi et Margaretae Spencer ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Robertus, f. Griffithii & Annae Hughes ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Johannes, f. Johannis & Katherinae Chalton ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Gulielmus, f. Eduardi & Elianorae Yeates ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Richardus, f. Gulielmi & Eliz: Burns ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Maria, f. Johannis & Sarae Turnley ... bap.

GILBERT COLE, Rector of ye 1st portion.

232 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1699

1699, Apr. 4. Josephus, f. Johannis & Margaretae Pugh ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Elianora, f. Georgii & Marthae Griffiths ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Maria Poole ... sep.
" Apr. 23. Eliz: f. Johannis & Katharinae Hughs ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Jana, f. Thomae et Janae Papworth ... sep.
" May 2. Thomas Cooper & Maria Wilcox ... nup.
" May 3. Isaacus Glover ... sep.
" May 4. Robertus Corbett ... sep.
" May 12. Anna, f. Johannis et Eliz: Goodale ... sep.
" May 20. Margareta, ux. Georgii Vaughan ... sep.
" May 21. Daniell Phillips ... sep.
" May 30. Dorothea, f. Johannis & Mariae Blakeway ... bap.
" June 6. Johannes, f. Johannis & Mariae Craft ... bap.
" June 12. Jeremias Mitton et Katharina Evans ... nup.
" June 16. Katharina, f. Eyani & Marthae Doan[?] ... bap.
" June 18. Franciscus, f. Richardi & Sarae Fewtrell ... bap.
" June 21. Johannes, f. Silvani & Mariae Harris ... bap.

fol. 245.

" July 8. Johannes Aston, junr. ... sep.
" July 15. Gulielmus, f. Eduardi et Elianorae Yeates ... sep.
" July 16. Dorothea, f. Josephi & Annae Clayton ... bap.
" July 23. Dorothea, f. Josephi et Annae Clayton ... sep.
" July 27. Thomas, f. Thomae & Abigailis Wain ... bap.
" July 27. Johannes, f. Humphridi & Eliz: Littlel ... bap.
" July 28. Johannes, f. Johannis & Annae Rutter ... bap.
" July 29. Johannes, f. Humphridi & Eliz: Littlel ... sep.
" Aug. 8. Adam Tidder ... sep.
" Aug. 13. Ffranciscus, f. Ffrancisci & Sarae Littlel ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Maria, ux. David Pugh ... sep.
" Aug. 31. Jana, f. Richardi & Mariae Partridge ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Martha, f. Johannis & Eliz: Bayley ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Johannes, f. Eliz: Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Margareta, f. Thomae & Annae Caseweli ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Johannes, f. Eduardi & Catherinae Bayley ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Elizabetha, f. Johannis & Hitchin ... bap.

1700] Pontesbury. 233

1699, Oct. 11. Margareta, f. Gulielmi & Janae Pugh ... sep.
" Nov. 5. Gulielmus Williams & Jocosa Casewell ... nup.
" Nov. 6. Humphridus Bede & Eliz: Nicholas ... nup.
" Nov. 30. Katharina, f. Roberti & Margaretae Humphrys ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Sara, f. Michaelis & Marthae Hoggins ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Alicia, f. Thomae & Janae Glover ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Thomas Roger ... sep.
" Jan. 23. Johannes, f. Thomae & Katharinae Peate ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Thomas Waine ... sep.
" Feb. 5. Josephus Aston ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Maria, f. Mariae Partridge ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Gulielmus Teage & Margareta Warter ... nup.
" Feb. 10. Abigailis, f. Thomae & Annae Chalton ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Gulielmus Watson ... sep.
" Feb. 15. Abigailis Waine, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 13. Jacobus Spencer ... sep.
" Mar. 18. Elizabetha Price, vid. ... sep.
" Mar. 22. Franciscus Brown ... sep.
" Mar. 23. Elizabetha, f. Jeremiae & Katharinae Mitton ... bap.
" Mar. 24. SamueliA, f. Johannes & Mariae Morris ... bap.

GILBERT COLE, Rector of ye first portion.

fol. 246.

1700, Mar. 30. Samuelis, f. Johannis & Eliz: Goodale ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Eduardus, f. Francisci Littlel et Sarae ... sep.
" Apr. 3. Margareta, f. Johannis & Eliz: Griffiths ... bap.
Apr. 5. Elinora Rogers vid .... sep.
" Apr. 7. Martha, f. Eduardi & Dorothiae Edwards ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Jana, f. Griffithii & Susannae ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Robertus, f. Thomae & Janae Papworth ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Johannes, f. Eduardi & Mariae Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Robertus Townsend & Margareta Phillips ... nup.
" Apr. 23. Elizabetha, f. Edwardi & Marthae Dolphin ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Elianor Fford ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Sara Pollexfen ... sep.
" Apr. 24. Ricardus, f. Ho. & Elinor Brown ... bap.

234 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1700

*1700, Apr. 26. Andrew Hotchkiss ... sep.
" May 25. Radulphus Ridgway, Cler: et Curat: de Ford ... sep.
" May 29. Thomas, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Roberts ... bap.
" June 14. Jana, f. Williellmi & Janae Barber ... bap.
" June 15. Eadem Jana, filia predicti ... sep.
" June 29. Josephus, f. Josephi & Janae Cleaton ... bap.
" June 30. Susanna Beddow ... sep.
" July 5. Samuel, f. Johannis Blakemore, defuncti, et Catharinae ... bap.
" July 7. Thomas, f. Richardi & Annae Maddox ... bap.
" July 7. Anna, f. Eduardi & Sarae Burnett ... bap.
" July 28. Elizth, f. Bartholemei & Margarettae Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Rebeka Corbet, vid: ... sep.
" Aug. 5. Anna Fulks, spincr. ... sep.
" Aug. 11. Margaretta, ux. Thomae Owen ... sep.
" Aug. 27. Samuel, f. Eduardi Granger ... sep.
" Aug. 30. Joanna, ux. Euardi Dawes ... sep.
" Sep. 1. Thomas, f. Abrahami & Margarettae Bowyer ... sep.
" Sep. 6. Andreus Beddow ... sep.
" Sep. 10. Amia, ux. Euardi Evance ... sep.
" Sep. 15. Johannes, f. Euardi Meivers ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Elizabetha, ux. Johannis Goodale ... sep.
" Sep. 22. Maria, f. Samuelis et Janae Richards ... bap.
"* Oct. 13. Jana Davies, pauper ... sep.
" Oct. 15. Johannes, f. Thomae & Elianor Beddow ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Gulielmus Pollexfen ... sep.
" Nov. 11. Gulielmus Dudley & Mara Reignolds ... nup.
" Nov. 20. Margareta, ux. Richardi Henley, pauper ... sep.
" Dec. 15. Thomas, f. Thomae & Annae Wildblood, pauper ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Maria Blakemore, paup. ... sep.
" Dec. 31. Elizabetha, f. Eliz: Bromfield ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Elizabetha Bromfield. predict' ... sep.

fol. 247.

" Jan. 3. Humphridus Gough ... sep.

* Handwriting changes.

1701] Pontesbury. 235

1700, Jan. 28. Gulielmus Leak ... sep.
" Jan. 31. Josephus, f. Josephi & Margaretae Thomas ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Margeria Marston, vid paup: ... sep.
" Feb. 4. Josephus, f. Josephi Thomas predict'... sep.
" Feb. 6. Richardus, f. viduae Lewes ... sep.
" Feb. 9. Elizabetha, f. Francisci & Sarae Littleall ... sep.
" Feb. 11. Richardus, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Minton ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Sarah, f. Richardi & Sarae Henley ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Samuel, f. Johannis Goodall ... sep.
" Mar. 6. Edwardus Dolphin ... sep.
" Mar. 20. Johannes, f. Edwardi & Elinorae Yates ... bap.
1701, Mar. 25. Richardus, f. Thomae & Bridgetae Turnley ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Elizabetha, f. Williellmi & Marthae Lewes ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Maria, ux. Johannis Tumor ... sep.
" Apr. 4. Edwardus Evans, paup: ... sep.
" Apr. 11. Gideon, f. Johannis & Catherinae Small, paup. ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Sarah Charlton, paup: ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Richardus Barber ... sep.
" Apr. 30. Johannes Bayly & Katherine Tysedall ... nup.
" May 5. Rogerus Bayly & Anna [blank] ... nup.
" May 6. Humphridus, f. Johannis & Mariae Croft ... bap.
" May 9. Richardus, f. illegitimus Marthae Lewes ... bap.
" May 11. Elinor Griffiths, vid. paup. ... sep.
" May 13. Elizabetha, f. Gulielmi & Margaretae Teague ... bap.
" May 14. Thomas, f. Edwardi & Katherinae Bayly ... bap.
" May 14. Maria, f. Gulielmi & Janae Pugh ... bap.
" May 14. Richard, f. Marthae Lewes ... sep.

fol. 248.

" June il. Margareta, f. Roberti & Margaretae Townsend ... bap.
" June 14. Abraham Diggory ... sep.
" June 15. Johannes, f. Gulielmi & Mariae Davies ... bap.
" June 19. Elizabetha, f. Johannis & Mariae Acton ... bap.

236 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1701

1701, June 19. Elinora, f. Adam & Janae Harris ... bap.
" June 22. Jana, f. Thomae & Janae Papworth ... bap.
" June 24. Thomas Jackson ... sep.
" June 26. John Maund & Margareta Dax ... nup.
" June 30. Thomas Johnson & Anna Corbett ... nup.
" July 3. Johannes, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Staunton ... bap.
" July 6. Martha, f. Edwardi & Marthae Dolphin ... bap.
" July 8. John Phipps & Anna Davies ... nup.
" July 12. Anna, f. Thomae & Sarae Jones ... bap.
" July 17. Sarah Davies, vid: paup: ... sep.
" July 27. Gulielmus Coleborn, gen: & Anna Davies ... nup.
" Aug. 3. Thomas, f. Thomae & Margaretae Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Morgan Evans & Maria Browne ... nup.
" Aug. 22. Johannes Rutter ... sep.
" Sep. 5. Jana, f. Thomae & Janae Papworth ... sep.
" Sep. 8. Margareta, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Bayly ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Thomas, f. Thomae & Mariae Burleigh ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Maria, ux. Thomae Burleigh ... sep.
" Sep. 26. Maria, f. Richardi & Mariae Partridg ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Elizabetha, f. Roberti & Margaretae Flint ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Jacobus, f. Jacobi & Elizabethae Bennion ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Johannes Davies ... sep.

fol. 249.

" Oct. 18. Elizabetha, ux. Abraham Pierce, paup: ... sep.
" Oct. 20. Richardus, f. Johannis & Elianorae Hitchin, paup: ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Elizabetha, f. Andrew & Judithae Powell, paup: ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Jacobus, f. Thomae & Rebeccae Jandrell ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Maria, f. Johannis & Margaretae Pugh ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Jana Wildblood, vid. paup: ... sep.
" Nov. 28. Margareta, f. Thomae Underwood ... sep.
" Dec. 4. Thomas, f. Gulielmi & Bethiae Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Thomas, f. Tho: & Annae Kaysell ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Richardus, f. Rich: & Elianorae Foord ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Rodderick Pugh, paup: ... sep.

1702] Pontesbury. 237

1701, Jan. 1. Gulielmus, f. Guilelmi & Prudentiae Cartwright ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Robertus, f. Samuel & Mariae Fox ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Catherina, f. Thomae & Elizabethae Lucas ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Elizabetha, f. Edwardi & Margret Grainger ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Samuel Davies & Abigell Powell ... nup.
" Feb. 19. Elizabetha, f. Richardi & Sarae Fewtrell ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Thomas, f. Jeremiae & Catherinae Mitton ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Johannes Mansell ... sep.
" Mar. 2. Elianora, f. Johannis & Catherinae Charlton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Elianora, ux. Gulielmi Sandles ... sep.
1702, Mar. 31. Margaretta, ux. Francisci Lea ... sep.
" Apr. 2. Silvanus, f. Silvani & Mariae Harries ... sep.

fol. 250.

" Apr. 3. Johannes, f. Josephi & Margarettae Thomas ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Richardus, f. Richardi & Elizabethae Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Dorothea, f. Johannis & Sarae Turnley ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Richardus, f. Johannis & Katherinae Bayly ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Gulielmus Mathews & Elizabetha Jones ... nup.
" Apr. 18. Elizabetha, f. Michaelis & Marthae Hoggins ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Anna, f. Annae Jones, peregrinae ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Anna, f. predict' Annae Jones ... sep.
" Apr. 22. Adam, f. Adam & Janae Harries ... bap.
" May 2. Johannes Shuker & Elizabetha Edwars ... nup.
" May 8. Anna, f. Thomae & Katherinae Charlton, paup: ... bap.
" May 10. Anna, f. predict' Tho: & Katherinae Charlton, paup: ... sep.
" May 25. Richardus Beddow, pauper ... sep.
" May 29. Elianora, f. naturalis Elinorae Broome ... bap.
" May 29. Sarah, f. Johannis & Katherinae Small ... bap.
" June 1. Thomas, f. Georgii & Marthae Corfield ... bap.
" June 11. Hugo Davies ... sep.

238 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1702

1702, June 12. Robertus, f. Humph: & Eliz: Littleall ... bap.
" June 13. Johannes Lloyd & Anna Underwood ... nup.
" June 15. Richardus, f. Johannis & Margaret Johnson ... bap.
" June 18. Robertus Nicholas & Eliz: Betton ... nup.

fol. 251.

" June 26. Johannes, f. Johannis & Mariae Byrch ... bap.
" June 29. Richardus, f. predict: John Johnson ... sep.
" July 3. Richard Lakeward & Maria Davies ... nup.
" July 9. Bartholomew Hencks ... sep.
" July 13. Margaretta, ux. David Henley ... sep.
" Aug. 4. Franciscus, f. Morgan & Mariae Evans ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Martha, f. Josephi & Sarae Diggorey ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Adam, f. Adam & Janae Harries ... sep.
" Aug. 26. Maria, f. naturalis Janae Code, peregrinae ... sep.
" Sep. 27. Johannes, f. Johannis & Mariae Morris ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Gulielmus Peate ... sep.
" Oct. 2. Thomas Gittins
" Oct. 3. Johannes, f. Johannis & Annae Phipps ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Thomas, f. Gulielmi & Elizabethae Bower ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Anna, f. Thomae & Elizabethae Hammerston ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Anna, f. Richardi & Annae Hitchen ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Edward Myvert, paup ... sep.
" Nov. 17. Thomas, predictus f. Gulielmi Bower ... sep.
" Nov. 17. Joanna, ux. Tho: Underwood ... sep.
" Nov. 27. Maria, f. Eduardi & Elianorae Yates ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Anna, f. Thomae & Annae Johnson ... bap.
" Dec. 7. John Turner, paup: ... sep.
" Dec. 7. Anna, ux. Tho. Johnson, paup: ... sep.
" Dec. 8. Anna Farmer, vid. ... sep.
" Dec. 10. Johannes Cooper ... sep.

fol. 252.

" Dec. 13. Richardus, f. Samuel & Abigeli Davies, paup: ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Rogerus Walker ... scp.
" Dec. 28. Anna, f. Johannes & Annae Rutter ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Anna, f. Eduardi & Joannae Myvart ... bap.

1703] Pontesbury. 239

1702, Jan. 3. Anna, predicta f. Thomae & Annae Johnson ... sep.
" Jan. 8. Anna, f. Roberti & Margarettae Humphreys ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Lewes Evans & Elizabetha Lewes ... nup.
" Jan. 20. Sara, f. Michaelis & Sarae Simonds ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Onslow, f. Thomae & Elinorae Beddow ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Martha, f. Richardi & Francescae Perkin ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Robertus, f. Thomae & Margaretae Bennion ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Maria, f. Thomae & Annae Wildblood ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Isaac, f. Tho: & Rcheccae Jandrell ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Gulielmus, f. Roberti & Margret Townsend ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Samuel, f. Eduardi & Mariae Williams ... bap.
1703, Mar. 29. Anna, f. Richardi & Elizabethae Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Johannes, f. Johannis & Mariae Blakeway ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Franciscus Littleall & Margreta Palyn ... nup.
" Apr. 5. Thomas, f. Johannis & Annae Lloyd ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Richardus, f. Thomae & Janae Glover ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Thomas Treyor & Elizabetha Gittins ... nup.
" Apr. 15. Joshua, f. Richardi & Sarae Henley ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Thomas, f. Gulielmi & Margarettae Teague ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Thomas, f. naturalis Sarae Harper ... bap.

fol. 253.

" Apr. 20. John Taylor & Margrett Jones ... nup.

Surveyd. per PHIL: THOMAS.

" Apr. 28. Margaretta, d. of Gulielmi & Elizabethae Mathews ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Willielmus Lucas & Catherina Davies ... nup.
" May 4. Magdalen Evans ... sep.
" May 6. Gulielmus, f. Johannis & Elizabethae Minton ... bap.
" May 9. Maria Sturchley, vid: paup: ... sep.
" May 16. Jana, f. Griffith & Susannae Davies ... sep.
" May 17. Griffith, f. Marthae Davies ... sep.
" May 18. Maria, f. Roberti & Elizabethae Nicholas ... bap.
" May 18. Maria, f. Johannis & Margrettae Pugh ... sep.

240 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1703

1703, May 27. Richardus Hayward & Maria Corbett ... nup.
" May 28. Robertus Cole & Sara Millington ... nup.
" May 28. Richardus Shuker & Catherina Shuker ... nup.
"* June 3. Margret, w. of Edward Jones ... bur.
" June 12. John Sucker & Mary Sturchley ... nup.
" June 16. Thomas Hinley & Mary Owen ... mar.
" June 22. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Blakeway ... bur.
" June 23. Mary, d. of David & Ann Hinley ... bap.
" June 27. Abraham Perces ... bur.
" June 27. John, s. of Joseph & Jane Cleton, the same day ... bap.

fol. 254.

" July 9. Griffith Owens ... bur.
" July 10. Patient, d. of Mary Redish ... bur.
" July 11. Richard, s. of Thomas & Sara Jones ... bap.
" July 13. Ann, d. of John & Ann Rutter ... bur.
" July 15. Sara Farmer ... bur.
" July 17. Elinor, w. of Richard Haines ... bur.
" July 25. Mary, d. of John & Mary Craft ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Sara, d. of Tho: & Eliz: Dias ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Martha, d. of Nicholas & Eliz. Bowyer ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Margarett, w. of Edward Witticars ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Sara, d. of Tho: & Jane Brown ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Mary, d. of Edw: & Mary Nicholas ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Ann, d. of Tho: & Eliz: Hamerston ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Ann, d. of Robt. & Mary Humphreys ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Richd., s. of Will: & Mary Dudley ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Thomas, s. of Tho: & Debora Davis ... bap.
" Oct. 3. John, s. of Roland & Abigail Griffis ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Mary, d. of William & Margret Burley ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Thomas Johnson & Martha Price ... mar.
" Nov. 15. John Davis ... bur.
" Nov. 19. John Goodale & Elizabeth Farmer ... mar.
" Nov. 22. John Pugh ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Jane, d. of John & Elizth. Bailey ... bap.
" Dec. 16. John Mathews ... bur.

fol. 255.

" Dec. 16. Elinor Medlicott ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Barbury Dawes ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Ann Cleton ... bap.

* Handwriting changes, and the entries are made in rather illiterate English.

1704] Pontesbury. 241

1703, Jan. 13. Edward, s. of Edward & Martha Dolphing ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Cristian, d. of John & Mary. Acton ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Samuel Phillips ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Christian Acton ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Ann, d. of Ann Adams ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Richard Stedmon & Jane Woodhouse ... mar.
" Feb. 2. Richard Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Mary, d. of Richard & Zipporah Barber ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Elinor, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Trever ... bap.
" Feb. 29. Elior Owen ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Samuell, s. of John & Catharin Small ... bap.
" Mar. 8. William, s. of William Boyer ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Jane Hughson ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Jane, d. of Robert & Mary Chambers ... bap.
" Mar. 23. William Hall ... bur.

fol. 256.

1704, Mar. 26. Jone Chambers ... bur.
" Apr. 5. Martha Perkin ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Rowland, s. & Judith, d. of Edward & Kathren Bailey ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Elinor Harris ... bur.
" Apr. 7. John, s. of Briget Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Rowland Bailey ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Jeremy Lea ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Sara Bifon ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Sara, d. of William & Catren Lucas ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Mary, w. of Samuel Fox ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Thomas Ollivers ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Thomas Hood ... bur.

Surveyed by Geo. Hall, Surveyor.

"* May 4. [blank], d. of William & Bethiah Davis ... bap.
" May 9. William Lake & Martha Mathews ... mar.
" May 10. William, s. of Thos. & Bridgett Thirling ... bap.
" May 10. Katharine Hood ... bur.
" May 13. William Minton & Sarah Jones ... mar.
" May 13. Rich: s. of Rich: & Mary Partridge ... bap.
" May 16. Joseph, s. of John & Eliz: Barber ... bap.
" May 20. Edward Granger ... bur.
" May 22. The wife of Rich: Williams ... bur.

* Handwriting changes.

242 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1704

1704, June 4. Eliz: d. of William & Eliz: Young ... bap.
" June 20. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Granger ... bap.
" July 12. Tho: s. of Jno: Lloyd ... bur.
" July 23. Edward, s. of John & Ann Rutter ... bap.
" July 23. Ben., s. of Jos: & Margt. Thomas ... bap.

fol. 257.

" Aug. 20. John Ofley ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Thomas Thorns & Martha Hood ... mar.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth, w. of Peter Hughson ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Benjamin, s. of Joseph & Margt. Thomas ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Eliz: d. of Edward & Eliz: Edwards ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Elinor Ford, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Elizth., d. of Thomas & Eliz: ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Edward Williams, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 5. John, s. of Randle & Mary Jandrel ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Meriwether ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Hannah, d. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Eliz., d. of Henry & Sarah Phillips ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Mary & Martha, twin daus. of John Hitchen ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Eliz: d. of Henry & Sarah Phillips ... bur.
" Nov. 23. John, s. of Rich: & Mary Hayward ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Margarett Casall, pauper ... bur.

Surveyed by Geo. Hall, Surveyor.

" Dec. 3. Richard, s. of Rich: & Joan Stedman ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Richard Turnley ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Eliz: d. of John & Ann Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Joan, w. of Edward Salter ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Elenor, d. of Edw. & Elenor Yates .... bap.
" Jan. 2. John, s. of John & Ann Lloyd ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Margarett, d. of Robert & Sarah Hendley ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Charles, s. of Jonas & Mary Ridg ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Elenor, d. of Richard & Elenor Ford ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Samuel Stretch & Margrett Richards ... mar.
" Jan. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Hordley ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Eliz: d. of James & Eliz: Bennion ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Eliz., d. of Thomas & Ann Wildblood ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Dorothy Adams ... bur.

1705] Pontesbury. 243

1704, Feb. 2. Edwards, s. of Robert & Mary Flint ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Edward Whitaker & Martha Oakeley ... mar.
" Feb. 13. Abigail, d. of Jo: Birtch ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Sarah, d. of Edward & Ann Hordley ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Will: Ford, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 25. William, s. of John Chorton, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margrett Bennion ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Ann, d. of John & Eliz: Goodell ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Edward, s. of William & Margrett Teage ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Ann, d. of John & Ann Phips ... bap.

fol. 258.

*1705, Apr. 5. Johannes, f. Thomae & Marthae Powell ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Clement Owen ... sep.
" Apr. 9. Edward, f. Thomae & Eliz: Hamerston ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Sara, f. Rich: & Eliz: Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Maria, d. of Thomae & Sarae Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Johannes, f. Johannis & Catharinae Bayly ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Martha, f. Thomae & Marthae Johnson ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Eliz: f. Gulielimi & Eliz: Mathews ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Gulielimus Mathews ... sep.
" May 7. Thos. Glover, pauper ... sep.

Surveyed by Geo. Hall.

" May 10. Elianora, f. Thomae & Elinorae Beddow ... sep.
" May 15. Richardus Hatton ... sep.
" May 17. Patience, f. Rich: & Sarae Henley ... bap.
" May 21. Elizabetha Langford, vid: paup: ... sep.
" May 28. Thomas, f. Thomae & Marthae Thorns ... bap.
" June 2. Martha, f. Morgani & Mariae Evans ... bap.
" June 2. Jana, f. Thomae & Rebeccae Jandrell ... bap.
" June 10. Sara, f. Samuelis & Abigailis Davies ... bap.
" June 16. Timothy Typton & Martha Bennett ... nup.
" June 17. Thomas, f. Johannis & Katharinae Hughes ... bap.
" June 18. Rogerus, f. Gulielimi & Margrettae Burleigh ... bap.
" June 21. Eliz: f. Samuelis & Eliz: Wright ... bap.

fol. 259.

" July 1. Hanna, f. Gulielimi & Marthae Leak ... bap.

* Handwriting changes, and the entries are again in Latin.

244 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1705

1705, July 1. Eliz: f. Gulielmi & Annae Barrett ... bap.
" July 15. Rich: f. Josephi & Sarae Clayton ... bap.
" July 15. Johannes, f. Johannis & Mariae Shuker ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Jana, f. Johannis & Janae Hughes ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Elianora, f. Roberti & Margretae Townsend ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Richardus, f. Johannis & Sarae ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Richardus, f. Josephi Clayton ... sep.
" Aug. 19. Richardus, f. Rich: & Catharinae Shuker ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Rogerus, f. predicti Gulielmi Burleigh ... sep.
" Aug. 23. Jocosa, f. Rowlandi & Annea Bancks ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Johannes Mills & Joanna Edwards (bannis prius editis) nupti fuere.
" Aug. 30. Richardus, f. Davidis & Margretae Richards ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Arthur Walthall ... bur.
" Sep. 22. Eliz: f. predicti Gulielimi Barrett ... bur.
" Oct. 30. Hanna, ux. Gulielmi Davies ... sep.
" Nov. 16. Jana, f. Thomae & Janae Brown ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Thomas Wellens, pauper ... sep.
" Nov. 18. Josephus, f. Josephi & Margrettae Thomas ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Richardus, f. Silvani & Mariae Harries ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Samuel, f. Henrici & Sarae Phillips ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Jana, f. illegitima Elianorae Brown ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Johannes, f. Samuelis & Margretae Stretch ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Maria, f. Johannis & Joannae Hanley ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Josephus, f. predicti Josephi Thomas ... sep.
" Jan. 8. Elizabetha, f. illegitima Mariae Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Benjamin, f. Johannis & Catharinae Small ... bap.

fol. 260.

" Jan. 14. Martha, f. Gulielimi & Martha Lewes ... bap.
" Jan. 26. John Williams, pauper ... sep.
" Jan. 26. Elizabetha Sotherton, vid: ... sep.
" Feb. 17. Maria, f. Timothei & Marthae Topton ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Margretta, f. Richardi & Annae Hitchen ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Thomas Henley ... sep.

1706] Pontesbury. 245

1705, Feb. 27. Elizabetha, f. Michael & Sarae Simmonds ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Franciscus Dorset ... sep.
" Mar. 5. Elianora, f. Thomae & Annae Wildblood ... sep.
" Mar. 8. Maria Marston, pauper ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Sara Beddow, pauper ... sep.
" Mar. 15. Johannes, f. Georgii & Marthae Griffiths ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Maria, f. Thomae & Mariae Cheshier ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Johannes, f. Edwardi & Marthae Dolphyn ... bap.

GIL: COLE, Rector primae Portionis.

1706, Apr. 18. Jana, f. Roberti Flint ... sep.
" Apr. 18. Anna, f. Roberti & Margaretae Humphreys ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Maria Wright ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Anne, ux. Richardi Hitchen ... sep.
" Apr. 28. Jana, f. Elianorae Brown ... sep.

fol. 261.

" Apr. 28. Jana, f. Thomae & Sarae Meriweather ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Maria, f. Margretae Parton ... sep.
"* May 15. Joyce Rutter ... bur.
" May 15. Thomas Harris ... bur.
" May 22. Mary, d. of Mary Thomas ... bap.
" May 26. Catharine Ellis ... bur.
" May 27. Mary, d. of Mary Thomas ... bur.
" June 13. Ann, d. of James & Eliz: Bennion ... bap.
" June 20. Jane Glover, widdow ... bur.
" July 9. Mary, d. of Rich: & Mary Perkin ... bap.
" July 10. Margaret, d. of Joseph & Margarett Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Jane Browne ... bur.
" Aug. 11. Sarah, d. of John & Elizth. Minton ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Mrs. Mary Harries ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Mary, d. of John & Eliz: Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Samuel, s. of John & Margarett Ollivers ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Jeremiah Jesper ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Elizabeth Lloyd ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Joseph Turnley ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Martha, d. of Samuel & Mary Wright ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Samuel Daulphin ... bur.

* Handwriting changes, and the entries are in English.

246 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1706

1706, Nov. 15. Margarett, d. of William & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Rich: s. of Rich: & Sipra Barber ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Ralph, s. of Thos. & Martha Thorns ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Mary, w. of Thomas Wylding ... bur.

fol. 262.

" Dec. 3. Ann, d. of John & Ann Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Abial, d. of Nicholas & Eliz. Boyer ... bap.
" Dec. 29. John Adams ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Susan & Sarah, daus. of Henry Phillips, gent: & Sarah ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Susan & Sarah, daus. of Henry Phillips, gent: ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Ralph Harper, Rector of the third portion of Pontesbury ... bur.
" Jan. 20. John, s. of John & Jane Hughes ... bap.
" Feb. 4. William. s. of William & Ann Ford ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Ann, d. of Robert & Margary Fox ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Jone, d. of David & Ann Hinly ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Mary, d. of John & Ann Phips ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Mary, d. of John Phips ... bur.
" Mar. 23. William, s. of William & Eliz: Mathewes ... bap.

GIL: COLE, Rectr. 1ae Portionis.

1707, Mar. 29. Richard Hails, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 30. John, s. of William & Ann Niccolls ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Richd., s. of Rich: & Mary Hayward ... bap.

fol. 203.

" Apr. 3. Margarett Underwood, of ye Oakes, was buried, and was reputed to be one hundred and six years old.
" Apr. 4. William Underwood ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Richard, s. of Edward & Mary Niccolls ... bap.
" Apr. 12. William, s. of William & Martha Leake ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of William & Catherine Lukas ... bap.
" Apr. 22. William Davis ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Thomas Kadman & Margarett Hatton ... mar.
" Apr. 23. Richard Cheshire & Jane Owens ... mar.
" Apr. 25. Francis Soutberton & Jane Parkes ... mar.

1707] Pontesbury. 247

1707, May 8. Mary, w. of Thomas Mereddith ... bur.
" May 13. Joyce, w. of Mr. Gilbert Cole, Rector of ye first portion of Pontesbury ... bur.
" May 15. Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Mathewes ... mar.
" May 18. Thomas, s. of Mary & Edward Edwards ... bap.
" May 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Nash ... bur.
" May 26. Mary Jones, pauper ... bur.
" May 27. Margarett Mathewes, pauper ... bur.
" June 5. Samuel, s. of John & Katherine Smallman ... bur.
" June 17. John Gittins, pauper ... bur.
" June 17. Ralph, s. of Edward & Martha Daulphin ... bap.
" June 20. John Titley & Margarett Spencer ... mar.
" June 26. John Hughes, pauper ... bur.
" July 2. Margarett, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" July 4. Hannah Davies, pauper ... bur.
" July 17. Thomas Lukas ... bur.
" July 28. Margarett, d. of John & Mary Birtch ... bap.
" July 28. Charles, s. of Bryan & Mary Pugh ... bap.

fol. 264.

" Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lukas ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Turnley ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Charles, s of Bryan & Mary Pugh ... bur.
" Aug. 12. William Boycott, gent: of Uppington ... bur.
" Aug. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Martha Powell ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Margarett Stretch ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Edward, s. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Ann, d. of John & Ann Lloyd ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Martha, d. of Robert & Magdalen Flint ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Thomas, s. of Hannah Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 28. William, s. of William & Margarett Teage ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Ann, d. of Richard & Sarah Hinley ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Richard Hitchen & Mary Clemson ... mar.
" Nov. 30. Sarah, d. of Robert & Sarah Hinley ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Elleanor, d. of Thomas & Ann Wildblod ... bap.
" Dec. 15. William Cleaton ... bur.
" Dec. 16. George Eakin ... bur.

248 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1707

1707, Dec. 16. Stephen Casewell ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Margarett, d. of Richard & Katherine Shuker ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Richard, s. of Thomas & Margarett Bennion ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas & Bridgett Browne ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Ann, d. of Robert Humphreys ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Richard, s. of Thomas & Margarett Kadman ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Alice Jones, pauper ... bur.

fol. 265.

" Jan. 26. Margaret, d. of William & Margarett Dudley ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Richard, s. of Joseph & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Susanna, d. of Joseph & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Ralph, s. of Peter Huson ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Barns ... bap.
" Feb. 22. William, s. of William & Margarett Teage ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Martha, d. of Sarah Harper ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Olliver Jenkes, pauper, of Buttington ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lukas ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Elizabeth, d. of William & Eliz. Boyer ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Humphry Hincks ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Goodale ... bur.
" Mar. 8. William, s. of John & Catherine Baylies ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Hannah, d. of William & Mary Cleaton ... bap.
" Mar. 17. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Hinley ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Richard, s. of Thomas & Margarett Kadman ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland & Ann Banks ... bap.

GIL: COLE, Rectr. of ye first Portion.

1708, Apr. 1. William Sandles ... bur.
"* Apr. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland & Ann Banks ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Chambre ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Ann, d. of John & Ann Lloyd ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Jane Stretch ... bur.
" May 6. Margareta, f. Gulielmi & Annae Foord ... bap.
" May 12. Pierce Jones, pauper ... sep.

* An attempt has been made to erase this entry with penknife and acids, and it is nearly illegible.

1648] Pontesbury. 249

1708, May 24. Anna, f. Gulielmi & Mariae Young ... bap.
" May 25. Rebecca, f. Thomae & Janae Brown ... bap.

fol. 266.

" June 6. Johannes Underwood ... sep.
" June 18. Richardus, f. Caroli & Elizabethae Diggorey ... bap.
" June 27. Franciscus, f. Thomae & Sarae Jones ... bap.
" June 29. Elizabetha, f. Richardi & Elianorae Wilding ... bap.
" July 15. Elianora, ux. Thomae Cooper ... sep.
" July 15. Sara, f. Roberti & Margretae Townsend ... bap.
" July 16. Elizabetha, ux. Eduardi Embrey ... sep.
" July 18. Anna, ux. Johannis Phipps ... sep.
" July 22. Margaretta, d. of Morgani & Mariae Evans ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Maria, f. Silvani & Mariae Harries ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Thomas, f. Gulielmi & Mariae Teage ... sep.
" Aug. 24. Henricus Harries, pauper ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Johannes Peryn & Margreta Davies (bannis prius editis) ... nup.
" Oct. 1. Elianora, f. Henrici & Sarae Phillips ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Jana, ux. Magistri West ... sep.
" Oct. 6. Anna, ux. Johannis Roberts ... sep.
" Oct. 17. Timotheus, f. Johannis & Janae Hughes ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Elinora Evans, vid. ... sep.
" Oct. 24. Thomas, f. illegitimus Elizabethae Pea ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Maria, f. predicti Silvani Harries ... sep.
" Oct. 29. Martha, f. Richardi & Marthae Wildblood ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Philip, f. illegitimus Elinorae Speak ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Jana, f. Francisci & Margretae Littleall ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Richardus, f. Gulielmi & Mariae Teage ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Andrew, f. Thomae & Elianorae Beddow ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Jana, f. Gulielmi Davies ... sep.
" Jan. 6. Edwardus Jones, pauper ... sep.
" Jan. 10. Elizabetha Hall, vid: pauper ... sep.
" Jan. 20. Margaretta, ux. Eduardi Chesheer ... sep.
" Feb. 6. Maria, f. Francisci & Aliciae Edwards ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Gulielmus, f. Thomae & Eliz: Hammerston ... bap.

250 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1708

1708, Feb. 9. Jana, f. Johannis & Eleanorae Hitchen ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Margareta, f. Eduardi & Elinorae Yates ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Maria, f. Johannis & Annae Edwards ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Anna, f. Johannis & Annae Lloyd ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Maria, f. Johannis & Margrettae Titley ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Zippora, f. Richardi & Zipporae Barber ... bap.

GIL: COLE, Rectr. prima; portionis.

fol. 267.

*1709, Mar. 28. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Rebecca Jaundrell ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Martha, d. of George & Martha Griffiths ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Martha, d. of Thos. & Eleanor Cadman ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Thos. Willding ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of Wm. & Eliz: Matthews ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Edward Minton ... bur.
" May 1. Margtt., d. of Edward & Elleanor Yates ... bur.
" May 10. Thos., s. of David & Sarah Richards ... bur.
[Mary in original, corrected in later ink.]
" May 16. Judith, w. of Wm. Adarn, Esq. ... bur.
" June 4. Mary, d. of Gilbert Cole, Rector primae portionis ... bur.
" June 4. Mary Symons ... bur.
" June 23. Richard Partridge ... bur.
" June 26. William, s. of William & Eliz: Shuker ... bap.
" June 26. Elizabeth, d. of John & Joan Handley ... bap.
" July 4. Mary, w. of Thomas Teage ... bur.
" July 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Nash ... bap.
" July 10. Mary, w. of Richard Diggory ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Anne Peate, wid., pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Mary, d. of Saml. & Margtt. Stretch ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Roberts Chambers ... bur.
" Aug. 21. Martha, d. of Richard & Joan Steadman ... bap.
" Sep. 15. David Hinley, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Martha, d. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Blakeway ... bap.
" Sep. 25. William, s. of William & Anne Barrett ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Judith Porter ... bap.

* From this date for some years the handwriting changes each year.

1710] Pontesbury. 251

1709, Oct. 25. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Betton ... bap.
" Oct. 28. John, s. of Sarah Harper, bastard ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Thomas Roberts ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Roger, s. of Joseph & Jane Cleaton ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Thos. Cope & Eliz: Lucas ... mar.
" Nov. 13. Matthew Norgrave & Mary Underwood ... mar.
" Nov. 13. William, s. of Robt. & Mary Chambers ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John & Margtt. Oliver ... bap.

fol. 268.

" Dec. 23. Eliz: d. of John & Margtt. Oliver ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Sarah, d. of Edw: & Eliz: Edwards ... bap.
" Jan. 6. John, s. of Wm. & Catherine Lucas ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Anne, d. of David & Anne Hinley ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Wm. Evans, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Wm. Tyler, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 16. William, s. of Thos. & Anne Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 17. James, b. s. of Eliz: Mason ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Anne, w. of Daniell Beddow ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Catherine, d. of Richd. & Catherine Shuker ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Jane Brown ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Abraham, s. of Wm. & Jane Boyer ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Mary, d. of Jonathan & Margtt. Row ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Frances, w. of John Wilding ... bur.

GUILBERT COLE. Rector primi portionis.

1710, Apr. 18. Jo: s. of Johannes & Sarah Thurline ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Sarai, ux. Josephi Diggory ... sep.
" Apr. 26. Edward Wilding & Maria Reynalds ... nup.
" Apr. 30. Maria, ux. Gulielmi Brome ... sep.
" May 6. William Brome ... bur.
" May 7. Richard, s. of Richard & Jane Cheshire ... bap.
" May 11. William Jacks & Mary Mitton ... mar.
" May 21. John, s. of Jo: Guill ... bur.
" May 23. Elizabeth Bennett ... bur.
" May 25. Margaret Head ... bur.
" May 28. Thomas Mitton ... bur.
" June 4. Mary, d. of Symon & Mary Downes ... bap.
" June 6. Sylvanus Mosse & Sarah Worrall ... mar.
" June 10. Thomas Blakeway ... bur.

252 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1710

1710, June 14. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Wilding ... bap.
" June 24. Magdalen, d. of Robt. & Magdalen Flynt ... bap.
" July 18. Mary Abrams ... bur.
" July 21. Grace, w. of Edward Rutter ... bur.
" July 26. Mrs. Mary Phillips, vid. ... bur.
" July 27. Guilbert Cole, Rector of the first portion ... bur.
" July 27. William, s. of Thos. & Martha Powell ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Charles Ashley ... bur.
" Aug. 12. John, s. of Sylvanus & Sarah Mosse ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Thomas Cowper ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Prudence, d. of William & Elizabeth Young ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Henry Clemson. & Ann Tipton ... mar.

fol. 269.

" Oct. 13. Richard Howels ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Margarett, d. of Edward & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" Oct. 27. William, s. of William & Margaret Teage ... bur.
" Nov. 2. Thomas Owen ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Anne, d. of William & Ann Ford ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Elizabeth, w. of Charles Ashley ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Samll. Davies ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Samll., s. of Richard & Mary Hayward ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Anne, d. of Edward & Anne Hopton ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Thos. Johnson ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Thos., s. of Thos. & Margarett Cadman ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Ambrose Thomas ... bur.
Jan. 6. Martha, d. of Sarah Harper ... bur.
" Jan. 15. John Wood & Elizabeth Sandles ... mar.
" Feb. 17. John Griffiths ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Eliz., d. of Peter & Mary Hughson ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Abigaill Asterley ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of Richard & Alice Taylor ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Elinor, w. of Richard Beddow ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Sarah Harries ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Ann, d. of Will. & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Will: Barbor ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Joane Harries ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Robt., s. of Robt. & Eliz. Dreiton ... bap.


1711] Pontesbury. 253

1711, Mar. 30. Richard, s. of Rich: & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Eliz., d. of Thos. & Mary Hinley ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Timothy, s. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 9. William Mansell & Anne Hanly ... mar.
" Apr. 18. Sarah, d. of Rowland & Anne Banks ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Alis Foord, widdow ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Eliz., w. of Richd., the same day ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Judith, w. of Andrew Powell ... bur.
" May 3. Eliz., w. of Geo. Adams ... bur.
" May 10. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margarett Benion ... bap.
" May 21. Robt., s. of Robt. & Margtt. Townsend ... bap.

fol. 270.

" June 3. Francis, s. of Francis & Martha Harris ... bap.
" June 10. Thomas, s. of Sylvanus & Mary Harris ... bap.
" July 15. Richard, s. of William & Susannah Tomlyns ... bap.
" July 19. Eliz. Hinly ... bur.
" July 20. Samuel, s. of Samll. & Mary Fox ... bap.
" July 22. Richard, s. of Willm. & Anne Barrett ... bap.
" July 23. Eliz., d. of Will: & Eliz: Shuker ... bap.
" July 26. Bridgett, d. of John & Ann Edwards ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Will. Smith ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Samuell, s. of Hugh & Alis Phillips ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Edwd. Teague ... bur.
" Aug. 29. John, s. of Richard & Eliz. Barker ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Eliz. Harris, widdow ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Eliz. Trevor ... bap.
" Sep. 19. David, s. of Robert & Mary Hinley ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Eliz., d. of Edwd. & Mary Wilding ... bap.
" Sep. 30. John Jones & Eliz: Griffiths ... mar.
" Oct. 4. Thomas, s. of William & Sarah Minton ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Robert, s. of Robert & Margtt. Townsend ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Eliz: d. of Samll. & Margtt. Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Francis Lea ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Edward, s. of Richard & Joan Steadman ... bur.
" Nov. 18. Sarah. d. of David & Sarah Richards ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Mary, w. of Geo. Edwards ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Joan, d. of John & Ann Lloyd ... bap.
" Dec. 10. John, s. of Sylvanus & Sarah Moss ... bap.
" Dec. 12. John, s. of John & Eliz. Wood ... bap,

254 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1711

1711, Dec. 16. Mary, d. of Will. & Mary Davis ... bap.
" Dec. 26. William, s. of John & Margtt. Oliver ... bap.

fol. 271.

" Dec. 28. Jane, d. of John & Katherine Small ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Bartholomew Jones, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Mary, d. of John & Martha Nicholls ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Thomas, s. of John & Joan Hanly ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Edward Dawes & Margtt. Blakemore ... mar.
" Feb. 1. John, s. of John & Ann Hicks ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Anne Downes, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Elenor Rogers, widd. ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Humphry Parry & Ann Davis ... mar.
" Feb. 24. Martha, d. of Thomas Cheshire & Martha ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell & Margtt. Stretch ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Henry Phillips ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Symon Downs, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Richard, s. of John & Margtt. Fox ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Samuell, s. of John & Zippera Barber ... bap.
" Mar. 16. John Cooke, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Samuell, s. of John & Zippera Barber ... bur.
1712, Mar. 30. Jane, d. of Simon Downes, deceased, & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Sarah, d. of Sylvanus & Sarah Moss ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Margarett, d. of Wm. & Eth. Matthews ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Mary, d. of Richard & Ann Dutton ... bap.
" Apr. 24. John Rutter, of this parish ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Mary, w. of John Roberts ... bur.
" May 7. Edward, s. of William & Jane Pugh ... bap.
" May 11. John, b. s. of Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" May 19. Richard, s. of Richard & Martha Fox ... bap.
" May 20. Magdalen, w. of Robert Flint ... bur.
" May 26. Thomas, b. s. of Sarah Hughson ... bap.
" May 26. Jane, d. of Thomas & Jane Ness ... bur.
" May 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ann Wildblood ... bur.
" May 30. Elijah, s. of Richard & Sarah Hinley ... bur.

fol. 272.

" June 11. Ann, d. of William & Mary Griffith ... bur.
" June 13. Robert, s. of Robert & Ann Flint ... bur.

1713] Pontesbury. 255

1712, June 22. John, s. of John & Margarett Johnson . . bur.
" July 3. Mary, d. of William & Bethia Davis ... bur.
" July 20. Thomas, s. of William & Bethia Davis ... bur.
" July 20. Elizabeth, w. of Charles Diggory ... bur.
" July 31. Ann, d. of Joseph Diggory & Sarah, his w., deceased ... bur.
" Aug. 5. Mary, w. of John Blakeway .. bur.
" Aug. 24. William, s. of Thomas & Margaret Cadman ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Roger, s. of William & Ann Ford .. bap.
" Sep. 9. Edward & Sarah, s. & d. of Sarah Hincks, both bastard children ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Edward & Sarah, s. & d . of Sarah Hincks ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioke ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Owen, s. of Richard & Mary Pryce ... bap.
" Nov. 9. David, s. of David & Ann Hinley ... bap.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of Humphrey & Ann Parry ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 5. William, s of William & Catherine Lucas ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Richard Evans & Mary Watson, both of this parish, banns ... mar.
" Jan. 15. Richard Poyner, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Thomas, s. of Edward & Ann Hopton ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Samuel Perkins & Mary Norgrave, banns ... mar.
" Jan. 27. Jane, d. of John & Ann Almonds ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Henry, s. of James & Mary Symmonds ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Mary, d. of Peter & Mary Hughson .. bap.
" Feb. 12. Thomas, b. s. of Sarah Hughson ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Barker ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Richard & Ann Owen .. bur.
" Mar. 12. Abraham, s. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.

HENRY BALDWYN, Recr. 1mae Portionis.

fol. 273.

1713, Apr. 9. William Peat & Elizabeth Clough, lic. ... mar.
" Apr. 10. Richard, s. of Richard & Joan Stedman ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Susanna Jones, pauper .. bur.

256 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1713

1713, Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Ann, w. of Thomas Cleaton ... bur.
" May 1. Thomas Southerton & Martha Price, banns ... mar.
" May 2. Ann, w. of Edward Hopton ... bur.
" May 5. William, s. of John & Jane Hughes ... bap.
" May 10. Owen, s. of Richard & Mary Pryce ... bur.
" May 29. Thomas, s. of Edward Hopton & Ann, his w., deceased ... bur.
" June 4. Catharine, d. of John & Catharine Small ... bur.
" June 26. Robert & Samuel, sons of John & Ann Briscoe ... bap.
" July 11. Henry, s. of John & Catharine Salisbury ... bap.
" Aug. 5. William, s. of John & Jane Hughes ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Martha, d. of William Lewis, deceased, & Martha, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Ann, w. of John Williams ... bur.
" Sep. 4. William, s. of Morgan & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Martha Davis, widd: pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Robt. & Margt. Townsend ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of William & Sarah Mynton ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Ann Dolphin ... bur.
" Oct. 3. Richard Beddow & Jane Lea, banns ... mar.
" Oct. 9. Alice, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Taylor ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ann Underwood ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Treyor ... bap.
" Nov. 9. John Chorlton, pauper ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Sarah, w. of Sylvanus Moss ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Margaret, d. of Samuel & Margt Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 22. William, s. of William & Ann Ford ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth Shuker ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Corbet, s. of Thomas & Margt. Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Martha, d. of John & Martha Nicholls ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Edward, s. of John & Ann Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 9. William, s. of William & Jane Davis ... bap.

fol. 274.

" Dec. 11. Mary, w. of James Symonds ... bur.
" Der. 28. Margaret Ford, widd. ... bur.

1714] Pontesbury. 257

1713, Jan. 20. Richard Peat, senior ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Rich., s. of William & Eliz. Peat ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Robert, s. of William & Martha Lewis ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Daniel Beddow, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Mary Pritchard, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 31. William, s. of Saml. & Margt. Stretch ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Thomas Nicholls ... bur.
" Feb. is. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Griffith ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Martha, d. of Sylvanus & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Margaret Benion ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Prudence Salter ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Martha, d. of Richard & Ann Harris ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Dorothy, d. of John & Sarah Therling ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Sarah, w. of John Therling ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Margaret, d. of Robert & Mary Fox ... bap.

HENRY BALDWYN, Recr. 1mae Port:
[He signs each year till 1733 - the end of this book.]

August 30, 1714.

Agreed between the Revd. Mr. Henry Baldwyn, Rector of the first portion
of Pontesbury of the one part, & Thomas Perkin and Edward Sankey,
Churchwardens of the parish of Pulverbach, of the other part - That the
said Henry Baldwyn & his successors shall henceforth from the day of the
date hereof keep & maintain all that Church Hayment at Pontesbury,
commonly reputed to belong to the parish of Pulverbach, & shall
exonerate & free the said churchwardens and their successors & the rest
of the parishioners from all presentments, complaints, and charges abt.
the same: In acknowledgment & consideration whereof we, the said
churchwardens and our successors & parishioners do hereby promise to pay
unto the said Henry Baldwyn and his successors the yearly sum of one
shilling and sixpence upon the 30th day of August. Witness our hands the
day & year above written.


fol. 275.

1714, Mar. 27. Jane Daulphyn, widd. ... bur.

258 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1714

1714, Apr. 4. Hannah, d. of Richd. & Martha Townsend ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Elianor Littlehale, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 6. William Morris & Mary Brownbell, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 10. Randol Brasenor & Jane Corfield, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 14. Thomas, s. of Edward & Mary Wyelding ... bap.
" Apr. 16. William, s. of William & Martha Morgan ... bap.
" Apr. 18. John, s. of Thomas & Margt. Cadman ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Richd., s. of William & Eliz. Peat ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Robert Edwards, pauper, a stranger ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Donata Symmons, pauper ... bur.
" May 1. Henry Worrall & Abigal Corfeild, banns ... mar.
" May 11. Susana, d. of Humphry & Anna Parrey de Hinton ... bap.
" May 14. Richd., s. of Richd. & Mary Evans ... bap.
" May 16. Mary, d. of Richd. & Mary Hyching ... bap.
" May 18. John, s. of Richd. & Elizth. Hill ... bap.
" May 20. John, s. of Arthur & Mary Plungin ... bap.
" May 24. Francis Littlehale, pauper ... bur.
" May 24. William, s. of Morgan & Mary Evans ... bur.
" May 28. Henry, s. of Abraham & Ann Maddox ... bap.
" June 3. Thomas Southerton ... bur.
" June 6. Elizth., d. of John & Martha Roberts ... bap.
" June 13. William Lucas, pauper ... bur.
" June 22. Francis Southerton ... bur.
" June 23. David Griffiths, pauper ... bur.

fol. 276.

" June 24. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Cheshire ... bap.
" June 24. Sarah, d. of Edward & Elizth. Edwards ... bap.
" July 4. Elizth., d. of Francis & Martha Harris ... bap.
" July 13. Hannah, w. of Thomas Underwood ... bur.
" July 14. John Reynolds, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Sarah, d. of John & Cathine Small ... bur.
" Aug. 2. Elianor, w. of John Hiching ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Wm. Edward, s. of Michael Moseley, Esqr., & Jane, his w. ...bap.
" Aug. 19. William, s. of John & Ann Lloyd ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Martha, d. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Aug. 25. John, s. of Richd. & Abigail Lewis ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Sarah, w. of Robert Jones ... bur.

1715] Pontesbury. 259

1714, Sep. 1. Elianor, d. of Roger & Ann Bird ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Jane, d. of John & Prudence Almonds ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Eliz., d. of Richd. & Maud Edmunds ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Martha Fox ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Catharine, d. of John Weaver, gent: & Catharine, his w. ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Richard Hinley, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 8. John, s. of Richd. & Eliz. Hollyhock ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Benjamin, s. of Thomas & Martha Powell ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Richard, b. s. of Eliz: Browne ... bap.

fol. 277.

" Nov. 10. Edward, s. of Robt. Phillips, of Meole, gent: & Catharine ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Richard Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Richd., b. s. of Eliz. Browne ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Mary, d. of Silvanus & Mary Harris ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Richd., s. of Abraham & Mary Bennet ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Edward Whitticars, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 31. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 11. John, s. of Richd. & Mary Gittings ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Eliz., d. of Robt. & Sarah Hinley ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Henry, s. Onslow Barrett, gent: & Mary ... bap.
" Jan. 30. William, s. of John & Mary Birtch ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary, w. of Richard Lateward ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Richd., s. of Silvanus & Mary Harris ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Frances, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 11. Mary Teage, of Plealey, wid: ... bur.
" Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of Silvanus & Mary Harris ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Charles, s. of Rich. & Zipra Barbor ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Thos. Powell & Ann Caddock, both of Meole Brace, lic. ... mar.
" Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Saml. & Margory Fox ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Mary, d. of John & Mary Blakeway ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Edward, s. of William & Elizth. Mathewes ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Richd. Patrick ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Margt. Edwards ... bap.

fol. 278.

1715, Mar. 28. Rebeka, w. of John Barbor .. bur.
" Mar. 29. Mary, d. of John & Mary Blakeway ... bur.

260 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1715

1715, Apr. 3. Mary, d. of Wm. & Elizth. Yonge ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Ward Offley, of Hinton, gent: ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Henry, s. of Henry & Abigail Worrall ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Joyce Tyther, widd. ... bur.
" May 5. Jonathan Arpin & Elizth. Williams, banns ... mar.
" May 8. Mary, d. of Richd. & Ann Deal ... bap.
" May 16. John Reynolds, of Bridgnorth, & Mary Davis, of this p., banns ... mar.
" May 16. John Tysdale & Ann Dod, banns ... mar.
" May 19. Matthew Wilding ... bur.
" June 2. Ellinor, d. of Ralph Ridgway, deceased, & Martha ... bur.
" June 6. Martha, d. of Ralph & Martha Ridgway ... bur.
" June 9. William, s. of Wm. & Elizth. Peat ... bap.
" June 14. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Therling ... bap.
" June 17. Ann, d. of Peter & Mary Hughson ... bap.
" June 20. John Hitchen & Mary Jones, banns ... mar.
" June 26. Williams, s. of Richd. & Ann Dutton ... bap.
" June 29. Thomas Ness ... bur.
" July 1. Richd. Lyttlehale & Catharine Carver, banns ... mar.
" July 3. Abraham, s. of Richd. & Mary Hayward ... bap.
" July 8. Elizth. Cross, wid. ... bur.
" July 25. Charles Barker & Mary Crump, banns ... mar.
" July 28. Mary, w. of David Pugh ... bur.
" July 30. Mary, d. of Richd. & Eliz. Hill ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Roger Wellings & Eliz. Lyttlehale, banns ... mar.
" Aug. 13. John & Elizabeth, s. & d. of Charles & Mary Barker ... bap.
" Aug. 14. George, s. of Robt. & Frances Gewen ... bap.

fol. 279.

" Aug. 15. John & Elizabeth, s. & d. of Charles & Mary Barker ... bur.
" Aug. 28. Thomas, s. of William & Martha Morgan ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth, w. of Evan Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Ann, w. of David Hinley ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Jane, d. of William & Martha Lewis ... bur.
" Sep. 12. John, s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Robert, s. of John & Martha Nicholls ... bap.

1716] Pontesbury. 261

1715, Oct. 12. John, s. of Edward & Mary Wilding ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Ann, d. of Vaughan & Dorothy Evans ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richard, b. s. of Margarett Wareing ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Ellinor, d. of John & Ann Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 12. John Oliver, of Longdon ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Mary, d. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" Jan. 6. William, s. of John & Elizth. Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Henry Davis ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Samuel Painter & Sarah Hould, banns ... mar.
" Jan. 26. Richd. Williams, of the parish of Llandrinio, & Ann Downs, of this p., banns ... mar.
" Jan. 30. Catharine, d. of William Oakeley, gent: & Catharine ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Jane, d. of Richd. & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Henry, s. of Richd. & Catharine Shuker ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Ann, w. of Richard Williams ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Davis ... bur.
" Feb. 16. William, s. of William & Abigail Phillips ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Eliz: Wilcox ... bap.
" Mar. 6. John, s. of Richd. & Alice Taylor ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Marth., d. of John Martha Tipton, of Westbury ... bap.


fol. 280.

1716, Apr. 4. Richard, b. s. of Mary Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Samuell, s. of Samuel & Margt. Stretch ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Benjamin Aston ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Will: & Susanna Tomlins ... bap.
" Apr. 21. John Almonds, pauper ... bur.
" May 4. Richard Wall, of Westbury, & Ann Evans, banns ... mar.
" May 5. William Titley & Martha Howell, banns ... mar.
" May 11. Ann Pollexphen ... bur.
" May 11. Martha, d. of Sarah Cook ... bur.
" May 59. William Adams, Esq., of Longdon ... bur.
" May 20. Jone Hinley ... bur.
" May 23. Thomas Meredith ... bar.

262 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1716

1716, May 24. Jane, d. of Onslow Barrett, gent., & Elizabeth ... bap.
" June 1. Benjamin Wildblood & Susanna Meredith, banns ... mar.
" June 7. Susanna, d. of Thomas & Ellr. Beddow ... bap.
" June 9. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Adams, gent., & Abigail ... bap.
" June 30. Thomas Cox, of Wellington, & Jane Baker, banns ... mar.
" July 6. Samuell, s. of Sam. & Margt. Stretch ... bur.
" July 7. Roger Ford & Mary Davis, banns ... mar.
" July 8. Martha, d. of Richard & Martha Smyth ... bap.
" July 29. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hill ... bap.
" July 29. William, s. of John & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Esther, d. of Henry & Abigail Worrall ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Isaac, s. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Catherine, d. of Ralph & Martha Capper ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Blakeway ... bap.

fol. 281.

" Sep. 13. William & Margarett, s. & d. of Edward & Judith Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 8. William, s. of Stephen Randoll ... bur.
" Oct. 15. William Underwood ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Samuell Hincks, of p. of Worthen ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Abigail, w. of William Phillips ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Prudence Salter ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Daniel Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 7. John Reeves, of p. of Worthen ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Thomas Salter ... bur.
" Nov. 10. David Richards ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Daniel Lloyd, of Chirbury, & Ann Johnson, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 18. Mary, d. of Sylvanus & Martha Moss ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Mary, d. of Charles & Mary Barker ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Blakeway ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Shuker ... bap.
" Nov. 23. John Hitchen ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Mary Owen, pauper ... bur.

1717] Pontesbury. 263

1716, Dec. 2. John, s. of David Richards, deceased, & Sarah ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Richard, s. of Richard Perkin ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Margarett, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollyhock ... bap.
" Dec. 16. William, s. of Sylvanus Harris ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Ann Cole, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Roberts ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Elizabeth Tomkis, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Sarah, d. of William Oakeley, Esq., & Catharine ... bap.
" Jan. 11. William Barrett ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Partridg, wid: ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Ann, w. of Humphrey Parrey, gent. ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Henry, s. of John Salisbury ... bur.

fol. 282.

" Feb. 1. Catharine Hughson, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Mary Chambers, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Edward, s. of Thomas & Margarett Cadman ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Samuell, s. of Thomas Clayton ... bur.
" Feb. 13. William, s. of Samuell & Elinor Peat ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John Bennett & Elizabeth Clayton, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 20. Amy, d. of John Nicholls, gent., & Martha ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Margarett Edwards ... bap.
" Feb. 23. John Wilding ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Trevor ... bap.
" Mar. 3. William, s. of William & Martha Titley ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Robert Gewen ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Robert, s. of Robert & Margarett Townsend ... bap.
" Mar. 15. William, s. of William & Elizabeth Peat ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Richard, s. of William & Martha Morgan ... bap.
1717, Mar. 27. John, s. of John & Ann Tisdell ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Jane, d. of Augustian & Mary Clibbery ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Thomas Hinley, pauper ... bur.

264 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1717

1717, Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of William & Jane Pugh ... bap.
" Apr. 19. George Edwards, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Mary, w. of Daniel Diggory ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Edward, s. of Thomas Cadman ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Richard, s. of Samuell & Elizabeth Birtch ... bap.
" May 5. Thomas Clayton & Sarah Lee, banns ... mar.
" May 5. Margret, d. of William & Elizabeth Mathews ... bap.
" May 9. Robert, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Chambre ... bap.
" May 18. Elizabeth, w. of William Lewis ... bap.

fol. 283.

" May 19. Samuell, s. of William & Elizabeth Bowyer ... bap.
" May 28. Ann, w. of John Rutter ... bur.
" June 6. Thomas Underwood ... bur.
" June 8. Amy, w. of Andrew Mansell ... bur.
" June 30. Edward, s. of Richard & Jone Stedman ... bap.
" July 7. William, s. of William Moss ... bur.
" July 8. Humphry, s. of Robert Gawen ... bur.
" July 12. Elizabeth Bowyer, w. of William Bowyer ... bur.
" July 14. Ann Peat, widow ... bur.
" July 21. Margret, d. of Roger & Mary Ford ... bap.
" July 24. John Miles ... bur.
" July 28. John, s. of Robert Gawen ... bur.
" July 29. Samuel, s. of William Bowyer ... bur.
" Aug. 1. William, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Cound ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of Richard Edmonds ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Roger, s. of William Ford ... bur.
" Aug. 28. John, s. of Alice Barber ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Isaac, s. of Timothy Tipton ... bur.
" Sep. 7. John, s. of Alice Barber ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Robert, s. of Edward Chambre ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Minton ... bur.
" Oct. 18. Thomas Cocks ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Richard, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 28. William Jones & Mary Flint, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 30. Richard, s. of Richard & Jane Holmes ... bap.

1718] Pontesbury. 265

1717, Dec. 4. Jane Brodbury ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Thomas, s. of Onslow & Elizabeth Barrett ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Phillips ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Sciophyla, d. of John & Mary Corbet ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Bennett ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Samuel & Sarah Painter ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Priscilla, d. of William & Mary, Heighway ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Jane Evans ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Mary, d. of Thomas & Alice Underwood ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Peter, s. of Peter & Mary Hughson ... bap.

fol. 284.

" Feb. 2. Richard Phillips & Grace Jasper, of Westbury, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 5. William Rogers, of Church Poulderbatch, & Mary Jasper, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 13. Richard, s. of Richard & Maud Edmonds ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Jane, d. of Edward & Judeth Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Clayton ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Mary, d. of William & Ann Mansell ... bap.
" Mar. 16. John, s. of Thomas Clayton ... bur.


1718, Apr. 2. Martha, d. of Thomas Minton ... bur.
" Apr. 8. William, s. of John Minton ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Wilcox ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Jeremiah Holliock & Sarah Blower, banns ... mar.
" May 1. Richard Pottern ... bur.
" May 1. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin & Susanah ... bap.
" May 3. William Phillips ... bur.
" May 5. William Holmes & Elizabeth Bowyer, banns ... mar.
" June 1. Ann, d. of Robert & Abigail Adams ... bap.
" June 3. Richard Bowen & Mary Bayley, banns ... mar.
" June 12. Mary, d. of Robert Phillips, gent: & Catherine ... bap.

266 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1718

1718, June 27. Sarah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Roberts ... bap.
" July 1. Richard Sterchley ... bur.
" July 2. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnett ... bap.
" July 5. John, s. of Sylvanus Harris ... bur.
" July 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margret Diggory ... bap.
" July 10. Bridgett Hatton ... bur.
" July 18. Richard Baker ... bur.
" July 23. Hester, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Chambre ... bap.
" July 28. Martha, d. of Richard & Margrett Fox ... bap.
" July 28. Thomas Teage ... bur.
" Aug. 14. Penelope Barber ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Sarah, d. of John Harris, Esq. ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Margrett, d. of Thomas & Margrett Cadman ... bap.
" Aug. 26. George, s. of Ralph & Martha Capper ... bap.

fol. 285.

" Aug. 26. Joseph, s. of John & Elizabeth Norgrave ... bap.
" Aug. 30. John, s. of Jeremiah & Sarah Holliock ... bap.
" Sep. 21. John, s. of Jeremiah Holliock ... bur.
" Sep. 24. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Moss ... bap.
" Sep. 25. John Blakeway ... bur.
" Sep. 29. John Barber & Mary Polaxphen, banns ... mar.
" Oct. 3. Ann, d. of Thomas & Judeth Signpole ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Daniel Diggory & Mary Underwood, banns ... mar.
" Oct. 6. John, s. of John & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Mary, d. of Abraham & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Ann, d. of William & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Oct. 59. Jane, d. of Roger & Mary Ford ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Charles, s. of Henry & Abigail Worrall ... bap.
" Nov. 1. John Hughes & Mary Harris, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 4. Ann, d. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 4. John Corbett ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Elizabeth, w. of John Minton ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Ann, d. of Samuel & Elinor Peate ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Joseph, s. of John Norgrave ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Abigail, d. of William & Martha Titley ... bap.

1719] Pontesbury. 267

1718, Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Cound ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Mary, d. of Onslow & Elizabeth Barrett ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Valentine, s. of Richard & Ann Dutton ... bap.
" Dec. 21. John, s. of William & Jane Pugh ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Margrett Griffith ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Elinor Owen, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Martha, w. of Thomas Davies ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 5. William, s. of William & Margrett Benion ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Jane, d. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Sarah Nichols, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Thomas, s. of Robert & Jane Cooper ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Martha Whetall ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Minton ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary York ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Martha, w. of Humphrey Painter ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Humphry Williams & Alice Barber, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 9. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Holliock ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Ann, d. of John Williams ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Charles, s. of Henry Worrall ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Edward, s. of Peter & Joyce Wilkinson ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Ann, d. of William & Elizabeth Shukar ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Mary, d. of Robert & Ann Jones ... bap.


" Mar. 21. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards ... bur.

fol. 286.

1719, Mar. 31. Sylvanus, s. of Sylvanus & Martha Moss ... bap.
" Apr. 12. William Underwood & Elizabeth Green, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 20. William Dudley & Abigail Davis,banns ... mar.
" Apr. 21. William Parsons & Mary Griffith, lic. ... mar.
" May 2. Abraham, s. of Abraham & Mary Bennett ... bap.

268 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1719

1719, May 24. Charles, s. of Charles & Mary Barker ... bap.
" June 1. Ann, d. of Thomas & Sarah Cleaton ... bap.
" June 17. Ann, d. of Thomas & Ann Gittins ... bur.
" June 18. Randolph Lee ... bur.
" June 21. Sarah Baker, pauper ... bur.
" July 11. John Williams & Jane Tyther, banns .... mar.
" July 15. Richard Hayward ... bur.
" July 19. Richard Davis ... bur.
" Aug. 2. Richard, s. of Jeremiah & Elizabeth Holyoak ... bap.
" Aug. 7. William Probart, of Worthen, & Elizabeth Thomas, banns ... mar.
" Aug. 30. Matthew, s. of Matthew & Alice Wilding ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Richard, s. of William & Elizabeth Phillips ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Richard Williams & Sarah Barker, banns ... mar.
" Oct. 9. Mary, d. of John & Mary Hughs ... bap.
" Oct. 15. William & Jane, s. & d. of Humphry & Alice Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Alice, d. of Thomas & Elinor Beddow ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Mary. d. of Richard & Christabell Cleaton ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Berington, Esgre. ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.

fol. 287.

" Nov. 9. John, s. of Stephen Randall ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Richard Holmes & Sarah Williams, banns ... mar.
" Dec. 10. Abigail, d. of Henry & Abigail Worrall ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Alice Antlea ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Abraham, s. of Abraham & Margery Wildblood ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Edward, s. of Jerkin & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Elizabeth Bayly ... bur.
" Dec. 31. Richard Dawley & Catharine Turley, of Great Wenlock. lic. ... mar.
" Jan. 11. William, s. of John & Ann Goodale ... bap.
" Jan. 17. William Harris, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 28. John, s. of William & Sarah Hodnett ... bap.

1720] Pontesbury. 269

1719, Jan. 28. Alice, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Humphreys ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Abraham, s. of Abraham & Margery Wildblood ... bur.
" Feb. 2. John Beaman & Mary Philpot, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of John Harris, Esq., & Sarah ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Thomas, s. of Peter & Mary Nichols ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Rerid Porter & Martha Cook, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 5. John Howell ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Edward, s. of Edward & Judith Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Edgerton ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Dane ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Sarah, d. of Robert Brasenor, of Worthen parish ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Mary, d. of John & Mary Andrews ... bap.

fol. 288.

1720, Mar. 29. Ann, b. d. of Ann Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 23. John, s. of John & Jane Willing ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Elizth., d. of Saml: & Margt. Williams ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Jone, w. of Thomas Tysdale ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Eliz., d. of Thomas & Alice Underwood ... bap.
" May 11. Catharine, d. of Mr. John Nicholls & Martha ... bap.
" May 11. Edward, s. of William & Ann Maunsell ... bap.
" May 12. Elizth., d. of Samuel & Sarah Painter ... bap.
" May 13. John Giles & Ann Wildblood, banns ... mar.
" May 14. Eliz., d. of Thomas & Margt. Diggory ... bap.
" May 26. Mary, w. of Joseph Hood ... bur.
" May 28. Ann Gough, widd. ... bur.
" May 29. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Elinor Ridg ... bap.
" June 12. William, s. of William & Elizth. Lewis ... bap.
" June 24. Thomas, s. of Griffith Hughes ... bur.
" June 28. Elizth., d. of Ralph & Martha Capper ... bap.
" July 2. Thomas, b. s. of Margt. Pain ... bap.
" July 9. Evan Jones & Ann Floyd, lic. ... mar.
" July 17. Mary, d. of Roger & Mary Ford ... bap.
" July 17. Mary, d. of Richd. & Grace Phillips ... bap.
" July 20. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Mary Williams ... bap.

270 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1720

1720, Aug. 2. William, s. of John & Mary Barbor ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Mary, w. of William Reynolds ... bur.
" Aug. 17. John, s. of John & Mary Wycherley ... bap.
" Aug. 28. John, s. of Augustine & Mary Cleobury ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Elizth, d. of Edward & Elizth. Roberts ... bap.
" Sep. 2. John, s. of Edward & Elizth. Edwards ... bap.
" Sep. 4. William, s. of William & Elizth. Underwood ... bap.

fol. 283.

" Sep. 5. Eliz., d. of Richard & Ann Perrey ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Clayton ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Clayton ... bur.
" Oct. 3. Ann, d. of George & Mary Colley ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Richard, s. of Arthur & Mary Griffith ... bap.
" Oct. 15. William, b. s. of Eliz. Hughs ... bap.
" Oct. 25. John, s. of William & Ann Wilks ... bap.
" Oct. 27. William, s. of Richard & Elizth. Wilcoxs ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John, s. of John & Mary Wycherley ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Lydia, d. of Richard & Martha Wildblood ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Robert, s. of David & Elinor Hinley ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Patience, d. of Richard & Sarah Hinley ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Mary, d. of Mary Clayton, widd. ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Richard, s. of Richard & Sarah Norgrave ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Richard, s. of Richard & Sarah Norgrave ... bur.
" Dec. 8. John, s. of Richard & Mary York ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Richard, b. s. of Ann Hughes ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Margery, d. of Saml. & Elizth. Peat ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Samuel, s. of Peter & Mary Hughson ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Thomas Brown ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Ann Hincks ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Alicia, d. of John Harris, Esq., & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Samuel, s. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizth. Hill ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Noah Jones & Mary Wheeler, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 14. John Williams ... bur.
" Feb. 15. John, s. of William & Martha Titley ... bap.

1721] Pontesbury. 271

1720, Feb. 17. Thomas Mynton ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Edward, s. of Samuel & Ann Dolphin, of Worthen parish ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Peter Hughson ... bur.

fol. 290.

" Mar. 5. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Catharine Bayly ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Martha Ekin ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Edward, s. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bap.


1721, Mar. 27. Edward, s. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bur.
" Mar. 31. Elinor, w. of Richard Ford ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Jane, d. of Humphrey & Alice Williams ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Mary, w. of John Johnson ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Joseph Pugh ... bur.
" May 7. Thomas, s. of William & Margarett Bennion ... bap.
" May 14. Mary, b. d. of Eliz. Bullock ... bap.
" May 14. Walter, s. of Mr. Onslow Barrett & Eliz., his w. ... bap.
" May 16. Elinor, w. of Mr. Geo. Adams ... bur.
" May 20. William Griffith ... bur.
" May 24. John Birtch ... bur.
" May 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elinor Ridge ... bap.
" June 9. Mary, d. of William Lewis ... bur.
" June 10. William Moss ... bur.
" June 25. Mary, d. of Abraham & Margery Wildblood ... bap.
" June 29. Robert, s. of Robert & Ann Jones ... bap.
" June 30. Mary, d. of John & Ann Giles ... bap.

fol. 291.

" July 28. Catharine Groves ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Francis Lyttlehale ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of Reece & Sarah Davis ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Walter, s. of Mr. Onslow Barrett & Elizabeth ... bur.
" Sep. 4. John, s. of Mr. Robert Cowper & Jane ... bap.
" Sep. 7. John, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Birtch ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Sarah, d. of Robert & Ann Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Mary Bennett ... bap.

272 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1721

1721, Sep. 26. Mrs. Elizabeth Offley, widd., ... bur.
" Oct. 3. Thomas, s. of Matthew & Alice Wilding ... bap.
" Oct. 10. John, s. of Thomas & Alice Shuker ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Martha, d. of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Henry & Abigail Worrall ... bap.
" Nov. 9. John, s. of John & Ann Goodell ... bap.
" Nov. 19. John Bayly ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Rowland Griffith ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Robert, s. of Thomas & Sarah Clayton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Thomas & Margaret, s. & d. of Thomas & Margaret Griffith ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Charles, s. of Richard & Eliz: Barker ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Sarah, d. of Jeremyah & Sarah Holyoak ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Griffith Jones, of Ford parish, & Margaret Pugh, banns ... mar.
" Jan. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margt. Griffith ... bur.
" Jan. 28. John, s. of Charles & Mary Arpin ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Ann, d. of Mr. James Cross & Ann ... bur.

fol. 292.

" Feb. 4. Mary, d. of Humphrey & Alice Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Edward, s. of William & Jane Pugh ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John, s. of Thomas & Judith Signpole ... bap.
" Feb. 27. John, s. of John & Mary Hughes ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Catharine, d. of William & Elizabeth Shuker ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth, w. of Mr. George Wolley ... bur.
" Mar. 14. John, s. Noah & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of John & Ann Tysdale ... bap.


1722, Mar. 29. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Martha Capper ... bap.
" Apr. 2. John, s. of Randal & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Edward Bolliver, of Kinnersley p., & Alice Evans, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 8. Martha, d. of Roger & Mary Ford ... bap.
" Apt. 8. John, s. of Richard & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Thomas Vaughan, of Westbury p., & Rebecca Wilding, lic. ... mar.
" Apr. 28. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.

1722] Pontesbury. 273

1722, May 6. Mary, b. d. of Margaret Payn ... bap.
" May 7. George Griffith & Sarah Williams, banns ... mar.
" May 13. Abraham Wood & Margaret Townsend, banns ... mar.
" May 15. Lucy, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Roberts ... bap.
" May 18. Charles, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" May 21. Thomas Maddocks & Elizabeth Goodel, of Westbury p., banns ... mar.
" May 25. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Jenks ... bap.
" May 30. Thomas, s. of John Blakeway, deceased, & Mary, his w. ... bur.
" June 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnet ... bap.

fol. 293.

" June 5. Evan Watters & Elizabeth Davis, banns ... mar.
" June 13. Mary, d. of Roger & Mary Ford ... bur.
" June 17. Margaret, d. of Richard & Mary Williams ... bap.
" June 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Olivers ... bur.
" June 28. Robert, s. of John Harris, Esqr., & Sarah ... bap.
" June 29. Edward, s. of Thomas & Margaret Diggory ... bap.
" July 1. William, s. of William & Sarah Hodnet ... bap.
" July 2. Sarah, d. of Robert & Ann Williams ... bur.
" July 14. William Peat, of Westbury p. ... bur.
" July 25. Thomas & William, sons of Thomas & Elinor Ridg ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Robert Barrow & Sarah Wilks, of Meole Brace p., lic. ... mar.
" Aug. 3. William Johnson & Susannah Williams, banns ... mar.
" Aug. 26. Robert, s. of David & Elinor Hinley ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Elinor, d. of Edward & Judith Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Elinor, d. of Edward & Margaret Hanley ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Edward Jones & Elizabeth Goodell, banns ... mar.
" Sep. 2. John Smalman ... bur.
" Sep. 9. John, s. of John & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Cook ... bur.

274 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1722

1712, Sep. 16. Mary, d. of Richard & Sarah Norgrave ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Bridget Davis, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Peter & Joyce Wilkinson ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Susanna, d. of Sylvanus & Martha Moss ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Elizabeth Powel ... bur.
" Oct. 13. John, s. of William & Ann Mansell ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Richard, s. of William & Elizabeth Llewis ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Martha, d. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" Oct. 21. John, s. of John & Mary Barbor ... bap.

fol. 294.

" Oct. 26. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Margaret Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Ann Hincks ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Hincks ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Sarah, d. of Peter & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Edward, s. of Mr. Onslow Barrett & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Sarah, d. of iSamuel & Sarah Painter ... bap.
" Dec. 3. George Griffith, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Mary Gough ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Jane Davis ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of William & Sarah Mynton ... bap.
" Dec. 29. John, s. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Ann, d. of Benjamin & Susannah Wildblood ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Dorcas, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Catherine, d. of Edward & Margaret Ridg ... bap.
" Jan. 4. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Richard, s. of Charles & Mary Barker ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Sarah, d. of William & Ann Wilks ... bap.
" Jan. 18. John, b. s. of Alice Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 21. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Willcocks ... bap.

1723] Pontesbury. 275

1722, Jan. 31. John Brasenor & Joyce Downe, of Chirbury p., ... mar.
" Jan. 31. Thomas Ness & Mary Diggory, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 1. Elizaeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Catherine Reynolds, widdow ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Robert, s. of Edward & Ann Owen ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Robert, s. of Charles & Elizabeth Linley ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Roger, s. of John & Jane Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Catherine Hall ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Catherina, d. of John & Mary Andrews ... bap.


fol. 295.

1723, Mar. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Daniel & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Moses, s. of Evan & Elizabeth Waters ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Sarah, d. of Henry & Abigail Worrall ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Richard, s. of Richard & Ann Perrey ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Richard, b. s. of Elinor Corfield ... bap.
" Apr. 23. John, s. of Francis & Margaret Birtch ... bap.
" May 2. Sylvanus Harris ... bur.
" May 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Rebecca Vaughan ... bap.
" May 7. Richard Ridg & Sarah Hincks, banns ... mar.
" May 12. William Powell, of Worthen p., & Ann Gough, banns ... mar.
" May 15. Mary Llewis, widd. ... bur.
" May 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Alice Shuker ... bap.
" May 23. Richard Pugh & Elizabeth Perkin, banns ... mar.
" May 26. Sarah, w. of Thomas Cleaton ... bur.
" June 8. Margaret, w. of Griffith Jones ... bur.
" June 15. Thomas, s. of William & Martha Titley ... bap.
" June 15. Edward Jones, of Lea ... bur.
" June 17. Edward, s. of David & Ellinor Hinley ... bap.
" June 23. Elizabeth, d. of John & Ann Giles ... bap.
" June 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bur.
" July 3. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bur.
" July 14. Ann, w. of Richard Hincks ... bur.

276 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1723

1723, July 15. Ann, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Maddock ... bap.
" July 22. Owen, s. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" July 29. Ann, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Maddock ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Richard Littlehale, of Longdon ... bur.
" Aug. 23. Sarah & Abigail, daus. of George & Mary Colly ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Amy, w. of Richard Lyttlehale, deceased ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Thomas, s. of William & Ann Tysdale ... bap.
" Aug. 26. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Gough ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Davis ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Thomas, s. of William & Ann Tysdale ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Martha, d. of Abraham & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Owen, s. of John & Mary Morris ... bur.
" Sep. 25. John Humfreys & Margaret Bowen, of Bishop's Castle p., lic. ... mar.
" Sep. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wycherley ... bur.

fol. 296.

" Oct. 15. Elizabeth Mytton, widd ... bur.
" Oct. 15. William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Ridg ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ann Butcher ... bap.
" Oct. 24. John Vaughan, of Westbury p. ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Lewis Williams, of Westbury p., & Mary Olivers, banns ... mar.
" Oct. 29. Matthew Wilding ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Sarah, d. of Henry & Abigail Worral ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Alice, d. of Thomas & Alice Underwood ... bap.
" Nov. 12. John Purcell, of Westbury p., & Margaret Ness, banns ... mar.
" Dec. 4. Dorothy Stersley, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Elizabeth, b. d. of Hannah Oakeley, of Ch: Pulverbach ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Barker ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Ann, b. d. of Elizabeth Mytton ...
" Dec. 19. Elizabeth, d, of Samuel & Elizabeth Bennett ... bap.
" Dec. 23. John, s. of William Peat, of Westbury p. ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Richard, s: of William & Ann Streker ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bap.

1724] Pontesbury. 277

1723, Jan. 3. Susannah, d. of Sylvanus & Martha Moss ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Roger. s. of Roger & Mary Ford ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Mrs. Margaret Cross, widd. ... bur.
" Jan. 17. John, s. of Mr. John Topp & Ursula ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Mary, d. of John & Ann Tysdale ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Mary, d. of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Richard, s. of Jeremyah & Sarah Holyoak ... bap.
" Jan. 31. John Marsh & Sarah Hughes, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Francis, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Dicken ... bap.
" Feb. 15. John, s. of Alice Williams ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Hughes ... bap.
" Mar. 1. William, s. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Harris, Esqre., & Sarah ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Ann, d. of Mr. Onslow Barrett & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Mary Peat, of Westbury p. ... bur.


fol. 297.

1724, Mar. 27. William, s. of Edward & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Elizabeth Perkin ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Jonah & Elizabeth Jeffreys ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Joseph Davis ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Barber ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Edmund Barnett ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Mary, d. of Mary & Richard Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary York ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary York ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Richard Ford ... bur.
" Apr. 19. William, s. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Ellinor, d. of William & Elizabeth Phillips ... bap.

278 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1724

1724, Apr. 23. William, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Birtch ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Edward, s. of David & Ellinor Hinley ... bur.
" Apr. 29. John Tysdale ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Amy, w. of Abraham Payn ... bur.
" May 1. Peter, s. of Peter & Mary Hughson ... bur.
" May 3. Ann, b. d. of Alice Tipton ... bur.
" May 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" May 9. John, s. of Lewis & Mary Williams ... bap.
" May 10. John, s. of Lewis Williams ... bur.
" May 21. John Weavor, of St. Mary's p. Shrewsbury, & Sarah Jones, banns ... mar.
" May 26. William Frances, of Kenley p. & Ann Jones, banns ... mar.
" June 1. Phillip Brown & Margaret Spencer, banns ... mar.
" June 2. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Griffith ... bur.
" June 4. Christabel, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Humphreys ... bap.
" June 6. Ann, d. of Margaret Speak, widd. ... bur.
" June 19. Edward, s. of Noah & Mary Jones ... bap.
" July. 9. Mary, d. of John Tysdale, deceased, & Ann ... bap.
" July 10. John, s. of John & Mary Hughes ... bur.
" July 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" July 17. Elizabeth, d. of Jonah & Elizabeth Jeffrys ... bur.
" July 28. Edward Dawes ... bur.
" Aug. 2. Richard, s. of Thomas & Margaret Diggory ... bap.
" Aug. 4. William Chorlton, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Joseph, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Hincks, of Worthen p. ... bur.

fol. 298.

" Aug. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Mary, d. of Foulk & Margaret Lloyd, of Westbury p. ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Edward Jea & Rebecca Ellis, banns ... mar.
" Aug. 30. Ann, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Edmund, s. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnet ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Jane, d. of Thomas & Margaret Griffith ... bap.

1724] Pontesbury. 279

1724, Oct. 3. Jane, d. of Richard & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 6. John Gill ... bur.
" Oct. 7. John, s. of Hugh & Sarah Griffith ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Mary, d. of William & Ann Tysdale ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Abraham, s. of Abraham & Margaret Wood ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Benjamin, s. of Richard & Martha Wildblood ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Ann, d. of Abraham & Margery Wildblood ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Thomas, s. of Robert & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Thomas Thorns ... bur.
" Nov. 8. John Therling ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Thomas Tysdale ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Sylvanus & Martha Moss ... bap.
" Nov. 27. John, s. of John & Margaret Purcell ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Thomas Davis ... bur.
" Dec. 5. William, s. of William & Mary Heighway ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Sarah Underwood, widdow ... bur.
" Dec. 9. George Rutter ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Benjamin, s. of James Gardiner ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Edward Roberts & Ellinor Chorlton, banns ... mar.
" Jan. 5. Martha, d. of Daniel & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap. & ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Thomas & John, sons of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Richard, s. of Thomas & Hannah Bayly ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Thomas & John, sons of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Thomas Bowen ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Sylvanus & Rebecca Harris ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Nicholas Bowyer ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Robert, s. of William & Dorothy Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 24. John, s. of John & Sarah Weaver ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Humphry Painter ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John & Ursula Jones ... bap.

280 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1724

1724, Mar. 4. Margaret, d. of Margaret & Edward Hanley ... bap.

fol. 299.

" Mar. 7. Richard, s. of Richard & Ellinor Mason ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Margaret Glover ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Richard, s. of John & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Hannah, d. of John & Isabell Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Richard, s. of Richard & Ellinor Mason ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Jane, d. of John Topp, gent., & Ursula ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Thomas, s. of Joseph Diggor.y ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey & Sarah Hincks, of Worthen p. ... bur.


1725, Mar. 27. John Evans ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Hartshorn ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Ann, d. of John & Ann Coffey ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Harris ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Edward Morgan & Elizabeth Wildblood, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" May 2. Richard Lewis & Margaret Bowyer, banns ... mar.
" May 9. Adam Breithen. of St. Chad's p., & Elizabeth Matthews, banns ... mar.
" May 10. Stephen, s. of James & Mary Gardiner ... bap.
" May 11. Thomas Davis & Margaret Peers, banns ... mar.
" May 14. Richard Wood ... bur.
" May 14. Elizabeth, d. of Hannah Oakley ... bur.
" May 23. Charles, s. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" May 23. Thomas, s. of William & Sarah Hodnett ... bap.
" May 25. William, s. of Thomas & Alice Shuker ... bap.
" May 26. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" May 29. Sarah, w. of Samuel Painter ... bur.
" June 1. Mary, d. of Edward & Sarah Roberts ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Hannah, d. of John & Isobel Williams ... bur.

fol. 300.

1725] Pontesbury. 281

1725, June 5. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Ness ... bap.
" June 6. Richard, s. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bap.
" June 6. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dicken ... bap.
" June 10. Hannah, d. of Richard & Sarah Ridg ... bap.
" June 14. Richard, s. of Richard Hincks ... bur.
" June 14. Elizabeth, b. d. of Elizabeth Bullock ... bap.
" June 19. Rowland Ridg ... bur.
" July 2. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" July 4. Ann, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" July is. John, s. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bap.
" July 11. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Griffith ... bap.
" July 12. John, s. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bur.
" July 13. Joseph, s. of Richard & Sarah Norgrave ... bap.
" July 16. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" July 22. Rebecca, d. of James & Mary Berring ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Sylvanus Viggers, of Leighton p., & Ellinor Dorset, lic. ... mar.
" Aug. 13. Roger, s. of Mr. Edward Owen & Ann ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Lewis ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Thomas Beest & Sarah Perks, banns ... mar.
" Sep. 26. Mary, d. of Peter & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Ann, d. of Charles & Mary Barker ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Jonah & Elizabeth Jeffrys ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Elizabeth, of Lewis & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Thomas, s. of William & Martha Titley ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Sarah, d. of John Harris, Esqre., & Sarah ... bap.
" Oct. 23. John, s. of John & Ann Gyles ... bap.
" Oct. 26. John Davis, pauper ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Martha Griffith, pauper ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Ann, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Martha Turner, pauper ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ellinor Ridg ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth James ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Painter ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Mary, w. of Henry Southerton ... bur.

fol. 301.

282 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1725

1725, Dec. 27. Gwen, w. of Richard Downes ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Catharine, d. of John & Sarah Marsh ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Ann, d. of William & Ann Clayton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. William Hartshorn ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Edward Jones, f. Rockwardine p., & Jane Tudor, banns ... mar.
" Jan. 5. Mary Jones, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Edward Lewis, of Longdon ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ann Butcher ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Mary, d. of Edward & Ellinor Roberts ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Charles, s. of Daniel & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 6. William, s. of John & Margaret Humfreys ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Mr. George Adams, of Longdon ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Craven ... bur.
" Mar. 10. William, s. of William & Mary Hall ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Ann, d. of William & Ann Francis ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Ann Wildblood ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 21. William, s. of William & Mary Hall ... bur.


fol. 302.

1726, Apr. 11. Stephen Pollexfen ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Sarah, d. of Henry & Abigail Worral ... bap.
" Apr. 12. William & Edward, sons of Thomas & Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Ann Onsell ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dicken ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Humphreys ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Cleaton ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Cleaton ... bur.
" May 4. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Morris ... bap.
" May 11. William Phillips ... bur.
" May 22. William, s. of William & Ann Wilks ... bap.
" May 22. Griffith Davis, pauper ... bur.

1726] Pontesbury. 283

1726, May 28. Hugh Phillips ... bur.
" May 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Maddox ... bur.
" May 29. Thomas, s. of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bap.
" May 30. John Roberts ... bur.
" May 31. Alice, w. of Thomas Underwood ... bur.
" May 31. Francis, s. of William & Dorothy Jones ... bap.
" June 4. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood ... bur.
" June 5. Thomas, s. of William & Martha Titley ... bap.
" June 8. Hannah Ridg ... bur.
" June 12. Richard, s. of John & Mary Andrews ... bap.
" June 26. Richard, s. of Abraham & Margaret Wood ... bap.
" June 29. Elinor, d. of Richard & Margaret Llewis ... bap.
" June 29. Roger, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Tipton ... bur.
" June 30. John Roberts & Mary Edwards, banns ... mar.
" July 5. John, s. of Sarah Edwards ... bur.
" July 6. Henry, s. of Sylvanus & Elinor Viggers ... bap.
" July 10. Sarah, d. of Hugh & Sarah Griffith ... bap.
" July 11. William Ford ... bur.
" July 13. Francis Williams, of Westbury p., Elizabeth Jewks, banns ... mar.
" July 19. Henry Worral ... bur.
" July 21. Susannah, w. of Griffith Davis ... bur.
" July 24. Richard, s. of John & Isabel Williams ... bap.
" July 24. Sarah, d. of Roger Sr Mary Ford ... bap.
" July 28. Richard, s. of Richard & Elinor Mason ... bap.
" July 28. Thomas, s. of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bur.

fol. 303.

" July 29. Thomas Jenks ... bur.
" Aug. 4. James, s. of Evan & Elizabeth Watters ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Thomas, s. of John & Margaret Peat ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Richard, s. of John & Jane Williams ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Richard. s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Martha, d. of Edward & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Griffith Hughes ... bur.
" Sep. 4. Thomas, s. of Richard Bayly ... bur.
" Sep. 18. William, s. of Noah & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Daniel Diggory ... bur.
" Sep. 26. John Lyttlehale ... bur.

284 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1726

1726, Oct. 2. Adam, s. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dicken ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Thomas Llewis, of Hanwood p., & Elizabeth Pugh, banns ... mar.
" Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John & Susannah Farnolls ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Richard Titley, of Westbury p., & Mary Speak, banns ... mar.
" Oct. 24. Benjamin, b. s. of Jane Davies ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Hester, w. of Henry Worrall ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Mrs. Sarah Boycott, widdow ... bur.
" Oct. 30. Richard, b. s. of Margaret Hinley ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Benjamin, s. of James & Mary Gardiner ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Alice Rutter ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Alice, d. of Thomas Underwood ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Thomas Fox, of Atcham p., & Ann Feuterell, lic. ... mar.
" Nov. 24. Samuel, s. of John & Joyce Brasenor ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Micklewright ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Edward, s. of Robert Phillips, of Meole, gent., & Catharine ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Susannah, d. of Abraham & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Ann, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Ann Pierce ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Barker ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Richard, s. of John Harris, Esqre., Sarah ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Margaret, d. of Thomas Cadman ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Ann, d. of William & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Dorcas, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bur.

fol. 304.

" Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Diggory ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 3. John, s.. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Jan. 8. William, s. of Noah & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Richard Downton & Mary Pugh, banns ... mar.

1727] Pontesbury. 285

1726, Jan. 17. Sylvanus, s. of Sylvanus & Rebecca Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Mary, w. of John Warter ... bur.
" Jan. 24. John, s. of Thomas & Ann Butcher ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Alice Shuker ... bap.
" Jan. 27. John Hodnet, St. Chad's p. ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Wood ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Richard Downes & Mary Jones, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 5. Sarah, d. of John Harris, Esqre., & Sarah ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Norwood ... bap.
" Feb. 12. William, s. of William & Mary Hall ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Weaver ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of John & Mary Hughes ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Jeremyah & Sarah Holyoak ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Mary, d. of John & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Richard, s. of Robert Brasenor ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Elinor Rogers ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Griffith ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Robert, s. of Robert Brasenor ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Brasenor ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Catherine, d. of Reece & Jane Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Bennett ... bap.


fol. 305.

1727, Mar. 27. Tamberlain Waters ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Ann, d. of Thomas & Hannah Bayly ... bap.
" Apr. 3. William, s. of William & Ann Tysdale ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Mary Ruffe ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Zipporah, d. of Richard & Zipporah Barber ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Edward Wodley & Mary Lee, lic. ... mar.
" Apr. 19. Mrs. Mary Moor ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Thomas, s. of John Peat ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Jeremyah Mytton ... bur.
" Apr. 29. John Pitchford ... bur.

286 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1727

1727, May 1. Elizabeth, d. of Peter & Joyce Wilkinson ... bap.
" May 22. Thomas Underwood & Elizabeth Lloyd, banns ... mar.
" June 5. Margaret, d. of Mary Griffiths ... bur.
" June 13. John, s. of Richard Norgrave & Sarah ... bap.
" June 13. Jane, d. of Thomas & Mary Ness ... bap.
" June 14. Mary, d. of Samuel Dolphin, of Worthen p. ... bur.
" June 17. Robert Brasenor ... bur.
" June 20. John, s. of Henry & Alice Griffiths ... bap.
" June 22. John Myvart & Mary Therling, banns ... mar.
" June 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Bowdler ... bap.
" July 2. Mary, d. of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bap.
" July 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnett bur.
" July 9. Adam, s. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnett ... bap.
" July 9. Isabel, d. of Abraham & Margery Wildblood ... bap.
" July 23. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Abraham, s. of John Johnson ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Ann, d. of Edward Owen, gent., & Ann ... bap.
" Aug. 10. John Beat ... bur.
" Aug. 14. Elizabeth Young, widd. ... bur.
" Aug. 23. Joseph Diggory ... bur.
" Sep. 13. Richard Lewis ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Martha Oakeley, widd. ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Elizabeth Tyther ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Richard Jones & Sarah Therling, banns ... mar.
" Sep. 19. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.

fol. 306.

" Sep. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Beest ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Ann, d. of Richard & Alice Matthews ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Ann, d. of Richard & Alice Matthews ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Richard Lateward ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Ellinor, d. of Thomas & Margaret Griffith ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Jane, d. of Richard & Margaret Glover ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Edward, s. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Edward James ... bur.

1727] Pontesbury. 287

1727, Oct. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Francis & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Martha, d. of Nicholas Bowyer ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Mary Barker ... bap.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 29. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thomas Briscoe, of Alberbury p., & Ann Phillips, lic. ... mar.
" Dec. 3. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Catherine, d. of Edward & Margaret Hinley ... bap.
" Dec. 15. George Vaughan ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Thomas, s. of John & Ellinor Pryce ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Arthur, s. of John Harris, Esqre., & Sarah ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Daniel & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Richard, s. of Richard & Sarah Ridg ... bap.
" Jan. 7. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Richard, s. of Thomas & Ellinor Ridg ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Ursula, d. of John & Ursula Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Ann, d. of Thomas & Christian Gittins ... bap.
" Jan. 28. William, s. of William & Margaret Titley ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Mary Cleaton, widd. ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Mary Davis ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Hincks ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Richard, s. of Richard & Martha Shuker ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Jane, d. of William & Dorothy Jones ... bap.

fol. 307.

" Feb. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Oakeley ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Richard, s. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bur.
" Feb. 25. John, s. of Richard & Mary Dounton ... bap.
" Feb. 25. John, s. of John & Mary Myvart ... bap.
" Feb. 28. John Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Ann, d. of Lewis & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Richard Beddow ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Deborah Davis, widd. ... bur.

288 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1727

1727, Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin & Alice Dolphin ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Ann, d. of Peter & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Jane Williams, widd. ... bur.


fol. 308.

1728, Mar. 31. William, s. of Robert & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Judith, d. of Edward Bayly ... bur.
" Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of William & Catharine Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Mary, d. of John & Joyce Brasenor ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Richard Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Martha, d. of Richard & Martha Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Thomas, s. of Edward & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Frances, w. of Richard Perkin ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Ann, d. of Richard & Mary Morris ... bap.
" May 5. Richard Thomas, & Elizabeth Yapp, banns ... mar.
" May 15. Mary, d. of Hugh & Sarah Griffith ... bap.
" May 15. Margaret Titley, widd. ... bur.
" May 30. Evan Davis ... bur.
" June 10. John Banes ... bur.
" June 16. Margaret, d. of John & Ann Cosse ... bap.
" June 20. Edmund, s. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnett ... bur.
" June 30. Martha, d. of Edward & Elinor Roberts ... bap.
" July 1. John Goodell ... bur.
" July 3. Elizabeth, d. of Ann Tysdale ... bur.
" July 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Susannah Bowdler ... bur.
" July 16. Owen, s. of Thomas & Susanna Astley ... bap.
" July 17. Owen, s. of Thomas & Susanna Astley ... bur.
" July 21. Richard, s. of Elinor Griffith ... bur.
" July 28. Martha, d. of William & Martha Titley ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Margaret, d. of John & Margaret Humphreys ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John & Susannah Farnolls ... bur.

fol. 309.

" Aug. 8. Thomas, s. of Abraham & Mary Wood ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Robert, s. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bap.

1728] Pontesbury. 289

1728, Aug. 20. John, s. of John Small ... bur.
" Aug. 2!. John Gwynn ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of John & Martha Phillips ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Ford ... bur.
" Sep. 1. John, s. of Edward & Judith Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Abigail, w. of William Bickley ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Humphry Littlehale ... bur.
" Sep. 13. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Norwood ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Martha, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Abigail, d. of Edward & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 26. James, s. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 16. James, s. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Martha, d. of Thomas & Martha Davis ... bap.
" Oct. 19. John, s. of Richard & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Henry, s. of Sylvanus & Elinor Viggers ... bur.
" Nov. 2. Ann, d. of Ann Ford ... bur.
" Nov. 17. George, s. of Richard & Jane Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Mary, w. of Noah Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 1. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Roberts ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Mary Harris, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Joseph, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Dec. 16. William, s. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Margaret Cheshire, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Jonah & Elizabeth Jeffrys ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Martha, d. of Timothy Tipton ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Elizabeth Chorlton, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Martha, d. of Richard & Martha Beddow ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Richards ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Richard, s. of Richard & Margaret Lewis ... bap.

fol. 310.

" Jan. 5. Thomas, s. of Edward Edwards ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Samuel & Sarah, s. & d. of William & Sarah Hodnett ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Martha, d. of Richard Beddow & Martha bin.
" Jan. 15. Samuel & Sarah, s. & d. of William & Sarah Hodnett ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas & Alice Shuker ... bap.

290 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1728

1728, Jan. 24. Sarah Barnett, widd. ... bur.
" Jan. 26. William, s. of Elizabeth Hughes ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Tomlins ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Barber ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Underwood ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Thomas Bowen & Hannah Briscoe, lic. ... mar.
" Feb. 9. William Belling, of West Felton p., & Ann Roberts, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 10. Margaret, d. of John Harris, Esqre., & Sarah ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Christian, d. of Thomas & Alice Rutter ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Edward Wooding & Elizabeth Mytton, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 16. William, s. of Roger & Mary Ford ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Mary, d. of Jonah & Elizabeth Jeffrys ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Ann Jasper, widdow ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Abigail Corbet, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 2. William Pugh, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Richard, s. of David & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Richard, s. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Diggory ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Tomlins ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Mary Wodley ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Gyles ... bap.


fol. 311.

1729, Mar. 26. Mary, w. of William Berrington, Esq. ... bur.
" Mar. 29. John, s. of Richard & Martha Shuker ... bap.
" Apr. 1. John Farnolls ... bur.
" Apr. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Isabella Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Margaret, d. of John Harris, Esq., & Sarah ... bur.
" Apr. 13. William, s. of William & Mary Townsend ... bap.

1729] Pontesbury. 291

1729, Apr. 13. Elizabeth Jones, widdow ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Thomas Oakeley ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Agnes, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Laurence ... bap.
" May 1. Elizabeth Williams ... bur.
" May 2. Mr. William Parry, of ye parish of Baschurch, & Mrs. Mary Dale, lic. ... mar.
" May 4. Jane Beddow, pauper ... bur.
" May 16. Elizabeth, b. d. of Mary Brown ... bap.
" May 16. Elizabeth James, widdow ... bur.
" May 21. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bur.
" May 26. Sarah, w. of Thomas Morris ... bur.
" June 6. Edward, s. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.
" June 12. John, s. of Mr. Samuel Phillips, & Mary ... bap.
" June 14. John Therling ... bur.
" June 20. Elizabeth, d. of Martha Roberts ... bur.
" July 4. John, s. of John & Joyce Brasenor ... bap.
" July 6. Peter, s. of Peter & Ann Lyttlehale ... bap.
" July 13. Mary, d. of John & Joyce Brasenor ... bur.
" July 18. Stephen, s. of James & Elizabeth Gardiner ... bur.
" July 21. Margaret, d. of Jeremyah Holyoak & Sarah ... bap.
" July 23 Susannah, d. of Andrew & Susannah Fields ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Samuel, s. of James & Elizabeth Gardiner ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Jane, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 1a. Richard, s. of Richard & Jane Chorlton ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Joseph Diggory ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Mrs. Mary Phillips ... bur.
" Sep. 2. Edward, s. of Thomas & Sarah Yates ... bap.

fol. 312.

" Sep. 5. Ann, w. of Evan Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Wooden ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Edward Wilding was ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Sarah, d. of David & Mary ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Robert Beeston ... bur.
" Sep. 28. Sarah, d. of Samuel Painter ... bur.

292 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1729

1729, Oct. 1. Joseph Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Richard, s. of Richard & Alice Matthews ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Ann, d. of Thomas & Sarah Bright ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Mary, w. of Samuel Perkin ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Griffith Lloyd & Sarah Barrow, p. of Meol-brace, ... mar.
" Oct. 19. Judith, w. of William Owen ... bur.
" Oct. 20. Edward, the s. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bur.
" Oct. 23. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Thomas Jones ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Edwards ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas & Christian Gittins ... bap.
" Nov. 6. John Widdows, p. St. Chad's p., & Catherine Dais, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 6. Henry Southerton & Sarah Therling, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 7. Margaret, w. of Edward Llee ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Martha, d. of Samuel & Mary Painter ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Thomas Cross & Sarah Stretch, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 23. Richard, s. of Richard & Jane Charlton ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Margaret, d. of Jeremyah & Sarah Holyoak ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Thorns ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Catharine, w. of Edward Bayly ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards ... bur.
" Dec. 20. John Chorlton ... bur.
" Dec. 26. William, s. of William & Catharine Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Ellinor, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Richard, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Oakeley ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Mary Diggory, widdow ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Abigail, d. of Edward Jones ... bur.

fol. 313.

" Jan. 25. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Andrews ... bap.

1730] Pontesbury. 293

1729, Feb. 11. Ann, d. of Thomas & Ann Butcher ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Susannah, d. of Thomas Bowdler ... bur.
" Feb. 5. William Smyth & Mary Diggory, banns ... mar.
" Feb. 7. William Powell & Jone Dolphin, lic. ... mar.
" Feb. 11. David Pugh ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Ann, d. of William & Ann Wilks ... bap.
" Feb. 19. John Weaver ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Martha, d. of Thomas & Sarah Bayly ... bap.
" Feb. 26. John Mountford ... bur.
" Mar. 2. David Davis ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth, b. d. of Mary Brown ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Underwood ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Lancelot, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan ... bap.


1730, Mar. 27. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Martha, d. of Reece & Martha Davis ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Sarah, d. of Daniel & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Apr. 7. John, s. of John & Martha Phillips ... bap.
" Apr. 11. John, s. of John Pryce ... bur.
" Apr. 12. John Davis & Alice Wilks, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 19. Ellinor, d. of Thomas & Ellinor Bowdler ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Sarah Hughson, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Thomas Phillips & Elizabeth Jones, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 28. Catherine, w. of Thomas Peat ... bur.

fol. 314.

" May 1. Margaret, d. of Richd. & Mary Morris ... bap.
" May 2. Richard Hayward & Jane Sherrey, banns ... mar.
" May 8. Peter, s. of Peter & Mary Hughson ... bap.
" May 10. Mary, d. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" May 10. James, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Hincks, of Worthen p. ... bap.
" May 11. John, s. of John & Mary Hughs ... bap.
" May 12. William, s. of David & Jone Jones, of Kerry p. ... bur.

294 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1730

1730, May 13. John, s. of John & Mary Hughs ... bur.
" May 15. Thomas Perry & Ann Downes, banns ... mar.
" May 21. Brian Pugh ... bur.
" May 22. Martha, d. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnet ... bap.
" May 23. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Beest ... bap.
" May 25. Richard Morris, p. of Shrewardine, & Sarah Griffith, banns ... mar.
" June 1. Abraham Bowyer ... bur.
" June 6. George Gittins ... bur.
" July 6. William, s. of John Harris, Esqre., & Sarah ... bap.
" July 7. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland & Elizabeth Morris ... bap.
" July 19. Richard, s. of Hugh & Sarah Griffith ... bap.
" July 30. Martha, d. of Thomas & Lydia Keyzall ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Samuel Olivers ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Thomas Morris & Sarah Lucas, banns ... mar.
" Aug. 24. Elizabeth, w. of Robert Bradbury ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Ellinor, d. of Thomas & Ellinor Ridg ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Simon Downes ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Henry, s. of Richard & Martha Shuker ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Thomas & Richard, sons of Thomas & Margaret Griffith ... bap.

fol. 315.

" Sep. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Margaret Hinley ... bur.
" Sep. 15. John, s. of William & Mary Tomlin ... bap.
Sep. 20. William Matthews ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Sarah, d. of John & Alice Davis ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Thomas, s. of Abraham & Margery Wildblood ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Sarah, d. of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Oct. 11. William, s. of Sylvanus & Rebecca Harris ... bap.
" Oct. 22. William, s. of William & Margaret Bromley ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Richard, s. of John & Joyce Brasenor ... bap.

1730] Pontesbury. 295

1730, Oct. 25. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Weaver ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Richard, d. of John Harris, Esqre., & Sarah ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Priscilla, d. of Richard & Ann Bullock ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Walter Harris & Sarah Lloyd, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 7. Sarah, b. d. of Sarah Crowther ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John, s. of Charles & Mary Barker ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Frances, w. of Robert Gewen ... bur.
" Nov. 13. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Cross ... bap.
" Nov. 13. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Tomlins ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Martha, d. of William & Mary Bickley ... bap.
" Nov. 18. John Harvey & Margaret Rogers, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 20. Robert Hincks & Martha Wheeler, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 20. John, s. of William & Margaret Scott ... bap.
" Nov. zz. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Wadley ... bap.
" Nov. 22. John, s. of Lewis & Martha Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Sarah, b. d. of Sarah Crowther ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Michael Choclton & Sarah Crowther, banns ... mar.
" Dec. 6. John, b. s. of Elizabeth Phillips ... bap.
" Dec. 8. John, s. of Hugh & Sarah Griffith ... bur.
" Jan. 30. David, s. of John & Elizabeth Gough ... bap.

fol. 316.

" Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of John & Alice Davis ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Robert Bagley ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Martha, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Edward Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of William & Martha Smyth ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Joseph Hood ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Sarah, d. of Richard & Sarah Ridg ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ann Beeston ... bap.
" Jan. 11. William, s. of William & Jone Powell ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 26. John, s. of John & Ann Morris ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Mary Hayward ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Margaret Corbet ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Mary, d. of Sylvanus & Ellinor Viggers ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Thomas, s. of William & Ann Tysdale ... bap.
" Feb. 18. David, s. of David & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.

296 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1730

1730, Feb. 18. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Ann Small ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Hayward ... bur.
" Feb. 26. William Baynes & Margaret Allen, banns ... mar.
" Mar. 8. Richard, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Ann Marsh ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Jane, d. of Richard & Mary Hincks ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Ralph Thorns ... bur.
" Mar. 22. Sarah, w. of Richard Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Mary, d. of Peter Harris & Jane ... bap.


fol. 317.

1731, Mar. 26. Thomas Hughson, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Martha, d. of John & Mary Norwood ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Mrs. Ann Brown, of Edg ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Richard, s. of William & Martha Titlea ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Mary, d. of Jeremiah & Sarah Holyoak ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elinor Hincks ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Ann Harris ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth, w. of John Wood ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Goodale ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Mary, d. of Arthur & Elizabeth Griffith ... bap.
" May 1. Jone, d. of Phillip & Margarett Brown ... bap.
" May 2. Mary, d. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bap.
" May 5. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Beest ... bap.
" May 5. John, s. of John & Margarett Peat ... bap.
" May 14. John Williams & Elinor Broome, banns ... mar.
" May 16. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew & Susannah Field ... bap.
" May 19. Thomas, s. of Abraham Wildblood & Margery ... bur.
" May 21. James, s. of Samuel Hincks, of the p. of Worthen, & Elizabeth ... bur.
" May 21. Thomas, s. of William Titlea & Martha ... bur.
" May 22. David, s. of David Richards & Elizabeth ... bur.
" May 23. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" May 26. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew & Susannah Field ... bur.

1731] Pontesbury. 297

1731, June 1. Susannah, d. of Andrew & Susannah Field ... bur.
" June 3. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dicken ... bap.
" June 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Collings ... bap.
" June 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Cross ... bur.
" June 24. Ann Young, of the p. of Westbury ... bur.
" June 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams & Isabella ... bur.
" June 26. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Oakeley ... bap.
" June 27. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elinor Oakley ... bap.

fol. 318.

" June 27. Ann, w. of John Goodale ... bur.
" July 2. William Wilks ... bur.
" July 13. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Morris ... bur.
" July 31. Sarah, w. of Thomas Wycherley ... bur.
" July 31. Alice, w. of Richard Matthews ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Richard Pugh ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Thomas Wycherley ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Daniel Woodcock & Ann Baynes, banns ... mar.
" Sep. a. James, s. of Martha Humphreys ... bur.
" Sep. 5. Joyce, d. of John & Isabella Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Mary, d. of Walter & Sarah Harris ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Margaret, w. of Edward Hinley ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Mynton ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Edward, s. of Edward & Elinor Roberts ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Samuel, s. of Peter & Ann Lyttlehales ... bap.
" Sep. 29. John Llochlea, of ye p. of Alberbury, & Mary Edwards, lic. ... mar.
" Oct. 3. Edward, s. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Rowland, s. of John Harris, Esqre., & Sarah ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Thomas, s. of Robert & Martha Hughes ... bap.
" Oct. 15. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Maddocks ... bap.

298 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1731

1731, Oct. 18. Samuel Painter ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Edward Passand & Margarett Pritchard, banns ... mar.
" Nov. 4. Catherine, d. of Michael & Sarah Chorlton ... bap.
" Dec. 3. William, b. s. of Elizabeth Hudson ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of Henry & Sarah Southerton ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Hannah, d. of Robert & Hannah Lyttlehales ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Thorns ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Thomas, s. of Henry & Sarah Southerton ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Joan Bull ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Mary Bennett ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Sarah, d. of Edward & Mary Tipton ... bap.

fol. 319.

" Dec. 29. Richard Crowther & Ann Stirrup, banns ... mar.
" Jan. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas & Christian Gittins ... bap.
" Jan. 6. John, s. of Thomas & Ann Perrey ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Martha, d. of Richard & Martha Shuker ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Mary, d. of Richard & Jane Hayward ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Ann, w. of John Phipps ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Thomas Mytton ... bur.
" Jan. 15. John, s. of Thomas & Ann Perrey ... bur.
" Jan. 28. William, s. of John & Martha Phillips ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Samuel, s. of Noah & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Samuel, s. of Noah & Mary Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 5. John Gough ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Joanna & Margarett, daus. of Thomas & Margarett Diggory ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Richard, s. of Thomas Griffith ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Ann, w. of Mr. Edward Owen ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Peter, s. of Peter & Mary Niccolls ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Jane, d. of John & Mary Hughes ... bap.
" Feb. 29. Edward Morgan ... bur.
" Feb. 29. Margarett, d. of Alice Phillips ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Martha, d. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.


fol. 320.

1732, Mar. 26. Samuel, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Morgan ... bap.

1732] Pontesbury. 299

1732, Apr. 10. James Arpin & Mary Davis, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 10. Mary, d. of William & Mary Bickley ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Mary, d. of William & Mary Townsend ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Joseph Revell ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Mrs. Mary Dorsett, widdow ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Sarah, d. of William & Ann Craft ... bap.
" May 6. Elizabeth, w. of Humphrey Beady, of the p. of Westbury ... bur.
" May 7. Elizabeth, d. of John & Ellinor Williams, ... bap.
" May 8. John, s. of Rowland & Elizabeth Morris ... bap.
" May 18. Miles, s. of Andrew & Susannah Fields ... bap.
" May 27. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" June 4. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bayley ... bap.
" June 9. Martha, d. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.
" June 19. Agnes, d. of Richard Laurence ... bur.
" June 19. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Morris ... bap.
" June 23. Alice, d. of Thomas & Alice Shuker ... bap.
" July 6. Humphrey, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" July 13. Jane, w. of Adam Harris ... bur.
" July 30. Emanuel, s. of John & Ann Gyles ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Mary, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Bennett ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of David & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Samuel, s. of Mr. Samuel Phillips & Mary ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Joanna, d. of Thomas Diggory ... bur.
" Sep. 5. Joseph, s. of John Harris Esqre., & Sarah ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Susannah, d. of John & Sarah Purslow ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Susannah, d. of Abraham & Margery Wildblood ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Margaret, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dicken ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Richard, s. of Thomas & Sarah Beest ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Francis Jones & Elizabeth Parton, banns ... mar.

fol. 321.

300 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1732

1732, Oct. 19. Joseph, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Martha, d. of Jenkin & Mary Evans ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Thomas, s. of William & Margaret Bromley ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Sarah, b. d. of Elizabeth Wilding ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Martha, d. of William & Jone Powell ... bap.
" Nov. 1. William, s. of Arthur & Elizabeth Griffith ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Patten, d. of Edward & Abigail Teague ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Ann, the w. of Thomas Powell ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Richard, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Sarah Morris ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Martha, w. of Edward Edwards ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Sarah, d. of William & Martha Smyth ... bap.
" Dec. 29. John, s. of Peter & Jane Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Tomlin ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Richard, s. of Jonah & Elizabeth Jeffreys ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Timothy, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Oakeley ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Thomas Beddow ... bur.
" Feb. 2. John & Samuel, sons of Thomas & Dorcas Barnet ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Thomas Powell, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ann Beeston ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham & Margaret Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Ann, d. of James & Mary Arpin ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Henry, s. of Henry & Sarah Southerton ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Sarah, w. of Thomas Morris ... bur.
" Feb. 29. Richard Perkin ... bur.
" Mar. 4. Mary, d. of Benjamin & Ann Small ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Martha, d. of Sylvanus & Ellinor Viggers ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Mary, d. of William & Ann Tysdale ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Abigail Griffith ... bur.

1733] Pontesbury. 301

1732, Mar. 19. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Ellesmere ... bap.



1733, Mar. 26. Sarah Cooke, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 27. Richard, s. of William & Sarah Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Jane, d. of Thomas & Margaret Bowdler ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Hodnett ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Francis, s. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Mary, d. of Francis & Martha Bromley ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Edward Edwards & Ellinor Mason, banns ... mar.
" Apr. 25. Ann, d. of Thomas & Lydia Kaysal ... bap.
" May 1. Richard, s. of Noah & Mary Jones ... bap.
" May 1. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnett ... bur.
" May 15. Mary, d. of William & Ann Matthews ... bap.
" May 15. Mary, d. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bap.
" May 23. Mary, d. of Francis & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" May 26. Mary, d. of Francis & Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" May 27. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Tomlins ... bap.
" May 31. Meriweather, s. of Thomas & Jade Bouker ... bap.
" June 3. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh & Sarah Griffith ... bap.
" June 17. Ann, d. of Samuel & Mary Williams ... bap.
" June 17. Benjamin, s. of Thomas Beddow ... bur.
" June 17. Elizabeth, d. of Peter & Ann Littlehales ... bap.
" June 17. Ann, d. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" June 26. Elizabeth, b. d. of Sarah Bagley ... bap.
" June 29. Susannah, d. of Thomas & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" July 5. Robert, s. of Robert & Martha Hughes ... bap.
" July 8. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Richards ... bap.
" July 8. Ann. d. of Lewis & Mary Williams ... bap.
" July 20. Alice, d. of Henry & Alice Griffith ... bap.
" July 22. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Hannah Lyttlehales ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Martha, d. of Abraham & Ann Jaundrell ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Samuell, s. of John & Margarett Peat ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Joseph & Mary, s. & d. of John Sr Mary Myvart ... bap.

302 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1733

1733, Sep. 4. Edward, s. of George & Elizabeth Hopton ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Elizabeth, d. of William & Ann Tysdale ... bap.

[Written inside the cover opposite the first page:]

In the year 1538 Registers were first appointed to be kept.

[Opposite the last page:]

GILBERT COLE, Rector 1mae Portionis.
THO. HUGHES, Curate. WILLIAM OWEN, Rector 2dae Portionos.
THO. BAYLY, Curate. RALPH MORHALL, 3tie Portionis,
Parochiae de Pontesbury.

[Scribbled and then crossed out:]



1734, Mar. 26. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Nass ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Thomas, s. of William & Martha Mantle ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Thomas, s. of William & Martha Mantle ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Jane Barbor ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Ann Dolphin ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Sarah, d. of John & Alice Davis ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Richard, s. of Thomas & Margaret Griffiths ... bap.
" May 8. William Hincks & Mary Wilding ... mar.
" May 17. Henry Worrall ... bur.
" May 21. Margaret Gill ... bur.
" May 23. John Plymmer & Elizabeth Hanley ... mar.
" May 24. Willm. Hincks ... bur.
" May 26. Thomas Pryce, of Worthen, & Jane Lyttlehale ... mar.
" June 3. Edwdard Tipton & Elizabeth Pierce ... mar.
" June 4. Edward, s. of Edward & Ellinor Edwards ... bap.
" June 27. Thomas Bucknal & Mary Hitchen ... mar.
" June 28. John, s. of Edward & Ellinor Roberts ... bap.
" July 1. John Gough ... bur.
" July 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Christian Gittins ... bap.
" July 21. Phillip, s. of Phillip & Margaret Brown ... bap.
" July 21. Thomas Powell ... bur.
" July 21. Hannah Edwards ... bur.

1734] Pontesbury. 303

1734, July 23. Catharine Bayly ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Ann, d. of Richard & Ellinor Hincks ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Sarah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Roberts ... bur.
" Aug. 22. Thomas, s. of Edward & Sarah Gardiner ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Jane, d. of William & Jane Bouker ... bap.
" Sep. 5. John Hanley & Sarah Clempson, lic. ... mar.
" Sep. 6. Joseph, s. of David Griffiths, of Guildfield ... bur.
" Sep. 15. John, s. of John & Isabel Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Margaret, d. of Richard & Jane Hayward ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Hughes ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Mary, d. of William & Joan Powell ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Elizabeth Olivers ... bur.
" Oct. 6. Ellinor, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dicken ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Jane, d. of Peter & Jane Harris ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Alice Shuker ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Ann, b. d. of Mary Titley ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Mary, d. of John & Mary Griffith ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Martha, d. of Richard & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Richd., s. of Michael & Sarah Charlton ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Richd., s. of John & Ann Morris ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Richd., s. of John & Ann Morris ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Langley, b. s. of Abigail Waine ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Mrs. Catharine Boycot ... bur.
" Dec. 13. John, s. of John & Sarah Purslow ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Ellinor Phillips ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Sarah, w. of Robert Cole ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Ellinor, w. of Richard Hincks ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Henry, s. of Henry & Alice Griffith ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Zachariah, s. of Edward & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 5. George Kynaston & Sarah Griffiths ... mar.
" Jan. 16. Richd., s. of William & Mary Heighway ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth, d. of William & Margaret Scott ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Jane, d. of Thomas & Margarei Bowdler ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Rebecca, h. d. of Mary Brown ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Thomas. s. of Andrew & Susannah Fields ... bap.

304 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1734

1734, Jan. 31. Willm., s. of James & Mary Arpin ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Edward, s. of Edward & Abigail Teague ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Roger, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Oakley ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Margaret, d. of Phillip & Margaret Brown ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Elizabeth, s. of Arthur & Elizabeth Griffiths ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Richd., s. of John & Ann Gyles ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Joan Myvart ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Robert, s. of John & Joyce Brasenor ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth Plimmer ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Sarah Perks ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Ann, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thomas Wilding ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Francis & Margaret Burtch ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Mary, d. of Rithard & Mary Tomlins ... bap.

HENRY BALDWYN, Rector of the First Portionary of Pontesbury.
[He signs till 1737.]


1735, Apr. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Thomas Morris & Elizabeth Hoggins ... mar.
" Apr. 8. Samuel Hayward & Elizabeth Wilding ... mar.
" Apr. 8. Benjamin Revell & Ann Phipps ... mar.
" Apr. 9. Samuel, s. of John & Elizabeth Gough ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Jane, d. of Thomas & Jdne Pryce ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Ann, d. of John & Sara Lloyd ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Mary Wilding ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Willm., s. of John & Mary Hughs ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Paddock ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Adam Harris ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Martha, w. of Edward Matthews ... bur.
" May 1. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Bayly ... bap.
" May 21. Roger Howells & Ellinor Wildblood ... mar.
" May 26. Martha, d. of William & Martha Smyth ... bap.
" May 27. Robert, s. of Abraham & MargaretWood ... bap.
" May 27: Willm., s. of Thomas & Elinor Rudg ... bap.
" June 5. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Sarah Powell ... bap.

1735] Pontesbury. 305

1735, June 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Dorcas Barnett ... bap.
" June 8. Ann, d. of Thomas & Lydia Kaysall ... bur.
" June 16. Willm. Bostock, of Chirbury, & Elizabeth Jones ... mar.
" June 17. Mary, d. of William & Jane Powell ... bur.
" June 21. Samuel, s. of Hugh Phillips .... bur.
" June 21. Willm., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" July 6. John, s. of William & Margaret Bromley ... bap.
" July 9. Mary, d. of Robert & Hannah Lyttiehale ... bap.
" July 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ann Jones ... bap.
" July 20. Willm., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Samuel Hincks, of Worthen ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Ann Harris ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Mary Phillips ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Mary Hayward ... bur.
" Aug. 23. Mary Phillips ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Thomas Fields ... bur.
"* Aug. 24. Robert, s. of Thomas & Hannah Bowen ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Arthur, s. of John & Mary Griffith ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Abraham Dobson & Mary Stretch ... mar.
" Sep. 14. Edward, s. of Gideon & Ann Small ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Abigail, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Tomlins ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Margaret Titley ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Willm., s. of William & Ann Matthews ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Arthur Griffiths, s. of Arthur [sic] & Mary ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Ann, w. of Samuel Dolphin, of Worthen bur.
" Oct. 12. Richd., s. of John & Ann Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Sarah, d. of Edward & Mary Minton ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Catharine, d. of Michael Chorlton ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Martha, d. of Richard Hayward ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Richd., s. of William & Mary Heighway ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Willm., s. of Ralph & Ann Dolphin ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Richd., s. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bur.
" Nov. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Margaret Davies ... bap.

* Written between the lines by another hand in different ink.

306 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1735

1735, Dec. 2. Catharine, d. of Richard & Martha Shuker ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Samuel, s. of Peter & Ann Lyttlehale ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Richd., s. of Thomas & Ann Parry ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Richd., s. of Thomas & Ann Parry ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Joseph Edwards & Mary Stedman ... mar.
" Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Bucknall ... bap.
" Jan. 9. John Rutter ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Ann Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Thomas Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 20. John, s, of Richard Holyoak ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Richd., s. of Richard Oakley ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Hinley ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Willm., s. of Francis & Martha Bromley ... bap.
" Feb. 27. John, s. of Benjamin & Ann Revell ... bap.
" Mar. 6. John, s. of Hugh & Sarah Griffith ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Rebecca, d. of Thomas & Mary Thorns ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Mary Lee ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Willm., s. of George & Elizabeth Hopton ... bap.


1736, Mar. 28. Richd., s. of Thomas Griffith ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Willm. & Elizabeth, s. & d. of Thomas & Ann Beeston ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Ann Beeston ... bur.
" Mar. 31. Mary, d. of Henry & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Mary, d. of John & Ellinor Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Roger Vaughan & Kezia Roberts, of Habberley ... mar.
" Apr. 26. John, s. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Apr. 27. John Lucas & Margaret Dod ... mar.
" May 7. Ann, b. d. of Margaret Evans ... bap.
" May 8. Edward Jones & Catharine Barker ... mar.
" May 9. Thomas, s. of Lewis & Mary Williams ... bap.
" May 9. Elizabeth, d. of Peter & Martha Corbet ... bap.
" May 13. Humphrey Roberts & Mary Jones ... mar.
" May 13. Mary, w. of John Roberts ... bur.
" May 22. Elizabeth, w. of Samuel Smyth, of Alberbury ... bur.
" May 26. Elizabeth, d. of John & Margaret Lucas ... bap.

1736] Pontesbury. 307

1736, May 26. Mary, d. of Samuel Smyth, p. Alberbury ... bur.
" May 30. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Sarah Parry ... bap.
" June 11. Mary Matthews ... bur.
" June 14. John, s. of Henry & Alice Griffith ... bap.
" June 30. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Mary Dopson ... bap.
" July 11. John Davis & Margaret Whitaker, lic. ... mar.
" Aug. 14. Thomas Reynolds & Sarah Gough, lic. ... mar.
" Aug. 29. Susannah, d. of Andrew & Susannah Field ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Susannah, d. of Richard & Jane Hayward ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Ann Hughes ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Martha, d. of Samuel & Sarah Perks ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Edward, s. of William & Ann Tysdale ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Thomas, s. of Roger & Ellinor Howells ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Margaret, w. of William Teague ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Griffith ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Humphrey, s. of Richard & Sarah Ridg ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Willm., s. of William & Mary Bickley ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Ann, d. of John & Alice Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Mary, d. of John & Mary Hill ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Ann, w. of William Craft ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Abraham, s. of Richard & Margarett Lewis ... bap.
" Nov. 9. John Pryce ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Lancelott Corfield ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Catharine, d. of Thomas & Christian Gittens ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Ann, d. of William & Joan Powell ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Mary, d. of William Bickley ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Willm. Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Abraham, s. of Abraham Bennett ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Sarah & Martha, daus. of Robt. & Hannah Lyttlehale ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Sarah & Martha, daus. of Robt. & Hannah Lvttlehale ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Mary, d. of Abraham Bennett ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Willm. Lewis ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Edward Bayly ... bur.

308 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1736

1736, Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Willm., s. of Francis & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 2. John Griffith ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Edward, s. of Richard & Martha Shuker ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Thomas, s. of John & Margaret Peat ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Purslow ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Sarah, b. d. of Ann Pryce ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Margarett, d. of Edward & Jane Pryce ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Richd. Purslow & Mary Craft ... mar.
" Jan. 15. Mary, w. of Roger Forde ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Margarett, w. of Richard Lewis ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Jonah & Elizabeth Jeffrys ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Jane, d. of Edward & Mary Paddock ... bap.
" Jan. 20. John Davis & Ann Aston ... mar.
" Jan. 23. John, s. of John & Margarett Davis ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Margarett Thomas ... bur.
" Feb. 5. John Dolphin ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Catherine Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Ann Pryce ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Sarah Gardiner ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Willm., s. of William & Mary Bickley ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Oakeley ... bap.


1737, Mar. 26. John, s. of John & Isabel Williams ... bur.
" Mar. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Jane Bowker ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Willm., s. of Thomas & Margaret Cross ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Mary, d. of James Arpin ... bur.
" Apr. 10. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Bailey ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Willm., s. of Humphrey & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Sarah, d. of Abraham Harris ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Giles ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Robert Broadbury, a pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Mary Partridge ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Mary, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Thomas Hinley & Margaret Beest ... mar.
" Apr. 30. Mary, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bur.

1737] Pontesbury. 309

1737, May 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elinor Passant ... bap.
" May 3. Ann, d. of Samuel Phillips, gent., & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" May 10. Susannah, b. d. of Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" May 12. Thomas Cadman ... bur.
" May 13. Willm. Croft & Ann Wicks ... mar.
" May 21. Joseph Clayton ... bur.
" May 25. James Jaundrell & Mary Andrews ... mar.
" May 31. Elizabeth, d. of Henry & Elizabeth Symonds ... bap.
" June 1. Benjamin, s. of Thomas & Margaret Bowdler ... bap.
" June 6. Thomas, s. of Richard & Mary Morris ... bap.
" June 15. Catharine, d. of Samuel Dolphin, Worthin ... bur.
" June 16. John Hayward & Elizabeth Tomlins ... mar.
" June 17. Mary Griffiths ... bur.
" June 26. Benjamin, s. of William & Margaret Scott ... bap.
" July 5. Adam, s, of John & Mary Shuker ... bap.
" July 6. Thomas, s. of Richard & Mary Morris ... bur.
" July 12. Sarah Griffiths ... bur.
" July 12. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Margaret Hinley ... bap.
" July 17. Margaret, d. of Philip & Margaret Brown ... bap.
" July 22. The Revnd. Mr. Henry Baldwyn, Rectr. of ye 1st & 3d Portions ... bur.
" July 24. Samuel, s. of Joseph & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" July 28. Samuel, s. of Joseph & Mary Edwards ... bur.
" Aug. 1. John Jones & Rebecca Brown, lic. ... mar.
" Aug. 2. Sarah, d. of Walter & Sarah Harris ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Charles, s. of John & Elizabeth Primmer ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Richd. Nicholas & Mary Arpin, lic. ... mar.
" Sep. 11. Jane Roberts ... bur.
" Oct. 7. John Arpin & Elizabeth Hughson ... mar.
" Oct. 9. Willm., s. of Edward & Elinor Edwards ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Ann, d. of Ralph & Ann Dolphin ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Edward, s. of Thomas & Ann Beeston ... bap.
" Oct. 22. John Johnson ... bur.

310 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1737

1737, Oct. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Martha, w. of Michael Hoggins ... bur.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Beest ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Edward Lee ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth Wood ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Jane, w. of Richard Beest ... bur.
" Nov. 14. James Price & Elizabeth Morgan ... mar.
" Nov. 21. Edward Rutter ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Richd., s. of Roger Ford ... bur.
" Nov. 27. John Roberts & Mary Hinley ... mar.
" Nov. 27. Thomas, s. of James & Mary Arpin ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Joseph, s. of John & Isabel Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Susannah, d. of Sarah Edwards ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Mary, b. d. of Elizabeth Owen ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Mary, b. d. of Elizabeth Owen ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Daniel, s. of Noah & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Willm. Lewis & Mary Townsend ... mar.
" Jan. 3. Joseph, s. of Abraham & Margaret Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Morris ... bap.
" Jan. 8. James, s. of James & Mary Jaundrell ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Corfield ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Richd. Beest ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Hannah, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Bennett ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Roger Ford ... bur.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of Benjamin & Ann Small ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Abigal, d. of Richard Griffiths ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Ann, d. of William & Mary Bickley ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Ann, d. of Richard Coffey ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Abraham Bennet ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Charles, s. of John & Ann Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Willm., s. of William & Ann Craft ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Catharine Hughes ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Sarah, w. of Thomas Owen ... bur.

1738] Pontesbury. 311

1737, Mar. 24. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Tomlins ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Catharine Blakemore ... bur.

WM. PUGH, Curt. of Pontesbury.

1738, Apr. 3. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Hayward ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Jane, d. of Robert & Elizabeth Littlehale ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Martha, d. of Thomas & Christian Gittins ... bap.
" Apr. 9. David Jones Mary Bolliver ... mar.
" Apr. 9. Thomas, s. of Jeremiah & Sarah Holyoake ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Samuel & William, sons of Thomas & Ann Perry ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Hannah Bowen ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Ann Perry ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Esther, d. of William & Martha Smyth ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Margaret, d. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bap.
" May 5. Samuel Williams ... bur.
" May 13. Andrew Gough, Westbury, & Alice Pritchard ... mar.
" May 15. Willm. Hetchcock & Sarah Stedman ... mar.
" May 18. Edward Davies & Ann Thomas, lic. ... mar.
" May 22. Joseph, s. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" May 22. Ann, d. of Thomas & Margaret Trevor ... bap.
" May 22. Sarah, d. of Peter & Ann Littlehale ... bap.
" June 10. Willm. Clayton & Elizabeth Bradeley, lic. ... mar.
" June 11. Robert, s. of William & Margaret Bromley ... bap.
" June 14. Elizabeth, w. of John Roberts ... bur.
" June 21. James, s. of James & Ann Cross ... bap.
" June 21. John Tongue & Margaret Vaughan, of ye town of Ludlow, lic. ... mar.
" June 27. Thomas Plimmer, of Wellington p., & Abigal Charlton ... mar.
" July 6. Abraham, s. of Richard Lewis ... bur.
" July 9. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Richards ... bap.
" July 9. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.

312 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1738

1738, July 10. Thomas Wall, of Ness p., & Sarah Tipton ... mar.
" July 11. Elizabeth Bagley ... bur.
" July 23. Thomas, s. of George & Elizabeth Hopton ... bap.
" July 23. Willm., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" July 30. Alice, d. of Michael & Sarah Chorlton ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Willm. Goodman & Mary Wadley, lic. ... mar.
" Aug. 7. Rebecca, d. of Silvanus & Rebecca Harris ... bap.
" Aug. 8. William, s. of Thomas & Ann Perry ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Thomas, s. of Jeremiah & Sarah Holyoake ... bur.
" Aug. 13. John Peate ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Richd. Bennet & Sarah Pierce, lic. ... mar.
" Aug. 28. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Arpin ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Ann, d. of John & Ann Giles ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Edward, s. of Thomas Maddox ... bur.
" Sep. 10. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Arpin ... bur.
" Sep. 19. Rebecca, d. of John & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Robert Poppet & Elizabeth Owen ... mar.
" Sep. 22. Elinor Broome ... bur.
" Sep. 28. Thomas Sherry & Mary Moss ... mar.
" Oct. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Lewis Williams ... bur.
" Oct. 11. William, s. of Francis Bromley ... bur.
" Oct. 15. David, s. of David & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Mrs. Jane Dale ... bur.
" Oct. 17. John Barker ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Ralph, s. of Thomas & Mary Thornes ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Sarah Cross ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Elizabeth Goodal ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Ann, d. of Joseph & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Mary, b. d. of Elizabeth Humphreys ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Thomas, s. of John Peate ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Thomas, s. of John & Margaret Lucas ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Margaret, w. of William Brown ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Elinor Pass ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Richard Maddox ... bur.

1739] Pontesbury. 313

1738, Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John & Joyce Brasenor ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Edward, s. of Thomas & Margaret Diggory ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Rcbert, s. of Mr. Robert Niccols & Elinor, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 2. John, s. of Arthur & Elizabeth Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Martha, d. of Richard & Jane Hayward ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Elinor, d. of John & Mary Hughes ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Sherrey ... bap.
" Jan. 29. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Clemson ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Adam, s. of John & Mary Shuker ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Thomas, s. of Henry & Alice Griffiths ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Plimmer ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Richd. Bennion & Elinor Jaundrell, lic. ... mar.
" Feb. 17. Willm., s. of Francis & Martha Bromley ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Humphrey & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Wood ... bap.
" Mar. 11. Richard, s. of John & Mary Hill ... bap.
" Mar. 12. John, s. of John & Margaret Wilcox ... bur.

WILLM. PUGH, Curt. of Pontesbury.

1739, Mar. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John & Margaret Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Edward Hopton ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew & Susanna Field ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Mary, d. of Henry & Sarah Sutherton ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Margaret Bouldler ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Henry, s. of Mr. Henry Warter & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Martha, d. of John & Martha Philips ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Anna, d. of Robert & Sarah Perry ... bap.
" May 1. Anne, d. of Francis & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" May 6. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Revel ... bur.
" May 13. Margaret, d. of Henry & Elizabeth Symmons ... bap.

314 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1739

1739, May 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Bucknold ... bap.
" May 16. Sarah Henks ... bur.
" May 20. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Forde ... bap.
" May 24. Thomas, s. of Robert & Elizabeth Poppet ... bap.
" May 29. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Jane Mansel ... bap.
" May 31. Edward, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Oakley ... bap.
" June 1. David Jones & Martha Smallman ... mar.
" June 7. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Sarah Cross ... bur.
" June 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Davis ... bap.
" June 14. Griffith Jones & Miriam Gough ... mar.
" June 18. Mary, d. of John & Mary Shuker ... bap.
" June 18. Thomas Wildblood ... bur.
" June 18. John, s. of John Salsbury ... bur.
" June 19. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" June 24. Richd., s. of Richd. & Martha Dudley ... bap.
" July 8. Elizabeth, d. of Peter & Mary Nickolls ... bap.
" July 11. Willm. Tayler ... bur.
" July 13. John, s. of Edward & Catharine Jones ... bap.
" July 13. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Margret Bowdler ... bur.
" July 23. Catharine, d. of Thomas Harries, gent: & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" July 23. Martha, w. of John Niccolls, gent:... bur.
" July 25. Elizabeth, b. d. of Catharine Mansell ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Martha, d. of Edward & Mary Paddock ... bap.
" Aug. 19. John, s. of John & Jane Pritchard ... bap.
" Aug. 24. John Tomlins ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Jeremiah & Sarah Holliock ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Richd., s. of William & Anne Tizedeal ... bap.
" Oct. 114. Margret, d. of John & Anne Davis ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Trevor ... bap.
" Oct. Mary, d. of Richard & Sarah Bennet ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Edward, s. of Roger & Elinor Howels ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Jeremiah & Sarah Holliock ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Anne, d. of William & Anne Craft ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.

1739] Pontesbury. 315

1739, Dec. 2. John, s. of William & Joan Powel ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Thomas Bagley ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Jane Ford ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Catharine Tayler ... bur.
" Dec. 23. George, b. s. of Mary Brown ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Arpin ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Samuel, s. of Robert & Martha Hughes ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Edward, s. of Joseph & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 29. William Dudley ... bur.
" Dec. 31. Richd. Reynolds & Mary Thorp ... mar.
" Jan. 3. Michael Hoggins ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Sarah, d. of William & Anne Blakeway ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Edward, s. of Saml. Dyke ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Rennold Edwards & Mary Moss ... mar.
" Jan. 14. Elizabeth Jones, widdow ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Mary, d. of Richd. & Elinor Bennion ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Martha, d. of Ralph & Anne Dolphin ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Thomas Farmer ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Price ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Francis Harris ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Willm. Mantle & Anne Tomson ... mar.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Griffith & Miriam Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Francis Milward & Elizabeth Evans ... mar.
" Feb. 4. Willm. Lucas & Abigail Owens ... mar.
" Feb. 8. Priscilla, w. of Thomas Cross ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Martha, d. of John Phillips ... bur.
" Feb. 24. Richd., s. of John & Alice Davis ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Elinor, w. of Ed. Edwards ... bur..
" Mar. 4. John, s. of George & Elizabeth Hopton ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Mary, d. of John & Margaret Lucas ... bap.
" Mar. 10. George Wolley ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Richd., & Elizabeth, s. & d. of John & Elizabeth Bayley ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Richd. & Elizabeth Bayly, aforesd. ... bur.
" Mar. 20. James, s. of James & Elizabeth Price ... bap.
" Mar. 22. James Price, infant ... bur.

HUM: GWYNN, Rector of the 1st Portion of Pontesbury.

316 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1740

1740, Mar. 29. John Phipps ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Sherry ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Willm. Minton ... bur.
" May 1. Humphry Gittins & Abigail Bennet ... mar.
" May 9. Margaret, w. of Wm. Scott ... bur.
" May 23. Benjamin, s. of Wm. Scott ... bur.
" June 10. Martha Humphreys ... bur.
" June 12. John, s. of Wm. Scott ... bur.
" June 22. Martha, d. of James & Mary Arpin ... bap.
" June 24. John Adams, of Steppleton p., & Mary Gittins ... mar.
" June 27. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Plimmer ... bap.
" July 6. Richd., s. of Francis & Elizabell Millward ... bap.
" July 11. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Cross ... bap.
" July 18. John, s. of Richard & Sarah Rudge ... bap.
" July 18. Elinor, d. of Edwd. Hinley ... bur.
" July 24. Anne, d. of Benjamin & Anne Small ... bap.
" July 27. Susanna, d. of John & Elizabeth Hayward ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Elizabeth, d. of John & Martha Pritchard ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Thomas, s. of Robert & Hannah Littlehales ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Mary, d. of William & Mary Bickley ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Richd., s. of Fran: Millward ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Mrs. Judith Niccolls ...... bur.
" Sep. 11. Margaret, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Matthews ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Edward Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Samuel, s. of John Gough ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Margaret, d. of Wm. & Jane Boucker ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Elizab Tomlins ... bap.
" Oct. 21. John, s. of Thomas & Hannah Bowen ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Anne Signpole ... bap.
" Oct. 23. John, s. of James & Anne Cross, of Plealey ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Mary Shuker ... bur.

1740] Pontesbury. 317

1740, Nov. 2. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Perry ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Willm., s. of Thomas Corfield ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Sarah Owens ... bur.
" Nov. 18. John Wicherly ... bur.
" Nov. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Arthur Griffiths ... bur.
" Nov. 24. Mary, b. d. of Catharine Davis ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Anne, b. d. of Anne Bettly ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Martha, d. of John & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bowdler ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Anne, d. of Walter & Sarah Harris ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Sarah, d. of Walter Harris ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Thomas, s. of Lewiss Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Margaret, d. of Philip Brown ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Willm., s. of Rennold & Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Margaret, d. of Ed: Hinly ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Thorns ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Richd., s. of John Warter ... bur.
" Jan. 1. John, s. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 1. John, s. of Silvanus & Rebecca Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of Edward & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Richd., s. of Richd. & Fabian Gough ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of John & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" May 11. Willm., s. of John & Isabel Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 12. John, s. of Sylvanus Harris ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Abraham Wood ... bur.
" Jan. 21. John, s. of Samuel Dyke ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Mary, d. of David & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Dyke ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Tabitha Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Martha, d. of Saml. & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Jan. 31. John, s. of John & Anne Swinley ... bap.
" Feb. 6. John Hinley ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Thomas Tomlins & Margaret Dudly ... mar.
" Feb. Ia. Anne, d. of Wm. & Anne Blakeway ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Edward Teague ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Henry, s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Thomas
" Feb. 14. Joseph, s. of Abraham Wood ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Abraham, s. of Wm. Bowyer ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Willm., s. of John & Elinor Hughes ... bap.

318 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1740

1740, Feb. 18. Willm., s. of Saml. Peat ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Sylvanus Moss ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Willm. & Richd., sons of John & Elizabeth Bayley ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Willm. & Richd., sons of John Bayley ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Elinor, w. of Samuel Peat ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Richd., s. of Richd. & Mary Lewiss ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Thomas, s. of Andrew & Susannah Field ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Mary, d. of James & Elizabeth Price ... bap.

HUM: GWYNN, Rect. of the 1st Portion of Pontesbury.

1741, Mar. 31. Margaret Bowyer ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Elizabeth, w. of William Holmes ... bur.
" Apr. 5. Richd., s. of Samuel Birtch ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elinor Pass ... bap.
" May 4. Elizabeth, w. of John Brasnor ... bur.
" May 7. Sarah, d. of Thomas Rudge ... bur.
" May 10. Willm., s. of Henry & Alice Griffiths ... bap.
" May 16. Mary, d. of John Wilcox ... bur.
" May 16. John Hanly ... bur.
" May 13. Elizabeth, d. of John & Anne Morris ... bap.
" May 18. Edward Stedman & Mary Giles ... mar.
" May 21. Robbert, s. of John & Martha Phillips ... bap.
" May 23. Thomas Darnel ... bur.
" May 27. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Sarah Pearks ... bap.
" May 29. John, s. of Richard & Jane Hayward ... bap.
" June 3. Thomas Hurdler, of Ford p., & Mary Hodnet ... mar.
" June 6. Edward Tipton & Jane Mansel ... mar.
" June 7. Jane, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" June 11. Edward, s. of Mr. Robert Niccols & Elinor, his w. ... bap.
" June 12. Samuel, s. of John & Mary Shuker ... bap.
" June 13. John, s. of Richd. Hayward ... bur.
" June 14. Thomas Casewel ... bur.
" June 16. John Roberts ... bur.
" June 18. Edward Samson, of Worthen p. ... bur.
" June 24. Thomas, s. of Philip & Margaret Brown ... bap.

1741] Pontesbury. 319

1741, June 24. Sarah, d. of Thomas Thorns ... bur.
" June 25. Thomas Jones ... bur.
" June 26. Joseph, s. of Abraham Wood, deceasd., & Margaret, his widow ... bap.
" June 30. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Lewiss ... bur.
" July 9. John, s. of John Bayley ... bur.
" July 11. Martha, d. of Saml. Pearks ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Samuel Gregory ... bur.
" Aug. 2. David, s. of David Davies & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Margaret, w. of John Lucas ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Jone Mills ... bur.
" Aug. 14. Edward Roberts ... bur.
" Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas Pass ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Margaret, d. of John Lucas ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Richd. Fillpot ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Paddock & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 3. John Lucas ... bur.
" Sep. 4. John Brasoner, of this p., & Elizabeth Clark, of Ratlinghope, lic. ... mar.
" Sep. 8. Abraham, s. of Richard Bennet, & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Wood, junr., & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 29. John, s. of Thomas Morris & Elizabeth his w. ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Richd. Holyoak, junr., of this p., & Mary Higgs, of the p. of Cundover, lic. ... mar.
" Oct. 10. John. s. of Richard Gittins ... bur.
" Nov. 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel Hayward & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Sarah, d. of Edward Tipton ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Thomas. s. of John Plimer & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Sarah, d. of Thomas Boucker & Jane, his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Benjamin, s. of Thomas Bowdler ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Rebecca, d. of Arthur Griffiths & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.

320 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1741

1741, Dec. 2. Richd. Evans ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Abigail Dudley ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Elinor, d. of John Davis & Anne, his w. ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Mary, w. of Richard Evans ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Charles Diggory, senr. ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Sarah, w. of Henry Southerton ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Richd. Downes ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Richd. Henks ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Judith, w. of Edward Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Edward, s. of Edward Roberts & Elinor, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Jane Clayton ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Mary, d. of John Pritchard, & Jone, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Thomas Underwood ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Edward, s. of Francis Jones & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Timothy Tipton ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Martha, d. of Francis Bromley & Martha, his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Willm. Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Catharine Chorton ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Thomas Lewiss ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Elinor, d. of John Davis ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Mary, d. of William Powel & Jone, his w. ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Elizabeth, base child of Cath: Mansell ... bur.
" Mar. 9. Mary, d. of Mr. Edward Paine & Mary, his w. ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Mary, d. of Henry Symmonds & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Morgan Evans ... bur.
" Mar. 16. John Farnolds ... bur
" Mar. 18. John, s. of Benjamin Revel ... bur.

HUM. GWYNN, Rector of 1st Portion Pontesbury.

1742, Mar. 27. Sarah Richards ... bur.
" Mar. 29. John Edwards & Mary Harris, lic. ... mar.
" Mar. 29. William, s. of William Smith & Martha, his w. ... bap.

1742] Pontesbury. 321

1742, Apr. 7. David, s. of William Bromley & Margaret, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Richd., s. of Richard Holyoak, junr., & Mary, his w. ... bap. & ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Mary, w. of Richard Holyoak, junr. ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Mary, d. of Ralph Dolphin & Ann, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Anne, d. of Thomas Signpole & Anne, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Anne, d. of John Willcocks & Margaret, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Willm., s. of Edward Mansel & Jane, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Bennion & Elinor, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Thomas Jones & Mary Jones ... mar.
" Apr. 29. Mary Downs ... bur.
" Apr. 30. John, s. of Thomas Davis & Anne ... bap.
" May 8. William, b. s. of Margaret Evans ... bap.
" May 9. Sarah, d. of William & Anne Croft ... bap.
" May 11. Willm., bastard child of Margaret Evans ... bur.
" May 22. Anne, d. of Timothy Tipton & Mary ... bap.
" May 28. Margaret, d. of John Bayley & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" May 30. Mary, d. of George James & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" June 7. John, s. of Humfry Gittins & Abigail, his w. ... bap.
" June 7. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Birtch ... bur.
" June 8. Thomas Lewiss, of Ford p., & Anne Beat ... mar.
" June 17. Edward, s. of Fran: Jones ... bur.
" June 21. Robert, s. of Robert Parry ... bur.
" June 30. Willm., s. of William Lucas ... bur.
" July 2. Mary, d. of Thomas Hurdly & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" July 4. Elinor, d. of John Hill & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" July 4. John, s. of Thomas Trevor & Margaret, his w. ... bap.
" July 16. Mary, d. of Philip Brown ... bur.

322 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1742

1742, July 19. Sarah, d. of Richard Lewiss ... bur.
" July 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Diggory & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" July 25. Joseph, s. of Henry Warter & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" July 30. Margaret, w. of Philip Brown ... bur.
" Aug. 15. Willm., s. of John Hayward & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Mary, d. of James Price ... .. bur.
" Sep. 8. Joseph, s. of Robert Hughes & Martha, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Sarah, d. of Thomas Thorns & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Roger Williams, the Smith, of Longden ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Margaret, w. of Samuel Stretch ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Mary, d. of Griffith Jones & his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Martha, d. of Thomas Cross & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Martha Cross, aforesaid ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Mrs. Martha Parry ... bur.
" Dec. 5. Martha Thorns ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Sarah, w. of Richard Rudge ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Sherry & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Elizabeth Richards ... bur.
" Dec. 15. John, bastard of Anne Mitton ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Richd. Rudge ... bur.
" [no date]. Richd. Jones & Elizabeth Griffiths ... mar.
" Dec. 27. John, s. of John Simmonds & Martha, his w. ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Mary, d. of William Blakeway & Anne, his w. ... bap.
" Dec. 31. John, s. of Thomas Hinly & Margret, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Brasnor Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Stedman, & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Joseph, s. of James Cross & Anne, his w. ... bap.

1743] Pontesbury. 323

1742, Jan. 13. Richd. Partridge ... bur.
" Jan. 18. John, s. of John Griffiths & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth James ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Richd. Beest & Mary Hitchen ... mar.
" Feb. 3. Willm. Randles & Hannah Jones ... mar.
" Feb. 11. Philip Brown ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jenkin & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 20. John, s. of Thomas Blower & Margaret, his w. ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Catharine Small ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Margaret, d. of Thomas Jones & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Anne Bullock ... bur.
" Mar. 20. James, s. of James Smith & Martha, his w. ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Edward, s. of Edward Edwards ... bur.

HUM. GWYNN, Rector of 1st Portion, Pontesbury.
J. LLOYD, R. PARTRIDGE, Church Wardens.

1743, Mar. 26. Henry Southerton ... bur.
" Mar. 26. Thomas, s. of John Lucas ... bur.
" Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Pass & Elinor, his w. ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Mary, d. of Richard Tomlins & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Martha, w. of Robert Hughes ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Martha, d. of John Davis & Alice, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Sarah, d. of John Giles & Anne, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 24. John Hill ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Anne, w. of Thomas Signpole ... bur.
" May 2. Mary, d. of Richard Beest & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" May 2. Thomas Phillips, p. of Westbury, & Anne Pugh, of this p. ... mar.
" May 5. Joseph, s. of Robert Hughes ... bur.
" May 6. Sarah, d. of William Lucas ... bur.
" May 11. Willm. Woodhouse & Margery Peat ... mar.
" May 18. Catharine Lucas ... bur.

324 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1743

1743, May 19. Thomas, s. of James Price & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" May 27. Elinor, w. of Roger Thompson ... bur.
" May 30. Richd. Elkes & Jane Smith ... mar.
" May 31. Humphrey, s. of Robert Littleales [sic] & Hannah, his w. ... bap.
" June 1. Samuel, s. of Benjamin Small & Anne, his w. ... bap.
" June 19 Edward, s. of John Williams & Elinor, his w. ... bap.
" June 21. Humphrey, s. of Robert Littleales ... bur.
" June 25. Richd. Longslow, of Church Stretton, & Priscilla Heighway, lic. ... mar.
" June 26. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey Roberts & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" June 28. Mary Lewiss ... bur.
" July 1. Elizabeth, bastard child of Margaret Evans ... bap.
" July 3. Martha, d. of Samuel Williams & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" July 9. Mary, w. of Peter Niccolls ... bur.
" July 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bucknold, & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" July 12 Andrew Beest ... bur.
" July 17. Mary, w. of Richard Dudley, & Martha, his w. ... bap.
" July 21. Mary, w. of James Jaundrel ... bur.
" July 28. Willm., s. of Thomas Bowen & Hannah, his w. ... bap.
" July 3I. Anne, d. of WilliamPeling & Jane, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Richd., s. of Richard Nicholas & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Charles, s. of John Arpin & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Thomas, s. of John Williams ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Martha Ridgeway, widow ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Susannah, w. of William Johnson ... bur.
" Aug. 17. Willm., bastard s. of Anne Sherry ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Teckoe Susannah, his w. ... bap.

1743] Pontesbury. 325

1743, Aug. 28. John, s. of John Roberts & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 30. John, s. of Richard Stedman & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Willm., s. of William Matthews, & Anne, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 4. John, s. of Rennold Edwards & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Timothy Tipton, & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 22. James Mason & Ann Jones ... mar.
" Sep. 25. Mary, d. of Edward Tipton & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Willm., s. of Humphry Williams ... bur.
" Sep. 29. John, s. of John Wilcox & Margaret, his w. ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Willm., s. of John Lloyd & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Catharine, w. of Robert Phillips, of Meole, gent. ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Peter Niccols ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Mary, w. of Peter Hughson ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Francis, s. of Thomas Licet & his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Mary, d. of Edward Roberts ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Elizabeth Griffiths ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Elizabeth, a bastard d. of Margaret Evans ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Richd. Morris ... bur.
" Dec. 31. Sarah, d. of Edward Mauncel & Jane, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 1. William, s. of Thomas Hurdly & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Mary Foster ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Mary, d. of Edward Tipton ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Willm. Johnson & Ann Lewiss, lic. ... mar.
" Jan. 9. Sarah Parry, infant ... bur.
" Jan. 10. John Tipton & Mary Mauncel ... mar.
" Jan. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Eddows & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Adam Harris & Mary, his w. ... bap.

326 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1743

1743, Jan. 30. Mary, d. of Francis Jones & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Elizabeth, w. of John Arpin ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Sarah, d. of Mr. Samuel Phillips & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Richd., s. of Richard Davis ... bur.
" Feb. 7. John Phipps & Elizabeth Pugh ... mar.
" Feb. 21. Jone, w. of William Powell ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Richard Thomas Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Mar. 4. John, s. of John Phillips ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Peter Weston ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Thomas Barnet ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Elinor, w. of Roger Howels ... bur.

HUM. GWYNN, Rector 1st Portion Pontesbury.

1744, Mar. 28. Ann, d. of Richard & Sarah Bennet ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Margaret Dawes ... bur.
" Apr. 1. John Gough ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Samuel, s. of John & Mary Heyward ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Abraham Tipton & Ann Peate ... mar.
" Apr. 25. Margaret, bastard d. of Mary Brown ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Catharine Mytton ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Mary Harris ... bur.
" May 3. John Glover & Margaret Cadman ... mar.
" May 7. Willm., s. of William Lewis ... bur.
" May 14. James, s. of Henry & Elizth. Symonds ... bap.
" May 20. Edward, s. of John & Mary Typton ... bap.
" May 21. John Farmer & Martha Gwyn ... mar.
" Jan. 8. Ann, d. of Edward & Mary Paddock ... bap.
" June 17. Ann, d. of Benjamin & Ann Revel ... bap.
" June 21. Evan, bastard s. of Elizabeth Phipps ... bap.
" June 22. Willm., s. of John & Ann Morris ... bap.
" June 23. Willm., s. of John & Ann Morris ... bur.
" July 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Cross ... bap.
" July 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Dorithry [sic] Williams ... bap.
" July 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Richards ... bap.
" July 27. John, bastard s. of James Jones ... bap.
" July 29. Willm., s. of William & Mary Bickley ... bap.

1744] Pontesbury. 327

1744, July 30. Richd., s. of Robert & Hannah Littlehales ... bap.
" July 30. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elinor Bennion ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Ann, d. of Francis & Martha Bromley ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Ann, d. of Richard & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Mary, d. of John & Isabel Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Thomas, s. of John & Jone Pritchard ... bap.
" Sep. 13. John, base s. of Sarah Walter ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Richd. Tomkis, of p. of Stapleton, & Ann Hughson ... mar.
" Oct. 7. Hannah, d. of James & Mary Arpin ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Samuel, s. of Charles & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Martha, w. of Edward Dolphin ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Thomas, s. of Samuel Bowen ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Mary Perks ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Thomas Clayton ... bur.
" Oct. 31. John, base s. of Margaret Evans ... bap.
" Nov. 8. George, s. of George & Elizabeth Hopton ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Adam, s. of John & Mary Shuker ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Thomas, base s. of Ann Bennet ... bap.
" Dec. 16. John, s. of William & Ann Johnson ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Mary, d. of Samuel & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Dec. 31. John, s. of Richard & Mary Richards ... bap.
" Jan. 1. George, s. of George Hopton ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Ann, d. of Thomas & Ann Davis ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Margaret, d. of Abraham & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Roger & Hannah Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Mrs. Sarah Phillips ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Thomas, s. of William & Ann Blakeway ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Mrs. Frances Pugh ... bur.
" Jan. 25. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" Jan. 27. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ann Lycet ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas & Rebecca Lloyd ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Lewis Williams ... bur.
" Feb. 2. John Price & Sarah Bratton ... mar.
" Feb. 10. Sarah, d. of Richard & Jane Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Daniel, s. of John & Sarah Henley ... bap.

328 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1744

1744, Mar. 7. Robert, s. of John & Elizabeth Brasenor ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Thomas Underwood ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Benjamin, s. of Thomas & Hannah Bowen ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Catharine, d. of Robert & Sarah Parry ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Edward, s. of Ralph & Ann Dolphin ... bap.


1745, Mar. 25. Willm. Davies & Ann Morgan ... mar.
" Mar. 25. Margaret, d. of John & Margaret Wilcox ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Margaret, w. of John Wilcox ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Samuell, s. of John & Martha Symonds ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Mary, base d. of Jone Allen ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Edward, s. of Edward & Ann Tompson ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Ann, d. of Hugh & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Mathew Wilding & Mary Wood ... mar.
" Apr. 25. Margaret, d. of John Wilcox ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Lucas ... bur.
" Apr. 27. John Davis & Elizabeth Harris ... mar.
" May 1. Christobell, d. of Richard & Mary Holyoake ... bap.
" May 2. Mary, base d. of Jane Allen ... bur.
" May 14. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Ann Davis ... bap.
" May 23. John, base s. of Mary Speake ... bap.
" May 25. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jenkin ... bap.
" May 27. Sarah, w. of Thomas Jones ... bur.
" May 27. Margery, w. of Samuel Fox ... bur.
" May 31. John, s. of Griffith & Miriam Jones ... bap.
" June 7. Richd. Edwards & Jane Jones ... mar.
" June H. John, s. of Elizabeth Mitton ... bur.
" June 18. Mary, w. of Charles Powell, of the town of Salop ... bur.
" June 24. Thomas Taylor & Elizabeth Morris ... mar.
" July 6. Johns. of Mr. Henry & Mary Walter [sic] ... bap.
" July 8. Silvanus Moss & Sarah Owen ... mar.
" July 25. Mary Titley ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Thomas, base s. of Ann Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Margaret Trevor ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Martha Lewis ... bur.
" Sep. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Griffith ... bap.

1745] Pontesbury. 329

1745, Sep. 14. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Bailey ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Mary, d. of Henry Sutherton ... bur.
" Oct. 3. Willm. Lewis ... bur.
" Oct. 6. John Pritchard ... bur.
" Oct. 6. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Mary, d. of John & Alice Davis ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Mary, d. of Richard & Jane Edwards ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Edward Owen & Susannah Whitaker ... mar.
" Nov. 2. Christobell, d. of Timothy & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Abraham Olivers & Susanna Fowkes ... mar.
" Nov. 10. Hanley, s. of John & Elizabeth Plymmer ... bap.
" Nov. 24. John, s. of John & Mary Hencks, of the p. of Habberley ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Adam Harris ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Jane, w. of Richard Davis ... bur.
" Dec. 1. Jane, d. of Francis & Jane Evans ... bap.
" Dec. 27. John, s. of Edward & Jane Mansell ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Mary Thornes ... bap.
" Dec. 10. John Corfield & Mary Barber ... mar.
" Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of Bartholomew & Elizabeth Pryce ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Sherry ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Mary, d. of Matthew & Mary Wilding ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Humphrey, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Tomlins ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Ann Wildblood ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Peter, s. of Adam & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Timothy, s. of John & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Hannah, d. .of Edward & Elizabeth Mathews ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Mary Thornhill ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Hordley ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John. s. of John Tipton ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Joseph Jones & Elinor Habberley ... mar.
" Mar. 1. Elizabeth Boyer ... bur.

330 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1745

1745, Mar. 5. Mrs. Beathyah Davis ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Christobell, w. of Richard Clayton ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Peter, s. of Adam Harris ... bur.

WM. PUGH, Curt.

1746, Mar. 28. Charles Powell ... bur.
" Mar. 31. Henry, s. of Rennold & Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" Apr. 2. William, s. of Ralph & Mary Harper ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Mary Morris ... bur.
" Apr. 11. Jone Birtch ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Martha Tipton ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Martha, s. of John & Mary Hartchorn ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Joseph, s. of Benjamin & Anne Smallman ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Richd., s. of Edward & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Mr. George Ekin ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Rich., a base s. of Elizabeth Hughs ... bap.
" May 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Margaret Blower ... bap.
" May 8. James Evans & Ann Hurdley ... mar.
" May 8. Mary, d. of William & Martha Smith ... bap.
" May 18. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Haywart ... bap.
" May 19. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Haywart ... bap.
" May 20. Willm., s. of William & Lyddia Glover ... bap.
" May 21. Shadrack Reynold & Mary Ridg [sic] ... mar.
" June 1. Rachel, d. of Richard & Sarah Bennet ... bap.
" June 1. Margaret Littlehales ... bur.
" June 10. Margaret, d. of Edward & Mary Paddock ... bap.
" June 15. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Jane Mancell ... bap.
" June 18. John Arphin & Ann Davis ... mar.
" June 25. Willm., s. of William & Margaret Stretch ... bap.
" June 26. Margaret, d. of Richard Jones ... bur.
" July 3. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Fox ... bap.
" July 5. Ann, d. of Ann Bettley ... bur.
" July 31. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elinor Bennion ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Richd., s. of Elizabeth Hughs ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Sarah, d. of Arthur & Elizabeth Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Sarah, d. of Silvanus & Sarah Moss ... bap.

1747] Pontesbury. 331

1746, Aug. 29. Ann Brisco ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Hinley ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Jane Downs ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Matthew Gough & Catherine Powell ... mar.
" Oct. 19. Thomas, s. of Edward & Susanna Owen ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Margaret, d. of John & Ann Arphin [sic] ... bap.
" Oct. 24. John Harris, Esq. ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Sarah, d. of Henry & Elizabeth Simmons ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Richd. Lewis ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Shuker ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Robert, s. of William & Margaret Bromley ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Willm., s. of William & Ann Blakeway ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Edward, s. of William & Martha Bickley ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Letitia, d. of Thomas & Ann Licet ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Willm., s. of William & Mary Nicholas ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Mary, d. of George & Ann Reeves ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Mary Bennion ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Cross ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Wilks ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Thomas, s. of Griffith & Mary Robinson ... bap.
" Jan. 25. John, s. of Edward & Ann Tomson [sic] ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Robert & Mary Clayton ... bap.
" Jan. 31. John Smout & Elinor Lewis ... mar.
" Feb. 2. Willm., s. of William & Mary Jonson ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Holyoake ... bap.
" [no date]. Judeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Sinepole ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Mary, d. of William & Mary Brees [sic] ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Will., base s. of Margaret Winn ... bap.

WM. PUGH, Curt.

1747, Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Richard & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Joseph, s. of Samuel & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Robert Gawen ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Martha, w. of Francis Harris ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Sarah, d. of Shadrach & Mary Reynolds ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Mary, d. of William & Martha Smith ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Harper ... bap.

332 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1747

1747, Apr. 22. Evan Webster & Hannah Morris ... mar.
" Apr. 26. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Martha Gittins ... bap.
" May 3. Willm. & Richd., sons of John & Martha Symons ... bur.
" May 5. Edward Jones & Mary Olivers ... mar.
" May 11. John Walter ... bur.
" May 20. Edward Jones & Ann James ... mar.
" May 19. Richd. Weavers & Jane Davies ... mar.
" May 22. Mrs. Margaret Pitchford ... bur.
" May 26. Richd. Hinks ... bur.
" May 29. Sarah, d. of William & Anne Davies ... bur.
" June 4. Hugh Griffith ... bur.
" June 8. Richd. Tudyr & Elinor Jeffreys ... mar.
" June 8. Willm., s. of Humphrey & Abigail Gittins ... bap.
" June 9. Richd., s. of Hugh & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" June 11. Richd., s. of Abraham & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" June 24. Mr. Humphrey Parry ... bur.
" June 29. Willm, Brown ... bur.
" July 3. Deborah, d. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" July 4. Willm., s. of William & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" July 28. Richd. Barber ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Sylvanus Harris ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Zipporah Barber ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Richd., s. of Thomas & Hannah Bowen ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Matthew, s. of Matthew & Mary Willding [sic] ... bap.
" Sep. 1. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Sarah Owen ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Sarah, d. of Robert & Hannah Littlehales ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Samuel, s. of Matthew & Catharine Gough ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Mary, d. of Timothy & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Elinor, d. of John & Elizabeth Brazenor ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Richd., s. of Abraham & Anne Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Thomas, bastard child of Mary Paine ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Mary, d. of Evan & Hannah Webster ... bap.

1747] Pontesbury. 333

1747, Oct. 25. Elinor, d. of William & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Edward, s. of William & Martha Bickley ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Anne, d. of William & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Richard, s. of John & Mary Griffith ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Mary, d. of Corbet & Abigail Bromwell ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Mary, d. of Timothy & Mary Tipton ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Hill ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Willm., s. of John & Sarah Henley ... bap.
" Dec. 6. George, s. of George & Elizabeth Hopton ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Robert & John, bastard children of children of Margaret Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Jenkin Evans ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Suker ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Isaac, s. of John & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of Arthur Griffith ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Rebekah Lloyd ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Mary, w. of Henry Brisco ... bur.
" Jan. 15. John Davis ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Jane, d. of Edward & Anne Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Robert, s. of Robert & Sarah Parry ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Peter Littlehales ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Roger Thomson ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Willm., s. of William & Margaret Stretch ... bur.
" Jan. 31. Robert Littleshales ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Thomas, s. of David Richards ... bur.
" Feb. 7. John, s. of Joseph & Jane Mansell ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Sylvanus, s. of Sylvanus & Sarah Moss ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Richard, s. of William & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Thomas Peat ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jenkins ... bap.
" Feb. 23. John Calcot, p. of Westbury, & Ann Davis ... mar.
" Feb. 28. Thomas, s. of Griffith & Mary Robinson ... bur.
" Feb. 29. John Saundals, p. of Westbury, & Sarah Humphreys ... mar.

334 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1747

1747, Mar. 3. Sarah, w. of Robert Henley ... bur.


1748, Mar. 31. John, s. of Ralph & Anne Dolphin ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Francis & Martha Bromley ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Thomas Blakeway, p. of Westbury, & Mary Williams, of this p. ... mar.
" Apr. 16. Anne, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Tomlins ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Jane, d. of John & Sarah Sandalls ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth, bastard child of Mary Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Alice, d. of John & Elizabeth Bailey ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Sarah, d. of John & Martha Symmons ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Anne, d. of John & Jane Walters ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Richd. Wildblood & Elizabeth Hopton ... mar.
" May 5. Thomas Davies & Jane Ness ... mar.
" May 7. Willm., s. of Griffith & Miriam Jones ... bap.
" May 13. Elinor, d. of John & Alice Davies ... bap.
" May 14. Willm., s. of Griffith & Miriam Jones ... bur.
" May 20. Richd. Hollioak ... bur.
" May 22. John Boodle ... bur.
" May 26. Elizabeth Davies ... bur.
" May 29. Thomas Price & Elizabeth Corfield ... mar.
" May 30. Edward, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.
" May 30. Thomas, s. of Richard & Hannah Maddox ... bap.
" June 3. John, s. of John & Anne Morris ... bur.
" June 26. Sarah, bastard child of Elizabeth Bowen ... bap.
" July 22. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.
" July 24. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Matthews ... bap.
" July 26. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Clayton ... bap.
" July 28. Elizabeth, bastard child of Elizabeth Wildblood ... bap.
" July 30. Ann, d. of Abraham Wildblood ... bur.
" July 31. Willm. Ball [ ?Bull] & Susannah Harris ... mar.
" July 31. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Nichols ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Martha, d. of Edward & Jane Tipton ... bap.

1748] Pontesbury. 335

1748, Aug. 17. Sarah, bastard child of Elizabeth Bowen ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Anne Waltars ... bur.
" Aug. 28. Sarah, d. of William & Elinor Hudson ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Abigail, d. of Ralph & Anne Dolphin ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Roger Howells ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Martha, w. of John Philips ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Jane, d. of William & Mary Dickley ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of William & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Richd., s. of William & Anne Blakeway ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Winifrid, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Anne Maddox ... bur.
" Oct. 8. John Philips ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Richd. Parry ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Richard Davies & Margaret Hollioak ... mar.
" Nov. 1. Benjamin Bowen ... bur.
" Nov. 1. John Bowen ... bur.
" Nov. 2. Edward Bowen ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Anne, d. of Edward & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" Dec. 2. John Lewis & Mary Griffiths ... mar.
" Dec. 7. Sarah, bastard child of Sarah Gardiner ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Margaret Bennion ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Thomas ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Jane Thomas ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Barnabas & Elizabeth Price ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Peter Hughstone
" Dec. 29. Edward, s. of Edward & Susan Owens ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Abraham, s. of Abraham & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Margaret, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Mary, d. of William & Mary Marsh ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Esther Diggory ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Thomas Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Willm. Lewis ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Rebecca Riccarts [sic] ... bur.
" Jan. 18. Willm. Heighway ... bur.

336 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1748

1748, Jan. 18. Mary Hughes ... bur.
" Jan. 29. John, s. of Thomas & Margaret Licets ... bap.
" Feb. 5. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Sherry ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Mary, d. of John & Anne Glover ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William Randles ... bur.
" Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of Henry & Elizabeth Symmons ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Willm., s. of William & Alice Purslow ... bap.
" Feb. 57. Willm. Thomas ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Willm. Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 59. Willm., s. of William & Susanna Bull ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Hollioak ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Robert Bennion ... bur.


Parishonors [sic].

December 27.- At a publick meeting of the Parishoners of the Parish of
Pontesbury, called on purpose for the electing a Parish Clerk in the
place of Peter Huson, lately deceased, notice being given the Sunday

The Church Wardens, Sidesmen, Eightmen, and other parishoners then
present do according to antient custom choose Peter Huson, Son of the
aforesaid Peter Huson, to Serve the Office of Parish Clerk for the
Parish of Pontsbury.

The Cerks [sic] ffees.

For Registering a Christning, Six pence.
Marriage by Banns or Licence, One Shilling.

1749] Pontesbury. 337

Makeing a Grave in the Church or Church yard, One Shilling.
Passing Bell and tolling, Six pence.
Due at Easter for a Team Land, Four pence; for a Cottage, Two pence; and for every one keeping Hens, Three Eggs or a penny.
For ringing Curfew Bell, what Corn the parishonors please to give him at Christmass.


1749, Mar. 26. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Margaret Blower ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Thomas Weaver, p. of Worthin, & Sarah Appleyard ... mar.
" Mar. 28. Edward, s. of John & Ann Britain ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Hezekiah & Ann Pritchard ... bap.
" Apr. 11. John, s. of John & Mary Harchunt ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Sylvanus & Anna Maria Hill ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Willm., bastard child of Sarah Minor ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Catharine, d. of Edward & Mary Paddock ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Willm. Edwards & Mary Price ... mar.
" Apr. 28. John Purslow, p. of Cardidston, & Mary Hughes ... mar.
" Apr. 29. Cartharine, d. of John & Ann Arpin ... bap.
" May 2. John Birch, of Playley ... bur.
" May 12. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Edwards ... bur.
" May 14. John Duwin, of the p. of Hissington, & Mary Weavers ... mar.
" May 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elinor Pass ... bap.
" May 16. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Brees [sic] ... bap.

338 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1749

1749, May 18. Joseph Thomas, p. of Alberbury, & Elizabeth Davies ... mar.
" May 24. Richd. Henks ... bur.
" June 1. Anne Catharine, d. of Henry & Mary Warter ... bap.
" June 1. Richd., s. of Charles & Winifred Barber ... bap.
" June 11. Samuel, s. of James & Mary Arpin ... bap.
" June 14. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" June 18. Sarah Hodnet ... bur.
" June 25. Thomas, s. of William & Anne Johnson ... bap.
" June 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Jane Davies ... bap.
" July 23. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Sinepole ... bap.
" July 25. Jane Humphreys ... bur.
" July 30. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Gittins ... bap.
" July 30. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph & Mary Harper ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Thomas Higgins, p. of Shrawardine, & Mary Jones ... mar.
" Aug. 3. Martha, d. of Mr. John & Martha Parry ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Henry, s. of Mr. Samuel & Mary Phillips ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Henry, s. of Mr. Samuel & Mary Phillips ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Samuel, s. of Griffith & Miriam Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Edward, s. of Samuel & Margaret Mansel ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Mary Tomlins ... bur.
" Aug. 28. Mary, d. of Richard & Margaret Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Thomas, s. of William & Ann Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Rev. Mr. Humphrey Gwynn, Rector 1st Portionary ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Mary, d. of Timothy & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 3. John, s. of Richard & Mary Nicholas ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Thomas Clayton ... bur.
" Sep. 22. Ann Nichols ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Elizabeth Bowen ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Richard, s. of Thomas Harries, Esqr., & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Oct. 8. John Barber & Mary Coffy ... mar.
" Oct. 13. Samuel Bowen ... bur.
" Oct. 15. Aigail, d. of John & Mary Lewis ... bap.

1750] Pontesbury. 339

1749, Oct. 15. Margaret, d. of John & Jane Harper ... bap.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 6. David Henley ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Elinor Henley ... bur.
" Nov. 14. John, s. of William & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Bridget Vaughan ... bap.
" Nov. 15. John, base child of Elizabeth Bullock ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Thomas Bowen ... bur.
" Nov. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Rogers ... bap.
" Nov. 29. John, s. of William & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 24. John Kitchin ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Ann, d. of John & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Wilks ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Edward, s. of John & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Mark & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Willm. Morgan & Sarah Watters ... mar.
" Jan. 8. Edward, s. of Isaac & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Anne, d. of John & Elizabeth Brasener ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Edward Wooden ... bur.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of Robert & Mary Clayton ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Willm., s. of William & Hannah Randles ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Elizabeth Matthews ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Martha, d. of Joseph & Jane Mansel ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Richd. Hodges, p. of Condover, & Catharine Betton ... mar.
" Mar. 3. Charles Arpin ... bur.
" Mar. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Henley ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Mrs. Crosse, of Longden ... bur.


1750, Apr. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Jenkin ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Willm. Powell ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Leticia, d. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Mary, d. of Thomas Harris, Esq., & Mary, his w. ... bur.

340 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1750

1750, Apr. 7. Abraham Beddow & Mary Jones (Mr. Cotton, Surrogate), lic. ... mar.
" Apr. 18. John, s. of Richard & Sarah Bennet ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Richd., s. of Richard & Hannah Maddox ... bap.
" Apr. 29. John, s. of John & Mary Hill ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Mary Mansel, a Quaker willing to become a Protestant at 16 years of age ... bap.
" May 4. David Jones & Elizabeth Lewis ... mar.
" May 6. Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth Heighwart [sic] ... bap.
" May 8. Willm., s. of Shadrach & Elizabeth Reynolds ... bap.
" May 23. Anne, d. of Richard & Elinor Benion ... bap.
" May 24. Willm., s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Heighway ... bap.
" June 11. John, s. of William & Elinor Hudson ... bap.
" June 24. Leticia, d. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" June 29. Mary Tipton ... bur.
" July 8. Willm., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Tomlins ... bap.
" July 8. Sarah, bastard child of Margaret Prichard ... bap.
" July 15. John, s. of John & Margary Weston ... bap.
" July 15. Thomas, s. of Edward Margaret Lewis ... bap.
" July 26. Thomas Pass ... bur.
" July 28. Willm., s. of Thomas Tomkis, currier in Salop, & Sarah, his w. ... bur.
" July 29. Margaret, d. of Matthew & Catharine Gough ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Margaret, d. of John & Martha Symmons ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Elizabeth Davies, of Longden ... bur.
" Oct. 3. John, s. of Mr. John & Martha Parry ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Robert Cole & Mary Humphreys ... mar.
" Oct. 7. Willm., s. of John & Mary Barber ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Martha, bastard child of Martha Eason ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Esther Perkin ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Willm., s. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Willm. Bennet & Anne Symmons ... mar.

1751] Pontesbury. 341

1750, Nov. 5. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Mary Beddow ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Willm., s. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Lydia, d. of Robert & Sarah Perry ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Edward, s. of Edward & Jane Mansel ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Thomas Owens ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Anne Tomkis ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Anne Harris ... bur.
" Dec. 30. John, s. of John & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Matthew & Mary Willding ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Holliock ... bap.
" Jan. 4. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Weaver ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Margaret, d. of Richard & Catharine Hodges ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Richd. Heighway, p. of Knighton, & Elizabeth Heighway (Mr. Cotton, Surrogate), lic. ... mar.
" Jan. 15. Mary Evans ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Christobell, d. of Timothy & Mary Tipton ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Robert, s. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Elizabeth, bastard child of Elizabeth Henks ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Willm., s. of William & Mary Marsh ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Richd., Fox & Mary Davis ... mar.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of John & Anne Britton ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Barker ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Jane, d. of Thomas & Mary Sherry ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Robert Morris & Martha Roberts ... mar.
" Feb. 26. John, s. of Edward & Anne Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Martha, d. of William & Susanna Bull ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Mary, d. of William & Mary Brees ... bap.
" Mar. 10. John, s. of Richard & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Margaret Fox ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Mr. John Niccols, of Newnham ... bur.

BEN: WINGFIELD, Rector of 1st Portion.

1751, Mar. 28. Lewis, s. of Lewis & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Sarah, d. of Ralph & Mary Harper ... bap.

342 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1751

1751, Apr. 8. Sarah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Matthews ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Richd., s. of Henry & Elizabeth Symmons ... bap.
" Apr. 19. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Thomas Jones, aged 102 years ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Samuel Peat ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Willm., s. of Thomas Harries, Esqr., & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Blower ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of Edward & Susan Owen ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Howels ... bap.
" May 6. Rees Griffiths, p. of St. Julian, Shrewsbury, & Mary Dod ... mar.
" May 12. Mary, d. of William & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" May 19. Abraham Beddow, p. of Condover, & Mary Wildblood ... mar.
" May 20. Peter Hughson & Mary Titley (Mr. Cotton, Surrogate), lic. ... mar.
" May 21. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" May 22. Thomas, s. of Edward & Susan Owen ... bap.
" May 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Liset ... bap.
" May 27. Jane, d. of Hezekiah & Anne Pritchard ... bap.
" May 31. Richd., s. of John & Anne Arpin ... bap.
" June 4. Isaac, s. of Isaac & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" June 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Margaret Davies ... bap.
" June 23. James, s. of Thomas & Margaret Gittins, of Shrewsbury ... bap.
" June 26. Mary, bastard child of Elizabeth Bullock ... bap.
" June 26. Mary, bastard child of Mary Vaughan ... bap.
" July 2. Margaret, d. of Ralph & Anne Dolphin ... bap.
" July 10. Andrew Beddow, from Shrewsbury ... bur.
" July 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" July 21. Anne, d. of Richard & Martha Dudley ... bap.
" July 30. Abraham, s. of John & Elizabeth Heward [sic] ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Mark & Mary Morris ... bap.

1751] Pontesbury. 343

1751, Aug. 3. Elizabeth Lloyd ... bur.
" Aug. 5. John Hoggins, p. Westbury, & Martha Mallard (Mr. Cotton, Surrogate), lic. ... mar.
" Aug. 6. Thomas Edwards & Elizabeth Roberts ... mar.
" Aug. 8. Richd., s. of John & Ann Arpin ... bur.
" Aug. 21. John, s. of John & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Elizabeth, d. of William & Ann Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Edward, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Thomas Morris & Sarah Richards (Mr. Cotton, Surrogate), lic. ... mar.
" Sep. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Wilks ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Charles Wood & Elizabeth Tomlyns, p. Westbury (Mr. Cotton, Surr.), lic. ... mar.
" Sep. 22. Richd., s. of Francis & Martha Bromley ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Christobella, d. of Timothy & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Edward, s. of Thomas & Martha Gittins ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Edward, s. of Thomas & Martha Gittins ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Edwards, s. of Robert & Martha Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Rebecca, d. of Thomas & Bridget Vaughan ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Catherine, d. of Robert & Sarah Perry ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Margaret Humphreys ... bur.
" Nov. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas & Jane Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Sarah, d. of Barnabas & Elizabeth Price ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary Fox ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Jane, w. of Joseph Mansel ... bur.
" Nov. 18. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Dod ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Eddward, s. of Richard & Mary Fox ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elinor Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Abraham Wynne & Alice Beddow ... mar.
" Dec. 3. Ann, w. of William Tysedale ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Roger Dod & Mary Roberts ... mar.
" Dec. 11. Thomas Beest, p. of Church Pulverbach ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Mary, d. of William & Mary Bickley ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Mary, d. of John & Mary Corfield, p. of Worthen ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Richd. Harris, from the Workhouse ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Mary, w. of William Brees ... bur.

344 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1752

1752, Jan. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Winifred Barber ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Richd., s. of Robert & Mary Clayton ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Willm., s. of William & Elinor Hudson ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Thomas Davies, of the Knills ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Samuel, s. of William & Martha Powell ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Mr. Crosse, of Edge ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Martha, d. of Thomas & Martha Philips ... bap.
" Feb. 23. John, s. of William & Anne Croft, of Welsh Pool ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Heighway ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Margery, d. of Abraham & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Thomas Fox & Mary Bishop ... mar.
" Mar. 12. Margaret Williams ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Timothy, s. of Ann Davies, of the Knills, widow ... bap.
" Mar. 19. John Casewell & Ann Davies ... mar.
" Mar. 23. Richd., s. of Richard & Catharine Hodges ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Ann, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jenkins ... bap.

BEN: WINGFIELD, Rector of the 1st Portion.

1752, Mar. 27. Elizabeth, bastard child of Margaret Case ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Richd., s. of David Richards, Westbury ... bur.
" Apr. 9. John Thomas & Mary Owle (Mr. Cotton, Surrogate), lic. ... mar.
" Apr. 14. Robert Henley, of Pontesbury town ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mary, bastard child of Mary Rudge ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Cole ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 28. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Ann, d. of William & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" May 1. Benjamin, s. of William & Ann Bennet ... bap.
" May 4. Samuel Fox, of Pontesford Hill ... bur.
" May 7. Willm. Young & Martha Ankred ... mar.

1752] Pontesbury. 345

1752, May 7. Mary, bastard child of Thomasine Riccards ... bap.
" May 8. Richd. Puslow, p. of St. Chadd, & Ann Hoggins ... mar.
" May 8. Elizabeth Davis, of Asterley ... bur.
" May 18. John Beaumont & Mary Natters ... mar.
" May 19. Samuel Stringer & Mary Evans ... mar.
" May 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Ann Perry ... bap.
" May 20. Francis, s. of Francis & Mary Seddwell ... bap.
" May 23. John, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" June 3. Martha, bastard child of Martha Eason ... bur.
" June 5. Martha Humphreys ... bur.
" June 6. Samuel Stretch ... bur.
" June 8. Mary, w. of Samuel Henks ... bur.
" June 9. Ann, d. of Abraham & Mary Beddow ... bap.
" June 14. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Evans ... bap.
" June 20. Margaret, d. of Richard & Elizth. Thomas ... bap.
" July 15. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Brasenor ... bap.
" July 24. Mary, d. of William Drees, of Asterley ... bur.
" July 27. Francis Harris & Hannah Littlehales ... mar.
" July 31. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Mary Bowen ... bap.
" Oct. 1. John, bastard child of Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Humphrey, d. of Mr. John & Martha Parry ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Hannah Maddox ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Beaumont ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Ann, w. of Richard Tomkiss ... bur.
" Nov. 2. David, s. of Griffith & Miriam Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Mary, d. of John & Mary Barber ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Mary, d. of John & Mary Barber ... bur.
" Nov. 23. James Bembow, St. Chadd, & Abigail Dunn, Church Stoke (Mr. Cotton, Surrogate), lic. ... mar.
" Nov. 26. Alice, d. of Abraham & Alice Wynne ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Martha Morgan ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Francis Birch, of Plealey ... bur.
" Dec. 18. John Evans & Sarah Ore ... mar.
" Dec. 23. Willm. Minor, " a child being drowned" ... bur.

346 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1752

1752, Dec. 26. Robert, s. of John & Sarah Lloyd ... bur.

BEN: WINGFIELD, Rector of 1st Portion.

1753, Jan. 1. Jane Bentley, "from the workhouse" ... bur.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of John & Mary Harchunt ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Michael Doricot, "being drowned" ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Martha, d. of Edward & Margaret Lewis ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizth. Edwards, from Salop ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Ann, w. of Edward Thompson ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Weaver bur.
" Jan. 18. Samuel, bastard child of Mary Mansel ... bap.
" Jan. 25. John, s. of Richard & Mary Holliock ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Richd., s. of Richard & Elinor Benion ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Richd., s. of Richard & Ellinor Benion ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Fox ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Mary, bastard child of Richard Arpin & Elinor Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Richd., s. of John & Anne Arpin ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Mary Stringer ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Isaac, s. of Jacob & Mary Jandrell ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Nichols ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Mary, d. of John & Margery Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Thomas Vaughan, junior ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Sarah, d. of Isaac & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Samuel, bastard child of Mary Mansel ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Thomas, s. of William & Hannah Randles ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Sarah Holliock, of the p. of Guildsfield ... bur.
" Apr. 5. George Williams & Sarah Olivers ... mar.
" Apr. 5. Joan Henley, of Asterley ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Willm., s. of William & Martha Young ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Sinepole ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Edward, s. of Lewis & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Willm. Smith, of Edge ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Edward, s. of John & Sarah Evans ... bap.

1753] Pontesbury. 347

1753, Apr. 24. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Mary Richards ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ann Lisett ... bap.
" May 12. Daniel Diggory ... bur.
" May 14. Abigail, d. of Richard & Margaret Davies ... bap.
" May 17. Martha, d. of Ralph & Mary Harper ... bap.
" May 27. Timothy, s. of Edward & Jane Mansell ... bap.
" May 27. Sarah Jesper, of Asterley ... bur.
" May 30. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Holliock ... bur.
" June 4. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Holliock ... bur.
" June 12. Martha Lewis ... bur.
" June 16. Robert Cole ... bur.
" June 24. John, s. of Richard & Mary Stedman ... bur.
" June 26. Sarah, d. of William & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" June 27. Edward, s. of Edward Teague, decd., & Abigail, his w. ... bur.
" June 30. Margaret, d. of John & Elizabeth Pugh, of Church Stoke ... bur.
" July 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" July 15. Marc, d. of Edward & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" July 16. Robert, d. of Joseph Griffiths, Officer of Excise, & Lucia, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Richd., s. of John & Ann Morris ... bur.
" Aug. 20. John Evans, of Onibury, by Ludlow, & Ann Williams ... mar.
" Aug. 21. John, s. of Mr. Robert & Elinor Niccols ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Henley ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Thomas Henley, of Ponsort Hill ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Mary Williams, of Ponsort Hill ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Margaret, d. of Samuel & Elizth. Heyward ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Dorothy Beddow, from the workhouse ... bur.
" Sep. 30. Mary, d. of Samuel & Margaret Fox ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Samuel, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... ban.
" Oct. 10. Richd., s. of William & Ann Johnson ... bap.

348 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1753

1753, Oct. 11. Martha w. of Thomas Philips, of Woodhall ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Mary Sherry ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Martha, d. of John & Mary Mansell ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Rich., s. of William & Ann Johnson ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 21. John, s. of Thomas & Jane Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 26. John, s. of Mr. Samuel & Elizth. Heighway ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Davies, of Asterley ... bur.
" Nov. 12. John, s. of Richard & Catherine Hodges ... bap.
" Nov. 25. James, s. of John & Mary Hill ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Richard & Ann Purslow ... bap.
" Nov. 29. John, s. of Thomas Davies, lately deceased, & Jane, his w. ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Willm., s. of Richard & Mary Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Willm. Jones & Isabel Wildblood ... mar.
" Dec. 10. James, s. of James & Elizabeth Chandler ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Margaret, w. of Robert Townsend ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Willm. Gough & Elizabeth Price ... mar.
" Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of William & Elinor Hudson ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Willm. Vaughan & Ann Cartwright ... mar.

BEN: WINGFIELD, Rector of 1st Portion.

1754, Jan. 1. Elinor, d. of William & Mary Marsh ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Richd., s. of Thomas & Margaret Diggory ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Thomas Henks & Elizabeth Heyward ... mar.
" Jan. 13. Winifrid, d. of John & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 26. John Henks & Margaret Coffy ... mar.
" Jan. 28. Sarah, d. of John & Jane Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Elizabeth, illegitimate d. of Martha Langford ... bap.
" Feb. 2. John, s. of Humphrey & Mary Meredith ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Martha, d. of Richd. & Elizth. Littlehales ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Richd. Davies, miller ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Amy, d. of Robert & Sarah Perry ... bap.
" Feb. 10. John, s. of John & Susannah Ward ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Brittain ... bap.

1754] Pontesbury. 349

1754, Feb. 10. Ann, d. of Barnalas & Elizabeth Price ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Willm. Hudson ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Margaret Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Peter Littlehales & Alice Davies ... mar.
" Feb. 16. Sarah, d. of William & Margaret Barber ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Lewis Davies & Martha Davies ... mar.
" Feb. 25. Richd. Ridge & Margaret Young ... mar.
" Feb. 26. Edward Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Jane Gittins ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Ann, d. of Robert & Mary Cole ... bap.
" Mar. 13. John, illegitimate s. of Mary Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Wilks ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Martha Gittins ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Henry Morris & Ann Wildblood, lic .... mar.
" Mar. 29. Thomas, s. of William Hudson, deceased, & Elinor, his widow ... bur.

[All the marriages from this place are entered in a separate book.]

" Apr. 3. Susanna, d. of Abraham & Mary Beddow ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Ann, d. of Robert & Mary Cole ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Amy, d. of Robert & Sarah Perry ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mr. Edward Nicols ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Dorothea Thorns ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Abraham Harris, a thatcher ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Margaret Rogers ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Elinor Jones ... bap.
" May 3. John, d. of John & Margaret Henks ... bap.
" May 4. Margaret, w. of William Bromley ... bur.
" May 8. Thomas, s. of Edward & Ann Jones ... bap.
" May 12. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Barber ... bap.
" May 22. Edward Beddow, from the workhouse ... bur.
" May 22. Ann Prys, from Poulton ... bur.
" May 23. Miss Sarah Tombes, d. of Mr. Tombes, of St. Albans ... bur.
" May 23. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Tudor ... bap.

350 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1754

1754, May 26. Shadrach, s. of Shadrach & Mary Reynolds ... bap.
" May 29. Thomas, s. of Edward & Ann Jones ... bur.
" June 3. John, s. of John & Jane Tomlyns ... bur.
" June 7. Ann, w. of Benjamin Revell ... bur.
" June 7. Thomas Morgan ... bur.
" June 9. Margaret, illegitimate d. of Mary Evans ... bap.
" June 16. Edward, s. of Peter & Alice Littlehales ... bap.
" June 23. Joseph, s. of William & Ann Davies ... bap.
" June 23. Edward, s. of John & Ann Brittain ... bur.
" June 25. Elinor Beddow, aged 87 years ... bur.
" June 25. John, s. of Richard & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" June 30. William Cross ... bur.
" July 9. Margery, d. of Abraham & Ann Tipton ... bur.
" July 9. Shadrach, s. of Shadrach & Mary Reynolds ... bur.
" July 18. Mary, d. of Edward & Jane Mansell ... bur.
" July 18. John, s. of John & Margaret Henks ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Mary, w. of Joseph Titley ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Richd. Williams, a poor man ... bur.
" Sep. 1. John, s. of John Brasenor & Elizabeth, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Bowen ... bap.
" Sep. 4. John, s. of Richard & Mary Stedman ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Margaret, d. of John & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Ann, w. of James Mason ... bur.
" Oct. 10. Margaret, illegitimate d. of Mary Evans ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Margaret, d. of William & Martha Young ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Mary, w. of Thomas Maul [sic] ... bur.
" Oct. 20. Jacob, s. of Isaac & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Samuel, s. of William & Elizabeth Gough ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Mary, d. of Robert & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Mary Howells ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Susanna, d. of William & Susanna Bull ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Edward Edwards, a poor man ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of William & Ann Johnson ... bap.
" Dec. 27. James Summons, a poor man ... bur.

1755] Pontesbury. 351

1754, Dec. 31. Joseph, s. of Robert & Mary Clayton ... bap.

BEN: WINGFIELD, Rector of 1st Portion.

1755, Jan. 7. Rebecca, d. of Matthew & Mary Willding ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Sarah, d. of Matthew & Catharine Gough ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Mary Henks, of Fairley ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Robert Townsend, a poor man ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Susan, w.. of Benjamin Wildblood ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Edward Thompson, of Longden ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Dod ... bap.
" Jan. 35. Mrs. Anne Wingfield, w. of the Rev. Mr. Wingfield ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Stringer ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Edward, illegitimate s. of Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Feb. 13. John, s. of Charles & Winifrid Barber ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Holliock ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Richd., s. of Mr. Samuel & Elizth. Heighway ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Ann, d. of John & Mary Beamont ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Sarah, d. of Richard & Ann Purslow ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Richd., s. of William & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Sarah, d. of Edward & Jane Henley ... bap.
" Mar. 31. John Beamont, a poor man ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Ward ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Mary, d. of John & Ann Casewell ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Solomon, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Tipton ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of John & Martha Pugh ... bap.
" May 1. Thomas, s. of Edward & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" May 4. Mary, d. of Robert & Sarah Perry ... bap.
" May 5. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah & Ann Pritchard ... bap.
" May 15. Elizabeth Matthews, from Montfort ... bur.
" May 21. Sarah, d. of Timothy & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" May 23. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" May 27. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Mary Beddow ... bap.

352 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1755

1755, May 29. Willm., s. of William & Martha Powell ... bap.
" June 8. William, s. of Richard & Margaret Ridge ... bap.
" June 13. Thomas, s. of Richard & Catharine Hodges ... bap.
" June 14. Francis, s. of Thomas & Ann Lysons ... bap.
" June 24. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ann Maddox ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Martha, d. of Stephen & Martha Higgins ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Margaret, w. of Peter Baker ... bur.
" Aug. 8. William, s. of Abraham & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Edward, illegitimate s. of Mary Roberts ... bur.
" Aug. 11. Ann, d. of Richard & Hannah Maddox ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Richd., s. of Ralph & Mary Harper ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Mary, w. of Thomas Ness ... bur.
" Sep. 5. Mary, d. of Edward & Ann Payne ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Harries, Esqr., & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Thomas, s. of John & Margaret Henks ... bap.
" Sep. 14. John, s. of Edward & Sarah Plimmer ... bap.
" Sep. 21. John, s. of John & Mary Mansell ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Jane, d. of Abraham & Alice Wynne ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Edward Williams, from Brace-Meole ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Peter Baker, a poor man ... bur.
" Sep. 28. John, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth Bennet ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Margaret, d. of John & Catharine Howells ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Henry, s. of Mr. John & Martha Parry ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph Griffiths, Officer of Excise, & Lucia, his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Martha, d. of Edward Mansell & Jane, his w. ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Harries, Esq., & Mary, his w. ... bur.

1756] Pontesbury. 353

1755, Nov. 23. Peter, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Elizabeth, d. of William & Martha Young ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William & Martha Young ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Thomas, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Matthews ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Willm., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" Dec. 14. John, illegitimate s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Willm., s. of William & Martha Powell ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Elizabeth, d. of James & Elizabeth Chandler ... bur.


1756, Jan. 1. Mary Williams, of Pits-Mill ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Martha Morris ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Willm., s. of Thomas & Martha Gittins ... bap.
" Jan. 18. John, s. of John & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Diary Bowen ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Elizabeth, w. of Samuel Birch ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Mary, w. of Robert Cole ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Downton ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Susan Harris ... bap.
" Feb. 25. John, s. of John & Paten [sic] Phillips ... bap.
" Feb. 29. Margaret, d. of John & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Jane, d. of John & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Ann, d. of Henry & Ann Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Willm. Rudge, from Longden ... bur.
" Mar. 23. John, illegitimate s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Willm., s. of Edward & Mary Steadman ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Barber, of Pontesford ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Sarah, d. of John & Susanna Ward ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Ann, d. of William Clayton ... bur.
" Apr. 24. John, s. of John & Ann Arpin ... bap.
" Apr. 26. John, s. of John & Ann Arpin ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Elizabeth, illegitimate d. of Mary Vaughan ... bur.
" May 5. Alice Littlehales, of Pleyley ... bur.

354 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1756

1756, May 12. Richd., s. of Richard & Margaret Pugh ... bap.
" May 17. Joseph, s. of Joseph Griffiths, Officer of Excise, & Lucia, his w. ... bur.
" May 17. Richd., s. of John & Elizabeth Weavers ... bap.
" May 23. Willm., s. of John & Mary Hill ... bap.
" June 6. Jane, d. of Abednego & Ann Reynolds ... bap.
" June 8. Willm., s. of Edward & Mary Stedman [see April 9] ... bap. [sic]
" June 12. Mary, d. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.
" June 13. Thomas, s. of Pelock & Sarah Elcks ... bap.
" June 17. Thomas Trevor ... bur.
" June 17. Mary Gittins ... bur.
" June 24. Richd., s. of Richard & Margaret Jones ... bap.
" June 24. Abraham, s. of Thomas & Eliz. Diggory ... bap.
" July 1. Ann, d. of Robert Nicholls, Gent., & Elinor, his w. ... bap.
" July 4. Samuel, s. of Samuel Gittins & Jane, his w. ... bap.
" July 13. Mary, w. of Joseph Bennion ... bur.
" July 14. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Thomas ... bur.
" July 15. John, s. of Richard & Margaret Ford ... bap.
" July 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Parry ... bur.
" July 22. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Harris ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Richd. Gough ... bur.
" Aug. 14. John, s. of John & Margery Davis ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Edward Edwards ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Elinor Jones ... bap.
" Oct.:25. Sarah, d. of Richard & Jane Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Sarah Symmons ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Margaret Owen ... bur.
" Nov. 4. John, s. of Thomas & Margaret Dodd ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Hanah Littlehales ... bur.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Martha, d. of Abraham & Mary Bedda [sic] ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Willm., s. of Richard & Anne Purslow ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Elinor, d. of Hezekiah & Ann Pritchard ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Elizabeth Henck ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Anne, d. of John & Mary Barber ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Willm., s. of William & Martha Powel ... bap.

1757] Pontesbury. 355

1756, Dec. 12. Timothy Tipton ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Anne Henck ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Mary, illegitimate d. of Martha Crowder ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Edward Dolphin ... bur.


1757, Jan. 2. Joseph, s. of William & Hannah Randles ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Richd, Steadman ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" Jan. 119. John, s. of John & Margaret Hencks ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Anne, illegitimate d. of Elizabeth Hencks ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary Howels ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John & Margaret Birch ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Richd., s. of William & Anne Davis ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Mary, illegitimate d. of Susan Owen ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Anne Bowen ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Thomas, s. of William & Martha Young ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Mary Wilding ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Mary, d. of Thomas Blower ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Richard, s. of Isaac & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Abigal, d. of Stephen & Margaret Higgons ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Thomas, s. of James & Elizabeth Chalinor ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Jane Waring ... bap.
" Mar. 10. John, s. of John & Bridget Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Signpole ... bap.
" Mar..30. Richd., s. of Shedreck [sic] & Mary Reynolds ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Thomas, s. of Richard & Rebecca Andrews ... bap.
" Apr. 2. John Weaver . ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Anne, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Elizth. Heighway ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Margaret, d. of John Griffiths ... bur.

356 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1757

1757, Oct. 5. Robert, s. of John & Ann Casewell ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Anne, d. of Richard & Martha Tomkis ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Esther, d. of William & Elizabeth Griffiths ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Mary, d. of Charles & Winched Barber ... bap.
" May 2. Anne, d. of Richard Maddox ... bur.
" May 4. Benjamin, s. of Edward & Mary Steadman ... bap.
" May 12. Richd. Weaver ... bur.
" May 14. Elizabeth Bagley ... bur.
" May 26. Rowland, s. of Richard & Catherine Hodges ... bap.
" June 5. Anne, d. of Edward & Margaret Lewis ... bap.
" June 10. Willm., s. of William Powell ... bur.
" June 22. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Gough ... bap.
" June 23. Elizabeth Cope ... bur.
" June 29. Lucia, d. of Joseph & Lucia Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Willm., illegitimate s. of Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Agnus [sic], d. of Richard & Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" Sep. 6. John, s. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" Sep. 18. John, illegitimate s. of Jane Hughes ... bap.
" Sep. 21. John Peat ... bur.
" Sep. 22. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap. [sic]
" Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Martha Pugh ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Elizabeth Thomas ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Mary, d. of George Gawen & Mary ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Anne, d. of John & Anne Arpin ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Paten, d. of John & Paten Phillips ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Willm.,s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Susanna, d. of Henry & Elizabeth Symmons ... bap.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of Richard & Anne Laurence ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Elizabeth Holliock ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Mary Harper ... bap.

1758] Pontesbury. 357

1757, Dec. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Jane Bowyer ... bap.
" Dec. 11. John Beaumont ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Sarah Ness ... bur.
" Dec. 22. Mary, illegitimate d. of Susan Owen ... bur.
" Dec. 24. George Williams ... bur.

JOHN HOWELL, [place vacant for second signature], Ch. Wardens.

1758, Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Steadman ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Steadman ... bur.
" Jan. 9. Thomas, s. of Richard & Mary Holliock ... bap.
" Jan. 9. John, s. of Richard Ford ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Mary Ness ... bur.
" Jan. 26. John Corfield, of the p. of Worthin ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Thomas, s. of William & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" Feb. 4. John, s. of Thomas Goodale ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Susan Tomlins ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Edward Hopton ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Goodale ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Martha, d. of William & Martha Goodale ... bap.
" Feb. 23. John Thomas ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Margaret Griffiths ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Richd., s. of John Birch ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Martha, d. of Thomas & Martha Crowdder [sic] ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Eleanor, d. of Abraham & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Willm., s. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Margaret, d. of Samuel & Mary Bowen ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Thomas Hopton ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Francis Hanley, of the p. of Cherbury ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Thomas, s. of John & Jane Bowen ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Mary, d. of John & Mary Mansell ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Sarah, d. of Robert & Sarah Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Sarah, d. of Robert & Martha Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Charles Gittins ... bur.

358 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1758

1758, May 4. Sarah, d. of John & Eleanor Braezoner [sic]... ... bap.
" May 15. John, s. of John & Catharine Howells ... bap.
" June 4. Thomas, s. of Immanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" June 25. Sarah, d. of William & Susan Bull ... bap.
" July 7. Martha Parks ... bur.
" July 12. Cavendish Jackson ... bur.
" July 14. John Archent ... bur.
" July 14. Abraham Wynn ... bur.
" July 16. Mary, d. of Elisha & Anne Prichard ... bap.
" July 16. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Ducket ... bap.
" July 23. Humphrey, s. of Thomas & Anne Lycet ... bap.
" July 23. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Margaret Dodd ... bap.
" July 30. Anne, d. of Edward & Jane Mansell ... bap.
" July 30. Anne, d. of Thomas & Mary Sherry ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Will. Birch ... bur.
" Aug. 21. Andrew Davis ... bur.
" Aug. 23. John, s. of the late John Beaumont & Mary, his widow ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Alice, d. of Matthew & Mary Willding ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Mary, d. of William & Mary Wynne ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Thomas, s. of Immanuel Giles ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Richd. Hitchin ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Downton ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Phillips ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Elizabeth Diggory ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Willm., s. of William & Martha Edwards ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Thomas Davis ... bur.
" Oct. 22. John, illegitimate s. of Jane Hughes ... bur.
" Oct. 24. John Heyward ... bur.
" Oct. 24. Peter, s. of Thomas Niccolls ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Mary Beamont ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Richard & Margaret Ford ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Jane Morris ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Bennion ... bap.

1759] Pontesbury. 359

1758, Nov. 12. Edward, s. of John & Jane Rogers ... bap.
" Nov. 21. John, s. of John Mansell ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Anne, d. of John & Martha Lyset ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Edward, d. of Edward & Anne Rogers ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Thomas Weavers ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Mary Steadman ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Mary, d. of Matthew & Catharine Gough ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Mary, d. of Edward & Anne France ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Edward, illegitimate s. of Hannah Barber ... bap.
1759, Jan. 2. Martha Moss ... bur.
" Jan. 4. George, s. of George & Elizabeth Bagley ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Will., s. of Samuel Maddocks & Mary, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Margaret, d. of Richard & Susan Harries ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham & Mary Beddah [sic] ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Hannah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Mary, d. of Peallock [sic] & Sarah Helks ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Catherine, d. of Richard & Anne Purslowe ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Willm., s. of William Edwards ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Mary, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Highway [sic] ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Mary, illegitimate d. of Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Anne, d. of Edward Manse] ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Anne. d. of John & Margaret Henks ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Samuel Highwort [sic] ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Bennet ... bap.
" Mar. 4. John Barber ... bur.
" Mar. 4. Hannah, d. of Richard & Martha Gowin ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Diggory ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Mary Barber ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Tipton ... bur.
" Apr. 4. Mary, d. of Henry & Anne Morris ... bap.

360 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1759

1759, Apr. 11. Willm., s. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Sarah Sobieski, d. of Richard Ward Offley, Esqr., & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Anne, d. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Martha, d. of Richard & Martha Tomkins ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Lewis ... bap.
" May 2. Anne Harries ... bur.
" May 4. Samuel Dolphin, of Worthin ... bur.
" May 10. Anne Harries ... bur.
" May 11. Elizabeth, d. of Shedrach & Mary Reynolds ... bap.
" May 20. Wlilm., s. of John & Susan Ward ... bap.
" June 1. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" June 7. James Opton [sic] ... bur.
" June 24. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" June 26. Edward, s. of John & Pattorn [sic] Phillips ... bap.
" June 26. Samuel, s. of John & Margery Davies ... bap.
" June 26. Mary, d. of John & Diana Morris ... bap.
" July 1. James Gittins ... bur.
" July 10. Willm., s. of Richard & Mary Holliock ... bap.
" July 13. Mary, d. of Richard & Rebecca Andrews ... bap.
" July 15. Sarah, d. of Edward & Mary Steadman ... bap.
" July 26. Anne, d. of John & Margaret Henks ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas & Martha Gittins ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Samuel, s. of Stephen & Martha Hitchin ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Willm., s. of Willm. & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Mary, d. of John & Bridget Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Francis Medlicot ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Edward, s. of Edward & Hannah Diggory ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Richd., illegitimate s. of Martha Powell ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Samuel Adney ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Samuel, illegitimate s. of Sarah Evans ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Rich., illegitimate s. of Martha Powell ... bur.

1760] Pontesbury. 361

1759, Oct. 12. Sarah, illegitimate d. of Mary Hill ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Lusy [sic], d. of Joseph Griffies ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. of William & Martha Powell ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Richd. Gittins ... bur.
" Oct. 28. John Peat ... bur.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of William & Hannah Rondel ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Catherine Howels ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Richd. Peat ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Alice Phillips ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Mary, d. of Thomas Gittins ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Will, s. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Dec. 21. Thomas, illegitimate s. of Rebecca Griffiths ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Willm., s. of John Thomas ... bur.


1760, Jan. 1. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Crowder ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Mary, d. of William & Martha Edwards ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of John & Eleanor Humphreys ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Ann Dolphin ... bur.
" Jan. 24. George Pursel ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 30. John, s. of Immanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Richd. & Eleanor, twins of Richard & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Catherine Hodges ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Ward, s. of Richard Ward & Sarah Offley ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Militent [sic], d. of William & Elizabeth Gough ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 13. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 14. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Margaret, d. of Joseph & Mary Howell ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Elizabeth Bracenor [sic] ... bur.
" Feb. 24. Ann, d. of Isaac & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 24. John, s. of John & Jane Brown ... bap.

362 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1760

1760, Mar. 2. Willm., s. of William & Ann Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Martha, d. of Joseph & Martha Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Martha, d. of John & Martha Pugh ... bap.
" Mar. 9. John, s. of Edward & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Sarah Gardiner ... bur.
" Mar. 25. John, s. of James & Elizabeth Chalinor ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Samuel Birch ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Mary Harries ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Mary, illegitimate d. of Margaret Price ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Joseph, base s. of Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Richd., s. of Thomas & Margaret Dodd ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Thomas Davies ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Margaret Clayton, p. Worthen ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Thomas Edwards ... bur.
" May 4. Thomas, s. of Richard & Mary Wall ... bap.
" May 29. Ann, d. of Thomas & Jane Bowyer ... bap.
" May 30. John, s. of Thomas & Diana Morris ... bap.
" June 13. Richd., s. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" June 18. Mary Heighway ... bur.
" June 18. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Lewis ... bur.
" June 26. Jane, d. of Abraham & Mary Beddah ... bap.
" July 2. Elizabeth Barker ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Elizabeth Hayward ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Sarah Williams ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Ann, d. of Samuel & Mary Bowen ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Mary, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth Titley ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Ann Maddocks ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Maddocks ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Thomas, s. of Edward & Jane Mansel ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Hester, d. of Thomas & Diana Griffies ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Robert, s. of William & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth Bromley ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Elizabeth Gough ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Ann, d. of Richard & Ann Purslow ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Richd., illegitimate s. of Mary Corfield ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Mary, illegitimate d. of Elizabeth Henks ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Mr. Cook, of Cructon ... bur.

1761] Pontesbury. 363

1760, Oct. 27. Willm., s. of William & Martha Goodale ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Signpole ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Richd., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wilks ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Tudor ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Timothy, s. of John Tipton ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Ann, d. of Thomas & Elinor Phillips ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Sarah, d. of Charles & Ann Plimmer ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Timothy, s. of John & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Ann, d. of John & Mary Mansel ... bap.


1761, Jan. 4. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Lewis ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Mary Wooden ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Ann, d. of Charles Plimer [sic] ... bur.
" Jan. 8. John, s. of John & Margaret Birch ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Sarah Lewis ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Bromley ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Willm., illegitimate s. of Sarah Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Mary, d. of Samuel & Ann Ford ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Willm., illegitimate s. of Sarah Griffiths ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Ann, d. of Mary & John Thomas ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Purslow ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Eliz. Bennion ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Ann, d. of John Thomas ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Mary Gittins ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Edward, s. of Joseph & Elinor Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Elizabeth, illegitimate d. of Jane Pursel ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Mary, d. of William & Mary Bishop ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Elizabeth, dd. of Edward & Margaret Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Frances, d. of George & Mary Gawen ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Martha Gittins ... bap.
" May 3. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary Perkin ... bap.
" May 3. Elizabeth, d. of William & Susannah Bull ... bap.
" May 11. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Evans ... bap.
" May 11. Henry, s. of Henry & Ann Morris ... bap.

364 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1761

1761, May 11. Joyce Goodale ... bur.
" May 11. Thomas, s. of George & Elizth Bagly ... bap.
" May 16. Thomas, s. of Edward & Mary Passant ... bap.
" May 18. Sarah, d. of James & Sarah Jaundrel ... bap.
" May 23. Henry, s. of Mr. Joseph Griffiths, Exciseman ... bur.
" May 26. Abraham Wildblood ... bur.
" June 3. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" June 7. Ann, d. of Hezekiah & Ann Pritchard ... bap.
" June 14. John Plimer ... bur.
" June 16. John Williams ... bur.
" June 21. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" June 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" June 29. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" July 11. Elizabeth Maddox ... bur.
" July 2. Willm., s. of Richard & Martha Gawen ... bap.
" July 10. Ann, d. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" July 18. Mary Helks ... bur.
" July 19. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Catherine Preest [sic] ... bap.
" July 24. Ann, d. of Richard & Jane Morris ... bap.
" July 24. John, s. of William Gough ... bur.
" July 26. Sarah, illegitimate d. of Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Abraham, s. of Isaac & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 16. John, s. of Thomas & Ann Passant ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Hinks ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Edward, s. of John & Margaret Hinks ... bap.
" Oct. 30. John Birch ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Mary, d. of Charles Barber ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Thomas, s. of Mr. Joseph Griffiths, Exciseman ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Patten, d. of Mr. John Phillips ... bur.
" Sep. 13. John, s. of John & Martha Lyset ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Martha, d. of Matthew & Catherine Gough ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Thomas, s. of William & [no further entry].
" Sep. 18. Willm., s. of Richard & Margaret Ford ... bap.

1762] Pontesbury. 365

1761, Sep. 18. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Hannah Perry ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Joseph, s. of Joseph Bennion ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Howels ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Ann, d. of Samuel Owen ... bur.
" Oct. 27. Martha, d. of Shadrach & Mary Reynolds ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Martha, d. of Shadrach & Mary Reynolds ... bur.
" Oct. 30. Ann, d. of John Lewis ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Henry Briscoe ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Plymmer ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Margaret, d. of William & Mary Dounton ... bap.
" Nov. 18. John Preest ... bur.
" Nov. 26. John, s. of John & Bridgart Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Willm., s. of William & Abigail Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 30. John, s. of Abraham & Mary Beddow ... bap.
" Dec. 6. John, s. of John & Dorothy Bagley ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Richd., s. of Richard & Martha Tomkyns ... bap.
" Dec. 13. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Barber ... bap.
" Dec. 15. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Barber ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Joseph, s. of Stephen & Martha Higgins ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Tipton ... bap.

R. DAVIES, Curate.

1762, Jan. 1. John, s. of Richard & Rebekah Andrews ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of George & Elizabeth Bagley ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Sarah France ... bap.
" Jan. 4. John, s. of Richard & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Mr. Edward Owen ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Mary, d. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of George & Eliza Hodges ... bap.
" Jan. 24. John, s. of John & Rebeka [sic] Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Richard, s. of John & Elinor Chapman ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Willm., s. of Edward & Mary Steadman ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Elizabeth Corfield ... bur.

366 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1762

1762, Feb. 25. Willm., s. of Pelek [sic] & Sarah Elks ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Willm., s. of Thomas & Jane Bowyer ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Willm., s. of Edmund & Martha Philpot ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Ann Bayley ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Martha, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Mar. 9. John Brazenor ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Thomas Woolley ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Francis Harris ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Samuel, s. of John & Susannah Ward ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Phoebe, d. of John & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Ann, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Martha, base child of Mary Graty ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth Griffiths ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Benjamin, s. of William & Martha Powel ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Thomas, s. of John & Martha Pugh ... bap.
" Apr. 27. John, s. of John & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" May 2. John Bromley ... bur.
" May 6. John Wood ... bur.
" May 23. Thomas, s. of Edward & Hannah Diggory ... bap.
" May 30. Richd. Beest ... bur.
" June 7. Richd. Ward Offley, Esqr. ... bur.
" June 14. Thomas, s. of William & Margaret Maddox ... bap.
" July 5. Ann, d. of Richard & Jane Morris ... bur.
" July 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Martha Aston ... bap.
" July 11. Joseph, s. of John & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" July 14. Samuel Dolphin, p. Worthen ... bur.
" July 17. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" July 18. Margaret, w. of Edward Lewis ... bur.
" July 22. Martha, d. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.
" July 22. Willm. Tomlyns ... bur.
" July 25. Catherine, d. of Susannah Bull ... bap.
" July 27. Willm., base child of Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" July 29. Willm., base child of Sarah Dyke ... bur.
" July 30. Elinor Bennion ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Jane, d. of Jeremiah & Hannah Crump ... bap.

1763] Pontesbury. 367

1762, Aug. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Peter & Jane Littlehales ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Lewis ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Stephen Williams, an orphan ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Thomas Bromley ... bur.
" Aug. 12. Henry, s. of John & Patten Phillips ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Mary Richards ... bur.
" Aug. 15. John, s. of John & Margaret Evans ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Thos. Bowyer ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Rebekka [sic], d. of William & John Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Sarah, d. of John & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Sarah Mariah [sic], d. of John & Eliz. Crowder ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Thos., s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Henks ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Margaret, d. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Jonas Jefferies ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Samuel Maddox ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Richd., s. of Emanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elinor Bromley ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elinor Bromley ... bur.
" Sep. 29. John, s. of John & Mary Birch ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Ann Mytton, p. of Worthen ... bur.
" Oct. 18. Mary Brown ... bur.
" Oct. 18. Margaret Holliday, an orphan ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Sarah & Mary, daus. of Abigail Purslow ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Margaret, d. of Lewis & Martha Brown ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Mary Thomas ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Perkin ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Mary, d. of William & Martha Edwards ... bur.
" Dec. 2. John, s. of Daniel & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Hannah, d. of William & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Elizabeth Hughs [sic] ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Elinor, d. of Thomas & Mary Henks ... bap.

368 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1763

1762, Dec. 12. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Margt. Bromley ... bap.

R. DAVIES, Curate of 1st Portion.

1763, Jan. 1. John, s. of Thomas & Diana Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Mary Tudor ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Thos. Tomlins ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Ales, d. of Matthew Wilding ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Tudor ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Ann, d. of Joseph & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" Jan. 23. John, s. of Mary Pritchard ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Thos., s. of Richard Bennion ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Margaret Henks ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Richd., s. of William & Martha Young ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Ann, d. of Ann Harris ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Abraham, s. of Edward & Jane Mansel ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Benjanin, s. of Isaac & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Ann, d. of Ann Harris ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Arpen [sic] ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Edward, s. of John & Mary Howel ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Mary Henks ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Mary Maddocks ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Catherine, d. of Susanna Bull ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Mary, d. of John & Margery Davies ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Willm., s. of Edward & Mary Stedman ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Charlotte, d. of the Rev. Mr. R. Davies & Ann, his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Martha & Mary, base children of Mary Corfield ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of William & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" Apr. 22. John, s. of James & Sarah Jaundrel ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Martha, base child of Mary Corfield ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Mary, d. of George Gawen ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Mary Wilding ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Willm. Davis ... bur.
" May 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ann Passan [sic] ... bap.

1763] Pontesbury. 369

1763, May 5. Thomas Crowder ... bur.
" May 7. John Reeves ... bap.
" May 8. Laetitia, d. of Mary Symmonds ... bap.
" May 20. Elizabeth, d. of William Thomas ... bur.
" May 23. John, s. of Charles & Ann Plymmer ... bap.
" May 23. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" May 23. Elinor, d. of Edward & Mary Stedman ... bap.
" May 23. John, s. of Shadrach & Mary Reynolds ... bap.
" May 27. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Barker ... bap.
" May 28. John, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Bennet ... bap.
" May 29. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" June 1. Martha d. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" June 5. Ann, w. of Abraham Tipton ... bur.
" June 8. Ann Purcel ... bur.
" June 15. Mary, d. of Benjamin Mytton ... bur.
" June 24. John, s. of Jane Davies ... bap.
" July 8. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Perks ... bap.
" July 18. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizth. Bennion ... bap.
" July 21. Benjamin, s. of Henry & Ann Morris ... bap.
" July 24. Jane, d. of Samuel & Mary Bowen ... bap.
" July 25. Mary, d. of Mary Corfield ... bur.
" Aug. 2. John, s. of Richard Parry ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Mary, w. of John Mansel ... bur.
" Aug. 5. Mary Barber ... bur.
" Aug. 8. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Higley ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elinor Phillips ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Ann, d. of John Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Mary, d. of George & Elizabeth Hodges ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Richd., s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Willm., s. of William & Ann Bowdler ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Bridgart [sic] Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 29. The Rev. Mr. Wingfield, Rectr. of the 1st Portion ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Mary, d. of John & Rebekka Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Margaret, d. of John & Jane Brown ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Margaret, d. of John & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Sarah Mansel, a Quaker ... bap.

370 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1763

1763, Sep. 24. Willm., s. of William & Mary Roberis ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Ann Maddocks ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Willm., s. of William & Elizabeth Bowdler ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Willm. Wood ... bur.
" Nov. 6. Jane Chalton ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Thomas, s. of William Edwards ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Richd., s. of Edward & Mary Passant ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Willm., s. of William & Ann Bowdler ... bur.
1764, Jan. 3. Martha, d. of John & Margary Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Willm., s. of Lewis & Martha Brown ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Mary, d. of George & Elizabeth Brown ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Gough ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Judith Sinepole ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Mary Barker ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Benjamin Wildblood ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas & Hanna [sic] Parry ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Martha Sinepole ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Sarah, base child of Susan Bull ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Elizabeth, d. of George & Elizabeth Bagley ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Francis, s. of Francis & Hannah Randles ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Miles Field Barber ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Mary, d. of William & Mary Humphreys ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elinor Phillips ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Ann Littlehales ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Ann, base child of Mary Graty ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Sarah, d. of Stephen & Martha Higgins ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Mary, d. of Richard & Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Mary, d. of Samuel Bowen ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Edward, s. of William & Martha Thompson ... bap.

1764] Pontesbury. 371

1764, Apr. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Tomson [sic] ... bap.
" May 3. Mary Bowen ... bur.
" May 3. Abigail Lewis ... bur.
" May 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Williams ... bap.
" May 13. Ann, d. of John & Dorothy Bagley ... bap.
" May 19. John Edwards ... bur.
" May 22. Richd., s. of Richard & Ann Pursiow ... bap.
" May 22. Edward, s. of John & Sarah Hayward ... bap.
" May 24. Samuel. s. of John & Elizabeth Crowder ... bap.
" June 23. John Wood ... bur.
" July 2. Richd. & Robert, sons of Joseph & Elizabeth Bennion ... bap.
" July 2. Rich., s. of John & Bridgart Jones ... bap.
" July 2. Frances, d. of William & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" July 3. Edward llinley ... bur.
" July 8. Sarah, d. of John & Martha Pugh ... bap.
" July 12. Sarah Barker ... bur.
" July 12. Richd. & Robert, sons of Joseph & Elizabeth Bennion ... bur.
" July 13. Mary, d. of James & Jane Richards ... bap.
" Aug. 2. James, s. of William & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizth. Ducket ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Willm. Hodnet ... bur.
" Aug. 24. Elizabeth Gough ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Margaret, d. of John & Margaret Boyar [sic] ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Samuel, s. of John & Pattern [sic] Phillips ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Ales [sic] Williams ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Willm. Barker ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Elizabeth Griffiths ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Martha Wilding ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Ann, d. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 22. W111111., s. of Edward & Mary Crump ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Aston ... bap.

372 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1764

1764, Nov. 4. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Wm. & Susannah Roderick ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Jane Boyar ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Mansel ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Elizabeth Walters ... bur.
" Dec. 1. Mary Corfield ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Ann, d. of William & Martha Goodales ... bap.
" Dec. 16. John Sinepole ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Elizabeth Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Edward, s. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Sarah, d. of William & Martha Edwards ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Mary, d. of William & Mary Dounton ... bap.
1765, Jan. 5. Mr. Arthur Harries ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Joseph & Catharine Preece ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Mary, d. of John & Margaret Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 6. George, s. of George & Mary Gawen ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Richd., s. of the Rev. Mr. Richard Davies, Curate of Ponsbury, & Ann, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 9. James, s. of William & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Jan. 16. John, s. of Thomas & Elinor Phillips ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Mary Dounton ... bur.
" Feb. 9. John, s. of Thomas & Susannah Griffiths ... bap.
" Feb. 17. John, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Titley ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Bromley ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Richd., d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Henks ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Ann Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Martha Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Ann, d. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Willm., s. of George & Elizabeth Hodgesap.
" Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of Emanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" Mar. 16. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Barber ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Thomas Tudor ... bur.
" Mar. 24. George, s. of Richard & Mary Giles ... bap.

1765] Pontesbury. 373

1765, Mar. 29. Edward, s. of Edward & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 30. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Barber ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Mary, d. of Robert & Elizabeth Hughs [sic] ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Willm., s. of Isaac & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Ann, d. of Joseph & Mary Perkin ... bap.
" May 6. Elizabeth Barber ... bur.
" June 2. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Chidley ... bap.
" June 9. Edward, s. of John & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" June 16. Edward, s. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" June 16. Richd., s. of John & Susannah Ward ... bap.
" June 16. Margaret, d. of William & Martha Edwards ... bap.
" June 23. Edward, s. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" July 14. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Williams ... bap.
" July 22. Edward Teague ... bur.
" Aug. 2. John, s. of William & Ann Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Catharine, d. of Richard & Susannah Harris ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah & Hannah Crump ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Benjamin, s. of Edward & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Mary, d. of Charles & Ann Plymmer ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Sarah, d. of Richard & Rebecka [sic] Andrews ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Henks ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Richd., s. of Richard & Ann Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Samuel s. of Edward & Jane Mansel ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Sarah Williams ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Ann Arpen ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Elizabeth Wooden ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Willm., s. of John & Ann Caswel ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Martha, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bayley ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Mary, d. of William & Martha Tomson ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Samuel, s. of Richard & Catharine Hodges ... bap.

[At the side of the last three entries, which are bracketted, are inserted the words "all of Longden."]

374 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1765

1765, Oct. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Willm., s. of William Goodale ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Ann, d. of Joseph & Bridgart Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 14. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Taylor ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Samuel, s. of Mary Pritchard ... bap.
" Nov. 24. John Chapman ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Edward, s. of John & Rebekka Davis ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Martha, base child of Elizabeth ("mother's name unknown") ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Mary, d. of John Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Mary Jackson ... bur.

R. DAVIES, Curate.

1766, Jan. 1. James, s. of James & Sarah Jaundrel ... bap.
" Jan. 2. David Hinley ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Joshua Hinley ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Joyce Brazenor ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Thomas, s. of John & Diana Morris ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Susannah Owen ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Thomas, s. of John Morris ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Perks ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mrs. Mary Nicols ... bur.

[Two clear months without any entry in Register.]

" Apr. 26. George, s. of George Gawen ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Robert, s. of John & Elizabeth Crowder ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Martha, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Rogers ... bap.
" May 15. John & Ann, s. & d. of Thomas & Mary Tompson ... bap.
" June 1. Samuel, s. of John & Sarah Hayward ... bap.
" June 3. Martha, d. of John & Jane Brown ... bap.
" June 7. Thomas, s. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" June 8. Willm., s. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.

1766] Pontesbury. 375

1766, [no date]. Samuel, s. of John Hayward ... bur.
" June 11. Richd., s. of Richard & Dorothy Bagley ... bap.
" June 15. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Hanley ... bap.
" June 15. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Mary Egerton ... bap.
" June 17. Mary, d. of George & Elizabeth Bagley ... bap.
" June 25. John, s. of Richard & Jane Nicolas ... bap.
" June 25. Ann, d. of Richard Parry ... bur.
" June 25. Edward, s. of Thomas & Martha Aston ... bap.
" July 1. Willm. Stretch ... bur.
" July 11. Hannah, d. of John & Mary Birch ... bap.
" July 21. Thomas Davies ... bur.
" July 22. Mary Thorns ... bur.
" July 27. Francis, s. of William & Sarah Licet ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Susannah Ward ... bur.
" Aug. 5. Sarah Breese ... bur.
" Aug. 17. Richd., s. of Richd. & Margaret Ford ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Mary, d. of David & Mary Morris .. bap.
" Aug. 30. Richd., s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Bennet ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Edward, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Bridgart Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Mary Williams ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Elinor Roberts ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Willm., s. of Edward & Mary Passant ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Charles Diggorey ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Willm. Johnson ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Willm., s. of Francis & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Boyer ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Willm. Jones, p. of Meole Brace ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Mary Beest ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth Thomas ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Charles, s. of Edward & Sarah Plymmer ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Edward Wood ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Crosse ... bap.
" Nov. 15. John Ward ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Mary, d. of Owen & Martha Davis ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Harris ... bap.
" Dec. 1. John, s. of John & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Isabel Williams ... bur.

376 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1766

1766, Dec. 9. John Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Mary Clayton ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Esther Maria, d. of John & Mary Cooper ... bap.
" Dec. 10. John Morris ... bur.
" Dec. 13. Martha Goodale ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Thos. Hinley ... bur.
" Dec. 23. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Briscoe ... bap.
And the 24th ... bur.

R. DAVIES, Curate.

May 11st, 1766. Be it remembered that Thomas Harries of Cruckton,
in this Parish, gave up to Richard Morhall, of Onslow,
in this Parish, all his right and title to his share of a
Pew on the North Side of the Middle Isle [sic] in this Church,
maked [sic] with the Figure 5 and is the Corner Pew above the
Readers Desk.
Witness my hand, THOMAS HARRIES. September 7, 1766.

In Consideration of One Pound and one Shilling to me Paid by
Richd. Morhall, Esqre., of Onslow in this Parish, I, William
Smyth [sic], of Hinton, in this Parish, Esqre., do hereby
acknowledge that I do give up to the said Richd. Morhall, his
heirs and assigns all my share of the Pew marked Number 5 on
the North Side of the Middle Isle in this Church, and is the
Corner Pew above the Readers Desk. As witness my hand,

1767, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Joseph & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of William Edwards ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Mary, d. of William & Susannah Roderick ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Jane, d. of Thomas & Jane Boyar ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Richd. Chaulton ... bur.
" Jan. 21. John Brazenor ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Martha Roberts ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth Littlehales ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Willm., s. of William Bromley ... bur.
" Jan. 23. John, base child of Mary Pritchard ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Mrs. Harries, w. of Thomas Harries, Esqre. ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Sarah, d. of Richard & Martha Tomkins ... bap.

1767] Pontesbury. 377

1767, Feb. 1. Richd. Tomkins ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Margaret & Sarah, daus. of Thomas & Hannah Parry ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Hannah Parry ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Margaret Thomas ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Sarah Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 24. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Catherine, base child of Susannah Bull ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Sarah Minton ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Abigail Dolphin ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Elizabeth Griffiths ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Mary, d. of Robert & Elizabeth Hughs ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Sarah, d. of Edward & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 20. John Hughs ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Susannah, d. of John & Diana Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margt. Bromley ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Edward Passan [sic] ... bur.
" Apr. 14. John & Jane, s. & d. of John & Martha Pugh ... bap.
" May 2. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Hayward ... bap.
" May 4. George, s. of George & Elizabeth Hodges ... bap.
" May 15. Elizabeth Griffiths ... bur.
" May 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" May 17. Willm., s. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" May 17. Ann, d. of William & Elizabeth Thomas, of Longden ... bap.
" May 18. Richd. Clayton ... bur.
" May 19. Willna., s. of William & Mary Dounton ... bap.
" May 27. Sarah, d. of Margaret Fox ... bap.
" May 28. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Crump ... bap.
" May 29. Thomas Maddox ... bur.
" June 8. Willm., s. of William & Martha Powel ... bap.
" June 12. Mary, d. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" June 14. Catherine, d. of Thomas & Catherine Griffiths ... bap.

378 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1767

1767, June 22. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah France ... bap.
" June 24. Mary Beaumont ... bur.
" June 28. James Jaundrel ... bur.
" July 6. Edward, s. of Thomas & Mary Tompson ... bap.
" July 13. Edward, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Barker ... bap.
" July 14. Ann, d. of Charles & Ann Plymmer ... bap.
" July 14. Margaret, d. of Isaac & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Willm. Jasper ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Charles, s. of William & Ann Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Richd., s. of Martha Tomkins ... bur.
" Aug. 21. Willm., s. of William & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Jane, d. of Mary Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Pugh ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Francis Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Littlehales ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Laetitia, d. of John & Dorothy Bagley ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Jane, d. of Richard & Susannah Harris ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Thos., s. of Joseph & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Oct. 28. John, s. of John & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Jane, d. of Edward & Margaret Maddox ... bap.
" Nov. 22. John, s. of William & Martha Edwards ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Joseph, s. of John & Patten Phillips ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Samuel Williams ... bur.
" Nov. 27. Abigail Mytton ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Ann Phillips ... bur.

R. DAVIES, Curate.
R. BEEST, W. GRIFFITHS, Ch. Wardens.

1768, Jan. 4. Elizabeth Jefferies ... bur.
" Jan. 5. John, base child, of Elizabeth Pinches ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Sarah, d. of Richard & Catherine Hodges ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Margaret Bennet ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh & Ann Hugh ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas & Jane Evans ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Elinor, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.

1768] Pontesbury. 379

1768, Jan. 21. Richd. Bennion ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Evans ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Rebekka Vaughn [sic] ... bur.
" Jan. 30. John, s. of John & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Mary, d. of William & Ann Griffiths ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Titley ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Robert, s. of John & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Samuel, s. of William & Martha Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Edward, s. of Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Mary, d. of Emanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Thos., s. of Thomas & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Robert, s. of Richard & Martha Roberts ... bap.
" Apr. 6. John, s. of John Morris ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Mrs. Ann Phillips,... ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Edward, s. of Wm. & Mary Humphreys ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Elizth., d. of Willm. & Elizth. Bromley ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Elizabeth Bromley, the mother ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Robert Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 17. John Morris ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Mary, d. of Joseph & Bridgart Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Maddox ... bur.
" May 3. Thos. Phillips ... bur.
" May 14. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" May 14. Ann, d. of Jane Davies ... bap.
" May 14. Thos., s. of George & Elizabeth Hodges ... bap.
" May 14. Ann, d. of Benjamin Mytton ... bur.
" May 17. David Gough ... bur.
" May 23. Jane, d. of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.
" May 25. John, s. of John & Sarah Hayward ... bap.
" May 27. Edward, s. of John Thomas ... bur.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Tisdal ... bap.
" May 30. Joseph Mansel ... bur.
" July 10. Willm., s. of Richard & Jane Nichols ... bap.
" July 22. Margt., d. of Thomas & Elizth. Diggrey [sic] ... bap.
" July 24. Margt., d. of Edward & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Sarah Lloyd, of Nocks [sic] ... bur.

380 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1768

1768, Aug. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Margaret Hayward ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Elizabeth Henks ... bur.
" Aug. 21. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Hotchkis ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Richd., s, of John & Jane Brown ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Willm., s. of Thomas & Martha Aston ... bap.
" Sep. 1z. Elinor Morris ... bur.
" Sep. 15. John Goodal ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Mary, d. of Richard & Martha Gawen ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Richd. Barber ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Mary, d. of James & Sarah Jaundrel ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Edward Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 15. Timothy, s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Annabella, d. of William & Ann Birch ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Henks ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Thos., s. of Thomas & Letitia Plymmer ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Esther, d. of William & Martha Goodal ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 24. John, s. of Owen & Martha Davis ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Sarah, d. of George & Elizabeth Bagley ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Willm. Morgan ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Mary, d. of Richard Harris ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Thos., s. of Thomas & Susannah Griffiths ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Humphrey, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Perks ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Thos., s. of Thomas Ferrington, of the Isle ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Richd. Bennet, s. of John & Mary Birch ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Frank Clarke, reputed s. of Thomas Meredith & Hannah Clarke ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Mary, d. of Richard & Judith Barleigh ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Willm., s. of William & Mary Thompson ... bap.
" Dec. 29. John, s. of Edward & Jane Evans ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Willm. Phillips ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Mary, d. of James Jaundrel ... bur.

R. DAVIS, Curt.

1769, Jan. 5. Willm., s. of William & Mary Mansel ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Margaret Corfield ... bur.

1769] Pontesbury. 381

1769, Jan. 19. Walter Harris ... bur.
" Jan. 20. James Mason ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Margaret James ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Margaret, d. of John & Dorothy Bagley ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Margaret, d. of John & Dorothy Bagley ... bur.
" Feb. 8. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Susannah Brazenor ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Edward Bayley ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Richd. Dudley ... bur.
" Mar. 10. John, s. of Richard & Margaret Ford ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Willm., s. of Joseph & Margaret Davis ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Martha, d. of Jane Bickley ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Mary Gregory ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Thos. Edwards ... bur.
" Mar. 25. Margaret Tipton ... bur.
" Mar. 27. Ann, d. of Mary Chidley ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Elizabeth Tipton ... bur.
" Apr. 5. Abraham, s. of Thomas & Jane Boyar ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Ann, d. of David & Ann Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Willm., s. of Thomas & Margaret Bromley ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Ann, d. of David & Ann Morris ... bap. [sic]
" Apr. 23. Edward Symmons ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Mary Lewis ... bur.
" May 14. Richd., s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Bennet ... bap.
" May 16. Isaac, s. of John & Mary Cooper ... bap.
" May 21. Betty, d. of Edward & Sarah Nicols ... bap.
" June 4. Willm., s. of Richard & Martha Hughs ... bap.
" June 16. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" June 21. John Williams ... bur.
" June 24. Mary Passant ... bur.
" June 24. Ralph, s. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" July 6. John, s. of John & Mary Warter ... bap.
" July 16. Letitia, d. of William & Sarah Licet ... bap.
" July 24. John Mivert ... bur.
" July 30. Margaret, d. of George & Elizabeth Brown ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Crump ... bap.

382 Shropshire Parish Registers. [ 1769

1769, Aug. 7. Richd., s. of Richard & Rebekka Andrews ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Ann, d. of Thomas & Hannah Perry ... bap.
" Aug. 16. John, s. of John & Sarah Harris ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Sarah d. of George & Elizabeth Hodges ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Sarah, d. of Reece & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Mary Arpen ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Willm. Griffiths ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ann Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Tompson ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Mary Mivort ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Willm., s. of Margaret Barber ... bur.
" Oct. 18. Mary Evans ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Evans ... bap.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of William & Mary Dounton ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Mary Hughs ... bur.
" Nov. 12. John, s. of Francis & Hannah Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Margaret, d. of Martha Bradney ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Ann Wilks ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Isaac & Jacob, sons of James & Sarah Jaundrel ... bap.
" Nov. 26. John, s. of William & Mary Dounton ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Mr. Thos. Harries ... bur.
" Dec. 6. John Bayley ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Margaret, d. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Timothy, s. of Charles & Ann Plymmer ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Elizabeth Gay Tester ... bur.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of Owen Davis ... bur.

R. DAVIES, Curt.

[Two blank pages.]

1770, April 20. At a publick meeting of the Parishioners of the Parish of Pontesbury, called on purpose for electing a Parish Clerk in the place of Peter Huson, lately deceased, notice being given the Sunday before.

1770] Pontesbury. 383

The Church Wardens, Sidemen [sic], Eightmen, and other Parishioners then present do according to antient custom choose James Jandrell to serve the office of Parish Clerk for the Parish of Pontesbury.

1770, Jan. 2. Eusebius, s. of Richard & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elinor Hopton ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Samuel, s. of William & Martha Powel ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Ann, d. of John & Patten Phillips ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Tompson ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Thomas George ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Mary Stedman ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Richd., s. of John & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Sarah, d. of Mary Sherry ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Robert Hughs ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Timothy, s. of Thomas & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Feb. j8. Thos., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Humphreys ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Sarah Thomas ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Thos., s. of William & Jane Cross ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Jane Littlehales ... bur.
" Mar. 11. John, s. of Charles & Rebekkah Dun ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Peter Henson ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Elizabeth Foulks ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Ann, d. of Thomas & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Charles Arpen ... bur.
" Apr. 7. John, s. of David & Ann Richards ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Mary Davis ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Edward Dolphin ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Sarah, d. of Emanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Glover ... bap.

384 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1770

1770, Apr. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Margaret Maddox ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Mary Roberts ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Mary Williams ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Ann, d. of John & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Richd., s. of James & Magdalen Pryce ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Mary, d. of Edward & Ann Goodal ... bap.
" May 12. Humphrey Perks ... bur.
" May 12. Mary Davis ... bur.
" May 13. Edward Dolphin ... bur.
" May 13. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Duckitt [sic] ... bap.
" May 22. Mary, d. of Thomas & Patience Powell ... bap.
" May 23. Hannah Randles ... bur.
" May 28. Willm. Braznor ... bur.
" June 3. Richd., s. of Elizabeth Hayward ... bap.
" June 8. Humphrey, s. of Martha & Thomas Jones ... bap.
" June 10. Bridgart, d. of Joseph & Bridgart Williams ... bap.
" June 10. Thomas Jones ... bur.
" June 17. Mary, d. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" June 24. Elizabeth, d. of William & Martha Davis ... bap.
" June 24. Elizabeth, d. of Stephen & Martha Higgins ... bap.
" July 4. John, s. of Samuel & Susannah B razenor ... bap.
" July 4. Sarah Giles ... bur.
" July 4. Sarah Gardiner ... bur.
" July 7. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" July 13. Rich T. Morris ... bur.
" July 14. Elizabeth & Catharine, daus. of Joshua & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" July 19. Dorothy Bagley ... bur.
" July 20. Sarah Ferrington ... bur.
" July 22. Richd., s. of William & Martha Edwards ... bap.
" July 23. Elizabeth Edwards ... bur.
" July 24. Martha Ford ... bur.

1771] Pontesbury. 385

1770, July 25. Elizabeth Richards ... bur.
" July 26. Samuel Dyke ... bur.
" July 29. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Howard ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Ann Griffiths ... bur.
" Aug. 8. John, s. of Richard & Mary Tisdal ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Goodal ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Priscilla, d. of Susannah Roberts ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Henry Morris ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Bennion ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Francis Thomas ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Richd., s. of Richard & Judith Burley ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Bridgart Roberts ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elinor Phillips ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" Oct. 21. James, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Nikols ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Richd., s. of Richard & Hannah Corfield ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Mary, d. of Samuel & Martha Howard ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Will. Passant ... bur.
" Nov. 5. George, s. of Thomas & Jane Ferrington ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Sarah Parry ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Rebekka Homes [sic] ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Hannah Hall ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Francis, s. of William & Margaret Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Birch ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Sarah Lee ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Mansel ... bap.
" Dec. 18. David, s. of David & Anne Morris ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Lewis & Mary, s. & d. of Thomas & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Mary, d. of Mary Pugh ... bap.
" Dec. 30. John, s. of William & Martha Tompson ... bap.


1771, Jan. 1. Mary, base child of Elizabeth Roberts ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Ann, d. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.

386 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771

1771, Jan. 1. Jane, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Rogers ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Hannah, d. of William & Mary Humphreys ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Catherine Edwards ... bur.
" Jan. 13. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Thomas Roberts & Mary Thomas, both of this p. ... mar.
" Feb. 10. John Davenport of p. of Meole Brace, & Elizabeth Medlicott, lic. ... mar.
" Feb. 24. Francis Parry ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Mary Griffiths ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Edward, s. of Humphrey & Jane Roberts ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Francis Allen & Mary Brazenor, both of this p., lic. ... mar.
" Mar. 15. Willm. Bromley ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 24. James, s. of Thomas & Mary Hill ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Francis & Margaret Ferrington ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Henry Diggrey, s. of John & Mary Warters ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Richd., s. of John & Martha Hughs ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Willm. Dounton ... bur.
" Apr. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ann Dudley ... bap.
" Apr. 3. John Bostock & Catharine Barr, both of this p., lic. ... mar.
" Apr. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Perks ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Willm. Davis ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Mary, d. of Abraham & Ann Bennet ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Thomas, s. of Edward & Sarah Plummer ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Willm., s. of William & Jane Crosse ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Ann Millington ... bap.
" May 2. Isaac Tipton & Jane Bickley, both of this p. ... mar.
" May 12. Elinor, s. of Joseph & Bridgart Williams ... bap.
" May 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bayley ... bap.
" May 16. Mary Bowen ... bur.

1771] Pontesbury. 387

1771, May 20. Benjamin Jones & Mary Jones, lic. ... mar.
" June 2. Humphrey, s. of Thomas & Martha Aston ... bap.
" June 2. Lewis Williams (an infant) ... bur.
" June 10. Humphrey, s. of Thomas & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" June 17. Jane, d. of John & Jane Brown ... bap.
" June 26. Timothy & Richd., base children of Margaret Clayton ... bap.
" June 30. Willm. & Edward, sons of Emanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" June 30. Edward Tipton ... bur.
" July 21. Willm., s. of Edward & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" July 22. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Briscoe ... bap.
" July 25. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Henks ... bap.
" July 25. Mary, d. of Benjamin & Mary Mytton ... bap.
" July 28. Rebekka, d. of William & Rebekka Harris ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Willm., s. of William & Jane Redge ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Sarah, d. of Richard & Margaret Ford ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Thos., d. of Thomas & Ann Maddox ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Martha, d. of Owen & Martha Davis ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Willm., s. of William & Mary Dounton ... bap.
" Sep. 16. John Frances & Sarah Spicer, lic. ... mar.
" Sep. 20. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Sarah Perry ... bur.
" Oct. 20. John, s. of James & Elinor Jukes ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Margaret Fox ... bur.
" Oct. 29. John Aston ... bur.
" Nov. 5. Richd., s. of Thomas & Jane Stedman ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth Reignolds [sic] ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Elinor Williams ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Henry Morris ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Charles, s. of Edward & Mary Crump ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Bennion ... bap.
" Nov. 25. John, s. of George & Elizabeth Hodges ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Edward, & Ralph, sons of Thomas & Martha Jones ... bap.

388 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771

1717, Dec. 3. John, s. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Ann, d. of Thomas & Jane Ferrington ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Sarah Perry ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Mr. John Pugh ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Edward, s. of John & Ann Tompson ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Robert Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 28. John, s. of John & Ann Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Sarah, d. of Isaac & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 30. John Williams ... bur.

Messrs. RICHD. PRYCE, of Longden, JOHN WARTERS, of Meole Crucke.

1772, Jan. 2. John Lloyd ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Willm., s. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Ann, d. of George & Elizabeth Bagley ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Benjamin Revell ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Thompson ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Elizth., d. of John & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 15. John Lloyd ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Abraham Tipton ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Elinor Wornall ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Edward Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Arthur Griffiths ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Ann Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Edward, s. of Charles & Rebekkah Donne ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Richd., s. of John & Sarah Harries ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Richd. Harries ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Hannah Randles ... bur.
" Mar. 26. Joseph Titley ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Willm. Bennet ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Mary Mytton ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Thos. & Willm., sons of Richard & Hannah Corfield ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Willm. & Edward, sons of Francis & Margaret Ferrington ... bap.
" Apr. 9. David, s. of David & Mary Hinley ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Willm. Clayton ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Mr. Robert Phillips ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Isaac, s. of Thomas & Margaret Bromley ... bap.
" May 3. Charles, base s.. of Catharine Arpen ... bap.

1772] Pontesbury. 389

1772, May 3. Jane Carsdel ... bur.
" May 4. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Nicols ... bap.
" May 12. Jane, d. of Charles & Ann Plimmer ... bap.
" May 16. Ann & Jane Plimmer ... bur.
" May 17. Charles Arpin ... bur.
" May 31. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" June 8. Elizabeth, d. of William & Ann Minton ... bap.
" June 20. Mary Smallman ... bur.
" June 21. Mary Barnes ... bur.
" June 21. Joseph, s. of William & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" July 1. Richd. Harris ... bur.
" July 2. Elizabeth Gittins ... bur.
" July 13. Elizabeth Bennion ... bur.
" July 23. Joseph Roberts ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Jane, d. of Robert & Ann Brazenor ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth, d. of William & Margt. Whitefoot ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Elizabeth Whitefoot ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Sarah Hall ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Glover ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Edward, s. of Zacharias & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 6. John Tompson ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Willm. Griffiths ... bur.
" Sep. 7. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Heighward ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Samuel, s. of William & Jane Cross ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Thomas Ness ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Willm., s. of William & Sarah Licet ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Mary Hannah, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Bevon ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Willm. Corfield ... bur.
" Sep. 17. Thos. Perry, an infant ... bur.
" Sep. 28. John Davies ... bur.
" Oct. 1. Elizabeth, base child of Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas & Martha Harries ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Abigail, d. of Thomas & Sarah Lewis ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Peters ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Edward, base child of Mary Davis ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Richd., s. of David & Ann Morris ... bap.
" Nov. 8. John, base child of Mary Webster ... bap.

390 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1772

1772, Nov. 12. Ann, d. of Abraham & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Richd. Hayward ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Sarah, d. of William & Martha Goodall ... bap.
" Nov. 16. John Beest ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Mary, d. of John & Catharine Bostock ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Elinor, d. of Thomas & Diana Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Richd. Lewis ... bur.
" Nov. 29. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Rogers ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Elinor, d. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Margaret Hayward ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Mrs. Harries, of Prescott ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Mary, d. of John & Mary Cooper ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Bridget Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Elizth. Humphreys ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Edward, s. of Robert & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" Dec. 29. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Dec. 31. John, s. of Benjamin & Martha Dacken ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Richd., s. of Richard & Catharine Beest ... bap.

Messrs. THOS. BOYAR, THOS. SINPOLE, Ch. Wardens.


1773, Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Patience Powell ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Richd., s. of David & Ann Morris ... bap.
This entry was not brought me till Jan. 1774, from Onslow.

" Jan. 2. Margaret Goodale ... bur.
" Jan. 3. John, s. of Richard & Martha Hughs ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Andrew Field ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Jane Ferrington ... bap.
" Jan. 10. John, s. of Reece & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Edward, s. of John & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Margaret, d. of Thos. & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Edward, s. of Thos. & Margaret Diggorey (supposed to be registered at Westbury) ... bap.

1773] Pontesbury. 391

1773, Feb. 14. John, s. of Thos. & Margaret Diggorey ... bap.
" Feb. 21. John, s. of William & Martha Davis ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Martha, d. of Rich. & Jane Nicolas ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Thos. Pritchard ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Thos., s. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Benjamin, s. of John & Mary Birch ... bap.
" Feb. 28. John, b. s. of Ann Wilkes ... bap.
" Mar. 16. William Holmes ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Ann, d. of Abraham & Ann Bennet ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Thos., s. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Elizabeth Thompson ... bur.
" May 4. Thos. Weavers ... bur.
" May 23. Martha, d. of Thos. & Martha Aston ... bap.
" May 23. Samuel, s. of John & Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" May 23. Richd., s. of John & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" May 25. Willm. Giles ... bur.
" May 27. Mr. Samuel Phillips ... bur.
" June 2. Ann, d. of Richard & Rebekka Andrews ... bap.
" June 3. Samuel, s. of John & Margaret Bergwin ... bap.
" June 4. Samuel, s. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" July 16. Thomas Griffiths ... bur.
" July 20. Thomas Parry ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Edward, s. of Robert & Mary Clayton ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Thos., s. of William & Susannah Sankey ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Samuel Cross ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Mary Griffiths ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Elinor & Mary, daus. of John & Esther Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Willm. Cross ... bur.
" Oct. 5. John, s. of Edward & Martha Roberts ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Mary, d. of William & Margaret Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Eleanor, d. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Mary, d. of John & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Jane, b. d. of Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Joshua & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Humphrey, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Perks ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Jane Littlehales (a base child) ... bur.

392 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1773

1773, Nov. 10. Thos., s. of John & Sarah Harris ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey & Jane Roberts ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Humphrey Roberts ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Mary Bennion ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Martha Nicols ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Thos. Morris ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Martha, d. of John & Rebekka Davis ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Elizabeth, d. of James & Elinor Jukes ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Mary, d. of John & Ann Thomas ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Elinor & Mary Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Tho. & Margaret Maddox ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.

R. DAVIES, Curate.

1774, Jan. 1. Peter, s, of Peter & Elinor Littlehales ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Thos., s. of the Rev. Mr. Edward Harries & Lucia, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Richd., s. of Thos. & Ann Maddox ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Jane Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Mary, d. of Isaac & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 23. John Pritchard ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Elizabeth Crocket ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Mary Bickley ... bur.
" Feb. 15. John Sankey ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Edward, s. of Thos. & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Thos., s. of Thos. & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Nichols ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Thos. Lloyd ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Thos., s. of Thos. & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thos. Diggorey ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Mary, d. of Edward & Margaret Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Thos., s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Barker ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Charles, s. of Charles & Rebekka Donn ... bap.
" Apr. 26. James, s. of Richd. & Hannah Corfield ... bap.
" May 2. John, s. of Robert & Jane Brazenor ... bap.
" May 3. Richd. Morris ... bur.
" May 8. Rebekka Donn ... bur.

1774] Pontesbury. 393

1774, May 8. Richd., s. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" May 9. Charles Donn, an infant ... bur.
" May 11. [blank] Bull ... bur.
" May 12. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" May 15. John, s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" May 20. John, s. of Mary Chaloner ... bap.
" May 30. Mary Phillips ... bur.
" June 5. Mary, d. of Richd. & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" June 12. Willm., of Robert & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" June 12. Willm., s. of Robert & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" June 12. Ann Caisdal ... bur.
" June 26. Richd., s. of Richd. & Ann Dudley ... bap.
" June 27. Martha Barge ... bur.
" July 10. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Lee ... bap.
" July 13. Willm. Tompson ... bur.
" July 23. Margaret Thomas ... bur.
" July 27. Nathaniel, s. of Richd. & Margaret Ford ... bap.
" July 31. Benjamin, s. of Emanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" July 31. William, s. of William & Mary Humphreys ... bap.
" July 31. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Ann Barber ... bur.
" Aug. 4. John, s. of Thos. & Jane Ferrington ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Mary, d. of John & Jane Brown ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Richd., s. of Thos. & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Richd., s. of Edward & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 31. John, s. of William & Jane Cross ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Mary Taylor ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Martha, d. of Richd. & Martha Hughs ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Richd., s. of William & Mary Phillips ... bap.
" Oct. 8. John Roberts ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Mary, d. of Humphrey & Mary Wynne ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Thos., s. of Thos & Martha Harris ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Mary, d. of John & Patten Phillips ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Richd., s. of Richd. & Margaret Richards ... bap.
" Oct. 30. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Jane Nicolas ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Thos., s. of Thos. & Mary Jenkins ... bap.

394 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774

1774, Nov. 10. Mary Ford ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Chatharine, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davis ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Catharine Davis ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Willm. & Jane Rudge ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Thos. Rudge ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Jacob, s. of Winifrid Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Samuel, s. of John & Sarah Hayward ... bap.
" Dec. 11. Richd. Stedman ... bur.
" Dec. 12. John, s. of Richard & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Susannah - Smart, d. of Samuel & Susannah Brazenor ... bap.

RICHD. DAVIES, Curate. [Buried July 31st, 1775.]
REV. ROGER BARNSTONE, Rectr. 1st Portn.
REV. EDWARD LEIGHTON, Rect. 2nd Portn.
REV. DAVID PRITCHARD, Rect. 3rd Portn.

1775, Jan. 1. Thos., s. of George & Elizabeth Brown ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Eleanor, d. of John & Esther Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Jane, d. of David & Anne Morris ... bap,
" Jan. 9. Richd. Hartshorn ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Sarah Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Richd. Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Francis, s. of Francis & Margaret Ferrington ... bap.
" Jan. 20. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Glover ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Willm., s. of William & Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Tisdal ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Isaac, s. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 12. John, s. of Richard & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah & Margaret Beedle ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Thomas, s. of Richard & Ann Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Revd. William Pugh, M.A. ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Mary Maddox ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John & Chatherine Bostock ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Willm. Thomas ... bur
" Mar. 12. John, s. of John & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.

1775] Pontesbury. 395

1775, Mar. 22. Thomas Richards ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Sarah Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 29. George Hopton ... bur.
" May 1. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Phillips ... bap.
" May 16. Sarah Griffiths ... bur.
" May 19. Mary Tizdel ... bur.
" May 23. John Thomas ... bur.
" May 26. Willm., s. of John & Mary Birch ... bap.
" May 28. Sarah, d. of John & Eizabeth [sic] Lloyd ... bap.
" May 28. Willm., s. of Richd. & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" June 6. Mary, d. of James & Eleanor Juckes ... bap.
" June 12. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" June 18. Thomas, s. of Abraham & Anne Bennet ... bap.
" June 18. Edward, s. of John & Mary Cooper ... bap.
" June 25. Jane, d. of John & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" June 28. Martha Powell ... bur.
" June 29. John Evans ... bur.
" June 30. Thos. Vaughn ... bur.
" July 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Martha Heyward ... bap.
" July 8. Sarah Lloyd ... bur.
" July 9. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Taylor ... bap.
" July 16. Elizabeth, d. of William & Martha Dolphin ... bap.
" July 16. Anne, b. d. of Mary Dudley ... bap.
" July 23. Anne, h. d. of Gwenn Davies ... bap.
" July 24. Willm. Tizdel ... bur.
" July 30. Mary Tizdel
" July 30. John, s. of Joseph & Mary Williams ... bur.
" July 31. Revd. Richard Davies, Curate of Pontusbury ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Elizabeth Tumblins ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Briscoe ... bap.
" Aug. 27. Matthew, b. s. of Mary Clayton ... bap.
" Aug. 18. John, s. of John & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 24. John, s. of William & Mary Randles ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Roger, s. of William & Martha Davies ... bap.

396 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775

1775, Oct. 1. Edward, s. of Edward & Margaret Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Sarah Dudley ... bur.
" Oct. 3. John Davies ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Martha, d. of William & Mary Downton ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Willm. Roberts ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Abigail, d. of Benjamin & Mary Mitton, in the parish of Worthen ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Elizabeth Hopton ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Thomas Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Martha, b. d. of Alice Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Anne, d. of William & Mary Palmer ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Richd. Thomas ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Willm. Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Edward, s. of Edward & Martha Roberts ... bap.
" Dec. 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Ann Purslow ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Anne Vaughn ... bur.

DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate [signs till 1800].

1776, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Francis, s. of Richard & Sarah Boothby ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Margaret Diggorey ... bur.
" Jan. 13. John, s. of John & Anne Thompson ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Anne, d. of Rees & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Thomas Millington ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Willm., s. of Thos. & Jane Ferrington ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Thomas, s. of Joshua & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Mary, d. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Thos., b. s. of Mary Prichard ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Marris, s. of Robert & Eeanor [sic] Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Letitia, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bayley ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Richd. Ford ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Grice ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Sarah, b. d. of Elizabeth Powel ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Marc Higginson ... bur.
" Mar. 10. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Lloyd ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Richd., s. of Richd. & Jane Stedman ... bap.

1776] Pontesbury. 397

1776, Mar. 18. Hannah Matthews ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Richd., s. of Samuel & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Thomas, s. of Josiah & Margaret Wigley ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Thomas Bowyer ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Elizabeh Hincks ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Willm., s. of George & Anne Doan ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Edward, s. of Robert & Ann Roberts ... bap.
" Apr. 21. John, s. of David & Margaret Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Eleanor Jones ... bur.
" May 7. Susannah Field ... bur.
" May 9. Charlotte Davies ... bur.
" May 16. Mary, d. of William & Martha Goodall ... bap.
" May 19. Mary, d. of John & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" May 19. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pearks ... bap.
" May 22. Edward, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Lowe ... bap.
" May 26. Thos. Jones ... bur.
" May 26. Sarah, d. of Richard & Sarah Hincks ... bap.
" May 27. Edward, s. of Edward & Jane Evans ... bap.
" May 27. Anne Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary Warter ... bap.
" May 30. Francis Blithe, d. of the Revd. Edward Harries & Lucia, his w. ... bap.
" June 14. Edward Nicholls ... bur.
" June 21. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Richards ... bap.
" June 25. Mary Wolley ... bur.
" July 15. Doctor Gay ... bur.
" July 28. Elizabeth Charlton, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Aug. 11. John, b. s. of Margaret Lewis ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Sarah Harries ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Jeremiah, d. of John & Margaret Hodgease ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Edward Philips ... bur.
" Sep. 15. Margaret Diggery ... bur.
" Sep. 15. Thomas, b. s. of Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 1. John Jones ... bur.
" Oct. 16. Mary, d. of Richard & Anne Corfield ... bap.

398 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776

1776, Oct. 26. Elizabeth Thompson ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Martha Harris ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Martha, b. d. of Martha Quilt ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Henley & Sarah Plimmer ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Mary Jenkins ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Mary, d. of Isaac & Mary Jaundrell ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Richd., s. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Speake ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Elizabeth Edwards ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Sarah Hinley ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Thos., s. of William & Jane Rudge ... bap.


1777, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of William & Mary Philips ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Francis, s. of Richard & Sarah Boothby ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Mary Hinley ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Edward Hinley ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Willm. Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Thos., b. s. of Elizabeth Hughes ... bap.
" Jan. 13. John, s. of John & Anne Thompson ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Thos., s. of Richd. & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Sarah Heyward ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Anne, d. of Richd. & Martha Hughes ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Samuel, s. of Richd. & Anne Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Edward, s. of Humphrey & Mary Wynne ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Caswell ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Humphrey, s. of Humphrey & Ann Tumblins ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Richd., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Willm., s. of John & Anne Roberts ... bap.
" Mar. 28. Willm. Roberts ... bur.
" Apr. 13. Thos., s. of John & Rebecca Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Edward, s. of Richard & Rebecca Andrews ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Mary, d. of James & Elizabeth ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Mary Bellingham ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Margaret, d. of William & Jane Cross ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Lewis ... bap.

1777] Pontesbury. 399

1777, May 3. Thos., s. of Thomas & Anne Purslow ... bap.
" May 6. John Morgan ... bur.
" May 10. Sarah Purslow ... bur.
" May 10. Martha Smith ... bur.
" May 11. Mary Humphreys ... bur.
" May 11. Mary Nicholas ... bur.
" May 16. Abraham, s. of Abraham & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" May 17. Philip, s. of Daniel & Sarah Lee ... bap.
" May 18. Elizabeth Williams ... bur.
" June 1. Elizabeth, d. of John & Esther Jones ... bap.
" June 15. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" June 15. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" June 15. Elizabeth, d. of Emanuel & Mary Giles ... bap.
" June 15. Anne Dudley ... bur.
" June 16. Abigail, d. of John & Mary Thomas ... bap.
" June 20. Letitia, b. d. of Sarah Matthews ... bap.
" June 22. John, s. of Edward & Mary Jones ... bap.
" June 30. Elizabeth Preece ... bur.
" June 30. Margaret Hayward ... bur.
" July 14. Abigail Thomas ... bur.
" July 16. Susannah Bull ... bur.
" July 20. Sarah Heyward ... bur.
" July 27. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Johnson ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Margaret Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 19. John Lewis ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Willm. Pugh ... bur.
" Aug. 22. Martha Nicholas ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Mary Rucknall ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Mary, d. of William & Mary Philips ... bap.
" Sep. 5. Mary Thompson ... bur.
" Sep. 5. Lucia, d. of the Revd. Edward Harries & Lucia, his w.; born July 6th, privately baptized Aug. 3, 1777 ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Martha, d. of Timothy & Margaret Mansell ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Edward, s. of Richard & Rebecca Andrews ... bap.
" Sep. 19. John Davies ... bur.
" Sep. 22. John, b. s. of Abigail Davies ... bap.

400 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1777

1777, Oct. 5. Richd., s. of Richard & Jane Morris ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Rich. Williams ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Edward, s. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Oct. 19. James, s. of James & Anne Hinley ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Richard, b. s. of Elizabeth Thomas ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Willm., s. of James & Eleanor Jukes ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Susannah, d. of Richard & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Thomas Edwards ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Elizabeth Thompson ... bur.
" Nov. 23. John Brown ... bur.
" Nov. 24. Richd., s. of Edward & Sarah Underhood ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Priscilla, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Benjamin Prichard ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Anne Cooper ... bur.
" Dec. 23. John Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Priscilla Hollioak ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Eleanor, d. of William & Sarah Lisaght ... bap.


1778, Jan. 1. Willm., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Ward ... bap.
" Jan. 1. John, s. of John & Margaret Harries ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Martha, d. of Samuel & Martha Hayward ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Edward Tipton ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Mary Howells ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Anne, d. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Hannah Crump ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Mary Armstrong ... bur.
" Jan. 30. John Davies ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Richd., s. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Richd. Underhood ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Anne, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Mary, d. of John & Mary Hartshorn ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Anne Leech ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.

1778] Pontesbury. 401

1778, Mar. 30. Mary Bear ... bur.
" Apr. 3. John, s. of James & Elizabeth Hill ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Thomas, s. of David & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Richd., b. s. of Lucretia Pugh ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Thos., b. s. of Mary Dudley ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of George & Anne Smith ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Flint ... bap.
" Apr. 21. David, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Martha, d. of John & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Mary, d. of John & Anne Roberts ... bap.
" May 3. Hugh, s. of Richard & Martha Pugh ... bap.
" May 3. John, s. of Edward & Jane Evans ... bap.
" May 3. John Tisdall ... bur.
" May 17. Mary Wynne ... bur.
" May 17. Jane, b. d. of Anne Bostock ... bap.
" May 22. Thos. Corfield ... bur.
" May 28. John, s. .of William & Patience Harries ... bap.
" May 29. Jane, d. of Robert & Margaret Jones ... bap.
" June 7. John, s. of Peter & Eleanor Littlehales ... bap.
" June 8. Willm., s. of Charles & Martha Plimmer ... bap.
" June 21. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Mansel ... bap.
" June 24. Joyce, d. of John & Mary Mansel ... bap.
" June 28. Thomas, s. of Robert & Anne Roberts ... bap.
" June 28. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Payne ... bap.
" July 2. William, s. of Benjamin & Mary Mytton, in the p. of Worthen ... bap.
" July 5. Martha, d. of William & Martha Bromley ... bap.
" July 12. Willm., s. of Isaac & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" July 12. Mary, d. of William & Mary Palmer ... bap.
" July 19. Joyce, d. of John & Anne Lewis ... bap.
" July 26. Richd., s. of William & Susannah Sankey ... bap.
" July 26. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Richd., s. of George & Elizabeth Hodges ... bap.
" Aug. 2. John, s. of Joseph & Bridget Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Richd. Sankey ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Martha Dudley ... bur.

402 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1778

1778, Sep. 1. Thos. Furslow ... bur.
" Sep. 13. Mary, d. of David & Elizabeth Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Sarah, d. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Lowe ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Susannah, d. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Mary Griffiths ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Anne, d. of John & Anna Maria Griffiths ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Willm., s. of Robert & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Alice, d. of James & Sarah Overton ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Jane, d. of Charles & Martha Plimmer ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Anne, d. of Job & Anne Inions ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Richd. Tumblins .... bur.
" Dec. 20. Willm., s. of William & Margaret Thomas ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Edward & Margaret Oakley ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Thos., s. of William & Elizabeth Brees ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.


1779, Jan. 3. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Jan. 6. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pearks ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Peter. s. of Thomas & Sarah Grice ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Willm., s. of John & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Edward Matthews ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Thos., s. of Thomas & Margaret Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Margaret Brazenor ... bap.
" Jan. 24. John, s. of Richard & Anne Corfield ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Isaac & Mary Jaundrell ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Sarah, d. of John & Jane Philips ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Margaret, d. of Timothy & Margt. Mansell ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Edward, s. of Abraham & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Anne. d. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Richd., s. of Joseph & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Mary, d. of John & Jane Leane ... bap.

1779] Pontesbury. 403

1779, Mar. 7. Samuel, s. of John & Mary Glover ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Jane Clayton ... bur.
" Mar. 25. Catharine Currier ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Richd., s. of Richard & Anne Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Martha Williams ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Thos., s. of Reynold & Sarah Nichols ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Willm. Bickley ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Sarah, d. of William & Martha Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Anne Giles ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Joshua, s. of William & Anne Allen ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Elizabeth Payne ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Hannah Littlehales ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Mary ... bap.
" May 2. Edward, s. of Rees & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" May 7. Griffith Jones ... bur.
" May 8. Thos. Cross ... bur.
" May 16. Sophia, d. of Handley & Sarah Plimmer ... bap.
" May 30. John, s. of Edward & Margaret Jones ... bap.
" May 30. Willm., s. of Richard & Anne Dudley ... bap.
" May 30. Francis, s. of John & Mary Licett ... bap.
" June 3. Sarah Bromley ... bur.
" June 13. John, s. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" June 18. Mary, d. of the Revd. Edward Harries & Lucia, his w. (born May 5th) ... bap.
" June 27. Mary, d. of Humphrey & James Roberts ... bap.
" June 27. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Jenkins ... bap.
" July 4. Anne, d. of Herbert & Mary Haines ... bap.
" July 4. Evan Griffiths ... bur.
" July 11. Mary, d. of Isaac & Deborah Probert ... bap.
" July 20. Edward Roberts ... bur.
" July 31. Mary Thomas ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Mary, d. of William & Susannah Sankey ... bap.
" Aug. 3. John Griffiths ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Willm., s. of Humphrey & Anne Tumblins ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Martha, d. of Thomas & Sarah Hanley ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Abraham, s. of Edward & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Thos. Edwards ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Rebecca Harries ... bur.

404 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779

1779, Sep. 6. Thos., d. of Thomas & Anne Purslowe ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Bowen ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Margaret Elks ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Charles, s. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Mary Roberts ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Sarah Dyke ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Richd. Littlehales ... bur.
" Oct. 14. Thos. Sinepole ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Samuel, s. of William & Martha Bromley ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Mary, b. d. of Sarah Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Hannah, d. of William & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Esther Smith ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Charles Lloyd ... bur.
" Oct. 31. John, s. of John & Esther Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Edward. s. of Edward & Jane Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Thos., s. of Thomas & Jane Bradney ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Solomon & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Mary Thomas ... bur.
" Nov. 21. Philip, b. s. of Sarah Philips ... bap.
" Nov. 23. John Bostock ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Mary, b. d. of Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Martha, d. of Samuel & Martha Heyward ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Lowe ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Richd., s. of George & Ann Doan ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Richd. Davies ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Mary, b. d. of Eleanor Poole ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary d. of Edward & Mary Williams,... bap.
" Dec. 27. John Corfield ... bur.


1780, Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Diggory ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Elizabeth Tipton ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Elizabeth Lowe ... bur.
" Jan. 16. Harriet, d. of George & Anne Smith ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Mary Mansell ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Willm., s. of Peter & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.

1780] Pontesbury. 405

1780, Jan. 21. John, s. of William & Jane Rudge ... bap.
" Jan. 23. John Bradney ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Samuel Perks ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Thos., s. of Richard & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Sarah Heyward ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Thos. Lowe ... bur.
" Feb. 26. John, s. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Martha, d. of John & Martha Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Willm., s. of Joseph & Gwen Dod ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Abigail Teague ... bur.
" Apr. 2. John, s. of John & Martha Crowder ... bap.
" Apr. 2. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 16. John, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Eleanor Tipton ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Mary Stringer ... bur.
" May 7. Abigail, d. of John & Sarah Cooper ... bap.
" May 15. Mary, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Speak ... bap.
" May 16. Anne Williams ... bur.
" May 28. Thos., s. of John & Margaret Barber ... bap.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of John & Anne Roberts ... bap.
" May 28. George, b. s. of Catherine Arpin ... bap.
" June 11. Mary, d. of James & Anne Symonds ... bap.
" June 18. Mary, d. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" June 25. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" June 29. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wood ... bap.
" July 2. Willm. Harries ... bur.
" July 9. Elizabeth Powel ... bur.
" July 11. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Flint ... bap.
" July 16. Anne, d. of Richard & Mary Philips ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Anne Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 6. John, s. of John & Catherine Bostock ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Jane Underwood ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Thos., s. of Richard & Sarah Boothby ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Anne, d. of James & Anne Hinley ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Richd. Wildblood ... bur.
" Aug. 25. Mary Hollioak ... bur.
" Sep. 10. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 11. John Philips ... bur.

406 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1780

1780, Sep. 11. Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Palmer ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Thos., s. of Richard & Sarah Tisdale ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Martha, b. d. of Anne Dudley ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Jeremiah Hotchkiss ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Willm., b. s. of Letitia Hotchkiss ... bap.
" Oct. 13. John Philips ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Timothy, s. of Timothy & Margaret Mansell ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Thos., s. of Francis & Mary Allen ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Thos., s. of John & Mary Lee ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Willm., s. of John & Sarah Heyward ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Rebecca, d. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Sarah, b. d. of Sarah Pritchard ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Abraham Tipton ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Anne, d. of Richard & Mary Hollioak ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Thos. Dudley ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Edward, s. of Thomas & Mary Clarke ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Deborah & Iaac [sic] Probert ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Sarah Powell ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Elizabeth, d. of David & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Samuel, s. of Richard & Martha Hotchkiss ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Letitia, d. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.


1781, Jan. 7. Anne, d. of Edward & Hannah Crump ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Willm. Bayley ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Brees ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Mary, d. of Richard & Anne Corfield ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Edward s. of Edward & Martha Oakley ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Matthew, s. of Richard & Anne Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Richd., s. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Richd., s. of John & Mary Harries ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Sarah, d. of Edward & Martha Morris ... bap.

1781] Pontesbury. 407

1781, Feb. 25. Willm., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Margaret Barber ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Mary Philips ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Thomas Thornes ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Richd., b. s. of Sarah Philips ... bap.
" Mar. 17. James Jewkes ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Richd., s. of John & Hannah Griffiths ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Edward, s. of Charles & Martha Plimmer ... bap.
" Mar. 21. George Bagley ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Margaret, d. of David & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Edward, s. of Thomas & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Edward, s. of Joseph & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Willm., s. of Richard & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Martha, b. d. of Anne Arpin ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Mary Littlehales ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Reynold & Sarah Nicholls ... bap.
" Apr. 8. John Jewin ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Abraham Tipton ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Anne, d. of Isaac & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Richd. Littlehales ... bur.
" Apr. 29. Thos., a. of Richard & Anne Crocket ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Mary Williams ... bur.
" May 9. Isaac, d. of Richard & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" May 20. John, s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" May 24. Thomas, s. of Edward & Margaret Jones ... bap.
" May 27. Willm., s. of John & Jane Philips ... bap.
" May 28. Martha Bromley ... bur.
" May 28. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" June 3. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Anne Purslow ... bap.
" June 17. Sarah, d. of William & Jane Cross ... bap.
" June 17. Eleanor, d. of James & Elizabeth Hill ... bap.
" July 15. Willm. Turner ... bur.
" July 15. Thos., b. s. of Elizabeth Edmunds ... bap.
" July 22. Elizabeth, b. d. of Mary Morris ... bap.
" July 26. Samuel Philips, Gent. ... bur.
" July 29. John, s. of Thomas & Letitia Plimmer ... bap.

408 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1781

1781, Aug. 22. Elizabeth Wilding ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Eleanor, s. of Thomas & Letitia Peever ... bap.
" Sep. 23. John, s. of John & Jane Lane ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Mary Cross ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Martha, b. d. of Mary Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Mary, d. of Richard & Anne Arpin ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Sarah Titley ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Martha Dudley ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Martha Payne ... bur.
" Nov. 4. John, s. of Richard & Anne Arpin ... bap.
" Nov. 26. George Morris ... bur.
" Nov. 29. Samuel, s. of William & Jane Heighway ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Mariah, b. d. of Margaret Smith ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Martha, d. of Abraham & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Martha Hanley ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Martha, d. of William & Martha Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Martha, d. of John & Martha Crowder ... bap.


1782, Jan. 6. Sarah Plimmer ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Sarah, d. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Grice ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Joseph Bennion ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Edward Nicholls ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Anne, d. of Edward & Priscilla Evans ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Willm., s. of Zachariah & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Willm. Woodhouse ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Thos., s. of John & Martha Morris ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Joseph, s. of John & Esther Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Elizabeth Hill ... bur.
" Feb. 24. Willm., s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Elizabeth Wildblood ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Thos. Sides ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Richd., s. of Rees & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.

1782] Pontesbury. 409

1782, Mar. 31. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Weavers ... bap.
" Mar. 31. Mary, d. of James & Sarah Smith ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Eleanor & Margaret, daus. of John & Anne Sherry ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Edward, s. of Timothy & Margaret Mansell ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Edward Vaughn ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Philips ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John & Anne Lewis ... bap.
" May 5. Thomas, s. of James & Anne Smith ... bap.
" May 5. Anne, d. of Robert & Anne Caswell ... bap.
" May ,12. Anne, d. of George & Anne Doan ... bap.
" May 31. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" June 2. Martha Bickley ... bur.
" June 3. Mariah Smith ... bur.
" June 9. Thos., s. of David & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" June 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Jacks ... bap.
" June 13. Thos. Roberts ... bur.
" June 30. Martha, d. of Daniel & Mary Lee ... bap.
" July 14. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" July 21. Edward, s. of William & Patience Harries ... bap.
" July 22. Willm. Hollioak ... bur.
" July 22. Sarah, b. d. of Mary Bowdler ... bap.
" July 22. Mary, b. d. of Sarah Arpin ... bap.
" July 22. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Arpin ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Eleanor Ingle ... bur.
" Aug. 15. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Catherine Lowe ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Richd. Richards ... bur.
" Aug. 25. Elizabeth, d. of James & Winefred Chalenor ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Elizabeth, b. d. of Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 29. John Gough ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Ann Davies ... bur.
" Aug. 03. Harriet Constantia, d. of Richard Jenkins & Harriet Constantia, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Elizabeth, b. d. of Judith Standish ... bap.

410 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782

1782, Sep. 8. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Hagley, d. of John & Sarah Cooper ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Mary Downton ... bur.
" Sep. 31. Thos. Stedman ... bur.
" Oct. 6. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Stedman ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Morris, s. of Thomas & Anne Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Mariah, d. of Thomas & Martha Glover ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Mary Probert ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Willm. Roberts ... bur.
" Dec. 1. John, s. of Thomas & Jane Arpin ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Thos. Griffiths ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Richd., s. of Richard & Sarah Boothby ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Edward, s. of Edward & Margaret Oakley ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.


A Particular of the Seats in the Parish Church of Pontesbury with the
Landlords' and Tenants' Names, and the Tenements to which each Seat
belongs, taken at newpewing of the said Church, and finally concluded
this twenty-eighth Day of March, in the Year one Thousand Seven Hundred
and eighty three.

No. Landlords. Tenants. Tenements.

1 Mrs. Ashwood Thos. Thompson Longden
2 Mr. Josh. Warter in his own Possession Sibberscott
3 Sr. Thos. Edwards

{ Thos. Berrington, Esq. Isaac Jaundrell Little Hanwood
4 { Mr. Urwick John Jones Horton Lane
{ John Richards in his own Possession Lea

{ Nicholas Smyth, Esq. Richd. Beest Oaks
5 { Mr. Parry John Bagley Plealey

6 Rev. Edwd. Harries Thos. Richards, Robert
{ Mr. Heighway his own Possession Pontesford
7 { Mr. Brazenor his own Possession Fairley

8 Ward Offley, Esq. his own Possession Hinton

1783] Pontesbury. 411

{ Ld. Tankerville Thos. Sinepole Longden
9 { Mr. Price his own Possession

{ Mr. Henry Warter Upper Pt., his own
10 { possession Meole
{ Rev. Edwd. Harries Willm. Hopton Meole

11 Rev. Edwd. Harries George Hodges Cructon

{ Dr. Waring Willm. Allen Plealey
12 { John Richards his own Possession Lea

13 Mr. John Philips in his own Possession Plealey

{ Mr. Hesketh - Upper Pt. Richd. Boothby Cross House
14 { Rev. Mr. Curtis Do Arscott

15 Mr. Parry in his own Possession Hinton

16 Francis Waring, Esq. John Lloyd Nox

{ Sr. Thos. Edwards John Thomas Nills
17 { John Briscoe Edwd. Evans Pontesbury

18 Sr. Thos. Edwards Miles Field Pontesbury

19 Thos. Wilkes in his own Possession Plealey

{ Saml. Brazenor, 2 Pts. own Possession Fairley
20 { Mr. Richards own Possession Lea

21 Mr. John Vaughn Richard Purslow Pontesbury


1 Mr. Pemberton Robt. Brazenor Auston

2 Mr. Pemberton Robt. Brazenor Auston

3 { Edwd. Jenkins, Esq., 2 Pts. Robt. Bowen Cruckton
{ Mr. Urwick John Jones Horton Lane

4 Thos. Woolley, Esq. John Hopton Woodhall

5 Thos. Boycott, Esq.

6 Thos. Boycott, Esq.

7 Mr. Roberts Humphy. Meredith Edge

8 Mr. Heighway late Mr. Knights, now Pontesford
in his own Possession

9 Mr. Tipton Humphy. Jones Plealey

10 Mrs. Philips in her own Possession Plealey

11 { Revd. Mr. Curtis, Upper Pt. Richd. Boothby Arscott
{ Mr. Hesketh Do Cross House

12 { Mr. Tipton Humphy. Jones Plealey
{ Thos. Wilkes in his own Possession Plealey

13 Mrs. Ashwood Thos. Jones Copy House

14 Mr Parry in his own Possession Hinton


15 Sr. Thos. Edwards Saml. Hincks
Mr. Jewkes [written in Pontesford

16 Mrs. Bowyer Mr. Harries Pontesbury

17 Nicholas Smyth, Esq. John Gittins Pontesbury

412 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783

{ Nicholas Smyth, Esq.
18 { Mr. Sinepole in his own Possession Radlith
{ [in pencil] Purchased
{ by the Rev. Mr.
{ Harrison

19 Rev. Edw. Harries { Thos Harries, Esq. Cruckton Meole
{ John George Meole's Mill

20 Mr. Joseph Warter in his own Possession Sibberscott


1 Thos. Boycott, Esq. John Ellis Boycott

2 Thos. Boycott, Esq.

3 Thos. Boycott, Esq.

4 Mr. John Oliver Richard Titley Asterley

{ Mr. Parry John Bagley Plealey
5 { Widow Tipton in her own Possession Asterley

6 { Sr. Thos. Edwards Thos. Reynolds Fairley
{ Mrs. Ashwood John Shuker Longden Wood

{ Mrs. Ashwood Thos. Jones Copy House
7 { Nichs. Smyth, Esq. Richd. Beest
{ Mrs. Ashwood Edmund Philpot Pontesford Mill

8 Ward Offley, Esq.

9 Sr. Thos. Edwards Charles Barber Pontesbury

10 Sr. Thos. Edwards Richd. Clarke Boycott

11 Sr. Thos. Edwards Richd. Clarke Boycott

12 Thos. Boycott, Esq.

13 Thos. Boycott, Esq.

14 Thos. Boycott, Esq.


15 Widow Cross in her own Possession Pontesbury
[in pencil] Purchased
by Rev. ...

{ Francis Waring, Esq. John Lloyd Nox
{ Mrs. Ashwood John Briscoe Pontesbury
16 { Mr. Heighway Tan house Pontesford
{ Mrs. Bowyer Will. Rudge Pontesford

{ Mr. Parry
17 { Sr. Thos. Edwards

18 Sr. Thos. Edwards,[now
Mr. Hope added in

{ Sr. Thos. Edwards
19 { Richd. Andrews in his own Possession Pontesbury

20 { The School Mr. John Vaughan Pontesbury
{ Mr. Richards, 3 Pts. Mr. Philips Plealey
{ Richd. Woolley, Esq. Saml. Brown Shorthill


1 Thos. Berrington, Esq. [blank] Gawen Panson
2 Thos. Harries, Esq. in his own Possession Cructon Meole

1783] Pontesbury. 413

3 Rev. Edwd. Harries Rich. Jenkins, Esq. Cructon

4 Mrs. Ashwood Thos. Thompson Longden

5 Mr. Heighway in his own Possession Pontesford

6 Rowland Wingfield, Esq. Rev. John Bather Onslow

7 Rowland Wingfield, Esq. Mrs. Prescott Onslow

8 Sr. Thos. Edwards Mrs. Jewkes Pontesbury

9 Sr. Thos. Edwards
[in pencil] Purchased
by Rev. H. Harrison.

20 Ward Offley, Esq. in his own Possession Hinton

{ Mr. Oliver in his own Possession Edge
11 { Mrs. Ashwood
{ Ld. Tankerville

{ Mrs. Bowyer, 2 Pts. in her own Possession Pontesford
12 { Mr. Nicholls in his own Possession Newnham
{ Thos. Wolley, Esq.

13 Mr. Bold Oliver [blank] Clark Palmere

14 Mr. John Warter in his own Possession Meole

{ Mr. John Oliver
15 { Mr. Bold Oliver

16 Mr. Tipton Humphy. Jones Plealey

{ Mr. Nicholls
17 { Revd. Edwd. Harries Thos. Rogers Meole

18 Mr. Roberts Humphy. Meredith Edge
Mr. Thos. Gittins in his own Possession Pontesbury
Mr. John Davies in his own Possession New Mills


1 Mr. John Philips Willm. Allen Plealey

2 Dr. Owen John Bowen Oaks Hall

3 Mr. John Philips in his own Possession Asterley
4 Widow Rogers

5 Miss Boycott Abraham Beddow Lea

{ Mr Oswell Hugh Pritchard Sarscott
6 { Sr. Thos. Edwards

7 Revd. Edwd. Harries Richd. Jenkins, Esq. Cruckton

8 Ward Offley, Esq. Mr. Henry Warter Lea

9 Mr. Nicholls in his own Possession Newnham

10 Nicholas Smyth, Esq.

11 Revd. Edwd. Harries Elizabeth Mansell Sarscott
[blank] Jacks
12 Sr. Thos. Edwards

13 Dr. Waring Willm. Allen Plealey

14 Mr. Joseph Warter Widow Thomas Lea

15 Mr. Smith in his own Possession Hinton

16 Sr. Thos. Edwards

{ Mr. Bowyer Willm. Barber Pontesford
17 { Mr. Gawen John Sherry Plealey

414 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783


2 Mr. John Philips in his own Possession Asterley

3 Ward Offley, Esq. Richd. Hollioak Hinton
Mr. Nicholls Richd. Diggory, being Pontesbury
the Passage into the

4 Revd. Edwd. Harries Robt. Flint Arscott

5 Ward Offley, Esq.

6 Nicholas Smyth, Esq.

7 Nicholas Smyth, Esq.

8 Mr. Oliver in his own Possession Edge

9 Mr. Cadman John Barber Pontesford

10 Mr. Roberts Humphy. Meredith Edge

11 Mr. Parker Willm. Goodall Pontesbury

12 Mr. Joseph Warter in his own Possession Sibberscott

13 Mrs. Congreve John Briscoe Fairley

14 Mr. Pemberton Robt. Brazenor Auston

15 Dr. Owen John Bowen Oaks Hall
Mr. John Warter the Pew in the Gallery Meole

{ REVD. OSBORNE WIGHT, 1st Portion.
Rectors { REVD. EDWD. LEIGHTON, 2nd Portion.

[Added in pencil:] The Parish Church of Pontesbury is returned to the Bp. as capable of containing 740 Persons. Longden about 100.

1783, Jan. 5. Joseph, s. of James & Anne Hinley ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Thos., s. of Peter & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Sarah, b. d. of Margaret Downton ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Morris & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Willm. Dodd ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Hannah Smith ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Susannah, d. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Elizabeth, b. d. of Elizabeth Brown ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Hannah, d. of Richard & Hannah Corfield ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Sarah, d. of William & Eleanor Rudge ... bap.

1783] Pontesbury. 415

1783, Feb. 23. Samuel Cheek, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Edward Hartshorn ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Edward, s. of Thomas & Martha Mansell ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Passingham ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Thos. Egerton ... bur.
" Mar. 21. John Arpin ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Mary, d. of William & Catherine Griffiths ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Edward, s. of Solomon & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. ii. Thos., s. of William & Deborah Clark ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Anne, b. d. of Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Apr. 21. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Anne, d. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Johnson ... bap.
" May 1. Timothy, s. of John & Elizabeth Bowen ... bap.
" May 4. John, s. of William & Mary Young ... bap.
" May 4. Alcmene, d. of John & Mary Plimmer ... bap.
" May 4. Thos., s. of Charles & Martha Plimmer ... bap.
" May 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah Heyward ... bap.
" May 11. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Diggory ... bap.
" June 8. Martha, d. of Edward & Martha Morris ... bap.
" June 15. Anne, d. of William & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" June 15. Willm., b. s. of Anne Egerton ... bap.
" June 17. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Williams ... bap.
" June 23. Willm. Gough ... bap.
" June 29. Richd., s. of William & Mary Crockett ... bap.
" July 6. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" July 6. Susannah, d. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.
" July 19. Mary Wood ... bur.
" July 20. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Harries ... bap.
" July 21. Catherine, d. of William & Jane Heighway ... bap.
" July 27. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Agatha Sherry ... bap.
" July 28. Thos. Ingle ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Cross ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Edward, s. of Thomas & Sarah Lewis ... bap.

416 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783

1783, Aug. 10. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Mary Morris ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Mary, d. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Sarah, d. of John & Hannah Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Mary Morris ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Robert Clayton ... bur.
" Sep. 14. Sarah, d. of Richard & Anne Dudley ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Margaret Randles ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Elizabeth, b. d. of Anne Stephens ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Thos., b. s. of Martha Millington ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Charles Barber ... bur.
" Oct. 5. Thos., s. of Robert & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Jane Rudge ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Willm., s. of William & Eleanor Brees ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Thos. Williams, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 19. Hannah, d. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Willm., s. of John & Rebecca Millington ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Edward, s. of John & Mary Lysaght ... bap.
" Nov. 5. John Heighway ... bur.
" Nov. 9. Jane, d. of John & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Anne, d. of Richard & Sarah Salter ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jenkins, Esq., & Constantia Harriet, his w. (born the 9th) ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Samuel, s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John & Martha Dewen ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Anne, d. of John & Martha Hodgkiss ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Susannah Cartwright, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Susannah, d. of John & Margaret Parry ... bap.
" Dec. 17. Edward Williams, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Sarah, d. of John & Hannah Giles ... bap.


1784, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Ann Thomas ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Mary Hartshorn, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Richd. Fox ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Anne Morris ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Willm., s. of John & Anne Lewis ... bap.

1784] Pontesbury. 417

1784, Jan. 9. Edward, s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Robt., s. of Thomas & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" Jan. 11. John Gough ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Thos. Millington ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Anne Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Sarah, b. d. of Mary Hincks ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Edward Thomas, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Alice Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Anne Purslow ... bur.
" Feb. 7. John Thomas, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Richd. Bayley, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Thos. Thornes ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Jane Bellingham, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Edward, s. of Edward & Hustle Evans ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Willm., s. of John & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Francis Leech ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Elizabeth Dudley, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Thos. Caswell, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 29. Willm., s. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Matthew Williams, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 4. Benjamin, b. s. of Sarah Bromley, pauper ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Benjamin Bromley, pauper ... bur
" Mar. 6. Rosannah, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Thos. Sinepole ... bur.
" Mar. 14. Mary Aston ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Willm. Tipton but.
" Apr. 3. Richd. Stedman, pauper but.
" Apr. 4. Benjamin Small, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Eleanor Diggory ... bur.
" Apr. 16. Anne Perry, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Richd. Gittins, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Anne, d. of James & Anne Symonds ... bap.
" May 2. John, s. of George & Anne Doan ... bap.
" May 9. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Sherry ... bap.
" May 10. Mary Tipton ... bur.
" May 12. Mary Cross ... bur.
" May 16. Samuel, s. of Richard & Mary Glover ... bap.
" May 18. Richd. Maddox ... bur.

418 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1784

1784, May 23. John, s. of William & Margaret Hampson ... bap.
" May 30. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" May 30. Martha & Sarah, daus. of John & Esther Jones ... bap.
" June 9. Anne Payne ... bur.
" June 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Titley ... bap.
" June 13. Martha, d. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" June 13. Willm., s. of William & Jane Heighway ... bap.
" June 20. Edward, s. of Richard & Anne Crocket ... bap.
" June 20. Anne, d. of Thomas & Sarah Brees ... bap.
" June 22. Samuel Glover ... bur.
" June 27. Willm. Edwards ... bur.
" June 27. Martha Edwards ... bur.
" July 2. Anne Small, pauper ... bur.
" July 4. Anne, d. of Samuel & Martha Heyward ... bap.
" July 18. Martha, d. of John & Mary Plimmer ... bap.
" July 18. Thos. Thornes ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Martha, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Henry, s. of Richard & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Aug. 8. ,Thos., s. of Thomas & Margaret Elks ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Mary, d. of Richard & Lucretia Clayton ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Martha, d. of William & Martha Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 13. John Mancel ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Mary Clayton ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Sarah, d. of James & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 26. John, s. of Thomas E Mary Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Charlotte, d. of John & Margaret Parry ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Thos., s. of Robert & Anne Caswell ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Mary, d. of David & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Elizabeth Littlehales, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Samuel, s. of Richard & Susannah Sankey ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Richd., s. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.

1785] Pontesbury. 419

1784, Oct. 20. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Jacks ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Willm., s. of Timothy & Margaret Mancel ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Elizabeth Crump ... bur.
" Nov. 30. Elizabeth Morgan ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Jane Smith ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Abraham Trow ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Humphrey Williams ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Samuel Heighway ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Anne Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 19. Rich., s. of Richard & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Francis, s. of Francis & Harriet Rogers ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Willm. Roberts, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Margaret, d. of John & Sarah Cooper ... bap.


1785, Jan. 2. Anne, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Anne, d. of Isaac & Deborah Probert ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Richd., s. of Reynold & Sarah Nicholls ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Anne Eanor [sic], d. of John & Anne Nicholls ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Mary Arpin ... bur.
" Feb. 6. Willm., s. of Edward & Jane Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Mary, d. of William & Anne Andrews ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Thos., s. of John & Elizabeth Dolphin ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Handley ... bap.
Richard, the s. of Richard & Constantia Harriet Jenkins, was born Feb. 18th, baptized the 19th, & christened the 2nd of June 1785.
" Feb. 21. Thos., s. of Benjamin & Catherine Lowe ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Sarah Purslow ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Mary Rogers ... bur.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Willm. Thompson ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Eleanor Thompson ... bur.
" Apr. 3. William, s. of William & Mary Bull ... bap.
" Apr. 3. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Peters ... bap.

420 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1785

1785, Apr. 3. Thos., s. of John & Anne Sherry ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Edward, b. s. of Sarah Thomas ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Sarah, d. of Robert & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Anne, d. of David & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Anne, d. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Harriet, d. of Francis & Harriet Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Anne, d. of John & Elizabeth Weavers ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Isaac, s. of Isaac & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Jane, d. of John & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Elizabeth Plimmer, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Edward Thomas, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Thos. Beest ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Esther, d. of John & Mary Martin ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" May 1. Willm., s. of John & Mary Harries ... bap.
" May 2. Anne Sherry ... bur.
" May 3. John Bromley ... bur.
" May 5. Mary Stedman, pauper ... bur.
" May 6. Anne March ... bur.
" May 7. Martha Lysance ... bur.
" May 8. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" May 15. Sarah Jones ... bur.
" May 18. John March ... bur.
" May 22. James Griffiths, pauper ... bur.
" June 1. Catherine Griffiths, pauper ... bur.
" June 1. John, s. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" June 13. Mary Sinepole ... bur.
" June 19. Eleanor, d. of John & Mary Bebbington ... bap.
" June 26. John, s. of William & Mary Walter ... bap.
" June 26. John, s. of James & Winefred Chaloner ... bap.
" July 3. Robt. Littlehales ... bur.
" July 8. John Howells ... bur.
" July 10. Mary, b. d. of Elizabeth Payne ... bap.
" July 10. Mary, d. of Benjamin & Mary Bennett ... bap.
" July 17. Robt., s. of Richard & Lucretia Clayton ... bap.
" July 17. Mary, d. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" July 17. Willm., s. of Thomas & Jane Arpin ... bap.
" July 17. Elizabeth, d. of Rich: & Jane Nicholls ... bap.
" July 22. John Walter ... bur.

1785] Pontesbury. 421

1785, July 24. Mary, d. of John & Margaret Davies ... bap.
" July 24. Thos., s. of Thomas & Sarah Casewell ... bap.
" July 29. Elizabeth Tipton ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Jane, b. d. of Jane Egerton ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Charlotte Lea ... bur.
" Aug. 14. Anne, d. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Sarah, b. d. of Catherine Arpin ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Mary Bennett ... bap.
" Aug. 28. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Ward ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Thos. Field, s. of Thomas & Mary Upton ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Jane Tipton, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 11. Thos., s. of Richard & Anne Dudley ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Martha Mason, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Priscilla Higgins, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Mary, d. of William & Jane Beddow ... bap.
" Sep. 19. John Parry, Esq. ... bur.
" Sep. 19. Joseph Higgins ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Elizabeth Mathers, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 4. Thos., s. of Samuel & Sarah Titley ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Richd., s. of Henry & Eleanor Rudge ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth Hill ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Martha, d. of John & Margt. Parry ... bap.
" Oct. 16. John. s. of Joseph & Mary Rondles ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Thos., b. s. of Mary Whitefoot ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Morris, s. of Morris & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Edward, s. of Peter & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Ralph Thornes ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Mary, d. of Richard & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Mary Cross ... bur.
" Dec. 1. Elizabeth, d. of William & Jane Heighway ... bap.
" Dec.11. Willm., s. of William & Catherine Gittins ... bap.
" Dec. 18. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Edward Roberts ... bur.


422 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1786

1786, Jan. 4. Martha Tomkies ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Martha, d. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" Jan. 20. John Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 20. John Harris, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Martha Parry ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Agatha, d. of Solomon & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Edward Wynne ... bur.
" Feb. 5. Willm. Allen ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Catherine, d. of John & Anne Nicholls ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Anne Thomas ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Dorcas Barnett, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Rich., s. of Griffith & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Thos., s. of William & Mary Young ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Martha Plimmer ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Eleanor Bebbington ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Susannah, d. of Thomas & Jane Bradney ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Samuel Heyward ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Thos. Sherry, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Hildebrand & Jane Potts ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Susannah, d. of Thomas & Catherine Dodd ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Jane Williams ... bur.
" Apr. 16. Willm., s. of John & Mary Plimmer ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Richd., s. of Elizabeth Maddox ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Richd., s. of William & Jane Rudge ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Sarah Purks ... bur.
" Apr. 23. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Powell ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Margaret, d. of Richard & Sarah Psalter ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Thos. & Samuel, b. sons of Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" May 7. Mary, d. of Richard & Catherine Parry ... bap.
" May 10. Henry Symonds, pauper ... bur.
" May 10. Rich. Griffiths ... bur.
" May 10. Samuel Davies ... bur.
" May 12. Mary Littlehales ... bur.
" May 14. Martha, d. of Timothy & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" May 21. Rich., s. of Richard & Mary Swayn ... bap.

1786] Pontesbury. 423

1786, May 21. Willm., s. of Rees & Elizabeth Williams, pau ... bap.
" May 24. John, s. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" May 26. Willm. Williams, pauper ... bur.
" May 28. Rich., s. of Robert & Mary Williams ... bap.
" June 7. Jane Tipton ... bur.
" June 10. Mary James, pauper ... bur.
" June 16. Anne Davies, pauper ... bur.
" June 18. John, s. of John & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" June 25. Joseph, s. of John & Rebecca Millington ... bap.
" July 2. Elizabeth, b. d. of Sarah Swift ... bap.
" July 20. Martha Purslow ... bur.
" July 21. Samuel Dyke ... bur.
" July 23. Mary Tipton ... bur.
" July 27. Richd. Hollioak ... bur.
" July 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Parry ... bap.
" July 30. Richd., b. s. of Mary Thomas ... bap.
" July 30. Willm., b. s. of Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 6. John Barber ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham & Mary Mansell ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Anna Maria, d. of John & Anne Lewis ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Mary Roberts ... bur.
" Aug. 23. Thos. Young ... bur.
" Aug. 23. Anne, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
Aug. 24. Sarah Lowe ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Maria, d. of James & Anne Hill ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Samuel Griffiths ... bur.
" Sep. 4. Elizabeth Bennett ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Mary, d. of Thomas & Alice Rogers ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Charles Barber ... bur.
" Sep. 15. John Davies ... bur.
" Oct. 6. Richd. Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Elizabeth Williams, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 8. John, s. of Richard & Anne Arpin, pau: ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Sarah, d. of Daniel & Mary Lea ... bap.
" Oct. 17. Anne Roberts, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Elizabeth Mansell, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Mary, b. d. of Mary Tipton, pau: ... bap.

424 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1786

1786, Oct. 23. John Hollioak ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Rich., s. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales, pau: ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Hannah, d. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Mary Beddow ... bur.
" Nov. 24. John, s. of Richard & Mariah Powell ... bap.
(Supposed to be enter'd by mistake, Powell instead of Poole.

" Nov. 26. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Glover ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Richd. & Hannah, s. & d. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Richd., b. s. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Humphrey Roberts ... bur.
" Dec. 10. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Harries ... 'bap.
" Dec. 24. Richd., s. of Robert & Anne Casewell ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Willm. Plimmer ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Jane Hindley ... bur.
" Dec. 31. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary Parry, pau: ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.


1787, Jan. 5. John Brazenor ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Mary Powel ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Isaac, s. of Isaac & Mary Jaundrell ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Samuel, s. of William & Anne Andrews ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Jemimah, d. of Thomas & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Samuel, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.
" Jan. 16. Elizabeth Hindley ... bur.
" Jan. 28. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Mary Peter ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Hannah, d. of Joseph & Mary Rondles ... bap.
" Feb. 4. Anne Bennett ... bur.
" Feb. 11. Handley, s. of Edward & Anne Plimmer ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Anne, d. of John & Hannah Giles ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Susannah, d. of John & Mary Tomkies ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Thos., s. of Edward & Mary Stedman ... bap.

1787] Pontesbury. 425

1787, Feb. 25. Pritchard, s. of Pritchard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth Dolphin ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Thos. Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 3. Patience Lysons, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 4. Thos., s. of Richard & Lucretia Clayton ... bap.
" Mar. 4. John, s. of Thomas & Margaret Elks ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Mary, d. of William & Jane Heighway ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Mary d. of John & Anne Nicholls ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Edward Done ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Robt., s. of Robert & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Edward Williams, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 24. James, b. s. of Mary Thomas ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Anne Bowen ... bur.
" Apr. 4. Willm. Jacks ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Isaac, s. of Isaac & Deborah Probers ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Frances Mary Gertrude, d. of Richd. Jenkins, Esq., & Constantia Harriet his w. ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Mary, d. of James & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Mary, d. of Edward & Sarah Diggory ... bap.
" Apr. 10. John Thomas ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Sarah Morgan ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Edwd., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Walter Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Robt. Nicholls ... bur.
" May 2. James Thomas, pauper ... bur.
" May 6. Thos., s. of Timothy & Margaret Mansell ... bap.
" May 6. Charlotte, d. of John & Mary Lysons ... bap.
" May 7. Elizabeth BraZenor ... bur.
" May 2. Sarah Davies ... bur.
" May 13. Richd., s. of Robert & Elizabeth Titley ... bap.
" May 20. Thos., s. of John & Esther Jones ... bap.
" May 20. Willm., s. of John & Mary Bebbington ... bap.
" May 27. Jane, d. of Thomas & Martha Mansell ... bap.
" May 27. John, s. of Peter & Anne Case ... bap.
" June 2. Elizabeth Gommy ... bur.
" June 10. Joseph, s. of William & Mary Thomas ... bap.

426 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1787

1787, June 17. Mary, d. of John & Catherine Bennett ... bap.
" June 17. Willm., s. of James & Anne Symonds ... bap.
" July 1. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" July 22. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Cowper ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Mary, d. of;Thomas & Anne Purslow ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Willm., b. s. of Elizabeth Roberts ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Willm. Maddocks ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Hill ... bap.
" Aug. 28. John Diggory ... bur.
" Sep. 2. Anne, d. of Thomas & Catherine Dodd ... bap.
" Sep. 9. John, s. of William & Anne Bedow ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Elizabeth Tipton ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Anne Cowper ... bur.
" Sep. 30. Samuel, s. of Reynold & Sarah Nicholls ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 30. Thos., s. of Thomas & Jane Arpin ... bap.
" Sep. 30. John, s. of Richard & Margaret Hughes ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Willm., s. of William & Mary Young ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Sarah Littlehales, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Margaret, d. of David & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 28. John, s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Caiswell ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Jane, d. of David & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Anne, d. of Richard & Anne Dudley ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Elizabeth, d. of William & Margaret Tipton ... bap.
"* Nov. 25. Henry Juson, s. of Richard & Gwen Wood ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Sarah Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Sarah, d. of Benjamin & Mary Bennett ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Richd., s. of Thomas & Sarah Brees ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Sarah Cross ... bur.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of Abraham & Mary Mansell ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Hill ... bap.


* Inserted between the lines by another hand.

1788] Pontesbury. 427

1788, Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Richard & Anne Crocket ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Christabella, d. of Timothy & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Mary Griffiths, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Wilfm. Humphries ... bur.
" Jan. 13. Martha, d. of John & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Thos., s. of James & Winifred Challenor ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Sarah Bennett ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Mary Oliver, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Willm., s. of Thomas & Letitia Plimmer ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Willm., s. of Benjamin & Christabella Lowe ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Samuel Maddox ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Anne, d. of Samuel & Sarah Parry ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Hannah, d. of Richard & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 25. John, s. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Mary, b. d. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Jane Griffiths, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Catherine, d. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Edward, s. of John & Anne Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Rachel, d. of Abraham & Margaret Bennett ... bap.
" Apr. 18. John, s. of John & Margaret Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Willm., s. of Richard & Sarah Salter ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Hannah, d. of William & Catherine Gittins ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John & Margarett Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Richd. Littlehales ... bur.
" May 4. Mary, d. of John & Mary Plimmer ... bap.
" May 25. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" May 25. John, b. s. of Elizabeth Rogers ... bap.
" June 1. John, s. of David & Jane Harris ... bap.

428 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1788

1788, June 1. Willm., s. of William & Mary Davies ... bap.
" June 1. Edwd., s. of John & Mary Harris ... bap.
" June 8. Anne, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" June 8. Edwd., s. of Richard & Sarah Tiesdale ... bap.
" June 8. Anne, d. of Richard & Sarah Tiesdale ... bap.
" June 15. James, s. of Edward & Martha Aston ... bap.
" June 22. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Breese ... bap.
" June 27. Richd., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Ward ... [blank]
" June 29. Thos., s. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" June 29. Sarah Plimmer ... bur.
" July 6. Jane Tipton, pauper ... bur.
" July 20. John Probert ... bur.
" July 20. Mary, d. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" July 27. Robt., s. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" July 27. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" July 27. Francis, b. s. of Margaret Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Samuel, s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 10. Edwd. Littlehales ... bur.
" Aug. 15. Mary Crockett ... bur.
" Aug. 15. Willm. Lewis, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 17. Willm., b. s. of Elizabeth Randles ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Weavers ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Anne, d. of William & Eleanor Rudge ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Martha Tipton, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 31. Richd., s. of John & Catherine Parry ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Anne, d. of Hildebrand & Hannah Potts ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Hugh, s. of Hugh & Jane Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Sarah Heath ... bur.
" Sep. 21. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Humphries ... bap.
" Sep. 21. John, s. of Samuel & Sarah Crane ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Dyoss ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Margaret Davies ... bur.
" Sep. 24. David Hindley ... bur.
" Sep. 28. John, s. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.
" Sep. 28. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Lewis ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Edmund, s. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales, pau: ... bap.
" Oct. 5. John, s. of John & Sarah Cowper ... bap.

1789] Pontesbury. 429

1788, Oct. 20. Dorothy Hill ... bur.
" Oct. 10. Margaret, d. of William & Jane Rudge ... bap.
" Oct. 19. John Lewis ... bur.
" Oct. 21. John Oliver ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Richd. Boycott, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Jenkins ... bap.
" Oct. 22. John Adams (a Negro) ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Lucretia Clayton ... bap.
" Oct. 26. Edward, s. of Edward & Anne Plimer ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Willm., s. of Joseph & Mary Randles ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Sarah Titley ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Joseph, s. of John & Catherine Bennett ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Isaac, s. of Thomas & Jane Bradney ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Sarah, b. d. of Anne Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John & Hannah Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Anne, d. of Peter & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Mary, d. of James & Anne Hill ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Mary, d. of John & Mary Birch ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Anne Tizedale ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Elizabeth, b. d. of Anne Harpin, pau: ... bap.


1789, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of William & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Thos., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.
" Jan. 1. John Casewell ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Thos., s. of Thos. & Martha Smith ... bap.
" Jan. 9. David Griffiths, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Richd., s. of John & Mary Tomkies ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Birch ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Hannah, d. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Edward Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Charles Edward Orlando, s. of Richd. Jenkins, Esq., & Constantia Harriet, his w. ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Mary Ward, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Mary Crump, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Mary, d. of Robert & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Anne Roberts ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Richd., s. of Thos. & Anne Davies ... bap.

430 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789

1789, Feb. 8. Elizabeth, b. d. of Bridget Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Susannah Symonds ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Richd., b. s. of Elizabeth Corfield ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Willm., s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Hannah, b. d. of Hannah Mariah Cheshire ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Mary Hill, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Thos., s. of John & Jane France ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Mary, b. d. of Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Mary, d. of Griffith & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 5. Mary Tipton, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Anne Hill, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Mary Goodall ... bur.
" Mar. 21. John, s. of John & Ann Nicholas ... bap.
" Mar. 21. John Dewen, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Richd., s. of Richard & Susannah Bevan ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Sarah Wightfoot, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth Clayton ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Richd., s. of Richard & Eleanor Giles ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Richd. Parry, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Isaac, s. of William & Margaret Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Martha, d. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Willm., s. of William & Anne Andrews ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Thos., s. of Thomas & Martha Mansell ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Margaret Hindley, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Harriet, d. of William & Jane Heighway ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Miriam Brazenor ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Thos. Thompson ... bur.
" Apr. 24. David Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Thos. Challenor ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Anne Breeze ... bur.
" May 8. Sarah Symonds, pauper ... bur.
" May 10. Joseph, s. of Samuel & Mary Higgins ... bap.
" May 14. James Challenor ... bur.
" May 15. Roger Clayton ... bur.
" May 17. Edward, s. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" May 21. Samuel, b. s. of Elizabeth Davies ... bap.

1789] Pontesbury. 431

1789, May 21. Thos., s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Hey ward ... bap.
" May 24. Thos., s. of Isaac & Deborah Probert ... bap.
" May 24. John, b. s. of Mary Tipton ... bap.
" May 31. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" June 7. John, s. of William & Mary Casewell ... bap.
" June 7. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Heyward ... bap.
" June 14. Willm. & Elenor, s. & d. of William & Margaret Hamson ... bap.
" June 22. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" July 14. Mary & Sarah, daus. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" July 19. Jane, d. of John & Anne Barnes ... bap.
" July 19. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Anne Casewell ... bap.
" July 19. Frances, d. of John Amler, Esq., & Sarah, his w. ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Trephana Squires ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Anne Dod, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Sarah, d. of Isaac & Mary Jaundrell ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Richd., s. of Richard & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Samuel, s. of Timothy & Margaret Mansell ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Sarah, d. of Richard & Christabella Philpot ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Jane, d. of Thomas & Alice Rogers ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Martha Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Willm., s. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Edward, s. of William & Mary Crump ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Elizabeth, b. d. of Margaret Brown ... bap.
" Sep. 28. Willm. Wright (of London) ... bur.
" Oct. 8. John Thomas ... bur.
" Oct. 11. Robt. Perry, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Anne Weavers, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 13. John, s. of Francis & [blank] ...[blank]
" Oct. 25. Mary, d. of William & Esther Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Eleanor Hamson ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Elizabeth Harries ... bur.

432 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789

1789, Nov. 27. John Oliver, Esq. ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Willm., s. of Thomas & Margaret Elks ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Sarah, d. of James & Anne Symonds ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Samuel, s. of Richard & Anne Dudley ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Margaret, b. d. of Margaret Young, pau ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Margaret Young, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Richd., s. of Thomas & Jane Arpin ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary Lewis ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Littlehales ... bap.


1790, Jan. 1. John, s. of John & Anne Nichols ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Edward Lewis, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Mary, d. of John & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Willm. Griffiths, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 10. Francis, d. of John & Mary Plimmer ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Willm., s. of Edward & Hustle Evans ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Edward, s. of William & Anne Beddow ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Margaret, d. of John & Mary Harris ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Francis, s. of Thomas & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Ralph Dolphin ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Anne, d. of Edward & Jane Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 14. Elizabeth Ducket ... bur.
" Feb. 14. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Jane Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Sarah, d. of John & Esther Jones, pau. ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Catherine Dodd ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Thos. Breeze ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Jane, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Willm., s. of William & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Jane Challenor ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Philips ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Elizabeth Philips ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Sarah, d. of Jacob & Elizabeth Bishop ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Jane & Sarah, daus. of Griffith & Mary Pritchard ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.

1790] Pontesbury. 433

1790, Mar. 28. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Alice Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Francis, s. of Samuel & Sarah Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of Edward & Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Sarah, d. of Timothy & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 5. Martha, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Tittley ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Margaret-Mary, d. of John & Margaret Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 6. James, s. of Benjamin & Christabella Lowe ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Samuel Mansell, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 18. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Casewell ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Humphries ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Willm. Hampson ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Sarah Bishop ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Mary, d. of Joseph & Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" Apr. 25. Richd., s. of Charles & Margaret Breeze ... bap.
" May 2. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" May 2. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" May 2. Benjamin, s. of John & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" May 2. Margaret Peters, pauper ... bur.
" May 4. Jane, d. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" May 7. Richd. Waste, pauper ... bur.
" May 16. Margaret, d. of John & Elizabeth Birch ... bap.
" May 16. Anne, d. of Richard & Sarah Tiezdale ... bap.
" May 19. Samuel Davies, pauper ... bur.
" May 23. John, s. of Richard & Anne Pugh ... bap.
" June 5. John Chamber, pauper ... bur.
" June 13. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Armstrong ... bap.
" June 18. Mary Sherry, pauper ... bur.
" June 20. Mary, d. of William & Mary Davies ... bap.
" June 24. Thos. Richards ... bur.
" June 24. Philip, b. s. of Sarah Brown ... bap.
" July 11. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies, pau: ... bap.
" July 11. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Sarah Underwood ... bap.
" July 11. John, s. of John & Catherine Bennett ... bap.
" July 15. Elizabeth Price ... bur.

434 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1790

1790, July 18. Ann, d. of William & Catherine Gittins ... bap.
" July 18. Elizabeth, b. d. of Elizabeth Brown ... bap.
" July 28. Sarah, d. of Richard & Lucretia Clayton ... bap.
" July 25. Richd., s. of Samuel & Anne Birch ... bap.
" July 25. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Perkin ... bap.
" July 25. James, b. s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Elizabeth, d. of William & Anne Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Maria, b. d. of Elizabeth Crocket ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Edward, s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 8. Aaron, s. of Edward & Anne Plimmer ... bap.
" Aug. 13. Mary, d.of Thomas & Sarah Lewis ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Thos. Henks ... bur.
" Aug. 22. Willm., s. of Reynold & Sarah Nicholls ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Margaret, d. of John & Jane France ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Mary Henks ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Richd., s. of Peter & Anne Ease ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Hannah, d. of Joseph & Mary Rondles ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Francis Plimmer ... bap. [sic]
" Oct. 1. John Bagley ... bur.
" Oct. 3. Willm., s. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" Oct. 10. Martha, d. of Charles & Martha Plimmer ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Jane Richards ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Richd., b. s. of Sarah Henks ... bap.
" Oct. 3t. Elizabeth Ducket, pauper ... bur.
" Nov. 2. Mary Armstrong, pauper ... bur.
" Nov. 3. John Lycence ... bur.
" Nov. 4. Margaret Tumblins, pauper ... bur.
" Nov. 7. John, s. of William & Eleanor Rudge, pau: ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Willm., s. of Edward & Anne Parry ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Maria, d. of Thomas & Mary Upton ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Rich., b. s. of Mary Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 24. John Sherry ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Edward Williams ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Thos., s. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Joseph Small, pauper ... bur.

1791] Pontesbury. 435

1790, Dec. 5. Mary, b. d. of Sarah Griffiths ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Richd. Gittoes, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Miles Field ... bur.
" Dec. 12. Maria, d. of William & Elizabeth Ease ... bap.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of Thos. & Sarah Breeze ... bap.


1791, Jan. 1. John Armstrong, pauper ... bur.
" Jan. 2. Mary, d. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 9. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Elizabeth Nicholls ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Robt., s. of John & Anne Nicholls ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Benjamin, b. s. of Martha James ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Anne, b. d. of Mary Bromley ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Thos., s. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Willm., s. of William & Sarah Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Thos. Upton ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Mary Tipton, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Eleanor Sherry, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Willm. & Mary Andrews, paupers ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Owen Davies ... bur.
" Mar. 2. Elizabeth Lewis ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Mary, d. of John & Mary Bebbington ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Richd., s. of James & Anne Hinley, pau: ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Elizabeth Andrews, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Richd. Rurslow ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Mary Tipton, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Mary Bennett ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Susannah, d. of John & Anne York ... bap.
" Mar. 24. John Bennett ... bur.
" Mar. 25. John Bostock ... bur.
" Mar. 25. Willm. Purslow ... bur.
" Mar. 26. John Thompson ... bur.
" Mar. 27. John, s. of Richard & Anne Crockett ... bap.
" Apr. 3. Peter Littlehales, pauper ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Eleanor, d. of Edward & Martha Morris, pau: ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Willm., s. of Richard & Christabella Philpot ... bap.

436 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1791

1791, Apr. 24. Edwd. Plimmer ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Griffiths, pau: ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Mary, d. of John & Mary Philips ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Rich., s. of Richard & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" May 1. Mary Higgins ... bur.
" May 1. John, s. of Richard & Catherine Parry ... bap.
" May 1. John, s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" May 5. Sarah Manning ... bur.
" May 12. Bold Oliver, Esq., Salop ... bur.
" May 15. Willm. Philpott ... bur.
" May 21. Mary Williams ... but.
" May 22. James, s. of John & Jane Fox, pau: ... bap.
" May 22. Hannah, d. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" May 28. Richd. Ford, pauper ... bur.
" May 29. John, b. s. of Mary Thomas ... bap.
" June 5. James, s. of Peter & Mary Clare ... bap.
" June 5. Jane Pierce, pauper ... bur.
" June 9. John Giles, pauper ..
" June 12. Samuel, s. of William & Mary Overton ... bap.
" June 12. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" June 21. Elizabeth Taylor ... bur.
" June 28. Edwd. Littlehales ... bur.
" June 29. John Vaughan, Schoolmaster ... bur.
" July 3. Thos., s. of Thomas & Anne Giles ... bap.
" July 26. William Harris, Esq., Coroner ... bur.
" Aug. 7. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Isaac, s. of Isaac & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Mary, d. of William & Margaret Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Martha, d. of John & Sarah Cowper ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Thos., s. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Mary Hollyoak ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Anne Williams, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 5. Edwd. Davies ... bur.
" Sep. 5. Edwd., s. of John & Mary Plimmer ... bap.
" Sep. 11. Ursula, d. of Robert & Mary Licence ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Anne Tipton, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Willm. Powel ... bur.

1792] Pontesbury. 437

1791, Sep. 18. Willm., s. of Edward & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Thos., s. of John & Mary Taylor ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Mary, d. of Peter & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas & Susannah Bowen ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Mary, d. of Jacob & Elizabeth Bishop ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Daniel, s. of Thomas & Martha Mansell ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Mr. Willm. Harries, Arscott ... bur.
" Oct. 13. John, s. of John & Sarah Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Anne Purslow ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Edwd., s. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Thos., s. of Edward & Margaret Oakeley ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Thos. Glover ... bur.
" Oct. 23. Margaret France ... bur.
" Oct. 23. Rebecca, b. d. of Elizabeth Harris ... bap.
" Oct. 23. John, b. s. of Jane Hotchkis ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Martha Lewis ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Edwd. Plimmer ... bur.
" Nov. 3. James, s. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Anne Tizedale ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Jane Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Thos. Bradney ... bur.
" Nov. 20. John, s. of William & Anne Stephens ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Edwd., s. of Richard & Anne Arpin ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Edwd., s. of Francis & Harriet Rogers ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Francis Chambers ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Edward Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 18. Edward, s. of Edward & Anne Plimmer ... bap.
" Dec. 18. Rebecca, d. of William & Anne Caisewell ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Elizabeth Jenkins ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Mary, d. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Willm. Smith, s. of William & Esther Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 27. John, s. of Thomas & Jane Bradney ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Sophia. d. of William & Mary Walters ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Mary Sherry ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Willm. Thomas ... bur.


1792, Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Richard & Sarah Jones ... bap.

438 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1792

1792, Jan. 2. Willm., s. of John & Sarah Tomkis ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Margaret, d. of Samuel & Anne Birch ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Timothy & Margaret Mansell ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Eleanor, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Sarah Plimmer, an infant ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Breeze ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Margaret, d. of James & Anne Symonds ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Sarah Reynolds ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Maria, b. d. of Elizabeth Paine, pau: ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Perks ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Willm., s. of William & Mary Crump ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Samuel Morris ... bur.
" Jan. 29. Willm., s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary James ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Thos., s. of Richard & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Jane, d. of George & Martha Smith ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of John & Hannah Griffiths ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Edwd., s. of Richard & Susannah Simmonds ... bap.
" Feb. 29. John Hotchkis, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 5. John, s .of John & Elizabeth Birch ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Martha, d. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 20. John, s. of Thomas & Ellis Rogers ... bap.
" Mar. 10. John Fox, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Mary Cowper ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Charles Breeze ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Mary, d. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Jane, d. of John & Mary Philips ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Thos. Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 8. John, s. of John & Jane Lysons ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Anne, d. of William & Anne Andrews ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Jane, d. of Thomas & Jane Challenor ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Anne, d. of William & Mary Young ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Sarah, d. of John & Margaret Smout ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Rich:, b. s. of Sarah Griffiths, pau: ... bap.

1792] Pontesbury. 439

1792, Apr. 29. Willm., b. s. of Margaret Cross, pau: ... bap.
" May 3. Thos. Clarke, pauper ... bur.
" May 6. Anne, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" May 7. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" May 9. Jacob, s. of Isaac & Mary Jaundrell ... bap.
" May 20. Willm., b. s. of Jane Jones ... bap.
" May 27. Benjamin, s. of Richard & Catherine Philpot ... bap.
" May 30. Willm. Breeze ... bur.
" June 3. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Eleanor Powel ... bap.
" June 3. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Perkin ... bap.
" June 3. Benjamin, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" June 10. Thos., s. of Thomas & Margaret Sherry ... bap.
" June 10. Richd., s. of John & Hannah Maria Giles ... bap.
" June 12. Thos. Rondles ... bur.
" June 17. Thos., s. of Thomas & Jane Bradney ... bap.
" June 20. Elias Bennett ... bur.
" June 21. Mary Harris ... bur.
" June 24. Richd., s. of Benjamin & Mary Bennett ... bap.
" June 24. Timothy, s. of Timothy & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" June 27. George, s. of George & Catherine Naylor ... bap.
" July 1. George, s. of Samuel & Mary Bill ... bap.
" July 1. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Ward ... bap.
" July 1. James. s. of James & Winefred Challenor ... bap.
" July 8. John, s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" July 10. Thos. Dod ... bur.
" July 15. James, s. of Thomas & Mary Upton ... bap.
" July 15. Charles, s. of Thomas & Jane Arpin ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Antie York ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Jane Nicholass, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 19. Willm., s. of William & Susannah Bevan ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Edward, s. of Thomas & Catherine Dod ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Mary, d. of Isaac & Deborah Prohert ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Jane, b. d. of Mary Pugh ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Thos. Holmes. pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Thos., s. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bap.

440 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1792

1792, Sep. 9. John, s. of Robert & Eleanor Jones, pau: ... bap.
" Sep. 9. John, s. of William & Anne Hall ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Samuel, s. of John & Elizabeth Cross ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Mary Rondles ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Martha Tipton ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Thos., s. of Richard & Susannah Amis ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Mary, d. of Abraham & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Joseph Rondles, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 17. Sarah, d. of Benjamin & Christabella Lowe ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Sarah Lowe ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Margaret Elks ... bap.
" Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Mansell ... bap.
" Nov. 11. John, s. of Timothy & Esther Lysance ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Anne, d. of Solomon & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 11. James, s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Willm. Owen, s. of John & Anne Nicholls ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Anne Ravenscroft, pauper ... bur.
" Nov. 25. Anne, d. of Hugh & Elizabeth Hughes, pau: ... bap.
" Nov. 25. George, s. of John & Jane France ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth France ... bap.
" Nov. 26. John Henks, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 1. Margaret Hill ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Joseph & Mary, b. s. & d. of Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Shukar ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Thos., b. s. of Sarah Bowen, pau: ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Jane Hartshorn ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Anne, d. of John & Mary Phillips ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Thos., b. s. of Anne Daniel ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Priscilla, b. d. of Letitia Rogers ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Joseph Lewis, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Thos., s. of Edward & Jane Jones ... bap.


1793] Pontesbury. 441

1793, Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of John & Margaret Bailey ... bap.
" Jan. 3. Owen Humphries ... bur.
" Jan. 7. John Tipton ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Letitia, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Elizabeth Aston ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Mary, b. d. of Anne Thomas ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Willm., s. of William & Martha Holmes ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Thos., s. of Edward & Ursula Evans ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Sarah Dudley, pau: ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Richd., s. of Richard & Martha Bagley ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Samuel, s. of David & Elizabeth Bromley ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Mary, d. of John & Catherine Bennett ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Thos., s. of William & Mary Rogers .. bap.
" Mar. 3. Richd., b. s. of Elizabeth Davies, pau: ... bap.
" Mar. 5. John Sinepole ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Sarah, d. of William & Anne Beddow ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Richd., s. of Richard & Anne Taylor ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Sarah Salter ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Edward, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.
" May 21. James Field Upton ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Mary Edwards, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Mar., d. of Thomas & Sarah Caiswell ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Martha, d. of Edward & Anne Parry ... bap.
" Mar. 24. James, s. of James & Jeremiah [sic] Rutter ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Willm. & Anne, s. & d. of Joseph & Sarah Edwards, pau: ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Mary. d. of William & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Mary, d. of Thomas & Jane Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Anne Davies ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Mary Caisewell, an infant ... bur.
" Apr. 14. Richd., s. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Humphrey Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Mary Ford ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Crane ... bap.

442 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1793

1793, Apr. 23. Mary Anne, d. of John & Margaret Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Martha, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Rich., b. s. of Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Martha, d. of Richard & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" May 5. Anne, d. of Edward & Eleanor Doan ... bap.
" May 9. Richd. Sherry ... bur.
" May 15. Anne Mansell ... bur.
" May 17. Thos. Hughes, an infant ... bur.
" May 20. Anne, b. d. of Margaret Brown ... bap.
" May 10. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" June 2. John, b. s. of Mary Tipton ... bap.
" June 2. Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth Weaver ... bap.
" June 3. John Pearce, s. of John & Anne Jaundrell ... bap.
" June 9. Sarah, d. of Edward & Susannah Berguin ... bap.
" June 9. Sarah, d. of Reynold & Sarah Nicholls. ... bap.
" June 9. Thos., s. of Thomas & Jane Hughes ... bap.
" June 16. Willm., s. of Thomas & Martha Davies ... bap.
" June 18. Edward Hughes, pauper ... bur.
" June 30. Mary, d. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" June 30. Mary, b. d. of Sarah Howells ... bap.
" July 7. Thos., s. of Peter & Mary Oliver ... bap.
" July 8. Thos. Sherry ... bur.
" July 14. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Breeze ... bap.
" July 14. Charles, s. of Thomas & Mary Peter ... bap.
" July 14. Jane, d. of Richard & Anne Arpin ... bap.
" July 14. Willm., b. s. of Anne Dudley ... bap.
" July 21. Hannah, d. of Peter & Anne Harris ... bap.
" July 21. Leonard, b. s. of Anne Jasper ... bap.
" July 27. Anne Jones ... bur.
" July 28. Thos., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Broadwell ... bap.
" July 28. Mary, d. of Edward & Anne Plimmer ... bap.
" July 28. Willm., s. of Edward & Eliazbeth Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 4. John, s. of John & Anne Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Rebecca Harris, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Mary Griffiths, pauper ... bur.

1794] Pontesbury. 443

1793, Aug. 18. Jane, d. of Samuel & Sarah Parry, pau: ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Edward Reynolds ... bur.
" Aug. 29. John Bellingham, pauper ... bur.
" Sep. 12. Samuel Griffiths ... bur.
" Sep. 15. Elizabeth Challenor ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Charlotte, d. of Richard & Anne Andrews ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Edward & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Susannah, d. of Thomas & Susannah Brown ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Sarah, d. of Francis & Harriet Rogers ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Overton ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Sarah, d. of John & Jane Philips ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Margaret Hughes ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Thos., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Stedman ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Thos. Cartwright ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Benjamin, s. of John & Esther Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Willm., s. of Benjamin & Eleanor Powel ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Willm., s. of William & Susannah Crane ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Thos. Gittins ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Thos., s. of John & Mary Plimmer ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Edward, s. of John & Margaret Hughes ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Margaret, d. of William & Mary Nicholas ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Anne, d. of David & Mary Hindley ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Sarah, d. of John & Eleanor Rondles ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Martha Dounton ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Richd. Bray, pauper ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Tryphena, d. of John & Tryphena Lysons ... bap.


1794, Jan. 5. Harriet, d. of Samuel & Jane Mansel ... bap.
" Jan. 5. Isaac, s. of Richard & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 12. Susannah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Upton ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Willm. Dashwood ... bur.

444 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1794

1794, Feb. 2. Hezekiah Pritchard ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Thos., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Martha, d. of William & Sarah Dounton ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Judith, d. of Thomas & Alicia Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Elizabeth Perks, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Edward Dodd, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Priscilla Rogers, pauper ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Martha Richards ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth Simmonds, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 1. John, s. of Benjamin & Christabella Lowe ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Amington, s. of Thomas & Martha Mansell ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Mary, d. of Robert & Anne Caiswell ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Mary Hindley ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Mary Gawen, pauper ... bur.
" Mar. 23. Mary, d. of Richard & Abigail Belins ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Robt., s. of Richard & Sarah Tizedall ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Mary, d. of William & Mary Crump ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Charles, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Barker ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Willm., s. of John & Margaret Smout ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Willm., s. of William & Mary Caiswel ... bap.
" Apr. 8. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Samuel, s. of John & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Margaret, d. of William & Anne Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 21. John, s. of John & Sarah Perkin ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Mary, d. of Samuel & Anne Birch ... bap.
" Apr. 27. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Mary James ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Willm. Warter ... bur.
" May 2. Anne, d. of Michael & Elizabeth Harrison ... bap.
" May 4. Thos., s. of John & Margaret Bebb ... bap.
" May 4. Willm., s. of Abraham & Martha Mansell ... bap.
" May 16. Eleanor, d. of William & Sarah Morgan ... bap.
" May 17. Willm., s. of Joseph & Mary Preece ... bap.

1794] Pontesbury. 445

1794, May 18. Humphrey, s. of Richard & Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" May 18. Eleanor Morgan, an infant, pauper ... bur.
" May 25. Catherine, d. of Edward & Martha Morris ... bap.
" May 25. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Aston ... bap.
" May 28. John Lowe (an infant) ... bur.
" June 1. Thos., s. of Roger & Sarah Clayton ... bap.
" June 1. Elizabeth, b. d. of Martha Jacks ... bap.
" June 1. Willm., s. ofJames & Winefred Chalenor ... bap.
" June 15. Mary, d. of Thomas & Martha Sherry ... bap.
" June 15. Richd., s. of John & Elizabeth Birch ... bap.
" June 18. Richd. Williams ... bur.
" June 18. Maria, d. of John & Martha Richards ... bap.
" June 22. Edw., s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" June 29. Willm., s. of William & Mary Warter ... bap.
" July 6. Jacob, s. of Jacob & Elizabeth Bishop ... bap.
" July 6. John, s. of William & Esther Tipton ... bap.
" July 11. Willm. Davies ... bur.
" July 11. Benjamin Stedman, pauper ... bur.
" July 13. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" July 20. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Brown ... bap.
" July 27. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Richd., s. of Thomas & Sarah Caiswell ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Willm. Holmes, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 11. Catherine Hodges ... bur.
" Aug. 16. Martha Higgins, pauper ... bur.
" Aug. 17. James, s. of Thomas & Jane Harpin ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Anne, d. of John & Margaret Plimmer ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Mary Jones (an infant) ... bur.
" Aug. 28. Martha Heighway ... bur.
" Aug. 31. John Sherry ... bur.
" Sep. 7. John, s. of William & Hannah Philpot ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Catherinah, d. of George & Catherinah Nailor ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Anne Purslow ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Mr. John Harries, of London ... bur.
" Oct. 5. Mary Jones, pauper ... bur.
" Oct. 14. James Clare ... bur.

446 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1794

1794, Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Anne Andrews ... bap.
" Oct. 27. John, s. of Richard & Martha Bagley ... bap.
" Oct. 28. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Philips ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Edward Evans ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Susannah Rogers ... bur.
" Nov. 13. Richd. Brazenor ... bur.
" Nov. 30. Mary, b. d. of Elizabeth Roberts ... bap.
" Nov. 30. John, s. of Richard & Mary Henks ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Thos., s. of Thomas & Jane Bradney ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Richd. Barker ... bur.
" Dec. 7. Anne, d. of Timothy & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 9. John Richards ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Mary Ford ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Martha, d. of William & Margaret Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Perks ... bap.
" Dec. 29. John Williams ... bur.


1795, Jan. 1. Edwd., s. of John & Mary Littlehales ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Warman ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Willm., s. of William & Elizabeth Homes ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Jane, d. of Joseph & Sarah Dyke ... bap.
" Jan. 12. John, s. of John & Mary Philips ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth Morris ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth Chidley ... bur.
" Feb. 3. George Gawen ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Martha Powell ... bur.
" Feb. 15. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Rich., s. of William & Elizabeth Breeze ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Thos., s. of John & Jane Fox ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Richd., s. of Timothy & Esther Lysence ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Samuel, s. of Richard & Susannah Amis ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Francis, s. of Anne Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 15. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Taylor ... bap.
" Mar. 15. Joseph, s. of John & Hannah Griffiths ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Richd., s. of Francis & Martha Parry ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.

1795] Pontesbury. 447

1795, Mar. 22. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Phoebe, d. of Edward & Anne Parry ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Anne, d. of William & Bridget Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Willm., s. of John & Jane France ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Rebecca, b. d. of Anne Arpin ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Willm., b. s. of Sarah Bowen ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Hannah Thomas ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Mary, d. of Joseph & Martha Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Richd., s. of James & Anne Symonds ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Benjamin Lowe ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Bromley ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Anne, d. of Richard & Anne Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Richd. Richards, Lea ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Eleanor, d. of Thomas & Jane Perks ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Thos., s. of Thomas & Anne Glover ... bap.
" May 3. Judith Rogers ... bur.
" May 10. Mary Littlehales ... bur.
" May 10. Thos., s. of Edward & Anne Plimmer ... bap.
" May 17. Richd., b. d. of Sarah Nicholas ... bap.
" May 19. Winefred Barber ... bur.
" May 20. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Humphreys ... bap.
" May 21. Hugh Hughes ... bur.
" May 22. Anne Dudley ... bur.
" May 28. Jane Mansell ... bur.
" May 31. Willm. Dudley, an infant ... bur.
" May 31. Richd., s. of James & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" May 31. Abigail, d. of Benjamin & Frances Mitton ... bap.
" June 7. Mary, d. of John & Mary Lamb ... bap.
" June 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Peters ... bap.
" June 9. Richd. Dudley ... bur.
" June 19. Sarah Heyward, an infant ... bur.
" June 21. Mary Stedman ... bur.
" June 21. Edward, s. of Edward & Eleanor Done ... bap.
" June 28. Diana Griffiths ... bur.
" June 28. Joseph, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.

448 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1795

1795, June 28. Hannah, d. of John & Eleanor Rondles ... bap.
" June 28. Thos., s. of John & Sarah Rogers ... bap.
" June 30. John Nicholas ... bur.
" July 12. James, s. of Edward & Ursula Evans ... bap.
" July 19. Thos., s. of Edward & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 1. Margaret Rogers ... bur.
" Aug. 8. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Mary Phillips ... bur.
" Aug. 7. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 9. Martha, b. d. of Anne Whevil ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Willm., s. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Aug. 23. Rich., s. of Richard & Mary Andrews ... bap.
" Sep. 1. John Simmonds ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Richd. Andrews, an infant ... bur.
" Sep. 13. John, b. s. of Anne Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Elizabeth Lisance ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Jane, d. of David & Elizabeth Bromley ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Jane, d. of Edward & Sarah Hayward ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Willm., s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Oct. 18. John, s. of Richard & Susanna Simmonds. ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Peter, b. d. of Catherine Morris ..
" Oct. 21. Willm. Hays ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Robt. Caiswell ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Elizabeth Morris ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Robt., s. of Benjamin & Eleanor Powell ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Richd., b. s. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Mary Warter ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Mary Perks, an infant ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Samuel, s. of John & Mary Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Elizabeth Powell ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Joseph Lewis ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Willm. Thompson, b. s. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Eleanor Plimmer, an infant ... bur.
" Nov. 22. John, s. of Edward & Martha Thompson ... bur.
" Nov. 22. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Jane, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.

1796] Pontesbury. 449

1795, Nov. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary Preece ... bap.
" Nov. 29. Mary, d. of Hugh & Elizabeth Hughes ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Anne Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 13. John, s. of Benjamin & Mary Bennett ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Mary Crump ... bur.
" Dec. 20. Charlotte, d. of Robert & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Dec. 24. James Booth ... bur.
" Dec. 27. Sarah, d. of Job & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Edward, b. s. of Margaret Pain ... bap.


1796, Jan. 1. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Breeze ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Barker ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Thos. Sherry ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Jane, d. of Timothy & Martha Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 9. John, s. of Richard & Anne Taylor ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Phoebe, d. of John & Mary Dean ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Edward, s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Jane, d. of Thomas & Jane Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Willm., s. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Margaret, d. of Samuel & Anne Gittins ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Francis, s. of Thomas & Alice Rogers ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Anne, d. of John & Mary Bebbington ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Humphrey Perks ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Elizabeth Edwards ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Rogers ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Solomon & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Robt. Millington ... bur.
" Jan. 31. Edward, s. of David & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Eleanor, d. of Robert & Ann Caiswell ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Martha Plimmer ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Thos. Richards ... bur.
" Feb. 7. Edward Griffiths ... bur.
" Feb. 7. John, b. s. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Anne, d. of John & Anne Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Richd. Taylor ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Mary, b. d. of Margaret Brown ... bap.

450 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1796

1796, Feb. 14. Mary, d. of Thomas & Jane Hughes ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Maria Plimmer ... bur.
" Feb. 21. Willm so.f William & Anne Beddow ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Thos. Bradney ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Thos. Howells ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Letitia Plimmer ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Joshua, s. of John & Fanny Lysons ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Mary, d. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Mary Dudley ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Isaac Tipton ... bur.
" Mar. 23. John Davies ... bur.
" Mar. 27. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Thos. Bebb ... bur.
" Ajar. 3. Willm., s. of Richard & Eleanor Giles ... bap.
" Apr. 15. Mary Morris ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Jane, d. of Evan & Margaret Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. of William & Eleanor Rudge ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Samuel, s. of John & Sarah Perkin ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Martha Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Jane Bagley ... bur.
" Apr. 20. John Thomas ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Thos. Davies ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Burch ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Thos., s. of Thomas & Catherine Dodd ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Diana Morris ... bur.
" May 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Elks ... bap.
" May 1. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Plimmer ... bap.
" May 1. Elizabeth Tipton ... bur.
" May 1. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Wigley ... bap.
" May 8. Francis, s. of Robert & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" May 16. Eleanor Plimmer ... bur.
" May 23. John Philpot ... bur.
" May 29. John, s. of Richard & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" May 31. Zachariah Tipton ... bur.
" June 12. John, s. of John & Margaret Ease ... bap.
" June 12. Elizabeth, d. of Peter & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.

1796] Pontesbury. 451

1796, June 12. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Sarah Parry ... bap.
" June 19. Martha, d. of John & Mary Evans ... bap.
" June 26. Benjamin, s. of John & Sarah Cooper ... bap.
" July 10. John Warter ... bur.
" July 15. Willm. Beddow ... bur.
" July 16. Thos. Hill ... bur.
" July 17. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Andrews ... bap.
" July 19. Agnes Tipton ... bur.
" July 25. Richd., s. of William & Susannah Crane ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Richd. Caisewell ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Sarah Evans ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Anne Burch ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Willm., s. of Edward & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Abraham Beddow ... bur.
" Aug. 31. Anne Bevan ... bur.
" Sep. 4. Samuel, s. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bap.
" Sep. 6. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Anne, b. d. of Elizabeth Payne ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Thos., s. of Richard & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Hannah Griffiths ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Maria, b. d. of Anne Corfield ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Joseph Heyward ... bur.
" Oct. 7. George, s. of Richard & Martha Bagley ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Sarah Philips ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Mary Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 20. Elizabeth Stedman ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Anne, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Alice, b. d. of Sarah Griffiths ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Martha Russel ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Humphrey, s. of John & Margaret Parry ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Jane Arpin ... bap.
" Nov. 6. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Giles ... bap.
" Nov. 14. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Sarah Pugh ... bur.
" Nov. 27. Henry, s. of Richard & Catherine Parry ... bap.
" Dec. 6. John Dyke ... bur.
" Dec. 21. Thos. Probert ... bur.
" Dec. 15. Anne Probert ... bur.
" Dec. 23. Willm. Hopton ... bur.

452 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1796

1796, Dec. 25. Elizabeth, b. d. of Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
1797, Jan. 1. Jotham, s. of Thomas & Martha Mansell ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Thos., s. of Jacob & Elizabeth Bishop ... bap.
" Jan. 11. Richd., s. of Richard & Gwen Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Frances, d. of Timothy & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Thos., s. of George & Margaret Francis ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Thos., b. d. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Sarah, d. of David & Hannah Hindley ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Martha, d. of William & Esther Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Eleanor, d. of John & Margaret Smout ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Hitchcock ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah Jukes ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Glover ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Willm., d. of Thomas & Sarah Breeze ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Elizabeth, b. d. of Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Amelia, d. of Samuel & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Ward ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 3. John Philips ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Jane Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 5. Mary, d. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Bergwin ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Elizabeth Jukes ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Willm., s. of William & Mary Overton ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Thos., b. s. of Mary Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Willm. Rondles ... bur.
" Mar. 26. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary James ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Mary Thompson ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Sarah Probert ... bur.
" Apr. 2. Susannah, d. of Abraham & Martha Mansell ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Richd., s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Eleanor, d. of James & Mary Prissick ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Anne, d. of Thomas & Mary Peters ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Willm., s. of John & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 30. Abraham Bennett ... bur.
" May 2. Abraham Bowyer ... bur.
" May 2. Eleanor Prissick ... bur.

1797] Pontesbury. 453

1797, May 4. Joseph Williams ... bur.
" May 7. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary Brown ... bap.
" May 8. Mary Elks ... bur.
" May 9. John Tipton ... bur.
" May 14. Thos. Hodges ... bur.
" May 21. Joseph Roberts ... bur.
" May 22. Thos., s. of John & Anne Jones ... bap.
" May 28. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Vaughan ... bap.
" May 28. Anne, d. of William & Margaret Tipton ... bap.
" June 3. John Evans ... bur.
" June 5. Willm., b. s. of Priscilla Philips ... bap.
" June 18. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Evans ... bap.
" June 18. Mary Hitchcock ... bur.
" June 22. Willm. Handley ... bur.
" June 28. Martha Davies ... bur.
" June 29. Edward, s. of James & Mary Preece ... bap.
" June 29. John Oliver, s. of Thomas & Martha Snackston ... bap.
" July 2. Jane, d. of John & Eleanor Rondles ... bap.
" July 2. Edward, s. of William & Mary Caiswell ... bap.
" July 5. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" July 5. Mary Gittins ... bur.
" July 9. Willm., s. of Timothy & Margaret Mansell ... bap.
" July 9. Richd., s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Purks ... bap.
" July 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Jane Davies ... bap.
" July 22. Willm. Thomas ... bur.
" July 30. Margaret, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth Heyward ... bap.
" July 30. John, s. of Jacob & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 6. James, s. of Thomas & Sarah Caiswell ... bap.
" Aug. 10. John Amis ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Willm., s. of William & Hannah Philpot ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Anne Wild ... bur.
" Aug. 20. John, s. of Edward & Anne Plimmer ... bap.
" Aug. 24. Zachariah Tipton ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Richd. Davies ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Roger, s. of Roger & Sarah Clayton ... bap.

454 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1797

1797, Sep. 4. Jane Stedman ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Spencer Bold Oliver ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Elias, s. of Samuel & Jane Mansell ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Eleanor, d. of Benjamin & Eleanor Powell ... bap.
" Sep. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Hannah, d. of John & Mary Lamb ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Miles, s. of Edward & Anne Parry ... bap.
" Oct. 8. John, b. s. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Hannah-Maria, d. of Thomas & Sarah Blakeway ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Thos. Sherry ... bur.
" Oct. 20. Mary Evans ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Edward, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Stedman ... bap.
" Oct. 29. John, s. of Job & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Richd., s. of William & Mary Edwards ... bap.
" Nov. 5. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Breeze ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Timothy, b. s. of Martha Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 14. John Vaughan ... bur.
" Nov. 15. John Mansell ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Thompson ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Jane, b. d. of Martha Heyward ... bap.
" Nov. 26. John, b. s. of Eleanor Bellingham ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Anne Hindley ... bur.
" Dec. 3. Martha, d. of Timothy & Esther Lysons ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Hincks ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Sarah, d. of William & Anne Andrews ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Sarah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Bromley ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Jane Wild ... bur.


1798, Jan. 1. Edward, s. of Edward & Martha Thompson ... bap.
" Jan. 3. John Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Sarah, d. of Richard & Anne Morris ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Thos. Brown ... bur.
" Jan. 14. Thos., b. s. of Mary Swift ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Birch ... bap.

1798] Pontesbury. 455

1798, Jan. 21. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 21. Hannah, d. of John & Hannah Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Joseph, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Willm., s. of Richard & Anne Hall ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Esther Lysons ... bur.
" Jan. 28. John Plimmer ... bur.
" Jan. 30. Anne, d. of Thomas & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Timothy, s. of Robert & Mary Lysons ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Thos., s. of Edward & Mary Richards ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Willm., s. of ONNen & Martha Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 11. Frances, b. d. of Anne Masp ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Thos. Richards ... bur.
" Feb. 13. Thos., s. of Isaac & Mary Jaundrell ... bap.
" Feb. 15. John, s. of William & Sarah Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Bellingham ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Richd., s. of Thomas & Eleanor Barker ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Willm., b. s. of Sarah Arpin ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" Mar. 4. John, s. of John & Sarah Rogers ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Richd. Roberts ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Henry Wynne, s. of Robert & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Samuel, s. of William & Mary Chidley ... bap.
" Mar. 29. Mary Chidley ... bur.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Jehosaphat, s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Sinah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Charles Plimmer ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Willm., b. s. of Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Samuel Chidley ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Agnes Richards ... bap.
" Apr. 12. Willm. Williams ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Susannah, d. of Edward & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" Apr. 22. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Glover ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Margaret Harris ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Martha Drudy ... bur.

456 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1798

1798, Apr. 27. Willm., s. of Richard & Gwen Wood ... bap.
" May 6. Martha, d. of Robert & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" May 6. Sarah, d. of John & Jane France ... bap.
" May 8. Bridget Tipton ... bur.
" May 13. Willm., s. of William & Mary Arpin ... bap.
" May 13. Anne, d. of Thomas & Mary Dovaston ... bap.
" May 13. John, s. of John & Anne York ... bap.
" May 27. Elisha, s. of Thomas & Jane Bradney ... bap.
" May 28. Eleanor, d. of William & Mary Mansell ... bap.
" May 28. Willm. Hodges ... bur.
" May 30. Benjamin Lowe ... bur.
" June 3. Martra, d. of Thomas & Sarah Plimmer ... bap.
" June 5. Willm. Philpot ... bur.
" June 16. Mary Evans ... bur.
" June 17. Thos., s. of Thomas & Martha Sherry ... bap.
" June 17. Eleanor, d. of John & Mary Bebington ... bap.
" June 18. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Garbet ... bap.
" June 24. John, s. of John & Margaret Pugh ... bap.
" June 24. Anne, d. of John & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" July 3. Eleanor Bebbington ... bur.
" July 6. John Ellis ... bur.
" July 15. Thos. Perks ... bur.
" July 15. Helen, d. of James & Mary Prissick ... bap.
" July 29. Maria, d. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Willm., b. s. of Winefrid Lysons ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Mary Beddow ... bur.
" Aug. 16. John Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 21. Henry Wynne Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 27. Dorothy Buckley, of Welch Pool ... bur.
" Aug. 31. Martha Gittins ... bur.
" Sep. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Sep. 2. Mary, d. of Samuel & Joice Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Robt. Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bap.
" Sep. 16. Willm., s. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Cooper ... bap.
" Sep. 26. John Caisewell ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Edward, s. of Richard & Martha Bagley ... bap.

1799] Pontesbury. 457

1798, Sep. 29. Hannah, d. of George & Elizabeth Bagley
" Sep. 30. Willm., s. of John & Sarah Perkin bbapap.
" Sep. 30. John, s. of Edward & Sarah Heyward ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Thos. Harries, Esqr., Cruckton Meole ... bur.
" Oct. 18. Hannah Bagley ... bur.
" Oct. 22. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Thos. Stedman ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Elizabeth Tipton ... bur.
" Nov. 2. Samuel Mansell ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Margaret Tipton ... bur.
" Nov. 11. Jane, d. of Thomas & Jane Hughes ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Richd., s. of Thomas & Alice Rogers ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Thos., s. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Thos., s. of William & Mary Crump ... bap.
" Nov. 25. Harriet, b. d. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Alicia Harries, of Ellesmere ... bur.
" Nov. 30. Martha Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Eleanor Juckes ... bur.
" Dec. 2. Mary, d. of Richard & Anne Tumblins ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Richd. Purslow ... bur.
" Dec. 9. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Maddox ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John & Margaret Bebb ... bap.
" Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Wigley ... bap.
" Dec. 16. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Cooper* ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Thos., s. of William & Sarah Smith ... bap.
" Dec. 23. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Upton ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
1799, Jan. 1. Willm. Thos., s. of John & Sarah Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Willm., s. of Edward & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Rebecca Harries ... bur.
" Jan. 6. Willm., s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Thos., s. of Thomas & Sarah Thompson ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Jehosaphat Mansell ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Sarah Tipton ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Mary, d. of Richard & Margaret Taylor ... bap.

* See September 22nd.

458 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1799

1799, Jan. 27. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Martha Gittins ... bur.
" Feb. 11. Richd. Ridge ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Mary, d. of David & Hannah Hindley ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Jane, d. of John & Margaret Plimmer ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Hannah Harries ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Martha, d. of John & Anne Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Edward, s. of Thomas & Anne Giles ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Joseph Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 31. John, s. of John & Mary Jukes ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Rebecca, d. of John & Mary Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 9. Margaret Rudge ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Thos. Diggory ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Thos. Jones, an infant ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Thos., s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Sarah, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Richd. Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 28. Jacob, s. of Timothy & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Anne, d. of Richard & Mary Andrews ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Mary Anne, d. of Thomas & Martha Snackston ... bap.
" May 5. Sarah, b. d. of Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" May 5. Sarah & Martha Plimmer (infants) ... bur.
" May 12. Hannah, d. of John & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" May 14. Thos. Handly ... bur.
" May 17. Willm., s. of Edward & Elizabeth Thompson ... bap.
" May 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Breeze ... bap.
" May 19. Willm., b. s. of Mary Nicholas ... bap.
" May 19. Anne, d. of John & Mary Tumblins ... bap.
" May 19. John Humphries ... bur.
" June 2. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Stedman ... bap.
" June 2. Sarah, d. of John & Anne Parry ... bap.
" June 2. Willm., s. of Samuel & Mary Davies ... bap.
" June 5. John, s. of Francis & Elizabeth Rogers ... bap.
" June 5. Richd. York, an infant ... bur.
" June 7. Jane Hayward ... bur.

1799] Pontesbury. 459

1799, June 9. Mary Anne, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" June 9. Charles, s. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" June 17. Jacob, s. of Jacob & Jane Tipton ... bap.
" June 22. Isabella Jones ... bur.
" June 30. Willm., s. of William & Rebecca Lewis ... bap.
" July 7. Willm., s. of Richard & Mary Higginson ... bap.
" July 11. Anne Arpin ... bur.
" July 29. Willm., s. of Edward & Jane Griffiths ... bap.
" July 28. Martha Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 3. Mary Williams ... bur.
" Aug. 4. Anne, d. of William & Esther Tipton ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Robt., s. of Thomas & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 3. Mary, d. of William & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Sep. 18, Jane Cross ... bur.
" Sep. 22. John, s. of Jacob & Elizabeth Bishop ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Mary Antley ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Oct. 7. Jacob Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 8. Elizabeth Davies ... bur.
" Oct. 11. John Lewis ... bur.
" Oct. 13. Maria, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Richards ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Margery Woodhouse ... bur.
" Oct. 20. John, s. of William & Mary Overton ... bap.
" Oct. 21. Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth Burch ... bap.
" Oct. 24. Martha Burch, an infant ... bur.
" Nov. 1. Jane, b. d. of Alice Salter ... bap.
" Nov. 3. John York, an infant ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Willm., b. s. of Martha Rogers ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Anne York, an infant ... bur.
" Nov. 14. Thomas, s. of Richard & Gwen Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 17. John, s. of John & Anne Preece ... bap.
" Nov. 21. Henry, s. of Joseph & Margaretta Warter ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Anne, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Edward, b. s. of Elizabeth Elks ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Stephens ... bap.
" Dec. 8. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Margaret Roberts ... bap.

460 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1799

1799, Dec. 8. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Sarah, d. of Edward & Margaret Thompson ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Anne, d. of Richard & Mary Brown ... bap.
*1800, Jan. 8. Elizabeth Evans ... bur.
" Jan. 12. Mary Maria, d. of William & Mary Caiswell ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Elizabeth Bagley ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Catharina Vaughan ... bur.
" Jan. 20. Anne Williams ... bur.
" Jan. 26. Willm., s. of John & Sarah Bellingham ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Mary, d. of Roger & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Edward, s. of Edward & Anne Parry ... bap.
" Feb. 5. John, s. of Richard & Patient Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 9. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Anne, d. of Richard & Mary Bromley ... bap.
" Feb. 20. Benjamin Mytton. ... bur.
" Feb. 23. George, s. of Edward & Martha Stedman ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Anne, d. of Richard & Catherine Parry ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Anne, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Martha Tiesdale ... bur.
" Mar. 12. Emilia Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Joyce, d. of Thomas & Anne Harries ... bur.
" Mar. 16. Edward, s. of Thomas & Anne Glover ... bap.
" Mar. 16. John, s. of Richard & Mary Garbett ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Elijah Bradney ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John & Eleanor Randles ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Catherine Philpot ... bap.
" Apr. 53. Richd., s. of Joseph & Sarah Edwards ... bap.
" Apr. 23. Charles, b. s. of Elizabeth Bostock ... bap.
" May 4. Sarah Titley ... bur.
" May 4. Obadiah, s. of Solomon & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" May 21. Anne Dodd ... bur.
" May 28. Edward Jones ... bur.
" June 1. Willm., s. of John & Anne Jones ... bap.
" June 1. Martha, b. d. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" June 2. Mary Thomas ... bur.
" June 2. Willm. Harpin ... bur.

* Handwriting changes.

1800] Pontesbury. 461

1800, June 5. Elizabeth Mansell ... bur.
June 11. Elizabeth Breeze ... bur.
" June 15. Martha, b. d. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" June 19. Margaret Cross ... bur.
" June 22. Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth Breeze ... bap.
" June 29. Mary, d. of Samuel & Eleanor Richards ... bap.
" June 29. John Lee (base child) ... bur.
" July 6. Mary, d. of William & Anne Andrews ... bap.
" July 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary James ... bap.
" July 16. Mary Giles ... bur.
" July 20. Martha, b. d. of Mary Sankey ... bap.
" July 27. Willm. Rogers (base child) ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Sarah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dyoss ... bap.
" Aug. 3. Edward, s. of William & Sarah Rogers ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Thos. Peter ... bur.
" Aug. 17. Thos., s. of John & Sarah Cotes ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Abraham, s. of George & Elizabeth Bagley ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Willm., b. s. of Mary Jones
" Aug. 24. Martha, d. of Thomas & Margaret Hill bphaap.
" Aug. 27. Martha Plimmer ... bur.
" Aug. 31. Richd., s. of Samuel & Joyce Hughes ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Thos., b. s. of Mary Matthews ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Barker ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Thos Jones, an infant ... bur.
" Sep. 14. Benjamin, s. of John & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Bromley ... bap.
" Sep. 14. Willm., s. of John & Margaret Pugh ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Peter Littlehales ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Willm., s. of John & Jane France ... bur.
" Sep. 22. Francis, s. of Thomas Sr Alice Rogers bur.
" Sep. 23. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bur.
" Sep. 23. Jane, d. of John & Mary Randles ... bur.
" Oct. 12. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Oliver ... bap.
" Oct. 19. Martha, b. d. of Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Edward Thomson (of Caerdeston ... bur.
" Nov. 7. Martha Tipton (base child) ... bur.

462 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1800

1800, Nov. 9. Elizabeth, b. d. of Elizabeth Hugbts ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Elizabeth, b. d. of Sarah Brown ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Anne Meyrick (of the parish of Condover) ... bur.
" Nov. 10. Agnes Sherry ... bur.
" Nov. 14. Catharine Dodd ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Rosanna, b. d. of Catherine Archan ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Mary Ellis ... bur.
" Nov. 28. Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Anne, b. d. of Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Nov. 30. Edward Tipton ... bur
" Dec. 7. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 9. Rosanna, b. d. of Catherine Archan ... bur.
" Dec. 9. John Breeze ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Thos. Cross ... bur.
" Dec. 10. Elizabeth Garner ... bur.
" Dec. 11. Thos., s. of Edward & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" Dec. 14. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Willm. Rudge ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Jane, d. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.

JOSEPH LANGFORD, Rector of the first Portion.

1801, Jan. 1. John, s. of Benjamin & Eleanor Powell ... bap.
" Jan. 2. James Challenor ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Mary, d. of John & Anne Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Anne Nicholls ... bur.
" Jan. 7. Anne, d. of John & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Jan. 20. John Griffiths ... bur.
" Jan. 22. John Roberts ... bur.
" Jan. 25. John, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Vaughan ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Harriet, b. d. of Anne Bostock ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Edward, s. of Edward & Anne Griffiths ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Edward, s. of Samuel & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Elizabeth Preece ... bur.
" Feb. 4. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Dovaston ... bap.
" Feb. 12. Willm., s. of John & Jane France ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Willm. Maddox ... bur.

1801] Pontesbury. 463

1801, Feb. 13. Edward Hantley ... bur.
" Feb. 16. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Tompson ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Elizabeth Pritchard (base child) ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Willm., s. of Humphrey & Elizabeth Roberts ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Richd. Phillips ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Anne, d. of John & Eleanor Bebbington ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Elizabeth Gough ... bur.
" Mar. 1. Margaret, d. of William & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Thos., s. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Thos., s. of Thomas & Hannah Harries ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Jane, d. of John & Sarah Perkin ... bap.
John, s. of Richard Lyster, Junr., Esq., was baptized 28 March, 1800, but omitted to be entered, not being then returned by the Minister who baptized him.
" Mar. 22. Thos., s. of William & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Deakin ... bap.
" Mar. 26. Richd. Young ... bur.
" Mar. 31. Sarah Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 1. John, s. of John & Mary Johnson ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Richd. Parry ... bur.
" Apr. 9. Eleanor Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Thos. Henks ... bur.
" Apr. 15. Edward Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 17. John Crockett ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Richd. Corfield ... bur.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Elizabeth Parry ... bur.
" Apr. 19. Sarah, d. of William & Anne Bowers ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Richd., s. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Apr. 26. Willm., s. of John & Margaret Hughes ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Edward Rogers ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Hannah Warter ... bur.
" May 1. Jane Plimmer ... bur.
" May 2. John Phillips ... bur.
" May 2. Willm. Powell ... bur.
" May 3. Sarah, d. of Richard & Anne Cooper ... bap.
" May 5. Edward Payne ... bur.
" May 10. Mary, d. of Thomas & Maria Richards ... bap.

464 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1801

1801, May 10. James, s. of John & Jane Fox ... bap.
" May 15. Thos. Matthews ... bur.
" May 16. Mary Matthews ... bur.
" May 17. Isaac, s. of John & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" May 23. Elizabeth, relict of the late Bold Oliver, Esq. ... bur.
" May 27. Thos. Bromley ... bur.
" May 28. Willm. Jones ... bur.
" May 28. Miles, s. of Miles & Mary Barber ... bap.
" June 1. Richd., s. of William & Mary Ward ... bap.
" June 7. Mary Parry ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Anne Wigley ... bap.
" June 12. Mary Jones ... bur.
" June 14. Mary Jones ... bur.
" June 14. Maria, d. of John & Sarah Williams ... bap.
" June 20. Emily, d. of Thomas & Martha Snaxton ... bap.
" June 20. Ann Dewin ... bur.
" June 28. Elizabeth, b. d. of Martha Tipton ... bap.
" June 28. Joseph, b. s. of Martha Morris ... bap.
" June 28. Richd. Nicholas ... bur.
" June 29. Harriet, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.
" July 5. Elizabeth, d. of Corbet & Sarah Higgins ... bap.
" July 17. Elizabeth Habberley ... bur.
" July 23. Joseph, s. of John & Sarah Cotes ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Bridget, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 8. John Lysons ... bur.
" Aug. 11. Margaretta Mary Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Margaretta Warter ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Maria Davies ... bur.
" Aug. 25. John Morris Yale ... bur.
" Sep. 6. Willm., s. of John & Mary Tomlins ... bap.
" Sep. 7. Anne, d. of Thomas & Letitia Lloyd ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Willm., s. of John & Mary Juckes ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Elizabeth Bellingham ... bur.
" Sep. 13. John Davies ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Margaret Hayward ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Sarah Cooper ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Anne Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 20. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Blakeway ... bap.

1802] Pontesbury. 465

1801, Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Richard & Patient Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Isaac, s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Eleanor, d. of William & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Richd., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bromley ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Willm., b. s. of Martha Lewis ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Samuel Hinks ... bur.
" Oct. 11. Anne Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" Oct. 25. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 26. James Fox ... bur.
" Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of the Revd. Joseph Langford, Rector of the first Portion, & Beatrice Hannah, his w. Born on the 25th instant, and baptized this day.
" Nov. 8. Benjamin, s. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 8. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Richards ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Samuel Brazenor ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Rich., s. of John & Eleanor Smith ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 4. Henry Parry ... bur.
" Dec. 8. Eleanor Jones ... bur.

JOSEPH LANGFORD, Rector of the first Portion. [Signs till 1809.]

1802, Jan. 1. Eleanor, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Rebecca Lewis ... bur.
" Jan. 4. Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth Burch ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Elizabeth, d. of David & Hannah Hindley ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Thos., b. s. of Elizabeth Challenor ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Richd., s. of Thomas & Anne Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 24. James, s. of Richard & Mary Andrews ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Willm. & Sarah, b. s. & d. of Susan Cooper ... bap.

466 Shropshire Parish Registers. [ 1802

1802, Jan. 31. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Jan. 31. Edward, s. of Thomas & Jane Hughes ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Edward Williams ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Anne, d. of Richard & Mary Garbett ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Sarah, d. of John & Martha Briscoe ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Cooper ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Smith ... bap.
" Mar. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Eleanor Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 18. John Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 24. Willm. Richd., s. of Thomas & Anne Glover ... bap.
" Apr. 11. Thos., s. of Richard & Eleanor Hinckes ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Thos. Underwood ... bur.
" Apr. 18. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Higginson ... bap.
" May 1. Samuel Symonds ... bur.
" May 2. Mary, d. of Richard & Margaret Harris ... bap.
" May 2. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Dyas ... bap.
" May 2. Martha, d. of Samuel & Mary Davies ... bap.
" May 13. John Lloyd ... bur.
" May 17. Esther, d. of William & Esther Tipton ... bap.
" May 21. Elizabeth Littlehales ... bur.
" May 21. Richd., s. of Richard & Anne Taylor ... bap.
" May 26. Elizabeth Hayward ... bur.
" June 10. Richd. Griffiths ... bur.
" June 27. Edward, s. of Timothy & Sarah Tipton ... bap.
" June 28. Mary Harriet, d. of Edward & Martha Tompson ... bap.
" June 30. Sarah Jones ... bur.
" July 24. Willm. Tompson ... bur.
" July 25. Mary, d. of Samuel & Margaret Roberts ... bap.
" July 25. Anne, d. of Robert & Margaret Smith ... bap.
" July 25. Richd., s. of Thomas & Sarah Tompson ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Richd., s. of Richard & Patient Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Samuel, s. of John & Margaret Pugh ... bap.
" Aug. 16. Sarah Bebb ... bur.
" Aug. 29. Willm., s. of Richard & Margairet Prees ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Mary, d. of John & Anne Davies ... bap.

1803] Pontesbury. 467

1802, Sep. 5. Sarah, d. of Roger & Anne Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Margaret, d. of John & Eleanor Bebbington ... bap.
" Sep. 12. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Bellingham ... bap.
" Sep. 12. John Yeomans ... bur.
" Sep. 19. Samuel, b. s. of Mary Caiswell ... bap.
" Sep. 19. Margaret Brazenor ... bur.
" Sep. 25. Willm. Tomlins ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Anne, d. of William & Mary Crump ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Edward, b. s. of Eleanor Muckleston ... bap.
" Oct. 12. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Jane, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Sarah Smith ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Mary, d. of William & Anne Bowers ... bap.
" Nov. 11. Mary Bowers ... bur.
" Nov. 14. Anne, d. of John & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Mary, d. of Edward & Margaret Andrews ... bap.
" Nov. 16. Esther Francis ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Mary Andrews ... bur.
" Nov. 22. John, s. of John & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Richd., s. of Thomas & Margaret Hill ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bellingham ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Willm., b. s. of Anne Corfield ... bap.
" Dec. 12. Richd., s. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Eleanor, d. of Francis & Eleanor Rogers ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Susanna Hartis ... bur.
" Dec. 26. John, s. of John & Eleanor Randles ... bap.
" Dec. 26. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 30. John Glover ... bur.


1803, Jan. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Leech ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" Jan. 9. Edward, b. s. of Eleanor Bellingham ... bap.
" Jan. 10. Ann Prichard ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Mary, b. d. of Margaret Lysance ... bap.

468 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1803

1803, Jan. 13. Martha Nicholls ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Edward, s. of Edward & Jane Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Anne Parry ... bap.
" Jan. 30. Mary Maddox (an infant) ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Thos. Plimmer ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Elizabeth Davies ... bur.
" Feb. 1. Thos. Maddox ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Robt., s. of William & Mary Ward ... bap.
" Feb. 13. Philip, s. of John & Anne Frees ... bap.
" Feb. 15. Margaret Andrews , ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Thos. Meyrick ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Sarah France ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Margaret Davies ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Richd. Hincks (base child)... ... bur.
" Feb. 27. Elizabeth Barker ... bur.
" Mar. 6. Richd., s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Vaughan ... bap.
" Mar. 6. John, s. of Solomon & Jane Tenant ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Sarah, d. of William & Alice Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Dodd ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Jane, d. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Mar. 7. Richd. Rudge ... bur.
" Mar. 8. Timothy, s. of Benjamin & Eleanor Powell ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Ann, d. of Thomas & Maria Richards ... bap.
" Mar. 16. Eleanor Nicholls ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Timothy, s. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 22. John Davies ... bur.
" Mar. 27. Samuel, s. of Samuel & [blank] Evans ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Susanna, d. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" Apr. 2. Willm. Tipton ... bur.
" Apr. 6. John Corfield alias Bumphrey ... bur.
" Apr. 8. Ann Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 8. John Barber ... bur.
" Apr. 10. Mary, d. of Owen & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Timothy, s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Alice, d. of Edward & Jane Roberts ... bap.

1803] Pontesbury. 469

1803, Apr. 17. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Cotes ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Elizabeth, b. d. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Elizabeth Hayward ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Eleanor Elkes ... bur.
" Apr. 27. Mary, b. d. of Eleanor Elkes ... bap.
" May 2. Martha, d. of Thomas & Hannah Harries ... bap.
" May 1. Martha, d. of Thomas & Sarah Astley ... bap.
" May 8. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Dovaston ... bap.
" May 13. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" May 15. Lydia, d. of William & Mary Caiswell ... bap.
" May 15. Willm., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Stedman ... bap.
" May 19. Mary Elks (base child) ... bur.
" May 19. Willm., s. of John & Anne Jones ... bap.
" May 22. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" May 22. Eleanor, d. of Thomas & Martha Sherrey ... bap.
" May 22. Samuel, s. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" May 29. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Maddox ... bap.
" May 29. Sarah, d. of John & Anne Bromley ... bap.
" June 1. Jane, d. of Humphrey & Elizabeth Roberts ... bap.
" June 3. Martha, d. of John & Christabella Lloyd ... bap.
" June 10. Martha Jones (an infant) ... bur.
" June 12. Mary, b., d. of Sarah Rudge ... bap.
" June 17. Sarah Mansell ... bur.
" June 19. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" June 25. Elizabeth Davies ... bur.
" July 3. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Dorricot ... bap.
" July 3. Jane, d. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" July 3. Harriet, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bromley ... bap.
" July 4. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Rogers ... bap.
" July 12. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" July 17. Mary Davies ... bur.
" July 20. Martha Gittins (an infant) ... bur.
" July 23. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Pritchard ... bap.
" July 26. Martha Philpot ... bur.

470 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1803

1803, Aug. 7. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Deakin ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Harriet, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Barker ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Thos., s. of John & Mary Tomlins ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Aug. 14. Mary Giles ... bur.
" Aug. 21. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth James ... bap.
" Aug. 21. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Titley ... bap.
" Aug. 28. Thos., s. of Richard & Anne Hall ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Hester Peter (an infant) ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Margaret Thomas ... bur.
" Sep. 18. Richd., s. of Richard & Martha Dovaston ... bap.
" Sep. 18. Edward, b. s. of Sarah Pugh ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Richd. Beeste ... bur.
" Oct. 2. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Oct. 2. Mary, b. d. of Mary Hartshorn ... bap.
" Oct. 3. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Hollioak ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Richd. Gittins (an infant) ... bur.
" Oct. 7. Wilim. Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 9. Ann, b. d. of Elizabeth Probbart ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Sarah, d. of John & Margaret Bebb ... bap.
" Nov. 27. Robt., b. s. of Mary Stokes ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Mary, d. of Richard & Eleanor Hincks ... bap.
" Dec. 4. John, s. of George & Ursula Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Sarah Plimmer ... bur.
" Dec. 25. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Williams ... bap.
1804, Jan. 1. Will., s. of Jacob & Elizabeth Bishop ... bap.
" Jan. 1. Edward, s. of Thomas & Alice Rogers ... bap.
" Jan. 2. Thos., s. of , Richard & Patient Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Thos. Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 8. Henry, s. of Edward & Martha Thompson ... bap.
" Jan. 20. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 15. Thos., b. s. of Jane Peter ... bap.
" Jan. 16. John Rogers ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Maria, d. of Francis & Harriet Rogers ... bap.
" Jan. 22. Willm. Bromley ... bur.
" Jan. 22. Phene, d. of John & Anne Vaughan ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Frances, d. of John & Mary Wigley ... bap.

1804] Pontesbury. 471

1804, Jan. 23. John, s. of Richard & Sarah Heighway ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Thos. Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 9. John Hartshorn ... bur.
" Feb. 29. Samuel, s. of Richard & Mary Andrews ... bap.
" Feb. 22. John, s. of Samuel & Margaret Roberts ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Richd., s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Yale ... bap.
" Feb. 26. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 6. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Mary Burgwin ... bap.
" Mar. 7. John Thomas ... bur.
" Mar. 11. David, s. of David & Hannah Hindley ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Jane, d. of William & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Mar. 12. Jane Bowyer ... bur.
" Mar. 13. Thos. Clews ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Hannah, d. of James & Jane Overton ... bap.
" Mar. 18. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Perkin ... bap.
" Mar. 21. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 23. Jane Pugh ... bur.
" Mar. 25. Thos., s. of William & Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" Mar. 25. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Ward ... bap.
" Mar. 27. John Maddox ... bur.
" Mar. 28. Ann, d. of Thomas & Ann Glover ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Ann, d. of William & Elizabeth Breeze ... bap.
" Apr. 1. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 8. Mary, d. of Job & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
" Apr. 8. John Shuker ... bur.
" Apr. 22. Peter, s. of John & Margaret Pugh ... bap.
" Apr. 24. Susanna Edwards ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Esther Frances ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Thos., s. of Miles & Mary Barber ... bap.
" May 1. Ann Perkin ... bur.
" May 4. Catharine Beeste ... bur.
" May 4. John & Thomas, sons of William & Mary Tomlins ... bap.
" May 6. Willm., s. of Richard & Mary Garbet ... bap.
" May 6. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Spencer ... bap.
" May 6. John, b. s. of Margaret Brown ... bap.
" May 6. Ann, d. of Richard & Margaret Harris ... bap.

472 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1804

1804, May 6. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" May 8. Sarah Tipton ... bur.
" May 11. Edward Richards ... bur.
" May 11. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Williams ... bap.
" May 13. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary James ... bap.
" May 13. Richd., s. of John & Margaret Smout ... bap.
" May 13. Edward, b. s. of Catherine Dodd ... bap.
" May 16. Elizabeth, d. of John & Margaret Plimmer ... bap.
" May 18. John Tomlins ... bur.
" May 20. Eleanor Jones ... bur.
" May 20. Elizabeth, d. of William & Ann Bowers ... bap.
" May 20. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" June 17. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dios ... bap.
" June 21. Sarah Casewell ... bur.
" June 25. Ann Done ... bur.
" July 2. Edward, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" July 15. Jane, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Leech ... bap.
" July 17. Thos. Pierce, s. of Samuel & Margaret Evans,... ... bap.
" July 19. Mary Heighway ... bur.
" July 29. Willm., s. of John & Sarah Cotes ... bap.
" July 29. Thos., s. of Edward & Mary Richards ... bap.
" July 31. Thos. Hopton, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Joseph Handley ... bur.
" Aug. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Elizabeth Plimmer ... bur.
" Sep. 15. Thos. Wilkes ... bur.
" Sep. 16. Thos., s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Vaughan ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Elizabeth Hick ... bur.
" Sep. 23. John, s. of John & Sarah Bellingham ... bap.
" Sep. 26. Eleanor, d. of John & Martha Briscoe ... bap.
" Oct. 15. George Hodges (an infant) ... bur.
" Oct. 21. Willm., b. s. of Mary Arpin ... bap.

1805] Pontesbury. 473

1804, Oct. 21. Richd., s. of James & Mary Coxall ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Elizabeth Davies ... bur.
" Oct. 28. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary, Higginson ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Thompson ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Jacob Tipton ... bur.
" Nov. 18. Susanna Morris ... bur.
" Nov. 18. Sarah, d. of John & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Richd., s. of Maurice & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 23. James Evans (base child) ... bur.
" Nov. 29. Richd. Aston (an infant) ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Willm., b. s. of Mary Sankey ... bap.
" Dec. 16. Richd., b. s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Richd. Jones ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Rowland, s. of Thomas & Miriam Peat ... bap.


1805, Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Cooper ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Jane, d. of William & Sarah Smith ... bap.
" Jan. 6. Harriot, b. d. of Ann Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 6. John, b. s. of Elizabeth Hughes ... bap.
" Jan. 13. Sarah, d. of William & Martha Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Ann, d. of Francis & Elizabeth Rogers ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Thos., s. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Sarah Griffiths ... bur.
" Feb. 10. Margaret, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Feb. 15. John Brown ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Ann, d. of Richard & Margaret Preece ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Willm. Downton ... bur.
" Mar. 12. John Aston ... bur.
" Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Owen & Mary Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 23. John Kevenoak ... bur.
" Apr. 1. John Tipton ... bur.
" Apr. 3. Mary Hodges ... bur.
" Apr. 4. Samuel Roberts ... bur.
" Apr. 7. Maria, d. of William & Ann Andrews ... bap.
" Apr. 14. George, b. s. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Hannah, d. of John & Eleanor Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Thos., s. of William & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Thos. Frances ... bur.

474 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1805

1805, Apr. 28. Reynold, s. of Reynold & Mary Betton ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" May .5. John, s. of Maurice & Ann Davies ... bap.
" May 5. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bellingham ... bap.
" May 9. Philip, s. of Samuel & Mary Davies ... bap.
" May 19. John Rowlands, s. of Samuel & Jane Minton ... bap.
" May 19. Samuel, s. of John & Elizabeth Purslow ... bap.
" May 22. Mary Tipton ... bur.
" May 24. Frances Jones ... bur.
" May 26. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" May 26. Willm., s. of Thomas & Maria Richards ... bap.
" May 26. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" May 27. Mary Wilks ... bur.
" May 29. Margaret Williams ... bur.
" May 31. Martha, d. of Stephen & Jane Hilditch ... bap.
" June 2. Richd., s. of Richard & Ann Tomlins ... bap.
" June 2. Sarah, d. of William & Esther Tipton ... bap.
" June 3. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" June 9. Elizabeth Morris ... bur.
" June 16. Mary, d. of Richard & Patient Jones ... bap.
" June 19. Mary Williams ... bur.
" June 21. Willm. Burgwin ... bur.
" June 22. Edward Phillips ... bur.
" June 23. John, s. of Edward & Mary Evans ... bap.
" June 26. Elizabeth Sherry ... bur.
" June 30. Sarah Stedman ... bur.
" July 8. Margaret Clark ... bur.
" July 11. Margaret Jones ... bur.
" July 18. Thos. Caiswell ... bur.
" July 21. Mary, d. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" July 26. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 1. Harriot, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 1. John Parry ... bur.
" Aug. 4. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Spencer ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Thos., s. of Thomas & Ann Clayton ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Thos. Clayton ... bur.

1805] Pontesbury. 475

1805, Aug. 11. George Jones ... bur.
" Aug. 17. Thos., s. of John & Letitia LIoyd ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Ann, d. of Thomas & Sarah Astley ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Ann, b. d. of Sarah Littlehales ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Jane James ... bur.
" Sep. 3. Martha Hilditch ... bur.
" Sep. 8. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Sarah, d. of Richard & Martha Dovaston ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Agnes Cooper ... bur.
" Sep. 29. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Tomlins ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Mary Ann, d. of John & Frances Jones, of the p. of Old Radnor ... bap.
" Oct. 6. Willm., s. of James & Joyce Evans ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Benjamin Bennett ... bur.
" Oct. 20. Willm., s. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Willm., s. of James & Mary Prissick ... bap.
" Oct. 27. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Dovaston ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Thos. Peter (base child) ... bur.
" Oct. 31. Thos., s. of John & Mary Johnson ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Elizabeth & Margaret, daus. of Richard & Ann Taylor ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Martha, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Dorricott ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Ann, d. of William & Ann Bowers ... bap.
" Nov. 10. John, d. of Thomas & Hannah Harris ... bap.
" Nov. 10. Maria, b. d. of Jane Peter ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Thos. Elkes ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Maddox ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Edward Burgwin ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Mary, d. of John & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Jane, d. of John & Margaret Pugh ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Josiah, s. of Charles . & Hannah Gwilliam ... bap.
" Nov. 24. John, s. of Edward & Ann Parry ... bap.
" Nov. 28. Lydia Caiswell ... bur.
" Dec. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Martha Thompson ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Dec. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Thompson ... bap.

476 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1805

1805, Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Wigley ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Richd., s. of John & Martha Gardner ... bap.


1806, Jan. 2. John Wood, s. of Henry Diggory & Emma Warter ... bap.
" Jan. 17. Mary Maria Thompson ... bur.
" Jan. 19. Job, s. of John & Margaret Smout ... bap.
" Jan. 19. Charles, s. of John & Margaret Plimmer ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 26. Jane, d. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Elizabeth Bagley ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Elizabeth Taylor ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Mary, b. d. of Mary Strevat ... bap.
" Fe6. 16. John Morris ... bur.
" Feb. 18. Margaret Taylor ... bur.
" Feb. 23. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Stedman ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth, b. d. of Martha Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 2. Willm., s. of William & Martha Griffiths ... bap.
" Mar. 9. Mary Strevat ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Mar. 30. Thos., s. of Francis & Harriot Rogers ... bap.
" Apr. 4. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 6. Thos., s. of Richard & Mary Garbet ... bap.
" Apr. 6. Margaret, d. of Hugh & Elizabeth Hughes ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Edward, s. of Samuel & Mary Roberts ... bap.
" Apr. 20. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" May 4. John Davies ... bur.
" May 10. Mary Davies ... bur.
" May 20. Ann Betton ... bur.
" May 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Burgwin ... bap.
" May 25. Martha, b. d. of Martha Nicholls ... bap.
" May 29. Robt., s. of Richard & Mary Brazenor ... bap.
" June 1. Willm., b. s. of Ann Jones ... bap.
" June 6. Sarah Perkin ... bur.
" June 8. Richd., s. of Benjamin & Catherine Giles ... bap.
" June 8. Thos., b. s. of Ann Clayton ... bap.
" June 13. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Gittins ... bap.

1806] Pontesbury. 477

1806, June 15. John, s. of David & Hannah Hindley ... bap.
" June 17. Willm., s. of Richard & Sarah Heighway ... bap.
" June 21. David Hindley ... bur.
" June 22. Thos., s. of Solomon & Jane Tenant ... bap.
" June 22. Thos., s. of Stephen & Jane Hilditch ... bap.
" June 24. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Catherine Yardley ... bap.
" June 24. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" June 27. Richd. Symonds ... bur.
" June 27. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" June 29. John, s. of John & Mary Morris ... bap.
" July 6. Mary, b. d. of Sarah Williams ... bap.
" July 8. Sarah Jane & Martha, daus. of William & Sarah Rogers, being twins ... bap.
" July 9. Thos. Williams ... bur.
" July 13. Elizabeth Peter ... bur.
" July 13. Mary, d. of William & Mary Partridge ... bap.
" July 17. Mary Wigley ... bur.
" July 20. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Eleanor Rinks ... bap.
" July 27. Samuel, s. of John & Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Mary Andrews ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Thos. Hilditch ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Richd., s. of Edward & Elizabeth Dyas ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary Hotchkiss ... bap.
" Aug. 17. Samuel, s. of John & Sarah Bellingham ... bap.
" Aug. 22. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Ann Glover ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Ann Giles ... bur.
" Sep. 19. Edward Owen, s. of John & Ann Nicholls ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Mary, d. of William & Catherina Lloyd ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Willm., b. s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 28. John, s. of William & Mary Tomlins ... bap.
" [no date]. Thos., s. of John & Sarah Corfield ... bap.
" Sep. 21. Mary Edwards ... bur.
" Sep. 26. Hannah Maria, b. d. of Frances Hartshorn ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Jane Mansell ... bur.
" Nov. 2. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.

478 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806

1806, Nov. 9. Martha Nicholas ... bur.
" Nov. 16. Richd., s. of John & Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 18. Jane, s. of Richard & Margaret Harris ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Mary Glover ... bur.
" Nov. 23. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Nov. 23. Elizabeth, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Dec. 6. Margaret Davies ... bur.
" Dec. 14. Elizabeth, d. of William & Naomi Bickley ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Mary Griffiths ... bur.
" Dec. 28. Richd. Handley ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Elizabeth Diggory ... bur.


1807, Jan. 4. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Samuel, s. of John & Ann Vaughan ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Richd. Beest ... bur.
" Jan. 18. Willm., s. of Richard & Ann Taylor ... bap.
" Jan. 23. Elizabeth Bickley ... bur.
" Jan. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Leech ... bap.
" Jan. 25. Edward, b. s. of Mary Bowen ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Margaret Tudor ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Thos., s. of John & Martha Briscoe ... bap.
" Feb. 1. Charlotte, b. d. of Susanna Bradney ... bap.
" Feb. 8. Henry, s. of Henry & Emma Warter (born Jan. 26) ... bap.
" Feb. 15. John, b. s. of Anne Elks ... bap.
" Feb. 18. Thos. Wood ... bur.
" Feb. 22. John, b. s. of Agnes Hartshorn ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Ann, d. of Samuel & Ann Brazenor ... bap.
" Feb. 23. Mary Elizabeth, d. of James & Elizabeth Higgins ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Eliza, b. d. of Elizabeth Morris ... bap.
" Feb. 28. Ann Dodd ... bur.
" Mar. 7. Willm. Purslow ... bur.
" Mar. 20. Winifred Challenor ... bur.
" Mar. 15. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Mar. 24. Mary Tudor ... bur.
" Apr. 5. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Smith ... bap.

1807] Pontesbury. 479

1807, Apr. 12. James, s. of John & Eleanor Randles ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Thos., s. of Richard & Martha Wigley ... bap.
" Apr. 26. John, s. of Richard & Mary Higginson ... bap.
" Apr. 28. John Higginson ... bur.
" May 3. John, s. of John & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" May 3. James, s. of Reynold & Mary Belton ... bap.
" May 5. Ann Casewell ... bur.
" May 10. Sarah Darlington ... bur.
" May 22. David Reynolds ... bur.
" May 24. Martha Smith Williams, d. of Richard & Rebecca Smith ... bap.
" May 24. Maria, b. d. of Mary Edgerton ... bap. .
" May 31. Mary, d. of John & Priscilla Salter ... bap.
" May 31. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Vaughan ... bap.
" June 2. Sarah Tipton ... bur.
" June 6. Samuel Bellingham ... bur.
" June 11. Mary Dodd ... bur.
" June 21. Ann, d. of Richard & Patient Jones ... bap.
" June 21. John, s. of Thomas & Margaret Hughes ... bap.
" June 21. John, s. of William & Elizabeth
" July 1. Mary Hindley ... bur.
" July 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Hinks ... bap.
" July 5. Thos. Wigley ... bur.
" July 7. Elizabeth Weaver ... bur.
" July 12. Sarah, d. of John & Margaret Mansell ... bap.
" July 12, Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Jane Smith ... bap.
" July 12. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Priscilla Roberts ... bap.
" July 14. John Weaver ... ...bur.
" July 19. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Deakin ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Benjamin Giles ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Mary, d. of William & Ann Bowers ... bap.
" Aug. 31. James, s. of Joseph & Ann Hindley ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Willm., s. of John & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Thos. Tisdale ... bur.
" Sep. 27. John, s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Ann, d. of Samuel & Joyse Evans ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Mary, b. d. of Margaret Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Hannah Davies ... bur.

480 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1807

1807, Oct. 4. Richd., s. of Edward & Elizabeth Cooper ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Martha, d. of Richard & Martha Dovaston ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Ann, d. of Job & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
" Oct. 4. Mary, d. of Robert & Margaret Whetall ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Ann, d. of John & Eleanor Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Edward Tipton ... bur.
" Oct. 25. John, s. of Thomas & Mary James ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Sarah, d. of Abraham & Mary Gittins ... bap.
" Nov. 1. Edward, s. of Thomas & Mary Spencer ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Henry, s. of Richard & Gwen Wood ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Elizabeth Thompson ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Ann, d. of John & Eleanor Williams ... bap.
" Nov. 19. Thos., s. of Thomas & Martha Snaxton ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Nov: 29. Willm., s, of Morris & Ann Davies ... bap.
" Dec. 13. Charlotte, b. d. of Sarah Hayward ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Edward, s. of John & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Margaret, d. of Evan & Sarah Astley ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Tomblins ... bap.

THOS. BOWYER, [blank], Ch: Wardens.

1808, Jan. 1. Joseph Davies ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Benjamin Jones ... bur.
" Jan. 3. Harriot, d. of Morris & Mary Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 4. Sarah, w. of James Jandrell ... bur.
" Jan. 11. Mary, d. of John & Martha Gardner ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Elizabeth & Ann, twin daus. of Edward & Susanna Bird ... bap.
" Jan. 21. David, s. of Richard & Mary Oliver ... bap.
" Jan. 31. David Oliver ... bur.
" Feb. 2. Rebecca, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Andrews ... bap.
" Feb. 2. Jane Burgwin ... bur.
" Feb. 3. Benjamin, b. s. of Sarah Corfield ... bap.
" Feb. 5. Thos. Dodd ... bur.
" Feb. 20. Richd., s. of Thomas & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
" Feb. 21. James, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Dorricott ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Richd., s, of Owen & Mary Jones ... bap.

1808] Pontesbury. 481

1808, Feb. 21. Richd., b. s. of Elizabeth Hughes ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Naomi, d. of William & Naomi Bickley ... bap.
" Feb. 21. David, b. s. of Mary Harpin ... bap.
" Feb. 21. Ann, b. d. of Sarah Rudge ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Elizabeth Johnson ... bur.
" Feb. 28. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 8. Solomon Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Morris ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Thos., s. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Mar. 20. Jane, d. of Thomas & Jane Groves ... bap.
" Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bellingham ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Mary, d. of Edward & Ann Parry ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Willm. Blakeway ... bur.
" Apr. 24. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Catherine Giles ... bap.
" May 1. Mary Hinks ... bur.
" May 8. James, b. s. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" May 15. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Higginson ... bap.
" May 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Stedman ... bap.
" May 15. Maria, d. of John & Sarah Bellingham ... bap.
" May 15. Thos., b. s. of Eleanor Bellingham ... bap.
" May 15. Edward Stedman ... bur.
" May 15. Willm. Davies ... bur.
" May 15. Thos., s. of Edward & Elizabeth Thompson ... bap.
" May 22. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Parry ... bap.
" May 25. Elizabeth, d. of John & Ann Jones ... bap.
" May 29. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Davies ... bap.
" June 12. Thos. Gittins ... bur.
" June 12. James Tudor ... bur.
" June 15. Thos., s. of Samuel & Frances Harris ... bap.
" June 16. Edward, s. of Edward & Catharine Yardley (born June 15th) ... bap.
" June 19. Hannah, d. of William & Susanna Breeze ... bap.
" June 26. Ann, d. of John & Mary Titley ... bap.
" June 26. Emma, d. of John & Margaret Smout ... bap.

482 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1808

1808, June 28. Martha Purslow ... bur.
" July 3. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Martha Roberts ... bap.
" July 10. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" July 10. Elizabeth, b. d. of Martha Davies ... bap.
" July 17. Thos. Jones ... bur.
" July 17. Rebecca, d. of Richard & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Aug. 9. Mary Handley ... bur.
" Aug. 21. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Hayward ... bap.
" Aug. 28. John, s. of Miles & Mary Barber ... bap.
" Sep. 4. Willm., s. of Thomas & Sarah Blakeway ... bap.
" Sep. 8. Thos., b. s. of Elizabeth Rogers ... bap.
" Sep. 9. Edmund Philpot ... bur.
" Sep. 18. John, b. s. of Frances Hartshorn ... bap.
" Sep. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Margaret Whethall ... bap.
" Oct. 5. Martha, b. s. of Elizabeth Harpin ... bap.
" Oct. 9. Eleanor, d. of Richard & Eleanor Hinks ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Richd. Foulk, s. of Richard & Ann Bennett ... bap.
" Oct. 16. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Oct. 28. John, s. of John & Letitia Lloyd ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Randal Brazenor ... bur.
" Oct. 30. Christabella, b. d. of Sarah Philpot ... bap.
" Nov. 2. Richd., s. of John & Mary Hillidge ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Rebecca Davies ... bur.
" Nov. 6. Edward, b. s. of Mary Hartshorn ... bap.
" Nov. 6. Joseph Hayward ... bur.
" Nov. 6. Charles, s. of Edward & Martha Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Martha, d. of James & Mary Coxhall ... bap.
" Nov. 13. Samuel Vaughan ... bur.
" Nov. 20. Hannah, d. of David & Hannah Hinley ... bap.
" Dec. 4. John, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Roberts ... bap.
" Dec. 18. John, s. of William & Mar) Lewis ... bap.
" Dec. 18. John, s. of Richard & Margaret Preece ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Eliza, d. of Richard & Mary Horton ... bap.
" Dec. 27. Mrs. Sarah Harries ... bur.

JOSEPH LANGFORD, Rect. of 1st Portion.
THOS. OAKLEY, [blank], Ch. Wardens.

1809, Jan. 1. Willm., b. s. of Margaret Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 8. Esther Tipton ... bur.

1809] Pontesbury. 483

1809, Jan. 15. Willm., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lloyd ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Thos., s. of John & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Jan. 15. Benjamin, s. of John & Ann Bennett ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Hannah, d. of James & Elizabeth Higgins ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Thos., s. of William & Mary Perks ... bap.
" Jan. 29. Willm., s. of Thomas & Ann Wall ... bap.
" Feb. 7. Thos. Jones ... bur.
" Feb. 17. Thos. Glover ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Rebecca Andrews ... bur.
" Feb. 19. Willm., s. of Richard & Mary Higginson ... bap.
" Feb. 22. Thos. Corfield ... bur.
" Feb. 24. David Davies ... bur.
" Feb. 26. Thos., s. of Richard & Martha Elks ... bap.
" Feb. 26. John, s. of John & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Charles Jones ... bur.
" Mar. 19. Richd., s. of John & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Mar. 19. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Muxton ... bap.
" Mar. 19. Harriot, d. of John & Ann Davis ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Apr. 16. Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" Apr. 19. William, s. of Richard & Hannah Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Thos. Plimmer ... bur.
" Apr. 25. Samuel Titley ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Richd., s. of Richard & Patient Jones ... bap.
" May 6. John, b. s. of Catherine Dodd ... bap.
" May 7. Willm., s. of Thomas & Hannah Harries ... bap.
" May 14. Samuel, s. of Richard & Eleanor Giles ... bap.
" May 21. Martha, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Vaughan ... bap.
" May 28. Jane, d. of William & Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" May 28. Mary, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Richards ... bap.
" May 31. Richd. Jones ... bur.
" June 4. Willm., s. of William & Ann Bowers ... bap.
" June 4. George, s. of Richard & Siisanna Glover ... bap.
" June 4. Edward, s. of Evan & Charlotte Jones ... bap.
" June 9. Susanna, d. of Richard & Jane Bunner ... bap.
" June 11. John, s. of Richard & Mary Andrews ... bap.

484 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809

1809, June 11. Emma, d. of Richard & Mary Jones ... bap.
" June 20. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Hotchkiss ... bap.
" June 25. Thos., s. of John & Mary Evans ... bap.
" June 25. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Joyce Evans ... bap.
" June 26. Thos. Snaxton ... bur.
" June 27. Thos. Thompson ... bur.
" July 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ann Parsons ... bap.
" July 9. Thos., s. of John & Priscilla Salter ... bap.
" July 9. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Partrich ... bap.
" July 18. Elizabeth Thomas ... bur.
" July 23. Sarah, d. of Richard & Sarah Pinches ... bap.
" July 26. Elizabeth Chester ... bur.
" July 30. Elizabeth Jones ... bur.
" July 30. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Spencer ... bap.
" July 30. Eleanor, d. of Samuel & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 6. Edward, s. of Edward & Susanna Bird ... bap.
" Aug. 13. John Andrews ... bur.
" Aug. 13. Thos., s. of John & Elizabeth Nichols ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Elizabeth Purslow ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Mary Sankey ... bur.
" Aug. 20. Margaret, d. of John & Mary Rogers ... bap.
" Aug. 27. James, s. of John & Ann Tames ... bap.
" Aug. 29. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Leech ... bap.
" Aug. 31. Thos., s. of Edward & Priscilla Roberts ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Emanuel Giles ... bur.
" Sep. 10. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Sep. 10. Willm. Rowlands, s. of Samuel & Jane Minton ... bap.
" Sep. 15. Mr. John Nichols ... bur.
" Sep. 24. Ann, d. of Richard & Ann Hall ... bap.
" Sep. 24. Mary, b. d. of Ann Elks ... bap.
" Oct. 1. Willm., s. of Richard & Ann Thomas ... bap.
" Oct. 8. Willm., b. s. of Martha Nicholas ... bap.
" Oct. 15. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Thos., s. of Richard & Martha Dovaston ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Sarah, b. d. of Margaret Brown ... bap.
" Oct. 29. Richd. & Willm., sons of Richard & Sarah Corbit ... bap.
" Oct. 31. Mr. Willm. Heighway ... bur.

1810] Pontesbury. 485

1809, Nov. 11. Thos. Nichols ... bur.
" Nov. 12. Richd., s. of John & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 12. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Harpin ... bap.
" Nov. 20. Phillip Preece ... bur.
" Nov. 26. Benjamin, s. of Humphrey & Mary Blower ... bap.
" Nov. 26. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Margaret Hill ... bap.
" Dec. 3. Thos., s. of Reynold & Mary Belton ... bap.
" Dec. 4. Mary Tipton ... bur.
" Dec. 17. Willm., s. of Richard & Amy Littlehales ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Edward, s. of Richard & Ann Taylor ... bap.
" Dec. 30. Charles Powell, s. of Charles & Elizabeth Peters, born November 16th & baptized the 29th of December, 1809.
Joseph, s. of Joseph & Lydia Peters, was born March 7th, 1804, and baptized the 29th of December, 1809.
" Dec. 30. Edward, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Roberts ... bap.
1810, Jan. 7. Willm., d. of William & Mary Tomlins ... bap.
" Jan. 7. Hannah, d. of Edward & Elizabeth Dias ... bap.
" Jan. 9. James, s. of Richard & Gwen Wood ... bap.
" Jan. 54. Elizabeth, b. d. of Sarah Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 14. Ann, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Jan. 16. John Gittins ... bur.
" Jan. 17. Richd. Hall ... bur.
" Jan. 18. Sarah Tipton ... bur.
" Jan. 21. Martha, b. d. of Ann Howels ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Elizabeth, b. d. of Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Feb. 6. Samuel Roberts ... bur.
" Feb. 12. Edward Tipton ... bur.
" Feb. 14. Mary Brown ... bur.
" Feb. 15. Ann Bellingham ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Richd. Andrews ... bur.
" Feb. 22. Ann Andrews ... bur.
" Feb. 25. Jane, d. of Job & Mary Nichols .. bap.
" Feb. 25. Ann, d. of Thomas & Sarah Higley ... bap.
" Feb. 25. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Higley ... bap.
" Mar. 4. Mary, d. of William & Naomi Bickley ... bap.

486 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810

1810, Mar. 16. Ann Brown ... bur.
" Mar. 18. Thos. Careswell ... bur.
" Mar. 21. Robt., s. of Samuel & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Ann Purslow ... bur.
" Mar. 26. Robt. Tipton ... bur.
" Mar. 29. Willm. Cevenock ... bur.
" Mar. 30. Willm., s. of Edward & Catherine Yardley ... bap.
" Apr. 1. Elizabeth Morgan ... bur.
" Apr. is. Edward, s. of John & Ann Vaughan ... bap.
" Apr. 13. Judith, b. d. of Patience Warter ... bap.
" Apr. 17. Henry, s. of John & Martha Garner ... bap.
" Apr. 18. Ann Nichols ... bur.
" Apr. 20. Mary, d. of Evan & Sarah Astley ... bap.
" Apr. 22. Rose, b. d. of Charlotte Hartshorn ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Willm., s. of Thomas & Catherine Davies ... bap.
" Apr. 29. Mary Jones ... bur.
" Apr. 30. Elizabeth Evans ... bur.
" May 1. Maria, d. of Samuel & Frances Harris ... bap.
" May 1. Mary Nichols ... bur.
" May 2. Joseph Williams ... bur.
" May 3. Timothy Tipton ... bur.
" May 6. Susanna Clayton ... bur.
" May 6. Edward, s. of John & Ann Tipton ... bap.
" May 11. Thos.,s. of William & Margaret Corfield ... bap.
" May 12. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Ward ... bap.
" May 20. Edward, s. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" May 26. James Tamss ... bur.
" May 27. Isaac, s. of William & Mary Tipton ... bap.
" May 31. Thos. Dorricott ... bur.
" June 10. Richd., s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" June 22. Samuel, s. of Richard & Abigail Bright ... bap.
" June 24. Margaret, b. d. of Margaret Nailor ... bap.
" July 1. Ann, d. of Thomas & Sarah Davies ... bap.
" July 1. Ann, d. of Samuel & Margaret Roberts abp.
" July 8. John, s. of Francis & Catherine Ferrington ... bap.
" July 20. Mary Careswell ... bur.

1810] Pontesbury. 487

1810, July 22. Letitia, b. d. of Eleanor Smith ... bap.
" July 29. Sarah Williams ... bur.
" July 29. Robt., s. of William & Ann Phillips ... bap.
" July 29. Esther, d. of Nathanael & Dinah Woodcock ... bap.
" July 29. Rebecca, b. d. of Agatha Hartshorn ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Mary, b. d. of Mary Giles ... bap.
" Aug. 7. Jane Littlehales ... bur.
" Aug. 12. Willm., s. of John & Martha Briscoe ... bap.
" Aug. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Margaret Harries ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Ann, d. of Stephen & Jane Hillidge ... bap.
" Aug, 19. Samuel, s. of William & Sarah Downton ... bap.
" Aug. 19. Richd. Davies ... bur.
" Aug. 21. Ann Clayton ... bur.
" Aug. 22. Timothy Tipton ... bur.
" Aug. 30. Elizabeth Brazenor ... bur.
" Sep. 9. Mary, d. of Richard & Martha Wigley ... bap.
" Sep. 23. Willm., b. s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Richd. Harries, s. of Richard & Frances Edwards ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Oct. 14. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Ann, d. of John & Mary Vaughan ... bap.
" Oct. 14. John, s. of John & Mary Vaughan ... bap.
" Oct. 14. Frances, d. of Richard & Cisly Blan ... bap.
" Oct. 28. Jane, d. of John & Sarah Bellingham ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Eli, s. of Isaac & Sophia Bradney ... bap.
" Nov. 4. Christiana, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Gittins ... bap.
" Nov. 7. Thos. France ... bur.
" Nov. 19. Samuel Cross ... bur.
" Nov. 25. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 27. George, s. of the Revd. Charles Peters, Rector of the Second Portion, & Elizabeth, his w., born on the 24th of October, 1810 ... bap.
" Dec. 2. Thos., b. s. of Ann Rudge ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Margaret, d. of Edward & Ann Aston ... bap.
" Dec. 9. Jane, d. of Edward & Ann Plimmer ... bap.

488 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810

1810, Dec. 9. Martha, d. of Richard & Mary Higginson ... bap.
" Dec. 10. John Cevenoch ... bur.
" Dec. 16. Joseph, s. of William & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Dec. 23. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Jane Graves ... bap.
" Dec. 25. Margaret Cooper ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Valentine Morris ... bur.
" Dec. 30. Sarah, d. of Morris & Mary Davies ... bap.
1803, Feb. 10. Robert, s. of William & Mary Ward ... bap.
1804, Mar. 25. Eliza, d. of William & Mary Ward ... bap.
1805, June 10. Mary, d. of William & Mary Ward ... bap.
1806, Sep. 26. Ann, d. or William & Mary Ward ... bap.
1808, July 13. Thos., s. of William & Mary Ward ... bap.

These Children were Omitted being Register'd before, Having been Baptd. by Clergymen not belonging to this Parish.

C. PETERS, Rector of the 2nd. Portion.

1811, Jan. 13. Joseph, s. of John & Margaret Pool ... bap.
" Jan. 18. Richd. Littlehales ... bur.
" Jan. 23. Edward, s. of Richard & Martha D ovaston ... bap.
" Jan. 24. Ann Oliver ... bur.
" Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Sarah Griffiths ... bap.
" Jan. 27. Edward, s. of Roger & Ann Davies ... bap.
" Jan. 27. James, s. of James & Sarah Cotsell ... bap.
" Jan. 28. Mary, d. of John & Letitia Lloyd ... bap.
" Feb. 3. Martha, d. of Thomas & Maria Blakemore ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Littlehales ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Francis, s. of Thomas & Mary Sankey ... bap.
" Feb. 10. Martha, b. d. of Sarah Philpot ... bap.
" Feb. 17. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Bedow ... bap.
" Feb. 24. Thos., s. of Jonathan & Phoebe Handley ... bap.
" Feb. 27. Francis Smith ... bur.
" Mar. 10. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Mary Muxton ... bap.
" Mar. 10. Jane, d. of Richard & Ann Littlehales ... bap.
" Mar. 17. Thos. Bishop ... bur.

1811] Pontesbury. 489

1811, Mar. 23. John Clayton ... bur
" Mar. 24. Andrew, s. of Miles & Mary Barber ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Joseph, b. s. of Eleanor Bellingham ... bap.
" Apr. 7. Martha, d. of Samuel & Joyse Evans ... bap.
" Apr. 10. Ann Davies ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Sarah, d. of William & Elizabeth Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 14. Francis Rogers ... bur.
" Apr. 21. Richd., s. of Richard & Margaret Preece ... bap.
" Apr. 28. John, s. of Thomas & Ann Wall ... bap.
" Apr. 28. Willm., s. of John & Ann Tams ... bap.
" May 19. Margaret Roberts ... bur.
" May 19. Thos., b. s. of Sarah Phillips ... bap.
" May 26. Sarah, d. of Richard & Martha Elks ... bap.
" May 31. Elizabeth Heighway ...bur.
" May 31. Elizabeth Thomas ... bur.
" May 31. Richd. Hinks ... bur.
" May 31. John Parry ... bur.
" June 1. Elizabeth Williams ... bur.
" June 2. Richd. Bennett ... bur.
" June 2. Richd. Simonds ... bur.
" June 2. John Jones ... bur.
" June 2. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Mary Spensor ... bap.
" June 2. Thos., s. of Edward & Martha Oakley ... bap.
" June 5. Samuel Speak ... bur.
" June 5. Jacob Bishop ... bur.
" June 12. Joseph Bellingham ... bur.
" June 19. Martha Weaver ... bur.
" June 19. Thos. Sankey ... bur.
" June 23. James, s. of Edward & Ann Parry ... bap.
" July 2. Mary Preece ... bur.
" July 14. Mary Parry ... bur.
" July 22. Willm., s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Vaughan ... bap.
" July 21. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Mary Davies ... bap.
" July 24. Jane Underwood ... bur.
" July 28. Thos., s. of Thomas & Maria Richards ... bap.
" July 28. Benjamin, s. of Thomas & Mary Parry ... bap.
" Aug. 4. Willm., s. of John & Mary Aston ... bap.
" Aug. 11. Thos., s. of Edward & Susanna Burd ... bap.
" Aug. 15. Willm. Warter ... bur.

490 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1811

1811, Aug. 18. Jane, d. of John & Mary Dovaston ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Ann Roberts ... bur.
" Aug. 18. Edward, s. of Richard & Patience Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 18. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Aug. 25. Richd. Hodges ... bur.
" Aug. 25. Joseph Tipton ... bur.
" Aug. 25. Thos., b. s. of Sarah Hayward ... bap.
" Aug. 26. John, s. of John & Ann Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 26. Jane Dovaston ... bur.
" Sep. 1. Sarah, d. of Humphrey & Ann Crocket ... bap.
" Sep. 15. John, s. of William & Charlotte Mansell ... bap.
" Sep. 22. Ann, b. d. of Mary Jones ... bap.
" Sep. 24. John Mansell ... bur.
" Sep. 29. John, s. of William & Ann Bowers ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Harriot, d. of Benjamin & Susanna Hodges ... bap.
" Sep. 29. Mary, b. d. of Sarah Harpin ... bap.
" Oct. 3. Richd. Pursell ... bur.
" Oct. 6. Thos., s. of John & Sarah Jones ... bap.
" Oct. 13. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Dorricott ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Ann, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Roberts ... bap.
" Oct. 20. Ann, d. of John & Margarett Mansell ... bap.
" Oct. 23. Sarah Glover ... bur.
" Oct. 29. Richd. Garbett ... bur.
" Nov. 3. Willm., s. of Richard & Eleanor Hinks ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Diggory ... bap.
" Nov. 3. Joseph, s. of John & Elizabeth Nicholls ... bap.
" Nov. 3. John Pritchard ... bur.
" Nov. 15. Mary Hughes ... bur.
" Nov. 17. Eleanor, d. of Robert & Margaret Whethall ... bap.
" Nov. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas & Maria Jones ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Thos., s. of Richard & Sarah Bunna ... bap.
" Nov. 24. Peter, s. of John & Eleanor Randles ... bap.
" Dec. 1. Thos., s. of William & Martha Griffiths ... bap.
" Dec. 7. Solomon Tipton ... bur.
" Dec. 8. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Maddox ... bap.
" Dec. 8. John, s. of William & Susanna Breeze ... bap.

1812] Pontesbury. 491

1811, Dec. 19. Richd., s. of John & Priscilla Salter ... bap.
" Dec. 22. Richd. Salter ... bur.
" Dec. 26. Jane, b. d. of Susanna Bradney ... bap.
" Dec. 28. James Higgins ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Richd. Andrews ... bur.
" Dec. 29. Eleanor, b. d. of Mary Bayley ... bap.
" Dec. 31. Samuel Bowen ... bur.
1809, May 17. Thos., s. of Thomas & Mary Nicholls ... bap.
1810, Dec. 15. Willm., s. of Thomas & Mary Nicholls bap.

These Children were omitted being Register'd before.

HAMLETT HARRISON, Rect. of first Portion.

1812, Jan. 4. Margaret Evans ... bur.
" Jan. 5. Thos., s. of Edward & Anne Plimmer ... bap.
" Jan. 12. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Harries ... bap.
" Jan. 12. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" Jan. 12. James, s. of Thomas & Margaret Hill ... bap.
" Jan. 14. John Pugh ... bur.
" Feb. 1. John Oliver ... bur.
" Feb. 9. Willm., s. of Richard & Anne Parsons ... bap.
" Feb. 16. Jane, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Bellingham ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Edward, b. s. of Elizabeth Amis ... bap.
" Feb. 19. Harriet, d. of Edward & Anne Clayton ... bap.
" Mar. 1. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Clerk ... bap.
" Mar. 3. Catharine, d. of Edward & Catherine Yardly ... bap.
" Mar. 13. Elizabeth Maria, d. of the Revd. Charles & Elizabeth Peters, born December 9th, 1811 ... bap.
" Mar. 22. Anne Perry .. bur.
" Apr. 7. Thos. Perry ... bur.
" Apr. 12. Anne. d. of William & Mary Lewis ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Edwards ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Martha, d. of Reynold & Mary Betton ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Anne, d. of Aaron & Sarah Plimmer ... bap.
" Apr. 19. Mary Anne, d. of Maurice & Susanna Green ... bap.
" Apr. 21. Sarah Littlehales ... bur.

492 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812

1812, Apr. 23.. Thos. Davies. ... bur.
" Apr. 26. Sarah, b. d. of Elizabeth Crane
" May 1. Thos. Bellingham ... bur.
" May 10. Peter Randles ... bur.
" May 10. Thos., s. of Thomas & Sarah Higley ... bap.
" May 10. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Horton ... bap.
" May 11. Elizabeth, d. of John & Martha Gardner ... bap.
" May 17. George Littlehales, s. of Gabriel & Anne Lambert ... bap.
" May 31. Margaret, d. of John & Elizabeth Meredith ... bap.
" May 31. Priscilla, d. of John & Priscilla Hincks ... bap.
" May 31. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Pugh ... bap.
" June 11. George Lambert ... bur.
" June 14. Edward, s. of Edward & John [sic] Mansell ... bap.
" June 16. Willm. Crockett ... bur.
" June 17. Richd. Diggory ... bur.
" June 25. Elizabeth Dorricott ... bur.
" June 28. Mary Tipton, d. of John & Anne Tipton ... bap.
" July 6. Anne Tipton ... bur.
" July 19. Maria, d. of Edward & Mary Harpin ... bap.
" July 26. Charles, s. of Samuel & Eleanor Jones ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Timothy, s. of Samuel & Margaret Roberts ... bap.
" Aug. 2. Mary, b. d. of Sarah Harries ... bap.
" Aug. 5. Thos. Wood ... bur.
" Aug. 6. Elizabeth Rogers ... bur.
" Aug. 10. Mary, d. of Richard & Anne Thomas ... bap.
" Aug. 20. Mary Dorricott ... bur.
" Aug. 30. George, s. of Richard & Mary Brown ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Edward, s. of John & Mary Tomline ... bap.
" Aug. 30. Sarah Simmons ... bur.
" Sep. 6. Willm., s. of John & Sarah Corfield ... bap.
" Sep. 6. Richd., s. of John & Sarah Bellingham ... bap.
" Sep. 13. Mary, b. d. of Hannah Littlehales ... bap.
" Sep. 20. Willm., s. of John & Elizabeth Williams ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Richd., s. of John & Martha Briscoe ... bap.
" Sep. 27. Richd., s. of William & Mary Tomline ... bap.
" Oct. 11. Humphrey Roberts ... bur.

1754] Pontesbury. 493

1812, Oct. 11. Richd., s. of Richard & Elizabeth Tipton ... bap.
" Oct. 18. Margaret, d. of Thomas & Susanna France ... bap.
" Oct. 22. Thos. Roberts ... bur.
" Nov. 8. Edward, s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths ... bap.
" Nov. 9. Richd., s. of Jonathan & Phoebe Handley ... bap.
" Nov. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Christabella Davies ... bap.
" Nov. 22. Susanna, d. of John & Elizabeth Harpin ... bap.
" Dec. 5. Mary Thomas ... bur.
" Dec. 6. Richd., s. of John & Sarah Williams ... bap.
" Dec. 20. Joseph, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Vaughn ... bap.
" Dec. 24. Martha Davies ... bur.
" Dec. 24. Richd. Amis ... bur.
" Dec. 25. John. s. of Richard & Mary Amis ... bap.

HAMLETT HARRISON, B.D., Rector of the First Portion.


The Register belonging to the Parish of Pontesbury.


1754, May 5, 12, 19. Humphrey Lysance & Mary Mansell. Banns only.
" June 3. Francis Lysons, p. Wesbury, coalminer, & Mary Robinson, wid., lic. By JOHN BAYLEY.
" June 17. William Dowton & Mary Evans. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" Oct. 10. Stephen Higgins & Martha Lewis.
" Sep. 14. John Phillips & Patten Teague.
" Nov. 11. John Lysons & Martha Davies. By JOHN BAYLEY, Curate.
" Nov. 19. Richard Harris, widr., & Susanna Lawrence.
" Nov. 24. Thomas Maddox, of P., & Anne Pryce, of Worthen.
" Dec. 10. Henry Brisco, yeoman, widr., & Margaret Jones, lic.
" Dec. 14. Edward Plimmer, coalminer, & Sarah Andrews.
" Dec. 24. Edward Payne & Ann Dodwere.

494 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1755

1755, Feb. 3. John Pugh & Martha Davies, p. of St. Chad, dio. Litchfield & Coventry, lic.
" May 7. Joseph Bennet & Elizabeth Bullock.
" May 7. Joseph Davies & Margaret Roderick, p. Westbury.
" July 17. John Harris, .p. Westbury, & Sarah Smyth. WM. PUGH, Curt.
" Aug. 28. John Birch & Margaret Barber, p. Westbury, lic. JOHN BAYLEY, Curt.
" Sep. 2. John Jones. weaver, & Elizabeth Rowlands.
" Sep. 9. William Roderick, p. Westbury, & Elizabeth Davies. WM. PUGH, Curt.
" Dec. 15. Richard Jones, p. Cundover, & Margaret Morris, lic. By JOHN BAYLEY, Curate.
" Dec. 29. John Brown, p. Stapleton, & Jane Prees. By WM. PUGH.
1756, Feb. 2. Richard Morris & Jane Davis, wid., lic. By JOHN BAYLEY.
" Feb. 2. Richard Andrews & Rebekah Thornes, lic.
" May 14. John Jones & Bridget Vaughan, wid., lic.
" May 19. John Worrall & Sarah Bagley. By WM. PUGH.
" May 23. Gabriel Jones, p. Westbury, & Margaret Clough, lic. By JOHN BAYLEY.
" June 6. Richard Lewis, weaver, & Mary Hughes, lic. JOHN BAYLEY.
" June 13. George Gawen & Mary Davies. By WM. PUGH, Cler:
" Aug. 19. John Fipps & Sarah Willding. By DAVID PRITCHARD, Curate.
" Sep. 3. Wm. Hughes, p. Westbury, & Martha Lewis. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" Dec. 27. John Roberts, p. Montford, co. Salop, labourer, & Eleanor Gough. By DAVID PRITCHARD, Curate.
1757, Feb. 3. Wm. Dolphin & Martha Morris, lic. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" Feb. 21. John George, p. More, & Elizabeth Blakeway, lic. By DAVID PRITCHARD, Curate.
" May 2. Thomas Phillips, farmer, & Eleanor Jones, lic.

1758] Pontesbury. 495

1757, June 20. WM. Goodale, labourer, & Martha Smyth, lic. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" Aug. 23. Richard Brasenor, labourer, & Ann Davies, wid., lic.
" Sep. 5. John Humphreys, p. Shrawardine, & Jane Rogers.
" Sep. 10. Thomas Husband, p. of Middle, gent., & Anne Heighway, lic.
" Sep. 10. John Humpres, labourer, & Eleanor Redg.
" Nov. 3. Wm. Edwards, p. Norbury, & Martha Thornes, lic. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
1758, Jan. 3. John Francis, of P., & Mary Lloyd, p. Worthen, lic. By DAVID PRITCHARD.
" Jan. 24. George Bagley, widr., & Elizabeth Davis, lic.
" Feb. 19. Joseph Bennion, widr., & Elizabeth Weavers, wid., lic.
" Mar. 26. Thomas Jones & Sarah Roberts. By WM. PUGH.
" Mar. 27. Wm. Thomas & Margaret Evans.
" Apr. 17. Thomas Perks & Martha Diggory. By DAVID PRITCHARD.
" May 7. Humphrey Mansell & Jane Littlehales. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" May 7. John Lewis & Sarah Barber.
" May 12. Edward Pool, p. Worthin, & Mary Pool, lic.
" May 14. Edward Francis & Anne Lloyd. By DAVID PRITCHARD.
" May 16. Johns Morris & Diana Blany.
" May 31. William Mitton, p. Chesstock, widr., & Anne Dolphin, lic.
" June 15. Richd. Ward Offley, Esqr., & Sarah Penbury, p. Chirbury, lic. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" Aug. 15. Wm. Jones, p. of the Holy Cross, in Salop, widr., & Ann Wilks, aged 21 years & upwards, lic. By BEN: WINGFIELD, Minr.
" Aug. 15. Edward Wellings, aged 22 years, & Elizabeth Davis, aged 22 years. By BEN. WINGFIELD, Minr.
" Sep. 16. Edward Owen & Martha Bickley. By WM. PUGH, Curt.

496 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1758

1758, Sep. 30. Ralph Dolphin & Mary Bright, p. Worthin, lic. By BEN. WINGFIELD, Rector.
" Oct. 30. Samuel Maddox & Mary Johnson. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
1759, Jan. 2. John Andrews & Ann Picken.
" Jan. 4. Edward Tipton & Sarah Rydge.
" May 8. Edward Diggory & Hannah Corfield.
" June 6. Thomas Coton & Rebecka Goff. By BEN. WINGFIELD, Rector.
" June 16. John Birch, p. Westbury, & Mary Bennett, lic. By DAVID PRITCHARD, Curate.
" July 3. Thomas Huks & Jane Moody, p. Shrawardine, lic. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" Aug. 5. John Jones & Elizabeth Wood.
" Oct. 7. Thomas Bowers, p. Stapleton, & Jane Eves. By WM. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Oct. 14th. Richard Foulke & Hannah Barber.
" Oct. 26. George Hodges, p. Meolbrace, dio. Hereford, & Elizabeth Farrington.
" Nov. 15. Thomas Griffies & Diana Lewis, lic.
1760, Jan. 13. Thomas Barr, p. Westbury, & Mary Tipton.
" Apr. 5. John Humphreys & Jane Hughes.
" May 9. Edward Passone & Mary Holmes.
" May 10. Thomas Hinks & Mary Griffies.
" May 14. George Roberts, p. Hopesay, & Mary Munn.
" June 2. Joseph Perkin & Mary Harries. By BEN: WINGFIELD, Rector of the 1st Portion.
" June 19. Joseph Titley & Elizabeth Pevor, lic. By WM. PUGH.
" July 17. Samuel Hencks, widr., & Mary Beaumont.
" July 27. John Howells, widr., & Mary Parry, lic. By WM. WILLIAMS.
" Sep. 8. Thomas Frances & Sarah Cross. By Wm. PUGH.
" Sep. 29. Wm. Whitefoot, p. Cundover, & Margaret Bayley, lic., with consent of parents. By WM. WILLIAMS.
" Nov. 6. Thomas Passant, p. Westbury, & Ann Trevor. By WM. PUGH.
" Dec. 1. Thomas Davies & Elizabeth Dyas.

1762] Pontesbury. 497

1761, Feb. 2. Thomas Perry & Hannah Rudge. By WM. WILLIAMS.
" Apr. 14. John Barber, widr., & Elizabeth Field, sic.
" May 12. Thomas Jones & Ann Mall, p. Habberley, sic. By BEN: WINGFIELD, Rector.
" May 12. Wm. Gittins, p. Atcham, & Mary Benion, sic.
" May 17. John Jones & Mary Arpin. By WM. WILLIAMS.
" May 25. Joseph Mansell & Elizabeth Hayward. By BEN: WINGFIELD, Rector.
" June 1. Peter Littlehales & Elinor Price. By WM. WILLIAMS.
" June 6. Thomas Baugh, p. Ellesmere, co. Salop, & Sarah Diggory, lic.
" June 29. John Goodall & Margaret Birch.
" July 16. John Davies & Rebecca Brown. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" July 26. Thomas Bowen, p. Cundover, & Mary Hill. WM. WILLIAMS.
" Sep. 10. Richard Pugh, p. Churchstock, & Martha Dolphin, lic.
" Sep. 11. Wm. Maddox & Margaret Davies, p. Oswestry, sic.
" Oct. 23. Lewis Brown & Martha Gittins, lic. By BEN: WINGFIELD, Minr.
1762, Jan. 14. Thomas Farrington & Sarah Tipton, lic. By R. DAVIES, Curate.
" Apr. 21. Thomas Griffiths & Susannah Wood.
" Apr. 30. William Richards, p. St. Chad, in the Town of Shrewsbury, & Jane Hughes. By THO. PARRY, Curate of the 2nd. Portion.
" May 4. Francis Thomas & Hannah Randals. By R. DAVIES.
" May 6. Richard Clark, p. Ratlinghope, & Margaret Birch.
" May 17. Richard Barker & Elizabeth Spenser.
" May 17. Samuel Perkins, p. St. Chad's, Salop, & Elizabeth Morris.
" May 28. Edward Corfield & Elizabeth Lewis. By THO: PARRY, Curate of the 2nd Portion.
" May 29. John Evans, p. Alberbury, & Sarah Burch, lic.

498 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1762

1762, June 23. John Sinpoll & Martha Tompson, lic. By WILL. PARRY.
" Oct 16. Wm. Jones & Elizabeth Williams. By THO. PARRY, Curate of 2d Portion.
" Dec. 4. Thomas Pearks & Elizabeth Roberts.
" Dec. 13. Edward Evans & Mary Morris, lic.
1763, Jan. 26. John Smallman & Mary Mathews.
" Feb. 8. Joseph Dackus & Margaret Brazenor.
" Apr. 5. John Bromley & Martha Jones.
" May 11. Wm. Griffiths & Ann Signpole, lic. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" May 23. Wm. Tumson & Martha Dikes. By R. DAVIES, Curt. of ye 1st Portion.
" June 13. John Morris, p. Westbury, & Sarah Mansell, lic.
" June 22. Thomas Corfield, widr., & Margaret Briscoe, wid. By Tim. PARRY, Curt. of ye 2nd. Portion.
" June 29. Thomas Tudor, widr., & Elizabeth Pryce, lic. By R. DAVIES, Curt. of the 1st P'tion.
" July 7. Thomas Jones & Mary Shuker, lic. By WM. PUGH, Curt.
" July 11. George Brown & Elizabeth Williams. By R. DAVIES, Curt. of the 1st Ptn.
" July 21. Benjamin Mitton, p. Worthin, & Mary Dolphin, lic. By WM. PUGH, Minr.
" July 26. Thomas Williams & Mary Corfield. By R. DAVIES, Curt. of the 1st P'tn.
" Aug. 11. Wm. Sambrook, p. Westbury, & Rachael Bennet, lic.
" Nov. 17. Wm. Gittins, p. Westbury, & Elizabeth Tipton, lic.
1764, Jan. 12. Richard Weeks, p. Cundover, & Elizabeth Brazenor, lic.
" Jan. 23. John Hayward & Sarah Giles.
" Jan. 31. Wm. Roderick, p. Westbury, & Susanna Hayward. By THO. PARRY, Curate of the 2d Portion.
" Feb. 4. John Lewis, widr., & Sarah Davies.
" Feb. 11. Thomas Richards & Elizabeth Bennion, lic. By R. DAVIES, Curt. of the 1st Portion.

1766] Pontesbury. 499

1764, Feb. 18. Wm. Thomas & Elizabeth Tisdale.
" May 9. John Lloyd, p. Montford, & Mary Griffiths.
" May 16. Humphrey Jones & Anne Lloyd, p. Alberbury, lic. By THO. PARRY, Curate of 2nd Portion.
" June 17. James Evans & Theodsia Goodale. [This entry is much blotted.]
" July 4. William Horley, p. Meole Brace, & Mary Reynolds. By R. DAVIES, Clk.
" July 27. John Williams, p. Stapleton, & Elizabeth Harris.
" Sep. 8. Thomas Chidley & Mary Symonds.
" Oct. 21. Edward Crump & Mary Altree, lic.
" Oct. 29. John Pig & Mary Hinley.
1765, Feb. 17. Thomas Edwards, p. Stapleton, & Margaret Hinley.
" Feb. 18. Thomas Morris & Mary Jones.
" Apr. 10. Wm. Davis & Martha Hinley.
" May 2. Wm. Jones, p. Worthen, & Mary Allen, lic.
" May 6. Robert Williams, p. of St. Julians, in the Town of Shrewsbury, & Mary Oakley.
" May 17. Thomas Edwards & Elizabeth Wildblood, lic
" May 17. Robert Maddox & Elizabeth Hinley.
" May 29. Samuel Bowen & Elizabeth Suker, lic.
" Aug. 26. Richard Lewis & Margaret Symons.
" Sep. 2. Richard Nicholas & Jane Ball.
" Oct. 10. John Roberts & Margaret Thorns.
" Dec. 28. John Mansell & Mary Bennet, lic.
1766, Feb. 8. John Briscoe & Elizabeth Tudor, lic.
" Feb. 10. Humphrey Tomlins & Ann Davis, p. St. Chad's in Salop, lic.
" Feb. 10. Owen Davis & Martha Thomas.
" Feb. 10. Joseph Thomas & Elizabeth Taylor, lic.
" Apr. 28. Wm. Tipton & Mary Tipton.
" May 8. John Jones & Mary Cooper.
" May 15. James Mason & Martha Pritchard.
" June 24. Thomas Humphreys & Susanna Williams.
" Aug. 11. Handley Plimmer & Sarah Evans.
" Sep. 17. John Clark, p. St. Chads, & Sarah Davies, lic. By WM. PUGH, Clk.

500 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1766

1766, Sep. 30. Thomas Tomlins & Elizabeth Cheshire. By R. DAVIES, Curt.
" Oct. 14. Richard Jones & Mary Peever.
" Oct. 26. John Ward & Mary Griffiths, lic.
1767, Jan. 20. Wm. Thomas & Margaret Diggory.
" Feb. 2. Wm. Hayward & Mary Gittins, lic.
" Apr. 11. John Warter & Mary Digrey, lic.
" Apr. 27. Thomas Corbet & Mary Thomas.
" May 26. Richard Beest & Catharine Shuker, lic.
" Aug. 3. Thomas Plimmer & Letitia Lycet.
" Nov. 12. Samuel Brazenor & Susannah Upton, lic. By . WM. PUGH, Clk. [This entry has no signature of bride or witnesses.]
" Dec. 29. Thomas Roberts & Anne Johnson. By R. DAVIES.
" Dec. 15. Wm. Jones, p. Alberbury, & Mary Pryce.
1768, Feb. 2. Richard Tizdale & Mary Thomas.
" May 1. John Meredith, p. Westbury, & Martha Allen, lic. By DAVID PRITCHARD, Rector of ye 3rd Portion.
" May 22. Richard Hughes, p. Alberbury, & Martha Bromley. By R. DAVIES.
" June 4. David Morris & Ann Baker, p. Montford, lic.
" June 7. Richard Burley, p. Westbury, & Judith Signpole, lic.
" June 14. Wm, Phillips & Margaret Tipton, lic.
" July 17. Richard Nicolls & Sarah Rogers, lic.
" Aug. 3. John Francis, p. Westbury, & Hannah Bennet, lic.
" Nov. 2. Samuel Hayward & Margaret Hoghton.
" Nov. 10. John Hopton & Elinor Phillips, lic.
" Nov. 13. Wm. Bratton & Susannah Jones.
" Dec. 6. Richard Littlehales & Sarah Jones.
1769, Jan. 29. Reece Davis & Elizabeth Pinches.
" Feb. 4. Richard Littlehales & Mary Thorns, lic.
" Feb. 7. John Cope & Mary Stafford.
" Mar. 26. Richard Roberts & Jane Davis.
" Apr. 17. John Cross & Mary Glover.
" Apr. 19. Thomas Glover & Mary Lucass.
" May 2. Thomas Maddox & Margaret Bromley.

1770] Pontesbury. 501

1769, Apr. 28. John Lloyd, yeoman, & Elizabeth Morris, lic. By the REV. MR. WM. PUGH, Clk. & Surrogate.
" May 4. John Morris & Elizabeth Blower. By R. DAVIES.
" May 7. Richard Humphreys & Elizabeth Sherry.
" May 13. John Jones & Ann Briscoe, p. Westbury, lic.
" May 13. John Smith & Margaret Key.
" May 23. Thomas Jones, p. Montgomery, surgeon, & Mary Jones, lic.
" June 4. John Vaughan & Ann Jones, lic.
" May 22. John Cope & Mary Blower.
" June 25. George Pursell & Mary Cope.
" Aug. 26. Thomas Ferrington & Jane Cartwright, lic. By WM. PUGH, Ministr.
" Sep. 26. John Jones & Sarah Barnet, lic. By R. DAVIES.
" Nov. 20. Charles Dun & Rebekka Griffiths.
" Dec. 4. Thomas Jones & Ann Davis.
" Dec. 27. Wm. Breeze & Mary Humphreys, lic.
1770, Jan. 15. Joseph Collier, p. Wellington, & Ann Brazenor, lic.
" Jan. 22. Richard Corfield & Hannah Hughes, lic.
" Feb. 16. Thomas Bennion & Mary Meredith, lic. By WM. PUGH, Cur.
" Mar. 31. Joshua Edwards & Elizabeth Chapman. By R. DAVIES, Curt. of Ponsb'y.
" May 4. Thomas Stedman & Jane Doricot.
" May 21. John Morgan & Sarah Morgan.
" June 1. Thomas Hill & Mary Downs.
" June 3. Robert Valiance & Elizabeth Jones.
" June 3. Wm. Tomlins & Esther Maul.
" June 10. Francis Ferrington & Margaret Dickin, lic.
" June 16. Humphrey Roberts & Jane Jones, lic.
" July 8. John Edwards & Mary Wilding, lic.
" Sep. 7. Samuel Cross & Mary Hewson, wid., lic.
" Oct. 21. James Jukes & Elinor Brazenor, lic.
" Nov. 12. Francis Tipton, p. Much Wenlock, & Ann Catharine Warter, lic.
" Dec. 16. Abraham Tipton & Mary Dyass, lic.

502 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771

1771, Jan. 14. Thomas Roberts & Mary Thomas.
" Feb. 10. John Davenport, p. Meole Brace, & Elizabeth Medlicott, lic.
" Mar. 14. Francis Allen & Mary Brazenor, lic.
" Apr. 3. John Bastock & Catharine Barr, lic.
" May 2. Isaac Tipton & Jane Bickley.
" May 20. Benjamin Jones & Mary Jones.
" Sep. 16. John Francis, widr., & Sarah Spicer [?].
" Dec. 10. Wm. Rogers & Sarah Gittins.
1772, Apr. 19. John Williams & Mary Blower.
" Apr. 26. Mr. Wm. Corfield, p. St. Chads, & Mrs. Sarah Phillips, lic.
" May 13. Samuel Bevan & Elizabeth Davis.
" May 18. Edward Morris & Martha Jenkins, lic.
" June 12. John Banes & Ann Rogers, p. Hanwood, lic.
" Oct. 6. Thomas Peter & Mary Owens.
" Oct. 20. John Dodd & Ann Williams.
" Nov. 1. Thomas Bowen, p. Kerry, & Alice Shuker, lic.
1773, Jan. 16. John Thomas & Elizabeth Marsh, lic.
" Jan. 24. Wm. Hughes, p. Baschurch, & Elizabeth Cotton, lic.
" Feb. 14. Thomas Phillips, p. Worthen, & Mary Howell, lic.
" Apr. 11. Edward Roberts & Martha Munslow. By EDWARD LEIGHTON.
" May 4. Thomas Evans & Elizabeth Ward. By R. DAMES.
" May 4. Robert Roberts & Ann Stedman.
" May 12. Robert Clayton, p. St. Julians, in Salop, & Mary Bromley.
" May 20. Edward Jones & Margaret Edwards.
" July 31. James Pugh. p. St. Chad's, in Salop, & Mary Wilks, lic.
" Aug. 10. Wm. Randles & Mary Embry.
" Sep. 4. Richard Littlehales & Sarah Thornes, lic. By WM. PUGH, Cler.
" Oct. 18. Richard Lloyd, Esq., p. Guildsfield, & Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, lic. By R. DAVIES, Clr.
1774, Feb. 2. Samuel Jones & Mary Richards.

1775] Pontesbury. 503

1774, Apr. 4. Thomas Davis, p. Haberley, & Elizabeth Littlehales, lic.
" Apr. 9. Richard Vaughan, p. Westbury, & Sarah Beddoe, lic.
" Apr. 16. Thomas Maddox, p. Berrington, & Ann Beddoe, lic.
" May 9. Edward Oakley & Margaret Taylor.
" May 10. Jeremiah Beedle & Margaret Edwards.
" May 23. Thomas Nicolls & Martha Evans.
" June 9. Charles Plymmer & Martha Mansell.
" Aug. 6. Richard Parry & Mary Bullock.
[Two entries giving the names of bride and bridegroom and witnesses, but no date or name of clergyman].
" [no date]. John Mansel & Jane Arnson. In the presence of Rd. Parry & James Jandrell.
" [no date]. Wm. Palmer & Mary Jones. In the presence of Rd. Parry & James Jandrell.
1775, Feb. 2. Joseph Williams & Elizabeth Chidley.
" Feb. 25. Benjamin Lowe, p. Munslow, & Elizabeth Barber, lic.
" Mar. 22. James Hill & Elizabeth Thornes.
" May 1. Wm. Nicolas, p. Church Pulverbatch, & Mary Morris, lic.
" May 1. Edward Crump & Hannah Thomas.
" May 12. Richard Griffiths & Susannah Powell.
" May 14. Edward Bergwin & Margeret Bennett. By EDWARD LEIGHTON.
" June 2. Robert Jones & Elinor Jenkins.
" June 16. Wm. Harris, p. Westbury, & Patience Powell, lic.
" June 17. John Jones & Christian Blakeway, lic.
" June 25. Edward Morgan, p. Hanwood, & Mary Chaloner.
" Aug. 7. Robert Jones & Sarah Millert. By Thos. MILLS, Minister.
" Sep. 4. Richard Hincks & Jane Prees. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Sep. 25. John Dounton & Elizabeth Morris.
" Dec. 25. Isaac Jandrill & Mary Suker. By EDWARD JONES, Curate of Guilsfield.

504 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775

1775, Dec. 27. John Philips & Jane Davies. By DANL. WILLIAMS.
1776, Jan. 25. John Richards & Martha Morris.
" Feb. 5. Samuel Speake & Elizabeth Symonds.
" Feb. 19. Thomas Richards & Mary Jaundrell, lic.


" Apr. 28. Thomas Davies & Alice Griffiths. By DANIEL WILLIAMs, Curate.
" May 13. Richard Titley, of Worthen, & Elizabeth Reynolds, lic.
" May 16. John Thomas & Eleanor Evans. By THOS. MILLS, Minr.
" May 16. Edward Jones & Anne Blower.
" May 19. James Overton, of Worthen, & Sarah Shuker, lic. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" May 23. Peter Pugh & Elizabeth Beamond.
" May 27. John Caswell & Anne Swain.
" July 19. Edward Steedman & Martha Case.
" Aug. 12. Joseph Heyward & Elizabeth Harries.
" Aug. 19. Wm. Johnson & Elizabeth Prees.
" Oct. 16. John Hollioak & Mary Underwood, lic. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Nov. 9. Joseph Dod, of Westbury, & Gwen Davies. By DANIEL WILLIAMS.
" Nov. 14. Edward Underwood & Sarah Tipton, lic.
" Nov. 25. John Crowder & Martha Lewis.
1777, Jan. 23. Thomas Ward & Elizabeth Farrington.
" Jan. 26. Thomas Beaumond, of Pulverbatch, & Susannah Beddow, lic.
" Mar. 19. Mr. Roger Yeomans, p. St. Chad, & Miss Mary Sinepole, lic. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Apr. 1. Richard Smith & Mary Tomkies. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Apr. 7. Edward Luter & Susannah Symonds.
" Apr. 27. John Gittins & Elizabeth Jones.
" May 8. John Bullock & Anne Crump.
" May 8. Edward Williams & Mary Thomas.
" May 10. Edward Davies, of Westbury, & Sarah Payne.
" May 20. Richard Crockett & Anne Griffiths.

1778] Pontesbury. 505

1777, May 20. Richard Hollioak & Elizabeth Richards, of Condover,
" May 25. James Smith & Mary Littlehales.
" May 29. Thomas Bates & Margaret Dyas.
" June 18. Wm. Bromley & Martha Thompson.
" July 6. Thomas Elks & Margaret Meyrick, lic.
" July 19. Richard Tomlins & Sarah Humphreys. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Aug. 28. Reynold Nicholls & Sarah Nicholls. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Sep. 22. Edward Jones, of Kinnerly, & Margaret Griffiths.
" Sep. 29. Thomas Roberts & Jane Glover, lic.
" Oct. 14. Wm. Brown & Hannah Payne.
" Nov. 27. Richard Jones & Margaret Evans.
" Dec. 23. John Vaughan & Catharine Millington, of Baschurch, lic.
1778, Jan. 12. Richard Brazenor & Margaret Prees.
" Feb. 13. William Thomas & Margaret Bull. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Feb. 22. Thomas Philips, of Worthen, & Mary Jones, lic. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Feb. 26. Thomas Reynolds & Eliner Beddow, lic.
" May 9. Richard Glover & Mary Davies.
" May 18. David Evans, of Westbury, & Elizabeth Bennett.
" June 4. Richard Bray & Elizabeth Titley, wid.
" June 9. Thomas Lowe & Mary Morgan.
" June 18. Richard Lewis & Mary Mansell.
" June 19. Samuel Hall, of Middle, co. Salop, dio. Lichfield & Coventry, & Mary Garmston, lic.
" June 21 Isaac Andrews & Mary Crocket.
" June 21. Thomas Cureton & Elizabeth Jones, lic.
" June 29. John Lycett & Mary Jones.
" July 6. John Thomas & Mary Mansel.
" Aug. 20. Thomas Smith, of Culmington, co. Salop, dio. Hereford, & Mary Hollioak, lic.
" Oct. 11. John Rider & Mary Purslow.
" Nov. 9. William Brees & Elizabeth Parry.

506 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779

1779, Jan. 6. Richard Corfield & Anne Tomblins.
" Jan. 18. Edward Bowen & Mary Fox.
" Jan. 28. John Cooper & Sarah Tipton.
" May 2. Thomas Aston & Mary Jones.
" May 6. Thos. Roberts & Mary Bennet. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" May 6. James Symmons & Anne Wilkes, lic.
" May 9. Jeremiah Hotchkiss & Elizabeth Jones. By DAVID PRICHARD, Minister.
" May 15. Richard Salter & Sarah Barber. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" July 11. John Jones, of Westbury, co. Salop, & Anne Philips, lic.
" Aug. 2. Richard Tisdale & Sarah Lloyd.
" Aug. 2. Wm. Lewis & Mary Caswell.
" Oct. 25. Thomas Clayton & Mary Pearce.
" Nov. 2. Thomas Clarke & Martha Davies, lic.
" Nov. 6. Edward Philip Bull & Margaret France.
" Nov. 21. Edward Peplow, of Norbury, co. Salop, & Mary Bowen, lic.
" Dec. 26. Richard Jacks, of Alberbury, co. Salop, & Mary Heyward, lic.
1780, Jan. 22. David Griffiths & Mary Pain.
" Jan. 24. John Brees & Elizabeth Thomas.
" Jan. 31. John Morris & Sarah Davies.
" Feb. 6. Thomas Rowson, of Worthen, co. Salop, & Margaret Bowen, lic.
" Apr. 7. Thomas Underwood & Jane Brown, wid., lic. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Apr. 30. James Challoner & Winefred Tipton. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" May 4. Richard Ball & Abigail Higgins.
" May 8. William Lewis & Sarah Caswell.
" May 15. John Smith & Hannah Tipton.
" Sep. 1. Richard Tipton & Sarah Birch.
" Sep. 19. Wm. Crockett & Mary Griffiths.
" Nov. 13. Thomas Higginson & Elizabeth Weavers.
" Dec. 24. Joseph Poole, of St. Alkmonds, in the Town of Shrewsbury, & Sarah Brazenor, lic.
" Dec. 26. Wm. Brown & Elizabeth Savage.

1783] Pontesbury. 507

1781, Jan. 27. Richard Purslow & Martha Littlehales.
" Feb. 26. Richard Arpin & Anne Price.
" Apr. 16. Thomas Rogers & Margaret Sherry.
" Apr. 17. Benjamin Bennett & Mary Andrews.
" May 7. John Rangecroft & Elizabeth Matthews.
" May 8. Wm. Bennett & Margaret Heyward.
" July 4. David Jones & Letitia Chidley, lic.
" July 9. Samuel Jones & Eleanor Aston.
" July 22. Robert Caisdell & Anne Bostock.
" Aug. 1. Thomas Arpin & Jane Mansel. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Aug. 8. Benjamin Lowe & Cristabella Bostock, lic.
" Nov. 20. John Sherry & Anne Chidley, lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
1782, Jan. 14. Richard Clayton & Lucretia Pugh. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Feb. 9. Richard Swain & Mary Morris, lic.
" Feb. 11. Edward Williams & Hannah Roberts.
" May 9. Benjamin Blower & Hannah Thomas. By Thos. MILLS, Minister.
" June 3. William Young & Mary Fox. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" July 16. Mr. Samuel Heighway, of St. Bartholomew the Great, co. Middlesex, Dio. London, & Miss Martha Davies, lic.
" Aug. 11. John Martin & Mary Ford.
" Aug. 17. John Littlehales & Mary Sherry, lic.
" Dec. 1. Richard Parry & Catharine Humphries.
1783, Jan. 5. Wm. Crowther, of Cound, co. Salop, dio. Litchfield & Coventry, & Elizabeth Grainger, lic.
" Jan. 14. John Millington & Rebecka Davies.
" Jan. 17. James Pritchard, of Alberbury, & Jane Derwas, lic. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" May 9. Thomas Williams & Sarah Andrews. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" May 13. Joseph Davies & Eleanor Lewis. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" May 14. John Tipton & Sarah Hollioak.

508 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783

1783, May 16. David Jones & Sarah Bowen, lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" June 9. Francis Rogers & Harriot Rogers.
" June 22. Aaron Jones, of Pulverbatch, & Elizabeth Thomas, lic.
" July 28. John Giles & Hannah Casewell. By Thos. MILLS, Minister.
" Aug. 10. Wm. Hampson, of Worthen, & Margaret Diggory, lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Sep. [blank]. William Jones & Elizabeth Sherry.
" Sep. 30. Wm. Crosse Curtis, of Cundover, widr., & Martha Parry, lic.
" Oct. 28. Francis Roberts & Margaret Downton.
" Nov. 2. John Thomas & Elizabeth Thomas.
1784, May 2. Richard Parry & Elizabeth Whighley. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" May 17. Edward Williams & Anne Jones, lic. By
" May 17. John Williams & Deborah Pope. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" May 27. Edward Bright, of Bishop's Castle, co. Salop, & Margaret Norton, lic. By DANL: WILLIAMS, Curate.
" July 18. Thomas Casewell & Sarah Swinnerton.
" July 22. Abraham Bennett & Margaret Bales, lic. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Aug. 23. Joseph Rondles & Mary James. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Oct. 4. William Tipton & Mary Morgan.
" Oct. 13. William Dod & Ester Hartshorn.
" Oct. 22. Thomas Hammond & Sarah Cross.
" Oct. 24. Samuel Partridge & Mary Crow.
" Dec. 26. John Williams & Mary Aston.

Paid up to 1784.

1785, Jan. 3. James Beats & Sarah Pritchard.
" Mar. 28. Joseph Edwards & Sarah Stedman.
" May 26. Thomas Edwards & Sarah Jones.
" May 26. John Crane & Mary Johnson.
" June 7. Thomas Diggory & Mary Morris, of Church Pulverbatch.

1788] Pontesbury. 509

1785, June 30. William Bowdler, of Chirbury, co. Salop, & Anne Bagley, lic.
" Aug. 7. John Tipton & Elizabeth Owen.
" Sep. 5. Wm. Williams, of Westbury, & Anne Purslow.
" Sep. 5. Timothy Tipton & Sarah Passingham.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Parry & Elizabeth Davies.
" Dec. 4. John Fox & Jane Edgerton.
1786, Jan. 15. Thomas Harris & Anne Cowper.
" Feb. 6. Edward Downes & Anne Hammonds.
" Mar. 14. John Rogers & Mary Richards, lic.
" Apr. 18. Edward Plimmer & Ann Tipton. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" Apr. 29. James Hill & Anne Evans. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" May 4. Richard Philips & Mary Pugh.
" May 9. Samuel Roberts & Susanna Croket. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" May 11. John Bennett & Catherine Purslow.
" May 17. John Rider, of Tipton, co. Stafford, & Rosanna Arpin, lic.
1787, Mar. 31. Richard Poulter & Mary Jacks, of Alberbury, lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS.
" May 4. Thomas Richards & Elizabeth Newell.
" May 8. Edward Jones & Elizabeth Jacks. By THOS. MILLS. Minister.
" July 24. Samuel Crowther & Mary Jones.
" July 30. William Sawyer & Anne Dudley. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Aug. 3. David Harries & Jane Thomas.
" Sep. 4. William Tipton & Margaret Tipton.
" Oct. 16. Samuel Crane & Sarah Crump. By THOS. PARRY, V. of Great Ness.
" Nov. 4. John Howells & Mary Tomlins. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" Nov. 22. Wm. Casewell & Mary Whitefoot. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Dec. 21. Barnabas Preece, of Cardeston, widr., & Elizabeth Clarke, wid., lic.
1788, Apr. 24. George Hodges, of Bromfield, co. Salop, & Mary Hodges, lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON.

510 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1788

1788, Apr. 28. Wm. Caiswell & Mary Hotchkiss. By DANIEL WILLIAMS.
" May 3. John Gittins & Elizabeth Briscoe, lic. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" May 5. John Evans & Mary Blower. By FORRESTER LEIGHTON.
" May 19. John Birch & Mary Parry. By DANIEL WILLIAMS.
" May 26. John Jones & Mary Hodges.
" June 1. Samuel Higgins & Mary Davies.
" Sep. 8. John France & Jane Tipton. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" Sep. 9. William Rogers & Susannah Morris. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Sep. 9. William Crump & Mary Plimmer.
" Oct. 7. John Lysons & Tryphena Squires.
1789, Jan. 1. Samuel Birch & Ann Bowen, lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" Jan. 18. Richard Giles & Eleanor Whitefoot.
" Mar. 8. Thomas Foules, of More, in this county, & Mary Mountford. By DANIEL WILLIAMS.
" May 1. Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Hopton, lic.
" May 10. Thomas Chalenor & Jane Taylor.
" May 14. Wm. Gorst, of Stanton Lacy, & Margaret Brown.
" May 25. Jacob Bishop & Elizabeth Mancell.
" June 7. William Tipton & Esther Goodall.
" June 15. William Aston & Elizabeth Jones.
" June 28. William Lewis & Elizabeth Bromley.
" Sep. 10. John Smout & Margaret Tipton.
" Sep. 14. William Hayes & Elizabeth Richards.
" Oct. 19. Thomas Jones & Mary Franks, wid., lic.
" Dec. 3. William Chidley & Mary Meyrick. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
1790, Jan. 14. George Hopton & Elizabeth Bickerton, lic. By JAS. BAYLEY, Minister.
" Feb. 15. Francis Nichols & Elisabeth Jones, wid. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" Mar. 22. John Perkin & Sarah Bagley. By DAN. WILLIAMS.
" Apr. 4. John Ford & Anne Pritchard.

1791] Pontesbury. 511

1790, Apr. 25. David Morris & Anne Butcher.
" May 5. John Humphries & Elizabeth Thomas.
" May 13. Samuel Crosse & Mary Rudge, lic. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Aug. 16. Thomas Nerraway & Margaret Davies. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Aug. 28. Richard Boyling & Abigail Davies.
" Sep. 9. Richard Jones & Elisabeth Downes. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" Sep. 11. Thomas Loyd, of Beguildy, co. Radnor, & Anne Thompson, lic. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" Oct. 3. George Mountford & Margaret Heyward.
" Oct. 3. John Colley & Elizabeth Suker, lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS.
" Oct. 14. Richard Oakley, of Stapleton, co. Salop, & Jane Brazenor, lic.
" Dec. 12. Peter Clare, of Worthen, co. Salop, & Mary Tipton, lic.
1791, Jan. 17. Hugh Hughes, of Worthen, co. Salop, & Elisabeth Williams. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" Feb. 25. Benjamin Powell & Eleanor Poppet, of Hissington. By THOS. MILLS, Minister.
" May 16. John Titley & Mary Jones. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" June 2. Richard Baxter, of Montgomery, & Elisabeth Hodges, lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" June 5. Thomas Sherry & Martha Sprag. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" June 30. William Mansell & Mary Juckes, a minor, lic.
" July 23. William Nickless & Mary Thomas.
" July 31. Samuel Bill & Mary Nickless. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" Oct. 23. John Lamb & Mary Williams. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Nov. 10. John Bowen, widr., & Ann Powell, lic. By EDW, LEIGHTON.
" Dec. 4. Edward Bromley & Elizabeth Diggory. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.

512 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1791

1791, Dec. 5. Edward Purslow & Margaret Williams. By PETER RAVENSCROFT, Curate of Westbury.
1792, Jan. 2. Thomas Gittins & Mary Cooper, lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Apr. 9. John Philips & Mary Rogers.
" May 2. William Philpot & Hannah Pugh.
" May 5. John Jones & Anne Jarvis.
" May 6. David Bromley & Elizabeth Jones.
" May 8. Francis Parry & Martha Ridge.
" July 24. William Downton & Sarah Ford.
" July 26. John Frances & Elisabeth Parsons. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" Aug. 21. David Hinley & Mary Pugh. By DAN. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" Oct. 15. William Skelhorn & Sarah Tomkis.
1793, Jan. 1. Edward Smith & Sarah Antlett. By EDW. EDWARDS, Minister.
" Jan. 3. Samuel Mansell & Jane Owens. By DANIEL WILLIAMS, Curate.
" June 19. John Williams & Sarah Hartshorn.
" Sep. 23. Joseph Lee, of Warrington, Dio. Chester, co. Lancaster, & Margaretta Leonora Maclellan, lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" Dec. 24. John Davies & Elizabeth Beedle. By DANL. WILLIAMS.
" Dec. 26. Abraham Preece & Elizabeth Romsel.
1794, Feb. 6. Benjamin Mitton & Frances Thomas, lic. By JOHN JONES, Minister.
" Mar. 3. John Martin & Sarah Hincks. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" May 5. Richard Hencks & Mary Ellis.
" May 15. Thomas Meredith & Mary Gittins, of Montford, wid., lic.
" May 29. John Morris, shoemaker, & Mary George. JOHN JONES, Minister.
" June 12. John Plimmer & Margaret Jacks.
" Dec. 21. Thomas Kirton, of Holy Cross, in the county of Salop. & Martha Cooper, wid., lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.
1795, Apr. 4. John Wigley & Mary Davies, wid., lic.

1797] Pontesbury. 513

1795, Apr. 29. Robert Roberts, of Westbury, & Mary Richards, lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rectr.
" May 26. Thomas Hodges, of Westbury, & Elisabet Lloyd.
" Aug. 13. William Thornes, of Condover, & Mary Warter, lic. By THOS. HATTON, Rector of Waters Upton.
1796, Jan. 1. William Morgan & Martha Harris. By DAN. WILLIAMS.
" May 10. John Humphreyson & Joice Lewis.
" May 10. David Hinley & Hannah Pugh.
" May 22. Richard Cooper & Ann Goodall, lic. By JOHN JONES, Minister.
" Sep. 11. John Jones, Clerk, of Habberley, & Jane Bowyer, lic. By DAVID WILLIAMS.
" Oct. 2. John Juckes & Mary Bostock, lic.
" Oct. 12. Joseph Warter & Margaretta Meredith, of Wrexham, lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rector.
1797, Feb. 2. Thomas Pitt, of Much Wenlock, & Ann Philips, lic.
" Feb. 6. John James, of St. Chads, of Salop, & Jane Hughes, lic. By JOHN JONES, Minister of Habberley.
" Apr. 17. Richard Hughes & Martha Jones. By DAN. WILLIAMS.
" May 2. John Morris & Elizabeth Pearce.
" June 18. John Bellingham & Sarah Bowen.
" June 19. Richard Simon & Mary Tannatt.
" June 26. Edward Williams & Mary Hughes.
" June 29. Benjamin Hayman & Sarah Davies.
" Aug. 7. William Davies & Mary Morris. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" Oct. 28. Thomas Thompson & Sarah Gittins, lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS.
" Nov. 6. Edward Cooper & Elizabeth Braznor. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" Nov. 6. William Smith & Sarah Underwood.
" Nov. 29. Edward Nicholls & Elizabeth Harris, lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.

514 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1798

1798, Feb. 5. Thomas Belingham & Elizabeth Jones. By JOHN JONES, Curate of Habberley.
" May 3. William Danily, of Westbury, widr., & Sarah Richards, lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" May 28. Richard Higginson & Mary Jones.
" June 24. William Lewis & Mary Barber.
1799, Feb. 11. Timothy Lysons & Jane Mansell.
" May 5. Edward Morgan & Mary Heyward.
" May 12. William Powell, of Brace Meole, & Sarah Jones, wid., lic. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" May 16. Edward Davies & Elisabeth Maddox.
" June 17. Isaac Tipton & Elizabeth Humphreys. By DAN. WILLIAMS, Curate.
" July 27. Roger Davies & Anne Roberts.
" Dec. 11. Richard Jones & Patient Davies.
" Dec. 18. Henry Gardner, widr., & Ann Eddows, of Worthen, wid., lic.
1800, Feb. 2. Thomas Stone & Mary Griffiths.
" Feb. 25. Thomas Deakin, of Condover, & Mary Phillips, wid., lic.
" May 3. William Pugh & Elizabeth Owen. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of Habberley.
" May 10. Edwd. Dyas & Elizabeth Lloyd. By EDW. LEIGHTON, R. of ye 2d Portion.
" May 10. John Smith & Eleanor Jones.
" Oct. 30. Thomas Jones & Anne Hollioak, lic.
" Oct. 30. John Lloyd & Letitia Richards.
" Dec. 9. George Childe, of Stotterston, & Frances Mary Tipton, lic. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curt. 3rd Portn.
1801, Apr. 27. John Cope, of Westbury, & Jane Davies, lic.
1802, Feb. 14. John Dodd, widr., & Sarah Williams. By EDW. LEIGHTON.
" May 9. Edwd. Andrews & Margaret Maddox. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
" May 19. Thos. Burgoyne & Mary Powell, lic. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
" June 21. John Bromley & Anne 13 enneti. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curt. 3rd Portn.

1806] Pontesbury. 515

1802, July 8. Edwd. Davies & Letitia Bayley. By EDW. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" Aug. 5. Thos: Pritchard & Mary Jandrell, lic.
" Oct. 25. Maurice Jones & Martha Morris.
1803, Jan. 21. John Simes & Anne Heyward. By DANL. WILLIAMS, Curt. 3rd Portn.
" Mar. 24. John Jones, of Old Radnor, & Frances Ellis, lic. By EDWD. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" May 8. Job Edwards & Mary Corfield, lic.
" May 12. Robert Sockett & Martha Hincks. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of Habberley.
" July 18. Joseph Weaver, of Montgomery, widr., & Arm Ward, lic. By EDWD. LEIGHTON, Rector.
" Sep. 5. Thos: Clayton & Ann Davies. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
" Oct. 4. John Dovaston & Mary Tipton.
" Nov. 21. Thos: Cartwright & Elisabeth Ward, lic. By EDWD. LEIGHTON, Rector.
1804, Feb. 9. John Forester, of Bradeley, co. Stafford, & Mary Boothby, lic. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
" Oct. 31. John Roberts & Jane Henley.
" Nov. 22. Thos: Foster, of Acton Burnell, co. Salop, & Mary Corfield, lic. By C. PETERS, Rector.
" Nov. 27. Richd: Davies & Sarah Carter. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
1805, Mar. 4. Saml. Dovaston & Ann Tomlins.
" May 2. Edwd. Rubbathan & Elizth. Williams.
" June 15. Joseph Williams & Elizth. Archon.
" Aug. 26. Richd. Wigley & Martha Aston. By C. PETERS, Rector.
" Sep. 2. Wm. Partridge & Mary Willaims. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
1806, Jan. 1. Thos: Leister & Mary Sankey. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of Habberley.
" May 13. Richd. Bennett & Elizth. Morris By J. LANGFORD, Rector
" May 29. Timothy Barker & Ginney Davies. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of Habberley.
" June 16. Edwd. Roberts & Priscilla Phillips. By C. PETERS.

516 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806

1806, June [blank]. Wm. Jones, of St. Chad, Shrewsbury, & Catherine Heighway, lic. By RICHARD HEIGHWAY.
" Sep. 1. Thos. Jones & Elizth. Nickless. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
" Dec. 18. John Perkins, widr., & Ann Bellion, wid. By C. PETERS, Rector.
1807, Apr. 6. Richd: Elks & Martha Davies.
" Apr. 14. Thos: Evans, of Acton Burnell, & Anne Williams.
" Apr. 20. John Davies & Mary Williams. By JOHN JONES, Curt, of Habberley.
" June T. Richd: Davies & Ann Ward. By C. PETERS, Rector.
" Aug. 6. Mytton Shrymsher & Anne Green, of Westbury, dio. Hereford, wid., lic. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
" Dec. 14. John York, widr., & Mary Bennett, wid. By C. PETERS, Rector.
1808, Jan. 20. William Breeze, blacksmith, & Susan Cooper.
" Feb. 24. Richd: Bluck, widr., & Anna Maria Poole, wid., of Westbury, lic.
" Feb. 28. James Cross, of Ellesmere, & Sarah Stretch, lic.
" Apr. 18. John Smith & Sarah Hamstone.
" Apr. 25. Joseph Hayward & Mary Marshall. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
" May 22. John Roberts, of Worthin & Mary Jones.
" May 30. Richd. Glover & Susanna Frances.
" July 4. Richd. Parsons & Ann Lewis.
" Sep. 1. Thoms. Jones, of Habberley, & Ann Gabriel.
" Oct. 31. Thos. Roberts & Eleanor Parsons. By J. WILDE, Rector 3rd portion.
" Dec. 20. Thos. Pugh & Elizth. Williams. By J. LANGFORD, Rector.
1809, Apr. 17. Josiah Jones, of Westbury, & Sarah Roberts. By J. WILDE, Rector of 3rd Portion.
" May 8. Isaac Bradney & Sophia Mitchell Jones, of Habberley. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of the First Portion.

1811] Pontesbury. 517

1809, May 24. John Griffiths & Mary Evans.
" June 29. Thos. Gittins, of Church Pulverbach, & Elisabeth Hollioak, lic. By C. PETERS, Rector 2nd Port:
" Nov. 14. Edwd. Davies, widr., & Margaret Ward, wid.
" Nov. 30. John Harries & Alice Edwards, lic. By J. WILDE, Rector of 3d Portion.
" Dec. 23. Edwd. Plimmer & Anne Bennet. By JOHN JONES, Curt, of the 1st portion.
" Dec. 26. William Davies & Elizabeth Jones. By J. WILDE, Rector of 3rd portion.
1810, Jan. 1. Thus. Davies & Sarah Parry. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of 1st Portion.
" Apr. 1. John Thompson & Catharine Tomkiss, lic. By C. PETERS.
" May 4. Thos. Chilton & Martha Meyrick.
" May 6. John Jones, of Habberley, & Sarah Jones. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of rst Portion.
" May 13. Nathaniel Woodcock & Diana Francis. By J. WILDE, Rector of 1st Portion.
" June 4. John Hinks & Prissilla Bebb. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of the 1st Portion.
" Aug. 26. Thos. Williams & Ann Vaughan.
" Sep. 30. Richd. Swaine & Elizabeth Salter. By J. WILDE, Rector of 3d Portion.
" Oct. 30. Richd. Griffiths & Sarah Williams.
" Nov. 18. Thos. Williams & Sarah Pritchard. By JOHN JONES.
1811, Jan. 2. Saml. Maltby, p. of St. Peter, Nottingham, & Catherine Niccolls, lic.
" Jan. 29. Josph. Danily, of Westbury, & Sarah Hollioak, lic.
" Mar. 11. Edwd. Burley, of Habberley, & Elizh. Birch, lic.
" Apr. 8. Thos. France & Susannah Jones.
" May 5. Thos. Jones & Maria Crocket.
" May 9. Edwd. Hughes & Elizabeth Edwards.
" May 13. Humphrey Crocket & Anne Hardinge. By C. PETERS, Rec. of 2nd Port:

518 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1811

1811, May 16. Edwd Mansell & Anne Jones. By J. WILDE, Rectr. of 3rd Portion.
" May 18. John Jones & Rosalinda Partridge.
" May 20. Thos. Thomas & Margaret Braidley. By JOHN JONES, Curt, of 1st Portion.
" June 16. Morris Green & Susannah Beans, lic. By HAMLETT HARRISON, Rector of 1st Portion.
" July 15. William Maddox & Elizth Phipps.
" July 29. Thos. Roberts, of Pulverbatch, & Charlotte Hartchorn.
" Aug. 27. John Davies & Dorothy Roberts. By C. PETERS, Rector of 2nd Portion.
" Sep. 16. John Evans & Anne Johnson.
" Sep. 30. Saml. Jones & Deborah Jones, of Cherbury.
" Oct. 3. Hanley Plimmer & Elizh. Turner, wid. By JOHN JONES, Curt. of Habberley.
1812, Feb. 6. Aaron Plimmer, miner, & Sarah Philpot. By C. PETERS, Rector of 2d Portion.
" Mar. 30. Thos. Pritchard, miner, & Anne Olliver.
" Apr. 13. John Everall, of Habberley, & Letitia Hollioak, lic. By H. HARRISON, Rector of 1st Portion.
" Apr. 28. Richd. Emis & Mary Giles, lic. By C. PETERS. Rector of 2 Portion.
" May 4. John Bradley, of Westbury. & Anne Goodwin. By H. HARRISON, Rector of 1st Portion.
" May 11. Edwd. Arpin & Mary Pugh.
" May 12. John Jones & Rebecca Spencer, of Habberley, wid. By J. WILDE.
" May 18. Thos. Jones & Anne Clayton. By H. HARRISON, Rector of 1st Portion.
" May 18. William Morris & Mary Phillips.
" July 21. James Betton & Elizth. Preece. By C. PETERS, Recr. of 2nd Portion.
" Aug. 18. Richd. Littlehales & Mary Price, p. of Pitsford.
" Sep. 3. Thos. Mansell & Anne Betton.
" Dec. 8. Francis Reynolds, of Hordley, & Charlotte Parry, lic.

[The remainder of the book is blank.]

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